The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, September 16, 1857, Image 3

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    - - _ - r
Pittsburg Agrioultiq_ .- arellon,,s i e: -
. ~ .-•+-- - r..;:,
.?: - :1 . 1 'l.'''. i) ,- .4' • i
- of I laro-st estanltsitruen's in thin'
One the -e
ria , he o nly one' which. tnakiiir 114
ailii ---- fi tcrt e.anti snle or agrictillurailitnpie.
n ,,,,, t , an d rwillrincry nlspecialiq,is - :tient' or
A r ar d ro p, Stn& ant , - ..5\ - illiatii4„, oti_;lriftli 1
,trrit, '2
few tioDrs above W00i1.., Vinetie:il t
321 ,,,h„ n i6s thentselves,...and -; posses.lng. a t
1;11-arleilve and exper;en?s in •matters ,per- 1
fa iiii,2, 6 , to AgTteuliut :11 machinery 'only to
bii ae(fuir,..4l by years of aitetition to the bu- 1
,iilds.pll4-.. itierithers or T. 1,,, firin:keep . those ,
itr,pientillts sold uraellinew atity in titPir ;ea- t
tablishnif:nt Whielt !lave A well-earned tepu. I
tatinn, anti wlicse7alue: ii known tri ef.ry 1
ilitilligerilt f:trin,.r. -- I .llhe ng.rieniturnTi,t,,
th - c-refair, who I,nis - ftian'AVarilrop, Shut,
& ‘Viliiains, nifty rest 2,_sured that he ;-ts
n artif•le, whntect4 . it 'm a:s, l • iv, that rill pan t r.
tin s li:fly to the - reprnsentAtiins ri-cle •th-u'''
it. ri:,.14-I,at , irt r.i) instance will he ran i tt e
k q i.4.nvita;.r, tliase iinp.A k itilnts• Tqa.4tiee‘l
. a VituTwitirli eoine frtrrt claiirig with par
ti -s Irii9 nteri t rnorant -of the titnrits- r.r .3-f*- -
'f•••=.7sit: if th... ninellnes . .they sc . )), nn I
blig , fl to rely flr a. :-...tateta , ..r.t-rerrth,;r 4 ,ti. l t.
i , j.h... - i'te., on the ropres , :titatia 1 - ef -istrtther
t , 11,41 perhtpsan:ititertlsttd 1-nrt.. It. Is t hi: ,
f •• ct —the ftlet- tlint the artif-le. soil ,l , i- "the
t:tin are tolli , I.•tiLl ' '
1 , .!.:zi. lb( v . . - r4r,l - - ,,,, nt
tliviti - ta' be--1114t the ektabli- .11. - ..-nt i r A r .,.-..-..
tad,-11 afth...;:el;tetn-Ive Dna r .pl-ily' in , ..ll.ras- , '
r- 9 trinft,iie - r4stfwil on it 1.:: 211611)Trei
.., . . • ,- •,, • ~ ,
,t, t il: , ~.-r . ..-on (I t I I .,: , vnnr : •: , re : ,.. r , .. taany
tt , :t - t1.,..1.:1•1 :It ';‘!,-.,...'-:,
:,Irt., ,- 7 .; Ct:,;. c,tal,li.-111:2..ait ilidi.prii..i.
..1'.. , I • tile nwietiltiti - ali-t. A trionf , Jli.'
./: ric , •••!
si:: to (: 1 ;:Ht
Ateti .n .:j to
ef htt
' t t.v
rt , tl
1. 1 • I , 1
, -It I h..,
, t.
( 1 . , •
."t l.
. • _ - ;., •f • l,r.t I CI `tt.iJ,B !-•
it I't
4;;IL •••• ‘•17. , !,* ;I
; • • •- • • •• T
• ' 1 " ,1 " . ' 1 ":1. tt. , l
• ••?,;_t,.;,,: t
, _
I • ,/r-11--,'
:CP 11135' n qi,.....‘ I•`SILV.III,g. lIIIIIS, 4 . . 4 - Bice '
. :.t
-ii , ;jai 'all: .tift;l t,) I =iv1 1 F • 1 ! 7 •,.
11 . 1 , A.MYt:_,k f tlie 11:t1st :.tlir:) . ;' ,
:id (- 1 115 t,.: to ituil fo:t f r v .
I,:r,r 1. uf l A Cur t.i.zi':•, litli 5.,-
• ~.i: rf :.nilii,r,c-...1 111 - 1 - -
, -
i.lll.^nr. I,
t•gelit11)), %•,.iL •
-,•••1.1 r.l , 1::'t
çijl :
' , i.
f. , .
C :.,
' -
four Ctir.:.•ces• f:f S 1 -s lantie,l I - , e ,
.. fry „ ) N' -' +f , t 1 ; ...; ';. ..-1- li i i: ~, ~ 7 , , i ,
F vi ... 1 ,,, 1 1 ~1 , - , ... ,'C.' ”: . -I'l7 , •• 1... ;7 _1 4 cit ti ^, A„, . 1 , ~,,1 r co, ' t ic , rt 1 -, rtt- - ,n •it ill helper.Attea to r...',..r at :my
Ltrit ) ' t
: t 1 , •-• I.' ) r the I.`ll. r ' . ~ - Om; n 3..1 .re .11 , 1 ott-e'r tij .i iTO ; to free
; 1.1 1' J'i - - • '." -"' •' t A ' ' 1 - ' ' '4 ';, - iir,ni . , , , , 2 , I , • r ,i' ;.- nit I , :t WI tlif. ‘ 11. , 1 , ` - 1 ,,, ,n ,f . 1, 7 n :,,, or tierr; r,116:1.01'. , re mere,
-t„, tc.'t 111 i'' 'I yt , ' - --`-a 7 •• - ..t 't -, 4 .',..,,, n,ia ot ri , ' i'"in.' l •4: , ''''-"liii "f - •tt.11.3 Aall Itc,•-e.pritit - '4.1 in ti, State at tea .t one
''',„ - , , • e-1 it"- • am- . • , .•.• t . •
! ' ''"'' 1 , 9 '' " '"' r ' ' '""". I '' '' I• 1 . - :•1 , t.4i. i et.o , - I %.11 .u:t L04 , --. , -!41. ,, vein-. in I T -, i 11 elect nu (11 , triet where befoirCrs
1. , r 1 , 7 „...‘t :0- ;.. i ~0 1- ,,.1 1 ‘ 4, ;thou!. t . tititing t ;eta. ~ ' ',het: ~..; -. 11,:li ti•te Ci :nlii ,4l4l '(4•Liiii: •to vt to at .. i4d •-1 lr••tt imeto 11 ite'y . preeetl
i,•:.l,. , r .I,;L i •- . - •-•., , ,t1a in Ct.- : rzr•'._•,l-i - - It 1- 4.....• ~,,., 1 o f , n pp , ;',l- 1 , gr, 3 1 , .,,,:,,, : ., ; 'l-ite;:s 'i l ,z sr , .h et, ( ;in :at. witilimtwrt a o'er" paid ft
-, ri • 1 r - . I .I n ~. 1 ., I' 1, , •,, :,',.. 1 t0,C1k1 , 1. , :r.11. 1'..rt...111,11 , P, F t .,,,„ ni . c e , ..,!..,. T , .
..„ht t .h ..h., , ,i l i n e Itceli
I:tl . ,„ :"•.." , i
~I . li. ...1, 11,. 1.., .1.1 I , ,
L .,
_. ~ ~, I) , e l k ~„ J __
•,- t , .., ,, t 1 p i t Itist tett .Ir, n t.„-,tor tar t .eLtiOn
. 'l l 't 112 ' - ' ' ' ihi "' l ' - '"'' i •I ' ''''''' (Si ' he - ''' .l. ' '''' -*
' li: ' ,l.‘ j )i ' lki - D I \ I R
. ‘0";11 ; 1 - r.,t ro c•Pl7rttof the nit(' 1 "Stitt 41. oho ha. pre
-i• -1 : 1 . lil ;10.i...?;4 . 2 , •s p sr - ;I.) i litril (Al . • , -
~1 , i
, 4 ,,,,,,,,, { i l lli l Sl'y ) Len in quili ea cnter'ohlii4 State, and
1 \ (- 7 . .11 Ci. : .l , t.i I . ',V ) t l 2 11/C.' % 'lr - 'l' ' 4"..‘r ' l l ti '''`''''''' ' ) ' f l'l. '' 7 ‘ l ' ' ' •-• '. ''''2 2. ", "2 ' ern real theri•from a:a rcturni.d, niittavito Slddl ;
!, 0 , , „ ,„ ~ ...,, r - d .... .- ~(' ''''''''' .L .'' 4 ' I g . " 1 1 ' 5 ' P i j. lll e 1171 :"e ' ' "'" etc. '" hala re-i tea fn til'e' ;teetirm ilisir,ei,nd petd
- ,:- 4, the eour.ty ;;I ?..,, r; el ti n; .1 Clefe.l. CI ' , - ' , - . i
1..... h; l'.i-; ooro' 4.1 •a , -e. as ^foresaid .4 all bee ntitle , to vote
, 1 rit...:to to .I• r •-• • I -t ' 1 . 1..• i' i'' i•l'-'' i r 'tit' 1 the 1" ''"l - • ' •
1 '
•,‘...L',/''f.,e,',: Iv I`.l.frtca on) a ; '.frt.....-11 -t ..1- I., -''
I' " - '''',' - I ' ,
' `-'
' ''' ' ' - "'I'll"' in the .t'a `rc Tofulths- Pr'''''Wes l - ,1
i I' . 7', _ ', Necco.iii "rti• day hi qcto!ie..r lII I Xt, flint the trltitt freem n, citizens of the Vulted
/ States, Letts •en th 5,21".- o f twellty-nne find
-r•••=;;;;-• ..--..--------- .1.. iit the ctrl-Eleetq op 1q1t.e.;., ft. c0r,,,-,‘ .:
Imnortamt" Trollixta - h. _ 1 , ,twentr-t.vo years a i having revillt•l i-a thht
a i
foty ; ; , .. 1 ,. It ----: - ..t;Vvi c , ., r--, it•cd. a t • ~
Ihe 41.'et''r-' of ikr ' "u• - •ti l i to'rii`hill mill Men State . nae relit' and i ) the Orrllort district, ten
t...e. •..I I .11 lialiae to net: 1.)..r0ug.1 of netyer. clays en e..n,r °,l • I •l' FP titit'ed to vote ,lal.- I
rI. frtan iiii, ....4 thitllri g liiini A.. q t. - mg '• The chee' , ,- •)I I . ,i,...4. 1 ,:• , :t g diatrict u.ll.'ir.c-ef th;, n -1, t h f , 3 . •!,,,, m pa i t fixes. 1 1 ,
,t, , n,,,
i i t i!" a
,_, 0 ,...46 ,l ii f.• ma , t h e At lii• tri , ''.:-.1,1; ';': ,-,....reci. . ,i ., 3 d. . h -n 1;211
i.. L Ni 1. ,,,, an ,1h all b pp rm irlel 0 'rota rrhr:c •
I 1,,t
.11 the
111 ,_ ic . tiuL, f' . 21 .. eriituent tri ,,,,,,.; • , ft . , '' e ert ii . ' '
‘ l ,l, '" : ,'t` , ','l L ''''_/'':..' 4 ‘.‘;fr! If . t,
„zit , nsin .. ' is rot ekntaine i ip. the list of . . taxa_hie Ili-
, ' • the 1 tL: tAI Iv Ail A A At'. • .l. A rq .., 1_ .1 / . L. ..4.,..1,.
,1 1. 11/: int; feirnohe , l •.- the Cornzro , 44:ene., 11- , •
; .-- t• the Tenito NI - t-..._ I I Tit- eleet ,, l'Vof I 'pest t'll t , ,,,, , ,,r) wil: 'o re lie m p Ifir4t, he prothic l i
1 .
