Mil II II FYN ;:An Twit 1 1 . 1 • ,1 -Lowr FoineD. resOpral have already been adviaed,, br.telegr4b, that on Friday evening of last wolf, a bal4on with twdlchildren in it, was I sent np tome 't went, `tiles south. iefti of Ced• Olia, io this State,while the s sePeaes iria playfully I ping th em up. • Is s ppeaty ihat there were three in the ba1090,0 rot, a YAnli lady, little gill 'o at' little [boy, ebitdreW.of a iwlr. Harvey.. 'DI . rung lady jumped" lout of The Bohm, Olen 19 4ldenly lightCnedfit' that bcfote, ts it o O t ipt„pould get it under his cdtairol, ithe thiao taking up. ith it the little 1 grl i ,and It floatecl on lwestward, gni I i re T ow leer that the balloon came down' i miot .2f3.'rur ir southwest of leentralia and tisi bi!dreTi . were reteud from., their peri loag Posi'iop• tr ,, e r ambient it appears , the little in g ot hotd. of the rope which: opens the grs , F alve, sad by pulling on it, lowered the Its anchor caught upon.a free, snit on l attaday roorbing,, they were discov• . by-a Winer, Who sew got them down to ar e tyl4 terra frnia.—Chicago Jour ! saL r. • 0 - I AT. :Mkt; I —A plesssat man fur par 'eat was John Ghent, It Net. well pater itt !int Florida,who. carried to Pen (jolted States mail, ,terruittan-d hi- life at thi,ll3loe by jumping out' of a window' thir ty.two feet from the ground. lie was Oen the,rgenate froni Wallon county, but his generally been a terrier to his.neighbors, Ae palli•dliiimself the 'Eyeua' of West Flor. 04 and boasted thtir,he. could whip any in*a in ;111 , 1 State. .0u more than one oc casion be /liss been seenby different pyr soils, aliening the mail,lend when -be came • to - seta; e aupposeda money letter. to Wait it open, take its Contents and thrust it into his picket. and exclaim, 'that's mine.' w i t h la oath,.end it ig :Fair: be has carried tiff th s hosiness'for vexes. fttsxiv --The Carb-ndsle Advance, : a Done:rale anti-Leeorapton paper, peak belay Dot in denunciation of;the pnliey 'of the Natitmai Ai,;l-stration,thus re . ,dyke fh LecotOpten editors who take ieptieis o its iirierendent course:— Sothis t of not Democratic contemporaries voices to tiiitik that we -are ton indepeu. deist" Te intend to be indepondcui—ju,t 4indepeedi-ot of the _....nemectatteoiganiza .. tioa r at, of its prieciplee.. No lees titan ..=an be po bett'er rowdy fir • earrburn, and Losa of Appe , rhase's -I land Bittern."— Y• frr 11 1 • .: 112 71:1 ,1 1 - Incitizes i tip, 1 {lie, !hp . l:l I' , . _.ifirhigqnl l R i - -- .lii.W. iOR ef;;Ils'! win 1 - inn! CiLdirsl tci, b ini - digran ~ r .1 I Sept yL.-The h3req dVi itermir tthle rsee'on the Vash. Say, tbel "Sire Washington" • • , tqa, IMO 1 • reoiiicrn• 11 1 Ficrit—te,l =UMI EII3MITE undred w b ( b jr:/To!— tr i"" — TV • • • hel,.. .nei..... imhel,... MIME ethAnn rye ! 1b... sea, ulder", fl/41 4. Prices The follgwing ststetni p 1 NorthlAiteriesxt.) ..r.,ur and the , tt tc Isteit tes-- 'Nes Tor)c, Bootee, lof Flo Floor. *5 37 X 52 5. , 6 75 6-50 6.00 800 6 00 600 B 00 4 75 4 76 9tdt g etow(r, Maittenii, Citearailag ' "iew Orlizs; rittetime t !l, ./;teelkiterl, Albsir; 16 00 -5 00 5 00 5 00 I Bush' eI Utduted to rounds. - Meat, Cora, /shelled. Cors, (ebb Nto, •h / 46 .7. ' 11 4 Mil/beat, htdeesi, I 60 lbs Ooioes,l 57 Th e i) 56 " Beane , , 60 r , 1 70-'. Bra, .' - 2 O 2O .i. 60 " Clover Feed, 60 l E . 1 Ss " -Timethy Seed, 42 fL-- . 48 " . Flax Seed„ '56 r . ' 52 '4.1 HetOpSeed;_ 42 " 60 " 4 Dried Peaches. g 0 1" Monthly Statement Of th 11 ,13a0k of I3ever. founq: f l ‘v 131t/6EITON, SEPT. I, 1858. usatiters.l - _ B ItsWs Iliad pills-Diecounted, I huniture and Officei Fixture., Bus 0 qrr ononwidlib,: • 1 Oreet I Eireneet, - ;' 1 NC from-Banks cud Backers, '.. Noe. oi, °tiler Biala., _ • ' f , . .Cc it !Teti; . . , .1 . . . . T:aiii, r j flr., tk I . i.Lositrtlis. , !sitinl - ei3Vf rd 1 • -` i , ,k - 7:1 1 itci,Ascount . , tpisits Ir - • rit ' • _ • .. _ , - — i I Total, 1, I • - $76.295 97 • DIATia poinr se —Before me came Ed- Vsl•d llootis, Cashier of -the Bank of Beaver Costly, Who being duly affirmed -according eit 114 . depostl.,l that the above statemetit is Cott reettioditAe sacotdiug to the bent.of hitt kuou itcfgeatd belief - EtiwAao iltioss, Caelir. : ',. 4 jElltH r i silA subsCribed before me, this let "" 1858. - ' JOHN CUTIIBREITSON, 1 1 1*- ' , Notary Public. ______ :- - A.EOUTOA",.S .YO77CE. kk i- iiERBIS . letters testamentary on the ~: ' EStaleof W..l'ilet'alliater..Etoi. dec'd, lite leeswer borough, Beaver county, l'a... hay., 8 graSto-o the •subscribers, residing in ' 1 4 ' 7; t 'i' r 9Pg , all persons indebted • to said . o ', B l'leq, weed to Make 'immediate pai r - elt, and thos htiving claim. I will pl *se pre .it I L t heinip perly authentiitated" for settle) j _-* .111ILIti the Odi absence of e undersigned. - i”ticalt be left with W. A. Laird, Beater'. I / 1 IX McCA .LLISTER, - ' f I W. 111cCALLISTER. Jr., "'5l. . ' i - Extri.., . I HE wa t , , t ost kat Ciue 4 1.16 mu s d Pub • PelPo • 14 !I f li F . • I Vat edictal .NoticiD. • , 1 re,r, Graduate of Jefferson Slad- Philadelphia, and recent Btu Dr. William B. Cochran; woul OP. that ha-has permanently 10 7 r. Darlington, Beaver • d to any dill la medical or sur-1 { • Wr. C. } BIiIIRLOCK. 