The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, September 09, 1857, Image 1
Ili Ii V EMEEMIS -,. - - - • - I- 'VOLUME X'XXIII-7Nt) 38. PRI:I72D AIIIVPITSLISDRD 3! I N al., .a.wttAlvik. TERMS--Oxa and Fan Citters,per antnimolt any!Lxce; otbinriserTsto DOLLAIia will lie. chaig.e4.. No . p4per dlisdonirmed,, nut: lan arrearagere-tettled, except at . ; the option of tbe , klitore. - - • ' Advertis is to lat the iate of 50 eta. per, square, of oue -insertion— each inlbsoqtzent insertion 25 cents.. A libesal discount roadeto early advertisers: - -ixiy-Letters communications, -- 11 mail, - ! shall base prompt attention. . Iturfara..mtrincu.p., - :,1 ' • ' --- ' -..::: _!:'---,___ , Pledg e i . with trine --= pledge with , wliek 7; cried ibei laic% taut thnughtleie• Harvey L vir.o4.: _Rledka with wine, ran•2,ibronatt; the" .brillient rte d. -. 1 .:)- ~.".., _,. - !' •, .r - • The. • beituqui: - brido grew pale—the,d6; claire boor lhad come. She prefixed "bet white .144 ttogether,' and.the leiv,es of,her bridal sw alit treraded on ' her pure' bran; I her breat tittne, quicker, her heart bolt, wilder. [--1 . - - . - • . ; . - .. 'Ye arson , lay aside your s cruples for; Ai! (mee t , stud the Judge _in a -low tone,' going tow a rd, his' datiAtee, the: *vitally 1 entre ts - it;. Do not tio seriously neat the rulesl:if ethluette, in Your ourta home:ad atvou please; brain inure, fueedee try *Eta .please Mel / 1 ..,:'.- , ~; '-• " • ~-, Every, eyei. was turned toward ' th ing „dal pair: iAlitrion's prineipl ' were well known. -1 • Harvey hod beet of late t : nvivialist; and his friends noticed lobe in his Man tiers, the dlifference in his a and, night theywitch tei see, tai - tin I i.aid, if he Was tied 1: o a 1 tine 1 y” ...,...,.. g „ u i unmrng aort.aliM , y e 'lnt I :frifia prompfing-. l smiles 'toward Marion.— , She was very pile, through more --- compesed, l'and her hand shook not as; smiling; I she i'accepted the crystal tempter, and raised it to her lips; britlsearcely had she done so, ; when every hand was a arrested by her pier ; clog exclamation of-- I • 1 "11 . hat p "Oh, how terr ibl e :' • i• 1 1 1 f t?" cried one'and all, throng , - ing, together:, for'she bad slowly..earried the glass . at armaleneth, and was 'fixedly re. gaming it 'as though it were some hideous_ object. '1 • ',l .• ' . ' : 11 a t she answered, while almost inspi redlight stone from her" dark, eyes, and added, slowly painting okt l ,jewelled 'finger lat the spar,kling,rudyliWil a i sight that beggars all defariptionri - endriet listren-;--1 will paintit for : yeu.,if L e'aft, - ,,,e It is i a lone i lyaspoi.; ta I moutitar6,',f 01:6 1 4 , _ with rer -1 lure rise ,watersrun s ,tlier‘iignil_ioar-V;b4;ffilriVelir4l34;graorwivetdr 6' l lis•a. thick warm mist 1 that the sun ieeks --- Y'aigtio.pieree. Trees lofty and .beaiiiiful,''hle''l o - :-- the airy Ma tion of tI4 winds. There are a group Of Indians together; they' flit to "and fro with I somethin,glikelsorrow on their brows—in their midit_liesat manly form brit his cheeks • how deathly his" eyes wild with the fierce 'lfire of fe4r, : One !' 'friend 'atands beside him , , nay, If .i. 14, uld sap, kneels for see, he is pil. lowing that or head upon his breast? flcnionk in ruins! Oh the high, holy lea : !kits brow! 'hy should death mark lit 1 1 and ttet eel ycfmg! • Loil hew he throws l l : baek theiaani r e curla: see him clasp Lis I hands: tiers his thrilling shrieks for life! '- 1 mark Ilnal he l , clutches at the form of his I companion. imploring to ,be saved! Oh, ' hear him Icall piteously on his fathers name! , ays_bitu trine his firmer/ inaaiha, .....t...i twin_.4st' et' his Roul, weeping for hinkrin liislisia i t native land: : See sh exclaitned, while the bridal par- , r ty lira It, the untested wine trembling in th it ei•4sp, and the Judge fell overpawer „_ ed up on bis 'seat. his arm; are - lifted tn •" : '7lte cheek of the balk , being pre.gett to the' t ' 1 0 h'fmercy.l lies of the mother, she faintly kissed it. when ; heaven; he prays, ow_ 'worldly, ..or .ke 1 to look at her teitTel:she saitt. - "it's so dark • A hot fe l lyer pins through his veins! - The r a , 1 can't iice it.” It • iclas day-light. She . was dying • friend beside -him is waa'ping and awe.strick- 1 s eA tea, S e pt, 4d, 18:37. • • ' ' !'en:—thei dOrk men move silently away, 1 't _ : and Ivey the dying and Mine' together. 1 . 1 0 BRIGRAII YOUNG HIS EARLY LIFE. ; There was a. hush in that princely party, broken nly: by 'Y what seemed a smathered I - -a," Tho lft.iTalo Ct , nunercial Advertise"; fur- tsf.l:: frr . nano - manly bosom: The bride; 1 ta.:) ,, ihr! fol!eaing acecunt: of the life of tstond yet upright, with the Lena stealing. Pref.:en Yonug, while a resident of -New! t o the annwarla'ailge of her lashes. Her 1 Yatk. I t Fa) Z.: ' -..-- 1 beautifu arin htft lost its tension, and the: "Beth - Irielerni Vtaing and Heber-C. : glass wi .11 its l i tt l e troubled waves, - came! • Kitele:llare, , Ner 1 - t-srkers. Brigham lived, slowly t Wahl the range of her vision. t _ She • neat: :11 line tli• i.lirg Ontario and Manr - s•=pulse a'aie; every lip was - inute.