The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, June 17, 1857, Image 1
EIRE If 44• .' " -"•.• " •-• -t• .4?;-• • _......-I ' , )u . .N.ti4',.-1 . - xx...j.ti...t0i .. 7 f :'t . ,.6• 7 . -\ pRINTEO ARD . rraLTAKnTkiT • I out this tihm it_ st n.\* 3. WETAND. I nn ability to per alift_—nNe DOLLAR Rrol tIVTT CRICTS. '' . truthe of God's \ • g o, ix afrAxcetizotherivise awo P t charged. So paper diecontinued,'unt I sen. N...• rear:wee eett eu, except at the option 1 Tbat our Lord Elitors. • . ' - lebich bei .vrtimentfo4f:i ineerted at the . risto of sel tte..: our Gad-man • wr . - of fiff;eQn 'fines fr.' one insertion-- • ineention 2,5" cents.- n h which he h " to ye ta lc lutvertiere, as the reward ,of LI Leitefe and gainutnuicatiouv. by: mall; , llominion over-the c Proini•t• _ • • living !lead and La W ALD I° BULL 0 11 BEAUTY More iicatil; ct P tke tree: and tenisty is .tsre in endow, 1 . • . 29WCIA , . I .Sber.uty in the z‘uiqiglA, ---3 ml I:,e 90.11:131ne i,!;u;r; : tLe :....rl , l is i... 111 lure is 1-4nty in ti.; `:' , 1116:.;g• IF , A t.ll 4 , 15.7%. rre I...liFtelii4 •\ .!r I.t tlic, gr. u f: • '1 • \ REM 5= tr,ll:, • r Zile I•~ f:.,; v%..7 t:.‘' .1 , hr.4 l MEM ME 4. MEMO .. ~~ 'C~~c:113 ME BIU I 5 CF uNr!f' rinrn ti ""4. • Il CIII , A r I ; ,:t .." 1 to: SEMI • -! 'r:.;. MIMI C Iflngllng,P =Mall t!.?y * iu: oi3te:ot• ... , ;•.f1,.1.).1. is ir;-•:Z:pte =MEI =ME= ' , )(1. ner:'pet t~ t~ ;rnzi,r.lE:tn tr'+ii hind, i%Thi,•ll n:l i, i% .;,.1 ns at I.re3st!. of 11-ct ,- .1::!: , , , („t - „tItc-Filicm to 1 , 15 ot.•I t'ocioto c be hent,e4l • C , r •I*:t 11 , " . , eff t rfl'-ri '1 .17^. .. 11.2 i r,:.1! . IZEI a , I= u'11:1 .c • '.! j ij ' •;• t‘c .'1: •k . .1. :•! . f n • ; .• Le i. •j::d.::: F:I :;':•1 /' YZI; ; .'I- 1 ,1': 3111 ;.•;ir!r,-.S'lllf- r ifr the j3-T;Ce rn-tn,14.10,!1.1i _ •: s MIME MEE =EI lIIIE ,-. , . ! , ?!--,fv , "; , r MEE .-41, r-71..1 =LEM , ii•ti:.;zt , ls , l , r.l front t IMIE :•rn To :s:;,ners'is Sri•» n;iti' Christ. t tufty :be their chr,rac tli ro not Nom „ • 7...:•••0t of , toe N to toe - p roposition the givi(iy...r of sin-° a euriini-rectl)tiusi • ttiro by zhe !.inner Itin S:aviour, t:lp‘orin,e persuasion o i . ssurnn6e eor-. z - to the Islogree or stn tir of b C tbal: be sated 1.. y nta•ell persuasion are Lminded. solely. . _ DIES nlp.l uiilimit . . t , .lrat.ion in him,' *Lich ;;, - I!.e got Tel to sinners of. mairkind• t. 11,4 is rt saving grncli• - the? - ott."of justifying t be i-egardet; - ttrountl of the !, ilecebt•Otr. to 4ttaltfy him. Cikr;, , t n::”r,1 Inis perpettial and cycr I;slierer yet, a coy • ; his ja•tit . :eAtiktri. through puist, "Tefs and for errs set free from it, bith " r..trlutar,ling and eondcraning powfr;-1,120 cutat;yril.f uir.d 4.9 yield obedince to tP l .4lti;»; '0? life ttad t ./.alvation' thr third pereou of the tt d,ien. 1,7 (t.: ‘kirreteration " " r& .en t.le\ ,uit. ra •tetxi 11.-1 their nith: 111115 . 1. : •• : all that Divine intim she is . aqstoined . isnd rainiois over,thall cre which is - iiereieed the'rnanifeetation of of • 6kar .Qt corn: 1 1 1nt sane - holding fending human bei and eniv•idering and and labject to be bat thy' n of the G the retter-and:sririt • That all association it i iltieal or benevolent pi on their members an 1 1 lig:la/in to obey a co • inconslFtent with the tianity, and church.m MEI yrith That . :he church Ft nion;,in sealing ordin rote adliPrence to her i to her ;-_rirernment an: fUl' h2l k e .% comrann .situ the profesqiou t! vo.r.ra Ili:ion' In nny on st-)is tritli_the z,l entire: or FO e , Cn i rrllp Hl' Of the do) Christ. I= That public social j,ity.t i nh.eTvanee it stated I tirUEL buto . as the prbsi knee of 1.3 of the chtirt:h may ind tint! of ;:rant danger expo me to backA i f,,rtnation, when the cli frrnt a state of hacksl has entered into stk.] :Ley continue to bind 15re to and - proaeout engag:eun llote rri , d ME ll= MEE - and 'nit it is the t, - ined in the book of riorthi'p, both public a ivorhl; end in singi l slugs shout i be empb , tic deco ti^nal csiap i den ~i I':1 .:~': C~'l ::l 'Unique Letter , The Washin&ton cor , - s ; JtaeccitMl by the Pre.s . i.lent a . s and. or, simplicity antrungovbiltipat ceeds anything thti t 11::s teen received by t s any,otbcr ndmin -I.,tnitum Through thFikintlness of one eT :the , rc ; t% . rie. beelv., 7 I - , 1!:e cif 'the ih , er re , ple in Nlissnuri%e top4bli.efuts. Here . t.t • Ci:AwronD Fo Hie 1.4 . ‘11% NA ll.:dr fir-Mr a:rl gonl'f.t:r.,,lirtVa or- folr li~l•rjLnt I have I=ll3 It . 1 fy. to it e l itey with nip , t vld Ine'that f must amk eve.ry roolith and did. not .-.:::r.t I w3.ite to, but I.suppose m r4r , its, as re guvernriwnt of- which y yisli are lint the rid iit . • • port p 4 ease _drop inc it };(, I kill to repot ISM ISM L'! r .. 1 . 11t Est) o 11:••1rfthi., cr And. prt•p -141.,. 