THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1871. 5 ' THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY DATLItOAD i LEASE SUO ULD IT BE CONS UMMA TED? To the Editor of the Evening Telegraph. I have no'expectatlonjof being able "to storm GU bralt with a pop-gun,' no expectation, and bHt little hope that anything I can Bay will arrest what appears now to be almost an accomplished fact; as I con ceive, the most disastrous fact possible, for the commercial Interests of Philadelphia, the trans 'er to Jersey city of all the facilities or the great Penn ylvania Railroad for building up at ear own wharves a great, an unlimited foreign trade, on the solid and Immovable basis of the cheapest pos sible supply of the consumption of the world, with the vast, the unlimited export products of the great tributary WeBt When this shall be consummated, let us ask that the name of that railroad be changed to "Jersey City, New York, and Hreat Western Railroad," and that the pi'e of buildings on Third and Fourth streets and willing- alley be removed to some suitable location beyond our limits, where they shall not insult our citizens by a constant reminder of lOBt opportunities and false pretensos. In order to place upon record these views, which I have personally urged as I have had opportunity, I have embodied, very Inadequately aud feebly, what I deem to be the true relations of this Camden and Am boy lease to the commercial interests primarily, and to all the Interests mediately, whether manufac turing, mechanical, or vested, of this city. I throw tnem out tentatively, as a possible means of arousing the attention of business men and capitalists to a view of this matter not generally entertained, but capable, to my apprehension, of all but absolute demonstration. My lirst proposition Is that all railroads, being Institutions, artidclal bodies, created by the State for public uses ; endowed by the State under the exercises of Its highest sovereign preroga tive, that of eminent domain ; with the vast privilege, the power to take to their own use private property, Without the assent and against the will of its owner, are thereby made and constituted pabllc corporations, having a dual responsibility, owing duties as well to the pa alio as to their stock holders. Second. The Pennsylvania Railroad, ff-as origi nally built from Philadelphia to Uarrlsburg by the State, and from Uarrlsburg to Pittsburg by capital, mostly Philadelphia capital, raised witti great labor and exertion on the part of the citizens, and a heavy subscription to Its stock by the city In Its corporate capacity, when the pecuniary success of this, as of all other railroads, was by no means assured ; and so built, as the directors In their last report officially acknowledged, to promote the trade aud business or Philadelphia, and therefore the Pennsylvania Railroad is pe:uiarly a public Institution or Philadelphia, and owes to It and to its business" Interests, besides (even before) Its duty to Its stockholders, a peculiar duty. If this Is so, then the city government, with the citizens at large, have a perfect moral rinht, to interpose a positive prohibition against any arrangement or the directors, or that corporation which shall have Tor Its rull development as a certain even a probable consequence, the Infliction or lasting Injury on the business, present or prospective, of this city, and any such arrangement shonld not be devolved upon the stockholders of that or any other road, and be determined by them by stock t ote as a mere ques tion of protlt and loss. Now let us apply these positions to this Camden and Amboy lease. The Pennsylvania Railroad has connections with New York through the New Jer sey roads, both by way of Allentown and by the Junction Railroad, without touching our city pro per. They now propose to absorb the New Jersey companies, and to switch ott" over them to New York all their heavy freight, at an expense of some two and a half or three millions per year, and to ex pend a sum of money at Harslmus Cove at which 'the ' United Companies have' stood aghast and paralyzed, not less than five mil lions, and, beyond that, a sum to which no present limit can be set, for bringing tne ground above water and building np there a vast depot, docks, etc., for the receiving and shipping of West ern products. Now this can be accomplished and made profitable only and just In proportion as It snail antagonize the commercial advancement and export trade of this city, to the promotion of which that corporation ewes Instead the devotion of Its best energies and exertions. TUB OPPOSITE riCTUUE. If the directors ol the Pennsylvania Railroad would issue $8,000,000 of Btock pledged to