--LlTer eoun'ios, In the ti.wn of fitter, at the time .:. le oi c a w. s le w faint, yet awfully distinct. he leceine . a :Nlornion. Ile had always man- i She stil •' fiied'her glance upon the sparlf , • ,ifested'a prti.lifi4 -to religious fanaticism.. ling tit ' e-enp. .e . :r rather he was at rapscallion, good for , I 'lt is evenin. , , now,' confirmed the bride. , neihing except to howl at a eampaneetink. The ,gte t whitei,moon is coining up, and Ile lived in a fog shanty" with a dilati- her beams lie gintly on . his ,forehead. He dated, patient, '!getTering wife, surreinelt'd i moves riot;lhis dyes are set in their sockets,' by a host of tow-heaaded children. QP.P- : . dini orelhi.4 Timing glances:- in' Thin his 1; I,n :ill y he made up a lot of axe-helves aid I friend hifipered the name of his father and I ' ti t edel than offTer suear and tea. In other ; sister;'dat is there! Death--and nn -soft fits - of indUstry, he would do a day_'s,wOrk i hand, r) entic yaice_to bless and soothe! _ • in - the lia3 field, for a neighbor„hoe the :Po- him. - His, head sinks hack--ono convnl a liftees in - his: own little parch; or pound save 'shidder—lie is dead!' ! •-•••• i of e - Nr fo - his wife ca a washing day. 1 A grnart inn through the l assembly—so "I B it IliA s •-• I n is l sion was to I , ' nto camp- ; vivid w l rs her description. so unearthly her , I petai i . . e _ t eo i,ain%s anti to reNl4:l-I.s. where he, managed , look, :_aurpired her manner, that what she i Ito getrii. daily bread from the more weal- ' ties crib ti seemed -actually -to have taken I -si Oa , ugh occasions Brigham place thenland there., They :noticed :ale°, I ~ ..rot no thought for. the morrow, but,eheer- 1 that th'; b l ridegronm bid his face in his : i . fully putting on hia'old wool hat, he would : hands r' . ll i win weeping. ,' __ 1 leave his fau - rily destitute, witliont a more 1 I Bea ! she repeated ag,sin, her lips quiv of • '#b& in the barrel, or wood at-the da/T, l 'l cling -', -toir and faster, and her voice, more milriClling his wife that the -ILotd_would 1 broken ' "and there they Oclep him a krave;l hr v ide,' tie Would putout for a week's ab- I and there I Fithant a slvaind,, they lay him t ..! EeI:RT. Ir . '• i ' 1 - I down in that damp reeking earth. The only 1 Poor Mrs. l3rieh l pm managed along by . se e off alproud father, and t he , idolized ; 1 p borrowieg from her neighbors, with small ; brother Of a fend sister; !and he sleeps to hopes of repaying ' chopped the wood ber-i' 4y inlthitt distant country, with , no stone sLlf, and ;with an old sun bonnet, Navarind ; to mark" tbe spot: There he lies, my father's style, went to tholspring after, water,.thor- I son: my s on tWin brother, o victim te-- this '+ughly e l onvincedlthat her' lot was none of; deadly!. ploison. :Father! she exclaimed, —the easiest, and ,that bee husband was, to I turtunk suddenly, whilst the tears 'rained ..1-e a western'extitession, angornary scamp,' ' , ~town down her; beautiful cheeks, 'rather,' shall I tii which sena:neat all who know him ac- 1 drink it noWlt j• 1 i ' -- d I - ' 1 Tint form of the ol,d Judge was eonvul quiesce . . ; : , . I ' Peeple were getting 'tired of Br igh a m : sed with agony- 'Ti 'He raised his head but i o lien 'lormenisirY turne d-up. , He was just 1 lice smothered voice he faltered.' / the man for thatireligion, and it was jU.Stt ' . -N-o,nci, my child, in god's name no. - 1 a dapted fo-him. 1 He became' an exhorter, I _Sim lifted the glittering goblet, end let ;tea, heLl iteiglborh l 6od mcetinge÷ranted , ti 4i t t !...f . 1 it was ,dashed into a thousand . and howled his doctrines into the ininds of.; pieces: Many a tearfni eye watched her others-as weak as himself) and finally wtnt I oe-t with the ret eflhei . 'There la c has I gla-a , wa; transferred to the marble on th vkloped, until t he rui,e Ide rustic loafer li inoemenc and instantaneously the wine 1 which it had been - prepared . Then as she ~ , , i. t 't - tremor of a; suitor , and chief proph- • loolfed on the company saying: I ( t of an iniportabt . c.ellaja 3 sect. lie has i ' tel- no friend hereafter — who Laves me i 1- • ". i Mlle mixturi ofit• srirt.edness and t ' to peril my soul f wine. Nat .. t. pme • folly i teir , . -ii.-1: is requisite' for. success in fanaticism •,firmei. are the everlasting hiNs than my re " -- a-•-rt i ttackery • A wiser in au could not hold soive l , Lil i leo. ''A niari l must be a half fool anti I God helping, never to touch or • taster that terrible poison. And he,l too, to , Lel lzidive to lei a ,snecessful quack. ' 1 I 1-1 - I.whom '.llave given my = _ -......--; t hat hand—who watch ' 1) . ' - ''‘)c • l'ot Benton has -written led o i ter'my dying brother's form. - in. II FT- v . co _ • ~ n our and buried the dear Wanderer , ai%i lf Of 1111 , Dre 4. Scott decision. :He l i sole . . .„ I •1‘ • i a round a iilt J"udgea,.,lllltlel ~.b y .. 1 , . n ' 0 , __..!' will es . and Me-• ster the river , in that land of g4ll will) I , ''', anif seaiu'at the majority- of the court. I tr st Alastair' •tue i l n tnat re . ivF. • . Tl , 1 adz' new is in lituFP. ' - 1 / 4 -1 you not, my husband.. His glt ring eyes,' ;_. .-• =` * _ * - Forlhe Beaver Aron. '.. . i EVENING 1111314103., --- 0 - 8 2. A. MOONLIGHT •PRA.TT.I.E .8 . 011. -B. B ' -- 0 I i ....._, f i - Yott-ttnotelittle Robb t tbemoonlslll 2 '. • • -And the thoutona tt et twinning on big They talk not-tit-_,-riaa-Woßdlio7e's early i blight; They wake in y.inr bbsona no _sigh. ' • .„ But tg pvthefre a Flory, fifll mournful nti _ SNieet, the mailro. yen never may ,know They..tal of the evening. When first Illasi k l o And the ;•ist spent together below. ••• ion- Irns tnennwhile, for _Deaf • npnec.. I - tnntehill ma, 'raidiife's - brigittest bloomy A se•••ro nn.l ton fulls.of -that moon' Marked She : • splaeo, n . . 