II 11 U r '. - • •-• THE PHiLLIPSBUILE II WATER CURE :I . :3T.A.EiIaSII3IENT. T ' prtsent physician of this placerespect fully :informs tlll, eitirens of Dewier and .tlie adjoining counties, that he has jately open ed and grentlyinaprovelthe above institution, and carries on au3cessfully, the treatment; by water. ills long Oxperienie in that branch of healing art enables hint to cure diseases uncontridable under any ntlieTsystem. lie would also notify, the public in the neighborhood, that he practi ces the Alloepathic and Liemoepatinic systems, and will att e nd to all Calls': as a physician and surgeon thtoisgh the neighborhood. , The subscriber being a regular educated physician; and having practiced -medicine and surgery during nearly 20 years. is enabled to respond - to all reasonable expectations, from those that place themselves under ilk care, sum_ 17, I 856: C. B 1.: m. D . Div THE undersigned hereby give notice that an trill ke made to the nest Leg islature of this Cominouttenltii, for a Bank tAarter, with a capical 031* One Hundred and Fifty:Thons+►ndjl li.tra,Aith the theuaLand or dinary Bankiniprivileges, to be called the Hank of Deaver county, and' located ou the• Falls of the Deaver, in Beaver county, Pa J. • William Kennedy, Edward Hoops, Robertson, A. Robertson, Tiles. .1. - Power, S. 51erriek. • IL slendedriali', T. Kennedy,. Jos. 11. W. L. Diciiinson, Walter Clies'f(e, • S. H. Darrng:u, - 13. 11. 61cnnberlin, - t — William Sterling, Thos. CuaLiag,hain. Jane 25, /£st;. • • (NOTICE. • NOTIC.R is hereby giiett that the pirtneribip lately sittisistin. , between Joseph F. Cunning Siam antl Mattlfew Gilleland; under -the tirm of J. F. Cunningham St Co'; is this day 11=s - sired by mutual consent; and Matthew Gilleland is authorized to settle all debts due to and by the said company —T he -------------- ,- -- Teeth 1 The Teeth!! li A r• 3!. WRIGIIT, M. D.VSurgcon pen -1 Tfist. °Mee, and residence, No:152; Penns t,' Pittsburgh, opposite Christ's 31. . 14, , . J. F. CUNNINGHAM, :E. Chili '. : • I MI. GLI..LELA: , ;U: t : Pe, Wright'sm long experience in the- practice Fallston, Oct.l2lst, 1i56. ' - I lof 1.:/eististry, has put-him in possession of all , the improvements in the line of his profession. . . !-•""- . 2 /The undersi:z'ael, desirous of cbsin.; la. I e- Di.. Wright's, factlities for dispatching , work „Store at:FallstoM-aill from thisat de diipo,e_ i.f : j,.. ;kill enable persons visiting Pittsburgh, to have _the' entire stock in the tore hitely occupied by dpe4tions performed during a short stay. F. Cunningham si%-. Co., tt and rsokti cost. , • Di. Wright re%pietfully refers to the medical 'oet. pi. . -; M. 'GILLELAND: ~ profession of Pittsburgh. ', • -- ,Atsril 23,1856. , , ,-- , ~ THOS. PAT.,MEltl e. ''' , No 55 Market street . FlGliring Mill and 1111.2119 g fir Salt -as LArton FLOURING MILL,' kno4n J- as the Townsewl Mill‘" mit'unte.l on tie 1 New.Brightor; Race, Nevr ,Brighton, is ()Celid! for sale lon-. It is thirty-,five by forty-live fat, : four stories high, including basement, - has far run . of Burrs; is in good. running order, goltd , water Power and within a few hundred yatilsl of the ,Ohio 'awl and Penna. Raifreed Depe.t • - ........ ... I , The whole Or tv part cou be had to suit pure!-t- I 1 ; .e Notiee to Teltchers. , serslso,• . , - • , • . A' a large Brie If in-te an 1 two Town Loti:, SHE undersigned, County Superintendent of situated on the centre of Broadway, Nrsii Brigh- ,• • the Connty of Beaver, would respectfally. tom The' house is 32 by 40 feet, ~two • ettniis ._, n I loci -V' I v l'O f •-t, and well ita-; px - FCBTOR'S NOTICE. ' - -- I inform teachers and others interested, that he h i t„ ,.. „eare .., ,i .. „) ~.,. s e A LL persons indebted to the estate Of Bon- wilt:attend to 'theexamination: of 'persons tlesi- proved, with shrubbery and' fruit-trees. TEL. rt. s tar Ostvist late. of South Beaver town- 1. ~ , . _ ' rtne to teach school, every Saturday afternoon; whole will he sold IoW., For further informathin ' _ .• _ , . , ship, Beaver county, deed , ire requested to jot his residence rir m laniort, two Miles.below en fare cf the owner oa the premises; or liy make payment to dm subscriber: in said,town- !Beaver. .Direet • ne . sh . rig the services of the letter to the suLcriber. J " shifl,;and those having claitas against said, es- ; Superintenderl, in the,exaviination of Te.achers, August fitli 1816 JOSEPH •McCONNEL ' , tate will present. tm, properly authenticated , will please give notice. S. 11. PIERSOI., -----, -- --,. - , ,__ _ .., _ , _ ~.., ,(or - settlement. i REuilL); wATT,' r • Nov. 19, 1556. . . Co. Superintendent. A RARE. ,41117.C1, Ppit 11.2. 1 / 1 ..1. Nov. 5,.185G. 1 Executor.- I, ---- - . , ,i NY person wishing, to purchase ono of the ' .. _ - ._,/••:•-• ' - ' itdverY . _t. , — ' - St•libi 1 • . 01_ beat and most desirable Farms iii Beaver ' : ... Second Large; Arrival of i (TITLE Subsci•iber: having bought the Livery ledunty, can be accoininodai,id by , e ,iti oz ~a t h e n IL of tiers S; - JaCkstni and rt.bitti . subserber, with one e.nitniniio , ...bout '%O acre- , FALL AND_ WINTER C:OODS AT I Stck ! I-0 s - , - .. . „ . - , ~ several more Horses and.Bugi., , des, is now prepa- ' about ISO of which is cle:ired and under a high WIMP ../M- 'lie 3;r:-• Clap ' 11 " 116 ' •-- - 1 1- , . [red to accomu6date the people with gem! her .toto of cultivation, and the ;remamder covered ;11HE great secret '1',......m...«. 5.0 , 1 s C anut4t.. r : i Sea and , buz.gt es, saddle 1i0n,c, , . and anything With: good standing timber;, most all under ! I . in buytng the right kind at the right time in his line. Also persons nishing conveyance , fence; on which there is erected a . darge and and tight price. ,Fullysoti-fled of this fact. vrc to awl' from the cars, will be acc,,rartio..lated at i very convenient cut stone dwelling. one log and L... ad.pied the plan of visiting the E.:vats:it any time, 1;y le.ieing notice at the stable or at! One frame tenant house, 1; large &ado barn, markets about once every sixty -days, end •ily . D r . smith's Drug Store,. he firidgewater. I a wagon house and granaryi and ell neces-sary •so doing we have ever, thing,fresh- awl fa-11- 1 Also, Oamibosses and Carriages for funerals l out buildings; is well watered, and, art nith . ienoble in its profver , Ca.s ni. We are now of- & et. , . - 'JOHN' WOODRUFF. :"l dance of all kinds of the heir. of fruit, awl pro fering our second large stock of geods of over • Bridg,ewiter; Feb. 20. 1856. = L I duces equal to any ether faistn in the "county.- THIRTY BOXES AND BALL :!.1 ' - IT Terms, one fourth or one-fiqh in leind, awl the of staple and fancy Dry Goods, fools aryl shoes „, . . War is , Horrible '._ . ' remainder in eight yearly! inst:dthents ; time ' Hats and Caps, tusking in alt oneof the most pIENDS, Citizens awl Steangers, TAM: I - price so Inc that any good P:raetical farmer cau extensive stock,' or volt ever offered in any . -, Norien-Tbat D. Wdooarre still continues ; make his pav•ments all after the first on the . one house in the county, to wilich we invite the the MIRBLEI BUSINV.SS in all its various I farm. The farm is very Oesisantly eitintirl, attention of the public generally. • branches, Persons wishing, any thing, to marl: 1143 level and . easily celtlvated. Possess 'an "Let those now buy who never' hatight before. 