The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, September 16, 1857, Image 2

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We find these fasts in a remit nurebpi
m a
the Butler American. I They come frotit
ono of the best en iu thtl Stile.- Let thong
lie read and,• pondered: ,
- 'Can any gpod reason "be given why
F Packer. being connected, with thn pub-
lie - works as:Canal Comotti=„sioricrs arid otb-;
or offices, should h' elevated
,to the chief;
seat of honor in the State ? the Scrutinizing I
eye of air' Intelligent Public he cannot hope I
tti eseape. ' The three Toarg 4 that Moses
S.itttiv:an - Others Fero ~ krit the Cankli
•Boarsl - to tvit:---the years - Is3B--137—cullI
ravenne upon the Portage R. 111
vas ,753,5 A, and the gaperlitures duG
the came time were 8439,224;90; be',
Ing)11 tier-9219i revitive of $15,538,64. 1 !
The three y • that Wm. F. Packer wn
Canal Coihruissiott , Tiz;-1839 1 :—'40-- 1 1
and'4l--the revenue-Iv , tvA5461,.030,51, anA
the terpenditnres were $542,989,67; being
ttii excess , of_- expenditures of 878,659,03 P
add the eicess Of-revenue - of . 1836, '37 a u t h i,
'3B to the, deficit of the years. 1839 '4O and,
• ••41—and yon have the amount'of
as dui lose of the Packer cdtuiniitra-1
'ion a, - cotnp.tred with the three years: i. of I
Suilivan's-administration. '
Then take three years sucaretling,PAt
cv's atimitristratiort:lB42--'43-:—and '44l—
'under-IV, B Fu51, , ...r an& o,ll€'rs, 2.nd thel.
revenue, fur thase years arrittunted, to $.401,-
. - A2S.o2,:and the ,ezpentliturcs to ' the sum
-of--348-8,80-I,l7,being a difference against
Packer's ad4inistration of 851,fi83z75...
May not the of.Permiylvania,say
to Nut. ;F: Packer, - give an account of thy
:stewarahip, , for thou mayest be no longorl
steward. ,
Gen .'Packer is a talented ' and , an,
I ambitious mau. I:new well the: porer
rf corrupt politicians, and a cicsire on
part to propitiate their favor was ever in ;
the way of a fearless discharge.of dirty.—
Ile belenged to, and Ivas'one of the Cabi- I
offleers of an Adufinistration that was
regale:plied by intuay of its own party.--:— . l
Many Democrat State Cor,ventiens passed
ne,roQollitibus approving Gov. Porter's 4d. 1
ministration; an Adr.duistration tliat, at?
the cud of its-tirst term. and after' Gov.
Porters' 're elcc4.ion, rcfusetl to continuo F.
Slmnit-es Secretary of Commonwealth
and Geo. R. Auuitor General,
both of Whom occti-pikl high positions in
- their respective sfations as into of capacity
and incorruptible int - r:;crily. W. P
. er was, after tl.ls4ii•t passtl'itualing the Ca-;
cal Commissioner 'elective, appointed by
Gov. Porter, Auditor Cie,ocral . 2
Thtri was' at oneQlransferred rrout the •
Canal; Board to the 11QtA-t--o•f - the Financitl
Departmeni, and with Ovid F. dolinson,
Attorney General, and Bartoncries
brains and heart of nu adniiiiistration 'that
was condemned by many of its own party.
The very with who st'as dismissed truwor
'thy to he „Secretary, was, before - the close
of the hdtialpistratiou s ncrminatea and eko
tetl Goferrior of th - State, to the thlep nor
tificatioi-of the outgoing administration.
Twelve years have rolled by, raid ,death
rqi . __.,: an t ,
~ _ . 1 _
. , -••' '
. 1 •
Ime• );11eutr'LTLI the - 1 1):ii - A.Y siCneeS at S-4 1 - I bk* - 0 ! publishes al.. :ILI:Ire: 4 S to the pct.ple tot Ilie.' i (11 ,... , 1 E, 1 , Lv ii,; : c,, , ,„,,
Miller, Pettikcn au.d Epsy; ana AT: .X.!11. S I.reilar , .d by a cr.. tic.l4o app•inte dby
ranzlet to ti..r.: eattet‘a..".e 1.7 c - tllll 01,71./.,$ , 1,(1.. ti f as ,:... lu , fro: r reils cl‘'euililf, Irt wirli. 4 ; . - •
1 llinnessta, NCiii t,•cet.t o'ii.
. l,
~ f .
~,, . .. faversi . , : ,
tlocracy for the exalted oa:,.e Of t r lievert4f 11 - ai r - 11 -- is t e ,, 4. 4 the 0 n..•i..s tu + 1,,J01,3 1,3 I . _._ r _____.„,..,....
f ono of g r eatest s ta t es - o f th e Ameriein gken, 'and - tl:g l'reer4 'il'itrkde a(kffair in TsY_Aa. IN.-714e legal individual RhoTyrites i i
t unfederacy . : - "We much mistake , t)u E.igns I the Ta,ritoty, tempeet to disttisied. 'he editorials nd anori , inouis.,communicationi.' for .I
- i , \l, ,
~ ,
of the tinies if he is :not, permitte4 to re"- autires,s tliie*es that tw-!'c'eief intetitive oal the Star, is a capital ' g esser'—in his way,— !
tire 'to private'life upcu the mere tiolior . of•Leartieitati9u of tlie - eih et ion . ia limn the free . First, he e lamed the `CI goo' with getting up',
re nomisation.' gertain it n, ' that kit States hut . 4:peSse4but •little hope of sue- the canton nieatien pub] shod in lho Argas, and .
the peeple Pli4eri3j-aPkieciate, il ic i f r own in r . ef•Sr .. , Thc - lilticumeart,
.epntaini a . special signed: tls r . ci t? —then n on the .Junior of the y ,,'
terests' and :Cur oPOgenis-will meat .fairly I - el,au‘Q to.ttle iicoplet . .of ;Mi,se , l eri, setting A r p4-.-then upon thO, enior—anal now upett
the is,,, auddiz , en:fssAhe sane in an hen- ! f'...,eth • .e pjl a tive potltion i 3 of ,Karif•aS and 1 the 116,niqican e:andi:lale for Register and Pe-i?
,o,rable and gencron,i pirit, - l'ac.• neYer hit _:).r., :did iuiple 19.- l eitizetis , f:the La I co 1
• .er• aria upon tbe:' 4 rength of this last sip-
eoleld ic . ceive i t ) illaliiiity.o the fie'' F- 1- er 3 : 't e r to re.ratit .r.lit a ~:er
I. ' r •7J- - I - --- r o' :, - I ' . • . • / -
inv:lstqn, , ,p. --,,, t ie 'l o l . siti6), gischaraes a c. Itunn and more of egg'
nt't)iis Comtu,nnrfealo; for, verili,-.‘he ha's i - ,...t t ;_ t ,. Ti; pi cr i o i s ~,,z ii. , of ~,,;;.. „k7t r :, . . ,
‘. • ..:-.' - , Ent this geolemau s head Now, we beg leave
betni weighed) in the- li - alanao and Ifoural. i . :i4i s t,d. i l) , a tirotritete'd and 11,10.,' , ,dy - wi t / '•-• . - - .' •. , .
;:to saV r for , the. e:afigatto of tins irrter for the •
w4ntiq•." : L -;:- ..- • " ' ' I
mutt er,:lf4. wilt) a,,l,lre'ss ennellucic4 by es - '.:,, ' .-- "--,
,• , ~. , I ), • r 1 .: i : ,tar,.tlint the gentretna above alluded to i s , 1 ,,t . ,
1 uort,ng tat. peo e 0f1...111b4? tO v o te at
~the 'anti.° oi's,h4l eon ratline:l6:in. We - hope I l
coating elt:etion, in 'puratianee o f the action ,i .- I '-. I . . : - • •
, .' oor'sagactous friend-1 ho imagines he can re,.
of, the Coni:ention !' ' , I .
• i 1 . 1 about as r through 4 lilt-stone as any, hodyi
Washington City IL:11318. . else-sill Itepriglit or •gneasing% perhaps he I
~ 1 -
1 1 ' [ I + may.Ftuturetopou the right out after awhile—'j
liTc.lsllittglion Cit ', Sept. "Ili—The Mei- '; peri ; . ` ; . t ,
it '
Went Itis:recot!" nix :1 Clans. b'.. Kortriglit, i - - - ''.
as tonitilifor lien I. Britannic ,Majesty, for)' Prom; .31' F.o.tvxn.-F-Mastce FgANKUX
Pennsytt•:inin; to - -: eside in - Philadelphia;l . soiissres of this piael—a lad net. yet 14 years
and Dennis Dapaly, asleonscil forber:Ma- lof age—s tills us the Ilowingieorreet'answer3 l
jest). at 'Buffalo.. , 'he Ilritiett Consul ; at to the.'onetiors propo tided byia eorre;porulent .
New-Torle,bas tiet.,yet asked to :be,''offictal. d o list wek'S -A . rgns: A. B. atitl.C._ had to tri-:
ly reeakn.zed- '
:' . / 1 vol 62a bursbefore t ley all reached - the start.'