the Im provement of the seventy acres of land owned by them bought by them for the purpose, and above water on tne South Delaware front of our city, and would improve the same by suitable and sufficiently capacious docks, wharves, storehouses, and sidings, having previously extended their own road from West Philadelphia thereto: and would erect store houses and an elevator or sufficient capacity and approved construction, and would thereby, and by reliable assurances, pledge them selves to a loyal and continuous devotion or the vast capacities or that road to the purpose or making Philadelphia, at whatever cosfrns kntrepot for the supply or the market or the world with the enormous and enormously increasing Southwestern, Western, and Northwestern products at the lowest cost possible, with reasonable protlt to the road. The merchants and citizens or Philadelphia would, bn instant notice, take such stock for such uses, and would demonstrate to the President and directors of that road that Philadelphia has "the money and the men to handle and to manage all they could bring to them," and would prove that the assertion of their late report that an outlet through New York is necessary for that pur- pose Is not well founded ; but that, giving them the produce, they will guarantee the men, the money, and also the ships to handle and to dispose of all they can bring to them, and as much more If offered from other sources. Merchandise commands ships, commands money, secures men. Now let us put the whole matter Into the form or a short preamble and a short resolution, which ought to regulate the determination and conduct or oar city, Legislature, and our citizens: Whereat, This is the critical epoch In our com mercial life, the turning-point when It Is to be de cided whether the powerful, the almost omnipotent energies of our own railroad shall be loyally and in telligently employed to the use of Its proper mas ters, or shall be blindly and lmprovidently driven Into the service of a rival community; when the question is to be decided, and decided for all time, whether Jersey City or the wharves of Philadelphia shall teem with the renewed life of a great foreign commerce, a commerce essential to the maintenance and proper extension of our manufacturing aud me chanical prosperity ; therefore Jiesolved, That the City Councils and the citizens at large will energetically use all the power and In fluence they possess to prevent this suicidal trans fer; and the managers of the Pennsylvania Railroad be invoked by every consideration of duty and patri otism to reconsider aud change their intention and withdraw their proposition before It is too late ; aud the business men and capitalists of the city that they earnestly examine the subject, and. if these views are correct, that they bestir themselves to prevent these unhappy results. Since the above was written I perceive that reso lutions in accordance with the views above ex pressed have been Introduced into Common Council and referred to the Committee on Railroads. It Is to be hoped and expected that Mr. Buzby, chairman of that committee, will give It early and efficient consideration. A Jt l'' CITY ITEMS. ST. James Hotel, BostonH our friends will kindly Inform us, either by telegram or by letter, of their intended arrival, we shall be better prepared for their comfort. The reputation or this new and elegant establishment Is such as to require no com meut Transient board Font Dollars per day. Proprietor St. Jamks Hotel, Boston. mi, William W. CASaiDT. the Jeweller at No, 8 Booth Second straw, has one or the largest and most attractive stocks or all kinds or Jewelry and Silver, ware In the city, lie has also on hand a one assort ment of flne American Western Watches. Tuose Who onrchase at this store at the present time ar? certatn to get the werth of their money. Bttbkbtt's K allkitoh The best cosmetic. Inrurk from loss the capital yon have within yourself that must perish at your death. Do It now In the "Equitable Life," while you have health. I. L. Register, General Agent, N 0.432 Chesnut street. Bubwett's Cocoaink A perfect halr-dresslng. MARRIED, "Wicikkrham Uroadbrnt. On the 13th Inst., by the Rev. H. S. Batterson, at his residence, No. 1320 Arch street, Amos Wickersham to Saoii Bboad bbkt, both of this city. . DIKD. Bradbury On the 84th Inst, at her parents' re sidence, No. 1335 Franklin street, M amis, only daugh ter ;of Samuel and Mary A. Bradbury, in the 13th year or her sire. Her relatives and friends are Invited to attend her funeral, from the Central Presbyterian Church of N. L., corner or Franklin and Thompson streets, on Tuesday, 87th Inst , at 4 o'clock precisely. To proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. Lewis. Suddenly, on the 24th Inst., after a brief Illness, Elizabeth J. Lewis, wife of Thomas Lewis, In the 43d yearoi ner age. The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, from the residence of nor husband, Thirty-eighth and Bridge streets, on Wednesday afternoon, at 5 o'clock. Interment or Thnrsday afternoon at Mount Dope Cemetery. Lan caster county. Leave depot Thirty-first and Market 8treetsjat8 A. M. " Orton. On Sunday, 25th Inst.. Kstblle RrsniNO, Infant daughter of James F. and the late Mary K. Orton, aged 5 months. Funersl from the residence, ol John Potts, Esq., No. 2106 Walden street, below Arch, on Tuesday, 27th Inst, at 2 P. M. Steen On the ssd inst., Maria, wife of Hugh J. Steen, in the 63d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the rarally are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, near Paoll, Chester county, on Wednesday, June 23, at 10 o'clock. Trans. On the 25th Inst., Francis Ttohe, aged 45 years. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednes day morning, at 8x o'clock, from his late residence, Salmon street, above Huntingdon. Test. On the a mat., Kate P. Wright, wife of Henry M. T.., ytd 82 years. Funeral on Third-day, 27th inst., from the resi dence of her husband. No. 406 Hart man street, Cam den, at 2 o'clock P. M . Wyeks. On the 23d inst, W. F. Wyers, of West Chester. . The relatives and friends of the family are ivited to attend the funeral, from his late rcsldetie, to morrow morning at 10 o'clock LIFE INSURANCb, THE AMERICAN Life Insurance Company OF PHILADELPHIA, S.E. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT. ASSETS OVER.. $3,000,000 TRUSTEES. Alexander Whilldln, Hon. Alex. G. Cattell, Isaac Kaziehurst James "JurJinro Henry K. Bennett, L. M. Whilldln, George W. Hill, i-teorge nuReiii, Hon. James Pollock, J. Edgar Thomson, Albert C. Roberts, Philip B. Mingle, John Wanamaker, president, UEOKUU W. II I LI. VICE-PRESIDENT, GEOUGfi NIJGEIIT. ACTUARY, JOHN . 81718. BECRETARY AND TREASURER, .10III 8. WIL.SOI. 8 10 ffnwsm ' Pil IV 15- KL AIH.JI ADU CLOTHING, COMBINING STYLE, DURABILITY AND EX CELLENCE OF WORKMANSHIP. Jones' OIVEJPBIO E ESTABLISHMENT, C04 Murkot Street, GEO. W. NIEMANN. Handsome Garments made to order at the shortest notice. 13 smw tf SPECIAL NOTIOES. for additional Special Notieu MJ Iniidt raff' t- H. M. DALY'S WHISKY WAREROOMS, Nos. 222 8. FRONT Street and 139 DOCK St IMMENSE STOCK OF THE BEST BRANDS IN ORIGINAL BARRELS. Among which may be found the celebrated "Golden Wbdmng," Bourbon of ancient date ; Wheat and Rye Whiskies, all pure from manufacturers (in ori ginal packages), Including those well-known dis tillers, THOMAS MOORE fc SON, JOSEPH S. FINCH A CO., aBd THOMAS MOORE. The attention of the trade Is requested to test these Whiskies, at market rates. 2 4smw gf A SINGLE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE THE most skeptical of the efflcacv of HELMBOLD'S GRAPE PILLS In Sick or Nervous Headache, Jaun dice, Indigestion, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Bilious ness. Liver Oomnlalnts. General Debility, etc No nausea, no griping pains, but mild, pleasant, and safe in operation. Children take them with impunity. They are the best and roost reliable. HELMBOLD'S EX TRACT SARSAPARILLA creates new, fresh, and healthy blood, beautlfles the complexion, ana im narts a youthful anoearance. disDelltnir Plmoles. BiotcheB, Moth Patches, and all eruptions of the skin. tS- NOTICE. BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPT! JN mr to the canital stock of the "MERCHANTS' WAREHOUSING COMPANY." of Philadelphia, will be opened on SATURDAY, the 24th instant, at the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and at the UNION BANKING COMfANiM orriuii Subscription will also be received by tne under signed. JOSEPH n. LIVINGSTON, No. 84 South Frtnt street. ALEX. P. OOLESBERRY, No. 119 VValnut street ROBERT GRAY, Eighth and Vine streets. JAME8 D. WELSH, No. 415 Chesnut street. M. E. MCDOWELL, No. 89 North Water street. S. WARNER YOUNG, No. 621 Marshall street. STEPHEN N. WINSIXW. No. 241 Dock street, WILLIAM McALEEH,' No. tii Broad street T. HORACE BROWN, N. E. cor. Broad and Race. JAMES B. COOPER, 6 24 3t Chamber of Commerce.' if ALL POWDERS AMToutWAltDAPPLI cations close np the pores of the skin, render ing It harsh, coarse, aud flabby, aud In a short time destroy the complexion. If you would have a Fresh, Healthy, and Youthful appearance, purge the system thorouKhly: use HELMBOLD'S GRAPE PILLS and HELM HOLD'S SARSAPAR1LLA, which beiuttdes the complexion. Beware of those cheap patent pills, carelessly prepared by inexperienced persons vended in wooden boxes most or which contain