'the last restii4t idaee of their feielids,' will tied j given at any time, within ope month alter the . And these who , always bow•l.t, still bop the: it greatly to their interest to give me a call be- sale, and if not sold soon, still`', be rented fur a more T. 7%1. TAYLOR ~ I fore going to pitteburgh; is i nia determined term of I or or five years.! ' NouS evert J . apple' . '-: Nev. 19, 1856. Rochester un the hill. net to be undersold. Stock of the best Rutland o rouebut a good practical:farmer. For fur - --- , and Italian marble. .lobs'finished with dispatch thcr particulars, 'apply to E . . • , -'' and workinanflep warranted. A word to the 1 JOSEPI( If. WILSON, • 1 Wise is sulceient. tsar-Shop on Bridge street, : Nilv. 5, '56. Att.,irr<y v ße .V. 4 P - a opp Dr. Sidith's Drug Store. AIL .7 1 1 L. MIL MD osite :I AviNG ~• aplB-ly i , s' .., JOEL N rtYlViriElt, •,,, y Spring .assortment of , ' 111. - ao - od ---- s, 1 res i p ve e d etf m ully *z ieviCo . in'' friends t .1: • . ... ~ ,i 'eh's-Len- the v.- , BEAVER UOOK Si ----- A°. 91 MAFIKFT ST 'I • tl I Y ' ' give me s. cull.- My.stock consists of 8r..c0t.1,'! .„- , .) a .. .1 mond and Fifth street,inext liar to ;Jelin satin delaine, Engiishaiixed - debtine, dawasl4s ' l..•""-r,' t o, 1 4 . , H....ster.t .`.. far . o,ltee.) Orr i".... Co., dealer in Silks,lNlerireres, Clu.iks, t and moreenst superb lace curtains; mull di, ; 'Via; Will Ow find an inereased'assurtment . .. ' % l "nlie- 9 .; 6:13 . W15. Ste., invities the • e,lpeeial at of 311 prices, and tel Styles and finish ; ritt•le, 3- of B.;oksl awl ,s;ntionery. \ owed en of entirely new Ntteelel, at Teril4.3 . Ma.Z:' , ods feaiicrit'"iln.l M2..`' , :,:•:ly's system of ; consii:ting in port Ws follows; 1 "prices. I Tassels and eords of all thuds, for enr- Ge.v.raphy. an.l different kin , ls of School Books i ) ilkh Sill;. 11"br's, t t tai as; gimps, - fridge., curtain binds of all pat. , ii--e.lin town'aMl country. Miscellaneous' books . Fancy ...1110. 1 ' reno Antiques and I pleas, t' terns; Frenth and English quilts. dinietY I also, maps. large awl small, al , ;unis, Portfoih ,is Plain and fancy black Ft.11:4,1 r ._ • l; , ---; • istrea.l. 3 ; buff !militias r.r..1 green do, of, of! ' &e. Bibles, hymn and psalm books &c. Al. - 11,ius de Lainee, i -- 1-idths: wind4w shades at very low priers. 'ln 11 , \ • ciii,:_ k i, t p A p i , : it II A, NG ING 3. _ • French Nferinees, printaid Merinoes, my bedding ware-room will be foand an immense ! . I :nil _t..pcd (...i.duavres, anti r . i l i p ; e; ;, ftwilo:it . cloth window . hlindi. _ ...1, . - 1 1 via , ..,, , -.. . - , mock of be mattrasses, bolsters and pilloWs, i •-' IS-.0). - • J. h. MILLI it cd'e`erts, sheets, pillow slips, , towels, sacking ri• , , i n.:...^•05, chairlmsnions, settee seats, pew cu ex ! w e, .-, , , 7 _ . . ' ! . French Chi-Mies; , - ' i i.ii.;. end ev. , ry urticle usually fmnd in an ex-1 . . P.. 11111.5t1.11.11 ..Y. - , CO., , 1. aks, Mtintles :Uhl TalrnitCl ' , . Cll • ir. , DE.1,1.1:11S IN - '• I ' f _ , , tensive Upholstery Establishment, do ping these :.- . BrJehs. bni,T, 101.1 Splarti Shawls , things ready' made. I can fiirnish them at once 1 -I A I'. I•. 'll. It - - 1 . N I II . N c . ..b . . Ilkli :ieoteli plaid lon4 , And square do., at' their Store Room • Superior tanke4 ef Linezi Stockings, eible.Linens, To treline. &&. awl without de ay; aroets al l .1.;:t.11 put down. Exewsiyel.v. Fi o w offer Veivition bliadi n - f'a kin ls; '&in Is painted sad : .X 0 ' ' - i, Mot /- 81. .I:llix'.airyft, Pa. 4 Trbnme.l. icoller bliwls fitted in .' ~ 4' . new : ei: of parlor, - hall, dining riot, EMltr)ideries:,.,lloSier an,l 91.75, &e. Orders promptly filled and , geed-. eire. - ully \ft- Chernl,er_and otlice paper,:also assembly. ; rilkb' , !•l4.•:Nosf 4 . 4 -:f. IS5d.. ' pocked. WM NOBLE, Upholsterer. . rvems, Ceiling - fuid pine' decarationswood and --- -, e: - - ------ -i - --•• \------- - Pittsburgh, April 2, 1656 - 'A cxiviirt • b • • . ...1-I,:e. iminaionl ; t.) ;;c tlier with everithiag in. 4tiv- A. ' ' . ... • .1 • • ,LiAl s altat• --....—.----- - ' • ; the line of paper hangings. Also a, large. Stock 1. - ,,, , 1., - 1 1 1 ,1W7 1 l i t 11 . ' : \ I)e:NTIS.T.RY.'. i of windhw shales, to which the attentien of I, - - •-'f ' -' ' `.L't 1 .. i - tai 11 \ i! .. DR. W. F; FUN - DEN - OEII4 liar- ; Country d e , l l, :n i .. i,..,1i ,L ~, . .tr . d. . i recte . , e t i ti d i ,,,.„,__ i Oil, tier Ph (C • . -B , ntet i tir.frllS'4., Pitts. ',.t InS returned fro:u Europe, has - menusoffeyed ta ca.a buy, s. . Aept '1e1:7 1 .56 lfrritts Stote llutual,Fire .411..1 Ma- - ' 1 resumed the practice of his professi - OM i , - .i . ; riue dniurance do. of Ilittrisbure; Office and residence No. 148 Third tsbarir. Stre h e , t, ,, To: ; r LOTS -F0 ,I SALL" - i ~ .,iint - .., .~ .- Girnr;l: Fir nnl 'Marine Litsuranee doors aboTo Smitbdela Street, Pit offers fur _sale _ the _following ‘ c otnpuny of . r h icw,,i p m,„ Evaialta 300.00 6 . MIE - subscriber June 11 ly. , • r - - - . e..„ - t.. s. 1• • -- ---------- : NAVilpeu Childs AL Co. 9 - •i . _ 'Notice. . • ! . Wholesale Dealers ia 'D R G- 00 D SALL persons are hereby, req . nested not to . 5 I buy, s,11; or in any WA- neigotiate at laud I , A N D'. r warrant for 81.) aereq, No. 1'26,514, - issued in :IST T I CCINT S, • 1 I : answer to claina.No 103,355; of Sabina Loggia, No. 45,_ Wuoil S •,,, Pittsburgh, 'Pa., 'opposite widow of Jushui Log.,n, dCe'd, and sent by . . the Se..4.laar:es llotel. - , i mail to Ltridgewater, but not received; its a '611.- Are now receiving an unu-mOly la : rze 101 l . veaehas been entered in the Geherd Lind Of !complete assortment of Dry Goorls audNotions, ; fiee ko - pr,7vent the i: , - :•:. .t'gßittent to a frau : Ind by the lush of September will be prepared: dule'nt claimant, and .. • ,: Jill' warrantee in to exhibit a ,very' attr.tetive stoza, - which, by tends to apply for t ditplielto trurrant to the ;means of a buyer constantly in the mara et, Conimissiouer'of Pensions. *AI be kept full throughout the season. The attention of the trade is respectfully in ; sited. - ' ' Sept. 3, lSi>ti. CURTAIN WAREROM E 111 t -- lots in_ the cf New Brighton, viz: A asesityricK, _ • l imo's 1 ili awl sitrate. on the Itailroad ArANyFICTISIIRit and Wholesale and !!t the corner of second and apple, streets,, and tatl Dealer in all kin is 0f0,4 at the corner of se: nad . and Ii irnwny They will - he !viol singly or togther;- ?in, - Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware. 51r " t3; ,to suit purelmseiw. For - price and terms en Johhin", Rooting, Spouts, &c., male: to order. r : "s,.hop on Broadway, one door above :I p - !he re towns ul.t, of E dward. Pulas :Neer Brighton; or of tsse iiii - hip. pie atreot, New Brighton, , "4` (a sept'lo iyit; - JANtEs FErtausos..