The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, June 13, 1871, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. XV. NO, 139.
THE . P&Pil nilARfiNTFK
Encyclical Letter of Pius IX.
Highly Important Document.
The Scaffold in Arkansas.
Dreadful Scenes at an Execution.
Important Letter of Ills Holiness He De
nounces tlie Italian Safeguards and De
clares He Never can Accept Conciliation
at the Price of Violation of Ills Oath.
Venerable Brethren : Health and apostolic bless
ing, no soon as, In the mysterlona counsels of Ood,
we found ourselves brougnt under a hostile power
and paw the civil state of the Apostolic See saoju
gated by force of arms, and tne consequent sad and
bitter lot of this our city of Koine, we wrote yon, on
the 1st day of November of the Tear last nast: to
yon, and, through yon, to the whole Catholic world
we declared the condition of ourselves and of our
city, and to what unbounded excess of au impious
license we were exposed. And we testified that, on
account of onr supreme duty before Uod and man,
we willed to keep whole and entire the rights of the
Apostolic See. We stirred you up, and aU the faith
ful, our beloved children, committed to your charge,
to appeasing the Divine Majesty by fervent prayers.
Since then the ills and woes which those tlrst
mournful trials feretold to us and to the city, and
especially to the apostolic dignity and authority,
and to the holiness of religion and morals, have re
dounded on our beloved subjects so that, in the
ever-aggravated circumstances existing, venerable
brethren, we are compelled to say, in the words of
St. Bernard, "These are evil beginnings; we fear
worse;" for iniquity is running its course, and
- urging its counsels. Nor any more does it seek to
Bbrond its must wicked works, which, Indeed, can
not be hidden; and now it seeks its finishing spoil,
In tramping under foot Justice, honor.and religion.
In this anguisii, which nils our days with bitter
ness, especially at the thought of how continually
the faith and virtue of our people are sublected to
dangers aud to snare, your signal merits, venerable
brethren, and those of onr beloved faithful em
braced in your care, afford us the most marked and
living satisfaction. Far from every region of the
world the faithful, wonderfully attentive to our ex
hortations and following your leadership aud ex
ample, have counted it their duty, from than mourn
ful day of the invasion of onr city, to beseech the
throne of divine mercy by steady and fervent
pravers ; by public and continued supplications, by
sacred pilgrimages, by unbroken gatherings in
churches aud feiveot communions and by other
principal acts of Christian virtue.
Nor can these most earnest efforts towards aD-
peatlDg the Lord fall of abundant fruit. The many
good results already gained promise yet others, that
we await in hope and confidence. For we see
Btanchness in the faith and', burning charity un
folding themselves always more and more. We be
hold a concern that God alone could inspire, la the
inlnds of ChrUt's faithful, for the travails and trials
of this Holy See, and of the Chief Shepherd. We
discern such a oneness in understandings and In
Wills that, from the earliest times of the Church
hitherto, never could it be more truthfully or more
gloriously said than in our days that the "multitude
of them that believed were of one heart and of one
mind." In which array of virtues we cannot refrain
mention of our beloved children, citizens of this
cherished city, whose love, 01 every rank and de
gree, towards us has shone forth, and yet shines,
and their devotion and steadfastness equal to the
test; and tbelr great-mlndedness not only worthy,
but rival of their forefathers of old.
Therefore, venerable brethren, we render undying
thanks and glory to the God of Mercy for you all,
and for onr beloved children, Christ's falthml, be
cause he baa wrought, and is still working, such
great thliigs In yon; such great things in ills
Church; and that he has brought it to pass that
where wickedness abounds there has more abounded
the grace of faith, of; love, and of a true confession.
'What is our hope, then, and our joy, and our crown
Of glory? Are not you In God's presence? A wise
son Is the glory of his father. May Ged, therefore,
bless yon ; ana may lie remember the faithful ser
vice and the tender compassion and comfort and
honor which you have exhibited, and do still, to the
spouse of Bis Son, in an evil time and in days of
Borrow." (St. Bernard Epist.)
