The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, July 29, 1857, Image 1

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lENE' AN I " Lis " E P Br' . • I 7 SYECINENS OF. GII4PTION. . 1
~ '.•:73. - &J : ors l' A NE). ' • . I ;
1 We select frtim the Boa oh-Gazette, a l
'.- TERMS—ONelo . ,m,te. and Firry C'ENTstl r; f - ,• . liable ' •- I 'f t b. -, i
eav unansaa varieties i t ia articie .
stontin, IN AO;Atn , r; otherwist Two Dom.tas '
.'mrill be elthe: , e r l. ;No paper di:ofontinued, until: :The first ,relates . to a gentlieman, who in a
hp nrrcarages are sr tried, except at the .
, °Pti" ' Inix.iiil assiftni:ilaa.ti _s • uddenlyllip• ardlliis name
of tlof .F. , littini; . , . i - i . . - ,p, y
A.l,,iitisel,4nts insisted at the rate-of 50 ets. lc:died froui all -parts of the heuie._ .A.ltlio'
per E , fatire of4tiltei•a lines for r:tte iiisertiaa-__:
• unacCUSUIFIIe‘I Co public. Erla i ni.ll):4, 1.10 11)6 7
each k !,.e:in t .int taste ,a 25 eerits. A liberal i .
. i r • FREE SP EECH IN TENIS..:,—
' di9ceunt;m.,N ; t,... ly advertiscrs. \ amid great applause, and - said: . . 1
ll" . "-inert tat coi"iii , lit' , icioiise by alai ] , .l,•••,. "Fellow' eitiVirs, I thank
,yok. for this] ' • •. -- • , .:.•:pf.
...-r.. ,
;- I ..iiii linie I.rrilit at tii.ation...
- . . . 1. - itnlly grteting, and as my rising has called: Our readers will 'probably remember
forth' such plaudits I trmit'ttiv si min.. down ! that a ferr - -wecks since we . publirbeti.- ii
I will less substantia(ruarlis of,3our I t eiert article tikeri.frotu an exchange, Wkiai
* ” . L.setrforth-that a p apper pubitshea at 'Quit.l
• • • ;approbation,. ,
11The . .fyliiiii - ing poem w:l3 written iti 1821, on . Th _ _ .. •
e gunlnoti of 'the ge l iitleinan gainedrrnab,', Wood county, Texas,: called the .i` 'et
.had dared- to venture an - opitUoti
ti;e si.R . Sis . kft ;GE the Cholera ft en the east to- I f .
ban three hearty Cheers, and it had ( - juice ' Prisi,
,warih the ' weiitern - parts of Etlrope,, und it is ' • - .
. ,
~ as good an effect, as if . : he had spoken ten 1 that the interests Of . Texas would-be great
appropriate to its retie: , ed apparition 'foto west i w i nute3, wh i ch .11,11: probablY might have l , ly promoted .by substituting free for slave
taut pr6gres si, as mentioned in receut i purnals ] done if. he had had ' Mutt - ling to Any. tlabor. Thc article also stated 'that the ettt;,
GlimptiOn is a prompt npplip.ition Or: itor of paper, Mr. WinQton Banks, had
Breaible.s t i o - el course. f7the Pale:Win/to : nors . e. I :
I .conition sense—a never-faili- resource ..i been elected to a- scat. in tireu Dertioettifirt
Iteariez the ulais.tly term—, - ' ,
1 Accoftling to this definitic kdness,l State
. Cotivention,t - pf which party-ho was a
' , m od .and d..,k.a, or spectr? I,:irk
l caliacity ...ntl address are e: •, part,. I menther., It appears that the Prec .1-'re,Ts,
.-. who, it
.ii, , ,vi , i,ois. lirfor - f the Fon al l : , .
, 'nese fpialiti.fs site
• -,-partiou 2essary : was •not rapid in tits advocacy of 1:1:44111,
. _
13212.1",,11y Itrlif:ti tin-11 7 1h tl.e t,.r r ttl ni g h t ; ! ... c), a ,
~ i lln er,. Who is collie: 0 =peak in Texas; but persisted in pabliibm't •the'
1 '
lii W.;1:1;:eli kl`t.l - ..0r.4 :2.i:ire— -•• l'often is optnt court. i, .\ , • I cotimmoicltioUs of Mr. J. 1•- Lamm, which!'
4 , .1 .
Ficrce''' . II . e ..r•*".`ss' I r""'" i e ' tir e' ' One of tic leading membrirs of _the \ Suf. advocated the substitution of free for slafre
• A. i toll: Oa once found that evi.n 421iiiiticti'de,, labor.. ne- publication of Mr. Lamotes
~, , .
L . , s
'nighty and pnvcerful as is li' Silty, 51%.1A 1 articles was - loudly disclaimed against by
Z7:1 1 .1.1e...: of t I s e :,,,1; ti t ...t . t....etvitr.ii..ret ..s. Ural n • . ,
.... .
... .
. .
~ ~ .- 00 mat t li for tire; gumption of his opponent i tht. 4 . Journals and leading politicians of the
1-.•;i1 telyil'.l4 !ti.1.11-...:it.--
. Ottr ch.:4qugit friend uddreijsc.l tine jury, I State, but, none ututertook to put him
' ll,ltl- wY 3,,.11 : -. wi' . t: the 1 ' . : 7 1 ° .' - ' l •'''''''',..'nft ."
-One day, Ina ease of .consid:l'able tit - ,down-, down by arguetnent, altbourds assured by ,
t .
D 41% trnt . .4l4le 11ii.,f,L.Tr '
• ry . iniportanco,,, aml trifling in good Wealth, j 3,1 r.• Banks, hat his columns were open . for
lot g•tv:e. full play to his ima , iliation,-tind so Ldis . eussion 'of all subjects.. :Subsequent'
d I the Merits of tip; case otider the glitttfrl evilits itave l shoWn that both Mr. Banks rind'
lit Les.t.ifirid ima L , T y, ~w,,i ~.o cit.:ruled Mr. Lartintt presumed too much upon their
i I lwarcrs by Lis style, that the jury was tibfpiestioutdole rights as Aniericati eitizens
the law
l ried away by his coon iiij of langattg.i. 'anti citizens of Texas, to'diseuss. s'
.A , let - p•V..ic..• w. 1.: : - .1-a. t.i,.- F.:•:,1,1i:. , lit;
. . . '
oust iiiS bed IV y of exp•ie-sioui Ilia br o th. andinstitutions'of their State. 1 Mr. Bank
- - . 1.•,i ••7•4-1,7,.ta,. 7 ;',, ...1,..,,f , I Ih
:-: ''l'•• . • ' - , • tql I:. Wyer.: ....11 ,, i ;I: Ulliv.i hint u e.n Lis ef. attended the meeting of the. State Cauv'en I ea:a.. I.:: :.',.- 14:721.; - er iilracl'•, . ' • ~.• - ' . 11l . • •
, torts, and lie Sat; down. thulkina.,' as others lion, presented his credentials and demand
- Fr.iiii , tie:-.,:j±.1. f d.,i, ~ I toy : , irttl! 1
dial that it ma:to - red little .. . wliat tla• crm - - ea b:-Et scat; but was refused a irttritig by
Ahl it 'iai'l••,- 'I; • Itln - G .o ' i''' l'itl , to rtlie Nit tit. „ e L,. ! '„ i ( h.. a iII - ..„ 1 1,, nt 1,,,1 t,, a , ? .y., Ile h a p. the unacinious vote nf the badly, 'and:,not
.. ~., . .
oa''l'3 - 011 wc-:; :7' ,. ..,7 7,t:7a-- •-- ' ;.-, ptille,ll,,wol,--cr, to be a nitin of giunp•ion ; evou allowed a w - ord in deft - tneelcf . his po
'4'lll i", lase I;;;:t - t•' ' C . :•..2. -t t- t* ti
. " -r i ..ittg... , ... -4
. tlo.,co_4ii, ii,it Of - cliiiirticii, and rising front . sition - iii — .l7Ci•or Of free disusz.ton. But'
Aria ite,:i.... 1 ! , ez.:1'.....1 ti.t:,t t?til: ' . • Liss g...„0.,1 1 c. hail: - I , • this is not the in t hele By means "Of a
ft N 1.1 iii. :.1 . ft:.!? iji a.t.-Ilentl.* lt. •''
••1 t. 3- it iti.tzte lilt. , lion - aable eourt;and 1 conspiracy' forniedabiong- tho members. of
: you, gonliettol of . the ,Jurt,l to allow me, 1: that convention, u mob. was assetnpled at
Trazketli 1:; , , 1 r ht.-re I . .11: --
, .