1 tT w i l t the evea of her wedlock and tomb.: ' time- I lot r , ir, wn'ce I and waned", r.e the to,rn, I ' - . A•r•oro , n'er •laik nrol'y•:oliright,) • yr enhier. - •le3r •,14e.iing pa' And his fool hei=urro-tingel iook •fligkt. sees on d - it-moon fine, nat s-last sweetest / The first that 33110.1.1,3, wn.9 ca.t, •.' Anit the kip ieven- . 3q•ild 'tenth di•l her viion -hec,o . ifi••.;* - • . gnv,e stso.•=yetir first and her Inst. Pa thiilkA, Tose warmest OBE -T ,- ; the one. thcn Balling her home, Mo . her 16nPitttle hftbe,'lle would-take in nil While a !siioinl nn earth it ebettld r.onm y nre tltio.4:e little brig*. ISE or•^_i;ie vision - possrcsed, Mite vault, to the far upper skies, IV:o;re ri•j:iiee. with the blest! 11 , 1, y',-n 5-c. there . nihiTinother, the babe gone ber ,, re4- , . .1.1 Pr cherati . .: way yon<ternbove: ;- (Nyhile Rd 1 ,10 3. -2 I:'y ehertil,), on Time's nether ~ .0, ,, re.) < : <Dor z it bech-n.sweet tt.kens of tore? f;r, i= inn whispering down, in the' moonbeams . • nec6nts, yout l n, tnny not, 3rour bive fer yingelic delight, Ei - e it cleitter . . on coin things below? Then'emite ern., RfaAy; -- t-beichile you rtiny ,`••.` - • . nAmfre, • : -.}: Tt r seek th'n at - ove durirg 'Men ia4ve i t its.ere, you'll retire. - Tlint mie,hath a ra.linnee. prorpectire t , ) pa, TrimLlls , lantly brighter thnn .this; Arben 11,11,11:,%arul hubby, nn , ,l impu, rinl. down, 'midst the throne-Bight of bliss II / - 1 •-• • . ' • ", t • • • • 7 . 1 • tl; . 1 . • .1 f . . - ; . . .71.1' • - •• • • • . H " • • . : -• -j ' 1- `• •• ' !I s • ' T • • :• ~.• ''',. ::•.' ..:•::',:,,'ri;; . , his sad sweet smile was het titirtthiV..ll_ls tJudg? left tlttrmn, and irten.,` 'sn' - -ni , • after Jrftt l imore subdued inawner, , took Ipliki in Ile entertainment-of - the bridal tie one;30000 toread Abet% be-too•liiiid l determined to banish the ' , ,Onetitifsf-wt Onite, and forever from hie princely holnit'..l 4- Those Who werettresent at t hr.ideddlng i can never forget,the iripre4ott. so itolftmnly Mid& &laity from that. Wei - . forsiiiore the Jtocia I glass. 'lt may be bent to Sly thite the young4oulderwereer:broke their 0414 btft ..",:th'i dsy tike lif*llfro in to-` c iting ebict ~ tit,' `... skotelt-oerithl Y ine.Cup:.; t.Tor..:: A ; -- - . 's; m- - :' . ..---- I i,:;?......---- • ' 1 Thltgrat enterprise has-been aided and encouraged, in various ways by seven di l f , fereut..Goiistptuoub, viLt., Great Britain, the Unitil"Statti ;Canada, Neirinandltaml, Nti va Scotia, Prince Edward's Island, and the i€ 01.5 of Name- a a,;, 1 ~,,c . b...- • tirentnigi hero e d - t, tr ar, fgwt Illiir , GREATBRITAINi. Annnal subsidy of £14,000s fling until the nett profit of the company reaches six per eent. per an num on the whole capital of £.350,000 ster ling: the grant to be then reduced to £lO, 000 sterling per annum, for a period of 25 yeers. 4 2. The I aid of two of the largest , steamships in the English navy to lay the cable—the Agamemnon anittlfee- Leopard. 3. A Goveplment steamship (the Cyclops) to take further soundings and , verify those already taken. 1 ' I UNITED', STATEs.-4. Annual subsidy of no.oao :trail the, nett profit 'yield six per cent. per annum,. then to be reduced .i to $50,000 Per annum for a !erted of 25 years, subject to termination by Congress after ten Years , _on giving ono years notice. 5. The Peited States l steamship Arctio to take seunclings last year. 6. Steamships Niagara and Susquehanna to l 'y the cable. :A Government steamer to- eke further . soundings : on the coast of.. ewfoundland this pearl I 4 . I S r , 1 : NEvirr( CNDLAND. I L . tr. e l us ive priv ileges for:fifty yelrs f landing cables on NewfounOland, Labra d or, akl their depen deneies: 9. Grant o 50 P uare miles of land on completion of tele raph to Cape Breton. 10. birnila.sonees ion of addition al 50 entiare milesn the cable shall I have been laid between Ireland and New-1 foundland 11. Guarantee of interest for 20 years; at 5 per cent. on 50,000 pounds sterling. 112 Grant of £5,000 sterling in money towards building road along the line of telegraph. 13 Remission-of duties on importation of all wires and materials T the use of the company. PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND.-14. Ex chisive privelega ,for, fifty years of landing cable.% . .1 A T 2.- —-' ' '''''''., -- nr„ , , , annum for ten years. _ . . . I — te s l . l7 gi t n e p n h i A i :I s i t i n o e n s a u o t i t h b ri u r u i t i t l e n t s e g u - o t n ' .t he ' tah all' the co rl a N : eg n: A p s d t : j a c : A t f n y a . terials imported fur the , use of privilege bi:suripiljlXlelt'isli%lvA l '2 s s c ;e T a t r A s ‘ 3 . 7 landing l9 Uran telegraph rnfezel4 s gables 'y o i‘ n it‘ t, i ts . b_or 2 e o s . of s th i x ii p a r r ov gn inc a ei f o .r f eSm el A e E lu TuEt ii_v .7 e le: privilege foi like period of 25 years. That until su. no clue: and 'paniep Ulf/FT m in than ufactur, _ . le'enterpr4 will be perseTeicd in r i cessfulliacclimplislieS there can bo I ition, for tli . o exclusive privileges ! grantees!,themselves which corn-1 tiv - e,obtai nod arc ; in the opinion of nst competent to judge, .of More val., the whOle capital required to man the cable. . • Literal Rub way Match. 