The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, July 01, 1857, Image 2
1 1 • GI 'Arra FROXICANSES. • Border Ruffians held their Constitu tionall Convention' election in Kansts on Monday, June 15. , The editor of the Leav , enworth T i mes, who arrived Some Sat eretting;.‘tirnishes us' Some news in selation to it.- 'lle' firsCand tndst imppr. tort: - fict is that, throughout theTerri terythe Free StC ' Att: men /refused to Vote whetter registered' or nbt, with a few scattering . exceptions. 'Ably :three z Free 6tate Alen 'r known to; un tprineipled enough to vote in Leavenworth City! , The whole number of votes cast hi leav -Matverth ,county were my 800. There • a:c upwards of 4,200-fer„al ' , voters •in 'that county, 1,837 of whom were "registered." In the weeineOf Leavenworth, out of 700' vaterF, but 21S attended the polls.---; Allthe reports received up to Wednesday witting; Fith inst. went to show that a vrr,4 light vote had inst.,, east, mid that.Jhe' Five. state mei' had ignored the Whole thing. .1 effort was mad*. to get mains large a . vOte as possible, in 3rder t 3 make a show of• strength. • Toie Pro-Slaviry ;)arty.,iq many of the counties was divided into two factious-- olio headed by Go 4. Walker, and the oth- Er `ll _General Stringfellow. The former isiu favor of snbautting - tlfe. Constitu tiou to be framed ; to n vote of the Whole people for ; _ ratification t' and the llatter in siSts iending it to Congress with ,ont-the._p:mple passing upon it, and in any event, :jut none hut the "registOod" teas shall be allowed a voice, if h be sub , Oil This - faction generally prey's - fled over the "Wslkeriiesby Isrge - msjoyitieslin Proportion tiihe foie; q6st. In Kiekapoo, for in statfee, there Were Only 3 rota Out of 111 .east: fot_ the Walker ticker: In Leaven-. Worth only - 30. At Wyandotte, however, the Walkerites Were ahead 20 majority • ant of 60ivotcs easy. -This was th'e hn:v cinct- A-hcre llalkets friends outuura --acted Striur , fellutv's:zufßans ; so far as heard from. • • j iThere wereltwo polls,ordered, b o l e ti Lilt; :DouglaJ educity---lonb at- lawrence, , the other at. Tecultiiteh. iotestverfi" c:st in •Lawreriee, - and only 'about one ;hawked in the - \ other place of which tie tb:het received but a very etnpll 1... art.. • , 1 IVall:cr is in bad-odrx with the Ere-elat •ers A -:ommiuoc of them waited:upon litn. , next day after his Big Springsveeeh, herej• Gen. Lane - him up, and; de .l?maitclell him to changli . lka polity in xegard -- to sßbmitting the eoustuution to a fultyote tltez'Oeple; bat he insiste3 upon hi-s-po iorll/41- Thei veld him that the convention would not sustain him, but would repudiate WS: prPtlises he bad made in'his inaugural and speeches. Walkcri replied, that if .ithey, did, they might count:on—the whole -Weght of his oppositionJand di/pleasure.— ; l'he committee of Nt r ititmall Democrats iitecred at his threats,-,in a seornfulinan. tier, and'-withdrew. When they - got out of 40ers they 'bitterly deFouncod him : as a trailer to the Democraay._ 'Ade is fast, sirivast with the Border Rotriana: he htis 'already been repudiatedl by ilia Free State aide. Ileing neither hot ntfr cold both _p 7 artica ..have 4etvell bun out;—'-ehicogo THE BuREICANE "TERN." Wifhin.a- few days past the cauntry has , k ,bceti visited by most destructive ; tornados,, r markable :for their extensive range. I Canada to Cleorgia, there has been ! au unttsal elecnent-disttirhanc,;, manifesting Itself ia hall storing, whirlwiads and water, spouts- ' In Paoli of ,the counties Herki-, gehcaecterpy, Uheido,. Oswig,n, there appears to ace been' a distioct tornado,. gathering - and expending its force within this space'"Of a few miles The effects pro duced hare already been_ published in our. columrs. On Loug bland, t.ear 'Brooklin, there wai a similar phenomenon, on a ' ) .-1 swath fseafe, accordianied, with bail, which pasied over the Union Race Course, level ingfences sheds &c.; and insuring .a child. liornellsville, water fell in dense bodies, 564tructing the view 'of ohjects at a short "distance, -la Auburndale, Mass., the "per rturbatioui of •the atmosphere teak the 'f,sriti-o--,a ;waterspout, which is thug &- Bribed: , ' • It formed a column of one to three feet iL Light, and filled - the air to the height of 10 or 15 feet with, large drops and spray, tha whole lighted np; the. Most brilliant raiubows. There was poise like• the rush ink of a mighty torrent; there' was also a lcontinual sound, like that, when 1 red hot iron 'ii pawed watek. 'The Water spout had the usual ' whirling, / and at the al sine time a - progressivemotion, fund was )- about twenty or thirty se4nils in passing one hundred yards; when it eu6:)uutere(la railroad bridge, Which broke it up so that it passed away, without doing..damage.") In Withertleld and New Ilartford,• Ct., tl.cre was'alio a hail , storm, ;with. violent %%intl. The hail-stones, }or rather the pieces of ice that fell, yere of the 'size I (.f a walnut and upwaids.. , Scierul picees were found tOilse over t6'o ILIACS in length, II and one 'o! •a:.-triangular,sishape 'measured three and itue-balf inches in length, by two.! in width, and one-rNarter of ha inch 'thick ) 1 la Windsor, Canada, a tornaco uprooted Atli/ and did-other damage. .:A train a - -- cars - itandivg near the depot was lifted from the track and nearly overturned. - In Portsmouth, Va; and in tbe . vicinity . of Spoteylvaaia and Frederieksburgh—also itr — Sundersville and Marietta; Ga., there were violent storms of Wind• and rain, ac companied with hail stor:ei of enormous / size, reprinted to its& been as 'large as beu'it'gre . to doublohat siS'e,, which rug cd,Oeat injury to property-4destroying the) crops, blowing down trees':and fences, and 'doing serious datu'age to dwellings -$o. -• At _other Points, worth - and South, seirere thun der storms•and heavy raiOs have been ex-1 • Terienced, though without' the .disastrous results instanced in the' above tasei. All Ore have occurred atthin a period of tan days. In some parts- of the South the heat has been execesz•ive.