,• , , , • .1, . , ---„. • ; . , , , , 1 h'ufo re enticing \ up.:ll', / :t_i` ,..... l( sf i , al. merits ofl,9eitman soon of: 1, as "Ana and 0/'&e.?" sit
art,: wee, 1n,..:. 1. ...rt. 1 •tt-1.,.1- wt...,.J..1(......
. ,
.. ' this ca:•e, s iti astLich me wor hy„cjient lil t s,' 17(115 of Woad (.mite y," . e.ittriinseil of slave- I
••• 4-C ' ilj • d4j i : l( '' i " -: ' ''''...: r ' - . .'--0 ',..r , r- , t ,. . at , ti,ki , totr irpi - ni:.nt. Inv i; ho'hierze for taupe_ and an excited rabble,'
n ''' -'-' ' - ' l ' t ' - i' l '''''' -' '''-' "''Y I• 1 ' - '-'•''''' . '''•ii . ,: . 1 . 1 k .;i . 1,r:,..1,,5r, ,4,:., - , {,i, , ,,,,ii,,i,.. soil 1 .0w.' fl', the surreunding counties, under the •'!
~ •
.1 rni iirgutae:‘t, whiek he lit.s Jost e i., !3e d, ' intinonce of loading politicians from the
'••:.'"' Illee ' it 114.1, 1-4,4.1 its tlfect tivo, yt4l,• , entleineli
. f..lonventicm which' had . so unceremoniously
'-'. of 111,2• ia:.‘l; it has La.l. its el:et:m,r a , the ••treated :Nlr. Banks. Th i s mectimf of "law
e 1.1 .: :I. `'V •••'''L'"g• - 1-: , ria..d . d ti:lae.s .4 . thfs 1 len-ral,:e C-aurt; ': :tml ortlet"lthiti passed a serious of resole- .
--.I •: I i ii.:' Li::..i I a .r.-er up,m the 11).'1116.1:i of, claim ci)cdemning- the freetloth of speech
Thr.l:l4'..lttlit4-1 cllo.l--- . lii 1 4 t . ; Lt., •- 44.:-eint,' , Al-I.iult, it Las hit.i oe anti :leclaring that the 1)•ec I'irts should
',71:::: : ,.•. i.i, :: ~,•
lia . Z 11 011 1111.:. P,1
... 1, . I
[no longer be published. !The resehttions
ialso contained a warning (-) Messrs Banks
and Lamm: to.leava within two days, upon
pain of Hog: ~,furcibly. ejected. A com-'1
inittee was . appainted with instructiaus to:
officially notify the objce . :ionalie gentlethan
of tltcy...tirit taken in their case, w'aleh du
ty etas ilistiliarg .. e.l. Mr. Limon left itnine
diately, arid Me. Banks as soon as he could
dispasi: of his office. Both are natives'. '
the south - -Mc. wanes or ;"nth Cart 3,1
V:1.1 Mr. I, anon of Virginia—bay alw.iiy..,
live.d and:beim r• tired amid sout ern insti- . 1
tutions, but
_po , sessing innate: e.mvictions:
it ri.rilt shish teach any u: ,i;rie , l :nind I
that it is wri,,,, , :~% to eat tioshriii.lof alliOlipn ;
a toi such a 'wiring will sutely, rceeil ,
with , untoldt.vils Non 'tile perpetrator. ' I
trvAla !
ioy I,lth
01 :crr
- I!iav,, ntl , l - 1: t!..ik :.. ,, :-:1 ! 1,1: ..., 1 11•;":1
i ; 1•3:::t‘ . e
, i..1 ._ i '.,: - 1,:,:. ...1.. i , i....,...;;. : : -
ic~rii:_tt di
lic.tS.:) Cat i.:Litt it . .l
f ii
~ t,,t,
.. :I li•.re was a . slight' tilds J ,onicut in: the
I Court, at Ibis 'capdiu exptel;sion • of opin
: iou, aud. ;;;1-‘cycs' Were dirl-ct•NI towards
the yo,t11 ; -- min t tv6l 111, 1 1 tie tiobi ric ,,,, t o
inu-it.• stwii :t :- , tattlll2V.t lld C011:ill 11• A :,
".:11.1 I . 171;1 h 1
.yii, - (lttlt1,111,:n (,e,111,, ,
;Tory, Why Lis ell - A - Inetiee l In ) bad no eff‘et
tip on me. lest , rday I.tad 'the plea,su're of
li,•to!! with my learned } , hither,':-the cotru
pinii,riir, lon .
fisilitig:es,•lirsion mei IQ!. the n.
I it, our harbor. Von thaw inmgina, I il:tt l'i t:
Clll illoytA lit irk lard line, 'hob 'lnd sitiki,r, to
I -I:)..:ttle. -i11,." 'ii-,ii with v.iiiiii, we t:.•oeue el
,-,,r 0 ,,,,- v de,.. V,',. ! ,11 , 11,-.-si,. - t i viill tile' excip
tin; of iny,,iyi-iti,i
. hor e . ,i/H c a m ., o n lid
in it, il t -,t:ing, gontlend•ul elf the Jury,
I,itit whit: 'kid,vies, t*I.I If you have
it'ol any .expci iouce, 11l the 'art of eaptutith•
halt!.-ut er ., you will say; that white Li 1
:loves are not aPp: ( priate .Or such :t - .duty.
did hut sa'.o.: hi: -- ;_;;;O,t;:s; ~ir duriti . , the
iy I Pt, n-1. ;lid he tike aiine into
:,) - 11,11.d, I,:t it- eaug m
h! many. fine li;dl.--
olio I% %vend'. r how it %val. done. ;LI Will
!' ;
ar ..
,N ..ou. !Zt.11:11 , 1:1;_ii of tho.iin.lle;svalk
si' ...
