THE DAILY EVENING 1 A L EGR APIIPHIL A.DELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1871. rEXXSYLTAXIA CENTRAL. FllTt of the Proposed T.caiie nettrrtn the PenntyHiDla Company and the New Jersey Railroad. This Indenture, made this day of , In the year 1871, between the Delaware and Raritan Canal Company, the Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company, and the New Jer sey Railroad and Transportation Company, com monly called the United Canal and Railroad Com. Janies ol New Jersey, corporations of the State of sew Jersey aforesaid, and the Philadelphia and Trenton Kailroad Company, a corporation of the State of l'eunsylvania. parties of the first part (hereinafter called the lessors), for themselves, their successors and assigns, aud the Penusyiva nia liajlroad Company, a corporation of the State of Peuusyivania, party of the second part (herein after called the lessee), for itself, its successors ADd assigns: Whereat, The said lessors own a canal and rail roads and other property, real and personal, that Is to say, the Delaware and Raritan Canal Com pany own a canal, with Its feeder and other appur tenances, which, crossing the State of New Jersey, connects the Delaware and Raritan rivers; the Camtien and Amboy Kailroad and Transportation Company own a railroad from the river Delaware, at Camdtn, to the Karitau bay, at South Amboy. In the said Mate of New Jersey, and also a steamboat line from the said South Amboy to the city of New York; and t he Delaware and Raritan Canal Com pany aud the Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Companv also jointly own a rail road from the city of New Brunswick, In the said State of New Jersey, to the river Delaware, at the city of Trenton. In the said State, together with various branches; the New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Company own a railroad from the Hudson river, at Jersey City, to and through New Brunswick, in the said State of New Jersey; and the riiiliidclphla and Trenton Railroad Company own a railroad from and within the city of Phila delphia, in the said State of Pennsylvania, to the Delaware river, opposite to the said city of Tren ton, all of which will more fully appear by refer ence to the surveys of said works hereto annexed, together with rolling and floating stock for the operation of aid railroads and canal: and When as. The said lessors own shares of stock, and estates and Interests in other railroad compa nies, In horse or passenger railway companies, in railroad and other bridges, In ferry companies and ferries, in turnpike companies and turnpikes. In plank road companies and a plank road, as lessees, stockholders, creditors and otherwise, and also cash and bills receivable, and other property real and personal, in the said cities heretofore named and elsewhere (a schedule of which, approximately correct, bearing even date herewith, has been exe cuted, aud is hereto annexed): and Whereat. The said lessors are subject to certain debts, contracts, obligations aud guarantees, (schedules whereof, approximately correct, bear ing even date herewith, have been executed and are hereto annexed), and are also parties litigant in certain suits now depending, both at law and in equity: and Whereat, It is expedient for the said United Companies that an agreement be entered into with the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company afore said (with which company they are Identified in interest and whose works form with their own continuous or connected lines) for the connection or consolidation of business: and Whereas, The works belonging to all the patties liereto can thereby be extended, improved and operated more profitably to the owners and more advautageously to the public under one manage ment; And the said lessee has therefore agreed to lease the works, ana all the property, real and personal, of the said lessors respectively, and to stand in their place and stead with reference to all the said contracts, debts, obligations, guarantees and suits at law and in equity; JS'ov) (his Inilentitre Witnestcth, That the said lessors, for and in consideration of the premises, and of the rents reserved, and the covenants aud agreements on the part and behalf of the said les see, to be by it kept and performed as hereinafter mentioned, have granted, demised and to farm-let, and by these presents do grant, demise and to farm-let unto the said lessee, all and singular their canals, bridges, railroads, with their appurte nances, and the floating stock, rolling stock, chat tels and other property, real and personal, of what soever kind and wheresoever situate, and all the franchises, rights and privileges of the said lessors thereto respectively belonging, or in any wise ap- fiertaining; provided always, nevertheless, and it s hereby expressly understood and agreed, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken in any manner to atlect the right of corporate ex istence of each of the lessor parties hereto, or such powers aud franchises of which the exercise may from time to time be necessary to protect the in terest of their respective stockholders, according to the true intent and meaning of these presents: To have aud to hold the same unto the said lessee, for and during the full end and term of nine hundred and uiuety-nine years, yielding and paying therefor unto the said lessors yearly, and every year during the said term, the yearly rent or sum of one million nine hundred and forty-eight thousand five hundred dollars, lawful money of the United States (the said rent being equal to ten dol lars per share per annum upon the present aggre gate outstanding capital stock of the said com panies lessors, to wit. one hundred and ninety-four thousand eight hundred and fifty shares, which said aggregate number of shares does not include seven thousand six hundred and fifty shares of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company owned by the Delaware and Raritan Canal Com- any and the Camden aud Amboy Railroad and ransportatiou Company), in equal quarter yearly payments, on the first day of the mouths of July, October, January and April, in each and every year during the said term, the first and secoud quarterly payments thereof to be made together on the first day of July. A. D. 1S71, free aud clear of and from all taxes, charges and assess ments whatsoever, now existing or hereafter to be imposed by lawful authority upou the said corpora tions lessors, their respective franchises and pro perty, including all income tax of the United States, which said rent, when converted into divi dends by the corporations lessors upon all the shares of their respective companies (excepting and excluding, nevertheless, the said