- • -••••-- fr --- • I ,at the S Lit ~0zii 4 ,, , , , ..0_, it ti ,,,,... village of s,ottivi,k , . within tiro ye-tr.,- of aSt -ate or enontyi tit 0.1-
ft. repeiiit for the pnyment 1
fur M Irt rl' 1:i. iNI 1 ‘.--‘ c' rro=poo- 1 it i , .. 1 11 , ,-.... - t,•,, ,
I { - '- - I "s- t ti o enr=.;*liti , n 1 , 1 " , i , , , '.., i
- 1"
i t t. till. inn of rad att tarns ei tufi t.; . , It ''`t the t: • t , -.4. 1, t`. latt - Tet. le tr ec tan - 114,14 v.." g al l- - ar t, ly evitiptiee ettitt+ lon his ;;r:i r4lll
;.. c ii,, s ~,,,I ~,,,,1 1 ,..,,.. 1 ,1, . in ,,l, u p. r tr , .."t ' o- ..,., 4.. it.l.: 4., ~t,-e t '...`.1e..*..uty , .1 lloaup-0,- , e ,dee,i 'ha ho.n p.ti.l . ash
1 ;,r of - , r-t l .lr. tlin . c
•.,. t ,.,r, t ; ~.1 ,in .... 1e... a .1.. ...). I ' ' ' tax' or on fallin: , procnre a I.ecerpt, shall 1
N 010 won , a int-, .'f'N'S,. 6- 1 ' 11 . ; t 1 . 1 . 1 ~,, , . ~ , ~.
./ ~ • .., I
,s 1 .:
. ._
~ ~ j,, , , , e ..e,..,r., “. . 1.:ex, , ,,;-1 i." A rt,.. , r , VI 1 , Mtn in ..,,,. oath of the P ybicitt therrot- or X 04.1 •l,
t j oun4 Ine thl'ia l b ..r 1 . 11 11 ‘ lot , ini ' , '" ' I 1,1- p., ~,, It ~ 1.-, .• of Lt . id ra,t-it.2 In -ahl town-Mit. if he claims ti r i g h t ta No t e i h s l r b e i n g an elee,tol
t I off rn - aalt-, st•tiir, :it 1 nil. -Ti 1. - :c1 .L- li t ,',-.IL , tore ot 1 r.. 14 rt do-trirt Will 'lu; CI ..t , b. : , tweil , the ,iilvt, Of. went ,„,,, n , O , IL I f. ,.,,,f, , ,..t u . 4 .,
, -f • r .. , - [
.1: ip. ti :e ;...21)1. - -.... ri , a . Et - u. , Gl , , -_, 1 , 1 Itt , /,..1.11ig al, tI. F 1 ~,,,,o ~ 7 ,,,,,.., ,, he ~, hril fit se on both - or atlirmatioo„
and the :,, ....,.: (47 J 0.....:. .,, ', :t..1", in the „.:I ig.tut Ll:o.r
-,_ .."-.1 1 0 4 ir,-,r! I fit ta iir , •:tt i- , :;tte, ,
.. , / • , I Tear hnfnro Ills. 4.111)i^•:ItInnl. , no I mike ntrAl
S ' i amour of the •esidpi cc in the district rig isire
11 '''' 4s i ''''' fi'rler is e°v" I^
tr - -''-' nu." '" The 1 '14 , 1 , 0.4/of ,Grceee townnhip
r - 1 - re. it's writ ' , l"' rime - ' •• •• • in ro meat at , :ptired in"thi net: and that he does verilrbe
hat w( l v.tittt, or, , It „ 1., ti.c to 11-,e 01
tar, l.,,,,tatt N•e4vittoger llonk-tOw
n, ,
'' ' t'' t • 4 'lt meetit ,
Have from the heeount • riven' him that he is of
...ore to litt i aroLtim.4 .4 , ot stale, or (num- 1.1.1 0 . (%... el . , A ") i.All:,tip r.-. 1 the age nford.oll, :ma pivot Snot: other eri•lelnee
I i ill t• 1 1' iv e / nt .%.1.“
,F •r.iit.,l, 1 7 .urv.ew.
tie, ta• lfily it r sl - oirell,er, v " as ts,reflireit by thi 4 aet: •-liercupon.the Baines
41 4 :; ', 1 " : 2 ,f ' lrt..:ll't - int . t . own - ship .(not ent- :I ' o ' f . I t s ii e re p l e ' rs ,., ms s a a . ,
;.^. / .. ' t Ta . .instr . ;Ili-iriet . -) will meet nt the j rerted into 'the nlplin
if ilivhoy .1.::: ; :ia iti'slid . township, '.; . !nni fi note /made ot
il,;;;tvi.s p 1;1,3 11,.r ~ t ig3 il EallbtOn to the word lox" if
. he
i i t hr. Aen4l f f
~, -,, y , :t . i ii .
, l. a • i t, I t , :
n o . t i t ilo
,ii i . c.,
mem,. i
. .1 2 : 3 17 . , if i d i n li lof I , l:t i - i l il lt!
I..:::::....iTif:tt , in fitiiviln , g.l of ilrighton. • na .:,;,-,,1 i n iiii," cat
~,,t.,-,,, o t , ::i f f; e'..c..1 tor:v.sll'4l will r.t.. - ..t,eolled of
- , ....,-0 of r" ,1n1,...1t t.unnittglattol it-t It:1i.! ' in 4 l-,) thy. like notes
' 1 bv them. I.
4,.!:.,,r-', 0 -c 1t Iteavt-r 1 towngiiv. to . - . f it , i ii erl A.. 3 :1, : b . , i;
. r . 1 ( 3 hour r 1. 1 - 1 ." kloTi7i la - t-lii ' clniming to 4ntri is ni
,• t .:c ' '' .., \•„ l t c' e r i sr .:-, ° ,7. 1 '''':',.l.:,...',',l;....f'tl•ttOt..o".llBi'iP, to
. II:e • (-i. 0 1 i t .. : : l l, ,: C t t e o d 7 :70 1.' 41; 1 a n: i i
1.,,,1,,:c,i, 411 1;.,:i...,,,2r town-;;,iiiw,..ii; ra:-..t I ::::} u t t i ) . - e c : c l r ::: i : F ntl:';
r. C.d. ' 1 1: , ',11.,,....,t . Wi i:ro• .71 1 ,.'".1,.r in sal, i_to4,v,i:t..! f .„,„, ( ,„,,,, th i„,., to ~.e . 6
• ...;;;:n: ,-; of 'I), nE.: 4 '..w. twnnt.iiip td tlnyt ' t ,ch one 1 . E .,2 Q 1. id
• L:., ; of M , ii-:: It I t:l.trli, 111 Ef:1 , 1... lOWil-
.niire .. hi, 0: ; 411 '
,---- ' !- !hat by fflial r.ukkit pr
. ,
''..., .:ert:r:.: of s ‘.; , .,4•... fzewit:liie"-:. ,
-t - olvti,.ll - i
ip l tent w r
~,,,..i wt ,,,, &
1,... the it•nti-t , - ..--ir:,'.,.1..... John Miner, on i i, o , ~t , 1,,,,, . c . c t i l e ,-1
ci.Litaiti . 'tt — • 1 - • '• .; ten . ila s iiimic.
Cdt.......4 01 ',.!,-.1,i,h'.l. , still nie , .. , int ~,,.,...„,,d ,; 011 i . ,>,.. 4
q"...-..121 - 4.l:in• :oii , l tob-'3ft.hi ' l'eAdence, i:1
ziyx ,r
',r.tro .1 t
'''''l t .- "vn'ilif) 1 9 n'..e)- r't' i vithin Pilo
•.• liznizt:ll, jr , . iff.%),d-.lowit- -; th , roja... ..-
.• . - 1 If Lny p - i-n 4
let.tors ~,:' •;...e 17.rl,itit,,n
..2 -oir'. n , •••• • cell n. ~..
1 1^” n" ' t n ',-c
-:., tnect ~!, t'l:_. .. , ..i:.....111.nt--..e' in .i.:.i , i , „, ~f ly x .-„,i,...,
- 1
I tut rupt r.r i't'A
~ ,.,..t.,,r.;,- ; Pii, , ...'tot, ,r 'towiiiiiip •:1111 tu .• ', ~.“.e itc .'i n of 01 a141,•C 1:i /.1,1 L.0ri.‘11,:.1 01.,.11,,/ , .., ,:- I tt .„ to Lioe
... ? : ~ i witol,w nin...
itit:,i,li! :...r 1./.:oitir.: ~..
~ 1
.., i ..,, 1,1 Aire ffieC. ' turS a', 4. 1,...1 bore ugh of Rtateiter ,to l ri...t,.0.,ry ills
I'e-tr, t...l,rry„ ...L . ,. „
_.. .
t.1 , 2t.t . - 4it. in.zscl...c.Niotao, in Ilf cheter• 1, I shall 115 C or
4 ' 111 `'• :I:' ' ''l' i l:r. 'hi,., 0,•e * .1 rs o f i';rati.,ruti g it and diArict I force or *viol
~ licpt.,. iti,i l l,--‘7.7:.,
t., n,) , :it l'ile I.s;ilfiui, Iluito in the boruit_-ii of i dtov,. or ow
-. - . 1
- r - , .. 0 "n^ll '" -1, -.tut ..... Iret.:. .11. ' 1 hini fr..rS vo
... - 1 1.-1 - e: le:i . eitlVS Ca ~.re4% - e1i1 , ',.. ' y twn ! to I h i , c h oice; st
F.,....:.....: :,- , :‘,--.• 1 t uS 3 Ca:pi,!l. - 1..e . kr
mot at liqu, .61:Joiiii Feazei i a E.:oa : ton - 4 I tined in any .'...0 1 .4;'.i1.if-efF.r7Vliii , i . li. : _iii.--r, e.tetion:L2.. - - :,-- 1 .. .... . .
:: .i- I I dollars, en , l •
:---; 1.'7-....7-11'-' ' '''''':(:'- '' 'l" h " !i"' '''. lT.T 'Cl . t. i t -- ft fr-.7 .0 - rtor.i 'oti,: ndulltr.Y distlict to meet tit I leas itiftn'hyti
i,....e.:0ge -i.,: 1 :., ,i, i ,,,,.. 4 i,.;,„,i,n,cri...., l l ,c--...5.•!i , , :l l:onsi... ,ti the 1 .- ,.r.,14 of Intltritry' .-- l that 14' tile (1
. !.', 1 ...; : 14 - 1. -'-' 1 :-',. 1) n 7 . Ti'.:.ritt...,:t•.r:: .:i'fl.nnt.tir: towins.hip tcr.ineet itt i Bhfill be lin!
.: t... vv.....!i1y Ty., J03y.1: - !..-- -, ,
tl..,..l:plpnznly tut...11;14:1y ; ,;,,..,t a' ~ , ttl,irei- t ` a, resi,iient n
:Pi 8 1 :nth:a, T.E.IC.II.I:TiIS. . 1. • - 1
i . Lhip Wherr• I
tet ti , r 1 PCO!tralay township to,:.r.ti.-...t ' ne,t elitilit4
17 ~, :rc.c.: • tr. 1,:: in niternlane‘.3.,,,tit ilii• lower
tort,c. of
•• At his 1-,--iq n,.....• in 'TrutilLllll cl.-Ittit')-,.,.,..,.
(1,,i0 7.:i . . I:!.i , 'rt i)tlrll:: , p' f.,trio'l . l i ly o 1 ~,••I:''. ! -3.,'
I II:.:.• ...; Tko,l
~t1 1.,-I:ii1, 1t".....1, - ci Oir.t.. ;ll :y, ,i hi., , :- I ''
~fy r ; u .3, ,1.t:,:i.... , 1 IVO 1 0' . .: .E'l it Gi
111.'.111IZI:It':101: ::1: ii *avi to t 11 , - (• ,.;y :•.
