111 111 MO .~__ THE PHABOIE We condense :he 101 l • 11l day'slPhiladelphis Ledger. , ‘.4oine'of the most - pi; rely and mmr.ifi 'all things centioftne of modern ti es, con , siderod ' was that million l'sterlino j advancerl il 0 _by the Bank of Englan ~ to the hoose, of PeabOdy& Co.. the Am rie s an Bankers of Londim. ' The Bank ra •Vialatiog itsichar ter, and the whole amo tt of, that viola tion at that time was owl ..R.:3,0,00,000,. one half nf whichwaa thus i ' one mom - e -A-giv en toltni port - Americ : ln relit and reri can,conitnerne. Ilinadrcps of English boa ltre'vhave been allowed to all, probably quite is solvent ar.d wealthy a. this This is no dtulat the largest auto at of . assistance grat4ed to any single.fir ',. ~ "The first an d most i.iportant fact to - be - realiXed if , that it chi.* d morn confidence in Amer ican ability a 'il character than Americans themselves i ould, have shown. No Matter what other f tiro .or friendship, lay it the bottom of l', there o. ,can'be n doubly that they took a ' Ire hapeful view of Ameriiau securi.ies it.qol enga2ements than put own panic striek 'n eapitalistswbull - have done _The . 84.11 il of England; felt I surell of two things Lef ,re, they advanced vit one !t—first, lint - i 7 would get all its I money back, and then- tbal the assistance giKen - would carry th i, Ameriean house throrrli‘. We do not k• ow tnat•the histo ryof commerce could sh, w ano!,ber Such an advance in' such eircutnii'ancca. No ether bank in the world iroan',have duns this at 4 Ptielii a time. No daub they took: what I theylieste,ernd ample sec city, rad it was to I the icredit of tho Pea ' adya to . I..i.lible to offers what would satisfy 'uch critical inspee- l .tore tit the taking Of sueh seeurities, however large a margin :they may have left! for f a ilures shows a fit ong confidence ;fla.! America as pos_sessing` rapidly, increasing ; wealth, wh..se stocks Wrald, for , the most' "partl t l forth a 'ample. sectirity, awl' whose .If, I fairs wanted only a littie r t;me to bring them round again.' In all his they were right in the main,, though sa guine. American capitalis:s rely too mu h on credit, and sweat theirlcoin ant cats tai over-work, butilthcir projects . ouly d gtiuire Itlis—one thing to make them su •tautial, our hence', l when then the Bank of . F.daland put-them l . c in ppssessibn of capital, hey become direct ly sowed to a very gr, , a Ildegree,_ , ',But now as' to tl;te, ,crin,es Of_ all this confidence It was n l t, the nicro. love of gain in the shape -of interest. cTrue, 'ten par c ;a". of t,-,5,000.100 is ,Z 300,000 perl'annum=a snug sum. But they risk far more by an injudi,:i'' as inVestmert, 0.