--4K. J ./`our. of Corn • IMO Dead Bodies at "footrest, 31UNT14f:AT --' Jun! 29:—Sixty or 'seventy eurviters of the recent ,:disastcr• on the St Imerenec River, have' , reached this .city, 16 ;of the drad bo dies: have also be'ert brought I:cre and 157 to Quebeci, Tile-) CorGuer,s .-ony will Fit to•morrow. - The etuig,ants are Limier' the euar , it of tn.:. St Andrews I , • :it (Ex. Rottirtaos has ju t reurned home `Trott a tour in Kansas an. Nebraska. He expresses himself big* . slighted With the as which spreads on level ana fertile os a garden - on all_ sides.:' flu is ati .Griv. Walker with whom lie w Weil acquainted when that geotleman r . .ded An this city and heard hint make ''.apeaCh at Big Spiings. Soiree 300 of . e "people" came up , to hear the "Guvner,' Who tried.delPe ratdlytto get up an enthusiastic cheer 'for his.speech, trt,,whicb-be anounced his poi icy of governm ent, including the scheme of collecting the ta'x levied by' the bogus authorities. .-At the mast however five men cheered; at one time. When Walker , had concluded_"Jim Lane" took the' stump and spoke for thd other l eide. 116 was re ceived •with i s perfeet: - Atorm of applause, and left Walker completely in. the shade. The peaple arc about l') to T against"the whole sham they are palm off for a "government" there. The Free State men (abolitionist , you know,) are all. alive with hope and etermination. ,De 7 mocracy has probably - one its best or its worst in that land 131 nceforth it is to be hoped that the speelau sham I wily resign tbe sceptre and the t 1 and: peace and justice come in to ho rule I atitong the lEven the wo enople.. there are most 1 111 enthusiaitie fur the • fr e State I cause,- and cheer th.lir sons, the' husbands and Abeir loiers on in good w. ks of freedoth by 1 their countenance sp. their maeoitragin b o• aid. • - The election for. IN stitutional Convention thorough going- bord been chosen, who will Which, as we hear by ` is not to be submitt, Free State men unde 'Gov. Robinson; and, der the direction of upon the_Topcka C they, stand entrenc course of events.._ TV the matters that p excited the I: that if a pro.; eta hy this cot to render it of may not provt per en which ;.e.tte. • , Serious NE W TORT ots occurred i Hudson Park wero enjo,yin6 roved wher(s several of the form, York. tar serious ri- In Sunday, at Germans who a; attacked by tattle ensued, in whiCh i were seriously injured.' and was the scene of a -1. gang of rowdies at: inney, of ; the'Sixteenth ine of Lis ;men, and sue- y fight, In rescucing a 4 custody of the police". wash "it Kinney was, It itt believ in:the melee, and several 1 ouslyWOUndeti. 1 i. tt of the - arrests by .the po jam was acting as ringlead- affiaos who were assaulting 'allose Cesman. They cuing their comrades and semen, At- Williamsburg i 1 td Irish engaged in a fight persona were,stabbed. ; of that usually peaceful alga in a free fight on Sat thout having . any serious oklyn two rival fire cern in millet; stones 1 clubs' Iles were used Creel -and were injured. ---- , .....---.4- 4 1 MINNESOTA— The Chi aturday says that one of the paper has just returned from I al unprecedented amount of 1 in the, Territory, more than,l ins carrying , away bridges, i end destroying Considerable Mississippi Was risingtrapid el, Wednesday being in many out of its bank., and prom gruilar in its extent , to that of Itiest settlers . had-never wil ing_ to cemparo with these day, ite - tith. the quantity la fell was equivalent to nine trobable the Morin extended re region mitbracing the source tarics of the tipper Mississippi warups and lagoons which fed completely saturating the au r olo country. A good stage of confidently expected in 'both pi and Minnesota riven until' tutiler i :, which will facilitate the ttlement in the Territory and active I-RENTERS At A new arisen in l jhe Anti.Reht he town ot 'Herne, about twen from Albany. Sherikßrayton deputies, on, Saturday O'er ceding there to make a sale eldJoy,a-man named Shultz, are fired upon by some persons ; the bushes by the roadside. as injured, though one of the` ed a shot through his bat. lately gave ehaseAnd .succeded Shuitz,e'son who had a gun in n. The Sheriff then proceeds - a, d made the sale without further te, squently several other arrests 1 and young Shultz was commit. preliminary examination ' ! 1 GRASSPPERS IN bilti 2+l FAY? A —l' h e St Ant ho (Min ) Erpre.s speaks of the ravages of ho grasshoppers*, in that region. as follews:-,—The. region around Monticello is literlally alive slith grasshoppers..NePer in 1 our life 4 ) 1 we see so many of these' troub lesome an) destructive insects. They Crack led under antis feet- like brittle shells. 