The Beaver County Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1853-1859, December 24, 1856, Image 1

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-• ' . ---------* - Bic' ililiteq'r*& - i'-' th i•i t . 1' a' --- at - r k •'th •
r t o , -ta , 11 -- -,,1- i;,,,,if- f e i „ il ii te be: yi-Nen o lasur7teito.9-.--,_ ery c , ,, - , .. 4 4 , ,
~. I r t e m. . ree .w ii 4 -.. reepi ors ays_ er e evr,, free s, repack their eL)ra
I-: A.;' 1 . 4 . P., ak:. •"=!...., - :-, 4 , 1 -- ,-- --_.- D - :h - - -- .4';:::, -", 1 - ' 'i - ', . ' , .':'.l-4irj'illed• ' t : beiti - -liieleeied hi - txte or' nerve , fl,titl be able oflee more Iti eti
r,/iifiiitaTereatitres;wliese.,frrightest.t4euglit - ~, _ . _lnglfftiotr.,A.- , .. - -• I -..,,,,,- - ;,i, ,4 Doyen. „.,,, ~ - • ,-.. •t, . , , . ...,
''. - - lii rniti , i' , to - tWirl.-41-Ceitile gracel'ulty, i'_ l . -.1-77. 1 ' .,.. 1 •: - .11 `•-,- ~ ..-'4w' - , 3: le:Nyco. , xney pore „ter smut)* their fellow erect ures strenetu ilea
' ' - ' 4 i :4 l ' 7 t4l q ult:th q Aolted, and iettsterk cif themselves. This
iTu l d li- Ntius a a:: highest siem brticia '-I.SI+VAIIO el - 1 Y The - /New York " 1
•C d.urier - 4 04 - V a La' : M 6l .-p. -'.
'.. IT*,
• (d ' - ' - -Ifilr- .\•L be 4if -its ledi -•• '-' - 13 .0 . 4 , 14
b atii ' -1144 ‘Aigic
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• • • 1 - * '''. - Oath of",'ia
3; ; ; :r .2 ‘e k s t :er t b li e ° :acl ' E ' 4 .4Q lll".e' ,l 4.' lo,4i vu lve '...P.f i•:-,
ievery rtes. 2ft op •be
eolereiVli - 4
.I;ai.k 1, :.4•' 1 • '-' 1.:,, 11 l,
tr l- l
V4'!#l 91114.
4 P;ARIe,‘ 4M
' 1 i: -, : ;Alit , l 07:
' ' 1 1 - 44 . 1 1. 3e 1 ;;Y iFerfea. e
BEAVER,- , -Alt—GSr .
I.atielo far Fruit Treas.:. i i
L. , .: , PRINI'D Aitli PUBLISpE . II.#3 .:
I. ' ----- 's . P..'
I ' ' : . -7311 * lk J. IVEYAI:N.Oi
1,7, which come r2"0111 the nursery on •
) ,; TETINS--02:f.1N0'44.An attci
r _..0
terxlfivis; ; :pri,
1- ' ,
toit derigued to be sierManent, iittit I4.,unntn,la .4tyVhSerk4:oli,eriTlBl3 TWP .. ...ipi.i.All,
lld be reploSed ,with permanont,ones I_ l ll l l bei charged. No -.paper. dliconPiniedr uutit:
• • i all strrenrages are Settled,' except at,>the' option
tof the I leisure after planting. BeTartion- . ,--: • •
~. ~,,
ic wirelhy whichtlis label is attached -; . Advertise:mints inserted at the Tate of so'.ots;
Ilia the' looay of the tree, - otherwise iti per rquare, of fifteen lines for. onejumertiort—
,ciatlr subtNuent insertion 25 %tits., A liberal
1 e tut ii•owti, be birelv d-ttrit , auct trito-t.
. ! h,connt mode to yearly .tulrertiser.,:i , - ';!
I,,juk! the tree. • The sery„...beitt,labzls i
. 0. _.:..... , i ;icy -Letters and cominititicatieur; - ty'• raftli;
r%t r . II'SCI - in 11, Strip 61 tIIIII B.ICCL 0111 l
~/1 „,01 1,:„, pr. - Arsirt 4tteption
1 - incites long, an.] three-fonrtlis of an
:a one end; cut *so n's• to taper - t 0 a i
'hi' other end ; whiefi, after writing 1
• ra the tret.., the ildte when set out.
li:7a:tied, zoo to l)ent round ore of
hiliiiiiibes, with thewriting o
I utAble, ,
[. ,
i brAnch grtws it will tipand without
gricu aura LO 11tjttt.
tae i, anti tn....
raising"' A' rfikwitnehe--'and I imperi4l. - , i ell centaro a .lettct • front oi 0 ( *.: - . - 10 , 1 . stgii: is, -,32 . 9rover,..niuch More Me' hlt, - P
agaioillic.r-alloft Il s c ! he- li i l i t sird,ri ,g 6 , t.4 , u 'lrtr .. lle'is in the' het 4f ths-i tied iu t./tekro nequtre than, tile . thoughtless Jiro apt to:
1 ; ,..„e. p ,ta n „. : l f i note , hta , ,:tafeit . . - litien,iu , nraer c... 1 ,-,-.. m - .... - . . L.. • - ... i; -- ..14ii - Titnis inregin,e, .It iS espemally so_mtib the weak
4 - 4 cent"- ''tlte irrt
\., • • 1' • •k i t / 1 i o f term:lee, uoin ware v .
table •' ' he- un lesiva ncl• the-.d ,
go. see r ,.bntAbeirdinea Tale, coo e . , , regu ay y „-,
,„ •,. . - . - ~ .
raitit 4'p:tad, Anil. it, .we !k e eir..heei, and they 1 fovring:-:Tlie i re -tit r tritti
,nenre - not spending. . ,It ts a.tare,thing. form victim,
been !tied of intemperanee„2o be 'turned / from. the er
eal t',ufforti.ii,!'as trell:an,tirot,trday.t.hruitiolniotl_thatthe'l;riter ha l. :i
I.ert,the piaiw.or - spettd„ an,,oecasiottal Amur. And tirot hin feelhigi tit ty• •• aced to be ror'or bin :.ody, by , violehee and obem--
. ,
rle must be dealt !rib kindty geatly, and
bother , thernl - to.Aftek , -4.ettrivitrici2or •'4W ' ' .' ' i. - . '' ' '
"t• spina ,fancy ;; P l " y k kla - 't re .`, 41 ,, 9 4 t r article to a be' ig"orointiirtti announce -- .
, us plav ; and . then, as a grey t 'priVilirgre,l 44 a/- 140 4)...4.. ...,,,,...... -; , • .
f negroes even. generously. Alcit this -course is sel
s pecessa- darn pursued. -The vilest epithets are et*,
1 when there arc no "club meetings," social 1 ."DoyEn, enn., Dec. •
-, ,-.• , 1.. p . loyed, and in man y 0111211 the bitterest lin
gatherings or anything else .to intorfere, !1- 3 lnfrW)Jiyh isl taking us to, lieltalikta osatioast•..ark lavished upon'. hlnn - Ill'o
sla;es.'"--Z. la eitriskici:tirritste.:pitidtlen,- •te rouse the
thy kindly alinw us the right to sit in the : just st2ppell itt the chief t
stite. room while they smoke, chew tobac,m, I county,,st which I datd .ar
. 1 ,.. ...... ..-.. . t:
... ...caore:l too young to as- spirit of 'reSislanie,. - aral.tbUi toeintfliin
rend the papers, and perch their feet on the
whole village is in a atone m
tto 4 excitement -4- Mat iul n' , the defensive, have bee removed .l•a t
her than to cure; Tbeso _I are witlas
The white population is arlated front heatrrtYitin-vanse. pr.pular places. Out of a; which are alinlst universally contededo---
top of our clean mantle,' or stand, mid by
and I iiee even littli rhildren, Whin i j bind - of . two hundred negroes who were I Ana yet they urenut buficiently acted up
way of conversition, remark every few me-1 t.) fmt,
can hardly carry the nit: soil cartidge-b4,lmarchfng, up nt Paver, about sixty' , have! on. The f a the r wli-_, hoes his son led awa y
ments "what an: im.ohnably long evening
. with w i nc h . th ey are r.uir,ilied, iu -order ! t o! been arrested. I saw these whipped yps- Iby the temptations •of gay soviet y and
.this is." ,
nutcase the force. Th?l . alartn is'aboueallerday, at.. th? Cumberland Iron Works.- j gradually imbibing a taste for strong drink,
will !laic 12111irty otners h iye returned to their 'work, I lies a duty of more than ordinary delicacy .
