The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, April 15, 1857, Image 1
..r.: . 7.71_'. fi...7 1 : _ 1f..1 I 11l ME EMS 1161111 VOLUME X-'7,OT-Tilsl - 0 - , 17, BEATER Alt' 4 -GUS', ,rityszco Alto - puntartisn'ire _ 33. tk. J. .IVIEI - 4.1%1) TERAfs—psi Dottax and Fires Cerra, poi th • '"' %Drium, snrasce; . p erwise ,t wn oLtans be cbnrged. No 'taper discontinued, " until oriCaroges are settlel, except at Vie option . tht Editors— • •K -• :Vlrertiseraents 'inserted at tits rate etti. OE fifteen lines : . for one •insera t on-- t- nc i„ st tblevient insertion 25 cents.;, A liberal 44 7 ent wade to yearly ° s ik - e- Lett ors. an I- mit uni cations, 1it.41 have nrornnt attention.:. , _ L- rrs f$ 'ra E--MATS I TL poor unlucky . " • 9 ever ifiere. - waslio - tn, inlmyboust that's right, earl forlorn, sir. and pay 1 . 4"W.e1l OTzeei hose in order, ' . ne'ee one get a decent meal, I .4ougfik pitntlfnl my oierione or untlerdone, — .PAap9.not done at 'all; sir, No-mnit hail 'ever such a home . .• all-r 49, sir. 110 platis at 1,110,01b - owii, out, " ne'er can' get it tae:ttiert • e , ehicte ore seoreltid in ironing, Is ,vest to ribbon; rendid.. ''- stetkinp down unto the iround,' nevercan keo,agarter . , if rimy •e'ertget washed at lir , sure in dirts.wuter,•• :•,,,There'firiothiuggekte . that should tin done And' if it's all, air It better never , had been dons; 1 "My - - mr'a t ' . 11 - • Than demi so veill, sir. sn yeti' wire—filo:old win taii;; sit ye here. complaining:4' ". I • - • aloe; noveri be afraid, ru lent wife's' the main thing . keep your house, shell meld Jour clothes, mat and Eij* the Sir; hen,, at eve, .yon hasten. heme, • 11 meet-con smile, sir ; • lAnd all that's done will be well done, And cone without compinining ; - I If eer you'd have a pleas ant horne;l A wifo--,e wiles the mnitil thing. Gc r Ot w A EMI I 1 k ~ tickly toottlie - sa;p'advies,. roo'd a faribeetidanglitek; 1 ❑ixer did •he 'kite' the dsy home; a bkide, he brbsghl.her, tiro, aliinys clean. and limit, v is like a palace; FJie cring;"that a Ling might eat. AL•1144 it-with a relish. • now he is a happy:A:clan, IHe lidver;g t oes . compTaining ;••• ULU with a jnyous smile declares I A wife—:i wire's - the :main thing Blue Law Pennsylvania- .1 m in — ' . _ t.M aturlay last, whille hunting among the ' oreltivee of ' the. Senate for acme aneieat doe!'" utc.r.t u,,aerewith to amuse ourselves 'during a hey Debate in tiiat. body upon the propriety. of floating, saw lo7s in some rivet-, we necitien - tally giumbleff npor a bound volume of the Lilly red in place In the Ilimse of Represen re t!, the sesion , of 1 1:8 12, . , among th‘tonlm her srus'one for the prevention of vices/Id im morality, the first , 'l,?eetton of which, lifter a ehort: pre: k r:l'oli on the itnproprieti,w - of the day,- vend -. ' 4 ,4 f o ll ow g—_ ; , .If=,ins . wjace female of ten yeers ' - ur, ups:l l .'3, - 8h; 11 . lit any time, after the' fret ,lav of N vernier next, appear in any' pnt4ie ...street; I,e, ,highirny Church, Court-honie r ~..1 ,ti*rern, bsll-rvom, tl•eittre, or any other place ,';(public resort, Kith 11- 1- -ed ali°4l4 F 6-b r , l 'i e • - ' - ~,..- ;it,!,.. to 'p t pfclias uPersesry ° l cl9tlling, stinll ..,.. fl y",t.ifrie be(iyeeljite first ddy . of "Nnventber ~,,I t h e. fires day of lipril, appear in any faih-_ , a hi c. p4cc or placesslotbgl 'with less than 1 ;,. ~..„ b :n vyarmentsoma whereof shalt: be wool-I • :•:i or et' her subslautial inaterille - every ' r ~.43:i ~.-.- etr-miain f .t - and Xing legnpy convicted°. ikft ; •re am il.lerrnan or ju,ltiee_ol the peace:in l i tili , Ll:onina i lnwealth, shall forfeit anday a: fine i of ne.....1i , ee. - 4.han one nor more than on o aileid f) hundred 121!:rp, WI _be rpcorered by action of debt; k 7 te.mant; or indictment,. one-half thereof - to tliee the of tl4 htformer, and the other half to the 'ti-e: of tpe poor of the borough, township,or pyl wl l erein the offence eball have been corn= 41; i, k i) . 11 • * 4 L' r ' they clunpelleil to.enter bail for her good be ,x-Isr-•r for tr the space of one year. * • -* t:uv!t,.." J rzi 4 ,.!.4ltuttkea.tha•parents or !guardian. K.Ye'fol4S*iejtitglY?iriimittirig" children-to <l.`t th'l — k-4 : ttniftbillaul th • 1 " Provide faXtealtitakforthirtftete ttr) •fingul4hing,fee_ knett4tr• L ,, notorioni.hadll.r)mtnctprbstituter, c.r.l fewtteshal-heirofe"treiti convict -• • I. ! _f the crime of for iat t on - or aduttery,Lahall exempt front the aboyfr wallet:led -regula end penalties therein stated for the vi0.11,,a .11,,a of-the sante "--Ottrrisburg 'Telegraph. 1.. 1 11" F .1 .1.11 AILIGOA D.—Nicholas the rusts? had qtiite i an original tiliffpf trotistict-" . tu , iuess. beat ope 'day, for his -- ani gluprifiberja eight. laps to" coaneet St. . peters- - ni h. NIGSCOR. At the . end of thiiallotted 40tIte_plaa lies-PrepCif.d. 5 41 1 he,-lookiag it--" What IS Tyr-7-111:S aeppntine track (You hare tale] ' I EEO ssi. l —therpoliesnian, 44 ' Ire /Ave the I 'rteit mute - which. wontif mnbraeti - qa the line Ves:dir.g towns snit ' 4 1' 0514 4. pencil 4, atruck a bee-line irrA— !. 11,,7eh uncler;tind - me." ut.,slre, you 'leave the largeet line .tcrentiest , Out or s ight Ttt is their s a , helifome er.itain #133 so the road was • - . dig-. Why rite eotuttry suds' elkneks well r:pted cotton! /3iteatuiethey am- meow l'ath and, keep the color. • \ ESE „4:3.........