'There was no su.oh thing as avoiding them; which ever way itne looked orrnt they were man ifestingitkemiselves Tho not yet half grown they ; are already doing immense damage, and unless they speedity'entigrate must de vour every green thing in 11right county The Elerenitt • dangcrouS riot. tacked Caprari - Mi Ward police and ceded, after a Lk prisoner from the men—Captain M ed fatally itijure.d of his men dange A riot greg'oi lice, of a fellow er to a gang of r the members of succeeded in re beating the palit the Germans ail in which three 'rite firemen suburb also inf.] urday night, w result. At Br panies engaged] and other misj several personal t., THE i 00D ,I cago P en of * .s. editors o f-that. 51iiine Ota.i rain h - Palle "filling he !tre injuri g road "prope 15. : Th ly at t Pant ,places already ising fload 5 1844. The " nesse unytb rains nSu of wa er whi inches. It is 1 over the entil and the, tribe filling up The the river, and I face of the w water may b the Mississir . late in the au I progress Of SE keep busine •Tfie AN trouble ha District,' in ty-two with severe noon was p 'of when when they edicealed No one • 1 party recei They imtrioi in e4turin! Gds pt , ssessi to Berne a tr'rtdo. S wore made tea after a row bei York Jo says Ilia it F., the have su though ' will be.l the seaF. heilthy I ton, do ' reCOVelr l!faver)d legates to the Con i is - now, over, and 'a l r ruffian set have frame a Constitution, be newspaper repot t, to the people, The the prudent lead of f4orn emergene.y, um'. no, have fallen back ttstitutioil, and there 4ed waiting. for the a ealtnnatiod of all -exed 'Kansas and ' . and we trust ion is adopt r effort tratO Territory, it Ae . as tho pa- L—Pitts. -Cu- lIFAT HARVEST , rt: GEORGIA is gathered. A letter in the : New mild of Commerce, Nut Athens, , both as to quantity and 'quality, best ever Lad in - Georgia. Oats ered a little from dry weather, al full average yield is hairesteck or Corn is backward and small for .n of the year,' but it is gcnerally and may yet turn out well: Cat erer, is too much injured fully to no matter how much it pia) , be hereafter. ;'BEAVER 'ARGUS. !!!IMMI= & Z. Wepsnd, Editois & Proprietors BEAVER, PA, WEDNF,I3I)AY, JULY 1, 1857 FOR GOVERNOR, DAVID; WI:GNU T Of Bratifimi County. ,'FOR'iUritENIE JUDGES James Veech, p i Of Fayette. County, Joseph J. Lewis, Of Cluster.: Counly. ). • FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER; WM.'OOl . l L V/ AR D 'ol' Philadelphia. UNION COUNTY TICKET• Assembly. DE LAMA. IMBRIE I Borough. Sher WILLIDI W. I,RWIN, Rochestee tp • Register Recordq. simtiEt, 8.. wiLs(*,Borough . • Treasurer. IVIL4IAN HENRY, of Borough Clerk of Courts. • ALFRED G. aIeCREARY, N. Brighton Commissioner. . ABNER NORTON; Franklin • Auditor., • ANDRE\V M. PURDY,' Ratcopn tp Goioner. NATII AN`l'. COUCII, New:sciglaton t_ \ Poor Ibitse Director: HUGH ANDERSON, BOCough. Trusiees ,of Academy. . M. T, KENN EDX;;IsI.. BiSibton„ (4 yeah.)l SAMUEL MOREHEAD, Sharon,(4 yre.)l SMITH CUANINOHAM,Baaier, (3 yrs:)l ABNER P.UACollK,Rocliester tp (2 yts.)l' To the Patrois of the Argos. The business arrangements of the publishers, of this paper will oblige them to call uponi those with whom they have accounts, for a SPEEDY SETTLESIENT ; and in order that all cod may be seen, one' of the publiehe Will accompany IL B. Anderson, gig.. toi County Treasurer, while filling his appointment' in the different townships, so that a settlement may be effected without loss- of time to any party but ourselves: While other papers, alf most everywhere, and obliging, heir 'patrons to pay in 'adeanee, \ aurt ?mill certainly not take it bard when we butasic them to pay up arrears; or at least to 'give 14:4heir die • bibs, for whatL ever the amount may f'l TEE CORVENTION In another column will be fotind the pro beedings of the Union Conventikthat ail sembled in this place on Monday 'alit \ TO Convention was full—every district tn,the county being represe,ntqd. The busin ebs was transacted 'expeditiously, and in au eir- r derly manner. It is useless to deny that 1 the nomination of a portion of the ticket I produced disappointment, and gave rise to more or less dissatisfaction. We con fess Ito a share of She former our:..elves. ' An 3 in relation. to the seating aside of souse' of the, candidates' ) and' the suhstittitution of ,{ others, not previously named, we must be permitted to sayot this time, that, while we entertain the :very.' highest regard !for the getitioincn thus nominated, and' con-', cede dm right of 'the I Convention tovotei w for hni digo see prOper, we neverthe less object to this,summary way of disposing of candidates previiiusly announced, and I be-, lieve if to be a too palpable violation of instructions, and the establishment Of a idangerous precede.nt,d at all times fraught with mischief.' The ticket, . however, is cdruposed,of goad men, and it is needless I for us to say we shall yield it' a cordial and active silence; and we trust that all wko are now:dissatifed, will take a 'sober Rae owl thought,' look .the matter calrely and siparely in ilia face, and, in th•-. 4 Int.gli Ivo of the departed Clay, resolve to "'il../..'tii , • ir flints and tr/J it twain'" Beaver Machine• Works. Being in the Leighboring village of Fall ston, a day or tiro sine 6 -, WO passed . through the extensive-mg:a of 31essra Childs; Mc- , nnell and Darraghs, for the manufacture of Engines, Muley, Circular and SaOh' Saw . Mills, Tub, Bucket and Keg Machinery, Flouring Mill Clearing, Planing .Slachines, Castings,'Lith Machinery ; &C., &. Some idea as to extent of the business earritol on by this firm may be gleaned fiam the . fact, that some fire ' or six building.i i are re quired for the different branches l land an, average number of thirty bands employed The' main building, three stories iniheight; contains 9 Digital Latlaes, 1 Pulley Lithe, 2 Iron. Planers, 1 Wood do., anlupright Drill, and many other requisite ar.ieles of machinery. ,The rest of the buildings are used as Pattern shop, Foundry, Smith shop, and Ware-ioom. They have secured the right, "acdare . engaged exteasiveir iwthe manufacture of various, kinds of.' tngines, among them the one heretofore manufactu redl4 /it Salem; 0., which has gaint4 . 