The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, January 07, 1857, Image 2

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( /
was saved by my father of mind, power in itriti:it is in the idea, dt&in,thet
- ,1:, _While others-went for widely heleiled - ev , iiire==in iirormfb which the are riefor-it i ,
-, eryt mg 'moveable which was , on fire, and ea; as it,is usually taaght, may easily load'
`Wrapped imp in woollen blanke a. My stronger headman mine. ' • 1
maternal grandmgther, then of the age of
e hty, was sleeping in !Ile room. ,
~ r;
recollect no great changes happening;
• L to me -till I was fourteen yyears old. 1 A
. great deal of the time I tvissick•, and wheti
,--well mac exceedingly sletiderand,apparent
iy of feeble system. freaS what I could
get is read, went to school' when I could ;
r' ind when - not at schiol was a farm'er's
youngest boy, net goal for much fur waist
of health and strength, but was expetted
-_ to do something; Up to this period,l bad i
no pope of any education-beyond what the
tyillsge school-house was to afford. lidt
:'',t3Etit my 6ither took an important step With . '
me,' On the 25tir day of May, 1796, hp!
enolarited his-ehorse;placeeme ,on Snot er,'
t "e led • milo Exeter, antlplaced me in
- Phillip's Ae , demy, thee and now underl
' theicars of that most' excellent man,' Dr.l
. • Berijamin Abbot. I had never been from !
,horne before,__aid the change overpowered
• .. ma- I hardly remained 'master of my sen- 1
.witatmong ninety . c boys who had seen so
- ; dlitch.more, and appeared to know so'neneb I
Wee ; - than I did. ' I was petite English
. grautuar,arikveriting, and Arithusetse• .- 7 .-1
The Ant, Ii lank I may say, I fairly mal, l
tered,;lievw „Nay And October ;. in the .1 ,
' .otliersl ma e Skase -progress. In the ant.l
_- __ men there 'wpm!_-:...." - val; 1 scut
. .. 3 sese, stayed a few days. and returned at. !
• : thc‘totn!acement of the quarter, • and!
lbtr. begin the Latin grammar. 'My 'first;
-• ',titivates in Latin were i l recited to Joseph!
• Stevens Bnekmicste'r. He had, I think,l
alrpady joined, but bad returned `to I
Eater, perhaps in the college• vaeatiori, i
-.,an,d wail acting as usher in'the place pf Dr'..!
-Abbot, • th i en absent through indispositiew i
'. . It so , happened that within the fe ti 1
... -months during which I was at the Exe i r ;
- Academy, Mr;.Thacher,' now judge of h t
MUnicipal Court of Boston, and. Mr Ens.;
- ery, the distii3gnished counsellor at Port- 1
- ladd, were my instructors. lam proud 1
• to 611 them both - master..' I believe 1;
made :tolerable pr egress in mo , ,t tranlices ,
-which I attended to while 'in this schoOl;
but' there was one Aing I could not du—
, •-• I could not, make' a declamation ;' I •conllll
•not speak before the nod. - Thq find' and !
excellent Buckusinster' sought espedally to
' : persuade use to perform the ;exercise of
; , deelamatiOn like other boys, but I could
-.not dolt. Many a -pie.-e did I commit to
. . - I memory, and resit() and rehearse iti'my
4 own room over and over again ; yet when
• the
,day carne; when the school colletted - to
'heat dielatnatiodS, when my name was,call-,
; ed and I saw ill-eyes titrued to my seat, I
could 'lnch raise - myself, from it. Some-
titnes the . iostruetors frowned, sometimes
they smiled. Mr. Bedminster always I
, • presaed and: entreated most !willingly that ,J
I would venture, but I never :, could coin- 1,
wand su ffi cient resolution- When the oe• - • i
eagle's was' oeer, I went home and wept
• bitter tears - el mortification. i
At the winter vaeation,December, 1796,
nr Jaduary, 1797, my father came fnr me ,
and took- me home. Sense long-ende- i
- ring fzietlshipl, I I formed in the few
mouth's I was at 'Exeter. J. We;:lliaeket i
, late of Newr-York, deceased, William Gail.
land, late or Portsmouth, - deceased, Gnv. I
=C os, of• Michigan, Mr S;ltonstall, and
.Ismes.ll. Bingham, VOW of Claremont,
•I,F,ew- Hampshire; are of the number. In
' :February, 1797, mv father' carried me to
the Rev. Samuel Wood's, in Boseawen,
_ ,
end placed . - inumnder the tuition -that
, .
_ -
mast benevolent - atitl excellent man. 'lt N. difehatal affair li ;Pomaded considerable
was buta half Is•dozen miles from our or . vii 'ittantion. ~[ , • --= : I '
I ' '
ti-eise. 04 - the way to Mr. Wood's, my i i r The Prince of•Pru.sii, now at Paris, is
father first, intimated to me his intention of, the bearer of an .antograpli invitation' to the
_sending - me to college. 'lnc very lilea.lliiipeior Napoleon to visit Berlin lie the
;;tgrillect my whole frome. t Ile sai I he:then h Sprir.g.. It is, said the Emperor hat alceep
, -
lived btit for his children, and 'if.l. -- W - citdd red the invitation: , I 1 .
oall r could for myself, F.e- would do-1 -; A 'deputation of Nfoldo-Wallochian Boy
- whit he could for me. I-remember that I I aids in 'Paris"' have presented addleAd; to
was quite ''overcome, ;and niy head grew, l the Enipsror in fayor of a ' union', Of the
dizzy. , The thing .appeared to me so high,.. Prineiviiiitica. • , . •••• -1-
snit the - expense and i sacrifice it was to ! Several of the French papers' are ndvii ,
' cost my father se great, I could only . press 1 r l ati [ rig the establishment of a Gi?veriini-•[nt
his hands and shed tau, Excellent • ex- ' hue of stentners, The Censtittilional
, ' ,0
corker: parent! J canip [ think ot him e- says the pressor suite of the money liiiar
.- • .
„nen now without turn' g chill again. -- Iket is t4i.= sale harrier• . The Sick ' pivot,-
----"_ l' l ifr. Wood out me upon Virgil and Tel- I ses a Oilyernieent subsidy to the present
15; 'awl I conceived a easure in 'the study ' tranitlautie steamers, oak', aids that Pov
; of them,: especially the tter; which ten- ; eminent is, about tolreconsider the questieri
dered application no longer elm& • With of a traii"atl'intic-line—a question that lois
. .._ avli7t.,vehruence did I denounce Catiline!-- been adjourned so often, awl Wltieh citai
, With what _earnestness struggle fopl ilol—. I traphes, such as • the •steal • rier Pacific ! ' the
In the spring I began the,Greek grammar,' City of Philadelphia, and the. Lynaueis,
- 'and-at midsummer Mr. Wood said to me: ! render more than ever indispensable. ; 1
"I eipeeted to keep you till next year, but 1 Spain.
r 1
tam • tired of you and 1 shell putyou in- I • . -'
are to the
[ lath of Deeem
. to ocillega nep--; month.' • And: ,el be did,-I - 1 :14 4=-rid advices
but it was a mere breaking in;' I was in-1 1 " r, - 4
,:• deed •
. , miserably- prepared , both Latin ; . .