I :Now, Mr. ll4llitor, this st tie of affair;
! cannot always last ; truth is mighty' an.d l uegro conspir t i ey r of wlipti
and the limo will 'come ' heard bt;fore receiving my Itatter. I acid 'rand the rest are in the woods. ' Bat to) :I t- I and Tespon:dbility td perform. lle should
I must prevMl,".
exail p03;3ib1e. 7 1, tfjppt at
_pi s :l;g° or murder has yet Wen ' not denounce it is a ti t ofprep,ion, and
when wonian's inguence will be fel and I van Ili
What I have not seen lily& f, I have 16 . 7 tide.
~...._ .
__ , leave the erring you,th to' pursue the down
',l aatiowledgedi and her rights respected.-
, , 'i. -- ""In - fl ying ti 4 blacks - oily': carry -,off_ , _war,d_ '.einirse as fehilly,es area . but he.;
But I will - write do Imore now, on the! sub- tninoti from er.l.witneS4o4.
hotid 'Dever ire aTms anidtuunnitiOn_ - „ -- but-of-thea they car- i shan't]. 1- entleaior to: witilay seine connte.r. I
je'et, and ice if any -person will take u i p my "Before ti)e uul,)r
g i ve my ; ,tanotog. excited 'groupst,oll people{, o m, ! r • all thrly, can, and in inany - pl" -- act - - -i rfaseinaiirm-te inspirit coafilence and rt . :l
"eauntlet -" if so J. Will try and
a , whmn are, till - nib:4l(ld frequtittly m o unted e ally at l ) ttYer, the 'whites are short .of pea i;Peet, not by - f . c ---- ritinr :HA violerie.,‘ but by
1, - mind a 'little more clearly. I have Mid
•I, terrible ,tuna , get ti ng ' u , "omit: tie plume ! no!sseagors, %spit revolver in hand and , !iflel-if en Th ey wou ld h av e given its weight j • kindoess affection, - 'rningled with a gotttl6 ,
I that just exactly pleased-me L .- I think I I slung around 'them., • qhere-Itre else ..atll l l-111 ',.gold for' , any we could procureffor I and yet 11 siozitidiint reproof. , And •tio'.
........i , ,
(have, at 'lasi, iMeeedded in fi u dijig--ono th a t , vulg., film th 4 neighbaring l farms mount- I - them, , , 1 . J \ • • with alinast - every iirhaso in the-life -• of a
li r i s t, su it s , N ls r,
,d o nt youagrce witii - iii-e--?.:,e , d men, wd(Oe horde -9 , t•ovetH willt•fO;im, k ! I I: ‘f ill ‘ijae i ncgro pyi. oners are firs4-exam- drunkard. the iufiirmity -i s , a , f e arf u l . .. ono )
Forfifiiitil L Vou, I work by rule of contrary, ,-sa,ow-the Fpi - •ed with' tvhdcli ' hey were rid- 1 se.pralely by aja y who deeidwl.etlt- but is :curable by - -.he proper nicans- r attd
and I. would 1w rite von ,thought it gifted : tic-li}c En - r l ll - 110!(1 - ;inil in ' it o' e r Ibiee.,dd- terlt is ne essary or net to bring them to- these means should - beapplied-with the . tit
I j , Atiing houe:es,, tifcri( --- touL_J iiublack •ter- I filal before a magistrate. This - preetitt.tion ' mosl: eitro and ssiidialty. -7 Aslitins for,
me lice.Mse I mg a /pear WOO%
I, vitntslar.: oWying { with qiiiiiiii -- ..4, - i4in _.-..n tad 1 has alreatl) prof:laced. a good 'moral .effect: theildcbriate are yeti new institutions.; cum!,
; A tIl T1.,:,pe..t,
r-- , ---.I3ET:t IIEr.r..6WS• ; promprotiss the. std: given ir) thcm: --:- r -----1,.A.-1 tr Id son y•esterlay, the pdan_wes i parAVery 'Rpeakin:•; but iu It country - dike!'
_ .
1 ----. .NoaTII SEIircKLI, Dec. 11, 'at, - I ".t lint - .omardi•hy min . witli hay°. I - to kill di% r, --- iir-the_i L iolated farms and es-' mini, -so fell o f ex pit, ;nrent , and
_with ,4
, _ __ ,
, , con.Alll n f. , 0 ,
1- : - ---------- 1 -2-- -,
__-, .
• who lte_tilreateped with• bilging in aifew i town Di u e: eh countY• In this way a frOe - ' - 61ii - t - ,Td -- to induce td i despontlency and lee , '
A VERY POLITE .T.UG.Dt. ' --- -' .
' ‘ • -- • - hour.. For fi ve rut them till threati!witl , path Wuii be opened on the Cuniht,!rlatid Ito e• or, they stein: t'o us entitled. iu hr
t be eart i;.I alit , Alto the other farm 1
, 'trout Naslilville to tfie,.Ohio. by this route. I esp iril manner tol the attention -, of t r ite
(3f,resrner Moore, 'of Illinois, tells s very
. 11 ') •
" 4 I
cell opened .o 1111- .sy fit r'rthetic awl tile tildlanthropir• . i
the chiefs of the ii,ot,, they %re 1 a •,Yull. .
took . , , - 1 • ,
rieltiattl-edonf , ;ol . one of :the I,ratly indoes I t w ll :"''''
' ' bt ti •i, ir- - : no"t put ' 1 i 1 • 4 ' 1 :i
tuat riete, n ic got ri o out.s to ni tk , ) itc,-piaintafir , e , with the rope nois and Indiana for ail who pelt in -• -... r ...4.---- LI
C. Ct.'
file J - ..t.d.r of f ti , comity and his family
, the tevolt.
- 1
•the , • rd ti , t ant ,of the seusitive '
apon r • CO ..E. I. t. ,
::tad can-iderate rintc rrn r.:. , -
have come alioarrl bar brat. is sguing: _
..; : _t- ' , ,
.. -....,,rart O':,rwhich this Jiiii,ie pre-' to " 1,, ii". 111 to ultothcr r ''i' •21 l f" ' 1 . I•''..' 4
..._Fided -- , ---- e - in In by the nlane of Green was "At 4 o'vd - tek to day re I stoppeeabitre
reenvictr.l of 'triutd,r, raft tile jitolgo , 1 4 % ,„; miles iti : ol 'r no, at n pi- e,' °snort outlni* -.
'..i,-,i,!4 ! .4 z o r , a ,..„ ; ~ ,,.1 1, ,,,,„c 0 ~,,f d r , t , ii• iir ,,, n t i,, and Imo , NVollis. The irtablislimptrof
culprit. ( . ..Iling on tlie,prisoner t'.l riS:', the Ilii4 11.1nW and a doz.rn Imurrs surrottitagg'
?„ 4 t ., ..„id t „
___. m
hi„,- 4 i it, coptis-i, ,tog,•titer with smut. putty'
-4.31 r f I rel.n; th . joryo l y you are gu :p v
. huts, :111 Jill, L111'141 ;1 3 ~f Li•;:•l,lael.i a
'f m'ir'%et, fi t: I I•, W say;, y.,u 'ace to !;-:\ 'l4r,ii" hotistt T:4tl' t :!I't I•altk ' .16.!Ilt. lit • y no.