I ts , l i t , ; 4,1,- .f . I I:ur • , stliai,lvrai ,
mt, ai ad-'
entrlirsi .11' ; h fr
,-. ~:
:,...,,, i . i , ,, ..,,, , .„yz.:•••:,"3...ti :•lii• , L i n in a . ‘ttaim of'dutio•lic , ',
1 ! :- '-/ ' • - rt." u - ti u,l , ed ~• •Ct' • ." -'f• l , ' w i th
an i/-'`'''''li . 'ti l''. 1 1 :: . 4. 5 1i . riii :i' . !..ii.,- wi- ' q . ' • ••"',- ;": sl " - '1 '","-'' '
I . lle t.:,:et-1,1 1 , ..L.' , ..,,, i.,.., I :,ii?lt. to-iiay. . The
ed , ;:nc;•lit that h.: it 'i I 1,,0 ...;.-.;• ',XII -, , •
Liast of kik 1',..;.:1 4%5.. l! - w,.;,;.•: 1. ~..,I ''.'-. ''' s ' i 13 '''"'''' - '' s Y .Ol I/ IY'! li`! , //e' 3 ,g'-'• lift: -
. i:1 '" 1- 'IIIL-11.oc tr:e . Jlll , ,• L'•ey dr• - o kto the 11)11 , i('
ty t: lif iirp 1 v." . ri ii ~..: ) i. , 11, IT it :tt_ li I:' , l , :•dilit'l,l i f i • I •'"
" ' . -' l . :
from him ant,' trusi hi... sil•..m.e'l- itot i-dt-;. ~ ''' ".7 1 ''''. nt , il'r'''• "Ili s,' pleased were
;too': wit it to-, O t . et ier t i., ; ,.., ,;1' 0.. ', • .
i 'd ur i- s. ' ‘ c ti • I 'l t u l 3 ;r ti t l it li- il: 1 : 1 ;; .i i r ;: .. i ! -i i') f. u ;:li t i l ;...1 -i c ' ; ' ,:!.;; ; :;:;• ° 1 a:;: ., 1 . ;:i .. , 1 ,•: . ) 1-. . fl ' i j i ' i ttz. ; ,.. p 'r .-1 1) ::1: : (2
. ‘' ! . ,, 1113 1 C1 :i h i
C l l , i e k : d i
, ''.. ... ' 1„. '' , 1'. ..: 1-:) „ ilr' ,.. h t, '"'": l .. l ls ;c t' ,l ll , lr l l. ; : t ; I
i1•,1,e arttT high stitili.d.i.t, (::11-,.-I . 'il; - s.' ..:
had - tin t„:;!;.:ve it I .'sht t'a lio l';.-'' 111 • t witi" "" r ' di.°l l i ' lt() , ll , l ,l l , "u t ,'l, °f . i l k ' i ' ' ' vi ''' ' ' '
r e ; a di : . ess , I, L;‘ ,:it'-,• 0 .,...,1, ,i , ~. , ,
... ,' ' to siet.ic,....oes. triv Lane-
, le, t...tst. Li,-. , ^!..11,1 v., ,_ ..:•,. •., • F • 1" -;
, ,a , ... ,r lA.:. 10 fl , etrrtte vou laud hol , froth
ititpp;:slng N't--NotLiallS I:iHVC.4. • ‘ I,
jOlt. t.. 0
. true merits of 4.l,isease t .t.'
To be eand.ol;\,.ales.;:s..:l•7,4i;tor:, T am l i. :1 1_ '
dyahltmel ~,in , :.n . ,i,,, , , N , ~- , -•, . Th . ! Cou . ,,,rt',-..'l;is wrizthle to -tunthilt-is sally.
_ .i r ix .i; , :..'1::: , ?.-- • '' . 1 1 . L .,.. ," •••••, 1 1t• - • t ' '
I'm cis, i I ;',ll:ll . nisttr - ,-;14 01 ~v Z T -,:,,,.; t i,•,, , ' .' ; ' -.-.-1,,. b y. ' 11 '; c'. (4 ,l ll '"ec a the
list. tiiii, (•;:, u j i , 1. 1i , i ,. 1 - i i , e I: i. t:' ,'el fort ' d : i•l'liPliff tsar hi oken;.'t Ile .1 u- :,
, ry
,p; ,id attchtolti ti) the merits i;f the a:we
itor: u, re !linty liii,,), 1. - Z.1t.; , 11 I'd
.. lave +•-.(u ---thou•dit t f the f.' - hr. - 1 the -,v •
;7111 . 1111 p.rti.Jilh ' till Ile ;tit,...„.1 to i_i t . ~i .i,„.-,,
wan , 9 , '. H -'--- - . ll +- - young ~
r;ln,[l,,dk , , .
w t' api... i nt :1 11 11,1).)S gUyipt I , q) '''' t ,, / , 1 !hint fhat. he;
% I i • t I t'' . 'inust fast destroy the ;itt •'' effect of
. 1, , Eriflg,
.c . ,,,olutintriog nit! 1..y›...ti0 , 1- ,y'. iu •.• . •
the looking-glass, ( . .,r tnr,att"i3ttr . .; to drown 1 '- • ---: - - - -
iiimsi: .. a . , ,, , ,
~ . .,-,d ii ,. Aii , ii - , ... tilcat;
.., n ~„ ' 0 !“-' for . .tus;i . r.e-Iteiird ti 'e verdict. id''
u t 0 ''." '.l ' ‘'.: l''• tint welve Men with treat'' : • .
if ee. 1 vutre.t. Pin: o.lelcr in Klit t d zaill• I'll f a • ii . s '
' C. 1 ''' '. ' "1 ' .... i
r. - .ll;ise-te eive,stilall 'diTii. s -iii Ode flit'u=e cti'-'- .. -.
' ' - . I
and' administtli them 'IT '' l ' - . !' 4 fri " (l " f k)tirs ' to wil- `'''' 'we rehired
loitar.v. •
this-thustratami al e•unipta, furnished us '
:: ) . ir l l K ' l . 1 . ';'' , Y ,.4,. /- ' ,. .t a / 1 , ` ,3 1 ',.';'1 1 / i t , i) :: u g i , : 1i 7 , , ,,,, : iti . 1 , ...:
, t ,f ..
wt t a tatutlier :. ;the, same ot •% , ,,liielf Wa4 in a ;
= c, i i, ,_ : ;_souutry court. i,The ease under cunsiderc ;
Davy Cr;;,.-e(t.', or ssdx..e other. equal ty
~1 3,, .m irf c
ii; , l4.4nd i tion was in the hands of t wo . la wyers,Smith 1
. Irated el.;:raeter, •
t y wu ~.„ „1;,...„,i . •• _ N.,, ‘ ,.. 11 . in afr „i„i vou i t .,,,, t ; and grown. '_ Smith. was a vdry.flowery or- I
ultoo;!, •:tithout.l. k i ti , ;sole yj u we ' re r i,,b t ;; ll :or, and generally, in a 1:1 , 2,. or - Argument,
1 .101::e your si)euet , .. - ,.1f. this is t,:)t - tla.• ‘:
triode c-ol'ious quotations from the poets, I
au oi-crtsional bit of tbiltider he rrowed I
case, euni t _; alt;tig-rentenil t er ':in . the brisrht u. .``-'''-
',,,,,t,.,.,. of ~t , ti th, . j.0 ... 1e , 5 .
suoi . u , ord
. ..from )Vebster, ' . .W : .,,1tt, or ',Cfmate,-and not
f. , ii, ,,
an , 1 , 51 ;' t.ii. :' ,:nii,Lati, 1,a,, , , n,, ,, ,„ .
„.1 . Law : . I only . astonished' the auditory;
,tut some- l
tittles ast9nislied Liinself. l_trown, on the,
'rellee - -`'.Dott l t give up ; the ;liii e ; - .. ; ' • (unless I I
[contrary, lvt.s a Inty.tOr-of-facr_ lawyer, who I
you're bkirtd-'.up). • I shad waren.atixicus';
14. f, ~,.,. : v. .l i I struck•at the roofs of a. nt4.ston and was.'