1 : 01(ii 'r rin - ft•er (. ! ..7. I.e-, 1.1" c:" ell t, 7,
'vt, .i- 1r .„•-• is,it*: 1.'.', , , , .; 11 '',..t. ti:';'. ' Vl - 1,1Z11 . . :y ,
'A IL - r,•;,ie / c1 j.•
• : , - y • I'7 • v., 1 „ e4 ;i
••• tot • • • ,
1 , 1 to•cai! sar..o 1/,lf I,M' tl.,i;ery ; , 17H
'Flit: •
la ;.pf .
or, `4f
:4.- 4 , ; (. 14,
• 1 ;1:
theiv ,
• :di (.8.1..Ly Fr:
-t - (4 . 1
fourth r , iunitrir_fro- t z.,
• !ll,' suLsl.l.ll-N,ha,:.
A . • • IC.
4- '••• •.- 1
.1 ,
• •: f i!"
Let IL
I cf: Sit
T) t'.-
- • - . . :It V.
l'• Ai ..5.,:h..11 . 11,,r•., in Ile:p..(tr.; on-t , tatur.,:i : y the. „ L i. : ,
F.... , ..i.; t.I ti(i.n.1.,21,11.., ler o.,ptti-pb.. , e.• a - kma - qiin- : t ' ! • • n
. , At IEI.OI tn
...z M.: tcncliert , I.;+.4Cly.ff:iv'hw Iftesent.
(MN :Li ,FlfOrnfti:t .
L.../N. AVERY. Co. Sup.'t.• i
1.• Q k person t)
S'. [TOOL :XL:W . l'lElth IVAN IL I : - II T I , p
• , wel,t. !0 I eiiil
1% i: MAR ( Tesleher 114.: 3hrincip9l, nnl. t Tin - T.,..L ) - 1 ,,, 0r , m) 4 ,
, ---; Feltr , ',..; Tt•aclitr., l ;, as: Albist-Ints 6, talze• ' - '
, - C6ute. of. Penll9‘
,7ft . .•-• , ... ~f t!,e:Freed, • to Uriion tie_ qui. propa- . .. A
~' Z.:li.e hantkil in on t.'4ll.urdav the :.:(1 day of • 1-7.11 ' -1 1.2 " 31:1 "
V , -*:•er nw..t, 'when Mr.. Averv., , C.,natv ':- , 4lper-: 14-iluiYivatAl
01i0 , ..:... 1.61117 e prsacmt to ~.! xa In n e ..t hem .. T•AD..p - Iti,ins , ,
. r , t"t"
.fi ' • 1.) cc iIARQUIB, l're,'t. :',',f C!,,,,,.t..-..sentai6
` I. thsn. one buddre,d nta. more then one that
roi pliceq the ( 1 7tallfic,1 elect 1 ,iollsrq. and be, - 'im risyned not , Icas thai
.11. t. -t 4:y hsllot-- 1 'awaits por more 11 an two " - ears,
(.;•overt.or of ti/e 0.'111111.v- 1 If anyperl4on et: persons shall tashe any b e t
st j uilla „ . , or wafter up. r tn the tlesult of any election with
. riiii „,, s:e f dm ' 5 a ,,,,, n , .., io alb. Com
th, or shall offer to Malo
r h .n i i, t , i t; ~,, ,` i any•soch bel l or Mt er, either by verbal l'pro
I ' cistration thereof, - rby one - mitten orAnted
r Caiial Cotataisiaaer of ' i • ,t ~, invite I
1 ::•,corti...eir. ,, r t, c.m.. f lango or any ?...4•sot t
I or persons tc' make finch a het or wager, vputt
.14 ,-Lnambetg of tholLiuse i conviction ti ereof, 'be fir they shall ferfeit and
p a y three tir.teA the amount so bet ..)r offered to
.e; .of-- the Ottranionwealtli , .
e nl 1-,nn,yivaiiial" in ez , njunction with Lt
1 1 hbl i '' ' f i . u' , : . a .,.. v i''' p fr...
tt rs t 61 i , rt j re .l u ot i.'" b . r.' 3, 33 l ' im a . c n in ° ,. 4 . ° sfie n d ?t k._ ii
- TRE tj . 1{11; 'iT
~,,,, z ,i4., • v
~..71r, , y
~.y 1 Tr. 11.2. CCO.lllty. ~,
.". . frauclently vote at aly election within this rnt
- .... t ... 4 ,:., t ....5ti CoCAr RA/. Ot.LiiikALA`lt• ' 1 On' pt ,;=.on ti r Slit., rill of Beaver county.. { monwealth, or Lein r otherwise qualified, ital.'
1 „ L. „ -
--, . --- t t.l-, s y on Fr' .. .. x hibi.l, - r , - n - t - ---,-. ---. r ~,I ly 1 ,e r , 5 ,. 0 ~ r-lit and Ilcoortler of 1 '''tl ? ot. , f liii vv:: et ;liqtriTtt, , T if tiny it -t-son
1 .k ti4 ,... i „
sr , ri , - ~.. _
.. i 11, ovex . count , ~ , 1 -„,.. r ,...,,,_ . knoi r c , .:1,7, - , the want i such q ualiticatkn, half
'Person to vote the.' rson
/./., T.lll ii 4,11, ' , • -r
-,1;r1... I . E i :oun, i.. ( ; ) , r0 , ,, pcir , fon f, r 'Pr_e • anre_r of .11 ... e...'iver Ni
Yll-I:it.:ei to qhcl4 : ';', l r d p o e r rsO r tt7s i .t re off -A en ue litig.; shall. on Co'ilvictit n 1 o
.11.. l, - , -, , l- .4. ; tic n.. hi: machlnc is cer- ', "-Jae PL'uteD , r L'i=lk- of the Uourts or fined in anyl Punt iot excoedia,g two lan dre.l
" '" I'i'm..aolt ...I 0e ote, contltinin , .• ev- . 8,i,....19r c'.a.inty.
r , e . i , dollirs, and be Implasuned for any team not ex
..-.• I' •
~- is useful kiththd ,tlar• tine alrti... 1 Otte person bT 0)11:11:111.6 1:L/LIOt of Beaver; co - -dm LI threp•Ta6l ,o6l -
. .
-., :If any person sh.
r.'el ro-,e , .tfolly 'elite the Farmer - Medi 1.13 c 1 ... e ' 1 ' election tlistict or
1,4 t - 1, 11 ,1. I; • , 1 ' ~.• •• I Ocrprrsin ~:, Aullin?-t , :Beaver Cousty i d } e rre f, tf; i
~..,, a ... to, a t mr•me t trill of tu:s 1M3,-- r.% 1
, !....- - r ALL- A il) , SEE...pri i • I Van persnuil , entsttur -,18t.„.tv r county': t or, Itiflt eel iitenti
lt , -1, vt ,
, ale an .1 C;Juntv lli..litg for sate by. the One person fir Poor II D rector of t vote the vite, or I
.:. • - J . 0 ti. - 00 1., D .1 l i lit:at - Cr colu.t.y. _. ; -----_ ,1.. I,P . •
P.t. q DL - 6 , tag rhAll on conytc
/ rachre.nnother'to
, 1 . i I ohr ,t,eratins t for Trustees of I;eivet, 1 . thna r ,
~r 1 . 4
e ra .r soup 4
Fi,tvivr,io3l g el eount • , t 4 ..)1 years cite. , one tn* it j,,,,u, i 1
. ,
-.' ' t" .-1 .' :.- i --7 ' . ' YiiiiNirs. 1 threelvoar- , . au.f otta for Iwo ye:lrS. - i threp nor tubrc-tli
I'llos. ICF.N,W,,),' ,Llt i c t - ,,,,,,,,...301Tyna511A SE. 71.1 , ..a1bati 1 ~.. ~. ..,.
irAI - Jir-a k itir . ..ll6iiiiilll,l2 `
- t 1 • i
TII 0 I Az d 1,, * F.;‘ .. ,, , %;" tplialit W I co I'll:it every -11 ••‘•'' ime4ortsi itllitititktot' • the e Peace
--......;:,, ,1,1 - tllOll '.. 11 ,t i r...?„ l l , rai t liall hokil anytiffici.ppoilitment of pro-
• i
(oi itcr of Ii 1.0.111,t"..41.11 sts, ;tit orlififtsffikAla se t rhui t itivrtilidar.
' •-• L 1- , -. - ' -'•, - - ', c,:: '- . --: , 1..1 gittft•s; oil 01l tAsititel r'-'Of 1' Ott? t%r tan
00 3
1- '- 1 - r .r.SE-4114L1 IU , -; l e b iireo#t s .friti- Aiiiet4ll44t-edrintissionetVeta •
• . 4 •-
• ' I finer or -o , ent--arto a* trrithall thatee. boorilentZ
UrKti,,74l' ,Ie , f I e.ACIIIIIMO, i ••--,a * , a . ~.4 . ... li g iA ‘.- r i4,, N ti. ja ,
.- .
._. •,. .-.. ~ -....- ; plox , -. ti,-- ,,, ,- ,, -,- --. - I, 4 a ~..... ,u Gaited
;.AND ilz FAMGY - COODS..: cii ` T .7 d -.1 / .. li4iir l i ,! bt b f th -, -
I tt s.
tot or T,..11"• 41 - . ny
1 ' ' • • - • I ' StMprer croofeityt 'or in Mated- istrlcti 1
I = Our stock of I (tried. and Domestic --,` , anil•itlio illittlieirl; In etit - ber tifOotnttess; and of i
J • - ''!' st-• ‘-' I I the State Le islature; itd • of tl4idll-bit.iiiOnt. 1
, I aitc), and . 1' firielv Goons, , • - -,'. ..L...t.' .4 ,' ' e A n t ahatodorafor I
- • - J , !DOTI cOnnett • goy ~ i , or 0 ,
1 `, - 1 iii .Itiliill-1 ''
1 r ineorpor tad sli.tri t, is by low totnlcible
11 ... ,
P.PNTS - 1 . - . - -'‘ -- - -1 of holding oti exereisin,-nt the ': antheiti 4 m the
I 1 I (. .. ,.. -,i u s ~ 1 • _ ..
... ..
~ oflice or arrimlttment lof-Insrietaor, Judge,-or , -or ,, J
• ': leetion of 41. e. -CCnittoonweattli,
I 1 - 1 • (1 ' ..., F • -. . . .. , , Clerk Inf. nO4 "c ,
, ing
i / I s v. , -s i*- -', an ,, ei v tia t t ,,, :io ,i l .t .l , :i. , l , ge ,
,:.. .* pi n;ii ... ccter : hr'
3 . t . , lo .o y ha O t t . h e o:l ,
fast s
t l .I li
' GrOVI" - - ' rotA -*- ' - 1 II bo el' 1,1 to el
s • ~ ,"."), . 4 -cer 0.-411th electron,,,s tit . 131 e 00Y ~r.L.
~,,t.4. jt. Id. , v . ma
i '''
i ' ' ' ' ritY -- t r lir !t o l tee Toted ; or . -' ' I :' . ISOrity of the Mombefa elected to 'each of
r• , Tr . 121 ,^, offi ce la l-ri
1 " - ' • , _ - ', Al,rsVin v,ldltr the llth sectloniof en ha Ap- . the I ceinlaturo- at t a suedessire -tissalons` of.
