THE DAILY EVENING TEEBGRAPH PHILADELPIIIA MONDAY, JUNE 2G, 1871. OCR LONDON LETTER. Tl Treaty la tt Nona of Lords Baronet or Butcher 1 Our National Defenses IV anted, a I'nltert States Legation House Recollection of Philadelphia The Race to the Bar TonrUte In Pari", Etc., Etc. fnta Owr Own CrreporxTm, London, June 13, 1871. Earl Russell's motion, condemnatory of the Tetrot-jvctlre liability clause In the Treaty of Washington, wat discussed in the lloase of Lords la-- night, and, after most animated debate, was negatived without a division. One service at least the motion has done us: we have beard the assailable points of the treaty sharply criticized and had all the pros and cons of the matter brought Into the light of day. Lord Rus sell devoted most of his speech (as had been an ticipated) to a detailed narrative of all the circumstances connected with the Alabama's eEcape. But his attack was definitely made the Government has agreed to be judged by rules that It declares did not ex ist at the time when the acts complained of were done; and Lord Salisbury pressed the point with acrimonious force, pointing out with some truth the new burden that neutrals will hence forward have to ..bear, If they have to consider Dot only what International law is, but what this or that belligerent may think it ou?bt to be. Earl Granville admitted his regret and dis appointment which, I may say parenthetically, are widely felt in the country that our com missioners failed to obtain a recognition of the Fenian claims; "but," said he, "we did not press these claims, because, knowing that in the present state of parlies it would be impossible to obtain from the United States a recognition of them, we had to consider whether we ought to destroy all the fruits of the High Commis sion, and allow a third failure to be the result of the negotiation.'' lie ended with a few words in praise of the part taken in the treaty by General Schenck, who was present during the debate. All who spoke agreed that the fisheries clauses must be left to the Dominion Parlia ment's judgment. Serious political discussion claims precedence in my letter, but you must not suppose that it is in fact the leading topic of conversation this week. No; "Baronet or Butcher?" is the one absorbing question that is debated daily in every place where men and women meet, from Not tin g Hill to Bloomsbury, and from Iligbgate to Belgravia. The claimant himself for it is of course to the famous Tichborne Baronetcy claim that I allude has now been for some days in the witness-box, where he is tried in the furnace of a cross-examination as penetrating, probably, as ever mortal had to bear. He has been accom modated with an easy-chair in the box in con sideration of his six-and-twenty-stone weight, but the indulgence has not prevented his health from giving way so seriously as to have rendered frequent adjournments of the court necessary. The public interest in the case seems to grow with every day that it is prolonged. Never was a better subject for people to take sides 'upon, the issue being so simple: Is the claimant Sir Roger Tichborne, or is he not? and the argu ments on both sides being, in appearance at any rate, pretty equally overwhelming. The only peaceable course seems to be to suspend one's udgment till all the evidence has been heard and the jurymen have given their verdict on it. A great deal of grave talk about our national defenses has been excited by that able magazine article, "The Battle of Dorking." to which I have already called your attention. The author has preserved his incog, as yet with nnusual success. Rumor hints him a young artillery officer, but his writing is surely that of a man who has seen a little service. Not a few mili tary experts have promulgated the uncomfort able doctrine that 10,000 men, landed on our coast by surprise, might entrench themselves in three hours sufficiently to cover the disembarka tion of the main body of an invading army. If this be so, it is at least advisable that we should assure ourselves without delay that any such landing by surprise is an impossibility, even though we may have good reason for holding that the discipline and shooting powers of our volunteers might be trusted against any