1 —_ Mal story is mid by a Texas pap' er 'away match, that came oft in that ,It seems that a couple' had re'rol: pt married, notwithstandins, b the 'pp of parents awl relatives of every and securng the co-operation of a, an, they all three mounted their and: set - out for a friend' Bev' isles dislant, where their ised without interference. They p gone!far, however, before their rrdiscovered, and then there was 4 minting and racing and chasing as don the,occal.ion of "Young Loch- Celebrated elopement with the Neth sidrn.7 The lovers and their faitfi tor soon heard the noise of approach- I wers and gavo their braes the spur.. slas their enemies were better mono : - a gni* fast upon them'. ' It svfti it they would soon be captured, whorl tons inspiration of the, maiden curie s r aid. ' "qsn't yon marry us as we she shOnted to the clergyman. 1 The 'took," and the pastor at once win d the ritual!. All parties "covered elves with_glory," and just as the s lather °ladled her bridle rein, the i man pronounced' the lovers man ci r tsi When the lola gentleman first learn= sat had been done, he Was inclined; tr ions; but being a gallant — old.° fellow dmiting a dashing action, he soot uded to; forgive the runaways, in e'er tion ofitho handsome arid novel n4rs which theY triumphed over him.' A en of a_rut State. ve&-to position degree, clergyn hnrses i eral Ink) solemn had no . fight W, much °eel= root!' erby l ful Rai ling pu But, a ted evide folic, to the, too ?' idea 1 men: them• bride clerg *ifo. ed w be el and cone eider ner ilases co min g "do ar 8.11 bs m , Boston on Wednesday, a Lot of ! s • • • hangea panda at forty-three coa l a n,rfor which, a..short time ago, ar s ;en• o cent's was refused! Flour, gar Ipotatoca, shcor the BUM] symptom of ake. ' I T' I ses gall , 1 ty-t 'and 1 i o gi :e i n a ti g o a n ili tha in t : li "be So ..;. I . eril li'l c on o r m n m os re o i f ai V c i o r hat d the North for stealing the -negroes 1 .1 fro • thC . South, and then. for lying. about it • terwerds; and he hated everybody! that did not hat'e them." Such, a comprChen sly spite's , hes n;t, been displayed since Miss Sry . eer.s Of Doihe.boy's Pall declared she 'h ted 'estryhoity.' , . , . 1 . F„......,...,,,,...,:, 1,,, ..; ,1 r t ~ . (7,,,, , , ,,- , 1 .• -, ' 1 ...,:._ , :-. :L.! -- • - '•'-'•, 4 -t;--,-. = r , , ~ , ~ I ---• •, e ', 1 , 1 \ • . -• ' g , ~,,, t ' l ''•• f". '7 --- '' - -44, 44- , -4 i 1 , - . ,- 4 • _., ~, te t -• i 1 I ' . I s .. , . - - 7 ;: . 1 • --, if I I • e . . .. 'l, ...x-.. . ."... . 4 it, '• ^. ~ • • • i ' ilitlL: '. ,', ~., -v. , ifilticg imwrists• _,.- , ;... i___ , /... . 11 -- ! . 0...41111/e rt ifss; Aug. 5, 1857'. - I.Whiikklleet'W ,P -,oll.isttbe discussion Olio t;. ttlitilux ,,.:-' -past provided ifo . the pifittiliOi t itt mansion yesterd aft ernoon,, my" : tt . Mr It [ was . diverted y th e . ellendef mese 0 , trtitl : and • SaraFerac description,. . g from the exterior of the 'buiidi '"i„ melody 'appeared to be 04 . , - '... , : kettle of Prgue' whir* represents tbet A k...ef the wounded,'llii:; otimpaided .by''.l" - ' • aiited amount of ex ; tron. , otettte; ,•••• J the operator : ,on the bass drnm,i , : , V rushing to the window, bearing , . - , "4 .:y fort; the large pots -10 front whiebil, l partialll removed the otitirdpi--(= , ... , ' . .#0 on enointons'pots teleiiir.,Jt takes ... r. -. 7 ty minutes to skin one i _pr i perly),l bet: tit, a.procesaion, numbering so e !One or. 47, hundred , : all in their S r nday . tdoitiorm. - • maul with a tigar -in 41, month , rate on& solemnly moving past 1 2:4AL ..., -i* ~ Win a banner at , :t • - 'oir...' t--- ••• • i --- 2 ' .. or k' '•iwrEnrinatremoirbfla __;-?:,..r.-rliiii sx&tnrAtoest4 a strong pull, and ril'pialT altogether:, !al .- wigs of my ',43, tocishttleo 'and delight, lin'recog. nixing i tio the bearer of this banner, my old friend, the philaathrepie ITusknotiker; of wile spread denta)venowir. '''As th e procesileti reached the front of 1. - the hotel, - e ar iliAt 'threw away his cigar; and having replant& it by a large quid of tobacco ' defiled tin the esplanade beneath ' tb piaz za, iu.a tolerable straight line, and hen gazing intetitly at the windows, open ed his mouth,' from ono auricular orifice to the other, and shewed his teeth.' Nev'ei , have r seen so glittering' a display. Filled ;with curiosity, I: was 'about to ask an ei. planation, whenliay friend Dolittle froth Androscoggin,, fbe had rushed. to the win dow,at the sami time with myself, saved Me theT trouble, tikf de l inamliog with an in coherent and exceedingly nasal pronuncia tion, 'Why, w:stt on airthi is this here?'- l'his, l replied tlie;outteous,. Hiram, whose suavity of manner isjonly' equalled by thO beauty-of his pergth, 'this sir, is the Amer icaneTi Dental As eiatien, composed of mem bers from all p is ofl both continents, and the British NV, India Islands.' . Jeruse lem, saidDolitt e, ith-.‘e hundred_tewth car- Ipenters . . ; b,.., i l .o n en g t al i, s p p p : sb c , t i eaoioleetr: yet to mt i u n k h ° a f d , 't It _Was my that body of .neigery charges ell d r a s I I t t I The immortal '.:blood they 'had e li :tz a : la g e e l: s. va ),retat i i w ei at:_ ci:ti ii itairlv t_ t v crc i n: . rn 'a tht i ta ure ' i n 9te l a c li tn ac e , : mgeb e n t re a o t d ll :; al l u d a e : t . Clilrgeer'ttailvalisekilie:mciellulonedrriet hundred ' I I , world i 'll. A i , t ', lli , frraoatuiallialt.44:tintls"; i t d 4 cr,ili ze d • den bate. end elsetvge'' :'',-‘,.