S a ir,.. 15, `. •I. 1 • •,• ,leis • c - a i•ii 't.szah '' it • ' ' 1 I' I '' ' • ' '•
DR A ‘ VEII-14 . • ':- 1 fiat the , I:iiiii Pnctinh 01-the--eicellimeil July 11, l' fir A , nie4s ' ase , 4 .4 , -,si fi Lark 1.,,i till, 3 .. 1 , 4r
of our
Si IK. :Ind - fVeroN - ' 1 ' -',
" - , fries•r f '. it twrrii,-..• 1 - 1 , -. pn.lee, Insp ctatior el:,rit Or r xehet . e .. Ls ri t i ts ..., rn i c yk„) in ( ti e tenth article
P A l. D FlCa 4 S ' ti.i . ; Con1111.1e • tlfh, .T;nll " tiot lska constrned ,, ,n
, , ..,ort ono , _ •
: 14 ,.. ; :
,4 _
~.,.... , 4, 1 S ~1.. ealtle. an net rtilating tn tip) elections of, T
,_, I , 1 • : 4 , sht uttoarchi
ni ; la
' ,o 4 the:see/Ind iiessi In commencinir on the first
, 1 , 11 :. to i re....-ni any lallqnry oftieer or - horong . h i 'T ne ,o 4 , y - n e mi-J„- t rylei,tl,•.eti sad fi t t ..r .,,,,,, en. .._.
N . , 4 - t ,O , ,•- • i • Com - lIIa • r• • t ie'
-,- .-,- t v ri I.k-r 11 or tpeoial Lleetion n tins i or tae ..,onstitiftiei . , , ~ ~.
f - l I ORTIONNOIiES '• • • • , 't , „ tt .„ 4l , ,
2 memoy-11th „.., . -• , -,, , ,agreeq upon 0101 bp on , tat . t0. . 1 11.e people
'r ii,„, i. 1 1 c":. l'lrt:Tya,V.l- i Ai 1,1 tit.. 0i.,%,1 act rf A •,-(-11117,! entill'lA "An tin Eitith • uputiler , andpt such time at, least three
on:to:11y h,lng initi''''.'ti - net' r , datlrv ,l llo tli , este ;long -- o f th ig , common- inotiths niter heingi o tttyced upon let the twn
11 , 1 : 1 " 1104 c 41 ' ,16- 1114 - tilt - I we ilth." pasp.l July 24,4 8301 Pmitt 09 - ng f Ol.- 1 Ifritr.e.i., rit , the 'Logi latiii . es l iall'pro..serifie;'.Nntl
1 / ' I - .., • I ‘: I t ' ' 4IV hertnis lry an ~,iet r, th e fol,4:l4ftipre of this
is.J l i tit the at len rien of our ' •ehttt the ' 'Twines , a id- InTodorg elioseo As Cwitipouwe•ilth butt le•I-I• J tallert , p,;,si t illl, ll4 g U,c.
~ U L ' Ut "' S g Ch t iall Y . 1 !Aftwe - JO l ,. Pll meet- - tit 4tre• reJ. , ...,:t16. 5 .'0,4. - 1
i . tto; , ;;T. ,, ,,e ,. i. : ;it ..., ,titireni t yrt . rn :rubri,m i lys i ittigon , ,tto4ret.htl. „ ,,,, , ,3T,t , (lol , l
`'' L . = ' 7 - ' , • ,-' r, 1., i,"l- -he electit,n , in thedist
1 , )
..--;--. - -- ',2 4 -- 4.-e 'l , --- z - i - , -- ' h tn h iv ." l . l . : ', ;lh ' e 1 1 C i cr . e - 1, 6111 ,? ble•; I% beforta ti tr ,s r,.% l o , :ti l lo t eu n ' t . s:: .n o i) tl n t , e i
i m c ls :i t t, l , :n o l o o l n on !' n rcil e m i,, o b ve v ii l s ;ti lny n.
I. %'• CP - ' 4-411 '1.
', r . toher. in ea r PIA cr ew ...I•• ea r . at II 0 " 01 ' °f s " ~1it.., 1 and f,fty--even R. 1 , r 4 it other. other things
rssottincri, o , , l. 4 ,. ~. ~,
prqvided as follows, viz L
1-nr•n'''clnr.: 1 11 artn.apr ore el,ra., 'mho • all 4 he
.fn . z. & SIMP Fan ' f.o. , . •0.1,:ie 1%, fer of ••atel distriet ' ' hection 1.• Tto.t. pi • the, perpo.e of hocerto'n
id sie•-• ‘lllioli.,f-r Cite:ll- 1 ''' It} lll P ol ' 9 otis ‘ O - ,0 , " 111,11 1 ii/vC: ' • 1 "-Tei cc 'l in the%sens . , , or the loitizen A t f ,, thi , s roitlloii
4.1 - f -solos for ii r.. I ~ , • . . ,1 ~,., t: • .., c . c
t...J1).11V,55, 1:41:1 11(.4. IN ‘'..):4,e1/- Ciel4)!(`-.1:11 itt! " , t. 111. ...Pl' ), • I 1 Itt;lii , il )11 Sl`g,.ll •).le a .2 .111. pr ,r,4c, 1,1 0.
e:ther - arthe.n the Cr'.
p'lle. ~.... or - . 1.111 nOt-fitten•Lon the slit .of any election „i d t , i , 1er , 1.1 .,, rtt ,,,, o
i tie .rear r.t the Stove,Tin- then tho l''''t'l•n who Pliall !I'll . ° ree PIVCd tllO 1 1 .- ic,„ .. ' ai:t.1,...8 tif - un,p;t4 , 7lll,4‘Filail 15 . !7 • 11 1 e :i=ts fit of
In I.Viliernoin ...r , ~ . -coroi iiiiii,c-t . numb rof votes for JlFl'ze 'lt
, - cietion directed to • he Sher..lf ~t" en`oh,nna eve- ,
A. ,JJEs_..C.WICK. the 140 preeedlne ehr'ion shall act n 9 111 =•Ptot .- ' ry'contity of this C romnhweillth Cerninnridiir , I
, • e.r in iiii pilot.: mill In else the person who the n ot to t i,.... l . onc i tiet .
li the , u 111.4
milui „ ,..r
;t 1 $ • I.tHe It• hest I, rberof votes' I - - i • t I ~
--- - I .43. 1111% , )).. (Tat)) ~. lt: •1) ' . . l e st t tan two Iletr.4) 11'N n Clpit county, pro-
t for inspector 0:ell n , I t attend, the pre.ent dect- 1 ,,i,,,,i th at ‘,„ „ l i my
..,.... r 1 ,1,,r,,, , ,,rA th ere i n. this
pine o • nri l olcction w.illllie,ll o ..t in each of tle tt•wit , liire,
. e l Ti te ,, .-11-. 1 app.oirlt an In•-pector in his
hlvill• mode : , 11. , ef 11-.. , . ,
_t • „ , ,„ h a ll fl i t
iereio, on
. the } scan d Toes
•,,,,, in eV... the persoo 0.00if3 , ) .1,1t,g... b
~1. . ...1,^ -.11/1 t-eing ill---1- ' , , . , I j . , 1 „..,,i the 1 t`'k. I TLI . " an'l di-`ttict s I• I
•! - • atteloi, loon taly alipeeL9r V, • ) ro . 1,, Jja•,' in Octet eon in t a year - et oar I.ord ome
' 1- ' , i ,-, tth .., t .1. ,„..h,...., ~„,n, .„ O f cotes ).11nll aJu I'Ze .'-;tialo.l ci•-h' inn , ' •:, 1 •ind Of• .--srveli for the
1-J ' e ' lt • '' l. ' l ' l ' t ' ; ' • - ' s t! " '''''' in his plae•-; -Ind if tiny vacancy sliall er/htimle l -irr' ! posi,‘ of ~fee,' 1 1i..9' 1 11, 0. , Os - ,- , , l i \ byti„., e ' r r,.1., , ..c . . I,
. to,ii _of said aro:mina ‘ats or An: . Of Cli e lli: 1 ‘ 1,i(11/
le ",` I '4' l : "ernrt t°,c 7ll • 1.. 1 t he ot.. of one hoar atter the I t.', -" ' -!' '''' - •''
; 4 ,_ ; 1 , 4 , bi . 1 ,,,
41 ,,,, p .„ in the ~nar- . -,r ace . , , .
'' ' - '''
l ” rllh's fl•tt•I'l l'•-' 11, • , ' for It?' oremnr , •1' the election s lid elt.ction shall h • hell ot,'llie Iplacei and
, , o , • ' • the (vial , ll^4 k"lern r tl•e towl'"hir• Ir'ml ,' "I erimed awl clOi'ed a 'the - time at and Within 1
''''''''''' ! '" ). ' ;:m at DI Y t !'" -1-; islet fat will+ site i officer ' , hall have - b , ben i• ~. „, Gil? ,4 , ,- '',. l', (Dora
tit „,‘..,,,, „ sm ., fr ,,,,, i,,,,, e. • ..•, - t ~, _ , . ,
, w f itc,, le :..ra. c er.iont of tel ITIOII- 1
, . I. lilt IT:t1:1,t
in-1. 4 ..-r.t , -0,1 that in l,!, -,..3 ' the ''''
4 1, elected, to.-ept et t, n, p t ot e.cetian, hall
, I, elet 'I n^ r.rf tiicir nun !her to fill "yell
,vaci.,..ev. ' vet - oth are 1101 ope edond closed. and it 01411
' heithe ditty.ot taoJo , gesJuspeeters and Clerks 1
'''r A' - ' - '''' -nr4 J'C'''l' ! " -tivel Y of , l each of snid totriishirs wards putt districts I
It sl, all lie `'ate datv
' r.r lt.,'( l in• - • ev'erc rt'eneral 1 • • 6 j • • , .t . • '
• 4„ i I , t .. i„,. ,i c u d is 1 / 4 ,..:11 0 atte , . lOt I '': 1 ' ' l ' .• • h , .. .-- t•iirt•cetve at salt.] ci .etion to..ets ettlier written t
'1 5 ' , .. - ,,- . -0 ' I - Ilieetal ..r tarn...hip (lectlon. lnrine: the time - nrh„intel at P[irtly written and partly printed,
,t --..,‘,....--------'-- 1 •-•-• , ~T el i e,r).-ti , "• 1 1;,.) kept 17^rt, fir the purp("te or fr'ili eittlzetio ti •Iv qi alil;ed to vote fj r
~,, 0 1 ,„',1 . ,k, ~ ~,. 1.1.,1,:‘ ~ f .;- --- 1 , 17, ,r e r 1.:11 1 16,r1 ti the Tncrectors antll , l , lgcs . ef T , t , 44e Gent,,,,,1TA5.,...4441y4 avid to 4,.. , (40.5 a ahoo , !
it .• . ; .• . nOn ~..,• q
1 .) etlirPred'-,,t in% 01 -atlin v'11” el ''', . ' ..• 0-1 rl .1 •1 ^-1 t ,' • 1. -•• t of o”:'.. inzi, box Cu' bles to dieter that put po.,elprovi-•,
A ni.,,,..1t tt2K., 1 , 1:-..n , ,-- -- e I 1, .v 'fern to N'II to it to ele`z - ' ihi-1 lis, - , , the I,T• n 7 ,5. otrer.; v. hieh Bickel oh 01
- • l' ',- • its . , rda'ien to thin , • - ' , i • '
r 7 S I vt, 114: - ,7 . N... N :Tv ''t ' " 1” ' 'l' olo r !hi r in • ' leo - n( 1 '010,y he lal•cT.e 1 on Lie Put-isle •rir.,-t
0.-.-o-rrevinre: twee ''.:l , - c.'" • I'l• '• t' 1 Tit Or.; ,Iri-- filo' said 111 . 7nectors r , r A6,. .1.1 ; , , ;(r.t ,, , ;.. . voil
.ioh..4iimc , ut,, , 1 , 12r,1
• - ••'--
J1 , 1,, , , , -, or .itlVer of thr / it 01 . 711 fro,ra time to time Ai,„ 444 l„ len e 4 „,i ' .'",,,, r th ‘. ' l, . n i , 4 ,,,,i
.1-AIEi‘TION f , . men in. ,
•e• .I.ter. I i tt,ose %0., are ill' ~1 .1 Ul :jai.' 'Meats Or
-I 1 .. , ,
. -
4 •
, 11,1.1'11'1
frs.vl:l itt.s
ti; wt.'s ut:
' old t c.•
1.4 c
• t ( I D C;;ii7il4Pliv . ]
kr r,-, 1 .L4t1t-rii, fl
ness4`lli . ..: di ity
New .Drl; 4 l:trn, SL.
tCr rne,tly
I C ' .1,3
N 0
`,race 1 .
r at 7' .„
• t"
T , ,n (-let cl
.tet: win. _upon the IlfilTlL
frnitted to vote in
thetieal list by Inspeelf!rs;
posit° thereto by wntina
shall be'admitted to yete
f paid. n I tax, or. the Word
admitted on acconnt of his
e,: the rason of such vo
t by the Molts, tvlio s tali
in the. list of voter.i.diert,.