114 that and er is .enl I. r..r the' seas .n cry Ligh—But not:wit 111111! Fleased with your ailmi know that %could interest , flcr ail Bing omittei iui_my repo I.Nly best respects to you o FlTfit AVENUE HOTEL. neice gives the following w 1 (In the. Fifth ' , Avenue, ill he- invesiell: cr or con- ""A still.more notable •t l iotti hotel recently cow ue, and extending from (formerly known as the l' for Amos R. Eno. —lt is 'edifice, as a hotel, will in in this country. On Fiftl white marble front of t l a depth on the side street twenty-four feet—the oi beigir.. It will be in the lecture, with project lentrances—spacious aui kitoltens on the. eeoond.. menu% eutricient, to accornl . .p-rsons, bath-moms, and: of an ,hotel of the highest' will belfented by-.steam i. will lie in the neighborho ;eluding ground and furnit It is expected that the bui iin the fall of 1858. ksill : forrn seven stores. ture will be the great wid j,tersecting the building I will be less than tenieet, w,l! be t wetly- e:gb. =I , I . itor„ a. tw4 d k dominion, ;en inves the Father a aufferiniN 4. .. , hoise are e urr.h, of.WlTlOhliwAr the ,---,.. -giver, ald ttkcaoirce or • nce'and antl:ort i ty ty_whick governs d; and; also a do ted persona so'. A,lnga, by hiEtt in sobaerriency-to God's glory IWithe eyed.' I at lA, the holding orti4 - ...; 5!..8 •9 in inroltintar bondage, I a attitude of decided opposition Al the in i reati i nk them ate pro petty, ; st i ttutioQ of Slavery • ' . .. ght awl sold—its a violis- . 1 t TIM ynnds of New York and Philadel.: _ . )d, find - c,ntriiry bait 0 - ,ritika, 19. li 87, two years before the cirwni f Christianity. ii ;_ i ":, ' zeztion 'of,: the.,Generak Assembly, declared ! .... w i iether .' t 0r ,J., , ,,i t„ i d /1 thatthtl . y. dfleighi approve of the gen atp'eses, which in i inote up . . ! oral Prin i ciP -1 universal liberty _ I [ I that , prevailed h Attti the inter eith of seurecyl l or'sn ob-: a of unknowifilaWs, ore ! est which many of the states Wad taken in -eni tai l.— ands piri ) t Of Chris‘ , I promoting . the . aholitipn 'of slavery," and - --• • I! . • I"they recommend ie f t.p all their people to Tilers ought not to hart ! t ' ' i i , s's;eiatioit 8. 'l ‘ . . use toe' most prudent'' measures consistent ! with the hilt crest andhs - tate of civilized ,soci oulld not extead .00111M1.1- ety t . 1 in ' I le 'countries countriN where they lived, to II taecS, to those who re ' priieureieventually thi abolition of Slavery II . , profession, or plu e ctiou . ialAmeil ;i." ' f ji•icip'.i . ae., or who refuse j !In 11704, while the Coronation of the on :shill is hron.istent .I.'esbyterittit Church , was in process of for at she m-o.ies ; T i or should i in'ation [and publication, the action of the tlanee of worship he held , ?;;,,und pig . referred to was approved by the c.c.s as would be l !inconsis- . : General Assembly and re-published by its ltd . these er.lieginee; pure ; o: der 1 i give cMtntena I nce to any , Ile !As.en2l)ly-of-•1795 declared "that i'r:ue . and inz-tiiati-ans io f.: altiwnh.... ritisome , sections of our country / - -.1 under certain cireumstances the transfer of ewe `ts rttingt.t they'consid of which 4 ni' ll ;,, , a i slaves May. be unavoidable,'y •.; ni)t r(luir z ed ; e tr r a l e e o• log slaves by way of e severity in the man t. and the circaextraer ima tmcasions, . • ment of theta, as inconsistent with the e ' . cate. itisseyiso - -4 , ond* to, l the charch { :— • ling- r -or ie tile urchlis ,retu-rn(w.; m , ta it;g: t 0 ding. :When I coveilazlt •Tterity faithful, j e, the grand _phi nts Laie be It Gol that the rro Psalm', be eu r itg d oprivate, to g Gotre -pHiqt •ed. to the ' sition4 'of iiui •m a 1-ost,Martei espoudent a the N. Y 11212 ertni t t e.. 1 tr) t.a k a .ver howerer, the' post-ofEce ividual. There are oth ides'border ruffians and ,e letter: Mo , April CA, 1 857 the polit-ninsternt this it. West, aril has been weeks. and! he has no nienopeninrthe wails he has been vile ; as I=l2 and tFie.p . ost-master a report at the eti.l of ea; me whO I , • nti tt in to youlweishould nre oitiiens of .the .t are now.Preskient'l lOrce to receive the r.ed elir lines letting me • to, al:Pi I Wili:write 1 ArttlL.—the weatil-. I Prrrisionssc,aree nna apding nil . thrit• we rrprk, goad 'health, ist a ton; this ill iffi lr c • • '-- 1 IY6u; if . tlf7e is any t,ilease let ineicnbw. I. 4 Alra. BticLanan. The Journal of Com , ecount of, a new ho n which' $1,00G,000 ' ‘1 • , Ilding is the mum !seed onlEirth Ave to - 44th streets, ppodrome - property,) nticipnted that :thin e nowhere surpasied Avenue it .willcluive o hundt4d feet. and "of two hundred and ole six atOries . in Winn sty i le of arehi_ orticoea•to the main • s, dininx=roorns and oar," suites of apart , odste one thousand 11 the appurteriencv class. The buildink, every part. The cost of $500,000: or, iu reotbout $1,000,000. lding will be finished Fifth avenue side distinguished fait h of the Corriars,in every part. Yone ud that to the dining NM Pral Nisembly, Sian_ Church, itt views dn the subject of slavery, by passing -Prof. Alleu'ap,ubstitute Put sinenled bylqr t Ken dell. The vote was,, yeas,'l66 nays 26 ; excused from votis4e.2 ; absent at the final pTat 30. Di. Iftes gave noticepi protest to the [actior. of AAtIMOu siaVery ; and i end others-in th eAW - ive had leave to iiith,f r iw, to pxpedite', the presentation of the - • . - 8,--- - '"Y ' toned 10.).e, by, ths 'MCI), and admonished •• - citur.