l' Prom the Erie C o n s titution '-- . .- • - , THE -CRISIS-THE purr or TREK' f 1 NEU - • - - :: - "Thep , are the timesithat, try - teen's?' 1 - , • zrkbote#. If there are any:wavering . re, t ...; faith; or weak irt the knees, rte lacking E. :nness in the !Pine, they will be 'Very apt ;. . -t.T,:eanifcit in this crisis. Are .you. res t• Wei . . - .lg yin your carps, taking your ease te ls eLi look g with jediffersnoa on the rea r!: t eon ti or -hive' you "bien'to' by . •-_ , tr.e.frevalle and ahoulderedjour 9 ind ' • raked your position is the. ranks; for the : - ?.. , :ainpaigt..! This is not the time , for the :ruit of inactivity" to biifourbitiptia you ;Armors. - Thia is no time for test: The ';oste are marauding for -the fight; end will . -ou surrender without firing ague 1" CMS& , ( 121 rig swords with the enemy 1 Whit!. Ho! -'‘ . ..--Are,You warier. or scamp follower f Are .7041,Ail old soldier, flimin the right, strong --- i o the faith, and alwayi ready-1'0:1;6 fight ? - ."..te you a new recruit eager for tbofrnYi '.•,,..1-4,cat in your devotion to the cause, and ~------: ir4 as steel to your gloriosa commander ? • eldsuard dies, it never The .DT young and ,gallant ebautpiou of lib e rty 4 ziesirers when risked to storm, that baste ni t NI try sir!' - The firm, fearlettS,, steady --` .fvntiotr•of the regular old soldiery - 010d the --. , ---7--- -,..oefiii,e_earnest effort of the ritiriegimehts aT J both needed. The same soldiery that, was - _.• -,,,aten at Bunker Hill, Long Wand, and ) lifindywiste, shared victory at Yorktown; ~. ..: . - '[in '54 - we triumphed and theviotory was . - ---: Fll l irioni. Why was • it not ; turned Ito so ,: hot T' Did the 'ask fer . 'the 'ask the .. i'vmytti - ramp demoralise the soldiery tend 4; ve them at, the mercy of ; ti surprise t— ' ' ' '7,'pe,-t was thi.fault of -the commander, He' - --,•;1'-tbt to have followed up the victory - and ‘ 1 -21 , . - it...-ad of allowing histroope - Ao rest and ' - .4ve: in the tents -of the opposing army . he —2',.-; , ald hare marched on ,to nese Lvietori es ...;Itif all enemies were onnquered and peace "n i went ity restored-'::Hie supineness and ~,_r own confidence and vratit'of well orga ti:zed effort test us the State in '55. The , -;•Alatiee and stratagems of, the enemy, and -;.; •,•. ;sr own carelessness_ and the bad manage i;=;.•.!_vit of our leaders lest PennsylVk.uia to, l':eedom in '56. Have we not been beat-; - - I, i back. quite far enough? ; Are we freemen 4 r are-we slaved that the-'lords of the lash' iiould thus trample over tia and spit upon '.;,`9 in our native fastiessee?.; We have ,a ~ \'. ; :,oriotis leader, and a gloribus cause, and it ;behooves us to cast off our letharti and ,!telly round him ;in 'solid phalanx ands take I I:oe mare stand for Freedom. We cart eon= ,; l eer if we will. - But every. sentinel :lomat ;11)e at his post, and every officer ready .to ; -:, , peat the word of 'cornmatd, and everY,sol ____i .ier Prepared in do duty at ;a moments war . -; :, tug. Shall Pennaylvania\ be theork .l ---; terim of '57? We ca n make it so if w but 1...- - . ,; • 5t..“,1 firmly by our colors iiod come up man fullyu to the , fight. -1' \ _ 1 The men of the revolution did not hava. ; more, sacred rights to .ba ttle. for than we; have to-day. - Our Constitution -has been .•,-; ; misinterpreted, our churter of rights `has _; '- ; been invaded, liberty has been insulted, I--;. 1 ; :iumanity has been outraged;;;lhe old lauji, I'. Teurks...of freedom bare been trampled do - rho temple of justice has heen made a parti- Ipauisitien, a monied 'aristocracy is :, herbarium nai desetinite,n - rretriton7-antr-11: tii ' udieial Despotism is tykaniziog over Free -.6. If this is not enough to nerve the., -;11 of the. patriot and rouse us to ;a sense . : 'auger and airy, then God knows we de l' -va to be slaves, and are unworthy the 1 ‘.•ue or privileges of freemen. Can it bel , 1 Y..at the noble blood which flowed strong I ; :1..: pure for liberty in '76 has all been pot- 1 , -f - ,..: d and degraded by -the corrupting lotto.- • -. _e of 3,. moral and social despotism and; .; _,.;,.•: overshadowing insolence of a practical -. stocraey ? T. . 1 ,. ; - Leas than four weeks elapse when we . , p eet the enemy. Let us not suffer an 10- ,c,,lottous defeat. Let us make the 13th of I. .. October:lB_s7 a new era l in the history of . ; ~- tiiimen freedom. We can win the - -Tietoty ...,-' .i.r . we march np manfully - against the alltds ----r „ J I slavery. -We owe it to ourselves, we ~ ; , -"owe is the country, we owe it to the mem - -- cry of..lur gallant and noble ancestry( we owe it I to our bold and -sagacious leade.r f and more than all we owe it to GeD Aft t'llt;'• MANTIT - , to meet , the issues like men; and fight the ,batzle like.a free soldiery Mena* • fl e d to Meelaz a cedilla from dishonor.