eltner calomel, mercury, or .other deleterious drugs. r--HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA " is the Great Blood Purifier ; thoroughly cleanses and renovates the entire system, and readily enters Into the circulation of the blood, after purging with HELMBOLD'S GRAPE PILLS, the foul humors that have accumulated In the system for years. Both are carefully prepared according to the rules of Pharmacy aud Chemistry, and are thoroughly Tollable, A test of 20 years has proved this. Try t0euK ' iKlV- THE DELAWARE AND RAR1TAN CANAL KO AND TDK CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAIL i ROAD COMPANIES. The Transfer Books of these Companies will be closed on the 2Sth lust, aud reopened on July 8. All assents to the lease to the 1'euusylvanla Rail road Company will be on the stock as held at the time the books are closed. 24 lot 8PEOIAU NOTIOES. Ifi?- NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL IflSTl- BROAD STREET. BELOW WALNTTT. 8WIMMING-8CHOOL FOR BOTH SEXES AND ALL AO KM.' ' OPEN ALL DAY AND EVENING. PUPILS RECEIVED AT ALL TIMSS. TUB MOST TIMID PERSONS TAUGHT TO SWIM IN FROM TO 10 LESSONS. NOTICE. On and after TO-DAY Season Tickets will be re- duced thlrty-three and one-third (33) per cent CHANGE OF HOURS. The Laoies' classes will hereafter close at 1 P. M. TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1371. The Natatorlura wir be open ob the FOURTH t.W JULY all day and evening for GENTLEMEN SWIMMERS ONLY, there being no Ladles' Classes nor lessons given on that day. (6i4smws For further particulars call or address the Pro prietors, J. A. PAYNE A BROTHER. gy THIS IS THE SEASON OF THE YEAR when the system should be thoroughly purged ofthehnmors which create disease. There is no purgative or cathartic so mild and efficacious as HELMBOLD'S GRAPE FILLS, causing neither nausea or griping pains as Is the case with the ordi nary cheap patent pills of the day most of which are composed of calomel or mercury, and carelessly prepared by inexperienced persons. After thor onehlv nnrdnir the nvstpm ns HELMBOLD'S EX TRACT SARSAPARILLA, the Great Purlfler.and they win insure new life, new blood, and renewed vigor. Try them. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL- KUAD COMPANY o nice, NO. 227 south FOURTH Street PniL ADELrniA, June 21, 18T1. DIVIDEND NOTICE. The Transfer Books or this Company will be closed on the 29th Inst, and reopened on Thursday, July 20. A dividend of FIVE PER CENT, has been declared on the preferred and common stock, clear of national and State taxes, payable In cash, on and after the 17th or Jnly next to the holders thereof as they stand registered on the books of the Company at the close of business on the 23th inst All payable at this office. All orders for dividend must be witnessed and stamped. 8. BRADFORD, 6 21 wfmlm Treasurer. IF YOU DESIRE A MILD, PLEASANT, safe, and agreeable Cathartic, which will cause neither nausea or griping pains, use Nature's remedy, HELMBOLD'S GRAPE PILLS. They are purely vegetable; their component parts being Catawba "Grape Juice and Fluid Extract Rhubarb." Should yon desire a brilliant complexion, youthful appear ance, new life, new fresh blood and renewed vigor, Use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. tfiSf UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, FACULTY OF ARTS. The one hundred and fourteenth ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT for conferring Degrees in the different Faculties will be held at the Academy of Music on THURSDAY, June 29, at 10 A.M. The Reverend Clergy, Judges of the United States and State Courts, the Mayor .of the city, Select and Common Councils, the candidates for the vari ous degrees, the Alumni Association, and other graduates of the University are invited to join the faculty in the Foyer of the Academy at a quarter before ten. FRANCIS A. JACKSON 6 23 At Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. fy- UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. FACULTY OF ARTS. THE EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION TO ANY OF THE COLLEGE CLASSES will beheld on TUESDAY, June 27, at 11 o'clock.ln the GREEK and LATIN LANGUAGES ; and on WEDNESDAY, the 28th, at half-past 10 o'clock, In the ENGLISH STUDIES and MATHE MATICS. Students may enter to pursue the rail course for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, or the full course for the Degree of Bachelor or Science, or any such partial course as the Faculty may sanction. FRANCIS A. JACKSON, 6 23 4trp Secretary of the Faculty. Jjgy- TO MY DEMOCRATIC FRI ENDS. Understanding that reports have been circulated that I bave withdrawn my bum from the canvass I hereby authorize my friends to