\o at rents, hurtm! glut. next t act., , . i. , ~.- . • ; , . 1
weeks t;u ,l . _it i t .s * . 1 w ill f igt b e t ii s:vpo i rited .,: f:oulswnat
~ free-pnicen aaa blunt. - As'
I.Smith arose to open the case,, Brown. . who -.
if lam I 111ti.4. Lid • yi.-,ura ptwell, Itu•1 advise '
nu never tgAo to 1..d0w t•, - ,.. , ;:;insi.a Bellows ~ WII3 there lo- opp.•se him, settled himself
Anil to 3uti, :sressrsCiEditors. 1 would' i6to.his chair.;. and".requestell Smith,,'in: a i
I : louder., tone of atiice than.'lle)nter.ded, ."to
sat I and v,r , k 1 5 , -,rry .1 \ ti,iew 4 , ...5vn a
let, to •giv k , S'ou. so mut.' h ,trottl.;:e; I d :there . a... , t0uit.1, himself,” - The Judge very.prop
isj:by inures t'''ttlr.ita our : : pieest . sl theY t ". !Y rebuked such - Jongua.; , ,f and aoltniiiis I
cea5,,,..,,, q i.f„,. ik t ,; (e ja>, that ici ,
all lost - Le.l tere , l.a.sevvrereprimand.for Ouch (pen con
tempt of.court it 1 VW! 1 sat' . that , : hejiad
fure tlia next lippears, find I liz.ow it rnust ;
he t1 t1 3,,,,.„, t ,. , l'i ~. ,'<.. • ma•le a' false muOve, and; that; his Petsonal I•
~ “:•• Ite, • R 1 till I , l"vuiziu:V, 10!
Might pro se injurhous to the;
I PuLlifili: - ilie,tu• ' If \lr. K. ansicers me. iin ,ll " .. P`'l'" iarit Y ,
~ .
Luculiaisly, '
UR .0 so tut) if net, that..king ; ‘2 ' a t 'e t ' f i hi' (Bent_': Ilis•ginuption'eatne
- 3 .''''''' fur 3 WI/ . ! ,liiildntss, I'll leave the 'sub - - 1 to . ' 4".: •• " 't
' 1
jict-.•:.• , , • : - ,-.. • . , "21:4 it please your-. 1I•} or,' ~ he said, I
• Antila st yd u ' t i.,,,;,„ „,, e •&,„. „„,.. i , i , , ..-_. 4• 1 4 - jg - / did atat .intend au • disrespeet„to I
; tins court7 - i - s - Aii 1" gAve utterante; inadver- t
_ To:pizigue y GIL V. Itil irlii. l .llM . Uliti/P; tiri:il '
~ 1.1 . ..ii,rii,g 2 hiteritiou,iiel-ii, ' ' ' . -I 't tenth, I assure you, to tlittexpresSion which I
I T ait la_ re n. - I has girt u jut causd of Offence to,yourself,!
.A .BELI,()ws . •.' land pi obaL/yto the'culighteAell 'gentlemen
...,.Tal . 1611, 1657 . . " - L i which couipe;se this jury. ItholtFthat the
. ---*-4.----'-- - --) I ttligniik of the 'Court should % tintintitined
,7 ( 4 e:attle.;;'..are tt ilito , l delst.,ff- 1 at all haiards and 'under all •6irtlinstznees. I
1- ' l " i ''.iLl.; r : '•*-' ' •'.-' . '-!'''' J I would i•i1i,.):L1; ,, ) ,,,, ifEL ti; LllVileriit: , l b r oth. I
.. .
11,1!k t~)
/1 , 4 , Ii7.;1!. of my
:Iq-1J trearab
h i V nre t',o,
t ru r t
rtid g
L.Lee 1, , y1
11,11 L. a, oh ft :
ti:tr.;c~: .
fw,tai ht rt•
tli f
1.1 ti v ,tuini-r
Nur,lipg oC
:Dbroa; , : qoit thiulz.
"cor;. tcle b) be
qr !w.
)1 r.-zilfB
ri; : 000t Imp It! •loec to
1.(:,1 •
*C.: I
1 lb.? 1...:
, •
I r'ld
' • ' i % ~ ll--
- - ,1.... ,' .-., •- .. 1 I ,i , , . 1 - ,- - : -.--:-: -- .)-----..f . -;',, i.-4 .
1 I t: - . • . - -.,,, • --•:. 1; „ . ..; . ,
, . .
I .5, - ...:•;.t 4 - '
1 --..-
' z.".• . -.; -. ' '' t' - - ii -r1
.-- \ . .
-.- • ,
- !\---,
. . .
t 1 .
XI / 1--'-- NO :32. . 1 I
.. *44
~ ..._...
I .--- BE '
. . _
1 ,P.,r Slc.l! -as
er. I requested hip, in a triomeakiii:„6".
geffulness, to asionisY himself. Ire • - • 1 77:
that applicatim,:sud Low request hit*
to ustonish himself' . -
A subdued laugh_pasted round'theeniirty
trope - M e l t none were exempt , and Edars.
vimption—regained him, tholt
popularity which he had lost.
, .
letter from an Aker. the British .Eaitt
India army to hiS friends in :Euzland,
which is published. iu the:Lot - plop NeWA,
pre , sen ts , iii idartiiilirr picture of
!ion of affairs 'in declares
that it is impossihle to eenceal any, longer,
the eoulitiOn. of India,. though the gOvern
nynt sit reses every kind of
. 4:formation
'it .reeeive4 that is likely to Create' alarni;ii
,atbrit. is even sail that it ptiysi heavy ,to
the=iLiili• pers do the" .nn It' is
seiluontld dillieult- - P arrive dt the truth,
r a iknowled , ;e - of what is ;
The writer adds,. that the dis?tisfaellon
that has so long existed among the sciloys
from one extremity of Itr.tish lUdis te''the
tt:lter, has at length displayed itself in
its meaning. •%After giving strne. details of:
recent mutiny;, he says that beffire 'another i
mail" reaches England, he apprehends it
not impossibly that the Eurepe-n popula
tion of India will be consilerably din in
ished. alleges that this is Pa r eiager-
There,:seems to be no reason 'to
doubt the extent• of the disaffection, more
espeeially in view of the serious msuriet in j
whien the 'English periodicals sneak of it --'
.L 1 ? : 'American
. . . ~.
A de,;;ree of abstemiousness ts, by all
re: sonaLle personß; allowed to be; favorable
:to mental effort, but an occasional faSt 'is
also fonwl, iu certain• - c 7 mstitutions te,il3-
I . viigora're both Mlnd.aritL. body. ft 'seetus
Ito gite time. for the functions 'to complete
their woik, and then to rest for awhile..+-
fasting, for a moderate period, diminishes
the carbon iti the blood, and thus preven i ts
Idtowsiness, while protnoting a free circuit:l. ,
tion of highly vitalized blood; through Age
I brain; and as on this kind of supplydl e
I ready power ot. the .wind depends, 4 cle.r
1 uess and rapidity of perception . may reason
ably be expected under such circumstances,
.provided-the muscles are not.'reuct.! in de
&Anti. Those who by.tuental , ' habit can
I take advantage of this state may attain the
highest- eekiisy 'of ,meditative abstraction.
Probably the greater' number .of personi
i who thick tliseinselves morally -pod physi
-1 tally in health ; Would find hOw greatly 9.14
aro mistaken it tlieysquld.but be induced
lto.bring 'their appetites ore jut° subjee
l tiCtri, and Wait fidr sometbruglike urgent tie
1 Maud fur nourislinient before.they indulged
in e a ting. - Instead of suburittin s tO cps.
tom, and regularly resorting to thi , '".•ta.,,lde
three Or four times a day for . the mere' grat
itidotion of the palate, the 'wise plan would
besometinies completely to break through
ihe nabit,Und -copy the quickening pewer
o f 'a rational Will triumphing .. over aninuil - ,
appetite, Thus health of body and Lomita]
fortitude, which together constitute the
bet assurance -of intellectual power; may '
be coually prouluted. •. i .-
. ,
, , .• - - i ' i• ti: ..• ,
..< .---'. i
. ,
;-,....• .;‘,,..,--•••,.-„, — .,,T..;,. - :;'2. - W,1 7 1-7' ''......-;.,..:. - I s',l . . ''' -w . ~ -,,y,. -.,.. ~..• ' 1 . ~" - ' --.- -,
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• The Police giii,et
Lake - signed "Ono t[
Editor, iihieli-saya
• . .lant a short time
:with Lucinda Strati
'-.1 - I l e,ber , C.,Ximball.