enemy meeting them at Dorking or elsewhere. Although we are shivering in overcoats and sealskins through the coldest and most windy June that has been known in England for many a long year, London is full to overflowing, and lodging-room in good hotels is almost as diffi cult to get as a seat in Parliament. The huge Langham, which, after going through the usual stage of driving its first owners into insolvency, seems to be paying its present proprietary fairly well, is making Itself still huger by the erection of a new wing; and General Schenck has had to take refuge in the South Kensington Hotel, far away on the very outposts of Belgravia. Why does not Congress establish the American Legation in some permanent "local habitation" worthy of the great nation which it represents? It may be irrational, but it is none the less true, that we should all realize the presence and im portance of the United Statees Minister among us much more vividly than we do if he had some well-known official headquarters in London. In a lecture on his late visit to the States, delivered on Saturday, Tern spoke with enthusiasm of Philadelphia. The beauties of contrasted color afforded by the red brick and white marble houses and the lines and clumps of brlght-follaged trees in street and square have clearly taken a strong hold upon his recol lection, and he talked of them with an apprecia tion that doubtless made the New Yorkers and Bostonites among his audience a trifle jealous. The railway syctem of the West, the general Interest in newspapers, and freedom at the same time from slavery to leading articles, and the Massachusetts liquor laws, formed the principal topics of the lecture. The legal papers are aghast and melancholy at the contemplation of the sanguine crowds of educated young men that are thronging Into bota branches of the profession. Tor every morsel of work that wants doing there are a dozen competent heads disengaged and ready. What reasonable chance, then, can any average man be taken to have who is called to the bar or admitted an at torney nowaday;? The real answer to this is that a great majority of our young barristers, at any rate, do not, as a matter of fact, look to making their bread by their profession. They are "called" either because they are destined to be country gentlemen and J. P.'s, and think a little law may be useful to them in that' position, or because they want the excuse of a nominal profession to dignify a butterfly existence, or because they like the social stamp which is still supposed to be set on every one who can call himself barrister-at-law, or, pour passer le tempt, before they have really fixed on their life-work. Barely a tithe, probably, of those Who figure in our law list are act mil practltion ers of law. S ilt, among the workers there W admittedly an amount of overcrowding which is every day Beading iu weakest to the wall. Bat the evil, if it b one, is au evil which must in the na ure of things pure itself. it is Lot unnatural tbu eucli of the Parisians as are tot hotel-keepers should look with eyes of disfavor upon the swarms of foreigners who are every day crowding curiously into the muti lated city. But the morbid feeling which de lights in those horribly graphic narratives which special correspondent have lately made so common is not to be checked by any fears of inflicting mere sentimental wounds, and thou sands will take lone journeys to Paris to see the traces of a barricade and peer into the gutted Tuilerles. We are no worse and no better than our neighbors in this matter, I take it; but it is net every nation that has its Messrs. Look and Gaie to proclaim the ruins of Paris as a new and attractive field for gaping tourists, and to en large methodically upon the safety and desira bility of the trip. , The author of "Dame Europa" has committed literary suicide by publishing a novel, "Tom Pippin's Wedding," which for self-complacent silliness will not soon be matched. Templar. SPECIAL NOTICES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. Philadelphia, May 2, 197L The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable In cash, on and after May 80, 1671. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be had at the office of the company. The office will be open at 8 A. M., and close at 8 P. M., from May 80 to June 8, for the payment or dividends, and after that date from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. THOMAS T. FIRTH. 6 2m Treasurer. FiY- TO HOLDERS OF OfllO STATE STOCKS. Nntlx. la hiiliiinl.iin w. . ...... July 1. 18T1. on the Funded Dent of the State of Ohio, will be paid at the American Exchange National Bank, In the City of New York, from the 1st to the 16th proximo, and thereafter at ouroillce in this city. The transfer books will be closed for one month from the 15th Inst. Colcmbip, Ohio, June 12, 18T1. 8 17 Ira JAMES H. KDMAN, Auditor of State. ISAAC B. SHERWOOD, Sec, of State. FRANCIS B. BOND. Attornev-GeneraL Commissioners of Sinking Fund of State of Ohio. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TREA- Columbia, 8. C, June 1, 1871. The Interest maturing Jnlv 1. 1871. nnon t.h Bonds of the State of South Carolina, will be paid in gold on and after July 1, at the Banning House of H. 11. Kimpton, Financial Agent of the State, No. 9 Nassau street, New York, and at the South Carolina Bank and Trust Company, In Columbia. ine interest maturing upon itegisterea stocx at that time will be paid at the Treasury Office only. o u am jm.LiJ.c u. 1'AJtii.jiiJt, state Treasurer. STATE OF ILLINOIS, TREASURER'S OF- The Interest which will become due nnon Ktno.fc'nf the State of Illinois on the first Monday of July, 1671, will be paid at the American Exchange Na tional Bans, in the City of New York, from the 3d to the 17th days, lnoluslve of Julv, proximo. EUA8TUH . BATES, 6 17 lm State Treasurer. - BATCH ELOR'S HAIR DYE. THIS SPLEN did Hair Dve Is the best In the world, the only true and perfftt Dye. Harmless Reliable Instan taneous no tifsuppointment no ridiculous tints "Doe ne t contain Lead nor any Vitalie Poison to in fvretnt Hair or Bgstem." Invigorates the Hair and leaves It soft and beautiful ; Black or Brown. Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Applied at the Factory, No. IS BOND Street, New York. 4 87 mwrt jgy- PILES. DR. GUN NELL DEVOTES HIS iuwo w iuio wcabiiinub ui jrues, uiiuu, uieeu- lng, or itching. Hundreds of cases deemed incura ble without an operation have been permanently cured; Best City ref "enaa clvan. Ottov, No. ai M, KLKVENTH street. . 4 15 8m HS9 DISPENSARY FOR SKIN DISEASE8, NO. Patients treated laTatuitouslv at this Institution dally at 11 o'clock. 1 14 DR. F. R. THOMAS. NO. 911 WALNUT ST.. formerly operator at the Colton Dental Rooms. devotes his entire practice to extracting teeth with out pain, wun rresn mirous oxiae gas. n in t&f JOUVEN'S KID GLOVE CLEANER w restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by all druggists and fancy goods dealers. Price 93 centspe rt ottle. 11 28mwf5 WATCHES. JEWELRY, ETO. GOLD MEDAL REGULATORS. J. W. RUSSMjLX., No. 22 NORTH 8IXTH STREET, Begs to call the attention of the trade and customers to the annexed letter: TBAMBUriON. "I take measure to announce that I have riven tr Mr. G. W. RUSSELL, of Philadelphia, the exclusive sale of all goods of my manufacture. He will be able to sell them at the very lowest prices. "UUSTAV BUOKER, "First Manufacturer of Regulators, "Freiburg, Germany. LUMUEK 1871 SPRUCE JOIST. SPRUCE JOIST. HEMLOCK, HEMLOCK. 1871 1871 SEASONED CLEAR FINE. -tQnt S EASON ED CLEAR PINE. 1 0 I J CHOICE PATTERN PINE. SPANISH CEDAR, FOR PATTERNS. " RED CEDAR. 1 Om FLORIDA FLOORING. 10 I 1 FLORIDA FLOORING. 1871 UAKOUNA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. 1 QT1 WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. 10 t 1 WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. 1871 WALNUT BOARDS, WALNUT JrLAJNsu 1QT1 UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. Qrj-t 1 0 1 1 UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. 10 f 1 RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1871 SEASONED POPLAR, SEASONED CHERRY. 1871 ASH. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS, HICKORY. inn, CIGAR BOX MAKERS' -i Qm4 10 I 1 CIGAR BOX MAKERS' 10 1 1 SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS, FOR SALE LOW, ' 1871 CAROLINA SCANTLING. HOU CAROLINA H. T. HILLS. 10 I 1 NORWAY SCANTLING. CEDAR SHINGLES. Q rj f CYPRESS SHINGLES. 