- loto!• I
„:.: ;. an.l ;Ili yn ur r t i..„,•. ; 'lt ~ :l.: Ilie . et2ii/i11,4;1 t ' .ll' 11.1% - 41;.i hoe .._ coo,
' 3,mi: l '. l i inlkin
,er. , ,•'.; to.lmotv th a t i t i. t...,.-,t nor' ifi lire' ro:4ir rey, Ot.licriltiroes, I
an I it try dunce the ii. i.l of hi s s choicer . - '
, net I who condemn y o u ; i , „ : , i., '1, 4 jar} „,,, } •:1, the I . , :traty, ,I , th,•ir oi,litutrywork '
Fn all faii.tie hi-sr her tover's trehrt,:i.:.: t tbo 1ntr...„..-..Mr. i . green, at. , ,alilt time, iir u:' , I ,11 ''' ,11 " 1 . 0 1. • hl, is t t
• , ..• C.l . q/0 4 ? in
~,,,„r4 irk * to t o b A ket i a ll ow s Other aci •hborinii 11a •.4
*Ymi . - ' .... t h e air • „, :, -•-• • ; -
Ani •••;n:ie 1:-:con.le.v;n4ina--
you time for pr..ranri , o,
wiri :le i.r.,,tar , •. 3 "II 1•• • I - hnot , 2 sad rages.
• • ' . c . • in :in is-tic•r r• , , "if it 1 ' l ll .origin 01 it tuts back tl tire 'IIir.,F7EP!
sled, . at , p p: , m-! , _ •
" , 1•• .^:• rt . ., Lt*.lt•• , ., vol 4 ~ C.t, . ,7111:1,0 „
I your i: es .r, I a , n rv: Ix at -iov - til;, ; tI, ~,,. 1.1 11 - C 1.1i:/..,iy,I1 ..ids; 1 1 ;11
.. ilTatilat , 4l
woo, lzi.l :: , e e l, :v h'; - na-pitver In kill the di -Lance,' the cello of the uclie hind-- air :tit
,s. i
..‘ /.. ..r. t. „,,, ii 111., !,., „„,i lv ,„ c ...„, . tie...; .1' c
. . r •::10.1 , ,"I : ri". :',. , •,:11 ii ts.
- :;.,•; C 1 . ,:. time ... , -.lit-.lit , t •or-, , ,f , it i..: : -.:1 1 ;,.. r , ....1i , , i , to ~ : aide, • i ,•:' do,. Cun i i, 1 . 1 1 : ..,,,,i.
.•. • .
I b:1 • 11L' l'l tile, sir.'' ' , IVilet,c-o- Or II II e'!II--1!1''s trout !hi, ..N%rth
1 - ,,,. 1,..: Fr • a fr . , ::.1 z 4!! ' : . .
YI r. "..; re.•:, •re tv.:-...? l. t:te iti , 1 ,, 0, ill: is " ';'l'' l''':' '., ft.s •IL I: 71 11.. . • . 4 011, it i'': ' : 7l ".S
Tht.i le: :I." - t .:ra raw a:"1" , :uz %;,..,...,.
of t
av. r . ; ...,,,i, m .. ~,,tuor ' D d.., d to I' hang: it vertairt ill: there w, .r.r- ..i.,.. 4 4 3
~, of
.4 4,, , ae•
1..tct.,"...11 ‘ :1!!'• 1 1 ,,, .. n3l , c.i es ra:.kc cht.:,: , ,, •
. r* .1,4 : ii41 , 1.1._ ti to a ii, rtt lint rune! in bi- r"v"It• A''''•it:i , ": . I ' l .-- it 1 7;" 1..) 1 e
A , d 0 ,, the 4.;:- lwr ' 1, • , n , e , .
, if.-. urd '.... ;or: r.,1 1 :. -liould br..:rl; before :-'.( 11 "r" 1 : '''''''r• - liu'; t'")' 1 " I-, it ' ,711 • 1 " 17 I 5
l 111. orek ir. 1.n.,1.•. an i ::, , u-dial LlAler ta::.. n , , , 1 to tient to-ky end - I', itne.eo The. do
. : •I- r- • •
....,1,/,,,. •,,,„., ~,,
~.., ~ .t . i,... (",,,k , gi,,,. ter vet...jou - .ent. to 1,) , ' if; •• trit.• • fie, OTI 1
:---4 1 .11•'( 11.7;1 'r , ll -cy It - it 4., 4 1.,. .4:ilr, r, ;le , ' ;(-) :' 1 ;" 2: ti r' - 11 Ivbrat ' •:iteugii 'ma- known ..,,,! r. ' L oire very zetive
rs'y •- - - ••••• r •••••r '.. ~.. r- ~ 1, -- •-• ... , . • , ,
,11, - , .
~.. . .• . . , ..._ me.r.e•i. Ite i. 'mug, jit-t I`, , :i : Jill° 1 1 1:!. airil!1:1•10, rigillilre.
.., , , . ,
~ I ,thy oti" . l i,•iii 1,,.r.i0 ,1 ,ii,,:p.....7,i, 11, 1 an,l ss., Uliiither :Ili,: flay four ire- e,iiil n , ".N , Le . , ritielos., ty - vliinr , positive 'raid v.t
----t,s'rne ''''''C''' " ":.• .' • • :••• L-,--"' ''' , •rii-r yr. w t'l nekt-rr ri: ,,,- 711- , .1 ; Lite ir. y: at , on !-: , 111,1•ty " . ~,Irtln 111 , c , .'. off I, aril W h y ten days : ,, u).'
• I t , ..! sa-fte 1.:1:1, c.•:, ~,T,C. :If: C.fe, 1 .. ' . • '! . 7 „: 7 ...
5i .. .• 1• • •• 1 : ,• -•• • • . .
..... . , . ,• .
~ • ••••.1..• . •••r, ...4 - _ , .-......1 . .slli IN!" 70•••!*•:!" f t . T i,, 6 , 1 %, 1 ,,, !; ,.,. 1 , i , i r „ ~.!... ,ii,,,,..„, 1 : o. t l 1rh..`12 a 1:I•_'I , ) t•- , •,] ! .•I fi ma tho (i nibs
A•r:1 , ,::, .. 1 , t :r. 0 " . - `•'• '`•-• l:' t .-'' -'"' ' "• I ''.l - :..: , ,•: '..ii , ip, z,ti I r-'. , • •„.,, 4f ~,,i.. ::::!" r,, ,, r!,. i 1 ;, : , t l i i , ' • ) \ •,•1 I. • 'V 1
it It t d .' t nt: '4.,. 14- caul. ull
."•'• 1"11 I "r ~ -
) the 11.-3. t. ..r......tir.t y.•-• ri. , :...•. TUI- tuetti-' . t ..,... 4 f f . , a i s ;m a ~ v 1 :: r 'i,i,1, , . i . , c , ~.• I" l l ; ,. , TH ,.. d
i ispe 1? •n ':•;• ;. nn , l_pr , ..:,.u . :.rf• i fat !...4.11.::: , r *. s . ;:,.. 0 ,1 c r,..1 a I,t • fi.ilt 14 of 0, , , , , .b , ir -, • ' '"' 'i '7 ; •'• 17 f .
I "- "1,,..ti, sat.. 100 llt'l ,, "..r. ~1%,, T ...
VI r ), 1' 7 ::a.11. -- L ~12 1I ' " ,! •tr '• L ' ;... I!. ~. t tl.:••( ; urn;: t.l the ,, .l , y;•: 1 nr; .---,- r., . , .---- • wit, ~ 3.
~,. , ,
..... _ _ _
~ ),, u ir,a.,,,_ou wit, 1.,, ouriz, this day four
. ; ,:.'r • II ...'t'io;. .: . ',II•S, ..1t . .1 1 , 1 Xj.rkS: at tn .... .41 , ..V 0 . 1.:!n,•!. "
'-'", juke r- - 0i il App' , 3 . II- .