— , ' 'Let thr r next four weeks be de . votedlo un i tiring, unceasing, determined effort to se ' Lure the triumph of WILMOT AND FILEX DOM. , . Preparation for Another Invasion. Fran the Kenna I(eralft of Freedom., Rev. Mr. Stewart, a - gentlemen 9f intel- Ilgence and veracity, wh9 has been travel. iug through the border counties 'of Mils3u • and just r i eturned from a trip' of could& !able length in that direction, says that • , caw and heard -evidences every Where on route, conclueive to him that prepua - J.l are 'gain makieg in Missouri to in ?..de Kansa& in October, with tbeiview srticipating in our Territorial elections.l-- • 1' 'lbis is the design, unless Governor Walk- - takes efficient mete% topreserve' the pu ' ;II of the ballot-box, the people of Kama • •.,ill. We have,n3 thres4'nor bluster, but the people of blirsOuriwinst be taught that' 'bey have interferektin sour eletions for the last time. Unless Gov! . Walker gives the •-• pe o ple full assurance that the polls shall be fully protected in' , Otitober we hope the people will COntinum to prepare themselves , : for a warm reception Of ,the invaders! We bavanot believed ' ct there Would be any k further interferenee On the part of Missouri in our elections and now We ate firm in the conviction that GOT. Walker willlhead off the movetient s , and yet we are satisfied an y__ attempt will be made to 'perpetuate power as they have _ done in the past. The`ivillai nous apportionment, by which everY die trict but one was bounded by blissouri, stiows that Johnson and Mathias had an other invasion in view, and that they ap 'pertioned the Territory wtlb a view to it, L se6Does any of our high liven enr eat it ',o much dinner? I r f any of our readers 1 ..lave 000 ks-who mpt their appetite a lit:I ite ile toofsr, 1101 tellia seent that will lead ' . them to the enjoyment of their' dinners without a visit fremAst gouty ohic, gentle man—Dyspepsia, l'oke a: dose of fir. s' Sart ford's inttot‘tor after' eating, and —.. y a unerer mitttoetroutied with fad:gad/Jai but on the cantnry, before the next meat time approacherotse appetite will be sitar, peryd to appreOate any kind of food. = IttirSolci /.7 Or ; 0. Ci n gi ng t fail , Bea. - vcr and Druggilt. generally. H ME EMS HII3TORY ), OF osi ' iitaLL Piolll3ll. '.., '$ .*.. ...s In t--- , .. , .` Bead Oda sun - iff his- f e y taken , .+ Where the York Republiar : ' -7 -, 1 a l not Whent men I have keen in "blie life, ' tbePeopht statmld lookutloeir- t history, and see 111:41,1acy have conduct ed . them } selves--whethee or not . they aye acted honestlyt-trkather public moue has stuck to their finger~---fwhether they are grown unaceountabiyinch without an, apparent' imeans of per anctimulatian, a d whether, there are an circtunatances l'ich tbrOw laii.`aPie'TOn oi their voltniniatra 'on of thel' publi c affaira . Confided to thent. Take IN'ill- i ism F. Packer for instance. I e inhtritedi, i.no patrimony, whith is certsi ly no mead. of reproach. Ile leiatut the trade of a printer, ',bleb r is twhis Credit. For a feak iiyears he conducted pewsp I all right ,per a', though Ore Key - stone at flierriaburg; ender his , a ices and during the notoill ' oats admioistrklion of Porter, )I"aq One of • , , ~ .i [ the wrt. prdstiprted and • aaprincipt .. inPenityliunia ' Nod all that we presses • ' have here statedAould not retie h ill s rich. But b e h eld °flies on the Pn ic WPrke! i • , be was Canal Commissiork rid Auditor General else under Porter's inioistratiou: Since be reiired , tibia thesePasitions, •he bats been living a gentleman at large, haV ._ r 114 no visible MeDDS or tUrpOr an d nn reg itlati occUpation a , devoting himaelf to polities in their parttime aspect—a naetiher of tle ;Legislature; bat- receiving , a regular pay which would no t _ mord than-defray his own expenses it " Harrisburg and Jauppert his family at , kerne,: and • aisidhously layin g 1 `plans for his election. as Governor, t e point of: his ambitiot- -',„ . • Yet heyis rich—howhas,be become so ?.. This might be a retry invertitient inquiry in respect loft mere - priva citise t n. - Bat i Packer is rcandidata for meteor,' and we'want honest ? 'and in : ptibte manila office. , This 4 the crYin need -of tbe times. ' Unttnestidnibly, n. Packer has not obtained his health by hibor ' nor i l by 1 the industrious prosecution of any business pursuit. He bad not earned it wheni t he' quit printing for Ipoliticsl He has sii,ee held offices, wheie lawful salaries could pot make him rieh. ',Wherea s- - the money come from ? : It bag been shown that whifo Canal Com Missioner a very :large and lex pensive contract 'was 'given to a compai7,l-, of which his brother wasqua ' though sti.i.- ere, o ff ered to . do•the work for less. iOf course Gen,' Packer arna r inot ignorant of ithat—had. he a private ne-oriel interest of :Lis own in that contract :' The peoplelcan only' determine from the ireninstances.-- [ Such thingi are not perpitted to apPe-.1. But certainly such an interest "'would'; au. count for some of Gen.,acker's wealth i This is only orie.case: h w many more of ir) the same sort if not wit brothers, With intimate friends or partnyrat, i, pro se ?Mtn, may have occurred, it is Inpoksible to s itell If the secrets of the Canah Commi inn ' ere Office . could all be disclosed, whet a , sickening tale of , corrupts n, fraud and sic , lin'queney in 'public officeta--the very , geardiand robbing the Treasury--arould rppear '. But, they are 'probably buried ~,, for ever. From the gli' psiis,we have oc- lenity bad of them, however, we can To acme coneeptiir ?of the immense tint of, nublk.,e,go; , wholi . Orti dine to ,i ) me have been ; intrusted with' the care of , t e State Improvetnentsl One .if the mnst ignificant circurnstaueer• connected with them has been the sudden and Utglaerrolllll - accumulation of wealth by officers (if every grade, fromthe highest tothe lowest, , who haVe been employe fi upon them. And this is one very remagcuirle circumatanee connected with the public life of Oen. Packer. He held offices on the Public Works, and be has become very weall2y, with:DO apparent sources Cf \ aeromultion." If