4 G THE DAILY EVBnINQ TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 18711 KiroxAKDrnouDnoffo the French nation. From th PU Mall Gtzttt. Some little time ago our pages contained a Teview of the life of the late Professor Robert Xaex, the anatomist. Though aggressiTe and dnputio la his opinions, be was a bold, origiaal, ad often sagacious thinker; and some of bn reflections and predictions en the nature an .stiny of . the Celtio race, and of -the Gallic Oelt in particular, are of interest at the present moment. Writing about 1850, be b j St lii my first lecture, delivered Are years ago, I said that tbe Celtic race does not and never conld be made to comprehend the meaning of the word liberty. The opinion I Rave bad no reference to recent events, but was deduced from past history: the histories ef 'Pit. of 'is, of '8a add now the events of '48 and '4, ami say have I erred in the eittraite I formed of this race? On fonr eventful ocsanlons the supreme power has returned Into the hands of the Celtic men of France. Never was tbe destruction of a dynasty more complete. What use have they made of this power? as a Saxon I abhor all dynasties, monarchies, and bayonet-governments; bat this latter seems to be the only one suitable for tbe Celtic man. Again: Celtic liberty Is now veil comprehended by all Europe, The world thought Celtic France a great aud free people ; but the world waa wrong U they lld, for the world forgot the element of race la Us calculation on the probable destinies of the French Gelt. That element, duly weighed, would have ahown them that a race being composed of Indivi duals resembling each other must even In Its great est efforts merely shadow forth the character of the Individual. When the French Celt drove out the insupportable and paltry Orleans dynasty, they were merely a fighting clan without a chief: bavlog no self-esteem, how could they act without a leader? That leader had not then arid has not yet appeared. The Celtic race has had In Its ewn bands, more than any other, Its wn destinies. Chance placed at their head the greatest of men that ever appeared on earta. Ulm they sold and betrayed. Still their powerls terrible, end quite an overmatch for any other single race. Nothing could prevent them again marching to j Moscow and St. Petersburg were the contest to be merely between the twe races. Sy such a contest mankind would be greatly benefitted. Paris Is fortified, and were the territory again polluted by a foreign foe the true republican flog would be once more hoisted, sure to be pushed forward to Berlin and Vienna to-morrow St. Petersburg. To revolutionize Is Celtio, to reform Is Saxon. There burst forth that mighty Ke volution which shook the world, whose effects must endure for ever. Court, clergy, and gentry were swept Into the ocean. Bat did the Celt thereby put the land question on a right footing ? Not In tbe least. lie created merely another class of landed proprietors. He abolished the law of primo geniture, it la true, but he bad not the soul to rise up to the principle of abstract justice. It it not that yon are deficient In courage. No braver race exists en the earth, but you have no Industry, no self esteem, no confidence In your Individual exertions. Again, speaking of their former history, he says: They sacked Rome, burst Into Greece, and plun dered the temple of Delphi. War and plunder, Bloodshed an tf violence, In which the race delights, was their object. From Brennus to Napoleon the war-cry of ttw Celtic race was, "To the Alps to the Rhine!" This game, vshich still enaage their whole attention, has now been played for nearly 4000 years. I de not blame them. I pretend not to censure any race. I merely state facts either quite obvious or borne out by history. " The italics are our own; but it most be ad mitted that to the Professor it has been given to f rapper juste, BJid that these predictions have been singularly felicitous in their results. Again: Proudhon, whose intuition into the passionate weakness sometimes betrayed in the French nature was a kind of instinct, ut tered in 1848 some remarkable words which, call them prophecy, inspiration, fore boding, warning, what we will are at this very moment being carried out and accom plished to the letter. The extracts to which we refer have been noticed by one of our contemporaries, but as they may not have met the eye of our readers we subjoin them Let the first acts of the National Assembly but disclose reactionary intentions; let only one rash vote inflame tbe auger of the people; let the na tional representation be violated, and: then, under tbe pressure of another dictatorship, let tbe move neat be suddenly stifled and France will be Use a hive surrounded with flames. In which the choking, burning bees sting each other to death. Then, when the Government shall have exhausted all Its re sources; when tbe nation shall have eaten up Its savings : when production and oommerce are at an end; when