- pezially while infringin . their charter. The 1 design .cicarly was tO i' ?Thad Anieriran ,cre.iiit (bid commerce g i crally—Ampiicaii stocks and American 1.): t'aers. Some Labe? , sail that this is throu2 i fear rather than -, love. If so, it shows Ow much the course `of }wade has changed ilince, 1 5 37, whoa . the' left the three prig i a: AinermaMhou .ses ~ f ail without extendili r a helping hand to lave them, though stl ugly urged to do il so. I I It was l unquestbm bly more front an extended view of Engli 4 h commercial inter est) than lany other c Isid.. k ration; Sc. it ottnbt to have' been. i fhey would hate been 'justly called to a , i ery-seVere account to have suspended the lnlws of •that country far any other purpose. ll ~ ? The result of t[, W • lisle" cjp; in/ mttr/ .uter i more and more liatii A 9 ,beclause - wdonlyl . need our resources. 'We ha t • • I peie, Skill and _energy -2 jond all other pation Imil deals, and f r itcreforl Lefler.. t -- ii H.Oll THE STHENG to AA the 31, f.ac Sftcrame poNver . of 'iAt the knier raiy eon baste .t.W. moo. .4)&0 1 They, ka i fia,'est hor4s 4.11 hd,ve a ftiluldry . ea - F.tt• a.- pots 'l • I repo rthg odi . ,ecual' to the. of the 15,0 se. 1n e ined -.whe er aii ml pi -e mad haVe every _utuntion - ci l f tv.r and tre4ssary provision li . • ision and Means 'n • trangportattonlwi:ll- rnA itq thelvesi 'and V.ii the women and chthiren are matruetid in the as. , c.f e l add to this heir l ographieel.pm4tion. Tr i t' i refich Salt l ake,fr in the East, his ne- T en4sary to pass throwe a - cannon of twenty-- 11111 es, under hil a so i cep an • reeky that a .410 en men con d hu4 doWn!an avalanche oflistorief on ap opproaching•learavan; and evim in the event Of sereral thousand troops re4ching the valley, the besioged, air!' teit • hells would take to Ithe mountains, and, - *: -,-- reirforecd by their .s.-..,-,.• .111i...,•—•, would in - o l z tu' i rr besiege their be teget3,, and cut off supplies- writ the _it waders had st i arv4.4l. out. laley Laic, it i 3 sa l 1, 20,000 Indian rti li 3 xvliont!tbev are r tdy to furnish with I' ' . , • tfrms and horses on an !emergency. _These • • Indians are partially, to structed iu the 3lor - nrin religion--enou•ThAto niake them• super stttious in reglrd to tlie God of a superior 'r.l e-, Tel modii3ing n''ne of their ferocity. Ikciiih allies like these ud fighting for their 1 homes, and, a;cerdio, let the belief of the . iorant under the di l et supervision of the 6011 of Bat C.