; appointing M. Now, Ambassador to!; the
and_Greeli • bur Mr: Wood accomplished
his' premise, and I entered Dartmouth Col: I u P urt of itt ' ult•l ' - - . 11
lege'ss a - freshmin, -Acigust, 1797. 'At - G rPumuY• •
t •
I hid ' & I
Mild another circulating A Berlin letter states that the Prcis r sian .
liinery, l atur hiad read many of its iolumis.; note rel-iiive to Neufchatel, :would be read
-solei-----•snialiV shat
I found Dori 1 to the Ultima= Diet on of Deactu ,
Qmixot s - in the
;,.......- [ , emntnen traziala......,, —_ , ,
1 _ _ , • -,
'in an edition, as I think, of three orlhur I- . . Pities] --, • 1
-. Lluodecinte volumes.; I•began to read' it,l Prusaia is makint
sad it is litterally true that I never closed j t o wore ',against Swt"
tris eyes-tillfinishedi nor did I lay [hl In than two al
I had - -
~ y Ore
t it dawci for five minutes . so _great I was the , i nt ended, will ba„ml3l
[ bower of that extraordinary book ; ols my • service.. ---" ' 7
-, imagination. - -
i (./f my college life I l ean say ibut little. ;
1 -
. A Paris dispatch 'says that a friendly
I '•= l nionglr• , -deati. - has,madel'great havoc in' '
tour elaSal, sc_me yet live who we're intimate Power (no name ) is understood to.have
,morej ,imiggested that - Switzerland! almuld be' re
: '.irirdi, me, especially Mr. Bingham,
quired ta; accede' to Prussia's deitiandl , for
. :mentioned; Rev. 3lr. Jewett, or Gl:m - 0- I the release of the Neufchatel pnsoners . ny
:thste= (Sandy Bay;)_Bev. Mr. Tenney', of I s c ' ollectie ,,
;note frairi the Powers[ wineli
Weathersfield; Rev. Thomas Abhott alert; •iigued the protocol ~of' London. Tt-r
' h;
TB, of Middlebury; Judge Falle,r, of A n .
I would enable Switzerland to make 'an lion -1
-- . -1- gusta; 'Mr:" Farrar, . of
,lAncaster Judge; al
orame retreat.
Kingsbury, of Gardiner' and several oth- I
ere of the class, are-still living. , I' • ' ' ' I
. gust : lt -4 1 i A Sardinian loan of sixty million lives
, ' • -- I was graiiudeti in Au'
n •
• , ~ring•to some difficulties hoec non ti4nti- ' , ry,
2 1 is talked of.
11 am lehrated at Milenlfor
[rinijnecie,<l took ncipirrt in thii aim:nonce- I ~11 ' A° "' e
mope of the King of Naples from ![!13•
ment exercises. 1 spoke an °retied to the., '-' 7 '
--- Society of. the United' Faternity;
l'acispect was a sufficiently boyish f .. ' The Austrian 4!arebdakes and. all theof-
.. per or t -ce - tad • • [- 1
Which ;!'"1-`instiou. -= : , [
_ mance ,- ;[ „ t ecets anus .
/ ••,---- :My collegelife was not in idle lens. I • Naples. .
Besides the - regular atteadance on preseri- ' Correspondence_from Naples sontnincan
. a • - 11 studies,read=,• - I
. . .-bed t itles an . I something account of the trial and last moments 'of
[ of English history and t•igriall °literature. ,_Milano. When asked hOw Toni he had !
- - Perhaps my reading was too misalliance?". [ contemplated - this act,' ho replied,„'oEVer
- ; raven paid'my board kt a year b,y super d since tha King prejured hiMself!.'", 'On the
intending a little Weekly newspaper, and scaffold - his demeanor was firm. ,r The sold
', making selectios fur. it frepa booksof lit. iers of ! his battalion- were - deeply moiled,
seaters and from the"-cOntekipckar abli- and some of his - officers wept; Soutei'or
• eatione: - ' I suppose:l liometitzies wrote a , English , resilents 'at Naples hive
foalidja- paragraph myself . ; . While :in col- 'letter of congratulation to I!the
. ' • ,Tegi, I delivered twisty three occasional ad- •• 11
~, iiresses; which were 11.W:dished.. • I trust
. . ~orgot t
• :hey are tren; -they were in vel7 - = bid
taste. .I bad-not•ttion leased tilts 01 Ina
, .
Te egrap
LATER Fll.o.E'
• Steatner .Niagara.
[By itte ertcan frtnting elegraphr
I - DAM:, Thursday, Jan. 1,:1857.
. i i
The Royal Mail steareehip Niagara,!
from Liverpool, - at 3P. M• on, Salurday,ll
the 20th ult., 'arrived here' last night an
i l
11:30. Her. dates are three days late
than those' received by tbe'Vultou at Neil
York. / '•
- . --, •,
The Niara passed the American ship
Nebemie, Stephen Croivell 'and Plutarch;
gointiuto Liverpol. ll:vend:KT 2,5, lat. 51i
deg. lot. 28 min , passed §tearuslip Arabia;
.., .
band east. I
t -
'Tlie 'Collins steamer ETicison; art-rived
at Liverpool pn Friday evening December
mt.- -L.:, rrcaunought arrived at Liver,
pool alto
_on the 19th nit., bridging oho
day's Later news: ' ' 1
Thei stea..l:,..r Persia - arrived in th
Mersey, at 7\ - -.o'clock on the morhing I) .
December 20, The greatest apPed that abg
attained on -hcr.passaze, Was 339: miles iiii
24 hodrs • 1-, ' - : • ; r
A st;t:am tuglitd'striverl from the wreck
ed ship Adriatic, and rPportiid that shonlil
the weather keep moderate, there wasovery
sign of the ship cowing off w_ithotit' nitteir
damage. : • ,
The gongress rit Paris.
It wits sti!l supposed that the Congre's'
of Paris would re assemble before the
New Year, but nothing official bad be+
stated. Count Walewsk i t it is ;aid propo
ses thai some comperisa!ion should be given
to Russia for the 'loss of Belgrade, and
Russia: proposeeto actept a piece', of' land
between the river Tulpux and one,of its
ttibutaries. A Paris 'dispatch says that
Austria is the only r power that !has rir,
yet nulled a representative tv . the Con
gress, but . Bardu Hubner will
.probably e l
b l e l
represent 'Austria, and Barwit Bruno, Itul
Great Britain.
Transports are being'taken up in Eng
land for re-enforcenients to the Indian
'Expedition against ; Persia. 'Eight-.regil
ments have orders `le be i' readiness. , •
Capt. Itaistein and the officers aintcrew
of the Resolute, are - to realm heti, in a
British ' ship. Fr'em want of time,, they,
had to decline invitations to dine With the
Geographical Society, and other public
died.. Three thnuaand persons visited the
Resolute after the "Qteett 'left.
