THE DAILY EVENING nSLEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, jfUNE 30, 1871. SHIPPING. flFFt. FH LIVERPOOL AND QUKBTV8' LijiiTOWN The Inraan Line of Royal Hall Steamers are appointed to sail M follows: City of New York. Saturday July 1. at S P. M. Cltr of Brussels. Saturday. JnlJ 8, at 10 A. M. Nemesis, 1 hursday, July 13, at 2 1. M City of London, Saturday. July in. at 8 P. M. nd ditch sncceedlng Saturday and alternate Tues flay, from pier No. 4fi North river. RATES OF PASSAGE H Moll utonmnr RnJllncr every Saturday. A Payable in gold. Payable In currency. I' First f Itthln 8T5 Rtoerfip-n 1130 To London SO To London 80 To Halifax 801 To IlaHfftX 18 Passengers mm forwarded to Antwerp, Rotter dam, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc., at reduced rates. Ticket can he bought here at moderate rates by persons wishing to Bend for tlielr friends. For further information apply at the company's office. JOHN G. PAIJK, Agent No. lii Broadway, N. Y.l Or to O'DONNELL & FAULK, Agents, No. 408 CHESNUT Street. Philadelphia. NATIONAL EL STKAftSSHIP COMPANY. BTEAM DIRECT TO AND FROM NEW TORE. QUEENSTOWN, AND LIVERPOOL. The magnificent Ocean Steamships of this line, sailing rr gularly every SATURDAY, are among the argest in toe worm, ana ratnoua lor tne degree of leiy, eounorr,, ana speea Busmen. and ICJ. First class Excursion Tickets, pood for ,vve monlhH. 8130. Knrlv nnnllcat.tnn iniint: hn 'adiin order to secure a choice of state-rooms. STEERAGE KATES, CURRENCY, "twaid, 8s. Prepaid, 139. Tickets to and from 'uunaerry and Glasgow at ine same low rates. TUnri r. I V. ..1.1 nnn,.... .!.. . . : TI!?d should remember that these rates are posl- JRTly much cheaper than other first-class lines. Dank ilHifl. la.tiajl fit OTIW .mfllint nt Jin'n.i. unuiv uiftl'D inauru i auj auiv'uni,nu luncni I fllitjn, Eayable on demand In all part of England, Ireland, cotland, Wales, and the Continent of Europe Apply to WALLER fc CO., Agent, A'o. 804 WALXUT St., jut above Second. TEE REGULAR STEAMSHIPS ON THE PHI LAPKLPHIA AND CHARLESTON 6TEAM BD IP LINE are ALONE authorised to Issue througl Dills of ladl eg to interior points South and West Id oonnectlon with South Carolina Railroad Company. ALFRED U TYLKK. Vlce-Prosldent So. C. RR, Co, J PUTT A nTTT TTTT 4 A XTn CfTTmttl"llT TL1 ATT LimirlllLMlin fii.f m .Ti'in .... ULAR S EM 1-MON TILL X LINE TO NEW OR LEANS, La. The JiMATA wm sau ror Kew Orleans direct n Tuesday, July 11, at 8 A. M. The d iMAiA wm sau irom ixew uneans, via avana, on , July . - THROLUH hills ur LAUiisuat as low rates by any other route given to MOBILE, GALVKS. ON, IND1ANOLA, KOCKPOHT, LAVA CCA, and u.AZOS, and to all points on the Mississippi river Itween New Orleans and St. Louts. Red river eights rcBhipped at New Orleans without charge Jbl commissions. WEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH, GA. The TONAWANjua will sail for Savannah on Sat urday, Julv 1, at 8 A. M. The WYOMING will sail from Savannah on Sat urday, July 1. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING given to all the principal towns In Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mis sissippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee lu con nection with the Central Railroad of Georgia, At actic and Gulf Railroad, ami Florida steamers, at ss low rates as by competing lines. SEMI-MONTHLY LINE TO WILMINGTON, N. C. The PIONEER will sail for Wilmington, N C, on , July . at 6 A. M. Returning, will leave Wil mlngton , July . Connects with the Cape Fear River Steamboat Company, the Wilmington and Weldon and North Carolina Railroads, and the Wilmington and -Manchester Ra;iroad to all Interior points. Freights for Columbia, S. C, and Augusta, Ga., taken via Wilmington at as low rates as by any other route. Insurance effected when requested by shippers. Bills of lading signed at Queen street wharf on or .before day of Balling. WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, , No. 130 S. THIRD Street. OiLce, No. 12 South WHARVES. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE, THROUGH FREIGHT Alk- U.1NE TO 'J HE SOUTH AND WEtT. steamers leave every w nu. hctija i ana SATUR DAY "at noon," from FIRST WHARF above MAR ET street. No bills of lading Blgned after 12 o'clock on sultng BV. THROUGH RATES to all points In North and aroimc secting nessee, Air. FrelghtB UANDUiD but OKOJfand tat m at LOWER KATES than by any othe' line. No charge for commissions, droage, or ny ex- nse of uansier. bicemsoips .inbure a. lowest atea. VKIUUIITB KJSUJUV x o DAILY. Etate-room accommodationor passengers. WM. P. PORTER. Agt . 'Y lUctimond and City olnu T. . CKOWELL CO., Ag-aia, Norfolk. PniLAOELI'I f AANr CHARLESTON. PHILADELPi iiA ai i OUARLESTOV TEAM SHIP LINE. ' f THUSliAI;unE yoR CHARLESTON. The flrstr-clawJJteanhio A'KUINIA. Cantaln luuier, nm ' --' 's y, July c, at 3 f c ta Wharves, above m noon, uoia y: rch street. Through bunr-r :u ,o all principal points In South Cr.r''"n;l. UwT'J ,i :ir:- s etc., etc. i.h i l ny other route. r-M !l thf Plpr AO nV.nua Itates cr rrttgr.: iv .r, Por freight i f i - r w li a. cov ii-' i , . .gent in Charleston. .-: 'RK daily via i-."" " tf JMJKAKITAM CANAL. EXPRESS STEA 1U AT (dltPANV The CHEAl'lJS T and f)I .Mff'S'l' vntjr fnmm nlcatlon between PWla lp ,ia and New York. I Steamers leave DA L from first, wlurf tuin IMARKET Street, Phi de!phia, and foot of WALL Jdtreet. New orK. TnliULUii iix i (VisM Y-FOLH HOURS. Goods forwarded U I nil iha lines rnnnl no- nut; Af New York, North, Ea L w West, free of commls- idon. . . . ,r Freight receivea ua y ar I forwarded on accom nodating terms. ; . , ' JA IES nAND, Agent, No. 1 9 W. LL Street, New York. m .jdCjH ?iE?r..p tES3 T'INE ALEX r2SH3AM)iav ( EORGETOWN, AND iWASHlNGl'ON. D.C,. Ctusaneake and uelawara kanal, conueci nj vfla t ruuge aua Alexandria .aiiroaa. oon, from First Wba--f , An MARKET Saecu Freights recw.l dnSiy. Hiu 1 1Jr; tciiis, "teorgeiown, D. c. AL, ELUiuuuji. Aleuts, Alexandria, Va. TELA'vVa L U AND OHESAPEitrif ww-i '. AT COfllPANY, Piiiladelphia, Baltimore, Iavre-de-Grac ( 4 .iiun,nuil, AJlt.lIIHl 0 rac;, I'? sf.!.io City, and Intermediate IN JO I 1 LAU'inLIN, Snperlntendent. L'IIvJj, .vi. n ,ouch WHARVES, olnta. CArXAi ; 1 ilill.ADli.Lf HI A. WILUA? v tYDE & CO., - all the auWm , Jere further lUon Il4ti:a may be obtained. IOUIX'Lui'J ITEaMSHJP -cxjjlpajhy he k' ioii itur Tonu, Q I'UES f)AYB, THURSDAYS, AND SAT- .1 tU)AYS AT NOON. tumiiVnil f 111, "W 1 ' ' irTII nvnUV TJ tl nnm. 'No bill of is him or receipt signed for less than '.ty cents, and Lq uiduxance effuoted for lena tlian l dollar pisi iium. f For furUier f f articuliura and rates apply at Com. Uny'i office, t itr 83 Last river, New York, or to JOHN F. OUL, PIKR 19 NORTH WHARVES. , t, Xxti Ix rates on small packages iron, mei&tf FO't NEW YORK, VIA DE-j. WARE and lurllan canal. byMt'l -L n K TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, l u a i NJj SWIFf SUltE LINES. The steatn iri, p. i;,.rs of this company leave dallv r Throng u I; i tw jii f-foar hours. floods i or arilod i any polut tree of commission. .r reigui i t0 ,,n cconiiuouauug terms. ipplj I'J 5 outn Carolina, via seaooara Air-line rcaiiroad. con- at Portsmouth, and at Lynchburg' ya., Ten- ana tne west, via Virginia anq Truneayjo line, and Richmond and Danville MIPPINO. F OR SAVANNAH, OBOBGIA TnE FLORIDA PORTS, AND THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT AND r ASS EN. GER LINE. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA AND AT. LANTIU ANt GULF RAILROAD. FOUR STEAMERS A WEEK, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SAT w-fS. THE STEAMSHIPS SAN 8 ALVA DOR, Captalu Nlckerson, from Ple No. 8 North Klver. WM. R. GARRISON, Agent, No. C Howling Green. MONTGOMERY, Captain Kalrcloth, from Pier No, 13 North River. xt. LOWDEN, Agent, No. 3 West street. LEO, Captain Dearborn, from Pier No. 16 Bast River. MURRAY, FERRIS A CO., Agents, Nob. 61 and 62 South street. GENERAL BARNES, Captain Mallory, from Plei No. 86 North River. LIVINGSTON, FOX CO., Agents, No. 83 Liberty Btreet. Insurance by this line ONK-nALF PER CENT. Superior accommodations for passengers. Through rates aud bills of lading In connection with Mm AtlanH avid flnlf Vrplrrhf linn Through rates and bills of lading In connection with CeDtral Railroad of Geoieia, to all points. !. I). OWKNS. Agent A. A G. It. R., No. 22 Broadway. Agent v. n. k., No. 408 Broadway, rpiIE ANCHOR LINK STEAMERS M. can tvnji oiii ui un uuu uiberuHie weanesaay wnuu iruiu uiuaiiuw ana ucttj. Passengers booked and forwarded to and from ah railway stations in Great Britain, Ireland, Ger many, Norway, Sweden, or Denmark and Amerlof bb safely, speed ily, comfortably, and cheaply as bj "BXPKES8" STKAMRR8. "EXTRA" STEAM BRA. IOWA, TYRIAN, BRITANNIA, IOWA, TYRIAN, ANGLIA, AUSTRALIA, BRITANNIA, INDIA, COLUMBIA, JmiTAJNNIA. From Pier 20 Nerth river, New York, at noon. Rates of Passage, Tayable In Currency, to Liverpool, Glasgow, orDerry: Flret cabins, $C5 and 175, according to location. Cabin excursion tickets ((rood for tweivn monthsv securing best accommodations, 1130. intermediate, f m ; steerage, tin. Certificates, at reduced rates, ran hA hnnaht ha by those wishing to send for their friends. .uraiis lSBuea, payable on presentation. Arply at theoomptiny's oihces to HENDERSON BROTHERS, No. 1 BOWLING GREEN. w HITS STAR LINE OCEANIC STEAM NAVIGATION HOWPA NVW LINE OF NEW STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW ( RK AND LIVERPOOL. CALLING AT (HiKK IRELAND. ' The company's fleet comprises the following mw. Lilicent full-powered ocean steamsliips, the six Lircest In the world : Ot'EANIC, Captain Murray. ARCTIC. attain l it,, captain TnompBon. BALTIC. PACIFIC, Captain Perry. ADRIATIC. These new vessels have been designed specially for the transatlantic trade, and combine speed, safety, and comfort. passenger accommodations unrivalled. Parties sending for their friends in the old coun try can now obtain prepaid tickets. Meerage, sau, currency. Other rates as low as any first-class line. lor further particulars apply to ISMAY. IMRIE A CO No. 10 WATER Street, Liverpool, and No. 1 EAST INDIA Avenue, LEADEN HALL Street, London ; or at the company's otllces, No. 19 LKOAUWAXi New York. . . . . xi. Braitiis, Agent. IJtOR BT. THOMAS AND BRAZIL. 1? UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL STEAM - SHIP COMPANY. REGULAR MAIL STEAMERS Baillne on the 93d of every month. mbk kijm a cii, captain wier. SOUTH AMERICA, Captain E. L. Tlnklepaugh. NORTH AMERICA, Captain G. B. Slocum. These splendid steamers sail on schedule time. and call at St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco, Bahla, an Kio de Janeiro, going and returning. For engage meat of freight or passage, apply to wm. k, UAitwisun, Agent, No. e Bowling-green, New York. CORDAGE, ETC. Manilla, SIcal and Tarred Certo; At LowMt New York FiImi and E'rMghts, BDWW II. FilLER h CIOm Setorr. TEKTH Et. and UESUAJTTOWH liuw, BtoiS.No. 83 H. WATER Si. and U N. DSLAWABB Avca, PUILADKLPEIA JOHN S. LEB & CO., ROPB AND TWINS MAN I'FAt 'TUKERS, DEALERS J IN AVAL BTUIUSS, ANCHORS AND CHAINS, SHIP CHANDLERY GOODS, ETC., Nos. 4G and 48 NORTH WHARVES. PROPOSALS. UARTEF.M ASTERS OFFICE, U. S. ARMY. " PniLAPEi.rHi a. Pa , June 14, 1S7I. FEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, will be re ceived at this oilice until 12 o'clock noon, 8 AT UK DAY, July IS. 1S71, for building a One ami One Half HX.) fctory f-tjiie Lodge, at the Culpeper Court House (V ) jNattonai cemetery. heparute bids for building this Lodge or brick are hlso invited. Sealed Pronosa'B will also be received at this ofnee at the same time, for building a Stone or Brick Wall and Iron Railings, with one double and one single Iron gate, around the Fredericksburg (Va.) National Cemetery. liiddeta ror tne sttone or urics wan, ana iron Ratlings, will be required to specify the prlcn per linear font, and no bid will be received that does not conform to this requirement. The rubbish resulting from the excavation for the walls and foundation for the lodge to be removed from the ground of each cen.etery at the expense or the successful bidder. Plains. Btiecltlcatlons, ana manic rorms ror dkis will be furnished upon application to the under signed, Ttt.vTnw r nAnnoa ULL1U1 V. 4 V- L. J lj ij 6 14 Major and Quartermaster U. S.A. LEGAL NOTICES. -IA1STR1CT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES J J FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF ALA BAMA. In the matter of THE ALABAMA AND CHAl'TASOOOA RAILROAD COMPANY, Baak jupt. IN BANKRUPTCY: A wurraut lu Bank ruptcy Las been istiued bj said Court against the t.'. .- ... . .1... 1I1.I...111. nikH i 'Yinttun.tnfvik Wn'.lrniiil Contnanv. of the Slate of Alabama, in Slid District. adjudged a Bankrupt upon the petition of its credi- tois, aud the payment 01 any ueoia unci mo iieuvery of anj property belonging t j said Bankrupt, to it, or in tta nue. are forbidden bv law. A nietting of the Creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and choose one or nioro Assignees i.f its estate, will le held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holrten at Montgomery, tn said District, on the wririAv of Julv. A. 1). 1S71. at 12 o'clock M., at the cilice of LAW KEN CK W ORRaLL, Esq., one of the luggers in Lansruptc, orjuj tour United States Marshal, Messenger. Ofllce of United buitcs Marshal, Montgomery, Ala. Jui,e 9, 1K.1. on im IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Eliza Maidhiil), bv her Lext friend, etc., vs. Pay- k i.An ln .H..J....1. nanulillia turm 1 Bf'U A. lunnimu. iu uiHjunti' r"""1. 'i 'iv. l. rr-jr. a Marshall rAuimn. Mnt. Kfr I lease' notice that the Court has granted a rule on yOU lO SHOW CltUBO wiij a unuiiu, n . ui., iiiuuii v .. . 1 1 . . .LADtt fiuBfl rftttirnuhla SATl'RPA Y, Julv 8, 1S7 1, at 10 o'clock A. M. Per sonal sei vice having lalied on account of your ab- sence. o jljh . uitiAiivmii, e SO J 1 3 6 Attorney for LlbelUnt. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY X AND COUNTY OF P111LA UlLl'lUA. EBtate of GEORwE A. ALTEtt. fleoeased. Trs Audit jt appointed by the Court to a idlt, settle, and adjust the account of CATUAKINii ALTER, adriliiisiratrix of GEORGE A. ALTER, deceased, au i;to report dlolrlbmiou ol the balance in the hands d llie accouDiaui, WU1 meet Hie purlieu luwrmic ; lrr the purpobe of bis appointment, ou THl'RSUAY, July C,' lTl, at li O'clock a. Hi., m uis oiuce, ro. la South i lt TU btrt'tu in tne r-it v oi rnuaneipma, GEtRUE M. CON AR ROE, 6 23fmw6t A'tdltor. RAILROAD LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANIES. On and after MONDAY, Jnne 18, 1871, TRAINS WILL leavi as follows: FROM WALNUT STREET WnARF. At 8-19 a. m. Accommodation via Camden and Am boy, and at 8 80 p. m. Accommodation via Camden and Jersey city for New York. At a and e p. m. for Am boy and Intermediate sta tions. ' At 6 16 a. m. and 8-80 p. m. for Freehold and Far tnlngdale. At 61ft, 8, and 10 a. m., 12 m., 8, 8 30, and o p. m. for Trenton. At 6-16, 8, and 10 a. m., 13 m., 8, 8 39, 5, 6, T 30, and 1180 p. m. for Bordentown, Florence, Burlington, Edgewater, Beverly, Delanco, and Riverton. At 6-ls and 10 a. m., 12 m., 8, 8 30, 6, 6, 730, and 11-80 p. m. for Riverside, and Palmyra. At 6 IB and 10 a. m., li m., 0, 6, 7-30, and 11 30 p. m. for Fish House. The 11 30 p. m. Line leaves from Market Street Ferry (upper side). FROM WEST PHILADELPHIA DEPOT. At 7, 8 16, and 11 a. m 1-20, 8, 6 30, 6 45, and 12 P. m.. New York Express Lines, and 1130 p. m Emlgrsnt Line, via Jersey City. At 7, 8-ift and 11 a. m., 120, 8, 6 30, 6 45, aud 12 , m. for Trenton. At 7, 815, and 11 a. m., 6 4 and 12 p. m. for Brlsto". At 12 p. m. (Nteht) for Morrisville. Tullvtown. Schenck's, Eddlngton, Cornwells, Torrtsdale, Holmcsbnrg Junction. Tacony. Wlssinomlng, Brldesburg, and Frankford. Minaay Lanes leave at li a. m., s-43 p. m., and 12 bight. At 7 and 9 30 a. in., a no. 3. and 6 n. m. for Tren ton and Bristol. And at 6 p. m. for Lrlatol. At and so a. m.. 8-30 and B n. m. for Morris- Tllle and Tullytown. At i ana v 80 a. ra . 2 311. 0. ana e n. m. ror Schenck's, Eddlngton, Cornwells, Torrlsdale, and Uolniesburg Junction. At 6 4ft a. m.. 12 30. 0 is. and T' is p. m. lor uustie- ton, Uolmesburg, and Uolniesburg Junction. At e 4S and bo a. m., 12 30, s at), b is, e, ant l is m. for Tapntiv Wianlnnmlncr. Hrldeahnrir. and Frankford. VIA BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD. At 7 a. 111. and 3 n. m. lor Nlatrara Falls. Buifalo. Dunkirk, Elmlra, Rochester, Syracuse, Great Beud, IScranton, Wllkesbarro, Stroudsburg, Water G.ip, Belvldere, Kaston, Lambertville, Flemington, etc, aud Ta. m. for Schooley's Mountain. At 9 so a. m. and o p. m. for Pennington. Laraoert- vllle, and intermediate stations, and at 6 p. in. for naston. VIA CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON COUNTY RAILROAD. At 7 a. bi. and 2-30 p. m. for New York, Long Branch, aud intermediate places, via New Jersey Sonthorn Railroad. The 7 a. m. and 2 30 p. ra. lines leave Walnut street wharf, all others will leave from Markej btreet Ferry (upper Bide). At b, 1, aud v a. m., 1, , s'au, o, ana o-au p. m., and on Thursday and Saturday nights at 11-30 p. m. for Merchantsvllle, Moorestown, Hartford, Mason- Vine, Hamsport, anu Mount iiony. At e a. m.. a-uu anatrau p. m. ior Liumoertou aua Medford. At 6. 7. end 9 a. m.. 8-30, 0, and 6-30 p. m. for Emithvllle, Kwansville, Vlncentown, Burmlngham, and Pemberton. At 6 a. m.. l and 8-30 p. m.. ror Lewistown. Wrlehtstown. Cookstown, New Egypt, Horners- town, Cream Ridge, Imlaystown, Sharon, and liigntstown. wiu. u. uatam.u,k, May 2, is a. Agent. PHILiABELFHIA, WIIJVIINGTON, AND BAL TIMORE RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. COMMERCING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 31, 18T0. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Way Mail Train at 8-80 A. M. (Kiayieioepted), ior Liaitimore, stoppiofc at au regular stations. Connecting at Wilmington with Delaware Railroad Line, at Clayton with Smyrna Branch Kauroad and Maryland and Dolaware Railroad, at Har rington with Junction and Breakwater Railroad, at Seaford with DoroUester and Delaware Rail road, at Delmar with Eastern Shore Railroad, and at Salisbury with Wloomloo and Poooianke Rail road. Express Train at 11-45 A. M. (Sundays eioeptadi, for Baltimore nd Washington, stopping at W 11. mlngtonLl'erryvlHe, and Havre-do-Grace. Con neots at Wllmlngta LT'th train for Now Castle. Express Tram at 4 P. iu. indays excepted), ror iio.itlmore and Washington, stopjilng at Chester, Thurlow, ljinwood, ciaymont, wns03, Now- pert, Stanton, Newark, Elkton, Nortii Enet, Charlestown, Perryville, Kavre-de-CJrace, Aber deen, Perry man's, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase'f and Sten.mer'8 Run. Night Express at 1180 p. Hi. (Daily), ror Bait;, more and Washington, stopping at Chester, Ldu wood, Olaymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North East, PerryvlUe, Havre-de-Grace, Perry man's, and Magnolia, Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 1145 A. M. train. WILJttllNU lOCT TttAIHiS. Stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and V iln.lnuton. Leave Philadelphia at 1100 A. M., 8-30, 500. ant 100 1'. M. The 6-co P. M. train oonnoots with Dels, waro Railroad for Millord and intermedial stations. Laave wumictrton 045 ana 810 a. m... ioo, 4 C0, and 715 P. M. The 810 A. M. train will not stov between Chester and Philadelphia. The 710 P. lil. train irom Wilmington runs Dally; all other ac commodation trains Sundays excepted. Trains leaving Wilmington at e-s a. ra. ana -oo P.M.. will connect at Lamokln Junotion with the 700 A. M. and 480 P. EI. trains for Baltimore Ceil ral Railroad. From Baltimore to Philadelphia. Lieave Balti more 7-25 A.M., Way Mall; Vb& A. M., Express; 8-85 P. M., Express; 725 P. M., Express. SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE. leaves Baltimore at 726 P. M., stopping at Man nolla, porryman's, Aberdeen.Uavre-ue-Graoe, Por ryvllle, CLarlostown, North East, Elkton, Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Clay moat, Lin wood, and Chester. Ou Sundays leave Philadelphia for Oxford at 830 A. M. ; returning, leave Oxford at 3 40 P. M., stop ping at all intermediate stations. Through tickets to all points West, South, and Southwest may be procured at tloliet office. No. 828 Chesnut street, under Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping Cars can t o secured during the day. Persons purohaslng tickets at tLl9 onice can have baggage chocked at their reslience by the Cnln Transler Company. H. F. EENNEY, Superintendent. "XTORTH PaJX3YLVA.NfA RVILUOAD-TH 1 short Middle Route to the Lehigh and Wyom ing Valleys, Northern Pennsylvania. Southern aud Interior New York, Builalo, Auburn, Rochester, the great Lakes, and the Dominion of Canada. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Takes effect May IB, 1S71. Sixteen Daily Trains leave Passenger Depot, cor ner of Berks and American streeU (Sundays ex cepted), as follows: 7 00 a, m. ( iceouimodation), for Fort Washington. 788 a m. (Express), for Bethlehem, Eastou, Al- lentown, Muuch Chunk, Wllkesbarre, Williams port, Mahanoy City, Uazleton, Pittston, Towauda, Waverlv.Auburn, Einiira, and in connection with the ERIE RAILWAY for Butfalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, San Francisco, aud all points in the Great West. 8 25 a. m. (Accommodation) for Doylestown. 9 45 a. iu. (Express) for Bethlehem, Las ton, Allen- town, juaucn chunk, wuiiamsport, wnwesoarre, PittutOD. Scranton. Hackett-itown, Schooley's Moun tain, and N. J. Central aud Morris aud Easex Rail roads. 11 a. m. (Accommodation) for Fort Washington. 1 Bj and ft au p. m. for Ablnuton. 2 p. m. (Express) for Bethlehem, Eanton, Allen- town, luaucn uuuuk, juunauoy uiiy, tvunesuarre, iittsion, ana uazieton. 2 30 d. in. (Accommodation) for Doylestown. At 8 20 p. iu. (Bethlehem Accommodation) for lietiuehem, iiaston, Aiientown, Jiaaucu ununs, Wllkesbarre, anu -acrautou. At 4 p. m. (Accommodation) for Bethlehem. 4 so d. m. (Main for Dovlestown. 6 18 p. m. for Bethlehem, Easton, Aiientown, and Mauch Chunk. 6 80 n. m. (Accommodation) for Lansdale. 8-ls and 1130 p. m. (Accommoaatlon) for Fort Washington. The FUtb and Sixth streets, Second and Third streets, and Union Lines city Cars run to the TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA FROM Bethlehem at 8 65 and 10-30 a. in. ; 218, 5 20, 815, and 1020 p. m. - Doylestown at 828 a. m., 446 and 6 45 p. m. Lansdale at T -80 a. in. Fort Washington at 820 and ii80 a. m., s09 and lo-uo p. m. Ablugton at 848 and 7-00 p. m. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9-30 a. m. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2-00 p. in. Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 9 00 a m and 6 45 p. in. Poyiestown for Philadelphia at 6-45 p. m. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4-00 p. m. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 1000 a. m, and 8oo d. iu. Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all fcriuclpal points at Mann's North l'enutylvia Bag- . , . .. . . . . .1 K'a , Jl 1 1 1 I . . . . LUUti t. prtB AU. 11 1 li nrdta May .16, l!7l. ELLIS CLAitik, Agent. RAILROAD LINE8. pfiNNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAlLROADt AFTER r. X., SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1871. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Rallroa leave the Depot, at THIRTY-FIRST and iAAK KET Streets, whloh la reaohed directly by the mar ket street ears, the laet oar connecting with eack train leaving Front and Market streets thirty mlnntei before Its departure. The Chesnut and Walnut streets cars run within one square of the Depot. Sleeping-car tloketi can be had on application at the Ticket Office. N. W. corner Ninth and Che, nut streets, and at the Depot. Ag-ents or the Union Transfer Company will oall for and deliver baggage at the depot. Orders left at No. 901 chosnut street, or No. lid Market street, will receive attention. TBAINft LSATB D1POT. Bryn Mawr Accommodation . . A. M. Wail Train 800 A M. Lock Uaven and Elmlra Exprens . . 940 A. M. Paoli Acoommodatlon,10-10 A.M.A 110 and 7-10P.M. Fast Line 13 40 P. M. Erie Express 12-40 P. M. Harrlsburg Accommodation . . S'80 P. M. Lancaster Accommodation 4-10 P.M. Parkesburg Train ... . 5 30 P.M. Cincinnati Express 720 P. M- Krle Mall and Builalo Express . . 7-2J P. M. First Pacific Express . . , , 9 4B P. M. Way Passenger 'J rain .... 1120 P. M. Cincinnati Express, Paclno Express, and Erie Mall and Butfalo Express leave dally. AH other trains dallv except Sunday. The Western Accommodation Train runs dally, except Sunday. For this train tiokets muut be pro cured and baggage delivered by I P. M. at No. 118 Market street. Sunday Train No. 1 leaves Philadelphia at 8 49 A. M. ; arrlveB at Paoll at 9-49 A. M. Sunday IralM No. 8 leaves Philadelphia at 640 P. M.; ar rives at Paoll at I -SO P. M. Sunday Train No. 1 loaves Paoll at 719 A. ra.; arrives at Philadelphia at 8 2D A. M. Sunday Train No. a leaves Paoll at 5 00 P. M.j arrives at Philadelphia at 6 30. TRAWS AKRIVe AT DBPOT. Cincinnati ExrrMS 110 A. M. Philadelphia Express . . ?-40 A. m. Erlo Mail . . ... 7-40 A. M. Bryn Mawr Accommodation . . 840 A. M. Paoll AcooinmodBt'n, 83J A. M. A 884 & 640 P. M. Parkesburg Train 800 A. M. Fast Line Mid umiaio Jixpress . . 111s A.ia. Lancaster Train 124i P. M. Erie Express 600 P. M. Look Havon and Elmlra Express . ' 6 00 P. M. paclno Express i5 r. m. Harrlsburg Accommodation . . 845 P. M. rcr lurther information apriy to JOUM F. YANLEER, J R.. Ticket Agent, No. 901 CHESNUT Street rUANCIS FUNE.Tlckot Agent. No. 116 MARKET Street. SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Comprny will not aucume anv rlf k for H.iKifaire, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hun dred Dollars In value. All Baggage exoeedlng that amount In value will be at the risk of tbe owner, unless taken by speoial contract. V. J. UAllOAll. General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa, IJHILADELPHIA AMD ERIE RAILROAD SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY. May 15. 1871. the trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Rail road will run as follows from the Pennsylvania Rail road Depot, West Philadelphia: WKSTWABP. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 7-10 P. M. w linamspori 410 a.m. ' arrives at Erlo 8 60 P. M. ERLE EXPRESS leaves Philadelphia.... 1230 P. M. " " Wlliunihport.... 8-tt)P. M. " arrives at Erie, 740 A. M. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 9-30 A. M. " WIllluiUHport.... 6 35 P. M. ' arrives at Lock Haven. . 7r0 P. M. EASTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie 1120 A. M. " Wllliamsport 1000 P. L arrives at Philadelphia.... 630 A. M. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Ei1e 900 P. M. " Wllliamsport... 825 A. M. arrives at Philadelphia. 650 P. M. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Lock Haven 8ot) A. M. " Wllliamsport. 9-15 A. M. arrives at Philadelphia. . . 830 P. M. BUFFALO EXP. leaves Wllliamsport.... 125 A. M. " " Snnbury 125 A.M. " arrives at Philadelphia.. 940 A. M. Mall East connects east and west at Erie with L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Crttk and Allegheny R. R. W. Mall west with west-bound trains on L. S. & M. S. IL W. and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Warren Accommodation east and west with trains on L. S. and M. S. R. W. east and west and at Corry with O. C. and A. R. R. W. Erie Accommodation east at Corry and west at Cony and irviuetown with o. c. and A. H. K. w. Elmlra Mall and Buffalo Express make close con ncctlon at Wililumsport with the N. C. R, W. trains, north and south. Catawissa passenger trains will be run east from Wllliamsport on una express, ana west to wil Hamsport on Elmlra Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN, General Superintendent. "WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL 1 f KUAl) uumrAiMi. Ou and after MONDAY. April 24. Tratns will leave and arrive at the Depot, THIRTY" FIRST and cuifSiN ut streets, as loiiowa: tROAI PHILADELPHIA For West CheBter at 728 and 10 a. 30, 710, and 11 -30 P. M. Stops at all stations. For Westchester at 445 p. M. This train stops at stations west of Media (Greenwood excepted). For B C Junction, 6-30, 850 A. M., 12 M., and 4 and 830 P.M. Stops at ail stations. The 830 P. M. will run to W est cnenter ontaturaays. FOR PHILADELPHIA From West Chester at 6-30 and 10 A. M., 3, 5, and 6f8 P. M. Stops at all stations. From West Chester at 7 -38 A. M. Stops at sta tions west of Media (Greenwood excepted). Irom B. C. Junction at 6-25, 810 A.M..12M., 4 and t P. M. stops at all stations. A train will lnave West Chester for Philadelphia at 6 A. M. every Monday. ON SUNDAY Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M. 2-30, and 645 P. M. Leave West Chester at 1 A. M.. 4 and 6 P.M. H. .. SMITH, Supenntendent, WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELF1IL RAIL- . ROAD. EXTRA SUNDAY TRAINS. On and alu r June 4. 1S71, an Extra Passenger Train will leave West Chester at 4 P. M. for Phila delphia. Returning, will leave Philadelphia at 6V P.M. for West Chester. These trains stop at all stations. May 29, 1871. 11. K.. SMITH, Superintendent rmHE PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CBN X TRAL RAILROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after SUNDAY, June 4, 1871, trains win run as iohows: Leave rimaaeipnia rrora oanot of P. W. A B. R. R., corner Broad street and Wash ington avenue: For Port Deposit at T A. M. and 430 P. M. For Oxford at 7 A. M., 4-30 P. M.. and 7 P.- M. Wednesdays and Saturdays only at 830 v. la. ForChadd a Ford and Chester Creek Railroad at T and 10 A. M., 480 and 7 P. M. Wednetrlays and Saturdays only 830 P. M. Train leaving Philadelphia at 7 A. M. connects at Port benosit with train.for Haltlmore. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 10 A M. and 480 P. M. connect at Chadd's Ford Junction with the W ilmlpgton and Reading Railroad. Trains for Philadelphia leave Port Deposit at 928 a. M. and 42S P. M., on arrival of trams irom liaitimore. Oxford at 6ob and iu-35 A. M. and 630 P. M. Mon 1n ut ft -15 A. M. onlv. Chadit s Ford at 7-2S A. 1168 A. M., 4-20 and 649 P.M. Monday! only at 632 A. M. cn Sundavs train leaves Philadelphia at 8-30 A.M. for Oxford; returning, leaves Oxford ior piuiadei trida Ht a 40 V. M. Passengers are a'lowed to taka wearing apparel only as baggage, and tho company will not Uiauy case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, unless special contract is made for tue siune- Geueral Superlnteade.ut 7 K S T JERSEY RAILROADS, FOR CAP-! MAY. COMMENCING SA'lURDAV. JULY 1, 1971. Leive Philadelphia (foot of MARKET Street, upper jeriy): 900 a. m., Morning Express, due 12 10 p. ra. 815 p. in., Mall aud Passenger, due 7 12 p. ill. 4 00 P. UK. Fust Ltue. due 6 37 p. ill. SUNDAY MAIL AT 730 A. M. Rfturnins trains leave Cane May as follows: 6 so a. m.. Mail : 9 a. m.. Fast Line ; 8 p. m.. Ex pre s. IlSunday Mail at 6 p. ra. FOR M1LVILLE. VINSLAND, ETC. 8 a. in., 9 a. in 8 1ft p. in., and 830 p. m., for Bridgeton, Saiem, MUville, and Way Stations, 8-00 a. in. and s m p. uu Woodbury Accommodation, 1145 a. m. Oluvton Accommodation, 6 48 p. Bl. Annual and (Season 'llckets for Cape May, at reduced rates, for sale at the oilice of the Treusu rr. Cnmdi-u. N. J. Coupon Excursion and regular Tickets for rape Msy at ticket odices, foot of MARKET Street, Philadelphia. h-Hs UHtri T 1 reet, i-nnaatu tlila, No. 4'JOOMAIN Street, iteruiautowu, l a. WaL J. SEWtLL, buiieriuteudent. RAILROAD LINES. jpniLADELPHIA AND READING RAILROA JnneB,18TL Depot THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Stress. Untu further notice trains will Leave and Arrive as follows: trains lbatb. Reading and Aiientown Way 730. a, m. Harrlsburg and Pottsville Express, 830 a. m 1'hlladelphia and Pottsville W TrTa. 1930 p. m Harrlsburg and Pottsville Express 30 p. m. pottstown Accommodation 4-30 p. m. Reading and Pottsville Accommodation.. 815 p. m, OH BUNDATB. To Reading 8 00 a. m To Pottsville 8.15 p. m. To Pottstown 6 15 P. M TRAINS ARRIVB. Pottstown Accommodation 845 a. in. Reading and Pottsville Accommodation.. 1020 a. m. Harrlsburg and PottsvUle Express, loo p, ra. Phllalelphia and Pottsville W. Tr n. 4-30 p. m. Harrlsburg and Pottsville Express 618 p.'rn. Harrlsburg, Pottsville, and Aiientown Ac commodation 9io p. m. on suNnAva. From Pottstown 9 15 A. M. From Pottsville 12-H5 a. in. From Reading 715 p.m. 1 he Sunday trains connect with similar trains on the Perklomen and Colebrookdale Railroads. For Dowulnirtown and points on Chester Valley Railroad take 730 a. m., 12 30 aud 4 30 p. ra. For Schwenksvllle and points on Perklomen Rail road take 7-30 a. m.. 12-aii and 4 -so n. m. For Mu I'leasant and points on Colebrookdale Railroad take 7-30 a. m. and 4-30 d. m. PAJlKACCOMMODATIONTRAINS, DAILY BXCKPTSrNDAT, i.cve uepot, i nirteentn and Caliowhiu streets, For W est Manaynnk at 84fi a. m. and 6 30 p. m. Ieave West Manayunk, 610 and 1010 a, in. For Belmont at 8-4B and 11 -no a. m.. anil 2. 4. and 0 -30 P. M. Leave Belmont at 624 and 10-20 a. m.. 1-2-14 noon. 2 -4 ft aud 630 p. m. 8CNDAY8. - - ".wu.u ou, . u i. nuu A cuiisj irnuia . u y ' frn1ielm0Ut' ' l0 11 m- 3 ' 4 80 6'40 ant' 6 '40 P, M. Leave Belmont, 9-25, 1025, 1125 a, m., 125, 8 3-25. 425. 615. 6 IB, and 705 p. m. jixenaDge lickets to and from Belmont are Bold by conductors ol Park train of this Company, and Thirteenth and Fifteenth, Seventeenth and Nine teenth, add Green and Coates stieet cars, good on lines lueiiuuiieu. New York Express for Pittsburg and West. Trains leave New York at a m. ami ft n. m.. passing ReadlDg at 1 65 and 9 B0 p. m. connecting at HarrlBburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central trains for Chicago, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, iiuiuiuure, w luiauiHpon, etc. Sleeping-cars accompany these trains through be tween Jeisey City and Chicago without dimme. Trains for New York leave Harrlsburg at 408 and 810 a. m., and 2 p. ra. Additional train leaves New York for Harrlsburg at 1230 noon. For particulars see Guide Books, which can be ob tained at S. E. corner of Ninth and Chesnut streets, under Continental Hotel, No. bll chesnut street, and at ail stations, without charge. Season, School, Mileage, aud Commutation Tickets at reduced rates, to be had of S. Bradford, Trea surer, io. 221 soutn i'ourtn street, rniiaaeiptua, or J. E. Wooten, Assistant Superintendent, Reading. Street Cars The Thirteenth and Fifteenth, and Race and Vine streets, connecting witn other lines, run close to the depot. liaggage collected ana delivered by uungans Bnirgaire Express. Orders leit at Depot or at No, 2'3 S. Founn street. Through tickets and baggage checks to all princi pal points in OH heglons, Mew York State, Canada, W est, and Northwent, may be obtained at the new Union Ticket Oilice, southeast corner of Niuth aud Chesnut streets, under the Continental Hotel, or at No. 811 Chesnut street. Tickets to principal local points on sale at above otllces. Baggage checked from hotels and residences by the Union Transfer Co. GERMANTOWN AND NORR1STOWN BRANCH. Depot, Ninth and Green. ON AND AK1KR MAY 8. TO GERMANTOWN , 7, 7 15, 7 35, 830, 9 05, 10 11 a. m. ; 12, noon ; 1, 8, 2 30, 315, 8 45,.4'0S, 4 30, B 05, B10, 6 46, C, 6 30, 7, 8, 815, 9, 1015, 11, 1140, 12 30, night. SUNDAY 745, 95 a. ra. ; 12 45, noon; a 15, 4 05. B'40. 7, 845, and 1103 p. m. FROM GERMANTOWN , 6 25, 660, 725, 80S, 810, 8 40, 9, 9 25, 10, 11 06, 1165 a. in. ; 1, I K), 3, 8 30, 3 r 4 45, 6, 6'30, C, 6 10, 6 40, 7 10, 8, 905, 10, 10 30, 112ft p. m. SUNDAY 810, 905 a. m. ; 105, 2 35, 3,6-55, 6, 820, and 10 20 p. m. The 8 0ft and 9 25 a. m. down trains, and 2 30, 3 45, 6 05, and 645 up trains, will not stop on the German town Branch. Passengers taking the 6 60, 725, 10, a m. and 830 and 6-40 p. in. trains from Germantown will make close connections with the trains for New York at lnt rect'oti Station. TO CHESNUT HILL 6, 7, 7 85, 9 05, 10, 12 a. ro., 2 30, 8'4. 605, 8 45. 7, 8, 9, 11, 11 40 p. IU. SUNDAY 7 48, 905 a. m., 12 45 noon, 218, 5 40, 7, 8 4ft, p. m. FROM CHESNUT HIT.L-10, 710, 750, 830, 910, 1060, 1140 a. m., 140, 840, 645, 625, 6 65, 8-50, 1015, lllo p. m. Sunday 7 60, 845 a, m., 1245, noon, 215,540, 8, 10 p. m. I O . CONMHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN-6-05, 730, , aud 1105 a.m 12 05, m., 130, 3,4, 440, 5, B80, 6k5, 6-Pfj, 1020, and 1145 p. in. Sunday 7 -30, 9 a. in., 130, 3, 7 15, and 930 p. ra. FROMNORRISTOWN 8-30,630, 7, 740,8, 8 60, 11 a. ni., 1, 230, 330, 430, 6, 6 15, 8, 10 p. in. Sunday 7, 9 a. in., 115, 6, 7, 980 p. in. TO MANAYUNK 605, 730, 9, 10 05. 1105 a. m. 12 05 noon, 124. 130, 9, 4, 440, 6, 680, 625, 705, 808, 9U6, 1020, U45 p. m. Sunday 70, s, 9, 10 a. m., 1240 noon, 130, 210, 3, 445, 715, 9-3fip. ni. FROM MANAYUNK 6, 66S, 734, 805, 822, 920, 10-45, 1180 a. in., 198, 215, 3, 3 83, 6, 625, 645, 745, 8-80, 9-4.), 1030 p. IU. Sunday 730, 9, 9 30, 1050 Am., 30, 145, 310, 630, s. 7-30. 10 n. m. PLYMOUTH BRANCH. Leave Philadelphia at 7-80, 1118 a. m. aud 8 p. m. Leave Orelaud at 615, 10 a. m.. and 3-30 p. m. Sunday Leave Philadelphia at 9 a. m. and 715 n tn. S inday Leave Orelasd at 6 30 a m. and 63C p. m. Tiie I 0 a m. train from Norristown does not stop at Magees, Potts Landmg, Sprlngtleld or bchurrs' Lane. Ti e 8 a. 111. train from Nonlstown stops at Con. nholiiii'.ken and Manavunk only. The B3u and 7 a. m., aiid 4J0 and 6 15 p. ra. down traitiH, and the 9 a. in. and 4. 6-30, and 6-25 p. ra. up trains ore the onlv trains lhat stop at Sprlngiield. Chester Valley Railroad Leave Philadelphia at 440 p. m. Leave j.)owuingtown at 0-40 a in. Phanlxville Train Leaves Philadelphia at 9 a. ra. and 1-30 p. in. Leaves Phoenix vllie at 12-25 andS-20 p. in. For points on Perklomen Railroad leave Ninth and Green ut 1-80 p. m. Returning, leave Schwenks vllle at 45 p. in., arriving at Ninth and Green at 660 p. ni. Passengers by 130 p. m. train connect at Phoenix ville with train for Potthtown end Reading. Passengers taking the 7, 785, aud 11 a. ra. and 630 and 6-B0 p. in. trains from Ninth and Green streets will make close connection with trains for "Sew Yors at Intersection. The 9-30 a. ra., 18 30, 6, and T p. m. trains from New Yoik stop at luterueotiou. u. a. hii.ul.u-, Ofcuoial Superintendent. p AMI EN AMD ATLANTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER ARK "iNGEMENT. On and alter '1 Hl'RSDAY, June 29, 1S71, trains will leave vims Mrtei t erry as louows: Soei ial Excursion (when encruned) 6 15 A. M Freight (with passenger car) 7J5 A M. Mail 8-00 A. M Fxnress (through in IV hours) 330 P. M. Atlantic Accommodation 415 P. M. On SATURDAYS two extra trains will leave fir Atlantic City. An Express (through in l hours) at 2 P. M., and an Accommodation at 6 P. M, Returning, leave Atlantic City every MONDAY" at 4 30 and 940 A. M. LOCAL TRAINS LEAVE for ITaddonQeld at 9 and 10-15 A. M., and 2, 640, and 11 15 P. M. For Atco and intermediate stations at 10-15 A. M. For Uammonton and intermediate stations at 6 P. M. ON SUNDAY'S. Mall Train leaves Vine Street Ferry at 8 A. M. passengers purchasing tickets at the offices of the compunv, No. 721 CHESNUT 8treet, Northeast cor ner of "SEVENTH aud ARCH Streets, No. 4900 MAIN Street, Germantown, cau have their baggage called for and checked to destination by the Camden and Philadelphia Baggage uxoress. 6 2Htf D. 11. MUNDY, Agent. CLOTHS. OA8SIMERES. ETO. Q L O T H HOUSB. JAMES & H U Q B n TS; 11 North SEIJOni tftreet, him of the Golden Lamb, Aro w receiving a barge and sileuui Hssortrnen of new S!.Vle ni FAJiUY CAHdIti2:tKs Anu stusdard mtks of DOFKlNh, CL'THi ar COATINGS, 18 88 Ctrl AT W110LS3ALB AND RETAIL, ADOTION 8ALE8. THOMAS k SOU 8. AUCTIONEERS NO 189 and 141 & FOURTH Street. Assignees' Sale. Estate of Oeorge W. P-rlghara, Bankrupt. BOOT AND SHOE MATERIALS, BKWLfcG MA CHINE FIXTURES, ETC. On Saturday Morning, Jn'y 1, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 833 Mmket Btreet, second story, the sto-k and fix tures e 99 2t 1Y" SAMUEL C. COOK, NO. 124 SOUTH FRONT S1REET, ABOVE WALNUT. Assignees' Peri-mptory Sale. STOCK, FIXTURES, AND GOOl-WIIL OF A WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE. On Friday Mornlnv, July 7, at 10 o'clock, at No. 41 North Third street, below Arch, will be sold, by order of Assignees, the stock, IlxturcB, and good-will of the above wholesale drng honse, comprising a full and well-selected assortment of fresh Drugs, Chemicals. Giaswnre, etc. . 6 30 fmwth4t THOMAS BIRCH A SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 Ohe NUT Kt.reet: rear entrance No. 1107 Sansom street. BUNTING, 0URBOROW A CO., AUCTION EEt S, Nos. 232 and 234 WAR KET street, comer u pRPk street. Snccessor to Jol-n B. Mvotb v. IY BARRITT CO.. AUCTIONEERS CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. S30 MARKET Street, corner of Bank Btreet. Cash advanced on couslcnments wlthont extra charge. 11 24 n FNRY W. A B. SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEERS No. 1129 CH ESNUT Street (Glrard Row). I JTFINCOTT, SON & CO., AUCTIONEERS , Nos. S21 MARKET and 210 CHURCH Street CONCERT HA.LL AUCTION ROOMS, No, 1818 CHESNUT Street. T. A. MCCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER. Personal attention given to sales of household frjtf" nitnre at dwellings. Pnbiio sales of furniture at the Auction Roorcti No. 1219 Chesnut street, every Monday and That day. For particulars see "Public Ledger." N. B A superior class of furniture at private sale H E N R Y MOLTEN. AUCTIONEER BY HENRY MOLTEN A CO.. Salesroom, Nos. 21 and 23 MERUEK Street, rew 10IK. REGULAR TRADE SALS OF FTTR AND WOOL HATS, LADTFS' AND GENTS' READY-MADE FTTR8L STRAW, FELT, AND VELVET GOODS, Every THURSDAY, during the season. Cash advances made on consignments wlthon additional charges 88 LUMUfcK 1871 SPRUCE JOIST. SPRUC3 JOIST. HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK, 1871 1Q 171 SEASONED CLEAR FINS. -t Q74 1 0 4 1 SEASONED CLEAR PINK. 10 I i CHOICE PATT'ERN PINE. BP ANISE CEDAR, FOR PATTERNS. RED CEDAR. 1871 FIX1KI-DA FLOORING. FLOPIDA FLOORING. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FIXOHING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. 1871 1 Q71 WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. -4 Qn-t lOt 1 WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. 10 4 1 WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. 1 tit '71 UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. 1 QfJ-t f.ljlk UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. 10 1 RED CEDAR. ft . WALNUT AND PINB. W 1871 SEASONED POPLAR. SEASONED CHERRY. 1871 ASH, WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS, HICKORY. iQPTt CIGAR BOX MAKERS' 1QT1 lO I 1 CKiAlt l;OX MAKERS' 10 4 1 SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS, FOR BALE LOW. -ItJTT CAROLINA SCANTLING. IQ'TI lOll CAROLINA H. T. BILLS. 10 I 1 NORWAY SCANTLING. 1871 CEDAR SHINGLES. 1071 CYPRESS SUING LI'S. 10 I 1 MAULE, BROTHER It CO., No. 9S0O SOUTH Street PANTi PLANE. ALL THICKNESSES, COMMON PLANK, AI L THICKNESSES. 1 COMMON BOARDS. 1 and 8 SIDE FENCE BOARDS. WHITE PINE FLOORING POARW3. YELLOW AND SAP PINE FLOORINGS lit fUKl IX SPRUCE JOIST, ALL SIZES. 1JEMLOCK JOIST, ALL BIZL3. PLASTERING LATH A SPECIALTY, Together with a general assortment of Building Lumber for sale low for cash. T. W. SMALTZ, 6306m No, 1718 RIDGE Avenue, north cf Poplar St LUMBERMEN AND CAPITALISTS. ATTEN TION. Two SAW MILLS, com plete establish ments, with 1000 square miles well-timucreqjand in lower St. Lawrence, for sale. Terms easy. CAR 11RAY it ROUTH, Lumber Commission Merchants, Montreal and CJuebec. GKOKGK E. COOK A CO., No. 49 Wall street, New York, where plans can be seen. 6 17 lm ALBANY WALNUT, PINE, POPLAR, CHAIR and Settee Flank, Ash, Bass, Beech, Birch, Cherry, Chestnut, Maple, Whi'e Cedar, Feuclug, Shelving, Flooring, Counter Tons, and Cutting Boards,. E. B. ycC'LUKS' Lutiiier Yard, 6 21 6m No. 834 North WHARVES. HARDWARE, ETO. CUMBERLAND MAILS 84 "75 Per Keg. These Nails are known to be the best In the market All Walls, 110 waste, aud cost no more than other brands. Each keg warranted to contain loo pounds of Nails. Also, a large assortment of One Hinges, Locks, and Knobs. Salid Bronze, suitable for first-class build, ings, at the great Cheap-for-CaiIi Hardware Store 0? J. 11. 8 14 tnthst No. 1009 MARKET Street JAUIES' HUMAN HAIR KJ1POU1UM No. T 8. TENTH Street Eaving opened a new and splendid store for accommodation of the ladies who desire fine HAIR WORK, the best talent that can be procured is em ployed in this line of business, who have had twelvo ye ars' experience in France and Germany, making up all the various designs of HAIR FROM COMB INGS, which some have the presumption to claim aa th lr inventions. 1 he ability of MISS WEEKS in HAIR DRESSING is 1 cknowledeed by ar tikis in the business to stand nntivalled. 41sw26U G. F. WEEKS. HOISTS, OR ELEVATORS FOR ANY LOCATION or weight, operated by Independent Engine, pelts, Crank Ropts, or Pumps. For Contractors, Hotels, Factories, and Stores. The haud machine are operated with the least labor and sold at a low nrice. The balanced and power machines have the nofet Approved Safety Attachments. Hatchways arranged with rolling doors, opened and, closed automatically as platlorm passes. GEORGE C. HOWARD, 6 9 m No. 17 8. EIGHTEENTH Btreet ITevenue STAMPS OF ALL DENOMINA V tious, and lu any quantity, can be had at the principal depot for the sa'e of United States Reve nue Stamp", No. 304 CHESNUT street, and at the branch efflce, Ne. 108 South FIFTH Street one door below C'besnut Revenue stamps printed on tbi'cks, drafts, receipts, etc. Address all orders to Stamp Agency, No. Sm CHEbN UT Street nrNEwTPAPER-FUBL1SIIERS.-APRES 1 man, having had cbuifeof a press-room for many years, on two prominent papers, where there jiuve been Hoe s and Taylor's single and double c)lDders, also Hoe's four, six, and ten-cylinder 1 Yrfcht-H. wltdu s a pttfltioii uu a morning or evening puptr-uot particular as to locution. Reference g.ven'tl lenu'red. Addrcbs FOREMAN, Trthum .i!!ce. n i