-, FRESH •FALL GOODS. TH . ?. subscriber hi.cing returael from the If, will' open, ,during the presant wec%, - large atom' of'staple and fancy Dry 06m h, embracing tile latest and mast fashionable the m.u.k.et. T. M-..TAY Emit, aritt27,.18.51. Aneltester on the hill To Mill Owners REN(111 BURIt an l Loa rel 11i111illStoneti :bolting cloths, mill ipindles, mill "iten ) !crews, isc.reen wiro, corn and cob grinders, cast iron prlof staffs, on halal at 319 liberty streeti Pittsbufgh. way 21 . W 1^ Watt.Acc. 'TEAM. En;ines and. Itoiler.--Engines with kJ the latt-f improvements, rarranted best% quality, on band and made to order. Boileri of Juniata Iron, male on 'short notice. Orders fikled with 4e-pateh at 315, Liberty st. rittsburg • way 21 I t6.5.:_ W W WALLACC. • IVIILLINERY, ..: 7 tllls. 7 , tviortE would invite the attention-of ill the Ladies to her Bonnet Store, sue door. above Mr. J. Barclay's store, where . she intends - , keeping all kinds of Bonnets and Caps for sale. - JOSEPH 11. 1 WILSON, !She has just" received the latest style of Bon . , Attorney at Law, I3lnver, ' Pa: Office 1 nets and trimmings, and is now • prepared to do. the frame bulb'` - 4 of the I)ia- 'II kinds of Millinery work. Ayr. 1, 1856. , 1 woad._,--- i I - CHAIRS ! CHILIES !:. - Low ~. _ 1 TORS 31:CUN."E gall continues the..tnanufac -1(10 pieces bleat sorted . t e. , ture of every kind of plain and 4•4 L tanamental 6 bales brown do _ 1 ; i Chairs. Call and examine my stock., Shop op -1O pieces Coateco' and other prulls, : p. site Hugh Anderson's Grocery, onad street , 50 pieces Lancaster 01,11,-11.12/33. --: - : The stock is lower than ever beforWotierea in inns 4. \ ~ --: .T.. ?1, T art.oa. : this market. Old Chairs, painted or grained, ii - _ — ASTILLAs; Capes ivrt l ock : .---71ixt j!" I , uri , l made to look as well as ntw. - ill: 1f I 1.2 1,112, it ILkLos's ' riPaaTeE. Deo. 13; 'Wit 1 . I • 1. Orin.. , C. , n I LOR3ILV -13113R1E, attorney at Law, Beaver, Pa: Office on Third street, opposite John F.lirelay's Hat ! , Store, , ap•_'6 • 11111 Win. IL_Tatcott Sr. Co (Sueeterra to 7: Kennedy, Jr.) MANUFACrintElta l oN sILL KINDS OP LOOKING GLASSES, 4 AND DIALES! I happited DoMestic Fine! Goods, NO.V2)VOCID ST., COB. OF FOURTH, j'A. Gilt Mouldings, Portrait Fratues and Looking Glass Plates always on baud. Nov. I. 1555. A nibrotyi)es. - 1 , r rt. puitvlANare has the pleasure of 41- an ,l3 nouncing, to the c' 4 wens of Beaver County, e that he has penman located in the Bernina ry buildings(ltitely arc pied by Sliss (lurtiss)in the Borough of New brighten, where he will al ira, + tre found readytii,Anit on his fiiends and nil ot ers who wish rarMic and lifa-lilco :kno ll iatur s. , , ~.. . All sizes and stye: •ct L .messes furnished at les4 than l'itt.b • ,... ..,-, Be4ntiful and - 1i -''-7- , . Tl-itkl- , ... emallesl children tawe. process. . Pictures tar.en equally as;well in cloudy as cleariwcather. Near brigLton. May 14. litZill —t yr. __- _ I) r. Sanford's In v igora tor a mild laxative,- tonic and stimulant, and-is recommended to the xublic, 'relying upon' its intrinsic worth in the cure of the following com plaints: All bilious derangements, sick' head ache; dyspepsia, habitual costiveness, chronic diarrhma, colie, pain in the stomach und, Vow els, general debility,•female weakness, Ste. For sale by Druggists genitally, and Young 'St Thomas, Beaver: John .Sargent, New urizh , ton, and Sanford s Co., New York city. dpril 30„ 1856. ADNIINI3TRATOR'3 XOTIVC. , ALL persons knowing. thentselTeiladebted to the eState of Willi:tut Ertlo. - -dec'd, of }cope ! nel tp., 1.3.1-.-er co., etc re.rtestelts make trne.li.ttc payment. and , eases haring claims 1 , against said estate aro renne.tted ts present theta to the suhscriber properly authenticated for sattlemunt. ERWIN, Ainer- Aoq. 20, 1853. - hope ell. - _ Bearer Loiige. No. 3,06, J. O. eot .9.F Btidnivater Btaver Co. Pa • • 11 LETS every T Ica la r ..rening in their Ball ilk .2ml story of BruAds Brick Block, Bridge "waterl Pa. ; • OFFICERS ELECTED, ramizENT TRIM James W. Num. N. G.; Julia Woodruff, y. G. Dayid Woodruff, See.; John. Sharp, A. S6c xn. Baines,P. G. ; Ira Blanchard. 2. G. r, ME e f / , 1 / B AN KN:gf...H.'0.4..(S or' JOHN T. HOGG: Bedford-Co.l I Somerset • Sotoeisei Co,, Mt. Pleasant, Vireettioreland Co Fayette Co, I Uniontown " Brownsville ' 441 w " New Brighton .... Beaver Co. Deposits Received, Diacatattat Made. Drafts BoUght, Sold and Collected. i• • Bank-Notes and Specie and Sold, Stocks. Notes and other Securities Bought an Sold on CommisAon. CorresOndeucc & Collections Solicited. Aug 8.;'55. • , I T. .7. ...... E. iat - /V CARD. llntrel this day' associated, with oin the' practice of Dental Surgery, Dr. 1, ..E. Gil-, lerpie, (late of Crestline. Ohio,) under me of Chandler t. Gillespie, where we are prupit•ed to perfottin all the operations.of the profession, in the most approved manner. Teeth train one to full sets inserted in gad or silver plate...- Also full - or partial setts on putts' imrcha IV4 are also prepaisal to insert teeth iu entire pbrcelaiii bast;„ which cannot fail toplease .the ' mast fastidious, in beauty and cleab iness. invite nttenti.in to our specimens. 1 sessions of the -instantaneous. 4 11 tboso indebted tame by . notc book ac cennt, will please call and settle, am I am ans. ir•us to close my old•booka.• T. JjettAXot.cit. Itecbe.ter, Aug. 6, 1556-6 m. , • ta I I . 11: 2 1.1pea•I : O n hand and fur sale an extersive Collection of .' PAPER' I-1 Ai:ICINGS; • Compriiing a rea' number of new rat;,ernS, selected crimes ly for this market from, Frefich and Americantn. dufactures, of Gold, Gold and Velvet ,Flowerel , of every variety; Glazed hind Unglnzedi all the various styles of Imitation Wood-work, snch ns _ OAK, 3 . 1 A -It LI LE, MAPLE, :MAIIOG A • Nl, ROSEWOOD, ',U. Varnished and Plain, ranking altogether an as sortment that cannot be exeelletl in 'quality, quantity or low prices, by any : house west ut the Allegheny mountains rrice range from 5 cents to 5 alolmrs per piece. Persons desirous of looking throu.7ll the assortment, whether dis posed to purchase or not, are respectfully luvi. ted to call at March 26. 