„ _ , , ~,,411i,,., 12, 0:,,, ,1.,::,7,.:t..it0,_.1,..., I ~...c,„....12,. 2,.,,.r...i..,:f1 ~..,,, . , . i1,it,..:::,:,,, 14 t„:,.i..,,,...,... j,,,,,.,7 ~. „ure,),..„5,..„rt ,i. i , ~,,, 4 . , , , . , ~ 1 j, ,i . i.t.., , 1,,,,...,...,,,...,_,,.-, rl''' ..:' ~ t '. ....-,,,,: 1. • l' .11:.1--:--,1; 4:''''''... . , -- ' . ..;- ~t • d'` • 1 . 1 .' 0 - `X f . 1 1 , t • :' 1 • 1 i , 1 S '....t " 7 - - `, ~ . .--- i • (7) -: . • 1 - ...tea[l:3 la -- .; .[; 111. ' l3 .1,444:1 . 2.41 ca ..,,_::~ ~ •., li .”. '1,:• :-, ,-.4._:. '1: in '4l - ! - [: N. a ~tar.p.) ,;, ~. - ) D , .k• 1 Z7T , W - ..ri - . r.'..A.1 i. - 'X'l7,l :tit . - , ..;•••,7,11. I „.. liir , . ' ) :4r t : . !•, ,;:•1 ' ' - r . -' ', '*, ..,., . . • - ~ . 1 [1- [ ..t. :_. -Y T , • . 1 0 , xtri ' • ik r, • i - 1 ' .-. ' - '-' -t - 1 if b . " .• 1, . 1 . : aid. r 1 St f r: ' ~.4 /... 4. 14,r".. , . j'..), r - HC : s. . 1, ,":: \ I il r• ,_. - -- I : 1 • I . , , • 1 I'. . rf. ti,i ,+ •.1-.. ,, :t . ' i :: , tri.: l = 1 ,:• ". !..1 1. . , - ''' _ ' p-i y-r: •'..) .7 . ! ,'..„t ' - ' ~ ~, tc, .4 , .....1—. \ . : 1 ./ , , : '!:, r •._. , - . " I 1 - . *. - • I . , .I" " ' • - ._1 _.. ; „ •, ,, E . , 1 , - 1 : ' `_,...,... 4 : ....11 ....- . ~..................,..', {` - .:::,i,P; r,.. - .:...., .... i •,:: tql !l_gk, - ,T.• : ,'t,., ' ',l , [ 1 ' . . -- I - [ - .. . [ , ; 1 •,, [.- . .-ak_ • [ - [ - _._ 'I f: -- rs '.• t ....I'l _Th e l 7 -14,44.seitee ied china. _ ' - .....-..11 Prom the tone of sujtrtiete !nide Washing ton lifden, upon 'Chinese.offairs: t . it is certain [ that ow Government 41ta bet intend to be in , volved,* trouble its, China by no-Operating with . Ettgleml.,, and Fringe ip hostilitieft aphid• that et:mut:gr. N.7.4.-11Oitti 5a1.1:41 . • ' : I '. ~' ~ • [ ",,--!! it .11 9* reittititiOtor-ill toveatterti fot•Ainar4, icon eonixneree and knel tOe eau instivin..Chins all the r espect . AV are enttle 4 4. l lnd whenever 4 .0.4 1 01 ' i 'the , -. j v i ltbde f 9o4 : 4ol46 * 4llll4 thir i rtliese.4-And' Pralagiiisulo.l link af..vntotstii , : itotrthitept 44/WA Wodtpl4l ids: . kaPpilFlipoi: t l ..y ocusir;ry, sinless it hao=itself an i unite vans*" Of va ; =sod .ths, there fact that Chloe is Wee' n lliit.iritis. sop* other itatioe furnishes: no good I maim Silty we ihonld be hi obpflieri with Chtna.l * ,*- por - coirotijr" , hai_eiteee r eded vary well, thus far in its histori,•bylaindiUgrits own buil- . , nees, ant letling other . penille's huiindsit alone, . and we ar e very stiongi t i . 'lnclinel to 1 bepere 4 that thitii pbliey eannakbe supereinled by al bet. i ter, one. We gO as far as he who 4oes farthesi • in our desire to maintain theitonitr t o i f the stars I and strip es and to defetbi. the'rightit and inter- i ests-of-ourcounirymen in every Part 'of the-' world; but 'Whether we l oitg,ht to assist hi the I controteraies of other nations, and taketiatre of ' i other @rigs thin our oun,:is a very difforent cLueshoo.' • ' '- -. ,, ; . , V 23 DE EMI . , i That to be frozen to death must be a fright + ful torten., many would consider certain,. fi:ors I their own eiperience of the eifects lir 'cold. liut I here we (1J Into the usual 'errir of supposing . I that the suffering witirinC.reclsci with 'the energy of the agent which j ii:ould ;only be fle case if sensibtliti ! remained the li:tine. lu ! tense . cold , ' - brings cwil.speedy sleep, which fas&nates the -senses, and fairly. beguiles men mil- of .their livei. Ilse most carious - iiaMpla- - or L the settee -1 tive poalei- of cold, is to tkfouml in the adven , tures of ilia' botanical party, who, in Cuok's first voyage, were caught l 'lll It snow storm on Terra del, Fuego. Dr. §- Under, hy , birth a i Sw e cie e. and well-acquainted with- the deNtrue -1 the doceizs-4 a rigortins-idluiste; aihrionished "the - company, in dein - rice of lassitude, , , to keep : , moving on. , .. Whoever,". said lie,. 'i sits dowil will aleep—atid whoever !deeps ,will perish."' Tho doctor spoke cis a Sage; but he fell asa.manf :In spite-of the rerocmstr4nees of those whom he had instructed and alarzaed, he was the first to lie down anct_dia. : • • ..... ' i i . 0 1 ' • The,ilitna warning was repeated a Ithousand times hi the retreat krom,:kloscow. 411 iron, the hidonee; to .try the eSperinteni,- %lowa In: his garden ut niklit,7wh'en,the theramMeter had fallen .fbur degrees below seroand-Iso quickly did tae drowsiness, come Melding onj that lio 'wondered how a soul of. .. , kipolcOn'e - 'unhappy 1 banded been able to tae triaiber°"" I influence. i . . AaQl editlyglymhis viewi 14,071 dances which he itithesied at the',lpaugura atm. Pail at Washington, thus :. • , "The want of variety in tl:is Pletri:politan dancing was, powevdr„ fully made np 1 by the fancy flings, sn:h as the' Walt: and These were absolutely barbar . ! The', old , fashi.ned Waltz, ,tbe moialitz i or vahicih even nyron called in question, is here ign'ored'oa `together too cold and ilistarit. The hay . here lays her kead ! on the gentlemanl'boioni, puts-, • one hand m his, and' the other l in his cat tail ' ' pocket, then rerignsher,self to his embra ces and goes to sleep, all but her feet, which, jahen not , carried by him diens off thello4r; goes patting around on the tips ,of her toes. The gentleman, thui entwined, throws his' head back, 4l 44 his ' efts ap, s dying