, e_ e ..„ 7 . 1 ••.,,- i'• -:- ' ii- 1-,. , 5; , .,-. 4. j,_••:. W,: . 1. , 3,1 ; , . 7 , 1. - ..., ..., , , ,
. The .... :styli ey 74:: ,Jer.ii, . I iii Turn
r' 1 . f . • . . ..:.... , •... ,-. -':: I. ','.• if the wvom _!•s It I 1 F: 4l I, .w .. 1 1 . , ti -, • ,-I • I
rir.plesc; ,t,lie , e f t j• , -•,:s ze,..i 1.-0-.11...,-
... . ~ • • _
~ ,
~..: .
„„ „„ t.i. , .I::utai,,•;lt o: 0:' ri t e e/ , 11 , . i rti - .• V• •t ' D tl i -• I
- " '•i• - , ' - lay I 1/. 0 -.. ..t . ' -con, on oc^a , l ,n. o
-• -,weg'.l co ‘ '-')." ' 1 'l'r"`" "'"*"!-• ' ;-., L += .1..e:!.1 hay:.
~.....r.n, n 1 tin: ~ .111. • ....:- I t I.: .2 - , 1- 0 ;•• ' i
• 1. % - .1
t • ••• ' r '.
-s- -- 1.1-rc•ali trl.s; ft: t' art Ati'll..:l - (..11 0:t ••••'... - : a 7 ,• ' .7 . -,
~,,, .
~ . - . ' ••: "- • : "•• •- ••••:•.' •,,‘ • •t• -1 , , conris „) pronounce
...1- , .
c 3,..,„
.f ... ~1. - "'1, ; . 0 , "' t • i r••••••/ . 1.• . ilOtii:i ',C11..? a t0111!.t1 F • 3lltl2lle.`, SO 1 •, !)IIII'l t!le - pi i. , )rwr of
4 .,, v . . , • r. r ; .....i--,,t a ,,, ,.. . ; -t- t ., .. 1 -- 0:,,..-;), .I,y, .iri (iv,. rwht-;.nitug Liz:jot ity; • his - Ter:Jou; CoOditiou to rd , rein: • him for
oloturh tor
, s :re.,ner. 1-. d 4 i , de: ~.,1
.1,,,,,,, ;
. i - Iliii•hanan, li lid. r•siv r. xiiiret, 1,i., ' , flint, 'and to ' L . ' ---- ' '
warn tint ar , unst toe
- •• ,:-. cr 71-' , `-`•' .- -,, !he" 7 'i-::!' it :-". 1 " 1 -: u,...11,1 lit A-e 1. -, It• ;•-•-i't to pet isli, •:: 10,1 the jud , r7ient iu ill ‘ world to come.
.• -, T .I rinds ef cre.liel:eil.r. stlrrim-, it ruin:, to' ir:-. fallen platb.rin. Bit . i lin:. conr„ tit It I i
`'‘,..i, „or. r..',:rtif tt,".' said the judge "Mr.
-.:1 , ..11.: - t - ,c - sng-rris,„,,l -„--e,l . .. , ,,:,,i ,'IU` Te.-11; u1' , ..1:,1.iti.1 I!1..; LI IV I', ; ,,, t-7-t-rctricva- ' tlrecn tuol ,, r,tands the -- whole nritt e ie• h e
„ ,. ie...t ,f' lemon t.,c4" tr-cfily Div ior,r • Mr n c,f l'etincvivatiiit Shut k nows li c-ta a . ,ro t to he huu '.. T'iti ' 1
i •
-, I . - - , ,v and tjtera cold sot tr'. w ft y i:: ,a.1.4-c dory ~ : .2. pit Irv: bag- ti tor s t, rn d it, :,., e -ii f o ci) ; d on ' t 'y ou ?”
. •
-.i it win hcep go, Fi,.r.. yer,rr, fir.,,,se
. y-ur;c:)Vc•• L eader more - I.,rellitig an.l reoklirig , oc orta i s il ly,"l„, 41,1 t h e lilt „,,ner,,,
. 1
,- 'ii t. nc01... je - J.y. in tr t i. ray will do t ; dym tk.' , ...: th4t. dind tly galley :deco to his , tt3l : •. ;_ih ul iff, a t:), turn the -- rourt.”
l o ; tricywi•.; find it ,r-•:.;- , erir-rr to cur- . I :lted la . •••• ' Wilh your own hands you ' Four weeks from that day _
Mr.% d rocn traS
k :•:. ' -..ys ti.e Furt ter. r,:tY,.. 5...v0r , ..:.1 t 14 ., o. Co-trAi In ?:a n t" that : hutr , , but not SO much ta his own satistac
-• i1t.41.- -
_ , .'7 ._ , ,I . OP: l' t• • ;: , tli..r ` cur glotions Union.; tint rio u .c as hi s 3pueara promised
nce -- ou -ills day
v.:ear:illy untto--tr,,,1 t•yt,. lty y.u: W,irks y,,,. polish. Alas I forlicun- o f li s - convi c ti o n.
:,•-, inn Erase; tie r-o'll't I•e'•!"''''''-7 sylw.ttlii. ' 1;11-t . not of - 3, 3- our :Napa:equ i
. _
1 -
_,•,.,-.,--- -.. the b^st-Plaa I r ';'?1:'-'iY 19 t., 801111..1110, gay„ Pleasnre-loving France, I • ' •
f'• - ..-r , :e . -there he i!sureto lint ft.strata .ant] p r o u d, exacti ng / England, tail me.
t . !!.: , 5,7 . .
..U._,- a 1,-pting .. this :nothu,l. ruins nor' thar . littYr Wellington conquered- the
t , .• ii-in enftLled tq .crawl out of the room, , iron Itallfs of him, the lion-hearted Empe
`%-':.7 .IT,,rrio - o. Arrorther mode of Ire-- ror: - "And you, priest-ridden lrelanli, point
I. ,a, -1' I .V) s he Ilti ^ :PlP I Willi e!;11 . 11 safety, nit to the
,ifloomy dungeon cell; or the lier ?
--. _,',:,:.-,i.:, ft ro , ta li•le.1 with gtrioi:4••, is ti ) . n , ] tvaff , dd - ', inhere the youthful Emmet ' , I T
; ..ii..7-;,. F ,„lc„ f I„ e r,',,, the m : v ie., ' ara l il,Zse, iortsl i up his pure life; a sacritiae fur hi , .
~, v:11 a:. i:i Oat air in breathing and ex..,- cm: l n tr.Y'l liberty. Tell me not, A meriea,
- that amath the peaceful sliadesiof Mount.
; _
1 to-non rests the liero-form of' him, " the
r-1. , ":- irr:-,1 fsraters in Washington counts ' Chu:inn-this - of the W°A,"-.' the , Ittlict of
°- - • i re.isi,-,,7,in - .1:? , t f. , r sheep
I feeTtp g, 'Um!his csmutry-our own belosed,lVashington.
•• i with it.. • They eon: it thickly. , :
Tell me not of the gallant Lafayette, the
n.. inceor nod liner stalks, but less breve Marion, of Jefferson, Adams, Cll3-
' • .:*- 1 - -ss in erect is nwre than. tia•le up and Webster ; for lo ! a greater than they
•::: , :ft -.• l rein.° of the..-t1:1 1 ,.. SGwil is here• L -ev•••el " I'ennylvania's favorite
ti.c ya:ile-wi:i bec.,arSit. • :Siteop,. -- it - i - t , , sin, " our ch.)-"e l3 Pr''' ,- i 4.2 nt• ()It :•' tell wen Da it...-pittshurgh it not-it, Gatli, publish it not in the streets
_ - ' - )f .1-]salon," Ics: the sceptre serving sons
. .
___ - !of Britt:it:hi rejoiee,and the serfs of .1 es
ilii io.r. Pr-rztotiA Awn CigNita.l.l. De- prie RUrSia. lift up -- their heads in t,lzcn - of
-- - ih , • , e ir'..e. tint wish to the roost cad-'. race t more servile than they.