1866 Inn!ijice emu: of the VnileysofVa trinelie,ter, 300,000 Office Peau'a - , urince Com. er pus. • Capital, '. • 3001000. - • C Mtn) Pt, Secretary. -. CuAnt.is Cm4.t, of New is.,4utho izel ta , . take - 64A in tAie nl4e Cirnpawes nt very fair `ratesi. - 1.0,1 !?:111. - i4olr fe::11111111._- _ 'f will offer for sale - a valun4de- fitrtu, situate IL 4 iff:t.. tic xicitly townshWllelfer county three Tales from New Brigham and three from Roche:der, on the Brighton &... - ;tittsburgh road. If:contains S's - mires, 0:i gf w4ich are cleared, the halauce welt timbered; 'all wader fence and in a goo - a state . of cultivatitig. Also a good orchard, cen7istin,g . of applesi pears, peaches ; a gond cottage house w I ith four rooms, kitchen and celhir, a frame ban 80 by 40 feet. with stabling under all of it for horses, cowS and sheep. .1 , Tood eprin7, hetukt with a never failing spring of soft water; Smoke house and other out buildings. Foryheitlth _there is go !better place. -For further p4rticulars. inquire l'of Henry Reeves, New Brighten, Georg lerer, lic.chester, or • JESSE DEAN, ' September 10, IKG. ou the pretnisei. .W. G. CIIITTICIC Co., IMPORTERS AND JASIIBERS OF DRY GOODS, . N 0.9, Strawberry St., filltila(lelphia. wooUfLthlleirr goo ese oli by tfally solleit an examinatien the iferchants of Bea-II Ter and the adjacent eountier. Their ,tock comprises a full assortment of the best and nibst pc:Toni:tr. binntis.of American! ftbrie, In fereiwn goodi theyitre prepared offer peculiar advantages •. that portion of stoca being for the most pan, of their own imr portation. or bought !wader the hammer., LBATHER belts for talchinery, on'Otand, and made to[order, also Flag Belting for Elevator', at 319;t Liberty, street. pittsburgh . . stay 21, 1836. ' W Watd.scs. .1/ . :OF 110 PS TO THE AFFLIGITP: AND l i , SUFFERING! , —! - ' tny of the thousand. , . portals of Thf4ttti may , tre closed, and life made happier,' and tn'or4 i comfortable. to thousands whittitre - note) 1 in danger. Dsubtleis this,Worid ' 1 contains many a balm to sooeuel '1 ! '; its. physical woes and cure_ , , Its diseases. Auniiig ! ! • • those in prom!- . 1 • nent rank, • ' l i ., 1 stands 80 . W M A N.`,S , • .; KGETADLE COM POUND II A SAFE nail speedy cure for Consumption,'! -* !!! of not nly in. t _hose milder forms of Throat act.ll Lung Diseases,. suchas - colds, coughs, quinsey, preiails; besides it soon-generates serious and , fatal diseasesowhich might }Myr been avoided ! difficulty o breathing, bronchitis, Ministers' e t timely and use tlf a good purgative. sore throa t, weakness of • the elitist, asthma, : !!..5 alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms,and ' inward ulper, 'spitting of blood influeezit, cns derangentouts., They all tend to heconie or croup wlnioi.ing-cough,, pain in the breast and t iice the deep seated ,and formidable dbitempers side, Loirsettess : catarrh and catirrhk . affee- l ! load than es allover lid land. Bence a ' dill family physic is of the ,firit importance to tons, inflainmatton__ of the . lungs., bleed ing of tub*. health, and this Pall has been perfected the Burgs, and such But its superb ex 1 i 1 co 'summate skill to wet . that demand. •4n ' e ce e l d le i !e ly e e i t s io s n ee s n of ttn t d be tc i s u te u d g. n t t h ,o e r lo o re ir i a d t v h an o - r ,4sit trial of its virtues by 'ltyalcians,,F'rofes thet bov . e statement du!' the efficiency of the t, ih an iii .PastitiKcutrinhoaLsohorwianveslrteditak.inse.itrpasi Cures ! pre orations as an antidote , we re er t e publics •t, be 1 effeetcd.beyond belief, wire they. not Btu, ntiat "by persons of such exalted position , and 'tot 'e. following testimonials: !'•:--- , uetete as to forbid the suspicion oluntruth.' • Language , is scarcely ' strong enough to tell A non the Inauy eminent gentlemen who . have the great power of this ' i. I. ile ! F ll rcip:ieters point to the following bona' n fled: favor of ther.e. Pills, we timyrmentton : 'O:4 DERFU L DISCOVERY 1 I) A A. DAY Dfl; AlialytiMll lirmist, of Boston, . d , „, . t... ...., 0.5 ,, yer of . 3tais„sachkis k"; 7ikos , : !l i gh . Tha i doubting may try and be convinced., _ . , 0 -.•. , 1 utl characirr is endorscitl In the. , I ON. :DlV;tltf) Xvpurrr, Setatior of the U. S. 1 11(19 ccrunentes with confitlence.an the COMM''- , . I Boar. r C„:1%/isrunor, Ex-Speaker of the Reuse 1 . 1 nit' ; they are but, samples of the many luta ' gent.: - ettoirci. - ;. - I- 1 • .. . drarlsof testimonials in:our possession : 1 : ,' •Thilatieloltia. AOg 15. 1.5:::01.- : —Last Spring,' Alicito . r I.A:waif:see, Minister I'len. to England.;. , ! . li lo .in • l'ittalmegh . , 1 ha• abadcol . all , t .1 / 17... 11. IF lint. .‘TItICIt; C.:l li. Bishop of Bokon. , 1 1 I , Al 's., • 'la. J. It. Curt.ros . , l'ramical Chemist,' of i W. t , i• A" , , k.eitv, ~adnicaby 1 • i . co4, ; 11, which trenbled !me much, and a! friend 1 tits V. I. t% !sacs - , Seeretitty.if State. •, .. of thine gave me a bottle of Bowman's Vege a -1 1 'st., WAs - rolt..the richest Man in .kmericrt. f hie, Cinfipountl for diseases of the 'throat! nll S • LX.l..ixo 4 v co.; Fropr's el 1 1,11 °. 3letrcP/d tag! , lorg;s, which I cotumenced taking, anti iron d Itt 4:1, 401 ohers, .t . •• 1 ! . , ~- : 1 ! -. , • Rani • . ! i d a:* i fi Ca e4e from" tol l -parts whcrit the Pills Kayo;" , t ifh 1-, lid s etce pepoit, we could g' fie 'mane hmilred I r ‘ eli n ct rs a i .n o t r e e s o t ,3: o h n a .;. f f i lla i t i e o‘ l a y r . sen l es k i.. ad bu t t tk n e e n ve lu r ri g nz . ~ern us , hut evidence even mitre convincing !Irani anything to help -me asit has dine. ' I .believe the the evp I:muff' , of eminent pal4ic men is IDDITILiII I ' itt.i be the best antidote fur coughs antl.hoare the r elf is upon tad. 1, ' '- I i ne4rlthat is qut; riad cheerfully recotninend it :lhese l'ilts, the rzwilt of long inytistigatien iandl li t , - • 1, to the public. IfloB. 11. STOCKTO'N. I • Pastor lt'Prot. 31etb. - Chnrch.l stir' y, e o ff ered to the publi c ! as the test ana l ,. . mo tco nplele which he preSent state of, medical! , set ace an rt,rord. They are c o mponadcd no 't of r : 1 - theet.. thentselves;'hut of Owl rneflieinal virtaierr only of . 'egetalie remedies, ev:traett4l by cherni6till prtieces n a State of pnrity, and ( m0;112E - A together, in stteh .11:Muter as to insure. the, best re.sults. This' system T,.forepositioa for medirMies has been 'fOund in the Cherry Peetoral.and l'il:; Loth, to produce a: more c 'cieut toned } - than hail hitherto been :Jr.! tamed y any prices.. Ihe reasmi is perfectly ' ob - , vions. N'ltile by the old mode of Coniposition, every medicine is inedened with more or less of acres amnion. p and injrnious quilities,ficy this cacti inclii i vidual irtite only that is desl.red' - ftir the .enrittiyi effect is resent. 4 All:the inert obnoxious ototl 7 ithis cifach sob: tamp employed.itie left behind, the euratis - virtues only being retaftwilf.. Bence ,it - ia 1 1 seff-cri era the •effrs Is SIIOIII4 prove as they base pr r:.-..1 ore purely remedial, and the Pills a smei, mute k owcrful antidote ; to disc:l;4 than any ether rn,, , ctrle known to the world. I . a i t is fr equently espedient! tint my met ieine i sh uld taken und& ° the counsel fan atter ding PI ysic' , and as he could, not properly judg of it • re .m,ly,without knowing its 'eomposilion, I have so tplicl the ac-unite Formulae: by which boa my I' cuifal and Pills are made to the whole body of. P ac.fitioners in the United States and British,Amer e n..