10. • t; 27 ,1168. . -• Pa H. AT LAW ost the NE Nir‘ ' ,I , IF 111 , (31( * )( 4 .. --- I - Illtritill lEtiliP 81.'CID. I .1 1 1 , 1 1 ! '(Snecesfors to .lii4hy s d Burchbel ' I L.. ../ - - ' .Iforth‘Etiit tr. rourth and '.3.tarkl , ,_, - -1,, f..PI T,,ifi . WGI7, PA.i 1 1571TEi th', ritit to 4t 11 a.Ver 'county and eitimine th .: larg stock of new g consisting jri fart f—l - . ; ; .., Vry riCit.'prest Silks, plain. black; iirl tired, vcri;; , fill' deeps .silks, plaid, striped ro bcade: 'Ter/ richlsiticlrobett. black and very rich all I wool hums de Loins, is , , ti : robe moue! dlitinsi very rich cotton ati m ou e de lain*, ..Frerncb Merinos ;.and Co the largeld sock in the city. and better tor the price,l then 'can! be .fout'd in an tIMISiI vrest.rif the mountains, having bee p at auction .ittliarge, qua l atities at foie rate' will be re-so 3 at a very small advance ui ; l ' 1 tern coat! l'; - . ~I- . • 1 r.I S ITAWL.I; and CLOAK%; 1, , 1 such ._ !of entirely new d e signs . s as toe Shawl, and mail, ther novelties in shrill ' cloake. '.' l.Vd hove never been able . to' - 0 1 large on .d varied , . sitlck of all kinds of: and Cloaks - 4 'I ..... ! I ' IC :1E LE W'OR'llE.,, 1E iii, i ~,.. , 1 -t , Collars. 'vets - and sleeves, Sou - icings, e gingi,l . ~ , 1 inserting'; tvc. & . I . • ! , ! IWO 11 , 11 I 111 G GOID D I 1 i Shawls, ;era e ve Is, collars, gloves, an , every other article in heiliiie of mourning go s. :1 - ,1 1 ;! , Go lDotnertl Lead Staple Gon 1 Chttrth; - ; ‘bnithlrtiiß: -- (4 . iiita,Ket;tuelT 13;2' I Tweeds, Sniinett4, Coasimeres, Cloths, an.l.ev. cry other nriticlali;rpt id a Di'y Coods StOre: I Pittsburgh. Seilt. 28. ;1 : I, •• In the i i oph,,sc siCourt in:, and jv• the . (Annoy r Blaver, before - 11w Ilullorable • Judy're hereof --I ' • • 1 ' l' 4 I I I I 1 N the lmatter of the petition of _Joseph it: .L .11ardn,A,Int'ii of ^t, he estate of Chrittoplier C Wolc4tt, late" . orBtentienville, .lefferatin co ; 1. O.: dec'l,-f ? r leave tn , sell real estate tor the payment ofitlebtst- ' A , tid now, to fait; Stpt. 18, 1858: TO the widow nod heirs, rind al St othent inteeest4d; 'We el - in - Hi:slid :you heirs, ', and all of yo b, hitt lolviog aside all businc!'ss and! {, excuses'','lyo, be int! I appear in your i llproper pz•rsons betlre our Judges of said Coo , at an Orplitin's C uril tol he itei said county on; N i ednOs sly thti,3l day f Nov. ISSS,-nt, , at, Mijournitd' c l'i at Beaver. in ' ad- for ourt thereof; t alint's i t cease again t 'said petition, and to do further and receive whatiour said Court Shall h Te coal . , Bith! r ed in tbe premises,. • ' I 1 ; licreof flit not at y ur peril, and the enalty i that may •lettsued 11 ituess the lion. Daniel Ague*.l'visittenof one said C'inirt, at Deaver: this i l trthl d y of Sept - .111.)e.r. 1 . 858 • I, I 'l I A.r. 111TREASY, Cllk.O. C. !, (: t r pleas copy) i d I , • [ t405T .. .. 11 BETWEEN thi.,resitleuce v of Stim*l - 31 ore, in ItoOli 'ter, stud L 4 ' a , the CithOlia bburcii; tithe tip of lie ver bill, .ou"Friday Itiet, tta , l. i 24th limit , , it whA M . .D. - tii: lireost-pto, (',lilies,) . set in goidd The Initi'r will be liberally riztia, ed, - by ialivtog thStitillQ at the 4 5ri,, , -tte U es; or'', at Joun..3itilea' U ! eery, iu itocheeter. t I Sept. oept. it3,l'sS. I ~ 41itsilATTIE 51 I LIE.. +--:-- 1 DI Y , Gr () aII --.., .nog. opening 'at I ' 0 C. , AN - N LOV I 1 NO. 7-1 1 ) AR E IST., 1 1 117 ti . I rrnE su ecrib has just returned r, adelptis, Nl's. N'ork and B o ot n, just complCted hii; firi.t purchaee fur 1 i tntde, it aflorde us gat g,lensure tollie j . . en mince i t o , our urtzerotts Mends, cue and the pu llc generally, that we liftv been able tp , fer so liirge and:altracUfte .1 DRESS 400 , - . cf uthn J. Ali k;l4lALiti, .2.,. 1 N F:DI.E WOJ:K,I • il l - I)6M E‘.3TIC GOOI Our stock. clntainviall the taiireltie , eirable ifindi of th e season: and at ftn, Gonda have beenhotight from the tmi menufactufers, and tit the large au'ctil semr Cu.atl we are en l abled to sell the a as they coa be bought in litany of. t e U holeaale illousee Please call, and examine our Stock purchasing t Isewlterti. . t New o - o 5 Reelved al - I *t IC lI.ANSON 0' Formerly Torn St- 115011 & Love ai , s Current. ight,4..i. 3 00 1.00 ..... i .. 50 • 40 Aft linna±', aed•iGrain (fieni the PhiWel-, iti show the plices of Isev9Wl places named, heat: : Corn 128 95 186 9S 110 d 100 130 93 185 j 90 136 i 9D 135 , 90 120 1 76 100 75 100'175 100 ' t 65 00 1 66 100 ; 65 100 ! 65 100 75 Itrothera, final Bee llive, PittebOtigh. • PseP 2o ) J A. R. XANTRIAI ~ . C. IDE 1 - - , - 1 ~ .. . .. 1 .411., _,_ _ r _2lVY CITII, i 4th Docir, below D" . litioTiLp eallthelattention ef Who '+ i T . Retril buyers to their very lai i ge i Jta .' : . Fail - :Ai inter Goos just reeeitj,etl. an wbicli we arienahie , at low priSes: 1- .1 • 1 Also' a ls . rg: stket of CARPET CLOTIIS.I3r. 