' Bnt the Bub-Alpine Government, meanwhile,
while on one hand it hurries to make the city of
Borne the scorn of the world "Urbemproperat Orbi
acereabulum"SU Bern. Hp.) on the other, labors
to beguile Catholics, by putting np and arranging
certain idle immunities and safeguards that, in its
language, It calls "guarantees," to the end that
these be substituted to us for the civil sovereignty
which, by a long series of Intrigues and by parricidal
arms it has robbed as of. Already, venerable breth
ren, we have pronounced our sentence npon these
immunities and safeguards. We have branded their
folly, their guile and their mockery In our letter,
dated the Sd of March last, to our venerable brother
Constantlne Patrizi, Cardinal of the Holy Koman
Church, Dean of the Sacred College and acting as
our Vicar in Koine, which was, In due time, printed
and published.
But according to the manner of the Snb-AlplBO
Government, joining a base and unceasing pretense
of consideration to a shameless contempt of our
Pontifical authority and dignity, and treating our
protestations, our expostulations, and our censures
as of no account, it has proceeded, in its Parlia
ment, to act on these aforesaid "safeguards" as if
they were serious, and has had discussions on them,
and gone forward In urging and advancing them,
noi withstanding the sentence expressed by us on
their emptiness. In this discussion full proof was
given both of the truth of our judgment on the
nature and meaning of those "safeguards" and of
the vain attempt of the enemy to conceal the fraud
and malice that were In them. Truly, venerable
brethren, it is hard to believe (incredibiU est),
that so many errors openly against the Cathodo
faith and against the very foundations of natural
law as were uttered on occasion of that debate could
have been put forth in the eentre of this Icaiy.whlca
has ever especially gloried, and now glories, in de
votion to tne oatnouo religion and to tne Apostolic
See of the Koman pontiff. And in very deed, by
the singular protection God grants Ills Church,the
convictions 01 far tne larger part of the Italians are
very different. They groan with us and deplore this
new phase of unaccepted sacrilege, and they assure
us day by day, by Increasing proofs and avowals,
that they are associated in spirit ana in understand
ing with the faithful in other parts of the world.
Wherefore we anew address our voice to vou.
venerable brethren ; and, although the faithful com
. milted to you, by letters or by grave documents in
form of protebts. have shown us how outraged they
are at the condition ttat oppresses us, and how fur
they are from being deceived by the cheats called
"safeguards," we yet consider it a part of our apos
tolic duty that we should declare solemnly through
you to the whole world that not only what are called
'safeguards," and which are devised by the Sub-
Alnlne Government, but mat au titles, honors, un
munltles. and privileges, whatever shape they take.
nnder the seneral name of safeguards or ruaran.
tees, can be of no avail whatever towards securlns
the prompt and free use of the power divinely trans
mitted to us, nor tuwaius guarding tne liberty
nrensart for the Church.
Such being the condition of aftalrs, as we have re
peatedly declared and professed that, without the
crime of breaking our solemn oath (at enthronlaa-
tkB. we can consent to no condition which, In
any manner, would destroy or diminish tie rights
of God and of the Apostolic Bee, so now, as of our
bounden duty, we declare that we will never
agree to nor accept, nor can we so agree to or
accept these cunnlngly-wrought-out safeguards, or
nroDoaed by the 8ub-Alnlue Govern
ment, whatever their device : or any otuers ef what
soever kind, or however ratified, wulch. nnder the
form of securing our sacred power and liberty, shall
have been offered to as la lieu of and in exchange
for that civil principality wtn wnion Divine Prevl
j.. i!id that the holy Apostolus See should be
furnished and strengthened, and which is ratified to
na bv legitimate and Irrefragable titles as well as by
...u.n for mere than eleven centuries. For it
iamost clear to every one that, were the Roman
V-ontlff to be subjected to the rule of another prluoe,
and not to possessed himself of a real sover
r. i. ,,mi exemnt neither In his own per.