„Piovincer. If, however, there. should' lal any n e who has Writ received them ' thCy I will be »mit ly forwr.nled its- mail to his address. II Of a ll the Patent . ..',letlicine.s that arc o ff ered, how , .....• v wo likbe taken if their c ornpitsition was known!! ' teirife consists in their mystery. I have no es. • • • : 1 , • f• . 1 the composition Of my preparations is laid open all ten, and all who are couipeiont to judge on e sti tjeet freely acknowledge their convictions of ntriesic Merits. The _Chary Pectoral was': mad .byia.centilie - Men 'to :he a wonderful ne be.f.cre its effects were known. Many era- Physicians have declared the same thing of Is, and even more continently, and are will-- certify that Oleic anticipations were-mote alized by their effects upon trial. . • • , . ly operate by their powerful influence on the al %,.. n era to padfc the blOod and stimulate it lealthY action—Ten-love the , obstructiomi of ' lonach, bowels, liver, and Other organs pf the festering their irregular action to health, and freeting, wherever they, ei.ist, such dera.ngn -744 are the fi r A. origin of disease. 6'4 SIC:Cat wrapped they, are pleasant to take, eing purely vegetable, :at liarm can.arise from tie . ' inin ii t i tt ' e 'n ,fli v re ." Zti u ti ll i i i t s ). ~sf' e ver* -. l' ilpt.s l.- . on the - Boi. ' .' - PitErAttl.l) Ili.' , A :Ai E S C. , 4 - 1 - E :11,. , licairairal Analytical Chemist, i • LOWBLI„ MASS. .: . ! is £5 Cents per Boit; Five toles tot SL soul ftl" . 1 `• ' • i .T'.I . TS-11nelrty .t Yoting,,.. Beaver.. Del - 11; Bridgewater; C. h I:afser, it' ekester. !kent.,:.:Cew 11.1gliton: john -Black 'Darling , pi by all merchants , everywhe re. Dr. : 0, Ingham, ]leaver. 1 II I MEZI i;~{ p not nirdici incnt ' illy 191 lug to dual I-, The; intern , into the •ttt body, ' by 1.11 ~ Ind their Furl Ul2 Smith .1 Sir • "Look'for the Itig - Wpteh. 'I , IL T. PATTON . . ~.., 1' -, LS removed his Ciodt: & 'JEWELRY .ZSTpII7Z itithe old stand, kumner of Bridge 111111 rry streets, Ilri.l,liivater,., Where he,Wtil good supply of . . 1 ' Ciatl“; • --- IIIES, AND ALl',' KINDS OF JEELRY AT TIM LiIITF.ST 'MAI2I6IT 1 1 /01 - 1 - 11. W j. 'lour Brous Clocks nt *1 4 1 . 01i 1 1 - lon Jerome do. .• ri 2 .50.- .. . [clocks sold, -warrantee to keep gobd time; r the money refunded. Also, .. 1 1 1 1 '. V artt.tk i;13r.111% ',- 1 . l' I ° ll i' d be g A LMIOCS:Ve- . i and examine my stock. E t0 2 :11:11k 1 :::::rs . for eral patronage heretofore bestowed, tindl i * prepared to repair all kinds of watches . ricks; all goiul watches warranted to_keep I,ima. Jerrelrysneatly repaired at all time's. utld co:el - silver taken in exchange for Work i gevrnter, Apridl7.!33. _ - RI keel) E Ili 43 30 All if nta the jITIII 11( antic 7.00 , 11 l'dg} or got Poi) (1 ;‘: e:r i3 l . y ver" s j il ui p s p t: lg'nt ' 1 receiv e dlill ( f : . : T o al il ' s, th ,t e : w r Vi t ell , dl ie l e r I - e 4 ttnlly iviii• your {attention.. Our 'stock of ~..4f? •1 0. the I,adir§: ili ,G p 01.,•3 is ey.te irive and Lteriewitul, emlirn eing lari,teviirietyo figiireil and pinioilekins. , Figu 'l 14 ull:elais . nett Merinos. figure 4 a ;ill 1 istrip ~ .1 - c. teem., ureil.nnil plain wool 1,13 - 4 'teeter,- . 1 !nines, Free merinos in tilting, enlers, fitruie , r, l'entitin -twills. Is 'utiful wool, plaids) ,iletil.ges I % pli, 1 in. great. variety-ii e - de' V oris. stripes. Co- 1 khorg,i in lilt 'colors p 'nl's of latest styles;jailoi 1 pilots 1 everything .usualV\ fern in a first class 111,47 .., 'Oonls stop. •' • i r • ' ' " • ' \ r* •I1 Having given war exoluiove , nttention to• r - th e 1 Dry Goods irate, owl visiting 04.seastern mar- 1 1 OA frciluently,.wd-feel jtistiOpl ins iiylng, .that ; ive• n now, offer igreater ritolueenicittvin _.. ever,, - 1 thoso wishing any thing, in our e; J ,/". - • - tr.- gi TAYLOR; , „:1'; - Sept. \ l:s. 7 ' tltOrliester otistbe hill. 'jil - ' $330,000 . 3, i-543„ T lIQRi ;that• red the In) And Is no . I.l:irtisty o • Ist. Siti 21 Bto continuou 3J, 'ln ba!e. this will Rhou trial' Per: 1 41 ,tern , ice and rasidenee I Market Street, dppo the Market llottme, Bri,igewater.. idi, , eirate4; Jan. 4te IS —. . ' d Stanton, at. DI. i f m. Stanton, it K. D; ..• I ' I DRS. ; • D. 4W. Eit'All'rOro v I - ' lESPFCTFULLY.offer t eir services in the , . practice of medicine a :I sprgery„ to the .itants or Sew Bright° , Fallston hto vi• i Y. • " / ; 1 ) 1 ,flice anfi lodging in ae and st ry' et t'- ', ry's building,lone door North . I aMrrictt i' e, New Brigitte?, Pa. April 'l6; 18;6. .... ~11 I ••,..., 1 ..' .... -".. .1 .. :1 . I f , blown in the bottle. '1 : . LL persons having .unse led acConnts on I Foe sale; by Dr. 8: S e rnith, Bridgewater, C I°l4, benr.s will. wafer a favor ; thy calling kliliser, ltoehester, Thos4 goCroery,..Beaver. “edistell. ' . ''," D. 8114.NTON:. _l. June 18,',13:54. • .... • - : ' 1 ' - , • ,' I . - __l 11, ' 1 1,- '• ' - . I ' I , fl irt' crini, ' 4'• Glad NCVirtii. if the. ETE, ma= acir, /mil: sia hann- iront Jud,go Vanhoru I of the District Court nticinc • matia. Cincinnati, May, 4, 1t35t1.=1 haver Used Boo i iOn'e Vegetlble Compound for' hionthitis ad , , l cough, and believe it to be the : best - fuedic no OW for those'diseases, and the only one I c er got, to give mc'eny permanent relief It ill cure. Irecommempt to the public as an h n cgt ant/ efficient medicine, and will perfo in what it is published to do IV. 'VA.NIIOItN. TO THE PUBLIC. • !I have u.ol Ildwman's Vegetable Corapot in my family, for \coughs. colds and. Minist .rs' sore throat v.m.l believe it to be the best thlOg that I ever got for those complaints, and chdey. fully recommend it to the public. REV/ J. 'GASTON, Pastor of the Clinton et. M. E. Church; ,Juno 10, 1955. Cincinnati. I d • e•everil CrQ3 of epileptic fits—n. deP 4 l ,, e winch r - 1 r -1 IV I PO - was nlway, considered ineurable, Ihav t e beet' 1 _ a II it . r 1" Bearer and Lawrence Counties, •yi cured by n. few - bottles. 0, what a meri.:y prove effectual :in all cases of that an ful n :daily FROM ACTUAL 111F.:-.SUREME , "f J —there are but few who have seer itiCteCi 11. Arid SurVeys thronglout .;the . b l lti . ll than I have ' ' , • 1 know of several cases of Dron , ;v, all l , ' , f them • MADE lir NATii..{l , ll}ll. S. ANIL. ' ; aged people cured by it. For the various cats- 1 , ;•-•,,,; , _i it , eases of th' Liver, * Sick Headache, [Dystep-Sia, 1 The undersigneAvill pullish s'horil prori.- t o ; Asthma, E rer Ague, Pain in the Side, I)is- (led a sufficient nuniber Of sub...eribero „ obtom ii eases of tai Spine, and fittrticularlY ! in diseases ed. a . • : i of the Kil i nevs Ste. the discovery h done ; NFiNV AND CO2iIPLETE .lIA Pop 131.' .1 ' 1 ' ' k v l r VIIII- 4 . i. ,LIIV I l 1.51 . 1.; (UL - N*IIPC 1 .