seven thou sand six hundred and fifty shares of the Phila delphia and Treuton Kailroad Company owned by the Delaware aud Raritan Canal Company aud the Camden and Amboy Kailroad and Transportation Company as aforesaid) shall be paid at some con venient place in the said city of Philadelphia, to be designated lioni time to time by the lessee, and to such depositary of the lessors in the city of New York as may from time to time be designated by them or any of them, and also yleldiug aud paying the rent hereinafter covenanted to be paid according to the provisions and stipula tions hereinafter particularly set forth iu the eighth article of these presents. And the said lessee doth hereby covenant and agree, to and with the said lessors, aud each of them, as follows: Hist. The said lessee shall aud will, yearly, and In every year, during tne said term, well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said lessors, the said yearly rental above reserved, on the days and in the manner limited and prescribed as aforesaid, free and clear of and from all taxes, charges, Im positions and assessments as is hereinbefore pro vided: and the salu rent shall be so paid during the whole of the said term, notwithstanding any future action of any of the corporations, parties liereto, or of any majority of the respective stock holders thereof, as to aud concerning any other matter herein contained; aud in oruer to secure the individual Interest of each stockholder of the lessors iu aud to the said rent, the right is hereby giveu to each and every stockholder to prosecute such suits as may be necessary in tne premises to recover his proportionate part thereof, using, if needful, the name of the corporation iu whicii he is a stockholder, and this provision may. if desired, be indorsed upou the certilicalei of stock issued by the corporations lessors. Second. The said lessee shall and will pay, satisfy and discharge all assessments, taxes, charges, transit duties and Impositions whatsoever, that shall or may be lawfully assesseJ, laid or imposed on the said lessors, or either of them, by any power or authority whatsoever during ths said term, or on the franchises, property, earnings, tratllo and busiuess of the said demised premises, or arising in nv wav therefrom, or to which the said lessors. or either of them, would have been subject if this lease had not oeeu maae, ana mey tiaa respectively remained iu possession of the u.-mised premises, iui mwrated their respective works. Third. The said lessee shall del nd an actions of every kind that may or shall be depending against the said lessors, or either of them, or that may liereatter arise during the said term, and pay all miiit that shall or may be recovered against the said lessors, or either of them, and shall also iudeinnify aud save harmless the aid lessors, and each aud every one of them, of and from ail causes of action, legal and equitable, ana claims ma de mands that have arisen, or shall or may arise oinsf. them, or elthor of them, or which shall or may arise against the said lessee, iu the exercise of Its powers under tuis tease, auu uunuK me con. iniigiiiw thereof. vniirth. The said lessee shall at all times during ..iri tfii m. at its own exDensa. maintain and iterate the canal and railroads and works hereby demised as the said lessors, as the owner thereof or otherwise, are uow or may do riuirea Dy law to do aud shall keep up, maintain and operate the ....,.' u. first-class works, in thorough repair. Artier and condition, fully suonlied with rniimir and floating stock and equipmem, at least i i that now used and em uloved in operatin the said works, using the best and most suitable miteriuiii for renewals of the same as renewals Shall p0C6ui from tune to lung necessary, to that T the traffic snd business of the said demised pre mies shall be encouraged and developed, and full public accommodation given on reasonable terms: provided, however, that the lessee may sell or otherwise dispose of such of the floating stock as, in its Judgment, may not be necessary or required for the purposes hereof. Fifth. The said lessee shall keep np the sinking funds of the said lessors, so far as the latter are by law or contract, bound to do, and shall moreover pay ull the debts and obligations of the said lessors, or either of them, as they shall become due. Sixth. The United Companies aforesaid, parties lessors hereto, shall, when and as their several loans shall respectively become due and payaoie, upon request, deliver to the said lessee a corre sponding amount of the bonds secured by the In denture of mortgage of said lessors upon the main lines of their respective works in New Jersey, bearing date the 20th day of April, Anno Domini 1871, with which to pay oft and extinguish the said loans respectively : and if the avails of the bouds so stcured by the said mortgage shall be greater than their par value, the excess shall luure to the bene fit of the lessee: but if they shall be Insulllcient for the purpose the deficiency shall be made good bv the lessee. The difference between the aegregate amount needed for the payment as aforesaid of the said several loans and the amount of bonds authorized to be Issued by the terms of the said mortgage, shall be delivered to aud as required by the lessee, to be applied only to permanent ad ditional improvements upon the property hereby demised. It seventh. The title to all canals and railroads hereafter to be acquired by the said lessee, to be worked aud operated by it between Philadelphia and New York, and all new locations of the demised canal and railroads, with their im provements and appurtenances, shall be taken in the names of the said lessors, or some or one of them, that is to say, if in the said State of New Jersey and for railroad purposes, and in or north of the said city of New Brunswick, in the name of the New Jersey Kailroad and Transporta tion Company: if for railroad purposes, and south of .New Brunswick, aforesaid, in the name of the Camden and Amboy Rail road and Transportation Company; If in the said State of Pennsylvania, in the name of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company; and if for canal purposes, in the name of the Dela ware and Raritan Canal Company. All such rail roads aud canals so hereafter to be acquired shall be subject to this lease, as it the same had origi nally passed hereby, except that no additional rent shall be paid therefor to the said lessors. Eighth. Iu order to aid iu the development of the property known as llarsimus Cove, situate in Jersey City aforesaid, in such manner as the lessee shall deem suitable or expedient for its present or future business wants, the said United Companies lessors shall and will, at the request of the lessee, issue and deliver to the latter, from tinio to time, shares of stock of their respective companies in seven installments of three thousand shares, the one installment of fifteen hundred shares, in the propor tion of their present respective capital stocks: pro vided always, however, that before the first of the said installments shall be so Issued aud delivered, the sum of four hundred thousand dollars shall have beeu expended by the lessee in the develop ment and improvement of the said property; and when and as often as an additional Bum of four hundred thousand dollars shall have beeu so ex pended, the said United Companies lessors shall and will issue and deliver as aforesaid the other installments of three thousand shares of such slock lespectively, and when the further sum of two hundred thousand dollars shall, have been so expended, the said United Companies lessors shall aud will issue and deliver as aforesaid the final In stallment of nfteeulhundred shares of such stock; and when the whole of the said twenty-two thous and five hundred shares shall have been so issued, no further or additional stock of any of the corpo rations lessors shall thereafter be issued by them, and as often as the said installments of three thousand shares and of fifteen hundred shares respectively shall be issued and delivered to the lessee, the latter shall aud will, in consideration therefor, pay unto the said lessors, yearly, and every year during the said term, an additional rent or sum of thirty thousand dollars for each install ment of three thousand shares, and of fifteen thousand dollars for the final installment of fifteen hundred shares, lawful money of the United States in equal quarter-yearly payments, on the aforesaid 1st day of the months of July, October, January and April, iu each and every year during the said term ; the first quarterly payment thereof to be made on the first day of the quarter next succeed ing the said issue and delivery of the said install ments of shares as aforesaid : the said rent to be also free aud clear of and from all taxes, charges and as sessments whatsoever now existing, or hereafter to be imposed, by lawful authority, upon the said corporations lessors, their respective franchises and property, including all income tax of the United State, which said arlditioiint rent, wlien converted into dividends by the said United Com panies lessors upon the said shares, shall also be paid at some convenient place in the said city of Philadelphia, to be designated from time to time by the lessee, and to such depository of the said lessors iu the city of New York as may from time to time be designated by them or any of them. Ninth. The said lessee assumes all the contracts agreements, obligations, leases, guarautees and liabilities of the said lessors and each of them; and all the benefit to arise therefrom shall inure to the said lessee. No future merger or consolidation between the said lessee and any corporation whose works have been leased to any of the said lessors shall, in the event of re-entry by the said lessors, as horcinattor provided, extinguish or impair the rights under the said leases, out tne same sna.ii ue ana remain in full force as though these presents had not beeu made. Tenth. To enable tne said lessors to keen ud and maintain their corporate organizations, the said lessee shall pay semi-annually to the said lessors, on the first T uesday of July and January in each year, the sum of live thousand dollars, the first semi-annual payment to be made on the first l ues-, dav of July A. D. 1871. and shall and will defray tne expenses incident to ine payment oi saiu uivi dendsin the city of Philadelphia, and provide suitable offices in the cities of Philadelphia, Treu ton ai:d New York for the accommodation of the directors and officers of the said corporations les sors. h eventh. sucn real ana personal property of the lessors, or either of them, as shall in the opinion of the lessee not be necessary lor tne use of the said canal or railroads, or for the protection of the in terests of the saia lessors therein, including the floating stock hereinbefore authorized to be sold or otherwise disposed of, may, with the consent of the lessors respectively, from time to time, be sold, and the said lessors, or either of them, shall unite iu the execution of proper conveyances and as surances therefor, without liability on the part of the purchaser to see to the application of the pur chase monev. The proceeds of all such sales shall be applied, at the option of the lessee, either to the permanent reduction of the funded debts of the said lessors, or either of them, or to permanent additional improvements upou tne property nereoy demised. Twelfth. The accounts to oe Kept Dy the said lessee of the works aud property, which form the subjects oi mis lease ana oi tue Dusiuess tnereoi, shall, at all reasonable hours and times, be open to the inspection and examination of the president or uresidents of the said lessors, and each of them. aud of such other person or persous as the said lessors shall, from time to lime, by resolution ot their directors, appoint to examine the same, and the said lessee shall, at its own proper cost, an- ii ii jdl v (inrinir the said term, iurnisn to the said lessors, on or before the 1st dav of April in each year, a detailed statement oi tne earnings, income receipts and expenditures of aud from the said de inised premises during the previous year, ending on the olst day of December, and the said works aud premises themselves shall also, iu like man ner, be open to inspection aua examination as aforesaid. Tlurteentn. in case tne saia lessee snail at any time durine the said term omit to pay the rent, or fail to keep aud perforin the covenants and agree ments hereinbeiore mentioned ana proviaea lor, nnd shall continue in default in the premises for the period of ninety days, it shall be lawful for the said lessors, their successors and assigns, to enter into and upou the hereby demised premises, or such as may ue men suosisting iu tneir piace ana forming the subjects of this lease, and remove ail neisons therelrom. and from thenceforth to have, hold, possess and enjoy the same as of their fit st aud former estate therein, and thereupon all the estate and interest of it, the said lessee, in and to the same shall absolutely cease and determine as though these preseuts had tiKver been made: provided, always, however. and it is expressly understood aud agreed that the said rent shall, iu uch event, be apportioned from the time of the last preceding payment of any in stallment thereof, to the time of such entry; and provided lurilier. that such re-entry shall not in any manner alfect any claim for damages against the Saiu lesser, ua buuugsou,:, auu assigns, ic-tuib' ing from any breach of any of the covenants here iniipfma contained. fourteenth. At the end of the said terra, or at the sooner ueieriniuauou ui tins tease tim h'sse. its successors and assigns. shall redeliver and surrender up to the said lessors, their successors or assigns, the Rain ftpvprni ubiects of this lease, or such of them as shall then be subsisting in their place, iu as good order and condition as the same uow are, aud with such additions, alteration and Improvements as Rhail have been made thereto. Fifteenth. The said lessors Khali and will, from time to time, and at all times nereaiter. at the re auest and cost of the said lessee, make, execute and deliver all such other aud further instruments and assurances in the law lor the further, better or , more perfectly assuring the premises, utiovy u mlsed to the tis nd In manner aforesaid, accord ing to the true intent and meaning of these pres ents, as by the said lessee or Its counsel, learned in the law, shall be reasonably devised, advised or required. Sixteenth. Each and all the preceding covenants, agreements and stipulations shall mutually bind and inure to the benefit of said lessors and lessee, their and each of their successors and assigns. In witness whereof, the said parties have here unto respectively affixed their corporate seals, the day and year first above written KAILROAD LINES. "PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. Tnnn n. 1R71. Depot TH IRTE ENT H and CALLOWHILL Streets. Until farther notice trains will Leave aad Arrive as follows: trains lbavb. Reading and Allentown Way T-SO.a, m. Harrisburg and Pottsvllle Express 8-80 a. m Philadelphia and Pottsvllle W. Tr'n 18-30 p. m Harrisburg and Pottsvllle Express 8-30 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation 430 p. m. Reading and Pottsvllle Accommodation.. 6 -IB p. m, on nntiniTn. ToReadirg 8-00 a. m 10 rousvuie p. m. To Pottstown 5 15 P. M. TKAIN8 ARRIVK. Pottstown Accommodation 845 a. m. Reading and Pottsvllle Accommodation.. 10-20 a. m. Harrisburg and Pottsvllle Express. 100 p. m. Philadelphia and PottsvUlo W. Tr'n. 4-30 p. m. Harrisburg and Pottsvllle Express 6-15 d. m. llarrlshurg, Pottsvllle, and Allentown Ac- coimnoaation viu p. m. ON RITNDAVS. From Tottstown s irs A. M. From Pottsvllle 1235 a. m. rrom weaning 7-15 p.m. The Sunday trains connect with similar trains on the Perklomen and Colehrookdale Railroads. For Downlngtown and points on Chester Valley Railroad take 730 a. m., 18-80 and 4-30 p. m. For Schwenksville and points on Perklomen Rail road take T-30 a. m., 12-30 and 4-80 p. m. ror jut. ieasant and points on coiebrookdaie Railroad take T-30 a. m. and 4-30 p. m. PABK ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, DAILY KXCEPTBtTNDAT, i-cve uepot, Tnirteentn ana oauownui streets, For West Manaynnk at 8-45 a. m. and 6 30 p. m. Leave West Manaynnk. 610 and 10-10 a. ra. For Belmont at 8-4S and n -an a. m.. and 2. 4. and 6 -30 P. M. Leave Belmont at 6-24 and 10-26 a. ra.. 12-14 noon. 2 -46 and 630 p. m. SUNDAYS. u..- w a uvbuvil DDI CCb OUU 1 CUUOiraUkO O UUUCi for Belmont, 9, io, 11 a, m., 1, 2, 8, 4, 4 00, 5-40, and 640 P. M. Leave Belmont. B-25. 10-25. n-aa a. m-1-25. a-ars. 8-2S, 4-2B, 616, 6- IB, and 7-OS p. m. ExchaDge Tickets to and from Belmont are sold by conductors ol Park train of this Company, and Thirteenth and Fifteenth, Seventeenth and Nine teenth, aaa oreen ana uoatea street cars, good on lines mentioned. New York Express for Pittsburg and West. Trains leave New York at 9 a. m. and 5 d. m.. passing Reading at 1 58 and 9-fiO p. m. connecting at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central trains for Chicago, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Wllliamsport, etc. Sleeping-cars accompany these trains through be tween Jersey Uity and Chicago without; change. Trains for New York leave Harrisburg at 40-6 and 810 a. m., and 8 p. m. Additional train leaves New York for Harrisburg at 12-30 noon. For particulars see Gnlde Books, which can be ob tained at S. & corner of Ninth aud Chesnut streets, under Continental Hotel, No. 811 chesnut street, and at all stations, without charge. (season, scnooi, Mileage, and commatauon Tickets at reduced rates, lo be had of S. Bradford, Trea surer, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or J. E. Wooten, Assistant Superintendent, Reading. Stbkkt Cars. The Thirteenth and Fifteenth, and Race and Vine streets, connecting wltn other lines, run close to the depot. uaggage collected ana aenverea ty uangans Baccace Ex Dress. Orders left at Denot or at No. 813 S. Fourth street. Through tickets and baggage checks to all pnncl- 8 al points In Oil Regions, New York State, Canada, VeeU and Northwest, may be obtained at the new Union Ticket Office, southeast corner of Ninth and Cbesnnt streets, under the Continental Hotel, or at No. 811 Cbesnnt street. Tickets to principal local points on sale at above oillces. Baggage checked from hotels and residences by the Union Transfer Co. ULKMAKTUWH AND NOKK1STUWW UUANUU. Depot, Nintti and tireen. ON AND AFTER MAY 8. TO GERMANTOWN 6. 7. 718. 7 85. 8 30. 8 0S. 10. 11 a. m.j 18, noon; 1, 8, 2 30, 815, 8 45, 4 05, 4 80. 6 05, Sign" 01 e'B' T' e i' ' 10'10 llf l'0 " 80 SUNDAY T-45. 9 08 a. m.: 12 48. noon: 815. 4 08. B-40, 7, 8-45, and 11T5 p. m. IKUil UJtKMAWTOWK-O, BT5, 6 00, T2S, BUS, 8 10, 8 48, 9, 9 25, 10, 11 05, 11 KS a. m. 1, 165, 8, 8 30, 8 66,4 45, 6,6 30,6,610, 6 40, 710, 8, 8 05, 10, 10 80, 11-25 p. m. BUJNDAX -STIC, 9-06 a. m. : 1 US, 2 30. 8,6 83, 6, 820. and 10 20 p. m. The 8 0S and 925 a. m. down trains, and 3 30, 8 48. B OB, and 6-48 up trains, will not Btop on the German town Branch. Passengers taking the 6 B0, 7-25, 10, a m. and 8-30 and 6 40 p. m. trains from (iermautown will make close connections with the trains for New York at Intersection Station. TO CHESNUT HILL 6, 7, 7 88, 9 05, 10, 18 a. m.. O'OA 0AK LUiK at.AK f O ft 11 11-JAn TV 6 OMy 0 VU, U VOf V lUt I (7 V J A) li BV-' f Uli SU111JAX 7 48, 900 a. DO., 12 40 nOOn, 10, 6 40, 7, tv4o, ip. m. FROid. CHESNUT HILL 6-10, 7'10, 7-60, 8-30, 910, 10-50, 11-40 a. m., 140, 8-40, 646, 625, 6-68, 860, 1018, Uio d. m. Dunaay iou. too a. m., i-o, noon, s-io,o'4u, b, 10 p. m. TO CONSHOJJOCKEN ANU NOKKI3TOWN 6-08, 780, 9, and 11-08 am., 18 OS, m., 1-30, 3,4, 4-40, 6, B an, sits, b ud, iu-u, ana 11-40 p. m. tsunoav iso. v a. m., ru, b, no, ana y -3u p. in. FROM NORRISTOWN B-30,6-30, 7, 740.8, 8 60. 11 a. m., 1, 830, S80, 4 BU, 6, 0 10, 8, 10 p. m. (Sunday t, a. m., 110, 0. 1, wau p. m. TO MANAYUNK 605. 730. 9. 10 05, 1105 a. m. 12 05 noon, 1845, 180, 8, 4, 440, 5, 6'30, 626, 705, 808, 905, 1020, 1140 p. m. tsuniay ( -ao, b, w, iu a, m., n-vj noou, l-au, x-iu, as, 4-45, 715, 9-80 p. m. FROM MANAYUNK 6, 653, 734, 805, 822, 920, 10-45, 11-30 a. m., 188, 8-15, 3, 3 6S, 6, 623, 6-4S, 7-45, B-30, 9-45, 10-30 p. m. Sunday 7-30. 9, 9 S0, 1060 a.m., -SO, 145, 310, 630, ' PLYMOUTH BRANCH. Leave Philadelphia at 730, li-oe a. m. and 6 p. m. Leave oreiana at e-15, 10 a. m.. and 330 n. m. Sunday Leave riuiaaeipnia at v a, m. ana no p. m. Bundav Leave Oreland at 6 30 a m. and 6-3G p. m. The 7 40 a. m. train from Norrtstown does not stop at Mh gee's, Pott's Landing, Springileld or benurrs' iane. The 8 a, ru. train from Norrlstown stops at Con shohocken and Manavunk only. The 6'iio and 7 a. m and 430 and 6-15 p. m. down trains, and the ia.m. and 4. 680, and 6-25 p. m. up trains are the onlv trains that stop at Sprlngtleld. Chester Valley Railroad Leave Philadelphia at 440 p. m. Leave uowmngtown at o-o a m. Pbuenixvllle Train Leaves Philadelphia at 9 a. m. and 130 p. m. Leaves Phcenlxvuie at 18-23 ands-20 P. m. For points on Perklomen Railroad leave Ninth and Green at 130 p. m. Returning, leave Sohwenks ville at 4-48 p. m,, arriving at Ninth and Green at 6-50 p. m. Passengers by 130 p. m. train connect at Phoenix ville with train for Pottstown and Reading. Passengers taklna- the 7, 735, and 11 a. m. and 6-30 and 630 p. m. trams from Ninth and Green streets will make close connection with trains for New York at Intersection. The 930 a. m., is so, 6, and 7 p. m. trains from New York stop at intersection. a. nituLus, General Superintendent. TITEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAD Y ROAD COMPANY. On and after MONDAY. April 24. Trains will leave and arrive at the Depot, THIRTY FIRST and chksn UT streets, as roiiows: FROM PHILADELPHIA For West Chester at 723 and 10 A. fiL, S'30, 710, and 11-30 P. M. Stops at all stations. For West Chester at 448 P. M. This train stops at stations west of Media (Greenwood excepted). For B- C. Junction, e-80, 850 A. M., 12 M., aud 4 and 530 r. m. estops at ail stations, i ue o-au r. iu. will run to West cnester on Saturdays, FOR PHILADELPHIA From West Chester at 6 -30 and 10 A. M., 2, t, and s-fs V. M. Stops at all stations. From West Chester at 788 A. M. Stops at sta tions west of Media (Oreenwood excepted). From B. C. Junction at 6-ss, 8-10 A.M..13M., 4 nd A P. M. Rtona at all A train wiU leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 6 A. M. every Wondav. ON SUNDAY Leave Philadelphia at 9 a. M. 8-30, and 645 P. M. Leave West Chester at T A. M.. 4 and B P.M. H. . SMITH, Superintendent. WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD. EXTRA SUNDAY TRAINS. On and alter June 4. ltrtL an Extra Passenger Train will leave West Chester at 4 P. M. for I'UUa- delpula. i Returning, will leave Philadelphia at 6V P.M. for West Chester. These trains stop at all stations. May 9, IbTl. II. K. SMITH, Superintendent. RAILROAD LINES TEH CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANIES. . . On ann arter MONDAY, June 13, 1871, - TRAINS Wn.I. I.RAVS AS FOLLOWS: I FROM WALNUT STREET WHARF. At 615 a. m. Accommodation via Camden and Am boy, and at 8 80 p. m. Accommodation via Camden ana Jersey chj ior xsew York. At s and 6 p. m. for Ambor and intermediate sta tions. At 6 ib a. m. and 880 d. m. for Freehold and Far- mlngdaie. At 615, 8, and 10 a. m., 13 ra, 8, 8-30, and B p. m. for Trenton. At 616, 8, ana io a. m., 18 m., 8, 8 30, c, 6, T 80, and 11 ao d. m. for Bordentown. Florence. Barllnirton. Edgewater, Beverly, Delanco, and Rlverton. At 616 and 10 a, ra., 18 m., 8, 8 so, 5, 6, 730, and 1180 p. m. for Riverside, and Palmyra. At e io ana iu a, m., 12 m., e, e, 7 -ao, ana 11 u p. m. for Fish House. The 11 80 p. nuLlne leaves from Market Street Ferry (upper side). FROM WMl' nilLAUtLPIIIA UEt'OT. At 7, 8is, and 11 a. m 1-20, 8, 6 30, 6 45, and 18 r. m.. New York Express Lines, and 11-80 p. m Emigrant Line, via Jersey City. At 7, 8-in ana 11 a. m., 1-20, 8, 6 30, 6 45, and 18 p. m. for Trenton. At 7, S is, ana 1 1 a. m., o 40 ana ix p. m. ior unmui. At 18 p. m. (Night) for Morrisvtile, Taliytown, Sehencks, Eddlngton, Oornwells, Torrlsdale, HolmeBburg Junction, Tacony, Wisslnomlng, Bridesburg, and Frankford. Sunday Lines leave at 11 a. m., 8 45 p.- m., and 12 night. FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT. At T and 9 30 a. m.. 8 ao. 8. and 6 p. ra. for Tren ton and Bristol. And at 6 p. m. for Bristol. At 7 and 9 80 a. m.. a-30 and 6 p. m. for Morris- Ville and Tullytown. At 7 and 9 so a, ra . s so. 5. ana s p. m. ior Schenck 's, Eddlngton, Corn wells, Torrlsdale, and uoimesDurg junction. At 6 45 a. ru.. 12 so. 615. and 7-15 p. ra. for Bustle- ton, Holmesburg, and Holraesbnrg Junction. At 6 45 and 9 80 a. ra., 13 80, 8 80, 6 15,6, and 715 p. m. for Tacony, wisslnomlng, Bridesburg, and Frankford. VIA BELVTDEKE DELAWARE RAILROAU. At I lui. and 8 p. m. tor Niagara Falls. Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmlra, Rochester, Syracuse, Great Bend, Scranton, WHkeBbarre, Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Belvldere, Easton, Lambcrtvllle, Flemlngton, etc, and 7 a. ra. for Schooley's Mountain. At 9 80 a. ra. and 6 p. m. for Pennington, Lambert vllle, and intermediate stations, and at 6 p. ra. for n-aston. VIA CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON COUNTY RAILROAD. At 7 a.m. and 8 30 p. m. for New York, Long Branch, and intermediate places, via New Jersey Southern Railroad. The 7 a. m. and 8 30 b. m. lines leave Walnut street wharf, all others will leave from Marke? street Ferry (upper side). At 6, 7, and 9 a. m., 1, 230, 830, B, and 630 p. m., and on Thursday and Saturday nights at 1130 p. in. for Merchantsville, Moorestown, Hartford, Mason- Vine, Hainsport, ana Mount uony. At 6 a., m.,8-80 and6-30p. m. for Lnmberton and Med ford. At 6. 7. and 9 a. m.. 830. s. and 630 p. m. for Emlthvllle, Kwansvllle, Vincentown, Birmingham, and Pemberton. At 6 a. m., 1 and 8-30 p. m., for Lewtstown, Wrlghtstown, Oookstown, New Egypt, Homers town, Cream Ridge, Imlaystown, Sharon, and Hlghtstown. WM. H. GATZMER, May 29, 1S71. Agent. P HJL.ABEI.JP HIA, WILMINGTON, AND BAL TIMORE: RAILROAD. TIMETABLE. COMMEWOmO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 81, 18T0. Trains will leave Depot, eorner of Iiroad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Way Mall Train at 8-80 A.M. fS-CaTsexoepted), for BaltlmoreiStopplnr at all regular stations. Connecting at Wilmington with Delaware Railroad Line, at Clayton with Smyrna Branoh Railroad and Maryland and Delaware Railroad, at Har rington with Junction and Breakwater Railroad, at Seaford with Dorchester and Delaware Rail road, at Delmar with Eastern Shore Railroad, and at Salisbury with Wloomloo and Pooomoke Rail road. Express Train at 1148 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore nd Washington, stopping at Wll mlngton(PerryTllle, and Havre-deAlraoe. Con nects at Wllmlngto L-f Hh train for New Castle. ExpresB Train at 4 P. M. (Sxndays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, liinwood, Claymont, vvitslsgton. New. Crt, 4tnton, Newark, Kit ton. North ... Eaat, harla-itowD, XrryTiil, UftTre-de-Oraoe, Aber deen, Ferryman's, Edgewoed, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. Night Express at 1180 P.M. (Daily), for Balti more and Washington, stopping at Chester, JLJn wood, Claymcnt, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North East, PerryvlUe, Havre-de-Uraoe, Perry man's, and Magnolia. Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 1146 A. M. train. WILMINGTON TRAINS. Storplnr at aU stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington. Leave Philadelphia at 1100 A. M., 3-80, 600, ant 7-00 P. M. The 6-00 P. M. train conneots with Dela ware Railroad for Milford and . intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington 646 and 810 A. M., i-oo, 4-00, and T-16 P. M. The 810 A. M. train will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia. The 7lt P. M. train from Wilmington runs Dally- all other ac commodation trains Sundays excepted. Trains leaving Wilmington at 6-41 A. M. and 400 P. M. will connect at Lamokin Junction with the T '00 A.M. and 4-80 P. M. trains for Baltimore Cen tal Railroad. From Baltimore to Philadelphia. Leave Balti more TSI A. M., Way Mailt 936 A. M., Express 1-86 P. M., Express; T-26 P. M.. Express. SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE. Leaves Baltimore at 726 P. M., stopping at Mag nolia. Ferryman's, Aberdeen.Havre-ae-Graoe, Per ryvlUe, Charlestown, North East, Elkton, Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Claymont, Lin wood, and Chester. On Sundays leave Philadelphia for Oxford at 830 A. M. ; returning, leave uxiora at -u xr. m., stop ping at all intermediate stations, i bronirh tickets to aU points West. South, and Southwest may be prooured at tioket offloe. No. 828 Chesnut street, under Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping Cars can be secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this offloe oan have baggage checked at their residence by tne union i ransier company. U. F. K.ENNEY, Superintendent. TORTH PESN3YLV4.NIA RULROAD-TH 1 short Middle Route to the Lehigh and Wyom ing Valleys, Northern Pennsylvania, Southern and interior jncw ior, rsunuiu, Auuuru, nocnu&ter, the great Lakes, and the Dominion of Canada. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Takes effect May 15, 1871. Sixteen Dally Trains leave Passenger Depot, cor ner of Berks and American streets (Sundays ex centedl. as follows: 7 00 a. m. (accommodation), for Fort Washington. 735 a m. (Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, Al lentown, Mauch Chunk, Wllkesbarre, Williams- port, Mananoy city, iiazieton, rmsion, -lowanaa, Waverly, Auburn, Elmira, and in connection with the ERIE RAILWAY for Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, Ban Francisco, and all points in tne ureat est, 8 25 a. m. (Accommodation) for Doylestown. 9 46 a. m. (ExDres8) for Bethlehem, Easton, Allen town, Maucn Chunk, Wllliamsport, Wllkesbarre, Plttston, Scranton, Hacketwiown, ocnooiey s jnoun tain, and N. J. Cential and Morris and Essex Kail, roads. 11 a. m. (Accommodation) for Fort Washington. 1 so and 6 80 p. m. for Abington. 8 p. ro. (Express) lor Lethlebem, Easton. Allen town, Mauch Chunk, Mahanoy City, Wllkesbarre, I'litsion, ana liszieton. 8 30 d. m. (Accommodation) for Doylestown. At 8 20 p. m. (Bethlehem Accommodation) for Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, wiikesoarre, ana acranion. At 4 p. m. (Accommodation) for Bethlehem. 4 30 o. m. (Main for Dovlestown. 6 IB p. m. for Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, and juaucn tiiunic 6 80 p. m. (Accommodation) for Lansdale. 8-lB and 1130 p. m. (Accommodation) for Fort Washington. The Fifth and Sixth Btreets, Second and Third streets, and Union Lines City Cars run to the uepot. TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA FROM Bethlehem at 8-63 and 10-33 a. m. ; 818, 6 20, 8-15, ana juku p. m. Doylestown at 826 a. m., 445 and 615 p. m. Lansdale at 7-80 a. in. Fort Washington at 9-20 and 11-90 a. ra., 8-05 and 10-uo p. m. Ablngton at 115 and 7-00 p. m. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9-30 a. m. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 800 p. m. Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 900 a m. and 6 45 p. m. Coylestown for Philadelphia at 6-48 p. m. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 400 p. m. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 1000 a. m. ana tou p. m. Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all principal points at Maun s North Pennsylvania Bag gage Express Omce, No. 1S 8. Fifth street. May.10, lbjl, ELLIS CLARK., Agent RAILROAD LINES. "2TNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. " AFTER I F. M., SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1ST1. The a of tha rnnTlnl rtentrtU KaJlrotA leave the Depet, at THIRTY-FIRST and MAR o-n.1 r-ireets, wnioa is reaonea aireotiy uy ice air- train learins; Front and Market streets thirty miiHives before IU departure. The Cbesnnt ana Walnut itrMti run within ana Mnara ef ike Depot. ' Meeprorr-ear tickets ean be had on applleatle nut streets, and at the Depot. agents oi tne union 'iransieT company wiu eau for and deliver baggage at the depot. Orders left at No. 901 Chesnut street, or No. ill Market street. will reoelve attention. TaAlK lvavi PsroT. Bryn Mawr Accommodation . , 630 A. M. Mall Train 8-00 A M. Lock Haven and Elmlra Express . . 9-40 A. M. Paoll Aeoommodation.10-10 A.M. 110 and 7-80P.M, Fast Lrne ...... .13-40 P. M. Erie Express 18-40 P. M. Harrlflhurg Accommodation . . . 8 80 P. M, Lancaster Accommodation . . . 4-10 P. M. ParkesburgTraln . , . . 6-80 P.M. Cincinnati Express . .... 7-20 P.M. une man ana wunaio Express . , 7-20 r. m. First Paoifio Express , . . . 9 43 P. M. Way Passenger Train .... 1120 P. M. Cincinnati Express, Paclflo Express, and Erie Mall and Buffalo Express leave dally. All otber trains dally except Sunday. The Western Accommodation Train runs dally, except Sunday. For this train tlokets mast be pre cured and baggage delivered by I P. M. at No. Ill Market street. Sunday Train No. 1 leaves Philadelphia at 840 A. M.; arrives at Paoll at 9-49 A. M. Sunday Train No. I leaves Philadelphia at 640 P. M- ar rives at PaoU at T'30 P. M. Sunday Train No. 1 leaves Paoll at 710 A. M.; arrives at Philadelphia at 8 81 A. M. Sunday Train No. 8 leaves Paoll at 8 00 P. M. arrives at Philadelphia at 6 80. TB1KI A.KBIVB AY OBPOT. Cincinnati Express , . . . 110 A. M. Philadelphia Express . . . 7 49 A.M. Erie Mall . . ... 7 4ITA.M. Bryn Mawr Accommodation , . 8-40 A. M. Paoll Acooumodat'n, 8 30 a. VL A 1-60 A 6-40 P. M. Parkesburg Train 9-00 A. M. Fast Line aud Buffalo Express . . 1115 A.M. Lancaster Train , . . . 13-40 P. M. Erie Expross 600 f. M. Lock Haven and Elmlra Express , 6 00 P. M. Paclfio Express 8-15 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation . , 9 45 P. M. For mrther Information apply to JOHN F. Y AN LEER, Jr.. Tioket Agent. No. 901 CHESNUT Street. FRANCIS FUNK, Tioket Agent. No. 116 MARKET Street, SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Tioket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hun. dred Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by speolal oontraot. A. J. CASSATT, General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. 1 PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY, May 15, 1871. the trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Rail road will ran as follows rrom tne Pennsylvania Rail road Depot, West Philadelphia: WK ST WARD MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 710 P. M. " Wllliamsport 4-15 A. M. arrives at Erie 8-50 P. M. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Philadelphia.... 12-30 P. M. " Wllliamsport.. . . 8-so P. M. arrlveB at Erie. 740 A. M. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 9-30 A. M. Wllliamsport.... 6-88 P.M. arrives at Lock Haven . . T-50 P. M. BASTWABD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie. 1180 A. M, WilllamBport 1000 p. lsw arrives at Philadelphia .... 630 A. M. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erie 900 P. M, " Wllliamsport... 823 A. M, " arrives at Philadelphia. 6-50 P. M, ELMIRA MAIL leaves Lock Haven 808 A. M. " " WUllamsport. 915 A.M. arrives at Philadelphia. .. 6-30 P. M. BUFFALO EXP. leaves WUllamsport.... 125 A. M. " " Sunbnry 125 A. M. " arrives at Philadelphia.. 940 A. M. wan cast connects east ana west at Kne witn 1 e. a M. s. R. W, and at Corry and Irvlneton with Oil creek and Allegheny r. h. w. Mall west wltn west-bound trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry and lrvineton with OU Creek and Aiiecneny r. r. w. Warren Accommodation east and west with trains on L. S. and M. S. R. W. east and west and at Corry with O. C. and A. R. R. W. Erie Accommodation east at Corry and west at corrv ana irvinetewn witn o. c. ana a. k. r. u . Elmlra Mall and Buffalo Express make close con nection at wunamsport witn the N. c. R. w. trains, north and south. Catawissa passenger trains will be run east from WilllamBport on impress, ana west to Wll llamsport on Elmira Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN, General Superintendent. HPHE PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CEN X THAL RAILROAD. CHAN UE OF HOURS. On and after SUNDAY, Juue 4, 1871, trams Will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia from depot of r. w. tu.iv, m., corner uroaa street ana wasn lngton avenue: For Port Deposit at T A. M. and 430 P. H. For Oxford at 7 A. M., 430 P. M., aad 7 P. M. Wednesdays and tsataraays only at 8so p. m. For Chadd's Ford and Chester Creek Railroad at I and 10 A. M., 430 and 7 P. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays only 2-30 P. M. Train leaving Philadelphia at 7 A. M. connects at Port Deposit with train, lor Baltimore. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 10 A. M. and 4-80 P. M. connect at Chadd's Ford Junction with the WllmlHgton and Reading Rauroaa. Trains for Phlladelohia leave- Fort Deposit at 929 A. M. and 438 P. M., on arrival nf trftlnafrnm Rnltlmora. Oxford at 606 and 10-33 A. M. and 630 P. M. Mon day t at 615 A. M. only. .,... .M M Chadd's Ford at 726 A. M., 1168 A. M., 420 and 6-49 P. M. Mondays only at e-38 A. M. On Sundays train leaves Philadelphia at 330 A. M. - - . . 1 . I Y . h M . 1 . . 1 ioroiioru; returning, leaves unum iur ruuuuoi. till I ft Ht Mil P. M. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and the company will not in any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, unless special contract la made for the same. lx a .1 iv 1 nuuu, General Superinteadent pAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after HIl'RSDAY, June 29, 1S71, trains will leave VINE Street t erry as louows: Special Excursion (when engaged) 615 A. M. r relglil (witn passenger cur; 1 -no a iu, Mall 8-00 A. M Express (through In l'i hours) 8ao P. M. Atlantic Accommodation 4-15 P. M. On SATURDAYS two extra trains will leave for Atlantic City. An Express (through in 1 hours) at 8 P. M., and an Accommodation at 6 P. M, Returning, leave Atlantic City every MONDAY at 4 so and 94u a. m. LOCAL TRAINS LEAVE for If addonfleld at 9 and 10-15 A. M., aud 8, 6-40, and 11 15 p. M. For Atco and intermediate stations at 10-15 A. M, For Uammonton and intermediate stations at 6 P M ON SUNDAYS. Mall Train leaves Vine Street Ferry at 3 A. M. PasneDgeis purchasing tickets at the offices of the companv, No. 721 CHESNUT Street, Nortneast cor ner 01 "SEVENTH and ARCH Streets, No. 4900 MAIN Street, (Jermantown. can have their baggage called for and checked to destination by the Camden and Philadelphia Baggage nx cress. 6 2Stf D. H. MUNDY, Agent. "iy EST JERSEY RAILROADS. Trains will leave Philadelphia as follows, from foot oi MAKivar Btreei (.upper lerrv): s-ia a. m.. Passenirer for Cape May. Brtdgeton. Saicm, Swedesboro', Vlueland, MUvllle, HUH TJ OLBUUUS. 11-45 a. m.. Woodbury accommodation. 8-15 p.m., Passenger for Cape May, MUvllle, and 830 p.m., Passenger for Brldgeton. Salem, Swedes boro', and Way Stations. 5 30 p. m. Accommodation for Woodbury, Glass boro', Clayton, Swedesboro', and inter mediate Stations. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN for Cape May leaves Phi ladelphla 7-30 a. m. Freight train leaves Camden dally at 18 m. WM. J. SKWELL, Superintendent. nOIST8,OR ELEVATORS FOR ANY LOCATION or weight, operated by Indepeudeu. Engine, Belts, Crann Ropes, or Pumps. For Coatraciors, Hotels, Factories, and Stores. The hand machines are operated with the least labor and sol t at a low mice. The balanced and power machines hive the uoMt Approved Safety Attachments. Hitchwaye arranged with rolling doors, opened an t4 closed automatically as platform passes. ' F GEuKtiE O. nOWARD, 6 9 ml tfo. IT S. fiiUUTLUiNTU SUwet. AOOTION BALES. M THOMAS St. Rows. ADOTIONaERSJ NOS 139 and 141 S. FtoURTU Street. Pale No. 1320 Wslnnt street. BURPLrS FUBNITt'llR, II AN DSO ME CARPETS, MARBLE STATUARY, BILLIARD TABLE, KrC. On Friday Morning, June f 0, at It) o'clock, by cataiogne, the superior rosewood and mahopany surplus household furni ture, etc. 68-1 2t Assignees' Sale. Estate of Oenrire W. BrlKham. Bankrnnt. BOOT AND SHOE MATERIALS, SEWii0 MA- CHIMi, F1AT11US, KTO. On Saturday Morning, Jnlv 1. at 10 o'clock. l)v catalomiK. nt No. SSS Matket street, second story, the sto:k an I fix tures. 6 89 2t THOMAS BIRCH A SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 Ches. nui -street; rear entrance no. 1107 eansom street. Sale at No. 11 10 rhennnt, nrrpet. NKW AND SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD FUR- N ITU nr. AND CARPETS. Msntel, Pier, and Chamber Glasses; Suits of Cottnge Chamber Fur nlture; Spring, Hair, Hnsk, anil straw Mattresses; Bronze Clocks, Refrigerators. Water-coolern. Tin Chamber fcets, Engravings.Chromos.riated Ware, China Tea Sets, Etc. On Friday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at No. 1110 C hesnut street, will be sold a large assortment of furniture, from city manu facturers and families declining housekeeping, com prising PARLOR SUITS, COVERED WITH crimson, maroon, and green plush; maroon and green reps and haircloth, a part of which were made to order by well-known cabinetmakers. SLITS, rTMSlllilJ IN OIU Also several suits of walnut chamber furniture, from city manufacturers ana families declining housekeeping. LIBRARY AND DININO-ROOM FURNITURE. Also a large assortment of book-cases, library and centre tables, lounges, easy-chairs, hat-racks, ward robes, secretaries, dlnlng-iables and chairs, etc., etc NEW AND SECOND-HAND CAKPETS. Also an assortment of new and second-hand car pets ot various kinds. FIANO-FORTBS, MUSICAL IN8TRUMENTS.ETC. Atl o'clock will be Bold the piano-fortes and musi cal Instrument s. 6 23 2t BUNTING, DORBOROW A CO., AUCTION EBBS, Nos. 938 and 84 MARKET street, corner 01 Bank street. Successors to John B. Myers A Co. B Y BARRITT COm AUCTIONEERS CASH AUCTION HOUSE. No. 830 MARKET Street, corner of Bank street- Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge. 11 84 CLOSING SPRING- SALE STRAW GOODS, DRT GOODS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOSIERY, NO TIONS, OVERALLS, ETC., On Friday Morning, June 30, commencing at 10 o'clock. It H ENRY W. &B. SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEERS No. 1129 CHESNUT Street (Glrard Row). LIPPINCOTT, SON & CO., AUCTIONEERS Nob. 821 MARKET and 810 CHURCH Street, CONCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS, No, 1811 CHESNUT Street. T. A. MCCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER. Personal attention given to sales of household for. nlture at dwellings. Publto sales of furniture at the Auction Rooms. No. U19 Chesnut street, every Monday and Thnri da. For particulars see "Public Ledger." N. B. A superior class of fur nlture at private sal H ENRY MOLTEN. AUCTIONEER BY HENRY MOLTEN A CO.. Salesroom, Nos. 21 and 23 MERCER Street, REGULAR TRADE SALE OF FUR AND WOOL HATS, LADIES' AND GENTS' READY-MADE FURS, STRAW, FELT, AND VELVET GOODS, Every THURSDAY during the season. Cash advances made on consignments wlthon additional charges. 8 LUMbbK 1QT1 8PRUCB JOIST. lOll SPRUCE JOIST. 1871 HEMLOCK, HEMLOCK. 1 QT1 SEASONED CLEAR PINE. On-i ID I 1 UiASONKD CLEAR PINE. IO I 1 CHOICE PATTERN PINE. SPANISH CEDAR, FOR PATTERNS. RED CEDAR. 1871 FLORIDA FLOORING. FLORIDA FLOORING. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. 1871 1 C71 WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. 1 Qrjt IO I J. WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. IO i 1 WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. 1871 UNDERTAKERS' LUMPER. UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1871 1871 SEASONED POPLAR. SEASONED CHERRY. 1871 ASH, WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS, HICKORY. 1 Qm CIGAR BOX MAKERS' 1 Q71 10 i 1 CIGAR BOX MAKERS' 10 I 1 SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS, FOR SALE LOW. 1Q71 CAROLINA SCANTLING. 10 tl CAROLINA H. T. SILLS. NORWAY SCANTLING. 1871 1871 CEDAR SHINGLES. QlJI CYPRESS SHINGLES. 10 41 MAULS, BROTHER A CO., NO. 8600 SOUTH 8tT6efc PANEL PLANK. ALL THICKNESSES.--; COMMON PLANK, ALL THICKNESSE!. 1 LU.MMUPI BU-ftrtUO. 1 and 8 SIDE FENCE BOARDS. WHITE PINE FLOORING BOAF.B3. YELLOW AND SAP PINE FLOORINGS ltf ant" lltf SPRUCE JOIST. ALL SIZES. HEMLOCK JOIST, ALL SIZES. FLATTERING LATH A SPECIALTY, Together with a general assortment of Bunding Lumber for sale low for cash. T. W. SMALTZ, 6 806m No. 1715 RIDGE Avenue, north of Poplar St ALBANY WALNUT, PINE, POPLAR, CHAIR and Settee Plank, Ash, Bass, Beech, Biroh, Cherry, Chestnut, Maple, White Cedar, Fencing, Shelving, Flooring, Counter Tops, and Cutting Boards. E. B, McCLKKS' Lumber Yard, 6 21 6m No. 884 North WHARVES. LEOAL NOTICES. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TEE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. Lev. Fa. Sur Claim. D. 70. No. 149. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA vs. ROBERT L. CURRY, Owner, Etc. The Auditor appointed by the Court to report dis tribution of the fund produced by the Stieriirs sale under the above writ of all that certain two story stone dwelling and stable, and other buildings, aud the lot of ground situate on the north side of Ead liue, formerly Elm street, in the Twenty-fourth ward, in the city of Philadelphia, at the northeast corner of said Eadline and I'opiar streets, containing in front on Esdiine street xo leet, ana m aeptn its feet to Orupe street, will meet the parties Interested 10 Urupe Street, wui iuiti iuc pttriifs ii!irnwi the purpoesof his appointment, onTHL'RSOAF, ' 6. 1S71, at 4 o'clock P. M at his ottloe, 8. E. irof WALNUT and SIXTH streets, in Phlia- ror ttie July i cornel dclphia, before whom all persons who have claim or Claim uu Bum iuuu nic rcqutrcu iu rua&c bucw ui uq debarred from ecu; Ing in upon said fund. HENRY S. HAGERT, 6 22thstuSt Auditor. IN TBS COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHlLAUBLPUIA. City of Philadelphia vs. ROBEHT L. CURRY, owner, etc. Lev. fa.; sur claim. D. 70, No. ISO. The Auditor appointed by the Court to report dls tributlon of the funds arising from the Sheriffs sale untfer the above writ of all that certain two-story basemeut and stone dwelling-house and lot of ground, situate ou the north side of Eadline. for inerly Elm street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, 26 feet eastward from Poplar str'tet, containing in front on Eadline street 86 feet 6 iDches, sod in depth ICS feet to Grape street, will meet the parlies interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY, July 6, 1971, at 4 ot-iork P. M at his oitlce, southeast tor- -iier of WALNUT and SIXTH Streets, Philadelphia, when sod where all teraous are required to make their claims, or to be denurred from coming upon, Bald fund. HENUY 3. HAOfcKT, 6 82 tliatus: . Auditor.