- , and fr in the. rampatts wilt w4ich nature has surfounded them, it is I eaSy to conceive w-hati would he the tate of few thousand troops4who treveled al than , sand miles to fight their own conntrypen,' • T irhve as •themselves, .7 well armed, better • u.ltl•to field life, au stimulated h. the • . loVe of home and fa - illy, snd assured Cf vinery by the revel :tires of the prthets .t,r , 41 i . i C. KILL OF TilE A l 1 tiNT-4 - --Tue .1. gypt - , .. ians -tnanufacturea , r ;fumes so pe E r ectly that rcsne of their :n dent PiOm e n ~ i pre s4.recl in an alabast4 .rase in a XI . scum . iii.; Engi , n , I, still rci4ins — a phwerfull dor, tlrough itmust Le bt'recn two amt. , liree thousand years olds /I 1 . I lit- _ - ...ti D:lf-The Harrisbunk Telegraph publish eli' cl notices of intend applications to the _ . al i t , 1 n'tis e t Pennsylvania ' giilaturef fo'i char -1 to for twenty - two w hanky, one for a pinery,' banking latr,!ithree for-lodreased [ et pitch and two for. extension of char. , te.ts— I . ' 1 .. • , iisvg6Take care of 4r, ur urzey uow and 10 wilt take care of i a,- when, old. 4 „ Viriotappiness ca clump plated - .• 1 .1 - : AP' G OODS'9 ' ' I'O LS; .""'" sh or Coin! ry ' PrOute, 1 S fORE ON . TM GO . !STGSET!„ .--- :BElVElii - P.A..; i ',/. i '• - ' -t ••• ; i • f ro m TOE nodersigfned Ise rece d ed ,; - :Philti tleirtia his Eitoek of -- I - ;.. - I Fall and -yrink Goads,. }lmbruing. till kituli usually lie t in' a bry Goods Store. AI , Setts and Shoes o with a Fetid. lot of Sete Lba l er, French nil Snutideo t .l/or'ocen Skins; nil .which will hosed aelow as, any in the market. , 1 gerrernnus "3-,Fishin4P to,pur bnso nre4respect fully reque;..ed to4calland orlinine fot them sctives. , I ; -BEN4 ADAMS. Beater, 1i0r...1,-1537. ! . 1 ' I L - 3/L For 'c AT HIS 4ritv , froul'Satur -0 AD3II:IS.I 7 II4OII'S[ NOTIC..II ErrEit: cf admiaii4trall n (with i the mill) j s annex 4. Imeing , be - en grantccl to the suhrcriber the eqttte .of tors •Tittoowt, lute of Brichton p...-Berrver cat-e(y - , l tlec'tl, 1 ;till per- sons Ittiotrief 4 phents- - ; i)tetl •ire'i4rrc-tJ 1 1f.....f . e'l to .make immediate plyt.tettt. nod thoFe int c,laiots 4ftinst the est:tie. rill present thetn to the subsc!,riber, Beaver, prOPerly I stuthea-. , ticated for settlement. ' JOSEPH' C. WiLSON, nen • E 57." t Nov, 11, ' 1 .goTic..F. TO;CONTII.ACT,OIIS. THE enb.icribers wiltoceetve proposals up to the let day of January, ISSSI for the builning of a School House. in Smith Braver To:wnship, Section' No , 4 ?i; codran s i pecificaiiim9 can be seen by ailing ona • Henry. Briggs; f Black t Hawk, Bearilier county;Pa. . •l i The subs crs would :"&o state -tin t $2OO dollars will be advanced •te the Coutr.ector, by giving ntior :yea security. I for' t h e ertj.dtion of rani buildir% . nEN'ay =SOS, h , ; [ :ki:oi i,3 EL CON KT;11, 1 , 'JOSEPH :kr:MILLEN. • t:tev. S, t , L '' o ' y .- B L . 1,1' o a ComMittee; , --,••-,.