•.! - I I more good than Incany one no; n. - I No chati..7 of diet ever :necessary l e -at We 1, the. , , . s ~ Li Ibest yon get and enong,li of it. 1 s A :i i ttlon.i p . i c t“ l. l l l ti c r :7. l r it .: , l2 : : r , o h:i t tr• l l4 .. : .. . t..., k , ir 1 , ,,, , ,, i)t i r t r e 1 r unLECTI N3-- I :l3luit4 one talle spoolfal ref , itMills Public aild Prnate Mose- ters-1 1 day--Chill ren, over ten ye:ir4ilezert spoonfull. Storc'. I Chtlilreal from five to eight yeir., tb.: spoonful. I eterl,es.m llll - 0 " 11 'r , 810 ' 11 '. lie, t '.. . 4 re tkil i,, , ~ ,, ,W n on thP . 3 p, in.a I lit.i,;ll t , me :mall -I.s no directions eon be applicable to all consti- 1 topograpit'Of ilivcrs.•: 4 tri.ope-. Ponds :) , liiNo - it• tutions, Vike sufficient to op-rate mi the bowels twice a itiy. 3Lanuf.tcturool'by - ( I t" 1 " 4 - The " 1ni ,.. 4 Of :' l. ' , l'e ri r hol•lor , goe'rel poN kJ. I) RENNED r I iy, (includin,r those in the coo itt who sithstrils i i, .:. 1 1 , :I No I°o - Warren St. - Itox a try, 'Mass. in a ,vanee far tit liiii).:ire .11.41 I . t t e ins e t :eft \ - : . ... 1 , . fat their re t .peet;‘,.: plaees, in the :Ftyle of ts• i',; rItICI. .p .1 ' e • ~(c:3-; '-T:IY ~Ilyott k. Sons, phiill-lithin, 6,-71- I MaPs " I ' o, Jc 1 ht 11 °` C"''''''''''T's• Maps of the pi ineipil N111117e4:hill be inser . • 1g is for Pa: For sale bi - WP i hilips.Froo itom; C LI Kaiser, Itoeltester;rand Dr. S Smith , e 4 ?,°'!l'' 1 ' 1 ":4'. 1 - 1 ' klo. 1 n , the al =rein: ii . l'o engrft-, - ----- Brido•ewater Gener.tlWholesalie ::: ,,, drits Westeri ' t ' - -r-e-' 11 "-ws or Puhlic ' lll ' , Private till '1" 1 - • I !rear wit it or. Benson, of Cincinnati; ea s: ' . No 'N,Tv•rt , e it EI be :pared to ..xectitr• the____.tAp . Po.. (n IL Keyser. 144; Wohil 'St'. Pittsburgh. I . c ity. ;i n i i.,, , t,,....h 0 .t, ,tyle of art. Tie pi to a.l [h.. [Fxtract frouva. letter.] , = r 1. .p, Flemming Fp ler ;1 St. .I.lle r gheity l „. • i p , ot NA on a -;11/ Ite s ,-,10 ''.' ai , t" ;•-•h :'w (4 /------ 4. GOWinates Veget date Compean I contai 5 a I , Alaelav &Tonne% Ili:sit-cr. virtue winch is not ; pos..essed by uny• o her ~. - : - : ' tln , ar Ild tl,O p irtsenol 1 - :, fil)DVi , ..peeiti.-.1 Ail 1 - p, - )pular urilicins in nay knowleage.; It lases A. BAri - m 1 . ,,, t. ; 1 , ;;;,,,, ~, ~,, ;maze a 111. g, fitl.l ornahrudal Map. ..., I, e ( t;,,. f; not only smoothe the disease over, ; giving it . are-i ; ' ; c,.,. ~ ,;,„. i gravid mil de'ice r.l to subs•crilter ~ loins ~.mily only temporary relief most of patent Ted- tioallSill all 1 doh, E , fl/. 1 c.ilore , l, so as to show the , tert.Dtry ctimpii id 1 1 ichtes,j'but it commences at tee root of the'dis- Exchange, Lind and Real }tat Aents, in e.tell township, and mo thr t i . j i. on firth The ; - , easel; and 'perfor•its a perfect eure. 1 '; .; r, j-/ •), T , \lnit.:will contain some 14 r 11; s law , : feetl-- (I. W.!IdENSON, ,L D. 1 , Fok ,/,2,s .i, , ,,,,ex, , ..,t. i I Mt:. .11 op.: fire $91,7 di} 1 7/ Sal,se , li, BUY, SELL & LOC.VTE , U..1 - ND'ir.'. l. lll.lNS • a tf(l , 1 POI" II 011 N fir , , ,, ..- TN VEST!money for parfiesiat w c e cr rite of ~ k 4,0 more 31:t ps issued than bub.eribe,i f or 1. interest. Taxes paid for res'al tit; or 11011- TIC ;flap will coat tin of th e I. • .-, resbler:ts: Investmen,.l maids in to 1 1 `- , C v..ro nt• - tit , ' -*-- ;,s tables ~ P uhu 4 P i ~ Votemetions, tissesseit value or pripertv, re i-- --- lands. Taxes paid, and all troe‘le and pshr, 1 ~ ;- t iti societies. schools, number of soto r-, ~,: expenses hurtle by us.itor hne-eiglitlijof env:: ';,l' e 'eh to WnshiP and vilh;ge restecti:ely„ e.,. proceeds: Interest, at' ten (per cent,; per an-Ifatty made ub Doan the latest intl....auk d o , : t. num, allowed on all -sEtee al._ depositee, [tor six 1. ,,, u . „. , 1 , , 1 months, Of longer tint •: 1 1, , , "'- WILLI.I.M. J.II.I.IIKER, Pull:,her partici desiring goNernment or otrur 1114.1 , , n l , l 1 ., i5 ... , - ), . •.. i , , ' i . Sill rely lupon us fo - r 11'itg na l corr:‘,• , !..? ', Crip- 'l' .'" - '. : _.". I - I lion of either, and the lo‘so markot r 'test. i v ;_. I st , , I ': , I O riler for i•overnment.inivis .1 , . ill be ateendeil, r . ..lew t - it ntuf,- ; 110 ht.; to as soon after-receipt as pi..3 - ,blc. 1 ,N 0 I 4 1! trkl. .S':,. - et: Pif,..l, iri l c V 1 . i Remittancis can be made in. iiraftsl;on Cl - N ri ?lir. siih.(,rib:•rs have just ree , ', VP t 1 a ILre York, or, by dopositing money in any good l bank i i : ~, : ; t. .., : • , . i., o t0.v.,.0.01,•:g their ~r- ri.r.v i. Of r.. 1,„ i n Bosttm, 'sew Yon:, Phil %di Iphia, iciltittiore, 4 u td', .' J*llll . ll they wish to eaffA•ike I I r et:Kr - Was:tington D. C., - a pitt-IMTVII. `v .ittention of their customers and the pa , is: vol. Applieltions maile'for I ,I.,;i i e.i I tiliver hi a 1 ,, erally. We f.lter our,elvel, Ili dwe II is: no , / .. ; for settlers. IMpr , /‘ ed. awl' u'limpi+v o . l I,)r i ririe hp , n Ale t, °tn. m or.. rso hondsoe,ant deele , • 1 andllfinber binds boeght and vt:4l - - Iti.ls at ex- stork „,,, the -.1 ~,,,o ~,„t. i . I change On Eastern Cities 1"1',11111 and- '''':!- 1 ; d " . --niii Dress Goods Department co:lid:I. .il i ti4 I - ----,- 1 r.._ ' 1 new ivli;.-s,and novelties I oC the seas - is: , 1 - 1 It EFIII I , 'CIC Ft' :3 . ' - w x . ' ' .1 1 , . .. .1%1 r i c h ~..le, 1 ~lore~ ague Hon Win F Johnston, pees. A• II ... a , •,.. ,i„ , .1. Jasper, Chena and St' iii , 1 , . Pittsbergh, Col. Wib-on IleGaaPlles , , ilit. Robert do do Plain, striped and plaid r), I aol knders-on, r. 3r. do ; Me , srsl Kramer ..'s,. 'talon, 1 d,_ ~k, T„i., ti d s in, fl i „t i c,...l ~.,,.,.., ..1 Dangers do. ; lion Jo , ditia It Giddings, Jetfer. do It) eh d . j . I do d,,t 1 „ 1 1 son : obi 7 o i. AP r• le l V K 1 Esq. 11 e 11 ` 14. - I '.' 11. do do. Ito sl eKe 1 d.:' do • ' , ,f, , ,, e1 ,h. rhamberlain. elevelaul, Oh' -) : lI.M. ; 4,, a , fawn, 4., IL, 'l ; John Allison, New Drittinon..P!i..; Joh; Linton. .t.:„ ,! r 0 .,, ; ,, 5 .,t , ,, rt .. e5 „ (1 1, 1. 1r ..„ f..,, is ' .iJ I Es.' , RocLe.ster, Pa.; Tritisurer s Sari ; gm 11 init. ; , ' SIT i Nvijs ~..,...,,,. ,„.. :,.„ ~,/,..,„.. :1 , I IVa , hingt...m. L. C. ; Caqber ~tire ltani: 01. h), ! L\ ti 'l l 41 '' ' ' ,A.. . cn. ,. ~„ ,,,f ia, r un tat allif . melt tleiro.im i..„ , ..., : ip : 1 .2 l itft ! Guernsey ilraue,h ; ?dessrs.• Gallaberj -,1 Itanwers, Wai-hington, D C., mate 21, 16.50 01 , 1 :, t *: ° u" attics ° .9 - `i''''' •"'", r. , aer ' . 'L -l 'i l ':. l • ; ' I eas Dream moire a• :: iq •-. c 11.11,1 i ; t —2, r.r . . , , i . i I Nalt. , Di F “, ,, ,oRK i , i 1 FlllSr , a anIVAL 01 , F \T.I. Ditl G9O,)S , . - •i' ' ' - ' ' ' Om stork of cellars If t .uo ...ozs, 'lle' , ',.. ''• t 1 AT C. HANSON :Lt..!V.0,_,L 1 5,------ -- ii, „,, t .., 1 ,,,,,1 ),.,„ i d .) . ~.„,,,,. „,„,.,, t , e 4 , 1 , t ,.._ ' , Sign of the origin:ll[3@o IfiVe, , l ~- ; mountains. also, ago Li 1.-4 , •t:neat ol :,:i - unit i by ! Kf:). 74, Ate7.•et Sfeeet,(l"ittdmr,h, Pa. \ llll g 4. 1 ' 1 louse-fur;.nishi I-, goo 14 . • , 5. I r 11IIE subscriber bas l ! ins returned groin the, 1 ' .D fl 11 %ti, iI (. n- I. Uttstern Cities, haying purchase.l the tar- Prints, gingliams„. che'eli., Inn 'u, ti,...