Joseph R Brticifin.lias . been,ftppointertim i ini,ioilipt, the same ime. A. travels around
dian Airt.lnt; far tho Sioux Ind?ans, in `tin the ring cO, tithes; 11. 2 tl'ines,r and- C.. 35 times':
newts, rtee• FL ' •I - ' - I. . J. ' . .1 _ . ........ 1 .- . I._ : , '
-:‘ . .E.! Jacks Ipi, isap- .it- - 27 - T'pE (71',N r'14114 , It:Fier-the lead of Prof
pointed Secret: ew Mexico, , 1). Catutti.ow, anl , f/r the benefit of the liritl l .4o:.
vice Davis, re; . water Pr4bLytetiaii church, C:11:110 Oii . on Thurtr : -
tla ,- ' evenia , list, the Pat inoa9t. The ,'pti:,-
fryrthe s, inale andieale, - acquitted thejnselve
ddtni . aldy, anti to the eati.daktion and etlitica 7
tion of very larg, an,lienee in - attendance:
The recciipt nu:out:ie.! to something over One
Iltindre. Dollar::. i ~
BEW.AUE OF IGNoaA.N# 1 7 4,e:INEER*.— .
Infinite mischief ha:3 been done, is tiOne
daily) by a class, of practioners.who
tit., truth, be called ludic:ll tinkers. Tlit•se
gentluoien ate content to_ patch up - tlie diz
eased.fratne, instead of renova:iiig tho sys
. tem. Their aini-pis to suppr ss rather tbao
to tstolicate. PrWssor llol.oway belongs
• to a differcot servo], Ilia :cures aro not
superficial aud- temporary, Ibut cotn i plete
• and pepinanent: i. His theory of external
diseases; is:foundbd on reasonantl analogy.
41,sKsses,- utocrs,. abd runnier sores, lie
leaks uPonr as safety valves, opened by na
ture,.tl,perniit the c4icapc of !morbid :tint
ttr. To snpprL,s C L WI lOW th *tl t
MOY/14; the causq i be would consider about
-us rational as aown the valve of a
boiler ‘chile ste•Jlll was rapidly.
tf.till ,443/ —.. ~Js- r apiu..,. gen- I Thi Rock.
orating within.
1 As File careful cu g iill ' -eri r Juo.. , ri le.l.,enni
.puts out the fir' in t.ll‘) furmice•trheu Le i court
e l 1
v+ ...terriay n
would. .'op filo) ri -, ) , 1i1cti0.4 d stc•IIII , '•`-') tii.; .F , .74 1 .I;• - tr,n ti_
Iltllloway quenches the inflammatory pin-.
:: wiistl;ke, [ i up. .;
' - • high - / ~', ~z , • ••ration t efore 1:o ; - • - .
ethe•AL ini..i 7 .A •••: i'. 1 • . -- :_c at tornev, tigaot -- n1 t i
uttn - ipts to ciost: tile -e,rifiec threui:ll"tvLich f.-:r tbe ,I ,l , ,iiltiff, . i nli., , , ii. )1. 1
tho diselcarge t•.:!..zes place. 14.7nee the.e.-.:- i, ,,,r , a . T i . n. Lit, 11n, ..; c l pf (7L
1 i , ) .1 -'•
It aordinaij• ..ftiri:. of sore lvg ,- :,, orN.l W 01.17 :, .S, ; c olvdo. d B e c k w i I . b , Lt.. Chic;,
abs'ces , es,. Kole iheasts, and ulcers of a11.1,, ,,y _,, ,I gin.,#. T - Ftic , of
1 ii. , ..t ,, , .-e , = - '-
Yinds. acct, teil by lii,i Ointuidnt.
. . . n'i : i'A.LI - :!ni t.ineoln, ZSPrir•: .-111 !1 ,
ri:ls. 'These' L. birior ,at!lictions 1ar..7-..-o , e" f C ;i ,
elagoi (attoli
indicts of internal cOrrupton„..,ani.,,,lci e
' illock nand R. iID
,feet of the - hilly is t di: .- Arire — ct' an 4 purify ! T h e i,,, e was i„ erind for th
the annual th.:l4 - io:wilich 'that corruption jua4 „ 1 v ,,,, ii ;
rd x for
iii:f ,, L
. rxists. The -carried.--,--e-=a-Toe,i, b y
,"1,, blOOl i Thiint i rodUctio - Mof uvideucitv
.--. vessels' to the sutfile"J is - met, aul neutral 1 ~,..,7 ,1, : . , ..... chic,,i: ),, a ijo i crori
• I i s , ... 1 • ii,„...„, , --' '-'
i7cLrby ilia Qintment, atl'A 1., .14, 1.4/0 (... La., , . I ' ---...5..—...
• ' I ' , C'' ''be l ied 4: 't:i sratre'es,itn.l at t:.eromts
~. .
.1`• '' ' 1 , „ •Ainerlext State-Convention.
•?, t rbarelt I; Gv,...0,...eq, at 01., ‘.11.1 Ult. ~.1111. . , i ,
-... , • • byt. n,,b, , cpt. 1 . The State Convention
'time.. The tesilt is that no relat s .se:cy. - 7Liirs, ..":'
for the po i senti, , s . dernal y, b e i ng ti * h ii,l , of '..\ , atlon:3) An , l'lt.'4lli met-ncre ye. 4 , rday.
• • tea, there is, nothing left, either iu t
t e ._,,.. , and ir coznmen 'ecl 1.1 . j C ircirier fo Gov
. -
. 1 ernor The mei iemr;Conventio also
• ceskes of the. sysfeln or in the outward in.! • I ~, , . , i . ~,,r .
,- 4,„... ~ ;1.101111tiL1Ct ,Mr. I.J:ironer. lipioLii L., IA en.
irgumerits,. Nl'L...Cti can ; rekindle inflarnma,
- 1 tieris noti . 'Witt for' ,Secre
- li on . ro e di,sciast6-I. 7 4dclad j • past all resur- 1 I - , , d,., , I . ,
rccticn.'' To gltni...over; a virulent .ti)cei r
, ; tar_.Y,",f State,, i. a , U•d., ”W. Clifford for L iittor ,
mith.Pnt d•.tiki ing it*"muse, ;is to throw ''). `Helaer 2
"hack inthimmatioW-upon the vital otkatis. 1 ' I 'Election PtLeavenwottlt.
"I'Llsonly mute • th:ai . 4.":111 be given . tq'such I
~,, !;...,,,..-,,, ~ ' -
treatment is . i l rofesSiontil homicide. • 1101- , St, JA. Ll' , tScpt...l , l---;r51e.‘1. ,j
• - loway utterly ignores all •s./einclety, pr.ieticei : L •lcetion at i ;:ayeu . worta,
.Kansas, f ti , , ,
. .
, __the cures wrought'*lns remedies are thor- ls . lor r tiav resul ed in the election o t
(mei and ftitidamental. , LX. Y.
. _ 'Sunday State ticket 1.)
. 1 260 ; majoilt),;. ', Tli',
1 vention came' ed at , l.ectiiptouton t:
•.. - 4 .tfercury. - ; -k . . _
Prof. Pno swoc gn,vd a lecture on Elo-i l
cajun nt the COur ionic iait with, Ile ,del`'
1". 1
itionstriied quite c early and forcibly tl,c 'on
power of
derful power of 3'.t huthan voice, when properly
cultivated aid .let' loped: -;Ile also recited some
passaJets of whit line effect. ;
1 . - ..„._
—W _______
A linirt e see in 'looking_
over the C the State Agricultural
I ]
Pair, tehe '{phis on the 20th unit
fiOth days or ticp omher, limi the t . st and 2tl of
October, that the allowing distinguished ,geii
tlomen compose t e comMittee on 11A3cs,,
, ,Jarucil Poflociri, Itlton; David ;Wilmot, 'lowan
-1 ,•
i • ~ , 1 da; Iyilliam " : F- 'ackir,,,Williamsport; Isaac
KANsA - S.----.-Y hitter, Iolltlel in the streets' •V ailures ' . 1
a id e _ n l •R . 1:, Sept. ii .,...l phiiiip. firtzlillmrst, I.`hil lelphiat - Joseph Rimer, Car
at Atchi , ,ein signed hyK.elly, the former Ed- 1 i'rua
DaTid 1„t riorter, Warrimhurg; William
`iron of tlia Siitzattcr B ,, verciipi, has caused ;-Alice S.:, Son, nd Zaebariali Allen, -'r exteu-; ' l ' ,/e l
; aril William Bigler, of
.Some exeitement at A tchisou and DonjiAlan. ' siva 'niatiufact rers, have failed. Their - 11.•_:;_ s • T ' hu l t ' l ' Pitlsbur g h
• The letter dischased a plot :to assassivatel abilities of ,th former firm trill exceed .5' -i uk- ' 4l7 "' br * '• 1 1 '
aCII. Lane, a I nd
,gave directions as to the 000,090 - II • , --'' 1 --
I , ' Iti.o' The 'Bj'n t 1 of illteglieny wild mett in
; manner 'oftlei t no• it. Kelly has aiways been I - --4---.....---_______ -,
i k. r, ', i Erie, Pa.; on T urs l dayl the 24th inst.. Ite,v.
extremely hit er towards Lane- arid the Free 1 TOE LAST NEw Co:tux --,Thci Boa:dm:l A ,, t Diiweelli, l of Eno i, valley, is to prcuth
I t. State party. . 1 Atlticrti.,:er 11 S ICeeivud information from';; t , l ,,
• ' The - Democrats of. Leavenkt•rtli have ' ; the lobservotnry at Cambridge ; 111 ass., tii l --
' nominated Dr. A. Dyer,• for - Mayor. He 1 the effect ill* the- new - comet dlseorered PeninK seria l On.. 1 0 '
i 4 a Free State - Dt•niocrat, an+ so declared ;on the 22d o Augitst, - by iilr Tuttle, at the
himself in aeCepting-'llke naminiti on: , The ; ohscrvatorY) 16 . 11 doubtless be visible tQ the
• declaration was !wilily 'cheered .. .3 c 1 .1 C Meer-' naked eye atsoon as the "mooit sease e to
. ant;: • • . . ; : rise until a I;ate lic,,u: 'a th e even i ng. ,
• ' . 1 - • .''