Queen sent £lO9 to be distribitteti!smong
the ?sew.. • •
- ,
A great meeting, had been'held Bir-
Mngham to protect agitiust the centinu
!Luca of--the war iincome , tax. ,
Were 'passed that the ,taw in its inenut
form is unjust, oppresetv,, , degradidg, and
not to lit t‘lerated by - s44,pe people. the'
movement is spreading •re other parts, of
.6outityr: '
F i rauce.
the .:.itinittier en The
An .editorial'; in
The state of pubn.7
he se bad in Hoop",
• ___ 1
.9f-DepiOnents , szekto.nant,rt*, pewor
in oil the subject. -- r' ~.
,-- -
Persia 1
The death, of the Shilei. young - soil pre..
vciiterlia sixteen days • rejoicing which was
to have. been held at Teherin on account et
`the fall or Beret ' The British . citizens in.
tehcran are .plaoed .under the; protection:
of the Tui key. Eneirapsy. • ''; . s . ,
Thi,i, Latest I
I 1 The failure of Robert dohnson & Co.,
ware; honmenren, Lindner, and George Ash.
worth & Co., manufacture.; 31seciresier, j
announced The liabilities "of .The 'lattei .
orre about _ 4100,600. . 1
The fall of /lend, from Persian.sources
Is confirmed. Accounts show the clefense
to have been bravely,sestained.. The city
was only given pp when all hopes of de
fending it successfully had disappeared.—
in England a strong feeling is getting up;
' inimical to• the war with Persia, arising
nut of that seine.. A feeding had been
held at New castle upon.l'yne to denounce_
the — piiitical,expedition against Persia, and
an Friday ntght_, bills were. posted about
London warning seilders against taking
part in the iilratical invwdon of Persia. "
' Sicily is reported tranquil. Baron Ben-'
tivengo the rebel chief, is a , priioner ,in
the hands of the royal' authorities: },l4a i‘
othoe'-reee...ns nav e been captured, aid r
' rive every day in l'aldrtno. ' .1' '
.'ailing of Ms Huggers for .Bos)o —:
Ail ifax, Thursday Jan. e
1, 1857 ii
steamship Niagara sa il ed from here a2'
; o'clock . ibis morning,. with a light easterly ' , ---- ,
I wind fur llcirton, where %he will be due . sit Co - trai.T . r...At. Friday 184 a son, aged
Friday evening Weather cloudy. sixteen years, if 'me: jiriaes Y. gerrirof Rae-,
was leilled,-It is towfiesed. instantly,
.-- WASHINGTON ~CITY, Jan. s' . The wife + -ea " I ' ..
.fJudge'D..tniefir, of the United tat !Su- by the fa some diStarkee from his
premestiourt t ,wasburned to death kit ight father's , hou se. ;R e was a gSi ear in 'cilo t Ping
i, byan accident, at the 'residence bt her has- tb e - troi down, din its fall, it, is thouglit he
baud in, Franklin •Row. The. Judge , and' mistook its dirCetion, and. Instead of / running
' his wife had b-_,en nut, and, on returning
awe from it he\ran innuediateiy . I l ui z ader it. die
home, he went.into the Library,' and' she /IF4 i1° 4 !,. 04 the' ("?, and *nit 'We/re . red bY
repaired to her Fl eiiiiog aril tuient, and 3 a neighnor, was Hieless. • liA ° ".-,
l'commenced disrobing, preparstoiy to reti / - i ;Axes:um—On i ) ,e flOth salt., WI:RC several
i ring for the night lising very near sight- I bays were amusing :heraselv'es,on the ice at {ha
-1 cd, - the did not parceive a`candle sitting on ; mbuti, of- the &iett; a sari ofllt:j Gillespie,:of
I the hearth, nor the . flaineslhat had p. 3 urruu -I ..Rechester, unfortunately wen tinio . a bole and
1 cleated to Ler clothing, until they ooroplete. 7 w - ;,,i dy,,,,,,,,,L Tblif should be a warning to
151 Y enveloped,h nr----sll ' died - tt " ' 4°l ' 4 4! boys to sire more,esrerui when' upon the-iee.
•; after lingering eight hours in dreadful sg.l. _
l'ony . , ,
' • Mrs. Amick was a most estiouttrlt•teilY,
about thirty five years of age and loaves
I.two children, thd youngest being only six
lor eight months old She ivss'a dsughter
of the late Dr. Beni!, of Phillidelphi
formerly chief of the Bureau of 31edieit .N o
add Surg ery attached to the a . vt , Depar -
ment. • I
.This terrible 'Calamity. has.cusod much a,Jsrgo circle of friends, and the
community at large, !vita deeply
thlse with the Judge in his bercavemeut
The lion. Joh° Appleton, of Maine, has
arrived. his cousin' is, pre:mint:a to have
reference to the cond uc t of ;b i g official or
gan under, the new AdurioistratiOn.
Washington City, Jan. s.—Tf
court, sympathiziag with Jud i
in h i s severe domeaticaffiietien,
funeral of his wife takes place
adjourned until f Weilocday.
of Claims observed a similar tna
spot. .
The lettal Office has withdraw
about one million acres of land
na, which wele found to fall
grant of the Ni 4 Orleans,
Great We4tern Railroad betwee
and Sabine River, on the Texas
Lou 1H VILLEJan. 's,—The
Appearof Tue sday, I kays,
b eons
citemnt prevailed at St. Frilo
by rumors of it rising of slaves
teas. Several . negroes had heel
who confelssed to a plot Similar t
of Napolemiville, Louisiana. ,
The Committee appointed / byl
of Nash\ille, and Use Jude
enuntY, to examine ellarw.s r.f
against certain'negroes, report DO evostote
and recommend their disehartre;
fhe'Jlississippi. papers ridi . eide the Tel
,reports 'of thonegro••turbancc'
iu Jackson, anirsay there not a shadow
of funudationiu thew. , . ,
Springfield, 11l , Jan: S.—TI e 'Avila
tqre met. "A'ho Doinuimats in he !loose
fpreibly expelled Bridr, , es, the itepubliein
clerk ofthe last liouso while. calling ;the
roll, antil44lly organised, when Samuel
- Floluies, Democrat, was elected Speaker,
and Charles, Lilo, Democrat, eldrk. •
•Bostoa;Jan. s.—Tlae‘ ChrouT
morning contains a statement 4
Sumner will not ileavo for - Was)
'WWI intended,-owing, to advice, t
\ trary byt his physician.
