The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, December 09, 1857, Image 3

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4 , From 4 be. 3PI. 1044 4 1 P 4 , 1,4 0 ......
f i r k liSli Piing! 1 -.74r 4 ::
' p .. t,
. - s Tiie r Mississirpi hees tu'e did not Httd "
j,, nr i l , w ithout onlorsing tirtli.i u* - 6 4 :
p harle awl Onqualified . itOt iirlkitot:ces4*,
,j,„J mixt:ring ri - it d mei. 1 1 4 doveimor,
E c a4i J. Walker, .pses , -by.thsOist... ,
lion of CO De:worse, o IthelititiileJ at
.lackfen in June ilist. T'e Lcgiiiiitiiie itot
telly- liZ not lo r the s tidnro raised iby,
the rusnasey a th e co °Ocilla - of Of he'
i t
WO ..isfaiiii; biiit woo ; fattier inici,
elsreii tnitshe censure ik ichlasb4en ie..'
led ion littiker, trill bs fully lip iaub! e
tdithe Adinipistretign sMr. Buchanan,
if . hdapproo and suits s - tbe'cistidoit of
his stfaehetPus npitiritep ,
~ . •
_ Thp r eiointiop"niquitt ered in the, 8 -
'ie . b i Mr. •Pc tttto, the. p , i 4 it*, 'office of
that iiii-y, codsreeed the dmitnalritino In
= ..
the ctiostire - ptoLq3tnicid t i thing qualifies-
tion ot. reserrr.tiT• :-. ,- - - .; •
.1 _.E.111.4 of-- (lei ' ~, ,n na Brief-
Cod eully epprored thedi
tr iiii lutione ,coniiiir
ing wr" lkor, lint
t lesrnestl irgaa.-jun--
11Q ard tropic y tf isutipending tiO, 'Or
=tlict against.the l'resident until -Opplitutti
; ty . is affording Inns to aritring or disarciir
, ',ling, hi his ennuulliseesagel Ppm) to btr-tielv
, I.crcd,lthe crnnioil ncta , Walker. ' I
-. -I.'Or flip sPke e keno° ) the reiiiiltitirine
: 1
- I;rere mended to enit *bol l as ter VICIA:11, -end
;w e re ladirpted ith but= four dirsentilog
viier4 • • I: 1- .I___.-4
, j
Inihe linos; the res t dons reitenittitg
the lone plait° in rt. "lion • t 9 Welker,
were idopted irit oul .a dfisenlihg re'sUde‘
- -- TCprirolution plating kci the Preside t
, ( an d iepsuritig hip for a , reinoving r ~:
I her) l'eeiteil 4 w rto di en ion, and on t o
- final vote TrtFsed y a ins ority of , tlesi o
1 1:1,,,,
. 4 .1 4
ene _. 4 ,„ ie To o n rig Anet , t r because_ii, u!u.
I tint '=' (Jr enoughonaoth on the pound
g?- , i I t. • i
stated by Mr. (Ai itono. I ',l l rat Pro
pert;?' exTress no "pinion' i r= c l. l r an
,te d i e
colic_ a the P sident 4 tin ,i t ,, L i ck , 4 ,
that - iiii‘ - condnet of \l'al.4 haii'_Oceirid
, . L
/ Ids 'tl)pter:ll.
I /, i
Op the mans; il las to ecnifli
tineepinion nal
i t of the 'L gi
1 `All m ad 'ii ii, theiciiiin
e ther.
er brin,
in npp
riure. N,
o e ,6 , 'pentodra:le- State
ebncidrd in 0:4 etienetron
li.ilai , ‘ , l thP n'n tuierveni
the ic on s a sn I ill,. 1 and t
.r. , iseid frinti oneigrade.l
-- ,
• L"fr--from Ii ! enunci:
elariOrl eh eree against it
iusehht deelarafiene to tit
cetivintion, to .hin, at Litr
ef 11,e authority or the Te
- tun.:is elteicle upethe sal
o tinn-pt-iti own 111 tethers,- '
i ll
of Ihri,fro-tdaveky delega
in thi. crnviefion that. i
&lea r4,t de:a. Jai Lies tit'
acts.—if he does t tit disa.v
RUTlaqt,i by his it Structifin
ell by '6i. arprovalii-he des
turtinte of denueertie.n it
piittrtd in' bitter t,',rrents
11(.41 of Gem. Wet ber.
' Thei only questi hof a - '
in'thertitue when is verill
rit'llLejd . St..nul - i 'd, the
made ant--the P f .st estatell
pli.-ityuf the Ad nitratle
I v
in the pe.ipetrr.tio ff thes
upon the. South--ts :areal!
argued! in fhvek of 'mire A
truce until furtber,opparl
l'resiettnt itovintiieate bi
from Ito. damning an aeo
the Conititutinn, and frail
nhichl in the Ptedatotiarl..
euply)!..a VS a J O
part. 1 t . -
j il_.
!II . J
DeathGhddon, 1
I 'j j
_ 4rge A. Gieeldon, 1, to ifell rtiPTi i ii
rgyiln. l n nreheanlo'gist; i it Pinhoia
nn tht!lGtn of N. l'enthet'! ill ti sraf-41 1 n
- in Eneaud about he ye i 1807, 4iiii - it
211 (41i age went 9 Egypt, is brire hip fath
er w i r -the Aill' can ' itel' nu; cifiqe
u hide, Mr. Gliebin .intseli ter ardS bilif.
. Wheripleln met', i wail oje ting th.ose
national enterprise rativ t ltt vo one flinch
.to implore Egypt, Mr. 6.11 on sr eed4i
- itt impressing the ',.teha-iii r tit. - itl a thit
t o
Antennae tottellinclr wc , . b% t su, ' rve
hispuf,poses, and II erehy NI Ued a market
i p•
for the, proe'.uctinets !of Ao * 4 icon inteniniy
untl sltitl. Ile• I " ante !, n nth distie
ineenheir of ,the,,Vg wisp z ) jeti of Ale-'
audrisr and - a:vain 4 Cote! ondc h t 611)r.
3lorton,the ethin at tract 11 gift, orhotp he
furnished with* ral hu" , sktills from
all parss of the va lle y of t • Nile it eon
!fiti-,rable expenseand 'per pl ii;k. The
rerultsof Dr. Mnrion's e ' it4Stintia were
- .published in a lxiok - eledi td 31r.t Gliti
ttlon; and threw lunch ligh the difficult
-tineati4us Which hail 'been i attd with - t•
j„.ttni tit the ancientl Egypt ' I 'i 1
At one kriod 0c.31r. GI 4 n'a residence
in Egypt, ho became into* d in' She int
ents of the projected ship* all aerilas the
lability! pf Suez , !end made - a 'Putney to
England to advice:a that tn sure.) Soon
i t l
after, Mr. Glidden transit his rtSidente
to the 'United Statfr. mf;, , l hg sojourn in
Egyps*and extensive researehes into its an.