040, :whore herselC
'atira4ted, loved and es
Ilinktiriu preacher, o
..iferi once happy home,
, 1
fitllfamily to, thi.ief,t?
InuNered, in, ane Mo n t
*ere, ~becaus e he erred'
thel phiraFty, wifet.=syllt
t . -.
'soon after...anittbA o ',..i
in' Om hinds . of. this ,
lattbell 4en I'B Of, - ..'/
. •
. .
yilisbed natigh ~ .acyri, i -, .„.
115(rwas .. —_
i - sini - to eijoy t •. _calm, innocent
Uttelpeetton. The tebr or Was there iv
aluipitt every form; itlhoi..;. oyes in ooe.---
TW turaril a Seber t Ktiaball,: whose
'White -hair tellii.his year f crime to be o
verlhalf h cebtpry.; - , harem - iS fi lled
froth the elite and eini. it ofi l many once
itaPpy _homes. . He has. teen, "spirituar'
and folly-two illegitim. ~ eliildren! 'Sis
tern have martiod thelsa c au,.arid their'
!both call him the tr ',• and both
sisters claim him as ,itrei. , ius land. l
- We send You with trrltti,r, an ambler
typo of a young female, w li l / 4 .d two nears in i t he State of New' Yorkhutiwas, decoybd
fro*.liiitne and friendstto?eeotne , l a beidg
of sbdwe and mime: ,Oci name we Shall
notldisialosii, as her fai - nisirel enjoying the
resPect_and esteem whit:lllre due them in
"that State. She has bitime l ta sort of a
queen in the harem °top; add seems to
enjoy the :life film leads,gar,
less of , the
future.- She has tiki4; oa Y res.s'and
determination, wh'eu• on e a otised, then
any womaAn krta l lt. 'A shit time ago
another brothyr beta ' enatiOreal of this
•t :gir l Lut Nail want4' wom a n , and while
Johnson orils;-Absent tat settlement about
sixty miles from the t y, be Went to , broth
er Johnsotiej and ,tri 1 to persuAdel his
"spiritual'":to leave h iota an d go and
live' in his houses wh ehe Ilia hut , ilvi.i
wives, while7Johnsen ad tu ei I i
!Int tithe ?promptly :refuse I l to' go, and
plainly tol - riot tdei,ma there jogai!).
Not for dny virtuoui 'scruples, l c by any
re"apki but Isbeatlid not Ike h'ur, and enjoy
ed herself with JohuSorr:, 71;1 t
this; brother
1 l '
would not give up the ~trio so easily; lie
went again,
and '.l3rigliata whirl !din,. to see
her. TheiPropbet told
,her Clint, it I,wr.s the
will of the Lord -that abg.itio . ,da be divor
ced from'her foininr-husband' send be sealed
up to this bother; but she tOld the Hoed
ofitlie Church lainly l that [ she Would do
r. \\.
nosuch thing, . - tuLtiv,t they iniglit, leave
hor house. ' •I'his from a . woMalo and to the
...Prothet who_feol i s himmelf..llalmighty and
pmverri - rt, made trim mtgs. , ' ,-.., T" '"?
brotintr t.titici 1..1" ....,,,e witlii him t... iqalo l ,
a Hai and then they would fie:' .The pthl
er (ii , l as ha {vas hid, fir it re:ifit ati.A.uptad
t') al) so when alto th w nt hith llike\i; n del,
rat, 'seratching hint iii the fioiel am i l i !o a ri f , g
his shirt bosom entirely odt! 'l'h3 lover
could make but a feeble shoW aoainst this
wonian null soon called to round' ' nt , r to 'fake
her efr.'! I -‘
!'t hen he was. a-ca It
truly . Imghable - .Thlk
ittnaing freelyn.l the prints
, .
'were visible oft e , •ery part o
lviiTge.- • Young. Ivas full
tl Sight that lie was
our lmarding, homo, whih- our
thet was by his s IP, with em
to .the throat to hide the 10. , s
Az.: it ha heti . ) anj misfnlithe to have
.ibeert a Mormon }ldcr 1 4m w
ie.l the hellions crimes of 104 infat- .
tq pcKplu. shalllwrite its• li.l,tiery of
fur in no other way .eitti .I'do duty
to Myself and the wholepeople..
-!, Ilishould haveleft the in•ieitl canted land
. ere this, but my repugnance to the
spiritual wife systlem has lung lsiiteelremar
ked line as ono -who shall inevetio froth - Oil
hits with the seeets I
.lttiolparture fi the city - tl3 inwreany
In, Norfolk., Virginia,, on tho' afternoon
of the, second of J ily, certain persona who
were imindf ul of what wasdue 1 to the prop-
or celebration of Independou'c' pay, came
to the conclusion to clean mit laying round ever'
art old can
non ibieli• had seenii
ducC;the Itevolutonary War; With it view',
to preparing it for the Sang of a salnte.--
I j .,
Afteri trying a con +terabit lo i nOth of time
to clear it - outfrO m
the'uzzle,' akitl finding
it impossible, the went An mirk at the vent
or touch-hole. T lis wig soon fined, and
by dint of rerseve ari4Alie dirt within the
Chamber was hauled v . ' out by ;thiMbles-full,
Tail rOotn..g.nough :-tvs made -to p6ur in an
ouno --- or-tr guipowdgr. The piece was
then primed, and thematch applied, Aen,
Very, much to theii surprise, an
edlySharp_explos,t ou took plaCkfroin the
mouth of the - pi cti; something whizzed
acrof.s the street, a d there was a crashing
Of tho wood of th United ,Fire Engine
House Opposite. An investigition .'show=
ed a' respectabhi sized hole in I the panel of
the door, and - inside an' old six-pound can:
non ball iota found coithe floor. The old
cannon bad not b'edu used since tie time
when it was last lulided fcr the especiatben
fit of the Ilritiih troops; seventy-seven
, -
yearsjogo, aud — the r -srtid erpnen w othen
lammed home the ball little expCeted how,
Macy'times . the gritss would grow and with
er again above their gravei before the mis..
2 should belliseliarged. 'lt ;Vas very aps
fire ; : ate that a eannsn lotide&by the pa
triota.aslj76.should be fired in.conimem
()maga of 'their time-honored laud glorious
(Leda! ''''< -, , -I • 1
6 idarket.
t .
. •
tier from Salt
caM. Mormon
1, 1
I -
1" of
ad a
nevermore r,StiEntNoo;by
Till God ,says look." •
I • 141ie BROiiIIING.