,Wild "Lands In Penn+liiiniti• f
The folly of supposing thg-high prices
for. Wildlatatis.; in i ho. rat. li4t can be man-
tabled after, the speculative f tt , :tr is checked,
may be
eein the 4arge siu
,"titles of fer
tile lands in the old :states, pd much near-
er the best markels,'Whieb..ll e solttit lower
priers than have Leen rsl;cd fur it;l , l lands'
in the West.; s;) distant that transportation.:
to market will in all oiaittary seasons ad) . - i
sorb nearly all the value of t t Le, r epro,duce.—
A writer in the Philadelphia Le(hler states
that in Centre ,Pennsylvania, with- i
In les.; tlarra '1321? - i - debkrall Ibf Thila-1
delphia or New York, are srme of the best
coal; timber, and tillage lands'in: the coun
try, and.yet ihere "tire darer lies down
!shady coveit ip'strfel
.', the?wolf, bowls
.through the's:ilea - anti beautiful Walley, the
scream of the pan!heili seiirct in the stilly
night, and nature still claimst!'hr solitary
reien " ' In this . T;egion, Ole writer gap,
there are four ,veins ofcnal,i - averaging from
four to Seven leetiin thiekncss,,l the lower
vein cannel coal; ald air t l ivoirtiata of fine
clay underlying thh tri-o upper'vtins of coal.
This eCaris very easily \lrked; and it is
of the very best ri*lity 0 making iron,
vast beds of-whicirore, oft nper:or quality,
arc close,at band, 'Some If the best ftwests !
'of white 'pine andi white I: ever seen in
t .. anta, are, fuan 1 itt
tii' central part ,
of ibeta „,,Lirro traCtr of, it will cnti l
from 50,f ,'n 71,000 f,o t 'ofsaw' timll
to the acre; ruir
r‘m.a . Much or
thite i 9 gisc) a lai
epi*.ir-catilp 1;111,1
is wrAl ralc:iud
mill sites.
The prosnre i
we tegret to •Faj
nT imro diess feinif
0 .
ted. The're...l Ft
dyy goods men
as were repecd, 1
of Ifamor, sevcrai Intim
hard ; at. work 11 day to
fuso .. disaster. W,e do r
ltu s
t 41tIndero'arly asgail
and gorA nanic., since, t
stibserce mit% ittin zly tl
chicfmak , :rgj. stifibre it .
fecting serc.r.:l . leacihig
unfoundol 7 / 2- «*
re s 9lv e'n ow «/re ni oin
tail tiltir erotlt:S, both
ratim 'l' Twd-tbirds. e
dcd by ot:r
,kibbers to
3 - rtrlSitiVi. 4 (11C 1 1573 boa °
their' etistf.,rr eLs - ,bot . h
d.Attalnes:;• at 1 outkly
by t he.fatft 1 inicilittr
~0 ,
systeiti: Tiiti nano is I
this regpery; I lot ..i be
in - g —.I.V: Y ' i/,/;71c „. 1 . _
.t. ddress tb . the Pe6ple of the gtites
St. Lluist ,S, pt. - ,I.—The 'I
-:-D, iri.,..e rot:!
- i •
re failures amen , " i
~,L .
', t , tit' r.tit half ' s 7, 1 N AT11.:\. , 4
y . the lying torig,ut•s 1 I .• / 5 ciaj
t . ...,115 . of - w1 , ,i,:11 wore , : JA)I.Es 8 1
niflimify anti Atif-•
- ''' ' r ...
jot name the linuss i . .t
'ti in, their solvency - 1 i il. T KEY.
. do!,ro would ;be to ' S.-‘Mt.',EL
'e entls of thd - iiiis ,§NIT/I CU
hat the teporti at- i ABSEIL I''
:IT goo& hrins were !
not our inercl:aurs
)crhereifter, to eir- c:
n n6:1;b,:: ant du
); the credits citcn- .
i•ntin - try retailers are •
jito the dchtnrs and,'
cini± Jurrid into. in
beynd their tueang
/Air emlits witlipaa
.• • ' - 1
rpe for a reform Iti,,
tborongh ; and last
Case i
,U. S. Cit:4lit
the eaFp 1 of
island 13M...7e
t opHie:l the
1 •
itorntpg, an,
tho. Rork
P tri!.ls. ar—
Weal;cf Pe-. atf r e'airl
L'.3. '.erir fife
Bock 61:tEri;
/and Norman
i rney ; for the
le plaintiff by
by 3.1 r.
7111 collittlerkge
1. I; r ci;trstl
- t--,(33TAVER;
W DN S EPTEDI B DIV IG, :1857. !,
rbP4 'GOV ti.NO
Of t ractfw•d 'Cow
-011,pilette' • 7
JPgetql, et‘ro;
• Ofileheste;• Coun _
ron CAN; AL
. C931141I;
1 1
Oil - Lorm4
S XIV La w
T. ißirrkj,
4- Re ,
I iENB y , 'of 11
'erk of
012211275.1101 ,
coucli, •
Ankse L irecior.
'Bitid.l(l-, I dtpeurtence.
tees of .r crdemy. .
,f c
1:.."1 - :DY, N. 13r,:glizop, (4 yeati3,
`piOltlillE.l' , SI - tat?n,k
r - yr.
,f NNI
'ILACOCKII ebester tp (2 3'...
Another Ileplib!
A mien pg of the f:
be Cour
ne-day) whs.
Of Pi Ltsbufr;4l), an Eloti.
11 Mnoroust cha it:pion of
lerCol%lli OITT, 04
We t ire reque.:ted
of the QouttY eq,nindtice
day, the. 21jEt ofiSeptetlib
slmahl be
DI: 111 OF A 5 ;An'
J. ritrl,-, cue (if th. ,
disui in the 11:ez.t,
iu iltid 4gion
teT thanla nilderue
Eaton, (111i0. at an.'
to ael:nowjedge
too abore title, i f ece l
Pa., by Alessis.
stints a pee appear
abonlieht es - hi - met
We wish the proprii
c'd Gn
be free
e Con-
Le ith.
_ Mr. ~ Lk D'S - illia , i ;pie . received. at fps
flat nd efti) E poriutiii a splendid. Fall as
eor ent of-llnt oud Crirt; for Men and I+-ate,
of al l t.ylei and sizes, Oir which he invites nu
cur n.
i examinati
r i i •
1 ---- , .
- , ( 1 , 1 . [
m.,..Pael Tf ery uneziectiidly made his ap. r .r 4 . I s7o- ....•"'s. 1 ........4, 2 1.•„ .• 1 7 . 2 Cc
pimranceinl'itliburgh ikst iii;e6ll. We tinder. L gi) - :A11111, I E
atiliptiJaStid l flTAtitit !
gt l 7 l rcrffe l l iallr aiana l .o 4l it ti?i plies wait - -Ei the : re:epte. t .-1 `',:. ',-.
Pon him; with the vi &is t4t.tu;ing liiin hery, ',„,`''!"(•••(---,:, ,
iiitClie refused to cxhibiliiiiiitif to the people+ 1. 4 P N I °T I .4IkY l a st at4 l rgoe, . :c , ,,itilukias,, „ ,
of Beaver county at thiAlttinie. Not - Withstand-1 1 *efin of lite eirtzen% of It - caTer couni;
iag his CoMmittee was h ot illi ig :to IJ'Clitm(l e pnrencil in the. Court llouSo, to listen e l e
mcet 'lr. Wilmot fee lc 'face, a it.VCondenined
in ue, ar; Ga.,,hert atorial the Ileput - ditan_candidatei for Govornoi..—
I 91 - 6 - adtkess of the Hon; DAVID WILMOf,
the practice, now en ' 1
1 candidates traversing th 4
_ , str4°.' 1 14 4 ! ens l t _ c't Tlt Ist '' g ' ' - ' l--- ; a by ca lling D.
GOv; Johnston for initiating that ran: 'Mr, A e ... e r : tin - vms " l4 " e - r, . .
Packers ttUstcrs tip diffident cosmic to resolve - -A• 411 ° 31 .1 1 41. 3 f-Jildelii , eel. to. tile
that "ik Bill never do ' td. give it; yip so," I litt Chair; antkappt/nting Mnj. Bober Dar
strikes out upon a new 4steln tf,tacties. D'e ,ragh, of Sharon, John 3litehell,tof . Green,
does not lilnee himself is advance of Mr.' Wit and John White, of Hopewell, Vice
ut Pre,i
,ot, but Skulks at a dire distanOe behbui i >= dents; and James . Ilarper,-of Hanover,ad
M. Weyandj of Beaver,Secretaries " I • ' I
thus in fact carrying on a kind etsbushiwbuck
ins,' 'fillibusttring' •giterilla . warfare', which ~ , „
must be as mortifying ict his followers ' warfare '
it is
ad tVi t ,Z e W .
