The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, September 30, 1857, Image 1
IC U FM I' II 31 •,\ • i , , VOLITnE -E!ItIN.TFID AND, PEOLI:SIIITD EY , . , WI;;YA ND. ' Flaß IrIER DETAILS. . . \' ---- • ._ . The steartaar'kuipire City, on wbiefr over ninety-two: pasaangera. were saved from the Central Auterii,arrived in New York• Saturday night last. •Qf these thirty were woraen, twenty ; is ehildren i and thirty-six ; men '. a fourteen of tl Cee•ladies bad husbands with Hein on:`oar the-'steamer central 1 America; four o • sat sbands,are known to have been S ved. These unfortunate/ 1:t I and yet fortunat women wore in `express ion of the gre+st sadness; it was riot en % obtrusive sorrow! but calm, deep ; viding. Scareefy one 4 f them had a cent I . lot money,- and 'bone a "elute -'of Clothes; they were just al they they had gat into thei Ibeat from the C+fral Am - erica, 7levoid o; skirts, Lull Wearing uaerely ati ent•dde dtess. 1 • Some wept as they-approached 'New York ! i -. , . , ettr,; overcome - run past .memories and i their n i nexpected • condition. They..,had Ipft;Caltfortila allinent in wealib,' and; rich 1 in the.; reciprecaenkyment of affe c ti o n; 1 they aimed - bet dev`aid of treasure and I oseeemrtleatild In h. a afflietion. . Fur their; 1 bright anticipatio i 3 the find the Severest suiT;2ring, and' son e, the exiremest/Penury. i Not thejleast, pit, (ius was the sight of- the infants! . -- . Some ofa them .were perfectly na- t ked;anerely wrapped around b 1 / a costae' ~,,,, 1 7l, / blanket talaen from a berth.; ()there were ;`merely elk' about the loins With linen-.l while:a:bin wore h. fuller dress/. i Many of; `"were mothers seemed quite un: ell.• Some 7/ iawere taiang gruel, others weregiving ., ,it to i tfacir babes. _ The ;deepest sadness _prevad•-• eel all. A few cotid onlaaspe'uk/with tears,i others had; power I to- Cheekithe outward.' S:anblar.ce of thair . inward . / 'grief. ;'Some- ! who had faced den h in the/11 - our .•ef their.; I peril with cheeks unblanelied„.etruld not I ...„ ; speak of the catas ; roplie iiiid;ali e loss of a i hived one without l ears. /Inlookingat the t , '. I tOnditioti'of thosaaaaved faith the unfortue . ~ .1 .• In .re :f it :e t-as , ero enenlies of N. I. r '' sl!iP. onto cowl!( I!. mor e 1.11 , 1 . 1 . realizett rine ;:greatn.etes of thcfstelarnitY. ;• . ' .. ; n men by tile nsme.. of Zadeelt Pratt, Jtseph ,31. .11a4 'find,/ one f the passen- 1 . ,•;.f ;he-leap! and sinew', an intelligent me- : imputea tlra -e Its 'of of _t e steamer to I . •4 I; ,7,ie - end farmer, alit has contributed ;' l ; er '' • wa lla ; A'abl,v, - the chief e.gideer..- ire lat-s:. , 1 , le :i j..) 1!e genera! presperity, as: .; e „ ,..- • preen! , ni :.; al am sat . i.erjetl„ rorn what; .1; afterwards ' to his indivelual wealth: In s learned, tlit_tt-liad abiby immediatelyment ' io.l Agri:alit trel Fair, iiitlnJer; e•nlnlY, I N: \ ... ,1,,, siil that,. stie,.ll,,hnd Laren i _ . _ : .. yiz, ,_, nr a . „ l , l toawork in endeavering to remedy the dif .le feralinea he had ; employed over r', et,-en' faulty with 'the dbkine'ar tbat, be ~might . tl,aurand ve:•rs of iiiher 'men's labori" Wel ;• hdfe got theca ' 6 4 F irii . a glil' , alld saved c,,,p:,,vrdcmrtv thom,:r.lid men, and n;, •••m the Ve:i 4 ll, as (-Very itioreent_...f , "...:.the stop- ' fi4o 2 l page of, the en in . writ of rgrest• dfnpor there tar their abutaver two. millions . lunel % red thousand dollars_ lle - hati elcare'd tanee: .1 ta,a4 ten thousand acres of I vela ' aw l asst; ,;`. When the last boat•:left the s t eamer a ..m. `ire to get - in.. ..Capt. • ev a half a trillion :clonal-I, or'it. Ha l a ed ; -p s i Laude Herndad teld• hire he feared to trust, him use.l and worn wit tie huesired horst.. aad ! ~..,,,na thousand yok,rof.,_oen,i, wed two ' h - n - - ,, ir iX_pon..thiLexprassiin of doubt, relative to, prorntse•you cap- drad thoaisml bushels of nats,lene - hundred! b"niedf , AFdlhv 2k "/: . `-'_l. .. ,, , ,,I iwentv Ihnu,, , ,ftml ti . ,,i ,: m . 011•Liny, thirty ; tam, most soletnraly that Ids will of back and: not sert er," or , thousand barrela of ii.e.f and ;perk nearly ! &the steanLlr, i n ,. - 1 .-a'Worda to this; purpo`j. I beard the remark 1 one hundred thciusandir.v.relsli.of flour, : , li e distinctly .•.and noted it ais the fact of the i , . potatoes witlioutnnumer or . - meaaure. -Jae i , :. '•. i , . 1.. '' • ••• .., ,‘ ~,... ..- 1!. return chuseo me to had tanned over one million ;two husired , ua ] ; r t us to tne boa ; think thatpessibly, the ' 'present would bee, / and fiftv "thousand-sides of leather-, his usu.; live thousand d ,, ia; the' last oryp_orttinity , l. woulf have to save _ al- disbursenient is over myself. V, hltti A liby got on , beard lie , hers per. deva"nrid helloS need iO Ida beii- l ' noes over len millions lie Lai ... never . had drew a knife—he saw erveral on the point trr the b(tat-• —anal ile a side of leather stolen,and Ills never sued ' of tnahing a jump .we i eqiiar , :y ,. .ii . . , z l ., iv , y r ual jutopoti on board an account pf,'Liabusines transaction, elleuld' Fay.i • that. Zadock , was valarible l ie wo u ld I "" P !..' 'ae- ..7; _ • • Ashby remained 'On board! the 'Marine ' .member - of loarety. NlOreover; ibis allows ! .r. , . •• ,• ; ' ' "ll. the „ ,,drantre . of ,11 ,.., r , ifying inbnr, and oft . ‘ o l iwithstanning its' ledge to C.tpt. _ l l ats.statetneut is e wroliorated by a num . le.ineltaathA neat who consumes - -by • tha 1 _ a T. ,. ... ,...r 1 1, .• . t , ije, .• ~ i him \\ , ,, , kl ,,,,, duncs. _ aallt . i . Lnymil aa of toe , .o.s.,nae ,e, who unite in ex • a , a a_ - - ~ sians.....of belief that be shipwreck was ow- D 4rat, h. - . ---- ---------'----_' ' .1 low to his i in the supervision of -.e-e--- -:-..