starving;Parls, blockaded by the depart ments, sending nothing out and no longer ablo to pay, shall be deprived of all country produce ; when the workmen, demoralized by Idleness and tbe politics of the clubs, shall turn soldiers for the Bake of their pay and rations; when a million of proletalres (the ignorant, poor, and disorderly, the dangerous classes) shall organize an armed crusade against property ; when the State shall "requisition" plate and jewelry to send them to the mint; when domiciliary seizure shall be the only mode of collect ing the taxes ; when the peasants for want of money shall pay their taxes In kind ; when famished bands scour the country and organize pillage; when the peasant shall have to take up a gun to watch bis crops; when the workmen, driven by bunger, shall ail have given up their bodies; when prostitution, grief, and want shall have made them mad ; when bands of women, following troops of National Guards, will celebrate the fetes of the republic by horrible orgies; when the first stack of wheat has been pluudered, the first church pro faned, the first torch lighted, the first woman out raged ; when the first blood shall have been shed; when the first head shall have fallen; when the abo mination of desolation shall have spread all over France then you will understand what Is implied by a revolution brought about by avocats, accom plished by artists for, perhaps, to give the real signi fication of the phrase, by ftiu (it liohcme, and con ducted by writers and poets. Tbe comparison of the hive of bees sur rounded by flames and stinging each other to death is fearfully appropriate, and no doubt the dread of reactionary intentions gave the first impulse to the Communists. If one Government is at the point of exhaustion the other is not far from it, besides being loaded with a 'frightful debt. Production and com merce are dead; Paris is literally blockaded by the departments; the Conoiergerie is full of priests; most of the churches are olosed; the first murders have been committed on the two generals weeks ago; and adventurers, dreamers, and 'journalists rise to power like bubbles, command like despots, and fall in rapid succession. FOREIGN NOTES. An interesting report on the telegraphs in China wis read by M. Tietgen, director of the Danish "Great Northern China and Japan Extension Telegraph Company," at the last meeting of the company at Copenhagen. M Tietgen said that the line between China and Japan is sow open, and that there is every reason to expect it will be ranch used. The number of telegrams sent last year to China from Denmark, bweden, and Norway was 140,000, and they are transmitted with far greater rapidity than was at first expected. The Russian and Chinese Governments have fchown themselves very favorable to the un dertaking: the former has given great facilities for extending the line to Vladivostock, whioh is to be tbe new Russian naval station on the Pacific, its harbor only being olosed two months in the year. M. Sick, who was sent by the Danish Government to Japan on political mission, put the company s agent iu oommuxication with the Japanese aatuorititis. the result being that a telegraph cable ha been brought to Nagasaki, and a telegrapaie line will be established between the Japaa ports which are open to Euroaua. tun telegraphists who Luve been sent to Chiua' have, says M. Tietgen, acquired such a wm tery over the Chinese language tbut thy no r accept and Bend telegram m Chinese frutu place to place in the empire. . It is well known that Hindoos who have caste to lose, lose it when they cross the "black water" and vlit foreign lands. But the forfeiture id usually compounded in a pecuniary way, as persons who have brought native servants from India are aware. It ap pears, however, from an account given by the Hatt Goftar of Bombay, that more par eonal penalties are involved in some cases, even to a vicarious extent. Thus Kur sondaa Hadhavdas, having returned from a visit to England to the bosom of bis ' affectionate caste, the Nagur Bania, brought the whole of them into trouble. They dined with him; and dining with a man who has visited England is looked upon as a heinous offense by the other Bania castes of Bombay and elsewhere, so muoh so indeed that the offenders were visited with a sentence of exoommunication. To obtain readmission into the community of castes a terrible expiation was necessary, and this came off on the 7th of last month at a place called Walkeshwar. Tfce soene was rioh in tbe elements of comedy. First, the men submitted to the shaving of their moustaches, tbe yonng men and small boys who had no moustaches subjecting the hair of their heads to the same process. After this to the nnmber of two hondred or so they all bathed in a tank; and this cere mony over, each member swallowed pills "made of the five products of the cow," which was supposed to complete the work of purification. They have thus been restored to their caste privileges aud the