this en4n - Preekeit fit to be entrusted with the excentive power of the Oitemon• wealth ? He and his sprcial persanallfripridA have been'canal nffi/e,holdere all their lives. In theSo sinall. positions ito-v have Made fortunes. Should -they 'be., trusted with larger offices ? - _ , 1 -- , TEE TIME; i • --, , i' The friends 3f It.Vtri Aribtor errough-, out the co.antry, who nclioie ell th 4 sine , -re' opponents of the pr , sent pto-slaVery ad. , ' ministration, .slould feel that nOw is the ; tin:le : for them to be s i work in the lean of, Freedom. - Their ti.lin tiftil crops are ow: garnered, and 11*ot:if Way Of doingtheir duty 2nd showing their thankfulness', hey should - enter anew info this contest for'bu manity. Let our fr i iends throughout the county, eyd wherever in Pennsylvania thhi may chince ` - to be feaci, meet together, if they have7not already dime it, appoint their vigilance committee* make out their poll lists and prepire fullyifar the election day ' now not a month in itha future: - Let them agree upon times and places fo. holding meetings, where addressesopon the subjects which are of parantonnt interest may he delivered, and w,b4i each may Strengthen the other in the 'arc* 'which every good biter of shans-deMocracy must have at heart. Will the, :lumbers of the 'County Committee arrange frith enb.coMmitteei in the. various townships', to have general tie'. tice given in eselSocality . ,-, and "speakers can doubtless be procured in ; , the city or elsewhere to present the claims of our, can didates to the suffr'sges of the. people. We see that our friends in various parts . of the State are waking up to the manes . of the day, and that theY r intend to uirshall , their full . strer.gth in October on thS side of the right. It- needs unanimity of action and a full turn-out a r t the poll* . to rescue riii , _great_ State from the clutches of she 0r.4 -- •. slavery harpies,'"ich so longhtive fed, up -on her. A good blow' ramekin Petio , yl. Vania will be hitird throughont the length' and breadth of the lend ; ioill divide and dishearten the Oddsyrao ! 'en& which still stick to democricy 1.3 v the cohegive pswer of plunder, and be tile -worst effective r ! ,:axe. tent ever yet made toward, the reams of the. Federal Administration from the 11 , •04a., ' of the aristocracy of slave-drivers and their tools, which not{' bold theEsectitive, Leg ialitive and Judiciary departments of the government in their iron clutch. Fnrititna Or ; FREEDOM Ail) OP THE CONSTITUTION:! SHALL . -9p DE itrP AND AT WORK IN THIS GOOD iDOITET ? (IP so, NOW IS THE TIME ! --Pittsburg Guzette. _ ~ i . • A . .31inister, Testinpny,:—HOoliitoes, Beaver Co., Pal Trek. 5`.01,.1857. We prefer eying ,Bcerhaves Holland Billet f3r eas , to sari the discount.-- Hope to send you'econ a redornmeadation from our Min - liter:testifying to its curative power.Biguel ), ' -1 MOODY IS:CAROTHERS. =I .SEE 1 P IT BEFORE TER rEo : E. , That Henry 8: Matt; Cutal4,C ramie eioner, Charles R:Dnekalew, Oltal, an of the Democratic State Centrare Week, i d and others of the same ilk, pigtail ' the tragramy of 88000 I', s' v.::' If : SEP 1T BEFORE THET E LlT, llis That Jacob Fry, ; Auditor Gene 1, and Henry 8. blagraw, State Treasurer., both. 1 Democrats, connived alt the fraud and Fait h the money out of the Truett:try,. va direct violation of the late t,'' 1 . '' - ' - KIMP IT-BEFORE TRH! fig That if they deeirel to-protect th, ury from plur.der, aed same 6 1 1 from onerous taxivion, they to honest Pnblicrofficers to guard the of the Comthenwealth, and. p againratrthe leeches who hate been I to it aed_sneking its life blood ' past. - ,ICEI3P IT BEFORE, P' That the-leaders of .the, Denioe;atio pat: ty, from Packer tiowo, }ter si eng of STATE PLUNRER,ERS, who h ve eirin died thii Commonwealth out of • illione,of money; wrung froM the sweat a d toil Of the honest tax-payer, and will ' , continue their dspredationalupon the "T ,', yso long as they are placed in; high position and entrusted with poier c i--;.11or. Wrgrapli. ".. LATEST FROM •EFRO . =EC - , Sept- 1 1 9.—The ateamerlndian froverpool on the 9th and till Antelope T Ii on_ he 7th, ",have arrived with three days hartintelligence. -,, •.• - 0 i ‘ here is nothing later , fr'crm ir i rs. t , The *knish government has esed'the swrpension of operations , for invesion•inta, Mexico. I The quest:on will libe.,•set t tled. through the arbitration >of . Eogrand and, France, 1 . • I 1 j -1 . , The m oat perfect iindardandit tweet England Midi F;llee ' .question. ' If Lord :Egin fail isfaetion war will he declared si bc 1 i . ' C ' ' It is rumored that Marini in .another ft:llian revolution.. The U. S. ships Cumber! Louis were at , Cape Vernis 'On August. . .t i A slight - difil::olty had . oce Prance and Denmark as to wh . dues redemption ;should be Pei 'the Pope had returned t hil Italian tou r and was corned. , Preparations were making s for a meeting between Napole ander of 'Rossi s.l The reinforcements from to India amountid to 40,000 Lou of 'a ateamil Norfolk, Sept. 18.-- T he el trot America foundered at se lest. Fifty pasfengers were, Norwegian barque ; Eloise, .ii psis' females. ~1 The officers zcept "Tames M 1 Frazer, 2d chief engineer, d'' E. "Ashby and deserted the ship. Th of,dol tam of specie. which ill lll.Contt=ala;,_ were! U. 8. Nary. -Her crew co} Men, and she hint 525 passel zonith — T - Ila total of 626 souls, [ ' The fit• MIPT lost wh: 1 Cane liateras. I , 1 t The steamer Empire Cii krbin -- here-foreit York ..t; passee . gerp. ..' •-. It Ls posit ' y stated lb .l and Andean who were pas 1 1 1er/oral America, were sal ihoard,tbe brig Marina.