--- - -v r 0 T : I . c 1 ,-. ------ 1. - 7 • i N - ; ' ' , ; ' oi, - • , sale, of A in nn t ersigned liatjpg made, , 613 Found ' 7 itt Bridgewater, and being desi -1 rous of closing up .tis bm:inees withoult: delay, would respectfully requez.t all knotting- them ' selves inde.rcd by note or book account to c3ll ; and settla t p their accounts, and by Stl doixt o-. will save ct. • -• ' ' " , I . , My bock.A and notes 'will he found at my resi , Bence in lie•yer. and in thy il421:1C0 from hotue, at the office of J. Monroe, Esq. ' I .•-• • •-• Sept. 0, zYi. - ; L. WIIITSELL. N. B. I Nish to be understood that Unless the above noticp is alteetled; to a; regal course will be pursued} . ; ... ,. . 0 , 1 .1 . 1 - E 1' II E GREAT I : DiErICAN •E( -SIIELLT Now cu Estiibi.icc, at . NO. 65 1.11711 - .S.:TRE'RT,;PITTSLi Warranted to shell :20 iltsttuls re in the hands of onn niachi taini7 the invention of the conil erything tl4at is useful ,with !the - slur effutient., . . re:Tactfully irrite the'rariner, and Capitalist :in a tillronzli :trial ~of chine. esti, AND.:BEI',...t -,.S..trite an d C.o uuty Agent. -9 S. GO Sept. 9:1837. • M. B- WELSH, AT T RNEY,•A Tt • I (Mstricel . Attorney,) Ofilt:e in Ith'e . Couit 119;licy Bea Julx 151154, Iy. • FIRST ARRIVAL OF SEASONABLE i Doi'ip i pi',sii , . rt le sant 9 111 ' IP* - DRY .-GOODS-..- .ciii:tti„..l Tn,..; - I._ —,- , i , • 4.. 1 .. , ent , !Tub pier AT . iihloON LOVE'S' rel. aH N.i : i i ' GI - 1-1 • — i' . l 'flenei••• Cylin / ORIGINAL SIGN OF , TILE 'DEE IIVE.' - -',lnc.4'l.liay Rol . r - '.: 7. 1 Ca•-tin ,, s ter. e 10. I• :, ar .ct st. bet lEee at . 4111, ii. tam-out 1 , , • :^ • . V '4 V - k i . . I • , i • touting Mot t . , ' rITTSBc11 . 011; 1).1.1 1 , llintei-, - s.i:t., T"E's l bserilier Ints - just Intoned I from th2l . Machitterv , , f• 1 . Eastern Cities, having purAftsel the Lar.-. 1 Chine's whicli I qrs.'. and Most comiqxn - •r assortmet jof I:re-s. I 'We' teiht a I Goods. Sh4i.t.ls, Taleini.,,Cloll:7., scarp!, lion- e 1, deeetkx,y but `Furnishing -Good,;. , mr.iing Goo . :11 , . , Needle i : • i ,1 i . 31 Wnsk. liosiiery ,Ilibbous,, aw It l full_ai , - . ortment I ; S.f-ls,r qt.( lof all kinds of Don - le-tie an every Other ariiele i toe,n.--1 e• ; het e• - nally kei - A in r. first el - .ss . Dry (;50 - 41 IL.-a , e. of y olle ol,citil 1 As many (If t6^. :thove articics neve 1..4.c.ni.t of ; ;01 •.• tumid!, , 1 I the Irerorters, and at till. 1ar.,.-e • 1 - { 1 -v, t.,: re;i , c el i .1 $- - Itittlil,m sales d;iriig last :11 - teli, - -,• ri••e c " . - . . 1 oin: , 1 -; I ' , i i Ist- Its, si, 'We are evahlea to offer h goeilwr.nv articles at :1 •,,, , 4 t ,, 1‘ ;:,,, i , • ' LESS thin. 14:e Coil of IMPORTA:fION. 11 .