The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, December 31, 1856, Image 2

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~...r., oteioliiiiii!,.-
N'ttw Yoni., Dec. 27.—The ateamshii
Eurepa, fri l Ote Liverpool,: with- dates to the
15th inst-i arrived this afternoon.
ile'mottey market is unchanged, but
"lightly easter The Bankers rates art
wechattri The amount of ballim in
the Bank of England has increased .£75,-
American Stocks quiet with a Moderate
tasiness. '
,Pl 4 steamer BelgriqUe arrived at South
:a/13$= on the 12th. , 1
-It issamored that .Ppittee is mediating
.between England and Persia.
-- The English troopilted arrived in the
Persian Gulf.
. ; The monthly statenaint of the Bank of
Prance shows an iner4se Of 35,001t,000
francs. - - - 4
War, has been. declared by Englaiii at
`Calcutta against Persii.t .
The Europa brings' GO! passengers. She
pored the A - ffrica onthe evening of the
25th}-ins latitude 41deg Os e. longitude
The steamer Belgrique hence arrived at
Southamplon en route for Antwerp. Her
is unimportant. -
' The Bullion tn . the Bank of England has
increased L.£75,000. The English money
-market remains easy, but the bank' has no:
relaxed. Thera is a good demand for Atp
'si4eao securities, especially railroad bonds.
Illinois CenBal was particularly enquired
.for at improved rates.
The fall of Herat , is confirmed. It sur
rendered to Persia on the 26th of October.
A dispatch from Vienna states that
Prance is ntediatinkl between the beliger
_ ante,. endeavoring tO persuade l'ersia to
yield to Engl a nd. -
Prussia has closed all ',commudieation
with Switzerland, and will make no further
.propositions. The India arrived at Tuiste
on the 12th with lionibay dates to the
17th NovoMfier, • and Calcutta to the
lark Na; was declared against Persia at
dsinuttifoia 1.s1; of.i . oveiutier ' 'and the last
sliTisions if the tlegt for the Persian Gulf
leftlloulhay_on thO-13i1i.. -- „Nove.niber, with'
`,o9o.troopti; i v — iai - aia - to -- oir.upy Larra - ek
:and Breschire.
* rOILTSMOUTIT,": !retie exple
-dog bark Resolute, Cumin:llo'er Ilartstehi,
arrived at ERithead this afterdoen.
'From Washington.
, .•
Waskington, Wednesday, 9 o'clock A.,
.11.-A formidable combinationagainst taensy
lion. interests of Penlvania, has been
arga - niterl here ' mainly dircettd- by
front New York, - now sta'tionect gin the
o'lo assisted byinflueuce the
Sortli - ratern and. Eastern states,-tile
,stient-ssitimes rot its basis, the united sup
. • Srt df laltr South, and will be ancinp:ed
itlienever the,'aggregite, forces arc-compact
lionfted upon a plau of action. . •
' • alkoitr,or managers, with abun
sqnutoans, are. regularly
• • tr - hu has - 47ablialued •quar
cialee of the principal hetel3; and
Jr.s profuse hospitality at the e
disc of the parties most largely_ i
!. _
• The names of these persons hare
beet; placed at .iy diipozal, awl they will
haVit the adv= tage of publicity 'whenever
- the foots j tify . that resort; anl withoUt
any regar to - the-political relations OlLS
may oce !y now, or - Itave done heretofore.
Thawh e le scheme iz; -a venal speculation,
congas. for no d other pripose, and headed
`by-men/ ho profess, the urist decided uu
tagoniam to .eac-h - uther iu party conflec ;
tis n scary that prompt and decisive
steps-iliuld be taken to counteract mere
Influences ; or they way prevaij tn.;
.. expectedly.-- Sperial correspondent -
America* and 1:;. - S.
. inure petite ii..-,.. _ tie
free State Legislatuie will convene on the
first Tuesday in January, and menviralize
Cougresa if nothing iroir`e,,nud m
ess Ccl. 'Su
ner or 53111 e of MS compeers.are ordered Ity
Frank to disp2rse them. Ilis,Exceirciley's
' message reached us this evenog. _I know
• not what the. people .in ,the Stites? may
' think of it', but tor one to read ii` that is,
acquainted with Kansal politically;\* is
, enough to make him disgpsted with a 1 Rc
:publiian gavernment. That portion relaL
i ing to Kansas when analized amountS,,in a
i tissnelof falselioad,"atid tile pro -slavery men
;in the Territory know it to be so ' whether
they 'do id Wa.shington or not. -The l .Free
;State ;Hotel Progresses very Slowly (airing
DurY's MEItCIIANTIr4: COL:LEGR;Prris- Ito ths,intensold"weather. , Gee. Odbiti-
Ileaon.—The long established ! and well-i fion - teft this - morning for , the- Bast. !'The
earned reputation of this ,institution and its 1 . -Ki-w river is frozen over sia*.ient\ to I bear
nuinerons;.students'ate \co-extensive with 1-foor passengenr: !!!'-'' '1: i Unkm
-the United States. - Nine ;:different States i ' - ----'-
.! Citcular by Mail. -- i l' •
'including New York, lona, -- Louisiana and I '
Th - e - Washidgtou - Utnou calls the ren-
Tennaisee,-are-now represented in its du- .
ice. .N large .additional- Hall and et veral I
' don to Abe .jollowing regulation of ! the
additional teachers-of Book Keeping have ' PeB „ i T O he ffi a e w ue t trintgumthaet' penalty%iZ
for doll
recently ecodie necessary for the clasSes. at fifty dollars, provides 'that •no post
. The indefatigable and enterprising propri- 1 master•or assistant postmaster shall apt 'as
ettir:spaie,9l rio expense to maintain the' es
tablliihmetit - in its acknowledged position in agent for lottery offices or under any gilor
adtsneepf all others of the kind. To
~,, of purelmse or otherwise, aimed lotroey
and "''' tickets,:and that no postmaster shall redeire '
dition 10 fifteen . . regular professors lee-1 f , - •
~.-f ret. postage orfranklottery SCILICIICS, 1 cit.- .
o tikrerslimposing theFaeulty— • Park Ben-1 minis or tickets. Therefore, all sueh I lot
patio, of `.New York, one of the ' must dis
_ Itogoitatm iiterity won
of the day , , , has jost tery tetternes, eirculars,or tickets, cadres
elissec i sad either to a p?st, 'master or as
delivery two lectures
post waster, muSt hereafter be exelVeil
„and wag , understand Several Caber equaliV
froul the mail, together mith all other 1 on-li
eminent literary gentledien frOM the east - - , . • .e. , . . , ,
7 sires[ maitre fif - tut's - ecinq ciactre4' , ll I.ifiz..l
will lecture before tire Colleo---4uring roe : : qc - , n • . ~,. ii2.ou r! ice,
to any_ g i „,ce . t . ); 'b I„ .
•\ winter. But the eirongest rind must pet : / ,;J' t to a) , y in d io d„ (d. . 1 .-,
- bmanent attraction . of the ' establishment_ are)
We unPrstoo.l there is _much;complaint!'