10 I 1 KAULE, BROTHER fc CO., No. 8600 SOUTH Street 1871 PANEL PLANE. ALL THICKNESS ES, COMMON PLANK, ALL THICKNESSES. 1 COMMON BOARDS. 1 and t SIDE FENCE BOARDS. WHITE PINE FLOORING BO ARBS. YELLOW AND SAP PINE FLOORINGS IV an 434 SPRUCE JOIST, ALL SIZES. HEMLOCK JOIST, ALL SIZES. PLASTERING LATH A SPECIALTY, Together with a general assortment of Bulldlni Lumber for sale low for cash. T. W. 8MALTZ, 6 80 em No. 1718 RIDGE Avenue, north of Poplar St ITJMBERMEN AND CAPITALISTS. ATTEN. J TION. Two SAW MILLS, complete establish. nu ntg, with 1000 square miles well-timbered land In lower Ft. Lawrence, for sale. Terms easy. C'AU- 1'KAY H. ROLTH, Lumber Commission Merchants, Montreal and Ouebeo. OKORUK E. COOK & CO.. No. Wall street, New York, where plans can be seen. o li iui ALBANY WALNUT, PINE. POPLAR, CHAIR axjd Settee Plank, Ann, Baas, Leecli, Biroh, i nerry, cii-Hinut, iuupie, vwnie cedar, fencing, ShelvlDg, Flooring, Counter Tons, and Uutliutf tsouruH. ju jj. jni-i i.BS' i.urauer j ro, 21 em No. 834 North WHAUVES. FINANOf ALi INVESTMENT SECURITIES. JAY COOKE & CO. Are now selling, and recommend as a profitable and safe Investment for all classes, The First Mortgage 7-30 Gold Bonds op mi Northern Pacific Railroad COMPANY. They have 80 years to run, bear Seven and Three tenths per cent, gold Interest (more than 8 per cent, currency), and are secured by first and only mort gage on the ENTIRE ROAD AND ITS EQUiP. M.ENT8, and also, as fast as the Road la completed, on S3,oro acres of land to every mile or track, or 600 acres for each 1 1000 Bond. They are exempt from U. S. tax ; principal and interest are payable In gold. Denominations: Coupons, $100 toJJlOOO; Registered, 1100 to Northern Pacific 7-80's are at all times receivable, at TEN PER CENT. ABOVE PAR, In exchange for the Company's lands, at their lowest cash price. The proceeds of all sales of lands are required to be devoted to the repurchase and cancellation of the First Mortgage Bonds of the Company. The Land Grant of the Road exceeds Fifty Million Acres In the most fertile portion of the Northwest, and the de mand for the Company's lands for settlement already exceeds the ability of the Government to complete the surveys. This Immense Sinking Fund will un doubtedly cancel the principal of the Company's bonded debt before it falls due. Holders of U. S. Five-twenties, who wish to con vert them into a first-class railroad security, can do so at a present profit of about 13 per cent., while in creasing their interest income nearly one-fourth, by exchanging them for Northern Paclfla I-30&, All marketable stocks and bonds wUI be received In exchange, free of express charges, at their highest current price. Full Information, maps, pamphlets, eta, will be furnished on application to any agent for the loan, or to JAY C00KE & CO., Philadelphia, New York, or Washington, 8 S7mwf3m XL STATS DOriD AND RAILROAD x&ORTaAaxa BOTH IN ONE. FIRST MORTGAGE 8 PER CENT. GOLD BONDS or TBM Selma and Gulf Railroad Co. GUARANTEED J3T THE STATS OB1 ALABAMA. FOR BALE AT 95 AND ACCRUED IN i TEREST IN CURRENCY. , These Bonds are a First Mortffam nnon a flrnt. class completed Trunk Line of Railway extending from Selma, Alabama, to Pensacola, Florida the finest harbor on the Gulf. The payment of both principal and Interest is guaranteed by the State of Alabama, whose currency obligations sell in the market at 104. The total direct dent of the State is only f s,ooo,ooo,and the indirect possltfle Indebtedness, caused by its railway guarantees, amoants oniy to 8,000,(100, making the maximum possible Indebted edness of the State belew 1 15,000,000, which sum is mbb man us aeoi in issi, wnen an issue or bonds to the extent of $1B, 600,000 was made to establish a oankitg system, which debt was reduced by redemp tion to 14,000,000 in 1861, previous to the war. The taxable property of the State la now thrice what it was at that time, and the population more than double. The Bonds offered are thus equally valuable either as a Railroad Mortgage or as a State Bond ; and with the donble security thus provided, we un hesitatingly recommend them as equal to any invest ment In the market. PKICE, 95 and ACCRUED IB TEREST AU marketable securities taken In exchange, free of express charges. rampniets ana circulars rurnisuea. HENRY CLEWS & CO., No. 3 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, FOR SALE IN PHILADELPHIA BY DeHaven & Bros., Elliott, Collins & Co., Townsend Whelen & Co., Barker Bros. & Co., W. H. Sholmerdlno & Co., Dowcn & Fox, And by Bankers and Brokers generally. 