,tiquitiep Procuridl for hill' 'twiny Invisi
tons t lecture on subject connected with
that entry. it'eourse el 1' tares deliv
ered lit. him beforcl the Lo e I instiyut* of
/ 1000 % - rePettteti in New i ll' and Dltiht
delphis, and afterwards Wished', :did
!tench sh.di' tuinite.a kno ledge Of Egypt
tian tea • hes anti awake fresh interest
la them. "In 1854, in eon eetion
,with Dr
J. II 'Not,' , of Mobile,3 liddon" pug.
LLeil rrypos cf 'Mankind, / _ It onntainei
Pliers fby I several! distin i ed me of
. seient and being ' i addrese' o ;the 01)u
-jut, tast, had an exteinsive Ir A'. itap
. Nettle, to this work - isantalif ni the press
in the pring — of the pre t p lycl i ar, under
the iitle 'of "Indigenous acts of =the
Earth : .-;. - , i - . - • -!..4 -
„J. illptil last, Mr. GI d ii saileit - fair
~..c*i., , ,aving - beeorno„l' neeted - irrieb
i l 'e itri' railway scb ine:l- , )Fie =teas
"1 ItiL tarn, to the Unit edi Lea when he
died, '
his decease l iras pal runty cotter
rbut re fin
1, ,i. a - Y Y II —A .Y. . Past.
Tite mil
- iluistigt., ] R
- seem, to-tie min I
"se rters Oit.theitobj ta
. .
,Ily no or which ta t Cott' ti
Tetioi in Kamm tobi:,..
14 Perspltek of ao act of 1 1
lDng it Coovention. No . :le
entsutitated. A BPI for t .. 4 .
Paltedits_thy Senate, tint tirt
rkiliq ty th e , u 0,24.: Thal
"" 11 ^1fted t 7 an aot tillibe
Sislattirs.--Aid. "matte"'
~. -
~~ ~;.
State col
fare, a rid
mud that
as such
Statefi, any
having; a »
erty, :his
I If thole
line illy°.
organic or .
Zoo of one
and bziogio r
and most
aro, direct
lions of a r ,;41
ted, is the
ty, , and of t
and deelar
shall .be en
Xioi o
I Porartylvan
- Demaersta
There is '
ibis State t
ject say- ai
howefrer, a
fuPPit 0(
flop:l—Phil ,
• -
1 We bare
rn Comfit
tion recent]
To ritory, t ,
There was i
wished to. cm
very; hut th
Wien to be
and also,•se ,r..
eri.. We n
last point:
"lf this r
by the elect a
votes given r
given for'sla el
tion shall de C
shall be part 1
t Walker' a l d
principles titf
be had pri
rimiwtlity to
on of his '",ieft
out h, aod . hts
friihpipa j tion
ri origki,!gtsla
d ty of the elve
n his r,• emir
•s All United
ate Preside t
I ,
these erimio. 1
w them as IM.
r .
and tususlin 1 -
erres the, eau e
fliiich has be u
pon the guilty
F - L'
i'fterenee related
tlshould be pr.})-
te ase is already
sainf,, , the COII
PIO IC lib IValker
;weighty wrongs
dear-, others
I -
on of the sea-
Liii afforded the
f treachery to
upon the Stat7s
lection, gner= -
fence and 't,u2-
any•Stato ,
United Slat , '
lip !milets.' i'
and their de .
within this
cipated *bit
era. And ii
bo given a:.
ing section
rights, -and
_ g'Sre
nor involus
whereof Mt
1. iltx.. Ain .
parted a gen
ety yesterrla •
they came .1
There was no
eery the rcs 1
Morning, th
holiday loolt t
bartor hatltt
ni pilot boat;
burgees out
- ioncitieted o
lie houscs in
in the
out; fire
house fr
whim' joy
vigorous •
less dew
is entripi
Smut ,
Phelps (I
of this cii
Or of thh
ter carri
ing for to
well mad(
fine assart
with a fa!,
fur glover,
much belo‘
ers are debt
sales. will be
1.3 n, to mak(
J . L.
8111,Ther ,
at aty nan.,
very - beat -414 i
fiith in thetn.
We speak
which came
for. Liver Co
. .
snag from a i
Lists of so
favor, indu
tine is certain t
blessings eve}
snide a eompl
was taken, 42
•xttable' with
tag but thm
often that g
to say to all
plaint or Dy 1
to try' this
T l 3 antboi
ti al Coal
! Eloateptthe
nig author
cactastire Ina
,a r p o o
D4:?t eauenp.
'rut* "al
Ter and dm"
Coisiqy P.
aged llbxst
, deb
, 411.'41
es - , , - .llterit
the Prdtectfoil Of
'Which. is new4ece i ..ased
mietitUtic' ur of ate Puffed
w Of a Staid td 141 esidir,ary
g. ' So far from sn*l'SraLl
toltlep!iyirldui of his prop.
Mtitclettlitytoitinteit him
~ 4,4 t ili i I ,r, i ,••••
-1 0 -am e 0 0 3 4-rro
_, -Fa' htt-:
difficult to invalidate them
t it ill State - taws; Whether
t" ise, Whichlthilit I* citi
tto from settl n L itt tintbei,
:; Ily declaring it
is slava property ' ith.him,,
) forfeited,
lions of the or ' ' al Hinton. i
r . meat whieb;as htilbristis.
) ' lion of pere4till,d7roer.
t . Constitution of th e. . blind
...ises Property 1,. , 41 .',0 41 14 {
I at , tlse Wizens ?r etWtl agate
ti . to all the privileges Sad
r .1` dins in the severalStaies,"
I. t essential of Iwllli i iilis,slo
. .. and property! 1 1 , 1 .‘ 1
6 , - Are ta beearisedut in
, there' would not her ough
Pt . - fi ll an omnibus E.l, -1
a CongrectiOnnr4intfte ? in
it , would -not- ounsuitisensly i re.
a offering- himself wi th! such
ia'Satmer. ) &eh jewirilitins,•
i happy sympathy . : with 'a
to Calhoun tounontyi,en Sen.
• 1
, oss. • 1 I
1 lc
. ii i .
t I ING ON OLA .13R 1
1 OREGO N .: . .1 4 , ; i
• . . .I_i -O r
ore us a copy of the 10re...
i.. ; adopted by the'; &Est
•,. mblrd at Saha) °
f ;
:e •cr With thel l i itchedulo,
• , : 1. 4
a ty in, the _Convention l[
. 1
•L the CanstitntFon ,
ubmitted the:entire qonsti
ly voted on by the *nide,
toiy, tie `qiestt ; ln :,of islav ! ,
. the-. provisions' on this
' l i I: .
I titration Phan be itieCepied
I, and a majorjty r of all' the
..n.I against slavery66.iiil Le
then, the following I Spi
t e.d to. the ,bill till rightiyind
this cionstithtian. l jI i
s.. a lawfully held as ` 4 S 3iCS
t„. 11
ritory, t.r DlStrints of the
, ntler the lawsthereof. "411
this State, aollisuaitstaTes
ii t c l l; ll i t t s elTai lm Dtn i n i t l i b lan.
the consent of Itheir! Olen.