-,1,,:it. ip- gest and most camplete assorfme l it of-Dress ICeoltueity jeans, elt , -simitt;, eissi-arc.l.o;l l t4 , r. Goods, Shawls, Tiilm i?, Clunks, ..ScartS, [louse' awl I:men hoot studs, ete. Alm., gloves, 'l , •I''' , '„F 'i - Furnishing Goo is, It outhting' tloo-lsJ Needle :ribbiona t :H o e, , ery o th er article usually ~ ( Ff lit • l- work, llostery, Ilibhons, Anil d a full asf•ortment ; a fir t el.t.-. Dry (ob's 'louse, to , a ilie'l "Fe 5... F • i. of all ki t - 0 1s of dontespe an ererY-pther 45,,tir• t ea n call an.l e‘otniun'tiop befinv par 't' if, -1...c1e u•,•tudly kept in a first el A. 5 Dry 1ii..)11......110.11 . 34(1. 1 elset here, as o we feel en fl=h4.l. t tta.elli,.. i_cve i r '"As mito,y of the, abon artieles .1v t s .boucht of been able to exlirdt. sueb a •lesirabl4 •4 1 - 4 1' , 7 -7- '1 1 " th Imparters, and at the tar .S auction sides i Ls iVE k ItiIOTIIERS,, ). 1.. du ing lost week, we ;ire en:O.:lei to offer a good ; I Fortnerly Young, Stei,ent , on a 1.dg.,. rali.,y tit:titles hits'' than Hie east of Imports:, ' : 'itiril Id, 15'01 74. at ;r•tet -;.iet. ti in. We, would be plensedito lilt:: e. the pleasure!. 1 ,, 1 --•-• ► „.---:.- '''-' -------"".. of ehowil.g our' stocw to our customers nod the I ,I,4eilV,tt r GP r 150 f ' a:: :i3. , • , ' public generally, as Wre think it wintll . be to 'I ! ,j) ivy G c. ) 0/ D 2 T jo , 11 11 . I. -clll and eltnal ! ne fir the niva l titage of all to 11111 E subscribers *oVII-ittiforrWtlici ciitrns of themselres oefore purchasing eiSe where:, I • - , •- . ' i i . ,,4 . Bearer and vtemity, ta it .1.05 ii-r. 'i ' 1 . --. . 0:111ANS0N E,UW • - - ! ,I• , . I (Formerly Young,,‘Stevenson & Love; ityl 'hove l . • ' ' , ; :11rOthers,) No." 71 Market street .1 between 1 , t - Oral. an d DO Good store,,. I - - Fourth and the Dirim,..mi; Pittlbu a. 1.11 rgh, P I in; 0-._e orner of Third 'and Elk trey': ift HI . ; Sept. 17, I N . ' ' • 1 tite l l Y• I tend keePidg a full aSortinent of the Sept. ---=--- 1-; , , . IV. IV. tit all:ice. 1, ' CTsto \ lllie with Trill assbrtment of DiY to" - r , , S'ITA3I ..11A-RBLQ IVORKS. `,`" re's . L• '•• d • goads, consisting - of Challtus, lie. „, ~ i, - . !lollies, boreg,es, lawns, - tissues, in shoO, all the 1 1n 41 Ico 31:1, 3-1, .s- , 1, .1411)erty street, , inew brides ant novelties , of 'the leasolf. ..i'' ), 1 ' ' • 11113Utt. 11, t shawls and mantdbu of all styles an pric"s• ,' - 1 11 ONOIEN'TS, WORK- HI Tablets and Grave 'Stones, 1 ,„ isl N EEDL E 11'1 always on handl. Furniture and ,Wa4lll'; nr 'stock of collars, flounces, sleeves • Ili ti e . stand tops'otn.l lii posing. stones made by; ma. riot surpassed iii. Beaver or in, theliurrom , 1 1 chinery. I 14arble mantels, made by machitiery„.' ? 111 ' 1 !:'''s- • ' ' 1 ..... . 11 and sold at slfi tiri.l 1111WItril 4. Property owners I •.111 1 crZi MAC - ill - 1. - . ' -331 r ! -*IL .1 and builders arc invited teteall and ex: l'itihicrimr'i P int , , mu c lingy checks, ginghains. - tiolusq' stock; as I mre are 'persuaded that after so doing. I ca linetts, Kentucky jeans, cotton awl lin but feWbble tp built a gt Will hid house, , be wihr !pt at stud's, also. gloves,/ hosiery, yibbons- 141 ''rig tol l t ema . il without one or' racirit marlite , ' every other article usually kept in a llfs 1 1 1 : 3 1 m .tels. They are not liable, Co take fire, ye: ,0 y "Goods Store, to which ye solicit a call , a et quire .tpainting nor sciabbing, are an orna- ! examination before vurchnsing "elsewhere] .. .l a 'tient hi.. oom, and cost but little More than ..3. 'we feel confident then) has nevei been a r'Q'T good Wood -Intel. "f Marble soil.' Itr to the ;11,e4.1rable stock of goad.; brought to this'er e trade. r'' ' , . 1 . 1 Vediave also w lull assortment of Bonne If N. IL—Our stock- marble is theilargest in l Minuet trimmings, liadies ' and Misses . ' ,• ~, the west, and being ma actafred by ,skillfull boots and graters, also groceries, huu. ~ rorkman, aided by machine is Worthy the ntietnoware, hoots and shoes, which we Wi t t ° l ' 'otion of purchasers. Orders led with (lest- L ill" cheap far cash or Country produee. .. 1 ):".4 1 , 9 . ,,, 319, 821, Liberty street, i • burgh 1, 1 . .- '1 . YOUNG it Tyßigep* ' 1856. '- 1 W.' W. 'WALLA . --/ t April nr; 186(f. - • , 1 i• I I_, -., • 1 . 1 I . . .liera is one 'from the ,old pioneer Method s preacher of Ohio, Rev. J. 11. Finley. !. • I, b;ilieve Bowman's Vegetable Compound *, be the hee.t :retue•ly for Di i e.tte 1 ThroaC i Lunge, of the day. Vlve. tested it, and `o 16 it to be the best of all the . .populttr.revnedi , s ever tried, and I. have tried'very loony'. • I ~c omatend it to the public., Try it null you'vvi be convinced of its superiority.- •;1, 1 Cincinnati July 18:iti-. • - Rev.. 3. I 3: Flltr.l , Ilear what the celebrates:l Dr. Peck says 'New York, May 12,',D354.—1 have usedl3:ow- , man's Vegetable, 0)1110:Mild- for coughs In.' hoarseness in speaking; and believe, it to b the best preparatiomfor•Throrit and Lung Cam plalnts I ever tt,nd I recommend it tolitti ;.public speilker and singer.. 03 well asAhos ' !"dieted with Lung 'diseases. J. T. PEC' Otir space Will nor pern+ us to publish' any certi Scates in foße iint we would refer to • the following persons', whose bitters are if: ourrs session, certifying to its worth : • Rev r lllishop Morris, - ' ekticinniti, li Rev.' Robert Wiilkar, , - "-i 1 Rey. Joel- Wnitc, .-- •Ecoromy, Rev. 4ofia Powell, ,I- - Portsmouth! __._ . . - .1 c ..... apini, L. M'Junkin.- ' ~ Butter,l henry 11,..Grifi , Esti. rittslJurgh, D. I : 31 Bitlier,,'. . ,lilicelipg . Capt. 1 5 .. Gorlpn, Vittsburgl4, 'John T. ?it'Ointbs, , - Miry Njoriovs',. ' • Mrs. M. Evans 2 • Robert Grccu4 c, , Ileitirr, 1 he t;te Sutherland, . • Vaript, 'S. A. Gat.se , , 4 SiiilS it9bPrtti, Meadville, • Henry Smith,.. -; Nen - Mrs. B:lrith Lowry, - La - Kronecp. Joseph P. 'Martha A. Wilson. ..Nnv Castle, , • ExAlov. W.F. Johnston, ' C. Cunningham, Allegli'enj'; 1 • Isaac Whitesides, , , .1 Maratta. IlridAeivater, Rim Win. Smith,' Louisville; a u iti , ( ,,Kos, *. 'Cineirinafi, • ~" 'Cart: deo. Kennedy, - Allegheny, p. Neil. I • Sioubenvi,ll , Rev, Henry Cline, Venalico'e( Dr. James Parions, - Lwiscifl d, !tee. John Wntlcins, Cllft..l3coh Poo, • Georg•oroA - , James I,: Doddm,, Butler co, - • • Ex- Gov. Wrn.'''lligler, l'enn'a. -71fev. G Sechon. • Lottistßle. Bowman'. Vegetable Componyl §ol'l Druggists at slti per. limtle, or liotiles fo ti,' L - ;', ;- e i C. Keyser - Li our ag,ent at. Ilocite, ) ler, Be rer county; Pa. Retairtnerehants cellb so; plied at our wholesale prices,.. by. C. ;L. Si ise Also 11. T. &•.. 1. Reeves, New Brighton. ' B rect all•e:rderi for medicine' to D. IL 4. Brit man & Co., New CeAlo, Lawretree ceunt)-, Pr - sold i 'PrO'pritttnr• — • Agents wanted' hVeitery vii Ligei in the trnitetl•Stetes arid Cnnatins. : 41 ppl, by letttr.or atherwise - ta the proprietors. Nov. 19„.•18540. , ! .