- pr*etici.oirt'-‘''fth c h ins hat and ! -t , . gloves, .s.ldo-blExt„ with the, col- ; I - dollar - - --r, money:- ilbie:tu 'aA ' lAnf"ac : sri c sorewitdhtt:and twohunfreda . ' tytigtusadtpccoins) : efim.. i ber : canbeDolueonthnttiinlubstnisa Preservative ofteeth. I 'observed. in the I rear rank the ivenions gentleman who in- I vtnted the stitien though .'painful' meth- I nd ! o f extractin,a tooth. by climbing a tree,.) road conocctinpby a Catgut, string, the of- fending , memir with a stout linib, and I 'then inmpingdown; a highly successful mode of opetatm, but" not 'Calculated to become popuk in I the community. He } wore buckskitatoecisins, ; and did net ap peat to Lai : citing a successful practice. But while IgazNll with Jeep interest; up.. ,! on the assemly,-lhe , band struck up 'Tim Tug,' and tray they Went. Three times they eue ir e hotel,, then:'with, their wing.; aslait,like ithe `fierce cormorant, swooped dewnpon the har, regiitered their ; names, , and ok a grand united federal ; I &ink, ' (each nan_ Pay ing, for hinHelf.)— I Hero toast ulthentimentii werd the order i of the (lay ; °he limerictin 'Denial Asso- rciation, likieermen, we pull pne way and I look another; 'The woodeock‘ emblem of ' dentikry-die icks up his living from the holes, and pats in l a precious long bill.'-- jibe memory 'Dr. peale„ drunk standing. ' The: witl f ttter sentiments of , a similar - 11 I ly eritoriiwthar4cier, were given, and, I received vitlitieat applause. ' Having,ll,4ank from the flowing bowl, 1 the asseciati gam fel m'ed in a line_; in front of :Ith azza? which were crod d , 1 ; . . e 1 with 2 buil andi admiring throng, and eank-zwith .sirisiugikarmeny the beautiful, !plaintive attlpOro - Nate Ichaunt : "Oh, Jonqa Gira4, - 1 - re iwoke his teeth' ' A.,eatin' -! 1-• -- 1 - 1" --- r Jo A na es th t r u t j I:7lb a r e ° a _ k t e ir i e ff p tew udd t ba h . , /' • Great luta But•* . th e y Btuk -11163 7, l it ' intew.4, intew ,It• -r- r Intew it, • As hig a l e' two thu:mbs. I t Great luta Tile eh IF 'shed, ands the applartse sub ,'idea, an of Igraiity came over I the as sociation, d the President Dr .I Tushma -0 I ker, atepp i s i 4 t' t, they stock intrWit, forwradotnnonneed th a few attes. , pleasing wonderful performance would n now he g I . Members "'the society. Then to , ing 4o 1 of exhibi iit-thbret;ehx.tweirtihty.' treigtuhirtelbaYbjrbet, the line gave the command: 4)Daw.'' In an idat every one ..of the association was arat w brilliant turneerew. gFixl' shoutedi . Tushmakerl anti each member opened Imouth, end'attache4 the fearful instruMet to a backtooth. 'Haul? scream `Nl the, tiootor.l 'Hold, for o's sake' . with bl , were hel3 exultant in the air. edlire°d"Alebuttiniget wa it btaoctteet;h:lirdeeriPlipuinii; The assoiation lobked cool andl collected ; there night hay° ;been. pain, hut, like the Sparta! boy,' they repressed it ; theladiei, with a sild 'Cry -of horor, fled- from the' pi.' sesta. 'Replacer Shouted Dr. Tushmaker, And loan instant . every tooth returned to. tho,ukith .wfidnee it :came—, I ontionitood it at oke: it Wa l ls ball practice with blank i eartrit"—thy were aili/ r a.l se teeth. . I g I EPTE3ii i IER. 9. 1851'!. ' eml 13 i • ' - `,Fan_ ot er nteresung exercises were gone through with. A hack man passing bYlon his carriage, weil plaeed nailer the influence of ohloriforni t 'ill his teeth eitract cd withent psiis,, and i entire new and.el egant set put in theit place, allin fort .two seconds lliis appeatunce was *on& ully, I improved. Rebut' been 'known fur , ears as , snaggle-toothed Bill,' but e new i , and morn. complimentary , title will have to be devised 'for him. IVondtrful are.the im provements of• scien At 5 o'clock the procession was rofor ea, 1 and the band playing, Pull, Broth , Pall,' tee associa tiou moved off, retu rni ng by the Nell; Ba ker to Boston r _ • , 1 r l ,n, I hive never seen three hundred' dentists together before, and] I don't believe any body else ever did, but I consider it a pleas ing and an #npmvitig npectaele, and' would suggest fEat the next me they meet they make an excursion , bleb - shalt 03 bine business with - please , '.and all I go down together and remove the snaga from the mouth of the Bliaissi pi.— ' • I --- - ' 1 Auuglaffir fi'lZitil i tslin . ni.gl_lt . lElellei a Ri gleMbei s ino to ihn:Tentil rk . ) 4 : 11 0/ . . --- I. ' "i I' ,Yours %.• f etfully , , 1 i' , - • , •.;* From v ili s t christian Advette. 1 AMERICAN DI ES IN ENPLARD.' 1 1 From it 4 Th - ndenatelmaii of the 6th, _..... t ..._ alt, we copy tbe foll owi ng account of our distinguished delegate to'the British Con ference. They seem to have carried the-Flii glish quite sway, and their enthusiasm knew no bounds These extracts must take the place, of our. usual letter froth _Bishop , Simpson, who being o n I the Continent, can- not se soon reach us pith his cennunico 1 w.l I ; • ! , "Bishop :Simpson and Dr Itl'Clictock I are deaidedly different from each' ether, but I teh is a powerful an distinguished man ' ..( ishop Simpson has t e mould, the aspect, the manner of one wit' can equally sway in I Conference by manse , and in camp -meet-4 , tog by the power' and persuasion of his el- 1 osi:i oquen-e and the uneti n of his 7rayers.