assert that I will, under all circumstances, be a candidate before the Convention, for the Democratic nomination for PROTHONOTARY of the COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. FRANCIS D. PASTORIUS, 6 20 6t Fifth Ward. OFFICE OF THE UNION PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, T WENT Jf -THIRD and BROWN Streets. Philadelphia, June 26, 1871. The Interest dne July 1 on the Bonds of the Com pany will be paid on and after that date at the Banking-house of. J. E. Ridgway, No. 6S S. Third street 26 8t JOHN BULLOCK, Treasurer. ftfW- IF YOU WOULD HAVE NEW LIFE, NEW Blood, and renewed vigor, nse HELMBOLD'S GRAPE PILLS. Purify the Blood and Beautify the Complexion by the use of HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. They are no cheap patent medi cines, but thoroughly Pharmaceutical, and are not equalled by any English or French prepara tion. t THE PHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTON. AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia, June 10, 1871. The Board or Directors have declared a semi annual dividend or FOUR PER CENT, on the capi tal stock or the Company, clear or United States tax, payable on and after Jnly 1, 1871. 610 8w A. HORNER, Secretary. DIVIDEND. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the WALLACE OIL COMPANY have this day declared their 21st Dividend, payable to the stockholders on demand at the office of the Com pany, No. 819 WALNUT Street JOHN K. WALLACE, Secretary. Philadelphia, June 23, 1871. lt GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, A ready at may be obtained at all times. BARTLETT, No. 33 South SIXTH Street above Chesnut . 8 20 tf THE BEST COAL. ISAAC K. WEIGHT & SON, No. 124 South SECOND Street YARDS-Corner EIGHTH and MASTER Sts. and wfmci No. 818 8WANSON St above Queen. BAKER, ARNOLD & CO., No. 710 CHESNUT Street, invite attention to their large assortment o GA.& FIXTURES I OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS, FINISHED IN GOLD-GILT, ORMOLU, VERD-AN-J TIQUE AND IMPERIAL BRONZE, Which they offer at prices Lower than Ever Before Known. e 8 lmrp ELLIOTT, COLLINS & CO., No. 109 South THIRD Street, MEMBERS OF STOCK AND GOLD EX CHANGES. DEALERS IN MERCANTILE PAPER, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Q OLD, Etc. DRAW BILL8 OP EXCHANGE ON THB UNION jsANA UJf LONDON. Ilfmwl 8 P E CTA CLE5. MICROSCOPES. TELESCOPES. THfcR MOMETERS, MATHEMATICAL, SUR VEYING. PUlLOSOPniOAXi AND DRAWING INSTRUMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES. JAMES VV. OUEBN & CO. J M mwfUp No. m CHESNUT Street, Phlla, OAS FIXTURES. NO STORE ON " CHESNUT STREET , COR HE L I U S & SOHST RETAIL SALESROOMS, 821 CHERRY St. CAS FIXTURES. FOR SALE. FOB SALS, HANDSOME "RESIDENCE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No. 8248 CHESNnT Street (Marble Terrace), THREE-STORY, WITH MANSARD ROOF, AND THREE-STORY DOUBLE BACK BUILDINGS. Sixteen rooms, all modern conveniences, gas, b a, hot and cold water. Lot 18 feet front and 120 feet B Inches deep to a back street Immediate possession. Terms to anlt purchaser. M. D. LIVENSETTER, 4 18 No. 129 Sonth FOURTH Street FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR F iiL SMALLER PROPERTIES. No. 1917 Chesnut street No. 1403 North Broad street , No. 1413 North Eighteenth street Lot, Broad and Vine streets, 73 by 20 feet Lot Broad street above Thompson, 14S by 200 feet Square of Ground, Broad and Diamond streets. Lot Broad and Lehigh avenue, 145 feet deep. Lot Broad and Summerset streets, 250 by 400 feet deep. Lot, Broad and Cambria streets, 100 by 623 feet deep. 93 acre Farm, Bucks county. 8 Cottages at Cape May. R. J. DOBBINS, 6 6tf "Ledger" Building. WB8T PHILADELPHIA HE NEW, VERY HANDSOME, AND CONVE NIENT BKOWN-STONE RBSIDltNCES, With Mansard roof, Nos. 4202, 4204, and 4208 KING- MiSBijNU Avenue, situated among the most costly Improvements of this beautiful suburb. Horse cars pass each way within one square each house con tains all modern Improvements, bath, hot and cold water, stationary washstands,;bcll-callB, range, two lurnaces. Day winaows, etc., etc.. ana is ouiu upon A LARGE LOT. more than 175 feet deep; the rear of the houses has an unobstructed out-iooK upon tne WEST PHILADELPHIA PARK. ABRAHAM RITTER, S21m No. 625 WALNUT Street TO RENT. FOR RENT, STORE, No. 339 MARKET Street. APPLY ON PREMISES. 4 22 tf 7. B. ELLISON A SONS. A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE TO LET ON Wsyne street Germantown. within five minutes' walk of Wavne Station: 9 rooms, hot and cold water and bath. Daquire at Bakery, No. 4541 MAIN Street 6 12 tf FOR RENT THE LARGE STOREHOUSE J No. 818 MARKET Street completely furnished with counters and shelving. Arnlv on the rre- mlses. 