..ajority of such votes 'AI4III
slavery, then the' folleV•
I be added to the bill iof
'a I he a part of . this Consiti
; . •
e stall be neither I sl a very
servitude in :this - . ..State,
• kii. punishment fur Crime,
:. y-' shall have' Lein', duly Intelligeneir. I.; 'i ,
• lAifN n
eO,, ma jo r i ty .t
o ,lowle the tourfecal of srici-
Alost men - looked baPpyi an
to their busities.9; rods
'Og throughout 'Abel day to
4hat was announced in the
rbole town vot e a bright
ilany of the rental* in th'e
tar flags flyiugi a paver
,out to sea jwitt! their
Nt as 'Urge as; their jites
,3d news that "we bed
ing." Many of. the pub -1
suburban, cities, as well
nroper, bad their cobra
exhibited F . fie* the
distinguished citiscot,
tefeat of IVOod Was too
It to be
,satisfied with
iethods of !esPierariOn.
an tb '
factory et Manhattan
4ori and rang the, bell
Mayor elect.
as., Dec. 17--Awscn
was re-elected Maier
.ass., Dec. 7.+ 4. I H.
' was_melected, May
/ plurality over Mr.
candidate. Thilat
it: Council's. I .
- • I, ,":
--- C lo t h -
I First Clem: 0..
q at prices to snit Abe
the above amount of
now :on hands,' and . i
?ce for enstom'iwerk i .
Eire stock of Wte e lt and
shawle,toofflera, Oirta i .
beginito4lay a general
the *hole, AL ;prides
regular rates. , Cash br
ft-eX t lo
am . the Stock, Se.
tinued t oghout the
. for the Spring Trade.
NAG RAN; A llegilisi,.. 3 4 ,
... ,
hundreds "of.retnediesiOl
tore, purporting to cdre
'le, each advertised'"s :
ocien„ . - till we had liet
I , but there is'one noel
. Sanford's Invigormt..
:recommended 'a; a e p ic ,
triple, ;and all dismsis -
d" ea Liier. Tho testate'
sy of onr -Physieiens.l i in
us - to try . it, and now otonxip.
.nt it is one of the grestee:t
vce to Dy . gpeptica r , lib
' tore before the'finit 4 6ii,
I now we eat: eat an ) ' bfej
oblei - while before:tic:4-
' • t food :mild" digest before
pain.- Now what ire guilt
nuttier, isi if Liter' PIM.
'amenbie yon; dii , not iiil
greatest .regiedy- ill tl?
O. Vunniogba
_ ! 6 alt.,,st the•B
ou r , Wu. 'titan o4
:;a:. ...
iir' 7 '
11/ 09 1 ,
;9gra. !LISA
ft Nat
• - '
I,steur ' - _
do u. 1 s i
~„ ~ ; 5 . , i- 14 .
' 1 . ,•' - ' 1 ::
lot QV ioin'be eol
• I I RI iii ii li;
ire oneod land&
-li ' : D. 111.*A.-4.,
*I-4, kials -i
1 ,
1)&10 iNgeni
It 'dais /gni
- !
rladsly -
• .
le, os4
;T on -..
i in'
! I IP:
1- 11 Viinedee Oa, - - " , •Thil I °l o o . Old
ntedichle ranks among the .- Mittessa;
de* f life. -DisPePri' hOlssi igailti4
arid Rhona disorders, ire' coin to all
em init. Teti of thinned, die of- Am;
and to sulfctiQdcr them their '
°wit are°.
iti`,flim! is a Wag death: Now ' it it'i. a tact
ic i
as welliestabliShed, is t it thc sun lights
the irerld," that: thew! Pala in v a r ia bly cite_
the sib ve nsun#l.tualadios, in al; dim Pro.
Lean Ifo I. t.tiro- they not, thin, articiai
of pri 12 - 110C/Sity T I A 13i does not , the
t i m
h :a l of a family -"rata neglects tdadminia.
to the to ' thn‘aieir et - his own ,bough Old,
incur, a heavy respouribilicy? . If inrocif of
Vie.!hei cacy,id desired, it is offered tin tho
shapirOf volumes cf I authentic ina - Oniony'
front otiery nation on itho face of the;earth. 1
d HAiR 1ik1.31 DRe 6 TOIL- - Pro f. (Wood
A larders in our . eohints his valuable i onedi:
eine ..4 1 . metering hnii, an for ' ttielleren
tio. o f . baldness, dm; This r emedy has",
been usfd quiti.extentisely, and" With great
su Hundreds, nay, • tbonaanda hale I
used i!,and arti willing to testr to :its of
Scacy. d !the ativertiseme t--go at
onco'lto 1 procure a bottle, an iiroro its
vi tile. I Otu good old bald h wci [oche !
101 l frie n ds shotild embrace: hil opportunity
to l eoye4 then. fates Ifni, At e , t, of rich,
halcutiant heir.---[lndianspgr ilsowouto
tiv.l - 1r ' ..' li
1 ---.• ! cad htDr• 04-Cannin g "'EIJI
wet anii,l)ruggi?ts generalty. 1.
---7-, --5......•----- tl
lit B rentia*We' es Fluid .Extractoj Sar ,
aria itand illandefron, - the
, li m lfed sad
, only nn for Bercfuli, Blotches
'Eatarg4taent ot i the...Ho:Mtn, and aI. we.
.one whom,. 2016',F0r
,sale at P. p root l et
Bearer 1 , Kais & ilki'*, . Iti) ttir; - Fa•
Thinking, Wh eeling, ven
s. Gael 4 t. - ~ 1
I BEA . *Ea' X 3BKET
, . Bak's', Dec. pi • 1107
(Cogled , t ileekty:)"
FLO ft—per landred. .... 182.50 -
RIR FLOLTB+-pei ;toe
WUC . 4 85
fi 45
CORN—per 45
purrp er a-40
EGCS--p ..«14../. 12.-
Olat—tiejt 25a21
lc l
P 1:tiB.08 MAR . 111 . .
1 . 11__Pirsimuqou, Deo. Bei
>1 57
Fulda Es. 111108,41,:Family fz, 00
l i
'WHEA.T-4etinteke!. »,..... .. 1 ... 1 4.08 8.. i
;04_154!---pee ilia.. ......... 1 .:..4 , a 45
UTU4PceI; bn e1.::...4.. ...... ''. 88
OATS-pee I 1ke1.....:-. - 1 .-1 80
HAY-4ei teni,........,1...,
l'OTAiTOriS t it4 binhe
BUTl f fillper pound,
FAGS—pee dozen... .:
VACON--51.ontdie I 4
I i f
-",-- --, - T O ,_.