- .... _ , . a . De t' - aia•;..A . 11.1 , ,:ti 1 - (;1 - N6 Mr.a:.—;•The I LI” cngino- and ferftriemo i l iS 7 selfish col - . ri.ll43r4.j • tin , \ ' -u)t.F:LV , ', - ' frii i ,r i tirtt inflit4- ! ar ,j -kein F 4 r,bng tel . : - J - AdihlT aPPIi-tal to - a etim inn te otin 1.-aal,, e, - maeae 4 i r •vcun a turn : t l . l- tjilPtai" . °f tha '', :na„Pir , -! CitYL. fot . p,e -• meat errntnellly Male : ita eatri: upcn oar , sogelCiNeti York t ;which the Captaiti, -- f;'4 ll :ja:it . t/ (L i.r our cares . ."-. ;We lirr see it al- ! rc.:Pd?` . :• ' . n a t , : r- irairn`i . lf in 41;0 ri,i rl e. err -a ; "Y ,on rascal I•b ve a potion to blow . • iv-1 , i • • i to , , ii i,.. lt aq.ass , aa e fat a li e ' e at , ii, dr: m l: yaair brains out. - 1. ~,,,ban-t. tome on tiny - ' ,even T1;r0 lljll , .rS its or seven Gin.. a •l a k r•hip. ; The moment - found out your res .; witha ut setfering seVorely in 2ore!iiintlan,__ yeti: (lit:duet I teleg alplicd to !the owners And wiali he trapsni; this impeiacd .cesn a , that yen . ran . off arid von ought to have ‘, o ;a ta ion to I,i, ern ;a -h o 4, i . f „ r „ a n a, i r7 .i ta your braias hlownt °tit. ' You; are a cow- F :;,'! further by chi" 4anie coarse, ti reapiires"arl- - i " - • - fittle foresight' o 54 1 1 fiat. wa o - a 'aro aria , " . Ashby licovever, tld Captain McGowan ~afte!;•? . .aiyri for . ...arriilies that will net in ' 0:4 inn .was seas ordeted to the boats - by plaN,•e.d feai l;e*lankli t better tint the : Cal , l ainHerndon, anO says ho is ready for . _,,..a. i , : ‘,,,.! A zle , „ 1i,k.,„,„,. parts of o re • firte;t ineeatagation aS to Ilia conduct. eaute;ry thial o v.r., diA'.: and leir:roains is ' -T-ka state:Merits - of tine various passenger s t vary day'alg, r ear y ,1„..,• • ,-._•:, eta. are roll it itistances 4 individual heroism ~....yaeii aia•-, r me g rn - r,t_!: pm' ujo! t , t i .ta e i,. t i na , and ,sell-s:erilice. he saVitaa . Of ;all the ef the- 11:,!..;it.' i . * women 'end childrema,e,aka ..i'pl eana a. i n raise,..of the inanly,lanits•thltlivarit down it the Central Arne' 4.3. Therb is a faint lierw. entertained th. tA' • apt Ilrodon was ' puked by -a sell° 'or that .lay to acct j , •; the stop when the st a tier went down. ' •L'inorig the reirette is B M. .1.0 e,. of : Pittsburgh.'" A Mr. Clough , ; reported ', from this city, iAnion , the lost.- -In In our arti. le earn ending Ithe noble gallantry of the (Zee:. and i';asr:eng•fra - Of vile \ vessel, in saving • II the women and childr . en, while theniaelves doomed to death, we expressed diiht as ti the . erinfli'-- matien of the telegrapbie report; biat, the facts are fully and gloriously. Confirbied from 'all • the repbrts .iif •sur. ,, aivdrs. The purser of tbe,Empire Cilia , also says: •-• . ; , I €lYe' likewise understood that all the women - and children, ;some. of. the latter. infants,; fifty-six in cumber, had been saved in the at.eamer , s . boats ;.end all ;placed ,on board the . brig brig Marine„ ; of os'.6 Bn. 'Sir,' said' my informant, 'with deilthiyawning before t ena the men stood solid as a reek, nor mad a movement for the boats until the, we - en, end ;children bad beerr all transferred safdy to the brig, after which about fort of the crew and male • passengers, in a ' ew, trips, ; reached - the Patter vessel before "he stea mer wont down!. . TERMS—ON} DOI.L AT: and Frrrr Cum-5.p( r enr.C..un, t 7.4 11.DTAIICV, otherviee Two Dot.T.,Arto viii I,r,chArgi-l. No p-.per alecontinued, until Rif ornuiri . zos are s'ettiel, except at the option .or c.,lltors.. ' Alivekisements inqerted at the Tate of 50 ctg. per scljla're, of fifteen lines fni_nne,,inmertion-- Ne,ch srZi-cr i , 4crit insertion 25 Cents. A liberal „discount mate , to yearly.advertirers. I:Q.:Li-Letters I'llo :comManicationA,, by eball have` prompt ntte•Mion. Farewell to Summer. arr. o. • mosur.a. Tarewell ! thy-moon is cn the wan', The List bright day is atear its-close; ; bit roey that thirsit for jlearen'not a drop•tietows; The on'eket Summer, sourna thy. knell— Queen of the season! fare thee well. . 1. ,The flowers tdiat wrentli'd thy beautiqns betted 'Droop, pale and withered, on thy - brow— ; The light that tads thy ,marrung red Is dull and misty Fad cokes pipe, in .wool ami d e ll "-To :•iinirner and her-j ,, ys farewell. I;(l.ciis fly belt of rnin>fiFfi . g.ll.oicn - - 1 the 1 - t'. ' 0. ..e 10570.1 - 9, kirtle 6f.oncit.mtc.. I, .;rten E t rlirnblue.l o'er.vit i h I(kseri: TLn , 4 .1.L.: 1 1.5r7 I of NV .‘:"..:kr•L•tls •5.' new r well. • tfrel.lsarf r?" Thqt int!l ending here.; ite4r:lit that rataed c7;re d e p ar t; , Trs 'lnd And 5:1•1•: , 1- t:rln t' :11 A :lan ruthless , 1 7 1' NNY i ' , l - g . .ltri . Tile - n.ll..any 77pzcs Fs)i rxii Iftill.tililwn" , ,zcr,tlernPli.Of that city . tfr„ iec,.ntly 1i,,,. rriaeop:trlnc.'n.hip. , l/ne has h vrry ... I tir': , , - 54.ilcire, - the her imSz a. very 1 - t7. (•no:' I ) .ttnerd,,eharge 50 ititte,h p f - . 't f-r;..rie - g, sign s, ap.l as the new mm wg , RR..i, tiv hilv”. a L , ...15* sign: an. orier .•%:,s i.,; , ...../:,^ attl =rrt Ivq.4 :.pcetii!v ''fatt in I :"'-"•.. Put . ift-T , days elapsufrbflfore the rii , Ira% l'lF. ,, ri ' t t c.: ; i, : wh'en he .oli the short 1,.e:- cia.:e the tll::elaration that Ilt.l r hoii].i 1 r (I, llfg?i iril f Ohl , thin} rf tile. whole ex. r.2r.E.0, Sri rianfe oN:v.pie•i on!,y one-third • if:thr.,ii.7o This , littas ,- , - ning xvas hot per, ~.7.1,..e at t•narty ef thi t .! second, part," , •,. ,-... r 1 .: : it- , ,- • <'• , (. lllliala 0. tmt.e.4 or, a neiteer 01 - :IL will ti-v - 'lowa- I , -i , 4-'- ' -' ' . r • S . I tit A. p t-G An.