calf; r his body bent :X the shape of a figure 4, he whirls, hicks up, swingsl L! ! ,areund, s wo ons, to all appearanees,; . i . irarvl, and - leaves the ring ' to the great,4light Or. • I all decent . people. ; „ i • `'EXCZLLETT WIIITEWAS• --The followin g . Te- , eeipt for making a whitewils'h ant' bias .benme. famous for its excellent, properties' lias been going the rounds of the papers for a long tune. It is said to be as good for the outside of inks is the inside, and bou;e3 watilied with • it look as :lean and neat as. when painted.,lThe house cleaning season is at hand, and it would be judiciouistfor somO of our bousewires•to Try I• it,'and-repOrt the result of their experiluent t— • - - - `‘ TakeNd... ‘ eairtittnpi of well -burnt...lime,' slacken. iid. Add one-tourth I pound,- whi ting, ..or alum pulverized, one tioundpflokf sugar, three • quart, of Tie, flour made 4nrii a tbiti an well-: 1 boiled rapt!, and "one:: ptmd- ot Cleanest: • • glue, dissoli4d , widYfsbe - pui~niilold within doors , bat iOt out will be stbrilliantas Ouster ' Parli, and retain its brilliancy for runny yeu'ri. Ttii east end of thi - President's house , in ~nablpg: ton.• is vlashed with it."---[iiineaster•Mhi l i. • tar .14dge Kane ; in a recent letter, stip" cif Lis 15011 Hie chaTacteristic T iitzttse waif his . sensibility to , coneyiectflons l ,- impulse. It; Was, this which earned him tho flecond time tit° • Polar sea, and had God kipared Link, would have made him return therii4du ; for hit be- • Hived; - isnone but the tries-Aeatted, Can believe I some of Franklin's party .Were atili•aiiire,-and that it was die mission of; his life fa -reclairc them. Ile had child • • 11ilrg I fondneskfor, the afiectioni c of, tionM3—but tuia, and. seal for acience,lLAlttr t n ' 9 12 ' e and .all 'else Amt.-a:Mid connect itsdit with Jam tire, wal_laiti to hie out great tion of duty-r r '• * , • • - • ' • .4 • ; lam' T`he iottiest, Abe most Ilk. ansbl— tiozils the earnest desire to eci_ntribOte to this ! lier:mai ,happiness int 4 piers" hiprovementl, - ,01 others. #.440a5..010 this; it _v• can smo oth the_ rugged Aioth---of =one telle",;,4veleq, th e re jail: giro - nu4r, izoinetsion, a it riot• better this srealth-iiill. ;Hiner 'Set. attained, . I said, and another. bi lc, ter Thp- - ,loss of property b s SIWIVO iing't4e - Yeah 4 1 1 1 )0,11 040000 - 00, two thil4i Witietkis laid to UT. cityof •Iffw - tart. ; • - 1 i •.1.- - E :.., SEM MMMII Freezing to lieatit. ; , t,. , ftf .BE AML PA ME f i , I - : SAS, •'.- • , • . it The inVerest to 4Carezas, 'Sows revives with she thong° *hick Ime taketteplace in the government. . . • • ... • :, '`:Col. Jim lattelnts , gone hack and sud denly made his aPpeeratice li t Lawrenee, t altherigh'ifider bettor the la s w.:: l l 4 he bngus ' agents of the ligisfalniither census taking f' are - duire Otoserved i forfteoutlitslewto en- t i ' rot, - than Vie' their ":pro eos in„ . , l ineolinent ~ or ticifiliethy * '-ft - de it/if:Ali ' ,tree " 4 Mate tnitittoittddipl6l.:Wiiitilli„„ktt c Mi r eUllga, 0 4114 = Iklid l ieti g i'rqr fa" ''within the leriirenier4 of the rascally fe l l sthenle of law? 'Nit *wad ho a ' intrust- in d cut cheek uPoiiiiitendet fraud ' ' and cOuldi ; xi A 4 ' To mil r I not fail* efeat• it Ph* l ek ' ling •• •--1 g h.1 • re ' 1 / 1 .9 lielirer fin6igraute continues iu full , swims , turrentem naught -hold ot • a foice.4.r i ..' . • ' ,large rpck and Al so,.fittitlsas strt i p WWl:dike in extract froth i letter' of the sin iinace l d i ng. .. tiini.4 4,„___- he 2•lth*e.ll, viritten it luxrence, K:i T.; a hl rut was,immeiliatokoven in she neigh ; \ to the reftiti • - "The delehrated • C ol : 94 ne a rr iv e ( ' in was xto way of relei d re AIR but by the - Lawthce last night. He estate up the means of a tape ia , a i , / Mtisburi River in disgoise. lio dame This 'Was rtumediioll .l 'prfoured, arid af- niene- Nn armed PhrtY entered wil ' h liimilier mu hesitatien, tieiVo and altercation, eir hag enteied anYwhlre se fat as 1 know ' oecasionol by the dilriculty of determining; °f' `lsi s precise motive for- coming I " can- are re to place it, 4%0014014a the man i not guess Of cou r se, AS a K . 31 1 .445 Mall ' i 001.1 a noVhe ,seen fronit4te e prnjecting batik he. has a right to comes and it tat' 'P lace ' ; over his head, it ;ratil4 , cred to the depth l'i worth anything ,' , tiKat ri g ht eb,°°ld hot be of Perhaps a hundred fnet.and became en infringed. , , -• • • -I tangled among theincks and trees. It "On the Ptherhand it is to' he mown" ivax at m i ce (Lej),l6(l ( 4t 11,01110 one must g 3 bel i ed Clint Ale Bog us and Pr° • Bls v e r.f. down to disentangle' it, al l s l conduct it Cetirts have a *bole idling of P rnee ' set •rdown as fir4s the,eliening roc • k, over the against him.' I suppose he stands indict ? , waifs leati. Boot, ll tw . )og., th e crowd for;a'railety of things connected with - 4 0 1,,,, willing Ao uncle Ate the_ hazardous war imt Aueust. He retired t once owl d doubtful 'ex • mine ' the roclomation ,of Gor. Geary. ( 1 ".1 In a few utoinents i trillard i B Coburn, Geer -Y assured the P ro e-Siever Y mew th an the porter - Zhhelittdi,i4i Mad, voluutecr- he had no intention of recalling the errors i ed his serrices, and plyineeded to the place of.the post coniolois I h foie Lis Administri- a h em tb,i ladder ~,,it tmew to the trees. lion