•ll me - tubers ia•their connection, Hold ' I . ii trihke liiMself searce it, Jackson County; corn slacks "from P ri 44 ol" and "" f e ' ll ' iee t ' ibereup.m he tnizzl,td. Many of our lead J le y Ira. •ns it .' nI ' o I t - I ut , el , A. ri c crs ant , con ft ) t. . to - be ace•ortilog to 'Bible i, ~ • - . .• •- 1 ne:ir part! .. . 24 !.,4 , , ,,,.„, . the -, . ',right, ant. have, witlit.ut any' quili . fy•ing, ~„,..,,,,,I)., tow ar( l 4 th,. expenc•f sof the cap ' .., , s.rr-idsvicrlbe voluntary enslaving „ li d ~ a ion, as. slued the re.p Ins! lulu). al t,re ati I l execulitin itt B rgcr. Capt. Lin. 8 .,.r.y,` anoth- i ~u ,taining,suidi inroisters elders:tad h'itireli i ii, , , ik u 8 . , Govornrnent officer, led the; c'ito ofidille "•• • (.o.t'e_ the hum ,n race by ar;iiik* 4 . • etiolation of the most preciutts,l , t . ,am we are toldt... ), nen some, , members ill their p•isition. \Vt.. deem it ) 6, 1 ,`,;. i - , . i . 1 , , ' 4400 ~_ 576, e1...fr0 iriL , ex eris 4, 'all contributed - b ' I ' ost ate , .. , , °%, criglits of human u gore ; ac tit:: our duty, In Ii eprei.e cf our ronstltu T i n I. ~ , y , 500 tell l it ' cbni ' Llte n t with`l,,h° law " i G"d; ' tint il autlimity, "to bear tc-iiinony agct the ,i tiz 3 lis a . j r : w i s.s ., u i coisiet _. GILS OF /IL MOB. lls, I I ;lit II Wltich requires us to lovp_our aleigliltnrs a- i airoit erroifin doctrine or imunor.lity in prate ' I i .. ''' i l tine in tins, el. , t i I, ,„ •...y i , , 1 4 , ntt ... ~1 ! , age ou's•lves, and as totally'irreconeiJahle with 1 ...,,,,nici ,i'resovtery or ...yaw., , , of the Gospel of Ito di-appiete and earnestly c,uidettm tie ~The % Jody of Barger, hung upon the tree • emit)'a vi. the spirit amt' principles elitist which enj••in that,.‘all things what ihrmi three hours, when he was placed in a,, - 7 -, -- , the P osition wilitdi has thus , a‘sumed 1., : soccer ye w,sitld that rm. sh , •uld do to you the Pre,bytt ry of 'Lexington Sou'th, as of ' box with his clothes and boots on, na i led, , I. , .3stien, - pl i rio dittilleries, the disease is dorye even so to then.' Z.lltvery creates a lu which is ipposed to tfis e.dabliehed eonvi . i t nd , 1 i l e d o „ , , a %,: cant l ot, i n w hi ch ~prevalent; and the strychnine cholera fa ra yin., at the reat vrhiskey manufactories i • h e m or d -Item 'it exhibits • pradox in t ..3 , tutus of tho 1 resbytenan Church. and tut I the corpse was placed. -Next morning the - L r• ~ g • ration 11, accriuntable, and immortal beings i , 'perite - to mar its peace and's rioudy Ili dead body was 'taken up by tome of the ' near ' Ba tttotp.l 1 in 'such ciretiortanues as, scaryly to leayo tier Di prospei ity, as Well 'as bring repro' ; ' 7 ., n ,1 irr;is of the I mob, )seed upright I' f 11.; l hen brutes fed on the refuse of the them the power of motai . action. It exhiti2 on - our holy religon; and we do hereby I I iu a buggy, with lehithes and hat on, and T el mash-tub thus perish, is it a 'mar its'them is dependant on the, will of others , cui that • l'resb v tery to review and cOn ti i 1, riven to Co'obs'stHotel, t slip of paper I T el that delikiUm and•death aro so 'com whetherthey shall receiVe religious instruc- , toc i t ~t . m si t i o n. such, doctrines in i p '-• h a d hce t i phicedi 'in the hands of the hide- ; mon among I temperate and intemPcrate won t ,; whether they shall know and wor- : tite cannot be - pirmai.ently - toltrateci 1, Gus corP,se, whiib calldri for dinner and ' drinkers? Thai a fete glasses destroy hip the true God ; ' wheher,.they shall en- i r i 1..t.0..• t'resoyt••tiati Chureli. '2 1,a1 . 1 4 ""..Y'l 7 Amrse feed. Stieh are some of the tiatu i ral ' That It bituil use producea•• health? , a , de 1,..0 th , orlinanc•:s • f the Grisprl; I ; w-tet • le t ;4iiy melt away under the illuminating I ' in th e I lirium r,•emens i * , That excessive :ii use J ‘-' Ctut-croppings oft thisilotver strata, they shah perform the duties or clierisiii t ~,,110„.;„; influence' o f th e G0,. [ ,01 id I ;, -- midst,' of ,it etntimunitY that boasts of demon- ' kills? • I I '"i, ,-,, the c:nde'irments of husbands, ic e w Y•P l- 1 , of + J ul tiut• tisvier , • t Grace r L •• • 1 , oe l ie,,, ee ef re and a meai. I Haman 'skulls should be the goblets of r•cas and children, neighbors arid friends , w e do not, itideed, pronottne'e a sent oilin of , Christ ianity " ' ' I moden) poisim,'ri•tailers,, for their maddened tvlilaher they shall , pres , :tve their chasti y' of indis , riminatc 2 condeinuatiin ' Ton ailitr . 