- - -tdbere is a bow of prom saccharine cloud, and we are' -' l ':t!€4.lritla the" !iota that sugar rill he; Ilejoice, yp house wit. , s and ''Pe,i - tips - children; thereat' Alreat'T' the! t•ltg:tr-th::trlcet te 'giving way, and, the pro- ibe crop 'Lids fair io run to the bet ..Pri.;Pfoi-e. it sto;-.s. - Voulsitrirt: premises lsgsbeadx whenit had but about 1 0.00 , last year. .Kba rill at'ord an , and 31.1nritu„ 3141- a food supply. Even India 1- ks indication-that it will contribute 'its r I ""4 iiod 111 to't kth - t „ ,t 0 epsoe 11231-0 _,--- - ---- 1 I :TTITIN4;"116 WY.:A.R.-- - L-Tfiere is i tuarri • llAdy i i t, - the N y Day &oi:, 1 . p, r,SCTI F 15. Y. Cupys the luxui) , ,gf po less thati • one I..irekarid twenty - rites:s6s, twouti.nine 0f.. , Yt i 3 are nanurning 'l3rceges. . Are 'there 1 .• : , !.)tives :who st,ott so exteriqixe a ward. 1 • t,- ;"'•,' aS this?. It 1.3 not quite , - equal to then, \ci, eigrobe of Qteen Flizabeth, lalth "is gahl I lave had 11( . 4 - Ics s s thaw three thouFanil g''• Po," A 9 our'' , l' -l ridmoll,ers used to 1 ~.: "•, . , • ' ' , k I I !:. .'.."1 :. ' • • ' ' • 1 / • ' ' . . .. - -I ,I • , • ' . 11 " . ..f."., ~„ .• .! • , ..• ,I. v / ~, . .. 1,1'.1 . II : 1 -, •' ' 1 11. : , .... 1. 1 . . . i , , -..- ,-..- F,i. --, , .-.1. , , , r:-. • , ~, _— ,i' 0 ' • ' I ,- ..,.., i t . _ . I ' . _.,.c 1 . . s . ....,„. ~,.. •. il I: , ..- -.=.•' 1. .•,', :. -, ' , ', .''- • i , , . - . I' : •1 . - . 1 ,: ,1 , .t : , . :..,,...,' : , : i ",,,,...1. • , ; : i ~ ..," : ~..._ ~/,:,- :,:- ... ~ •r ' ' . l' j . ,- *. ''..,'" • . 1 - ". . Cl ' . .. \ .- ~ .'" , . , ~. ' - el ' . • • i , .. - _,.., • ; , • t; .f;. - --T. -),. 4 ,i ~.. ‘,.1.,,.. „.,..„.1 1.,,,,, , ,-,-_ , , . . . - - , ~ 1 ,!, T: } . . , . , , . 3 !'' , 1 CP,:' ' . ..- .. • " c', l'. - -. 1 / 1 / :. ... .-...-- 1.• - , ;, ~- • ' ..," ~ • *----,:,.,, -7- .:-1.,•,•- , c , ..._ ... .-_...............___________ LOSS' \of the 111 Honor, band of,tu: itLthe mea l hrav - ely, n?I :and belples! then] a mo. svhe;eon, i theirshall generosity,' bravest in h fordve.e.-- - ;1 bar Eng m"n; Spain [ CENTRAL AMERICA _ .. , . 1 'hen,unryn.alified,[ to the gallant In, who, faeika terrible death iless storm-tsed oceim, thus. 1 ly, saved eyery weak' woman . little .orte. 1;1141 crouid build [ 4 yreent--imperish.ible as time. their names' , may. be [learned, re' enrolled as`of the noblest in the peerless 0 . -n-gallantry, the [ •roism. Leilthem be honored Us. Dispatcl4 . ----• ' , nd is called the paradise of wo matory, Turkey their hell. AVER, . P.L'.~ BEGINNIV to' : : "a : Rt. I The followin. extract from a serer& of II Mr. Spergtiny t e famous English preneh- I 1 cc, is a specime , of the eloquence whieh li 1 1 1 within a year or two t. - h as made phis name; familliar in both hemispheres: • i Can any man tell nie when the begiuing was? Years age we,thought 'the beginningl of this World was when' Adam carne lnpon' ii; but we have discovered that, thousands of years before hat God . was preparing chaotic matter tiii make it a fit abode for man; meting races (of creatures upon it, who might die eiid, leave behind the. marks of •Ilis handl and l inarvelous skill; b . e-, fare He tried Hi handlOn man. Butlitlpif was not the beginning; , when, like olimps of, dew from the fingers of the m thiliM scats and constellations Ifell trinkli g fron the hand , of God; when, by Hi OVill pp. 3,1 HO launched' forth ponderon orbs; when with His eivn.harid, liiise - - comotaoitre thunderbolts, waniering I lough the ilty, to find one day there pt per sphere. We fingers of back to yeetre g by, when worlds were made and sy• 1119 fashioned; b 4 we, have not z approae ed the beginning ye . ' / 1 -- Until we go 6 the, time when all the 1. 1 , Universe 'slept/in' he mind of God, as let 1 unborn, until we enter the eternity where God, the Oreator, 1 lived alone, everything ; I sleeping‘within Him, all creation . resting lin his mighty, gigantic thought, We 'have i I nc,, ,guessed the' b ginning. Wo may"' go Lock back, liack, c l ages eipon ages.. 11'W 4 e • ,may go 'J if `_Jack, may use each strange, ('rivewords, whole eter hies ,\ yet neve Vtu:•' . inn. Our , i at the hegini leg. Our wing n ight ,be tired, our im ig nation Would die away, 1 Couldit outstrip t e lightning's flasl;i in i l ?majesty, power veld rapidity, it would son get to 111. I weary itself ere it • ould get to the begin Iming.. But God& mUm beginning Chose i his people, when the unnavigatod ether was yet unfanned y the wing of a single_ , angel, when space as 81101'01eSS, or else nn -1 horn, when univer al silence reigned, land not a voice Of whin Of 911)11ed the solerrini ty of silence; whe, there,,was no b4pg, f'a rc , I no motion,. ano_naught but f od 1-liin self, alone in his ( ternity;i when, with ;_the song of an angd, without the atteiid -1 once of . even the' t i herubith, long ere 1 the living creatures wele born, or the wheels of the chariot of JAiovah, Were fashion d;-. even then,"in tie beginning was 1 , t he (word;' • , , and in the' deginning God's people 1 were one with the IVord, and "in the I tie ' (minim chose them untn ernaL._*" l in ; heh et unnim . 7 i - 1 s PuoN'AciotYs —l3n, . , ddress to the Saiotil( 11 'lslam. WeOp a 1:4, liglGll-211%1 Gaum. tiara deNvered tin Otai, a short time' ropli : 1 11 yort_ons thing, I at Gr., u•signs to,put end the wtlrld, ythen' • to mAlte their appealr tO elastise me or l ~o, in the earth. 