2 tro.lectures of the; veteran/ Principal -2
oirculars generally
They are the lerAns of matured - experlice i I „ s. ,, aat! .. " t nual-rs ' 4
in-the realities of btiainess, and a few such e - ie P u l s ' i l v ' e a t u .h i ar i a ri ete m r, 3l :: Y re f instances iret: d nPon f i ' ll i dirid B - tJi
-,.-- - lesaims will do mom' ta develop the capaei;
2ty - tiiihe Commercial , Student, than the i u3„l3.l?*,,,being arldfcssed to the numb of
, rmeatjFotracted instruction from the best t; .-- " r
--"'" boxes
Ihe:t maY
haPP* to
! Thetireti4lTeachera.—Pittsio r
, rgli Caldte.
, hold hi! ativ Pest 06.4. and that it is
the order of the Postmaster General to
b , _ ,
, ;*
thus addressed, (if it
.PREITI NEAR THE TRUTH- The :Nei its tra •t- th atls ' t tl
Hampshire , Telryrapli is oropitithat i )' ' e j''' ') o 1 e -deal l'itte'r of on an ; fice. -. • '
editor who/ cannot stop one of the finest I ----:- .- !"/ • L
. trains of tbliught that lie is putting on oa. i A 'REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSI., '-;•.-
per, to minute the dimenr,-ions de large - iIifiERHAVE'S lIOLL.iND -BITTER'S, i
pumpkin, writenundverti/'ement for a brie is now the ; most simple, delightful, anef- '
• loist,,eriter the name of a new' subscriber, ',teemed remedy for . dyspep.sil, before the
,or mieive- pay_for an old onii, or take ti !public. Marry of pur,inost worthy cit ens..'
enwhiding M. sometbing-he has said; and I testify to its efficacv. To persons stibjeci- 1
after alfesume the thread of his discourse, '
.to nervous, and sicih-headache, it is a ;Yalu' 1
and easy mat' the idea in its original force !able medicine. When used according to i
and b eaTi ty, i s nest t o co e dit or at all. • airintim:Pi; it cannot -'fsil to givo'islie4l. 1
s• i 1 '
. f .
.-.- 55iti . • i ;• 1
BostoN, Dec, 29 —Solon FE. Teiany,
Warden of the Staze Prison; was - itabLe s l
azi killed by a convict, this evening.. : Twn
_weeks egn, the dtirowty . waiden• was iniirder
eti in the_same way. . •
I , -. BALTI - MplIE, Dec 29.--A. dreadful fight
-- tool! plsee4an Ohrlstrpas Day among a num
ber. Pkiledelphisi oystermen in the Pau
sal/ e
ver. Ono mhn -.vas kille , l'at Drum
Poi t and three others wounded and taken
ash • Three boats .wer©lashetl --ashore',.
, -, and the fig t is said to have continued all
_Froinih; .thastntk Detn
. _ . .
_. . LAM FB9iit KANSAS. ! ...
-ro . . Free / Strafe Prisonm—Gotyli times
• • °Mon.? th'e."COnelcts"—Col. Titus; the
Fillibuster+-Geary and Lecorfe" -- wad
string. other Matters.
~., 1 i
. K . T.,. Dec: 15 -18 W-1 -
have just returned from Top..ka - via TOO
sell and Lecomitou, and !called tition the
prisoners: At Te.cutuseh fourteen are iti
'dieted- for tunitslap i ghter
.-and' .have! the
Promise of a trial ths week. At Lacmp
ton I. saw the "cofivicts," nineteen in num
-Ler and instead of "wearing.ball and Chain.
and war-king' on,public works," severftl of
them arti , cmployed by the .citizens and
paidlligh prtees for their work. They are
conSidercd theiliest mechanics in town ,"and.
upon giving, their. word of honor are allow
ed to work at their trade. Notwithstand
ing 'the pro Slaverk, . organs . .eall . them
"thieves ana. assassins," and ' they have
been convicted to, file years in the peniten
tiary, their word is sufficient gtrarentee to
one of Huck+ Sam's officers that they, can
be found_ 4lien called for. No attempt
has Vein Made by the authorities to rear
rest -those Who 'made their escape through
the privn -walls inTeuinsch. The :writ
servers laVe not made their appearance - in
Lawrence Ifflr some time pas . I :suspect
they have kuspended . judicia y Matters for
'the piarpose, of attending the. Leavenviorth
land milt. NclAisturbance has yet
between the purchasers, but .no part of
.the city has been - sold yet, and, the troubla
rsvill'be likely to originate there; itany-
I where-. They Will . probably: commence
some time this week to dispose of the:town
lots The gentry from-the Senth.are the.
I principal ibuyer. -thinking, ,perhaps, the
t best .
way to estabiish • shoA i ry is to own the
soil. - However, Col. Titus, while in Kan
sas City, on his way to Nicaragua, drank
to Kansas "a F:ee State." . The Colonel .
shows that he has been au extensive fill
; buster. : , Holding : up Mid of • his hands
whieli was very pinch deformed, he:replied
that teliad it probed with - a Spaniih lance
while in Cuba. Then showing the other,
which was still worse, ; remarked that the
: d--d Yankes shot a Shupe's' rifle ball
through that one, and oue inrothe sit Milder
*also. The e.mgaest of ilian.,as 133.9 , been
accomplished but lier citizen; ::16. nut sub:
du.ed .- - At - every triumph of Ole 51.4-..vli
, pretty ! they seem morn determined' . that
Kan4as shall be 'free. There, arena tr - eopi
on th e Nelirmr..a frun tie now, rs all - have
hem orderedfo rho fort, ectccpt Company
"ll," C'a'ptain Ntilde., cOminanding,l- who
reMaiu at: Let:outwit to guard the town.
' I have:just learned front one of the officers,
I that.this, : 'company will be' pr.-d,ahl_ti kept
I there all
, titeWitter for that purpose. I
eau learnnothiny More !dative toisrov.
Geary's and .Twigs • Lecompttls coarirl.--
3Vlintthe attievrati - are 111.,tqwien
to funetiotiary, remain -t i t° be
seen. Ili; "Ilow?i" will pot be likely to
sobinit tvithnut a great deal of telqetauee,
if at all. - We :iivc just herd or the. ap-,! the :11 , a, .trently 'mitt nim nu. reso.
riot/tient of taw: 4 , -,r twin placeo s f nftiti,tin creating theoretic of Litilitenant General.
p c , na ld son , Ma F ,ha - H-of_the Terrttr ry This'bill places up in- the same foot
: Wliethei staid be , as faithful iii niaiti-ling with Gen. IV4strngten, as, provided by the
raining "law soil order," as his predecessor, l i nw or 1 7 9 8 .
.• •
• 1.4:
te ll . . Donaidsaa vezogitt
awl •, _ap e t ofJanunry for toe
''rritrY" n : 77 ' 7 3 g . " ; 1- ‘‘'ity 14 . 4
.I'consideratisA of; a. hill establishing a uniform
Shannon, in sonic rural retreat,
~ easy ' aee6ss..ton whinkey bArre!.,l
ther.: isolilinuise upop . the past, and )
be disturbed in the future.' They 1 ,
make a - . good uld grandtnotherly• akie,
anet, aud would never injure. the coi'littry,
unless used , Cor to,ls, as they have I.n i !en in
subjugating Kansas. • .;
, .
but I Ybelkve in ,the ancient tnakitn '
: . "say • b
ndthin ,, but what, is good nttbe
I dead."-L. r: _,...' i'
N • - ~ 1
Lieut. • Ilarvcv an 3 his cr , mpany art)l 'go r
tug to the southern p.trt of the Territory
to start a ue' town. . (joy. Geary thinks
he has tr) further use for their servide's.-
lie has provably dismissed tir.nit to I I ..ive .
the marshals a chance to serve their prczes
sesi as theCidOnd and several of his! ?Inm-.
panY are under . indiettnent .'