7: •' I ~.` 1. I, guestst liter r ally "sup_ofi horrora:"— Cleve. ?am t— Cor r gard the dietatt;is of justice Ib I 1 . pun , ... 1 . I N, ...t , I; 1 . 4(1 •We are glad to see \ • ret men ty to are JII ()I t,..11,., C LOUD I that these e xo t tilti 3 G B , Herald.' 1 . ..1 1 I I i 1 - ' I ant hunninity. Such are some of tit:, con- ! with the system Of Slavery,.,' We tetid,y lof 1 itvleseriess aid brutality are properly , • , sactuencee of slavery—tonsequenres nit tm * ' ' ' - c h i l ,t, ' ltl ce t ortion of 'the lo- , it I , sympathize {vial' all those a eplori c e ate .1 le cl .en p ' li I I STEAM PLOW. .i • s al l ' but which connect themselves -with i evil, and are honestly I I •loilto,i \ all, in tBir , cal press The I Maripmketa Excelsior ! 'lll i t i its ,•tlry existence. The evils to which the I power for the pment Iv•11-1iNng lof' 1 melt c.inies dottm on thel leaders in this sty e: I The SteimPlough sin a fair tcu Y. sfe su p si t %le is always exposed olten'ta'ke Phice l , slaves, '----- and their cumplete ' •emancip. an, ' , I II ' 0 'in , fisted. lOrie was tri;,lloll or 'ere liby t 1,.• Iforian fact and in their very worst degree and ' We would aid an 3 not ethh:ir'rass tch 1 "We arc no prophet—but we, venture the ~,....._isTiip, ,T_,,:, our hospit Li pirposel.l n ; and when all of them do t not take' brethren. , And Iyet, in the IStiglage atm ' prediction, that their services and 'lze . al in 11 / 17, 4 ` 7 1. ......,_ _ I . , • . ~ 4-,so I dd j belillf of Alohocraey, Will be duly ~,. ..eriet, : .i + r 1),,,h r u l 0*„. ,i,,,,, „ il l pw, nun), 7 ti c usui I Fill e, as we rt joice to 'say in many* in- 1.q,,, T ~,,. 2 ,, ~,..-4,: ii, ~„ 1573 ty 4_,,,..;.., • y i 7 -,, ~ 1 , rlt c 7 ; 7 ; ;•• ; 7 7 • . ; u. •. I ff ; 1 kat', ces through the influeneei" ° - * ' ' . i --- : -----,,-- -- 7 . ----i: -1- --, 1 - --- it ~, 1 1,- , c , d 'hi i 0 ., Irne ./' it toryintt 1 1 f/i/ • ix) h i 'liciiii e'lse•': ) 1 ...,org .liorou ih. I 0 ,L-v: -I E L , ,I , j p`}' i ~, I • l I . NI - ' •1111‘•zas Liiiiiirirro '••-• 'rd. I eli pie Id humanity en , . ••• • • I , ~ ~-,, 1 ..) ~„ ;I 117 , '1)1••• • . 01"..1 • 0 .• -: it• atner 1.1 ,• i -• " • -,. lof masters thr.•7'''''' ' '• cortil ' S-ir•• I'r l / 4 1•;"9 I t 7 91) tvi , II ,i , ,J„ T i• ir r 1 ,,,f ~ ji ~., ni SIM(' I `C ' “ * L . Vrlierintutir e i'"r"lr ‘!el . .'k -'l• - '- , „ ~„.-"-,-------..------ ' 11 '7 Q • "'' " 2 '' 'I. P , k ~,,_ . 1, , ~ „, ~ ~,.i , chit, dlll Is Lioptions „,,,N,'••Vre &loads i „,_ ~,.,, ~,..„, ~• , i ,„ „„.. „ ~,, i, ,y, in a ~, s ,iu..,..50a. tint ,zl. t rt. 1 , 14311 e :11.111 • ~ ,t , ~ , , ~, , . ,f, , ,_,.. p ,,,,_, .• „...( nUMar 11 l' I? witeqtrr Bonarj4. ' -, Tue.) its of DI 21:.2-, ,',...! 1 ir , \ ' 4 3t . i t ; go. .. L :0 If, t. Co, 1 , J o l , ..i t tla I l i p 4. _. .. , 4,;:r..., . ' pas in i n st,ile, - • 13 100 , . :I. V. Lk %;s• 1; PI nitital t .t7,,,,11 1 ) 4 -, i r,. , :n is -, 1e1111,r0? 1 •`l B illi'lla t'4lB 1 ~,ilas , ..,..h ,, :um . gt,sm • Sor.-s ~r all infla ‘t- Fa% ler ' ,11 1•5 no , criptiens and the pri I ,•irio g • ‘i I l i .i n ,.., _... 188 Ili' i' • tlxr3. '‘ :larr"*.ii ‘l,el denhall Clout fi I `.at Itnetun kinds,' rig trio. itees; . ' I ; in no i Dro‘z llooni in .s:lnitli's old Stan. %pie ~Ir i et , I up. 11' ~.83:....- 1 - All Or BY. I'l'o i f f( , bhan Dieage• Sprains ., 1 •• ' a a ' goa t,. •Lit It. Julindto n , 7 ,13 1011,1 llri 14i-wiser. Va. , ' •.• i 10,:i7. - - - .4%rel'il Gliltoi..s S till Joints Se kids X . ~ A Ili on It . .1 , ..t ',-4 13 10 00 1 ----- ----t- r ------------.- - i A Ulcers ' I Venor c eal . ..:3 , ,r.s 1t0t7t..? fll /1: ' ''' '•T' I- 7 1 A 1.)‘11 \ to. 111.11 0i.,,:t s o tt o fi i i i , ..1 L. illgzin•,. 1 I , j , ', lc e„l. I sw,' .. ii , iatri mcv.ander, -14 1 - 7 1.0 1 .... 1.1. 1 pors liti 'law / wing tlien E ., ih„,,i e h ted 1 - * * Sold tit the. Manufar;•)ries ct l'rofe,• :‘ ,sor dun 're.s ~. c;arincr, • ' • ~: 1 1 , 1 0 4 :0, .:1k tn the e•tute ol' 346110.0 7:4 0 , dec4.,, e ,1, 110110 way {3O, maiden Lane, New ViirlE i lini . of et minei Moure, ' '''„ „ II I 7 001 late of ;dm horouchl af Brohiew lie.i.ver i?o,„, 24; Strand ] Lon , lon. a 40, 4 01- all rol,peet Oda „ l i man , al i 1 Cohen _ .I 1 , 700 I are reTio.ted to multi. ininieilct ,ytnent, and Dreiggists iind Dealers of . .licine4.thro a 111 nit all 'n • Li. , s , p,s:•aer : also selltug the.. hay:n. 4 el:lints-I%M pre.,eo in, properly 1 1 the United State. and the civiliveil wiitidon. liquor with goods, • 12 50 00 nuthenticatt.d 'for settlement. ruts, at 25 ,cents, ti2:l 2 cents; ,und :ril ca.:,li. _. the 1 1 IJOSEPII IL Lil - . - Ailiter. Li-4) - 110Tc is a eousiticra,bl o sa icing by •tan- Cl ir i E ' 'll , reco,in Torcarh fp. ___,_______ ing, the large sizes. - • c t eta tiblin 31rkibben, 1 _ 11 ,ricE, N.,8. Dirgetions for the guidance of patii•nts both liharn tiir - Eling jr. 1 I n every diqorder are aflixen to each rat, :l ij E j 0 il& A. ri,,fri•ain, • /4 February 25 1557 - I al .' / •,,, An N. D . , a r igne i rty, ! „ -11 1 1 1 jo J iles hunt &. ' .f . d, , . l eur i re ..c.'4t)41,:t., 'leaver. 