, h t,be,,. imself.. IVoi ly al li tl in i o t t, ;!t in ::4 l 3 m :
his address by retelling to the fad that -he
beforetthe r eh& of the e anvase;Wafiretke-it WO here to address his, fellow eitizens,t (lay
order of the State Central Conunitteg I.t/t1
into his head,„wheii within gun-shot of Om ,en
emy, to ' drop 'so of hi/ appOintment4, for the I, , ,' , , . •'ll, l
, 1 , also inat h e Wss coargeta b y tna oppon t
' 4 n Pucker, wi l th. evading theisaUes of ho
purpose oflti,' mg up,' 1 .1-agging.' and holding
theignrant General up ti the ridicule he so rich- u ,'''
iy . aes,(l 4 B. , • ( f .. , ( campaign. What were they?, Was it Wheth
er flt" .. ..,Stafe sh Uld i oraliopld zart, 'reeeirle t
I Wkrit ctldifferont and ;less honet!able mode l ei
( canom .ocing the State 'this ts, when compared certain amountof ., ton c na,„e:las, on one' r
crtstuly uot i and i)
;:izplbit9illacitllPtlrioepito;ood Puri' l/ y i t e i ,l r t e
o W n
i i . l a rriz a t r . e
hearTl l The the
tI : t
i . e li f el ti ll iti - ht:dc; ° in a .S . ttites, or the l l countr l yt
arguments adduced 1.i,„ Loth candidate., lit,l regards.„ 4 , , 3 , , , ~,
not „,„
w.luid,liqe been prep red to judge intell gent
s 4 "(' ' th ' wny •d" 4 ° - Plc
nn, 0 q
wile .
ri r a i• loy acconapany hin: i: inci3ras::T in the t S:
re•rteLgaAlo Pella. If nais,chnrge'l by tho Do- Then he eould ave. aseertaived what
mocracy: Ur'Wilinot s the ?.s.peaent „:of pima- l'acizer wi.-lied to haVe (th.ens , ied. But
epics thpt are_trcao Mc to the , Governmen , was all f lo b sou p e . Mr .Pac ke r know-
i auLieraiTe nf the Con titution, and at uar o,ith ',(1,, such, '
1 ., s , „.: - ,
I the iii...t fintere,is oft ,c country. hots easy a • ''' , lt. 1, c' Ce n tral '' ' ' ' ee I
iverk 1
, it, to•lit. such; the whole country regarq
I trash it 'iota hove bol, for Mr. Fin:4er
I if he possosse I contrritr-ial l pow '
ers - inferior to a contest betty(' " Slave labor agd'Fr9
those of Mr. Wiline
Ili, tot,ihor—, ,
between slavery extenaiOnd.'-nd 'EI
, t- r to
have [caul c ,
1 L , _ I
ter befurc tile people and • carried his p•rts i ry re auction: This was the, issue
leadikig.issue involved in the 'cot/tett-I
overwhe i lmingly agaiii,t Mai. If, as is site rod, I
I Wisiit-A Ito remark' to Ili, follow itit ', .ll l ,l
I the Demsctaiic potty Me party for the people,
and the , / only Const / Itlitional Harty in c.xiideneo; 1
alai I
° l li . , • /. V _.l
cot,. he was tharannated_an abolt
I if thaDreil Sentt,4l el'ilow is correct, mid' in se.' •
carbine: l e with the c eldn , s, of litiuMnitv an,l ll9t i 'bat it was untrue. Ho held that
the %kit , of the cs l. Fattens of the - I{4u iiic;' ( ve*Y l Was a local , tact/Wino, created
1 [ 11, 1 ~; 1 ' ,
if the
, Ste of the Illic (Works hal been a 7 0.71 7 Cal La Iti, and ,tvitu It, an „I've Sinks I de,
outrage' upon the t.:, -payers of the Comn.nn; ' cral I GOvcrat'inent.irtuTl , nothing to do.
:Eol t ith,l v. hat a inultitilde cf comfit 4 Mr. Pui 3 k - "never hail, nor never vi ,f,,
.„ , , m it t.
, . a s 4 io
er,Cgtiiii have drawn around his Maiviard, ithe ' I I
• . 1. ••••• with ,it where it "ins created and 0.o.•
'but su l ceeedel in . d eking thee pmpomtions . - '' 1. . - ,-. .
- h^/munii‘ipil laT 'Via rar , ariled it
•lain tp his hostels. I 1 I i i J . • • ' 0
' , it lno. ,Ile s tal:hii Committee kticuri that where, an es-iit — lePtoli 2(l its exizteue
N a ar,' :ati , :re 'wasjju t; owl 'they pss- alwaysoSse had and always would endea
1 ~
ctive .11. 1 a(1. of ails powtr vie ft Clone I prevent its extension into i territory ,
col iietlltei% Ti.e.Y-Lwel,a - nfrai'l 1 these (octal litnits This tag his, pi
•'friends. ; TI,Jy know that an t h i i, o:s ,.. l . l ,i ti , iquet .a ,
~.,‘ ~i t O
wrinit the voters to hear 1 , .1 1 Ir , • t
i the oe,itton of he partv who.e cat
Th,eY u j i : i n n e o w t l i? li e “t s t a l ' e c . he t hl v, , ' o. 1 Il e isit ell his ivilow eitivn
1, 0 • people, to indulge kotn while revie l / 4 7:ug the
his i..... 1 cuteciti!ln. from tile Revolutionary 1;
- 1-;I ti', the nrcaent Woe.. - - , ,i
As as 1'
1 , I li
M Oi
t A FD
ulasjsi tp
• .
order. .;
", N. 1.3112,11 tot)
cr. ,
Biighton tp.
ireiv 13dirliton
of: Freedom
11 i$ (NVed
II bq adi.lresfed
lent; FearlelFs awl 1
corTeet. rprifleipl6 -
- .
=tats a meeting. ;
, vill belCl4 on Mon- j
r. It io desired that
!: slaur.pee ,
r tbmikH Dir repeated
D MINI SI Lit. —lll3v. „litrao'N
t . Ficalocrs o f mo.iiii - -
,1 icell known furhisaftb - urs
try, r•Leti it wtts,iittle bet
—,..'died o'.few (iAy4 -1g,..), at
1 ':
41v.inced age. /
cs.."--IVe la il ediagt week':
eccipt of a paper
it:y started at Dr l ownsvilli3,
,rshall: ,S.:llunier; .1t pre-i
uce, anti its coluaktis
f tact,,industry awl
tors all znarwer suceess..:l
' 4 4
eu .111:41
reasoner, and
o f their Dete Loral,
it would. not be sar4 t
' '1 ' ' 6 scion.
tsit es of ble till stion.
tbonstosities of tfTir rarty . • ,
c,:virthly Off.`rtflol iin, presenceo
NO tilet the ."-- 441e E. - 0 of %'t iltnot tv,it it ttpo
I),C•TEiII'V. I:it:tag e.4ty inoventent, word ant
tare. , Mr. rueketTchoscs a tlitPisnt and les.
course:l 14iprefers_to hang in the teat;
orNIS..-AN Pinot; ocTipying ground reeertly,vat
.tatc.l.l by the latter:, g :meetin reason-with e0f , 11 , :
, ,• . , 1'
i•tr:,;: argunsonts: l !,ll' lth nasertion i s; ftets v',ltb,
eatt4 , es,.antl tiltoclali ties tvltl_t, : vagte generalities'.
thisdoes:ll43 -suit 'the honegt Penuteracy? IS
this pie Itint.t-oi ittintlar.l-beareithei lls:ire 6
Itatli4m w fostb to battle? "` il .. ' 1
0 . 1.1 . . A , MI, r
I I I "Tjiat aftel the ,ear IS 10. Of ti
Nr. Wilniat is now ei(is ec a iug his. ro and efo ,; I
•titriinttnenttl; and sp.:9o.i! ! g: -Wt tian era, there, shall be illWr.sin
I great neCsot- 1 1
avco.o thel!cei,le in different parts of o.otote. i invol UN f(ry . sqrvit wt . ; -it nny of
Front nearly ener.,,; point vihteh he hasl l vi•sitc, 1 tl‘rtatefi4, otherwise 1.- 1 - , in th
we have-the meat i encouraging i , 1 1 4 graillYing meet df eritnos i where() - lihe pnl
n e dounta of .114. r i eccption, nod. ttid , inaniccii,i' i 11. ,
1 IV n c iPto ; 1 Thi'•i:
, , j • iluiNe ,been V i. li
~ .p la • _ ~
favorable itnpit-t4sion he, everywhere inspires.. t ,
citi , eii . s
15.1 , c Jefr,rson y a
it,t of U
Pla'in and nnostiinhttiens in ihis, 111111311:,M . n th Ir," . • ' ...• L. .' 0
I • (•° t .....
' Rion or 'lavery. It met !le approll
• nincd awl rnaitit in his hF: ! tiiigl ravne,.t, 1 rite. •
; i on l,- It ) ! )ro ved' -
tical, arc,-urnetitliqve and f,crstpisiye in hi.-I 41= : ii - c i ".. - klllr‘Tall , re 4 ""'• . 1 /
dreSt/iTH;.nvisidir,; the showy ehop-tri , p , common , Deel,iration of. Indepentletjee wa
i, „I . .• , . ~ i
41 demag,o,tines and, aturap-orator _confining ~ e nipty profession, but, a . iiv tig• far
liiiitelt . to Nets, ar.ttaddresttino ' , hintseif to the
been adopted , wei slioult
' ',:- .- , . 1., . this p l an
reason awl the H jtvigt7eitt, nt:: wilts his nap tr-
ii. be IiISOGISBII3 4I this ' v`eiisti (Inca '
reststiMy to the hearts of the people--- ; insforsng . ,
1 would hat:e been settled and free ,
liii frionds with ardor, infnEiwz hepa, l and ilife,.ll
awl activity, where all..before was liilessiteis, }bane _been the fundamental ; and
, wer--.Tvery nommt app...a s• to
a ' .
