(GrJnL H H AlLA A VOL. XV. NO. 154. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1871. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. 7 MYMNINQ FIRST EDITION The Arctic Expedition. Sailing of the Polaris. General Trochu and the Assembly. Inside History of the War Tho Groat German Pageant. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc. OFF FOB TIIE NORTH POLE. Departure of the Polaris The Farewell directing. The steamer Polaris left the Brooklyn Navy Yard about 7 o'clock last evening. She will proceed direct to St. John's, Newfoundland, and thence to Drisco, a Danish settlement on the coast of Labrador, whence she will sail to her wintering ground, wherever that may be found. The last stores and Instruments were placed on board early 3'esterday. Orders had been received from Washington for the expedi tion to sail at 6 A. M., but it was deemed inexpedient to leave before evening, and considerable additional delay was also caused by the diiliculty of finding a pilot. ' About 1320 the Government tug Rocket f teamed into the Wallabout channel and took a line from the Polaris. Tho leave-takings were hastily concluded between the sailors ami their wives and friends; the hawser was cast off from the pier, and the Polaris swung slowly out into the stream in tow of the propeller. She was then conducted to the buoy at the entrance of the Navy Yard, near the receiving ship Vermont, where Captain Chandler, In the Kocket, took formal leave, find was thrice saluted by the dip ping of the colors at the peak of the Polaris. At 1 o'clock, Captain Chandler went aboard aguin in a small boat, and the Po laris, caning Ioobo from the buoy, proceeded np the East river, to settle her cargo and to test her engines. Constructor Delano, who was standing -n tho bulkhead as the vessel steamed up the river, remarked that she was "in every reepect a very seaworthy boat." The trip as far as the lower end of Blackwell's Island was soon accomplished. The oflicors expressed unquali fied satisfaction with the working ot the tteerlug apparatus and the engines, and the vessel returned at 4 to her anchor age oil the buoy. She was saluted by numerous propellers, and, on passing the ferry-boats, crowds gathered along tho guards to get a last look at the Arctic voyagers. Small boats plied between the shore and tho Polaris, conveying email packages of presents from anxious friends to those on board. Captain Hall was busy to the last moment superintending the drawing up of the ship a boats and the stowing away of everything movable. The vio.Mng boats had all taken their depar ture, the business of the Navy Yard had ended lor the day, and the long lines of workmen had left their shops, when the Polaris raised her anchor, and in the quiet of the early evening he aded up the Eat river for Hell Gate, tho sun set gun at the ordnance dock booming- a soli tary farewell. The pilot honed to pass the gate before dark, and intended to accompany the Polaris as far as Block Island. Captain Hall has expressed bis desire from the beginning to delay the departure until the 1st of July, aud it Is iuraored that he intends to stop nt New Lon don, Conn., and spend some time there before his final departure. I ribune to-aay. SECOND SrEECII OF GEN. TROCHU. Operations of October and November He Accuses Bismarck of Instigating Iiisur- rectlon. Yesterday we' gave the text of General Trochu's speech in the French National Assem bly on the 13th Inst. The following is a sum mary of his speech on the 14th lust.: General Trochu said the plan which had been con ceived consisted In the army loretng Its way out of Paris by chatou and establishing the centre of ope. rations at houen. This idea was due to General Ducrot. lie telegraphed to M. Uatnbetta on trie 16th of October, saying, "Modern armies cannot be Improvised, our troops cannot attack trie enemy in the open Held, we must defend open towns such us Cnateaudun." General Trochu declared that he never summoned the Army of the Loire to the aid of Paris, for bo did not believe it sufficiently pre pared. There also existed a plan for revlctualllug Purls by mcaus of a flotilla making its way irom lioneu. General Trochu says that unfortunately M. Gdinnetta never took bis plan iuto account. General Trochu tele graphed to M. Oambetta on the lutb of November ill at, he should make his appearance In the direction previously concerted between trie 15 tn uud I8tii. M he victory at Couirnlers. caused the plana to be changed. General Trochu then told the Assembly his opinion of M. Gambetta. lie paid a tribute to his ardent patriotism, bat reproached him with hav ing subordinated the Interests of the country to tae Interests of a party, aud said: "M. Oambetta la bored uuiler the fatal delusion that mere crowds of men could light standing armies. This was not true even under the repuDlie; at the present time the arms of a people cannot struggle against the arsenal of a nation. Alter the victory of (Joulmiers public opinion demanded tha; a sortie should be made with Hie object of effecting a junction with the Army or the Loire. M. oambetta addressed an appeal to me with this object; it was sheer mad- Dens, nut under me circumstances compliance wis deemed necessary, and tins caused us to renounce the idea of a sortie toward Itoueu, which was on the point of execution, and to transfer all our eilona against the enemy's guns la the direMon of tlie Marne." General Trochu rendered homage to General Ducrot's bravery, his