'SI: DOW SIIADES: 1 i Sept. pit. tbs , 1 ~ 7 ; 1 --- t Ur •, 1 , , , 1 rpi 113 ( ouit INage.',] t , , CMG:ANT o In order of the t ..t_o Court of tit County of Beaver, , wi pos _ ' sale by ',Public yendue of out the pretitiSe.s... ori r..a ll ,turday_ the .tlBdl dal , tober; it4sB, at .. o'clock, -P M., the f reatirstatr of : Jo ti D! Dividson.late of . j Township; in esi County , deefd„ lyingl ing 'situ!' tid in IS id towuNhip; :bounded, ocribvd as: rolls. i s, ids:Lot Ni. 22. ' son's ploxi of, nts in blorth Bridgewater ed as follnwei Beginning on ;the wee r/ Public Fqua at the.;coruer of Grape A hundred tee Cherry Alley, thence al,' alley fifty) felt tn • the corner of ,Lot ''l thence along 'the Illus . ; of stid, lot one h feet to the Publie ..tiqullst,ei thence fifty the sonic 67.-o,rtip. Alle,, Ate pl4ce of Lai On; ithielii is. erected a large land coral fratite Voirse ;tithi.kitChen attnClied, ales i house, stable, eimern and a iinfaber.l l Lt..163[3-.-, uue-t.i l irizqot toe purchase I be Paid Intl the CO,, i findation of eale by' th the talric4:io tiro goal annual int. I with inirrest from the name time 18,...k'0r further iii,formationi enquire Ft. Eakin, iAdittin4ttiitor or the eetate deCeased, itilrigktbn township, near Bea I fly ;O rder of the - Court. 1 I ' I A. G. M'CBBARY; iSeUt. 21. ' 1 8. 1 1 $44, 14 6E 1,6111 63 1,500 00 456 11 4,548 55 1,665 50 - 21.959 62. $76,2911 97 997 25 1,091 87 12,821 85 - PU ItLIC I V f,',lsl DUE TIIE 'nuitscribele will expose to Publi McioU townelip, Beaver county, I' ~ i • TVEDNESDII I, SEPZ. 29th, Iy. at 10 o'elock, 4. r ., the follow ing I T) 4 betol of Hn Hones, 6 Milk Cows, I full Scotch Bull, 3 young Cattle, 1 Carriage gon. 5 Here, 4 tts Of. Homey& suci 1 Harness', 2, Harro s, 1 Lumber Bledl a Hounebuliti, Furidt ' in, l alci, a,great man articles to o . Mune outs; to mention. l'e sale. 1 I CA 1.. JOHN ig i f I IV LLIAM SllttpirgS, September 15, ,853. - . . . I - • nOT .e Stoelitioldera7f • '?er Fenmie Semizutri,' will meet at Seminary building; on SaitirdaykOctober 2cl, 186 S, at' 2" o'clOck, i'di the purpore of electing?, nine Trusteed, fix the ensuing. year. JOSHUA 1101 , 1R0E,rraet” (BVPt 2 P) / I I ' 111 • , SPE' 11011-Briimtlin rells , Il l endeli • for Beroffals, Blot of tbtfJoltits, - and sole by Dr ~10. Ca • lv-gs WILSON, ; ee in she Lair North side of the EEO lAL NOTICE. FluidlExtrac:t of n, the nfest and on heti on 1144 kin, Zig all ca l time"' 'Thas dasea6e Ingham, Deavir; (his': Afar 1 ..#IP I - • , , .:) 1 - 1 ' 1 - • c. ' • ' I: - • - --- , - t 1 - •,- i ' Ir o nt" l it C 1 1 ' 'al Colt — r,i;, .o!nmera gei 1 , 1 • 1 .. 1 , Prrninuaan, Phi - uu t kurgssn 1 : I, xBOO fitisd•Lsi,in s!!iiessdiatit test' . 1858. .Now, the i.ntest .114 most , thorough Commis , - [Mid tichool of the. United Btotes. Young meu preraref.l fo' sctuat Iklutirls .. of the COuntig Room. , '. • 1j 1 1 , I I !,J i J. C. ,Smtl ti, a..x.i. rrof. of Book-keeping and Sciencalof Acoonnti.' IF . .; A. , . - -T , : Doer arr. ltericher l of Arithmetic and Conurfmil Carculation. iE . 1. ' 1 :' 1 J. 4! limniiims and T. C:;JIIIIKUtia Teach!". -• of Boa Ateping. I 1 1' ‘ • A:: Cowt.iir nd W. A. litraii, Proftssorso of , , , -i— 1 t 1 ~'" l'e!'n'a ° }P• 1 i .i• f _ 1 . ' ..: songs. & D Able! Enlry ; Rook -keeping. - As used in everyldepokment of business.'" ,;om, '.. , I ImerrisiZ A rft metie—.Reridd Business n riti igi— Defectingoi• liinterle it 3lott.' ' ey --NerelOjnrile I! Correspond- •I enkr— dmmeriini Lato;i: ; - ' • 1 0 - is Are tided, nd all i i3ther s jems necessary for the sudee andi t trough education of a Flo tical bnsinenctnnil .. I - , . i AO PR I EN IE3I IC .• -, . ..:',..... -.4 k i...ioaninyinitsourgo - tor the , past three 4ears,! cistern also in iste and 'Western ' Cities.. for beet Writing, . 1 NTIOENIGRAVED WORK. i ' INIPORTAVP INIFORIIATIOII. Stutitnt k id enter at kny time-210 vocation—Time nnibutted—F.owiers at pleasitre—Graduates as tasted in lobtnining isituatiOns—Trition foe. full - Commerciii!Course;s3s 004 , Aversgeil_me 8 tO 12. weeks 7 —iioard' r $2 50 per, week—Stationiri," s6.oo—*:ritire cost; $60.C10 to $:0. ' Its„, 7 misters l sons..receilkd at half price; For card —Circolar—Stiecitorni of Business and jOrnamental Writing—lencloise‘ two staMpi, and addrlese !'' I I 1 I .. LIF. W .11rN,KIN8,1Pittsbargh. Fl.. la IE2 emit ale, .19F- 1 and r eol'd: rich ,1 wool me. iioncle ri other n bo't la. and Ens- alma K and CT an howls ANNUIL 1 STATK - F._ I IOF THEI ' ..1 • 1 PennsylVania-iState igticullural lorielf• lil . , , Si prenoer 2814,! 29:bil audl 30111, ". I , . I • , ' t ! • I 1--• _ • and -OctArr list, 1858. r. , 1 ; FciiriGrpiniils,'.nnth W ar d Pills; , ~1 • __, - .. t liNpAll ADDRESSES; FRIDAT at 2 o'clock - 1. P. I INI. r A witrdet of CoComittee announced immediately Afterwards. i 1 • • , Arriclifs f 4 I, i• exhibition; addressed to A. ,0: PFISTER, riikeyl. Alononigabela Bonn, 'itt.a.• burgh. 1 1 .1 liFt 1 a All articles and ; stociii intended for exhibi tion train parte free' s( cliarge. 3. ; 4:ll(Sce.'!No4; (;8 Fiph , street; where entries will be rliceixed tine exhibitors'iticketh furnished. Bo.:kti of; en v y elnsed,Cfn Tuesday Dalin. Pre minds Lii•te i sudJitC Of' Judges furnished otijap pliention; 'I,: .t 1 1 ,g EirMentlters'i ' Ticket tsl,oo. Single !id mission' 25 ' ; ociqs. ill-•t, i• _ I • gar become members 1 • , 1 -.i' A. 01-PFISTER. ~ 7 ; 1 Secretary Ftnte Agricultual Society. • D. A.IT4GGA T: 1 PreSident: 1 • Sept. 8. 