1 • .17
tie ftiP nnme of,l le per , m
. t: found on the list , fUeIIiSTJ
-IPI'S,sor, or lilq
itrttfAn.l i t'lisrc• or nr,t, i.:
,u.a 7 .lifit(d•t'i - iti;7.en., it shilll be
i.,. , ;(i.r tO7exfithitte sash Cori
talificattwn, 'anti. if.lle Pl-:. iPI 4-; ,
in the' SWte on'e yel or . 3
he 'stillielent proof' the eof, 11
nor icy 11!t, least one eorepe-1 1
inil he a qualified eledlor, i
‘ritilin the district for inore
rtately precedinr said. tlec-.1
dinsell swear. hil bona fide
,ce of his lawful calling, is I
for the "purpse of ve H tinz i
` I I
prevent or attempt to pre- !
election; or use or threat- , ..:
ty Piwli lc ftic ,, r. is ° :/slial _iii- . ±
v. interfere withlt:in in the , i
p•,or shall Mock up I,r at- 1
e ivlndow or avenue to any
:Me Inaz : he holden, or Shall
peace of such election: or
t . anv intimidation, thrilat4,
,' th d.,ts:i. , '.-n to influcnee. lilt;
.. , r any riector, or to prevent
-or to restrain the freedoin of
rerun, lon .conviction shall he
flint lixceeding five- littn 11.01
mprisoned- for any time not
months: and if it shall be sl own
t w iere, the trial of such offroace
i• t the iteno'n oftending . wasl not
eit /. ward, district ortO
aid offence was committed.'
vote therein,lhen, on convi
t prtperi
ihi4 OW'
ttptt l
le , s
-nn 1
111 . 'rote nt mere than one;
otherwise 'frituddiently f 014;
epietor+ two ticketi teeth=l
ti t tiiof.e . illegally. or ,shill
nny_ pet sort ' , hall , ntiTite 0
o no, he or they Bo 'neretid •
L ion,.ho fine.l in nny stun not
ire thnu : five hundred tiollarn.„,
or, ntiy firth net . leen :thatt;
titelve month,.
:elareill). .:n1 ~.nnal, .ICllta
:111 . 7 of them tpayjespress their desit•es by icr
; I 4 . 17 each :IS rnatlyk:iergrits written .; or printed
er partly writtbn :.tid' partly printed haliots or
•tier. , ts en:ltalians On the inside thLreof the
wl.:: ;11, 'For tli'..,, AllItj:IiiIllellt` ' ilia' 010.1 e•ho-are
• ~k v0...c.1 to the,,f th e m may
, otpress their ormosi;tien by votiti7Jeach a.; iu:-.-
, :ii (Vlrlte r...lit ' len'or printd:ball' , i's or tit" . .k.A , ...
1 OntaFt.ine• AI, tie lip=ide thereof I the words, l
Aga . tist the, Ameh•hiient " I,' ' 1 . 1.c...,
i ' 1-:e ;don '2. rfliat tle elect on the call pro
pore . innendnienta s tall in . 11 resneors . be :oil.:
• ‘I let ed afi .time flener: 1 eleeti'lnS of this CoMmon-i
1 w,
eal I are now co - ndueted; . n(1 it shall he tine
-...f.lity' f (ho Iteturn Judges of thal re,ipectiClo
cf , lttp tea antldistriet thereof; first having care
fillltscertained the number ofvotes riven for
Or : t ttg,aiii?ll.l of sa 4 nmenditrets in therettli
iiet riforzsall.l ' to tof he out duplietite... returns 1
thereof expretS6(l in words at leugti and - not in
ife.sitres only. one (if Met) returns en imago blnd?
I:ie.lodge'd in the I' of onbtarrx I tiffice of the
flonrt of Conti - on PI tt‘'o :the ' pro Per county,
• Po:I - the other sealed .int aireoiod NI the Secre
-1 1 i i.
l ;ry of the Clanton lalth. and -Ity.p.llr l! , s, -, i!i
.r11.1.1.c.§ (I , ?tv)q ..r . :l f4-ttoviit, in : thelnwat:conve
' ilivitt Post Odzue. ';I 1 . i' _
ii I '; • N
And by An Act I,(il.itin:.; t.t: the. eleottonq of 1
II this ee'rurno;rtroalt " passod the 2.. , 1 diyof'.Tn- i
It - IS3 I I it is pro l v,ided and dire'rted es ful- 1
!" . 1
1 ioiry ' - 1
.' r :-- -II - , - 1
- : , ,i,i,„, st:, WltQt) two or in bre - collo tics shall
ipurpuse a diOriet for the choice, of !a ntentber.
fir MCillbel'Al:7f the'Senate of this demihonv.-calth
dr of' the lion 6 e of lepreSentativ l, s of the Uni
ted "i'ltateq, o of this cotnieonwealtlt. the Jail
4es of the election. in efichicounty l , having met.
its aforesaid, the clLrks .;hall 'mal:o ;out Fv fair
titatement ot''..lf thf votes which .4:141 have
licen :given r. snob .electirvn,i Iwithtligth, : e 'c l own-,
ty, tor every] porton voted for; iis. glich !mem.
I,ler or' mentb,ers. Whicll.:absil! he.; ~, iinnied by
aid juages, hita itttested by the clerhis: and
4ne of the . siii.,l.itilge , s, shill tithe 1 charge of
lucli ce'rtificaltc,' ai ~ , 1 911:11I 111E;=1i1C . P ! the', Kline
.t n'lneeiliu4 of one .ind;:e Tr in! eSch e , itinty,
4.f-such Pla , O, 'in. 'tlich gistrii i t, nit: .i. Or Luny i
i O 3 appnii,;(o , llTiy 1:0- for t!i'l pirposo; 'N::.llich
neeting...ll:lll be Hold on thel seveoth tiny of
:or the election. i\l - - _ . 4 .
.See. S. Tho inches of .the seven it connties
iitnving. met.
,as itforiri.. , ao. shit 1 oS,t up Ibe For:
•ral county tettirinii mill nr,ilFe Ithiplicate" 11.-
rtnros of all the votes. giveit , orjstieh °glee. in
I Lnkt districit,l nod o'f the . limn.. , f ' the' person
ir perEons' iiacir.i.,,j and onof 1 tall i.eritynq,
..i .„
or each miiiic, . I .in,'ll be dep4iuiti 0 in 6c. oftiee
Tiff li!. Prothimii :IA - 4 .
- of the (len t . -Coimp,iit
4.lerts of the! croint'y jn which tley' h.liail meet,
ilinit the ottf- la I be hr sai.l Heii,o,i
,ted in the' ipir 3 pit ,otlii.'e,. i-ecii.A awl di
. Ireot t ..l in 7- :n.i.ts : w and' Ord. , of the ei4htletti
S •
: ,i section of'tl'ils .- 1. I. I• I
l Sec. 53. ft liftil 111 , 0 he 1111 , 1 'tin i ly lef the ,
I,' 'return - juige!., in' every. coqi., to, triinMnit I to :.
reach 'of the ..i)eri.on,4 cl , 'elcil t.() :rerve ;in' Co;.i .
1 r,,,5, or in ,'t!,42 Se'lvii..2, 'or . iit iha lionse olf
:;F:l",prosentatil,7e. f 0: t h ' ..j 0 , :l: i tirl i .r e4l OA.; ' a ter-l1
.I.itio.ite of hi!-: e!oci ‘ , n, ivitl,-..n fire"days "atter !I
4 hi , day .t.f inaking tip stieid return. I .:
LThe return Inagezit of thee. on , ,,rre9sional Dis- i•
Ltrict coinlicl of the eotinra.i of )Tercet: Bea- i
fvcr ar,l . Pi . , / vreocri. Intl' the; return judges of i
he Sena t Oct ) i 1 ntvi 111(sprescnt:itivc• ili , trict, -com !
,Fose of the !comities of 11: - .acr nijd Lnwrence !
, itvill meet it .the,Ciiiirt I.lolie rinitieW Ca , Aie j
kaccoraing t-.) ,
the' S i la sdetion. tibfiV L e cited.
li 0 iren. , unclor my hand ai 14;INter, [the Slb
l ( ,--- '77 , 1%)" t orSeptemberoSs7, and of
i , t.. ,s L ,the InilepentiTicei,6f tbd,United
1 (,--,—; •State3 the Eigthy 2 E.:cottil
! ' . J 4 13.1E5.1' lIRAGII,
1 Sherifr:i Oflice,lioavo )/ [ ' !
Sept. (..,.', 1557: , '5)
:PAVER ;Stk.
.13F.AviR S
• 1 I I
. - (i_'Or're.cred -IfF ~
1 —•,
FLOUR—II'or, linnlireii,.,4 ~.
II -, 1111",'FLitt11.— per - clitt:l. 1...
Wll.l , ..A.T—pur bi.pstii:•l....l' I ,J
.. % .ryT—per )1, '1 1i iIC II • : 11
• ~.
.F,c)rt.N . -70;11,11sItd! I. ..,
(I.ITS-pOrlsllolol ~ ' . ~,
''.. lIF:EP--rqmpp...
111. - Er I.: Itt-p - er
1 nieli;--prr dol,
PI •T'&1311.1. ItIt.ET - ,
' 1 ,' - ' . .4lMSept . l6. I'S57.
t j
• .- -, i•FT:-.A.ILIth
i cp . , 4. , ,
F LOURI-4Es. :$5, 731;',00, Fatally 1'0'030,1 - 2 ,-
WH E %,:f 7 I-per ; hal :,... .. .. . .... . .4.1, 08:il ,10
CO 11N —rier Vasil i t./....... ....,. ' 70a.75 I
1:11 pair laishi4.4i .14, • 6, - y,:,63
OATS --r r, bu,ii , l ...... .i.,........ , -26330
II Al - --I,e 1.3a,.J.; . . ....... .. 1 .t..:4....i510314
. r .P(TTATO - .3.5-,,--pet i l i bu 5ha1.. , ...1...4 . ..../: 4kb°
II I: rrit: R ~--r'er ,I;ound 11, ' 1 , 2 a 1I;
191,1 GS —la ••• ••'?? I (b4lO .
BACA - 4N- 1,:an5'1.4., ?filed 14 ;
ir : ADI i dazon' li:dietinoravao
.. 4 boc a aver alma, 2and st.n
shaelja ea rtceivF% au; -; , : ; Tat Y.145.11'.i
' !iv ifolbq 19,' 185 1 3.1 . -, • ••• 1 . .•
- 1 1 ~ • ' . .j
. •,.... . .. ~ •-•,. ....i - r•b4-9..j..." - . --. 4 .3.r.......,..1 . 4 - ,:r - y6 - V ,l *" -- -
14,,1,Lt0. -. 4.7.7,rxr - crir . „:ll. l it NA"'
'- ----.- 12 - , -- . 4 ~, dti Vr4 - :- 4 :: , •-vz:r.:11: 6": - 4 ev, 4. -- r-ti.‘, ,
...,„..,, ......„:„ Lii ~L , ...,...„,,_ :„...f,..-.),„1„.„,„,
l e
8,1 Li..4IAPIU. NI -,LIQUArt,z,b
-,.,...„., ~.,,..,;...1...,, ordru*
./..4R .EtIII , g. ,
7 i
34.: ""i*' 41 q- 01. ::1 44 41 4 qq 1 1 1 .tc P4",/91" 1 ,
1 ;4:: : , ,Firritgiß tx Gil P. 1.1 . ."
iViewiNl mil w f .41411 ei, iii tit: bbeii. liiim gl I t so
le te in he *.e,ts:on t.lnt . they. !ave benti-purchn..-
Efeit .. my: oikunr, ..;in 14-. p lit ootfr !law 'pit tiCke n: in
• FIIHCV Ciin , Ys'slt"iiilt prkqiettfisttict- finve been
.3rAZICF„D'aICIAVN lallitill MAP;
-.Aire will elaselottr .i !lwk,nl!tpsett:Tt r 124 cent .