1 1ay it °rat has: should 111 1 h, , with servants, i d on earl:h. As for t'he ittle.while to Ace movement by our fn that it is time for the hink we r will find . the up water. and we can .sites. Brother Ileber , rn out his womcn,,aMl em. I j ask no oddsi !if we . y thriy can fix it. Now, let me tel. ,takii as7a.witneso ... the threats Wetiereen - I attt army tinclertekei ;ince in this Territil deStroy . ttly 4 lif fr'. doWn thaiwri,,,nht is, might with flencen; `with all iti people wait a. we wit. a II shall tul;.s a honir mks as an elide thread to be cut. I'.l hundrorl _whO will 12 whip ot4 the 3lide said that be cf,uld - 1 they wn'tild whip the wicked, the 'l.)et , KA Ns A S AFFAllift—Bori.o win j Bald's. —Not lonz since the cditorof the Iferaiii' Of Free(lom informet the young ladies lib Kansas that they con pre-*pt 160 acres of lar.d Some . of .tb.en 'squatted on diff4.444. elaims in' thomther part of the Tcriitory,itely , co c into' whiehf4tarl market. Tbe 1 ,1 pre-ernptiim law says ; ' , f• ill , , " The inditiLlual chiming the . benefits of said act must be eithe the head ofa.f.tutily or a widow; or a sing c map over the age or tirenty-nr.c." ! ' - ,1 . Theße young lad4a not fulfilling eitlte`i, •-t of he 'regniretnent9 have a..iqpted the plan of I °crowing .11a1; - "I n 01%1(4 , 1.'5 swear thahl they arc the Ahead of`a-faroily.": Thxy, gene.rally board :the i one weeVatni---make! nee dressdress for the ,prix lege of, using - them: Young misses of Rwee .sixteetr'play be scien at a head of a fain' ily ten yeara of age.' L I lionsas Cor;81. Lot4i4 De„mgtrat.l l .l ------14 . , • . , Ok•I , IIIIUSES IN .Lo, ' 'DON.--The Lonuon' o - I ' . correspondent . of the.:. etv , York Comnie*,] . [ [dol. tvrites: - . rl' ' I iThe omnibuses iiiL'ildOtt _run in every! fection, and by e - ban iii'g Once .nr-twire l ,' , • .r - 1,. i h.may A 1 .! I one can a.rno:it a y-p a .e r c, .e- sire.. From the Hank of,Eu .m oland t - .whicl - f appears to be:the . ge erak.,terthinus, the 1 omnibus routes radisat to' every point of i the compass. . The fare ~is quite reasonable, —some omnibuses cor veying .passenger 4 six miles for an eqviv )(lit of about tln l .l cents Unit'ed States mo . ey. The aggre.gate', ! number inning is pro lby.from eight tor ten thoAind: Each 'b's,. - as they arc uni versally called here,. ha ..7'a conductor sta.. tinned fettle door to tae the fare, so that the driver hasnotbingli do but tcrattend i, to his horses. They carry 'tw l elve 'inside and from fifteen to tipienty Outside. In pleasant weather the o iside ii preferred, and I often.sce well dre sed women sitting by the side,of the dri'ye . The top seats _ .. • are frequently full wketi sengeis inside . Al SPARTAN.—Anio who were endeavoring ti hi, when it was ravaged Indians, -- 'wps 'an—Englis As he bore her'al MD and dying, he was attic intineers. His good ssv, seven ruffians fell'► while keeping them at b a rush at his wife, but husband's arm saved her cost her life Another hand too, and . tbe huoba l , she of . ,hiewife. • ) • I: ', ~-,...:,,!,,, i, . 1 ..„.. wED • Ft.-.I*t_SEPT-T '• ' f 71. 13, Th :co xoßyt., ..,...._ H . , Brothei Cobb,' of the Well' . cro -Agita tor alwa l y4 writeslsoUr g 4/iiiingi,:qor his .)14/ paper, bit his Ottcle t week, 'on "the price of , liiaertyl is ca tfe.l, l and pectin to be I I , read V I the Rep man of this.. l onnty. re p Here extl,s . f!om i t , which ,we cow_ mend to I'ttitto so tons at etitton a every i i friend of` l pqed° i • , • -., 1 , r 1 i , "Doe any fliernan lean upon at , pass - sum'. ezie h iev ed by the noble,effertS of the frie. is of I.4ibertyl? , If ro, doa W dream t t the iseeces , or the past 'tumour . bril s ant and ti signal ,:y may,i . linve been, can guaranty ids' riwookawid hill , . liant vietonts to xt-worr i iirt: Such a man l e ans * -- 1 t • Coss yesterday ts r 4nt . A to. . day. There is y veil* ''t ti is „no true defeat I, wit • . , ' l 9 .a to* .i . - '' ' * It he defatetl. i l ork i s i 7 j , . 11. :iti i- l e tt ; works w ho'd wit .. ever stirs; to ti ice of I don: and he i's a driarie who Ilean.f' on Pas odeaver: IA thousa44 l ..sieVeratld . nt ilts 6 i4tlc of 4 one truly Ivigifant freeman; a n d .; an , thou sand sa e li . iiro u ld bum the - beit Northern Stste to eetiorn. ilt is tii:' 'og cvi! of he time in 1 3 4unsylvania, tilt, a Repub. lean Live' curAdl with ' titcies- r i r meu • who I lean on loud success and dei nothing. The South and 'cehter Countie s' tool' up to the .Northein tier and i gioitt Cleitottr monster majorities!„,l forgetting the 'r - 6tY. The Wilma' District hugs itsminorities for 1 Fremonty landcries-- 'Oh, in lif . ' l the 'lower counties of, the State vrotald'hut do see thitig hanasome!' 1' INI thi t g is i'll•"hcish. The lower, part of tit Statg I s Uo'right to lean upon our inljoritiet.l'Mind 'your own buFitles and thind your Inw feet 'Go to work and I ' recleerii ' the. MA, r part of the State—tbd t Upper pitrtef theltatewill get, aloud withou tt your laudations. 'I The' Wil motDistrie! need not wait : Air' the lower counties to i d'o (seinaAlling t E ndterlme.' 1 We - have pue l Fiting hindsotnel 4 [ da l ourselves. 1 1 . , I W 6 mnt not exptmd n11111:141. otrrooth in hugging that Frem4ot majori f t • we t imuet go to 11c. , i and do . SOO hat I,' , Thlt is R what wa hvto do tin the '. or County. We Id'o not thatik.any elottVriko'nse a Sundaygo:teLmeetitig taeliitud Rai that Ti nge Can's do better s thatfiliddiClarilall. —She can do better. 'l6 4016 ere nll here, and if 'they do not into itie ballot boat on theilgth of fietiabir: cat,' 'then the Republicans Of the, s'evoratiii titan districts must' settle I l with their 04 consciences. There is, not leapiq the . stioition --that -if vaters fail tot come 6itetfoir Republican neighbors will have4tiglecle4:th'iir duiir: I 1 •4 , • ;•'- ' • ' I 1 ; T 177. CIA L I .: ;Sel; 'l l pAF.STAN fpr. amy , t h e . 