lint thel'ro-, I aver )" men tavn uu rot I ni 5 De netileal assistanee.. and loon two more I tine , the ft t_hr waters of I elite to ,1 1 7 i bravo men, Antliony,_ Shiley . midi Nets I nver causes of imlietintut n l. inst l ' ett leratie, 'vffered to go dnwu The --I bri`e i I Stet ' ? itienL A /ar g e number ef F ree Shi n I emir menus men workid bravely for ninie men have 14 ° u ;I:dieted fns Murder and I than ''un' hour in coilincting thd inhier 1 other crimes by being concerned in that' d am , gentsrol worfoie. Line, of course, ill f be exetript. his premice here ,was known ; v i a at Lecomptim this morning. lie !peaks in the precipice, While men at;the toP w - n w I carefully let it down, At length Ithe wa • g of handkerchiefs kid ebeeringsi onrthle Canado Bide indicotipl a tus.. that the man I‘,Jewrecine to night If the authorities send 11,,,i sprung to the shot? rev s the rock anil !officers to arrest Lane, will bd surrtruler ; ' himself? Would leis friend.' allow him to' sia 120 - 1 - 1 t t s - t had be g ot to as‘ceed the Adtr• I 1 , I Crane • the o te wen down I fall 1 would not scruple to murder him? Again, I th e ma Si'xretary Woodson is acting Governor of; to d i l a, n i p n up th e ladd i•: - blur be preferred without hen. ''.Cratie 'tient be } the Territory. The Pro Sl aver y authori- ;toil. hica - und id a' lei"' ninctite" 'lite bald I ties can hive full scope under "his authority. i lii was seta , &IMO; front blow.'—, All the lawless 'militia' experience rises up I l i t iv att • a t han 0 1,..,;„„ .. 1 aw bb. 90 ,1 . t once vividly. I hove nedesire to make a moult- i l poricitded the lie - alrbrortheleltilltiu it drat tain of, a 11101e.hin. I hope that the pres•• f w i tn e sse d thi`Voreitinic,"ra ~ ,,...j'ily enuse ilent geneiallipeanolnl relations May contin-f , tv h;,,,,,,ii*-...u t thus fowl''''' s ott o Wet, ne— ,-- geeeteeh ere IS ' ; r4 ‘`'' ..• !cold add most esti' tittnrman ' T . I- Pi-. 91 it ! • I• v id ` trite - rid et dbe dented to ~ ..'• Ass wee.„, ri overy ingot; meet- I h is h o the Negro held in Leiington and Indepen- ; f rar eents on the rocks it bun red feet be cositersa donee, .Mo. I have ;men unable to get the ifr,v. ' 1 l i .' , proceedings,but 4ave learned ?that they ; But cautiously, and with fi rm gr: , Citere - s9 'atom y 1 , nitsater. facet, , he clininen up • tbAdder, three ' l o r Rola 1.,....e.....-• 1, " ..- ' e T onerm dews arse sever or the tdeeemp'en , red feet in lentli; and was greetet villiaus are still at Wosipart and Kansas , shout s awl acc l am a tion of the hun City. " speetatore who had assembled to o ':he boguss ceases-tak e r s have visited ' the exciting scene. Ile was for a fi r Laurence., but so for their calls have,not ; merits borue on the shoulders of tht been general, I bear but liotl s of. their ced multunde, 'all worn so anxious 1 operations elsewhere- I have nn idea that igratiotate him. This 'well meant bo they, will list unc-fourth of tio; voters taken Itiodne.s only lexbaussed tb , here. * - `mat all the tuore, but he . , at length "Rather an interesting little event occur- dated that he wished to = speak tot I rd at l'ecunisi•li a few days ago. Some them. • fivis or six Free State-, men were co fined ; As might hare bee expected themass ' there g rill held as political prisoners l ceder ; o f th e p e opl e seemed' t o f o rg e t that the was id rated fititltul, brave Dutchbutcher was yet be ; sane charge or other. I that u salon hand of oleo masked, co eto low. A few retnaipe near the top of ti 13; . the prison one ovening, lately, releated tlie ladder to see him sof 'np, and to 'lspeak I prisoners, tied up the Pro-Slavery map who, w0r,1,4 of entnniendatio for his self forget • guarded them, locked him .up, add 'Went ; dug cour a ge. • The whole throe d i s played l , I d emurely away. . a noble heroism that willloug bo relnem I "The irtUnigration is coming in n torren bereil to tkeir. credit. I ' i l• , , n -.., !Every boat up, the 31issoui.i• River i full. lThe rescued man, E. 'C. 'Taylor by awe ,of immigrants .1 'The Missouri River is in , was from. West Winfield, Ilerkimerc6un-1 a poor stage, and from' ten to -twelv days ;ty. He is a gentlemanlyn't appearing ,n ( I !are consumed iu the passal.te., • Boats stick 57 Years rif . age. As Coburn, after reach ;on ssuil-bars. I learned that breve four- ; log the top of the Jailer m laed round to • teen hundred persons were stunt a 1 one look the , reseued man ,in the face, w 1 i sand bar nue hundred and fit y miles below. d tap t option he exclaimed: 9•Why t in is I Q t eoplsi e t s are.; made by immigrantai that the very luau I wii , led on atztlmbreakfaßt , 1 some :of theme Missouri River boats charge table this morniugl'• Dot till that' I extra • board on I necouut of - protracted p al .; moment 'ili-•6vercif that the man was a / s igti e lA stream of hacks are constont_y ouli,nest yr tho Ludlow notel.--Ropliesier • the road between kero ant Leavenworth De/peer-at; 7' and 'other points ori, the river.' Town lot ..