Chia • . , ,
lutpelessne,ls and . hinctiv4, , an g l ,p a il en gi n gidaw of : the American continent Itruhappi- ''P r ' 4 \: .„ I , ,
I hi s - e , l ! ,•tia uct it: county T... 10 11 , . `a
w a.i
1 2 0 , s t
. . 1 M - i.. " Ii • t i l de u a h s ly, rI N II N t r i , e c v7 t.
v r . } l:l4 -
p tv l l:lt i l ,,,, l ( t . i d T t
i t; e ,
devold ! of- 2 e • lit --urtvil , tottit•Datlv
mid commantlinn. the'aihuiration of then Ms op- 1 i ..', -..
'cy ao.eve. the . 'iorovistir
r , , , • ,
I• , „ . ' ' .
ponents, by th integtity of Ma life,iii . s honesty l ,itttied 14'0 tit. Soitnit7,elioift,.iii N0,...T7
; Spaight, of North Carolinl, luoy.:,;1 that ,it number of ' our friends front the country,- - , ,
et purfiese, courteous bearing, and the earnest-1. ,• , . • . ot„,..havif. , la i t , , 'NAn
r i , lno s.flocco our, an al, rei, r c , C ri a ti li t rge ,• •.• ll' •• . ' ,•. .
I d . 't cti el two. many of whoa, ha:recipe 15 oi• 11A •iiilies: . , (I . l ' l 1 -I ''''''''.' 9 ' l °l • r -a . t - .
ness, ability, and fchrlessnef , s with 4 which- he t ~ 11 t , .- t
'V;:n adTpttil •at the 1 Lt.:: `eonvcr...,
._ y any ~ . tire,
.....,. t.,
4 . 7 . thirds of the States to ell ry, lncnnms , exresslY t ) litc'tr;JhilP•l Ai arlitAreft la D'- , ' - - ,
ailvocates the prinetples 'of 'winch be is the elio- • , I , P i th , ratifi...!l; I tini th imly rl"e•ret" we
.•:.and- moreover, as an okeentriogOotlcinan'i g -r ; .• ~' 6 1 ' , -'.• . , ~,•
i • 1 tlurebyluntisi iii#lliin for hi,: I.:It 1 , ... -WI ,
Eell ail distinguished champion: .1 r. ' ' aearu exp-es=eu was ' 'm i t oircinut - t:inees--i n.- .- - :-,, -_.
i l l His trip ilirLi-h (hi, portion of the l Stqci , An , Ll N alled ;Pick frota - No l w O T t' l ",e)',..' i Pted with ~ not p;‘ruiTt i ttini tra et.:tioinite'\an I, -lir or twit , h.."-"-llitit e . .t-' 1 •.11r!``.1)
. i l . l ', l :',3''' Ir''''-‘,'" l :' . ', 3 ''. l t ,
' • • 1 \ = , ,-,, , ._ . itt:ll:ttato.l xil ill:, na IV 0... l Vl‘. l `.
not but scrap to his nilvabtage.' Ili,s persOnal r the Stith, Mr. Jr: erso9's _granu_„. arm • longer. li 1 r•: ,, ,i•rwe ;1 1 - i.••• •41-on ,: ; tinstu ( ••,,.,,- , ll ,
• • :,.1....„„ 0
r , ' - I cr) art l' o nt to thn Tan,: ::, th'i.i cila ty th:1`,1•1,11 Ito.rel: t .)-1 ' 1(11 ''"t •t° • ‘l,.' t '."11-'-'`""
Apptlarince, li's sit ink anti Ticino!. ninnuor,s, mid,. c e mi r,roi
,A civ s e schen o_ teas o , , , , .
~ , . . - , \l, ,,,,• ind v n,, , ,! , cr, ,
i f , 1 .
' - • 'it ;0 0‘..,,, ,, , 0r , , •.„, „ •:„ /' i..
above all, taci tonett r , f his voice, rtnging Pau l l hy a lar e niinorityr te Bnt'let us pci t Fe• • 1' -t . - it , . l ''' 1
( pear, dit-tizict; ami ' tra 'Tot-tonsue:l, 511111111bff..,
',fur.a me 'tent - , fellow citizens and. ye, Where 1_ AG:Sit:X-I'4l UP.AL 1 . g.rt,ET.117 i u , .i. , 11-!i-s1 v :,,,,,.:,,., 1,, 1,, I fi
ug the fric+fds of 'Free, OM t,i the donaict are!t.
• t 11 Lt Aceorditin toadj : ournlnent ...:•.c , Matiagt . "rs ir at in tl,e t.) ,, tiehu g: of s. ..\.l,oliti•utuat.., : ,... ,t
all in his favir, and can nit 'hut arouse us to ‘ .
' 1 ' i the wateks stood at this 'nerioll4 Mr. Jct . - I
l' -' . r :1_ .-• .v. of tho 'l;e:,v,,r- Oluit v A.,:tri6.11t11.-d.l !.-kiNiiity . ' ~,, a nurturecl ittlthe Pig‘rliou,k;' ,, i ri' r it?
. -
' ' t" en• NV . .1414)01011 du , father of the ' • ~,-; L ' .t- - a • --, t. I 'prt,'? 'I I ',. tl'r,
.: : 1 , t . .., , ,
~ „,
't' ltr iTiVaie new life into cur ranks, nil; in"-' I ferson, -fie " 3 °e' ual P."' of we Pepe' met At ' t t,,, •:;., „cri ,- '0•,,,,, r r.,4
;duce everY v‘lter npprea to p,,,,,,,, cia n e rni3, '. tTnn, '', • ' -• i - 7• I 14. tro•t..
..,,, . • , , 1.. '•\ of I•Ai: i g , : di ...u.iwnathtugtstu, hat',•
• '6• •ry 1 111-:ari2 it 'ti\,%ll-rif iiMe in the 'ha ,.
, i i it e . to biiekie on hi s a rm o r l , ail co forth to 1t.t,',0n0tr,7,•, ]'atria ilt'urv, Jam 0.3 'lll {son, l i e ,fi f i er ip-0...0nr-1
tiA A it , " l ".. on 11.-0..-t. :x lul,•f api.r e atieozsli'iX in, reeplll4-ievf,•; l
1 i ' l ' ' ..'
' . 'l. . ' ' , .
1 ,
I n 'the bottle; w ticll confident i belief 1 1 that ie. nll l
i t ''
tht , 1 -,•. the .),I-1;ong I nr.l (libel , : c•f• our ' bl o w' ltielae I:11:in 1 , ice- l'rt.i l'ir.t• 1.. O. tt,•,rt 1y.,1 al I, st "peen 3,t,t,loptt 0," it ti'•
f\ - • • r . " - ', \ ' - '•-• , ••• i'
but do their yote. a Fip_mal, victory i 8 bit rcBerVe. '\i,:sri-. , :ratic.., , tin..),, VI r
i ) , revolutionary siri•s tnet her , with' ever,' 1 \Vika , Treasn - Q. , r• ljf"'Z'i:7Cr' --1 i 1 1. Sro t iv,
j '
Ferrer on Tavel re ' , , 1 , i represe ' ntatiCe man ' s
tttie 'one fr"rin'tle nOn• I- " T( ' . l .T',,. '''-; 7 1 ' . , ar i l ; ,r,,, 11(‘ ' 1 ',' ,, t , , ' N ',''', ,, 1 1 "1 11 , , S iic';' ,,, , , 7 ' . , '.`',: 6 ,il ) 'r_ (31 : 11t,
s p i 'i' ll '•! - , c , " , i , i ' lli ! f / ' i ',, ta 1P ' 1 7, 1 ,
States --r-nted ' the oust- , w
Btu 01, nun i .7..yart i 1 Ililns_7, te i n, ..k cnj..,y in unit.. a rt.r rbi nu ~ pia
' • In the Pe, nsyivarnan of tac _All, , tied ..imi ai s i, ve ,Ad,n‘7
Is J. If Dickson,' `.. 1 ' e ' f 11 4 - d'• -• '' it ,- fill,"clib) 1112
1; • , . - ‘-' ! ' - btrat) t pro ' . sty
("el •II Ic. , 'lor A itc , for thAd iu a ' - - f ti• . will 1 ~, „, C ._ „, t ur,
II - i , t - ‘ • ma i , • • - - t „s ...kit ef , ... . lieu, L),1.1..14• i , F.
letter describing; Mr packer'l e6cent speech i
i n York, freXwltichtlr c 'quote , the '
, followinf 1 1 , 4inclie 7
liiekiiowiedge . , _
a tbe',.p . Ower•uf Con-1. I..,.ahiti was appointed tlesi•leut,:, or -adopted (1 , t110.D.7t•1 Istllts:y. ' ::la
-detectable Tiltragrap,ll: I . i ,
t t
t. I . ,
~ , 1 , d , pro ' AO, '..* '• .- 1 ' pelted of his ',.miloption"- ha li3-1 b , ! , e' -I'
rcnt, tts, extension, ant -cotc: , 1 ' • ' ''- • i ' • '- • - •.. • 1 I. a -,
pas: , i , mnte hearer, i1 , ,, , „ti, the Dtha,,tratt e ports. 1 agr+illst 14 , •''' it.ttoonertom into any terricory ,•, , . t i ~1 ~- • „,..,. cd ~
lie r ' r°v"c ” l t° tii° '' ltisra(.t;C ' f' ;)1.