advantages belonging thereto in Bombay; but it seems likely that they will be called upon to repeat the penance before en joying similar impunity in other places. A Bnsso-German war would force upon the majority of Russian officers a most pain ful question of nationality. According to the Golos, the proportion of foreigners serv ing in the Russian army is as follows: Among the privates and non-commissioned officers there are 85 per cent, of Russians, 15 per cent, of foreigners, and of these 2 of Germans. Among the captains and lieuten ants there are 24 per cent, of Germans and 42 of foreigners altogether, to 58 of Rus sians. Among the colonels and majors there are 58 Germans, and 85 foreigners to 15 Rus sians; and among the generals there are as many as 74 Germans and 82 foreigners to 18 Russians. Thus, if Russia went to war with Germany, the first thing that might happen to her would be the loss of the greater part of her officers; for though sixty years ago Germans were ready enough to fight against Germans, they would hardly do so now after the regeneration of the empire. This cir cumstance may be not without influence on the affirmed improbability of a Russo-German war. SPECIAL. NOTIOES. Jgy PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. Philadelphia, May 2, 18TL The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER "CENT, on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable In cash, on and after Hay 80,1871. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be bad at the office of the company. The office will be open at 8 A. M., and close at 8 P. M., from May 80 to June 8, for the payment of dividends, and after that date from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. THOMAS T. FIRTH, B 8 8m f Treasurer. J. & L. L. BARRICK'S LEGITIMATE Tailoring Establishment, Wo. 41 S. TENTH Street, where you can get the best suit for the least money. Where, furnishing your own material you can have It made and trimmed exactly right. Price, fit, and workmanship guaranteed. A good stock always on hand, to show which Is no trouble, and to sell the same at rates not to be excelled Is our highest ambition. e 8 tuths26t HARPER'S LIQUID .HAIR DYE Never Fades or Washes Out, will change gray, red, or frosted hair, whiskers, or moustache to a beautiful black or brown as soon as applied. Warranted, or money returned. Only 50 cents a box. Sold by all Druggists. 8 28 tuthsOm fgy- THURSTON'S IVORY PEARL TOOTH preserving the teeth. For sale by all Druggists. Price 80 and DO cents per bottle. 11 86 stuthly Kif DR. F. R. THOMAS, No. 811 WALNUT ST., formerly operator at the Colton Dental Rooms, devotes his entire practice to extracting teeth with out pain, with fresh nitrous oxide gas. ll 171 DISPENSARY FOR SKIN DISEASES. NO. 119 0. AAjJkfflillQ DMITCIl. Patients treated .gratuitous! v at this Institution n-l a WT VV WrPD . . dally at 11 o'clock. 1 14 LOOKING Q'.ABSEI, ETC. NEW ROGERS CROUP, 'RIP VAN WINKLE," NEW CHROMOS. All Chromes sold at SB per cent, below regular rates. All of Prang's, Hoover's, and all others. Bend for catalogue. Looking;! lasses, ALL NEW STYLES, At the lowest prices. All of oar own manufacture. JAMES 8. EAR LB & SONS. No. 818 CHESNUT STREET. VVATOHEI, JEWELRY. ETO. GOLD MEDAL EEGTJLAT0RS. G. W. IfcUSSBUL, No. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Begs to call the attention of the trade and customers to the annexed letter: TRANSLATION. 1 take pleasure to announce that I have given tc Mr. G. W. RUK8ELL, of Philadelphia, the exclusive sale of all goods of my manufacture. lie will be able to sell them at the very lowest prices. "OUST A V BECKER, 'First Manufacturer of Regulators, "Freiburg, Germany. lOfc. rRICE of ICS ww ENOUGH TO SATISFY J. ALL " "BE SURE KNICKERBOCKER IS ON THE WAGON." KMCKERBOCKER ICK COMPANY. THOS. E. CAB ILL, President. . B. r. KEnSHOW, Vice-President. I ' A. HUNT, Treasurer. B. H. CORNELL, Secretary. T. A. HENDRY, Superintendent. . Principal Office. No. 435 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Branch Offices and Depots, North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master street hldge Avenue and Willow street. Vv mow Street Wharf, Delaware avenue. Twenty-second and Hamilton streets. Ninth Street and Wathlcpton avenue. Pine Street Wharf. Schuvlklll. No. 4838 Main Street, Germautown. No. 81 North Second street, Camden, N. J., and -CapeMav, New Jersey. 1871. Prices for Families, Offices, eto. 18TL ; 6 pounds dally. 50 cents per week. j a "to " 18 " 60 20 ' u i us m u Half bushel or forty pounds, 80 cents eacti de livery. 4xt8ttt QTEAM ENGINES, WITH PLAIN SLICE TertlcaL Horizontal, and ij valve, or cut oa. Portable. Governors, Pomp?, Pipes, aud Valves. GiogGB O. HOWARD, No. 11 b. UCiUTEXSirU bUoet tn INSOPtANOa. Fire, Inland, and Harlnt Imuran. et. IWSUBANCE COUP All Y Of NORTH AMERICA, corporate! 