- i LATER. 't Sarannsh,: ! Sept..lB. be bark Saxe). l i n . y arrived . ayhis pert thi morning; frith 'fire passengors,.resence.fr.en the !vereek of Olre Central Am , rica. Sim repot•ts the to eel loss of the • vesiel,. trelltinre, and mans and abont.five hundred s -sangero,::• A por tion of the crew, togethe with the women 1 and,ultildreu, p pas,gers umbering in all 1 forty ptieomi. were saved Ity therbrig Ike 1-rie; bOund to Beaton. • „ , IS NOW. . A new bsllot•blx is a, a:Winced in N. Y. not only to)" constructedas to exhibit the interior but O.K. passtige of each seperate ballot into it, lint riche p, etrong awl du• table The foroi is tha of an ordinary tin trunk,'with a 'hinged li and lack, except it i n the form of tke lid. i Tie fop part of this is a sheet of commas, mi glisw, hove which , Lucre is a structure of re wire.' rising in a 'pyamid from one to six inches With a glass , tube in the apex, extentling deWo through the plate or glum into / t e box: The bal lots ate inserted through a fin citp nvm- the tube, and citt be seen 4 . ... they fall through the tube', and as they heii the , box, which it is cast' to ascertain 1:, , ; handling. It is made of single tin and c ontains - no - no contri vance fur stuffing- All - the glass part is so constructed that it can of easily be broken," and boxes ef;ritable sixe can be construct ed for $2 a piece. i • 1 r ' SaphyrLost-87 !ersonaPolsoned. , • Charles t on , Sept. 21 t —The ship if /orida from Liverboul for Sirminalr, 'touched at this port yesterday, anti pilaced on — board a pilot boat Capt. J. YOulg and the officersand ciew f,the ship kloatag. / &A pr of Boston, w aterlogged in the gale of Aug ust 20tb Ott Srinday last. il l Pike ,coonty,..Als. :37 peesol were pow el, sii rtf Arhont did shortly a ter. The - apt was committed by the\wegr cook, instigated by a Hungarian .nained Chnitska. Thontati Frozill, the over seer, Ins \ wife and Psis children, Mrs. Cloud and Era ill ' s grand slighter . , are the vic tims of t his terrible crime. , 1 Others were lying in a critical tondition. The negro woman was blitned to death, and Comiaka was condemned`to he same fats by his self-conttittited jrid4es. . • Material ahl,to the Rescued Peseeagers, 41 . of the Centra l America. . „,. ~.. , ,„, ~.„, 4 ris rtiric, per: zt — The . merctottita 'have a pointed a c mmittee to rape l3 - d- ends for the relief of thistlferen by , the Cen tral.'A erica, and to reward those who res cued itrem. Tire eurn,of 0,700 was sub. scribe(' to-day, isolieleg - 42,000 - .by the gtesintrbiieo. i Vallwe otpylraa W. Field & - York,lSe l Se pt . W. Field -d4r deal ers of this city, have fail -ma at. ' , A New Ball Ne i k Co ed to 4,lsr BEAVERi_I I ,- RGUS. EN= *I. Nitta MVIR, - - - , .•7I73DNEEIDAt, 8 4,, FOR CrOVER / ,, OR, DAVID - W14,14-O Ti pia, Trepd mattes at elect immure, - ---rir-suPitEM4i J , DOD!. - - - ' JatitesN ieift,i ir " - _... 4,... ' ftl'Airefe tS, `Jo -plied.. w Is , 4 01 - C'er ~ red nly. ve .ftiCkilkg or y 01175 FOIL 'Oalifit?.. ccomrssipNE , W 4WARD OF iVradirphia.. UMW CAUNT TICIEET. • - _ 14411010 MI E. Lopte. zionntp, GI-EORGE P. 14114W;t2ii ►art , _ • wILT,I;A!I is7.4vxDr, poiasii ti Reginer • ii , RTU)rder.' ) siitr.FL - .8. 17tSON,;"Betrough. ' ': -r 4 - Troantior. • ~,_.:,. WittLiAM' HENRY, (Ft !smile!. ,/ '---, Clef - 4 if; COlilts. ALFRED G. MeCREAEY, N. 134gistoo. \•- , Commtssiorer, ABNER t10.1d,, jl'erturldtt.„ 7, ~ ' •'> Atiditoi. , . , WILLIAM°. HDETEE, Br;gtttoritp. • • r c 0 • ! s. oron el NATHAN P. coucu, New - Blight?. 1- Poor "rouse pireecor. ' JAMES 81 . 11111N6, Indeperilenoth • . Trustoes of ticadenry. M. T KENNEDY. N. Ilri 0 tob,{ 4 Yee re- SAM UHL MOREFIRAP, Sitsron,(4 yrs. sraTti CITNNINGITAINI,Itearer, (3 vs. ABNER P.LACOOK,Rochester tp (2 yrs. exi4 the Chins to gets At. ultaineous- organizing and St. the 26th of 'red between • n the found 1 1 Rome .from WI! wel- Odr Annual Fair comes off next weel:,. and the season being exceedingly favorable, We ex. : pent to see an hyaena.: Concourse oL , people- We hope our friends and potions will not forget to give us a eil4---..We shall hold ourselves . in readiness to discuss polities—the abundant bar-I vest that hail just been • garnered—the :state' nil the weather—the good 'pointa horses, eattle,l tegetables, &c., Eihibitir , o-fgi've them art opportunity to sit in the Editor s'; Eaty 'Chain; and Write a Receipt - oec3siontOty. if desired, by ' way of variety, end to give them p apecimenrof our Penmanship. Il` j". I • t Stuttgardt and. Ale x refit, Britain mec. p. eatnahip on litaturday save 4, hy the eluding twen• were all lost pincer. The -wok a boat two millions ere on board ost. • -The yes sisted of 101 gets on. board, Aumrtvitn TO Ba4;--111r W. Morino, of New Brightort,l and Dr:! ft Thomson, late Prothonotary Were last week tidtaitted" to piste 13oth get etnen wirumiersdarknetufWlßM l Z: L selves my creditably before their Examiners. Dr. Thomson! is so highly esteemed in this county. for hit good qUalities of head and heart. that it-will be s marvel indued:. if he does 4 ne: reach a high Mahe in !the ardtio".B profession which he has chosen. . , .n 200 'miles off p, which sailed ea part of Hap aIV the ladies gingers on the ed, and are on . . VXAMINATION AID if E.t, ADIDITION.