It - .ts fr ' .hern.K..
_ieporl row slu.. ...tnt , as say ; tha . t
sine:the cold it4.ather commenced, alfiiis
have acsiuned s !intro pacifi , .l nature.
X. IitICAND f "~..
»....r. IWITAND.
& J. Weyand, Editois & ProprOtors
ar4vER, p,t, . • ••- i-_... [
Few YEAlea DUIIESS.—Our carrier, Master
James Carson, desires us to sitithat he will be
"about" .ou Thursday morning nest, with a
Yew Year's Address, lie hopesto meet wit 4 a
frien — dry . greetilig Inim the patrons of the Argus
and the Public \generally.
FUNERAL Szamos.—The funeral sermon of
Mrs Nannie, wife of J. G. Bliss, Esq., of this
Borough, will be 'preached on Sunday tho 4th
inst:, in the Bridgeiater E. Church,, bY
Rey.B: Baker.
Tim Co#cor —The concert given in the
CoUrt Ileuse,'on the evening of the 234, was
well'attended, and to persons of musical taste;
was re-decided treat. _May we not hope that
the like will soon occur again.
A CIMIST.II.I,II GIFT.-011 Thursday morning
last, T M. Taylor. Esq., of Rochester, sent O
mar office a Christina. Gift worth about five
dollars. ' The act itself speaks more for Mr:
Taylor than any words of ours could , do. It
shoals him to be a liberal man, an enterprising
merchant, arid a generous neighbor. has
sur thanks
Garay IsicrtoN.—Mr. John ltoblugson, of
New Brighton:we learn, has itirented a steam
plough, that will break up,:sow and harrow, all
at the 'same time, trim ten to twenty , acres of
ground per d.y. It will rill on ordinary
ground, or prairie, from 20 130 Miles per
hour; and up heavy . grades 8-. Iles per hour.
the ! inventor, is a. son-in-law tjf dem
Carter, of this place.
gam" The Old Fellows in me United Shrtes
number 3,397 lodges, with 1:13,614 members.'
They expended, in the year ending with June,
nearly half a tnilllion dollars for relief of mem-i
bers and their Ninnies, and the educrition,„of
Orphans-Ltheir total receipts being $1,180,326.'
The Encampment, a branch of the Order, cum
bering 23,719 members, receiycd $102,863, ,
and expended for relief $30.1,;93.i
[Editorlal.Correnpondence of the Argue.l
The Muse, during• a fzuod portion of the
present week, has had unkier.coushleratkin the
Indian, Military and Invalid Auprupriatiup
WM.; Aurong the :Aims apprlviated were the
Collpiins.--$1,600,000 tor currying nut treaty
stipulations with Indian trilrs; $l2 0.
B,ou fur
the support of the Military AcaderUy
Odo for the ,payment of Invalid and (Alter peti
tions for the year ending June 30, IVd.
A bill was passed an . Nlmn,lay, awarding to
Gen. Scott the sum 0f•20,0q_4„) in addition to
'ult) al tidy - 1h; lder the
rule of naturalizatiun, but the effort was unsuc-
Ileeseful—Yeas; S 9 ; Nays, 92..
A •resolution, offered by Washhurne, of Maine,
has passed the uPon the
I dent to communicate a statement - octlieMoutint
of money expended, and liabi;ities incurred, for
I the support of the army iii Kansas , , and for wit
! nesses, arrest, detention tut trial c.t . persons
charged- With treason hguiatt the United States,.
or with of the su-styled laws of the
!territori4 Legislature. 7 , , • '
I Mr. Leteher, of Va., from 'the'minority of
! the Committee of Ways attd Means, has report
!ea a Aillitittite for the bill offered
,hy Mr.
Caron bell, of Ohio, for a evi,ic.'t of the tariff:.
The, bill of the first i?enied: gentlemotit propeses
a genertil reduction of the rate.of duties, and an
addition of thany articles to the free list. •
Mr. Phelps, from•'enmo committee, (Ways
and Mc:ans) reported a bill ninendatory of one
{sassed by the Senate, for ,the withdrawal frein I "1 1 tie 4 say':
, "For t . S° past zteveral ye ark it.lias been a
I ci-eulation of all deprecia.t4 foreign coin, pro- I
. cestorn with certain irresPensible niitlatinknown
posing to receive Mexican and Spanish qoarter,l venders of- book, jeWelry- and fanci articles
eight.:, tied sixteenth debar pieces, at twenty, lfi , •-niclitiittint'points. with - . another 01;:ject than
i ten And to cants. The Corn initteealso
proposei self in view, and with'very...little regard_ to the
rules of honest trade, t o o mien their bazoors for ,
a different coin to represent the cent, viz': of i
different color, lighter, about the size of a the sale, in: Some
llime, by vrry doubtful sehennce, and for dispoYinies of chance - in othertF
but easily distinguished from the latter. The, ottheir goo to,tlie detriment of uurlegitininte
Ifurther consideration of. the bill was postponed I tinders. Aside from thelnet - that these' estrib.
.1 lishmenty. being conducted by unknown and
for two weeks.. .
• ' l" , ' bl.'l '
has trice onst L parties , vitt i
, no A l err aanea l ;fl eck .
1 - '•:11r. Rice, the delegate from :Minnesota, tific:t ion of interest .w with ,nur cemoulinify, are
.! ,
Introduced n bill autlnirizing the people of that I Leahy rting the husineis 'of our rown - eitiieni;
territory to form a Cinistitntion and Sate gov- they re, nlwaye liablelo'snspieltin: - Indeed, if
ernment; preparatory to 'admission ?into the report does not do' them injustice, they often
deserve it. Rut whether be 'so or not,
Union, on an et/Mlty with the zest of the this
suggest to our eitizens' the necessity and wit-
States. - - ' ' . I dont Of supporting their own dealers. And if
Dr. Dernhisel, delegate from Utah, is also ganice of chance ire to be introduced to gratify
' awaiting an opportunity to present thnnpplica'- a popular wi y iin, while! diSposing of wires, we
for admission into the
tion, c suggest tb,t some of Our lowa . dealers; :whose
well-estneltsbed characterlis.a gnarantee.that
Union hether he will •'deern it benaiity Will be purenell, s aillet be.the'reeipi:
safe lo thidsession, is iny:olved eats of its profits. As it is, e tont is not
tonnewhat in doubt. if the Wetter does co
only liable to the charge of, a oubtf I morality
I • m per se bet may be, iitli•cem arative mpumty,
up thh Territorial Cominittep s l•lll most-assu,-, 0 :twin( e. ' ' ll \lefnet°. "'
.---. ;
redly report a bill prohibiting the existence of '
relyg t uly. Al u o l Slavery in that country.