- :.: 1 . j, in ,.,..,, 1, 'We wnl.l be plea-el to have Ilia Im.Kascen !i . .:,•„1; 'it.re.i . ,l or strovr:i.t. ore sincr; to rrsromnas. !and the , ' the ,t ine, ' ai, , f politic generally. n., we 'think it vionfd• be f , . 1 ... 0rk d with the relvanta.o..e of all to c;01 and txt•ligg F01t...! • . 1 . t amo , nt.vrs before rolrclitsio.4: e'ke7lirire. ' 7 ; C- ri A,N.' 7 :ONL LOVE. i: 1 q r . fl , :orn . 1 rlyl Voni. - z, Stevenson & Lovci_and Love ) , i I 1 j! Brot s he •s• - .), No. 71 .M:lrli-. ' str:€et.l lirtween :i •thirfoeiliii 1 ' }Perth -rid 1 1 . n "la ter ,, ,' - l'tts S'. It 1.8 '-' r -•:-• b I" . 1' t. 0 i..• —, • ..... . _. , .... e.er, y I .at , i ) -.. •I I - NorreE. - . er,iiia 5I go '.. . I XT.,LIp . cl . r.ions knotri•:,...; theafselvei indehtt , 4l ;r:"orif.s ara_sti to me fur' nt4'r , rl re.-rict =. of longer 'tairlin.:,• I,u'u".: of the' than Imic,. -ear. will filea i T call and I :fettlo the I;t°' l, 11 , 114 2 ,11 Y i same, either by pily,q . p ,e( or . .0.,,i. ~.,,yi hatri, - ,oa i,b .. 111 1.4 1 • or le: , forelhe first day of Jaen try next often; --- 1 -;,1„ ki,, ivi:ich Lwill ,itbmit ail my ol!i itiLf.etile.l'occoonts k 1 k: into the hands Gran.ngent for collecti.n),. " 'ii - g - multit.t ; ' , . 1 . 1E 'JACKSON' ; lI.P •It 4 .tiro Fallstori, Nov. 10.18:37. " - . ! - ;;reti the kites, -- , i ENECUTOInt N.OIIIIE. , I -and i ts now A. LT' Tlrsons knowing: theritscheg lindehte.l ',carkty of li, . to the estate of Mrs.-june Cl.srk,' tlee'd, .1 14. Singlij late of Mnt township, Beaver co. rtrei re4ne.t.., .2... `P.lock ed to make ii mediate paytnetit,aod thon having i continuous go claims will - pre.:ent 'them to the sub,..retiber; i:' Bd, I4'-i"1 in said Ownship, pro! . erly nuthentkfatedzfor i base: settlem -en . E. W. BARRIS, Extieutor.', 1 •Ai this la' . Nov. 2>, 1f57. , - ' • ' .. 1 ....• ~ ,, l onliFit fail -- - -- 1 . i in t • "nai I II , r ' t4r.-1 - • ORiee and I site-the Marl; • Bridge wati tole is this; .1: 11 (F * trill find its , icay crican inresia eat?, tpitai — t ' ' a ae ! .lope industry, nt.dr an.? honesty be .witb which cg capital must; -ray ITHE liIORBION Ithin sreaks of tiro nnowi: ler.der - and'pr ,l A men,,a'rrned titnents of de• ti:ound.l 4 ci . camp s'ervioe; eannim neid i and factflry, 1 o:s aro manuf nt Hartford. i whet with struc tl they Shore :etri il•lln ADMINISTRAtOPk'S_ , • 7.L prsons theroselv,s- livlehterl ; to-. the eAtate of Vim Itol,ins ,, n, ha , . of Borough :township, Beim: cotinty, tleeete , l. lore requeked to make inune.linee pl37rnent, on ‘l those linvinm claims will pregent thorn Iproperiy opthentie4.tarror eettleinent, to the snbgeriber in teisoship. ELIZABETH LOGAN, ' SOY. 20, 1,857. - Aglmlnistktriz. — IVILSON CIIILDS &I, Co. Wholesale