6 206t FIRE ANU BUROLAR PROOF SAh B MARVIN'S safes "::isr. MARVIN'S Largest Assortment! SAFES MARVIN'S 721 SAFES CHESNUT St. 6 5 fmw&m (MASONIC HALL. CARRIAGES GARDNER & FLEMING, CARRIAGE BUILDERS. No. 214 South FIFTH Street. BELOW WALNUT. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT INCLUDING PILETONS, JENNY LINDS, BUGGIES, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. All WORK WARRANTED to be of the b WORKMANSHIP and MATERIALS. Also, an assortment or SECONDHAND CAR RIAQES for sale at reasonable prices. Special attention given to RET AIRING. KEPAIRINO, REPAINTING, and VARNI8 "TNG. V ANTED IN AN OFFICE-A YOUTH WHO Y writes a good hand ;- waes f 3 a weuK. Ad dress, In handwriting of applicant, "Olllce Boy, Pout ouke Box lsjy." e 24 et SUMMER RE80RTS. ATLANTIC CITV. THE ISLAND HOUSE, . ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ' THIS LARGE, NEW, AND ELEGANT HOTEL Is now open for the reception of guests. Carriages will be In attendance on the arrival of every train to convey persons to the bouse, froe of charge. Address EVAN ROBERTS, , SUPERINTENDENT, llm ATLANTIC CITY, N. 3. ' UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will open for the reception of guests, on SATUR DAY, June 24. Music under the direction of Pro fessor M. F. Aledo. Persons desiring to engage rooms will address SELF1UDGE A DAVIS, 16 lm ATLANTIC CITY. BUrfcir IIOUNE, ATLANTIC CITY, Will open June 24. Parties wishing to engag Rooms will apply at the office or the Snrr House Co., No. 402 LOCUST Street Philadelphia, or to M. UE IDLER, 6 16 lm ATLANTIC CITY, N. 8 TO CKTON HO T E L, CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY. Capacity, 1200. OPENS JUHE 94, 18TL Terms: 1460 per day. 128-00 per week. CHARLES DUFFY, 6 20 lm or Continental Hotel, Proprietor. fVTEW INLET HOUSE THE UNDERSIGNED Al beg leave to Inform visitors to ATLANTIC CITY that they have taken the above-named Hotel, and will open for tne reception of Hoarders on SATUR DAY, the 21th Inst THE BAR AND OYSTER STANDS are now In operation. McKIBBIN & McQRATH. Jerk McKibbin. A. U-. McUratb. 6 16 eod lm ASHLAND HOUSE, CORNER OF PENNSYL VANIA and ATLANTIC Avenues. Atlantic City, N. J. This popular establishment, which has been greatly Improved and doubled in size, is now open for the reception of guests; desirable commu nicating rooms for families; splendid croquet grounds adjoin the house; guests conveyed to and from the bathlmr srrounds free or charge. Terms. f 14 per week; $8 tw per day. House open the entire year. , JOHN L. BRYANT, 6l6eod1m Proprietor, THE VINCENT nOUSE, PACIFIC AVENUE, between New York and Tennessee avenues. Atlantic City, N. J., one square rrom the depot, has been refitted and refurnished, and Is NOW OPEN. and in the occupancy or the undersigned, Its former proprietor, who Invites all his old friends and the puDiic generally to can ana see mm. 6 16 2m J. L. HARDW1CKE. "CONG RESS HAL L J AND THE OCEAN HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., will open JUNE 17, for the reception of guests. GEORGE W. HlNKLE, 6 16 eod2ra Proprietor. ELI AS CLEAER. the well-known mternr. has rentted his noose, and Is now ready for the re ception of gneBts. The bar has been removed to the aa joining nouse, ana a nrst-ciass barber shop added. steals Huppneu at any nour, o ltt eoaim THE SCHAUFLER HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY N. J. The best location on the island, with an A No. 1 table, and the best attention paid to its guests. Eighty fine sleeping chambers, with beds, etc., unsurpassed. 6 16 lm ALOIS SCHAUFLER, Proprietor. rpHE COLONNADE, ATLANTIC CITY,"n7j. Beautifully situated between tLe Railroad Depot and the Beach, In full view of the Ocean. 6 16 lm . J. HENRY nAYES, Proprietor. THE CLUB HOUSE, CORNER OFATLANT1C and NEW YORK Avenues, Atlantlo City, will open Monday, June 19, with the bar we'l supplied with the choicest brands or Wines, Liquors, cigars, etc HARKY COWARD, 6161m Proprietor. PROSPECT HALL, CORNER OF PACTfiC and KENTUCKY Avenues, Atlantic City, N. J. Delightfully located, enlarged, and rent ted and re furnished throughout Lit J. F. BELKNaP, 6 16 lm Proprlctor. ST. CLOUD HOTEL, CORNER OF "KENTUCKY and ATLANTIC Avenues, Atlantic City, N.J. For terms, etc. address KOBERTSHAW & PALMER, 6 16 lm Proprietors. SOME KS COTTAGE, MICHIGAN, N E All- PA CIFIC AVENUE. This house has been thor oughly refurnished and Improved, and Is now open for the reception of guests. 616 lm Q. THORNE. LIGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. JONAH WOOTTON, Proprietor. Located between U. S. Hotel and the beach. The nearest bouse to the surf ; Is now open for the re ceptlon of guests. 