4 wide. I I spread:popularity, The gentlemen ompo.. sing the firm, are energetic men;l and first class mechanics ; and We are glad to learn that their business is catondirrige and that order. from are l l and from distant points are pouring in upon t h er m [ I j ~ i. ram Refused-41de I k [i Lino .Ithetedi 1 h , • The' opinion; of the Sup e rs Court, in itehl4eitir!ile to the t t h b e e i P pj l e l t i i it an 4 u orkst wa s t t o restrain deliver cd by Chief Juslide Lewis, of Tuesday last' , „ [ . The' PP/Olon'rui• unanimously concurred in.l The I ! followingw ' ars the points deei i .- I • ded: , .."--, •1 - if& That tie Legislatur e had constitu tional ,anthoritY to-autherisc tho sale of the Main Line. i - 2d..That the - P e nney! ma Rallroad Company.nay lawfully., me ii purchaser dt snob sale ! ~ , : Od. That the Legis latu re have — to - bl e ititutial authority to re al the towage la c k., Mx., .1 - i I • • - ' Chippewa—Thom. 4th: That the Lesiskt e cannot bind Carter., . the gtateby contract , from imposing equal Darlington—Jas. P. Martin, tares, and that the condition of sale to the B u m. " 1 ~ : Pennsylvania Railroad Co parry in that re- Economy M.: A. A.ndersol, J. W upset ia void,! and aninj ction to that ex• Beightly. , t tent isrgemated. Bu .1- , 7 Fallston-HGeo. N. Taylbr, 4. Thorn _ i sth That In - all other respects the sale Hey. i . ' may go on and the. Pons lvania Railroad! Freedom l, bor.—P. Bentel, MI 'R s Mc (_3lumpanY may bid r. o.ll urchase, on the! Connell. _ 1 *4 - ' sl l tne terms as othe . corp, rations or indi Do Dist.—J Paul. 1 viduals.'l I . , '.. 1 . ' Franklin—John McCaskey , J. W. Wil ! ~ I t -! The ' ffiirtli pointi4crialing the action i son g : ' , ; ! • LI HI Frankfort—Saml. 1V Leeper, J. S. of the Legislature; exoneiattng thy. F'eutii. ... a sYlvanla Railroad 6ompanY, frottril t m Payf ‘-'-' N w e l) w be S il eClelily--Jobn • Grint, I1" -' cIGH : ' oe -4 •••• . "1 rot of all tares, I relieqs the bill tor one bring. . - • of its most objectionable features, ard will i Greene—Robert Reed, John JoilTt . on ~,,e lt the eordill arpt oval of tile tax-pay- 1 BoPewell--Satul. %reties, Johia Iktitte. , r , , lodependenee—W. M. Reed, , rms. I".S of ti , e Mate. The Ge i 'vertor, on Tltu . n4-, .. a i taut , i , 1 , m t. l, 1 , ( 13 .7 Lifn, in in'''-'"r ll l'"c° '7 ll •.." 11 ';',er' i s''d "'=';'H, Industry—Joh IVilsoo, Richard-Wel i _lll i ice,.o'l red , cite t :tin' line to si..l , =. Th, t i ton. - , , Pemmylitolia itf.iiroo iromp i e ny ,l thri nig h, i Moot--G. ,Yir: Shrodes, Jas. Sprlnger. it , p r .,...i t t,,th t , , m r. Th, j 4 5 ,, 1 ,; 1,,,„,,, 0, 3rarinn . —Sheilock Stone, Edmondlloots , I . • , 31cautree--, David Littell,- Alex.l Adams. , p l utehas'er,' ler the mom': I , r r 4tien e •' i ' 7 1 , 4 Vth New. Brighton bor.—D. Critchlow, W )fiilions Five Heade...l llt....usand Dpilara. ' c 3urt ,', ey. •__ , 1 1 ilVe alc. , :unirwic,,:t '(:tainti , I)r.r•tit ti... ( oariiiel • Norli Sowicily— James Wilson I rAO9. , l i ' 3 1 itha will now ta tateb 14,1 t 1. . ,):: D I e, Rtitu,ttyl . ' I j 1 t and its Prf's's , T l 4-• L.. e, 'belabored i Qh ic)-- It. ll - Hare l l3', J9hn Strilz- :P a r Y , ' ''' 14' i , ,=-, Patterson—Rlihu Evans, T. B. Wells the Republicans so him:lily', 4and sna.thma., [ ! ' Phillipsburg—A. W. Willard.i tired theni so aI:I2I , AM y, .t for their con-1 ' Pu l as k i 11 . phir Eig 'tl I ' I - i is, . Lim i. i , detonation !cif the decision of the U. S. Su- Rochester Tp—lt. , IF.I Icllvain,l. J. J. promelCourt: kward and in the Da i s Scutt case, t hat ;.Fcister- I 1 • 1 I ,ir win 1,,,e vrreinbarras‘ sing Ifor i l 1 j_ D to p ti ________bor i .--Cypriati Bracken, A. L Itaccoor 1 them tc, change frost', so soon, and be cpm-;---.7„;__2gcrlenry. polled torepudiatethe State Court, not- South 1 1 inlay, Jni--.---1-e -withs -tami n .' ii ---- g it is wholl compered of men ! Millen. '. J r b e l o ti tig t o th a t p r t . Will i th e mot i The Convention then proceeded to the '"Packel and Repeal" i still flutter in th e tnomination of a ticket , . It breeze'? We shall see.l , . 1 l i D- 114 - linbille, } 154 1-, was nomin ated for Asseinbly, by acclamation. Sit ER] F . l-71 irsf Buitot —Jobe,- Roberts, jr., 12; Writ. , B. MeCrafftek, 10;' Wm W. . i Irwin, 22;,. , David Johnston, 8; • J. C. Cook, 4; Wm. R. Trimble, 12. ~ 1 Second /4 - Wol—Roberto, 15; Ir McGaffiek 10; Johnston. 0.-. BEAVER ' ACADEMY. 1 I' I . ..Annual'Examination and Exhibi.. l of the Pupils o Beaver Atodeeay; came off on Tuesday Thur' edayl;Of last 1 ift i d , i. week. The Court House ` wee nicety (mea t fitted , 1,, menteu and up, rat everything, clx.l eipt an outbreak or,itro on the I last even ing, i occasioned by'so e u n ruly rowdies , passed • off as agreeably and 1 prufitably as I could have been ably anticipated by the large and interest 'i audiences constant ly in attendstnce. T , examitiation of the yeut; i g ladies, was gout . . by Mrs. Me- GM, sed'Missei H I . Ellin t--that of thelmales by Messfel. 'McGill, , Duff and -Smith. We were utteh pledged' with the I character of the exert: itur during the brier ; !' 1 , timc le were permitted to be preseet. 7 - The saolars ganeralq acquitted themselrei well--inany of thet--evinced, by -, their rihm s ipr andearreer 're. , rise+, the questions ask'ed,tliat they had ueitherheen idle - ',"nor 1 3d had their, instructors,C been =Miss in their I , , duties. ]' The musk; n, and the' options by , ( ' 1 1 the young gentleme andjthe I essays by the, ladies, were•gott i en up withltaste, and evidenticare and -thought, and rehearsed in , a manner tending grpstly to enliven the ex erersee. The following young ladies passed thro the graduating Itiss, and had the l'ttr al i hac;rs" c i onferredl upou.them:—Migges , SaPhisCarter, decal M. Conn; Miry Ew ing, Louisa ass, Jpgephtne Oilliatn, Mol , fie Gi ll iam ' M ,- ary MeGrory,r Maria Scott, , Mar/ B. S tokes. 