Dealers in Forei ,, n.iDornesii.; • 11 31X 715.1" Qia - 1 SCBIA 5.Wa toad Stret!, oppoilte St. 01.:ir;'es Hotfl - I T P I ITTSBURGEI,II7NN.A, • - - - k fIE now receiving apd will be ready to CI ,: hibii to the trade by the' 10th of Septent-, ber, a _very large find attractive stock f , Fall Dry Goods and Noiions, to whielt 'the attention of Merchantsilironzhout: the Irestlis respetfully solicited. , I 1 BONN :TS & 1111111ONS.-IVe are ireeeiving ILI fres stipplies every week throughout the scason, off the most fashionable. Styles' June 4. , i r ' I': M. T al .- Lo l a. Go\ leather patent tip'Boots ffir Ladieg' at the Shoe store'of - i - `l, i .Ba nstre & Sic kEris oN-, doll I. - Stewart's Row, BriPewater. • pafaKrTiter rind Egji, by " A. -S. a i lityEY. 1 1 July 1 5 '57 N0..8 SiewPrt's sow. 'VAST 2olored Lawns. from lit cents 1 • White Brilliants,' from 10 eta Figured ;do from 121 cents Lap. Embroideries, and ail kinds of nillitegooils at greatly vidneed prices, for;3o days,;, sit I, 7 uly. 24 • TAYLOR'S. . -- CIIAMbERLIN & CUTFIBERTSON, Atterneis and Counsellors at Law: Mica on BIN:4 14 1ml, aidoor below Merrick House `lsew Brighton. aprl9 Tr- •Woot. Gocklik r -Sacire, 11+1% OPers AM. ea cuffs, sleeves, Ladies' merino Ttifse4 . ; Tittorin k.s., Irene(' TAYLOR'S. ;: , . be made ry l ite as :Is :Ina =I IFlt, o Au-'‘" gr ' ; '1857 tu(4.?:Ft..rii14,3114,:.01u4.7. !Immix. Trigig - A - itilz6ii ; : lit; ,44c0 _ I . : (7°",er - 0,/ Ifiri4tn 4th srii- , 11., - , , N 1 . PI "I'S UG11; IPA: NI , Itt, hifligo . , o:eplic .Aql(l,.WYte" a l p' c,ai.114 WAL, , :, Ala , Licr, r!;%tra , .4 L ,, gc:ou.d, , gi oy;!olil 6. c';.1:: , •, ,,, 1, : 1 , flit. I. - ir 4.1 . ,j1 -: ri mill:iin, : l'ilroinie 6 I.4T.ti: 1' , .110w do. I*l)oT.:l4c!lri.. V , e= ; • i llPtilw Rc.1.151.,a3.1..., 1 rixi!, %•„1ic,..v1,e 1,r 0‘1 , , i ,„ . ',4tarch,,l„l , !-ia Ci . i . a:k. Poty,-ois',. i,tla.s . ,? T . trti I ~ i pet!ii;!e,‘;att.i,-;1... Carla:ll6.l.A t:•;iiirt;;;9aip Idl . 'lloarli.7t!r!!!;',l':,l flp , • , a , „ . tiles;;! ter: Eft. i % .9' , !!i/rN Ctiti:::ll - •:'..r..1.. :Al s -7L - ini, i'ti!niftpir,-- t'n I. [ , enttr; '0. , . A,y ,, C=. ! -- 1 , 11 - 1-i...: Polt:r4f%'ll„-.1,3../.,es ~.r ill -..1 1 ,,J ! , 1 gnil i N ~ i10;, , y1)..,4,!,,, , -. 4! Il!iti C - xtiae-- ta-, 1 11611::20 trittrr,.. 16 i. , , , 1 , b,-17ti (1..6in tinmit... looth 1-,,!1;t,f owl i'ov.l , 4e. I 'P . ' Cat. :-. ta a 7 .,t,; Rai, 11ruslo.,; F:ro Tr.; h 1:1I:-Ir. , -% Wlt It.! Wvsli ~,). rivii= . ,c 4,, ci; ; 4 6:11,„:€:!..;.;,:4 i 1'a,..1;,; l'.l . tualo:i .. !.:Iplit.I.:111t-, il:s, !.;‘.1t,'... , i. th o , -,.., :; - 0 4, „,. .c.:1:..'. ME ritud ecta- and fmnd [ntnny r ,4 I . zlieve EIB ME &,n'- !is nu I !divine 1 15, ver t vin iton •rf,.rin r, v. ra; It nu,i Yar:1 . 