—The pall Eamination of the heaver Feinale Bernina ry commences To- mon oW. (Th'ir.444loy) At the Cr. House. Exhibition and award ;of Diplomas co Friday evening. We !,understand that it 14 t,14.1 intention of the Trustees to mince use of the most rigorous me.ms to preServe order. „Boils loOk out—•or you cloy i lfitad yourvelves .in th 'Granite' buitdingi between the Bey-scales and the Court House, and depen i dsnt, upon the hos. pitality of Sheriff Darragh. ' , 4 , NOT.TET AILACIITEri.;O`tt9rk, who came nOar taking the, life-*Peonstable Reed, of "ket Brighton, while that 'officer *as endeatrorin,x t arrest him, although elosely I pursue46, hos no yet been taken. lielts flte 'of 4 , i' g b lase as breakets that h infesteti ,that eish rhoo for some time post: pltotk As a- despflrat character. It is but a short time since he .0.-.' leave of the PetitentiarY. The pretectioa o f property. and the personal security I of th in habitants require that every effort I shoule, be made for his speedy ar r est: I I P: S. The Commissicinerw ofl Bei ver"7Coenty offer a reward of Fifty;Dollars, for th appre hension of - the above fugitiie from7ttsttait. l l 1 -, • ' 4 .. • i l , ' , , -.„ , -Box. 4 AlitOST E4csrz.—A IGernten, c onvicted.: last week, of the, stealing o f a small' sum, of money; clambere d over the jail-rralli s on liSm' day morning leaf, and 'came near making hie , escape; but tht alartn being . girei; a gbodly number of citizens started in.pursuft, and io;rei battle.] him on the outaltirte4f the berongh:, 1 ' Pisowintn. ,, —Qn Tuesday eveging, the 16tit, inst.; a sea of tlr.,James klorlan, of , Wigton,' agect about 8 years, fell into the Race, in that bormigh t ited.llS6 'drowned. Ilia body was re. covered, itt fn the \LL EXAN10111031,46 2,7[H1D1T1071•--We are inform. ed thatlthtStipintr Torn of North Setrickley Academy elOtliF oi.khe evenings of the 28th .4t. 29th of the month T he exhibition will be on the 24.11,nrui we barevsry reason,4? thatit will he aliighly interekting affair. :I . , I 7.- C S. D.lBuitsistLi en _intelligent ent ered man - dellyeeit a teeture in . the Court House. on Sabbitit lest, open ilie wru3gs Sind' i sinfulness -griming lout of , th ee.institttion !, of Slavery. , ' 1 ' ' 1 i _ 1 l' Bosse/ Torii' ..kunsterin.,--The illivitinil who was purr- :41 from the Colored earnii•nteet. ing. a few weeks si; fpr, borne stealing, was 'wrested and lolged - .+2l' ilonclsy ni ght last. - T. 7.---...1"..,,, •••: ---------7 , .. . i , kiZNICINATION-t,pl3 v 4411 1/ ' rAq i , tiaelll. signed the Prothono4rehip of Lawrence Cent'. t.,7: --it is said, for the Purpose 'of.accepting the post . of Cashier of the tmerence County Tiank.ii The Republicans asee 114 in county meeting on the 26th insiti to chose L I candidate for the vacant position. JOha 8. romeroy,"iohn Elder, and . 1 ' 1 G. C. bforgsn, Zsgy., are competito rs for the nontination •' ' ' 1 I i Have rsiiet4tAiost Mans of :Kahle bare, swept the Btat t welts 'fbutteand Bielotity ;4JWYMID. El= _ ll - ' I ER 23,1857. Of 13mitford Oster: I .oe. GIVE vs- A CALL. TUE FAIR NEXT WEEK. tbres!soni ceintly; test trneedrikilildpesdaY ',atar Ts ;, • 4 ." e datte neat' ::14elt i s4's-bOn set 4art;for hehfilkofrth ' i4ifthfianntil'Fairceif Best • Y ll'efet - Ur* , • hays laboreftlong and ' dlligentlf; and been - tiring in their efforts to provide the amplest accommodations for all • articles that may be brought forward for Miiihiticity - i so Si to Make .it, if pessitie.,' the liti4'l4simivs? Ss well as the Most "cniertaiitibg ; Tair 'held in the county. Thertraveintrutamet antrenetesettr'pareer";of gumind, highly- appropriate , for: the - pimpoltet hire put up d larger-menhir of and other . - • necess.art ont-bnilditti - si fine Floral !!o. feet; I p 4844 to* capable of supplying ill theiwater that may` be needed - dining the isorititinance of theF*lo: *Sine laid off and putlngiodionintlei an ezttaaTe Riding Ring; sad, in short, have succeeded at sotee.axPerne andMneh providing the Perplevith *.FtO Ornapd, Sao ample 7. is its di- meneiotia and acciiiiimniations, and 'complete in 'its different &pertinent's, , pattrotierittemr Cent in Nfeeterti pennsilva!: nib I a• • •—• Now, it stilton na that it is the - duty, as we . trust '1 the plessure l of all who hate" the welfare end advanceme nt of .the county heart, Old eke are' satiable' of - appreciating the efforts geti*iii . sly.,ol4, ferth, to cotes out cheer•, fOIIY • fioa, promptly,. ,and . : pres epee, and by the_eshibitiea of the product!. of the .SOII;- and of their handei,,contribrite-4kor Pert in inalungllin occasion one of great ibter tatt,;:es.Werliert of -pep:LOMA practical. Sdrast tags, - The seaien haa,been „highly .r orable. I ,Thelertips, all in all; were Probably nev better . • The - hameetlise:lieres long Ittui, bthe ' us „and fattler, need and -shwa take ;iv y., r two of lions_ 'We think, therefore," we jnatt fied thstvirr shall largest j;oipeopie=tbs.beet 'display k4-the inthderiMilt 600 mens of client natty.— the' talleit'enmpirliti,' ...Potatoes; tad yin* getable, geriernitY; 'thin hive ever biifore been concentrated ott any,ourt eat Acre tin Bea •I vir'etnitity..: , •If doutit, let thehi Cora, and see, and ludge for themsetTeq. . . , MEM GR&ID YROCESSION. :A, grand procession of all The Horses on Ex gibition butge groun4e, will be formed 1,-at 10 o'clock Of,,iach day, during the oqnkinuanee of the Fair:, I 07e are sneered by orkel l oeth l e Men. Ugere,tbat some splendid an hash will be on the ground. This,_then, may be Iso4dently looked forward to, as .o. new, grand. biantlful and enlivening feature of the Fair. The Annual Iddress , Will be delivered by DP. D. MINIS:of Beaver on the tieooad day of the Fait, at 1 o'clock P. 1 I . • i" I 1- • lie Doetari Disagree. The Sta r of last week, while speaking of:Mr 1 1, - Will A Stokes' speech says: z ' .The epeech. throughout, was a - mnst \ eTly ef fort and did much credit to the speaker.' 