2cncitship. ' , 1 d li,lia MelKfic i • 1 14 I :=poled ,' ; , I haw M Mi.ditt . 14 031.1 put, cottipli f,XeIIANBE likoscks se. Christi on k. Sterling, N. Brighton world: w.; Abate 'eats ail., S,:tlooo,@ :3 pir et. the Inc / 11E1:12 OE COAIPOUND . AIEDICINCSac, nut, ota Ilii.VVElt COUNTY, FOli It - All. 1357. 1 .. quenoningu.on, I.o,rougb; 10 00 dies t Levi. a. Cu. i 0 ,_ 00 ~ '•Young,• 4 eice I. 0 u h a. L. Kinser, Rorhester. bor 3 10 00 i 'l 6 '4 Sargent New Brigaton 1)0.'3 • ]'o 00 tlentb4i. !loops, ," ' '4 , 500 poisiblfiliiand, t• 4 5 00 k4d kiplack , Darlington bor. 4 500 tit mat BPI :WEBS a•DISTILLERS: puNati ERker, Trustee, Harmony inship, 10 50 00 "Muell‘r, Darlington tp. •10 60 00 f ins du i EN MINE IM :.,.,r - ~:.: ;i,• MUM YUMAN 'RAY. ~, . - 00 : ADM IN S'l'lLA:l'Olt ) ,S , 7 (0 , . t . /.I.pc.r.sous kni t . t.6 ; t, 7:-60 1.:.-2 7 ..*. to the ostJite:of i A hire. I.l' i 7 (110 :late of ilaitovo., tolirmilitp, . 1 ..k.a Too are rppitsted to makei tamed:. this ittiving 'O:tints ag'iciwit :Jai l f , lit then to the aub'sdribir; Pr 7,'00', cated c t mettlement. ' 'THU 7U. I May 20 18.37 . , . 80 00 11/51 • :f4.1 .1 A 1 .• r * •' • • rt - - • . • fr ; '* • L 6 I I I - • I. - lj "• -;* 7 1 . -- ' . & • ' CM 318(8 it' selling iltives-'50.) , ..,, o !ill eitbec - ihemielves - deprtitif At* 3 - bsippy people of:the blesiting,siot 114' 'l, ~,e,,r 14,,,,t ,ic whiS 2 -,will:trtmsPorti theft. '' , "'where the Gospel is not proctitita iiltriiPre it i . is forbidden t 9 slaves to tiii ( 4 4 o: 6 iis in , stittitious 'r'' .) . 1 7 ~ -`.-1:-'i1- . , ' .'-'7 , .1- , The foi,egoing testinistitb ,be sub. ject of plaTery,:wero linifet44 ' 4 - 4(44 in by the : Presbyterisn-Che#,kt . tiitt t be i time of tbe divi.ton is 1838::;A , „. 44 In the yclir bly made a" ( .,. which% thifoll 1 , ..., : oly ll llcpt -cipresied by the Assembliei c:f 1816,' 1818 anti.,lB'46; In the year 185 b the General Amis*ly prude the fellowiiii fleelaration:- "We exceedingly deplore the ,Wotkings, of the whniel system of slavery till it c l lxists in mar country and i's' interwoven 'fwith the political 'institutions lof tip 'slave holding -States, as fraught with _tinny and great, evils to the civil; political and moral intere s ts of those regiOns where it exists. 1 1. "'l he holding of our fellow-Men in the condition of s l laveryiescepein 'those .ases where unavoidable by thelaws of the State, the obligations gusrdianshiP, fir the demands bf burnarity, is an offence in, the proper: import of-that term as-used in, the Book of Pipoiplitto chap. I,sec. 3,1 and' should be reglirded and trelted in the' l s.anie manner as oiler' offences." Oecapying the position iu .relatrm this ithjeCt• which-the framers Ff oar Gon titution lieldlat the first, nndlwhioh! oizr church has always held, it is with deeptgrief that .we tirs , discover •that a portion of the Church at! the South has 'so far deplirted from the estabiighed doctrine efr, the church io kelation:tol ' slaverV to.maintaio !tit is an'ordinance !of God," that ;he ,sytein of jsllvery existi4 . in' these United State. is Scriptural and right. A •J this new doctrine we feel cont d to (bear oar !solemn testimony. t wor with the whole spirit and tenorlof IG--s -pel o t I , ove arid good w,ll ...P-hcr r.•nt Ao• the cont•eionce of the Chris:iat, world. We can have no eympi..ify nr, fel low-Atip with it; and we &haftall o4peo. 11; to eschew it as a serious an& Clan errbr., esppfially pained by the fact that the Presbytery of Lexiegton gives official notioe totis that a uumberiel ministers rdi;irulir.g elders, as welt...vsfutin' • I.D_ •T TI P.. IV: F. FUN ti ing returned ft rs,lntineci the hrnctice an4lemidence N. 148 T tlocirA tati,ve Satithfieltl Street, I June 1;1 - t! 41. S , • ale round, pint,. &C. F ' • , A. 5. .:Itio. 3, Ftew:tres Row 13. y't 3LASTER L'etaent eirt . lir; 1. , tee for toad stucco w public works, eieti.cs, etc. G eizeis on band, at i;19; - .;.iibert '3lay- V" 1E46. .! W. i i II " EINI ;',,ir , , , mal ' .. .A* r E-. i7,''liB6-L .74-4 Ifiaft " MOB Lew nt lOW A Just now; the efeene . 