= 1
rW k by,--I ~.---'
sieo ee the Court records that
the two C•mntelfeitcrs, White of Buffalo,
and Lawrence cif lipping, N. U., have
cola - placed' under ten thousand dollar
, 1.---.4.., ..oh, •nr ;leaking and selling, 1;6-
1 Adana: of ror's' Cherry Pectoral. 'T is
is.'right. Ifthe law should ; proteet ninn
pTo N tee ' t 7 i - ri eri fiffba i r,,,,,all e lt
-- c_enaiulir ''shouhil
la worthlessicounierteit of such a riIMIR3'
las Ayer's CherryPectornl. We win onlY \
complain that, th pool-tumult ht. not halt'
. enough. The vi lain, who,,would fnr . .pall
try gain, delibetaiely trifiewith ilia beiliii
t of .his fellow man, by taking -'from their
lips the cup of hope, when they are siolticg'
and substituting a fal,sehood-L-eind under de-
I, lusion, should bet punished - at least as
I \ ieveroly as he who counterfeits the coin
I obis- country.- Green Qt. Banner. ear-
rolkou 111. . • , ,
. N
1 . ,T
Francis Felix,'-,only • mannfattntcr 'of 'the
'original Extract Coffee,' says,•!...-.5 know.
that your Holland itteni it magi of ,the
best medicines in the worldiur a disorder
stomach or ,liver.!. , N • •
Dr. Ludwig, editor of tlia "Faokel,'
Baltimore, pronounces it a moil' noon de
serving the confidence of the pnblice N
Dr. Everhart, the - leading German Sh -
sician of. Pennsylvania, has pi.e se rili e d
frequently during the last three dears, with
marked success, in debillitated states of
the digestive organs, or of the system gen
erally ' • -
, ; _ •
ThO manager Ballou's Vineger
1 7 xvic — "l Ved h. myself and was there
fore induced A try its effect upon my wife,
(troubled with the great q•billigy. common
to all of a consumptive babit;) s t ud rosily
it is doing bar more good, than anything
She has im taken.'
link •
te roportsd to,
• the 411tattisn'
-BE •
K. waTup.`,
"D i 1 Ftß
ADJOIIII. 161) COURIS-21ft"'imljourned ontt
will be bel do his iplike--nineneing o ,the
2gth of -this niesth. - •
• - 11 ••• -
• ' 1
3- The, ; ffiltift in"' beat in nibs' d ths'• Dr :
Tubbs' will b his ro6inapat the 114541 fo erly
kept hy Mr! Velimei;.in on lien
clay, January! the 12ili
A enAitaf. l ' At theltillicitation of tetnra of ;
'oursubscritters , in ' 41111ginste r, the ytickolte
containing th`e' BridginCittint . 11:41/5 will" - beri*
n*bc Jeri
t /t 04 hoot° of Bowl. Patton,
insteid of, ii '
1 ,
r T e
out under t
into the nel
portion ottl
Atmosr A FOLL:-.:00 ~ , A lneso3YA licouse
I •
°ample(' 6y ,11tr. iirmes Bea'com, of this boy
ought, caught 'firer: It origiMitevl .by spirits
from elsins4ol z flirtuMite'y lit was epip
guisheit beforeggitush damage Vas done.:
, ,
Death ofCol. lietilt Frain . . '',
, , Some three weeks ago we antioUnCedthrough•
1 a telegraphic dispatah „that Cl.O Ttlleth . Fraier,
!, of Lancaster city,•lld,'sinee , the !election,'_ be
! come insane.' He' was Mich fre i m his limn*
and phseed isa the , !htsahe Xsylusn, at- Harris
burgh; and wi have 'to record , now! that he ailed
.1 1 1,
in thiteinstitntion on Tuesday the kitli silt.
1 . Col. Fraser Fra ser wastlim eminent member of the
Lancaster •13'ar , and for many y ears h most
, • , 1
I pwminentAind intluesdial leader of the Democ
' racy of thalcountjt i . lie had BOUM estimable
! traits or Ammeter; rod 'aa ihdoMitable will
land energy; , and : we believe , over (taxing his
: meritat and physical energies MI stipposed to
, have caused his decrungetrieht 'Emil death. . -
!• --...:—. -.
. 4 1.--..--J--.:
A scene occurred n Sunday
,erening last In
i the 51erliodfat *lir dd Church; in Brldgeete ,
ter, that is-highly oPrelsensible ; and the ac-
I tams iu it should b punished to the utniest se
! verity of the law. Ift appears that tor a long
I •
I time tho members of that Church, and other
well-disp,oled persons Rho nttenti,lbars been •
moleststl anil annoyed in an outrageOun,manner
by, a set of rowdy young men•whe hr.bitually
i •. , I
gather. both at the doors and in 'the hick seats
• • : 1 • I !
l of the Church. So f regardles s . of decency and
lorder have they beep?' filOte, that it, has been
; necessary, fur the Pastor io charge 'to appoint )
I persons during service to I see ' , ilia su ffi cient i
Lonlet was preserved, to ehtble the exercises to 1
i proceed. ,An \\ flenday evening lost, however, I
1 ,
i their reckless natures seem to hav l e been uncon- I
l-trollabte—their: audacity to Intreireaehed a cul- I
urinating point ; and on bring remonstrated I
with, they rushed in a bodyfrout the-back part ,
of the Church to'the door, yelrug and shisuting
' back language toe in decentifos ,Chidemplation,
o Sueln i coriduct must not gopunished., Thcri
I religions Cod'order-loviei chi ns of Thridgewa- s 'i
t .
ter owe it t to thermicives and' tus com munity to.!
• nrrest this intolerable , rowd4stu at °nee, - by ,
visitiog the o ff enders, irrespoctive„of age 'or
!'standing, with:the intoishrefit: their conduct
descries. ' , ••. ,' k .
. ...... li
i 1
_e Daniel
and as the
he , Court
'rk )ot re.
is from gale
a Limisia
l• ithin the
I lnuna's and
Mary fit is
lora ble I ex
s county,
on Christ-
e whippet!,
0 the story
the IStlyor
--Since the, above wee wlien wel learn that
the necerary sleps hove beta taken to bring
them to justiem , t 1 . 1_ -
• ••..._ l 4. 4......L._,- - 7
-1 ,
A filimpst it.t how th oftiber)?;lectiolk
, v i e tn. l---4 - 1 . 1 ‘ I
The coneettel4 electionaril in the city ,'of
Philadeliiiiin,..-biniftt to" lt t , some astounding
, e eT els,tione, t uid;'series , tO , tai howi .I'ennsyl
„nulls, ; rw , carri ed in Oot.7iiirr last, i i n favor of
the Democratic nomipece. ! ,ln the ,seventh di-%
vision of the PourthWaid )tierelviorti 485 per
asses;lo.:, Yet a 11 ,f1 who idligently
searched the ;Want two w,eitstfer;ilr eleetlon
Could end but 3:39 of theia,Lnurly on% handred
having dksappeared within)hattlime.. Another
house 'ltt Witch. twrtity4;,* were 'aSSesited , • ail
rritling.,oontaiorl but illree l o{ th ere- , ,
A w i t ,,,,l.;..tiire mesa. Alfl!rellt.' ' ralt.t_Diticre, ,l
w h o t w O6 to equal instancr ntirlsOlty. 4. 7 « .-- 1
i.L . a p . tbe election , pen elf seventh 44irie
• ot, - 'aril Wsrd. in Oc!Dher'lailk, l• saw a
~ ...T .
''” o Imo passing ; witi,etrOped, and
,called,., i sen. name 'wide I did noi l dmiseLdis.'
tinttlY --•- tai nt . •o ' ti far off I . don't , know the
woyds-that 'int'sce \ d,,betwee theta, but \as they
approaChed neare r 1 saw a man's unwilling
ness to conie up to the pCI when he go t near
the window ; where I was s 'ding, I ri t e man
take hold'of his rii,htarin diag himde the
poll, when a ticket was off him, w hich ; he
refused ytetaitts.- , The Man hoi held , hiby
ii ‘
the right arm ' put the tike ntol the 'win ow,
and culled ,out a name Sad aid'ence,whi h I
did not bear, there being rich confusion at
the time. ,t' i t ' . that time / veti. was chalirt
ged by C,;Signuni. who the WindOw boo ;
the ticket wr:takea fro b i is .
i hand and p i
into the ballet boz t. it w akeli i 'fromJthe man
Who handedLlt •in. The rd& were, after thl \
challenge 'lrs, *ode, .“
he nikright ;; I vows .