71, Instead of ; 11r S takes' speech being a 'master : ly effort,Z: it was , regarded; tiodl prOperly too, by the rank and file ' f the Democratic partj; as one of the most signal failures that has bben -. .L...._, I. ~..,,,.:-.••••. - i , - ---*- - - - • • 1 111 r Stokes , ie Manifestly.. an; able man, and his unsuccessful attempt at this time, in behalf of Democratic mettstlres, mast he taken as the , 1 1 best of evidence that they ate untenable-- Give Mr Stokes a good cause; and his abilities will ,enable him to makela powerful impression unon the minds of his hearers. Give him •a bad, eause a'ud'his (I:forte will always bb before an I in i tt 31: i zezat irudienct,' what it was on'. Tuesday. • . t 1} ;••I • , tkin t ;—•rilasictlyl failorcs. Instead of infu u f sing new life Mid ' vigor into; the -Democratic, 1 . , I ; ~ e iiinks, here, his want of argument caused many !Id' the more promin ent to leave before he was I i through; while. these that did stay„ went away , es confidence l e ss ty N of , Democratic priltehtle a" than. ver. , .Sniall; i Exceedingly Small. i The Star of the lath can laY claim to the ta- I lowing specimen of littleness— rl- wriiq 0 -flinty 'Court was adj.mi,rnedi the co 1 busincsa ofithc. bounty was negleeted, men ( ,t lof all parties, were compelled to remain 11 here on expense while our 'Republican I Court treated ih.:lo to an tleicOnneeling l i speeehljby' their Icandidate." . r Pray„howl long was "the Elisions of the I conet I" 1 tell" The e ' oort during the. • Yr' ne gl ec .• - ' • '' week; enmity adjourned at 12M.; and took up egain tit 2}'p. x, , Mr. Wilmot commenced hie . , address' after 1 o'clock, and closed 0 : , or 20 minutes after 3--,thus, in fact, net entrenehing 'Cos Dove upon Ibo time of the tours. Was not thtit a vast delay—and a heavy ; 4 expense' to the County? It it notorious,; , moreover , to all who are in in the habit ,of attending ,Codit, that little 'or no business 4 is done on the first day of the Term; and it not unfrequentlj hippeus.thaV the COurt is compelled to sAljourahe se the patties to civil suits are not readY,for trial. —t Now,' mark the 'cation of the Daewoo* to Court eethe neighboring county of Washingt ti. That Court gave way to Mr. Wilmot in the iddle of the week=--when in. the very midst; of Venally heavy press of ' criminal biugh sofar as we beim-seek, the. Deartawti of that placedid not cast a solitary 1 ' Coort for i upon that the courtesy it r- Mr: iiiilino, 1'- 1 ' ' I . , gg !ma' g1g—.7.1 --Two Isnits *ere last stituted in the pistriot the I. Ft. ip.& C. C. B. K. Co., ago ' & ,Lariaker,lform L er Titan:tree o Co for the.'weehuery of $77,000. wi frotik the data of his failure in iltraf: I • .To be lFry .t htened —The Ri ch ' I nond pla= ,1 l pers are making crush out the cinig i tatihu moveniept at Qujandotte, Va. The Examiner informs t people of that! town that if Mr. Tha ye r should again Make i his appearanee there, and they Bb'ouldlfail to “apply the tar all , feathers [ I copiously and abundantly," the shall re celt-e no, approprpttons i for a rat road con nection with the West./ 1 - ..._..._ _........,__ Heavylltobbery. --- 41,1•On'the• HDulTquo, 1E41111'444, tills Regist er fea st Zit inn6rnta; was entered, rind. oi acres warrants stolen. A ssooiie nfre.red for the thieti St. Fatd, sept. 19.—The iDemoeratte Convention yesterday nominated. K. H. Sill for Governor, W. Ruicoinbo'for•Lt. Governor; Representatives to Congress, 0.1 'L.—Becker, W. 114i04, W. Car mangb; pt g ate Copplesi - W. •W. Kiogisttury.; , , ' I I • : be iiiipub by at leist 'rAllbriOßS DeniOnStratialla frienike Wilmot gad Yreedeni had' a, glOaus ,diatonstratiOn on Wednesday eve ipg The Court House wee, filled to Maj. litrl'attioatc presided. : Jamea'A.llison; James Strain, - 2,nd Alex. Fombell, acted ai Vice Presidents, and W. S. Hartley 'and Wm.TSek as SeCretaries. Taos. M. 'lllattsasrx,Esq., of Pittsburgh,. , being introduced,,he came forwaid and de. dirwseat ataaterii i address.- lova tit& iset Crowd in alerted Mu° of ex4te merit front the conancement ontil 'the. lose. He, riddled tile lefiet:ch of Mr. Wilj , A. Stokes, in a thorough and scathing man ner. ! The latter t emPleine&that 'lti Wit= mot ay)ided State issu:sl but. bad be been" present .on" Wedneedayi 6evetting, be could, have had State, lance tcihie l heart's content. We will .not attempt a give even -so out., lia, or indeed be kept up. such wecnattnuons raking . fire upon the enemy, .I, l nd mitered' the hot shot ..so thick and fagtl in 'every .direction,. that. it.would be difficult to know:wirers to begiU. It ne r itet anift - ce to say, that the ad drese-w'al a inixtnre of facts; pf - 'argumettt efeloqnenc; of Arcaem, and of Wit E rarelY surpassed upon anY Olitical . occiaion. Mr. M: 'spoke over two brrs. • • At the elose of biszematke, tbe_meeting indulged in round , after round- - of thendering "applauie • that made the buildiogfairlyirenible to ita_base. This meeting and the one addreseed by Mr. Wilmet bave'dene wonders in arousing the ' friends to this[ conuty.. They have, aided eery , materOTY id kindling , a flame., thay, will burn brightly arid aniessingly until after the great' battle• of Oote i ber shall' have ben fought' If Bearer ()minty does ti' • thtioder Ind se( not at. __at time thunder 13uclly, .!quit • herielf nobly, we eball acknowledge •our. selves greatly mists ken. NM o l ioeslialigs. !IL Tan Robert Gilmorel vs. Poor Flour Direct ors. , IVerdiet for plaintiff ---$5O, damages. :.Tnrnbttll and Slide vs. Jos. Brann, Gar. Verdict for plaintiffs , . - Meyer 'Hanauer vs. As. Brace, Gar nislee. • Vordiet for Plaintiffs: lartatter. & li i renner va. , Tott. _Braun, Garnishee. Verdict for Plaintiffs Sathew Elder vs. W. R. Sterling; Pr rnignry Note, ' Verdict. for Plaintiff ' in an of $681..75. MEM ' CO/1510NrALTI1 BUSINEB6. CotnrponiVealtb vs. ' Conrad Fisher l diCtment Rape. Veraiot--Not Guilty., • Same"vi...