1 ' [ fbnys . ici
NVitZ 4 retau i tlyl
Erni& eat, eri receive sea
Bail,r yal ' 1
'big date to bes 286, 1
Mari for Om con , g year. 1
at the office of mB. 'llfilso, a,
Pa., or any oft •Direct,ors of the
Notice is al :given that the
will receive see ded propeJ m al4l)
responds to be 141 am
Beaver Co. Poer hones,
LARD i ON N' 1, ' . •
4- - • 1 •
, • ' t - p
1 1
1 . 1 ~I .ii sAf.r. Bt ,
, tc•; • .IA.B j :
• 1 . 110- ItSt
ilFidltraterel ' - •-a• .1
ell* In:
is I :
18, W
1 1.... 4 ...atri pm 1;..
8:e , Boh,
'I yet,
iA . fo rm ' of
en - aleirang
We, in SiaVf—
.olllll c which
(r eel* ed litid alo te nt
door le.l Ilia*
is the 'Onusellie F
ell exa in the lass
John Suaitallas; whi
!he all t4e plesio r
atio peftiduing to 41
T e4One•thirdf
bet retho ist day
; Le
, arta o *tisk Ousel
;lilt.° nq 1 annual '
jibe p r shall 1
inymetat ithin . live .
Mos t be kin.* of
1 4yril, 1358; and II
4heae er ihe after
tistoft of the-'
Chi third of the,
• 1 and the To
It, eti eor sale, et •
',tie giv and the bah
liayin t ' s,Pone on the
l!t4e 41 one on.
he If r the lasi
le 4g
wade u the- ,
to the die odes i
1 1
- - S1 I
, urviving
5' 11867 • • •
r -rift
swift.* ,
Nbie P
' • nary
I The
:I the DeVotk
,A 15042 Otb, ee-.
nd tibal; wit.
Intents 12 oilier lot
celo ti
*ate , va on.
Is t ,
• ,
pso, InAi
- c 41 11
of Goa 1...
teg •
ore ion; •
n to
snaky ,
A .7
• w Inil. -r"
me w -11
In, .n s ti v,
Ikegle irk
'dot; le' ~
The li t
`ll , 1.1
ny .
bet* 7 s• 4 . 1
sin . ilmi
i 1i r..... r
1 I I slt i ii
LE oci F etti
of admit,
' ' • na aily bastag
liab or p the *state
et Bri by* . Beare
ions kaoirl themoolv
il kit mediate
lag ol ata ' Inside .
I to t he a bori iti Bel
!On fof thmikout.
1 . .108PP11
e 11' &57.
, C
i P
P l 4rrf
Di 6 ett
diel. et
: f .
41 Row.
t li
1 ee
T .•
ohn •
oo silo
E !'
of Ir
Me Of I.
en which
1 . inende
1 o 4} tier:
.. i . the -Ray
' 111011retly
. e house.: -
by Jennie
et WIC
~,. on 'which
inf. hau*4 "s 1
- hidl'
17 4 ins I
;on . st
' °rani
cin tbn ,
k 3 , ; : ita c.sfi 4
• . ed ti-gnre
. arthq, ii"
I the Indi
i or. 16.
tom. keg.
col Elms,
No, 4. P 1
Tl; - ,--
:Mint '4)O,
9th thk
,to 'snake
1136 N
.C. f '~a
O ~ • w S ~ .
, R Y!~
j ~/~
1, f
{:-; i,:'
y ~'.:_
~ 't:fClr
r ,_ to which itlie* xigid
teri: 1 ,41 1 , i 7 those 4 Igo, ammo% 14
141:1141 *Me trilitri*Oadng elsoiwil
pl i gierioSid 44 4 l,4 Wye tr than
1111'1 thdel Sod Wrei . PoPhi*
' aides and short*oliti"
:- Insilia 1857. . [ ,-, f-• ", ~
11 11/401
t 1 f
. - .
, ' ,. 1 : • , y L 1. ,:aint........ .„ , ,, i i ..,.,
r;: - ,
i n 0
it 15a TS.
Olt - EIT -4 1 41 D,_ 1: ~ .?) 1
;,11 I T - " - I ''l .: ,' ' ' - , ::', 1 l - ' -i.:'' I,
• : . ' . : I
1 i _
__ r' 1 '4 ..:,.. .
_.,1 .. AS,.
f . i 4E14 [ IVY op -4-PA.
,„ , 1 'i, 4:1. ,-- ','• „ ..,,i 1.-..,1..,
WOUPP-aaillailo blatittroas mid all
1 , !iv.. 'Aelliii:Sisibionsbliirarnmille at ,' a fale
e, thilhe has rec*reeekied - '4anch- to ties
. 4 4 6 1 0 .4 f f hillttitabitolkirbalawi,is
n ir l ini4e. ed t° th for ee . li th % /4
?A a id Wirrqin s hidog with alefooli of emi r
ng excellence. Ii comp - OwePs 'Pr , — '-'-
_f ii_mtneiriolgLauftDisiattea*
t i ., I , ;;;iiii.oigii; Air hilmmid 14
twmi„,) ilndoen.Costaltelraufed with
11144 4 and twk'itliswi ; Pilet,,Leinbiliin Aid-
Sitiiedtt IC' to; Sable , glans, vely. nth ''. and
einr. „ 9 NT% FIN , PANTS.-± the newest
sty! from 1.25 to /Pa., GENT'S VESTS,
or ash, sit , Casbanire, !Mist, Cloth. Satin,
Ac.. Boy's ClathiJeekete, plain and.fluml,'
Bo lad I the": Reklanif, and Seeks. Hoy , '
i ii
nnd Yeutter,: . elm and. lilagliens, Pie TriMmed.
'li y ea id Tsntbi'i Paoli at dl
1 Nes 1640; linelitrinimed; White and colored
Lin , and HaresifesMirte, I:Alder:Cl 'Mang. of
lro ;, Silly Cid, Cottk Winter Olovie and '
Owl field, 'Sole; Melon. Shoulder , -, Bricon
Tiee Cremate, illuspeadein 'Shawls, Cane.; Silk,
bbd ingbied'ilmbroiNie; Carpet Sacks , Ac.
A ergo en Lice, ''of IHECE GOODS, ex,elneive.
ly-f i Ctuitonkwork,_ li kept in Conseetiwilwith
the an d it Is believed that inletiky qual
ity d Ate„ the' whole neat is peel' a one, as
it IT found iti opa establishment. -
' Every Minimal w elt litlwirrantedi Made,
ad d' at low retie,' 1
1 c.t ' . 9 ONLY '. - 414
~17--tf , ,), '
1 1 1 FlVllgittN flag COLLE4S.
9 3 d 4 ARICET SIM,
' PlTTBl l trit PA. ,
oti orgaulied CO MH Llia wc h z h i
47,, s ited State.. i : ,/,, - -',. , •..
i ."'
~ I
T oldeet'and.mod - - a madpe,L.
srOir TAlitiblobtunsitpreeident'oi l the United!
m t
Efts :' - - ' ~ ~ - . -.:
Ii waium wn.xis4 -
Howl Mous Hampton, ; 1 ! /..
Hon! Wings H. Lamm", .