'arotet ly f.,r th e se compiniats, will never ,
, . But I hay. , ;run entirely off, my suhject,
i.: ' :irrtrist of tie Oxygoanted Hitters.- I I did not inmost saying anything against
...- - ,, ,. .... , ..:' ,, ,i, 1.., A:.-..c.iy.i.
; person, he is good enough in his place ;
F r " .44 . • • : - 1 4 i i I T t.
..,... - I ...—ln:i 'rerrahp. le SAL , . 0 . )0 . I though t ,have toy 'doubts if the - " Presi
f.:l,..l r:aiteirr..)wing e4entries in the • dent's chair" is just the - place flu bitn ;
r.. 1. 1:. ir eltincired that nt less thau ' and it' we - had had cur way lic_wouli never
'rt.! , - of 1 , -,i, ; ..e wia IA \"shirpci, to have ,go: there, but if our -nice is - ever
The a:: of \ tLe app.est-, ha ilk, even' talking politics to our ,nearest
•r ,,,, liirerr..i.,te..e. it is ne_uncoMmon thing' neighbor, why the ci-derant c. Lards of cre
`"•••iret'untri tipples weig h ing fro'a one an:di:o;mi" (Leaven save the mark) are struck.
-, itit. , .liri..i pons:.;. : , \ timmetliately t , du mb with - astc an d
„- ; . . _-_____......._-___. ' -I . kitten - what a - is made about woman be
-s",rg F:.ur • , . , ,„ . ,
. ~, _ay is ..troaSll.'--At Mo'n-lliug "ott of net spnerei,, I Irish you would ,
!t,c this, betweed March end the middle ;be kind. enough. .3lr. 'Editor, to tell me
::ai1..,-r, Lighteed whales, p roduci ng 1,3,- itwhat is woman's oiler ." -
PL- I ' - • , :t
Cl rdi..hate been taken Ly the C;11- 'li' They talk ofkwoma 's rights; woman's
' , 4 it,i,ci.ore-. The oil was vrurtb, in San <rights, indeed I I'd like to know what
nstl, r,..,, sl4 .( m t , v 42. : ' • . 6 ii >ate they alb, to 'women , Pare
0!). I,"the , rig
11,e 1..
•,, 31E'
fir .
Icr t
1 ,r, 1
5 t f
IL t!
I Zs L
e 1 ..111
51 1
t u••-1 .
each 2 ) r
4,11 i dq,
t : syto
: f4,lr writing; nn thl!e lnhcls 1,4
ike of rent grin nip!:eal nnuti , itinie;
lanipblack, 1 ftnelim ; t er,-
fo he' well inicl ;i in nortlr,
gradually. It ninbt %Opt in n
Wilte on tlies.zine with the
~ t)
stinting •11 pen ; and
?...y....y.syn tun,: e2t..pve t• - .-the weather:
i t in th,t.. '
groitivi i•earl and it »ill
J•iL • • •
I wo asorlien: gest !ItTititen. . !
IJuder Clothing .for Wi.nter.,,
r. opP
t, . ,
. The M :F.:•ai,.specialiF.t rec , )l7llllC4di . fof g eil- I .
to '‘'4.l . Sh ilA i ririel Or meri:l , ,, (:illNi• l 'i)iA) shirt , / !
und tliitwtri. . .klllet.' , l . 701'St1.1 .t.)i3l..7ing, ,lilti t , l ,
u. !cliarti-i; 1 . .!•ath.,r,.. , jet-kinf I cti: riglltC.Mtr 11;1911 '
; .;eve:4. 0 be
_worn' ever illti,ilurtkil iji tli:. ei,ill- i
4 ,r'et , t y er,. Or fri 14!•114 I!: i Ti:,.' ( A :tys. })i the 1
. ..;.1ie1i,ft4e.: , :4111 6 Plr.nicitt.!'bf Ilic sain ribsteri 7 I .
~..;. ~..tcd.t th:,tVllie aril' , .. ie.,of Irvii-!..1-,!, tllty
i r.rrrenria!li - de fin.; , ..ty r ,, ,.-..,licy, •,....r - C , i'ii.,F ...,
~.z.::, . )., r 1 •-kn.l t'l , .,
:• ~ .11,1:- . ..1 h.. :ILL:I. - : tit At
::F ~,c : ,;... ...,,...„i...., / I,: v,.,,... : :..../:-:,".,: f., - .: i
...., -.1 r re.r t., Tthilr A up th,.. ra-vi-r: , , , a•pl. ef...1 1L.,„....
!..e . -, 11 '11. , '.:;i1t, ,, t I ill:1- uni,•!--ri,ltbi-:7:"?.
nottlt. t•.
iier. Lr
41.!:? 1.2 treCCl:t,l
tni ul
1 1
i.1%,1416.1 1' • •
- .
rtt ' t t.' 1, 17.411.: !
3te:le to yak= a Ham better thla a
• Westphalia.
; r, Ciei. z cvongn to cut up.
• - o0 cut .•rit tio3 1'4.4:114 tw.-.:IC.
^. ,, t • 1 : 16-41 t
1:• • %.11 1! itt
~ 1
t• • : -t -,
/S1..;:`!I r,?: • :r" ....1
lat 4 gt. t •
i 4 r. nquv';ol.:rju•: :la ratL
r Cuen, 7 IL ftri . .ho•: 7.).-•:1
1 - - t f•N r
h• , t %;negnr. 111:e month i-
•• urr
TlonpA on liarrnls, kegi nntl pnils,
aliffips art bnies - ; tubs awl bales,
Arc articles im:ispensable—
But hoops rs they pub out AVOMAR'S dress,
!Sinkim; the woman stem so much less,
Arc things most lutlefen4ible.
Hoops when thiih sturdy clasp confines
• In brown old casks the. richest wines;
Aro , objects cf nibtiraticu
But hoop:: us pqrt of.woman's llngagC;
Are like She whonp , i of
A . vile ; .
Ifo-is make pretty tclys, •
Tut hoops no iroglanlgeutlh
Are things tostiCet , at and to scofF,,
ofi a whnotiitig-cough
useful; nor 01'mameiltal. '
J. •
For while dear i ‘rornnTrhpues.,Fier
.-II with ;11tteit.;'atiii
has so 'nut eh
filids it hart with' licrVo ~•
'Aukl harder stillo sit. or NS -A alk,
But liaricsi of tsar;'. ,
n.smitten cere : ca,hss seen,
;nit in •7 r';fi-_4llne,
The i.eiirt 11.
011: what
that e.,ro' t.Y.A 11V,;_.14: --L'7
IL'!: Taste : •j drtwing near,
ipto the thrii:lng e
1:t !..eilcv. - is thitr. irrrtpnc,,,
1 ... e i••t~ ~
Hp oF,s ‘ . ,
13 Y A C 3) OP I F. 'R .
rlie -01 of 4 . 1% .;;
f b4irt
.13 if 1: :I 011 the 4),,v;ttl':
". • icrrii 1••
-•• ma%
Practical , Amalgamition.