iun nor in the acu of his apostolic ministry from the
?T".."f ib.traierto whom he would be subject.
r-Jw.iht inie a heretic or a persecutor of
Iho Chnrcb. or?again. might be at war with other
rulers or other wUe in a state of war.
ind indeed, la not this very concession of safe
nt?UofThlch we speak a most clear proof that
Kher right than what the vm of lay rulers pre
sent! s 1 attributed W us,wUoluvo,
the divinely-given suthority of making laws regard
ing the raorsi an" religious order to us, who are
count ltuted the Interpreter throughout the world of
natural and mvlne right.
And as to what reg arrts the relations of the Church
hd civil society you know perfectly well, venerable
brethren, that a'.l the prerogatives and all the rights
of authority neces ary to governing the universal
Church have been received by us, in the person of
the most blessed Peter, directly from God himself.
Nay, thoe prerogatives and right and the very
liberty of the Church were born and acquired by the
blood of Jetus Christ, snd are to be valued by the
Infinite prlie of Ills divine blood. Ill, then, would
we deserve of the divine blood of our Redeemer,
were we which God forbtl to borrow these onr
rights, especially lessened and debased as they wish
to lend them, from rulers of the earth, who are sons,
not masters, of tne church. Thus said to princes,
fittingly, that great light of sanctity and doctrine,
Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury:
"Think not that the Church of Ood In given yen
as to a master, to make use of her, but that she is
commended to you as her advocate and champion.
Nothing more pleases Uod than the liberty of Ills
And the same saint wrote In another place, adding
Incentives to duty :
"Never count that your dignity Is lessened If you
defend and cherish the liberty of the Church. Deem
not that It humbles yon when you exalt her. Think
not that you are weakened when you strengthen
her. Lift np jour eyes and look all about yon
examples are at your hand. Meditate on the
princes who flgbt against the Church and trample
on her. See whether It is pioflting them. What Is
becoming or them Is too plain to need speaking of.
Assuredly, they who promote her glory with her and
in her win Una their own glory." (SU Anelm Epp.
18 et 42.)
And now, venerable brethren, after what at other
times, and here, we have explained to yon, it surely
ean tie dark to no one that tne wrong done In these
woeful times to the Eoly See have redounded on
the whole Christian commonwealth. The wrongs
of the Apostles, as St. Bernard says, since these are
the glorious rulers of the earth, affect every Chris
tian; and since, as 8t. Anselm says, again, the Ro
man Church works for all the Chuiches; whosoever
takes away an) thing belonging to her Is recognized
as guilty of sacrilege, not only against her, but
against all the Churches. Nor Is there a shadow of
donbt that the keeping of the rights of this Apostolic
See Is most closely Joined and tied to thn nUhest
purposes and interests of the whole church and to
the liberty of your Episcopal ministry.
Thinking and meditating on all these matters, we
are bound anew to enforce and to profess what we
have oftentimes declared, with your unanimous
consent that the civil sovereignty of the Holy See
has been given to the Roman Pontiff by a singular
counsel of Divine Providence; and that it is of ne
cessity in order that the Koman Pontiff may exer
cise the supreme power and authority divinely given
to him by the Lord Christ himself, of feeding and
rnlmg the entire flock of the Lord with fullest
liberty, and may consult f oi t he greater good of the
Church, and its Interests aud needs, that he shall
never be subject to any prince or civil power.
Yon, venerable brethren, and with you the faith
ful committed to your care, knowing these things
well, are Justly moved, all of you, for religion's
sake, and for the rake of justice and of peace, the
foundation of all other good things, and you have
given to the memory of future generations the
worthy sight of faith and love, constancy and firm
ness, on behalf of the Church of Uod and in her de
fense, in which you have set a new and noble ex
ample, nut, since tne God or an mercies is aiso tne
Author of these good dispositions, we lift our eyes,
our hearts, our hopes to Blm: unceasingly beseech
ing mm mat ite win increase, strengthen, ana con
firm the excellent dispositions and the piety that are
common to you and to the faithful, and we also
earnestly exhort vou. and the people committed to
your watchfulness, that as the contest waxes in its
neat you will call to the Lord, with us, more fei-
ventiy, ana witn more eausion of heart, that lie
may Himself hasten the days when Be will again
smile on us.