Hon.'s Castile Naixot, l''
“, ,:' i ,
Heel 3. K. ?doeittitan, I. '!' '' 'i
P. DUFF, (intim? ofiPe!s :eyeful!' if ger-,
clothe and Steamboat Debb-keeping) President
of the Vacuity: r' . :i ,
A. 14 BOWDEN; Super i nten dent , With fake as-,
soeinte teachers of llookleepinr,.. ' -..,,-
J.Bl DUNCAN, (*other! Of - Denotes Kenmen
en ) with an amistaat,ltrofeeseratPplOuP
Ornamental Pan chip :\ I,_,_ :,'- "--_ 2 '__t
N. HATCH, Esq. Ellhof„ - J." 'I.I:IICIREPAT
1 . 4 cg, lion: JadgelillANNON:tectnrcre on
- Cepanerdel Law and Nildiel Einnomy-
Rev.l DAVID FEIISI I / 8 01k:Leottner‘on 1 Cern
la al Ethics. ' ,"I
J. I:lllPHy A rTearhei of Detecting Counterf e it
k - Ans. -- -4. I",- .- r ' -
The &Odors of this inekitotitto 'are Instra t
ee' far 1i 'Fiat Premium System of, flpokk 7
. ing; d a lit Premium Spend of Panto nab p..,
rr • First Preittlin Silver' 'Kedah
_-, ' ' '•• and Diplomas - -
U 'been fr vrarded by diferentFairs 'tor Da o
anti lied ayetemaf Bopii-keiping,, and -
cowl' elegant new 'fate* Cot 'business and ne
namentid penimoship. 1 I , . . “
, • :Duff's system of' Book-beeping,jeloaad to
Contain nearly, doable did:61130101r of 3 practi
bullies@ exercises given any, other Comm Ir.,
' College, !and inesupeAerity is attested. ' y
over 4004uulents, after hone three , to elterX
yam , a*aeasifig i inseti n business, (circular
p. 19) yet *lt process teaohini is se perfent.
( i
'y aPd alakillillul by mar twenty years
xpe l r ld
oirtha priaolPst. that`students nes
any to re half the t toe occupied by other
o ° l ' mutat bus i1D1 , 30 gglo la beard. No
time is loot is experimenting epos 'New Sys
'tem of-Teashing,P - or waifs' fin Hee teachers to
writ* oat ornanaeript, artOreinte. One, woof
of sandy 'Whereafter Nava added 'to it; ,
Jam sat Swoo sat Pali / I),m 13 , m0 m Booze. eainple4 'ea of pia tle prepared !ton' the
most - approved forms of %getters and ' Wasters
Bank. and Banks and4hadmii.- -Alas, .. . I
liiittnain Boas, misted from-theforms-if
th e Nov 'fork andExiiktid iblPrwo"l4ll
Railroad booka, • / 1 . 1
- xi siiii,wipanlobi th e:maw' exiiiiiteXneb
it list of esoossolid 'eta:dente; (4ireWar: p 19.)
alma' as liciabriata: ituabiteaPfau; br tallier*,
of Boole keeping and Writing. , I
• ' , Dark •Bookneeplig.` .11orpeog iliTrestap#Kl
e a l . , Price $1.50, postage 20 cants,'
. • ii. gternb:o . - , , pookk i eeping, i Price $ll
tt i r
- Vitas: ' ' 1 I l • - '
pee ge i ,
1 INIUMVS - glillinen Sad Ottausentst Penman.
stip; crown juarto;ss."`nialled pelt paid.' - An
elegantly bound of this; splendid work will
be preaented. to . , every "attidene twho. hereafter
bias l Patas la
,Pc , bualtutki er t ';11111 above warks
fdr fele ivy 'tie book - - 5e11 : . ., 1 1 , 1 _
' 1., Specimens ni , ttniOn'a i ;timanehlp, and
the*: Collegairtudar, Net i ed.mailed fret l
i s66.Addriesnii letters' in the. Principal. ''•
plan* and :
*IC be.
on wishing
entli ,lin Mr
bid, and
in luroi•
pasateor ow
is, ' for tbe.
the bid '
/It th,t
tat ilaX.ot
ill b. ataile
"teed Utile
tbs 60
I:"Tdred pe
AGA will
(Put lownal
,1858' sad
- dedd.
-in the meet
Pregrest Ci
'e• e
said the ,
Imitated tor
tnniediately "
saw la good
'helm the
ey brick
is thi
was [or.
mile be-
J, W„.
the p
I to , t ti ke
sU per
d rl
ItSe i
b 7
I 4
I . Trustee,
04 Pet,
• slimi
f ';i ~ 'f- ': NO T 1
lea ; t , -
' - 41 is pOst . nu teeming ,t 1 hie riediehted
ti werforizlilesi Winieti.; . ot teeter - stealing
that 0 1;•' 11 1! 1 .3steli4 bail 1, 141 , 2:, - 00ha thh
ma. ' el t t Uf a Z at o r i re ), 1 4 8° ,7 note, on
of hithruil ' ' of:Sanuery ;sett; after
. 7 1 ri ara tuiatn.warOlunimuleamicee”ts
into tso art. irrtforfellection. = 1
I 1.
s t,, •' ' , Ei'i JACKIIO/1.
IR,' it 'l. 1857 1 R • N, i , , —.„b„ •
- • ~: f • tiTt5 5 , 11 14 1 k0ct. , .. ,
, wild& imirkg i vildusire. indebted
tuilm ' o r tat "'• AFL Zsa,,cuak 60,4
ii" Mat !larlia 111 100. 0 "°0. Ifs 1 1 4 1 11 0 *,,
td t ti. hkrie l liate PllYiNatoilld ,kaolog
elel till present then to '• th e thoo intiocether,
ii 1.14 torn ship,. pe*etly eetheutheited for -
oulttlootoitt: 1 . - 1, -,-,, , E. W. HAltillik Etentot.
Neve- 25, 57. -- •-' 44 -; lj .. . '• -i` ',
14%1011 T
Elf Crig...!"*...'
..,:0-..,r,;,,1-4 ,- .,
li•_:i. ,- ; -;-
1664 '- ''.'7 .- e ' ' '' '
• *fair
tr,,* ax p
4. has*
taNimr s :',
IIN _1t4'91039 , 1mq ? ',*, •
.periods its." 4l ,ol4l_elyetAnt a bta r
fliq.Altste of .rmg,F !tl° l4ll ars' , ,
—llO- - tmraddlit , i!eaOir,v ) lintiv a
_ te,ll "s
41414A 1
4"l" 4iti rwttl' ll p s! '. icirp„wisiz,
.....;- - . ,444.6. i., the sibscrilmr ,
lit Pad - 1 ' ""'- nnABEIR WWI,
111 *.lki - • 1- i ~A dinis4tratos.
• e.l:. . ,L , li,l, - .- , 1,1 ,- -... , i .. .
A i L
. ' '151.1
- 14Wrc r i.' , i4Viia
• ,•;441;: : :*.i' l lei
X• 1:
~ : , t< ,
"2 '
r y~,.q:r.,ry"
-- .
. -
I *
i lif oi
41 - ": 1 . 4,1
AW •:',':,';'-'-P.
tr -ii=;:li . .
