G THE DAILY E VISING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1871. THE JULY MAQiZINES. "SCIUBNKR'g." Bcribner't Monthlg for Jnly makes its ap pearance in advance of the other magazine, and with a tery entertaining variety of arti cles it well maintains the reputation it has won. The contents are as follows: "Philadelphia," illustrated, J. T. Ileadley; "Jaunts in Japan," illnstr-ted, W. II. Hal lock; "Tbe Gunpowder riot The Story of a Fourth f July, ''illnstrated, Edward Eggles ton; "Under the Elms," poem, Miss M. A. Hopkins; "Back-log Studies," Charles Dudley Warner; "Free Trade and Protection," Horaoe Bushnell; "A Fete-day at Malmaison," Louisa Bushnell; "Samson's Riddle Solved: The Lion cup vs. The Lion-cub," illustrated, It. W. Wright; "A Tartar Love Song," poem, R. H. Stoddard; "A Plea for Chinese Labor," by an Airerioan Housewife, Abby Sage-Richardson; "My Husband s First Love," Julia 0. B. Dorr; "Edam's Mother," Susan Coolidge; "Cffisar Rowan," poem, Thomas Dunn English; "Wil frid Cumbermede," George Macdonald; "Tepics of the Time;" "The Old Cabinet;" "Home and Society;" "Culture and Progress Abroad;" "Culture and Progress at Home;" Etchings Up the Aislo," illustrated, Geo. A. Baker. The leading article on "Philadelphia,' which is profusely illustrated with capital drawings by a Philadelphia artist, Mr. Thomas Moran, should secure for this number of Ecribner's an extensive sale in this locality. The article, which is from the pen of J. T. Headley, is an excellent resume of the char acteristic features of Philadelphia, and it does full justice to the good points of the Quaker City. After this, perhaps, the most striking article in the number is the solution of Samson's riddle which is proposed by Mr. R. W. Wright. This is curious and in genious if not convincing, and is well worthy of a perusal. Another exoellent artiole is that on "Free-trade and Protection," by Horace Bushnell. From Mr. Headley's paper on "Philadelphia" we take the following: In all other cities the great question has been how to give this clans cleanly, comfort able, safe apartments. In Philadelphia it has been, how to give them pleasant, attractive homes. Home influence is the strongest on earth in keeping a man from dissolute com panionship and the grog-shop, and from becoming a mere vagrant on the Sabbath day. Even though he never enters a church, there is a pulpit in his own house, and the preacher, the sweet restraining influ ences of home. These insensibly, in time, draw him towards the plaoe of worship, just as they draw him away from unhal lowed places and associations. It is im possible to overestimate the effect of this borne influence on the morals and oharaoter of a great city, not to meDtion the amount of suffering it prevents and the happiness it confers on families. Especially to the Ame rican mechanic and laborer is this possession of a home of vital importance. Without it his restless nature is very likely to draw him into companionships and occupations fiat ' mar or destroy his character. Whether New York, with its circumscribed limits and its extremely . poor population, can ever carry out this system as thoroughly as Philadel- : phia is doubtful; but certainly something might be done, perhaps on Long Island, if rapid, cheap transit could be established. The home feeling seems to rule very strongly in the erection of all their houses in Philadelphia. It is true, on Walnut street modern palatial residences are going up, aud under the influence of increasing wealth and ruinous fashion it may in time rival Fifth avenue, where people do not build homes for their own comfort, but objects of admira tion for other people to gaze at. Palaces furnish grand sights to spectators, but poor homes to the inmates. Take Arch street, where so many of the solid men of Philadel phia live, and as far as you can see are rows - of brick houses, three or four stories high, plain and neat in style, without any basements, and hence without areas and flignts of steps. They are almost flush with the sidewalk, aud sitting so flat on the ground, present, at first, a singular appearanoe to one aooustomed to - the high steps and iron railings ia front of New York houses. The parlors being so clone to the ground and sidewalk, the lover win dows are protected by solid white shutters, which contrast singularly with the green ' blinds -of the upper stories. But there is something snug, comfortable, and home-like about them that renders them peculiarly attractive. A beneficent and admirable regulation, adopted in 1855, has prevented the opening of any new street, court, lane or alley, f leas than twenty-five feet in width. It has, more over, compelled all the old courts, lanes, etc, when widened, to