1701. CAPITAL 500,000 ASSETS January 1 1871 $3,050,538 Receipts of TO 8,0e,l5 Interests from Investments, 1870., lST.oso Losses paid In 1870 JiLia,0! STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS. First Mortgages on Philadelphia City pro perty s34,no United States Government Loans , 8ft,8 Pennsylvania' 8tate Loans 169,310 Philadelphia City Loans too, ooo Mew Jersey and other State Loans and City Bonds 185,510 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co., other Railroad Mortgage Bonds and Loans 803,849 Philadelphia Bank and other Stocks 68,488 Cash in Bank S8i,049 Loans on Collateral Security 81,434 Notes receivable and Marine Premiums, unsettled 438,430 Accrued Interest and Premium In coarse of transmission 83,801 Real estate, Office of the Company . . . . 80,000 13,050,534 Certificates of Insurance Issued, payable in London at the Counting Bouse of Messrs. BR JWN, SHIP LEY A CO. RT1ITJR . COFFIN, PBES1DENT. CI1AR1L.ES PIuATT, VICE-PRESIDENT. MATTHIAS MARIS, Secretary. C. n. REEVES, Aaslstaat Secretary. DIRECTORS. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, SAMUEL W. JONES, JOHN A. BROWN, CHARLES TAYLOR, AMBROSE WHITE, WILLIAM WELSH, JOHN MASON. FRANCIS R. COPE, EDW. H. TROTTER, BDW. & CLARKE, T. CHARLTON HKNRY, LOUIS C. MADEIRA. . A a tit nrramf 4 Vl 3EORGE L. HARRISON, VllAOi vv vuouuLai CLEMENT A. GRISCOM WILLIAM BROCKIE. 1829 CHARTER perpetual, jgyj FrantLin Fire Insurance Cup OF PHTT.ATiTTTipr-rTAj Office, Boa. 435 and 437 CHESNUT St. Assets Jan. I, '7U3,0 87,45 2'35 CAPITAL 8400.000 DO ACCRUEDSURPLUSAin)PREMIUlVIS).B,87i458-85 INCOME FOR 1S71, LOSSES PAID IN 1870, S73,8SM0. 11,800,000. Loaaea Paid Since 1839 Ifearly 06,000,000. The Assets of the "FRANKLIN" are all hiYAnto In solid securities (over S3, 750,000 In First Bonds and Mortgages), which are all interest bearing and dividend paying. The Company holds no Bills Re celvable taken for Insurances effected. Perpetual and Temporary policies on Liberal Terms. The Company also Issues policies upon the Rents of all kinds of Buildings, Ground Rents aud Mortgages. DIRECTORS. Alfred G. Baker, Bamnel Grant, George W. Richards, Isaac Lea. Alfred Filler, Thomas Sparks, ' William 8. Grant, Thomas S. Ellis, Gustavus S. Benson. George Fales, ALFRED G. BAKER. President. GEORGE FALES, Vice-President. JAMES W. MCALLISTER, Secretary. THEODORE M. REGER, Assistant Secretary. N G O R P O R MARCH ST. 1S20. A T E D I FIRE ASSOCIATION, No. 84 NORTH FIFTH STREET, .FBIIiADKLPHXa. CAPITAI. S300.000. ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1871, 1,T05,319'0T. Bonds and Mortgages f 1,548,86783 Ground Rents 82,980 83 neai .Biaie 65.920-70 U. S. Gov. 6-80 Bonds, 45,000'00 Cash on hand 84,449-63 11,705,319-07 DIRECTORS. William II. Hamilton, Jesse Llarhtfoot. jonn narrow, George I. Young. Joseph R. Lyndall, Levi P. doats, C 1 ! 1. W Robert Shoemaker, Peter Armbruster, M. H. Dickinson, Peter Williamson, Josenh H ftahu. Duiuuei rioya. WM. H. HAMILTON, President. 8AM0KL SPARHAWk, Vice-President. WILLIAM F. BUTLER, Secretary. rpHE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE Incornorated 1825 Charter Penwttn&i No. CIO WALNUT Street, opposite Independence oquare. - This Company, favorably known to the enmmn, nlty for over forty years, continues to Insure against loss or damage by Are on Public or Private Build legs, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on noerai terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, i h iiioiiHriin in ina ninar foraiui mnnnaa nn nh bles them to offer to the insured an undoubted secu rity in me case or lose. DIRICTOBB Daniel Smith. Jr.. Thomas Smith, Isaac Hazlehurst Thomas Robins, J. GUllngham Fell, Daniel Hndi1nir jonnuevereux, - i ( a r 1 w, DANIEL SMITH, Ja., President. Wif. O. Chowkll, Secretary. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY 1D PUIl.tDXIPMIl OFFICE S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT l. . m 1 1 n x. fwy 4j PERPETUAL AND TERM POLICIES ISSUED. CASH CAPITAL (paid up in full) 200,ooo-00 CASH ASSETS, December 1, 1S70 600.383-00 F. Ratchford Starr, UlJlUlUlli3. J. Livingston Errlnger, James L. CI ag horn, WUllam.O, bouiton. flharlea WhuaU. iiiuuro rrazier, John M. At wood, Benjamin T. Tredlck, George H. Stuart, ThomaaH.Montg'omery, jonn ii. Brown, u Biuea iu. jLerisen. THOMAS II. MONTGOMERY. Vice--resident. ALEXANDER W,W1STER, ft creiaTy. JACOB E. PETERSON AaslBCfct-Becretery. T?AMB INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 809 CHESNUT Street. DiCOBFOKATBO 1858. CHARTS H FZUrKTCAI. CAPITAL $200,000. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire either by Ti . m . - k crpeiuai or leiuinnj i uuti Charles Richardson, Robert Pearoe. wuuaut n. rtuawn, William M. Seyiert, John F. Smith, Nathan Hllles. John Kessier, Jr., Edward B. Orne, Charles Stokes, John W. Everinan, Mordecal Buzbv. George A. West. CHARLES RICHARDtJON. President WILLIAM U. RRAWN, Vice-President. Williams L Blanchasp, Secretary. r&lPERIAIi ffLHJK INSTJUANOB CO liOHDOH. -VSTABLJSIIKU isoa. ral4-ap Capital aad AaeamaUUa Vvada, 08,000,000 IN GOLD. PKEVOST A HERRING, Agents, fa, 101 A, THIRD at CPhllxUtphla, HAS. K. rKXYOCT OOAM. r. HtBJUSC INSURANCE. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFBTT INAUWAB COM FA NY. iBnnrMraUul h the Letialatara of renasylvaaia, laaa. Office S. JL corner of 7t?7ri and WALNUT Street, r ni'a'itrniia MARINE irs(;KAMCES Teasels, Cargo, and Fre'cbt to ail parts of tat world. INLAND INNURANCTCS Goods by river, eanai, , and land carriage to all part I'nl". F1KK INHUKANl'KS Xerchaidlae gmeraiiys on Btorea, Dwellings, Hon tea, etc ASSET OF THE COMPANY, November 1, W0, ,008 TJntt4 tate Si Per Cent Loan flaw fnl soonej) '.1338,178 00 00,000 Bute of Pennsylvania Six Per Ocot. Loan 814,0O0OC 800,000 Cltjr of Philadelphia Six Per t nv. jxiaa laAouipt iruui Tas) 144,000 BtaM of New Jersey Six Per Ont. Loan..., 80,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First MongvreBlX PerCU Bonds. 6,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Montage ttx Per CX Bonds. 86,000 WeUrn Pennsylvania Kail. road Mori eare Six Per Out. Bonds (rencsylvanla Rail- road rnarant) . 80.000 State of Tennessee Five Per Ct. 104,188-60 189,880-00 0,TOO-OC 30,850 DC 80,000-00 Loan 18,000-00 T,ooo state of Tennessee six per Ct. Loan , 18,600 Pennaylvanta Railroad Com pany (800 Shares Stork) 5,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company (100 Shares Stock).. 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steamship Company (80 sirs Stock) 1,860 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties.. 4,800-00 16,000-00 4,800-00 4,000-01 61,860-00 tl.840.160 Par. Cat. 81.844.447-34. MxtVl 81.893 -667 -Of rteai estate ea,ooo-eo Bills Receivable for Insur ances made 830,871-87 Balances one at Agencies-. Premiums on Marine Policies Accrued Interest and Jthef debts due the Company 83,8TB 40 BtocK ana ecnp, etc., oi sun. drr corporations. SiSoO. eatl. mated value 8.813-00 Cash 148,811 T3 1,890,TB7-I DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand, Samuel X. Stokes, ioan j. isaviH, wiuiam yt. uouiton, Edward Darlington, II. Jones Brooke. Jamnna a. sonaer, -oseph H. Seal, James Traqnalr, Henry Sloan, Henry C. Dallett, Jr. James C Hand, Edward Lafouroade, Jacob RlegeL Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland. w imam u. i,nawig, Hugh Craig, John D. Taylor, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcllvalne, Thomas P. Stotesburv. George W. Bernadon, John B. Semple, Pltub'rg, win. j, Houston, a. b. evger, rutsnurg, D. T. Morcran. Plttaburff. H. Frank Robinson, , ihuhauu, iiAfii), rreaianub JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice-President. Hxnbt Ltlbcrn, Secretary. Hxnbt Ball, Assistant Secretary. ASBURY LIFE INSURANCE CO. xzsw youh. O. O. NORTH, President. i A. V. STOUT, Vice-President. EMORY McCLINTOCK, Actaarj. JAMES M. LOriGAORB, MANAGER FOR PENNSYLVANIA AND ) DELAWARE, Office, S02 WALNUT St., FUladelpbif, A. E. M. PURDY, M. D., Medical Examiner. J - REV. 8. POWEBS, Special Agent Union Mcloal Insiance Company Or PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1804. Fire, Marine, and Inland Iniurancs. Office, U". & Cor. THIRD and WALNUT j ; LOSSES PAID SINCE FORMATION, ' 87,000,000. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, JANUARY 1, 1871, 8266,39789. RICHARD 8. SMITH, President. JOHN MOSS, Secretary. People's Fire Insurance Company, Wo. fflA WALItUT Street. CHARTERED 1868. Fire Insurance at LOWEST RATES consistent with security. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. NO UNPAID LOSSES. Assets December il, 18T0 tlss.sswa CHAS. E. BONN, Prealdeat. GEO. BU8CH, Jb., Secretary. NTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1864. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, I7o. 811 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and JDdercuandise Also. Marine Insurance on Vessels. Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. William Esher, Lewis Audenreld. w in. rl. rsaira, John It Biaklston, W.F.Dean. John Ketcham, J. E. Baum, John B. Heyl, Samuel H. RothermeL Peter Sieger, WILLIAM ESUER. PresldenU WM. F. DEAN, Vice-President. W. M. Smith, Secretary. FUKNITOKtt. FURNITURE. The undersigned most respectfully announces to his patrons, friends, and the publlo general.y, that in anticipation of extensive alterations and improve, menis to bis store and warerooms, he will oilort n balance of bis entire stock of FURNITURE At Greatly Reduced Prices All of which la warranted fully as well made as made to order. Be adopts this method of giving purchasers an portunlty of 12x.tremely Iovr Prices In preference to having a sale at auction. A cordial Invitation is hereoy extended to all who are In need of first-class goods. G. VOLLMER, Manufacturer of Cabinet Furniture, No. 11 OS C B Btuthsm CIIESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. joskfh H. CAMFieN (lateMoore A Campion), VUXUM SMITH, K1CHABJ) H. OAiU'IOM, SMITH & CAMPION, Manufacturers of FINE FURNITTJBE, UPHOLSTERINOS, AND IK TERIOR HOUSE DECORATIONS, pjo. 848 SOUTH THIRD Street. Manufactory, Nos. 818 and HI LEVANT Street, Philadelphia. Bit COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, OF ALL nnmbers and brands. Tent, Awning. Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, Paper Manalao turers' Drier FeHs, trom thirty to seventjHti toches. ma Paulina, 0f VMa ma. IS CBUlUimtnMlOaf amiael A LBIANDEH OATTBLL A CO.. A. k-HODUCB tWMMISBlON MKUCHAMT8V No. 8 NUU'lH WliARVlU B MO. If NORTH WATKR STREET; yHlf.Anmt.pHlA. kunumn a, caxtsjuu xluai CAtm 8HIPPINO. rtFfsnyR Liverpool and quests. m,ik, ..WW.TOWN. The lnman Line of Rxiyal Mai) I Btoamert ar appointed to sail as follows: r ernes in, i hunirtay, Jane 1, at 8 P. M. City of London, Saturday, Jsne 8. at 8 P. Hi lllty Of waMnirtn. R.tnnlif. .Tnne in. t 19 V Cltv of Dublin, via Hallax, Tneaday, June 18, at 1 Me and each tvcxAt Paturday and alternate Tuee day, from pier No. n North river. - r.ii o. i KS PASSAGE By Ma 1 Btearaer Sailing every Saturday. Farahia in void. i. v.i i nnM.- Vhl? ri8ters(re '..IM if"trmn 80 To Lbndon as To Ballfax. ......... sol To Halifax IB dam, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, eta, at reduoed rats. Tickets can be bousrht here at mndnratA ratM h peraons wishing to send for their friends. For furthar Infnrmatlnm annl th. mmnuii Office. " r JOHN O. DALE. Agent. No. IB Broadway, N. Y. ! vrwuwKP,Lii a fa UL.K., Agents, No. 408 CHESNUT Street. Pniladelphla, 222 NATIONAL Mt 8TBAMSHIP COMPANY. STEAM DIRKOT TO AND FROM NEW YORK- The niafrntricent Ocean Stflamahina of thiaiina v u a.- fa. ii ar lil w rk ll r www ll l sailing regularly every SATURDAY, are among the largest in the world, and famous for the degree of HUBhl) WIUH'I w, tW. Wt 'T TTt, Bklftl ll((l. CABIN RATES. CliHRKwnv ITS And 180. First Class EXCUralon flrtata nnA tnr twelve months, 1180,- Early application must be niaue ui tinier kj Bevure a cnoice or state-rooma STEERAGE RATES. CURKRnov Outward, a Prepaid, $38. Tlckcu to and from Londonderry and Ulaseow at tbe SamA Inw rntai Persons visiting the old country, or sending for tumr friends should remember that these rates are post. uri Uiuu vumrci vuau ubutsr UlHbCiaas 11 116 S. Bank drafts lssned for any amounat lowest rates. ntrtihlA rn dpm.nd In all nart. r,r vnrinA iu.V Scotland, Wales, and the Continent of Eurooe. . . 111 .TTTT.l . . VVl7 x oc, Agents, A'o. 804 WALNUT St., jxM above Second. mn V Rrnm.lP fiTV A Tifffairr-Dca mm. -rwn X LADKLPHIA AND CHARLESTON STEAM. aaiMT nija aB o ijijr a auuiunzea V3 issue tnrougl oUla of lading to xiterlor points South and West is null n OnM.K ft.Mltn. T I . n - wiuwvnuu wiuu svubu VBiuiiuiinAlllVBa )IU pfiHT, AT.ITPirn T. T?I aj Vice-President Bo, 0. RR. CO, '$ . PmT.ATlTCT.PTTT A AXrr Dnrannniu utlJiK biuMi-jnuruiiX LISS TO NEW OR- The MA hG A RET wul sail for New Orleans direct The JUMATA will sail from New Orleans, via Havana, on- , June ruL.t-fiu uit i a r0 T Annan -. , as by any other route given to MOBILE, GALVES TON, iNDiAruia, rtucuroKT, lav AGO A, and BRAZOS, and to all points en the Mississippi river WTbTfVTU TT 7l ICUD .U'l 1AIU1B. JUU riVOI frelghu reshlpped at New Orleans without charge rv nimnifsBlria VI WUliUtOatVAUM WEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH. OA. The TONAWANLA will sail for Savannah on Sat urday, June 17, at 8 A. M. The WYOMING will sail from Savannah on Sat urday, june it. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING riven to all the principal towns In Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mis sissippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee in con nection with the Central Railroad of Georgia, AU .antic and Gulf Railroad, and Florida steamers, at hiuw ratea a wj oouipvuug uuea. SEMI-MONTHLY LINE TO WILMINGTON, N. C. The f ION EER will sail for Wilmington, N C.,on Than lay, Jane 89, at 8 A. M. Returning. Will leave WUmlnrton Friday. June SO. Connects with the Uape Fear Hlver Steamboat uompany, me wiimmgton ana weiaon and North Carolina Kauroaia, ana tne wumington and Man chester Railroad to all Interior points. Frelxhts for Columbia. S. C. and AuruBta. Ga.. taken via Wilmington at as low rates as by any ouer route. Insurance effected when rea nested bv shlnnera Bills of lading signed at Queen street wharf oa or d ore aa voi aanwig. WLTJLXAM L. JAMES. General Airent. No. 180 S. THIRD Street. -5f(Fft CLYDE'S STEAM LINES. Office, No. 18 8outh WHARVES. PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE, THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. Steamers leave every WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY "at noon," from FIRST WHARF above MAR KET Street. No bins of lading signed after 18 o'clock on sailing day. THROUGH RATES to all points in North and Booth Carolina, via Seaboard Air-line Railroad, con necting at Portsmouth, and at Lynchburg, Va., Ten oessee, and the West via Virginia and Tennessee Alr-llne, and Richmond and Danville Railroads. Freights HANDLED BUT ONCE and taken at LOWER KATES than by any other line. No charge for commlasloaa drayag-e, or any ex pense of transfer. Steamships Insure at lowest rates. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY. State-room accommodations for paasengers. WM. P. POKTEH. Agent, Richmond and City Point. T. P. CROW ELL A CO., Agents, Norfolk. PHILADELPHIA AND CHARLESTON, I' - T'"" " and CHARLESTON STEAM 811IP LINE. THURSDAY LINE FOR CHARLESTON. The ftrst-claaa Steamship VIRGINIA, Captain Hunter, will sail on Tbursday, June 15, at 8 P. M., noon, from Pier 8, North Wharves, above Arch street. Through bills of lading to all principal points in 8onth Carolina, Georgia, Florida, etc., eto. Rates of freight aa low as by any other route. For freight or paeaage apply on the Pier, aa above. WM. A. COUKTaNA V,(Agent in Charleston. -clCJ FOR NEW YORK DAILY VIA r ".Fnvt a w a i v AND RAKITAN CANAL, JiXl'HtSS KTEAMHOAT loMFAN. The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST wafer commu nication between Philadelphia and New York. Steamers leave DAILY from flrat wharf below MAKKKT Street, Philadelphia, and foot Of WAXL Street. New York. ' THROUGH IN TWENTY-FOUR HOUR8. Goods forwarded by all the lines running out of New York, North, Eaat, and West, free of commis sion. Freight received dally and forwarded on accom modating terms. JAMES HAND, Airent, No. 118 WALL Street, New York. ,fT NEW EXPRESS LINE to ALEX- Jmk7M A N' 1 K T A r GEORGETOWN, AND WAbHlNGTON, D.C., Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, connecting with Orauge and Alexandria Railroad. bteamers leave regularly every SATURDAY at noon, from First Wharf above MARKET Street. Freights received dally. HYDE A TYLER, Agents, Georgetown, D. C. iL, ELUKIDGE fc CO., Agenu, Alexandria, Va. - fT . DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE Xa521a-3l tow-boat company. Barges towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre-de-Grace, Delaware City, and Intermediate PiCAPTAIN JOHN LAUOHLIN. Superintendent. OFFICE, NO. 18 South WUAHVES, PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM pTcLYDE A CO., AGENTS For all the above lines, No. 18 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, where further Information may be obtained. fffft, LORILLARD STEAMS HIP JOOMPARY roil ltisw touix. BAILING TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SAT. URDAYS AT NOON. INSURANCE ONE-EIGHTH OF ONE PES CENT. No bill of lading or receipt signed for leas than fifty cents, and no Insurance effected for leas than one dollar premium. For farther particulars and rates apply at Cobv pane's office. Pier 88 East river, New York, or to JOHN F. OHL, PIER 18 NORTH WHARVES, fr. o, Extra rates on small packages Iron, metals' eto. -fT w FOR NEWYORK, VIADStVARB iiiLiSdZand Raritau Canal. b V 1 f IS U H B T1UN SPO RTATION COMPANY. DESPATCH AND SVWKTSUUB LINEi. The steam propellers of this company kave dally at 18 M. and 5P.M. Throsgh in twenty-four hoars. Good forwarded to any polut free of commission. Freights taken oa accommodating tortus. Pl'iJ' 'wiLUAM M. BA1RD A CO., Agent, So. 138 0OUWU DLA WAiiE Aveuua. WIPPINO. ttor savannah, k o r a i a J? . THE rTmiDA PORTS, aU THE SOUTH AJND BUWlllrr, GREAT SOUTHERN FRETOHT AND PASSFJT. G Fit LINE. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF OEORQIA AND AT. aTJU AND GULF RAILROAD, Foi;r ktviuicii wmit. TUESDAYS, , THURSDAYS, " AND SATURDAYS. TTTK BTKAM8TTTPS SAN SAT.V ATX1H r-.nt.in ni. otm na T ...VKViavH, IIVW A HI No. 8 North River. , WM. R. OARRISON, Agent, ' No. 6 BowUag Ureen. MONTfJOMTTRT. f!antan TPatvnln m . 18 North RlVer. ' " ' "r iH3t R. LOWDEN, Agent, No. 88 West street, T.T1 ' Porttaln Ttaiirtinni fmm n.. vr v. . , " "I ..um m 19 m tuver. MURRAY, FERRIS fc CO., Agents, i WoB,1 u 6 South street. fKN KHAT. HAT? WITH r.nlaln U.n n... No. 84 North RlVer. riW UVIMQSTON, FOX A CO, Agents, No. 88 Liberty street. Insurance by this line ONE-HALF PER CENT. Bnperior accommodations for passengers. Thronch ratM kin.nr i.Hin. r . With the Atlantio and Gulf Freight line. Through rates and bills of lading In connection wlJ?eR?!5Uroad or Georgia, to al) points. AgentA.G.R.R., Agent C.R.R.. No. 828 Broadway. No. 408 Broadway. THE ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS Sail every Saturday and alternate Wednesday to and from Glasgow and Derry. Passengers booked and forwarded to and from all railway stations In Great Britain, Ireland, Ger many, Norway, Sweden, or Denmark and America. as safely, speed-ily, comfortably, and cheaply as b "XIPRKaS" BTXAUXBS. "SXTRA" BTSAKXRS. IOWA, TYRIAN, fRITANklA, TYRLAN, AINU1LA, AUSTRALIA, BRITANNIA, INDIA, .COLUMBIA, From Pier SO Nerth river, New York, at noon. Rates of Psssage, Payable In Currency, to Liverpool, Glssgow, or Derry j First cabins, $ce and 8TB, according to location. Cabin excursion tickets (good for twelve monthsL leenring best accommodations, 1180, Intermediate, $38 : steerage, 828. OertlflpatAa it rJn. r?t2J v. i v.. eiUXAJNHIA. by those wishing to send for their friends. .a