' 4 e man who -the voter by the.
122 heard exoter say to-the
reWToted, , a n . have no right, to
mother man . khold'of him and
/On hive ari 'to Vote , t ' ,
fined -4 live at o. I-52 Jeffe rson
!rend w l \ nne not 'there
asked to got ( and seethe Ink,
-.tin; inla 11 erstion; I don't
iiimmi w o' Yeti mesto gii • I
Per , Mr,t; who dragged tiii' [-
"In 40,1 lit- who
or since ; r
ay , paine i tione with the vote,
. -
tof th voter ritecw bat two
Sinai sad .. ~,',
1 . .
leof this
at Senator
liingt.°l aN
the coo-
7••••• ,.. -„,
' 24fro pi
. opretAirs
—,----n. .„
virit t. ..siiii, /.; 7 1 ' - ,
~ ,1111 q 0irfiT 7;
c, .'lB5l
, • •
ass not, be
wet Owl :get
until a
,ett off. •
I ,
- ----Ativiniiirnartpirstr .- r':•-•
From a- work - recently sent us trent WasAing-!
ion City, enlitle..i ".A ['est .- Office 'DireeterY,"
and compiled trout efficitiesoftices, by. WO. I T,
, •
lieech, we glean the foilliwingiSereeting inter-'
Dilation.; Id order'. iha r ie who reader_ - May iikoti,
readilyi Eh d'if 1 'b ' the , amou nts
see. e i erenoe etween e
„, II L --- ,
paid ,,
ote.pcstage,tellecteti the smonete old
for Sladlservice, &c., between the Free and
Slate Binten, we plaCe them in separate tables,
1 s ,
and to each; State append• the or mpensation .
I ' ostmasierl4, the cost, a, t r a nspo rti n g the - malls
j . .
' iiliiii,ihem ad olio the revenue which each
f the Skates yields to the Departinent': l.
• FREE STATES. ' ;' .. .
.. , .
• ; Total postege P._ M. salaries
j collected ) . ' & tranipert'n '
linine. • 5161;368 46 $82.21 a. 1 8
"New Ilampshire, ' 05'609 14.-- ' 4€468k.34 -
ermont, . 1 . , 92,816 10 ~ ,34',44:ii8
31a3sachusetts, 632;184.22_ 1 163,091:01 ;
ithOde.lstandi e "58;624 157 ' 13,891 73
Connecticut, • '' . 179;'23067 81,462 .62
New York, • • 1,'38..V67 72. 481,410 21.
New Jersey:: ' 109,697'80 • , $0,084 20
Pennsylvania, , 683,013 29 261.838 46
'llll.‘chlgan,- .. 142,188 1.8 148.204 12
Waseonsut, 112,963 96 ,92.812 .89
lilittoidt, --- . 279,887 32 '280,038 3 1 l
010.),1 ; 1 '' 452,133 12 - 421,8,70 53
101313/4 180405 68 .190,480 32
Iowa: •- ... - _ 82.4%068. 84328 "95
California , 284691 25 ' 136.386 57
' - ,j, Z. • 47------
$4 67Ci 781 22 $2 608,352 44
4' •• States ? Total postage 1!. IM. saleries 1
eollectolt • & tranapori'a
Delawre '. $19,64411 -. )149243- 60
Maryland, .101,484 5811 - _1 1 4.-: 44... OS
;Virginia,'4 ,—, X 17.861.2 !' 246,592 61
l'N nrth carol'insi, , 7 3; 7.59 27 • -.. 148.249 . 69 jt.
fibuth Carolina, I 91;000 19 '. 192,215"88
Georgie, , ' '.149 063 4Q 216,003.59'
' Florida. " • , .19 27,510 . 77;553 96
1 ATahanus, , • ' 104 5)4 55,. 226,316 5.6..
Illissiesippi, 78,789 99 1 170,785 051
T elq i4, , , • 70;486 05. 209,P86,`181
' Kentucky; . . 13.0,067 26 ' " 144.161; 344
Lenisiann, ,- I 1-33;76.3 19 133;810 1,8
;'l•44iessee, 1 103, 1 685 15 116, 91 59
Ali wide), 1 1 1394452 00 185,( 96 961
Ar "any" .•• . I 80,66 . 4 16' 1:7,6 - 9 92 I 1
' _total.-' ' • $1,552 902 88 $2,395,9 1 75-1
1 ,
It l
The total amount of ostago collected i the I.
Fthee. States for the year ending: June oth, ,
1856. was $4,670,731 2 4 . The total collected::
inlthe Slave States, for . ihe, year ,ending at the
saree time, was $1,552,902 ,38. . The rimennt
, ~ , f-pz,ql
pz,q1 to Postmaiters for .their- services. and
1 •
anzunt paid for' transporting, „
thb mails in the_
F; States a l mounted, fcr the yebr, to $2:008,-.,
3a 2 & 34'; -tbenreountpaid fee same aervico in i
th'e Slave States was $2,395,971 75. Thus
slip ing that theiNorthern States paid the ex.'
pe e of carrying their-own mails, &c., and
pas ' a balance over ° o the Department of
$.4, 82,3b8 88; while,* the Other band,' the
try tuts, over the reciiitits,'ir the Slave States,
aril tint to $843,06,9. 37 . 1 or,' in other words,
the 'Southern : States cbntiihuted to the Post
Oifi . e Departmentsl,s32,942 1 38, told received
I • ~ , 1
fir $2,495,9711; ~, 8.
,The folloiving table exhibits the postal af
ta:irs ofSeaver county :'
Comp. P. M. Revenue.
David 'Anderson, $29,49 $14,05
r Bank Richard B a ker. '28,88 16,62
era h. Eleira P. licer, 288,79 520,46
Ilawk; Henry Br 4; ' 18,88 10.39
ton, ;James NleClllan, 38;27 10,59
Cek.l.Abrihntn Hunter. 5.50 4,00
ngton, John Welymonds, 140,60 65,90 .
'ton ,
R. L. Baker, ;47,8'8 • 23,80
'ton, Samuel Edgar, 109,18 104.95
fort, Wm it. Foster, 71.24 : 70,31
e art John Urthntn, 119,26 ! 76,28
etown'Cltrles Cslhonn, 28.82 21,44
stown, James.Bryne, 79,89 38;67
try, .".acob Itto.4ell; Sri 93p 30:47
all , 31arthayatton, , 16;231 6,47
. -
$4.111t.0n Chiqlos A. Illigby i ; BtiB;o9L-001;49
.IBelti John Scott,
ridkly Melvin Nye,
Philip Hill,
N. I: I
.7S Sc ,
N Sh
N Se
:Toby A. Miner,
Itenry Won!:
ster, •Chester Vi-Bloos, 281;11 167,58
` l c, William Harrison, 2596 14,09
'fySilC David Reid, 19,6;3 8,96
Ferry Samuel Smitlii l 91,05 21,25
P ooh'
Washington Star, which Beath to'apak
I The
ag W
:hority for!Mr, Buchanan, eayrr; -
hivo'n few Remo from iyheiiland, on
we have reason to relJ• •
Mr. Il'ochan:in„hai, as yet, insitad no
bceotne n ., ,,titein h er of his Cabinet, and
'made-up his mind with - reference to a'
neniber of it.