-. - - _______•------- , sneeniniion is the 'ruling PAlliAll Of the •,, Mond of Siti-JOng Flu Nit ' anoinent. Copital abd labor aro pouring Li Ns I , .austy,_c e p t ,-- rse d Osborne ha s - in. Every house in this town ii etammeni forwardtti:o-thiredifor of the Tit, ,t the, , with immigrants. There never was a fi ner' following extract et letter, dated Red'River . prospect for business, improvement - or spet- gad = i . • - .. Z ; ? “- ,o w en I t Hudson Bay Territory, Ltecetn illation in bsansas.,Sinue o rs spetonlo mow ber 6 th : •,-, 1 - ;•-• plots usal i tbree• or four hundred,. ; doll "I have just returned from err day by 6dying and selling,• employing, was a , N orway Ho we , hat Jo —;:who ly, and saw but little capit a l, politi es • have ken un derThethe man who brought down eu express to a cloud lately'. murky clou 1 ...lovers the future-will sometimes Ilan - little i t , that Sir George Simpson .from Mr. Anderson, McKenzie'', River s (district,) stating . I ni ni tevea Llhe ', 11 ' 10 " lightning al ktilkk- that Indians had brought ever reports to ere and flashes, while its sound is not heard 'in the bustl e l of improvement and.the grow- one of the trading points. in that quarter, r ing . business of a rich young empire. that ludione had suet' two or more encamp !few months of old 'be a great. blessing to KASaB. TIT A nteuts of whites on an island on .,some point wheie Andetaon and Stewart turned cattier is mila back, tin 1.835) and that ens of the en but Kam river is hilr. ''' . 1 camp' meats partingarly was suite freeh, • peace:'_ supposed to have been abandoned a day or two before the Indians seen , it, ma from ' the traces thought - there might have been about ten' or twelve men. I could not bur of the exact tonality further than that Andeison and Ste Wart livens within 'a very slant - dist:puce of tire place where the traces were seen.---St. Padl (Minos.) Pi °neer 0f,2 1 / a rds. ' 1 MEM 11 OMAN lIS Sch1011:141111t. bar l4anuibal nays anything w o r th $ but tilt , following is not bal . : . • • . , " Day may rail again s t wo m en -n much las day. like, .dey can't act mo np against deco. I - bib always ju my _life found dew to be rust in lob; fust in a quariel, fust in de dance, de' Nit in de iee.crei,un saloon, and de fust, best and de ilast in de sick room. What would we , poor) debbils do wido,ut dew.? Lietius be born as young, ab ugly,' -and a helphisa as we please, -and a woman's akin am; open to She it sin who gubs our.tust dose ob castor oil, and put' yle close imn our helpless un- iced limbu,?and cabbera our foots and loses ' in long flitnnet petticoats; ; , the: it am _who grow.up, , fills our, dinner basket's docents ,and apples_ m ws mart, Aot.ioatto9l,. *adlicks us When we .taistra our .trovesers..'! r e ou„ie ha .1001 , thas ti, servoitAtli. - A step MIR A SELL,-1•X chap to Albany wend' , adverlaseil an,iofillibloinethad to detect u couuterfeit;no.which)to pro Posed to, fp, part to all whin chose le i learn it, 'for IP: each; A goOd;:qifnY r green ones" ' , paid the sum, iri rotttro for,lhich,they received the r tollostlitg ,isOtaittions, which , eitot4,4l good, enough . gyps.: worth - tbe.n}oucty 41.111 P, "pokier yoti take a bill about *hich ertaiii the slightest doubt, at once Tr , .2..4 tot,A44P banker in 'lsbona you..,place IPpridence, offer him tlact. bill with th ohiojta~ E, if 4esliug,to d'o *O, pi*, 11 P your unneeb• 4,94 u #o,,, ' MEE , .11857 , • - - 41Tok 'EMI) it' :, 1 • 'l7 13:411P*831S - OUR* ~,;,1 ,14.,,.?', , I` ~ .. .—i, native - L ,1461;?; tins* bctlerAmbJatAlbstlay, we • E100. , -lahn' MoLeins, a r of , New ,r O l7l, 1 4: a 1 ,4 0 1 ! words upon tho ia: Jersey, is the oldest: member ., of the ,prea tilow . toilVen,„in a great variety...Of' ca=,. eat/Bench,' In idtate'of triominis.ainia; illo L & INI it it." , J_Wi M %srelkr.ji phi. isoeventy-twei yeariref age. 1-. native'- ri a t ii "I , . ',' pAngolteanee to this, I - llotilJairtie Al: Wayne, st - oati e' - 'of Sa. Iphras .'' foittist tiWasifyon are a boardei vanitab,l,Ga. - , holds the next 'oldestappoiot: at a hot , ifir! l bo*raing,lliptisc Vie . thera men!,. hiving- received it In- - Jaritturf;lB3s.l ..ire I 'plenty ''. re like you at - '111,1;i0 just . ;110-is ~'strviinfyyeeirsiof age, ; .`- age" trp) to! 1 I.SoisilJiisiti ~ 't . - teltttlet - tU ettg theriltnit 'of his appointineny san art; ' I never miug.:` kit , s cr u pl es , aboutlgoa doill'ilOrietive politician of the J..ickion .hrtleditag.,4 'ea . "pitc.A.:io4 l . at t hotici itinrottti , t f ' , i , , - ,l '', ,--', - 1. , -; 1 ) 19d ' ' dui - Hifi nett $ .7' ems '.- ',I -,-;:cmittiialer iv , i .is PV. '%,- , ... 4 1.1 3 ..,.Y td / _. , '.. : alley; f Silsbee, a lie ears Cit %unifier 'on -,r , re:allyout native of, 3 inylardif4tar bort tai : ISt Tat., 1 favorite dishes, i pnt,4 . 4ur. f. • into your rac k 's dilly, 1771. :Ile :was a!:tritiee'Pait-' neighbOr's lap oppc(site„lf -. you el iucli, zan politician; so much scilliat - tlie Senate' ned, and if any body objects. just ',itch rejected'Aiiit appointment as Seeretarf of. Pinta'` him, and Itell'hini '!that it.' is 'a - the - Trensury,.also as Associate !Justic ; country. In and the way you will secure a but-after the - death' of Chief Justice Alan iffie;lF dinner, the eonscioustiesi of hair. fili, he received the appoint l ineat Id fog nititcheilin,lio your manifest advat-, .Chief . 1 , - ostlce in March,' l B36, and Iv 1i i , toge/ ,' .' '' / . ,I. ' confirmed. • , r 1. , . r It yotal hail an omnibus in the street, 'llon.lJohn Catron was born in, nnl upon olitdbiniupon! 