Ood grant, also, that the rnlers of the earth
whom it much imports that Bach a pernicious ex
ample of usurpation as we endure may not take
root and flourish to the destruction of all power and
order may join with one consent of minds and
wills, and that hushing quarrels, the disturbances
of rebelliOLS being appeased and the deadly coun
sels of the sects abandoned, they may nnlte in one
movement for restoring to this Holy See its
rights, and with these his full liberty to the visible
ueaa or tne unurcn, ana tne aesirea cairn to civu
Boclety. Nor less, venerable brethren, plead with the
divine mercy in your prayers! and lu those of the
launiui mat tne nearts oi tne wicnea, escaping irom
the blindness of tbelr minds, may be converted be
fore the great and fearful day of tne Lora snail
come, or else that He, in crashing their Infamous
counsels, will show how foolish they are who strive
to overtnrow tne tock mat unrisi nas set ana to vio
late His divine privileges. On these prayers onr
firmest hopes in God are founded. "Think
ye that God can tarn away His ear from His most
aear s posse wnen sne snail nave cnea out to turn
while resisting these who have been torturing
her? Bow will Be not recognize the bone of ills
bones and the flesh of his flesh ay, rather In some
sense, the spirit of His Spirit? Now, indeed, la the
hour of malice, and the power of darkness. But the
honr is the last, the power is quickly passing.
Christ is with us, the power of God and the wisdom
of God, and the cause Is Bis. Have confidence,
Be has conauered the world." St. Bern. Ed.
Meantime, witn great courage ana sure mun, lei
us follow the voice of eternal truth, which says :
Strive for Justice, for thy soul ; and even to death
fight for Justice, and God will overthrow thine ene
mies for thee.
Finally, venerable brethren, praying to tiod from
our heart for the richest blessings of heavenly gifts
on you, and on the faithful, clergy and laity, com
mitted to your care, as a pledge of onr especial and
intimate love to you and to them, we impart to you,
and to the same our beloved children, most lovingly,
the Apostolic ueneaicuon.
liiven at itome, at ou reier a, on me mm oi juay,
A. D. 1871 the twenty-fifth of oar Pontificate.
Her Only Hope of Salvation a Republic.
General de Trobriand, U. 8. A., who has Inst
returned from France, says: Every thine in
politics In France now is quicksand an unsafe-
Btantlai,'ttreacnerous mixture oijtraaiuonai lueas,
private interests,, prejudices and irrational
theories and in all this conglomeration of
feelinz there is no solid ground to build any'
thine permanent. All may depend on accident.
1 do not believe that legitimacy wiu do restored,
mainly because ail the cities are strongly op
posed to it and Inclined toward a republic. The
strength of that party is the old families in
Brittany and the south or, ranee.
The clergy are also favorable to legitimacy in
those sections of France, looking to it as their
best protection. The peasantry of France are
as a mass eminently ignorant, prejudiced, and
selfish. Those who are In the hands of the
priests would vote whatever they are tola or do
anything else blindly for the restoration of a
prince, for no other reason than that they were
told to Qo so. At mis moment, u a pieoiscite
were proposed, a very large number of peasants
would vote for the empire, knowing absolutely
nothing ef anything concerning national con
cerns. As for the republicans in the cities, a
certain number of them are good, liberal, and
intelligent men, but they are in the minority. A
large number of the republicans of France
are Impracticable men. The monarchs will
never admit a d ltterence between one
sort of republican and the other.