140,,,,h : tipieeitrereattet, the {Russians in Vie mat Britt' .'-titfilitlit4.. - -In , , • , .r. t Pro engagepirritS, tqe,unst, oni the,hanks of I the Kuhan, .whee tilt Mos&riteit I tostr six -1 ~ ~.t . : 1, . • uns air? many horse . . J. ~s also anrmune , that thel hrave ountein- bore who; has ka r t the Ru l sSlans at bar for lie last '., , , 1 quar ter century,l4sailei, he ;Gnar l, n army s.'it!, 2:". 000, Cirenaris,- nd e ,, tupiftely roteoi, theni. ---- --TIM Rus i gian were attemptinizl, t i p di t sl, , dge him ` Front tqe br.uks of the river commanding ome p sses'. Tlie battle 11 las: , ted ten b'ours, and t.ll ' e Russians weretiriv .i - 1 en ienomintously aerrss the' 4,tv_er';' by , the band; of moun4in mirricirg,„,;;;Sevt;ral Rug sian 'forti6od, places 141),.fa11e into Bella , insl'a hands . 1 t . i 1 , ' 4 1 1 1 .-- i_:_ 1 G' L00m").:..-il, tosnEccai.—,The l effeet ofl l the 1 mdney„prestit' is hemming to ~ b e[felt upon industrial 'enilz Soine 1 factorie4 i , yawlts. , , • worxtng only half tine'. and Ott, trniles i 'l nearly suspended in their usual operatiens, i i cause an unu 1 u l al depties'sion of 11:11..Or. -ANI 1 s ' polls for Pmployment 'begin to be More" ~t han commonly pressinF,' and should the!' t preSent diffie l ulty continue long, I considera-'; ~ , , ble, snffering will fol f l ow. lln New, orki i the number ;of unemPloYed 1 pctsops 1 is i growingdaily 'ilart.:er 1 and many persons '1 1 areidaily trooping in OM the country in I seareh of plaefil, as tcheliers, journcitoqn,:i 1 elerk, searnsiqsses, 1 uSicians, toy .'1:11he 1 New York tt 4 ilune so: ic "thirdly, since! , 1 1182,7, has so glpornv'. prospect forl Wittter lowered 'ttpo„n the lab ring cla i sses." Of course, a canmulerabl contraction ;in the circulation, Wh'ich: m asures the _value la I laber, will uns+le pri es, "and as long, as i , 4,1 the !cause con routs, i the &eel will can') day ;be felt Mot' severeli." Niref do 'not atp 1, ' pretiend, howir'rer, th:Vi the :present difh% cults will laiti‘s lc_ ling r .__ll I.:e. : _p_ rti:luetive rt . 1 the sante disaStrs as i 1387. . , St7cti..krio r s, —Son two sr, r.e4s ago on the heel of !tie first fiiilurei=, a nd in the midsi of the sOere co traction in this city Canadians Alippe over to Chicago' lamed a 'F.Plillionl Dollars' worth of Grain for about Ithree!quarters of a Mil -1 HI ir, • Hon.( :They haTe .in lanada, al habit of , 1 , ,1 buying Illinois[Ppring Wheat ,, , for 'borne ;Iwo, 1 itirl sellingltheir. Ot i rn Winker Wheat to Europe or th r iii city for some - ticenti-fie to thirty-three ro' er eent 2 ,lniore, 'saving band , e , . I - semely, by the ttatie. laving courage•and looney: ust when. they ;were shorton this t • S'ide.of the. Lakeci they {turned; those eptal l i'• I v m v teetti good account, as was rigut ,l N. Il - l ' nt ) I • 1 ' rib.i _ , 1 , 61 - I 1 111 1171 11 l iV l e ar n ;LOW ,2RICIE Intl. „,, EAT .-- , e that three eargoee of sv'eat, alloat-30,000 bushels, were void in ' Joliet - Illinois, l'on aturdai, at the low rkfCe (if 40 emitriper bush(.'lThii in a 2 t'sn'cr Bee but the 1 . - low great ' reason of the sale was that t,rraera of the vicinity clubbed toOther to Ship their ; 04vn wheat, got it to joliat, and - were 'for-' ,' cpci to 'sell at 40leen6. iilVheat irilhis yi. 1 elnlty nn Saturday was if) it' 78 cents, whi t ' vnry liht saleslL-3'ean liitkee American', Sept. 1 4..11 • , ' 4 , . I .477 there arc ''.uo pas - g the (Europeans !escape:. from Da by they cruel East Officer with his nfr e .amid the dead I •etl,by a party of !,:i was drawn, and 1 oily - retreating, !', the fiends made a shot! from her opor; { thongh it !hot, by his own: id rested beside'( 1l The new 1 ply'a bill to pray aQefeesee of the cilitiosl of divorce ; fora ccirtfinod lIN Ell iToreebtil is sim the extension' to üblie of those fa.' lave beenl beret.). Ilthy and the pow-' I I coo for British which it the wip, , 1 , , 14iti1i,130,. .1857. Mil A Serenade..' . _ A gentleman who recently put up at a, log tavern Wisconsin, was awakened by a yolangmaUwho commenced a ierettade i. "Oh, Sally thee, " • 1 I've called you twice,. ; And yet - fou lie and nine ! I I pray yoll,wake, And see your Jake,.l • And .tipe4 - 0 - him the door; or the winder, I don't care much I it makes I)tt little difference either you or r-- s , I . Little pig, big pig,l • Root, nog, or die) . , • ; • fdliroa -Comiaittal Captain , • 04-Bttittut Begirt?, tells the, following :$ l l4 l who. fLonr- RitqciPal Pr I 'l , l , i• r. .., , ,,...T..:..„ ": , :;;f % ..,• .. -1• -, - I.i ; ; : ;,. I ' l oqt. Ward was an eccentric of ttie first water, and one of his peculiar; ties was that believer gave the 41eiir . ed ansWer,to u direct 'question. An amusi n g inaquico of till; . habit, evasivo is related. 1 One morning.. four hfihis friends, who wile aware of thii I trait liii his character, observed the captain I b t ' ' 1 , goingito market, and afterlBotrle au ermg, 1 enterrd ; into a bet as to the'pr.feticabilitY of Ilearnmig from him the pride i h had for his i purehaapr. They accordingly, settled the I preliMinaries, and stationing t l hemselves , at ~- ?different Hints along Eases street; which i he Must pass on his way homei awaited his 1 coming l ,!Very soon the bluff! old gentle man msde his appearance with.a bunch of pigeons in his hand. As he appioached, the first questioner accosted him with:— "Good: morning, captain! What,did .You give for pigeons, this morning?" gAlforze i y,' : said the Captain bluntly,. us- he moved:up I the ptreet. The *wind gel:1110mi'; a ; little I further, on, addressed him and .b!;ked: ' , How go pigAons this morning, capt:nin?' ''" 2 hell don' tw , o j ut ,aa; /carry Orr ffiaithaufusl iy,utigiusfactory reply. §hoi„tly-. after- be met the Otirdi who passed thrt` , litnO" of ;day and inquired:l" I-I ow muc h, -a xe. , pigeons a I dozen,..eptai:it?" Dirbi't !pit a rioin--mrdy bought Iti.tif-ez ,dozen!"