allusion thereto being received wiia uiucn tppiause by the Assembly. Be recalled the memory of the generals killed In the lighting from November 30 to December 8, and paid a tribute to the ell'orts of Uenerais Chauzy, Faiduerbe, and Bourbakl, who did all that humanly possible with the improvised armies at their diknobal. General Trochu expressed regret that the enemy never met htrn other wis a than with artillery; be believed that if he could have come In contact with the German Infantry the latter would have been deit-ated. it was with the object of Jorcing the Prussians to bring forward their iufantry that he attempted the battle of the 21st of December, but the enemy persisted in fii?htm with artillery only, and the excessive cold caused the operations to oe stoppeu. General Trochu declared that, contrarv to the usages of civilized countries, the Prussians com menced bombarding raria wituout tprevious notice, and directed their Ore chiefly agilnst hospitals and asylums, lie stigmatized this bombardment la severe terms, and said that the Inhabitant were, moreover, threatened with famine, adding that the cl if tress was leu less oy ine wonting population than by the middle eiasses during tne siege. Being anxious to make a last effort, he again gave battle on the ltith of January, lie spoke highly of the courage eviucsa on this occasion by the National Guards, but the disorder which reigned among thern was a source of grew danger, ana uenerai Trocnu saia ne Deneveu fiut one-half of the French soldiers killed aud wounded on the loth of Jaumuy owed the r fate to the ure of the National Guards. Tins was why he hesitated si long before deciding upon using them Into the field. The General then explained why he tinal'y resigned his post. Other members of the Ooverumeut had sooirht to appoint another milltarr commauder. aud the Mayors of 1 arts had ca led upon him to give lu bis resignation, bis position had becomn untenable, but he was determined not to re"lgn, believing that to do so would be an act of cowardice, lie ouly retired wleu removed by the Government. lie dwelt upon the difficulties wbirh beset a govern ment in Paris when ngtit lacks the sanction of lone, lie held the Germans lu check for four combs and a half, but be had to struggle without aruiS against an armed demagogtstn, and succeeded In avoiding a coutllct which Prince Bismarck was instigating. He said that the second siege of Pari explained and Justified the conduct or the French Government during the first. He then proceeded to give particulars of the formation of the National Guarci, nmong which, figured S5,0r0 released oon vlo' a and 6000 ultra-revolutionists. Bad passions were therefore in the minority, but the absence of disci pline, tne neglect of work, and the prevalence of drunkenness brought about widespread demoraliza tion. The National Ouards were subsequently ren dered Tain T the extravagant praises showered upon them. "Von have seen." he said, "the 'kepi' of Victor Hiiro which symbolized thU state of things." Replying to an Interruption from M. Louis Blanc, General Trochn said : "During the siege M Loots Mario placed the Governor of Paris in as dlill cult a position as a prisoner at the bar. " GERMANY'S TAGEA.NT. Details of the Great Historical Krent In Berlin The Makers of History In TJne The Most Significant Scene of Modern Times. Berlin (June 18) Cor. London Daily Keu. It was not until nearly 1 o'clock that the loud bicker of drnms and clashing of brass bands, mingled with the roar of cheering, told those la the vicinity of the Brandenburg Gate that the head of the procession must be in the Potsdamer place. The cheering comes nearer and nearer, and there are the white plumes and white coat of gallant old Wrangel, who, having coutributed to earlier triumphs, is now leading one which only old age forbade him to help to earn. Alone the old man rides, and the people willingly give their lungs a breather in cheering him. He has his stall behind, in the shape of generals like himself superannuated from active work, and those who from whatever cause were not in tho war. Then follow THE FIGHTING STAFFS, headed by Blumentbal and the rest, differing from the preceding body in that they are in field dress instead of full parade uniform. Then come the leaders who have served as civil gov ernors during the war Bittenfeld, Falkensteiu, Bonin, and r abrico. Behind these, again, ride the generals commanding the several army corps, succeeded by the men who commanded whole armies in these days when Germany .has so many armies the Duke of Mecklonburg Schwerin, Crown Prince of Saxony, Field Mar shal Steinmetz; and Manteuffel, Werder, Von der Tann,and Goeben,whohave also commanded armies, were not in this company, but among the corps of commanders preceding. There is a little interval, and then come tho MAKEKS GF HISTORY, Bismarck, Moltke, and Roon. What a tempes tuous gust of cheering greets these! It is no sudden squall to die away at once, for there be hind them, the solitary centre of the splendid picture, rides Kaiser Wilhelm himself, upright ana martial-seeming in nts held unttorm, ana on his war-boree, a dark bay. Behind him ride the field-marshals of the royal bouBe, the Crown Prince of Germany, looking every inch a prince and a soldier, on a chestnut horse; aud Prince Frederick Charles, heavy browed, stalwart, aud square, with his firm, strong beat on the bright bay charger. Following these, the central figures of the pageant, come