1 , 1 1 The Fall and Winter session commences Tli lino I I - Monday to ugust, ...%I:stvErt,sAny S aturd ay •oe.xt, is fire ql of July 7 fisho occasion, we doubt. UotWill be observed, and upp!npriatedy celetiraled in the differeOt. ',1:11e; As'.4r , ci to net oriuCd, l and r- itettLl Cl t. of this j:indl lie oboist janu I rest)) tempi z.,•olioots i'Of-..lrii , Y,ewa•er f we tin.iierS - tund; Will Occupy. itwN. E. cud ni 1 bor f 1 • ' thc irizt exer , ; i m_s o, si ing; , , priycr, :ti , L ref I freshinenti:uiay bE . :: tiac;.r •. .;,t - rub ,f nx. Eik NKET/8 it 10i , )1 hi At s an rres,:uoira Will Qat tie r reniovrA at 1. ;t ,i , ,,ci . fili! app , : ii*.:l::•, , -- 9 I C. ~ 1 „oil. STEAM FRIOA —.- TE NIAOARATbe 1 1 LAlrioo Times devotes a column to a de tailed description of the 'United States iteain 1 fri'ga'te Niagara xfliich IS now off Graves Eud (nag; ) to sails( iia laying the ( submarine telegraph. The imisel is pronounced the no• blast speciman lof curial -nrchitemture that hae'e.ver crossea, the atlantk; and the editor adds::` ' 1 " i i Not - jill the visitor has walked I?rward and ,perched himself somewhere ne a r the boti i t • prit can he fully approxiate her; immene s i ze and bewail ullorm, and feel that he is looking down such a wig , steamer as the o world has not ' t et seen'the eqUallpf, and by the size of w i'ighl i the English ' navy can show nothing to 'compete 7 1 i ancinnati Da rly Gazer, --- • ' • i 1 - T•• .at 8t Louis, Std Louis, Jura; V, —Tbo es i tensive "Drug ..atablishment of Bernard, Mums & Co was consum e by, fire at (nine o'clock this morning. LO3 $190 i 000; insured for 5155, 000. Et twelve minutest froM the first a. larm, the budding and stook. werele maw of ruins- , " , , I 1 talon County Convention. 1 ' . ' l' pursuant to the Call, the delegates ehth. itl in the iiifferent districtaassembled; in Conti o:intention, at the Court Rouse, in Beaver, on- Monday, the 29th of June caPt• WM. M. Ramis, was called .to the 9hair, and_ W. Thos. ftfekinley appointed T ice president,and - -- P. McConnell and R.' . MollvtuttEreetetarice. i ' _ MM Mai The towaships having lleen called ever, the following persons presented their cre 7 entials, and RA their Seats es delegates. Big Beaver- 7 ,. Ttis. A. Anderson, Hugh Marshall. • ' B s -- Hh—M. S - Pr AiOrOtig) Quay;. Jorter. Brigli'ton—Ches Given, JOS3O BleGaf- . . The name of Mr. Swearingen acing been withdrawn before the first ball ot, , ,Mr• 'Trimble's after the first, and those' of hlessrs - MeGaffiek and Johnston afMr the ' a i.eend, the -third t ' and last banot retmited____-- ' Robert. 28; Irwin, 30. , ------ J 1 ItiotsTr.tx & ItEcoanErt.--Ssmuel ,613. Wilson, 53; 1 J. 1 1 . Melienzie, 5. TaEasuttEaWilliatu henry, 42;_. John • ' Courtney, 16. 11 CLERK OF COURTS.—Firs 4 Ballot.- 1 Francis Reap, 23; 'Alfred G. WCrpary, 29; Peter B. Young, 6. ' . 1 •' secantl. Ballot--Reno, 23 ; MC - Creary, 31; Young, 4. COMMISSIONER—James 'Warnock; 16; Christian Black, 14; Jos. 111 Cunningham, 4; Abner Morton, 10;JaniesK Thomp. son, 14. Second Ballot—Wunlocli, 16; I Black, 9 ; Thompson, - 16; Morton, 14; Cunoirgbato,2 17. Biacki 7. itic niril—w rnock,. ; too, 18; Thompson, ,16. Fourth--L-Warnock, 16; plick; 3; Mor ton; 32; Thompson, 7. COlONER—Nathan P. Conch, ..5; A.:llannon, 13: ' M.' Purdy, 34; W. 11. Enizi4r, I'. H. DinEcron..----Naitiniel Lindsay, 10; Hiram Reed, 26; Johi.flesson, 14; Hugh Anderson, 2. 'SecoNl—Lindsny, 4, Aeed.,ll7;lle3son, 10;J .-kndrsor., 21. /71 " (.1 R d 15; ' ee , eIiSOTI, j• A d 11 011013, TitusTEEs.--Ivltliew T. Kntmedy, vearti;j3amuel Moorehead, 4 iyears; Smith' CuaninfflLitti yrs; Abner P I llenek 2 vrt. • ' • Un mot on, the P s resident 1,7a8 authorizedi 'to uppointl, and make knotiabereafter, a . ' CounryC , rinnuttee for the ensuing year. PlessrsiT. J. Power,, JaMes Darragh, nail J, INV i eyana, selected' as Itepresentative c.,nftesito meet similar. (Met from ,the 2:011Aly1t1 1 1 I. LN• • IC110.). 1 ; • • . ... 1 1 . • . Llt,• , )i. a 111. resolution fin al then offered 1 1 7 2 ,_.., i' - ;; I , t uri alta.nullY au 0 1";6‘" 1 ' ' . ; Ite , ;;;lvi. , l, 'fhat the State' Ticket! notni uatvti 15111 w UlliOIS COnTelltiOA . that MOM. tylei at liarrisburg, in Sltrchi ast, and the Ticket niguinate.d this ay . , 11 1 = this Conven tion;arelworthy the eoid lel ail,d united sup pptt af the; opponents of" nib Nationid. Ad toinistration,lond we hereby *age to both, Cour_determitted efforts . to insure their sue ' cm by ti ,triumphant niajorityl Aftetj 'which the • Ccinvcnti ~ - 1 it4C that TOE LATE KANSAS ALE ON. ~ I t ap pears from the returnsi l that not' more than four thousand votes have boon polled at the recent deaden in that Territory foi: 'delegates to the Conventidn about to be held, to form; a State ConstitUtiOn+Gover nov Walker, in a speech' de4ered at Tope kai declared that tee thousand voters, had been registered- , One of ti audience de. dared that there were fully ten thousand who bad not vegistered their namely and it was, not diepUted{ Aare, then, we have an approximate estimate of the total; number votertoow in "Kansas who are residents, and who , should be entitled to .vote. -It ' would seem, then, that of the twenty th3us and voters only one-fifth of; theta voted ati the late election The Coostitutionsi Qin.' vention will, .tban, represent '.one r -fifth of !the population of that Territory. owill that 1 body be a (Air exponent oft e popihir will? 1 , . , I i AUDITOR—W. C. Hun t er, .21; Andrew , ._ , )1 — 7 --- -------2 . Tot theiseaver A ugus.l 1 i , f. bizsaas. gnirogit.