I only met (thee one caltusummer even,
Wheni God's bright etiirs , Wet e ebb:ling overhead
And clear hlue waters purling round _
• ,--
And yet the msmory of;thy nindly acts, •
Perfonedisd kindly, and So letylerly,
For mo and Mine. that „they might not 'offend,
Will never, leave my heart as soon the stars,
L W e i a tb le m ih m e Yi ll sTi e ri en above t ie th av ott'rtioreve U r s2 s i hrined,
AeAm firri on i p lei,
'l3 li s ky oo s tiigh o l taibei tip i lle y t e tt s re i s ii .. I c H
d -`'W ere re
-9tl .)7 Burin
tarioaar,_ lentereJ
, d 14404 her liis
t i lt lard that 'petica-
Mr. ' Btr.ittou Was
afteri he reached
.(wile died
r only tp fr e . , wits
yipg only
nre- Eter4l
Kk l
11E •
,i _
_I , iL p,
.for..D - u T HD R ; A.N? MS JJADDIER. -0 Onn
Gord'en, WhO died nearTurriff; Banffshire,
- 1 --I , • ; , • J •
some, nine ego; attained the age of ono I
hundredancialiirtydwo,. All the travellers'
who 'chanced tol call at' the neighboring, inn
of Turiff wore uniformly directed by
. the
landlady, „Nrs. 'Wallace,• to the cottage of
the .ilatri! reh, - "where . . they wad sec," she
used to, say; 4 Mie.;auldest-- man i' %until
sliir,--ai j , in ail - rilrorld.Among the'
visitors! one dui about the cldseof harvest;.
1 ' ' , ~
was a y4tuirr Englishman, who coninig , up
to the door ''of the cottage, accosted a yea-,
arable !looking man; l 'employeld l in, kilittitig,
, )
ho.e' with "So my old friend, ean you.seo
! . ! !
to at.knit 3,, - Our advanced period of lice?..,
one hundred and thirti-two is trimly a rare'
Ease."' . • - 1
:: . .. /
1 ' "Bell'sin the man l!. it'll be my _grand-
father•yl,e're, sbekingL 7 l.'m only 'seventy
three; Yglifin'd him round the corner o'
the lintrie." .On turning round the corner
the I stratiger l eiMountered ii debilitated- old
I ' $ 1 . ,
man, whose whitened leeks here testamony
to his litiving 14g passed tLe meridian of
• life, and; whom, trio stranger at oncesconclu
ded 'to 4be J,Gordeu himself; "Yo_u-seera.,
Iwonderfully fro It ury i good sirj, -- for so old
I a man., ' j 't doubt , upt•you have experienced
many vlcisSitud sin the emit-so of your
very loos' 'life." •• What's your wull, sir?",
1 ingnired the per on addressed, whose sense
lof !Waring was emewhatj detpaired. .The
oliservayotij jwa repeated. !‘O, y'll-he
1 waniingjmy fat Jct.,l • reek on ; he's i' the
1 j yard, there.' Tile j4 ..t.i. tiger, now entered the
[ garden, (where at last he found the yeilera
! blejold man busily digging jpotatoes and
!hurninkg the ~"Battll.3 of ilarlaw." "I'
i Rave ,141 Some difficUlty„, ht.- fiuditYg you,'
1 friend,' !ail I buCeessily
j encotintered your
Igrandson Land sen, hot I taf l .whorn
j jl mistook
for you i i t trAciA, they seem as' old as your
-Self. Ileur . lahor is rather hard fur one of
your advanced age...". "It i,,,'? v.:plied ...1.-.Anl.
./.... 'a. 1....:. ,l,vzhill t 1..44 .I ...1. able for't,
as the l a iltlie's.i poi' hiog4;' lira not very
1 1
stout it o pine 7 - G(a..yot ./Itrilip( y,Journiti.
--L H
i PEcup,Ains 0:,.: TI.IE l'Ulti.iC 'WORKS.—
i Sl s il ..3 it bees me vrub4.l 14 •illel . a oeks - , Iv ould
he old, the rats have een.very bUsry ear.
' • . • ' -- ---
I.3ing off public proper y._ Tous - jand tons
of old iron, have buen,i,atherA up l 3nihold;
' the proceed., it is thought, Will never reach
the State, Treasury - 1 .l , . . '
I The grah game has - been Played j 'boldly,
and every 'tit has been'ed dry. , The
1 toll
j tollectorsi Nava ludol
I'.i es. 1 All the
1 offi, o holdeln:, Statsjngdits, key - drivers and
rail oad loa'fe'rsi arc d niournibecaue the
! public werks i will "have no wore: . work_ for
poet. old '&ed!" ' . 1- ' i . •
.1 1 1.0 wend ''' ; piles have van'ished' away in
a night. The rogues m w lrgfu,to tell tales
an-each othce.—The iopie luo j v begin to
find out how 'the State has been Cheated.—
Here is, a story that was told Itheatlicr day,
as :,speimen trick,of the Manner'in which
a pr.' rson got pay threaltimes Over for wood.
' When the wood• is cot and futinj . rank,
the !wood inspector of tholState is scut - - for.
lie measures it and Certifies onelundred
cards tueasUrcd and saild to.thelStat'e i at.e4
per cord. ,j TI ,Iliert babied to
l a n il d ll l l gi l ves, e :7B o n 9 o l th i e u rT
.spector mean]
ecrtificaje.l The Rand is• there- loaded up
on thC Spite 'cars,•j and shipped` demi' to
Weld d'hiladelphia,i.and corded up. 71e
St* inspbetor is sent fur and he i Meashres
it again, and givesa third,cirtificate, each
time ,as though it was not the same wood. •
..1.1p 1 :n each certificate, pay for hie :same
wood' is obtained frem 'the, Treasury, =By
this cute con tr ivanCe Ioo,cords of Wood arc ,
paid-far t hree jt lines over.-4- chesty,.
..Doic. ,
her, 'nails
IlatiOttor at
.Ile pat
1111ttfineil 1111
shirt au'i
all ;Ifnex-
e Q r u i S p u‘ ::c ii r( o li i i d a n e et es s
, f i n oc t n f l t i i i s h e t n li : ac t l w c i. co e 3 a b v u r u l .; ;Rlinyeuc, gu,tion, d 1 i t r o ir e L ho s t: ei
.11 , hi
good ) w i t dc h h ße et e L.
c sa lu Y ch l
some of the inhabitants; th e ' power of the
sovereign and tap of•the subject are
altn?st equally'uolimited; ac?untry where
toleration of religion and religious
ranen are, alike uoknow ~ ; The religion of
the ,Stato is accepted by the people, or the
religion of the people is accepted by the
State, I know not whit Anything for a
quint life, should be th ,legend of Sweden;
dissent is _not permitted,
„ chiefly because
there are no dissenteis to permit;
discussionsare'os free as air,' consepiently
pilules are rarely discuss:4(lj The King
doo not interfere with the.people, - and the
people d iVwt interfore,with the King;', the
egtates are interfered with by neither, and
for their pact they never succeed in com
ing to any resolution, except to interfere
with nothing : ani nobody,-and so they jog
an very comfortably." , , •
This is Owing about es near to 'Utopia
as itavthing i that can be feared beneath the
clouds. Yet Sweden has produced great
heriies, who have doue their full share in
laying the dust of the world with Ildod.
Itta.,G en.. Suter, o first discovered the
gold in Califoruii, liar becoine it poor mut ]
pod homacks.
urea in t
e Anus.
iplendois of the Infinite,
A Happy Cimntr
i ~. i
. ~ . . ferment was theludeti-,,0 that we have iivy3
, .
Ti ' .. vp o lleau
met .- ~ _ ..2' ftillawing - up the tiCene—tre :are'r
sn c a .
ust . t . .