6 20 ml halm NEW GENERAL MORTGAGE BONDS OF TBM PHILADELPHIA ADD READING . BAILB0AD COMPANY. Seven Per Cent. Per Annum In Currency or Six Per Cent. Gold. Free from all Taxes. Forty Years to Run, with Sinking Fund Attached. Interest payable June 1 and December L Seven per cenU bonds, either coupon or regis tered, at c ptlon of purchaser. Six per centgold bonds, coupons only, payable either In London or Philadelphia. We call attention to this very sofe and desirable home investment, which we offer at PAR AND ACCRUED INTEREST to date of purchase, for jhe Seven Per Cent. Currency Bonds, or at 08 AND ACCRUED INTEREST IN CUR KENCY For the Six Per Cent Gold Loan. Full particulars can be had at the omce of either 01 the undersigned, DREXEL &u CO. C. Si. II. BOR1E. V. II. KEWBOIiD, SON & AERTSEN is.w y - - MNANOIAU. Wilmington and Reading Railroad 7 TUTX CENT. BOIJBS, Freo of Taxes. W are offering the Second Mortgage Honda of this Company AT 85 AND ACCRUED INTERE3T. Inherent Payable January and July. The Bonds are In 81000s, 8500s, and 3100s, a.Hh can oe REGISTERED free of extense. The road Is doing a good business, wltl rrsEseota of con. slderable Increase. This Issue Is made to procure additional roliinir stock." Bonds, Pamphlets, and Information can ba on. talned of DE HAVEN & BRO., No. 40 South 'THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. A RELIABLE Sale Home Investment. the Sunbury and Lewistown Railroad Company ? PEH CENT. GOLD First Mortgage Bon s. Interest Payable April and Octo ber, Free of State and United States Taxes. We are now offering the balance or tnan nt tl,800,000, which is secured by a first and only Hen uu mo wiug jiujjcrij nun jraucmaea or me uom pany, At 00 and the Accrued Interest Added. The Road Is now rapidly approaching completion, with a laree trade in COaL. iron, and i.tim rer. In addition to the passenger travel awaiting the opening of this greatly needed enterprise. The local iraae kjodb ib Bumoientiy large to sustain the Road. w kT?."0 hesitation In reoommendlnr tho Bond, as a CHISAP, K 1X1 ABLE, and SAFiS INVEST JUAil A . For pamphlets, with man and fnii inrrrmtmn apply to ' VM. PAINTER & CO., BANKEKS, Dealers In Government Securities, Mo. 30 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. MORTGAGE only S 1 2,500 PER MILE TRUSTEES. FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST, AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. Special Attention of Investors Is now called to tte First Mortgage Bonds OF THJ BRIDGETON AND PORT NORRIS RAILROAD COMPANY. 7 PER CENT., FBEE OF ALL TAXES. This road runs from the mouth of Maarlce River to Brldgeton, New Jersey, where it connects with the West Jersey Railroad. The fact that this Mortgage Is but for 112,500 per mile, and that stock subscriptions have been secured equal to 40 per cent, of that amount, places this loan upon the firmest .basis and gives to It unusual se curity. They can be registered, and are In sums of fioo. 500, 11000. Interest payable April and October. They are offered for the present at ttO and accrued Interest. For further particulars and pamphlets apply to D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, tf PHILADELPHIA. DUNN BROTHERS, DARIUS 119, Hos. 51' and 53 S. THIRD St. Dealers in Mercantile Paper, Collateral Loans, Government Securities, and Gold. Draw Bills of Exchange on the Union Bank of London, and lssne travellers' letters of credit through Messrs. BOWLES BROS fc 00., available In all the cities of Europe. Matte Collections on all points. Xxecnte orders for Bonds and Stocks at Board of Brokers. Allow Interest on Deposits, subject to check at Sight. II B. K. JAMISON & CO. SUCCESSORS TO P.F.KELLY te CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IU Gold, Silver, and Government Bonds At Close Market Hates, H. W. Cor. THIRD and CHE3NUT Stt Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDKBS In Mew York and Philadelphia Stock Boards, eto. eto 184 