Prinkeit iiritli:lnt,s nt 11/ - cents,. .1 ..yunt and
It hitc" Lirn,i. net,ici,iii --- Engir,kcidriiki lo r - !
1 g alifty pvsyli, , ,l i3:qleentt. Rent Friltitil,nwns
n't 15 emit. I.lritite , l Blrreges'-initzt "e. , ,11.• du nu' i
very low,' Z. , idnuier.'..4ll.h..s . .' f rent , 40' , eerie up-
witrtls t ' ' ; • t-..:--. i..;: =. :::-..-: .
','. •4" , 1 Fiii fritlld•;:olarit- -,- gi!ksii' • - '1
;•; - . - htl Clii•a:“."' tin the Oty.. _Nee ..I,le. s , y ,- ..,rk t4,,1
Collars nml -Slekvei.-Iferi'7s 'e - ZllLti3 , :‘lll(ii'ilvifTi..l
I Seeillr Wor -... C , ,,crk,c,hie;ijii E i o ; 4, g f.thekt, ; r:!ltrely nini• F.lyie3: ,51.014 :Ia :sl:iintlelc t k :
gool A.E.F..orttnent l'..i,* litia ',.4I.IICCITNit . Da s',..'.
I ten, fr;da ci.l. taraftra,i, Lace ila-gni; .7:1..nti11.a . 1!
vP . r 7 ellkap.. ..TIL li' . ?' . .i', ' (11 0 .v s.7al.Lal!iir_i6; of
.eyery.,,acti v : ) ,i.i.4.,,p... :,..: T
, .
„... . • . , .. I. •
, vc ry
et the
he ve 1.1(.4 pviVec o?";c111th , .;1.4 h,e
ties, ;is grlute . : o , all.
Gr. 1y)4'.01 Tie ettli
L' Illy
_place Otimr Ent ur "X,;estl of the
'our sac`: be.:
f,rc. 1...1reit0i! , .1.; el "thinz, will
Le th' nooltht:lge
to ,
rZrtiterly. Tore
' . ulta L9ve• - .
. ',i.'';',111 , 7 :,C3•X't •- , • ...
• i
i l ke'subseriher. oii. Sunday id : A t, Aitust Otlt-i•
io=ta 1ar.2...a. • , 1 LIIIi I r e. ,,, : , •';• to,..veri or 1 twelve'!
years n',,l. Onqlearl . l. think• the ; right, ;c•lat; j , '
ne•krly it1i' , ..% ,,, ,; , : lon;_.; It. :•;;111iti :i:11.111 Wfiiie
spots on one s'it'r•uliti:t , •.loade-, huhvy belLin•l, Nat!!
alar;:ifkr.g. ItLingii.:s.:l•:w ,lawn.t4tilkipg 6 or Fr-'
c i iii k rts ier thty Vi'llorivvi Rill' rltern ~,ta c 0, ,,
or it.:6,rnipl , witeKel:zhcmay be timilti shaßrimi
Itrll;pairl for tiling-zio. .; •• 1,-.; - •• 1 ;
. , '• NAl'.llo IlliVi,
, • ,
Bri•lgrwiltorQ Ilcoi , cr co Pa.
Bildt of beaver, Coeinty.
TITP. tl,;•l tt 1 s i ier C•
are licat.b:, t
f -
oa or
tio• Stl, day tit
. / gi•'s.oo' - ' , o I. It'
Au 1 un in-talau ut auu.,l.4s.t ef Ti 11,7-
I It 3 is'' 'llll C i n 6u befo:F.the 0•:.
•,•1 ~ • ,
• T.( 1- uror irs tifX
1: • cira.r r.t,urea
1:1_, V.11;11 'IOII3H Ti
•-‘• L. , h. 1,27.7. • •
I '4, .i'i;LE l'_tkli;j:.S-11.6..i , eap , 1 c o n , i , a ei,4 ri..
i ..! X. tor', corer and Aiecr.,; Thcluot;t co:avian
toaeliidein.the world.. -1514pples of any si•Le
can Le*Pate , l, con .1 andcdt_inithin slices all in
nue operation in a: niintitc,;:indl in. ii• btyle lin
t posiltle ton
• , ,-1.1 by hand.. - .1.5.5. \;al:ltltt.P..
ltll ' 9 4' - . ' 4' Fittll hlrkt .
i! Eiii ilii:ti iI:.:T V; .1 KillE;11;;O:1? ) , e . '
". 1 „, , ,[ •.. ,' . , I .. , . . ,
, a Lixe euo r iarincr 'baying tagen poesesston ot
t. the„bi;ii lutr. , ly • "eel:plea. b . , -, ' -1)31. - 1,1 .1 olla
- !: tijii; -- (1ee!(1., iviAilti rcrp;ct l ftqly anuotnice tu the
i„ettizei,is u 1 i;•.;:lver, awl vicinity, that bat is oil:-
I pad to make to order all :10.1(31e3 to li i 4 liet
-1 at-shi;rt notiee; and upoh re:ism/Ale tkrnis.- -, 4
Igeneral it_rsortinent of Furniture4-eacli as Bur
restos. .I.teds;eadl, card, ;center, - (lifting and
breaklast.l 4 n-4.12..4, : Stands, I Ste., cons tan tl3 k l ept
an hand, whielt,„ for finality had workinag.thip,
I will coir.pareffaviiiell.ay ivitlithc , :ictuarile4tured
lin any otheriestablisiitnent in tlie',couuti.l .
ns . ,
Colli mid() to oi;ler*,:nt Rif' _hours,. and a
iii:arse in colnltant readinCts. -'. . : 1 . ..,.
1 1:" & r.,..51i0t, on Main street.„onn dour tre;:t. of
A rg.ts' office li . • SOCIAATCS SMALL. ft,
heaver, Sept. IM, 1551'1.
\ l ' _.L - .o — , r IL) '- t on
~Vlliolisalp Duulers I.ilTi)rei , ..ti & Dolue ? !1 . ;e,
1. _Le4>B3I3J .-Int :e:F.,74-OzzoeFutcsamie...*= . .
tf.,,„ 45 ' 1(00.4 Street, 0 1 , ,,,iiite Si. Marks trakk.l
- ...i
F r T.TRGEI;:I 3 I'N'T -1 ”. I
-N- ,,. - - 'J• ' 7
l ik RE now reeeivi ,_„and will be read:7 to e j
t it hibit ' t in the trade'by, the 10th of Septerti; i
Per, - a very large and attratit , ,e stock' of , I ' . 1
i Fart rkev Goods' and'srOliOnS 7 . ,
in. 4 • " " ' ' '
to WhiCh tile atterv.h:n of 3 . ferZ'!:: , rtts 01.4;1191E';
tbellTds i t i respectfully '' t solicited. ' i
I,:i ‘ t!bur6 , ll, Aug. 25, 1857:1 . .. I
- Dealer's in
Fnney D,ry (ice 44
CURNIiIt OP MARKET - &.,1311.1UGE -I ST4,
13111Dfi . EWATE'R I'h:\'\' 1i i
L'C'Couutry Prothicq taice II in (••.tlian: , :.'
aul exnmino
itug 94 3
.A1))1 IN : N(YI,'IGII.I.
ilersor..4 ht.lotvtitg! the•msdN'iss ittqlvbtis.l
• to the. crt:!te.,, yavid
of ilert 4 . - er horotzgld. coititv,
~re re,oested to 1i1,111.0
tLnsc 11 , 11 .1 / 2 ',2: claims will pre6G:t thyn properi7;
nethtatiel.ted far, settl.emitut, o 1116
inkadd i•
JOSEPH' C. L 0:N I; -VI r.
rept2 I
AT T 0 N Y ! T I.! A W
()Ric; in rho Conrt itouLa,
July 15 18:)7, ly. • '
.• • I , 6. I
;%lanufut . arers awl
~\\'- w )lez'ale [1 calcra in
C CI Tfi-I I i‘.l
NO ir (-)1). STR.P.I:77; fl
r sill:scriber having: taken eloirge of the
Slirou.siteani Florting:
_emit the public h - eis prefol-e.l
tin actiotamodate wliff..'luay no:oil him vlith
their custom. his -facilities fur g , tiding fre'
fully cline.' to tiny in the county', IP goo , l
wheat seat to this mill, ue\will insure good
flour, good yield. j• •
thou 27 1857. ql IN 11. POWELL:
i ~ ~
1t.16, 1857
) -
t; 1 1 EEP 'D 11 ILLS.-;;lflifit' ff.' l l'atentl Lapcitster
i_7 Drills; for - . W heat,. 11nr:e3'; (hitsa !la Grace
Seeds; for r:pr ttt the Agricnltaral. Warelmmie,
47 Fifth Ftreet,'Aittklrurzli.j p.1.2. - WARDIcov.
Vt..I4V,N,LVt.; I II:, Ld--ItiEe's' i':ttent klmning
_IL )Bile 'for tal?, by Jtl't.SllTAnonoe. •••
aug,...43 . ..
~ ,4 i 4
,iftli btrt tt.
Tilibviz jiibts ...:..;;O ;•;(' ilii - dcoelt:i* new pow
‘..l erfnl .lill6 for 1857,- .capable Iwith - two
men) of: makiug . from il to -t1 barrel's of cider a
(14 - ty, for • ins. Kinnuor. 47 Fifth et:'
9tirf. t o :t Erne rs----Iltiltsprbsied !tall-
IN. rood - tower Threshers,. with yilii'atil,g, gel):
arafor . ., wurruuteil in every re,pcx, 4 ,l, I fqr t ale by
au s li26 .-- jtimrs 14:inn - Sop, 4:7!tliftlift..
Xt 0 rr e Jr:ti:
fi, - . - .4P 1) L. .v•if 0 0
:q3,., .IJT- -
i N ;eey bus.ir4lr2Pkeig:' 10 lrloz Potato ho oks;
I'2 (1 . 1 h: Potato digging for,ks, forte . , le 11 ,
nogeti ' j '' .I;m‘ll:3:lYApintor. .
1 .
! • 70
If. yeti lyaut raf..Fit 14dieines ar any other.
kind of medicines, call )7ou.tig's, -and buy
tl4eracheap arid pure. --"." '
Tornatio abi Iruii
- 4.7. ;Stras stare, - Bile frcup pint to igallous. .
. augtel
u PUBLIr:,
J ~~
- . - 4 .- -- - is U , • II 1t.: 1 7' ; . -: F - ... :Tr, i ifr )1' tit itr T ' - Itial 01
-, 1i..:.1 , fr.,...r.r.:11 , - ..-.' ^,:., - 1.•,..;-. ~..4. - -;;!•, --,,,f .i..4 -v. '.7 a 7' ..a 3 ',,, , , .= ~. ",,' 1 ?
'.." ..
~ .1 4 ''' ' ' -
• 4 ' ~,
1 ; 47 • A,` • .. -- it g, I •'
) i;•. - .":-.: , : !'', ' „:::!:--tb e: JAcrV.,l: 3 -' r•-?
. • ^ (;.., .ro :•.k.: 1 7:!..y 1 • i -,
-.7 , ‘ .. ::: ', - ti.,; . • , :4 41 :47z.,..*A4 iil . '
=', ~-. -,,,--..,:•...-.--. ~, , f 41 ,1,,,-:iof.i.,-:!..-c,,,,,1.:_.