a great bevy of princes, guests of the Emperor, and personal staff, glittering in varied bril liant uniforms, and making a gallant show. Behind these come the under officers of varied German nationalities bearing the spoils of w ar the eagles and the colors. As be wheels under the gate Wilhelm casts a look back at these prizes about to pass under a structure once despoiled by the armies of the nation from whom his armies bad takes them. Now for the men who took them. WiLh steady tramp caruu laurel-crowned the. stalwart infantrymen of the Guard. euursr"nKmemories or t. rrivat, ji voune, Stains, rlerrentte, and Le ttourget. As they look up they see around them by the gate the blazoned records and emblems ol their ser vices "vor Paris." Ah. the drums may rattle and the music swell, but the mighty volume of cheering nuells the instrumental gonads. Aud so, amid hurrahing and waving of hanuker chiefs and the clapping of hands, the long ana conda of fighting men drags its length through the historical gate. A DETERMINED SUICIDE. Two Unsuccessful and One Successful Attempt. From the Peoria, III, Tretnsoript, June 20. Yesterday morning a man named J. Henry Lutz committed suicide under circumstances that exhibit the most determined intention to get rid of life. He left his home, on South Adams street, at 8 o'clock on Saturday evening, His wife expected him to return soon after wards, but upon his failing to return at the time designated, the fears of his friends were excited. lie was seen on Water street at halt-past 5 yes terday morning, ana an hour later was die covered in a stable near the Central City Elevator, hanging by the neck, still warm, but quite dead. upon examination it seems mat tne umortu nate man had exercised the utmost determina tion in taking his life, first cutting his throat. then attempting to drown hlmsell, and finally hanging himself. A severe gash had been cut in his throat, bat was not large enough to cause death, though it bled freely. This failing to produce death, it is supposed that he next ran I a. . 1 -. ! HI. . U ...... . ... I. t . into ine river, wita uie uuxuipii iiu uiunumw self; but fallinr again, he had procured a rope, and finally succeeded in accomplishing the deed. There is but little doubt that Lutz was Insane He had been a hard drinker and had suffered considerably in raind from heavy pecuniary losses. He has been lor the last lew vears sub ject to fits of insanity, in which he would wander away from bis home and would give strong evidences of insanity. Last winter be came bomelwith a heavy gash cut in his head and was unable to give any account of it. He merely said that he believed that he had received it lu an atlacK made upon mm by some person. His friends were considering the ques tion of sending him to the asylum at Jackson ville, when the terrible occurrence of yesterday made it unnecessary. REMARKABLE DREAM VERIFIED. A Lady Murdered and Her House Robbed a. stusoana s vengeance. The Richmond Whiq of Tuesday contains an account of a brutal murder committed across the herder, in Wilkes county, North Carolina, a few days since, and the circumstances of which are not a little remarkable, ine account is as follows: It SDDears that a gentleman, residing In that county, a few days previous to the murder, sold to a neighbor a tract of laud, for which he received floou la cash. Business calling hint away from home soon after, he left the money with his wife, and on returning he stopped over- nignt wun a rriena living some ten or twelve miles distant from his home. In the night he dreamed that some men bad entered his house, mtrdered his wife and two children, stolen his money and destroyed bis property. Know ing that he had left the money with his wife he be came uneasy jand restless after his dream, and re quested a peddler who was stopping at the house with him to accompany him at once to bis home, for he eared there was a reality In the dream. On ar riving at his home, to his horror he founl his wife murdered and two men sitting at a table counting out the money he bad left with his wife, lie and the peddler being armed, immediately fired upon the men and killed them, who turned out to be the man to whom he had sold the land, and from whom be had received the fiooo, and his son. This Is one of the most atrocious murders upon record, and shows what foul deeds money will lead men to eoui nilt. Good country batter Ao old ram. Old Mr. Hopkins, of Mississippi, aged ninety, was eo mad because he could get on his shirt the other day that he took his faithful shot gun and blew his head off. The month of May in Germany this year was very cold, bringing snow and ice. ft is usually a beautiful month there, and U called the mo'Vh of biles. PARIS. The Government now nun by a Lot of Speculative Journalists. Corre'fondmce of the London Timet. Paris, June 14 The total absence of any thing like political common sense which, as the period of tie elections approaches, the Paris newspapers display, is doubly to be deplored Bince me people nave none ol their own, and are compelled to trust entirely te the guidance ot these leaders of public opinion. It is painful to see these blind, animated by the highest and most patriotic motives, leading those other blind ready humbly to follow them anywhere, even Into the ditch which is in the im mediate neighborhood. Completely unused to political responsibility, the bourgeoisie of Paris, not having for the present an Emperor to lean