— I He is manifestly•a g 1 , a etrong, - a fnrce r 1 ful, a wise.rin e:equen man—a 'Bishop' in deed-fit to be one of 'seven overseers to: whose charge is entru sted the entire meth-I odism of the Norther States', from New! England to California Snch a ' s ett-Ale is a heavy burden; but s vA such !inlet ril s i . i. well sustain it.' nig heel) was such' as may be infeiTed fro this deeeription.-- thristmiariimePloqrteinveeestteAleialesaeldaeftnilneleYn and a r privilege t to hear. l'he " combination of qualities which eXhibited by the speak er and the speech was remarkable. Look at that tall and strong;tind manly ferm,and that fresh faeo,,whichl looks as, if it had fronted the breeze an d the weather for ma-1 nv a _veer! Liaten to that higb, thrilling 1 OMOtIOD; aria ean yeti ! iv, rm. • ~..- ~,... ..., 1 self at once the camp ieeting.on the bei ; - ! der land, where the f , forest meets the prairie, or where advancing civilization has i,liat reached the forest's, dpsky skirts? Strog, 1 and high and deeply tneving,'•niereing ce l r science and melting he rts, that voice soon 1 ! the souls and sways t e spiritn_bf thousands. L i gathered there. Belt listen ~ yet again It How grand are those 'ines ofitlienghtl •how apt and poetic those i lustratrons! how fine those reflections! how philosophic that an; , alms'. IWe wonder not hovr; to learn that j this pioneer preacher pt one time ably'filled i the_offiee ef Principal' of h efillege; and is ! now ono of the , most - idistihguished theele- gians, eniinsellers and bfel4ps belonging to the NOrthern Con,renoe of the States.' Verily a net* man i Bishop Simpsoe; anti I thee') who heard him pre:iph J at! Liverpool] fi , can testify of his eve whelining , pewer as 'a GesperPreacher. 1 . 1 1 I The next speaker vas of a len imposing ; 'form and! mould; Yet a well ''proportioned, - . intelligent gtintlema ly. I nian: n 4 one re specs, at leamt, he res sables Bishop Simi- sari, th a t I lhis features and complexion are I rather English than merican. Weed hs rises'to speak; too, al feel at once that 'a I scholar and a gentleman is addressing the 4 i 'llia English is rernatkaely pure and clef- ; sic; his pronunciation cleat and good andl' pleaaing.', No one !could easily discover him to be trans-atlantie. , Few. • Englishmen I I could speak so elegantly or so well. Bri . M'Clintoek (took , kb himself theArier ; . 4 statititioal details 'of American Meto6dist 1 progress, so far 4 regards educatiop 4u:d 1 . literature, leaving great principles to Mese- i t o i ll o p n a b g. ti ti n 1 n o e t gn In 7d3 o F tu n hi: u 7 l :h 7 : 4 ll:4li ; : l ili aa : v 7 i t a a l : : I l t e a b f a t e 1 v lid within the nar r ow stop. s ° him; produced Ei d h y eli d I n ' L ab a yi ma ; I : ri b l speaker, n e iine not i; : ng • only aabruhaatil;. to easy,; eminently silnit indignant a r l a y 4 51 - rasa., _n_ tha retu for er 7,0 the wanb powerfulbeat. , hat co useer r adio . fri y an an ! i , 4 n k lim i t edl F e e t ff ae e t 1 Chtfti left a li i t 9 e ' ,fit p a r I 1 . e a ss na i le, in il l: n r i aa t i w i ntaile:iffet impression h ee di a t h t risn well h b e . i i e l lC a i i ,1 establish-ti h n i t c o a l ti k , e ' t: i produed, fully p ec o r t th e most.'scholarly l and f ' -1-.-- 1 - roved I constantly in health; atid 63'6 still leda r t ;e 1 ; 8 : 11 a ,e r n :o: m s 7:: f d a r le e i . e an T °B l a n s h a t se t; L : g3 : 3 lnr. u f 5 : n i i i : i w N h t / e ns s r : ' e t e s s t . , — o ,_ n s m i r o - l A ie hma ttti6 c o l eb ri ll ac i Traveller, elig l ila : rd a : l : in t: c l l t i Il i ti ; in e r4 ... erable fatigue, thoug ht be very 'Cautious, careful weeks tiff sal on tin exertion. • kfte l r f a t Loudon fois a 'short joyuient here, l in ei: at his quiet-th°rae i n to Mr. Co a f , ait t% there ivrent:lby way 11-e lA"' au ram to the coast of Nor of tho haute' l c Di , Tdcqueville, Ilia -cautious, and efut to avoid ali'men mandy, to cis t M. i ii will then go 1 Switzerland? • -'• . . ' lions , 1 NM , -, ACTICAL, TEBT I 'OI O WWI . 213/ • • , • •• 1 . S UGARCANE. ' t --- -, ' •; t: ' , the he S ' avannaheate of instant. tas2 . l, - SttuttifoMl - ,ti(G-A..y Arna.49; 'ki t ' 1 I DI east. Brwrons: Amidst the ' heated and citing ; 'political questions of 'the dliY • I t ba ri e ) thought I would transmit the s rt-u*t of a radical experiment with the Cliinae singe r eane. : , „ .. ,7 --- ,_ , 'S't• spring I pnichare MO {lona a • i (r c yo L rt 'of the - seediitsod planted it 0t 0 .1 early part , of March, in rows about,fo _ , tt. feet part, and in' r tha drill one and t o_- seeds everisi s x inches. My. intention tract;; 1 to aka forage, having very iittfa: - confl. . 1 1 done in its saccharine qualities; but I.l,was l induced to change my qualities ; and nurse; 1 1 -- elle tort to procure syr-up from it. ' 9 DI self and Captain P. IL Stanton se.. 1 , D I leeted' ten eaiietif,measuring , .mie inch_in'dia : • amhter, and front eight to nine fee( long, , ' whie l a yielded live quarts of juice ; - t7' • more of ' the'samelsize,; which had been o t ono ay andinight, gave the satnd-quantity; ll and againj..ten from his patch, measuring , 1 1.1 inches ln diameteryielded ' i i tax quer l, ~ . 143:11111Z I . gill ot. hallpint. We...cut 1' - age.,! Wo put Lwolniaß e S4. l E.l glnize " in the boiler for the first boiling; - and after •.' bb 4 ili„,v Slowiy for ten hours took out, tWons ; ty! aliens *of - vary ;g00d.,T.