"ersi di ' ' '' ' 41.1cF ‘3I:P a ' , • .!.--"' ' '.--- t. ' I The -followi'cg -'onirilitte• - : w,14,a-ppointec.-ily_lntut . 1 , ,.,) and eat - De:4l j In t
~ 1 " -
80 far fromlgoing 4eyrind the Ceriti4tithln in I
' beloging 'to the IJnite' l ,l States:¶ll •• " `.i pt ii -`•' c" ''- I. n ,' : r
r • 13°.
reference ta gavtrir. ,i ti oe* me ,f,te ,r.. ,liir 11$ did
cr 9 us I o wit :—.Mi:,:cs .t.itua ii Li_ Ilury.Agucw Ile.had abuial the t.p,:t menus. he , ... , i
i ...
that inqtrurfout--alid hat it souctiorisno limas- 4 , where
.the waters stoo then: 11"l i tere' do '
I 130 rough ;. -- Thorni' ''. -1 . liston; / Sc•- 1111k1 n1 1 4:11- to -his bosom those l vil l i
. .
i-i Hot ;clear they stul now? Mr.l Buchanan sminun- - Jiva "I"bauserid, 7 ,-. 7 .-- I , xv lirigh...l had nothing but intliffereneN ( Hater
Constitutional ~verdant
, I
tire, or prmple for wilielt• there
' • 1I ' ' ces, tilt slavery can in :di of the ter-.1: ton • Muria :11ocre, 'Si, , . ,
au, 0 tp , litttred 'to bt. - tow. upon' min. It t v.:
. tJ 1 . . .. ,• 1
Mr Packlu., then, standsprittore'apon.toc ill- :, and that :, ; -,., , • ,
r, Tp ; Nan- ely trilling to 31. 1c t.
tia. Soufher i o rire•eating Platform, IT i s lcli,.:W.t.l ji--,., of • Llaeli•gua i'ps'o to 1 - rinlv It 1.11 ,,
, the T - , -e :PP ).- of the gr;vert'inent, wherever tho !I tg of t the nic 'l'atiner, Lila:,- l' o i
pared to still further pervert Coustitution nation floats. I Let us; I fallow its history al MeSsrs. Dr.; p. 51inic;"3 v,, , r , 1,„;,;1t. , , wirla deepez, son.uw and rove , 1 -11 ,- ,• --
of the United Stags, and to go farther ln, the /1
ilitie further. In '1839-20; iNligsouti asked •ard , 11. Agnow,lioast ' Abbey t. pcilcd to si Ova lie.•P'''''.':
than 14s paT•' , l for .2ilini sci 0 into' thd Union with a Slave I 'Linton Scud ter It. • -- .. ISO surerael - riaki l lpos, s ';1/•'1'r , .1•
defence ahillpropoption of slokmi
ty has yct L'hne. Whilo proteadiag,to ho opposed a. 71 ./' • 1 V • •ti .•
- l. '•' It '` "Ii ' d to''i•l''''''''
By this' time interest _ego.. ti .t. , .(i red, its an_ e cry ono lobo' ,as it_c atttc-c ,eferre so '''' I'
to agitation; lie lakes hold of tli subjeot him- 'to seize upon .the Inipds of the, slave liiihLwilillay uiVtiQl l l'as, lb tbe 'l' - cistirer shall Firs addle. 'Tlomns
„ •
self, and i tyllip Glyn confessipp, l ,stands prepa- ors . They esir&l. to f , 'tile a tv ia,s, r &la ,kr 1 1 ,11:(5. lib 01/ 1 5 , to . itti, up a ten in t.lt2 "Ctillto- i; , .UI)III14.: SOtilllg tleWider a. , ''',
red to awl Ft shneking the coiintry again,' when- Mace 'lablar. They 'w4nted Mit2i•ouri, and ,sure f9„r 7 t `.O- sole] of fruit,,e,:c9.o,, pie s , eon .. '• i i i ilt, Li s ,. / ~,,m i, ,,, , •,,,iie -c-ai , tziol; , - . _ •
ever an opportunity presented itself. tetltheliyhen thtl w ro opposed by an almost anon- I fecttunarie. 4, , ,,, 'luriti g 'the t4olo tiute of '.brief,' brief,' Ifni' te thrtti,rol 1 1 4 '9 - •'-' 1I ; ' iii '
voters Of Pennsylvania welsh hie wards- Sia. inlops Nort , thet. ) . reatened to dissolve I the /lair. . ` -' 1 lizivilig ,tziar,teitl. , o /Lion in hi, I_l
, cto ay.. I in, (~.I.,alit • .n r ..-..
very has not yet etthaueted. his patience Its ) _the Union Ilieart'' , , neos
l and bact.:4 t'etel,,- ( tage-t..No persol will ho n un u ltA N l h • •,, 1..1 -
_l , t' o ou• , 1I IL: z'irgtis,"
behests hire no t yet wenried' karat' tied 'ts , heirit found to Meld.: d• • 1‘11,4•30,0ri wtts adritittcd 00 / a / 1 a tent for, the sale of titellbo%it....artiv i ts on; g ”•,: 1,1-., /wily, 1 1 • P tll' ,
peal ifil It tl i k - s islave State: SlayptY'triumpli4:, and. fr,eo- I Lite outside,of tile, fair gir eu m.l4 Th e man _ I, k , ,if the co ,irt. un•icralarid bi r .ii,,
demands litit l'Onusylvanin eIMII re'
!darn for lite, firgt tf n i o t ra l.l o .h its :. Lan , pe'r in lagers • Lave. rented. •••1+ 'ttbe igr l otrad 'on lb: t1;:ilili: I lt oti)' WhiCh C 34 4 . `r t .
pro i A I ,
. )I•Mt - Jg the' introduetioi4;? - ave's u'por otitis
I - ' the dtihi. rellow4.itifens do 3:011 perceive i outside. within -s' nveral I Ina d ed - Y.Lrild t\f tit : ii •' their f°r:urtes al P ll ' h i ci
own soil,', Mr Pucker will:Ii fours(• •1 .• 1 i . . • - • --,' - - • , , ~.
t i
the ri•Volution,„ . -
,_',l ~i'x i i4or g vi t ErF uced,in,.. , . i the . fair ground. • " ! - - • I f , :-,(,••....1(;;#." . 11,e .7..,r,ave lit.i l untyta , t ,,
Cho irapu eat Oahu. Let the peoj)le b . "'e - iituknet'i
in time of these i7rojeets of 'F itc 'k e l. an d h i t ,' f . cd. , . 1 'l : l7e pa,c...s now to
. .17. On i e day befOro 1 , '
.11 the close - of :fie sesian of, touores , -; no 1 • • , -•,. • toi r•ut Pi .'tcr 11 Intl iu .7,, •o i ,
N.....anulT'LE,,ift.l ---- " 4 " E ut.--lve ;earn t tat reCr.t.,talile , t-'''"lf,''''''-, Ii!' ,1'11. '!; 11 •% . 1 1 '. 3 1 `• , b 11 1 ,1 il i '' . u , ll o. •
owers. 11 ~- , ,t 1 •-.. I , 1 . .. , ::- „ , 5 , - , Hiram Leed.- of Sew liriOto, • •1111•1' tr. , ,, i lig it , ; '' '‘• . :
ref- The earnings of the,P. 4 W..5,:b . .. It 12- 1 g0.,74 . tQA t LOCI •• •• 1 1—,,,1 fc, '• n .., ' r , •• 1
arrest a named ; 011 y e we.. shot a., , t•- . . , , /•. , -tY ,i to IVintly
1 -------1- '•"'" ---- ' r i Prebidii* -of be' United Slate r I la a lat'S- ' • - '' ' • •1 ' 0-ca,:ral aalltici al.lele in p.irtic'u l k
y utn,Ta nal in , 7, tk,:., . ik.., 1
of ' ciolo • of.l.ll; t ee tuil y lio ‘ ull " , L of ' do r lia j rs'.' i lJ P l P tt r il li t t lris 1` the bail Etrik. • b ''' el ' ' ll l 1 t 1 ' ' '
tg,pus, et. ........ . 'bit )1 kliffl e
At i 1 A cr ,... r . nr ,,,, ~,c1 O A . intin!'t
some $211,000 from those Of het same' Mouth , time. it had been suqteetediyet notiAng tO . 3a g in. " ce d
for the month of August, show .a decrease
otf . , thus saving his li•t.‘„ lavidvaially, :',,1,,,03, bed ii ,,,,,L ea : - „ rti -,-. 1 ,1, (1 11 ,y
labt year! 'This ie . traceable - to*.t , lio fact ll 't:hat gibii::,ovitice4 Itsq,lt l f, MAW,. that, the' objeet ing it wera . 9 •11011 :eImIle-IIi' -'''i, l "` l • l '' '' i clusi , )a rose up pitl (,'t:,:40,:ii.., ;2:
ateumboalting ow the Ohio, 'Rita uni n te rru p! e d o f th,i war , w ith/Me i,b,-wA s 6 • tie Hite a 1 1' e1° " 137 -r"..iiti l'e 1 , ,,.1.-i f tr• ar I tri; a' Attl - A.OlTc, r litsitillaa:
daring August of the present year. I, • 4 1 ' 1 t ie. L. eeraey • . ,•, •;,
portion of hp/territ y This Into - Ippro. re•-`t'l. , .6.''' . . - ' ~' - - -' - ! p' ' ~lbI• , ,- but 0
f f 0 •th% 1 A 4f, T 2 ,I ..1 . - ;)1 , • -
re''Oelirt. nsllsmonood. Pn 'Monde) . last.— Prlalon d i efoons9.c,..-.t..,, an,. the rga,,..i. tic neAispaper- is 4 • eritiou" 111 1.11• A an ~. V. itp....,y I:ohT1, :s / ats 1 .:...•, ,i;b
I'ler.tenlo'y and the day rc:vious were' 'c,cjapied irrant l 4i ; >tei.Y pFoposed to `r leis lote in thoughtful a library • for tilt vuor,.. IL Ult:: , - LAII I I \Ye''''..) . I, `'''' ,l 'V. l "l .ll ' lc ‘' l ., l- ,
lita tryini the suit of dilMare vs. Poi, it eu ,,, frlrtt,r>rif th.) a pProPrlsti9n. firovidel) slave- 1 sio2. ta eve.ry hotly.; .I,ord I_l; :c .„ ‘ . o4 `,Lou e .,t - 1,1 1 , - . - 11T.1-11i.`iiror ' -,, ..1• o all'i' .4
t ''
li :; ,'
. /
Directors. 1 i , ,
'.; ( I 1 iry 51101.111.1 fotev'cr be excluded fruto the ter- lilt tire I.,:st public:, 1 -- 1771.71; , .; . ..a
, r • ' - ' i ' -‘ '-_ -,
ter Nrifgirii.t hal etfiell etc, the
• .