be made twenty feet wide, BO matter what the former width; while every new dwelling-houBe must have an open space attached to it, in the rear or at the side, equal to at least twelve feet square. From Mr. Bubhnell'a exoellent article on "Free Trade and Protection," the whole of which we earnestly oommend to the attention of our readers, we make these extracts: What did we disoover in our war of 1812, but that we had nothing to equip the wat? Having no woollen manufacture, we could not clothe our soldiers; we could not even make a blanket. We had been free-traders, baying all such things because we could buy their cheaper; but we now discovered, how soon, that we might better have been making blankets at doable the cost for t be last fifty years. The same was true of saltpetre for gunpowder; of guns, and cannon, and swords; and iron and steel out of which to make them. A nation that is to be a power must have at least a" sufficient supply of iron made at home, no matter what the coat, to arm itself for war. We began also to make the disoovery shortly that the very insigninoant article of suit. coming in short supply, was nearly a dead necessity one of the munitions of war and that manufacturing it for ourselves at double the cost would have been a true advan tage. We were a youDg nation in the war of 1812. and we very soon discovered, in facta already referred to, the lowneas of our orgauizatioa, and the very incomplete scope of our indus trial equipments. Our products were n-jt various enough to make us a complete nation It is often urged as the special advantata of young nations, that they can havw 1L bene fits of free trade, without trouble from the shock that must be given to old artitlniat lu vestmente; but we had another kind of nho k to bear tlat was far more perilous, from the scant equipment in wLion our previous r re. i iraue practice naa leit ns. i'mnaps we were gaining in wealth by such trade, but we were miserably unprepared by it for the at res of our great public trial. There must also be a Urce variety in Dro- ducta and trades, or modes of industry, to raise complexities enough for allowing the loll tense of society. A people uiuut have manifold relationships 'to feel each other as parts in a oommen unity. If they have tnly a few trades and occupations, as most young peoples have, they cannot have public con sciousness enough to give them a history any more than a body can be fully oonioious that ia only, or all, leg. They are like the wholly pastoral race of Tartars, roaming over their wastes, living every man by what feeds every other's life; organized, therefore, if at all, in but the faintest manner, and scarcely conscious of being at all national. A colony, beginning to be a State or nation, may have been living almost wholly by a single article of produc tion, because it has brought the readiest and the largest profit be it cattle, or corn, or cot ton. They ought, of course, on free-trade principles, to continue. Which, if thoy do, they will inevitably make sure of their insig nificance. Such people are only doubles or repetitions of each other too much alike, too little complementary one to another, to have any real interpenetration,suoh as makes a con scious whole. They can have no public will, or sentiment, or cause, or counsel. Their interest is too completely identical to make even their agreement significant. Instead of being a body kept in force by an immense, almost infinite interplay of nerves, ducts, tis sues, secretions, excretions, yielding new muRcle and bone, oil, lubrications, sanitary self-medications every organ necessary some how to every other, and all neoessary to all instead of being thus a body, they are one that has only the bone-making function, or that has a huge overgrown liver organ, packing it full, and pumping its one deluge of bile into the eyes, the skin, the brain, supplying never what is wanted, but only more of what is not wanted, and organizing really nothing. Hence the immense interest a young State may have, in even making heavy loss from its wealth, to stimulate, in dis regard of all free-trade maxims, such trades and ways of skilled production as will yield the needed variety. Otherwise their one art or production' leaves them only a guild and not a nation. And guilds are the weakest of all organizations, save as they are sprinkled in among other guilds and get strength from the reactions and counteraotions of other dissimilarities. Thus a one-guild nation may seem to be high and strong enough to make brave stand for their one thing, but when they are put to some long struggle, as nations are in their wars, the one-thing fire, be it for cotton or anything else, is too flashy to hold; whereas the organization framed by diversities and reciprocities stands fast in the interlock of functions that make common cause, being components together in a full endowed body, SPECIAL NOTICES. fQy- PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, TREASUBEK'8 DEPARTMENT. Philadelphia, May 2, 1S7L The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend or FIVE PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable In cash, on and after May 80, 1871. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be bad at the office of the company. The office will be open at 8 A. M., and close at 8 P. M., from May 80 to June 2, for the payment ot dividends, and after that date from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. THOMAS T. FIRTH, B 1 2m Treasurer. BATCH ELOR'S HAIR DYK. THIS SPLEN did Hair Dve la the best in the world, the only true and perfect Dve. Harmless Reliable Instan taneous no disappointment no ridiculous tints "Doe nt t contain Lead nor any Vitalic Poison to if- tarem r Hair or SqaUm." Invigorates the Hair and leaves It soft and beautiful : Block or Brown. Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Applied at the raotory, no. io uucm street, new xoric i in mwrs tg JOUVIN'S KID GLOVE CLEANER w 1 MatANii onl 1 a1 itlAnaa anna tsi na Wns o.iU by all druggists and fancy goods dealers. Price so a nawi v a puiivu stivs v vj? vuuim io iivti i ui ouio cents; r ottie. 11 xsmwrj DR. F. R. THOMAS, No. ttl WALNUT ST. formerly operator at the Colton Dental Rooms. devotes his entire practice to extracting teeth with out pain, witn iresn nitrons oxiae gaa. u in gy- DISPENSARY FOR SKIN DISEASES, NO Patients treated .srratuitouslv at this Institution aany at 11 o'ciocx. 1 1 LOOKING CLASSES, ETC. NEW ROGERS GROUP, 'RIP VAN WINKLE." NEW CHROMOS. All Chromes sold at 86 per cent, below regular rates. All of Prang's, Hoover's, and all others. Bend for catalogue. lAokInc!la8seNa ALL NSW STYLES, At the lowest prices. All of our own manufacture. JAMES 8. EARLB & SONS. Ho. 818 CHESNTJT STREET. lATOMEti JEWELRY. ETO. GOLD MEDAL REGULATORS. U. IV. IIIJ8SBLL, No. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Bega to call the attention of the trade and customers to the annexed letter: TBUIBLAnON. "I take pleasure to announce that I have given tc Mr. G. W. RUSSELL, of Philadelphia, the exclusive ale of all goods of my manufacture. He will be able to sell them at the very lowest pricea "GUSTAV mCOKEK, "First Manufacturer of Regulators, "Freiburg, Germany. lOt. fc OKICE Ot ICE LOW ENOUGH TO SATISFY X AIL." BE SUKB KNICKERBOCKER IS ON THE WAtiON." KSlCKERBOCKEn ICK COMPANY. THos. E. CAB ILL, President. B. r. KEkShoW. Vice-President. A. HUNT, Treasurer. E. a. UokNKi.L, Secretary. T. A. HENDKY, Superlnieudent Principal Ornoe, No. 435 WALNUT Street Philadelphia, ' Branca Oltlces anil Depots, North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master s.reet hldga Avt-une and Willow street. ' 11 low btreet Wharf. Delaware avenue. Twenty-second arm Hamilton streets. Nlnta Street and Washington avenue. Pine Street Wharf. SchuvlkilL No. 4888 MhIu Street Merman town. No. si North M-cona street, Camden, N. J., and Cape May. New Jersey. leu. Prices for Families, Offices, eto. 18TL 8 pounds dally, 60 cents per week. H 66 ' 16 " mt " 80 M " 5 u " H1f bushel or forty rounds, so cents eaon da llv ry. 4 Ha set FUHNITUKb. dOfT.pa U Campion (late Moore A Campion), WILLIAM MU1TH, aiVUAKO R. CAJfflOM, SMITH & CAMPION. Manoiactarert of FINE FUBNITUBE, UPUOLSTERINOS, AND m. TERIOR HOUSE DKOOK ATIONS, No. 8i HOUTH TUIHD Htreet. Uanofao'ory, No, sic and in LEVANT street, PunadeJphla. ait INSURANCE. Fire, Inland, and Marine ininrancf. INSURANCE C0MPAR7 or NORTH AMERICA, Incorporated 1791. CAPITAL &5C0.000 ASSETS January 1 1871 $3,050,538 Receipts of 10 a,0WJ,l64 Interest from inveatments, 1870.. 137,050 Losses paid In 1870 l,13,9l ETATEBIEKT OF THE ASSST3. First Mortgages on Philadelphia City pro perty United States Government Loans Pennsylvania. State Loans. 109,810 rniianeipniatJity wma (00,000 New Jersey and other 8tate Loans and uny rsonns Ktt.510 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co., omer itaiiroaa Morurace Bonds and Loens 363.948 Philadelphia Bana and oQer Stocks 'J,486 Cash In Bunk 881,044 Loans on Collateral 8ecurlty 81,434 pioies receivauie ana uaiine Premlnn:s unsettled 438.420 accrueo jnieresiana riemmui in coarse of transmission 63,901 Real estate, Ofnce of the Company &o,ooo 13,060,634 at the Coohtinjf House of Messrs. iiKJWN, SULf- A 1ST 1 1 1! at ?. COFFO, PBESIDENT. UlAIlLKd PLATT, V1CE-PRESIDKNT. MATTHIAS !TIAHI(M, Secretary. C. H. It EE V EM. AfeMstant Heoreiary. DIKECTUllM. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, i FRANCIS R. COPE, SAMUEL W. JONES, EUW. H. TROTTER, KOW. 8. CLARKE. JULUM A. liJiUWI, CHARLES TAYLOR, AMBROSE WHITE, T. CHARLTON HENRY, AT vuun n Tt?uuirTJ W1L.LJAM W f.JLHU, LOUIS C. MADEIRA, JEORGK L, HARRISON, UUTa v 1 VUUlllllXlJ CLEMENT A. ORIS COM WILLIAM B ROOKIE. 1H'JU CHAKTEK PERPETUAL. 1871 FraatliB Fire Insurance Coiapaiii OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, Hoi. 435 and 437 CKZSHUT St Assets Jan. I , '7I1$3I087I452,35 CAPITAL .1400,000 -00 ACCRUED SURPLUS AND PREMIUMS. 9, 687,461 06 INCOME FOR 1871, LOSSES PAID IN 1870, l,WJO,UUU. t'ia,esi-u. Loiies Paid Since 1839 ZVearlj 0,000,000. The Assets of the "FRANKLIN" are all invested in solid securities (over 13,760,000 in First Bonds and MortsAKes). which are all Interest bearing and dlvlaend paying. The Company holds no Bills Re- ceivaDie taxen ior junuranues eueoiea. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on LtbnraJ Terms. Tbe Company also issues policies nton the items oi au unam oi Buuaiugs, urouaa uents and mortgages. DIRECTORS. Alfred G. Baker, Samuel Grant. Alfred Fltler, Thomas Sparks. William 8. Grant, Thomas 8. Kills, Gostavua 8. Benson. George W. Richards, Isaac Lea, George Fades, ALFKKD G. BAKER. President. GEORGE FALES. Vlce-Pnesldont. JAMES W. MCALLISTER, Secretary. THEODORE BL REGBR, Assistant Seoretary. I N C O R P O R MARCH 87, ISao. A T E D FIRE ASSOCIATION, No. 84 NORTH FIFTH STREET, VPHILAJBLPHIA. CAPITAI. S5OO.000. ASSKTS, JANUARY 1, 1871, Sl,?3,31B-07, Bonds and Mortgages fl,646,97-M Ground Rents 82,980 83 Real Estate 65,920-70 U. . Gov. 6-80 Bonds. 46,000-00 Cash on hand 94, 449 -69 11,705,319-07 DIRECTORS. William H. Hamilton, . John Carrow, Ueurpe I. Young, Joseph R Lyndall, -Levi P. (loats. Jesse Llghtfoot. Robert biioemafeer, Peter Armbruster, M. 1L Dickinson, Peter Williamson, Josenh E. Hc.hnii. Samuel Spaxhawk Damuei rioya. "WM. H. H AMI Li ON President BAJifiEL SPaRHAWK, Vuse-fresldent. WILLIAM F. BUTLER, Secretary. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE COMPANY. INSURANCE Incorporated 1826 Charter Peroetnal. No. CIO WALNUT btreit, opposite Independence oq litre. This Company, favorablv known to the commn. nlty for over forty Tears, continues to insure against loss or damage by Are on Public or Private Build ings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise gruerauy, on nueru.1 lerius. Their CaDltaL totrether wlthalarire Surnlnn Pnnri. ffl tnvpfitAri in tlm lunAt r.nwfiil ihannii. uhinh unn ides them to offer to tne insured an undoubted secu rity m tue case oi loss. DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith, Jr., Isaac lialehurst, Thomas Robins, John Derereux. Thomas Smith, J. GUllngham Fell, Daniel Haddock, Franklin A. DANIEL SMITH Jr . PruiilnnL voiuiy. Wm. Q. Crowkll, secretary. 1-HE ENTERPRfSB INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE S. W. CORN U K FOURTH AND WALNUT k2TD 17 C'Tih? PERPETUAL AND TERM POLICIES ISSUED. CAbH CAPITAL (paid up In full) 1200,000-00 CASH ASSETS, ix-ceraber 1. 1810 flOO.388-00 F. Ratchford Starr, J. Livingston Errlnger, naiuro t razier, John M. A wood, Benjamin T. Trodlck, George U. Stuart, o aiues Im uiagoorn, wuium (, Bouiton, Thomas H.Montgomery, jo tin h. urown. THOMAS H. MONTGOMERY. Vice-Bresldent. ALEXANDER W. WISTER, Secretary. JACOB B. PETERSON Assistant-Secretary. PAJIK INSURANCE COMPANY, No, 809 CHESNTJT Street DiCOBFOHATBD ISM. CHARTER PkKPETTAL. CAPITAL f'iOO.OOO. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire either by a. -1 rr ...-. i. . . n .... VUKl-lOHS. Charles Richardson, Robert Pearoe. wiuiain n. itnawu, William M. Beyfert, Johu V. Smith, Nathan Utiles, John Kessler, Jr., Edward B. Orue, cnarli-s Stokes, John W. Kverman, Mordeoal Bucbv. Ueorge A. West. CHARLES RICHARn.SON, President. WILLIAM U. KHAWN, Vice-President. Williams I. Blancuako, Secretary. JMPOiLAL FIlUt 1N8TJILAKCB COH LOSDun, rud-ap O&piul sad Aoomnlfl Fniuta, C8.000.000 IN GOLD. PRKVOST A HERltmo, Agents,4 Ho. lot E THIRD 8VMt.PhlUdlpfala. BAA K. r&MyVI OHAA P. UERAUM INSURANCE. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE (K)MPANV. InnnrnnHljul h. Hi. t wl.l.inn of Pennsylvania, 1835. Office S. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streets, 1 miBMHinnii MARIN K lNulTMiarira oa Vessels, Cargo, and Freight to all parts of tte TTIT.AN"n INKnRtHmra D Goods by river, canal, lake, and land carriage to 9UI I i" . 