upon, throw themselves upon the newepapers. These have to prepare and issue the lists of candidates, to tell them what the political questions are upon which they are to decide, and what they are to ask themselves upon this momentous occasion, and what they should require from their representatives. It is due to the Journalists to say that they endea vor manfully to accept the responsibility thus thrown upon them, and that however un practical and wild, according to our notions, their views may be. they are given in a spirit of patriotism and disinterestedness, aud with sincere desire to educate the people in their political duties. It is not their fault if owing te the peculiar conditions under which the press has always existed in this country they have been deprived of any opportunity of educating themselves, ii. i-unle de Girardin, for instance, whose talents increase his power, most unwittingly exercised for misleading his countrymen, has written an article to explain to them that the elections should neither be Or lcanlst, Legitimist, nor Bonapartist but Na tional. A very vague programme to present to an unhappy voter who may think a monarchy the beet form of government for the nation, but one to which he proposes to give effect by the following curious process. Tue French public, it is admitted, are completely at the mercy of the newspapers, so far as politics are concerned; let them then return nothing but newspaper editors to the Chamber. Take Paris, for in stance; we have 21 vacancies, we want 21 jour nalists to fill them. Universal suffrage owes a debt to all the newspapers that protested on the 28th of January against the dictation of M. Gambctta, aud on the 21st March against the usurpation of the Commune; aud universal sullratre is bound to discharge this debt by choosing a representative out of each editorial department. M. do Girardin can offer the scheme with the more propriety, as he modestly remarks that he has withdrawn from journalism as a profession, and under no circum stances would accept a seat in the Chamber. Not only are the names of the journals speci fied, but M. de Girardin goes so far as to give us a list of the gentlemen connected with theui who should be thus chosen. In one sense a list na tional enough, if by that phrase is represented a diversity of opinion. We have M. Portalls, of the terite, sido by side with M. veuillor, ot the Vnivers; here are Orleaniste, Legitimists, and. possibly, Imperialists and Communists tho two last not yet openly avowed all com prehended, for it by no means follows tbat a journal which protested against tne aiciatorsnip ot uamueua ana the usurpation of the Commune is ever after to bo relied upon. If M. de Girardin can carry out the first part of his idea, and unite the twenty- one leading Paris journals in a holy alliance of this sort, there is no - reason why they should not succeed, l bey would give their own candl dates exclusive - support, and in the present state of the middle classes of this city it would be no more possible tor them to vote against the candidates, if the twenty-one newspapers were united, than it is for the peasantry ot France to vote against their ruler, whoever he may be, on the occasion of a plebiscite. Why the inventor of this very original piece of politi cal machinery did not extend it to the journals of the provinces, who have just as much right to represent the nation in the Chamber a those ot Paris, he does not explain; lujt ict, practically, any jonmalist under this system might con sider himself de facto a legislator, and there is no limit to the brilliant future which might thus open to the members ef this favored profession. The proposition of M. de Girardin to the editors of newspapers possesses, then. certain fascination; but M. Gueroult, also with the earnest desire to serve his country, actually assembled fifteen of the representatives of the leading papers in Paris, aud, more visionary than his contemporary, expected them to agree upon something. The object of the meeting was to come to a general understanding that all minor political differences were to be laid aside In order to meet the wishes of the Chief of tho Executive, and give the Government of which he is the head a fair chance, in order that a pe riod of repose might be inaugurated, during which the couutry might recover, and especially to organize an opposition to the tactics of the International. It is needless to say that the fifteen journalists whom M. de Girardin would put into the Chamber of the country were quite unable to come to any accord in the Chambers of M. Gueroult. A BRAVE ACT. A I-al of Sixteen Saves Two Boys from Drowning. The Anne Arundel (Md.) Advertiser says: An incident showing great presence ot mind in a mere boy occurred in our community a short time since, and must not pass unrecorded. Tho hero of the incident was Daniel Wirt, a student from Virginia at St. John's College, about six teen years of age, ar.d the locality the College creek. 1 oung Wirt had gone down alone to the creek to take a bath during a recess, and soon afterwards two boys the one a son and the other a nephew of Professor Dashiell, aged re spectfully ten and fourteen years came down aud entered the water some fifty yards below him. After a while Wirt missed the boys, and suspecting that something was wrong, ran down the shore to their clothes; he then saw the hair of one of them float upon the surface for a mo ment and disappear. He immediately swam out to the spot and dived. He found them near together, lying on the bottom, not altogether unconscious, for they clutched him as be approached them. He disengaged himself, however, and grasping each of them by a leg, lifted them to the surface. The water was there fortunately only eight or ten feet in depth, and holding the boys in this way above his head and partly out of the water, Wirt managed, with their added weight, to walk upon the bottom some ten or fifteen yards, and until be got within bis own depth coming to the surface at Intervals to breathe. After a good deal of coughing aud spluttering, the boys found themselves able to thank their deliverer and to resume their clothes. It seemed that young Dashiell, who could not swim, had accidentally overstepped his depth, and his cousin, in at tempting to assist him, had been dragged down with him. Their struggles bad carried them still further out, and they say they had gone down three or four times before the rescue came. Wirt simply said he thought if he at tempted to save them one at a time the last would probably have been dead before he could have been brought to the shore. An Irish magistrate censuring some boys for loitering in the street, said, "If everybody were to stand In the streets, how could anybody get by?" A Connecticut farmer sprinkles his currant bushes with whisky; the worms get drunk, drop off, and either break their necks or cripple themselves eo that life is a burden. A Chicago policeman poisoned a dog. His master the dog's twisted his ear the police man's and he now wears his eye the man does la ft tUsg. SECOND EDITION THE NAVAL BATTLE IN CHINA. S400 Coreans ICillocl. The Trench Z&iHtary Heviw. 1 00,000 Troops in Line. The Condition of Paris. domestic ArrAins. Tho Capo I&ay Regatta. The Canadian Fisheries Kt.f Etc., Ktc, Etc.i Etc. Etc. VROM EV1WPE. I BY ASSOCIATED FRE83 1 Exclusively to The livening Telegrapn. Paris, Juno SO A. M. Oambetta arrived bore yesterday, and has received many visits from both official and unofficial person ages. Cremleux's Sentence to be Commuted. The sentence of death imposed upon Cremleux by the court-martial at Versailles will probably be commuted. The work of ' Rejuvenating Paris is progressing. Fully sixty thousand masons are , engaged in repairing the damaged buildings and erecting new ones. The city is also being thoroughly disinfected. The journals of Paris and Versailles express satisfaction at the success of the review at Long champs. The circular of M. Rouher to the electors affirms that he is the defender of the principle of free trade. In relation to the Future Form of Government for the nation, ho sayi we must decide upon it after the elections have been held and this question of free trade has boon decided upon. He denounced the opponents of this policy as mere factions. The speech of Gambetta at Bordeaux was upon the subject of the development of Education In France, and "was received with hearty approval and great applause. The Official Journal, commenting on the He view at LoBgchmpi, remarks tbat: 'VTe have shown Europe an array one hundred thousand strong, valorous aud ably commanded, which has saved the cause of civilization. We have also collected four mil liards of money and been offered five milliards. The nation evidently recovers." The AVurtcmherg Troops, STUTTOABD,'JuneS0. The Wurtemberg troops made a triumphal entry yesterday to the capital city, which was crowded with people from all parte of the kingdom. It was splendidly deco rated, and at night brilliantly illuminated. The King of Italy. Naples, June 29. King Victor Emanuel ar rived here to-day aud met a brilliant and enthu elastic reception. London, June 30. The Ilusslan Prince AVladlmlr has left London. The Corean Battle. Bombay, June 29. A despatch from Shanghai confirms the announcement of the capture of the Tlanghoa forts by the Americans, with slight loss. The Coreans had 2100 killed and a great many wounded. The French Loan has been introduced in Bombay with an im mense success. The French Military Review at Long. champs. i.ONGcHiMi's, June a'J. ihe grand review of Irench troops took place to-day, and was in all respects a great success. AM IMMENSE CROWD. At an early hour immense crowds of persons. some on foot, others in vehicles, poured through tne open gates on tne west side oi i'aris into the Bois de Boulogne, whence they made for the famous race-course of Lougchamps. Vast as the assemblage was, the utmott good feeling prevauea. mere was no disturbance through out the day, the people behaving admirably and displaying much enthusiasm, and the gendarmes perlorminr their duty efficiently in Dreventini? injury to life and limb from too much crowding in particular localities. A BRILLIANT SCENE Although the weather was somewhat cloudy the day was notably line, and the scene was er ceedingly brilliant. The tribunes on the race course were elaborately decorated with Hags, etc., and were occupied by M. Thiers and other members ot the Government, the JNetloual As sembly being largely represented. Among the distinguished persons present were, it la re fiorted, the Orleans princes, all of whom were ncognito, and consequently their presence was not generally known either to the soldiers or to the spectators. There were also present many foreign officers of high rank, who had come to Paris for the special purpose of witnessing the review. GROUNDLESS FEAKS. Borne fears were entertained by the authorl ties mat penaiug tne review mere wouia oe a demonstration on the part of the Reds, aud pre cautionary measures were adopted to suppress it in Its lnclpiency. JSothlng occurred, however. to mar the harmony of the day. If the Hods ever meditated a hostile demonstration, the dhplav of force by the Government effectually nipped the project in tne una. SPLENDID APPBAUANCB OP THE TROOPS. By one o'clock In the afternoon the troops were ail in position, ana began the review They numbered fully one hundred thousand men of all arms of the service, and presented a splendid appearance. The regularity of their steps, and the precision and celerity with which they executed all the military movements or dered. showed that tbey were well disciplined. Marshal MacMahon, accompanied by a brilliant escort ot suit omcers, was in immediate com mand of the army. ENTHUSIASM OP THE TROOPS. At the order the immense force began mov ing, the troops displaying great enthusiasm Ou passing where President liners stood they cheered him repeatedly. Nothing whatever occurred to mar the effect of the review. It was from beglnuing to end a grand success, to which the Parisians contributed by the adml rable manner in which they behaved. Their euuusl&bia wa scarcely less than Uutol Uie troops, and as each brigade marched past them they cheered it heartily. HONORS TO THE BRAVE. At the close of the review military medals were conferred on Generals Vlnoy and Ladml rault, and a large number of promotions in the Legion of Honor was announced. EVERYTHING SATISFACTORY. After the troops had been dismissed the crowd quietly dispersed and returned to Paris. Both in a military and political sense the display of troops was highly satisfactory to the Govern ment, demonstrating, as it did, the efficiency of the French army ana its willingness to support the existing authorities. This Morning's Quotations. London, Jane 80 11-80 A. 11. Consols opened at ?X for money, and oai!) for account. United Mates Hondsor 1ST.2 at 91; of 1305, old, at 90 ; or 18T at 89; ten-forties at 89. Frankfort, June 29. United States five-twenties closed at 86 v. Liverpool, June 80 11-80 A. M. Cotton excited, with an advanced demand; uplands, Bjtfi.aH'l. ; Or leans. 8 vd. Kales of the day arc not estimated. Tlie sales of the weeK have been 9S.eoo bales, of which 10,000 were taken for export, and 15,000 for specula tion. Estimated stook. 849,000 bales: aotnai stocx 713,000 bales: estimated American, BSO.OOO bales; actual American. 437,( 00 bales. The receipts of the week have been 28,000 bales ; American, 10,000 b ties ; actual export. 18.000 bales. LivRurooL. Jnne 80 Noon (Unofficial) ; Cotton buovant and tending upward: uplands, 8?id. : Or leans, Vd. The sales of the day estimated at 20,000 bales. This Afternoon's Quotations. London, June 80 2 30 P. M. Consols 92 for money, and 9S"92i for account, u. S. b 20s of 1S62, 91 Of 1665, 90 ; Of 1SC7, 89', ; HMOS. 89. LivEF.rooi, June so 2 30 P. M Cotton active; uplands, 8i&8?id. ; Orleans, 9d. Sales 20,000 bales for speculation, and W00 for export. Stoclt afloat, 4 70,000 bales. American. 117,ooo. Wheat Califor nia white, lis. 8d. ; red spring, 10s. 6rt.aaoa. 8d. : red winter, lis. 4d. Tho receipts of wheat for four drtvs have been 15,000 quarters, all American. Flour, 20s. Corn, 31s. Pork, 50s. Lard, 47s. 3d. FROM WASHIjYaiOJV. tBY ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 Exclusively to The Evening TtUarapK Georgetown College Commencement. Washington, June SO At tho filty-fourth annual commencement of Georgetown College yesterday, General Sherman, in the course of a short address, said the attempt to divide the Union in our generation failed, and it would always fail, and he would as soon expect to see an attempt to dissolve this Union in the future come from the North as from the South. But it will never come, for now we are joined together stronger than by bands of steel. Affairs In the Corca. It is 6ald in official circles that Minister Low is with Admiral Rodgers in tho Corea. This is in accordance with Instructions, as the design of the expedition was to open the way for a treaty with the sovereign of that country, shipwrecked Americans on that coast being subjected to. extremely cruel treatment. Although it is not known whether this Government anticipated hostilities, it seems certain tbat the conduct of Admiral Rodgers is, under the circumstances, approved. . Government Weather Report. War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Washington, June 3010-30 A. II. Synop sis for the past twenty-four hours : The barometer baa varied but little at the Pact.lc and Hocky Moun tain stations. It has fallen considerably In the Northwest, with light rain and fresh south winds lu Minnesota. Tne area or niguest pressure is in Western Pennsylvania, and the barometer has risen along the entire Atlantic aud Gulf coasts, although a small depression existed on Thursday afternoon in Georgia and South Carolina, with clouds and light rain on the coast. The temperature remains lower in the Eastern States and ou the lower lakes. It has fallen consderably ou the East Atlantic coasr and hs risen In the Northwest. Northwesterly winds have continued north and east of Virginia. Southwesterly winds winds prevailed on Thursday afternoon on the Gulf coast, but have now dimin ished. Northerly winds on LaK Michigan have veered tnrougn tne East to tne soutn. oiear wea ther has very generally prevailed except in Mhi' nesota and in the South Atlantic States. n..k.t.Vf.V.'.a ! la nvnttohla that valnn with fresh winds will pass from Minnesota eastward over M i ufvi k.i i u la uiu.dura in., iiku, iniuoi ni,u Lake Superior, and that a falling barometer, with cloudy weather, will prevail from Illinois to Lake Huron. Easterly winds, with cloudy weather, will probably continue In North Carolina, aud clear weather In the Middle and Eastern states. The Detailed Meteorological Report for To-daF. The following Is the meteorological report of the Signal Bureau of the War Department for this morning, all the observations being taken at 7-43 A. M., rnuadkipnia time. The barometrical reports are corrected for temperature and elevation. The velocity of the wind la given In miles per hour, and the force is an approximate reduction to the Beaufort scale : lit- il g i ll Jjl 1 64 N. E 6 Gentle. Clear 64 N.AV. T Gentle. Clear M N. W. 6 Gentle. Fair 3 N. 12 Brisk. Clear 82 is. 2 V. gent. Cloud 57 S. 4 Gentle, tstrin E5 W. T Gentle. Fair 69. N. E. 2 ,V. gent. .Fair 6 W. H.... Fair 62 N.W. 10 Hrlsk. Clear 70 N. K 0 Gentle, tstrra 67 8. 8 Gentle. Sciear W N.W. 7, Gentle. Falrj 62 N.W. .. .... Clear 68 E. 2 'V. gent. Fair 61 N. 2 V. gent. ; Clear 2 N. E. 2 V. gent. Clear 63 :N. K. 4 Geutle. Fair 79 I E. 8 Geutle. Icioud Place of Obser vation. . Baltimore. 30-20 Boston. 30-04 Butfalo '30 04 Cape May 30-13 Charleston, B.C. 129-90 CbUiago !80 04 Detroit 30 06 Memphis i297' isew uneans .... we New York 80-10' Norfolk 306 Omaha V9-80 Oswego 30 00 rbiiadeipma au-i Pittsburg 30-85 Portland Me 30 0i St. LOUIS iH0-00 Washington I so -1 ; Wilmington, N.C W99 FROM CAl'E MAT. The Coming Ocean Regatta. (Special Despatch to The Euening Telegraph. Cape mat, June do. a letter from a promi nent member of the New York Yacht Club to a friend in this city says that every yacht capable of the voyage will put In an appearance at the race. A number of members aud their friends will go down by rail. The plan Is to rendezvous at the light-ship, aud come up to the anchorage, in front of the Stockton House, in two squad- rotas, the Vice and Rear Commodores leading If there is good wind and weather, the sight will be very interesting on the morning of the 2d of July. The regatta committee will have its headquarters at the Stockton House. FROM TEE DOMLriOJV. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. The Fishery Question. St. Johns, N. B , June 29. A delegation of the New Brunswick Government to the Nova Scotia and Prince Edward's Island Governments to endeavor to procure concerted action against the fishery clauses of the Washington treaty, returned yesterday, i hey are very reticent as to their doings, but say the fishermen aud fish- traders of the Island of Nova Scotia are favora ble to the treaty, and Intimate that, owing to the game the Nova Scotia Government is play ing with Ottawa, that Government is not to be relied on to oppose the treaty. Tne belief is that the delegation failed in its mission. Chicago Flour and Wheat Market, Special Duiptck to Tk Evening Telegraph Chicago. Jane so is A. m. Jttetipl. Bhip'U. i Jbxxipu- tship'tt. Flour, bbls. 6,000 B.ouo Oats, bus... sft.uoo lo.oud Wheat,bus. TV.OoO 94,000 Hye, bus....l,0 0 1.U00 Guru, bus.ic,(Ao lji.ouo axiej, bus.. J.ow A MOUNTAIN OF SILVER. Mineral Wealth In Colorado Discovery of Immense Deposits -Interesting and. Amusing Incidents. A correspondent of the Denver JVetos says that the mountain village of Georgetown is still wild with excitement over the discovery. Leavenworth Mountain is within a mile and a half of the Placer diggings. On its sides silver was discovered by the In graham brothers, two expert miners, some time in December last. They were in the employ of the Equator Com- fany, and were drifting when they came across arge quantities of mineral Imbedded in the Vlides," both above and below the main vein. After concluding their work for the Equator, they went quietly to work for themselves, and In the course of three weeks had taken out from $1000 to $1500 worth. One solid chunk weighed seven hundred and sixty-six pounds, and From it they realized over 300. The work, however, could not long remain a secret, and the "Silver Patch Diggings" became the rage. The excitement spread, and Boon Leavenworth Mountain was a scene of busy ac tivity seldom witnessed. At a distance the mountain resembled a mammoth ant-hill, so ; thickly was it be.et with amateur and profes sional miners. The scene was an amusing and interesting one. Many would "pitch in," dig a hole large enough to contain a large cat, and failing to "strike it," would wend their way down the mountain. Those "having the sand," bent themselves on their work, and never failed in being well rewarded. "1 ve struck it. was the prevailing expres sion, aud when an unusually large piece was taken out, there was a rush to examine it, and congratulate the lucky finder. The largest solid piece that has yet been found turned the scales at four bnndred and thirty-two pounds. We saw several pieces of pure mineral, averaging from two hundred to three hundred pounds each, which, when assayed, gave a return of from 1500 to 2000 ounces per ton. there are three theories as to how this mine- ral became so scattered through the mountain slide, but nothing satisfactory has been given. It would be dillicult to ascertain the exact amoHnt which has been taken out, but it is very large, aud the mountain is still alive with miners, who are daily bringing down large quan tities c i ore. During the search for the "float, some three valable lodes bare been struck. One company, consisting of Messrs. Robinson, Scott, Wycoft, and Sargcant, all old miners, have taken out two tons of first-class .float ore during the last three weeks, and during their operations they discovered a very valuable lode, having a cre vice over eight feet in width. The ore they have taken out will run about 1200 ounces per ton. Messrs. George O'Connor and John McDonald also struck a very fine lode immediately above the Equator,and are preparing to work it during the summer. Sharp Practice. Court of Quarter Reunions A UUon, P. J. The case engnglng the attention of the court aud Jnry this morning w.is that of Peter J. Barker, charged wnn ontaining money irom Airs. Ann woes ler under false pretenses. It was testified tbat one day recently a man went to the lady and said her husband had just bcun arrested, and was about to ' be sent to prison, tmt if (40 were paid he could save mm. 'i ne may, in nor anxiety, iook no time to ques tion the truth ot this statement, but at once gave the fellow the money, and he went away. Shortly aiicrwaras ner nnananci camn nome, ana inrormea her that her eye had been shut up. On the following day she saw defendant In the street, and believing bnu to be the man who had swindled her, had him arrested. The derense allPged an alibi and that this was a case of mistaken identity. On trial. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Rvenino Tbleorafh Oftioc,! Friday, June 30, 1871. I There is a fair degree of activity in the loan market to-day, and the gradual closing up of the gap between the supply and demand enables lenders to maintain rates at the recent advance. uui aiter tne nrst ot July, when large amounts of currency are paid out in dividends and inte rests, it is generally anticipated that the market will recover its former ease. Call loans are quiet at ota o per cent., ana gooa Duslnoss paper ranges from 6(7 per cent., at which figures it is in demand both at the banks and on the street. Gold is quiet and 6teadv at a ranee of 112lrra 113, closing at the latter. Government bonds are auiet and steady, hnt bardly so strong. At the (stock Board there was an improved feeling and moderate activity. State and city loans firm. Lehigh Gold loan changed hands at 89). Beading Railroad was active and htcher. Felling at 54-69(54 94, closing at about 55, b. 5. Pennsylvania advanced and sold at 60(S)606. Camden and Amboy sold at 127, and Norriatown at S5. Canal stocks were neglected, but for Lehigh there was a lively demand, with sales at 38, s. o. In the balance of the list the ouly transaction was American Buttonhole Company at 19. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Reported by De Haven A Bro., No. 40 S. Third street. FIRST BOARD. 1 1000 W Jersey R 7S.102 t20(0SchN 6s82.6d 79 00 Bh Read K. Is. e.54-69 600 600 Elf do 51V do ..Is. b30. 64 &1 do.. slOwn. 61 si' do bOO. 64-94 do.ls.b6nwn.5t-94 do.ls.sGOwn. 54V do 0.54 81 do BlO. 64-81 flOliO Leh K L 91X finoo Leh 6s gold.. 894 b04 sh Penna K.ls. co 1 do 60 8C3 do Is. 60; 100 200 300 200 7 do. receipts 19; , 200 sh Leh N.ls m0 83 4(0 do.ls.seown. 83 8shCam A Am.. 127 1 Messrs. De Haven 8t 800 10 sh Norrist'n It. . . Sfiuf 1(0 Bh Buttonh'e Co 197 BitOTUER, No. 40 8outh Third mreet, Philadelpnia, report the following quotations: New U. H. 6s of 18S1, 112.liail3: u. o. es or 1681, llTJilSWSS,'; do. 1869, n3i,(ftll3; do. 1864, mills','; da IStO, 112V4 H3 ; do. i8ff, new, Il5iii5j do. 1867, do. lisa 116; da is8, do. Il5itii5v; lo-40, uoiauo. U b. so years per oent Currency. 114T4.9U6J. : Hold. im,(am,i'i SUver, losxuo: union Paoirio Hau road 1st Mort. Bonds, 9iu92: Central Paclflo Hoilroed, loai4l02x; Union Paclflo Land Grant bond, 63V(84V. MKHSR8. William Paintkr & Co., No. 86 8. Third street, report the following Quotations: U. 8. 6s of 1S81, 118118V; 6-208 of 1869, 118j 1113 ; dO. 19S4. 113AU3: do. I860, 113 4U3S, da, July, I8e.' Il5i, ull6: do.. July, 166T, ll5S(H5vr: do. Jul?. 1968, lis!!,: linos. iio4iiu;i. u. s. Paomo if. r. currency ca. IU(4H3V. uoid. ll3i4ll3Vi. Market steady. Makh be ladnkr, uroxers. report this morning gold quotations as follows: lotMiA. at i;i iux&. ai ii2? 10-18 113 110 35 " U3 Philadelphia Trade Report. Friday, June 80. JUark la steady, and 20 hhds. Do. 1 Querc itron sold at 130 per ton. Seeds In Clover seed and Timothy nothing doing. Flaxseed cannot be quoted over f 2. The Flaur market is without essential change. There la ne demand except trom home the consumers whose purchases foot up 1500 barrels, including mperflne at :5-50; extras at t3 i; 900 bar rels Quaker City Mills extra family on private terms ; Wisconsin do. do., 6-60(S 6-75; Minnesota de. do., t7-124(i7-6b; Pennsylvania do. do. $tf25c46 76; in dlanaaud Otilo do. do., S7&T-50; aod fancy brands at i '7613 &o, as In quality. Rye Flour sells at 15 50 (JT6-75. The demand for Wheat continues limited, and pl'.c-es are weak. Sales of Western red st l-60 1 6.1, aLd 4i0 bushels ludlwna Arukr at 1du. Kye may be ('' ted at ft for Western Corn la quiet at t tu rUv s quotations. Hales of yellow at 75760. ; Western mixed at 7174c. ; and 8500 bushels white at 76c oats are in better demand, and 10,0oo bushels Wektern sold, part at 6265cn and part oa t rlvate terms. , lu Harlcy and Malt nothing doing. C otton is firmer, and small sales of middlings were made at iu Valil-c. Ifir upland and Gulf. N UUA J Id dull Kt 93 C, Ivf WvUK-fQ lroa-bou1, i