. . RIISOLItiON. Propostng-Ansendnients fo the Constitution - 'olds. Ctnnesoittisealth. . . lleiolved.by the Bemis aid Some of. Repro= : eentatives of tire Coseinonwrlalth of Tenney:rm. nia in humid aLuesibly - nieb That the, ifollow- ing iniendinentii are proposed to the ennitltn tion of i Abel tointoorkwealth, in aeciridanOe with: . . _ thesprovisiorur ;of the tenth article thereof. • -- .' ' .- • First Amerit,detextc :r i , '"' . l' There shall be an additional' article to said , , :a eon:siltation to be designated as - article ole - ven .-as f01101,11..7 ' . - '' i * , ARTICLIC, xr. .:01? PUBLIQ . D.EBTS. .... . -.- . , . "S sestes , l, The State may contract debts, to eupply casual 'deficits oritures in revenues, or to meet expenses notatherwir provided for;but -. 4 1i., he OgiAptte; amount of suck-debts direct and, _ contingent, whether coati-acted - by virtue of one - or - more acts Of the general assembly, Or at (lir :— ferint petiods!of time, shall never exceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars,and thernon- h el arising from the creation of each debts,s4ll.l ------- tio applied to thi purporlifor'which it was ob.l tained, or to repay the debts so contracted , and' to no' other purpose whatever. . 1 - -,, - 8E6.1 In a 'tion to the aboie limited 'pow - . i r ,er the State m y contract debts to repel inn - 4ion, suppresti , nsurrection, defend the State in: War, or to 'iedeem the present outstanding in : debtednesi,of the state; but the money arising • treim the contracting of such debts, shall be rip ' pli_ed to the purpose for - which it was raised„ • or 6, repayiench debts, and to no otherpnrpose -, whatever. 1 . gtc. 3. Except the debts above specified, in sections one and: two of this article, no debt rehittever shall be created by, or on behalf of the state. - Sac. 4. To provide for: the payment of the pent debt, end any additional debt contract. edOra aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first r e .310 n , after the adoption of this amendment; create a sinking fund, _which ahall - be sufficient. to pay the accruing' interesrowsuch_debt, and annually to reduce the principal roof by a, -Jure not less than' two hundred_ and thou. janddollsrs; which sinking.fu.ncf shall co 'et of the net annual income of-the Public works, m , time to time owned' by the, hth ate, ot e pro.' seeds of the sale of the same; 6r any part there- Of, and •of the income or proceeds of sale of l ,atocks owned by-the state, together ;with other; funds; or resourcea, that may be designated byl law. The bait' sinking fund may be incrensed,. :tiorn time to tiine„„by assigning to it any aitof' the taxes, or other revenues of the .ate. not require:llor the:ordinary. and cu t expenses: 'of government, and unless in cfse'of war; inva. : aim" er iniurrecticin, no part •nf the said !int.! ing fund shall be need. or applied otherwise; than in extinguishment of the public debt, until! the l amoimt of anch debt is - reduced below. the; ohm of five millions oNollars. . - - r ri S.K. 5. The credit of the commonwealth shall: 144 itt any manner, or event, be pledged, or, lOOned to, any individual„ company or association;' nor shalt the_commonwealth; -- hereaftOr become a joint owner,; or stockholder,: its any poroftiny, association, or corporation. ' I ': Sac.. 6. The 'commonwealth shall not assume! the debt; or any part thereof, of any county,l . city, borough or township; ,or of any corpora; -tion, or association; unless such debt shall bevel been contracted to enable the. state to repel in vasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defendF itself in..„tintez of war, or to assist the state - I'6l the discharge , of any portion'of its present in.! debiedness. , / i / , Sac. 7. , The legislature ( shall not artthorize t any county, city, borough, township, / or incord pgrated district, by virtue of a vote bfi its citi.l tens, or otherwise , to become a ibcktiolder in! any company, assoclatiOn, or.cu'rporation; or to; attain money for, or loan its 'credit to, any cor-! itonttion, association - . institution, or party. . i I • 'Second Amendment. i '' anti There shall be aniitionaT article ” , to said constitution, to be / designated.as a'eticie XII, as ,feflows: / ' MI . .. - /..‘I6.TICI:V. XII. -!'• -- .: , . ! _ 01? NA.: W.-A) Q U