The New York Tribune, in some remark s
"upon the charge .tnado against the Repub- -
liean party as advneating a fusion of the
white and, black races instances the follow ;
lag easeothich puts the boot on the 'other
f );.t: •
The late Col. lliebard'l. Johnson too k
:me of his own slaves to wife--,we dn. no
know whether with or witb'ont, benefit of
clergy. j We have always understood, how
ever, that be treated her through life tsitli
uniform kindness and reg..rd,it is well known
that he educated' his and her daughter+de
tipatels, and in (Inc time married them to
ttvo white Kentncky. Dem lerats,_ ig a
good iltrin with elch. So fair as we. - kriow,l
they still live, and arc rearing up,nnother
generation of _Kentucky 'Democrats. Ili
the t ; .full knowledge.. of thesee - facts. the
Jackson Democratic party chose Col. .tith - -
snn as'their candidate T.w Vice Pre4denC /
and elected hire in I 836; giving hitn.l
OM-votes - of. most of the Slaves States.'--1
He rat in• 1840, and fell with his party . ;
but that was not his fault,, as he was a
stronger candidate than his colleague Mar..:
fin Van Buren. Had he possesed a littic!
more-sense, or kept himself at me.i
of speakingall over the country the brave,
kind-Lnne% Colonel:would have bean men
minted fur- President and elected;_ for 'lle
Was popular till 'death 'and we do not know 1
that his family relations ever cost him a''
vote." • '
iffirThe inventor of steel ring crinolines,
in PariA, realized in five weeks 45u,000 ou
the•.proceede `of his invent! n. -
~: ;
•- • • ....,• -,,, , ,i1 :::li. . 41,alvi•olai, w.i 11 . 1,,. I e_ti. ll
I:rit: I.; 1,•;:ts:',Iti•::••• li' , nt "1 •• 1): - ' “.1 . )• I 1' • • •Ii it of p.s.. :g nitre!) idtt•utitnl to lija•
` li ' l " 2: "' ,. . • si•"• , '• W!!') !: 1 %-'•1!('Iltql :•) hill imiriia; of OUT al;m l imasL.s.and our prisjia l , •
him if tie refit• - ell 10 tak.,.p,xt ,i , ...) lb:: eon , :,:qA te I hat, tl.;:11 peopled :to a t;ciy eon- .
:TlT:ll'y Ihe miiiir...i.i..9,s..;:i , :!s
.pUt . tu-: Alertible estebt, tjuvugh thea'renu of in..,
irda 1...1 (9th-; ar..r.-:it ~ .f iii ;t ( i,...d.ry ne• , retuNn•anee-r—iutelitporanecs, Whieli •i-iii l fht
gro..s, who aliii. - ,st all e.m1,5... e ,3 ti - I,.ir'ecan- . :,c , Cured if •t it} proper i tileans:Wkireapfylied
plicity7.lll I gave the iii-st - ini . ::'ute . det .ii, in - to it. - -- . )l2trry e•-i the Poor wretches who!
rcgird to ills; i - x , --ctoi .' of their il',.", ~'.••• istAVC`.lit.tqn•- •, - itS Viditit 4 ,,nre. not afforded
Tne drat ii was tiotliiMg l e s. ; '1!,7-11 ;,: g , i , ra i . 4n opp4tuaity of reform. , They are sue-
I111:1; , •:ICTI... 'Till!.• Lt, •::CS Of ‘.1:1,•11 )li.iFj.SV . I.:e, ' roipid4,l with ...all ~- : _zotts of' tcmpta'tionsd
flora the •2,:3.1 to the.,l'..titi, ft ty.. . lili.wr, to. ; while.iliw'lick the moral courage , 13 r,,4'
cut the throats nt,'illl Gls 'vliites - Wlio-stir- silt. ,11 : lien, trio', they feel. 'that., ..
they arc
roun 1.. them; ati..l taco, this husart. , ss t , )..,_ , deg l C 0 51ligS, t oat 4uey have! log. caste 1 -
- ing done, tip-y w-te. to -march to the coon.: and..charticter, and th . at the future of tiiis-,
ty scat, where the• ne . groes of thetplave: iife... is/coarparatively• hopeless to ihem,' l .
would itiv,o ; to meet thimi to commence:, theiy.!'are'ritit to despond and despair, and'.
their orwrations. •• 1 . 1 - . inibiloo in still piffle frialitfut excess:o4.--J.
!'ln many the es the. White poptilation is Tlicy,,, no voiceof synipathy-and per-
touch - less thauth- bleeds; so they- have i suasfon . there- . is .an home: or as4duni for '.
,united lo sustain odic another; and seem ' them; t i licy 'are.denouneed as olliCaitS and have decided, its I told you 'in the bc s criminals, and they am often treated aceor- :
I ginning, to inflict c,xtreme puoishinent on ilivaly!. .
,The iniirmit,y is cipe that destroys!
; the four leaders of.rhe lot 'who 'who are pris- i butr(lpedy and mind.- It deadens the set=
otters at liver. / • Isibilifies, it. .brutalizes the nature, 'and it
"This is all that has irit s ispird thus, reiti rs beine;s•whii otheiWise are.ealtn, 1
-far. As'ior the rumors ; which - tuay'even ; mod . rate ,and • gentle, little .
tile better !
' have reached you, of a more killed by a , Lieu s.: This is the case with persons' in
white main in a fight, and ;len of ;a white; the; higher coodilions 'of life,. and where
L - .woluan killel
,by -a negro;,by way,orre.;'elia deter is involved - , and education should
• prisal, and finally of a hand of 400 • slaveslexeOisela -moral influence. ~ But, how 1
devastating the farms and hilliagl the in madte - Innre.deplora6le must be the ,condi-
1 hAbitants---nothing of the kind ,Inis occur tkri"of the,:the indigent,- the - ig-,
red. , C. G.". ,t. Inortint and the weak!' The results in a
CIA ti,KSVI IAX, Terri., Dec. 3 --We tti-.lMany cases are, as; We have described
~ great.
rived here at day-break, with somedati`ge:—dc - spOndeney, despair,lindulgence, crime,
to the boat, which compels us to reniniu a i disgrace awl Shaine ! And yet, as.aiready;
great part of the day. *This city • i >more , intimated ; intempeianee is curable.. -*it,
' tranquil. thin any, place we have •isited, l.perharYin every instance, but, in ninny. ,
t le white population:toeing more numer-; If-this .be the ft, and such is the opinion
us than the blacks.' till it has. Igo becalof Some:'of the wort distinguished mecrical
i ery much excited. . - :-- rmen dabs day, • ylutis sueVas haveLbeen
. Ail iron c 9 lablisliillent, in Fhich diglit•l suggested iti - th. eßa State. should be re
: I tin re ncar . i . es belo ng i ng 'O .. One man, !garded as among he essentials.oroui social
I a d d
was on the po int of suspending work.—; system .' They c‘ uld not bat be attended
'nie energetic attitude ot.thit
,proprictor, Litit.h . ,g 4 64.,
;ad • . .
;a the arrest of sit blacks_ wlto.fermentcdl l'herii arri-Inorover,•many natures-that'
i lthe revolt,suffieed to put down the . - attetnp- ! vierd / befire il first blow Of adversity:—
tdd insurrection. The "siioks are gning on, i'rhey feel that the world is a blank to
but a constant watch is 'kept. Tip six•ne- - ! them, they, cam at rally their energie;S, but
"trues have been condemned to the
,peui 7 ! sink into I 'hop less lethargy. It is niter,
-tentiary. Thirty others art' uoiltr atrestlinoreover:lthat re pdculiarly calenlated to
and awaiting their tri,al. •: . . . [be wen away the vice-of intemperance.
' ,'The credulity of these poor creatures i They j ? e e nnie .gloomy" and depressed in
is such that; on the .faith of whites who fipirits,rand they seek
,any excitement,
have excited theta; they fancy that CeloneliscareelY;'4knowine. what they .. -do. • And
Fremont, With a numerous force, Is weir-when they awake to all the horrors of their.
ing at the 'Mouth orthe Cumberland tilll situation,[ the result is; that, they are con
the night of the' s :23l arrives.., Then
,all tetutieda
a. re nd.. petition• of the sante error.-
despised, and thus driven, per
this army is to rise to• aid in. _theldeliier- ,hap',
mice of the shirrs . . - . • To all such, an appropriate asylum wattXd.
"The- fuiniees on the Cumberland for . .
i t They could fly from the demoiCtsf
about "30 milegjtave.stopped • Work. - Cer-
II rd'at once a means of escape and restki-
C reel•
lain establish:rams .einploying.lso to 200 iiiebrityi place
whiten of his kifltienee,;,ati*in the cenrse „of a. 4,
- tkemselves beyond th . .