- -Tir,h...Commissiener of the fiends - 1 - Land Of
fiseidia.i.hvg, witliiii...a..fiv i days, thrown into. the
market about .fine,lilition and a Italia acres of
r ,- .
land in the .leir.therar pad of lowa, a situ len
and - active demand for'Lrid Warrants his been
emitted.. The riding Tp,§ are now 92 cent; for
2~ .. eery warrants; .9n for 169's 'and 180's ;
and 4 4 1,124 for 40's.''-' '
-ter. Daniel Waldo'has been re-eleet C d'Cb.
lain of the House of Representatives- 1 Some
; -
twelve or fifteen other clerg.y:ueti were voted
for in Connection - with this post. ' Rev, Frank
lin ,Moore, furinerly of our place, received 2
votes ; dui! Itev. A. .B. Bradford, also of our
,couuty, received 10: .
Neither,bra'neb of Congress was in Session .. .On
Christmas hiy.. An unsuccessful effort wae
made to pass a juin!, resolution nejourniug over
Until. the Stu of Jatioary.l But little business
will be transacted dtkring _tli - i: continuance of
the•bolydays. Lt fact, it iy exeeediuglykdoubt
ful whether even a quorum of triemlaers•Will be
present/ until about the fifth or six day of the
New Year.
State Riehta, or the Right of Secesaion.
A question, perhaps more interesting : at the
present time, ti4l the ono 17107 t iu the hands of
the highest trihtinal of the country—the l Dred
Scott case— s -has';econtly been decided by the
Supreme Court of the Cnited States. Tim' de
vision was rendered on a case of,apperg feo t m
the State of Ohio, in which, the importantiques
tion of State, Si contradistinguiSbed ironi ed
¶rnl Tygitta" came up for consideration. ,
• "
''''''Firatf.*:inwraiiiiir Of 'titereiter, liCtle :New
Yerk Post, it apeiestaihattine Woolsey, a aiti
zeW•nt,Conimoticut; "and' a ittockholder of the,
Ceniwiercial Branch Bank of Ohfci, filed 'a bill
hi the 'United States Circuit Geist against the
Birettas of: the frank, wit h
, others, to enjoin
theurfrom painag a State [tax, which he and
they'diemed illegal, 'but to which they were
disposed to sulimit. The t:efentlants contended
that it was a 4uostion of State Poliey,only, and
tha United Stoat Courts he'l no, jurisdiction in
the premises.l. Thiaple4. was over-ruled in the
Court bccriruid on appall was taken to the
Supreme Court of the United States. Here the
appellants !insisted a:gain Ithafi the Supreme
CourtLif the United States had no jurisdiction
t case, - a tha t it ii -
dyer, a pn at wa a question purely
of state Sovereignty, for which State 'Courts
fimpished all the remedies flint any stockholder
Was:eat:tied to y . \This plcX was overruled, six
out of nineofihe'.`udges, viz: Boger 11.`Taney,
of Maryland,' the Chief Justice of the Court,
John M'Lean, of Ohio, James H. Wayne, Of .
Georgia, Samuel Nelson, of New York, Robert
C. - Grier,' of Pennsylvania, and Benjamin B.
Curtis, of
,Massachusetts, associate Justices—
four from the free and two from the Slave
States, sustaining their jurisdiction. Judge
Wayne, in„,t6i opinion adopted by the Court;
thus explicitly; defines the constitutional rela
tions exiating between the General Government
and the-elates; and emphatically and unequiv
ocally denies the doctrine of State -riglits,' or
peaaeful,itecession,'att eapounded by the hot
, apurs pi / South Cprolina, Virginia, 'to. The
Court say; :
P i ,
Tiro depertmentsc--of
. the government are
legidlikive„ executive. and judicial. They are
ccroriliukte in degree to the extent of the pow
ers delegated to each of 'them. Each in the
exerc* of its power is independent of the
otber,lint all rightfully done by either is bind-.
ing upon the pthers. The constitution it su
ptertit over all of them, because, the people who
r &tied it hare made it so; consequently, any•
thing which may be done - unauthorized by it,
is unlalful. - - But it is not only over the do
parttuents of She government that the donstitu
1 tion is supreme; it is so, to the extent of its
delegated, powers,. over all who made thetit
selves- parties to it.-=States; as well i es persons,
' within .those concessions of sovereign powers,
elileil by the people of , the States, when they
egepted the constitution in their conventions.
NO dot 4 iti - supreinacy end there ; it, is en...
price:ie. - ekes the people of the Untied States,
- aggrewttely and iu theirseparate sovereignties,
because they have er.eluded- themaelvet from
~ ,any I diretror, immedilto agency in tanking
aineniThwilti' to it; 'II and have directed that
1 Alleartiteitt9 shouldbe made representatively
'Or thui: Ville Con*rel.s of the U. States, Sc:' I r 1
41,..:New Way to. raise. the Wind.
Ai fiva ‘l.l. ,sinee a, couple of 4 .self-sbarpnArs"
ttonhilitps,.eatne to Itii.igewater. in this e , ,nnty;
and' 4ene,l, what they eille.l .• (lift Book
Stor , e." - .Their plan of drieink n trale nith the
pubiic tilts this; perort on, ping !nto:their
store - andlntrehasin , kn book, invnriaLly rer,eiv
e4l, Ly pn;‘,•ine.'"nti stun of ten centi,
gift, in the Shn e (~ f n 13)if2, pencil, or, ring,
was re , resenterl, in s'que in , tances, to' be
worth nearly the su l n pai , l - 6-4. the nook. r ? y
pursuing this e.nir -- 4; the proprietors., we haie;
- ,
no doubt, inniort of ylaces, haven gfe;it run of ~
:V' Mr. 'l ,7 ,leniing,
'°. ' . ''" ai - fillle coy g' c`ntllnrin
custlce.t, but for the credit: f our offet i i it
3. c-n Y' 1 1 1 and two sons atoll: 25 -- -iiid 27 yenrs' of age;
Iwo can siy that they sere uosuccessful here.
Their etas Wad only of thtfe, 4 l , ;.-- , - 1 .; -.- --- " " - ,',t I it i A
I had estbo u.ri`n a Mr. at his reonns
t -le ...,. - .l, i lLSe. armed . ,!aell . frith a
. l 9 aded,
....,- -•"7*."1, 214. it, is- .
Fiql4l3 .2 necessary - 0 1 , 13,, ; , and that more is raid 1 pistol,l to coerce the latter gentiotnan milli,
a con essiou and retraction ed . ' a, calumny' the books they sell, than they cite he boliglal u tr ec ti
0: their Idatiohfer and:o;4er, of w h!.i
f .