1- wi. v 1111, WlhK INNrjRATtfl'iru n Merchandise generally; on Stores, Dwellings, ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1, 1870. ,000 United States Six Per Cent Loan (lawfnl money) 1333,876 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Otnt. Loan 814,000OC 100,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan (exempt from Tax) aMsa" 164,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan l8,9W00 0,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mortgage 8lx Per Ct. Bonds. W.TOO-flt s,ooo Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six Per Ct. Bonds. M.aBO'OC 16,000 Western Pennsylvania Rail road Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pennsylvania Rail road guarantee) JO.OOO'OU 30,000 State of Tennobsee Five Per CU Loan 18,000-00 T.ooo State of Tennessee Six Per Ct. Loan 4,300-ou 13,600 Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany ftiBO Shares Stock) 15,000-00 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company (100 Shares Stock).. 4,800-or 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steamship Company (SOsh's Stock) 4,000-01 1,660 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties.. 961,660-00 11.260.150 Par. CBt, 11.861.447-84. Mxtylll.29317-Ot Kt-ai jisiaie d,uou-mj Bills Receivable for Insur ances made 930,971-27 Balances due at Agencies Premiums on Marine Policies Accrued Interest an.l JtUer debts due the Company 13,376 40 8tock and Scrip, etc , ol snn drr corttoratlons. 17960. esti mated value 8,i9-oo Cash 148,911 78 11,880.787-97 DIRECTOR8. Thomas C. Hand, Baoiuei s. stokes. jomi V..iaviB, Jdmund A. Souder, oseph H. Seal, James Traqualr, Henry Sloan, Henry C. Dallett, Jr.,; James C. Hand, wunam u. uouiton, Edward Darlington, H. Joaes Brooke, Edward Lafourcade, Jacob Rlegel, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcllvalne, Tli o mas P. Stotesbury, w unam u. liUdwig, Hugh Craig, John D. Taylor. George W. Bernadou, John B. Semple, Plttsb'rg, wm. v. uouston. a a. urger, riMsourg, D. T. Moriran. Plttsburs. H. Frank Robinson, jhumas v. iianl, iTesiaent. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice-President. Bsnbt Lti.burn, Secretary. Hbkbt Ball, Assistant Secretary. ASBURY LIFE INSURANCE CO. O. C. NORTH, President. , A. V. STOUT, Vice-President EMORY McOLINTOOK, Actuary JAMES M. LONG AC RE, MANAGER FOR PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE, Office, 302 WALNUT St., Philadelphia.' A. E. M. PURDT, M. D., Medical Examiner. REV. 8. POWSHS, Special Agent. On Iitial Insnraace Company OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1804. Fire, Marine, and Inland Insurance. Office, N. E. Cor. THIRD and WALNUT LOSSES PAID SINCE FORMATION, 87,000,000. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, JANUARY 1, 1871, 8255,39709. RICHARD 8, SMITH, President. yOHN MOBS, Secretary. . People's Fire tarance Company, Ito. Old WALNUT Street. . CHARTERED 1859. Fire Insurance at LOWEST RATES consistent with security. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. NO UNPAID LOSSES. Assets December 81, 1870 1128,861-78 CHAS. E. BONN, President. GEO. BUSCH, Jr., Secretary. ANTHR ACITB INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1864. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Offloe, No. 811 WALNUT Street, between Third nd Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise generally. aibo, Marine insurance on vcdhbib, cargoes, ana Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. William Esher, Lewis Audenreld- wm. m. aaira, John li. Blaklston, W. F. Dean. John Ketcham, J. E. Baum, John B. Heyl, Samuel H. RothermeL Peter Sieger, WILLIAM ESUER. Presldenu WM. F. DEAN, Vice-President. W. M. Smith, Secretary. HARDWARE, ETO. CUMBERLAND NAILS 8476 Per Keg. These Nails are known to be the best In the market All IVallH, no waste, and cost no more than other brands. Each keg warranted to contain 100 pounds of Nails, Also, a large assortment of One Hinges, Locks, and Euotts. Salld Bronce. suitable tor nrst-clasa build ings, at the great JheBprorCah Hardware Store OF I. P. SlIANNOrf, 1 14 tutbst NO. 1009 MARKET Street BARLOWS INDIGO BLUE IS TnE CHEAPEST aud best article In the market for HIA'KINM tJ.OriltiM. It does not contalB any acid. It will not Injure the finest fabric It Is put np at WH.TBERflltR'N DHVO STORE, No. 833 N. SKCOND Street, Philadelphia, And for sal by most of the Grocers and Drugsrlsts. The genuine has both BARLOW'S and WILT. BKKGKK'B name on the label ; ail others are COUN TERFEIT. BARI-OW'N BLU will color more water than four times the sam weight of Indigo. S ti tathaam SAXOE GREEN. Is Brighter, will not Fade, Costs Leas than any oth because It will Palut twice as much surface. HOLD BY A IX DEALERS lit PAIWTO. STEAM ENGINE8, WITH PLAIN SULK valve, or cut OIL Tertlcal, UorUontal, and Portable. Governors, Pumps, Pipes, and Valves. GEO KGB C. 1IOWAKD. CU No. XI b. EXUUTLL&4TiI bUtwU ' SHIPPING. LIVERPOOL AND Q,UBlTJg 12.TOWN The Hunan Line of Royal Mall Swaroert are appointed to sail as follows: emsls, Thursday. June l, at r.M CHy of lxndon, Saturday. Jane 8. at I P. M, IlltV nf VVMhlriDtnn Kat.nrdnv. June 10. at 13 M. Cltv ot Dublin, via Halifax. Tuesday. June 13. at 1 P.M. and each succeeding Saturday ana alternate Tuas- ay, from pier mo. 46 North river. By Mall Steamer Sailing every Saturday. PavaNe in sold. Pavable In ourreuvy. First Cabin , ,tb , Steerage I0 To London m To London 86 To Halifax sol To Halifax 16 paaseiieers also forwarded to Antwerp. Rotter dam, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc, at redaoed rates. Tickets can be boaght here at moderate rates W Dpmnna wlshinv to send for their rrlnnds. For further mformatloa apply at the company't office. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, no. io Broadway, w. x. I Or to O'UONMBLL S FAULK, AgOOtS, No. 409 CHESNUT Street. Phlladel phla. NATIONAL ZHi STEAMSHIP COMPANY! STEAM DIRECT TO AND FROM NEW YORK, The niasnlflcent Ocean Steamships of this line. salllnK TPRularly every SAT'.'RDAY, are amoni the largest in the world, aud famous for the degree of saiety, comjon, ana spea attained. CABIN RATES. CURRENCY. 176 and IC6. I lrht class Excursion Tickets, (rood for twelve D onmR, iisu. aariy application uiimt oe made in orner to secure a cnoice or state-rooms. STEERAGE RATES. CURKBNCY. Outward, f 8. Prepaid, 39. Tickets to and from Londonderry and Glasgow at tbe same low rates. Petsons vlsltlna the old country, or sendtnar for their friends should remember that these rates are posi tively niucn cneapcr man uuinr urst-eiass lines. Bank drafts Issued for any amonnt.at lowest rates. payable on demand In all parts of England, helaud, Bcouana, waies, ana wie uonuneaii oi burope. Apply to WAijL.is.ii k of., Agttntt, No. 204 WA LSUT St., jwtt above Seoond. ITVBB RFGUlxAR STEAMSHIPS ON THE PHI- A LADKLPHIA AND CHARLESTON STEAM SHIP LINE are ALONE authorized to issue througl oil! s of lading to interior points South and West lr connection witn oum uaroima ttnuroao uompany. Vice-President So. C. RR. Ca V' PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN iiiMAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S RE GULAR SEMI-MONTHLY LINK TO NEW OK I.KANH.Lft. The MAhGARET will sail for New Orleans direct On Saturday, June 24, at 8 A. M. Tbe JUMaTA win sail from New Orleans, via TV An Tuna THROUGH BILLS OF LADING at as low ratet. as by any other route given to MOBILE, GALVES TON, INDIAN OLA. ROCKPORT, LA VACUA, and BRAZOS, and to all points en the Mississippi river between New Orleans and St Louis. Red -river freights reshlpped at New Orleans without charge oi oommiBsious. WEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAn. GA. The TON AWANL A wtu sail for Savannah on Sat urday. June 17. at 8 A. M. The WYOMING will sail from Savannah on Sat urday, June 17. THROUGH BILLS Of LADING given to all the principal towns In Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mis sissippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee In con nection with tbe Central Railroad of Georgia, At- .antic and unit ttaiiroaa, ana Florida steamers, at as low rates as dj competing unea. SEMI-MONTHLY LINE TO WILMINGTON. N. C The flONEEltwlU sail for WUmlncrton. N Con Thursday, June 99, at A. M. Returning, will leave w umuigton nuay, o une su. Connects with the Oape Fear River Steamboat Company, the Wilmington and Weldon and North Carolina Kauroads, and tbe Wilmington and Man- Chester Kaiiroaa to an interior points. Frelirhta for Columbia. S. C. and Anirusta. Oa., taken via Wilmington at as low rates as by any other route. Insurance effected when requested by shippers. Bins or lading signed at Queen street wnaii oa oi oeiore aayor sailing. WILLIAM L. JAMES. General Aa-ent. No. 130 S. THIRD Street nr.VTHJ'H HTD 1 U T invil Offlrn. No. 19 Hnnf.ti WHARVKS P111LADKLPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE, THROUGH FKEIGUT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH ANO WEhT. Steamers leave every WEDNRSDAY and 8ATUH DaY "at noon," from FIRST WHARF above MAR KET Street. No buls of lading signed after 13 o'clock on sailing day. THROUGH RATES to all points In North and South Carolina, via Seaboard Air-line Railroad, noa nectlng at Portsmouth, aud at Lynchburg, Va., Ten nessee, and the West via Virginia and Tnnnessee Air-llne, and Richmond and Danville Railroads. Freights HANDLED BUT ONCK and taken at LOW EK RATES than by any other line. No charge for commissions, dray aire, or any ex Dense of transfer. Steamships Insure at ljwest rates. FREIGHTS REOEIVID DAILY. State-room accommodations for passengers.' WM. P. PORTEh, Ag-nt, Rlohmond and City Point T. P. CROWELL fc CO., Agents, Norfolk. PHILADELPHIA AND CHARLESTON. ruiuAvuLruiA. ana ouakleston STEAMSHIP LINE. -THURSDAY LINE FOR CHARLESTON. The nrst-clasa steamship EM HIKE, Captain Hinckley, will