(saitt thg, old . gentle man, grptily, still ploddufa op bra, wiy. 7 - 7 - I Finally, pi' faurib and thA t. ltult ,ofiilie On ) spirators;cottoned , to the wary old -salt by observing, in, the blandest 4.ftoidsreA fine 1 ' bt of pigeons you have there, captaia:udiat 1 ' I did you - gei.iliMn for?' 'To * tit,' was tib ? pprtinent an'il emphatic rejoinder,--,antl thA . captaiti' reached home witlt i out furtiter-,seci, ' 1 lestation. lithe purcons did not take wing,- 1 the joke did, and has been banded. down by tradition,to,,tho present da,y. : .t.l The Tongue Shackle Torture. In! 183 g ,, a distinguished -Frenchman, 16 d devoted mach of his attention , to 'prik. nns. Christophe, 'was ,sent by the French government to,England, to make a rep- 4 -t on their prison system. The fp)- : • .)wing is an extract from tuns, report, • which an account of his visit to the rri. ens of„6~ n chcslet ~O ny. or the - things which ,struck me most in, th e course of my visit was the prodigious quantity of' hand-eu i ff4, ankle rings and t..ltainit of all kjnds, j which are suspended from the wall •of the, jailers room. But the mon; significant piece whiel;l.l saw; in this arsenal, s an inst r ument of si lence, consisting of. several circular 'bands of iron binding Ile head of the,: culprit; from the back of the neck to the forehead,; and fixed''to.).ether by a bamrof iron which; is opened to yt gl passage to the nose, and, which,terminates below by &bent tongue "of litemstliat enters into the mouth as far as. the palate. it be old jailer who showed mel this gag, in Way to, make toe un4orstand' ! that be had seen it operate more than onee,r said, with a smile, that it wasonly in - ten: , dcd for womect.” • $? Tarr .ATLANTIC UATILE.+ 2 —The cable is alwityhe size of a :flinm eZer. The,oltside is composed of eightien strands of small wire ; neixt six •attands -of yarn ; nexi, three ceatqof gotta pereha; ! inside. of all 40 seven copper wiresifor tel egraphing -the aggregate I,,tigtlf Pr wires requirca in the manufacture; cif one mile of the eable is 126 miles! ft• a v e i e h s 1800 pounds . the mile, is'quite flexible,i ;and was estimated to be strong enough to i bear in water over- six miles of irs own length if snspended vertically. - • The wholeicapitel of; the company is. $1,750,000; 'and! has been taken 'of $.5000 each. The pro - portions in' which , these shares have, been 'taken are,, in 1 London, 88 iri 'America, 86 in Laverpool,l 7 in glasgeni 2b in `Manchester,' and ihe l kemainler in ,ether parts of England , 1 - , „ O A NST,on , LnymEnriTY liNGilErLi• . TION.-HKelleylLowe; pastot of the Afrie:in Ohnieh ,Auggsta, doorgi3, waS originally a slave, lint people bonglit him some years ago, nOdl.(al Zion' s,lAdvociftei says) "he is their , serVant,,peruniarily as well as They allow him n salary of 'from 5500 to 81.000 per annuna.. l •• xteg„ltlis said that'' ex-President Fillmore , i. about to marry f• alady of Montreal. The Portland Advertiser thinks this a pretty i I• 1 , business [for a 'Knoer Nothing. "Amer i cons mus rule Atnerica," antihero we have the greatchief a i the dark lanterns submit- Ong to; f resynl rule and actually laying pl t e n a_ to increase 'the immigration! • , 1 1 I ......._ ' ' • 1 1 rie_The first' experiyacot, en, this conti moot, of lighting,srty ,with gas froru,peat was suect4ully tri 1 in Portland on Mon ! day. The light was clear and' brilliant, and few of the citizens were aware that'coal was not used as u ual.l 1 .. ri • Iludians haie - 1 a- law to reaty la valid without ( thirds of, tho i mothers' of • lifsY - The Senecal the effect' no i tho consent of two the. tribe. DEDLThe searlipstl complete thick of wbieli there id any'pertain record, was made by a Saraccc in - the 1301 "century., P,,LAt , of the INDlANi,coNsiilaAci, , '-- 4 : ...—..... i ' li' • A - German, paper contains ter trtms-' a ~; mined to theu editor from alcutt I ,iwhich contains some startling statements, lereal ing'' the whold scheme of the' insuagenis. (The cominunicatiiifi k whiph lniars, as 4ecc u t 'a- date as .July 4, Aitys: :: ' I I ;..,"It is now place& bey2nd oil hull!. that - we.have•Mot only to': do with &ITV lot on in 1 the Motive army, but also with a eve ration of- the - whole' ICleir3Oie' 'day p"nVitat on 4 rif In- I dia. ;.The pli,' n isto,murder all th , 14.:Urap. ans and Christiads,,, , and to„ieStttr the an cient Itlahomedan empire. -. / All the plavas were well ,laid, I and 'the object Must bare been itttained; l if it had, net hew} for the precipita e‘.... 1 0f. the -21ot native ligiment. Then) ution:_waa to have begun in (,'al c'_ a, and not in Delhi, Tbrel2d regiMertt. 0 ..0f th gle a n f n elt ie i rB n Iv(!i:t9let;tha—a:geatt-1441111t p'o'ssession uric the -Ate i'l'....— ..... • r - ; - --; 1; -- - 1 1 murdered ell ; the Europeans , residwg in r'llarraelrltorei lira afterwards 'make' tE - E5 best of its way to'. alentta. , , t ' - "The nativielartillery at Dumdum was to have acted;im the same way,.' and Iliac°, as-/ `fisted the 2nd regiment of Ig:wire - Hers ini slaking, the, ships in the Hoe , ghlY hy - memiS iof the guns of the fort. 