--This afternoon) chanced to be at our Court nouse; and could not . but, remark a few thitigi l i struck m 666 altogether wrong. Ther Was considerable pains taken within 60M enrs past to beautify and adorn the premis s!bi plauting.ihade troei shrubbery,* , and, tintil lately, in attending to theiepreFe6.a tion. Io the meantime. it has become one of the pleasant spots in our boroiigia; Par ticularly for the grateful ,shade afforded in bot weather. And to the citizens :fiche county. attendlog_at the Mat of justi business, or during court Tieek, tei preseots an, agreeable contrast to t Court HOuse as it sioyi befors theJ' provements were madil. But why . is it . There appears old attention paid, by the proper autnorii preseryiog the premises, the trees Mar !, Int----injury and mutilation Ar county Conamissioners'so engrossed in more:! Ira portan t,lmprotement a that 'they clul , give I no part., of there attention to such =small I can make no ''effort to j 'priitect and preserve,. this 'portion of the public 1 property , ? For whom were t,/ these adornments plaCed there? . Was it, net for' the use and belie& of UM people :of the', , county; and is not, the smageSt tree or stifub,the property of, the peoplo,/ilauted fur ' their pleasure and . gtati p 9 t 1:)n A l nil t4drefore to be proprly cared for? 1!, Yet, step down to ,he plice and tee how it look's to-day. "The trees, the shrubbery, the grass, - mutilated, draggled andlAramp.. led under foot • all this at least ter ihe km- I qfit of - private institution's-4r inditidtials,; &Ay. What right has'a t Setniziar :(how- ' Goer valuable_in i TAO to he alto ea tire; II e ' us of public prop:rty, when by t at use it will lnevitubly I o abtited?: I , Wlftit right have the Coinmis inners to',let the; Court I or other rooms of the bitilding to iiittprant j shownlim, pay-loc,urers, or any nt i bor per-1 sons, where it must inevitably tesuli, in 'the 1 same abuse?, .1 . 141 they have no right t.3J ,do so, and are anuinable to the pent) e of the of the county, for abuse jof the trust confided to them!, ltotrevci, t approtehl them interrogotively, as it may bej'poesiblel their attention ha's never been sufficiently! awakened to the Matter ; and urgeCthenotO.l give this their serious eonsidersitcin. And ! before concluding, I would respectfully t suggest to a gentlentln of some whit sport- ! ins; proclivities from a tneighboritig town, i who is ambitious of dispkying a span of I fast (and. glad ones, too,' that it t ' tvpuld die butter hereafter ti hitch his nags! further front the trees when he stops, that; they may noefitiish the work of,ti.;molition they hate begun, by * catiug ih4m up mi.! tirely. - ' 1 - , • CITI' FN J James COLORED CITIZENS—Th6 r Ctir, gar says there is a colored 'hien Clark -street, yin that city by filet' Gray formerly from '' . 'l'on,hlc4cp Yolk, h i olds a *passport under of the Secretary of State s irttll seal of thi nation attached;', crib that he/is a eke. Ilitl 4 t and .gnarantees nis pr.oteet,i,in the flag 'of- our Union inityll G - r - a"Ty fieit ttl-anf ation, made 'in 1853, whiCh who.- therein .1 311"—Gray is a citizen of the Ulnfil in, 27; There - .shall be , :stt addititonil shies* 11,. , .ii , i constitution, ta ile deziguat...! :is :tau.-he Nu , ,„..-. fullowsi ';' -, 1 ~ - ). •- ' - - -__!....ilfia wt. a --::,1 t .--1 '...--..............-.1 . . 0 F ... ' ,N 1... Al e 0 U!,:l . FF. S., • , No county shall lie iliiiied h . * it line (noting off over one-tenth of its I , ,vithiLien, t either. to form a new county nr other t.,,i 5 54,) witt,iiii the express assent-of Swell . I colinty,•byn - roto-,7,V,,, 'ele etors thereon' nor shall nny , 06i eenity les- Jestrifilislied, ekiutnitilni less than tr_nit, nun 11,1 • - ••' 1 s ' • -•- .b, k ii.iii,.. 111 . 1 i... . , -_ . i . ..., 'y • . rail/ if ii - tr-vnit.,..t ' . -- 0 1 ' ' - From seeti. , n two of the. fir -4— St" - tr' BEIVEIt MACIIINE M . 10111i5.. - constitution., strike out the . ii-41.i, I • ' , ..,.. i . , ,of 'Philadelphia; tiatlof earn eininty r ,, , ,, , e i tt, Childs Ill'Connell and li Trag .S,• ',-, -I.YilliFoili section lire- saute . drti l elU, ,‘:)f'• i,ht. . 1 .... ti1 l vi -4 4 - -, the ictivis . "of 'Philadelphii 111 , 1 or - syliall , . UNHLi i. 1 connties;" froth section seven; , eina iirticic;' out the words, "neither ' the data of l'tel- F I: . • 1 iefelphia nor any, and wiser in lien thereof tio :4 1 111CAILT 1 ' . I.worls,„:”nnd tio;" awl strtke out ttseetieri f , or, sTE A li. . ENG I NE, 'l. EtTI (4DERS 1 6ame alticle'" and in lieu thereqf insi):: die' . 10wing.... - ‘ , • 1 1 .---- , • Fallston, Belli .° (Am teji I ', t ,. • , . 1. -•i'SLC7. J. In atc,;year one . thoci•oinu iiight Tir,• 4 . - ; 1 . tired and, sisty- t foor, .nwl, In eV ry syyeatii yti.r .W 1 p. if / , ii •i t i , t . 0 . . tiler...tans'', ?eV, sctltatives A.) tile tilitio:,er.or vitt. 111 I C r :lrl l e t;;:i i ii. Y lV C 4 l i-/ .r 1.1i i;11 e lje l l t 1 1 .1; 11 1 la - . g ) li - 1141r: 1 C; f"nd";/' shalf ' e a lq )Tt i" lile ' l nii ' l 1.- " . i' ru ' eTl and latiltinery inentionett helOW. -Ire have. per e. t itall, tnruitgliont the 'state, li i . e,p- . ! . ,, , ,:-. chased the right to Make .and 4el the ,tprepartitmjta the - TOncl. , er id t.i. :3 0 1 C n,:,,,,. t ,n;,_ . . i .1.. !' in' the several parts thereob• except the. .o , • 'P‘.TI'...T OSCILLATIN9 I?, i NtIINE , . I ;i l colis i ty , c ., :mtsci . T .,,. ;sug , 3.1, leatihr( o i ,b. ;,, ,:. ,,,.. ,i .... n i,. of.Messri. Cridge & Ntrrlsworth,l arid are now (shuntlred taiables' may be ..;:•.