3 16 2m M EARS' HOUSE ATLANTIC, ABOVEKEN TUCKY Aveuue, Is now open for the reoeptlon of visitors. Terms, per day, or f 12 per week. LEWIt T. MEARS, Proprietor, S. B. TAYLOR, Superintendent. 6 16lm CHESTER COUNTY HOUSE, ATLANTICCITY, N. J., open the year round. J. KEIM, ' 6161m Proprietor. CENTRAL HOUtSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., open all the year round. LAWLER fc TRILL Y, 6 16 lm Proprietors. 1"mTrEKA COTTAGE. ATLANTIC CITYTnTjT, It ATLANTIC and VIRGINIA Avenues, will be open June 24 for the reoeptlon ol visitors. 6161m It S. WATSON. H ADDON HOUSE, FOOT OF NORTH CAR(. L1NA Avenue, racing the beach, Atlantic City N. J- Is now open. Railroad to the beach. Siaim Dr. J. J. COMFORT, Proprietor. ONSTITUTION HQUSE, ATLANTICCITY, N. J., Is now open for the reception of gnents., JACOB R. SAOKETT, 6 16 lm Proprietor. CONSTITUTION HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY," N. J., Is now open for the reception of guests. JACOB R. BACKKTT, 6 16 lni Proprietor. T'E N T U C K Y H0 U S E IV ATLANTIC CITY, Opened June 1 for the reception of guests. 6 16 lm AIRS. M. VUIULKY, Proprietress. fT HE "ALfiAM BR A7ATLAN TI CCIT Y, N. J. , I will open for the reception or gueuts on SA TURDAY, June 84. No bar. R. B. LSHDd, 616 1m Proprietor. DE N N I 8' COT ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., T AGE, is now open for the reception or guests. 6 16 2m JOSEPH ILBORTON. 1 PRIVATE BOARDING-ATLANTIC CITY,NrjTj PENNSYLVANIA, near Atlantlo avenue. A lew choice double and single rooms. Apply at No. 1314 ARCH Street. l(5eodlm TREMONT HOUSE, CORNER PACIFIcTaND VIRGINIA Avenues. Atlantlo City. 6 16 lm H. BLOOD, Propriet or. ITENN MANSION, NEAR CONGRESS HALL, Atlantic City, N. J.. Is now open lor guests. 6161m ELIZA CANRV, Proprietress. THE "CH A LFONTE7"a T LAN Tic OIT VTl "uV open. Railroad to the beach. 6 16 lm KLISHA ROBERTS, Proprietor. B-eTcu cott a g eTatlantic city, n. J., is now open for the reception of guesis. No tar. 6 16 eod lm T. C. GARRETT. MM! E "CLARENDON, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J I is now open for the reception or guests. 101in . M C lWODIE. SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER RESORT8 ON LINE OF THE PUILA" DELPHIA AND READLNtl RAILROAD AND BRANCHES JUNE 1, 1HT1; mansion liousit-Mt Carbon, Mrs. Caroline Wnnder, Pottsvllle P. O., Schuylkill Bountv. TUSCARORA HOTEL Mrs. M. L. Mlllor.Tus carora P. o., Schuylkill county. MANSION HOUSE W. F. Smith. Mahanov Citv P. O., Sohnylklll county. MT. carmel HOUSE Nathan Herd, Mt Carmel P. O., Northumberland county. v ill IE HOUSE F. Mayer. Heading p. O.. Berkj county CENTRAL AVENUE HOUSE G. D. Davis. Read. lng P. O., Berks county. MT. PLEASANT SEMINARY L. M. Koons, Boyertown P. O., Rerks county. LITIZ SI R1NGS-G. F. Greider, Lltlz P. O., Lan caster county. i H kg elan home Dr. A Smith, Wcrnersvllla P. O.. Berks county. COLD SPRINGS HOTEL (Lebanon conntvi-Wll- liam Lcrch, Sr., Box No. no Uarrlsburg P. O,, ; LfRupnin conntv. El'HRATA SPRINGS-John Frederick, Kphritta P. O., Lancaster couuty. PBRKlOMbN BRIDGE nOTEL Davis Longacre, Collcgevllle P. O , Montgomery county. PROSPECT TERRACE Dr. James Palmer, Col legeville P. O.. Montgomery county. SPRING MILL H EIGHTS Jacob IL Brelsh, Con shohocken P. ., Montgomery county. DOUTY HOUSE-II. Haffered, Shamokin P.O., Northumberland county. 6 9 Saw 2m HERDIC HOUSE, TT MINNEQUA HOUS Vj The subscribers, for the past seven years, con nected with the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, de sire to annonnce to their numerous friends and the travelling public generally, that they have leased the well-known HEKD1C EOUSK, WlUlamspttrt, Pa., and MINNEQUA HOUSE, Minneqaa Springs, Bradford county. Parties leaving Philadelphia via Pennsylvania Central Railroad, at 9-40 A. At, 12 0 P. M. and lo P. M., reach W Ullamsport In seven hours, Mlunequa Srrlngs in nine hours, without change of cars. Cars stop in front of the House. Parties leavlngNew York Tia New Jersey Centra! Railroad, reach Wllllamsport In ten hours, without change or cars. 1 Terms-13 per day. SCOFIELD & BARRY, PKOPR1KTOR3. C. N. SCOFIELD, , , . Late Cashier Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. ' N. B. BARKY, Late Steward Continental Hotel, 6 9 2m ' Philadelphia. SUMMER BOaRDIN G The RENOVO HOTEL, a new and commodious building, newly furnished, Bituatcd on the bank of the Susquehanna river, at Renovo, Clinton couuty. Pa., on Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. Is open for Summer Boarders. Trains leave Pennsylvania Rail road DeDot West Philadelphia, at 12-40 and 7-20 P. M., reaching Renovo at 11 P. M., and 625 A. M. Business men wishing their families at a healthy and pleasanklocation, can leave Philadelphia Satur days and return