'the step, observe ' Vlrgiuia, but since his you th ha d Ithat it is full- L 1 -tvrelve dice, two women, a,) resident in Tennessee. ~ -H ee is n i baby rilaandbox, - ,ati'd a lay dog, "pitch f iiVe. I Ile served one campaign uric ! inteit"--especiallylif you are a• • fat man Jacklson. ! . 1 pitch right in; leave the, road to the,driver l' The labove were appointed 'by nun the chances Of your getting a seat tolJack'Sou. • I the fortnitona.occurrenen of circumstances; j HOn.Petr V.. Daniel is' a oath you will thus male yhOsellappreciated ifiginia, and a descendant of Ohe - of not agreeable,ladd,yoar Very "pitching lei"' gush faitnities. Ile was offered will work in 'your favor, lo 1 l l it is quite of Attorney General by Jackson likely that sotue,n . no .;,whe don't understand I clinac ;He was appointed IL S. 1 1 ocunibusies will p i nch ,out and make room ; ndge for Virginia, and upon ' don't listen to-. • fany retnoustradees ; what lof Judge • Ilarboar, ; was rromin. , are ouinilahsses made for if not to carry - sociace justeee 1 1 'Mr. Van I people? ~ I 1 ' , ,1840. I -'• , " Are pin a , .doefor, and does same oilier { icon. . Banan Nelson is at:l3llva! • r l ' ' son of Esculapius pre uuie take an office ertown, INtiw York, and was `app, 1 1- 1 idext door to. y ii,j‘`nritl.attempt to practice 'Or..Pollt, in 1845. about I I within your ilthero universal domain, {years of age.', z I "pitch , into" WM—pitch into his 'saddle •llie. Robert C. Grier was born r ~ . I bags, his pills, his'? hbrse, his looks s--t-pircli b4rland County, Pennsylvania, Mi into him generf'lly r —it is the rule—to feel 104, ,aid is 4`. Aide over 84' I • -it is your only Snare way to do things, so lyears et i age - His life, previoas Ithat the busineseof both of you shoal:II he-1-46n tile Bench, ' wasiclividcd i better than otih.! ',l ,' ' t' thb law and academic' pursuits. If You aril are 9 dry "goods merchani, a al ointei by Mr..Polk,in 1850 daguerreotypist) a molasses candy pedlar, .11 op.! I3eojarvin _lt. Curtis is or engaged in !Soy othei , respectablctusi- ofitAlossaellasetts; and ii forty-eig, ness, and any bislY else! undertalcrs to cut oli." Ile , riever Was a politiCian,l ~ .. , you out, or "rut "'you , pitch into nun ; . - no taken by Mr. l'illmo.e trent' the matter! boa-- ; 10 it ; 'if '_ you-are cowardly rptheed u pon thel3ench in 1851. 'I . pitch into hint with "a Ifire iu the rear ; 1 111 on. IJohu -A. Cempbell - tv": if! beld 'pitehilat?, him! face to face; may I in - :Alabama, and was a la wyer , b 9 you'll inalt, i ! sopiething, 'out of it ;7Ou.,!!.)ife• // W3St. •oPPointed to the t can't toll till you try; and if you don't pitch d 1853, by I Gen: Pierce. His age into him lie , willtutolyou ;'•so pitch' iti -- 1 1 four, 1 ... -. • Young ladies, 'ton g if' any girl handsomer I than you "come duel land tries t? carry of the priifis, then is you time; ' you know 1 I how to do it ; 40,e1t let tier rest ; pitch in to; her affairs; t e ll all you knowilind g uess - 1- - •! - -''.-.'.. 1- 1 -- alci "r—• 4.41,---v,;,-.. t...... t h ‘ . neighborhood 'all worked! up, and 1,,n the I miss ' thegreat ( euty , with be - sure - iii get l'• some dolma. i I t, ~ ' ' is soir bully Pollinated; for office:; there is a- most glorious opportunity•-' to everY body, to pit/ . ip,l this I beals every Other Ichsbee, pite i lore his character, his peli-. I tics , Ids billies, "his pocket, his ,friends'; ‘ ,, go in Igenerallf---and no matter haw thick ,• , that is the way to ' defeat, nr elect him.' lln fine, neglect no opportunity in !life to pitch into, things ;' that is the way fortunes, are made; places obtained, communities set by the ears,li:cmdal 11],anafecture4 hearts tiro licui and life githeraliy,lreudeietl a 7 liVely game of hop-skqb"; lit' nobody' paches kil t.° 'things this wold would be ; a dreadful dull place, and a great dial:more peaceable than it' happens ito'bdjuit now—therefore 1 iota. in. , sp and bund• by t rio eds, of tticAs .w 1110- [l3ll o un til:lb- u pour iudi thauk ' , THE DEAD WIFE. . I 4 ,1 TO rop:1 - rrilon' with the hms of ti wife, all 4 of ' bereavement's air ttriflos. 'The ... i erifeshe who fills so large! in the dt4tcatic heaven, she who Osof busied, so unwearied, bitterik-the teirlbat falls on heeclay. - Y n'il . besidd hergrave, and think„'- the past ; l i t seems ` an timber coy. pathway, where the sun slime anon beiuttful flowers, 'or the sta:rs 'Aug glitter ing overhead. Fain would the .otil linger there. No thorns are remembered shave the sweet clay, •save thoSe ycur Own hand : may have unwittingly planted. .:11er no. - hle, tender heart lids opal to - your inmost sight. , ,You think of her PS all gentleness, all beauty and purity. But she is de,ad.— , The dear head that has so Often:lain,' l upon I your , bosom now , rests, up,cn t ,a , pillow of 1 clair.;: . -Thii bands that administered so un-! it - r . -ingii, are, faded,! white and I cold, be- ineath the gloo m y I porfal4 The heirt whose .evcry beat easnred:an eternity of love Iteor---under-.-y ni 'feet.' And there is in no white arm STOU 11:1our - A-milder now— no'speaking face to look' up in the eye of ltive—no trembling lips to murmur="-oh, it iti - so sad!" There is a strange hash in every; room! No smile to greet' you at t. • pightfall—and., the (qua( tick., and ticks, sad ticks! It l was' sweet music ,when she could ;hear' it.