Id: Mr., John 2.1,
one to
has not
.„---4.secce Al Jelin Appleton, ot.
belittle Aitor of the Woshingtan Ziefon.
Buchanan 15 aEI earnept advocate
lection of John' W. Forney; Fag., to the
• f the United States. '
h.. He will leave Wheatland for this City
1 before ihq" first lof Tebrnary.l • 1
seems ,14r.. Buchanan bas token off his
e leaped into the Ideriatorlal arena, to
of the
so it!
coat s, '
Persons" friend. anti , political .agent,
ey, into-the. United it3tate
'dent elect, dcJabtlessj thinksthis is all
fair And right but 4130., will Messrs.
se, Backeleir, Foster, Ilredhead,
this interference en his part?
help 11l
me Pt
11310 k of
, The natal ; American . Negotiations. i
-- i - ' n o ttt..;."._Arfs...lithe claim of ,
. 1
Great It " fain to Rmstan and the Bay Isiatiil4: 7 ' '
the ill nitci, Protectorate , and. the boundayy
tif,tbe 'lleb settlement at the Bali:a—hare i
been en .fticlorily settled by 'the article's of
Conventi.n agreed upon between Lord 'Claren
don and 'r. Dallas, with the knowledge and
concurre' 3e of the .; cilßeialt representative' of
Ijondu ,Int the Court at Eitgland. .. /
The I' itaar the Belize settlementare fixed
petinan y, as they existed at the date' of the
Clayton ulwer treaty; and be actually
defitiedwithin two years, if possiby an
agreementto be entered into between, . Britain
and Gua znala o l the British Government fur
consents to abandon Mosquito tx
torate, p sided that C ostaßica nnd Nicaragua
Will 'co-o i rat in fixing 'theterritorial limits
. 1
within'wh en the Mosquito Indiana may eolith)-
ne to eze iee
MI their rights as an independent
•I • i
people. 1
t "In ad ition' to' these stipulations," says
the New York Journal of Onnmeidx, "the
title of Niciragtiit to the: territory ' s South of
the Segovia or Coco River, not %Tahiti the
limits of the 'losquito reservatigni, is t
nized saving any rights which may apper
tain to ilotiduras; on condition that the
navigation of tha river' San Juan,' from its
Mouth to the Barapiqui, be made free to
the ! citizens of 'Costa Ries, without tax ex
cept for light and money and other lesson-
able' port ehanges. The territorial dispn-,
tee of Nicsra . gite and Costeltioi are' to be
settletl•by joint , erbitvationi it, the United]
States . and Great Britiln.. - . Gran - its' milk
'by the Mosquito • Indians, Billie 1848; of i
laud lyieg, beyon d their relereation,j are to !
1 - i
• , •
• I, I :
'CiiilliMeti,*tra m itx tens
drettjaids:eqUare within , and-.One \ "Signer
egnarerwttltent, the limits of 6seyt.•:: , tl
Nleaiagtit'ikill declare Grtri*n to al
rkeitroct 'mid city; though . setainingrilve i
,it the fitefFireignly; and. that, mnninipallti, it,
invested with the lame,' ligikta ot - Self.ev
erimtent,' triad by jury, it" 'religious' rte:..
dom; ail drotit 'finial!' stiptiflaitad . So with`'
tiondnras in ibellalt or - - ttuatan.. Th Mu.-
nieipal Governiuent ii teslcalliod (slim Livy , -, 1
Mg export duties, ot ItaxinggoOds karrted . '
for transit of the lithinus, tkr'coninmptiink
without trio:city ' 1 and Iron . ' t °Heti s'
l• , .4. -. .
tonnage, duty more tnan SufEicient.o ain-*
lain this pOliee of the portc - aml neeissury
ight-boucles and bencomii except thl for a
limited period, it ManraAlf a revent from ,
impOrtistlfficee, to provide for. theliy.
-of an linnuieylto the Indians, fia an
indensititi to i l, ibeir in the .territory
,relinqpished Ito 14ieraragna Soeth' df , the
Segovia Itiver,vtlio amouai and duration of
'which annuity ire to be lied id the trayk;
tistl.,to be •made by Xicarogua with the.
United StatSs . aud. Great. liritain.resPee
lively. •
..•••• . I. •
T a A's ' 1" ' ' la
STATIC _ K.: .......t. tat• lilt' SOCULTION.-.-_ roilt to .
Haishbayg Telegraph ; r wo leistit: that the Staie
're:rater% AssociatiOiswiet in that berough,"on
•Tuesdaitheli , ,,a".. The attendttnch was
quite.i k largo and - respectahle, a conshicrible
umber harm fornalei. .'r • . . -:
-- 1• -.
The procee4g# of 1 the session ins' 4:enid
•with praif hk.the / Illr:Jarries Colder, pastor.
of the pritaishuiri Bethel Cktricli. ' • 1
-"•litiliresident a ifi l p association; Mr. 15rick
ersham;"Of Luncairer . 'atinty, nccupied thri chair: ,
After the appoinitunt of varionsaommtiteres,
Br. Burrows addressl the association. it was .
supposed that; the Association would, co i t tiztue
its seasiuns fol. several days. Ti' .
selii l
. 44,Hgendi against ihn biaek----republieoflj
:llaitii - :infrigtted; almost to_the pai nt ef
( war, foe , tlott foreibre separation of ' Cuba
ftl i i l 't!!V mother wenntry ; intrigued lor.
- . lhtl l • imicrpr(ation•; of tberAtenthern half of
'California ItirSlavert; tintrigued for the
conversionlit. Senora into se Steve ; State \
isttigued-for foothold, flit conquest, f :r an t . - 1.
'e.l6tion,jtv•Central America'; have alre s 'y,, i -
I been labaring to secure complete s is et ,i,k, n ,
ey AP (,0 0.iiii, in itn 4"tideiwkevin-the Ex,---
,ecutite ;.Iftid - lately, etcemo44o, oriettise --
the - Southern People4dte'tionilio46,. t o re , ,
stet t he . • iinaugurloa of .R
. .epuh ort
Canili,l4te—pos;ibl pive i 1 hoettia* 9 diet/
li , elningetitheir.ebaraiter;--benianiepe am li s ' ..
and nuaggreesivey and' 'alrandintecl iitotSliey
they 'lta ye puratted"witti As Milli peni s -
, , - .
ty and'itiokneer.: 1,', , ..- • :i...
_Q.: , .. - 7
As to='; Ar.
, B
uehanan. old .
pt to, change. Mr. , : Bac
~ • cas in o
expecied .to falsify . the, _ /0 -hi Ii . '.
roo t!'
W bathe bas - lieen, he will';'Wh e ;
in jwieni of hi.!fu , ,t14,44;,.1' A 1 L vi,„' ' i
Yield-to irclin.49Re9r - leai:zaliriwial ess m , ' • _
dietions, mate',) ntreasonang, teem but an.