~ nbers i or the 3ittine.., ieformed however that a fri • •of hL
, , . . u o ur . t 0 i
, 1 uttonal
COLlVetitiOn shave • ' ' '
flinching steadiness in mit • an un- court after a few moments, appeared-ter 'St '
ering to' the.
icy they' have Marked ° : second on' stump the woods abont \
out. The all ov •1r • ' - ' ' • .
sess f‘backbooce •of un ..
y . p .. I,• and havin,o•• Ftlifvt' 1.-'"' 1
. quest' sable stiff i'l rim' 1 and I - -i '' - ' '''''''' a . ''
' s
noss.i Anticipating, theF ' ~..' ',lt: -.7- been. 9 i. -I ' T':•"'- '• 11 ' ' d .iii .
.1.4.1-. ,t.u, g ,: .ear...romi ....e ia eippose . s
"Dearlyabit" ow' '
ar.A.44 s .reitiricratiaay7We - Pjth; and remain. I be's,nuewhereueartbd westermline of PO'
cd..there until noon-of Monda , when thdfl and is Still going.., What became of tut;'
Ct;iiivention was duly organlied; but,' lestl reel of the putty is . .nok, known._ -.• •
"Dead habits" should,. 'in the intervals 'WI . ''.- ' - ' '• i
adjournment, take poa. - -'esion of the hall,
they have remained , there fiver'since, eat=
ing ard 'sleePing thereiand are determined
to 'continue thbre; if need be, nfil:the end
of theirllthers ',Spet. men. ar itqirielble.•
Injfilet to wideiitand . lu* th&Merit6
or"..ii.4,4umzir.l.lth.ra;•-batwoo ? - thy two.tin
ventitine irmay be well to - .state that prior I
.tOlMMiciaf,,the 1.3 t It. the IlepUbliema and
PemOoratic member - held 4eparate ,caucili
rsea te,[res),l ve -upon 4 heir plant.:. Commit
Itees 'Of conferrence were appointed,'which
1 dreit t 7up a mutual ageeent that the ruenol
bers'elect Omni(' meet'. in theltepresenta4i
tiveaChanitien, !It : unon,' on..3lOriday, • the 1
4th i " at widen houc they. were to be called
to order • and organize* Thii agreement
the Republican committee signed- in good•
faith ; but when it . was presentedto the ,
Deniecratie callous. soine quibides.wererais . 1
lied, "in tho midst- of Hvliiedi the; , agrdemeut
..lisappearial suddenly and • my4eriously.— 1
This led the Ilepnblicans teranticircate foul .I
- Play ; .: they accordingly= teekipiOossession of I
!the chaniber at'inidnight on Sinielaly. Mon ,
day, '-near noon, the•democratie ineinbr.lz.4
numberino• thirty or there:ll)mi e, came in,
l ot fifteen minutes tejurel...,
, Mr. idrse,
the •Territorial Secretary, un el ertGolt-to, c ell, I
the Couvention to order.. Ile, was pritiei. - 1.
Oted, however, - by Mr; No'ith, .a 11,;:publ
- '1) ' t• the'C -; nti
lican, upon w ose mo ten (ase on
' 1 '
was duly organized ; but Mr: Chase, in' t Je
Meantime, Tut a motion ' to . :).(ljourn, , to
whiOt thelhirty -Democratic thenibers te - •
I • , 1
spended, - and they then retired.:'_ - - i
I I The - i;rgutnent of the "Dead Rabbit," '
. t
.. .
.press . against the Repub:leanl. ma-lority 'is ;
I .. , ID
that it dees not • - eOrrsist• -. .0f al . : majorityeffl
I members regally eleeted—ther being clunk!'
them four men whose seats 'are contesta
i ' • who - 1
ad o did not receive a Majority .Of the I
phPular rote in their. d4trieC, It is adroit:
• tett that these fonr men, with;iegal . eertifi. I
I caws of their election jtolieir _liands;; were I
11rj - erft' but thore: was an um uestioued.'
~..• ) . ': I , i
, majority of the
. whole contention mi . :thou/
theili. The Republicans . contend that tiled
i ' I • .-
whole number of members is . properly It.t2 1
Whiedt excludes the - Pembina delegation, all
of whonLreside outside the Limits ; •of the
- propos d state.
The Pro Posed 'state line
eutstho Pembina 42istricts thrbegh the mid
i dlp, leaving the •. part in'. Whieb - areithe
I Main- settlements; outside of ithe lirio I all&
eu the Territory of .Dactitahi' cud u the'
•r • , . e' six
ineihbers el:amine- seats 'from there, 'all
' live in-the territory of Dacotuh. The deno•
ocrats contend, that toese men ;.should- be'
• idniitted, making the total'of the Cuu vent
08 .7... The majority of the fir4t number
I would' .7. The
be , 02 and : of the latter.,s. •' •
11 , Now the Republicans • had 5..} • inendiers
' present,iand excluding the four whose,sit•ats •
I .1
I wore contested, they sad had 55, :i major
,' ity of the whole number even-. fixed by
their opponents. ' iliesiehis. this,, there - - is el
1 seat awarded by the returning ofileers to ite;
! ti!AllOerat. who -refu4es ; to' accept, admit..l
ting that-Ads Repuldiead. oppericut was le-;
1 [I • i - '
nu m=
1 gully eleoted;:whieli would make:the num; I
1 her of - Repnblicaii niewhtirs,`I
are untpiestioned,'SG—a _dear .and inelli,l
1 pot.••• i ' • ' ' l''
able, majority,;,Ln f the. 1 etubina Ale I ,
- ' 1 . • 1 ?
cedes be admitte d '•i '- ' I j
I The true secret of . . - the, troubles in that I,
territor • isthat Minnesota I'things''
allowed 40 go straight forWarel ill their i
proper . r .
course; Come' into the i•linioti aS • a
IRepubtican St , te. The instruCtiods sent
out to the terra orial officers-s' l pm Washing-
ton! . are "BRIN.' IN 1 1 ,1 INNESOTA'AS A I
1 ,
cillieers are following out their itistructious I
literally. They know • that .the people Oil
Minnesota have elected .a- Majoiity of .Ile-':
pOlican Aelega!es to the . Cons:itutiobal
Convention;' . •and• their sole object now is
to prevent the foruiation,of any: eoustira
tionl whatever, , 'Phis is the Way in which
"Democracy' illustrates its dyotion' to the
Will Of the people.—Pittst j
itr 14 - Gr';.•.:eire.
! • . .
ThC.: Ihward county (lid-) : l', ;tune
i f n ir gs rut f
a co
h °s the following
gaeco i 7 . l
t . of h t e he
!li ,
i fi l ll ,e CS ,c ti o ol . iT e a i S b J b e:a t r n e4i f t a c t Br e and ,ao s cl o u n l . r
!piling. etull finally .entered., , pon'a brisk
I discharge of yeolts tin.d...e.nell' - dangerous
Missiles as layln their way. c son war.
•ii g his,comiidi was Dot hoidio up w ith thl;
loor 'necessary to' victory, 'kpitchet,i' in"
t: self. - : i l t 1 , here vs-C.IIIIISL lLtt• the 7 1 rib.
Ittll . -
e tell its own story.
("Finally the young %Ix
ought the suit, - fearful that
Would come out second best,
the Sport. lie raised his ar
Mighty blow, aimed, at the het
yer•gditor, hut, by: some ,und ,
twist of the wrist, the blow
unlucky bead of big own flaw.,
asperated -another son of the ul
was now stretched upon the fl,
two brelhers 4went i in.'
" Tire court, thinking sh
borsolf; ; concluded that it was 1
withoutf aw4iting 'a formal isdj
':made Ithe attempt. The cu
over one of the combatants a
a spectator who _turned about,
stroke succeeded in extending'
thb -- eTo r itt under some henche:s
site sill° of the room. At this
vided'atal 'met in' iu mat tie ~ J 1
I '
Scene -in Court
whO had
hid attorney!
and struck
.ati of the law
"ll upon the.