2858 1 i 11 F IF '1 - _ . 1 1 1 , % A LUI-111.1.; {FARMS 1 i , , FOR T SIA lIV . ~i ,_ , I: IV,. TIIFTY vtilutible farms,for sale lying in Alle -1: gheny; BeASee, Butler, • and Lawrence Counties; l'.i. 71 I 1 1 1 ' ' - .1 . Eighteenlnituaied in Alleiheny. / Ws folloWir'— onein 'ollie Township near ,Sewickiy creek, eight in Indiana ritensbio and ni7 in Frank.- Ito Ts.swiship' ;-eid .1 within, eight and 11 twefve Mies of 1A 14.41........,i i n:...-. ..1 _ . , . . ii twenty stit at/illin Beaver . County. as :To - Wert: due inP ulaski ToWnship. North ifSeilicki* 1 1 6 nship . .. onti . in New _ Sewickley Townithip, iul twomt 'Marton. elk o which - Wre s within four l and i sik l milte of New Brighton.'—' Six lying ooptlgnj 4.lin New SeWickly ToWn o iship. near kbe l arge ”Kdoti,".—distintice from Pittsburg 22 miles.' Six in 'one Akisly; sit'uti 94 1121 EconemY township, cslranining 1200 ocri.'ft. --distatsce from td. i mmy: l vpi. g el i s miles.,: l These] lards tre Nelyldesirobe, owing Ito their being lekel and. calcula t ed welll for grsz ini• 1 dal. • t l l .l Seven[si tutted/ in Butler , County as follows: fotir in Lancaster TOwnehip; one-in Worth Tp., and two lieLMnildyi Creek, Township—distance from Barri ni , 2ltm 8 miles.' Melee farms cein . - fain from 100 to 'll.OO acres; each one, well Ws ' tered ano tlmberecl I t'. j_. 1!..:: likeititiated l in ILawrenoe County, Ppiry . TOwnsbip. inn t' watert of camp run, near I Caleb Pyle s mil i.l I ~ ' I I I t 1 Some ' ,f the a velands have eatensive coal beds lying trwletithem. and; are well improied, 1 , • , , • 1 btilldinge, prcharde,,e(c. eta.- ,i 1 1 1- The ri is of "these lentils vary, from twenty to'fifty of e ra iler acre ecnording to !ocaticin ii and qua it , 1; I , ' i , 1 1 1 The subscriber having ;purchased the entire interest 'in i t. the ab o ve land,, is now prepared / to , sell in I ts to ismi purchasers. 1. Loag credits will be giv4n if desired wibrinterest. Titleun. exceptionable. I 1 I ; [ ' ' 'An ajet be will sell a valuable mill property, situate in - pine Creek, and 'other pir y, tom?! lotaLke.l, 1 I !Further p4rticulars and 'Drafts of lairds, ma y be seen by applying to ' I BENJAMIN UUSII BRADFORD,' ' • ' I ; .1 1 L i 1 IReal Estate agt. INew , Rrtgliton.Sept. 8,11868. am ' '; {'' ' . NOTICE' 10 :17ACHEA'S.' ' I 1, I • , - - i - DRoenti'f‘Lslyrill be received by the School ' 1 Directors ell Freedom Districi, up to Mini day the .Ithl i day of October next, at I. P. M.. ' for teaching th pphlia schools of said district " - du-' ring the lipproaebiuz Winter session. :The County Supierintetid'ent will be present for the purpose' oflexsminirig those who may apply, ;tine Mile amid tWolFemale Teachers will be re gnired. 1' I By order of the Board. [ !Sept. 6. I '' , MARTIN FISHER, Setey. "7 ---- TEN — D - 01.5.A RS REWARD .` 1 111 . 1 b ong . , 1 rrt TIE nulnicrtbeti in Sout h Beaver tOwn• ~ ! hreidato!%-ttrOd, lott"orlEitilt u- cli April, ISEit' a large; bundle ,Of papers, and a -pocket book. tiedtip together in a piece OtIlll• bleached linen. IThe bundle warabout die Piro I of A man's hat .a cap, and consisted mosey of,' prornises;wyjnoted, payable to the 'eubscriber'-- The enspicren is thetit was Carried off by,aboy. The above reward Will be 'paid for the return, of the papers,' or (or any Intelligence that, will lea& to their, reltlrd. IBEORGE SMITH. Sept. 8, 1p58. ? i 1 i i H •-• ii., 71-p s i iktdill P hill having e Fall ;able to eve lock of 1111 i 1 , s, &c n(1 de 1, of our' I . ( eters! ,(08 fol. ' cheap astern ( before If 1 1 E , 1 d Low. I No 74 maxi. 0., • • 1 14, epale Blue& of irria , l of Joe. ' of 'said 11331 if .... ,. -.._.y SALE Of: IVA LtJA 1314 C —IL-REAt EST ATE.' • ' I , aI I •I 1 ' ..',. . 1 ill't ncsdag, Octo b er 0. - 'oS. , 1 H. . .1 (ON .Tli PRX.IIISE*,) • 5001A'Cici of .Lcind , S rrtrAyr i in Butter eponty, P a., one, mile r ii 'friim the village :of Darlingto n , end 'theca the same ditanee from lhirlingto Station and junetign of the New Castle:era P tteburgii - It. N. with thelPitte, St! W. BC- Ra Irtnd. • • 1 - 1 _ This laud ! is tinder a bletlatiite of cultivation. with a newabd ; eoMmodious Brisk Dwelling House, goo d fraMe, dwell's& houses, frame barns, stables, and, other clectssary and conve nient out-bnilditvg; wellikatered and ti bered, with two !ems of!,tlittut4netticoal at au eaco- leot:qualityl I, . r 1 i - It will to a body ortiiiiided-inte Wailer tree?. tnionit purehnsernot, being an e eeptible Of4s,isio,n; into fintrliiiiir with build -lings to it.l ii 1 ! I' :''. ' I . For. Team apply ; theisubseriber, 4 1 4sigese of:Thomas *Risley; residing in . Beaver,. l'a.l i 111 f , 'IB. P. Boarrs.r Beave r , Sept. 21, i 1858.1 ' . I', . . - offik..Beaver Stir, New - Brighton - , Times, New Cistle Garette,PittabUsgh dinette and Dispatch (Weekly.) Wsaillbgeoa Reporter tied flew Lis bon Bueltsylw Stsdal Ipi_war!ineert, form weeks.: _ Cl , ' setd hi' to ' , to, ihje Pffil• I i I, ! . .