-4sJat M'Cabe,lieury"T - Itir -William Miller, Hinds 1 31arapa and IN iirim "Gordon . Ineietrnent, for Riot. tliet-,-Not Guilty and josaph M'Cabe, r a c 4 l ' , Hurst, Hinds rdaratta and 'Wili. Gorden to pay, the east. - 1 Sumo os. Sar i tinel,l. Cross and "Itiiiren Gardner, f:di;etMent NuiSanee .'soli, Ir entered, OD payineiit af -obis b • feUtlants. . ; Same rp. I John Brown, Indictm. Adultry.' 'Verdict— T GUiley; application new Tri4l. ./'.. 1 i Same.'Tru - --Benj Van' . - ludict Oi toreeny Verdict—i:; ilty • '.. • ! te'Same vs. Henry . K en , loLctinen (' Larceny Verdict—Guilty. Sentencr Pay a • fi le oC one dollar, costs of pros i t lion, and irakisonrneut in tho Peuitell •r one year. ;; i . ~e ve. John Ayers, Indictme9 . Bigamy. Verdict--Guilly. Sentence-- One-year in..Ctie Penitentiary. ni l • Saws ra:-Jolm RCfel-, Indictincn ear -- Lateruy - VerdictGuilty — Guilty ce-- Fine af one dollar, -pay costs, land i pr; onment in County Jail for six months TRAVELLINg. SW/TU.-Mr. lincliana has travelled further SOatle thatt alli the former Presidents.. .But three years sign, it was barely intimated than the' oligouri Compromise. prohibiting slavery was u '3 con stitutional. The eriginalNebra'shia' bII ,ri,t not even intimate it, the Second d+ft of tat bill left L it to be implied, and it was only at a third trial that the full-in qui' was develoPed:. Then.alLthe section 1 a intended effect of the iJill was eiplai l ed, sought to be 'explained away, 1 an.l 1 t st even. proclaimed l / 4 that it wonld,red ad i i .the interests of freedom: It w.as gri sthi to the dictum of Judge Tette tl any prohibition cf slavery in the eni ries is unconititiitional, and, that liv i ( existed in the Territories of theilin on i der the Cotistitution. `This dictuni of ? Judge, Mr. Buchanan; as Preside i t, dorses. It isibe greatest pro-slave y c cession Amy Northern man has eve ma President-Buchanati's Kansas andl lei , tetterA retehed Maine'just while'•t eel lion waspending. The t‘Dimtnerat e"' flora -did not publish it i , for fear f- di 1 aging ."••• . s r --- , • r oyiti t 018 1 nit s suppressed it entirely 1 is ..4 - 1 failed le ve itiein. ' an =4- . elig o print's nded to week in .urgb, by au tow.. s. intuest , - Thy SW s, V.Y: of S'lwar -in , h a ", • _ 1 Mr. Wil3l , in his Paris letter of ' Aug. 6th to th,iNewYorkajournal of etaiteice says ..il , S ugar is faiiin i tbl beet tee ..,fae a: rieg 1 - , NOTICE TICI TEACIIERS- vitw , will supply this y ear two hundyd sad for ty million pounds. `The Isle of Reunio Direct rt ct e l i ti b n : t l o r : s l4 teaching. ".... l kßourboll) will productovone ini red and /ii The undersigned ha n si t re at ad i llf appointments N e W - 13rigliton, tueS ay Seit, 221-at Pl.o'- twenty millions; thee - French SIV: st Indies clock .k ,S 1 ,at the r i mil actwf• Hoppe. I . will probitbly)te‘d a hundred raillions. al. Yorth SewickieY7' / 11 11114 i !‘ berlet ' !st. 1 together.thf supply will eassed thedemand ° 6 P clack P M ., at Sell 01-bouse No. ,2;,',....„ , ' ell township ,] New Scottsvitri, t" Y. ilkFrince. • ,c , \_l_ - • H l ew i. o ' clo ck ll E . r bl• Ali Oct. 2d, at 3 ! , a t the uto 1 +a h o use. ;_ I ' 1 1 great, F r eedom, Saturday! Oct., ad at !1,9 o'cic`i ~ , a re- 4 It , at the Public schoolhouse. . ; j, l township j Harpers 61tlii. Sato` n a Oct., lath, at 12 o'clock: Mat the Public 6 ", i that Hanover - .---' house. 1 , ~.14 -„-.' Glasgow, Saturtlay Oct. 17th., at 1 2 ° `I .- r;; t . ° ll.! 2 3 l r n e 4 l l l . {M at-the Public be4PiCa house: - ! 1., s?„ Aiateriala ;!.• New Sewickley; cud: Pula4ki township; 0 ~g i ll o f ChiLlSaturday Oct., 24,1 at -12 o'clock „rii 3 ' i ki , , I i ./3iiggs sehool house, No. S. fiefs it? the ! 'Chippewa township, on Saturday Get R I: \;t' together, 1 tio2 o'd•ick . M.- at tionlap's school rooe, , 1 7 .2,..1 bid turrets 1 ~„- R.i 'N.' AVERT, C'';'; Elir l i. 4 A '- ,' I_4 - 1- E.tar 'cofy: , ::- .)! I. • . . ' - - ! IF. itOtof i the 14arbank, .star .snme idea of the . extent • the wall o4China may. be gatiKlrefl rum mark ofl Dr. limiring, - id a lean . on country 'recently 1 deli vore4 'in ngli Lie said that if all 'the '-brick ; ato masonry in Great Britain , w together theY Would not turnit ,oughLfor auchla wall the ins, and. that if dB 'the, .: 111 a 1 buildingi. of. Loudon were. RI they would not make the towers I tbat adorn it. er 80,000 reward of ME dowl rands , et? ~.,, sln Pfilladelphia• i T , l e Gratid Jury yesterday returned up - , parl ra s of fifty 'pus bine againat the electiou offv.