'9l;.elseritere,•is eritmlly t:•tie; and hew
L anXil t iltey charged:.Mr. L. Mr. C., after
tetleer . ek-i , .clusion con._ nr i rired at. after a 'um- • some Pretty warm I:;nguge had passed be-I
nei•ts re;leclion, is, tittr•r!y[l;,,loulproheri s ibl, , tereert ;th. parties. agreed •to and did signl
Boit a•,i.le from the impo.: , :ithim tim4 practiced a s retraction in the •presenps of a friend
ipon the Jillwary,` , thc;re, i.; another objection to !Whom the:)lessrs. Flemings bad brought
hese migratorr book Pelliiip.i e9tnltihinnents, tvilb tilutti.: . - • ' . • 1
I , ' ,icll'oeserve9 , ,
fro one wotlie. parcular attentim• I lmmediately afterdidivering the paper
of eta pu b lic. . hi's itlii4. By-the novelty- .of I into the possession .of their friend, the,
t,heir sales they selioi'l;old;,;f the popular Cr 0.. 1 .. .gI'.9STS. r., or. one of the brothers, said to ,
Mr.•C ' "'l'm a going to cowhide you;";
ilulit, an'l by the tmie, ti t ey hate.r:tri them- ' , •7 •1 boys, ,_ ~. •, , ..:
c Booting a co - hteu pis
gelves 'out, or by the'tiute itbf p,-, J+. 1. 11 has •be-'
I And one. of -the , ,
__ . .
Come acquainted with; their system of dealing, ; ;
j • - • ~. . • ; the -.: Itreatened punishment, which he inrt
''e ` e7-1 "' 4 ' P "'la 6f rell ' ll ''''' m" who have I • j. ' i c l lie hid struck
. • ' ; 1 media teas c3numnce .
Itlye,..tefl th , eir 'fmtraies in to , buliness, 1113 slit% ,
fered or perhaps ,b'e, tt brriketi flown. This is : . ' ....'i.. t ..: • • • ~.• ,
three! or far blOWs, when C. pulled ti
; ; dirk It-Ate:trent a• side pt.cßet, hand pas.,ing
manifestly . wrong;• a n 1 a; community should i
at-the same tithe his left arm arhund the'
glitir.l against these ''tiromla l 'upon their own
, . i tie: k of . thci one Who plied the lash, stub:.
- •
citizens, 1;y withholding the,,' patronage from i bed
him in jibe !eft breasfi . and' as quick' as
who have no,s;rllPathy itAerest in com
mon with it. Tife - Baltiiti , ..tro Aniericaa on this
I Wh i wilt i becOme ofit i
s] ,
, ..wo ask th s queztion in relation to the 'ne
t Publican" Par Y. Sqottiwes so badly beaten in
`IBZ)2 that tlk Whig prty• Gould 'not recover
from the effect of its leader's defeat. Fremont
ho's not polled as Uric a vote As wen given for
the old General. What kill' become" of the
" , Republican" party P---.ltor. - '
i • ' As our neighbor is• in`the habit of treating
1 everything as orthode thUt is labelled Demo
cretic,ind of detleancing every-thing that comes
from a Republican soiree, ins will, without at.
1 tempting-to enlighten:llbn 'ourselves, direct his
1 attcntion to the following article taken 'from
the .New Orleans De/bi,l one of the ablest ati
' viell,as oue of the bittere l st, (toward the Re b
iicandkDernocrarc . papers ,, published in the
i United `States. - I - giving; t i t carefulperusal,
he,wiljl 'net only . earn •• wbat:w become of,
1,,, )
the Republican rty"_ but also what it would,
.kare .done in the tecent contest , Iliad Fillniere
not been in r ilin;fliild,„what it is doing , at the
present time, and what it, is, very•liely ,to ac
6unplsh in 1860. lre l:m
coai:24l it to his readr
ing : . • - . ' i
'"lliere can be'nn bette"r argument ..iii
iiinOrtiDT contidned'eneriy and 'watchfulness"
on 1 tlie::-.part of ,the Southern peeple, than
th 6 course' pursned.hy tteir enemies in the
Nc;rth, !.into the deleatiof Fremont assu
med- the aspect l'of,i., fixed
. taet. Are th:l.
Black Republicans; disheartened? -', Are
they prepared sozabandon their -cause and
return, like stray (and.speli lanibiil)
to the Told of the itiooo-i tutjou 1 ' 110 — thoy
despair , of Irressiaiii,
.t.ettgeacca.. on-,the
,:. • 1
Elrrii' tr - lei; : her - haughty defiance of their I
creed ? By nct means. Their , vigor and
determination are as manifest , n ever, aud
itlyeadY the naree , df John C. Fremont, is 1
given to the, reeve as,their anti-Sonthern
candidate in 1560 Theyhave relinquished
nont - :of theii'prineiples; they have dissot
ved lnotie
,o - f t nir elubs;, they have not'
modified sing o dogma Of their peculiar
faith ; but,'in s , of that, t* regard
their present defeat as the surest indication
of near and oilerwhelming 'victory. Bu
chanan, in their eyes, is bely a 'minority
,Presblent—the accident of an accident, the
spoiled child of chance, whom they could
'have defeated if Fillniore had not created
a division in the contest, and arraYed some
of their most reliable soldiers under their
(flag. In this they aro net wholly mista
ken, for, if Fillmore had-never entered the
lick!, it is more than probable that Fremont
would have defeated Buchanan and l brought
the natural difficulty to an issue at; once.
Such being the ease, it is obvinus girt
the pressure of the , Nortbererparty on the
incoming Adniinistration will lie 'direct
powerful and continuous, and that every
oceasionlvill be seized to consolidate its
strength and render it invincible in any
future Struggle It ail! be• racked, as '
heretofore, by a noisy pulpit, a subtle press,
and inexhaustible social resources ; it will.
hold Sharpe's rifles in readiness to luipply a
practical commentary on its biblical' read
ings, and no human effort will Se siaareu to '
force " freedom" upon Kansas and l deprive
the South of her:legitimate authority in,
the territories._ The victory recently seltiev- 1
ed by the Democracy was like those.. of
Pyrrhus over the Ilamans, which were`
scarcely less disastrous than positive' de
feats. The Black Republicans are aware,
of •this fact, and accordingly' look forward)
.with sanguine earnestness to the time when,'
they can render I'li:tory not only inonrnful, l
but altogether impossible. Their Propa
ganda is maintained as earnestly',.. ifithey,
had never failed iu their cherished mi s sion ;
their Apostles and Confessors are as 'loud
voiced us usual, and every day sees fresh,
neophytes approachine c . the alter of &who
and taking the requisite vows." l
- 211rozmodth,-11'nr ren -0:o., . I
Illinois, Dee. 12, 1856. '1
A bloody tragedy was performed at the
"13.aldwin House," in this. ~ eity this after-!
noon. I wns;eonvers l ing with a 'gentleman!
in Dr. Thayer's I)rug Store,,abuut fwd,
o'elbek when the' terriblo ,eryi. , of . tnuriei
was heart, and 'we all - sslattcd,ont to disi
cover-the cause. .11'6,were sdan direeteil
loy the throng 61 i)eOpiti tO lite: : above na-:
med hotel, d t ttant only. nifew-y;•rds,. and
titer,: ,weltering in their blood, lay - tfte vie:
tiqrs- . (if the most_ sanguinary;_ single hand
conflict: it hhs hoc!) myl st , to,wari e ss.. IE
is iitlp,Ssit)te 4,1 descriln xliefitotrur . , whicii
depifite , l - the 'visages of that thr6og of
spectators callt.d, thvre atiuonient's, warni l
cimutustaiCeA are as f:)llorv.s.--
thought, wiihdrew the knife and struck the
one who WI the pistol a back hands.' bloW
............_ .
which reated, as did the first,, to the heart
of his victien. j I
Both !brothers received their- death'
woundi in less thap - two'seconds, and werci
both blocdy,corpses in three minutesafter
thay wereletnek. The' old man had 'gone!,
• . '
into the 6th, end locked the door,' and!
stood upon the outside with a pistol to keeP
out assistance. The ageir has • crested an
immense pxcitement here,' I assure you.—
The run' man Crosier is under arrest,
having's rrendered himself into custody,
and iii to undergo 'arkle;aneination to , rnor-I
. .