• • Sale in , on :58, u .rtr. _ laded 1 ww= . Runty of of other .ms ax M . Pa^ y ea* eat For' 800 I 1 1 ' ... PIIO, C 144 , ~ :., lialtEdii. ins l , o hy.en i • rat Anent* I Aka ,Cm Platlyitabiti: entitled, ." -I the 'fittititral j!lectio s ; within. lwealth,"'it. is enjoin, , trkin of such elections, annfilliwa tics what officers are t be•eiect --- . be `l . Wii.,L/A , ~ wn Sheriff of the .., , , f, , v . , county Sem?. -her known and Fire this ' blierk to ors - of the county if i ! BelinTi - MS 1 a Election wilthe held said; y 0 1 ' I ti I , e,isd 'iambi' I. O be 1 .1 ,-, 1 , L.,.. .i 1 Diii i ri .. f I at tbe4swerat e.taction - It 011 The electiori of.* ugh to sip at tbe Court !nous. , ' es, The eketUrtt otrit 1 ipsburg litho i l l at the brick pehool i 'toots as bola Tint electora of )lot townsfiipiriii the house of i lint Ell s kt,Er4' wid t 'Vie electore of Hopewell t Slip: l at the School bouseln i the 'rill, fl in said townabip.: 1i 1 • '. e -.. The elector,. of IttPtlnd, f a 1 0 meet at theiuse ofi Irian° Thin in Paid township. 11 1 i , . l' The sisal of, 'Einem* to t Ili the hone& f DaSid Ewing. 1 sr t The elector,, of F,Tr kfOrt di ' l '4 wi the house of Gioree ngan, i Fisk Tile' electois of 31' uire's'a Illi to the house •of John tertir, in e vtag i over', . 71.. i 4 . 1; 1 1 The eiedters of. ; i tow shirti i . the hotiee.Of pijah 14 warge infirm The electors of 1104; towns iP in t l rn the !thus. of )4ilo Iteringer. in hi 1 - e ' ill , h0t..,... i . ..tget The elector!, of 13iittlitou -1 *sip braced in Industriidiatriet) 011 tees hone of Richey' Eakin, in said'totsh The eleetsis of 'the ,boroug offal lineet at the-I,AeadrMylin Fallson. ' . - The electoisof e lFaierenn t wnSP' n t t i at the sehO'ol,hou i the ‘llll get! , The ilectoia of illippews t. weslp at die house] of Samuel cull ingba, I , f township ;' f l /I ' II .1 , The electors , of Fouth . Iteer..trot meet at th%,,liciue of Juba Hoare, t ehiP. ' : 1 1 1 , The eleetcMs o f Derllnston tp.,,tcao i Academy in:Vaili gitow - 1 1,1 The *lentil's of Illi Beater town 0 at,the bowie of Widow 31illerin 1.11 t The eleetlc it oft Fkinklin toranshi t t the d itlark R I Clark.' raid to The eleeteilt ofiNoth Well kly ' meet at titelhottse oc cupied b `Jolnidi land of Betlotnin t i Ch w. • • .i i i . • The elect cc o i Pulaski 'tittilMhip l W atougheityZe 1 sehoid Louie, {„ No {„ tow ship. ! L I T e electors of 9t! ' 1, o. MEI •thi bottle of Gec . shint : 1 - . 1 1 .. The elettore o New Neighs , district to ,meet_ it the 'school outtb.. • ~ 1- , I :F ' The electraa o Ri;efiester to at the snbool hcru in! the burr T to electn,rs cth;borong t l , meet at the echo 1 It use;in Tie electors o r 'Freedom jb o i to rceet et the school house 1 ', The elect'ors.of N e w Sort I meet at tbe i tainse of John* 1 ship . , . 111 '- , , • The electors of in ustlyi di Ithe school bowie in , l duitry The eleCiors of Ilittmony t the EconotnY- t ,' flotelL '1 The eleetori of Ecognomy t . the honee of pearge C llliaii , At Which time and: plseeti t t ore as aforesaid Will, el..,st by , • One persou forletudgit c Court sol -Pstiptiyili his. 13 e i n ) ,,,,a 0 ., 3 ,-Ntffliqur . , iinul - 14ntuts iss i l l 1 qne perilco.,for . otaber ;. [ e 3f ; Con conjunction — wtth Lserien • .adil • • 1 -1 I , 1 ' r counties. 1i: - , • ~ ' ' in' beiii 4 t Two peerne Le i en., ofth ey I i Refores;.nitltivell M l'ansylvsta , 11 or With Latk ence , ciitniy: 1 e. ~ . DC person sOr 1 otutnisoober tPurlly. H One pe r Ooti ii for/ pir Oue s'a fUr 31 . . l. , Bourer otonnt I . Thitie f.irs ) A cademyrti— i tts, fir pile`le*l', Ip, \; .1 1 1011C0 4 ere Giv e. 1 ..1 r i Ll n t —li b p TEAT 'every ps ti, flee, t lusticel 1 Peace; who 86411 hold gay o ffi ce or meat"of profit or ' it under the govern thelUnatecl 'States, riot' title it aie , or of 1 , or incorporate _d i stet whet er, a Coto ed ffi cer nil agent, who-is . she* Ira I employed' under t it lecislitir . ezeittiv dietary 'drpartmen of this ate or the Stites dr oflany cit y or inc rperat I d zed, also that every embor . o COngielle the State l i eFislatu , ,a nd of th select tor c council of any !city: r comet esioner of coriontted rilirtnet, is by lsw incapab le . jog jor exereit4ng atthe cam time e t appointment, of Inepector:. J dee, Or any! election of the .omroortw lth. riot Judge, .In s pe c tor, o r any other etficer r , eleCtion. oball b.' eligible way. SO then ;toted: l l4i. 1 i • '''" ; li tt Also, in , and by . 1 O 4th see ion of- n proied thell9th of April., 18 0; it is e that the lath iecti nof the et.pasi44l 1539. enti trdl an Al !Ostia to the ,elec this Citntn inwealtli. shell a t be canit as to prevent *n y l. adlitary err ar , ,officer frog* aerrinp ilia I udge, lespet . sior o at any General or Spk.cial'El don 'a tld monwealth j !rd . , ' 1 I li f t And the Paul Ac t , f Ages bly, entitl. Act relating to the .electiond of thin Co wealth." pettied July 2d, itio ; pa:wiles lows, sit. II I, 1 , , • Thsit the: J udges and Inspectors. olio aforesaid, it hall met at the reepeCtivi apPlii!tledltir 10.111iPj• " , 'vex, ii..h., t intriio • ipe --....