I 1 - :-.4rl i wtht. , ?:,,:t-i
1 ,
ril-guy i -. , ;1 , ---
i t
~- • ,, ,e , 4.i1 - 0: , : - '.. -. :',
J.,: ,:: L.?• I I 4'-- -- 1
r.. ,, . :,.
- 4e,i t - 1--..4,1-t.4):. - . 4: ,-;) 1 4 -.'' ' 1 i.. ".'". '
'" /I - ' e.' • ; .1-r /
2 , l
: ! •::;.,:f.i 4..ii,.-:., ,} •. -. 04 41, ~..--,
—" - Ct . L':: !-- - )1_ , r: - .i.... :,....._ -I- :, t.
,;,, 1 .. 1 ,1-„. , : - i : 1 '; 1 .. , 1 . . ~:.•:,,,,
l'-: q f -f-.:•1 f1,,,,g,..14: , ,.1:‘,4-1:-1 f. , ,l ::...'
- . air i-6, --- -;,-_vg,.-,,,,...,-....,
1 , di d it_ii.. ilyl7-lbek:iittcffiloit.oiriionifiii...,
,6114 - 116 t 1 8 4 "-'n: El4o 'l l POkftl 44l ::iii: - '
i,ollo:l6i*U r- 1 !;• ' 0 1.T if . " 4. 4 4 kj i nd
. - to? . bui6 tit - ~ i .1 " 00 . 11 7 i tal, aloe t o
' - °lll ll lve f :Iri° ll . ' 'Odr - t-iiotW
1 -;-=., I , .. ir _. ~ti:,,...-"- - . • :,_:,, i,:, i, i 1 't --•L -:-
I ,
' .... •-E vuugoqcm t letriing6iiii
Atut'the naiiiiii- floititiit (iii)'' - t
:' - Anl'...w 11.-k ' 1 . 6 -...• ,c• ,
: r ' • . ofp t e so wn l ow i „,,
• , ~,,,, •,‘ '5., i:. ' ' ,1—
-- ber'4l9l4loliitlit:'''
.1:..- ,,,lDitAt jiiii; -.:-i.'" t; ' .7
at, 1 164 4' , r 0 01 11 4 4 4 . 44 41 .01ePp .
le i l net e t Aroddi .i'WoOrMiit; D 'lt 185 r;
; Irk hitioir laPoi'! sir dleinstiri!"‘r the
l i bliak Lung., apart/ loiNriaiabbolri ' aqwerec
=ritid-Silee. it Wlsw - lbropsyir=lthv
• Wriiintiiiiess; i. Debility, Dy Fe..
!mill olliaise,:ligai and Peter Fits,lMperities
of at* Wolk groldiola; c l abest4: -. lllcerri, arld ell
other miller of !oat standinfolimplabiteibolhf
external intereaL '..,.. Li --'' -•-..- 1 '4
Peer aiim Mut pears D• T T. houtdeented hia - en=
,_ lfr° 0" dttfoieldintOsos; treatinethieskinds
o.omitolly, of What's bad exhateriel ! rivay
°the. , " Wi th in reach. .Iti•..eit a# awr:
'Matta or Ildlof , ißdOeno eloPlork4 nee dOes be
ml,k*-idoic i to maw, ' well, or,. 04 down to . built
up 9 ate. AThe medicine, tan boi.ta*en with
safe by 4io Itioseelic iilet•OodFadrolnui7 TO
iat home, and continue iddillodonoi their
ordinary diet and eico 6 Adse- - i'Many h.,. ' •
ed ender the treatment after, friends end pby
lelottt hadren ...p all hope, the iniiiipt ble
Otte of which can always te threithed. In. .
41e, how r reduced ;or denidring, are invi
eel!, and maw be!'aewored that' nal enconrage
era will
. giveisk!exPensi incurred, without
, 4 llrreePoo oil P7oikMlo of recevery.l;. - 4_
ire, ep os
e,afitieted faith Rinnotatisla arAin
.., affeeti ns, - wili do; well toiied ihiAlloW-
Dtfrinn Mr Caekeyt i l . r. • ''. 1. -
__' F
• /pis:. L _lLinunigh: of !Beaver, -Pa ~ car ed of k
- 1 amnia of eight years meddleit, -., ft was - -
most painful character, covering ttie entire
Trate of the battle, and portions of!the:Wren
.4 person .! Fled " - called . neatly eight yeas:'
go' dn four months the skin beennut softiand
ifoth, Hendee entirely free (rota disease to
b time. The aboie ease. is selectedlecrinse
• tic: o 6 the first- cured in the. Weak', and pest
hows g is p enemy. !Those who have been
hnitallY off bed and cured, „reside in:;th • vi
• . ltylf y every appointment, • ',to whom
ne et
fire e can:be given. ; Equal :sitcoms' has at
, eif f the, lo I treattneet ;of While 6welline.
.fula, dimesses And; Fever -*wea l ' some g of
Melt h ave b een noticed in the;ntonthlyj re-
. . rt.. In th the treatment, of all ouch, ;we fely
ply upon; internal remedies that are' !colon- ,
l tell to neat lice the acrid ' inlistettieer,•: tints- •
rtingclit es,'eted! by eecitineto hesltioful .
e ia
• tivity, thei kin and = other. secretory organs, ,
frte,noxious excrements to escape by natu- -
I haunt bone e the cure is radical ,Without
. etion, - and instead •of endangering the t
I ngs. : as oe'leupertleial healing' of ulcers or
teeing sof humors invariably dries a l,#Series ,
protect and strengthen theme vital. parts,, ,-.
' •i, QM Jit C.l-. l ,Wirpog. 1--
. 1 Ailed Fellialle' l rillit i -
r 4k.
, •-voc -- ereseriptiori o f - Sir, J es
. ' t'S sisiolal t-- 2D.--oorditiouy ,toithe
1! This lavanticslio Memeormis - .*.g-ufnsi.
the cure of all thee. posiefat and. daegitons
a incident to the female !econittitation.
It imeleraters' allsOisnos„.ismoves ;11-Obsliclo
ode, ' end ;twinge on ' tim...nioutitlyperiod With'
eitlarty. - ;These Pills thong be used tWO or
ree'vseks . Proviona to confinement: i thet t ior r
.ey the! . constitution • aid lessen suffering du-
ng labor„intiblingltm, mother to"poirfc;
mienwith safety herself end ithiicl.' '„ • I
These pills amnia not be taken by &Mitch:du- 1
. g the - FIRST tnazz MOTHS of Preplan-
.y as they are cure bigiring srirldiscarrigeo; but
t any'other time they are safe. I ' •
all caieecofNervons and SpinatioffeCticruk,
. . lathe Babb and Limbs, Ileavieess,'Fatigue•
Blight Exertion, TYtlpitatioit - cif the - Heart
use of SPirits„llygerics, Sick Headache,
rtes and all tbolpsit&l diseasei occasioned
diaroderriditystezs thoringills will (diet a
i t n
• when all othar means haveititiled, and al
, • ough o power ful , remedy , do nollolgitolo mg!,
hornet; antimony or any athei 'mineral. - ,
. Full directiOns aecontpanyrieg,each peek
ce, In. the !United ,f3tates and' C anada,
G cillar. 1- - ,'4 • i. •1 1 (, - ";* , 4 1
• t 3OO Ag ent AP ibis' country•
JOB,/ , k osg.s,
ist;••! '', i t C. B.i.Lbwirr,i, Co::
' , • 4 ' Rociftester, N.Y.