elaittiLto ,the tc.
Inn of. of •
,sts'of Atllcriefin iLtn.tes'
:N?.r •J'Ft
's . r l rtnalA t
of. cnrrkli.
F'elfland tivopothorq, r,
,g overt) rn ent of alc,thest,p•
lug to thei:piOni Adelpg.:;pl.
'nt•ovit•ion, inle*taneo nhr‘Low..t:
nort4'3 plat
Oky then
~'~ ~': '
ritqWlfrir itltiell this money wuulfi be paid.
_,...,,:.; t... , „ Fur t 1,.
tieW N'Altern Senator and every N or,t„if • ; 1 1, ANOTIII;It p:
erir l itepeeinut-,tive. except i n4el - pouglatevn , , .:.,-: ••••-••-•-•
ItSii t tiisan i tUNl'Clernand of ftlieliloati itetT, And - itSain, nietlwuAli, the D cni r,,,, at i a
ifi Invor et it. Ni, bias and Dentleratt IPA.n 4t..ilt TS ere..ttssein.ded .g., &Aut/ n cone/are,
united. , l i tif.y wery Ectuly for tfii co gq,, , ,it t Ind I \V;:iS ttrf t 11e on,!st o( t }wits, V. idiom
Bli t'on,tttesnext daY , -, Mr Dtvi4Af iltritisa fi r 40y particular' vite
n , inn of hle , sllll.. ;them
chnsetta, wt:7lted to maim a speeritC upoti l iV, or dt.iug; ti,,,,:ii goo,l . 1!
An I I , ' l trst-fiddio
before tho vote was taken,, and ere be Li I Tt.intoy, 1v lilt a - be,tnitag countetzanee and,
clu•led the Senate atij-oque.d. tllin Cass, t eiteerfttirvoiee, ! ..,„cdt,.. t . n . t i
1 .,..i,1 , ~I , , , A ,err,
.2 _ l
a grey-baired,veterau in years sad exper t•
,thee i, Oldfp---itl / * Jet, 1 may say,,-decided. 'TA,
°nee, arose arid ercissed the flour "to whole I ly sharp,"' it And Windy .Bobby rtpiied,
Mr Davis Irisg sittitl, and rem +thud tell+ ‘ "such' is mrcyrlptlitet Thottrii, I e•iuti,, t (I ,: ny
in a deeply impreitirve tone, "Sir,•you.,inge t it. -But io yltielLof in 3 natural rt . /al:es / la,
defeated ono of the =most. , impel tent me t- , t d 0 ...L thou r a yrj,„ o„ , ac totittl ,,?,, oro ,
`itree_ever• beton Congress." Mitring 1 tte l iao al ficio , Ifich toconfiv al,ipcared in
peried - timittapked before Cohgress agn)til bright 4 f nit stare irl' lll gliminosr in the
erMveted the Soilt.hx,Live no tice,:hrough her tie / nigerati •• firmament, tilt ! I:oliert,l t aro
I Press and her 'Pfdalle nicn...that Any Sc a -A fo gAzo u on that Star, t shots rueh a pure
' tor or Representative who iiintld, supp iVond kially lig:i int.! my heart. I love
t i ll
the Proviso, Vhould be struck fcl o w ri; . a to tool; upon qin int aoulafe ohj,ct ilk,: i t,
that no office orpref , lrniept should be. ii; It" , I . ll3 sullied _by 04Y ❑u h'q'tc.,ilought, u,rviiin. '-t.:
him thereafter. " I 't: //- ' (:•13"'t1 b 3 \ n' i ny until critic!) e rOleetion, bhiaing
' This pi teed Gen, Cass in ttaileintra. T o :1 upon net inah'lS ehara ter; with a baneful
_ i t.
t'llitloV7 jail aspirant for tbit , fienvc(.ro,tio; light,. diVorting, DO /3.11 , 1 , C4171C / reput.:tion
notninatiO for iit..! PresiderOy. lie I ttlt by its eti[ants4i: It is no s%/1 . ,..! , a tiiir ~ .4
1 ,1
stood • with ace spoiler, in faltter of the Teri'.! Fourt: is i t.4l•l t h A-virtu uppuse, arol iiii.i.,l l ,• r
viSo. liew it ivt,is ueet.,,ssal . rly fvr Wm tq,:••10i; , ,,,h), eeryPrelerly ar I-- :1 tty
reeedo, or he would roaP / tlie'. tbrcat of. its lin•liguat:.'4l ant rq. cll.! qt . ty : (ii -s,'
, lii',' ~
Guth. [ tie tll.(l7 , r,e'fiduri:d r,tit the c9e ' 1 r ,-,, 0t , r '.') 1 111-1 ~ g, t e tii) tl - Itt'tc I,r
Pinei of ',..,, - uittcr 142, 7 verei , vity,' _:tail in, ~I . thy icco 1.1 i: -- 110b,..1 t. ' urtle,: t J tu, s t L .I , 1
•rcratetl it in tha i reetibritol N.eitot,t,n . Lt.,
f. L-'-'..- 1 '-''''' ''-ill-Itiitt! 17" • Icri,lit thy At •1,- ) .;
ter-ra doetrine/that lit:d
two favel, noel —le J his 1?- , „ , 11/•'• alini t . •?1".,. C'Xrt. a 1,1,4-
Niltla lend otfe the Siuth. W ill', tUt :lot Ltuajd as fl, .t.l
N 'tills- p..
-feel Wlt't ti y
,sttiel,iled tl• ditlieutty, iteas...t ,Luth ee' t in tLi . w
y t,) aii-or Ili: : co c lfragqous i u t, rri): .
tioto, and / IstelMe the I 4'll4 . g:rade rit,mitic4 .t, ties propo tt o,l,,i h . . ( , )Itchael the tier
'iu 1.548. .I%ut, bow iiiii I.l o `,aet when 1. ' ref- !a'a," had, ean4e,l thy fri i er,ils to'fear that
turned , au tin to Cengics?' • Instead 'Jf-Ltio prestip ~f univcr,al 4.-ucces and snpc 7 '
stiiiding 'with the speaker :is before, it 11-. tistrily 11 , iin ,, it .01 'e• thee;' thou would,t
t'or of the p ro vi,o, l ie y i dd i . „„ 3 , 14 ibe switl
~ ~ ,,, ,,Ito., 'tit,. thy• peat, rototylie, o
cru itre,, and bee tole oh': of its I,i 14 w're1,. 1 ....i. iiks thee the awi bone of an It s o
est cuett l i .s. A:tits!' 1,.:r 0,..u. Cas..s. ! 11,. -*dee( --ful:yr--ir ,111•1 t bl'e i n . ! lik, hi&
Li i t 4, Lad gt,t a not rie•ling el' th. , Cl Latitli i.A. v , 'L'.'l An: oof Lis pen Itas lint t' • '
~. la- 1 11 ' 11 . bow. W.iS it Wit I.:i Le TeSt of Ow „N et 1- g. :tie- it -i I' , iito.phe.i, ha : .-.;r. non:l.oA i 1,,, ~
, , i
era band
Isliu Ita , l , bef .,, r, , 1pr ,, t, , , ,, ,: a
~.1 i „,., I, ~ : illtetity Th At ito
„A e l e it z l i p ie go c:i i 1 r 5 i1e ,, ,,, 4 4:1 . .
" v 0" I, love for the: Wllitiot Pt oviso )1, 0 1 0 . 1 ,t, t,i , ,1 in the lint y ..1.