- ; to Willett ;Ira re pf u e 1y .... b iout.,beroi •••%04a, on ate mornhi of the taeid ik J ? tuber. in each and' erry Deed. sod rs 9 { i Inspectors sitall,eir int one lerh, whips e qualified miter of said dibtr ct. ' In ease 'the Person's who s all ha theisecond highest n mber o rotes, o for Shall mitettead n the ti yof say e then the person wh -shall are tr6l-i, second bigitititit ram, rof ynt s fur Jude g ilex preceding 'elec ion slat set sti It's in his pisce 4 .1 -end .i case th perseti..wh bavrzeceired, the bi est. nu her of vii " L . Inspector shillfint i tend, th, I present e 'Judge Abell lirippoitit mr,irmpector lit his andlin cmut l the.Ear elect 'Judge - She attend. the* the lespector An 'tOthit highest monk*? of iiitesSihat ippobei e. in his plane; jaud, if, l l47..s,acii 7 ehsacot in the boirdiftir the! Apace of ne both nil time fixed by law for the open get r ' ele t, the, qualified enters 1 0 the to nein'p; wt district for: Which ' such office shall 1)&4( ele:ted. present st,t enlace of ele nn. elect one op heir stt ber to fit Buell, WI WI II HI shrill be ties dub of kriessorii - to +Tend at; he pi ' 'of ihtdding e ' special °or ' Wnshin lecticin. I thud 'the such election is kept l open:1 - 1 1 7 the OW' 1 giving inforMation to. ins Inspectors twilit when ealleten, in relation to i the rights o persons amitissed by/ them- tit ote at. ach e tions, or itteliother i relation. t aileasment' efl voters sa the er r *: 'lmarts i . 3witte;,ereitiier bf th emabet in time ec,ti require,. 1 , .1'... 1 . .i r.:.vl 1 No person .I be prititt d 'tit "rite s Plection, as; - eroreesid other than a; hits man of , the !sge of 4 entpOne years .'or I vrho l ohall hire rigid in this pasts , lea 'ear, and its the el critdititriitt where/ lie,. to vote, s a l ilned ten , ys intme4itelylprr such elm:twit and wit iniweitirs pai'' er County ?ar i l irbieli shalt bkei be let least M h il : days r thesis' . eft 4 ere - tif;'"" riermt Wir"- 1 - 1 ft. I 6 I 1 111 .1 . e,Gedbs Itb l of • fail 0 omimoti tiotice maid bo= of man ft to! this ° y make he elect.' general td lititt; I " • meet ! Beavir 11 Witt • O.' I wet. et .1116.14'. ill inert i, • °WIWI' ip will ill awes wnalsip meet St Olt, meet at of Han- lett at ;Itsto7n. I est ! , at v iew. • ant rat at' tbo Vtoo to to, r tntet rightam. ill meet id odd pbip to, d town= t it the I I 1 1 to meet wnship •Incet at nel.ip , ship to tiler. on meet in said oship lo Jr . iv; 1 inert• sL id town' inn.fow !arisen, n ter tonal: •fr, nebi ugh of II of ittiA I chemt ugh ano Preetliq kTy to se; in v gh and said hei r 11 meet obeNte 'enter tb t . distric i t uotOp to' id towl meet ESE ~Wnßbi 1 ~ pl • meet at l meet a l t ed opremLe , ner of ess, ID 7eret wnship r t in said t e allot-4 f the • • miss of n coo • Beaitior • roui?ty. tor Of / 14 1"it o e use i i t tees .1 IS MI., d• .1! pot 'oui" U 1. pi Tru l f l iur • Ye El i eeteir 'shall es far acted ts Ogee v I nut • .thn udge tinue r •he e iotl., ' •a+ v been 'than ti;, TO or time any free. Mit eer offers dial; Wit* bans &Awe ~ iiAlf ioteior thir-Stats: ant Led therefrom, inalfeturned.'ind who Shellui eilt g [resided th.the election district, and 'aid , as aforesaid shall be entitled to vote,after, ding in the elite Al nineties.' Providet d: th it the white freemien.eitisenetsf the United States, between the agint of tleitti-one and twenty-two years and having 'resided In this Suite CDs ye; and he the eleetion district ten deft at afo aid. 'hall; be Untitled, to vote nithiineh tlO4 bye not paid taxes r - 1 . 7 , No person obeli be neflaitted to Tote whi‘e name is netconfained to theilhit of taublel .. habitabi funtisheld ; It, the Commisideners; o 'tete, tiro; 'he produce a receipt for ttie plate t within; tno, year's. of's State or county tan, a pesisediaitteeably tit the constittition end s given ea tiefslitory teTideoce , either on lee I own int ih• Or aillirmatirth of another, that hi has paid mice tax. ; or on! .failiili to procure a receipt, P shall Mane oath of the.payment 'thifikaf. or I second, if he Claims a right to vote by being' an electer between the age ef twenti one end tertiety.iire years, Ibe Shall - devote on oath•lor affirointion, that he brie resided in tie State' at treat ..'ene 1 -year before big" zippllestion."-and mobs snob proOf l of Ile residence In the distilet is is ',re quired in boa set; end that he does verily be, • Still/. from the account given bite that ihe it Of these aferegaid,,et.d Ifilfil /11;0)/1 other evidetese 101111 required toy ,this sot: whereupon'!W the in of the persons sit admitted to vote shall be i 4 serted into the elphabetteal nit iby' Ineneete , and a {l note Anode oppogifti thereto by writing the word.nax" if the•stmll be, admitted to,"te 'by.reatenn'of haning paid a teat, or the' wo oi l •rage," if he shall be Admitted on.aceonnt of' is, op, ,oild In eititee ease, the reason of such Tlelk shell be called nut by the cletke, 'who ail II - , make the like notes in the nail of Toter' kept by them: -- ' ' • I I the l.' . i Ib all ' easel, Where the, twine of the Oelrl claitnitig to vote '; is not 'found on the lis t furnish ed laTlthe CoMmiesioners and ireesson orls vote.