N. B. $l,OO and 6 postage stamps enc losed
• Liar anthorited Algenisiwillimonte a, bottle
the Pills by return mill.j , Foririalt by C. L.
Rochester, Pa. r
Walesal. ;4gents nanuso,t 111tOT ll.'
i tsbugh Pa. e 1, • - 1.'" 1)044 , 2
' I ON; ' , r , . 3'
. 1
I :4;4exisdall be'
TES. Co-pikri s er/ - -r.. i s d iv amide
'eta Da. 11; fr____W•i 3 e urir., - • ~ iini„,,,,a.t.
•bj IllateitC°uPg"...l.,..llo. - an d le
led lice,unts - aret - reci—r---7 . ,_ ,
1 ' O *al without de STANTON. iii. D.
ji . TX A it -STAN-I'oN * IL se
1 1 ~ , 0 •
04.1,1867. , - r ' --
'' , ' Tr, • '4 ' '' -'-'-'•
i ' 'l . 's • ' nilitin - finalialliti• di. Pre •
grgel7 '
• of Media°. find jI , 1 - -Aredeerity'i -bOldhig•
arid. delitie " at d tb stcl e 71o;rcei,e—nd—er 411:111,°. scree!.::, --:
1 fbi-,',-,r Briglitoi!, Oct. 7. ' - ' I
r mg . - ‘,l
•$-..tiily. -- i ,i, 66 .,
op 6" , o r
.-nx.r. l `''', • ' testam entary' d3aCe
h ' HAB lettell 1 6; 65 , h e re been
, • 55 ' 6 tyro. l ndebt ed.
t'.Bl e an
in -
late hiP,I32Z-Verall PerlP - payern.l'
;',, ghtr6
thte,seri-t ti, ta!9!?
° i
estate are req uested
4,4, &gilt 11`telforfell
Thosi -haring- rii,"ftuthee„Ross, Exe:.
II" ectth-ln•RTre AHERL . CROSS
fteer, i
, is . in 1
i or: a
I ,
tit. ;
I .. ,
i - i :. il ! N(YIIOF.. 1 _,'. 51 -- -
riteßicis: my Wile 31.Si l thil W. Siiiirr.
left 'es* bed add s -belied, ' iiitheet lee,'
. vocation,' Oa 'the ttek of •Nivithlbej t 11357,
is to, , wari all pants' trouktriiiiiO4. her on
y seeming, u I will Pay us' debPs top , I . r e d
• y ker. ;, . ~ -" , 1 '''' ,1, L.' • -
lßerfeli: Nee.-16. '57 'SIMON ZNITGE ..
;BEN p. 444. .4AD.L.:I
• 9
'- ' '
I . -
• FREIpOM, ',PENNA. , 1 1 -
Arevoir:openi4ir, ow" mit; spleti'did v 1s:
r .t . Axiir 1444:10o.Dierlts'614,",![411"r''
,:.• Ils iolHoms, I sl , c ~- .1 -•-
i. • HAll3,andCAl4,, , :f : --
; ~
..,• ,f, , - ' -.' 1 QUWS* h
fait iniiii* . ni Oiii,ya
hand: t' -',";;'%, .'I- - 1 -,-- 1
:w ' . •
• . hidteittioCal 'slid rief Nu illemilltes,
as Ireclisreivotblit ihoictiaoods.' ~ L .
, lariat- kind. 'of eimuktrr Prodwie WEIR 1,
7[ Fl - 441 )13iiii4 ' -' iiiiiiii;:` ~
. . j . Ir 6
.Itertioft s deablit.3l.: 1 ..--
The blood ii the life.ettstalitind ligiiik.,:4l
fitralshes the tiompoentai,jr.floilli-boik•; i
ele•ineileiihi hitigument. -, The stomach t iti
manufactory, kevelni its diefribidaii, *L, 4 I shit ' ','
inteithimt the haunt l through ithiellt . thirlfaetd
mater reject iti-lta stixiductiageLla eagOsidt
.UPon the ate ach; the etreulatiettAitifthe pm.;
eho. these r , i ,,,,act !sr
fluids,t !,03'dt,,,tati....T01N1121-i'
t indigestion tg 1:1: !- !--!' I - 7 - 1-4, .1:7 f-17 , 1 -
Tun 'NA N AT IONAL COMPLAniit;', • )
Dispel:Oa i the mostooMmotiAliesimiligele . I
Alt" classes 1 [this county. ' / 1 21,fain 1 , 1 041,1t,
`-` - lid Ishii ~ , and is e prithatythuttlifibt
IDnumirable inlet!!s maladies; bat 1 4 104 , I
ever its type or symptoms, hinlevar oblitinatti
iteresisiteute . 'ordinary propansticiespst7W6
readily Aid in . this stierstingind :Wadi
smg remedy. • , /.. • :i.. , „, „.- 1- . .1
.„-: _ I t I.
' ~. BiLI US .AFFECTIONS. w,,l <t+
;Thtfqttitutit l and quality co the ' le
.d T
vital *ports ,ee / - 'health. ' tYpeti till, --". 1
,the gland whi Lli t secretes this told; them ' tte
_Operate -spew fully. infailibb( : . , 'ills; .
irregularities, ' radii el!" Ft .1:"
Dilion Remit ithtOthi i tr * the= Intia,reit I
disease genera ' V7' ll ii in stn .rir_iii.. dt 1 .1.4 fr I
tnai i
;twitsie.. et. -' 4 • - . l. '1
....i -- 11 . 1 - i, , -- - .l.
,-. 13011 f la' COMr.I.MiTm 1 ' ' " frit r i -' 1
• • ITnittti. the ' , distill, r4pH,rtn: their ' funetiOlt
properly, = the help .bwr , sutferik' TO* i'ok - ri
thousands die! ' , "nalliiiipDytieutery,, Disirrit: '.„
Chronic Cons ' at ¢u ii4 .,l `, o llier ibtex°4l,44
ithese waste pi ea of the system . 2 -The eta uf
the:Pilitiupon 11 intestine - , disertlemi, Whiter: ,
casual' or epid ado, is a. phenomenon la iftW4 7 7....
eine. ' Ay folio iug the pruatecilAireetionsi.llol
moat s alanniog Cases of beiret. complaint
promptly coot - lied. ".-. I 1 ' ,
~ 1 , i .