'+'.....„: A ''''' ;' 5 ..; '•:,...., -2-7,rv-5.7,7f - p -; ': , :77:',' :
, ;;..?; ..' •:'. ... ;,7-: ' 3g-ft%:',11 . ...- 1: - 277.:i - ' '
.- .: .:': , . 'i. '''. '41119 . r.,.;.?.:1- fe d- ;
.., • .
.. • p
!.,......L . Ti0_4'2.1....-- -. 7 . —*4 71"2....,.t;
:7?- 1 k — 0E 1 4 0 4. 1 t 14 ?:4C4.44# . i' 4 1..' - KR
X).t. 3 7;r3S:PA'l
qi,A , 444 • ,..„4 ,4 "4-4,?
. -..Li */ Ece ,OC.M FLA i T. 2,.
..N r i:‘,„'..N N4.,:7:•7'. 0:r: A.,:i il .1.
- r'd--
I.} tit" ,
111.1 CU" trioly zitTc•ColLi
\ll2.l:l.lriferetV., '
Acst hty 6tithet .
I Vicky..Philo, ileattorn, 4t 'AI
In.AlNorvoils,Jthipituft.tic vy.Noi
t!op.s. it h,aw , in ntamer.tuis fmutikes
alid in uthers
• 4 . l4trely. , Qgottl.lo. tninpm
el :yll.:tric;i:,- iunti;;
tot 11.11.1:1 , 1",Pitof.1
lave; heantua if itsrrcatsaeCess
t Earaptun litt;cezz, ,
Vl!itr.l `uite;itztenile: Linc,ru e:i
GUI' 1 , 1,1
t:io.t . the Otte tliis Inlsitty'count
whit, gro:j. among.there.:, 1 ni
inatteinfa virtus b
rr.l by the Of itt de
f, of fliH:-...ti00.• tli tho•
~ ..;13:1„.t ofK.,enirt
. .
r.....1,ct I ,'zi,t, ,1:,, , i1.11,7 .•- i _il..;
i flt , .iillt itivir liittitii hill vi r,ll. 4 iti ; the
. .Nt)l'it.l.;!--Wiin'et'or e:s.ivect l ; t
1 :I!),,,vcr.t.(t NVili I.T. 0F,, , t , ;11.111,T.) ; 1,,1
i -,veltic ri i i<lll9l/ „spiritii,i, it tvili,.rr.
irr,taati , araill,iosseits:o of 'etilt*
pr.!Pc•riN?:: :; '.. 1 : ,
, 1 F,Alrittilv.--1 4 11e :rn•rit• rpiti.d4t
1 ti...:.Lif,ll' ..z.,,r:14' Los•lnc.. , a fourd
wW,: - . - ':i..1.1:i.i ,
p1ii)1 4 .....1). ,, ;!..1 •.71 - I,...e.l';wftil,
1' , .., il,t 1 , ,..r. , a.:,..1,.. , 1 - tu:. , ,: yi..anrl
: tit -- , - ;ort 1,.,,v,:, !.,!.ivtill.ll;- - ....14i - iici!'7lli , .)ll .
a r.:'.r, t , '.. ii, -!),:,..: 1 .2.1....,. :4,1":: t:,;r;.:
i t .:i.iittAy':ilper'Pr it i.s ti;'- - -,:11 i'lle..e.
1 : -. )--,";,t'' , '..1 at F.:.1 Or ~ , ../1 , t 1; 01.
•:',..r:ug 1'1i...r,.a.
r , - :AV. J.).ML.:6 CLA4t.I:I.;
i Ceillrratesi •'elsisi:',le •
i - Prt t .roti f 1, , ,, a i,1.,-.1:::-: 1 t...,,,;,t .
1 Clarke, M. '9. Pity.,izfan \.F.xti-acor+Lii.
t,ime!kat. , This it Ilaabic. K,z(;i.e.ate 1.
in:tke of all tbose pal:, fit' at - i , t ,_
dir....*4 - m, ineident to the 'fil•lnate da t , ..Attittio.l.
lc-fitira ter :all a see ..,;; rmb o Veipi i -ft ils t rui-
I tioifs,,, timi N 'oriiimstm the, nntt.td3 lit rioti lotilt
rregtilari y. ilicse lids Aottielb, +a two Or
thre6 woe's prOvions to coutilit iler.l4. they for
tify the constitu,tion, and lessen lEulfering du
rib*: 1:..b0r, enabling the Ino4ier ti perform her'
ntler , with if...ftity to herzielf ramilehil4. . ,
The.,o , l'ills iibbithi not b l e ialien'hy f‘,lnales du
, ring the Ell i tsT Tint 1;1; .MONTIM 4 Progrian--
4 ti..t.'f'aey areluxe to bring bit - Mitscixrrige, but
at any 'Qtber time. they are 6;ii'e. ' I.
In -an er . :,..c3 bfNe - ^7( r.. au .l '.', ' , I;Alftici
- ,) ~ . ._ DI ...1 t lA. 1. ,
1',2..111 in the 1h and Limbs. I.le;iv nei.i. Pa ei,, ue
~ r • , .
IA : Slight. Eeitm a, 1 Aortalmul
/3f:ltho lt:mrt,
I.:Ante:l-s of 84)irifsi 1.1,y-. - ,tmie., Sick t h en ,,L.,„i,,,.,
Vibites I mid 411. th,itl iminfal dijca,es OCC:Lt it.1111:a
4 by a (ii•rt! , lere J !..f . ‘'. ten?, tiit'Se'Pi 14 iiiirki:et.a a
d atum uocti 411 01k,',4 1 ~ ..Lanj lii.o 'Mill, and::.'
, i ;I. : ....1;,5-, ."M t..% • c4i; t .'- . Otliel' h'.
a ~1;,:
.Friel•. in the
llulinr. • ,
ulu Agent
lb country.'
1)013 :11
I. "
.13ALIJW V - . Or.
• n d postn;to sta
to any :inillorize.l h
the' returu mann: ' For
11:pehestei, Tn. '
'4 . 01e514 Agenti FLEMING
,__ _
, Dikt l GS:
' 'l\ -
;litnt Received .
k - • - . , - 1
..eND l'Oit 5A.1...2, 1,(.Y.
13 . , 1- 0 Id N '
~... ~t . ,
. 4
rAtlri;!A/ Stan.r, Cr,rner of :31,
1 2\.\ 11(AVE-11 P..i
~. 1
i ' Tit N fullowing :Patt...nt He , lieini!s:
I 1 ) e Qtyhai w,np.'.. Nevs I.)rug• S.t..f L;..
.IKep {Eatgli 5yi•nr . ,,,‘„ ) .7131 ,0 ,,: j e4 ; ,
Ira i.1. - .entlirtr . tk Pills, Pow:n:01!:5
~ t ea Sanforr". Inviff , i'ratcri, l'e
LY:ilt. -- r=74l - ooltway'....i Rer;,,lvez t,. j
I P i ill.4, P.,:erha , ./Cs 11,1' 'titter., 1 1
Ilestorntive_Pl , of. Di 3 Gr a p,,,, oi -
' iinent, Pr,f.-. Ilec,l's 'Magnetic i
Vermirwr..ll , l 'Pills Falrol—t. , I
:oil. Cough Il:ils:14'n. ' Darltiy' 11 ,
' Reme,ly,,Seller's - .C ,- ;n17,11 S-yriti, r.O
Kenni.dy's liisciery, Swainei l'i
tixtrtiet of
. 11tici; Rose, Sitic'§ - 11:: ,
cherry ' Q« 1! Hound, • F;in , .
Oampoun 1, Pro•i:res Essen-,.-6 - ef
.r.tti., fio,ifo , y''i Conii , ,,l. L'arleth (
tAb's Worm. Co 1 fr::t!..)n . - -1, ili erc)l,
Oil. .11 . 3'ne's Cartniniti'xe . TrosleS i
lo' . . 1
..nplit, Nerve ntvi 8C,7.1t1 tlntinci i .
.ltintineAt; raol. Pills, Titoutii'
i3e 2 & 'llrf.A.' All:
rA-e. - 17 otli.'tryi.ll - Jo uunieror., t
wnys 01 . 11:11v.1.1 ',, . Inac (3',':'
• . ' • A T
. Fe n.rrr . l , 7 , I 1 nrf
111 Ul.l
r77.rtr.y .
g,,als, at tiwir I - t%
is , l belircto:;,
for at as lo‘V'prices 6 3 on be h
16,11 , np1t in tiii.;:;_,unty. Ail the.
pahlle to call sr, l erialuiae tit u
convi6N‘ct tLal. they 1a e.:11
6tarrlistnndilt ih tbil
Dry Gtiod.iis , etanpiete,
Ilonr.ct.:4 of ev... , r) -
larril .
Wi ' Sti‘Pitll.ll
Bunko. Dr:4;ler ilur...ce.hav4
° rMU • 'hi
,promOtly% atterAe.l to,
recei l vei on dep it:
PAY11)111.1::T LA
. .
P...mplikt.Le. 05- fer'.J...rJ
ceired et the I:i , ithonate ,
will be•clieiributed to . thvoe_et,ti
them. , . - • t 3,
August 12, 1357. • E . -I
- 4 . )BILF1.111E it Y • TAM F 4 o;il ir
Away $b feud at : '3. .1'•1;
t`l i ST Co, Fc& i lwicils.,J ta
fr,?t; ,
Whitei inizipts, fran:lo
riguri:.l d* Imml2) .
Eril)r,,ideiies, and all Isinds'o,
greatly reduced prices, for'Bo'4'
July 2'2,.'57, t • " . ' I
i 1
_ ~ 1
1 '
uratrr I , , itkottret In it.onprodwlrt„...-1* , i0044_ ,
Qpon the strintttit:the eirriestii,Arittathfitboty
el-. tht , ,,e NH: rot sirou4tatftq+naly. I: reli.vtip;
intit . . 3 4.icyt; Thatnryi.lit“ tturdg, vitifl TC..t, ,, Ating
Tinly Nkr lON A I, '(`fINIPLAIN
' Try.- rs p -i:1 1. toe 711" t erMilrion df , , elvi , . Mini
t a i elM , ..r.° in_ this - ',:, - .. t .lntry. z ft . 14 - Ittii Ick ~,
cr-1111 .3 --Trapc , , mil is th . ‘l pt i%ular2; - sfutl h •t;e of
tor V.t . lrl.itie;;Pit
rr 4 it...tolios ; ,tillit eirat--__J
~.vt, r ;ts t . m . , .; ~r :..t ytilt.intT hw•ter
oe ob.tinuto
1(-1-tatice to ,a' i 1 trs prepArati.titfoit ieltld
, t li'v -.111 1• ni ON , t) ritk :::::.l l r , .. 011.r 1. Ir.t 1 liner
1;i14-i0US'A.EFECTI(),N114 i
rho tiaziotity awl gliat.l/ty 91 thegi.e- t as
I x: 111 qit a .•,.: t, , . 1 ~tltla 11 , al 11110 I
la.,u , :lalui ulitcli wa•auls., thih t;u% 1, - 1,te.,-,..
~- ~ i), . .aa 6.; - 1.,:zi1l c-,lly,
I. Sii vt..
f :;'tat c 0 IS , it
1 I.ega:pro. - .•s, v.a.l , c!lishatla i/
l'y etar'.• ..L ii
alaku..s lalaaahl-,rad all '143 v irlet
e„sp 6..„erati4 : y: alk IlMill'alr.ll e‘..9 Ell
0 A 11. tL le
thil,Ai tra bowel, p-rtor.a thoir 14:
PT 11 ,0 r 1 r.t - tito w Inc li:..fkir safecia. IT/
tiluti•AMt 4.1:1. anitutn - W.' Llysentorv, Di:
Vllrt,:t:ello.2,tuntr..;), : 4 11,1 other , liiea t
thebe wa;t• pipeA of tlic. ii : ..l-46:a. Thd e
tb , .! rtil- I.l:.ittt ttlt ititn , :tlrtyl i1i , 5 , 1r , 1 , 41.: w
e:rieal C, ''( tS . )trentie, saliiiß,
IA -pnif no in
. 1
h,e. 11 t.