- whether found f there of not, is Ohjecred to lay any. qualified Citizen, ill shall. be It the duty of the Inspector to examine such per. same on oatkes to qu.ilification, sad, if he claim', eo hove resided ;wi th in the State} one.yearl or un,te,' his oath shall be sufficient pit ofl-thereof. ' but be shill make proof by at least one come tent witness, Who shill be a qnalified elector, that he has resided within thenlistrietfor More , ithnnl ten days iremediately.preceding laid elec tion: land shell also limed' swear his bona Ede • residence, yin pursuanceof hie lawiel calling, hi Within the district for the Outlines Of voting therein.: • '1 1' r, l 1 l If amperson shall prevent - or . ittiempt to Pre Tent an !officer of. an election, Or tae o,r threat en any, yiulence to any such officer: or shall lin. tempt or improperly intcrfere with him nil the • excention of his duty, or Chan.' block ion or at tempt to block up themindoWw or aven`oe br i stly ' window where the same maybe holden, cornball riotousli disturb thi , peace of Mich electio 4. . or shall ogee* practice any intitniditionk thr ts, it force or violence, with design to :influence un duly, or overpower, any 'elector. 'or - to pre ent him from Toting, -or to restrain . the freedetn of his clioice; such persoe„ on conviction shall be fined fin any t aim not' exceeding fi e hundred dolliirs, and be imprisoned ,, for any l tim,e not lege', than twelve months: and if it shall be en own thatby the Court ebony the trial of such offence 'shall be hed, thatthe fiereori,offendni wee not a regident !of tbeleity,• ward district or limn shipi where the eitii offenie was comeitted end not entitled, to vote therein,.then, on eonviation he - shill be eentenced to, pay a fide. of :toil less, that' ;one - hundi l ed nor more than . 011151 thormatad duller'', and be iinPrisoned :not lend thini six montim nor More-than two yeatre., , 1 .i . . II `pay person - or` 'penning ;shall !Mike:any bet or we'ger alien the result of any election with in Ole Commironwealth,'or shall offer. to Make any such bet or wager. either by yerball pro • clathatioe thereof, r • eit ndersop's Store,yis prep red to atatioraattro anything in his line of b since's, oftbe best tiaterials,--worlraanship-ws . ted. 80813iirts Miss call. • _ (jam 7) • . , - - - I l i; SETT JE I.JP! . r il IS irobseribrr hiving. dioposed t of ;his es. IL Mr. Jr./ Whitikrirr4llli , tetzests them ..iode,btedkto malt. 't4 tut hhuilibitely. Ttio boolcstax•in _ kiadd tif. W.cMarlatt. En _ A. , 3 TWICk. , ' r. Pril,Rffni,, Avg 74, 1111611 ; 1 , DISEASE. OF TOE, KIDNEY is A :LIVED dOmPLAiNT I2.I I WEAR NESS OF A NY` FEVER ANDACUE; Ato Tatippe ittections - consecittent illicfb detEd , , . . , staNtActi .CIR% LIVER - , 1,, Bich ai tidigestioni Aciditfof ;t he Sttissobi • Coii6lty Pains,',Heartburns, Lose Of Appeititi, De.pondeneyi' Costiveness; Blind and. Blesdisi Piles. " In all Nervons: Ilbeurnatin , l an4 Nelfasl. gic Attentions.- ii,hass in oi/inert-nisi instrienessi: prnverl highly beneficial, 'Mid In Ottani et:ined •. • . - This is a purely vegetable ! impound , pr e ps? ., ed. on • strictly scientific prtntiples; aftei. , the Manner .of the 'celebrated HOllOll4 Profissori • Bterhase; 'llecatiite of, its greatpur,ceswin moss , of the, Enropertit ,States, sits intruiluitinn into '. the United States was intendectmc:rif tapes - tall* for thace c.f o ur fatherlands acatteied--bere and there ...• -- over the face • of this , mighty dountry,--is . 3leeting•with great enecess amongithern.ino* offer it to the American public; knowing- ; t1:1/ti i its truly -wonderful medicinal virtues must bq . 1 acknowledged, ' ••. °il • r: • It is partimilerVy recommended. , to zthole.mirt • . . emus whose constitutions 11111yaire beep utairc led by the contitmone Use of ardent spin s;s or 1 1 9:her forms of dissipation.' Generalfy insiantai perils in effect. it finds' its way diteotly .1 ,: o th 4 scat of life,thiilling, and quickening every newel rtiejng up the drooping spirit, and, - In fact; is! furling new health and v'g ):IC. in the! ejrsterit: ' '.;. NOTICE !-Whoever expects tc.[Linds'in[tliis ;-• a lieverane; will bs :ai.appc.inted but to thi sick. weak, and low spirited, it .will prove 4 •, gratgful aromatic cord al , possesse d of eirtgulsy 'reritelii,tl prolierties. •• 1 4 1 c , C s - antiosi. ; --The great popular ity of this de _s, light fill Aroma .has induced • many imitations; 'which the public should gusrdagiinst puteisat - , lug. Be not persuaded In buy 'ttnythino else until you bit - e given llcerhavels Bitters. a fair- rial., !0..e bottle will 6,,nvinCe y l otts hoirl'lafin. itely t4erior jt im to all these tmirttinny:jpay- • ~ • x it s s Sl,l , at".sl pi bottle, Cr 4i hottles for . 10.i.-.and try the proprietor!,,ltteij: Page, Jr . , I & Co. 'Pjttiburgh Pit L ' . 1 1 1 `, `-.November A ppointmeasto ii „:_-- , DR. H. TIJIIII - ': -: ! , Mil te at '44 'mom, fintlyett.tter Pa: i - • . . Lhnier' a Hata, Wednesdai . 14 ay. 110th 1858 Ic ' ••• I - • i t• 1 Forl consultatiert tlpOn all disease! 1 . .110 Throat, Lungs; Heart, Liver. ,y,. Otornit . Ctr, ,IfOtvell, - / K t idneys and Spleen' also Drops Gravel; Rbit. , , - • i , .t umatisin. Nervousness, Debility. tlyspepit ,„ uh F . ti r , blare diseases, Ague and Fever, Fits. Impurit i es - of thehlood. Eruptions, Canceriltlcers,jarl sit -.