-..i i s is t, ~..! . 4 :1 r,.‘ engaged in the manufacture.. „-)ra.oli ofit.htnvit„ the low- 1 representation; .1. tia .s i. ii ar.t fir :, e.: i',ireli . ji.t est possibleit'ates, -whir ,i *i, oast shall' be joined, . Oil ra.iiermiit:. , t'lial.l le ilni , ie.„ per cent; loWer thnu the Sli.l6lV,PreEuginci--, iit'tlic f u rtaatimi lot 4 i'l u,. lira ,if' , t.T. - . Thei simplicity and . i-llimbilil‘l ,,l i, oinl'ilit"l wilhiqtaiiiitt,4 a iotliicienr number of ta. , :th.e. i l...eit , . l e theirlienpuess,:ninl almost utteri hOpossiliility i tie It to at least witreprescui tiveii, - --sigi laic . to getout of order; renders thetitthe must de- I .a gepa'rate repre•leutolom• as,..i :nett it. :1 F . fit-: , sirable 'F.ngitie to hare.. ' I • i : Ihe divided into onvenieut il.i. The following is a list of lie different kindsitotis territory, 9 'equal'. taxa of .lachitiely . which we hared tit4de. ~l'ersons I near' as mav be, each of alt _ wishing to procure anything fotthe • kind; will elect one represpnlittive.' ... ~. do well to give us a (All before p . rchasing else- 1 . ,%t the end of section servo !' M., where.. .7, i 1.• ' , • l .sert these wOrds`, '"1-11e - ciii of Pinl l -1,1°1. , 11-liti , '. '• Math c Sli ! •10 Valye Iteelpfoesthig Rogines, Ihe ilti.itled into siti;le .zieiett , ri,ii disti•iiit4.. , .:" i l , the.satt e Its manufactured nt itten3, Ohio t. O's- i deihignous territory as Inniri; ertlat in fal.' l ".' eillittin Engines. Cridge S.: IWasyrOitlf , 's Pat- I pophlattoti;as p,; but no y - .llill shall le cnt ; 'f bend Bucket ithichiner ;:. Flour hear- vided in the,c,irinatioa t:h:reol'-; rel' an 'Nail Keg Machinery '4 Pinning Ma- i -.; The.itigishiture„ chines'. Cylinder t.r Barrel . :Ctaws ; Fire Brick i adoption otthi, si clot:neat', shall divide I.:. at )1., tic-( ,1:0.1.-. , n, lft , _r t i itf, and C ay iloill's ; Starch Rollers , pipcsand ) city of. : l'hilhticlpl s. hate sen i tiori,al :tie: rei,:..-, t Castin s for extracting Oil trtitn Cannel:Coal ; I setitatiie districts. in the flri il' 3.l ',.'tb. )v ': p. r "' , , Flouri ig 'Mill Gear - log t PtilltieEtand Shafting' , dill such districts tore,_ main uitiiiiiill'4'" l '.'"•,'• MuleY, Sash, mail Circulnri .S l tv Miils•ii Lath ttii.• af , porliournent in :tai , ' dlear t":": :"''''' t Nlachi l ery, &v. , •besides ntiznerotts other Ma- ti - glit hundred tintl,siXty4onr ,l . . chine which it, LS I Itot . tiecess'ary Ito enumerate. . -.. A T o .,,; f t/i .:11/tettllda•itf„, • ' .We might add a; long list of Icertificates„ but deem ny but thefollowingtinneeessary.; . „ brat "article of said coatitotioitlol LII :lei.. Lo ECON'OMY, Decenliet , 240 iithn fered and read osifaVoirsi , ISSG. :,. sus. CninuS,: ' l / 4 1ri,ostritirrit ,v. Co, Gentle; ' - There shall be an ..iiiiitiottal sc. iiin 064 i-'• .. • Set , . "G. 'I helegtsloldre Shall letrx Pli'f . '"" LiVe hereby certify that Wediave hail one to alter, revoke; or-otniul. any cliart'er tr. OseillatingEngititee in lose, for, nearly , r;oration hereafter etinfet rein by, 6- ::1c: 0 ' , '' a ! bombs,: and flint It gates Satit‘tiction. in i ispro i n f , or ~,,en4rni laic, wh6o ., r in ti,„ir Li oral- respect. Its principal hi, ii, injurious to Cie dvantages over ti w i it.tha— . - , , insuch m ,,., - oitiz.°•t Tinton Engine are 1 t " "' • I commonweattu , . , p ltier, tin „ I' . . Its simplicity, and Ithe consequent I ' 4 ' I nu injustice shill be done Ito the'c'rew""' to keep it in good order., L, •* :, , 1 • - , , - It tikes up much less room. It .requires less pr r iissure of steam to do tine amount ,of work I; rind is, therefore; 1 with less danger ankl.lss'iuel. • • 1' ,: RespectfullY , yours, ' '' .. • : '"4-. , ' It. I.. i BAKER , . , ...„ , - j itAcloll Etilt ICI. it ~, . . . •1 ' ; . (Trustees 1 , r flicilities.for shipping to any IPoint what lai.ltail lioad, iCanal.lar , on the ellthio Ititt-' ;ms good as at any; other ~Poiltt.- Our sire situated in FallSton,l'a on ilia :west :54. the {leaver River), oPposite,N. Brigh.: inci only one hour's ride by rail fm ro Pitts . 4. t . ' I ...July 1,1847.. 311/1D MIL X 1) On the 24th ult., CcEpAQI C' oat., of this Borou tl about 21yeaYs'. I ge ' I*. ack T. I\ • ' Mr men: Po yo lour every the c., It 01lit) za Od. the work On ever, er, is Wor I Bank' ton, t burgl a 'adjourned. 1 DI....hOLLTION OF.ARTIiLLSIIIP. - Th •-• I ;Partnership heretofore existing between ,the n • Sersigued in the youndry business, in Rridgevrater, under the ',style - of Anderson Sr. 4 4 ebmev, . has this day been . ; disolved by J. 3. Anderann selling his interest to J. S. Lehmer. She %Tamen of the firm nilllie settled by John - ii . Le er. 1 1.1: . ANDERSON. -,- , Jul 1,.1£457. idNORLS. LEHIIEII.` / • • :NOTICE. :' • ' ' - " Ha Ing bought • out the .7 interest of J. J. An demo il , ' in the Bridgewater Founds ,, k will still carry* n the business of intim ufacturing Stoves. Iloilo -ware and Castings of various kinds, and would') 'solicit the • patronage. of friends off the late firm. '• - ' JOHN 8 LEIIMER n., Boots a,atl,Slpes, rtt Oct. 2 . 1, I VutTNG & Ttto:it.t.4 IMII '. '. ~..' REI 0 LILT iON • • • , - '• ' j , i fopq .sing, A lltt/tr l meats to l ie rrms(Pluf;(iii 1 • .0/://4e CfMl.oto.ntreo/trti ~• .. , . ' loa l dtte4 ii the Senate and lici,ivie of p opr ,. f : , selitatiyetf of the f!contrtorildalth.'iat'l l'enasyl i : a . ' ni a in flieneiA!'clisSemblyiniet: .Thatt4i;';'f,,il,ll.,-:. ing ' adientimenti are;-propysed - to the eon4i .te _ tion c.f.. tlie, icommonymaitli, in neciiirdabee with, the proviSions'Of the tenth article ttier, ,, f.. .. t. 11 - r,..t AntenfinAi;'i . ; .. . .) . . Tikre is .1: - 'be an nib litiqual tirt.7t t.o to 5,:,;,L, cntistitneo to be designated- •ui article -• ' - -. .1 eN.A..v. - nolo:Motif . -: • 1 • • , Aiil'lct,FrAt.: . ' . .. ".