by Monday afternoon. Baggage checked through. Pullman sleepers on all night trains. Fakk. Philadelphia to Renovo, S3-30. Excursion tickets, to be had at Nos. 833 and 901 Chesnut street; Merchants' Hotel; No. 116 Market street; No. 4900 Main street Germantown; and at Pennsylvania Railroad Depot Thirty-Urst and Market streets, at (10) ten aollars and (25c.) twenty-nve cents per round trip. Board, $12 to fl4 a week for single boarders. Special terms made for families, for which, and to secure rooms, arply to proprietor, i WILLIAM H. MAY, Renovo Hotel, Clinton county, 6 IS lm Pennsylvania. BEDFOBD MINERAL SPRING8. THIS POPU lar summer resort will be open fortherooop- A . . . r. t ......... n hA , n . V. rt II'VL' n i .1 wj.mnJn open until SEPTEMBER 15. The Bedford Railroad Is completed to within one hour's ride over a good turnpike to the Springs. Parties from Philadelphia will como through direct to the Springs in from twelve to fourteen, hours. Excursion tickets can be had at the Pennsylvania itaiiroaa umce, ana baggage checked through. persons will come by the Pennsylvania Railroad to Huntingdon, thence by Broad Top Road. Persons wtshlng to engage rooms, or any further Information, will please address the Proprietor of Bedford Springs. J3edforo Water will be promptly sent to any part or the United States at the following rates at the Springs: 6 10 24t Half barrels (In mulberry wood), 20 gallons 15-00 8teamedoak) 20 . s-oo whole barrels " 40 " 4o Kegs, 10 gallons s-oo TAN CASTER HOUSE, LANCASTER, . N. H., j v.111 be opened June 1 for transient aud summer boarders. It is located In the Valley or the Connec ticut, in full view of Mount Washington and the Vermont Hills, at the terminus or the Boston, Con- uuru, nun niouireai itauroaa. N. B. Persons suffering from asthma and "hay fever" will Ond Immediate relief here. Prices reasonable. For particulars and circular address E. STANTON & CO., 6 10 2m Proprietors. BEESLEY'S POINT HOUSE, BKESLEY'S POINT, N. J. This popular Sea-side Resort affords to these seek ing health and pleasure the greatest privileges for gunning, fishing, boating, and still-water bathing to be found on the Jersey coast Also, a yacht Is provided to carry guests to the surf, free of charge, for sea bathing. SAMUEL PEACOCK, Proprietor. Address Bcesleys Point Post Olllce, Cape May county, N. J. 6 26 lm IORETTO SPRINGS, CAMBRIA COUNTY, J Pennsylvania. This popular watering-place, on the summit of the Alleghany Mountains, will be opened for visitors on the 1st or July. The Hotel has been extensively repaired, and everything will be done to make visitors com- r For further Information address F. A GIBBONS. Proprietor, 610 2m ' Loretto, Cambria Co., Pa. pAR RY HOUSE, HIGHLAND FALLS, (NEAR WEST POINT). This new and elegant establishment on the banks of the Hudson River will be opened early In Jane. Liberal terms for families. Address CRAS. W. HENDRIX. Highland Falls, New York. H O T E L, CHITTENANGO WniTE SULPHUR SPRINGS, MADISON COUNTY, NEW YORK, Is open for guests. Accommodations ior400. Gas, bells, and carpets In every room. Scenery, drives, and table are not surpassed In the country. Rates to Buit the times. 6 20 2m D. P. PETERS, Proprietor. SE A - B A T n NATIONAL HALL. N Q. OAPE MAY, opens July 1. Commands unob structed view of the Ocean. Superior accommoda tion for visitors. Terms, $16 to 118 per week. No bar. Satisfactory reduction to parties and families securing rooms for the season. Address 0 15 2m A. GAR RETS ON. HIGHLAND DELL BOUSE BEAUTIFULLY located on a spur of tne Blue Mountains, near Delaware Water Gap. Its high situation, and a pure dry air is very desirable for Invalids; beautiful scenery, pleasant walks and drives. No bar. Terms and other particulars furnished on application to J. F. FOULKE, Stroudsourg, Monroe couutv, Penu tylvanla. : 6 10 3m MAXSON HOU8K, NARRAG 1NSETT PIER, R. I. Located oa elevated laud, near the Bathing Beach, having a fine view of ocean, Bay, and sur rounding country. It Is entirely new, furnished throughout with elegant furniture. Application for room and board, should be adiresei to 6 to 6w E. TUCKER, Proprietor. FRIEND 8' COTT CAPE MAY CITY. N. J. AGE, isnowoden for the reception of guests. Accom modation for 100. A. P. COOK, Proprietress. House 60 feet from the surf. 6 10 tf 17 PHRATA MT. SPRINGS. LANCASTER CO., j PA. This delightful Summer Resort WILL BE OPEN for the Reception of Guests on 15th June, 1171. For particulars, address ' J. W. FREDERICK, PropY, II. H. REINHARD, Supt 6 1 lm C107ZENS' WB8T POINT HOTEL j COZZENS' DOCK, HUDSON RIVER, 13 NOW OrEN. FOR TERMS, kc. Address West Point N. Y CENTRE HOUSE, CAPE MAY CITY, 1 NOW oiu fur Uiti icuTilou of taenia. 6 20HU J. E. M.LCRAY, Proprietor.