- other trarietiee of Thug standing complaints, boas , • oxternal l and internal. ,_i f 5 , 4 ~ For, some ; ten years Dr. T. has devoted pie lit • • tire time to chronic diseases, treating th wandl annually, many or' whom had eihnnsed _v.#.o, " . - other;resource within reach.' .In no r s• ai:e minVartllor other polaeneemployed, nor does hit ,- make ' sick to maze well, or tear, down to bull! • ' up aga i n. The mediciner can be taiei tripir safety b. the most delicate, and patiensitray : r* home, main, at bo and continue withiptuaence•their.' • . r., ardina .didt and exCercise. l4 ,iny "h'ave recite% lered,Under the treatment after friends add phi. , sictinschad given up all:hope, the indioimtatilis evidence ct I which.can always he furniebed..,l .. t Invalids, howeyer reduced •or ,itespairihg, 10 , -invited call, and mar be assured thatino en- , ' - , couragemerit will be siren or e!pense incurred ' .. without a corresponding prospect of 'iviiiavel,, • •-- -1 . , DituAWA, Champaign Co.. 0.. Aire , . '54.1 i , Dit Tuttus:—Dear Sir, Soule time stride I els- ' tamed a prescription' from you, 'foe myself and • ' little. ks son ur , years old From : early.linfancy .' the chid had had gwelling, ~pOin and (almost Constant discharges from his • ears, 1 4Iendel with partial deafness * Since using your medi s . I, cinse, the eischarges which were very offeniiits 'have ,cei,tsed; and: the hesrluiv Irestored. lilt own health had been poor for a year or mere- WAS greatly afflicted with indigestion: bad nett ther etrength, energy.or ambitibb; heart wont*. .• ' throb ititlently. • brestbirig depr l esSed, end f7t ' - two iiinutho brinre 'lseelialt . Son. coughitti dive f m - •• trisiing. At time of first call st yo ur room * , It required considerable effort toliet abOat, and I sweat profusely from little exertio ni - Tbio weather 'was Warm, Yet , much ; much tha t myt ✓ i trpris! 'strength gained raPidly.„ so' nch that I sobs •, *, . begrin to worlesome.' and of late have labored 1 steadily. thefii ; mo i n . th i . 9° gainedl lit l n? er t T s e per t ie°n u- c ri e ft il e ile a deli ileelib , • ded imprevement ,myself (that. too. a ft er a year'slntlffectuel treatment before) add se eit I • eqrially good effects upon several -of my theight {.boos,l I can crmscieritiously'and ( cheerfully ref. •', ommend your treatifient , to all,lwho may be eV , unfortunate as to suffer is 'I hale done.(, r I reside two 'nibs west of Niechanlesbnigh; , white t have been-for the lost twenty years, 2 , ,. ~• • . ,I Yours trUly'• ALBEKT MOODY.. 1, ''. fIITO D 3 tc , sta., FEL g done Z., [co_? CARIL Clio OODS4 Ue er and to the e Mock ch they United to call. MEI went o. • tion of t Peach n, will r,) nna they e Ripe, =I .. .. THE GREAT ENGLISH 'REMEDY - -,f 1 - 1 - , But JA.M , ES CLARa'S l' .: , Celebrated Fettaale l't 191:•1 Pfepared frord a prescription oft i 4411344. C.larke, M. D. Physician ExtrahrdiriaT. to **- Queen. This invaluable Medicine is uotait in the cure 'of all those-painful Wild dedgero - diseases incident to the female -ConstiCuticih.. ;, . It Moderates,kll excess, restores all dbitedif-; tions; anti brings on the monthly pericid wit* reg,utarl Y. Thes?Pllls should be used t wo . —rr. three weeks preiiou4 to contitiement; they for• tify the constitution, /did lessen sufftalg 4 ring i. laboi, enabling the mother 't o pertitri he* duties,with safety to herself and [child i ili • These Pills should,not be taken by femmiles . 4+ ring the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Piegfi a. .. cy as they are.eure to bring on Miseartige, hit i i at Amy other time they are safe: .;,' 4 - In-all eases Otlierrona add S nal Affection*, paid in thel3tick arid Limbs, Hea Wen, Fatigie' in Slight Exe rt ion, Palpitationl of -tireq 1416•0 ;Fatly Sweet It I:a3 y other EINI a h. 1361i' Agent'for t,bie eountrr: • 1 ,JO ?tiOntS; Late •• 1. C 7 ;.BILIZITIg & 661 , • • Roe eater Y.Y . t If. fl; *1.60 and 6 portaKe atapael buelPpiod to any authorized Akentlij will kfieure-allOtelit of the Pills by rettlizi.Aol c . ' For witch - lie. 0, CUNICIN43IIAIIIi 13: BM-1111: Bridetwetef. - : Vt. - GBD. U. liE:ki1:11;1 4 10-Tip Wood Vittiborkh, nholesal q Agent.t, : 4 • please s—you of paid , i hare. Inerrti i oaltigg =1 tXECtITdR'S 140 leE ATREREAS lettere testatnentary on the V ,tate of Simnel Tockar,A4l i meneeti l lave Al Oall.eton boioogis. B oohn',y; biaes grentetl"to the mtbseribere,,all persona iedeti,tkci N to en eetete.are requested ' - to make payment, end thetie tie,ing olniimi *pinta the Seine l ier!II present them propeily itithentieetad Veil se ,tßet saint to the Subscriber*, without delay., • A& M. 634/TH. Ha 114/LT A.:IVC • R,, 04'4 iN7lOt. .11p3E'4..pER5;41.;,....::j[.- ,, :.:! . - 11 / 6A Lawries' of -Spirits. Ifyeteries; Sick - need eha Whiteit and all the painful' else Sea oce?tsi aert by ti . 'aisrodeted sYsterit,-ilMee P lls will , Cfi cria • cure-When a l l. Other Melina have' am a/.. 4 .1 though powerful remedy, do.n Leonia** dim. calomel, antimony or any other inerall! Full directions accoMpanyingeoh in the :1.4140 States an Cann P Or Dnlhir- • • _ •. II