•% . r . .. ti 1 1 Ul3 L 1 C 4. Vy., - ,8.. T S -. .'. s,,:tcrta.,!: I, .The State may contract debts, In:: .84itityeastnildificitS Or failuresin revetine;,,,t- to ihe't expenses not•stlierwi?i provide') f,,,,,„::i„, J the'aggregate aniottne of such alebtiolirt:c.Ohdl I Contingent, whether eontraeted by virtue orbuc For morn acts of ..the - generantssembly, or atdit...'' 1 ferent periods of time, shall never4ticeel iu..e.,..' i' Inznclreil and fifty thotisdniidoliars.'und tin,: titer..' cy arising from the erelttion,,,of such debtis,,baiil he appliedito the purpose for whic h, it has 'eh. i 1 tained, or to repay the_delits $0 contracte 9 l, .•i,,;,1 tto no other.ptirpose• tyliatever,2`.:: • '-'-',. ', f SEC 2 .In addition to the a liPte litnit l eds..;to w .! er the State may contract, debts to rti . ,,a ii,,,,.• sion, l stappi:ess insurrection, defend chi strife iii'. ? war,'yr to •?.redeent the present o'tistandi o ;,,, ; •, 1 ilebtedness of the state; but -.the !honey srl r i' fi n from the contracting of sash ilebtiJ, l shun Ki•ai,.. 'i plied to She purpose for which' i). wns . r; , ii-re•C j ,' [or to repay such tiebts, and to tae 'tither tin";.,,:,i whiteyer. 'l k . . .. ~ 1 Are. 3. iseept • the dekts afield- 'speciiied.. 1 sections 'one au l l,..ticO Or lids article, nb tiel.r; `whatever sit:dr - Ye created he, oti on heh r ldfd) the state. '.. .1 • . • _,... ,- I •. Snit. 4- To previtle foe (the pi inent i i present debt, and not additional debt ta.n t .ed • asaforesaid, the legislature glitill, till'it session, after the adoption of tiis atu.dat',. 1 create - it sinkitr , fund, which Sball bit',fitWcient , to pay the seeming interest on' such. dub , and [annually tb:ieduce, the' ln'iucipal there ' by a I Sum nOt..less:than twoliiiivirbd and..ticy non !..saild dollars; which sinking fond shall t;tit'i.,:st a 044 net annual inc4rne oft the public Works.ii sta i ti ;be to tithe owned ,by the state. f,r,the.:ipn,.. l 1 ceeds . of .the sale of pie saoa, or, any perti times !'of. rinit.'of the income .oo' roeeeds iif , -el• - tle ,t I 66)09 owned, by the state., tuitiulter wit “tio.r. i'fiirMs; or resources; that Mar be ile,fignaitd by i t tivii.'.H The said sinking fund may I - al'incre:,,-,.% front time to tittle, by assigling to it tnyipart (,t i the tuxes, or, other .revenno's of the state, ~,,; tre . ijuired for the ordinary and curronlii..iipii,...... , Id v„roiertunent, nod unless in ease of ara'r, iota ' siou oi• insureeetion, no`!lirt ..)f the ‘sai‘t-i: C on airily in old I t ' e no tes to l&e.; .- . 1, iin;;fund:shall be used.' or applic.l - ot. 0.r..,..,. .than in txting • niShment ot ( the putOic‘ictir, ti,..i. .i , tlie amount of .s-tch ,liibt I. .re•incel , bei1.4.,;:... 1 • kin su o f five nillbns oof .ilollar.s.. -. ~ -7 =3 . • - SEr. Z . The : sreilit of the - common s wealth 5i:...i.',1 not in ..iiny .manner, •or event. bo - piede.l. 'io- : L 1 lounertn, uny iMliablu.ll, emopany. contorat on or • association; fir shall the...coininoilir-.q:u. hereafter become at joint owner, or2. , t l ...elthopv i l in any company, 1113,i0Ciatioti..ttr ~,nr i r. a t.:,.ll. -' ;.,.., ' F.F. ! .. 6. lbc. connatill'W!e:41111111 net al-tin- , _ the ‘iebt,• • or aliy I part! thereof, of a f i ny i-. , ..,,..1. : ,. eity,.befutegli r tosinlliipt oi.-.4, - ntry C.pci,l.- - ir A-57. thin, or associatioilf 14 . 111e,S St:t. hi ;la )1 } it, i 1),;f0 1'..„ i. t - i . ~, • . ' Z.' - been contracted to enatii . c. l .the i stalelt4 tiliH-1 . ..V ,- - vasion,inippress;cluine.iiisur,:eati• - ;li„ .b..t.r.'1,.. - ,i itself 'in time let`iettf, (w.. t.. ::•:;:ti....1.,..t the discharge of, any pottion . r,- .f. iti -` tlebtedneai. . Svc. 7. The le!zisiaelire. -Fifa!! cur county, city, borofe,2di, t7-u t hi, ,porate.l district, by iir A! 0 - a c)/ zens, or otherwise, to la:eomu a ,t 1 mity company, as!lociation, or 1:orol obtain money for,-or loairits ~re..lil 'poration, assoeiation.'institufoln, • ,1.•c0n , 1 .4 ill' ri• I tiff , . .11 name. 'of ie, ' Netts ha •batid tie great li _declares d :Sya rex, 151 mi-ever )aC. rt • carnal:n(l- 7 41110 - i U , / Istate: l / 2 that tea S,tates. .. _ , . ~ IN ENATF,',3IIII — .:6 Till, /..* l' '' L , , Resolved, That this resolution IA '. f it '''. first amendthent, yeas 24, nays 7; on rite , ..N'''' ...• amendment, yeas 23, nays....n. on the third sr.r.' metit, yers 21, utt,rs 3; on the r d aitli lt:-'.' eut; . yeas 23,.nny,i 4. , . [Extinctro the Journal.] .1 IGEO. I V: IIA Mi . :R.SIS, Ll ' i• ' • ':. ~-,,---- • I , ~. . u Jr'kur. HOUSE OE 11.V.I'It . ESE.STA TIVEt,.' I liesolvod, That thi;msolfi‘tlieirtilitia'.;.lll 1 first amendment, yeas.7t,', - naps r.'.: on li e '.,.. and nmendment,,yeas 51, mac: , :1 , 1: ~ o. l ll' ' ~:.. am m endnaent, yeas 1 72, uays . 22; on the ,f , „ I aendment 'CII3 84, nays I. .. ':y , :•* LExtraertroin the Jsuirrol.j` ':... JACOB ,:t111411LE,1:, C 11 : ., ......5 . , , Filed in Seeroary's office, )I,ly Ig"it-' / ' ' A. 6. CUItTIN: ~ ~ ~,v,, • Secretary of 44c totainqwtA"" . • 7 I'AR/tit:int; , I ,1 u " " 4? . r5 • 4 Pennsylruiits 111.1. 1 L., I do certify that the t bore sltrl.l it.M true an.l . eorrecti Sfi"? tion proposiug.utuendineuts; to the 4 : 9 " of the Cothinotiwealth," with l ,4l bratich of the Legislature upon -the 1 7;„1:;:, a n g li theveile r ,„ ax I:pre:4s trte in this other; r .( .• • s.l laitt.stiioouy ii•hoFtio: • . I I .) H LI r hem, It'i . , Iry Prvt.e;tt t t MEM . . 11,4 ,t 1 Ir r 11 Ir , t`. • IV. r 1 /1 ti Ll= M - El 'f u~cti w. ~~uiu~~calaUon a+