15 , 11 11c.24!e.,. 2 • =MI E ME 2..:; . ,„ • • ': . : ..., .. - `I ..: . - -..•-. 'l' ---- ` ' -i ~.- ' ' ,4. vizr . is • Torfible, !. \\\\ l.rtilEND.7 Cit;7'r , .tul:st.::::.angpr,t. ' . ftT:i - i -:' ,. ,,,,rie:SH-Ti...it k \VI ciuturrsti:l dt.ihtitiltt- tiro '5i , .',.4 it LT: i:1: , 1:`i-F.:-..i.::in.1:1 1 ,1” it. 3 Tari,iii, - I,ecneh.ti-... t i',l-s; II: , wiAti4l , ,. :icy t.l.itvoo . hilt:: ~ .‘t.'lcll : ist ris t i tit,.,f - plcc i, & ,, t tio-i.tiritrt , .:, .V, ;11: :VI; i ..1 It . p•Fp.t . ly ttt ti,•.ir lot , ;(*t to.. t . t ra tY,iii , a,tall 3, 4 , - . tl ryre . /e,licg, to l'ittsloirrill; IT:f% I mi . : t05 . .i: , ,..:' not .to I , e 1:11.1t•rsol.i. Sloc:,t. ofthe.ile s t ; - .:::,..t . i irditi,:i•qi r i toai i:hi. ...,` , , t b s ,i n i s ; lit t q,t , ,,..i i dr,' i . : „ ... . atttl *tyri:niiinstit,iii wcriiint , i. A 4,.1.1 to It, I ise i, ,,, tili.O;iept.j - .;',:-;.'.:-ItOp fiTt lifhigesom ' opposite 11. 1 4 11110:as.iilu^ S :r1 /t-. It - . i• • -:, . ~ ~. , ,-..--. ~...„ , - - ~ ;. ; i , c4!-I , ;.1.-a.- !;', .Z, 4 t l ,- .:, • . : . ME ME .11.7.57•::,:r 4 ivc•l - P Neq !:;ock i; FOS "1 • T'V,, f.;.l'-i`: y. , l?r• ;::, '`.;•cf'- 11)) n't ov . C.rlro::-C1(•1•1:;'. 7{.t 1,1• ,- -;:.• ,• • tin . c:i -s.)rt.•k - mit ti plc . , •>i !'' ON LE •—• e " g l 't. llll ly tv“), w:llitattgrai•itt; : pr,ee t:,O city • .11•111o.itic itr e. • • 1 . It.;':1 Ew.XTErt • frciDN:•47.o . T.3 . r. . \kit", : 3. ° • 4., ~er k c l 1 n s %in: it nt toed t!;e di-. EM rt oe3ler 11, t. 4 ,fl, • .. 81-;(lufic a r ilzre % • • ;I°•irtli t I P „ • A • ~ , ‘i J/LIF k 3: 1 I wt.t.r,1'.7.. 1 • ' I o , ,•-• • • •71 - t A " 3 •1 t• Pl‘`.l , 1..3 "'` • ' 11`t '• % 1 1 a' + 11 I ' • '7l . 4/%1 - . !;) ‘, • .1_ L. .1, t c;:c- 1 1t,,1 It A,; i • • t . . ~.,; I eat) 1 , • 11.-i in 1 t , '1 It is .: t 7 t t 'L ber ` 0, .! ,19fLer -.e .1, : r.er IC: 1 A I I.l' 1/ h. 1 --II tj , e 1 , 11 ,:z p u c l! •ki awl ..11rer . ;r u I . . rzonoro., berth, %Lstell, No 2, ,vat t AC %ED: H.+ ,DI A :l-4 At, IS atl.el .rvi t. Jcv. It.. 111.1! 1.1.* rep . V lir..I:11 Mr tits`:' .4 Plate,' V3llOl, Om. , can be 1.:1.1 whet 1 o.!. llat t it pt r i t Dirt ..tr. I'lizto,. }could rcc . uutirr.l him to my ol , Psast, , metb (Cr anythin - • ta'li,s linc. • - ' Arr. '2.`.! '57. N11•11.tillY P 1170'4. Pr'd` " "ellnier 6 . t . v .4 • No, • __ • rpr.. stilr-erlber II:Iv - mg just !lei! an.l large ftt.,ortiaent Of rug, , Pater.t „ill ny respe;tf.tily int 4 ertn -, tile citi i s f,, r :fn.; of 13.:11'zowater aria al3bininr b-ze-t., that, iter,theY troy obtain • thing ,n as n be cheap 11`.. they cm'be, prtreimqel air Pitt,f•lirg, r t oany other city west cf the tlyntat,i j in , Flay ,)n. st ;cote,: by ft c• - reful anq'txperi envoi ; c anot :nil t give ,itt:sraelion. Pth,•Thantrol,..lThrj"; ,, t Civ.rt, t; tu-tort {t cry T o. ”f both irt , ,, 11,1• - ••• :in :1 strlneer, ,, feeling klwt ho Am o ry 4 , en.n 1 )0th 'apply, ,ti , -ty he asts 'yonlk rat lie this 431 re&qe..l “er•-• e. , • • r .,ektnzent 01;6, 0 1 11,e-ei n e rs 1- 11(• Cell well eli 3 Opor tit:4% i..i iasie vre l .. 