-11 syrup. • - i•0-- ne t' day we carted 179 - gallons _through r t i l i sam. process, only increasing the fire, -boll- ;- ~ 1 Mg it in seven hours, lend' obtained sixteen . gallons o superior ssyrup.._ This to boil I __... down n tie more,,which Makes. it thick r, `a . and fa a better flavored than the first. ?I•ANSAS NEWS.' •:t I third, boiling of 136 gallons is at this m4 l Cs - - 1 • ' ••••• 1 marl, tak en off,, grew n ptain Stanto 's ~ Governor Walker has been much fright- pla n :titian, which is -ery fine,, and -whi bl, , toted by the - tlireati o rejection bythe'See- ' late. He is now hear and hand With the F ,., Y ,, leidl ? 2 E l • t ' 'l6 same pr i oportio - n -- Of syrup, 9 fiire.ol).lifsrutles. m re- ; j. 1 t• Ale has ea I 7- t A :t he .:pot began to; boil we rtnt lime in • t lextreme "Pro- slavery action. ten all•his past fair prlunises, and sent most ' •C' gOverned in quantity !humble dispatches from Kansas to the i•n an b - I " niiin g' -bein g the report of - Ex-Govern r Sonthern market. Whitfierd; • who ia nownn-liLlat by here, reports Walker es at present the !pet l „ 11',1 - t aturmil, of South pti i rolina. , , Rffi of the Border uans. , Sined w a ili er t ' -- -= . l) y:see(l planted nearly half an acre.— e alas had been taken 'to put the groutil •:!, conversion,' nobody doubts the Perfect tincif i X tl 7 ,.s 1 high state of cult ivation' neither .tv 9 cesa..of the intended Binder Ruffian invasion :7,..*- wrked with Ali eye to a report for too ;front Missouri ofAhe polls of KAiet - f;. --- , 1 ~ 2w,, y ,„, / ,/ 1 , 0 N! y Triinal L -.L4fritilfe ;! and turning out 36, gallons of „One; I Th - I t .' ' t Wlk 1 • e . emus rSttan tgat a er t : anu. car' 1. .1 8 . 5' 7 4, which was ground and boiled „in trnt . _, pays 'better 'than anY• th:og fiver - I his alleged KanSaspo icy b y the secession pla nte d . ;- , - !, I” s ' - - t '- fanatics and other I traitors, represented by 1 -,, e ;pri'r i t i crOat.: tea en •fen ' this ha-'styntid- • the Charleston Mercury and thelßichmond ' ' p4rke . t s ntelt ts I ,haio heard- 'of so e- 1 ! Smith, hai been, perEctly Alecessful.,9-It ! 1 7, 1 4 0k 1 0tg and failin to hex ` n'good a • T • ' hatrcaused Walker to explainimitsp_ell ht;s' T, q , and; who calls i a humbug. ;--illy lin-. promises of fairness -and justice:toward t t i lit le tp i resilon is: that-they In not boil it '',...nffi-, • Free ,Slate citizens, a'.l to adefttinearly eienlir If.they make moreitlMn one gallon same measures for th final establishmentslout of nine or ten, th sru will be thfert-_ .- and triuinph of slay '' as were Pu i rsue.dbYtl,or uciesa the cane is ;far superior to - Whi4 . .tre Las put aim - Shannon and_Woodss . we ground It !lb opl4 be boiled down tlt- . self_at the head of th army, Virtually pro. tit iz-i, has the 0 appearsoo r .d ...l the syrup froiri ! claimed martial-law , nd kept . his !dragoons,' chasing. Free State Mew, . whoin, caught, he thrnws into prison on `old, polit -webb-t!!--114,g;r7caPe--.1shen you ,k i ieStre to make stigar, ---, an t i llen you will-heve a flow article, if j, proper attention haa-been paid to the skim.. '1 ical chargers. The Sonth much prefers this, ming off the green semi" which will arise service at Walker's hands tolls removal;ton the top 1 1 - t• , ' ' - and in fact, I suspect !prefers Lim as a toolT 1 - v ' - .• - • - I . ain infoRUT - tit - 1. - woelle. v....than.,-an- 1 -- - 1 A c'T';''t &a. - .q. RAolwAso i ot. , , Bedford Springs'and elsewhere , openly sx- -Wfiteat - ,1,809,099 nusneia, wt., .z,..1._,-. I pressed Viewrofl,Walker's course identical - oats, VOO,OOO bushels. In addition tp • t thermal Siephens's.t I - 1 condemdecl his iso- thist it puts' the yield t3l' the potatoes tit I theral flutnniery j and said that Walker 800000 bushels; and other products of the was not kett l es to talk, bat to act.-.far m in proportion=' slap aggregate," say s !..1 He has - steadily assuredoomplaivanta,wlien , the Aarpliser, "nearly sufficient to. feed he has given thsnr 'any' attention,4hat any ' the large annual- increase lof population,. what he might, Walker 'would do what the which has heretofore , Made st-, dependent" , South required .:1 pfloourso the PreSiAnt an the neighboring, States to supply" - the wasicompelled to endure - the stupid denun ''' - definit..".." A _ - ciaticns of a few ferotu rus zealots who did I '--- not n i nderstamX the game,•and insisted upon Walk,er's ;heap in a Charger.' That wasll 110le'llIdtkellA that could not ho accorded them, but they will be restrained fritin pro ceeditig to any dangmtclus•i extremities by people more sensible .lian- .`themselves. - here ' . -'t ., All these threats ef. Sout .oppost ton , to BuChanan in Ckinbiess• amount only to this, that the South as; resolved to liold,hiM.; to the Botder! Rufflia",platform, to the end' that 'Kansas; Shall e7preSetaly 'ndmittA I as. a Slitve State; 10d Cubs, -Porto Ricoil &-, e. annexed: as too as ptitsiblo, , Thesei moderate demands w llrbe, gsianted by M r i t, Buchanan' with grea ehedrfulness, and all I things will go an co ficrtably between •him and the party. -', .• •-• ' The formal declartionof the , WaCthing- • U ton n:ort, that Kan 39 is. S lue to become f, slave State,' has na turally produced:a live- 1 ' sensation.ln signi fi caßt. averment that 1 •ansas must by "inevitable consequences i"-- 1 ! 