sail on Thursday, Jiiue 29, at 8 t. M., noon, from Pier 8, North Wharves, above Arch street. Through bills of lading to all principal points In 8outh Carolina, Georgia, Florida, etc., etc. Kates of freight as low as by any other route. For freight or passage apply on the Pier, as above. WM. A. COURTENA Y, Agent In Charleston. cot? nhw vnmr nirrv in. SSSa-DELAWARB AND HARITAN CANAL, The CHEAPEST aud QUI'. REST water commu nication between Philadelphia aud New York. Steamers leave DAILY from first wharf below MARKET Street, Philadelphia, and foot of WALL Street. New York. THROUGH IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Goods forwarded by all the lines running out of New York, North, East, and West, free of commis sion. Freight received dally and forwarded on accom modating terms. JAME8 HAND, Agent, No. 11 WALL Street, New rork, '-JTJk NEW EXPRESS LINE to ALEX 3S5EaNDRIA, GEORGETOWN, AND WASHINGTON, D. C, Chesapake and nelaware Canal, connecting With Orange and Alexandria Railroad. Steamers leave regularly every SATURDAY at noon, from First Wharf above MAKKfcT Street Freights received dally. H YDE A TYLER, Ageuts, Georgetown, D. C. M. ELURIDUE fc CO., Agents, Alexandrls Va. ,fT DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE XiLiSa-TOW-BOAT COMPANY. . barges towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Bavre-de-Grace, Delaware City, and Intermediate CAPTAIN JOHN LAUGHLIN. Superintendent OFFICE, No. 18 South WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM pTcLYDE A Ca, AGENTS For all the above lines, No. 19 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, where further Information may be obtained. ffff LORLLLARD STEAMSHIP "(XMPAXY ron new Yolim, BAILING TUESDAkb, THURSDAYS, AND SAT URDAYS AT NOON. LNSURANCB ONE-EIGHTH OF ONE PER CENT, No bill of ladlug or receipt signed for leas thaj fifty cents, and no Insurance effected for leas than one dollar premium. For farther particulars and rates apply at Cjiu pany'i office, Pier 88 East river, New York, or to JOHN F. OUL, PIER 19 NOHTH WHAKVS& If. , Extra rates on small packages Iron, metaia to FOR NEW YORK, vlADB. snd Rarltan Canal. .H"aRB bVMt lfeL KB THaNSPOKTATION CXJMPAiYY. DH-SPATCH ANDSWIFJSUKELINKA The steam propellers of this company leave dally at W M. and 6 P. M. Through In tweuty-four hours. Goods forwarded to any plut free of oommlssloo. Freights taken ou accomm'XIaUiig turiu. Abidy to w WILLIAM M. BATRD fc CO., Agents, Hi,lii bouth DALA WARE Avtiuua. HtPPINQ. FOB SAVANNAH, OIOBQIA THE FLORIDA PORTS. AND THE SOUTH AND SOUTH wK3T GREAT BOUTHERW FREIGHT AND PABSEN. GER LINK. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA AND AT LANTIO AM) GULF RA1LKOAD, FOI'H U.TV k-uvun A WKRK. TUESDAYS, " AND SATiwfS. THE 8TEAMSTITP8 BAIT SALVADOR, fountain Nlrtr,mrn from TMm No, 8 North River. WM. R. GARRISON, Agent, No. 0 Bowling Green. MONTGOM ERY. Cantum Falrrlntli. rmw TH I .v. 1i - ' L LOWDEN, Agent, No. 8 West street LEO. Captain Dearborn, ftnm Ti- wn v.-- River.'. 1 Z " r" MIKKAI, FERRIS A OO., Agents, Noa.61 and 69 South street mrNiTR AT. MAT??Trs r.iM.iT. un . - No. 86 North River. " " Jr'l LIVINGSTON, FOX A CO., Agents, b uoeriy street Insurance by this line ONE-HALF PER CENT Superior accommodations for pnxepgers. Throutth rates and bills of ladlne IxuinnuxiAn With the Atlantic and Gulf Freight line. Through rats and bills of lading in connection With Central Railroad Of Georgia, to all point. Agent A . A G. R. R., Agent C. R. R,, No. 829 Broadway. No. 409 Broadway; THE ANCHOR LINK STEAM ERS Sail every Saturday and alternate Wednesdav to and from Glasgow and Derry. Passengers booked and forwarded to and from an railway stations in Great Britain, Ireland, Ger many, Norway, Sweden, or Denmark and Amerlot as salely, speerMly, comfortably, and cheaply as by UJ VkllCI lUUI'OUi into. EXrRK8S" KTBAXXaa. "KXTRA" 8TIAJCBBS. IOWA, TYRIAN, BRITANNIA, JOWA, TYRIAN, ANGLIA, AUSTRALIA, BRITANNIA, INDIA, COLUMBIA, JbllKOfA. ultll AMM1A, From Pier 80 Nerth river, New York, at noon. Rates of Passage, Payable in Currency, to Liverpool, Glasgow, or Derry: First cabins, lti& and f 76, according to location. Cabin excursion tickets (good for twelve months), securing best accommodations, (180. Intermediate, 133 ; steerage, $28. Certificates, at reduced rates, can be bought here by those wishing to send for their friends. Drafts Issued, payable on presentation. Apply at the company's onlces to HENDERSON BROTHERS. No. 1 BOWLING GREEN. W HITS STAB LIMB OCEANIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S LINE OF NEW STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YCRK AND LIVERPOOL, CALLING AT CORK IRELAND. The company's fleet comprises the following mag. niflcent full-powered