'of , murder and vio lence seeme bo ttansfetTed to the V and . etTe. tnk l efl the iced: The ..Tat)nton CoUntyVigihnee COtiimittce, said to num ber 400 members, although not , more. chap fifty take part in its proceedings, have un dertaken to enforce their' laws, not, only in their own, but in the surround' -outs 'q t _.or, scenes{ of the horrible tragedy: "Early on Friday morning, al 314-train passed through - this City with their .vietitns, - on their way to Andrew, the seat of Lyuch Justice chosen by the self-styled Vigilance Committee.. Arrived in Andrew,:ne time WM lost in uselessprelimitiariee. A black handkerchief was tied over Barger's face, the rope, adjusted by Capt. Landik, a youizg, lad elitribed the tree (the same whore Grifj, ford swung) and threw it over the consecraJ, l ted limb pout. twenty . men laid down'. their guagnanned the rop- and Barger swung between ilkt heavens and tin) eartl4, a few short heaviugs•of the chest, a spasm' of the feet and legit, and Barger hung'a quivering corpse.. the and chil-,1 dren looked on . the horrid - 'Spectaele andl winced not. 'Netwithstanding the sucruna-'s I ry precetaiitigs of the Mob, a large concoiirse of pcopM was present: 1 -M.',lny Went ; from : I t his vicinity out of a unorhid curio)-ity...--- ' Some.of them had the., pleaszire • of seeing, Barger . 4utq; atii sotne:were d i.sappo in ted ° , -, 1 iIV litou, tuiser ut• both glasses. ,- “After, dispatehine- Barger. the Mob took ( z 1. -i, °I • - • a vote Un Carrohs ease', and decided not to i Thane' 'd i m just then. He was placed in , I ; ~the jail„ ; there . at) he kept and guArded un- ;,tib fueth. i ord.:, rs . from: the High Court of ;' Judge Lynch '; '' ' 1 "ThtSe new legal . functionaries of our ' Connty,:.then Lid - a• general j delivery of the ciiinip,:il there, confined. One fel-1 41 i low,incarcerated for 'horse-gtealing, took j 'tin e. by 'it he. fue-lock and broke jail the evening previ.l 9. S; it' was welt f r his hide! ',that he did-'so, Ins his:. eutenesti saved his 1 back fratn 'many stripes,.: The jailior heard i othe.plisoners the eVertiOg Ll;re, undUing! ithe door-;tastenbig, and ratr,fer' 2 ,assistance; when he returned, the.,hir / 'ad' taken - wing ' ' for parti:. unknown ' '-'l7ll only remaining ! ; s prisomr; a :petty )(ace y bird,, was then ,A) T „„ 1-, ~. ,„ • , _,I• imnorter anti 'mate • ; u 11:v:ins - are r ,• 9 N o . 71. Wool street. [ bet' een Itiainnol. .Uley and Folirth: street. I ittiburgli, I.n. . '. 1- , I 1 ; / 1 11Eisilbscriber is nolv •eceiring ftotn ,I•'.n -':,P gilind and American! Manttractarrs.: his epring :toe Of Of 11.11rIltvar E ;, ( ..cont.. , isting ! I in'pari of It nift.s,; fifrke. iivii and pocket knifes, poons; looks, hinges, serey' q,lflles, scythes, corn hoes,' earpeliteri - t(?oN, chitin rump fix:4l.os, ao , &0. , .All of whfett*ill sold,lon thel loweit .terms. Mar: 11. 18r7: B.I.IUI::I.Ii'AIINESTOCii. . . i ) issoluthiii of Tartiletslup,. (111 E C4:pivetuert,iii beret6rore e. fisting be 'o_ tween Drs. SirciPsprz and Steuart, of 2;c7 Brighton,' Pa., is this Oak: by mutual consent . -, Dr Simpson ur ,ho consulted . SePro..' after hz hiS Crtends s i ttlhis tl ee irr,ltachester,! and Dr Stewart at his' otECO,. (, he formei office uf.Simpsoti land Stewart,) New trigliton: IV) \V . SIMPSON, 1 11 IJ ' TIIO& SIIijIVART. 11 ,1‘ forell ' ', 2B, 185 ' 7 . * : • ! It \\ I . !! --!* ! _ • !. ''. ' ' - t I 7----!!! " ---- - . Tiic5. E.E . 1, ..1.D1,711.: ~.. ... . . JDEIN T. SHAN f:. TLIOAI.A.B KENNgtl lr ' .S.R.• ' ..k. CO 4 V - 0 6;2 ; ,(..rii Julnoo ' aiul 4tic as, • P 1177 sB u Rag PA: ' :1 7L' are now ofruin; nlarge And well Wet ,' ted Stock of IF3tNOy. and .VARIETY coops incinding Coraht,T Tread Willow-ware, Toys, Looking (.7 , l2Ll'se_ a l 'ilrl. 'Elwell"- of nil kinds.. As we nutnilflictiire. cur o n looking Glasses, we are ocahled to sal tbettl'as low as they can be b nigkt in any market, .Yo invite the atten tion of pnrchasesi , b6fsiO . -giitig feast or baying 1 olso where. ! ; Parti•alar,attont . ion'Taid to orders. DLit 4, 1 8 ,57. 1 •! 3. Is intiCiged f d , •eessed, unty, 0 ,., went, nthi Crwill lime ; nuthimti 1101. SON i, I IfG fraf urope, has ; Irofeseion. I treet, two irgb, MI 1 LY., mater. 4nent far nee 'of nil, ittOurgit; NMI OM , . i 1 tN7 )1 :.;1 he :closing • • • •: • •; ; , . . • ; • • •';4. •..!:!!‘ •-. . • NMI • 17- , . ` 4o' 7 POISONED sr,lcit • k Every person ;.; puts glass toy ho no jyan at ofrgii 1 fr 'Start not tetpOcrati*intern 'but listen to facts. •• The ; Toronto Colonist, of that 'on! .Thnriday a clerk employ'of Mr. mittufietureT at Hampton,.lo lufactini' eprit.lFC, used fof Lib of wine. . - Maio :.,. lead) for of " ',: O 'pmts - of wi ,, .', 'i . minutes was &In • . replied , a -more (lid ly car t Ippoisfed.. - nnapr,the-lax Inspector of Liquors In _dished facts dint at onhl he'„gttgraved around the rim of every drink int glass. lie inatett that, doting; two yetirs Ille bah model, 249 inspections of various' rkindsl of liquors, and , hail band more titan nine-tenths otthern imitations, and a great l'er portion o fthem polsonous concoctions. 