'enter the Union al slave state, must'., have been !made : with' the concurrence of, the President It is true that•t he nex 2 iii - orn., ing Major Harris sought, jo expktn-,At state hist opinion withouttne..conau v i. v hit bu. 1 ' has' no opintons;,w . enaployes._ -Ile . slims! has lie with op inions,' has. The time for throwmg'off come. The. WaChiripry . for the meek the inanufael eifeeted. The turo of a 'slave' §t4 te Is'oller.. Martial Congte,ssional elections - at ~ The priso4 are law is in.force itilSiansatt Free Stat e rien.7-- agaiti\lin,g filled with t'du is about , to as, 'The ittsa -8 1-vg r i C T /yell adopti on jzif •lis semble, iand will %tee t h e ~ ,..._. _,...entri_ ConEttitutan by any, anti • e';:Liasrlr7li,ech'esl Walker will contitiuo t a oln I 11 that lies - with- I but jis doing !and • Will o a ifhis office to 1 in the.riOrier abd I inilue, co- co . .. Tt -L e Euion • 1,1 Kansas a - slave state, as q . , ma-0 • v • f i r „ r ' u l Democr atic mem P*6llcts. ' 'll44 ''? r. -at6ount h byre will will not rehe, on , ii te 't that any bill ' I hazaid the sta men . u rage. , Kansas' into tile nton, for introducing, 4 . coo. , a J e ff._ pars I may K which Toombs ilvil 1 h wilt p e rhaps up , l will. be sw . alicl wed ' th3 ar Pg •tr Y .l'''li rt nue. r e ' l. 1 . 1 4" • Cor. 4.- -0 a Lew wry ~.I.!_,es.-r - ITAILVESi SONG. 1 He)! rouse ye dada! the morning breeze Hatt swept the mist from the stream, nd afar on theldils thel towering trees ' Are tipp'd. with She Iday'e• first beam; o stars are gone, fhe night , haiiped, Eaeb moment chides delay, • AionatTyci then, while'the morn is red= • Away to the fields', away. ' 1 - j r o - us no music sounds sal, sweet; •• - - As , tho sharpening elopg,of.tho PO3lllO, 'l3 d echoing bills with gladness greet The song of the reaper Edythe, '-i ---- ; ow pleasant to follow with rake in hand; [ Tho mower's deviops lay, ' And scatter abroad with lightsome wand,' • Tho green and perfura dAtay.- - et.', thesoldier exult in•tits s pomp of war, - The king in his self-throned hall, , he freo-born farmer is tutppie' fitrl , Than kings and lords all. is are no fields withea ago • i And drenched with the bloo‘ . But-hills and sales o'er Bich A Wiriest of waving. groin. 1 --... The summer sun o'er and ,field Itis shed its genia l ray, . Tilf'smiling gores Opzolden g-t•ai A.A,lvAlt..tlie harvest day , ' •' Tti carry,..4fre - "&"142--fie- Attdifitgo. too, are cradle oifit nail 1 . T4141410104:1 in the b l oodless strife... . ~ . .., Then •rtp and away! Whftetbddiam i onil trtr, Derpanglee the bending corn: w oo 1 . . And gaily:We labor, th while-we •• • The"hraeing d breith o mord. . .. 4 e , w And under ,the shades o .beeebes green IWe'll rest at noon of ay:l 1 • Hurrah Toithe-seythe a keen—: Away to the fields—a 4,31 1 ' ' , , • • , - itoirßiehlad To. Brook, the t,'.vner ofTry . . or 1 and yiyoress,.ts'a native pi Albany, and. was foucterly, a inessengeribq In "the New erk Legislaturis. • ' I , 1 . 1 _ \. va.....Gaze no beauty be a . teat worthy; .' tifb' en h, i l oops sa ;~ H • L. • FAS'. AsLIS . TTFD4SIB: =I fr., __ „ , ...„ lORKINTI FOIL .)01 , 1XING AND tuNroma E$F.i.F —ln Ireland }they are. hairingia, r 1 I sensation over a g. rill extraordipa _ d ry female preacher .'i 5.1.1 e is drawing',crowds' ? of all sets to listen to her eloquence. iqr hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes aro ' almopt white, her face 011 P" and she is only twee-:' ty-two yearsof age,l She has many in!itit.' r ! tiODS. to preach fronilall parts- of the COU6 6i! and even from Scotland She,accepts • :, - " ' h• ' 1 ' .. iia art ly fie or reward, and says. sale iS i • ' • ' . I. prouiptea-to.-speak in obedience to LIOSVOr 1„to her pritYe,'iqi.-..tiiel..v.e.TP'Pa.!..}l,ince. uponnisideu;lest her intilino:blo.elv-to thee, is a I f consideration now-sdays .batruet our side-walks: \ ME 4 -yr I • , 4 j .-- . J.7 . Einerson Etheridge; late. M. C. fr m Tenne see, has been run out by, barely, 127 majority; in a poll :of ,it 7,000 votes. Waii an able, honest, iiiilopondeo member, and lbst his seat by voting against the braeka bill ,Of the Southern members Wh i p .voted against thiit bill; not' one will servo ,the next House. Colonel Benton, Louisiana lluut,2 Tennessee -Culfom,Land the rose,,nfth Gon. Sam Houston have nbii followed them. 10 ~e; 1t . would be a -8 ~B iginLrofi 44 1 ,4, 11 4- - ifteirin riday., Bain -u-,th, - State!" Now, the trutb?'or would St Ilieal journal:4'A with tNe Cu ion if it %ad a' II StItiV eon stead of a 'Northern eireulatioay . thiz ien knows tbat the iliehroond Enqu speaki by authority when it iays that g Administration is heartily w ith the Sc ';eKansas conteet—lbh. jor. in chi! .; „, ._ .r.,- , ~,, • . •-••-.:,..taa-r owr SNELLING SAT - 4 intelligent citizen of, the far Wes:, knows the value of •property there, in ter of the 23i1 in s' , says: • ' • . .. The" most stupendous swindle 'ofth i. 4 the recent stealthy.'eale of ,Vort ,84: - to a clique' of Administration Dolin, for the paltry sum. of $90,000.! The erti - if worth 52,000,000, and.weiil brought, nearly that ,snra to the Tre , by an open, fair sale' ' - ~,., -•li , r The Doylestown-Democrat, sa thC„real Asialic Cholera has rode earance tho I ckver Eections ,of county ,In the vt4tnity of Icalitv,'": villo anarßristol townships,_several,: have already died of the disease. , 11IeFsrs Ruffner. of Virg coutly sold 3,000 acres of coal lan six mile's from Charleston, Nra.,'- Corwin and others of Ohio-, fea L 1 • 1 - ' l - 1 1 I Er 11 II ME e ag tangy P"I:1 haul But A th, t,9 s. IWO orr 4130 • 0 is, ' ab 18 ;t 0 ,1 - I 1 111