The s mpathees of the people eire mostly']
with Cro i cr. He act s and lookti the • pie..]
ture ofd spair. He is a young inan, some';
27 to 30 years oil and unmarried, He is'
said I to have been engaged to thelady in,
_question who is at present out of the
State.,libb-other parties were reipectable
farmers, ande of them, 1 nnderstand, ,
Member of' tLe church in good eluding.]
1 r
—Exiqice front a i ..I"l.ivat4 !Lett r 'to the
floehestkr. American. , ' ! ' B.
Wllst he South Expects' of X
_ I man, N
1, '
Trashsnywn, Dec. 19,r1.856.
Vie Final' Issue—The , South -:Falti4
• on the- Constitution- Sentiment in; The Policy Pt 41.6. Anch-1
anan &c: '
. It is a cinestion, an a very serious flues
ape, • hoaLfar it may he necessary ,''foz Mc.
Buchanan to know the,
.sentiment of that
vast number of mat of )property - and intiu-1
mice th'e' South, who never i intrude
then.selve.s upon the attention of the public
or Presidents ,
't'hes'is desirable in many respects: It!
will enable Mr: Buchanan to see l ',.'on the
lone band the liberality of Our views acid'
sincerity of t ouattentivs, and on laic oth- 1
ler the utter folly of auy afteinpt,to concili
! ate' the epenileS:of iheeountry by buildingl
up a "anti" or . middle party, '
be. two - parties ' the Northern disunion,/ an
ti-slavery. and anti-deumeratie party, and
the. States rights' demoaraey of tint South
beeupyinte the - compromise gro
strict adherence to, the censtitutiorfin
fence of. the rights of tbn'Statei:and
institutions and ; people of the South, bin
beCanse they are want onlYd.s.sailerliti viola
tion -of Abe original compact of "Union, by
linetrirhole minds are fatally bent on mil,:
chief. •
to affair alien :us . be eau "111 leave
tyrEt'ere; the Sone! 6)t willing to l , are it-4
to , tiO *ill or-.the people rind 'the , ilLottrs of
natttr i the l', question, of the palve , .Is'.lo.
VOlied in the matter of sovereign y to be
a jutted! oe. In the . rebitions we bear to
Cub'; the O ther islands of the eist lola
gtoti andi W
Central l Arilerien, he gill :hive
the' eterinls forkuilding up , a gfrdnd Pol-
Icy, leithciipett a 'liberal systetn , of con
tuerelal reciprocity, if. Spain will 'coincide, :
or, a more vigorous" palmy, if .she r fuses:--'
Thee two great features, thee—tl e acquis- i
ition [Ofl i Cuba. and the eettleme t of ; the
sfi l
. iate . Kansas irisue--preseni ,no seri- i
ens tit culties To
,i , nne extent, they _fire''.
both:.fettled;; o fAr as Mr. Buchanan is
cone rned. both [these tne4:tr•ii4 Ihe
will receive tit onlyi' the Allilprk of the
South, but .I the. entire. Liam). 1 Such is;"
the feeling . i Congress among the Dem
ocrats, North 3 South, E ist and West. l,
Wiltile thii is so, ;lather illiti. equally
evident—,th in the conAtructit n of , his
Cabibet, looking to the policy of hi: iad .
ministration) the State sigh's men will 4-
pee that choice bf inateii3l which indicates
the nature of onr - policy that significancelin
choico which declares the aditeranbe by fbei -
President to certain principles, in practice;
as w, 4l as theory. , - I
Stich, I have reason to ,hclievet, Will - be
Mr., Buchanan's policy. tfe ii toV4eit in
formed terhe ignorant of the re:ittit s'tren'tli
of pinks itsthe nation lie ,knowS the
sentiment' of the people North and Sonth;
and knowing that ; he intitit in the nature
of !thugs abandon!thotlern oxpediLmts; and
go_ back to tli_Coustitution and the well
tried,prinoiples of the dettiocraci 1 , 1
1"OhiO Piolie;" forißuchi
. rid cincianati
.. Eu g nirer, oys.
officil canvas's Troves. that ."011 .
vatcr for Buchanan by about foil!.
majo i rity, Buchanan 'went into the
Reserve—thiS tier of which" eo
prop l erly nothiug but an off..hao ,
lEngland—the number rof,votes
I Prelliant 7 • but -Citardelectalde regi
bllan , i and rolled up sivoon
for Ercinont,i ;, ' • . ~
!IVO clip the alwve froni the W
liiii4 , n. of.: 3lottday.'•We bhou Li
knr4 trliy, the Reserve clenti(s
unteli "a iToperTart of Ohio" t 8 ,
rill; that' Por . tigli — of tho State 1 w
dfcrs . Ithe.the Llke:t, *linnid: not 131
Jo: a. %yell as that portico :'tliao)
the- 'Ohio •River? ' Or' Iyhy the
iron 1 .1%:ew 'England are . not . : as I
the offshoots 'front Virginia? '.-11
the Western ReAeryc . as a vers
Ohio. It the moist
intellit.;ent part of tl
talons (ietnon,trat
in the, entire whi
r . .
ibliena .anlid•tte t rep t
tht rc.wsert..l..4t
- Ins who eottil a iih f tea
ring 7. out' the coutlty
Cinri ti 1
111 'eotniti,;.i in the S.l.4te
FaitfiAtl, iltilno-s
five itrongf)A. (•0
pve —nre _A31161,111:1; t;,:ni.
fitbull attd Lake.,
of adtilts 'titc,te'e ,
lot read_and .
iklbula 77 8-5 Prawn
2 I- llu tl vr
105 137 , Fikirficl,1 1
bt;11 Si 137 11 ultnes
A ql,t
Gea 4.
Tr l en
2'..34 :363
*total vo'o . -or islitabul:
Trumbull ana. Lake, il
Was 2.3,776. and the
41:o}isn;-;Butler, Fa 0
• ' Llf,- I (
:;was 2...,1.,..r. showin!! that the
i coot tIeSJ named gase'a larg , ir3 - 1. ,
i tha tli - .! - Dettioctatic counties
lIIC ~; . . ' •'i
Nye take no•prticillAr: pri'd i e iiltslh
tfiepfiglires, but we think that I in
geneeis any ,ornanyt : nt ioa t't'e, (v ,
t'aink it
is' l ) we &sire telvilil on Itt
IVeeirn .11eerve:;ity! elai'rnj for, Ht.
i it. 1
prelutuent degree, the !odor ' of. bein2
proliei xepreseutative of '"Olio :pr ,'!F
the i ) I Nroshington Unbpt Db.! . I l einctr
L'liqu i eri:r to the coni:ney noliitlistant
ale' Journal. , -1 ; • • [ !.• i ,
1 - 1 • , i 1 i • 1
Tfie Detroit. Ail ecrtiser pubiishqs
twci.-C6luruns in length, of fitt: mitricic
asters, which haVe, been reported boi
Likes ; since tho lst of • ',Septdm her.l ,
lkt is;appalling, both in regarl to the 'mit
ount,l, of property which' has been tttally.
destroyed, and the great loss fali eby
, whio' it has been secompaniedJ Irli enu !