FlKlANOIAL. JAY COOKE & CO.. PHILADELPHIA, NSW TRK and WASHINGTON. jay cooke, Mcculloch s co. LONDON, UiYIVIt 10X13 AWD Dealers In Government Securities, Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at.the Board of Brokers in this and other cities. . INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND BOL In connection with our London House we are now prepared to transact a general FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS, Including Purchase and Sale of Sterling Bills, and the issue of Commercial Credits and Travellers' Cir cular Letters, available In any part of the world, and are thus enabled to receive GOLD ON DSPOSIT, and to allow four per cent. Interest In currency thereon. Having direct telegraphic communication wit both our New York and Washington Offices, we can offer superior facilities to our customers. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST MENT. . Pamphlets and full Information given at onr office, 6 3 8mrp No. 114 S. THIRD Street, PhUada, BURLINGTON, CEDAR RAPIDS AND MINNESOTA RAILROAD. Fiist Mortgage 7 Per Cent. Gold Bonds At 90 and Accrued Interest in Currency. On a Completed Road, Tree of U. S. Taz. This road is now In the dullest season of the vear earning more than 18 per cent, net on the ainodnt of its mortgage obligations. Its 7 per cent, gold bonds are equal for seourlty to Government or any Kallroad Issue. They com mand a ready market, ana we are prepared to buy and sell them at all times. No Investment in the market, possessing equal suarantees of safety. r. turns an equal percentage of interest. The Chicago Burlington, and Qulncv has elven a trafflo namn. tee, and obligates Itself to Invest in these bonds 50 per cent, of the gross earnings derived from all business from this road. This la sufficient indication of the estimate of this enterprise by the largest and most far-sighted corporation in the West. A limited quantity suu lor saie oy HENRY CLEWS & CO., No. &2 WALL Street, New York. For sale in Philadelphia by ,. De Haven & Bros., Elliott, Collins & Co.", Townsend Whelen & Co., Barker Bros & Co., W. H. Shelmerdlne & Co., Bo wen St Fox, And by Bankers and Brokers generally. 6 31 swst TRAVELLERS' CREDITS ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH Jay Cooke, McCuIIoch & Co., . OF LONDON, AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT EUROPE. We would call the special attention of Americans going abroad to the complete arrangements made by onr jvonaon House, in tneir omoe, at No. 41 LOMBARD Street, For the comfort and convenience of holders of our Circular Letters, and especially with reference to their correspondence and the latest advices from the United States. Persons taking Credits through na can have their passports furnished without eztra charge. . Fall Information given at onr office. JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 6 9 tuths2m PHIL ADELPHI A. J3 O 3V r s or TBM Camden and Amboy Railroad, New Jersey . Railroad and Transportation Com. pany, and Delaware and R&rU tan Canal Company, Constituting the Vnlted Companies of New Jersey. We offer these most desirable bonds. In regis tered certificates, due in 1894, bearing 6 PER CENT. INTEREST, free of all tazatloni payable April 1 and October L lor full particulars, apply to DltEXEL & CO. C. II. BORIE. W. II. NEWBOLD, SON Sfe AERTSKX. The Sir rer Cent. Xoan of Tin City of Wllllamsport, Penna., Has been made by ACT OP THE LEGISLATURE -A- Legal Investment For Executors, Administrators, Trustees, etc. A limited amount Is still for sale at 85 f AND ACCRUED INTEREST, BY P. 8. PETERSON & CO. No. 39 SOUTH THIRD STREET, HIILAPSLP1IIA. 1IAKUISS0N (iliAjliiO, - IJ.YISltlSIt, 630 WALNUT PHILADELPHIA. FINANCIAL. JOHN S. RUSHTOfl & CO.. BAHKEB.S AUD BB0KE&& GOLD AND COUPONS WANTED; City Warrants i BOUGHT AND BOLD, no. CO flouth THIRD Ctroot, H PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE PURCHASE AND BALE OF Stocks and Bonds, Here and in New Tort, and every facility furnished to parties desiring to hare them carried. D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., B aNEERS & BROKERS, No. 1 SOUTn THIRD STREET B 89 PHILADELPHIA. AFE DEPQ8IT COMPANIES. fHE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVE3 AND GRANTING ANNUITIES. Office No. 304 WALNUT Street INCORPORATED MARCH 10, 1813. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL S1,000,000. SUEPLTIS UPWARDS OF S750.00O. Receive money on depoBit,returnable on demand, for which Interest is allowed. And under appointment by Individuals, corpora. Uodb, and courts, act as EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, TRUSTEES. GUARDIANS, ASSIGNEES, COMMITTEES. RECEIVERS, AGENTS, COLLECTORS, ETC. And for the faithful performance of Its duties as Buch all its assets are liable. CHARLES DUTILH, Paesldent. Willum B. iliiA, Actuary. DIRECTORS. Charles Dutilh, .Joshua B. Ltpplncott, Henry J. Williams, William S. Vaux, John R. Wucherer, Adolph E. Borle, Charles U. Hutchinson. Llndley 8mth, Oeorge A. wood. Anthony J. Antelo, Charles S. Lewis, Alexander Blddle, Henry Lewis. THE PHILADELPHIA TRUST SAFE DEPOSIT AND INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE AND BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS TN THE PHILADELPHIA BANK BUILDING, NO. 421 OHESNUT STREET. CAPITAL, 1500.000. For Safb-kkrpinq of Qovbknmbnt Bonds and other Sbccritixs, Family Plats,- Jiwblrt, and other Valuablxs, nnder special guarantee, at the lowest rates. The Company also offer for Rent, at rates varying from f is to $75 per annum, the renter holdlns; the key, SMALL SAFES IN THE BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS, affording absolute Skcuritt against Firm Theft, Bukolart, and Accident. All fiduciary obligations, such as Trusts, Gvas DiAN&Eirs, Executorship t, eto., will be undertaken and faithfully discharged. AU trust investments are kept separate and apart rom the Company's assets. Circulars, giving full details, forwarded on appll cation. DIRECTORS. Thomas Robins. Augustus Heaton, F. Ratchford Starr, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Edward Y. Townsend. Lewis R. Ashhorst, J. Livingston Erringer, K. P. McCullagh, Edwin M. Lewis, Jamea L. Claghorn, Beniamin B. Comegys. John D. Taylor, non. wmiam a. rorter. Edward S. Handy, Joseph Caraon, M, D. President LEWIS R. ASHHURST. Vice-President J. LIVINGSTON ERRINGER. Secretary R. P. McCCLLAGH. Treasurer WM. L. DUBOIS. 9 Sfmwg PLUMBING, OAS FITTING, ETO. PANCO AST & MAULE, THIRD and PEAR Streets, Plain and Galvanized Wrought and Cast Iron Pipes For Gas, Steam and Water. FITTLHGS, BRASS WORK, TOOLS, BOILER TUBES. Pipe of all Sizei Cat and Fitted to Order CARD. Having sold HENRY B. PANCO AST and FRAN CIS L MAULE (gentlemen in our employ for seve ral years past) the Stocfe. Goodwill and Fixtures of our RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, located at the corner of THIRD and PEAK Streets, in this city, that branch of our buslneas, together with that of HEATING and VENTILATING PUBLIC and PRI VATE BUILDINGS, both by STEAM and HOT WATER, In all its various systems, will be earned on nnder the firm name of PAN (JO AST & MAULS, at the old stand, and we recommend them to tha trade and business public as being entirely compe tent to perform all work of that character MORRIS, TASEER A CO. Philadelphia, Jan. S3, 1870. NEW PUBLICATIONS. JJOOYER'g NEW CIIROMOS. The Changed Cross," size 22x28, the finest ever offered to the public "Mary and St. John," size 22x29, a most sublime cbromo. The Beautiful Snew," size 16x22, a very Impres sive picture. "The Holy Family," size 22x28, a real gem. "Delhi, DeL Co., N. Y.," size 22x28, a beautiful au tumn scene. Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. HOOVER, No. 804 MARKET Street, 1 18smw3m Philadelphia, second floor. Z ELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, DICTIONARY AND GAZETTEER 18 NOW COMPLETE, IN 69 PAKTS, AT 50 CENTS PER PART. ZELL'S JTBW DESCRIPTIVE HAND Atlas of the World, First two Parts now ready, to be complete In SS Parts, at o0 cents eacD. Experienced Agenu Wanted. T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Publisher, Kos. it and 19 South SIXTH Street, 8 88 tus3in PHILADELPHIA. PATENT OFFICBg, No. 418 WALNUT STREET. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Patents procoredjorjiiyentious. 15 WI WARBURTON'S IMPROVED VENTILATED , a&vand tmty-0'.ucg DREarf HATS (patented), in all tue improved fanlilooa of the aeaaun. CtLEa.NU'P fetreut, next door to the fost Omce. rp