1 to the rtiViel)tlf , t . ttriet:t rttre 'wine% hrati:::s ca r tueilic l and snortmentai, por:0 50 ctrge stock of elga.s,pn.l toh tan lar ietl tell,cheaperthanthey C tn i,:.. l ll:l:g:t A foil fie,3oltilliCst. nl[ hair oils tine" soars nod rrto''"?' on hantlWzit tth t r:d..•-•txn`` , 6.I.NII;E:fitILUAL i 1 al y ‘lll - IT S 11 Al ISMS ) c" • .t.• HE , 1 . I ts)li W he = MEE 13 , J: ver. Idew Law.c.:9;ce co • ih vr ., v it S :111.41:!.e:i . y, ; dot; 13ri I , l..nrater, itlei,:!;,4ti • 1 11' c ,t Alleghepy , 1 Veritinel'. Co. I:uticr IBM Imp , 14,i) • 6 bqttli i flociicA linnts' en I b. ( D. rence k ecri l luterl ti) , Cistfda• propriv to lin i ever becti I lio-ge 1115( , ) , . ~ i Pfillele,.fol ~ , ,; :. : :::. )^ ', 7 ' ; n 11„ 1 .1 1 1 . C 6 s 1: 1 ) i l i l L:4 - i it :i. r ti t I Y r i I u 1 ull!u 11. 1 elsewhere oriost no. Ai. i• • • I- • -e , tetnes 'ku`lu e ,'lr - constant - 13 i nveY tur , r , ;" Bricig i tratler., - IV E l tl_ .l2 '-Iiilr .. 1;"; 187,'7.:•" , _ • - . , ______ Lit ` e . m , ter " '' 1 . . 1,/ . ' ' ,711E UNI/EIISIG'NED 1 rzistiton'..d vieinity, that lie lots r , Ere . :,.. Qeetrot ernicartl , tth estah:ishroent tilt e-.- II )r -.,. 3 7 y r iVotii,l beg leo.vel to inform the eatzett -of i 1,.' er n At ill ) l. i.l t i t t' el i ty t i r i c , e n r:o P : l l:i L i t i eletrtblirte'el :lifl,:b.erlii:lnpg..gy:iftlaelni.l7lll..,e:l44lilsitid" cof t r pi j i : ., e .: r . ;ll i . c hieetio.ii •‘111" •contione to .° l .pl;-OE, Alertn4...tr 1:6; ,, : * 7 i l t ii gr. "., 1 t',.l:rth • •li+l- , le , l rentoril of ~t iffeiist-'''`Of I‘r • s". the Ltt- i ow.; Litt,ll. •. ~ ' 3. - C. IiNAIV. . ibey pit `,.. New Brighien, Po.; June`:,•4lBs7. JR' , e r 1 1414 1 t belon !dre.sj pa're the l t igher 1 J. JI ttles, PSSO ies al., 'LATE, its in Fing.i7 ..4 1 1 eile: l lr - Beinl.:cr _ . at • " `TOLL prai 1)t (I - a ie. the Not th— -1;021 I ow. re now rNa F . the Best quality... always on hand, se' where ha i , st-the raides'or delit%srod, .Ordert COM. otldreosio to - the:unileeisigned. it° Filleted Bea . ittetl44 40 - • • ; - R. iVOPEB LAIRD. -'-- MIL 9 MEM nsc -IL-.:-STEILUNG 1.14a1e . -Excitl Iltudi'SOrr Coror:. Areth: I . h-I . ol'lol "'Pk ! .l • 'CT.IP:NTS '43(- I.3tltp...,Yots•.aotl Drafts iiptly utteade.l .to ror aniX;curren' eked tirt deposit.' June 11:5 ENE Eilffl ESE