'The Shin; were to - i be sunlein erdOr that no it:ureJpeeire reight• , )be able to escape. The body 'guard of the) Glvernor-GeMiral (veterans from the I Id: elcnt cavalry regiments) w lto have] 1 all! •mu dere the persons in the s mice of i the govermueut. The tAraliorneda sin the!. Ibazaar were_th have destroyed the railroad and telegraph. The 19th regime_ t afmr I all the :Europeans had been left t 'death, was to marph / towards the_nortfi;_in rdering ! and plundering as it went. \—..,— ! I - "As boa been said, the •preciri an Q cy of the 21st regiMene caustd tho toiler -4). the whole scheme'. ,ISi4c meo,iclengin to the / 1 11 regirMent of eienadiers were rrest.l, l but instead !of being hangedl,tb' wre I banished for forty years—that is, ilii-ly / re I allowed to gn their way in • peace. As;tnel pint h'ad, been discos:creel! at eget: to.. A t hol north-west - prbvinces f ait;' , a nd the i mot4tnent soon extendedifroth 11)6 hi and 'I l'neerut through, the whole of Iridia (presi- t i r dericy of licmgalt) Delhi is, still in tic hands of th 4, rebels,, and the loss of the E_uropea,pl regiraints is great, . The' G'walicor Cuntin-1 i gent 0.1, 4 the much cul?gised ',Gliodrkasli- I red lithe beSieging troops, and tirade C'em -I,:morOornse With the inlurgentSl When it w as . .himfrn that the Chinese'exPeditibn h a il {reached.. Sin . gtore and had sailed ft 'lt'ial-' eutta,%thit me rgerits, who had bpr ad all -mver 41e.coun i try, ;made, an attempl i to get pa.ssion of ;the •fort at I.lDiraend• arbor; but failed." .,'' . ;1 T I ---___ MINI T l t . ' "I w I. I.were .1. Etiq 'riga.. , , , 1 p "We t •of Mane and .11:Vie as ••been befcire dial:ill in' a very bailpy ;ion, 'lint one ; . t'Airig they _niPssedi, were never ehildien.'L-rar. Al.. Ri l true. ~ Wct ~faever thought 'o' t',.. Adam nOilir IjilAyed . marbles .1 He }never played "hoW , He never (gore a tan : dein of boys , With `a string. 1-let r tievcr ska tedion a pond br .. paye - d "ball' . or rade down hill qp a hand sleigh. ?Arid Eve, she never made a playhousershe , ' eveil took tea with another little girl - fron theTlittle tea-table set.,'out with ,the teb. i 3 ine; • she never rolled a hoop or jumped a rope, or pieced'a habil - alit, dr dressed,':i d 011....-- They never Played /blind man's buff,' or: "puss wants a corner,' or 'burly }'ourlY,' oi• any of the games with whirl] l e,hildhood sports itself. lllriw blank tbeiri l l age imust have been, wherein no memories' of early youth came swelling up in theirilieart!s:lno visions bf childhdpoti floating he& froth the long past;' no Mother's voice cliaing'4 Inb. , laby to the ear of , til Ci 'OM honrs! of the night;"no father's volie ofiliindness speaking trout; the phurch-yard . livlierad,lllie 1 sleeps. .Adatii - and Eve, ana trey Aloe of all the }eouiitloss millions of 'Ten•' and tttit ev'er lived e l hod no lile.l o, 1, (1 I '.: I . I 1 I I . i ' 11l • The 1,14. , f0 -Rot.-÷lVe are grattat leain that the potato 'rot iiont;s6ll6xtt.t, as has Been r.prostlnt(y.l.l . On iti viii several large farms last woeli,. in 1 .. be' tt i l of, Swansy and •Sornersi , t, l we; lenr . ned t the disease hart beon very f•light, ,and napsily confined to (nol hriety— ti t' Fhet go. Many farnters.svere d,igginifor sit ping at. 70 cents per bt%.. . ?ilhe yi .. iii not as large l l as usual, etodßed , ' Staslard. Inv Its qcnt7al • I,x tpw tiot th PI 11 , tur by ins ; r. dile for \ cie pen. 'Walker. _Marshal- is il4 ua l initrestigating,theinatter. 1, --.The I if iln question' is, dipeeted /co carry a h's f`ernigraoll" froin this port, and to, .o.' for a annpatly from that 'city..LL Pjst: " . visitor going ior3 a ifree ; during the half yearly czantinaticiti, cell two fine looking l boys, ;.ofie o had taken the first Prize; and the ot , sehzod.. Said the teacher: ttl'hoty r took the first prize, is the son of • tika j • na; ;who :miss my wood; the b,iy ipo..tayk tl ;second is the son of the •Governtr_ o State. ' • " Na. J.. W. - Bsttrict, formerly la N I, j York, purchased ‘ro acres of prairie, thr Miles from 'hotly' Grove, in Carrolreoti4l. Ity, Illinois, two iyearsazo. This 3lear hol P3"-; •Aceordin„? , to the re.obnt censusof has 260 acr sof Sn i ps gro;wino ' estnvit6d ; 'lllssaclinsettr; i thcre iVero in 1855 nine 1, at $7OOO. Besides this, ha Ics \ ou l . :I B'lo l t , oudwrsons-in the $t its who were Upwards ' I -"' 1 acres and- bdilt a house and; barn. , le has'. of %la hundred yearf. old. , Two of 'those . Also 1000 ihecp.abd cattla fet...dnag n tne , were IC:Kith-ilia of Easton and L•evcn,of .Mid 'prairios..l..l; dlasi.t.s. e:uunt v. -1 •=1 :, 1) 1 1 •The Utah Expedition: I' ,-• ' , 1. The i Leavorirv'erth iiorrespondent of the ~ • St. Tirmie Republican irrites : ; I The 'lacers constitui,ing_the "tab Terri- torial. Gs,velifiment '.have not Yet started, thciugh;at one tiMe,tilhy were on the paint of deirig so,I and.wer'cl. only stopped 'by an oi-der 'from ;the I War Dapartment.. Five hundred ofEenra and soldiers, yesterday, set • out. for•.NeW 1,..i1i.r.ic0. Col. Johnson, of 1 Texas, is to nikekiommaed '0 - ~ E. , pedition, in;tead i d Gen, s ob; 'avingl;hy-the-by, see;mslta be str; ; of 1 . t 00,1 - ; the G-eseral. I At Go`r". are -tr, ey : satisfied; _ t lift r..s, ' bis vces( . 110 V . ' - i Reuse •,1 and'lhe bas. then his at --; desire for his retention.' li; im-; i piing, is- ettiri,o• g is, •li mpatier doi, • f minion o troy. B. luung eke i • 1 ; t •_ !_to -ba under way. ; 1 1 -- I ' .A'a 'toon asithe"-Colonel ar-, !rives the eiPeditiou Wil trd i l n ! i diut eve thenlforeed zar A ; -, m !d but '•no made in 'order to re la Salt Lake Valleyl t . ; befoie - Winterlset.i io. 11 -.; 11. . Gov. IValker, is now .at Fort Leavenworth, I -,- . . ,--.- •4. 