ocean steamships, the six largest in tbe world : OCEANIC, Captain Murray. ARCTIC ATLANTIC, Captain Thompson. BALTIC PACIFIC, Captain Perry. ADRIATIC These new vessels have been designed specially for the transatlantic trade, and combine speed, safety, and comfort Passenger accommodations unrivalled. Parties sending for their friends in the Old conn try can now obtain prepaid tickets. Steerage, $32, currency. Other rates as low as any first-class line. For further particulars apply to ISM AY, IMRTE A CO., No. 10 WATER Street, Liverpool, and No, 1 EAST INDIA Avenue, LEA DEN HALL Street, London : or at the company's ofllces. No. 11 BROADWAY, New York. j. tu srAima, Agent F OR ST. THOMAS AND BRA 7.1 T UNITED STATE8 AND BRAZIL STEAM. emr uusrAM, REGULAR MAIL STEAMERS sailing on the S8d of every month. , , , MKRR1MACK, Captain Wler. SOUTH AM KRIC A, Captain K. L. Tlnklepangn. NORTH AMEhICA, Captain G. B. Slocnm. These splendid steamers sail on schedule tlme.and call at St Thomas, Para, Pernambnco, Bahla, an Rio de Janeiro, going and returning. For engage ments of freight or passage, apply to WM. R. GARRISON, Agent, . No. P BowUng-green, New Yorx. OORDAQE, ETO. CORDAGE!. Manilla, glial and Tarred Gordaga At Lowcat New York Priees aad FreUdinJ CO WIN H. FITUKK CO VMtotf.TuaTHBt and QKBJKAKTOWB Avsou tors. Ho. U X. WATCB Bt and II H. DXLAWARB Avanaa, PgTT.AnWT.nTT4 J OHN S. LEit CO., ROPE-AN DT WIN S MANl FACTUREHS. DEALERS IN NAVAL STORES. ANCHORS AND CHAINS, SHIP CHANDLERY GOODS, ETC Nos. 46 and 48 NORTH WHARVES. 2 E N Q I N E sTMAlDHINERVrEToT PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILEB OKK8 NKAFIB A LEVY. PRAOTI. CAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MA CBIMST8, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been la uocessf d) operation, and been exclusively engaged In building and repairing Marine and River Engine, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, etc. etc., respectfully offer their servleea to the pu lillo as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all silicas, Marine, River, and Stationary! having sets of patterns of dlffeient slses, are pre pared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the short! notice. High and Low Pressure Fine Tubular and Cylinder boilers of the beat Pennsylvania Charcoal Iroii. Forging of all size and kinds. Iron and Brass CubUnKS of ail descriptions. Roll Turning, u-rew Cutting, and all other work oonnectoi with the above business. ' Drawings and speculations for all work done the establishment free of charge, and work gaa ranteed. Th subscribers have ample wharf dock-room fot repairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, etc. etc., for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C NKAFI3L I JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMER Streets. ' QIRARD TUBE WORKS AND LEON OO?, PHILADELPHIA, PA Manufacture Plain and Galvanised ' WROUGHT-IRoN PIPE and Sundries for Gas and Steam Fitters, Plumbers Machinists, Railing Makers, OU KeOners, etc. WORK S, TWENTY -THIRD AND FILBERT STREETS, OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. No. 49 N. FIFTH STREET FFICB OF BOILER INSPECTION DEPART MEN T, No. 119 8. FOURTH Street At a special meeting of the Committee of Select aid Common Councils on Steam Engine and Boiler luspeciloji, the inspector was Instructed to call the attention of Boiler Owners and Users to Sections of the Act of Assembly, approved May 17, 1864, which tajs: "If any person shall, on or after the first Monday of July next, maintain or keep in nse or operation any stationary steam engine or boiler within the said city rf Philadelphia, without having first received a i-erntluale that tbe same lias been found to be safe and competent, as is hereinbefore provided, shall be dten.ed gulity of a misdemeanor, and opoB oonvlo ttu iu tiit. Court of Quarter sessions for said county shull he. sentenced to pay a One not exceeding five ibi'iiksnd (iwiOO) dollars and to undergo Imprison niein in the Jail of said couuty, either with or with, out laur, as the Court may direct, for a term not exceeding two (9) years" Ibe act approved July T, 1889. with reference to insured holies requlren th indorsement of this De psnnieni. In oner to exempt the owners or users from city Inspection. WILLI4M W. BURNELL, Chairman of Steam Engines and Hoimrs. T. J.LOVMJKOVa, Inspector, Philadelphia, June 6, 1871. t. r. atin. MVABOSb BHireiiib commission MiReaxmx ho. t iaiKNTIES SLIP, New Vurt, No. IS WUTU WHARVES, PUlIadelphlA. Na W. PRATT STREET, Bamiuora. We are prepared to ship every ae jipuonl Freight to Philadelphia, New Yori, Wliiuaum, ad liii-ru:ediat poiuta wuh protupui"Ai aud iifit' Cnai Boat aud tiuani-uuif axu'.Khtd u taeawMM-t AOttoi, 4