Number !• PLAN O F T H E GAZETTE of the UNITED STATES. A NATIONAL PAPER. To be pubhfked at the seat of the seder a l govern m e nt, and tc comprise, as fully as pofjible, the following Objects, viz. I T'ARLY and authentick Accounts of the PROCEEDINGS ' iLofCONGRESS—its LAWS, ACTS, and RESOLUTIONS communicated so as to form an HISTORY of the TRANSACTIONS tf the }LDtRAL LEGISLATURE, under the NEW CONSTITUTION, 11. Impartial Sketches of the Debates of Congress. 111. ESSAYS upon the great fubjefts of Government in general and the Federal Legijlature in particular; also upon the national ant) Am/Rights of the american citizens, as founded upon the Fe deral or State Constitutions; also upon every other Subject, -which may appear suitable for newspaper difculTion. IV. A SERIES of PARAGRAPHS, calculated to catch the " living manners as they rise," and to point the publick attention to Objetts that have an important reference to dovnejlick, facial, and publick happiness. V. The Interefls of the -United States as conneftcd with their li terary Institutions—religious and moral Objefts—lmprovements ir Science, Aits, EDUCATION and HUMANITY—their foftigr Treaties, Alliances, Connexions, &c. VI. Every species of INTELLIGENCE, which may affect th< commercial, agricultural, manufafiuriug, orpolitital INTERESTS ol yhe AMERICAN REPUBLICK. VII. A CHAIN of bOMESTICKOCCURRENCES, colleSfed through the Medium of an extensive Correspondence with the ref peflive States. ' VIII. A SERIES of FOREIGN ARTICLES of INTELLI GENCE, so connected, as to form a general Idea oj publick AJfairs ir. tht eafltrn Hemisphere. . IX. The STATE of the NATIONAL FUNDS; also of the IN DIVIDUAL GOVERNMENTS Courses of Exchange Pr.ce; Current, &c. CONDITIONS. I. THE Gazette of the United State a shall be printed with thi fame Letter, and on the fame Paper as this publication. ItJiiall be publijhed every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, am delivered, as may be direfled, to every Subscriber in the city, on those days, HI. ■ The price to Subscribers (exekufiveof postage) will A THREE DOL LARS pr. annum. J IV. The firjh fmi-annnal payment to be-made in three months_/Vtf/n the ap pear ance oj the JirJl number. SUBSCRIPT-JONS • Will be rernvrif in all the capital totsns rrfon the Continent; also at the City-Coffee-Houfe, and at No. 86, Williarrt-Strect, until the \Ji o/May, from which time at No. 9, Maiden-Lane, near the Ofwego- Market, New-York. JV. B. By a new Arrangement made in the Stages, Subscribers at 2 distance will be duly furnifhed with papers. postscrYtt. A large impression of every number will be Jlruch off— so that Subfribers may always be accommodatcd with complete Sets. To the PUBLICK. AT this important _Crisis, the ideas that fill the mind, are pregnr.nt with Events of the greatest magnitude—to strengthen and complete the UNI ON of the States—to extend and protetft then COMMERCE, under equal Treaties yet to he form ed—to explore and arrange the NATIONAL FUNDS—to reltore and eftablifli the PUBLICK CREDIT—and ALL tinder the auspices of an un tried System of Government, will requirethe EN ERGIES of the Patriots and Sages of our Country— Hence the propriety of encreaftng the Medium oj Know ledge artd Information. AMERICA, from this period, begins a new Era m her national existence—" the world is all before her"—The wisdom and folly—the misery and prosperity of the EMPIRES, STATES, and KINGDOMS, which have had their day upon the P'eat Theatre of Time, and are now no more, ftggeft the most important Memenros—Thefe, with the rapid series of Events, in which our own Coun try has been so deeply interested, have taught the enlightened Citizens of the United States, that FREEDOM and GOVERNMENT—LIBERTY and LAWS, are inseparable. This Conviction has led to the adoption of the NewConftitution ; for however various the Sen timents, refpe