!legs:tem,. hart not more then ..5 or 6 w.t
;...,-----" Persuative„litodues will do more.
, :atiliu bittJrutss ei. seqn,"
petition 14-in Simctren„: ri Yla,le.liti
liotte, in'favor of an A.s I y m t.)t. ipAri.itcf.
The 01j:a is l 9 Sllrlpl'i, : lVelll trill a II m-.,
wlic . rrin they shall . rectis such, l'e:t:IliC.11:.
Mil will rtstora theni to Fulllallelg of 11-,111.1
and p:mity of mind, and alsl afford th , :a:
sueli.firilititga4 win r...ader fly, iostitti:i,.Ll
- • - ; 7777" uovrrniszra
viethn4 of int , unprunec. This su'ujvet has a , alo and ilgtirt in-the vari
.•..,rtti.:itut of the Vuian; and r:e behave
11 1 ;t 1:1•• ti•:p. e:•.uvrivir.:a
1 117 city •nril r•szir.l it as es.i - n.
'ill. to - bacc'aCleit one. .I:3•lutn - of :ho
kialleref , :rri'l to: Som , of our niost
tnelic-11 lncu Gavel tic•e!arcl that
intt.rnp..l - att,!•••• 14 a diceasr, and that in crier .
to crai.ju:•l , ' be
.11 t.),a, 'rdc•uliir tryalmitit rxiv:tiy • al.*
other•ln•ilatly. l in New York,
A•ylutu;..f this charterer is
e••:••, , fni nprrati In. We•. ,- nothing of
this 1:1a(1, 11..)wo•er, in 1'0r.:..--,v;vlnia
ut,t.le by 1;in , ,1
.1.:11 1 ,1' , ..ithr hat • thus 1•Ir
• Frvai tilt; i'l! fi 11 tti.:t i Trkroircr
' •
\ The southern papers are not unanitactu
firr re-opening the tw,tro. tratie. The Ch.-;r1
lestowu i the! Atercueg of thel
s.unri city; t 1 New I Oilcans Ihtit t ir and •0
flori•la paper with a hod name, eoutpti , ...'!
: .all the pretts'e.l trhieh, sinrr, the rier::timi, fa;
Viir the repeal of tht4 eta of prol
slavtt antl%4elitrilt,
;he ,:,r:•2 tra•le pirte . y..l Beane titt. , e
se4., re totitite to .n in • ftv , lr of tit.),
rep', and, theca are t;overn' i t
I.ld Itni , of:- . t.ottl: Ctirt. Etta, aul
• i.;:,-enne; -
• Tite;.: two ;. 4 t rtes f;ant3
ent reat4eni. South , Carolina . i s 'o .. ttio
titeny in consequenie of haring s:,FI oil and
driven orf to -1 largeY her hoine !!rown stn k!
of SLIVC3. fil tiles iii rnttiDg Out from TIOV-i
!A:L. Lasing, I:l4enciug4 of 4.1 .;in, havint , '
too many intillto , , t , , ItT - Irttrrn koe?
hitt:Ls ,c.u14.2e1i0n. 1 - Art.l Florida one.
erty,S..e Whit we iris[ l e never toot within
icy _otlr.r : 4 t tie 'of
flo 10
in Arri,,, , q, bo r
eutiuie., - Fi+Tri or `•u ut ,
for the c attrlircl t ß st. t eat of nori,la
in this.c the L-liorpo , l-.tootliel
wi!h. Th!e varictv 11 1 nil
anil on th:s Ist of Brazil,
that a e.laiiii4n eau; ; lik'oly C.)
betive..ii.hc slaves of, oil Stott 2;
-of this Coicui aml tlit4 of Flt ,t ri , .lik,.
a:-111 'Brazil • equal. there a
but aetive cariied on be
tween the coast and the •wcst
t!iia4 . of 'Africa, att011 , .. 7 ..4Rita cn:r erns
Profits and Vast riSks
woull prote!c•t
legaliiation cif tf;., , ..t Af4z^u , Slave Tra.le?
Carolina, we; 1644 . L(I a *ye to say,
itilges in no such laWlesk_enterprises - a4
this. .lint having sSvainps' to drain f -and•
-forests so LII; witLon't a home grown p)fu
lation-to wield the svide anti the they
propose an int:pollution of native Afrie ins,
and an improvement' Of the race, by putting
there, to halrdiablr; instead of the pastime
of catin,T,- each . oter: Governor Adamsdo. , 2s, not, ilidriing - frorii the language of the
CharlestosinStandant in 'development; of
the. Plan, - purpose kidnapping,. or stealing
the slfts-es thediselves,.bn the,caast of,Afri
ca, but buying them: 'from'
. the chief, • of
tribes, who will have stolen or captured
them before .or will take.thein' toorder.=.
f King Dahomey; for instance steals; the
slafes and sells :thorn; to Governor Ail l 'uns,
or the general agent Of,South Carolina, on .
the African:•coast, then)Bouth Carolina is
not g uilty_- ofkidnapping; abd iu "spite .of.
.that e legatinaiini, - qty per'alicAcil
per sr, it is a -plain business transactiqn -in
Which South Carolitia:.embarks.
South Carolina have her, this ho . dest
andnecessary project;for. the. draining of
-her swamp;;,. and the subduing of her
fo . rests? .11 1 ; hat is•the.! Union worth. jwhich.
Elands intlie .way thes6 expedient
Scheuie,s of. imnrOvementf—Pitti. - Jour. '
Politics esota.
A letter dated,'St. Paul 'Nov.:l7th says:
Our Territorial eleetiOn has recently
been held, and I find its result falselsr re
, pnrted in the liast'and South, It makes .
uot much difference 1to!t; it is reported, po,
Its - national
'politics did not con 7 r ,
trol the
~elections._ Success or, defeatgen-1
erally depended upe - tilliek: niCcr of a co
ty scat or some ocker'4Oeal \
the truth he known.Evfr since the or
'planation of the Territegy,the Democrat s have leen in the'ascendaut in bothobreach
es of otteLegialature. Aow the Conucil
, (which.represeuta the Senate\ ip the, Shiite)
stands 7 Republicans, 7<;Slidtu' l Demorat,4,.
and 1 .Anti Pierce, Anti-Nehmaka I t Frce
Kansas DelMnrat. The lince-Foco Liou's'e
is alio revolutioniztalL-eciasi i sting Of-19
Itipu:b4Cans. i 8 Sham, DethoCrats; and one
elected as Independent, who at *pub
lican /- invent and'heart, and'will be
vett.. So we bairn theta on
I gin t' hall& The fieait o p t ` -.the, T ercitiorY
is right: If we eoutd:iltave,sp:OktK3or
eresitient, Fremont would lijite•hed 14,406
out, of her 20,01)0 votes. • The inonigrati so
to to the'Veivitory-(and
inest a unit tic Ihe :demand, t'lN.9'inerti :-
slavery ' egaression!!_ ;Nett 'Years - s..tiflPl:
Will let in,* : we will contribute,: to, the
cause of Ere° Kansa, r4iiYit ' il i tr4io/ -
Tito Senator.s and -,two -Represtin,katirsoseth-,.
maintain our national Irittor w e iroicp w4iltAZ-0
shall never faltet"Ju ite speeelt,.apd 09,41tr , : 1 N
that will . strikts some strong. , brays#49t l k , ';
for lheftlauttainauceoi
ty, and the rights of men. Our people 144'...
with patience upon the. tentporary:llek.ts
the cause has coffered in the :Si.tenols
knots atirc_fa a CAA in - /trust.
er hatrtheltews or the victory 9f thejibliok
Power reached these plains, than tigekta43
man nrmed himself anew with Jaj!.h.s,nd
hope, and unfurled the banner of P.,„onagnt
and Freedom at the topmast--intr all the
low , future shall not sea it struck !
• -
Fionethe few York Express.