-, . . . • - ',' •I' / rIi*IIIIVIIG 11. '''.. Filhof 1.85 ' it . MURPHY k . BURC1IFI1;I.41)71. '''' 'Ararth-cast earner -44 h and Airket ',...5t.5., ! c 1 ,P.l T T . S)BIT HAI H •:. H AVE; now open/ their largo Fall tier) ly of '‘ Fandly and Fahey iDItY. (10f),BS ; s.riclu.- :dreg the newest styles'or Ladies DIV,i3 ‘ Goods, ,Cloalts,l;Nlantiflri,:Shanle, and sopr4liench cloth Caestinere:e, I.V.ins. ' $ll of which mill be sold 'at LO lir Pit 'ES. Persons froth nidie lance Tit*g j Pittstka h at the approfichipg 'State Far t Or At any ,pt f time, wanting !any article in tlitil•lD.ry Goods • ei will do well to call with lls.. '', ` . • • - Oct.! „ 1. 11,56: 'l' , rho sire Riedicai Or ITHE-'2l! l , Dr. Kaitawirr, of Roxbury has t y discolere l d in one of our common mature weeds a remedy that cures every kind ofshumor, from the; worst !Scrofula demi; to a common pimPle. ? , 1 ! 1 Ile has tried it in ove r 1100 cases, and never . ~, ,- failed except ia two cases (bothlthunder j , hu,- mor.) I He has EMI" in his pinsession over, I tw o hundred certificates of ' its virtue, . ,Aill.{-iithin twenty miles of Boston. r . I " I Two bottles tze w a r r a nted to cure, a nursing sere mouth. I* ' •- ' • . , One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimples or the face. l_-{ - Two or three bottlesWilicarei the sys t emof Biles. ' • I . I 1. Two bottles, are warranted , titi cure the worst Canker in the' mouth and stomach • I I I 1 Three to t yr e bottles are warranted to' CUrq_ , the WeVsecastes of Erysipelas. ' I •{I , One to two`bettles are , 'remitted to cure till LI humor in the EYes., • •. 1 . ; Two bottles are warranted - to cure - ninning, of thet ears auti bl 'cites among the hair.'; I 1, Fclar to six bottles a2llwarrantedi to &tire corrupt and riarming ulcers„ . ~ , . s'Ono battle ,w il l cure scaly { - 01:. on of the kin t, • L---:-'-----'r-- I • I 1 . .:---T ro -- •O or : e e bottles are wa s to cure .; the • worst ease of.ringworm. I ,Two ;to three bottles are warrants to cure he most use of,rlienmatism. - ~7 ' .Two or three bottles are , warranted -I to cure the salt rhemi.` Five to ei ght bottles - will cum the worst case of Serlifula.l l ,I . i -I 1 • I ' A benifit i f .alivays experienced :roan the first bottle, And a. 'perfect CUM IS ; warralitoti when the above quantity is taken. - '- , I , lia.ider, Ipeddled over - a thortFand bottles of irthiS in the Vicinity a Boston. I ltIlrAV the l ef-, ifeet of it in everrense. ' S.' sure 35 water viill cxtiugi'sit 0-0, so SUM Will 045 cure, hnnior: I never 501.1'* gOitIO of it but •th:Lt sold another ; after )'rifil'l always speaks (or itself.: j! There tare tw,o thit g 5 about thischerb that appeorto me surpriking; rat that it grows in Oar pastures, in some ()lac; quite plentiful,Antlyetitti Value has never ; seen • no until I discovered' it in. IS -16 —secontl, that it should cure all kinds tcf laif mor. l • 1.., I , . - - I In order to give sonic idea of the s,Vellen rise and grCat popularitylof the disclovere, II will siate that iu April, 1943, I 1 peddled lit and I sold about ' six bottles per day2,,ln April 1851,r sold over one thousand bottle;pei day t‘f it. • Sonic °Odle whtil f cstle Drhecirit! , 'SVIO Tigre been in business ti 'en ty nn.ll thirty vet r• ••• • that nothing in the annals of patent medieine, was ever II! e it. There is a uuivers Ll p fuse tlf it from all quarters. ; . - .. In my own - practice I always kept it trietly, for{htimersii--but since its intrOductii nil. a gen eral family medicide; great MI, I . ire d. : rfie, virtues have been found in it 'that I I never. sus pected. 1 1 .., 46. a, ,,, • N. ton ps►tcb, my Fr, iI:E. 1 Obcover II fr: 1 - • , ' DUFF'S. , MERCII. TiLIC - COLLEGE Of. Pilislntrgh,[ Wheeling, (YU, ,) l an d 1 , Burlington,.3rlington, Atone a Founded in 1810 - and incorporate .I 1; 7 .4,1 Legialatufe of Peanay s lyania, . with 'perpetual charter. - VIOAND O,IP biItECTOR. Hon. JAMES tICIIiN4I‘, (late Secretary of Slate) ' ilna. Wtt.mra2.2 iTtLetna.„.(lat/lßeeratari of 'm ar , lion. Moans ifampton, , . , lion. WALTKA Ti. I.ownArr, 1 r , CnAttLaa NAYLOR, GCli. . . ..' ,J. K. -. 5100R HEA LI, '1 FACI:Ltr. AT, PITTSIIthICIFI. 111 --Preelderi,l% Dull, (stilthor of Mfrs 800,Z.---- keeping; The Wee!ern Stddnihcat AccoUntrint, &evi'rofeisor of the Principles ni;l Pra l etice o Douhle'7ittry: ) loOkkeeping. 1 1 , . : tA. T . ltowdpn; It M. Ciiwali and Ir_ it. DUFF, As*ociate.Professoriof;l34Okkeeiii r i g .• - 1 " J..l).;;lVillinins; (ihe, best tlusiness ocol Or,_ . ' namentolii'enninu in / 6e 'Utiited '4.itttes,,) pr o z: t fessor of eituriftrshlp, . 1 i 'ti..ll..llsteti, Hisi., r fore4sof of ,:tlercantile" Low and Pot . liconotn37.l ' , ~ : 1 - Hon. Jildge,hrnciort atol _floe i. M.:liiik- - : pnlriCk,-4pecinliectutier Ou tit: - ...!Unfil e Is•.rl . Bet Dnvid Ferguson, ... tit., (late Profess:le' of;(31 s!sics. &c.. in Wsshingtln C011eg.,1 . 6;, fyiescCommercialof Commercial Ethiest - • 1...11)u1T, lecturer on the lifi:tory and rinrci , pies of Ancient antl-modcrn Cony/Ores anki:c.:: ..John !Murphy ; -teseher ofthe- art of ( et€::'tioE COuntcrl*eit Bank NS/ t ea. : T i to Only at rou;;Iily • citinlified tettched of . tuis arch/. this pail or tt l e' country. ' .. i - ! :' „ Th e , clussienl-Deportmen'e f,rtibraill: ... , men,fk ( aihra •illg tin ough Clas.sical soil Lugiish tpli ortt i t , .. / F. L. SteWiftlr A. . 11 ~' 'rtn!ip:7l 1.1 Profes. - Fur of 111a.thentatitS:4 , tl.\s ie:4, Sit, 1 . -.:}. 1 . ;.\ ,! , rel,: Vrufes:oe , I*,-enclt and 1.), , an- ta Lane.vni ... ges. • ~ -',l his is admittell-to -- be r thp largest aa.i ti ns& perfectly orgniiiieti L''oni,Mercial C01.1e 4 .e Ia tn. United States - ; and '.'F - Itipdr PrAessu'r," ~., ' often advertised by. time Cinuneia...,ialCull ln 6 s ) !I've never heett,atul , never' will he'annLE . ' ! ,,.l i iii, this The 'Clfl-.!Sei hd.ve i)le t.ervie , ” Of ((Very I.p'erson named itn t re t the Itpltren 0.7.,nrpt4 I.:-- ; The associate litatfessors ofl.:Rookkvepii)g a;to all been, 4mi:tied for businci hy the Pillj ir4 a fci have the henrGt of his ixt• en ye:lN:Alia, k ' *nee at n i "r!feeepter, nod lidt‘ eh: , .l;teett t l,sr,,' I Pevi rutts exptirienee as an n'pn. , unthrt,t„ - • i Au adequate idea of Isisi.firtaogetu o T eitent 'of .ba.;;lies.i ilium in' the'estAhlh‘nracat, 1 cAn or f ly he, uhtaaleu fru a toe ikletplile , .ir;l;-, 1 hi 's, whicii , rirentail(ol 0 ail parts-of the eiaia : '. u 1 lry,.with sp(!eneu's of Mr. i It .;li.ons' relinpaL I shi, Wh p, , :u desited; ". -, 1 ",- • -; . Doll'...illt:JuL.:l , .ei,ing -pp 1,1',1 , 2i- areal' r..4. i i. 0 , I.lnrper;s eilition. Price ;...i I 43'4 ;.: postal cti..l fluirs Comlinn-cial CalettAticurt, Prt;:,.. 61.7aiR . ; inii. tage, D eiqf t 4.. - .I 1 11 ' ; .4... L ~1 inun t, B t i Stoantboaoot4epini.... Pr.''...i§4- j postrize l.) cents. SOl,l Iv - :411 the 4it.r 1.0 3; ,.. e i 1i...rm..., \. . ' i ---- - m0pk.,... ". i • II :,~ 1 . 1M ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers