The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, June 29, 1871, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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    5 (SIK,lPIE
VOL. XV. NO. 153.
The History of September 4-Artdress
lore i ne national Aiiembljr.
The following interesting facts, hitherto un
known, were brought forth recently by General
Trochu Is bis account of the defense of Paris.
After referring to the accomplishment by the
I'rusRlans of the turning movement, which he
dreaded and anticipated. General Trochu said:
"The following day, August IT, Hie Empeior sum
rooned the generals to a conference, which I at
tended. Ana here begins an unknown chapter In
the history of the siege or Paris. Jt mar be neces
sary to say tbat I will not mention a single fact for
which I have not living witnesses or written proofs,
There were present at that conference the Emperor,
Prince Napoleon, Marshal MacMahon, General Ber-
taillt (In command nf thai Mobile., of Melnpl.
General Schmltz (chief of the stair of the 12th Corps),
ana myseir. i mint tnai wnue tne conference was
In progress, General de Courson (prefet da Palais)
came into the room and remained. The Emperor
asked this little council of war what they thongat of
the state or ail'alrs, and what was the best thing to
be done. Unanimously, and through the channel of
Prince Napoleon, wue spoke first with the
greatest firmness, and also through me, the
council expressed Itself In the following textual
terms: The Emperor has abandoned the Govern
ment by going to take command of the army at suoh
a distance; his Majesty has Jast abandoned the
command of the army and given it to Marshal Ba
Kalne. lie Is alone at the Camp of Cbalous without
any army; de facto be has abdicated both the Gov
ernment and the command. Unless his Majesty
Vlsties to abdicate altogether he Is bound to resume
either tho Government or the command of the
army.' Ills Majesty acknowledged that this state
ment was In conformity with facts. The councl
I added that It did not think It possible for the
Emperor to resume the command or the army,
nnd therefore that the only course was to resume
with a firm Hand the reins of government.
This view met with the Emperor's approbation.
Jl'nnce Napoleon added that, In order that the Km
jperor should resume the reins of p.werln safety, his
intention suouia oe noiinea totae ransiau popula
tion by a general oillcer, who should precede him
and take military ana moral precautions to prepare
the public for his Majesty's arrival. Turning towards
me, the Emperor asked me would I undertake that
mission. 1 replied: "Sire, In the situation so rail
or peril In which the country finds itself, a revolu
tion would hurl it Into the abyss. All that can be
done to avoid a revolution I will do. You ask me to
go to Paris to announce your arrival, and to take the
command-in-chlef. I will do all that, bat on the
dear understanding that the army of Marshal
MacMahon will become the army of relief for Paris,
'for we are snre to be besieged.' The Emperor ac
quiesced. Marshal MacMahon had previously de
clared that that was precisely the duty bis army had
to fulfil. This conterence broke np at 11-80, after
agreeing to a kind of convention coached in these
terms: 'General Trochu, appointed Governor or
Paris, and Commander-in-Chief, will immediately
start for Paris ; he will precede the Emperor by a
few hours. Marshal MacMahon will march on Paris
with bis army.'
"That night, gentlemen the night from the 17th to
ttinlRth I arrlvpd flttiheTullMriert. ftnd wmtitil tn t.ha
Empress Regent. I found her rail or firmness, fall
S of courage, but excited, and dismasting me. (Sensa
tion.) 'General,' saia ner majesty i quote ner
words textually 'only the Emperor's enemies could
have urged on nlm this return to Paris, lie would
not reach the Tullerles alive.' 'Madam,' I replied,
'am I, then, one of the Emperor's enemies? I, wltu
Prince Napoleon, Marshal MacMahon, and all the
Generals who took part lu the conference at Cha
lons, contributed to cause the returu of the Emperor
as an act of firmness and manhood, calculated to
prevent a revolution. I have accepted the
mission, fall of danger for myself, and which
certainly my precedents did not enable me to
foresee, to come and notify the Emperor's returu
to the population of Paris. The army or Marshal
MacMahon Is marching cn the capital, and a govern
ment or derense is about to be formed to save the
country In the frightful crisis in which It finds
itself.' 'No, General; the Emperor shall not come
to Paris; lia will remain at Chalons.' 'But then.
Madame, the convention in virtue ot which I have
come nere is no good, i ne umperor senas me nere
to defend him, and be does uot follow me!' 'You
will defend Pans; fulfil your mission without the
Kmperor.' And, in fact, gentlemen, I had Ions
felt an ardent desire to defend Paris. 1 twas
determined to shrink from no sacrluce to do so.
1, therefore, replied, 'Very well, Madame. I will
defend Paris without the Emperor; I have
brought with me the proclamation in which I desire
to make known to the population that I have
been appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief
daring the siege. That proclamation begins
thus: "In presence of the peril that threatens the
country, the Emperor has appointed me Governor
of the capital in a slate of Hiege." The Empress
here Interrupted me. "General, the Emperor's
name must not appear in a proclamation at a time
like this.' 'But, Madame, I represent the Emperor.
I said that I had come here to defend him. 1 can
no. address the population of Paris without refer
ring to the Emperor, and saying that it Is by his
orders I have undertaken the defense ot the capi
tal.' 'No, General. Believe me. In the present
state of the public mind there would be serious ob
jections to allow this reference to the Emperor.' The
name was struck oat,"
"In the morning I went to the Tullerles. I saw
the Empress Regent surrounded by mauy anxious
persons, fche herself was perfectly calm. I ad
dressed to her these few words: 'Madame, the
hour of great dangers has arrived. Strange things
are taking plaee here, but this is not a time for re
crimination. I remain at my post, bat be assured
that the crisis is a serious one, and what I said at
the Council the other day will prove strictly true.
"I received neither from the War Office nor the
jullerles any order, news or notice of an? kind.
About one o'clock in the afternoon I saw General
Lebteton. the qaesteur of the Corps Leglslutir. I
see him here, and he can correct me if my memory
proves deceitful, lie tola me: General, the peril
is at its height; there is a tremendous crowd on the
quay about to break into the house the troops have
allowed the mob to break through their lines. You
alone, by a personal effort, may perhaps stave the
danger off.' I replied, HieneraL I am the victim or
an unprecedented situation. In fact, I have no com
mand ; I did not order the troops you meutlon to be
posted where they were ' Here, gentlemen, I beg
to say that I am thoroughly convinced that if I had
been in command the case would have been pre
cisely the same. (Applause.) I mean to say that I
was the victim or a combination, which has given
rise to the abominable rumors that have been in
circulation about me, and which I should scorn to
notice save before my real judges that is, this
Assembly. (Applause.) But to proceed. I told
General Lebretcn, 'Look here. General, you want
me single-handed testop the advance or half a mil
lion or men wno are surging up towards tne Assem
bly ; and yet you mast know as well as I that it can
not be done : but as jou make the demand lu the
name ot the Corps Leglslatif, I will attempt the
eiiort, though I am well assured or Its failure.' The
Hotel de Ville itself was filled with so dense a crowd
that it was only by devious ways that I was able to
reach a closet, abeut tour times the size of this tri
bune, in which the Provisional Government had
stationed Itself by the light or a solitary lamp. I
I i didn't know whether the men I saw there tor the
U first time with the exception or M. J ales Favre,
u kism T lial Bfln fltirlnff thA dar wr vealtw
1 usurpers, vultures soaring down on power as a prey:
I but they did not look like It. I felt that they and I
( were ex nosed to a grrat peril. One of them said.
'General, In this formidable crisis we are especially
0 anxious that the Government should not fall into
the hands 01 tne people in rne next room, (sensa
tion. ) Jnst now, taken aback by the suddenness of
events, they are assembled, but tbey are not yet
armed ; but they will be to-morrow. If you consent
to be Minister of War of the Provisional Goverament
to morrow, the ofQctrs and soldiers In furls will
.ather round vonr name, and there will be some
means oi euiorcing iue iucmuiot mm wu.ii uo
for the nreservaUon of order In Paris.' I replied.
I 'Beiore making np my mind It Is my duty to go
ta the War Office and acquaint the Minister.
1 who is mv chief, of what is going on here." I went,
J and round General Pallkao in his oinoe a prey to in-
tew irHf' ha thnuirht that hi. son. a clever
voung officer, had been killed at Sedan. On this
occasion be received me with the greatest cordiality,
if I hA mild. tlie revolnttnn la a fait wromuli:
if ou don't take the direction ef affairs it is all np
with us. It you do, probably the result will be all
Ue same (sensation), but the soldiers will rally
round vou.' I retaraed to the Hotel de VIHe, where
I found the Provisional Government had received
during my absence an addition to its numbers in the
tterson ot M. Rocfiefort. (Ah, hat and prolonged
laughter.) I told the Provisional Government, 'If
ion want me to fee of any use at this fearful crisis.
1 aaust be at the head of aifairs. M. J ales Favre U
President I most be President In his place.' Such,
gentlemen, in a very condensed form is the history
f September .B
The LoDgchamps Review.
The Wew French Loan.
The Assembly Elections.
Ameilcan Evangelical Alliance.
Sentences of Communists.
Awful Drowning Caso.
California Republican Convention.
Kt.f Ktc, Etc., Etc.. Etc, Etc.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
American Evangelical Alliance.
London, Jane 29. The delegates of the
American Evangelical Alliance to confer with
the Czar of Russia were present at a banquet at
Richmond last evening, given by the Evangeli
cal Alliance of England. Thomas Hughes gave
them a reception to-day.
The Emperor Napoleon
bas visited London, and been re-elected a
member of the Army and Navy Club.
The little ship
City of Ragusa
from New York, arrived at Queenstown to-day.
j A Boiler Explosion
occurred at Kldsgrove to-day, occasioning the
death of six men, and nineteen men were se
riously injured.
German Bonds.
Berlin, June 29 Prince Bismarck, as Chan
cellor of the Empire, has called in the first issue
of fifty-one millions of German bonds, interest
on which will cease on the 1st of January next.
London, June 39. Special despatches from
Paris Bay that the
Review at Loogchampi
will certainly be held to-day. The weather is
fine, though somewhat cloudy, and a hundred
thousand men will be in line.
The Orleanlst Princes
will be present incognito.
There are some apprehensions of a demonstra
tion on the part of the Reds, and precautionary
measures bave been taken.
Maillet bas escaped from Paris to Belgium.
The Emperor and Empress of Brazil
are at Rouen, and leave there to-day for Eng
land. Prince de Jolnvllle
accompanies them to this country.
The New French Loan.
Versailles, June 29. In the Assembly yes
terday Ponyer-Quertier stated that in less
than six hours agents of the Treasury collected
four thousand five hundred millions francs
for the new loan,
Paris alone subscribed
sand five hundred millions.
of which
two thou
The provinces
bave not all been heard from, and the total
amount of subscriptions is not yet ascertained.
The Minister of Finance, commenting upon the
facts he had stated, said this state of things '
enables the Government to fulfil its engage
ments, and to hasten the deliverance of the
country. We shall not wait for the dates fixed
by the treaty at Frankfort, but shall pay the
Indemnity in instalments.
The French Elections.
Paris, June 29 A. M The Republican com
mittees have been unable to agree npon a com
bined ticket, and publish several electoral lists.
The elec tlon ot Brelay, Challem, Latchur, Cor-
bon, Herlsson, Laurent, Pichat, Nadaud, Scheu
rer, Koestrlcs, Tenot, and Prety, are considered
certain. There are one hundred and eighty-four
candidates from the arrondlssement of the Seine.
Many foreign officers are arriving in Paris to
witness the review.
Maruhal MacMahon
has declined to be a candidate for the Assembly
from Paris.
Deleseluze's sister has been liberated.
Versailles, June 29.
The Trial of Ilochefort
is appointed for Monday next. The Assembly
yesterday discussed a project of law for
Decentralization of the Government ,
Arrests of Communists continue. Courbet
and Fontaine have been confronted with their
Sentences Pronounced on Communists.
Marseilles, June 29 The court-martial in
session here has pronounced the following sen-tences-Creraleux,
Etienn e,and Peliissler to death.
Duclos, Marten, Hastorg, Breton, and Cachut
to transportation, Nov! to ten years and Bariche
to five years labor la the galleys, and Eberard
to ten years imprisonment. Six of the accused
have been acquitted.
The Prince and Princess of Wales
are about to pay a visit to Germany.
An Archbishop Arrested.
Florence, June 29 archbishop Patrosso
has been arrested in Rome on the charge of
Ship News.
London, June 29. The steamers England, Man
hattan, SDd Ismalla have arrived ont.
Liverpool, Jane vs. Arrived, ships Resolute,
from New York; Joseph Pish, from New Orleans;
J. Poster, J., from New York; and brig Guilia, from
New Orleans.
This Morning's Quotations.
Liverpool, June 29 ioso A. M Cotton firmer;
uplands, 8J4 d. ; Orleans. 8s8?id. The sales to-day
are estimated at 15,ooo bales.
hohvon, Jane 29 11 A. K. Consols, 92V
for both money and account. United Slates Bonds
of lseg at ey, ; of 1868 at 90 v. ; or latii at 8Si ; tea
forties at 8SU-
Fbaxkkokt. Jane 29. United States five-twenties
closed at 96Vat8V.
Paris. June 9. The Bourse closed active;
Rentes, fit. 60c.
This Afternoon's Quotations.
London, Jane 91-so P. M. Consols for money,
98 s ; for acoou nt, 99
Livkrtool, Jane 891-80 P. M. Cotton buoyant:
nplandi, sxd.5 Orleans, 8V. Kales now estimated
at w,o tales, including. 7CM for export and specu
lation. IVrfc,
from Washington.
ExclvrivAy to The Evening TeUxrrapK
Movements of General Spinner.
Washington, D. C, Jnne 29 A private let
ter from Cologne, dated June 10, mentions that
General Spinner and party bad been to Belgium
and Holland, nnd were on their way to Berlin.
His health was improving.
Naval Orders.
Detached Lieutenant Commander Miller from
the receiving ship New Hampshire, and placed
on sick leave. Paymaster llay, Jr., as store
keeper at the Naval Academy, and ordered as
storekeeper to the European fleet at Villa
Franchi. Assistant Paymaster Hurlbnt as store
keeper at Villa Franchi, and ordered home to
settle bis accounts. Professor Lockwood from
the Naval Academy, and ordered to the Naval
Observatory. First Assistant Engineer Both
wick from the Naval Academy, and ordered to
the Michigan.
The Cabinet met at 11 o'clock to-day, all the
members present excepting Secretaries Fish,
Delano, and Robeson. The Department of State
was represented by Assistant Secretary Hunter,
and the Interior Department by Assistant Sec
retary Cowan.
Government Weather Report.
War Department, Office op the Chief Signal
Officbr,Wabhinoton, June 9910-80 A.M. Synop
sis for the past twentv-rour hours: The barometer
has rallen at the Pacitlo and Rocky Mountain sta
tions, and bas very generally risen from the Missis
sippi to New England, where it fell somewhat dar
ing the night. The area or highest pressure extends
from Laie Michigan southwest ward. Northwesterly
winds have prevailed from Lake Michigan to Chesa
peake Bay, and are now extending eastward. Fresh
southwesterly winds continue at Key West. The
temperature has fallen from the Tennessee to
Chesapeake Bay, and northwards. Cloudy weather,
with occasional light rains, has continued on the
East Atlantlo, where it Is now clearing away. Light
rains have fallen in WeBtcrn Tennessee, and local
showers during the afternoon on the Atlantlo coast
and in Pennsylvania.
Probability. It is probable that the barometer
will fall, with eesterly winds in the northwest, and
that clearing-np weather will very generally prevail
on the Lakes and Middle and Etst Atlantic, with
cool weather and northwesterly winds.
The Petalled Meteorological Report for
The following is the meteorological report of the
Signal Bureau of the War Department for this
morning, all the observations being taken at 7-43
A. M., Phlladniphla time. The barometrical reports
are corrected lor temperature and elevation. The
velocity or the wind is glveu In miles per hour,
and the rorce is an approximate reduction to the
Beaufort scale :
Plate of Obser
vation. Baltimore.
Cape May
Charleston, B. C.
29-87 71 N.W. 5 Gentle. Cloud
iii.-68 88 w. 6 Gentle. Cloud
29-89 6T N W. 11 Brisk. Oloud
29-77 70 N. 12! Brisk. Cloud
29-81 83 Calm. Fair
180-10 68 N. 7 Gentle. Fair
129-98 49 N. e.Oentle. Clear
29 97 St 8. W. 19,Brlsk. Cloud
29-95 71 N. E. 6,CJentle. Cloud
29-87 85 N. E 1 .... Fair
29-76 67 N.W. 7 Gentle. Cloud
29-77 78 N. 6 Gentle. Cloud
80 09 69 Calm. Fair
a-75 66 N. E. 18, Brisk, tstrra
29-76 69 N.W. .. .... Fair
80-P2 67 W. Fair
80 06 65 N. E. a V.geut. Clear
29-83 67 N.W. 6 Gentle. Ulear
,29-82 82 IS. W. B.UenUe. Cloud
Key West, Fla,
New Orleans ...
New York
St. Louis
Washington . . . .
Exalusivly to The Evening Telegraph.
The Brooklyn Yacht Regatta.
New York, June 20. Franklin Oszood,
owner of the yacht Columbia, has protested
against the award of the club and Union
schooner prizes in the Brooklyn Club regatta
to the Madeleine, which he claims to have fairly
beaten upwards of a minute even by time al
lowance. Ship News.
Arrived, steamship Queen, from Liverpool.
Executively to The Evening Telegraph,
Terrible Drowning Casualty.
Claremont, N. H June 29. The Rev,
Charles . Sawyer, a Universallst clergyman,
his wife, and her father, o. (Jushine;, of A bins
ton. Mass., were drowned in the Connecticut
river, at Ashley's Ferry, yesterday. It is sup
posed they mistooK tne ierry lor a lord, and
attempted to cross 'in a carriage. The bodies
have been recovered.
KzrtuRivtly to The Evening Telegraph.
Repulllcan State Convention Hon.
Newton Booth for Uovernor. '
San Francisco. June 29. Newton Booth has
been nominated by acclamation for Governor
by the lieuubllcan State Convention, on an
anti-railway subsidy platform, which is almost
Identical with the platform adopted by tbe
Democratic State Convention. It demands from
the National Government the abrogation of the
treaty with China and the prohibition of further
Chinese immigration, and fully endorses Presi
dent Grant and his administration.
Exclusively to The Evening telegraph.
Burning of a Cotton Boat.
New Orleans, June S9. Sbreveport despatches
report that the steamboat Ked Cloud, with niue hun
dred bales of cotton, has been burned to the water's
edge at Montgomery landlt g.
New York Honey and Stock Market,
Haw Yobk, June 89. Stoofca steady. Uonev
8 per cent. Gold, 113. 6-vos, lsca, coupons,
113V: do, ISM. cp., U3; do. I860, cp., 113; do. 156,
new.uri ; do, l&,'; ; do.ises.iie ; io.40s, lo;
Virginia tts, new, 12 ; Missouri es, 96 ; Canton Co..
78; Cumberland preferred, 45; N. Y. Central
and Hudson Kiver, ti; Krle, 89y; Heading.
10V: Adams Express, 80; Michigan Central,
180; M' oilman Southern, 89; '.Illinois Central,
196V ; Cleveland and humour?, V6i Cnicairo and
Rock Island, loi; Pittsburg and Fort Wayne,
88 . W eHtern Union TelegraDti, bi.
New York Produce Market.
New York, June 89. Cotton strong, chiefly in
transit; middling uplands, 80;c. ; do. Orleans, 80 '.
Flour dull; btate, 5 BOIO; Ohio, f8;-T6 ; West
ern, f5-50(4T-10; Southern, 0-609. Wbeat dull and
lavors buyers; No. 8 spring afloat, fl-48; winter red
and amber Western, tl"tkl-6T. Corn heavy and
declined lc. ; interior and common mixed Western,
T071c.; good to choice do., UTio. Oats dull:
Ohio, 6(k. 68 ; western, Bttanec. uoei quiet ana
steady, fork firm ; new ment, i6 lJi6-25; prime,
li18. Lard steacy. Whisky, 92c.
Baltimore Produce Market.
BALTDiOus, June 89. Cotton Arm and nominally
higher; no sales; quotations low middling, 19
lVXC Flour declined 60o.iil on Baltimore city
extra and family: Howard street superfine, I5A5-&0:
do. extras, ttksf : do. family. 748: City Mills super.
One, 6a,8-76; do. extras, 8-8.v$7-75;do. family, I7-7B
iu; western superuue, 10,4070; ao. enras, to
$7; do. family, IK47-16. Wbeat quiet and lower;
new white. ti-45(Ai-tU: new amber. Irti8 Al-70: new
prime red, fl -Bowl '60; do. fair to good, f 1-M1'IX;
Ohio and Indiana, tl'65. Corn steady : Houthern
white, BlS8c. ; do. yellow, 75a ; mixed Western, 78
Oi73c Oats firmer; western, 69itoo. rrovimons
unchanged. W hibky unchanged ; sales at 93930.
Milwaukee Markets.
MiLWAriM, June 89 1010 A. M. Wbeat
market aulet: No. 1. 11-88V: No. 8. 81-87.
XVCCCiyt, K,VW ssubi. 1 uiyuiCUU! w IUSAI4
FroguM-Saii, &c. ; steam, 9c,
ii 1 o Dk uuk V.nuh afriinmA.ta id AAA Kn nh
Surrender of RIcLaughlin.
To-day's Naval Orders.
Important Railway Mooting.
Maine Republican Convention.
Outrages on the Tlains;
Afternoon Gable Quotations,
Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
A Philadelphia Malefactor Gives Himself
inio vniioayi
Niw York, June 89. Michael McLaughlin, or
No. 686 Carpenter street, Philadelphia, who shot
James McUee in that city about a year ago, gave
himself no to Oillcer Frazer. of the Broadway squad.
to-iiav. statinK mat tne case nan so prevea upon 11 is
mind that ne couui not rest, tie was tanen to tne
Central Ofllce and locked up until advices can be re
ceived from Philadelphia.
Robbery of a Jewelry store.
II0RNKLI.8VIL1.K. N. Y.. June 29. The Jewelry
store of Cass UlKgle was entered by burglars last
night and 12000 worth of watches and Jewelry car.
ried off.
New York, Jane 29.
The Specie Shipment
to-day amounts to 1492,000, and for the week to
has challenged Mace to fight him for $2500 a side.
Bids for Gold.
Nkw York. Jane 29. Fifteen bids for gold were
received to-dav, amounting to (1 895.000 at 112-50 to
113-10 1-10. Tiie awards will be one million at 113-06
to 113-10.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Knights of Pythias.
LorisvrLLK, June 29. Samuel Reed, Supreme
Chancellor of tne Knights or ovinias or tne worm.
arrived here last night, and was received at the
depot by a delegation of the Louisville Knights. He
addressed a large number of Knights at the Pythian
Temple. After the closing of the Lodge, he was
serenaded at the Gait douse. He mill leave far St.
Louis on Saturday next to organize a Grand Lodge
for the State of Missouri, and thence proceed on a
tour through the Western States.
Railway Meeting and Klectlon.
Chicaao, June 29. At the annuel meeting of the
stockholders of the Chicago, Burllnjrtou, and Qulncy
Railroad veaterdav the following irantleiusn were
elected IMreotors : Braatus Cornlug, Of Albany;
John C. Green, New Yord; Sidney Bartlett, John
W. Brooks, John N. Burnham, John N. Duhoii, John
M. Forbes, Nathaniel Thayer, and Robert K. Wat
son, of Boston; James F. Joy, of Detroit; Chauncey
8. Colton, of tialesburg ; and James M. Walker, of
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
The Mining Strike, Etc.
San FitANCisco, June 29. Kverythlng is quiet in
Amador county. The mines, under the protection
of the military, are starting np with new men en
gaged at the old rates. The proprietors are deter
mined never again to employ a man connected witn
the Miners' League which ordered the strike and
comoelled the suspension of work.
Horace Cullv and Colonel Taggart have been in
structed by the Oregon Agricultural Society to tell
the visitors to the Agricultural Fair, to be held next
autumn, what thev know aoout farming.
Captain George S. Parker, formerly port warden
and one of the oldest residents or Ban Francisco,
died yesterday.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
The Indian Outrages.
Washington. June 29. A recent letter from
General Grlerson mentions that a large number of
young men of the Kiowa tribe had been seen g .ing
westwara rapiaiy, mougu several 01 iue leuuwK
chiefs were in pursuit of them. In the recent attack
of the Indians under Satanta and Satauk, three In
dians were killed and two died afterwards of wounds,
and two others are exnectea to uie.
A nartv of Indians attacked wnaiey s ranenn, on
Red river, on June 8d, and were repulsed, with taree
killed, one citizen was Kinea.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Maine Republican Convention.
Portland. June 89. The Maine Republican State
Convention convened at the City Hall this morning
and was called to order by James 11. Blaine, chair
man of the State Committee. The Hon. A. u.
Waiker, ot Lowell, was elected temporary chairman,
aBd committees on creaenuais aua rerumuem ur-
ganlzatlon were appointed.
The Latest Cable Quotations.
London. Jnne 896 P. M. The bullion in the
Bank of England has Increased 201,000. Consols
closed at for both money and account. U.S.
10-408. 88V. TS110W. 448.
LiVEBPOOL. J one w ovhi r. m. cotton cioana
firmer: uplands, 8a8Hd.; Orleans, 8'd. The
sales have been SO.ouO bales, including 700 for ex
port and speculation. Sales on a ship named at
New Orleans have been made at 8 13-ltid.
Chicago Flour and Wheat Market
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Chicago, June 8911 A. n. Flour dull and un
changed. Wbeat dull and unsettled: No. 1. ll-27Vu
1-S7X cash and seller June ;tl-BVl-S5,Jtf,itriler J uly ;
nominally f 1-20, seiier jaiy or August; i-io, louer
the year. Corn quiet; B3?ia.54c, seller June and
July ; B4KC., seuer AoguBt. uatsauu; 5ttwwic. :
new. l(a42c. : regular, 44tf(S;4Bo., seller July; 38c.
seller August. Whisky steady : 8S0. bid : asked. 84V
3S9c. Freights quiet; Bsc. to Buffalo, 8,V9c.
to Oswego, 99X0. to KingHton.
Philadelphia Trad Report.
Tbcksday, June 29. Bark is dull at 130 per ton
for No, 1 Quercitron. Tanner's Bark la nominal at
$18(413-60 per cord.
The Flour market is exceedingly flat, with vsry
little Inquiry except from the borne consumers to
supply their immediate wants; soo barrels sold in
lots at $5-25(350 for superCne ; S5-B0&6 for extras ;
Id-BOtaSB for Wisconsin extra family : 7-12M'T'BO
for Minnesota do. do. ; 3256 7S for Pennsylvania
do. do.; t7(T-B6 (or Ohio do. do.; aod fancy
brands at 8. -75(8 o, as in quality. Kye Flour may
be quoted at 5 60C4&-75.
The Wheat market is devoid of spirit, and prices
are weak. Sales of 800 bushels WftHternred at $1-50
rai-M. and some white at i-6oii o5. a lot of west
ern Rye sold at $1. Corn comes forward freely,
and is in stead t reauest. Sales of yellow at 75a..
and Western mixed at 733B4o. Oats attraot but lit
tle attention. 8500 bushels Western sold at 63($67c.
in Barley and Malt nothing doing.
In Cloverseed and Timothy nothing doing to fix
prices. Flaxseed 1 wanted by the crushers at $2, a
Cotton is not much sought after. Small sales of
middlings at 80c2evc. for upland and Uulf.
Wkisky is very quiet; small sales of Western Iron-
doubu at vjc.
Terrible Riots in Germany.
Tlio New Departure.
Columbia College Commencement.
Presidential Appointments.
Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc., Ktc,
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Longchamps, June 291 P. M.
The Grand Review
is now in progress. The troops, fully 100,008 strong,
are all In position, and make a very fine appear
ance. The tribunes, which are elaborately deco
rated, are occupied by Thiers and other members
of the Government, and the Assembly is largely
Marshal MacMahon
is in command 01 tne army. The grounds are
thronged with an immense number of people, and
the scene is exceedingly brilliant.
Miners' Riots.
Berlin, June 29. Terrible riots have occurred
among the miners in the imperial Iron Works at
Kenlgshucttc, in Silesia. The ofllce of the superin
tendent of the mines and prison were destroyed by
the rioters, who then commenced plundering the
Jewish residents.
The uhlans were called upon to put down the dis
turbances, and cleared the streets, killing seven
mineis, wound ing thirty, and arresting sixty. Mar
tial law bas been proclaimed.
Italian Senate Proceedings.
Fi.okencb, June 29. The Senate ratified the
treaty of commerce with the United States and also
the bills making provision for the publlo safety and
the unification of the Pontifical debt.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraphi
The "New Departure."
Chicago. June 29 That part of the Dcmocracv of
jowa oissatisaed witn tne new departure policy, re
cently endorsed by the State Convention, has called
another State Convention to be held at Des Moines
tn August 15. Legrand Bylngton heads the call.
end Henry ciay ueun wui oe leader 01 tne party that
soneres to tne new departure poncy.
The sneibvville. lows, liecora Bars: Harlan and
Shelbv oountua are aaneraliy laboring under great
excitement, owing to the announce t the
1 iue or t ne
Rock Island and Paclflo Railroad Com-
. pany . .
to even sections, and also a portion of their grant
ijing Deyond tne twenty miles limits, is defective,
ano, consequently, iue land ooiongs to tne uovern-
nent and la open to homestead and pre-emption
A large crowd of land-hunters have been in town
or encamped near it the past week, and the County
Treasurer was called upon several hundred times to
point ont tne railway company's real estate. There
are over a hundred and flfty thousand acres in the
connty. A lawyer living in Kxlria is said to have
made the discovery of the defect in the title, and Is
te receive flfty cents an acre when the titles are
perfected. 1
Columbia College Commencement.
St. Louis, June 89. The annual literary and other
exercises 01 tne commencement or tne state uni
versity at Columbia, Mo., have been progressing for
several aays, attenaeu dt very large audience.
i esteruay tne corner-stone 01 tun new scientino
edifice was laid under Masonic auspices, A number
of lodges from different parts of the State were
present, and the ceremonies were directed by Thos.
E. Garrett, of St. Louis. The address was delivered
by Governor Brown.
The first prize for Greek scholarship was taken by
Miss J. F. Ripley, the announcement of which fact
was greeted with great applause.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
New State House In Hartford.
TIartford, June 29. The Senate to-day by a vote
of 12 to 6 passed a resolution appropriating $500,000
lor a new state House in iiartioru, ano autuorizing
the city of Hartford to appropriate a sum not ex
ceeding $i,oub,Jou towards tne same, rne state ap
propriations will not be used until the city has fur
nished an eanal sum.
A resolution appointing uovernor dewen, senator
Buckingham. Hon. w 1111am jj. tsisnop, uon. Wil
liam R. Barnum, and iiuoge w.u. snipmau com
misstonersto superintend the erection of the State
House, was also passed.
Railway Commissioner's Election In New
Concord. N. H.. June 89. The'two houses In con
vention to-day voted lor a rauroaa commissioner.
Whole number 830; David Gilchrist, Demosrat and
Labor Reform, 168; v. w. Bucitminster, Republi
can. 162.
The nonniar vote in juarcn gave uucxminster
84.464, and Gilchrist 83,967, but the scattering vote
defeated an election. For Secretary of State, John
II. (ioodalle, presented as a Democrat and Labor
Reform candidate, received 166 votes to 162 for N.
W. Gove, Republican.
i'ortland, jnne 29.
The Maine State Convention
The Committee on Permanent Organization re
ported that the temporary organization be made
Denuanent. Adopted.
I ne lomnmtee on .reueuuu-n repurieu uiat ju
delegates were nreueut.
J. w. rorter, or Benin, moveo mat tne lion. Sid
ney Peru an), of Paris, the present Incumbent, be
nominated for Governor by acclamation. Unani
mously adopted.
Hon. James G. Blaine addressed the convention
on the political questions of the day. Remarks were
also maoe oy Mr. cry. ui .laswuhoo.
Governor remain was inirouuceo, and maao a
brief address accepting the nomination.
Exclusively to the Evening Telegraph.
The Erie Troubles.
siw York. June 89. During the proceedings in
the Erie case to-day ex-Judge Bercn. counsel for
tho Krle ComDanv. read a ttl davits of J. Gould and
Frederick Lowe, uecisriug mat a compromise nad
hoon sought bv Heath Raphael, tirougn a third
rarty, by which the Krle Company should return
he 60,000 shares 01 stock and receive tn exchange
tnn nuo for legal expenses.
Xt WAS also suunu mail tun Biiaugcujcub unu ur.u
made between Houthmayd and L.ue, Dy whion tne
Kris Railroad Company proposed to transfer the
whole stock held by the Protection Committee, for
whi.-h rerelDta are outstanding to Heath Si Ra-
such stock to e lu ten share certificates ; and
it being understood that Heath 4 Raphsel would
riiutritinte the steck to the holders of sucn receipts
with properly executed powers of attorney, so that
future noiueis 01 cei liucuw-o uumu rcnaumo uiciu
at pleasure, soutnmayd at nrsi assented 10 mis ar
rangement, but Anally receded from it. The argu
ment was uieu reauujou.
Rochester University.
t?oche8tbr. N. Y.. June 29 The trustees of the
-RrvhHMLer L'nlversltv have been materially changed
bv the election 01 two representatives 01 iue aiuuiiu
Francis A. Macomber, of the class of 1H&, and
Martin W.Cooke, or tne ciass or itw. iue new
board pledged luelf to increase the endowment
J una 01 Uie UUircrsrj vj iivv.vvu.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Appointments by the Preside!.
Washington, Jnne 89. The following appoint
ments were made by the President to-day: Wm.
H. Haines, Commissioner of Customs; Lewis H.
Douglass, son of Frederick Douglass, member of
the Legislative Conncll of the Legislative Assembly
of the IMstrtct of Columbia: Kldridge W. Little, of
New Mexico. Wilson N. Uri filth, and Henry Pro
banco, of Ohio, commissioners under the act to pro
vide for the centennial celebration of Independence
at Philadelphia; U. V. Wilkinson, Colleotor of
Customs at Pearl River, Mississippi; T. C Hum
ptreys, Collector of Customs at Pessacola. Fla. ;
ex-United States Senator WlUard Warner, Collector
of Customs at Mobile, Ala., in place of Dr. Miller.
" General Spinner.
A letter was received here to-day from one of the
members of Oeneral Spinner's paity, now travelling
In I u rope. The writer mentions that Treasurer
Spinner's health Is much Improved, and at tie date
or the letter he was about leaving Cologne for
XrxHma TmeoBArS Orrros.J
Thursday, Jane 89. I87L I
Among lenders there is a gradually Increasing
firmness of tone, and loans are not obtainable
at the extremely low rates which we have re
corded lor several weeks past. The drain upon
the banks from the West and Northwest has
materially diminished. The available supply
ot lunds, though is still ample for all practi
cal purposes, and no ditlicolty is experienced by
uuu uuirvffcrg iu uu mm in if au mat mey re- .
quire to meet exigencies. We quote loans sub
ject to demand, with good collateral securities,
at oca o per cent., ana cnoice mercantile paper
from 6 to 8 per cent., the lower figure ruling for
short dates of sixty days and under.
lioia is iainy active and steady, with nearly .
all the sales in New Fork at 113.
In Gevernment bonds there is an active move
ment and prices are all higher.
Stocks were rather dull, and prices unsettled.
Bales of City 6s at 100 for the new issues.
Reading Railroad was Terv active, sellincr at
5454&, closing firm at the latter, ex-div. .
Pennsylvania was qnlet, with sales at 59, and
In Canal shares there were sales of Lehlirh
OO B. O.
A few shares of Commercial Bank brought
61. '
Reported by De Haven & Bro., No. 40 S. Third street,
113100 City 6s, 80shCom1Bk..
iwou v a m bs, s oi sown
110000 Pa R eon mt.
loo sh Read R..bC0. 6tv
100 do 0.6469
100 ! . do.... .D60 64-81
400 dO.....bl0. 64V
800 do 18. 64
800 do Is. 54-81
Ssh LehValR.... 61 .
109 sh Leh Nay. SCO. 33
cp 1)0....
1900 Read deb bda.
69 V
11000 Leh R L
no an Penna
o do.reo.sswn.
do. receipts 69.
liOOOOAm Gold 113 w
800 sh Reading R. . .64-69
600 do bl0.6-69
BOO do b30. 64V
6(i0 .;do bl0.64'69
800 do 060. 64V.
1 do 64V
96 ShOOA A R.. 48
I.M'OO Pa 68 8 86 106 V
1-00 City 6s, New. lco
sooo no 100
$03 sh Penna R..... &9j
800 do 69
83 sh Hanu Banc..' 89 5
MsssBS. Dh Haven
Bbotokr, no. 40 South
Third street, Philadelphia, report the following
quotations: New U. 8. 6s of . 1831, ; .
fj. 8. 6S Of 1881, llT7Sll8Ws do. 1869,'
118 ; do. fsso, new, tinyAm ; do. 1867, uilievS
tyy " "7iw"7t fvtue, uuxaaiiu7!.
U. b. su vears percent. Uurrenov. h."s.aiiku-. uxm
1189118 vj Silver, ioscllo; Union Paeiflb Rail"
road 1st Mort. Bonds, 91 091; Central Paclflo
Railroad. 102102x4 Union Paclflo Land Grant
Bonds. 83.v84.
J11.88Rf . WILLIAM i'AINTKB It CO.. No. 86 8. Third
street, report the following Quotations it. s nmr
1881, 118 jUlfi.W 5 6-908 Of 1869, 118U3 I do. 1864.
1134118. dO. I860, 1134U8; da. July. 186b1
116V(116i.dO.. JUly. 186T. US?.'(115vr ! ftnl Jnl
lS68,H6)4((U6i;loos,li0V(4U0'. U. 8. Paclflo
it. n. c-nrrency oa, iidxuo. oold, Ui'4alWA.
Nabk Ladnkr. Brokers, report this mornine
10- 00 a. M
11- 37
.113 ill-49 A. M ....113
.113" 12-01 P. M U3.iV
8 A. M.MT.V...Ta U A. M. 71 1 S P. M...8t
Sew Risks 4-84 I moon Sbts..... b- o
Bcn Sits 1-38 High Watkk. ii-ia
Steamship Empire, Hinckley, Charleston, W. P.Clyde
Steamer Rattlesnake, Winnett, Amesbury Point. T-
M. Richards. n
Steamer A. C. Stlmers, Davis, New York. W. P.
Clyde 4 co.
Steamer liars, Ornmley, New York, W. M. Baird
& Co.
Schr Annie S. Gaskill, Gasklll, Charleston, Has! am,
, It'.vlDIIBlU uv.
Schr Fannie Uarmer, Brooks, Nantucket, Sinnlck
son fc Co.
Schr Joseph Comegrys, Hnbbard, Salem, do.
Schr Richard Hill, Smith, Newport, do.
Schr Merrlman, Burt, Taunton, do.
Schr S. Hale, Coleman, do. do.
Schr Palladium, Ryder, Danversport, do.
Schr Ella H. Bamer, Avery, Greenoort. do.
Tog Joe Johnson, Shearer, Baltimore, with a tow Of
barges, W. P. Clyde A Co.
Tug o. B. Hutchius, Mulford, Baltimore, with a tow
oi Dartres, vr. r. t-ijae a jo.
Steamship Norfolk. Piatt, from Richmond via vinr.
folk, with nidse. to W. P. Clyde A Co.
Steamer Bristol, Wallace, 84 hours from New York.
With mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co.
bteaicer n. uut', weor, 13 Dours from Balti
more, with mdse. te A. Groves, Jr.
Bteamer r amta, Koane. 84 Hours from Mew York,
with mdse. to John T. Ohl.
Bark James w. Elwell. wren. 38 davi from
Qnlmsby, Eng., with iron.
Brig Josephine, Skinner, 18 days from Sacrua, with
meiahses to Uallett a bona vessel to Warren tt
Schr George S. Courtney, Lane, from Tuckerton,
with oil to J. J. Allen.
Schr Kite, Beecraft, from Annapolis, with ties to
Reading BR. Co.
Schr Alexander Mllllken, Griffith, from Ellsworth,
Me., with lumber to Smith A Harris.
Schr Mary C. Lyons, Smith, from Wilmington, N.
C, with lnmber to D. Trump, Son & Co.
Schr William Capes, Baker, rrom Konoout, with
cement to French, Richards A Co.
bchr Argo, Taylor, irom janucuae, witn wood to
Andrews. vi
Schr Vrale, Price, from Dlghton.
Schr II. L. Slaight, Wllieu, Irom New York.
Schr Abble U Uow, Young, Allyn's Point.
Schr Babel H. Jones, Jones, from Providence.
Schr James Satterthwalte, Klniey, from Boston.
Schr Christopher Loeser, Davis, do.
Tii Thos. JeiTerson. Allen, from Baltimore, with a
tow of barges to W. P. Clyde A Co.
Tug Chesapeake, Memliew, from Baltimore, with
a tow of barges to W. P. Clyde A Co.
Correspondence of The Evening Telejrraph.
Nbw York Ofkicb. Jnne 88. The followlnz
barges left in tow tonight for Baltimore, light:
Catharine Moan, C. F. Berwln, T. Parker. Wel
HogtoB, J. J. Munger, M. S. Price, W. T. Hamilton,
and J. L. Post
Baltimohb Bbakch Offici, June 89 The fol
lowing barges leave in tow to-ulght, loaded with coal,
lor New York: .
A. Allison. Timo, uenerai w arren, u. u. L.axe.
Harry Wright, W, S. Burton, Kate Stewart, and
Mary Dunn.
Philadelphia Bhakch Ofkicb, June 89. The
C. A. Dornueld, with coal, for New York. L.S. C
Special Despatch to The Evening TelegraoK
iiav bb-kb-Gb acb, Juue 89. The following boats
leave in tow to-day:
James 1). biuitn, witn mnt to eaeuer, Auauuun
George Crag, with lnmber to Savior, Day A Morie.
Thomas Arnold, with slate, for New York.
Dodge Mills, light, to Dodge & Co. J II.