• tecedeuts, this VI . , knewal ebaitteter,,inid ' -
the tirettrustaecei, toy which• he le -ithie e i.
ded?' We 'reprint,/ front Ithe kielohu,,l4
tys ,, ,)-.EatiCuirot a bil'ef'titc i tildetittrier. -- 1 -,
his kat, Oloyalty,'' usipg theainits
Scutb9in ' a -,..o ePtati i tn: '' : ' ""! 1 '
"Tie recapitulateL.; - , ---;;;: ' :-',/
‘41, - ,:i n BM , MlClfuebanso ' supported :
~, ,
9 , ,
'lall I to , prohibit - tbe . 43irtidatien bitAbblit . ; 1
rico& papnrslthrOngl'aile i .- ' . •---';'. ~
"2 . : Ili l' i the same year, he prepased asj ,
I:votea for the admidsien of Arkensieo4
'44. -iti! 1836-'7, he denesuncesi hiftr•Votid; '-- •
Ito reject ; vet ittons for the " .toteolith,e, : c fsji,, l',
Very in thelDietriet.of
.Colutahia. ;\ ,r . r ''
I ' '64. In 1.§31", ha voted Caboun , . , --)
I famouritekalutions„, defining th right, §o f
!thettlkei:_ - and the.' limits of: E.2,l q ral • '
thortty,a7 alttirMing it to be the dety . of ; •••,.
! the GovernMent tti protect and uph:Yld tile -
I institatiote.llof the „South, ' '
1. "5. In .: 1838= - 9 laud '4O he 1er:W.1%14 . ''.
I voted with Southern Senaiilors ilillie't,!Ele
consideration of Antksloilt." petitioni.
"6. In 1t044-'5, '6nd - toe:dud l aud i ea
x ------
forlt: L h? anent ion orreta4:" l _
"i.' ,In 1847; he suStaitted the Clayti?‘
Conegromise. • I " .: * - 1 - \ ''''' -I _ 1
"8: In 1.t550, he i reposect\ancl urged - 'l4
the extension of, thti. isonii Lthimpre`miss, -'' ` ,
to the l'aeific et:ban .. -,-.- ' - ~1 .
'9. But,' he ptemptly acquie;toed tliit
Compremise of '5O, , and employeeilp hi's
influeden , in favor of the faithful execution --. ..
of 'the Fugiiive.Slave Lim, r . - - i• ,
10. - In 1851, remon he siated agai t 1 - '-
1 . ,
enactment of-the Penasylva, P; *"
s pia Legislateie
foi obstructing, the arrest n a nd "risturniffe. - -- .•
lgt ilflitalaves. (. ' ' t. !..
r1'511.:. In 11854, be negeti ted,for the
quiVition. of, Cuba '
, 1,
../ ,
1"12.. In' 1856 ; he appJ.,-,vee the rep,eil
Of the lidsoari ttestrietio4, and :pipp : Orts
the principles of the Kin , ii,Nebtaskaaat. -.
1 I "13. lle never gave L e v )te.,eagaireit . ' the
, i interests of 'Slavery,. tind2tii-er uttered is,
.Iword which could pai:u the moit sensitive
4 1, 1 them, he " • '
1 1 ,..0. 1
. 1
IThat is tuough When, under th pol
-1 icy of James lltrbanan, liansaa sh.oli bet.
come 'a I:rep" State, 4st:times of Slavery
I 14.:1ttensieu ,be 'forever eatingui.shed,' sun
the Slave Diterest reuse to be the ,ruling /
! Influenee id .the Affetinistratieu nrtbi) '
'l Gov ernment, *e shall, oflndi tbat the litti- , ,
. ~.. 4 /
'opian ean'ehdnge hi. 4i11E111.1/ 'the Ipopa , ts
3usi spats --nolt before.
Whit ittnl F , we areneke , l, Mean 110' Ifeb, -- 7 - 7
!oration of Senator Bigler m favoriettitto . it.: t
"ter Sovereignty, the editorial &t he Pena l' i ,
sllicanian in favor of Thotnas/t,I. Be l' aton, '
and theoy9e. tte manife...taelinithe South
ern Rut: t int:4u nenr.papb - r.V, Ja!t this, and
uetlitiog more-i-tbat the fearful: cialitaieo -
~B,ained I l i tho r Nora:term liemocra4 in
-the:late stanty,,,de. m,,Zte be. rrpaired 1 1 - tlaatl
ilk - R.epuhlfcaki,erty, which was is l'u. the
ascendant inl , ths , ;(Are'eth mast •• be disarated
When, by a c o uple of prudent and coat:ilia..
tory; measures, :the Northern . Democrats
shill havo4aneotble to recover tbeir pow,
, i er., ip • a.' respec oble teitebr of the . free
, ------•"---------- I ' ' States( those. ; l who are new • deluded 'by
The FutUre Judged by the Pits, , fare' expect ,ti,) is , ru . i i, ond 4a4 _ eau- the
Power which, has tyreetzed over; the 131113 U
After so exciting a c a nvass as we have
1./nrl ! tlireatned its life, is only jorbearink
lately pessedtbrough,fit. is natural that pee/' , t , , , h'ep it must,' b e nt Will strike" when it
ple shouldlf'pause to take bkeath, and Tett l l: _ ._
:Va(., Era. 1 -J , ..' '
themselves. ''Let them bew I
beware, howefer, 1 -1., .:,./ . - -
of:those Who!would misleadthem irdo,the
notiod that the apparent calm twanyltbing
teas e, lull till elm storm The well organi
zed Slave Interest has.eleetett tos th....4, n t.,
and it has fonr years, me"( in which' tol
strengthen; its power, and)ay, plans for .fu.(
lure • aggrandizement , Could the [tader-
ata,-Men of' the South have their way,ithel
country. might have ,paaea. They 'kee in 1
the dark schemes of thcl Propagandisrat that
besets them, the perils which threatenjthel
best tuter.est ofehe Sotten,but they dare'
s 1
not defy' ' the . Prepagaeda, 'who, reckless '
end irreEpowitble, are strong. enough td ru
in, if ,not rule—Strong enough to "Pull
down, if not build up: I'Moderetion tr?uld
be. arraigned ,as disluelty to the Sonth:i
and what with the 'Jefferson Davis Dt6c-:
crate on one:side,. and the Percy Walker :
Antericaus on' the other, the .ConserVetivel
Durui.-........._. rifF.l3 ~f thd r ...South _ woul4l be
ground between the upper and netherlinill- !
stones. An extreme • policy will - be forced'
upon them; and 'if there are indications .
now of tnedcvaticiu in their tone,, the ! are
but temporary.- ' !
Some of the New Yell papers wh ad.
vacated . the. BepubliCau ticket eduring the
late canvass,'
, are doing what they een to
mislead the.opponents of Slavery-dornine
`tion unintentionally we would belieVe.---
They report Mr. f Buchanan as adverse to
the extreme measures of the Slavery party',
in favor offrne Kansas, dispoaed to occupy
a trulinational and liberal position. !