• ..fer the frauds. Perpetrated iiy.tscrt in Optober, 106 I We trust that these parties . isill.'noir learn that they cannot pre. tend to resigU theirl sit i oationa under tire City and qeueral Qoverument, and assume the duties'ofl election , o ffi cers, i end 'eitett ind defraud the public frith unpuilty We 6 these men properly' punished, w e i mi 't hope to tree , a. retivning ,of., fair Plea , • Itio if The Dietrict, ifttorUelltas pree n . lied ibese:caseii as ripeeitily aa, be -anntd, iklk. 1 3 log to, time. tikes uply.. late in,vestigation. '''' Tb y i have been ; Collected ,: codeclier • With ''' th I requsife• proofs,- sod, the' tnilieticht s ,1 `ha a been, all found, qiVe idok - with cytia. de ee to the action of the DiStriet Atternt,-- an the:Court to TrOtect algaitiet a repa, • Clio') of the fraudst RE EITEcT OF TUE Ie tortif TUE CIS. .'L AMERICA. IN '-WALI - ,r; STAUT.—Akke et of thiible !ibis it would - hint) 4 , 0,13 tad it ' time Ifheit'thgeitkciellqir ded,t - The Fitoek-market: exhibited no eked ertnibat — op, ana - e publi)'f • ed comparatively. 941e1.--,IVo hoar port; tipatliy exprossedito day for the rails the loaf than for who tbose baveloit • -asure. 4 - f 1 - ~I 1 :Of tbo gold by the i Ceutral America, It estimated that about a million is insured . . . ir ;London and, five : hundred thousand here. I e geld entnirag to Duncan Sherman,-"&- 3 ci . i f ßobtr, Hallett & Co ., anifotlier firuts; - i i i :i sT e li a hred u e re ill. d h.u a r b era r . 9 oa ea d. com bes n s i r e a : - D h r g : T x e e_r; e:H a l h v i e p d ' but,-which is the only other - large`narj, is` tci pay the losses at once,trprn proof Ohm; itbaut taking advantage of the ibi4y days , 'slay allowed arm. .This will relieve tits„ 'arms expecting remittaneen . materiely.-"' he hireign insurance bill be paid et the ' ame time, according-6,a' clause bathe pal , Pica.—New York Tribufze. Calfforetta Forams --The bud sdvters from California announce that Hon. .F.d. Ward St'auly,. the Republican nominee for Woverinr,thas,also received the nomination ( 1 1 the Settlers' Convention. ,` As the Set tler interest is large and. influontal, - 11lr. 8.;,, . .... n clatuaot fail to poll a very well sore.'' 1 o; . Wm - centric party, as is well known, is reTy' . much divided, the Roderick wing beihg dukewirm towards, if not stetallv hostile to, the , ;recces* of John - B r Weiler, I the nominee of their own Convention. - Should thero be any serious defection.from Mr. W. , Mr. Stimley. Tiny be eteeted; - although the ~ehanees certainly layer - iris opponent. Mr, 3. is a native of North . Carolina and has < i erved tbatState, in Cong ress wit ' ll I marked ability, as- a Whig Representative AL •,..ras "conserrticv ,and opPnsed to ibe.ort , ll.• i9ll or rhatry i an well as to plitical - a -.- ' lifidiiikm - ,!he,has the :f , nfi , bnee sritailly ,t - I Worthern 80 i 9ninliern men in ealifor•is' y---, n'Orwirhkrterlinz . his, p,siiion' aud no i , fee of the pPpoThlican pa r ty; 1 Lout's, Sep:. TO Kamm? or. ~ r espnnilenrof tire Democrllf•psyq theit ,il. tp trick and Campbell. free State deliT tca to th e entrvenri:m; are . eleetd from (ilia *lets 1 lawmen nn census- w taken; thatl, t L i - were not really re,nget , peatq bot flirt the 1 inrep.l ntion of their eases has boon iu efi: poF..tpoped - . • The wn.i to alln4'the bii.ilneo!P COM , ' min c:r trine to make reports. ;TIP , torroi t,4i pc , ,,Vnt (l i the press sapq the real o/jeet the a4j-airnm , nt was , be'rause they eriget' 1 to frame "si Tiolvat pro:al:ivory entrsti union. such s nne be .Inadev paiblie, the resent i t .j cause of tie National Pernoentey in the , Northern States whore ;the election.; will_ AnOD be held, will be ierinniily dannged.-- They alga wish to,doto`deier the ee ..stat; party front, pattiripating in the lenn coining e _oti . • Ohio. says that the potato rr.f;iQ miking ' • . consylerable hewn-Iv on. the.-)te<tra Ae serve. • Very bw fields kr en4irelr, esFmrt.-, Of twenty wagoo• lends .ivere is ad Cleveland market, one day lag ;yea. ene °ply 'Was perfectly free, a,ll the re,: ram _ i l s. mare or less effected: This is to " 'meet, regretted, as - the large prop prrt.tuced_ this & . 1 tie aeon promised to be, equally , valuable` to an l I both producers and consumers. as..llollovray's, 1- 1 1:14,1 in POI the prejudices c,f medical matineie,have fotma' their way into the leading haspitals4nd pens.riesnf Enropp, and; are now the estab- Fahed:fatnilj. medicine of /01 claaseit in tho trniied States: Vpon_fite stomach 4nd lir, , er, Which prepare .and temper the,blood,,trr itis on the organs which vitalize it in the' pro. and eess of respiration and upon the excretory or 1 vessels, which discharg,e from the syitem Nal! , 1 the renidium not required •fory the ptirpose 1 b 1 of nutritiori,lhese pills operatb 'lin nu altonst ti t I miraculous' manner, regulatin4 invigors hat ting, cleansing, and fortifying tliff(e.whels itn- phyniefue.;'- , In billet's disorders, 'dyspepris, cry asthma, diarrhea. dyseratery, sick headache, nn- denstiparm n, ' ge'neral debility; end cam the plaints peculiar to ] females; their effect is ten-astonishing. ' 1 i °°- atteation- to - Prof. Well de. "Hair Restorative" advertisement. ant donbs the only retncd, that can regera ' ea ' the hair „Oita pristinelipility; anti b aq, Or' a P a- en universal satisfautionv I The tok g r a t has the testimonials of hundreds of toes 80 ot4e'd by tbia infallible restorative, aid !r' to 'use liPiiftftPOHno i nd it to ' ha °. asttt D " j "t 'a Sold by Dr. p,.cunnhota B a b 'B. , ,ver;at t d druggista,generilly. r= g al I, 11111 PDTATO.Rnr. —Tile' 4:lrsn n3' : F: ' ', =I U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers