The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, June 30, 1871, FIFTH EDITION, Image 2

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From the London Spectator.
The debate, eo far from answering the par
pose of its mover, did indeed praotically re
dound greatly aa well to the credit of the
Ministry and the Torinti Office as to the
credit of the British Commissioner, whose
chief is to be rewarded with a ui.uquisate for
the great service of re-esUblishing cordial
relations with America. Thero were only two
really grave points made against the treaty;
first, Lord Russell's, that we had established
a precedent for submitting our international
aotions to bo dealt with by c.r-post facto law,
of which Germany or any other power might
avail herself whenever she chooses to make
an unreasonable demand upon us; the other,
Lord Carnarvon's, that, in deference to the
supercilious sic volo, eicjubeo of the United
States, we had withdrawn the Canadian claims
against the United States on account of the
Fenian invasion from the purview of the
treaty, and left them still an unadmitted and,
of course, unsettled outstanding claim. In
relation to both these considerations, we re
gard the reply of the Government as ade
quate, and in relation to the first, trium
phant. The consent of the British Government to
let the escape of the Alabama and the other
Confederate cruisers from our ports be judged
by principles of international law which were
not at the time either admitted by ourselves
or laid down in any of the books was, of
course, a very courageous diplomatic act, to
be justified nly by a plea of intrinsic justice,
involving as a natural consequence high na
tional advantage. But, as Lord Granville
(showed, a sound plea may be urged for the
ex post facto principle adopted. AVe had
already, and without any reference to Ame
rican pressure, found it desirable to amend
and strengthen our Foreign Enlistment Act,
and in amending and strengthening it we
freely adopted the very principle by which we
now propose to measure our past conduct in
relation to the Alabama. Brit it is demanded,
Why should.we have made the effect of our
new rule retrospective? Was not that the
mere bribe of English timidity offered to
American overbearingness? Clearly not. We
are now anxious to agree with America, for
our own sakes no less than hers, to abide by
the principle of international law just recog
nized by ourselves in oar munioipal law; we
are anxious that when next England is at war
and America at peace, we should have the
right to claim from America the honest, and
effectual suppression of all privateering at
tacks on onr commerce, and to indulge a con
fident hope that that claim would be attended
to. Bnt, replies Lord Salisbury, as Amerioa
has been contending for this principle, even
when we repudiated it, we should hare the
advantage of it for the future, in spite of our
refusing to be bound by it in the past. That,
we confess, seems to us an utterly ignoble as
well as a rather unsafe argument for stealing
a march on America. Here is a principle
reciprocally useful to two countries, by
which either would benefit greatly when at
war, and by the non-recognition of
which either would lose greatly when
at war is it generous for oither
of them to choose a time for first acknowledg
ing it when all the advantage which it his
steadily refused to its ally begins, under
somewhat anxious circumstances, to look
specially attractive to itself ? If two neigh
bors had discovered a source of malaria close
at their doors which they could find adequate
means by joint action to remove would it
seem fair that after a typhoid fever had run
through one house, causing much misery and
expense, the other, in apprehension of the
same event, should suddenly consent to join
in the sanitary reform, without offering to
defray any part of the cost which his previ
ous refusal has entailed on his neighbor?
Yet that is what Lord Salisbury not only ap
proves, but supports, on the principle that
the last to come into the arrange
ment will reap the whole advan
tage of his neighbor's good prin
ciple, whether he himself agrees to pay
part of the cost caused by his delay or not.
To our mind, if England really thinks, as
she evidently does, that the principle now
adopted is right, and that had we adopted it
sooner we might have saved a good deal of
suffering and loss to America, it is not only
not a weak concession, bnt an act of but little
beyond bare justice, to let it apply to our
conduct in the recent war, as well as to the
future. Do we want to make the Americans
feel that we have outwitted them; or, on the
other hand, that we can compute with them
in generobity as well as in trade or in war?
If the former, the conduct Lord Salisbury
bints as bo advantageous to us would cer
tainly be the best to pursue, bnt then
it would have left us worse friends with
America than ever. If the latter, we had
but the course open which the Commis
sioners have actually pursued, namely, t3
convince America that it is no one-sided ad
vantage we are seeking, that we are looking
for her welfare no less truly than for oar own;
that in adopting the new principle and se
curing its advantages for ourselves in future,
we are willing to take upon ourselves the '
penalty of our dilatory course in not securing
its advantages for American purposes during
the immediate past. But then the injustice
of an ex pout facto punishment ? Well, an
ex post facto punishment inflicted by one set
of people upon another set of people is, no
doubt, very unfair indeed. The sufferers
have had no notice of what they had to ex
pect, and are punished by a law which for
them had no existence. But this has no ap
plication to the case where the ex post facto
penalty is self-intiioted, where it is volunta
rily assumed, in fact, instead of inflicted. It
was the fault of the country, through its G ov
eminent, that we only amended our Foreign
Enlistment law too late for Amerioajtojget the
benefit of the amendment. Where is the in
justice in the willingness of the Government
and the country to bear some of the burden
of their own mistake? It seems to us that
the retrospective bearing given to the
amended law is the most honorable feature in
the treaty. As for the argument that we
might be compelled by onr own precedent to
judge of our export of arms during the
Franco-German war by an ex pott facto Uw
made, at German instance, to condemn it,
Lord Granville's answer is complete, namely,
we do not admit that our law is inadequate
now: we think it quite strong enough, and in
need of no amendment. We ask for no
stroneer law in Germany. Till we are dis
satisfied with our law as it is, there is no
danger that we shall onrselypa condemn our
own principle. Ana wnen we no, it woa'a
be time enough to think of atl'or ling tier
meny reparation. .
As to the exclusion of the Can a linn claims
for the Fenian, invasion of Canada from the
scope of the treaty, it is impossible not to
feel annoyance and mortification. Unques
tionably these claims ought to have been in
cluded and arbitrated on under the machinery
of the treaty, and if any effort were wanting
towards success in getting this included, the
failure was not creditable to our Commission
ers. On the other hand, we know very well
the "political" moves at work to keep the ad
mission of these claims out of the treaty.
We know that the Irish party in the United
States would have raised a great hue and cry
Against any government that admitted them,
Btid we may look upon the United States
Government in this matter very much as we
do upon an Irish employer who has received
notice from the llibbonmen to say that if he
takes a certain person into his employment,
lie will be a dead mnn in a few months'
time. Granted that this was so, and that
our Commissioners could not cure it, or
hope to cure it, would there have
been any sense in breaking off the negotia
tions on this point alone? Is there any real
wisdom in refusing half a loaf because you
cannot get a whole? in failing to recognize
the advantage which a loaf has over no bread?
If there are to bo outstanding subjects of dis
pute, why not make them as few as possible?
On the points agreed upon we have conceded
something, but America has also conceded
something. We are to have a genuine arbi
tration on the San Juan question. We are ta
hear no more of the absurd grievance of our
premature recognition of the belligerent
rights of the South. We are to have no bill
for general damages injuries to trade and
s forth sent in to us, though we may be
liable for the particular devastations of the
Alabama. On the fisheries question we are to
have our concessions valued, and the Domin
ion is to receive the balance in their favor in
cash. Why should we fail to profit by these
concessions, and to cement a real friendship
between the two countries simply because
the American Government has not the courage
to face the hostility of the Irish vote? Is it
nothing to us to regain the feeling of security
as respects our relations with America?
Is it nothing to feel that if the cloud should
again gather and break over Europe, there is
no danger in our rear to withdraw our atten
tion from the danger in front? The House of
Lords knew well that this, far from being of
no importance, is a matter of the first signifi
cance, and that if our Government had really
broken off negotiations on the Fenian ques
tion, the very speakers who now condemn
Lord Granville for pliancy and weakness
would have been the first to condemn him
still more severely for petulance and a total
inability to estimate the true proportions of
affairs. Lord Russell may believe those who
tell him that this treaty has struck a fearful
blow at the power and prestige of England,
if he will; but the House of Lords was quite
keen enough to discern that this is but the petu
lant assertion of a few bitter critics, while
the great mass of sensible men on both sides
of the Atlantio are well aware that both Eng
land and America have gained vastly in free
dom of action and in might by the re-establishment
of friendship and the adoption of a
policy of co-operation.
from the Tall Mall Gazette.
There was a single passage in the speech of
Earl Russell which enables the reader of tho
debate in the House of Lords to see his way
through the contradictory opinions of the
disputant speakers. . "What would be said,"
asks Lord Russell, "if a bill of indiotment
were sent up to the grand jury at Liverpool,
charging a workman with intimidation com
mitted in ISC!) under an act passed in 1871?
The grand jury would at once ignore suoh a
bill, and would hold it contrary to every
principle of justice that a man who had com
mitted some act not at the time penal or
criminal; should be punished under a statute
passed some years subsequently." The vete
ran statesman who suggested this analogy
may very well have conversed with Jeremy
Bentham, and very possibly did so; but he is
clearly under one of the delusions which
Jeremy Bentham made it the business of his
life to espose and denounce. Lord Russell
plainly states his belief that there is a strict
analogy between the laws of nations and
a statute of the English rarlianient.
Bentham would have urged that the compari
son fails in the one point which is the most
important of all. There is no punishment
for the breach of a rule of international law.
There is no power having common authority
to enforce such a rule. There is no court
to ascertain it by judicial declaration, nor,
even if there were, is there any officer
of international justice to execute its de
crees. No practical mischief ordinarily
comes of speaking of the law of nations
as if it were really law, and it is even
possible that the habit of speech on the
subject which long since established
itself may on the whole add to the respect
which international law receives. Bat to
press the analogy so hard as to found on it a
condemnation of the Treaty of Washington
is to blind oneself completely to the source
of the difficulty out of which the Alabama
dispute arose, lhe law of nations is a system
of rules directly enforced by opinion only,
althongh every now and then one of the re
sults ot opinion is the iniliction of very dis
tinct evil on the breaker of the law. Bat
exactly because it depends so closely on
opinion, international law falls into the
greatest uncertainty wherever opinion
changes on a particular point.
Fortunately for mankind, opinion does not
often undergo such change, and on all the
chief branches of conduct which nations have
to follow the rule is clear, and the disappro
bation called forth by a breach of it is per
emptory and prompt. Bat no dispassionate
student of the Alabama controversy will deny
that on the question which provoked it
opinion was in a very exceptional condition
There was scarcely a single civilized St it 9
which had not admitted that it was wrong in
a neutral to allow ships of war to be equipped
in his ports and despatched from them.
Foreign enlistment acts, as these are called,
had been passed everywhere. What, how
ever, civilized States had not universally al
lowed was that the neutral could be called
to account for the neglect to enforce
a dome6tio statute by the belligerent
who had suffered by its non-observance,
Each State bad deferred to a particular
opinion of its own citizens, but all
had not made up their mind to defer to the
same opinion in so far as it was entertained
by the people of other countries. Sj delicate
a distinction could not have been long main
tained; and international law on the subject
of the equipment of armed ships of war had
in fact just got into the condition in whioh.
if it hid been true municipal law, it would
nave been on the eve of being changed by
the Legislature. There is not, however, any
true legislature for tne oommunity of nations;
and one of the consequences of this is that
nations deal with changes of opinion in 111
ternational matters jntt as men djal with
cLanges of opinion ua rules of private mo
rality. They never, or hardly ever, admit
thr t opinion has changed at all They assart
that the new rule was always the rule, No
body who Las even superficially followed the
history of international law ought to be snr- 1
prised that at the very same moment the rule
applicable to tne Alabama case was honestly
believed in tne united htates to be one and
in this country to be another. The truth was,
as we put it on a former occasion, that opinion
had altered unequally in America and Eng
land. I be expression and reileotion of this
fact we find in the sixth article of the Treaty
of Washington, providing that two new rules
shell be added to the body of international
law, end that they shall be applied retro
spectively to the Alabnma case.
Loose and vague impressions of the true
character of the law of nations are, wo think,
at the bottom of two other objections to tho
treaty, which seem to be by some deemed
formidable. It is said that we have put our
selves out cf court if RDy diplomatist should
repeat the demands of Count Bernstorlf in
some future war. But, as we have before
pointed out, Count Berustorff by his appeal
to tbe supposed exceptional friendliness of
this country to one belligerent impliedly ad
mitted that there had been no chango of
opinion among nations on tbe ordinary r;ilos
concerning contraband of war. There was
nothing whatever in the alleged German griev
ance which gave it the proportions whicti the
American remonstrances acquired through
the virtual universality of Foreign
Enlistment acts. The cotnplaiut,
too, that the question of inter
national law was not referred to arbitration,
as well tis that of fact, seems inconsistent
with any clear appreciation of the nature of
the international system. There is no real
resemblance between a tine court of justice
end an artificial tribunal such as the authors
of this suggestion propose. It may serve, as
eny other body of men would serve, for the
decision of disputes of fact, but every real
judicial tribunal has confided to it a portion
of legislative power without which hardly
any question of law could be brought to a
decision. No such delegation of legislative
authority can take place in the case of na
tions. England or the United States might
possibly submit for the moment to the award
of Arbitrators chosen by themselves, bat for
international purposes it would be useless.
From the Lond n Saturday lieview.
Lord Salisbury took no Haltering view of
English diplomacy when he declared, not
without a certain amount of truth, that many
politicians are disposed to treat tho Ameri
cans on all occasions as spoilt children. Un
fortunately it is impossible to give to the
conduct of the Government an interpreta
tion even moderately lettering to national
vanity. Parents and friends spoil children
through culpable indulgence; but men yield
to overbearing stiength only through fear.
It is true that the deferential flatterers of the
people of the United States habitually attri
bute to the objects of their adulation an utter
want of moral principle, and an unscrupulous
determination to have their own way in all
things; but their estimate of American cha
racter, if not morally elevated, always assumes
the expediency of yielding to any demand
which may be preferred on behalf of the
United States. Nothing has been gained by
the treaty except temporary relief from the
supposed danger of an unprovoked invasion
of Canada. Earl de Grey and the Duke of
Argyll can scarcely have been serious in their
contention that the establishment of the new
rules of international law is a benefit , rather
to England, which is to be fined for breaking
them, than to Amerioa, which has obtained
satisfaction in full for all her demands. Tf the
rules are equitable and beneficial, both parties
are equally interested in enacting them for the
future; and the American Government obtain
an unqualified advantage by making them re
trospectively applicable to the events of tho
civil war. The Fenian claims are abandoned;
the fisheries are given up without a renewal
of the Reciprocity treaty; and an apology is
made for acts which every previous English
Government has systematically defended as
lawful. It would perhaps have been in better
taste to have selected some other occasion for
the announced elevation of Lord de Grey by
a step in the peerage. If there were mar
quises in the United States Mr. Hamilton
Fish would have a better claim to titular pro
It is probably truo that the Government
and the commissioners have secured the con
sideration for whioh they have conceded
everything which their predecessors had re
fused. It is due to jthe more reputable seo-
tion of American politicians to admit that
they have thus far displayed a certain magna
nimity in the celebration of their decisive
diplomatic victory. It has for the present
become an accepted commonplace that the
settlement embodied in the treaty is con
sistent with the honor and self-respect of two
great powers. Some of the commissioners
themselves have used similar language on
public and festive occasions; and they are
entitled to gratitude for abstaining from all
offensive boasts. Their own practice entirely
contradicted their polite phrases; for having
the honor and self-respect of their own
country in some degree in their charge, they
Held that they best discharged their trust
by steadily refusing every concession, largo
or email, to their English colleagues. It
appears that it is for the honor of
England to purchase peace and precarious
goodwill at any price which may be de
manded. The honor of the United States,
on the other hand, is consulted by the oppo
site policy of declining to acknowledge lia
bility even for connivance at the piratical
Fenian expeditions. If any future causes of
dissension arise, and even if the arbitrators
should deliver any decisions which are favor
able to England, Amerioan exigency will be
rendered more stringent by the memory of
its past suecess. The moderation of the tri
uniphant party will be tested if the Canadian
Parliament rejects the part of ttie treaty
which relates to the fisheries. In this, as in
all other instances, the commissioners gave,
not gold for brass, but valuable property
without return; yet Lord Carnarvon and
Lord Aimberly give the Canadians sound ad-
vwe in urging them to submit to the treaty.
The admission of their produce into the United
States, for which they have always been willing
to exchange participation in their fisheries, will
almost certainly be conceded in a short time,
not for the benefit of the Canadians, but in
the obvious interest of the Americans them
selves. It might have been more gratifying
to have obtained free trade in return for the
surrender of the fisheries; but, on the other
hand, a sound commercial system is likely to
be most permanent when it is deliberately
established on its own merits. Of the de
merits of the rest of the treaty enough has
perhaps now been said. Those who object to
a timid and subservient diplomacy are not less
devoted to tbe cause of peace than the most
nervous of negotiators. As tne treaty is con
eluded, no furtber advantage can be gained by
dilating on its flagrant and numerous faults
Lord liusHell's protest will perhaps be ser
vicehble when some new international quea
tiuii requires settlement, and it is well that
on grave occasions the truth should be told
once for all, but not that it should be re
peatedly dinned into uu willing eri.
From the If. T. Tribvne. ! .
Tbe biennial Stcngerfest of the German
musical societies, which is now drawing to a
close, must be accepted, we suppose, as a
highly successful celebration, though the
weather Las somewhat marred the brilliancy
of the street parades, and tbe conoerts have
not been all that fancy painted them. At the
contest for prizes, which in name at least was
tho chief object of the gathering, there was
little really good singing, Bud at the enter
tainments in the Rink, though the combined
choruses did some excellent work, there were
blemishes that could not escape notice.
Bring together sixty or seventy societies
from distant cities, give them a weary
journey by rail, fill their days and nights
with processions, pic-nics, Rhine wine, and
beer, rob them of .sleep, aud then set them
to singing, and you certainly will not get
the best they can do. There are limits
to tho physical endurance even of a Ger
man Sfficgerbrnder. The shortcomings of the
festival, therefore, Miould not be too closely
criticized. When high art is combined with
popular merrymaking, high art must inevita
bly suiier. we look rather at the motive
which lies at the bottom of the feast, and we
cannot help admitting that upon the whole it
has done its good part, and deserves an
honorable remembrance. It is art after all
that brings these jolly travellers together.
They have plodded along for two years, doing
the hard work that true culture always de
mands, and when tbey rneot for a test of
their achievements, we certainly shall not
complain if song and good-fellowship are
celebrated together. We should not have
the song at all if tbe junketing did not go
with it. The modern contest of tbe Minne
singers presupposes a beer-garden and a
Jones' Wood.
Popular festivals like this are among the
pleasant characteristics of German life which
Americans have long been urged to imitate,
and this year the imitation has begun. For
the first time, our native-born citizens have
taken part in a S.Tngerfest. The extraordi
nary success of a Washington society, led by
an American musician and composed of
singers who with one or two exceptions are
Americans not only by birth but by parentage,
has been a notable incident of the week, and
a surprise to almost everybody. It has not
escaped attention, moreover, that the Ameri
cans excelled most of their competitors in
quality of voice quite as much as in excel
lence of culture. It is well known that there
are no sweeter and purer voices in the world
than the best American sopranos,
and we are now learning that
there is nothing richer aud more
grateful to the ear than a good American male
chorus. Within a few years the art of male
part-singing has made remarkable progress in
Xsew Yoik and other . cities, and excellent
clubs of young gentlemen devote themselves to
it in a quiet way, rarely coming before the
public, bnt expending their sweetness on the
ears of their personal acquaintances. Whether
this growing practice will expand to the
dimensions of the German festivals, or Ame
rican societies as a rule ever join cordially
with the characteristic celebrations of their
Teutonio brethren, seems t J us very doubt
ful. Perhaps neither event would be alto
gether for the benefit of art. Our taste
in singing inclines ' deoidedly towards
mixed choruses. There is no ques
tion that when men and women sing together
we have a higher class of music, and a more
delicate, rehned, and truly cultivated execu
tion of it than when men sing alone. We
should be sorry to see the growth of mixed
choruses checked by too strong a develop
ment of the Sicngerbnnd theory, which at
least in its present form is only adapted to
the usages of male societies. Let ns share a
little in the German contests, aud imitate, if
we can, the German readiness for simple,
harmless, and cordial enjoyment; but whon
we have learned by this what capacity for
musical eminence we really possess, we may
as well hold our great celebrations in our own
way. The German is satisfied if his festival
be merry; the American demands first that it
shall be big. But the difference is not only
bere. With the Germans, merriment in the
audience and' extraneous amusements to fill
out the day will compensate for a weak chorus
and a slovenly orchestra. Americans care
little for the side shows, but sit soberly
through tbe chief entertainment, and that
must be the grandest of its kind. Mr. Gil-
more knew what he wanted when he added to
popular airs the booming of a battery, the
clangor of bells, the ring of a hundred anvils,
and the glare of a hundred red shirts. If he
had brought ten thousand men together, de
moralized them with parades and banquets,
got them to sing indifferently well, and then
filled up his Jubilee with excursions, ice
cream, and sherry-cobblers, he would have
failed But half bis singers were ladies, and
that made all the difference in the world. It
kept the chorus in condition. It diffused
through the Coliseum air of gen
tility which the average American so dearly
loves. it gratified our national fond
ness for tbe female voice. It gave us mush
better singing than we cculd possibly have
got from men alone. And when to all this
was added that grotesque element of gigantic
slam-bang, Lis audience felt .that their cup of
happiness was full. The American ideal of a
festival was realized. A critical musician
looks upon such jubilees with little relish; yet
even a critical musician must confess that, so
far as the development of taste and the crea
tion of art-enthusiasm are concerned, they
are bitter adapted to the charaoter of our
people than German Samgerfesis. The Jubilee
of really did a great deal for popular
music; and the Jubilee of 1872, which is to
bring together either in Boston or New York
the bands of all nations and a chorus that for
bigness has never been equalled, we dare say
ill do a great deal more, even though it
should be very far removed from the region
01 mgn an ltsen.
Prom the A. Y. World.
The engineers of the New Jersey lease are
becoming very desperate. They are resorting
to means which, if there be such an offense
known to the Pennsylvania code as "con
spiracy,"and such a thing aa an uub ought
grand jury, may bring them within the pur
iew of the law. For example, we learn that
the Philadelphia Board of Brokers being, of
conree, like everything else in that com
munity, the property of the Pennsylvania
monopoly have resolved that hereafter no
stook of either of the united companies shall
be dealt in or "considered a good delivery"
"unless it has been subscribed as assenting
to the lease. in other words, these pnvi
leged stock dealers refuse to perform the
functions for vrhicu tney are licensed, and
inf-itt upon the enforcement of a condition
entirely alien to the contract of purchase aiid
sale. No stock can be sold unless the holder
siena for the lease. Of course he. being
about to divest himself of Lis interest, does
not care a farthing what beoomes of the cor
poration afterwards, and the purchaser, the
putty of substantial interest, has no volition
about it. In order to clinch the matter the
tranbfer books are closed from the -?th in
slant to the 8th of July, by order of a
chairman of some committee, and all assent
to the lease are to be on the stock aa held at
tbe time the books are closed. This is duresf
with a vengeance. No one can sell through a
broker without signing, and if be sells without
a broker's agency he must sign before he can
make a transfer of his stock. A greater out
rage can hardly be imagined. A New York
broker's board will not se prostitute itself,
end no New York corporation, however un
scrupulous, would put suoh conditions and
restraints on the legitimate dealings in its
Nor is this all. We have referred to the
judicial redress which some partios inte
rested are Beeking in New Jersey. The Pub
lic Ledger, of Philadelphia, one of the lease
mongering organs, on this head says, and we
regret to see the Newark Daily Advcrtixcr
adopt the suggestion:
'Even If the court should irrant the lnlunctton.
which Is problematical, it is altogether probable that
the next Legislature will perfect any. defect that
maybe necissary to carry out Its own law, drawn
up, us we nave ueen iniormed. by Jticifre nranev,
and drawn up and pussed too, as it said, for the very
pm pope of effecting the proposed lease." -
Unfavorable as is the judgment we have
been compelled to form of Mr. Justice Brad
ley, we have never so far disparaged him as
thus do his professing friends. If the statute
which he drew had reference to this lease
why did be not say so? There is a form of
words familiar to every Newark oonveyaucer
which would bave attained this end, and yet
this was studiously avoided and a phraseology
used not unlike that as to the building of the
old Capitol at Albany to which Governor
Hoffman alluded the other day, or Mr. Thad
dens Stevens' charter of the Bank of the
United States (alsit omen), under the title of
An act to repeal the State taxes and for
other purposes." Judge Bradley's aot reads
"He it enacted, etc.. That It shall and may be law
ful lor the said l imed Companies, by and with tbe
consent of two-thirds In Interest of the stockholders
of each, expiessed tn writing and duly mi then' I
cattd by affidavit, and illed In tho oincc of the
hecntary of State, to consolidate their respective
capital stock, or to consolidate with any other rail
road or canal company or companies, lu this State
or othrwlse, with which they are or uiiy be ldcn'i
lied In Intereht, or whose works shall form, with
their own, continuous or connected lines, or to
make such other arrangements for connections or
coDinildatlnn of business with any such companies,
nv apreemc nr, contract, lease, or otnerwme, as to
the directors of the said United Companies may
seem expedient, etc."
Now if in 1870 Mr. Bradley meant what is
imputed to him this very lease to this very
company why, we repeat, did he not say so,
instead of wrapping up his meaning in this
mass of clumsy verbiage ? If, having this in
view, be purposely devised a mysterious form
of phrase in order to mislead the Legislature
and sacrifice the companies to which he was
bound by so many ties of gratitude, then we
do not hesitate to say with emphasis that he
is worthy to be a colleague of the other cor
poration solicitor who thinks Congressional
legal-tenders constitutional. The whole thing
is simply scandalous, and being so brazen
shows the desperate straits, the lawless pas
sion to be gratified at any cost, of the Sir
Mulberry Hawk of Pennsylvania.
New Jersey, after all, is most interested.
Philadelphia is, we are glad to see, start
ing in her sleep. The Bpcctro of llar
simus Cove shakes its warning finger
across the Delaware. The city fathers
begin to see that they subscribed millions to
build up Jersey City, and one of their own
newspapers says with bitter mockery:
"The action of our City Ooumlls in this matter on
Thursday last looks very much like locklDg the door
after the horse is stolen. The managers or the
Pennsylvania Railroad company nave concluded
their part of the contract, and tbe oillcers are di
rected to exeeute the papers aa prepared, behind
w hi?h it does not seem to as very clear how the city
directors in tne company can go."
ill Property and Farm, over 70 acres, Aston aud
Mitfdletown townships, Welaware county, Pennsyl-
vauin, 17 aiiies trow Philadelphia, near uien Kiddie
station, on tne est Chester anu rnutaeipma uii
road. A valuable mill and farm pronertv, contain
lug over TO acres, situate In Aston and Mlddletowu
townships, Delaware county, Pennsylvania. Tho
Improvements consist of a three-story stone weaving
and spinning null, tnrce-etjry picker-nouse, water
power (10 feet tieud and full), well-built dam, wuter
wheel, tixed macninery, suarting, etc. Also, tne
standing walls of a three-story stone mill, interior
destroyed by lire; walls very large aad strong;
picker-house, slate roof, water-power 10 feet head
of ail, and over 30 stone and several frame dwellings
for operatives; farm-house, barn, snnng-noiise, etc.
The property la within 17 ral'es of Philadelphia, with
BTEAM ENOINrf. Also, a Corliss engine, 100
norse-pewer. witn noiiers, etc , complete.
M. TdOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers,
6 !8wtbs3t Nos 13 and 141 S. FOURTH Street.
1: t Auctioneers. On Tuesday, July 11, 1S71, at 13
o clock noon, win be sold at public sale, without ro
serve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following
aeS'Tinea prounu rents, viz. :
No. 1. Well-secured Irredeemable ground rent,
co a vcar. silver. Alt that well-secured Irredeema
ble ground rent of U) a year, clear of taxes, Issuing
out or uu mat 101 or grounn, situate on tne norm
side of St. JoBeph street, 81 feet west of Seventeenth
street. No. 1711 : containing In front on St. Joseph
street IS feet, aud extending in depth C7 feet to a 3-
K et wide alley, it is secured ny a tnree-story uric
dwelling, inierest punctually paid.
No. 8 Y ell-secured Irredeemable Ground Rent.
t'JS 25-100 a year silver. All thut well-secured, lrre
U emable ground rent, clear of taxes, Issuing out of
ad thiit lot of ground, situate on the south fide of
lilrard avenue, 129 feet 9 Inches west of Howard
street; thence corthward 4a feet, more or less;
thence southward a feet; thence westward 14 feet
lo; inches; thence northward 45 feet, more or less,
to Girard avenue: thence eastward 14 feet low;
Inches to the place of teglnnlug. It la secured by a
thi ee-Mory brick dwelling, interest punctually paid.
Sale abEOlute.
M. THOMAS A SONS. Ancttoneers,
S9 Jl 9 i Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street.
-Valuable Ruslness Stand Three-story Brick
liuilding, No. 627 North Fourth street, known as the
"Lafayette nose House," witn iosr uweuiugs in tue
rear. On Tuesday, July 11, 1871, at 12 o'clock. non,
will be gold at public sale, at the rnuadeipnu ex
change, all that valuable three story Wrick building,
I k. . . . . . il .in. V . 1 . . . 1' Vidlt.ltnfv mi1 tt r t-1 11 rwl
V 1 L 11 I'UlT'Dll'l J iui-iv uuiiiiuiK nun in, I Mil U" I
Fltuote on the east Fide of Fourth street, north of
I'.rown street, No. 827; containing In front on Fourth
btrett 20 feet, and extending tn depth 141 feet 6
inches to Charlotte street 8 fronts. Also, a two
story brii'k dwelling and 3 frame dwellings In the
rear, uernis casn. ciear 01 uu lucumurauce.
Immediate possession.
M. '1 HUM AS A SONS, AncMonner3,
6 S9 31 8 Nob. 139 and 141 S. FOLP.TU Street.
Business Stand. Three-story Urlck Store and
Dwelling, S. K. corner of Somerset aud Ooral streets,
Nineteenth ward. 100 feet front On Tuesday, July
11,1871, at 13 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public
sale, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, all that three
Dtory brick store aud dwelling and lot of ground,
situate at the southeasterly corner of Somerset and
Corul streets, Nineteenth ward ; containing lu front
on Coral street li0 feet 11 i Inches, and on Somerset
street 72 fe t. The house la new, surrounded with
a high board fence, and has the modern conve
niences. Immediate possession. May be examined.
Terms $3ix 0 may remain on mortgage.
M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneer.
A 29 J 1 8 Nos. 139 aud 141 8. FOURTH Street.
:: Three-story Brlik Dwelling. No. 2309 Eilu
v. 01 Ih street. On Tuesday, July 11, lt;i, at l'i
o'clock, noon, will be sold at publlo sale, at the
i'liiludelpliia Exchange, all tliht thrtte-sLory brick
dwrlling and lot of ground, situ me ou the north
side of Fllswoith street, 12Sfeet wtslof Twenty-third
Street, No. 23ua; contalnlrg In fronton Ellsworth
street 16 feet, and extending In depth eo feet. The
b use contains 6 rooms, Is neatly papered through
out. Subject to a yearly ground rent of la. Imm
elate pcbttssiou.
JM. THOMAS A SONS. An. t1f ners,
29 J 1 8 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOl'lU'U birceU
idoett Btnri
.A. fc? CAviri g- " ItXcLcliino
Until you have examined
Complete Sewing LTachino,
Combining (the making of BUTTO? HOLES, OVEU
8KAM1NM, eta, with every other kind of Sewing
that can le done on any other Sewing Machine; the
price of which la only $tB, with a complete outtlt: j
If Jirad the following recommendationa:
have had one of tfce American Combination Ma
chines for nearly three years, and cheerrally testify
to Its many excellent qualities, as well as its dura
bility. I had previously nsed the "Wheeler A Vt II
bob," 'Orover fc Baker," and "Singer " I think that
the "American" makes the most perfect stitch of
all sewing machines, and decidedly prefer It to any
other machine that ! am familiar with. It requires
hardly any effort to run It, and its entire operation
is exceedingly simple and easy,
, Dressmaker, No. l'i Kroas' ltow,
Tliusville, Fa.
It Is the best In the market for all or anvkind of
work. It Is so simple in Its construction that a child
may readily guide it. My family would not be with
out it under any circumstances.
J. H. 15 HO OM ALL, Ercildoun, Chester Co., ra.
Bcrmngton, New Jersey, Juno 14. 1871.
Dear Sm : I bought ono ol the American Button-
hole Oversenmlng and Complete Sewing Machines,
about four weeks aco, for tho purpose of maktmr
buttonholes In lasting and kid shoes. After having
the machine one week, and having but onr lesson
on ran sajik, I was eiiHbled to make coo holes por
iay. 1 am now gaiter iour weesB' practice) making
tuo nous per nay, in a superior manner and with per-
lect ease. Am very much pleased with the machine,
and can heartily recommend It to all those wanting
a macnine ior sucn purpose?.
SALLl JfJbNimUltli
Wount Lebanon, AHechcny co., Pa.
I have lately become the possessor of one of the
new and wonderful American Family Hewing Ma-
chlncp, aud I feel nurpriMrd and delighted with Its
truiy overtciieimitvi performances. 11 only requires
to be known to supersede all others now lu use. No
one need delay purchasing, for I am convinced that
thin Maithitu has arrived to a verv gre-U degree of
perfection. J. B. Wl LSON, M. D.
Messrs. Hall A Roslev. Gents: The American
Machine which I boncht of you last sorlntr trlves me
the highest satisfaction. I have received hardly any
Instruction, yet can do all kinds of sewing on It with
perfect ease. The best thing I can wish for any
housekeeper la that she may have as perfect a Sew
ing Machine ns the American.
lourstraiy, miuj. 1. m. juks,
Nellltown, Forest co.. Pa.
Call and examine this wonderful Sewl ik Machine
at the
4 22 tuths3m No. 1318 CIIttSNOT Street.
The subscriber begs to call the attention ot
dealers, connoisseurs, and consumers generally to
his splendid stock of foreign goods now on hand, of
his own Importation, as well, also, to bis extensive
assortment of Domestic Wines, Ales, etc, among
which may be enumerated:
coo cases of Clarets, high and low grades, care
fully selected from best foreign stocks.
100 casks of Sherry Wine, extra quality of finest
100 cases of Sherry Wine, extra quality of finest
20 casks of Sherry Wine, best quality of medium
SC barrels Scnppcrnong Wine of best quality.
60 casus Catawba W ine " "
10 barrels " " medium grade.
Together with a full supply of Brandies, Whiskies,
Scotch and English Ales, Brown Stout, etc., etc.,
which he Is prepared to furnish to the trade and con
sumers generally la quantities that may be re
quired, and on tho meat liberal terms.
6 Btf No. 220 PEAR Street,
Below Third and Walnut and above Dock street.
So. 126 Waiant and 21 Granite Sti.,
Erandiei. Wines, Gin, Olive Oil, Etc.,
and FOUNDERS, having for many years been In
accessfdl operation, ani been excmslvuly engaged
In building aud rcpalrlug Marine and F.lvcr Engines,
high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks,
Propellers, etc. etc., respoctfuily offer their servloes
to the public as being fully prepared to contract for
engines of all slzesa, Marino, River, and Stationary;
having sets of patterns of dltfeiont sizes, are pre
pared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every
description of pattern-making made at tne shortest
notice. High and Low Pressure Fine Tabular and
Cylinder Boilers of the best Pennsylvania Charcoal
Iron. Forglngs of all size and kinds. Iron and
Brass Castings of ail doacrlptloHS. Roll Tnrntng,
ecrew Cutting, and all other work conneotua
wit h the above business.
Drawings and spsdUcatlons for all work dono
the establishment free of charge, and work gaa
ran teed. ,
The subscribers have ample wnarf dock-room fot
repairs of boats, where they can lie In perfect
safety, and are provided wUh shears, blocks, falls,
etc. etc, lor raising heavy or lignt weights.
BEACH and PALMER Streota.
Manufacture Plain and Galvanized
and Sundries for Una and Steam Fitters, Plumbers
Machinists, Railing Makers, Oil Eeilnera, etc.
We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families
at their country residences witn EVERY DESCRIP
Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Sta.
Blank Book Manufacturer, Sta
tioner and Printer,
No. 127 S. THIRD Street,
Opposite Girard Bank.
k 22 eod
Francis 13. PastoriuK,
Patents procured for Inventions. 168
PliODUCJs CUmsiiDOiun J r naaaiM,
ALiniwitn a. cattsi pjih Cawii
cumbers and brands. Tent, Awning, Trunk
and Wajron-oover Duck. Also, Paper Manufao.
turcrs' Drier Feita, from tiiirty to seventy-sU
taes, Panllna, W.--
HA, Is CHU1U :H fctrnat font trwt
mid casy-Ii'.ung DKKaS HATS (patented), In all
tie improved fttshions of the neasouu CH-3NLT
bucet, bt-it door to tne Post Offlca. rpS