11 --- - '' 1 ' f probably• consulting w 4,4 Gen. aruey a 5,,,,,, 1 to,the course to be pursued. -Ll'': I The Sc.. Joseph Journal of the 10itill; glyes, an acconat of a fight between Chl; R . Sumner's coronmod ant'a band• of lii'diaris, ' about the middle of August, on the Arkan=l, sas river. The ',liidians fought as Well iis) I, any disciplined, troops could hale 71‘111.--'7 l ' _ _ • 1 , , Viey rcceived:thri .fire - ,of the Americansc. abd rCturmA it With effect, lilting - itnet.r_i ;, . ' , . - r--1. wounding folly of , tiler/. ;1. he loss of- the • Ipliaris was itwenty k i lled aud woundodil The Soldiers were, greatly diesatisfied iivithß7 ti it deatment, the wadi of provisions,A4; - C'•)). Strainer had scat to Ftirt Kearney t. for' a supply, and it ;was do the route fost(he ;.place where they;were srationcd., i 1 !- ' I . I ` Late'frOm Ks.nsas. - Sept ;,, , ~... ~1 1 . ":' or. ''cis, . 1 -0, 7 ^-1 fie proclumatiOn- 1.. fat '; of Gov. AValkeevelative in the elecr,' - : tins ' t i .i i - nsns bas been ' received While ' 1 ,op i ‘,a . , aP- allinittim , hu ;u i s i tice exhibited in the ! ' -1 ; • ;0; pia, 1 • _ . "P- -1 apporti on rit wino exclUdes fifteen coin • 1 .1 ties'fro 'participting id the election, the ! i i ' Clovena r attempts! to' 'oroulpatek r "dtilf fro4n bhlrne Vy dkrilaring• that only four-doks, ; romaintid:'iffier liis . arrival in the Territory , - • to iti:ll:Ctfie:appiirt.hument, that he dul;not • ' know, tßa'r, ther,elexisted' a law requiring . - trim to"in-tke CO;apportionment, tberefoie' the Idutv devolvild inpen otheri. Ile. i er reses he opintiiia, s tliat no one can vote.. except hose r., , h0 arc qualified' under the - - • • , . , . _. ' territon. I hos; oil the `.2.otir of February : last - , , and alsothilt,unOer t;liis law• the. terrporiat „ _ la; willl not , belreillired as a qualification ° fur ,a' •vil)ter. ) Th e r Governor states that i _,traolis will be s't tiOned itt various velink . ''s where vioh.r' I on; is tillprehendtd„l l ,-and ; 6 - 1 , e ar , ho -c l oncl i utles .with aillnpe that all offiecre, , i ' e , f r, I will use their ---I;4:.,._xertj2n to, make the ? c " '..election lofi k ir and,honest expression el the /er vies of tho people ': : i'' ° _ I, n ,. 1 , • ~ y ' I l ia. .uci AN4N AND A zEcoon "lERNI. 1 . --- , .1 The Smte of last week' pribli•died, With ' t 1 editorial hoo s, la letter from N l ew York, 9 1 , !,,iti which it is hitied that,l a grateful Dernoc- ; t i.!ra r ey will give Mr.: liti,chnan a second dee- . m i tioq / of .tho Piesideney. ' riThat sort of!, &pi e I peal, has been macle:tJ bite by Lie flatterers , ! for,montlie. It Would, bare - been better, ;_-both as a matter "of poliey and as a Matter. of taste,.thatit Eliouri have been confined - to the Private rorens'of thh White IloUse, kept of i 1 ; F VP • i 1 !.and out the rwipapers. t rather' [sboWnien never permit:tale public to seethe w strings and brichicuery by which theirifig . • - , 0 I or are Moved -- 1 1 l qt. ` Republic: ' ! I O q iunlpli i r,; re 4 . yea.r..l for tlidfil e,ozelianlgud; _ la learu I -= Es' . .__ 1 ecei ste 1111 • tea tci cIT IJN: ... no, "w6' r er t .g.sTAili.4sMi:jsfsi : BECOMING PATRAAffitNT. : ;. i..--.- . . + In the•w ' ay of bUild i tngs i nt! tiatatt l ya,'; 1 1 Unelo Sam', is reallylbecoming extravagant.. 1 Ile is "en i :tlie-npread," and- witirk:little r good luck ; Trill soon own aii,rattlikmicrtaf. - beds as Louis Napoleon. Thi . Trealtiry extension, which was begun With - a'setideti -, ate appropriation of , 300,000, hatariviindr -, , Swallowed 'B7oo,o*"..tind IliiiirriTdrif ' 0 ;4 I least 5.14.509,000 in a4ctition to eninteletti47=, i The orineipall,,limentiinOart "of. l this built:lit:4,r are 4Gt feet of length tin theteast and west ~ ''fronts,'- with; rtoiticoeS, spd'etett' at ihe - onrtli,! land south ends, extending 114 fact fuitlier, ; making 4 thinl' length of sg,O.feet. The l' breadth of th'e+ediffewill be about 300 feet, , ' and its height four's oriei...Tlie'new wings' I of. the Capital Iwill ioat 810,000;0041 thO i Ncii , Orleaiis custdnallouse $3 - ,000,000; i the Chialesion r7ustem 3 llonse fr0m1,750,- i 9o1) to $ . .0)'96, 00;+` When tio.-,,ettm torsi ,' ( 1., tio n faiiingri's' rgiglattlti%trivvate . of.,tht , , • •.. c 1 peuditure - ter a L j snag f c °bite, .1:. At Phila, - delphia; thei, Goyernmno;4 honght itt a fait, land moderate price Ahi United Altnie.tlissilti= I and 411011 f , Pr Sq/15,00 . pUtal Ma I.ituother Lliank Loi Siriftir a ,rodst Otec.i It 16 iiOvr , proposeck.t , stop, work on the latter build , : =in g witicit is unda alteration for a Poet Office—a' FCbriiii , , involving the appropria. ; tion of sdy 1,1,00p,000 for the ereetibn of s t i hew C 11A0111 II 011tiO i .1, .Thete; figures are , 1 ' ' 11 If - S 4' . stiorwstiNT an, that ' .., nolo- am - t i =:.,--..- , , I L. • 1 ' bettin ,, his 'pile on sho w ihe spreadleagle. •In , , t-, • 1 1 the iway of granite mad hod eartters,. t e. gdyerument has; spent, more Money sin .o • 11815, than during the whole stall eoptilr."; - . which precciled:A.lmil year. Illn' all ,Oiet. ! building tlMre ,is' a+, great. deal of metier . : i wasted and stole ; i' batnetwithstnding that, it is bettor - titan to, spentl.the money . !;thein getting ar), steam. frigates , ofadding to ex m nizi or travagiMee of thd Na-4. A ' steam ;, used' up in -fift l een yeafs-, , Zane or two 'ado been disabled in, a month ' 1 and •It t r ill . I.l3tilhlioge of gratito will 'oi -1 dote, kekei+, and if; properly, constructed will . net as 4ionitors lof taste or all the , I..genaiations %Thick- shall. succeed us. 'l' e i government - oau ' L ilo a great denfor the ai+ 7 l chitgeterii of ;the country; and s, a shall not I grieve Much`if it, continues "dotvg." - • [ .: 1 ,' • 9 ,•eti Dl-- Ln 1 4 lel tt 1 I - . 1 ' 11" ME 112. 111 r '1 II ti >f.