'Of Needy be his'not found one le.' allon of pure in a hundred gallops, . the :imitations having corn whiskey Far bSsis, and various poisonous -acids for the condiments. Of' wines; not a gallon p in li thOusand,lpurport ing to be She ry,Port,,Sweet,'",lllalaga, is pure, put theyare made of water, sulphUric I acid lalum G inea pepper, hinb, ief radish, I I I and many of them without a single drop of alcoholic spirit, :' - I 1 = 1 1 •Dt.lCox wireinta tfiete are not iteo gal , • • lOUS of genuiriVort wine, in Cincinnati.— , He also ,state that in his inspections „of ot. whiskey - he bps found only, from, 17 't o 20 per-1 1 1cent, of alcoholic spirits, 1 when'tt sho,n!d I f Lave , beon 45 to \ 410, and ' .some of it . Contains' sulphuri4 . acid curitigh In a quart to eat p sole shrough'eman's stom ach, \ . 1 • I ' At the lute sersit.ln of the ' Legislature efll Ohio a stringent law was passed tol'prevent j the use of strylchnine and )othcr poisons in , 1 the manufacture an) preparation oflliquors. [ The sole\ of su4 i adulteratelliquorti is also prohibited wider severe penalties. I ;Fr 110 i, versa: had the 'poisoning of liqunisl by dis-i, tillers and dealers become, that public ft-f 4 ty,demanded the law. The tnembers from 1 the grept . l d.stilling sections of the State ur- t gel„ its' pa,fsageland the I vote, in betth bran :110 es was nearly unanimous. ' Liqtior drinkertt may thuslread DEATH' ' in the bottom ot every glass they' drain. I , 1 , 1 Ile stry c hn i ne cholera ,, ,among the Afip- I fed ht,gs at , the vrhiskey distillerieS of the Ohio Vail y, Iforther deMonstratei what, poisons hinna s' imbibe 'from ilt4 On e' worm Since the general - introd ~ strychnine I•aud other active prmsonsl crease-tile yield of liquor frorn a btsho of I , . .or ry e , the . logv hay- .il I,':een sae; t;off,l llery ~ , st;to' 'the, Y - in ' -2,- . 1 '4 l '4, I . gY-., '46.1 Iler- CAUTION! --None are genttioe unlessithr - Words Holloway, New York and. Louden,";l are discernable - as a water-mark in every le4f !of the book. of directions around each pl or! box; the same may be plainly seen by hol , the leaf to the light. A handsome reward. Wlii b 3 given to nny one rendering En Inform:11;ton as may lead'foolhe ile•ection of .any party or Parties counterfeiting the medicines or-ienilitig the saine,!,knowine; them to he spurimis. • t c . EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. t ik.l.• pers.6ns knoiing thernsetreit inclhted 's, tl. t' the eatate of ...11.argaret, fle;i'ile 1* 31' inlepenclence tp.,l3enver en.. are request ed te , ,at tke ittmetliate p6i.nen t,and thnse haiing eteinis will present. them' trs the snliierib'er, peel erli aut.hentieqiect for s lettlement.' 1 1. 1 i' . i \\.• I'llOS. , 4. ANDI . BII, Emecuto ! June, 10, 107. 1 ir . i ____ •"ILtJi uvlY ' n Y Persolis •.:+f 1,41..1t; ••:,' ',vb., nye liable tit attack, ••f 'Klysf ept•in,,'••1•,010•1 - 'n.1,rtiry i 41, sy.i tcros a4lnst pumtner by l oonr;e aptirtnt nn•l ^titetative jai the siiring t It Hot on:yre.l - 0:1?•Ites the 4ecret‘ons an•l r rernover olistrVetiops b4wel3 ; rind re- , ,lnt:izes the poWersi wiled w. - enkenettby in•lttlgenee, fenilefetlto.r.l , • • 0,1 8,11 11,arl •Ite. • The testunotty an; - NIT. 1 : 1 , 0(1t1 ifc i7 --- , 9.( ~ • . Open;ra•Kis of and .11, mg 3 in 6%eryTart -a- ‘- c 3 11 3: cd,frd;' eve.t meiino vnsti, 'of tllO•trafes -beyon . d.! quenliort - ; victorinel &.e.; opened at TAyr,oa's.t 'that in• oriariii: ma itot restating front I ofl A THO FLOWIIRIS, I ti n'. 4./ .. 1 ?r•:', 33 i-! ), arc ,e 3 ,,Cnbra, beitiecur.fla by 1[3.1 yoti No . s. .l t it fits - gt eit , t y • I; • tho misonaq;corffiFlL ,ia's marrOadrinteti if tbo436;it: by\t name ok Wright .leftobe store, for 4401i 4 3' of He 4tooli 11‘ ` .-.,L:[. is bus' on ; ,1 • : ;.: the most Ailed in utillitary exercises- . The ; \ hopstaJittok-a, reward anitnittes ,: ,,them Frith . eitrattitilinarY zeal for millititittinibrietio - 3 and Europeans•are astonished at !the ns es . ' tial a pearacice of that hattallioe, a= well as . 1 its skill in ••mancenvring and its axcellent dis. . i impline. , 11 The castume wonien wear is_ very -nob. E Their full dress is ', cOmpoipcl 'of a wk4te 1 ; woolen robs, embrbidered With gold ...The cloth is 'extreme!) , fine, and descends as far ;. as theknee- ' • it is covered with a light obat ' of mail and a gay cuirass. ;The: arms are . . r i free; and the head is covered o with a -- -iiit t I, tams-. When wearing thili dress - on stsite f oecatiOus, their onlyi weapon is a lance, ' s t which they handle with wonderful dexter.. ~. . tity. , With their undress tik i e, are armed ,- t with a nnighet. The battalliou; is compoecl-.. - of four compauica, and each'eoMpany of ono ;._ hundred !omen' comisianded; ty a •captaiit:, Of their sex. Shauld thecapt.iin die, the company is drilled for throe! days by, the . Kih, who • anpoints the mot rompetent!th ; the.' con - ins:m i l Tbr _ b ttaiiion has 'been i-continanded_f6roo list fit's years by a Oa_ L l man, wi.o saved the ing s ;life - at aliger .