__- AIV ID. TO - liPiArgg:.- 4 'l ; . 1- .
fitu ftt ioeni'li lity And, irrtirularitles vs chl
ire th ' especia atinoyances i of the weaker se x .i
and which. Wb . neglected; allaysi s ' ' .
life, am relieved for the time being,: and
t i.n
vented for the time to come, kr --a course;
- this n1'94413 thorottgh alternative.'l i • ... f - 1::'
Irogemitty's Pins I are the best ietotefti kni4:o4: - I
• • . . , .
-in th e werta gr th eAff?terng D i s eases.! '; • ,
Asthma, lanhma, ;, - Itidigavtiodi 1
Bowel Comp'ts, bropsy, ' . lutlaiensa l ~ il •., . .
Coughsi obility, i ' infleinnsithiSt i i
Colds. " 1 eter,and Agne„-Yetierel Affel,„
Chest Diseases; emale'Compl'ts, Pile s, [ , i i.. 1,,,. 'I
Cestiveriesss, . Liver Compl,l4- 1 - Ifeadsebeit,' 9 ll::
Worte,alt kinds, Loftiest 'of railed irean's ' i
Dyspepsia,; Bralile•-• _1 ' i. '
_`. 11 '
1 1 ,ill• Sold at the -Manufactories of Profess:if
Ilet,t.owar. 80. Maiden - LW% New Torkomp . --- L ---
24-1 Strand, Lora by all respectable Drug ,2- •
gists. and Dente ..of ' 3lediciae l throughout the ' ',-
~iluitedStates;!, and the civilized world in bottle,' ' ' I
`at '25-cente, 6'2 ' cents , Mid 101 - "esch.l ' Dr.
Cunningham. ver, is en infthOrised
for the sale .'of th ese mediciaes. - F-- --, 1 •
ligt.,There is a considepible kitting hy,.tami _ . I
if i s
the largest sizes - t " ' f 1 j" ' Ir . 1
'l 4 i. D. Directi ons for the guidance i.t patients
n every disorder nre affixed to each bor.. fetz.ig ; ' 1
il --- I oig ii
CAUTION!. '-t are genuine melees : I
words " trolloWV, 11 4 , 1ra: . York and 4ondee./.- --{
are dieeetlahle..ea awe lc' i i-n r ie lt - 1
box; the some may be plainl y seen
. the.. leaf to the light / A ' b andioise re
Ise given te . tiny one rendering such inform . -
...e may lead' to the !defection of any part y °
[.parties - counterfeiting the medicines or, ven d ing
the Name, knowiikthem to tie - opaline. .‘ ,..... ,i;
1- 1' r Eta kif.i'L.A.V 'es'.o_. 1 • J
i ,
1 •
'Nv - FAfamss or - -
icio ilierirlo e affeatkine ell:inept(
ordered " ' . r -, '
: 1 , 7 E1T 0 it, AVII. Al 4 to lil irp It
Buil silatiiigettaiirt, Acidity of tie stomach; Cos
dicky Pains, lienthiirs„ Losti fir -Appetite, Diii-A 1
pondenty, Costirinarkillind and Bleeding Tilsit,
In•;isit Nerrous,Vimunatio mid Xetnalgio•Alkili;
tiOnis.itlisii itic i nitmerius insMhemi pro emt Illica.;•
it kimeilidul, snit lin othetis'eft-ted i a i desided
our& • ,•• 11•. - ' •-:- -i•1: 1, : '
.• ... rt
v il
This is iiimillY vegetable O4mpinin d . ierpail, ,
ed:oliateleily imientitioprinehil. after 'this
use of the celebrated ftolland lessor, ,Tkiirster,
haiti. - Maus° Wits great sit in. Ocist 44
the-lturopeim • 3#tes, its intr os don into iiii,.,
United Statoi w intended More eispindillY "Ititr,
iborti of ourfathirland scattered bete and the •
he face of is mighty- country. - ifeetint
10 , 4 great !lime among thoto,l now of!! i -
the. American varier, kniwitig - tkar ita
1 wonderful Midisisal - *Mites liostbeibilOto
pc -. . ~ • - ,-,- - %•' , l 4 !-- - -- - -N - -,,f,
IV is intitioulatly :recototnended(l4 - `
mum whose ; constitutions may:liviitioen tai
ed' by the eontligioimT- 0 I. of nid „entiiPiri. l l44 : 7
'other forms of tilisipation: 1 - CiiirmiltYsaul ' I
newts in e ff eet,-it finds its way direct lyto , - ,t11:::- [ i
seat of, life, thrilling and gidowsidiggerery vent i.
raised up the d opit i lLsOritc - = 4 -ndi in r iiill ' <-
-fusing new imaill and rigor in - the, sys m. ~ 1,,i,. =
"NOTICE!=- 1L exprets to l Arid ; in tide,
aboverage will b illsappointed bur to
-the ll* ; 1 - -
weak and low sp rited l , it Wilt prove wiFrelitftit 2
aromatic cordial , pc/sopa of 'guarder reirteciiii-...:.
e 4
properties. '-1 i ' - .t., - i, itt
1 , Csurics.--Th great" popularitysif this ilsp. 1
lightful Aroma s i used Manylnittig4 ;
which toil hoot gogrd against,*
`big. Bsiiiotlie,r to Milluty*its leigO,liii. !
tw you have, given 110 - hares
,itite r ii l ii , x
a fair trial.; . - ,Cloo, bu tte gill Upnrinoe .:Jon 14,w;
infinitely Aperier itis o all ` these iniltatimiii.'r 1 , ,
issm,„stold atAl 00 p r lxittle,tir siibiittfaifor• •
1 B5•00, add by thi - Pro rietori,i'• Bettimein;,PoW • 1 ,
Jr. "& CO. Madura , Igi.,lthainuicentiits and
Chelkitticriltebiiiiei rtki!• -' 1 ', • ' ' ' ''' It''' I T ;1 1, ` I
*, „••=i,llll 4 --FOICSILgi- r -:- L , -.1 .,
I.IpAtJA, xcilL4:4)AD_ "'trot ;h . '
. , ..
. ' T WO good tarms, Glow t o Indiitty,lpepotitt•-•.'
Mrs; 4 -Pitts. potrocka,.**,;ll l :l6oSetee.'"l4„
I7A notes, if liege PortiOn',Ole red. - 'They litisri
on them's largeluniabee.etit fine ifinititreoftr:;„: -1 -
Peitels,Pluni, , Atideitto , Mid l i iir:ll bei Said elieiOnf, i ;
Terms easy. A ply :
,to to, .'•'• 'I o.l' WET. - L;.l. ' •
Oat 7:. .f, 1 _ ~....4 4 , . wiry..ll4e .
JOBI E't st6l ', 4f 4 :i. - ' -1,
IN . ~, _ onab .
, • - TA itikt,
itillostn co ititr'lloust.brititztit itf ).
ter A shorn of iliwriblie patrona ge , h „ ,
ileistrsity locitett*L - 0 1.ri. m 7 itsepilly ,-- - i 111* #t
And 'ritioiltiX,ltitriets ifdii.', ..
ilk si riA 1 1. 0!tXr, 4, .'2
Atik • 1 .1
. •
P - ' l l ,
-ir ..