4(.4/./oli;n; th.• prints ‘l dircl.talo
1 trto,t :11:.r:r.111,4 ie..l,,ei re boiver cwill,laji
pi 3111)t ly , t:•110. 1
A W(11(1? V) rE31111,1 7 .1
TIC) 1 , -..„1-0 1.1 , 1•'Ell,
c• t - au! 'irr^rtiftr:al."l
* tlio e: Ni . 3l. l it:tr , y''''',...^ , a - th , 1v, , :i1; ,
I : • ,, 1 ix , .;c'a,m-tt 1 re4ertorl, - :111 ' r.,, -
it - e, - ,n 3 I,'Ave,l;fi r the ti:i heir,„;
‘crt 41 f.r t') tin. t.l c 't...,0, 11 1
'sr-riots't!,ls.",.ll 4 l ll- Ft ; : iltis-vn ;tirc... I
11 1
sc Atti_sc
e I hi Ai
111 , 1111'
I .1111-
r, Li ter
init fur
ozer it to
li-)..e per
.; 7C115,',C;,c
I •l;Atr.ntrt;
• ,
;y J e3l fiat
er. - ti l m•rt ,
1 ,. .1 . 1—t; ill , '
• tc , ..p.,-'
Id m this
h 04 i!i; .
I . gr‘ . . l ittli=l.
• rchtedil
': lar.' i
itCt . :itionsi
!tit telp.r,
v.:0 1
- •
1 . - ;'-',..• ,-. ---1 .-'-
1 T., 'll z4 . .. , ii .•'[ . '444 / T:, 4 Etc- I 4 7 4: 2 '!4144 , 4! i'c.ol
. 1 •' , ', / * ••' . i; • 1 i
k y_ ~..i.)46(e. el:or'. ef ,, f ~'''lrlcet.,:;:edt, 1
,1, , i
I, Aliisna. i •-% Dia:lglu:a, 'in
i l'..ivu r i (2:m4' ti,,-1.i , 0p ., ,y. • , lint
1-', : , :tg:is, --, , . I)..'llii;ty,• .. 1114
4 C0'44.15-, ., l'tivin- - mu' acne,- V(
:::n,:st 1.1,:( , ..( . .., IVulailit'quipl"ts, Vi
J CottiVen...,sl, hirer douipt'U., II
Woriii.u . ,lllj.wl.l, Lowness of I:: In
1 1/Yfter , '; i*( -. ."'- - --, ' , ' 1 ,: ,r1 .s.
; - - - - ..,:r .- •(>1 , 1 !11-fac 'Manufactories
LL'LlAilr...*7l' .o,c;v : 3',:tilcui Lane, Nel
244 ;..ithiXspliW - L , 11.1.:11, ,by rill ru . niie
~ :.•••••:, . ..f. I '4F4t-i4:"i-4_ l pf _: • _\i , •i:ei:q., thr4•
Cmitc,l St..l(gs. aii,tille'eiviii7.6l wo 1
at :!,;;':ecilts,'(J24 4...42A5, and •'1 e 4
, .:1.1nait.:41::..11. Beavui• is an Itutfay,
for the saivvi* illeielpellipit; ii...
1 . liT. 4 -I. , „,Ther9 is 41' 1 evtti4loral . 9 sai
tlfe largest .{174c0. , 1: t o :
[N. IL I.)iretionsit4r;the 12,194 - lance
it eery 415,4)11.1e'r.a ret mil'aq 1 L. ia.4.:144,
1 * 9 t ' ' , - 'f'
CAUTioN -1-.!.-,,-4.1;p444`4,eHi4te e.,191
01 :t " 110i1 , 5;5:44. - e:\v" i1"44-1: anll ; I.(
I ,...sjornu'oic-'s4 ;. 4 , 4:Atep,in rk....1-41,(4v4. 1
I L,,r. t. , :e. bouk of trri..clic4lts arlutv.,l, c444:1;
: boll; Clic SfiltlO 111:i4 - ba . plAW 7-Keen hr
,i tiko•lcaf to t1i,:(11:44c, , A 11 aiiihionic re%
be given to aay um reaLl.:4firi! . .; sty:4llolJ
I .l'..ti;lt.- ..:ii . ..t.,
li !":1. ! : - ..'.,.. -
i . .5...i ;.i...i •
as tax,OA! o .
deciibri an)* - P
p;trlt:. a cyantiqteltlliZ file me! i—ctL3.,ol
the.,:sAitte.;a:u4Ving tit.!!!! to be S0111:50341:,
"• . g. l'a 'A 1 -
Z;C.10:0 - 11 )- il .3 . iD . 10,
•, . ', -, 1).11. ' . !A. .Tlll3
'WM. ' 7,;.:: : : at ' his •roog
Leis w
. ..itt;•'..4 ili.;:cl . Ifitclui,`
p" /
E,. e Odsalta . tiori u on nti
Throat, Ihurt_?,Hely: . , r Liver,
iidncyo3 rtmi . Splex: also, Dr‘,
4111At1;5414.2\krr.diitter;s, Dchil
, A li
--- nt -.. - . e a9.,T... , .. ,- , , 4 g- U,,., i., . 1, r
. erf
of the hi ;ri, I.7rutitiongr Caw
other 3.4::th4,0f long stand:
,0.t.t, and Intent:4l. - 4 .,
FOr sonic ten ye'a'rs Dr. T. haidevote , i
tire time to - ehroniu diseaso7 , 3, treating th
annually. nO s atcri,of, whqm ba l d i.xhrt , ml
other iv:ow:cif
.lathin rea,AL._ In no
mineral OT ptliCilltii.seq.s-eini , tr;ye , l, nor
malt. Fieli. - 0:1114)7z.7... : keil , ...r.te:lr down
up nptin,. 'l4'ir--....n1er1 ,, ; , ine; lenn be trio
garety by tlie , ntlelicate, .11nr1 patiens
main 4.,.linine, ?ant contluc*ith printer
. ordii i tarxriit no e'xcerei ,, e-. INtnriri_.•_ll:` , .
r .r .i.....! antler-the treat:nen+. aft.r friends ;.-
,iftinti , had tticon tip till boli;•e, the:Andi
evidence of Caleb. end . elwayo Le fitruisl 1
ialia%:. hoWvl"er:requ::!ell eede!,pairitig,
, to call, on , l tray 45e • nsnirea that no' en
meat will be given 'or exp'...r,K , incurred,
[ d e,orresifol4 . lsF prosmecto,f" recovery.
I.:va:ids'Shrea d : redd the follonjug f
[ l.• M 'Ch wanir.o. i -
i . .
TatkiA , 35410'.4 IT MAY c - c)c •
seam, of duty to a7comnipn stifferl.og , I . i
prompts me, throq:ztt the opp . ?;rtuility
1. , s,y Dr l'ubb., to - rhahiolt the following b.
it:euir 1 have b.4_!:tdfcrinis..for ,seyci,
i fr'cra r7y'qp..l..,ia t,i, ,, d.1 iiyer arta :briwe.
r•tevoro nerv..iii:-. , de'preisi,ia. I to ted .1
i yowCr of niter-intl . -4 . reinedi<J4 prescribto
4.,c'',t.pliy:lelssi, attihsltd, iihdttoTsoitp c . :
hyilrorlatic roll 10.:'xioolisthib trea4nent
Lally sensible benelit 1-1:111r.:": observed
F trot-of br 'rubbs' treat—lent to 'othergi r:
„ inqutanc , , , , rindev
i ecntlly upon the ov
.:70111 ;4(r brother; who had (r.,lled to 1
i'eptistitut..i4n) al severe cough which
it ::rs clll:4l.lo..narY Oorit.utoptiou, ,I_ 'co
ito consul? him myself 4fle proscriber
when 1, was in Oft emaciated end Iv'retp ;
-tritien, and I freely effirni, that urteii
Ito myself, 1 w , al epceilly .beneutte'd tr
i a egree as to,eadvirems heavy sod C 1),
labors as-Ilore bo,(-it nide t!) do fotlibe
years. I cheerfully commend t!.or,lir ;
cis fr:An eVironie .ItEcoses• ”, ' -
. f: .
Barlia,Churcli, Portage Co
, II . 1,
041:1 C,kfl.p..
PSES, . '
Co 1 .
by L.
I es i l
11.0 fiLlt
Dee. 12
13Y 1
,tz I
crtil ilwoys
Vc- . et:11)le
rrt ,1 n~ i
C [:~lief'.itm;
c~o;t~~ IT.;r.r
"br Cin -
CI , 31 Lanes , '
I\''( tin; ftr:_•-,
I.e :AI
i t t Tar, Wild
Jaannien.i ri
-I;netie t
t, ibollc.way's
Ily Irt:1
f) I :i.e. The
1 ei,tnl) •
NIA r,
. x
y .14, for ,
slozi:, :tail be I
tir ht,L.:4 4 ,041
Caro ok
sl i ‘ , l - 'llll'
3 Anti rruv:/
I •
' 'l ' ',..i)ISS{/T itTiONT
'3'lllF; ilrt . iiensbip i,l.?rctviar , .; cifi'stin
..,- .1 uhn. C. Le - T,L , aloit's - 113et :tripe
Drip, -busineBi, ur.deteitbe style . of Lev:
...ler is ti4, , ,w . .aileAve..l from tuffs date;_ h
, co.tis,t.t.ll 1:i pc'e,..,llS is.a . titit; c1,t1:1:1 , t.
r,,,5. "fnrtti urc ','rc.,itt:•..stetl t:, hand; ant
cour...ts i 4 .S.,lniiiil- ..Ni:',!.:l., Icho retu4l 'at the=-Ola siatol. )zither ti•
ig.l to c...lleet i.firl.: f0 . 17' , 11bt1i,(1 ,-.
• • ltri,l4oc4ter, I J ::,; () . _ r; . ' '
tune . 0 , / 1.,,51.3 i.'..' ' SA7tIVEI.,
~,. {~~,, r,
and Dr Ift 4;
ani cur:N:o,
June 11,'51
1 • -s . ttr:4 tip,: Ilk
GOO 1) :PitavAir,liANSl4l, , „
h 5 cr 7 'l" , c - cil3, icßy,lgo
by Octhor.
ill he
NYtird with 0: R,.::Sr nem
e or 11. New i3rigl
as beim 1 . 4-4
ti) receiie
.AY, Pro.
Of: 11,taiti . ....U.111 . 147,1rvii
this 4.4onty, mat- 1,0 fouudat 1 . ! TAY
. IpflNCrB..
11046.--40- do4eTillarwil
"414. lloce of rariJus bites, for'lala - . 1
- . ito" . ° L.:3 •
NIT Wool blood.i.—alts;lloost•
ear;s, cljtf.i; we s t
I victorinos , to.,'jast opeactl at TAY
nts up
Mite oJr ¢
1 tox'~.
li%er 4
g its
ei of
it 4 of
, 5c..3
et of
4,, the
13 • or
? 111
:i rn
GI hi
!d ii
ly I taK
J .
title it.
is 1
nrtti ,
1 6
- I
it , i
, , ti
3113; :. •• 1 41]
7r,':—/.3rilly zrirtorl
Octi.der I ) 5
• , -- 1 1 q
. 1 I.titases !of Os
S:tornalt, 6lwel ,
pt , y, Gra , . el,lllh -
ct,y, I) . rmie in, F -
r, lits,"ln paiitie
re, lAccr ,I nit(' n 1
I g cowl:I:Li! ts, i l), t I
CF B:S1L,n8I
st Eitee
us. vests,