A moment's consideration .will pit the
'reader-on hie guars: against these illusive
representations, MO convince- him, that the
political milleniuM has not yet dawned.—
: have the men,. who, "bound by a /com
mon and ; exeeptienol Interest, 'annexed
Texas with S. , ,lavery, sought by tic/I l ene?
freedom'and unconstitnti o nalenaamerits to sulapres
of speach,,/ freed* of the p i eties;
the rights oflpetitien ao debate, and to
institute a post office censorship ; Plunged'
us into war with' Mexico,` for - the purpose
of opening. ,free course - for - Slaveri l on! Or
Southern' and: Southivesteinbeiders ;Iresis i
ted the organization of Oiregon intojalfree
Territory, and ' the ;ndmiasion of California'
as'a free Staid . ; brought üboutthe ortni,
Litton of. Territorial .Govarnmentit Lib New
Mexico and Chili, Withdui restriction taito
Slavery; repealed the Missouri Caraprioni
het; with thn"avowed littilose Of carrying
Slavery into Kansas; encouraged' armed
forays. of Slavery I Propegfodipke info lr [ .an-,
I• , , .
'? . 7--- • I. - •
1 - M1
s • ACPPerSII-0. ' he - Dirnmisstouers o
County, last %Teel:, _ adethe following ap
ments : ~ 1 ' : • • 1 ' 1
Manager for the ouso of Refuge,
Roberts, Esq. , . / , , • , 1
Mer:cantite , ApPraiser, It • 11. Agnew, , E.
Attorney ,to Ceminissioners, Joseph 111
son, Esq.: ; I t I • :
f '
Clerk to Commissioners, A. R, Moore
'Physician e... Jail, Dr. D. Minis', Jr. . f
‘Court Ilouse - Atteu.lant, John Gibson.
. *ran , ost REruan—..-At the Annual p ,I
held yesteidaY the sth inst., .the follotviii
fivers and Idanagnrs were chosen for the,
President--CoT. James AnderSon.
Vice Piesitlent—.lgsepti Pennock.
Tl•ensuriv—teej. J. Itanna. •
Managera--Wm. .Eie`lbaum, Geo. Irlor
Urringston; - Getr—geyman, James S.
maker, Jamesl Moen& .lohn ! T. tog
L B. Fetternian, — J bseph Kirktiatrick,
Moorhead Allen . Kramer; - John Herron
• The Erie' City Bank,
At the time of going t press last week, a ru
mor' was current that h th the Erie and. New
Castle .Banks had. close . The (latter, we lire
pleased to. Icarn, lsr doing buZineSs. as laical ;•
and it is confillentlY alleged, is as sound as any
Bank in the ' State-\Vliether 'this' be true or
i • • •
not, we are unable to say.-i But the Eric GaL .
zette sayi'df the Erie City , Bank '
"We have reason to, know that in
king this steP.the o ffi cers onlyl r yieldidd to ai
constautlyiqreasing outside pressure; after
making every possibto effort to resist'
We indulgcbW hope that it , may be • re
opened in la very short ti th e—at! thO fur,'
tbest, in .ibespacc of thirty or six. 'y
Its assets tire believed to be abuntrantly
Sufficient to' Meet at,l I
AS to the Cakise•of thislstate
of things Nye !sliAll not noi comment upon
it. - Our earnest wish is, that' the diffitrul
tics which DOW encompass, the' Bank may. ,
prove but t t emporary,„ and that itl , May
speedily reeclver its„ftirtner firm ai4lprus- !
perous footing. ~ y 11.
- -
10,64 4,60
35,57 1 20,10
47,33 14,52
8,87 6,32
10i13 0,65
980 5,84
Charlestoi4" Jan. 4.--Acanantslrorn
rids stare:tbat a limn, narrieil- Sidle; %viah his'
wife and two children, had been inurdVred
on Indian River, :Lud.their dwelling con
nine, IS
. 1
1 Wil-
i g
:ie. L.
an; S.
J. K.
1 1 - odutnbus,, 0 - Jan: s.—At ten oclops: l '
ti le benAte wag called ice.order by,t e - . , ~.. I: , 1
-I,a;,Oter Taylor, president pro. tem." :;
. ,------ --- 1 , ,
I Ten--Senafr,s-wore alksent. After ' l .'Ctz . . 1 '
1 asila I siotide to; the House,. the Giovern:•r's. I. „,
Message vas roneired and readtysthifletk. j -J..
It is elit.iereland cable, - and eliewit the- ” 1 1 7 -
f ti
inacial con , 1 4, , --In,of the , Stateltr be ill :ex.
cellen coildilip 6 L it occupies- thirty nrto••
led liages. i - , I. 1 L
, r ~ ..
' 1 t (i. '
Me Sen e en . a ji...rned ! ial ;We l- . i' •
_ tug • r ), ,it ,
nesday tnor to awi!tt t 'granq i ICA ;:. TA! ,
of the-open g; -of the new Sta g 11,,„,,k 1,
s i
I .
P.Anladelpliii, , .JO.n..s.,--The_Den..4 at i o ' . ,
eancas at itarisburg notnivated:Vo,. -' ,
Getz, of Iteadin.7, fotSpeaker'of thilloute. • ,
Tfi i
e 'Senate':neets n the moriting-:
J ~ , ti
,1 •
' r J:' , Pernynn, r -Jun 70.850 -7
. , ,
. .
. . - (Corrieletti )feekty.);,. -
. ,
AW),UR--l'er 1 htnidred .....1 1 -, TOO
IS,YE,FLOUB,;-l i per entq (.-:: ~: :PO
.PUCIRWIIEAT.-r-pei en; ... . . ....-:....-.:` 2,176 1 '
W HEAT—per tiliatte; ... . . ...., .......... ;1;16 t
RYE—per bushel ' • • •••i..44..1... '' 5 °
CORN—per bnAleel...l.; .....:4..;.'.1.3::60i66
PATS—per busiiel ' ' ... - :.,..::',..i4281630...
BEEF—round ' ~',.. .. ..;,—.........Z'',' - 6'
PORK—round ... . . -.. ..:......... v, .... ~
1 1 f ,
ItiTTkß—per poun , --2 ' O 2
..EGGS,---per dozen ' - .1,.. 1 .., ' ' ; ' -'1
RdTATOEsi— , p' er bushel. .. . :.....:.V. - ... -- T_ .
• 4.IPPLEf- -- - er, -- bushel.,,..' - :s 7baliOCl -
PrrratrEGH zseimpr.
r: 1 • 1TT147•13 -1 0 ii!iUSTi -
Vito r ific`,s
11A1(-4per ' '
3104314= , -per
BUTTER—peg.' 194
MEX. 31W ME AEA Mr. ' •
o °l New , Y . 4 1 •8 morning in)Cioeinnati,
,by the Rey. L Patterims, Ain fiars c k 8..
;Glare, of. Downieville,
tit of New Brfgh ton, ,Pc f to Misf aTh.
F'nrzer, ofiCineionatt.
31133 ?lUD
, 9e: iii_indePendence town
' n the 9 6th • ult.llMr
, the 77th year of be'sge l .
wasone GT the olati3t
espee table -ottizeoiriii t,ke
I - TI
At his reside
iihip,Beair l er
Peter ',Slade:Ls. i'
Mr: Shields'
Weil' as hiOg%
t9wosilip. '