---- 1 hunt. by her couriige and skill. (She pi* i.., , ...55es great influence-lit, court, and Is munch ' oapected hY tbose antler 'tier command. • J She has. the same - establishment aii -, usetn , her Of 4 the royal tastily, and'ten cl. , phanisi_ I are: pieced at her service. Ville King never. i"underialtes any expedition without being ' accompanied by his female guard, nor tides ;he ever hunt or even , ride -- ;6 - 4 - ivrthout au 1 essort of the sitme guard, who 'are clevatuili, '• attached to hislperson. -• ' I i 1; • • 1: Each individua l -. of the battalljoa bat --,, 1 'lve 'regresses attached tolter service; and • having thus no dOrnestic necupatiori, she ' _ crn devote herself, 'exclusively 'to, the datiesC I;- ' I of her Profession. .There bta parade-grin:kid „i ' near the city, whireone company is eta: -', 4 4 d " r every ig , e,sk to exercise , , . 1 thetas° acme, the pistol, ',the t a ' musken . r ifle. ' The King attends one a mmith at those exarcisitsi. accompan ied by his,brother, who shares , in some de gree the sovereign power, `and. distributes prizes to th OFe moat 'desert - 7. These -- T44 w ards consist of bracelets or - 'ther-valnable ',id - lie:4y, to which the 'girls anti their fun- Mei attach greakimportamc ' hon. .ored fill the offices ' - of sergeant and corporal. f!:=Xamu , ,.Divorce lii,Pritss.g. ...,_.., 1 ' ' - ' ' ' : ' . liejaw .• - • . . a— -• , e debatini• (113 1 4 . .._ , , ... - .1 1 1 , .. Cie ti ', - I'v z iig i Aide. setisim o -..-, . . • Prussian Chimber#, the followin g . '-.•., .. . . of '.the .w the orkteg - :of; the existing latt' , .. -. cited:ns.." evidence l of its. don JrMtztng.'. . • - .- - Y -. 1 .- . ' -1 .. ----. 1. - r .: -.• recti c •- . • - • •, - •.... .'r• 4 •-•,--,.• 1 •J. i 4,- . -_[• • l'.One instance was alludA,to of, a geni- , . --,. Unman tuckingiik.a rubbir at . Whi . ,t, at !,., • . 'watering . iiince, .consisting of. hi',:nseq, I ins ' ! .actual ,witqc,Srid. the •two wives he ~had prc . . . vionsly been divorced from. IA ftiimer, get, . _ ._. ting tired. of. his wife, atr'ex.eutplit' rx, utudi . ..' dit woman, bribes one of his &rip .setv.?* - , ..., to seduce - his ?A le .. .iitio ! adttjt,nry'--5 . - came .. , . by ~, . . , ... attended rin _punishment:l - tatAbe uomar.L4 vied party .The erime-baring7e9Es- . - ~ . 1 • • L cuated„. he petitions for di... - .f. .. groutid,: end obtains jr another wontsPii:i .1,..-vm Es ' t.,, , ,..t;-. , tlebrale4l.l o l .. I . Pril'lrilrod 1 - , , ,,, .., :I ' 41:1't! . I Clorlie. :11: D: l'irr'Ai,:iJte .. ; Qicen. 'Vets .itiv;t: ! tti,!s• in the core of tijfielt.-:.:,;.., 11 pip'"" Piiii2aScs ieci.tent. ttt `.,e-', _urtont., lA' lo , F.l;irate4 al - .:i.C.e,,i; ianilOCUS ii/VOttiat6- ; tinli... wr i t brit ~..s9llttle J111011thi j : 'rerielt.ivith , regiti:iii Y., . lit ; ge :- Pillli.SliCnti:l be used :hrlior r, AtiJe wee.s..pre,t.,e4 to,etettmeetent; 'chez,:fur l i tiry t•ljeesnstitlithr,n,„o.ll , t les'ieli s , tithiaing7v,O. 1 rittgA;t4er, enabling ilTe nut ter to neriQrat - ioi'r. Anties uiticsafetfro Itotelf tied ebtiti.. J.-.4L..: . These Pills sivsut , .l 'lot be.t:tken,by retiet.l.44-1.1.-S -ritig the.FIIIST Tiiity.u.-xto. J-ft§..-iiii - pi.:• cy vs tikeya,lN , tine ta-,briii;,r".olll.,`..ii..4Latiiiii.;e,•4t at • a riy. fttt.tyr time - they:llre*j. . :j.' In alllenq4s ortiervoug all , l'' Bpinal Affifetioni, pain is click nark•aft.lf.imbs, - liettyiws, tatigue./ nin Sligilt.zrozertion4Polpitati oin •er the .iitri . ,/ 1 Lownei.-. rirr! , strits,.py,tortes,. Siel Ileud.ttelte, j l i Wltttes 1/451 - 1 1 tile p`ilinßil•t ; ,ltee , -Fe4J iteci.34ioLi,etk. 1 by .ii clEiro.ATed S.l..tern, tilesii,i.,ll,ll will •efiect al eure - 1thr.4•431 other etettnd h4re'railejti, triftliili j though a-P?U'erfal re deify, 41;;:;: 0 !4 • , . ,; :,' , •i r i,,,i . cafe .td oriti,,nony ol!:any o/.1.,:,i Full direitijitrs-'ectentriartt, - . -4 7? -- - ~ , - •e. ... ,Price, ,in the l l :nit:v.l' Stites -1 0.n '.• ---li'izf ir Dnitar.• • •• . • •.. , , • ----. f , ' , :'l - .' - ' , *- r 7 • Sole A ~r , i t i l for this coat try. .. 1 - ..i - 1. I. e: r i . Ii.LLtIV IN . S.: 'Co• .• '' ' ' • , • . . • • ,- • .;.,- . , I:i.iehoster. , N. Y. r 1 . 1 • TUTTLE '& ; II.OSES, Attlium, N. Y. • Go_wir- • . at' .Igt:nts. . • • ...-, 1..• N A $lOO awl epo :.. t ai.,: 0. . . k • p : -• nne.!, 10 c. i • . '., any outitori:ze.l .; 'lk 111 ji/MUrd a bottle 0/111e, Dill, by return nrtil. ',. FOr .I,tio, by .t. L. IiAISEIL ItoChesicr i l'u,' . ' 'i • ... i . : ' IVolesttle' ; '. Agents FL . E.NIiNq :-Iti.l.ollltli. - '! PittOnitdi I'9: l .:, ; . '-• • Den. _l7 I • P_"