-Extraord imity Developments. •
.. ,
A warning to wothen—Doings of a Mot- 1
rimonial. Siointllei—Tlv. elPets of 11.11- '
- srcixiny
,Illatrinioitial . ..Ailo-rtistnef, m its.•
A very ienrinltieaffair in the . way,erat
rimonial Swindittri bas just conks fOlignt •
itthis ;city. For some, time it sculls , a
ituan e.alliag•-•fiittrilf/,Dr. S. 'rlirtslier'lA:i-i
lons, hasteen adjourning here - aittl-tnpviteg - H - d
in: respectable ";"circles. .Ile represented '
himself as of wealth,and as he ',lived,
and.appeared well, the,cireutnatinces seem= ;
ed to confirm his representations; though
I \ f,&ts r2cently . (.level vti , shotst him ,to have -
been not intlY a Jeret4....Didlei, but a deep r.
idytkl !scoundrel, e.apsble of petipretrating .
arly ciame. Lyons, it is said, ts , hy btrib ',
a-Pitiltadelplii:tn, but has lived in :thiiitcm, i
Louisi:Ma, where he states he bred it
l t re,ilitrz, who is engaged in The...Pracidee (.:1
i'la - w. Another brother, a judo., he states,
I,resi.lesio.Qalifornia.. lie has resided 7 also
,litt I'i,n.inia • an , .l,oolfortna, and says that ,
'Aileihlts traveled extensively iu Europe, it.t..
4,4 a-nT Snu'li Atnerica; and it his lieen,
I statA L fial while in Liverpool, .he con:.
iiviered uf scone (T iil.4
ime, for which he W ',
. !
.4an'4:ney.l,totrawnrtatiou t., I.l.tany Bay , ,
w1i , ii,...., i.e subsetpieutly pane his escape. ..
' Ile, is .!. , out -15 years, of age, about tire ,•
1 fast an 1 el.vca inches in height., and wei:glis
.:bee: 170 oc,ktmlq had' black hair inelitit I
. , 7 . ,
ri curl; •
.;,..2s i .iark sill, a sualish exi,x,i
.i.,n, 11.mi1..4 r..-.ts,!, : . ..1,.1 ratiler, , oval fao.:..—
The g• n. ial ea..,:_ of his flee is peevish;
I . :att.:a f,, itti're, are in 6 - ite I, indicating, hith
to poss , l:, strcng in.(livi•latiities of eh trac
t:T. 11.- is a' mutt -f aui.uti br a.hireit , , i 3 ''
ill,=, , 'IliV e.ille.t.V,l ' hpA.l..l;s French wi:11 tlu- , 1-
- . . , . , h .
ey n v,.
, co: :nt, , ,k..
r .. titiy upoti,i topte , ,
Flays the piarto.X.,rt e . with 4 :, bi t;..,.te, and
i- extrcludy en4tging in Li, to toner. - Ho
' fir ac- it, can Le\asecrtained, he h.ts cou`.l-1
Fl2cl his setter(:, of of ri‘leality *...ssatimlliPs:
tvf.inert oi.rt,.‘4'.rtunne",- with whom to 17311:f
0,.t int . v,..-.4iiri t uni laii m, by adiertisine •
wive:, rn the Morning papers. So syste
or lad t' torsi .... inded, hay.l been his
,tl,k-cs, that qoa e , •15 a wc.olt Las passed
li:•:: I, , 'irt.s. not_ali . .•rtis. , l. - .
0 ~,,, in cornmy t nieation with a lady he
v , all .litain a kriO7le.l , - - i of 1, , 1r pecuniary.
leire , toistanecs, anal it ! , i.te it - q.-1- 111.t.iliti, ;10
'i v : t . 2 l.' i ' t•otjtin ti ft.Jl l 4. ne4r1: 1 11tItalli?, hip' ttl'iL.l
him , -elf - in, her fa vt, nilli•; a form .! ..I , n•- , .:- -
1 -iti .. , n I, a. , ilivc : lien as •to em i 'i.,-.;M . , 1 'w.:.
ol , ,_lit - r'•m..7:ins, ' ( 11cr iris F,ll lees ini inalci:: : , .;
i n ves .. l l l /I t s f‘rlierp.,ieeept her tn , m r y, p ~.Ic.. -
I m, i: and tliseHnt; mit , his-visits 1n is stated' '
that.'"(i , itlii ! r tho list su WM 'r 11,, elo, - r ed with
lift!l,Virt? Or a eitiiir - i, tee'n , treillied Eter__to a '
u,iglibu'l'ilig vity, where he robb4-her ; of., '.
iter jewal,y,,m•l then leftlter. R. W slid )
al n,' that he Mai tied several wives; tioil"--':
1 11.,viti. , p..,..5e - ;•sed .Ifints2ll'of their means
has.l.7ft tlivin. Re. / (72,011y It'eaccid , mtly.for.
Aneil the aellyalutattee of a liniy w It' content-
1 1 t , l v , tl , eo 't . al fnrnia with I..lfat a lly.-'
; lie volunteered hi advice-and aSsistanz.', '
and she gave him I 1 100 to make the ne'e'-s
-!sary prep./ratl'ons
,tor their departure,-106 to
!proeurethe ticketa. - • ;.l 1 - -
Soon afier-gi -- vink the Money, tlit lady a-1
icidentally learned Lyoue'cluiracter; una as
;issue d
was missing, she caused's warrant st n, be
Ilissued for_lii4 , arrest, ; arid, though it_was -
tin the hands of the pokicepum -forLwo_days
,provious to Lyon!Aileptaitu're, and t e officer '
tiapprei-ted of . .Lyon's . reid.nce, no iltrest
illVaS effected, aud.l4Yons left fur Ihiladel.
1 phhi; whence he left ou -W i leinesdiy week
! I in the steamship City of Wiestiington for •
, Liverpool, it is said en - rode for\4ustralia.. ,
!!But Lyons l , has not been gui i ity ofi'obbitt......; i : \;
' 1 his victitusipeeuniarly, but has 41,0 it4 - •Ki-j '
;ous instankts iiceomplished their riiiin;t 7 - -
Five-iustauces of this, character hive e-itio. •
lto - our knowledge, in one or which the Nio--
tier (a young lady) is now insane, and miler- .
over he goes, it will only be undoubtedly tc
move in the smile' path of villaink he knows
so well.
H _____
ow - long Lions - I It in P ' ad, phis is
not komtti: it is eerta — boweyer that
in 1850,. and before;,he was_residing intho
State of Louisana. ' Certain it is,l that on.
the evening of the 6th of Atigiait;-1,850, '
he - waknumied
• iethe town-of C-- `.`, -
IL I LohisiMia, to. a young and lovely woman -,
ilitatned'ALr S . With- her he H.: ed. , ' •
I:,probabiy some two years, .for, in ar .about
485-1, he reappareti in Philadelphia, 'whero . ' '
ebe snort math; quite a sensatitia. ; He! soOn—'-- -
ilsuceeedtd, by lase representations, in win- ,
:Inini; the coupdeticeot 31rs. NV -1, a '
' i
!rich widow of that_place, who finally'Mai ::I
lied - is .... persuaded that'she had' made
4 )a happy choice. liut her honey-moon i=aus .
of short duration. - - 1 ., • .' -
Three days afteithis!wedßing, kei bricle . &
Snd. bride gioom - leisiirreled., The • f ‘..t!Lie ii
on he_nlptauter" and happy bridegropuy
,wantedisotimmoney... . The iich tki# ref toed s
to give' him auy, whereat she wps assailed_,.'
ly the bridegroom, who, putting a 'p:istot at , i
her liead threatened to blnWiter.braiits,ou
!unless she handed out 'the deedful:' •Thri
threae - ilid not avail,' and..the brdegrootit. .i
loft the premises anti =tier again „returned
to either. ' , Thns'the charm was,Aopitdn.
i • .<
The .liseensolete brilie, rieelli; sad week! .^ 1
tri Lc . ;
a ly to cat
argil slain.
D 1818'