Meration amounts altogether Atli ove tido I
hundred vtlesels, many of w ,
l icb, though i
not otal losses, wore nearly egual to that I
in t e'aniOunt of damages sustained by the
I, , 4
ves. Is. The ,total JoSses Arb kuSesru,, to a- 1
mon t to
0 speamers worth pretably , $300,000
9 prspellors, '/ .tio. ----. _ 1.1?0, 00 •
3 tngs ; '_ ,' do, _ , I igo,poo
40 brques, tugs and schoortersi 4popoo
Total?estimate of loss, *910,000 .
To this has AO be added theteo - sVof 1421
otheil losses in tiainsge s, main of ;which Is`
would I cost, for repairs and I f, r salvage,
nerlYias Much as half or tw -t irds the
vs value of the vessels I - I ~ I, ' I
Besides all this immense loss cf vesselS,
iwe have to add the'valnahle etirsoesi, with .
which many of the. were lideued;, 'and
freights, which were worth doublethe vnl-
l ino o , Ithe vessels As an ins i tan r ce, we! ts. _
need ao no more than cite the II is "of car I atuir - liik: Awn: . i ii , • - -- 4 : 7K 31 .
go W which occurred froni the destructAtin oft 0•,, thei is t i, , Ji nst
, I hi lit%. 1.4,, , i cAtio,
theT.Au f lotbe same gale thatlobeasioned I my.-jig iii Siiitnoit and Mis i s Lf t1..-)11 .0 1 t
her loss, also wrecking the Allegany and, idt, of i Beaver co ' uu ty,l ; .' f . : '
the-Oltitie, all propellers with I eargoes.of ,
great value. "We think .fite ca* .Of the.,-••..r°n!the, 6 3,l i i nst , by li t er: J1.1` , W 0 6
.11 i .I) . tvi'd Reed ;mil Miss-)
. ri-j, A. -Yr
li Toledo' was estimated as-Werth e 0,000 to - ,
, -
II 550,600 - -f , • ~ ! - - 1 • '
I• Again, the losa of life has be n.extraorL , 11=1:71=21 - ! ,
I , i
I I di var y.l It_. is reckoned that '3l mtthree i
_,. 1 :113D 'ICC MEC , ~:613, . ;i
s ! ta, - u
hundred persons hare .perished during the , On thq• 29111 ills ~ 3 ' L .
1 ; season. - : - . 1 1! • , ' I (one'df the oltleit.mel ber:;s r f . ;11:61Itirtactti1
1 Theee lists not only exhibit the- im- Soviet,} )-aed S 4
t menso'eatth luil the import uoeu of that Ou the 10.thlinst i ..,i ...klr. l , ; /Lkniial, Lah.h:
ttlatle on the lakes; hut also the ;groirth,of.' of Rashest r, : tgtcl -,. yea S. s ,
that trade. It is not too much to say that:
0 I I '"k4th' •• ‘t. Nl'rsl l'Fann i4 v itill'°` ,
the lasses :thine this Kinsonare equ i n
, 1 .. • to te .. , Ins . 1 ,1 , , , , ..„ 3
yalne; to , nearly the who:o'er the . , nit a rin l 'e :1 1. en C : .:Imi r' 1':s1•7°1 in-41) ' 1r°ugh'
I F itri u -..
- einploYe4f on these -lakes ten yea is as
I' "()n,the. 9 9tli in‘iti, ir'=_John-A-1 - 1 47 F"1".
~ , • s 1 I -, ,-,I I
, of, Freedom,.aged- 2 years. , . I - ~_
• 'T I
The Lb.mburmen
‘ This ter freshet and severe
._; L L
dlrrefe-4use,u ; proua my; greater los
ferinitto the Allegheny. l
over kri:own 'before -khe same
time.; on l iveiy -- bar from thi
Fittsbargli,• — :eTe are Inorr ned - , -- 6 -7- hole . et ,
i1i . t.. 8 of rafts inay . he seen. 4 TIN%
.tliaeattenipted to On their ltirnhlr 4 0 ynaa.
ket; . witli xare exceptions ; bizto auff4rei,,
sere lola and till have enconn4red . h as. ,
ships.' - - .• , '
The. rafts floating with thejise.eiubsbt
legoi• ;, 'tenirladageable ' and otoreilaLe;.--,
I lia'raAiiitl--is - land,.. "X st,ry, b st i b etit r i 7 l4 ,
1------ ; I s . by' rue. !of our Allegheny p l i eb ,„.." it , 0
ilind the filrtlillp to get throtgli! tti pi tt i
i titti ; glt, anti with the' ai.l or als6 lnh ...
'. la ild,ed hi.t: ni l ft - - -f.f it e
~ ,t o. f ir ,. i. e .r.H, ssie, i ,, toe
their ran 'icor N'ickul l ' i, , iiii , l,llo6 retatio; ,.•
ed onit twi nights a ..1 p:ie. flip. withcrat
f,,„1 o i., fi ~, arid . we e. at liken o f
nearty .f . uislied ' . : 1 . 11 P e rilh . A.,l - - Ogle t if
Alio, ta)top
,tly 114.1: . Ma , e rol'efi, f t . m... gel to
shore by placing a b art. (It] ttif' fioitio g
ice,. e:ityyjng ot Ite.r.lto a 'illuee.lll)wtt *be,
eirei,ii,sialeci wit hi cli,inittiiil, but i i -l- e
iv: l -1 cpiSiilikq into 11.1 mr e -i ii.o..lD,it lsrb s i
. 1 1 waist 111 Illy st . on the. 1;111.1 ;fi e ~,
I tc•etiecl i by his color .i.!.1 no l'il t h it i cg
1 , t h e i r liry el , alie ',Nil li tliet_o , , hat:- life t.,,
barely 4 . )ared._ i lon. r,.,is 4. •
,s-,4 4 ,,..
! ii - 1 .,„ . ,I„,ii ii lei. "COBI , I, . .
.1 .:enne tl".:.ara
sigel , i,l • ' 1 .nr.
.1 - In a- tiecutfiary plint . ! 1 view thes e 4 , ,
etirrctieva ; orti i 4 . !tlsiitit, Liv: ', Inriy . hivlte e i r
all iiiventeil iii limit) and it oti . tbsi e ,
',. to market. 6 1 -, ildrs li . I all their aviaiatt
Ltnentie in Intill?er, ati. art. hen Ildtbleb •
prosecute vigotou:sly ; 1 li-ir
,hti. r !iii ‘ ii k it _ 1
i 'nf maiirifietttring itioi. r The viitintiaeg..:
''ees will be felt . tlirici„lplot wir. eL i t i ra , ai l •
trittialt - Y - !.:=-. - 4 . 7..aikkiii. ( ;/
, l e/.it.ty//,, s ;) e i t il.
" . ie.u.:.•rl' s, -,, . ' .''l . ' - .' : ...