• seems to kbell only thti hours throng w h ich Jon watelied the shadoirs gailieriog , upon the sweet firm -- 7 Bat many e. tale it', tellitt of jnys past , sorrows shared; and ;beautiful words regis tered above. You fet.l that the grave can not keep her. You :Ittictw that 'she iis of ten by your sib ; an angel presence. Cher. Rill these emotions ; they will make you happier, Let her holy p_rosenmi be as a chard ! to keep you from evil. - In allnew , and p leasant conno..tiOne give her ' a' place io your heart. Never forget what she has been to you—thai she his loved you.. Be tender to her memory. I ' ' 1 , I , .' Be CuAnirour.x. T When the veil of death'bits beee :drawe between ui end 'the objects of oar regard, hew , quick 'sighted do we 'become to their merits, end bow bitterly do we t hen remember words,- or eveulooks anlaudars, which may ! h ave carped our terceurse - ; with 1 them.— How careful shbuld such thoughts reader us to the fulfilmetit of those offtoeslof iffee. aim ,which , may Yot. be in ;our power to perform s ; for -w144 , can tell how soot' 1 the • moment" my, arare whoa I . repentence oan- / not followad by nworaition. I r . I " I I ME k.. INDIAN' ATROCITIES IS Iow)ili--A. let i ter, received bero . from.'a r,estonsibie source, dated FOA Dodge, 'lowa, March 2fid, says that a•settlement of twenty families at the ad initfses mi e .1 h . jhe - a u s.. river, a d ! tseuu atutc .., ..ty .1.-,. .1_....a5: shit tr. wpa supposed.; that all were -murder° . • Outv I I t - I 1- twl houses were visited by '- the persons ! 1 1 bringing thene*s, in : „ .hich fourteen dead Itodies weir° found. . me had Imola; shut land others inhictrinlyi Clubbed to, death.=-• llt is prestatte.d that the tehole nu r tailer of I persons composing . the . settiemedt ;tvore 1 ir killed, or'that - they are now in captivity.t I A meeting of citizears was called On her, 22 , 1 • alt., and a4ompanyof fifty to ,one 1 uirdred men had orgaulavd,toinarch to tuk r e vent. I 1. geance on the Indian., and rescue any peti! son that,wight bo found with them I .„ .1 1 The iclegraph last night coufir*Art e, I T i li above. 'e massacre took p:aco on Spirit I lake., The Indian agent,. Elandiatu, start :. ed with a company of troops front Fort Ridgely on the 1714 ult. Fifteen aetClers . are retorted tnis.sing. ! r 1 TheiSt.l Paul Pioneer of the 2 6th 'con- 1 firms theroport that a - ma:macre' wearied on the 49th. .. Sisitit Like is . in Emmetti c o unty, lowa , on the Minnesota boUndarY. - 1 . i ,r, Ihida Summer n of Life. •,- i • ----- -- , i In the life of the goad -man ther is n o l Indian, summer more beautiful than that of the setisdo ; richer, sunnier, and more 1 sublime thad the'most glorious Indian sum mer the world ever knew-- it is the-Indian Summer of the soul. I When the 'glew , of youth has &Spatted, when the! wrath of middle age is gone, add t h e buds and-blos soms of Simian , are l ohinging to the sere and yielding rear, When the mind Of the good man, still ripe and vigorotra4e, lazes its labors .ani the tummies of a Wellispelt life gush ' forth from their secret fountains; enriching, rejoicing and fartilizieg ;I then the ;trustful fesignattork of the Christian shedsprou a sweet and holy warmth, and the son!, a ssuming a heavenly lustre," is no lenger restrestr icted T.,& the narrow :confines of business, 'b ut soars far beyond the inter o f haary ! I ge, Ha dwells peac efully' and happily : , upon that bligh.t spring and sum mer which awaits him within the gates of Paradise evermore. 'Let us strive for and, look trustingly forward- tc an Indian awn; merplike this. f -r.i 1.1.... , 1431itirActiED.--A widower, at:team- I I den, who rale', not very young, • became smitten with alyoung . and . bearitifue•girl; and married her. A short time after, the son of this man by a turner *ifs; became, also in love with the mother of histither's new wife, a widow lady atilt in the:•'?ploarir.. Of life. SOon the young man and the widT. l ow were united,:su that in consequenes of, these tWo(nonneetions a father ame' the son-in-law ';f his son, and the wife not only the &met r-io-law of her own eqfriaiuw,l but stilt more, the mother-in-law of he own daughter ; while the husband offthe l atter .I 1. is the fath er-in-law of his 'Own: ma er-in law, and ther-in-law to his owifather.— Singirlar confusion may arise irihilidie — ri-f l should spring from these peetiliar noairia- . ] es. ,: I , l ' , - :.. ,'1- • : • . , „ ..,, . , s. ,10` ,, , reir liow Citizen said aa F oil ei s h preachere q If you were told that by'going to the'top Of thuseataira yolider, (pointing to a rickety pair at. one end la the ehnrch you inightlsecure your salvittion,'l really believe hardly any of youitomld try it,. be; let any man. proclaim that', diet''. were a et hundred : jrvreigoz up tiara you , and' I'll be bon E d there would ly% web get? tieg ap,stso. as ,ymoeverqiillaipt. , 1 , I - , , ~_ . . • 181.8. ASISIE3 FOR CUIIIIANT32 , --A. correspond- . ent of the Cpuutry Gentleman, spoaks of ashes; leached andunlettabeil,:having great.... ly benefittedj his 'currant ;bosites, 'causing\' much larger jborries, nod . tprodueing more bearing' wo'od than those !which received none. This fact he observed, in ihn*rnith of bushes oeur which ash ;beeps had been pliesd. it requires a tram ierger amount • , 1• ofleaelied - ashes to prodnc tlio same'effeei :is 'intkac:ted.. `This is o e 'of the ' little_-. e l) matters" 4hich cultivatOrsot:au et - Orin:mit ` . 