iBauBu, iojuiv uu preaenuAuon. Apply at the company's off toes to HENDERSON BROTHERS. no. t uuwuku UKlErc, w HITS STAB LINE LINE OF NEW STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND UVERPOOLToAIilNO AT COr The company's fleet comprises the following mag nificent full-powered ocean steamships, the six largest in the world OCEANIC, Captain Murray. ARCTIC ATLANTIC, Captain Thompson. BALTIC. PACIFIC, Captain Perry. ADRIATIC, These new vessels have been designed specially for the transatlantic trade, and combine speed, safety, and comfort. Passenger accommodations unrivalled. Parties sending for their friends In the old coon, try can now obtain prepaid tickets. Steerage, $32, currency. Other rates as low as any first-class line. For further particulars apply to ISM AY, MRIB A CO., No. 10 WATER Street, Liverpool, and No. I EAST INDIA Avenue, LEADEN HALL Street, Lon L or at the company's offices, No. 18 ; . J. H. SPARKS, Agent T70E ST. THOMAS AND BRAZll SHIP COMPANY. REGULAR MAIL STEAMERS sailing oa the 88d of every month. MERRIMACK, Captain Wler. SOUTH AMERICA, Captain E. L, Tmklepaufrh. NORTH AMERICA, Captain G. B. Blocum. These splendid steamers sail on schedule tlrae,and call at St. Themas, Para, Pernambnco, Bahla, and Rio de Janeiro, going and returning. For engage ments of freight orpassage, apply to WM. R, GARRISON, Agent, No . B Bowling-green, New Yorky- OORDAOE, ETO. CORDAGE. KanlilA, Sisal and Tarred Cor dag 3 At Low Ml New York Frleea sad Freights, EDWIN H. FITLJEK As CO ' ' aatoiT,TX!ITH Bt. sad QKRMAJTTOWBI Avaaas) Iters. Ho. 88 81. WATHB Bi. and 88 BL D SLA WARS) Avacos. : ' PKILADKLPTTT JOHN S. LEE A CO., ROPE ANDTWINB MANUFACTURERS, "ajs DEALERS IN NAVAL STORES. ANCHORS AND CHAINS, SHIP CHANDLERY GOODS, ETC.. Nos. 48 and 48 NORTH WHARVES. enqInes, macTh In e r yTe to. ' PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILEB WORKS NEAFIK A LEVY. PRAOTI. CAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS. MA. OHLN1STS. BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been In suocessrdl operation, ana been exclusively engage In building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks! Propellers, etc etc., respectfully offer their servlees to the publlo as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sixess, Marine, River, and Stationary; having seta of patterns of dlffeient sizes, are pre pared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure Fine Tubular and Cylinder Boilers of the best Pennsylvania Charooal Iron. Forglnga of all sise and kinds. Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions. Roll Turning, stcrew Cutting, and all other work oonneotea with the above buainess. Drawing and specifications for all work dona the establishment free of charge, and work gua fftDtsyt, The subscribers have ample wharf dock-room rot repairs of boats, where they can lie In perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, eto. etc, for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C NKAFTB. JOHN P. LEVY, ' BEACH and PALMER Street. G IRARD TUBE WORKS AND IRON o67. PHILADELPHIA, PA., Mannfactnue Plain and Galvanized WKOUGHT-IRON PIPE and Sundries for Gas and Steam Fitters, Plumbers Machinists, Railing Makers, Oil Refiners, etc WORKS, TWENTY-THIRD AND FILBERT STREETS. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, , ' Nc 48 N. FIFTH STKELT FFICE OF BOILER INSPECTION DEPART. MENT, NC 119 S. FOURTH Street. At a special meeting of the Committee of Select and Common Councils on Steam Engine and Holler Inspection, tbe lnapector was Instructed to call the attention of Boiler Owners and Users to Section 4 of the Act of Assembly, approved May IT, 1864, which says: "if any person shall, on or after the first Monday of July next, maintain or keep in use or operation any stationary steam engine or boiler within the said city of Philadelphia, without having first received a certificate that the same lias been found to be safe aud competent, as is hereinbefore provided, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, aud upon oonvlo tieo in the Court of Quarter heaalnns for said county shall be sentenced to pay a Cue not exceeding nva thousand (taouo) dollars and to undergo Imprison, nient In th Jail of said county, either with or with, vat labor, ss the Court my direct, for a term not . exceeding two (8) years " Tbe act approved July 7, 189. with reference to Inaured boilers requires the indoraemeut of this De partuienr, in oroer to exempt the owuers or users trom city Uiipection. WILLIAM W. BUR NELL, -Chairman of Steam Eugines and Biira T. J. LOVJtoiUOVfl, Inspector. Philadelphia, June 6, 1ST1. " . V. BAH-OW. HUABOM. JAM-riI WcSlAIIOH, NC 8 COS.NT1BS bUC. New York, NC IS KOUTH WHARVES PLlia-lphlA, ' Nc 40 W. PRATT STULoT, lnuujiwra. We are prepared to ah:p every do jriptlon I Freight W PliLa-lelphla. New York, WlliuUtfVHt, an lutei luediaU pVil'U W1UI pruluptLea aud duaiMttcit. CaiuU Buau and bbeam-Ui iaiuJUneA at Uu aauruiat aouce. Ik ; 1