-the ,1 1 of t h em , wh en 1,1 1 ,..y 1 .c...t0p- l ed, h ai l o i, 1. A tiLl to wlti'ele I Itllo 1e ,Irre,tlt, cell f• - ,rth tho
Ile a nt.w elp.t.:it,l,ll a the c, n ...,i tu tt.,, 0 , t ., ,t, 7?- l atite !‘ .1 tloi I)? , ,,r,eir ,lie 1 ~ t y ,f thi,
i ! FT. , 1 , .c11 1 . 1 -,, , 0 ..,... , - ~. ... I, -,.., ~ 1 , ~•.. , i
t wo .111. .. , ....1. 1-." ,, . I a :I.Cf. 1g'T..4, ," •, •• 11 , -:. , i) it le ill . i t'nr,.;
I 11 ere btorna Too - Irt 01 is.) is thi.teror 1 ~ i 1.1,... , 11,,e0e t ) , l p it thos ,%s oil , . • N,'r
lion- .
1 II Ilostilit'y to it - ht,e 111. e. 1 tr.1,(.1 - of 1) , u 9 r. lI I Y S. 1411 :, J .15'1 SI, 111 t.: .1/I , lfl :-., .104,t 61 , -111-,
[ I
cll ,1; and lic ;rho woo r .9t. aril; 1 ,. .:-,v, ~It Y , '-'lc ,-. 3:41 not •.- 1•• t , rtl'rovi-o 1 rtvv, f•ir.
y lo! , i agtinst it, woul , l vLi:, iil:,ly in a %het ii .1.; I `'t , '' l t. , tl.- C ) lot 1: ~ , l i'..t-, :1e pri tte , , ,h l . , t I
T.' a tihd LitDS.:lf rut , l o,,t f of ihe • thin...,l,,tic 1: c Sto:' , ..:. r. , ,, i t i,e - tanti',.7,.-, ;.r.l H t ,, , 01‘,,,,
n o patty; and hr.,witti w Atli slt' , n t 'l(' at ,t i 1 ••.'cit! 1 , 'i' - to f•lt re --•Tii, , .ntstit '‘Vit.'ln i
1 o its oppesit i,)u ' :vv. ill ' lin I ion , :-. , ' It •.oit .. fori 11;1. i, ,`,,1.., t o 1 t... ,„ i.,, J..„,;,,,, ~ f ~,•1 1 '-
erfL:re' ,i , ; ,- ~ 1 1- I , . ! . .. . ~,
1.,' , ,avc.r.ia in ~te w-ty . uf pr I.l.:actit, . , ot A , it-i•-•, 14 oc• 1 , 1 f• - uo•I, roas , ziou4.' 11',o o. ,
'FPC(I I 'l - . 2 V% • , t , .. 1 S 1.0 4- 11.." 11l It , t ! r:u 'I, . , ille,w;10, 1/ .11 , 1 • 1,, , Z1e ? V 11011%... f 111• oatrsci' et I
..,t,yery- I Illtnetu c , rfF- ,o. t,e 1,4•111 ,et.,tie ~1 ,v L ;it.ztito... • 'l l .' f J. lOl l l 'T . : % I, .1,`:1 I:l'.' C.v.: , toll 1
, „„,1,1 \ ~,tul ;i1r.,.11u in... :a
11 y it../c All it •int to 11. 1 , 11100 1 i.t , it Wl' 0( ['zit ,i. vl ii, II e t, o i Iy.den t o tt .
.‘„,,,. to c•-il`if . ot the. fired t•' , ett else. the ''t , , en. i„..."1 it , il to my loin to it \Vilely , I 1 , , I t
, Ct,urt,'..a , , ct, Oil, - ;,1 that :„..1 1-.,:f ( - 'l-1 .r- 'Tt 1 ft , • " 11 •(' .s . tr. I if)&i'")'•‘ 10, \':(;ic --'
Leyonti 1 ev,r tl , Constiintioli ~,•,,,,. . 1‘1r. r. ..1 la .1-, tuso l's-', ^-10. , t i ty. ll. 1 , '.. th 11 I c. ,, e, in i .,,,„,1
iti•to is the fir-t ;‘.; tom- • , •411 1 1' • t :1./ 12, ,c . 1 .;_ in lil+,' 'l,ll ,1 t-v - h .. ,- ~ -. .1 of -.oiirti , r , • .
.4 , vrai ~e 1 tut: nioi.stions i ‘ te 1, . ~ 1 1.1., ~. r toy ea, , - I, s ~,,,L, ii.,„ ~,,, ~,
• - p _ , .
4 ,, i , i ~,,„ 1 , T.,,,t. us :Twit, ft iloiti tilii•:ll ,- :, ,2r01 , ...,-; i• 1-., ', it'- 11 t t •a rti- , s It tv . .., I t, , 1 - 13 , y
~; th 6 1 , 11
to jug al l o i s.t.•ft chango, ll,„: to 111 ~ , , 3 1 .i,ovit 4, ••• 1•14. , 4icif. 13 r)7) I the plp , thet- lesel
' phicin ~ pi p.iczr a )tr'.. , 2 tatd ,vio.g, l't,,-1' 'i.' l ' ' l " . ' 11 ' W '' d l, -,1.- ' l ; 6 "V fr 1 11 11 I `c to 't •.'
davary •1,,,,:, ,' s , h., , 4 1,,,,_ , ,
~i„,, ..., , (f .
r., , , ,,„,, ,_ ,,, 1
~ r: r ,tl ' 1 ~ , , i i ,l , ,p,... ~. ~,. .„ , 1,• i, i 1,,.11 , 0 . , i) ,',,,
la un- .latu f, Su': 1.• .„., • i ~tot, ti It Lv•. l tl,'; 'e.- I.• • i• , - ,, 1, 4 I‘ ,
~ i ,•:,;,,, .‘ q ,,„ t , ,.. ; 4 :..
Sl, ' if- ( I .ei,stitoti ti r•-.i,1 :t. , 1 ex.,. 4..1.•i i kl., it " .
i, :CI. , ' ..‘ ,l Y . .a t; i . dill:t + t. t 1 I ~,,, ~' w
II :tilted to th, eta 1y do:, s.of 4he (I,iv,_rhat+t..l ti 7 ,'' ' ,, P4(':') . ,' 1 l•-•';:cf:1-i, 1 ., 111 , : 1 ,
' m , 4 r . . . ~] , ~1 . • .1 I. 1' % •
J. u_: .11!.1 . 11(.111 ) litly ., 'lCEl, .1..11 IV,I-11..p LI I, '' lll , / 7. 1 , ~,'. t , .--!;' 1 ` :OA .t." -1 11 , t. 1 1 :,„.
rtitory, i ,
re: 41),,d, hat I -1.9' II 1i,.1t if :t IN e• pi;ti.e., !It ' I II , I ' 1... - s• 1 • , , 1 1;' r t 1 ,t- , ..1•i.\ ,•
110 wi. - efithe put.,lietni f in 1. It „:•.. v,i-h,•'.. - 1- t
„ ....t It,- tco ''l It ti no , I,p c In ti. , , , r 'ni'`,l-.:. 1 ..,
urn in , lit cc, ini et ,upon it. Y 0 7 ,0.! 11111 a•• , 'l'il
, t i ii ' l i:• 1 '"' ,7 ' I, :II 1 i II '''', to. A , 11• , 1,00 ~;j,,.•
1 hi m _ i Call!' Air; y.,, , te 0.: - Oh) e , 11-..1 to tit' i 1 1. ant t• ),. ''' ~,” „•,., - 1,- I✓' 1 . .:...11 1 ., Vi , it I:10 1...:1,:i
f",,, ~,,.;IX.11 . :11.111 r/Vt.,t of .‘.`110 . : WV, ._1..C., I',. 1 . 11 I lal , • , rot on.hou g l. 0 s ~I Pi
i 11.71 ‘-"S:kilsi.a/ jilt° 1,1/+ . . fleE' tt N 1 ,I 1 ~..- 4 ~,. /1: , ' pl., ty yk 11) 1 v..ty of canna r , , -r ,
belong , 1,,, ' ~- , - , ,
- . , 1 ity• then : , ,,t ;.te, net t.s,-I,..r t tir. , it ,1*T.t..1,t 1 " I 1 • - '1 ' ' l, tii . '
teas a I , ~ ,
-1 voe. o, the e , - , iiht . ty be„,,ii,m,„. , a ~ 1 t ..t i e, n c n*L-- , '.01.:1 a_CI ,
1 in favor of Preedont.l awl its peril itttliti er ehl.' l ''' ' lllO .9 11 11”
c • is
1, , (~
i;i: ----- • , l ' "' ' • ti .'
If't ,
1.. i gliS 17,1.3 T. 21 1 11. i t' . C , I. ; 11 , .l
,„yi no 7 friogipg upon; of cortA:t,
~ ~ -...'••-i - nu , - lilvlrty irt O: I. , ttst: ~
‘...10 Fau ; ~) 'lv-, :? p (m int tt'ck d . 1 1.. arm-.
, ,... Ltt,o ..
i'uTil':t - 1 11 , 11 , v;l:i .11 ti :v al,ovi• it :: v , %
it i . 1 -IP fe't -vnoi4:q ' , -I'tr ,, -10 , 111 • v •—•-.
i •
f,..11, ) & 'r.rplau , ?.:.?, anti 1, , not . reet:!_, t
1 1, • --it:',.i.:lll , a more ctn.:kr:\ -itkl intk:".ii L I -
tex ten- . _.• '' . 1 . l A.- f., ~..,. , ,
~,, ~ \ . ert , t . 'T :155'?n,00... in t tt,_ p, I, : 1.
1 44 4C 1 'n ( If; roo st was fill, (I to ovt.ttl Art.', ,
I that, tin? ;`Opine that rivitty• rkr, iris - ‘1 ~Li:i; '
6, not an 1 With ILO o:nutTntrkt IT. : .-:ltt li
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