0p,0n.. : ' . . We cannot te.fiain frontltortrestang npm that currints are lacpefittO .14 'nand- ~ noS anil go enltlVittott, sa tuayt trig c grtntn tho • g.irtlerti' It is'a itotfiy to • see them 'embedded itq gr ass. , 'Those who this neglect them .not deseratn ntOro - titan ti.ttalf crork." • They witl get -- • that or toss. • = ' - X MODEI:. eIe.rIFICATik —The follow ing eirtifiertie •eutdoilt'the' H,Pariaeolic'f ‘Syrups7 and "31:qnetie nostrttnts which'' usually Avi)flo, F4e4. , ' astonishing iiiiraelett in the euruslupett Aneeited and 'eredetels 1 pinfAi% ' ; • • Weatern betai is sixt'y der thinL Getit4sl Dear por.tor:—l will be-175 pairs old l next' 94 . years -J. iavt3 : w beeu ati; .ievalia, terrible to b lir eicei4 when 'Moved t a x . a lever ; tut a -t-yelr.ag4.., last ThUrsAay I heard of*-_the Graniculait Syrup.''f` a , • bought a taittle'ffnclt tl:e cork and. foncd - thyself a tiew. man. I..ean tiow run- . twelve and ail:till/talks an ithur, and throw nineteen doii.Ple' sotherset's without stop.. plug.': Y. S.L-k,littlel of yont., Alicunistonte Salve, applied to a wc,tien see, reduced a. compound fracture in taueteetiluainutex, is corerthg . ,ihe limb with a'fresh cuticle of white`pine bark... •I • s, • l e of Vir the En the post but de l/1060. le death al As. ureu, in • ofC.aop iuted by 6ixty-fi re arch sth, ty-throe to going: hettreca, < ! lie tirto .Betlitties of going to Lizio.- - 4 they Iro , rcheeter County Court of, COnnnon pleasi !t Mr."- Dudley . I.ined---a-..31r. Tit ,tO.,recover ‘0,25,.1he paceof a pair of glinot;i. :The ahtiou wae an,appdal . frsim dehi,iota of. the . Suatier of the - Peace in !favor of the,platul Itift ".The cost-- . wilf con& up to between; $lOO 'end . 8125. the plaintiff)hfrefore re- . ) cover 4 a dollar anTs quarter Ian!! probahlyi () J ays his lawyer ten times that 'amount, bea Bides his own loss of tittle. Thtldefendauft; pays his lawyer, to es his time and -one; hundred and twenty:five dall,irsln a fOolisii i endeavor to save $1; 9 5 , ; - ' • - i a ;native rears but; was bar,atud barb in .Mo encli ip is fifty-. - ' WAR 'TN LIBERIA.—A furious war is ,• raging in the vicinity or Cape '''altutts, be tween the. colonists the eatives. l'hip 1 ., ty-seven , American - bousci and : \ prop erty ' havo been • destroyed, '4ld tirenty. ! 10....... 14- •' 4 ' _ 4. ..... 11,...M1 . MII /MiAiiial sui...o l 'iindlbuiiness• mattersrivere atv stand'. A I detachment:of one bundr dlifty,m hundred anen• _ . . had ,_left Monrovia, for Cape *PctlnaaW, on. boards . *!frooner, - with EL-President-Rob; I erts and Vice l'resident 'Y.atei' to - oia thee. ) colonisV. IlVc tindeistand that the settle-`1 meta imindiatelyat C: . t . pe^l'Aiinas has not been destroyed; and it Li Ilop4 irwill be 'able to'resist the attacks, of the natives : 1 - _ f , c • I . Rev,l Plixtia Waldo, the iieneratife eha'plaiu of Ilit. - Flloist'lef'Represent,itives; n0w.04 years old, has reji - LiiteThi - slon*in_ I Connecticut. -L•ist week he presolie_d awa sermons in ii,harou, walkeld half a tin' 1.3141 Wm th a p 4 rsonaiy . to the ineetirig-RonSe, went throu,A—th lippa- rent i;etigue. is kr. Wiildo*.is.nisuldier in • Lthe Revolution. • ' I , I • • leirTlvi editor of the ;Woonsockifrat• - - riot _ makes merry over tlio mi sta ! ke:Of - ShaEihai .htM of his, that has beeti-"set. • d n .?! for five weeks upon ivy; rot al,stones' anti a piece of - brick! qler. 'nexiety," quotes no 'treater than ours ro• know what she will hatch. 'lf it provii a brick . = yar:d; tharh'en is not for sole." ' ss ipsD_Tlow many sieily ones wish 'they were healthy, how many heggerjrnen wish,!_„, / they were wealthy; how many. ugly ones wish they were pretty; !row many stupid oues wish theyovittyvhow many bachelars wish•they were'marriO4; how many liene 'dicks wish tlieY• had tarried? ; Single or, • deuble,, life'4 full of trouble, riches are stubble, pleasureTs' butible.l ;. - - ; Stir. Mt . -john of Greenville, 1 Oninge•county, NeT York, in a letter to the Commissioner of Pato.nts,etates that he has I. a new kind of point°, which he raiseti front I the ball, Which in.y.rtres , very early, and from which, two .c(ofii can be raised in one season.- • SE P' A Lew filhbustoring etriedition is, ITportecl be organizing in New Oilcan's to make a descent uppntNCW Granada, and srork.up_thro' o)sta Rica to the assist4nce:, of 'Walker. Ninety of Nnuzer's deserters , arrived at New Orleans nu the 30 0 16 f Nlarch on the Empire. City. --,- , ..1511.01(1 Roger was visiting a trim who-batt : A - rentarkable fine girl, about, three years ofd, fatuous for ruArt' sayings. As usual, .she was shown off before our esteem ed friend. -'"What is papa?" said t l 'acs .pa 4 tient, in order to draw out the-prepociomt, , reply. "Papa's a humbtig," said the jure- i "„1. oile. . icclare," said Old Roger, . ev er in my life saw so yo rig b. child ' mature a j dgemeut. - people of 111 it, they ,open pea knife - . In 4riviox, hi have two men to ea to thold tho._zeina;- 'whoa!' ma n .The r Ohio laws I qe glect oNiny, crally coostrded arate' Imost. at nearly the eame,; we'uVl aad Winonsiu. 111 ME _ . ,~. • 11, j:'; • 'IF i> ; • am eo lad °lent . i , ii , , a with an . oyste es, :11 , y . ....tiway' qRa d -- fi - od--otwo , elite other to,ery t , 1 divinres for ' • 7diitb, ~reing lib .tlite•Partiti '- 16 . 0 e1)* re, 11.0 kiLaro in•aWnoi, !EMS