Pennsyliranitt S tatet'
' \ tie,
. ~ .
i , Trie.fonrth
Teaeh err' .-ifsoii ttii
Ywill commence. in Ilai
llOth 'of Deeenther at
,Tit(*) "FiMith Sti ; e„c..t
conano:lions eilinrii; si
ttod caty of ticeesq; liti
_pia'ce' for iti ti scions,'
,A; l it ters ni were 9
• • •
~ liarniip-of,meeting, to i
14111tigtord on tlie following aubjv
I like to',` 1. 'Cotiiliti in and vi
Arc no' 111. i5e.1)691a ,I X PetMsylva
It) other l 2. I:rumination . ,f
rich bor-•. .2 :AdvantJgos t; i'
e e'ittntedl tray tiling Doputy - Sot!
' l'Teri ''' 4. ll he 3letlm,l Of
off.liootJ4J- t i e: i.
111111)16? Hs : r 5 On. PraCti‘m! i,n ,triket,
le / rcg" ra • morally s_ iii •c ,- itilluoti).lcilmol i a. , ,
'' ,.( pril.'‘i..'! "•': G. .7..sorma.Lirlit - ru..4ion: •-- j
Edit -i riono , 0 7: lulation between. t;it: 6,.,4:mba sti. s o
i I st:t e, 8 1 Anil Itigher itfiwitutions nti,l.;;•iiirs. , ~
.e. I AV• •Eml. • -ti.'Cip-teity _of wt. , ;:',;: 1 1 ); :!, i ri,ettittel
i t
` .ll / . 4 tv! t• 1 !! 1 • or T.3, ! ii,;,.4.
ty I tito ill 'O '.
9•.••• Pt .1 :',on!. ic'; :i.:Pie+. . •
it a.1%11t . n Ile: ttl z Vel 1::,1r)td-t1 il ' , f ;ii,.: !stuffy ;1
11 ""r write':' faini!iirl Feiettit••• i•aii-;; ewaito in 1i,:ii,01.9
jil'imilt'''',', 1 " , priiiilry gradd ' 1 j i
~ , , t riinge.'l;m • Li. 11" h: •oilii e :if laic • - lr #. , 1 11 *go t
are Be;em. I p ,i,..i,„i.,,( t h, c . ) ,„„, ; II rh ho il.i. A 121%107
1 11.1 1, l'i k'l.
—1 sylv;nin With- tbuse , I f other ,St 3. es. ' / -
1 11 '',1'4" "" the I 1°1.: 11 , 1 w 09 a the l'i.inimer,l,.titiiti,lipp•
itg L ii : 1,-4,, ip, :,,,,tr, 1. lilt :l3r i { ,, r,1;4_; , b
in,trjrt„tior, f , tli f f ,
l i Vi f
I rri k ili • --,•••" • ,it 114 i.
, -re,and. (heir a
e• i i.tirl mm --- ; •
nlitticsi Who . 13. c "l lt: c,tru , itior, initlke tki.g,ber.
iaitir.olig in raid dietrileis he mailato* actin
'lel' ''
'‘ vt ' l " . timea •ri♦•ultural imprZi ,•eintMltif digit); du.
4.;0 914 • :-- 6 • - • . r ~ ''
' 1, 1
7, 4 7 trier-, _ , ,
134 • 14. On l'ho.mgraplly. / 1 -
1.70 1 ,. ' : Aftentliii reading K tiiii33 . p ? ;119 4 lit
82 i itubjectit will 14 aped fur . g Meral/dts,t4tlyi- s
—by the Aisoeiation. I - ii 1 'LI ' I L:
'l'eueliera c,,,inty , . Utlerupti‘len -
and trienilii of c;ln4itio .rOnirally, ,lit
reape6fully and car fl eetly itiv,qtrtl I,tu)ill
.teud. 1 ; , I " ,/ ..-: t- , - 1
• J.- •
that the
West.- rn
titles are,,
Of. New
ahead of
i on over
I, Ge.!
t the I
Loti rj
. I )
pt.) oy
kcc It. N
406 4
u t p,
to a-~
tc of
,t3f113 •
_ . . .
, Summary of, Yesterdays - Cilif Ornil i
New.L' -,- \ . I , ' I,‘
t• 1 ,--
The Stiarnlhip. Mi: is arrii.e.l. troaiAspot.
1 wall at New York ea - Leiter. qv. Slai,bi , ,iiit
',ioo„passengefa ar.:l Fitt,7 - 00,0 1 oin old. 1
Tile new 4 fr.-.;:n the ..tiny liapri..ts 1.1 goal,
thon , ti ' ilwa3 - n 1 .F:• A ' r- ' , .
ltichard v. mthi,,,,,(v. te t;' (•,:i:-.tor-tr :..., -J 4
v ' 11 " ' - 1
Franciseo • has 13.....0n extrtited on o a...large of ue.
dep.:m(1111,04o . Qvlieritt q )Vei . llllleLd if 5110 is
.. .
- The:new - a frkk.n Ore ' , kin awl l
W is'.li. 41.. terl.
'- • '
tortes *45 uniaipJrce.nti w-h
-.n. tar' .a. 7 1.... r le i :.
, Theii'anama ;Sly." colit.vini as t0:143f. Vrtvi
warin i , Nicaingua, coafinia . o . 'oz ;l n.: i 5741 t i
y th ' 'franesee init. iqr.ivlesinot_ldr4'. '.:
i 9 .A th l iii i s i t i . i'll :l: 4' t r a lu 4 0 (i t l tff j ; t l i:a ri s T :i d a l: . o t T: h 473l :l : : ( l 4lllt ' il: r ied '
e l.
into th:e expqiency of iestabli hiag a a , ; .valle".
pot in the 'Bay of Pariataa. \', 1
Theirovol'utioa in .lira wag t On thb ia:riaie.
it tile •
, tug
- ..(_7(irrecte4 )
FLOUR—Per .hun3rdd 1 1
itys FLOUR—ecti
... . . 51.5 S
.. .. ..; . '2140
BE F--round 6 '
POlth: ciund ' , .... .. .. . . 11
BVTTEitper pound. ' 20.2.1[
EQQSHper dozqn I ' I • l4
I.VILIATQESL-pe'r buthel
Al'y.LES—perl Uuene 7541,001,.
I PlTi'SlitifiGli ,rd • rßt
• A
i'arsguA Jjec•Aliber
FLOULt--per barrel' $5.T.0 , 4 00 ,
-21 e4w s
BUtiliWllEAD—per cwt....,.... -, 4. -• 5
' tsal; I
1111. - --pey tun: ••••••••t -• ******* ""' 5i6
1100:4 5 —per pound
pournt t - 14-.4
• _
r rreeikng, --- ! -- j.ll WE ; ICE. 4 1 , 3 4
att'auf. n)3l I has left my
,L bpuni ritit)i?tit - bapso , cr* pr0v0901 00, 1 4
halS Was Iherehyj' notify t. 4 public . that-L k ivill 'PO 11
*ug!h of tdebts Oontracted to , after thin *hit!.
11 11 #e Dm;l7 1£456 1
Tea`piril, Asimi
rre ^r; tie Stu /
rg, Tut s
' am lei
:eiritr,nl position,
ii,l)iteurni Is tit
I ;
is ..))
111 (
ri a
e ii nkt the V, /
of Oviiato
)gritl t 1.11/daLlr:'
i '
o . l 4ristiti
1; ISZ
.I 200
r 7af
".1 - I.
~.. 1,15