.r; This -ex
-111 pan, who.
Luor, anti. ttite
I i arouteut,and
Id fellahrirh4
elk' with one
the .Lady of.
in the' oil}e
the house di-
'I • .-1-•
'- .
The following getunne l
wortian's`letter is ,
from the ;Pertsmooth Trihune. The ix,
eitement .and novelty tot' the Avila lifeidoubt
leea helps to pay far'ita prk•etiens.!_. The
letter is frem StraWhetrY.l - lill, Kansas,and ..
i ,
dated-,play 17th In Betting ont there,., •
after leaving the boat, they all 'piled. into
ona little, wage ,' .stopped -ouel night at a-.
big house, unoee Of daub cud ; chinking,'
awl had tis' hold the, be el)tbos with their,.-
teeth to prevent them ftotibleuin ,, , '-
We r est quote the r ofjlha-letter ... -.. 7 .
- , I
"I wish to goodness that 1 renrld Oval l
you . i
u a drawing of our house' and ft rniture,
but I c:iii't do the thing justice. The housti r
is about as large -us your i k itelten. liiji?,
logs are r beautiludy hewed r i4 thet inside,
Although they still retain their;-natural;ap-,
pcarance on thg outsilde. I bave, thegreat
est quantity of kindlings - rty_ just' going
around,be wills audipullin' l rinctuldr.. We
will .<enough i, , b ,{ ‘ ; It. ;e•
, bale to ,lase 6, 1 ,era.. y ears, la 7-
we 1,4 good luck:" We have no Window,
but somethiug far more ,conVenient, made
by situidy moving tie shingles to . uue side,
as they axe not nailed, its nuswers-- - efeii,
purpose The day We got here, Mr. 8—
made, a table Band ~ cupboard, land '-.twq
benches (one bas a !back.) As our .bed-1 .
stead has not yet conic from 'The I rut' Wil
,lu4ka, ourlods ouili?2,fluerl , , We alio, two
I slidlves where we put all our pretty thinlYs..
I .1 < 0.
Three or four bags l hanging aro q trio
i walls help the appcstance very .much. My
1 duiter Geelipies a frie;mll}9 . Ation near the
'lnestl-bag . I have 1 ..1 nice little cooking
stove,. Which bakes very•vik;ll - We have
no cliairs - or any thinf , that 'towu. people'.
retimrei. ,- , - • •
1. W . ,,,if yo U lid ,5,...4 "11 . 1.1 S atitw, our first
diuneK; We had , uu 3 ,dish.2s. `':Char] y ate off
it.shin:_fle; Mr. Sr . ' ~, to.,k the li I Of the:,
Stove! 'lll a edff•ber breadi I a,
oTv- had
hig'pieee of trlo - , it:iper:'. ,Wc • drank nut '
colfee - out of :1111'610.. D—•--:t9 Mr S I ---
have Made tWo . r; .. the dieest Tydeus yen
liver SdW. They feuceir"thlun and all; in
. three dl 11_ys. I . dyed D - Li--:-, clear off I the
..go , r‘ls - t:;. , rui- throy dqs—ti•ol I wish:you
I eeuld see . my hands.; 'But ]< hack been Very
I happy—it is IhO' i ltliNg to Work alone vi , h
's husband. Thursday .I did a three .
1 •
Wei.lis washing; D.---.. i• vety well aid
a; httppy as lof can he. 17e has tt wigo.l.
laud a yoLe of•(, l lxen, ;cow tuic -11 i, two, tt, , -;
his and two dog-o+ll . l'dt; 1 lb.-Ite% e, is all
; he iivri•situck 'wezhaive•yet. We have het
1 ,
' lef t . thel ' •
I col- butter since , lin )o:tt--- i jt is not
'Il ' • 'l' b h here: li ' ' b . 1 I
' s 11011,1 ' ---is going to tu.n.
lit ii ? titt 1.,,xt we(.l:--a In in one t ),,k. How.
I wish yo wereehere; Flo' r• to scqyou.--
E l ,
;The country, is lovely, and: V‘e have„a,,sphl- 9 ,
.I :lid Place. -1 have two be . auTitul houtityls
'I. cratltuctl ve'stei day when I went wit M D
--aft,er woad. I .rode to ant ex-wagon!
lit has been so euld.latelY Wet 1 have / noel -
LlAvo dresses., I. think the I econef does 'Di,
ovhat (lti r yen think,6l it by his time? We
have the most geosb - k..erries and r.i'sphrtie4
1 you ever saw,' all pin- the citoutc; beLider
strawtierrics.allarolorl tlie 'J.ilier,. and Pleii.
ty of %,'M slums.''. p ,
i - ': . I___... - ' : . ' • .
• Tho Prim eels ofßepitblidan!sm• i •
Under this,licol 'th'e h:rie , .-tiiastitrition. - ;
; saYsi:' - ' • ', \ I I --, 1..
1) W e have vvritelied the' cflonteSt thus fir II
; closely air , ] with deep interest, and from all
gist we can glther we think the friends of
Wlr.i.toT ha v ethi
j reaQon to 'be enoraivl.
;; The signs are auspicionci-, wnika 'of hope..
cheer us . from every part lof the :;Ite. In';:_
Philadelphia where the De'nfocia t cy - had ev-I, '
lery thiag their own way la s t :year, we have \
assurenee from the most relittbl4 sources
that Wir.,Mor will hai-e'p. laft , or Vote than a- \
ny candidate oppoged to sham Democracy e,i
er had. The "Old Gunrd - '. Americans of '4O
and '44 and their able and enthuSiastic or
gan,: l'fie Sup, arc making a grand - effort :
for the Ticket. Judge IVlLaior- during a
recent yisti, made a , yerylfavorable impres
sion anien;.:: the inielligent eitiierta,ef ,the
"Quaker, City."-L - Ilundreds calletl upon ,
bith; and" , ..lll l .who. Made hi s , ra ti u ,,,,„,„ '
Were filled with adnuration of dr ,• '
thorthe "Wilt: not ProviSo." He ;a•ill•short-
Iftake the stump aid canvass the'entiro
I state, and it is folly) for any man\tiyassert
lAl.ats t elfull'2'l l 4l4tku, SP_DOlleflt, Gcn. Pa u li.
lictviill,mak,! friends. . His manly bearing,
his;eloquenee in beln(lf of 'free instittirious •
free unto, his honest, 'oUTTICSt. &feu:to - of the --
true interests of tho vountry. a i111a11....c0n 7 „... ,
. p owerfully,to his inintense,p9pular
iii lu Bradford county, the place_of hts'
Iresidence, -where hcZis best. known, , his
I frieuds . confidently_chom that he will have.:
6,000 majority, and throughout the•"Wil
mot District," and the ,Northein tier of -
'counties he will gain very largely on the .':.
Fteemont vote. In this county we court- . ..
dently believe he wilh L have 3,000 majority..' .
Crawford will give Irnu' 2,000 majority hei
sure as election day I comes, and ;aft the_ _
counties in Western Pennsylvania will give
him largely increased nojerities 'over the
vote of larst year,. .This Is no gd l es work, ,
but truth which eirrinnstancesland indica',
tiotis go very far to corroborate, The
bettiocratic leaders feel their, yeakness very
sensibi — , - y and arti greatly
. dishearteutd.- 1 7 - ,
Thty are fully convinced that they eetotht i
agionplaystkcce4fully the katne of trtjt
try .tadEtaud . that gave them ;the t. 3 1,,t- !
; •last fall. CI i 3 . -.- '
\ ,