Their constant cry has been of
1 ate, ''Yon will see now impossible Is a repabllc
In France. AS soon as we nave a republican
government you will see what it will do by what
Is going on in Paris" (alluding to the Com
munists). So, although the Communists in
Paris were fighting the republican government
the monarchists always say that it is impossible
to have a republic, because the republicans are
incapable of forming and maintaining It. But
I consider the only really posslbU chance of
salvation for France Is In the republican form
of government. I do not think either of the
claimants lor the crown can do much, becaase,
as soon as one of them gets even an apparent
chance, the others will immediately unite
against blm with the republicans. I do not
believe much in the fusion of the two branches
of the Bourbon family.
Yon cannot have any idea here of the deep
demoralization of the people of France under
the Imperial Government. It was a worse gov
ernment than ever France had before. But
there is no fear of Its restoration. Although
many of the peasants are in favor of it, their
master has rone, and thev have no leaders, no
officials to lead them to the polls and tell them
I what to vote; consequently they are like sheep
withoat a shepherd.
Terrible Double Execution In Arkansas-
One of the Criminals Makes a Deadly As
sault on a Jailer Rioting at the Jail
The Prisoners Overpowered and Dragged
to Death.
The Memphis A valanche of the 10th Instant
has an article which we condense as follows:
The first indlcial execution which ever oc
curred in the county of Crittenden, Arkansas,
opposite Memphis, since it was organized, took
place yesterday. The wretched victims of the
scaffold were John Koseborough, who was con
victed at the last term of the Judicial Circuit
Court of the county of the murder of William
Freeman, last Christmas eve, about a mile from
the town of Marlon, between four and five
o'clock in the afternoon; and Henry Harris, who
was convicted at the same term of the court of
the murder of John Bell Crockett, at Bradley's
Landing, about twenty miles above Memphis,
on the 24th day of December last. The execu
tion was witnessed by nearly fifteen hundred
people, the great majority of whom were
ROssBonotron ahd ma wife.
Koseborough 1s wife, a young colored woman
about twenty years of age, with heavy features
of the true African stripe, came through the
yard, accompanied by Sheriff Hardin. She was
told she could have a lew minutes private con
versation with her husband, and she approached
the bars of the inner door.
Half an hoar previously an assistant turnkey
named T. C. Manns had entered the corridor for
the purpose of guarding the culprits. Mrs.
Roseborough had not been in conversation with
her husband more than five minutes when
came from the place between the doors in which
she was ensconced, mingled with cries of
Sheriff Hardin! Hardin! Hardin!" The great
est commotion ensued, the Sheriff rushed to the
spot, Mrs. Koseborough half rolled down the
steps in front of the door, shrieking and . trem
bling with affright, while at the open barred
door appeared Manas, the tnrnkey, with the
lower portion of his face and his white shirt all
and an ugly gash in his upper lip, which was
literally cut in twain. The door was quickly
unlocked by the Sheriff, and Manas leaped out,
bespattering the portals of the door with his
blood, like a person escaping from a den of en
raged animals, while the two culprits retired to
the upper part of their cell.
Man us was taken into the kitchen, where Dr.
Grigsby examined his wound and pronounced it
not of a very serious character, although it was
Dieeding profusely, it was then ascertained mat
Manus had made some remark while Kosebo
rough was talking to his wife, and that indi
vidual turned round in a passion and shied a
half brick in his face, inflicting the wound above
referred to. It is not known whether his wife
banded the missile to him through the bars, but
certain it is that she exhibited the greatest anx-
letv to pet outside as soon as possible. Above
all the confusion which ensued Harris was heard
shouting frantically in the cell: "I am an inno
cent man, and by the everlasting God you will
never hang me'.
I will be shot down first in my tracks." He was
excited and nearly frantic, and with Kosebo
rough had retired to the upper end of the corri
dor, where, like a coupie oi wiia Deasts tasnea
into fury, they stood at bay. The Bheriff evi
dently regretted that be had taken the handcuffs
on nis desperate prisoners, wnicn ne oniy naa
done out of genuine kind-heartedness, being
anxious to make the men feel as comfortable as
possible. He called for half-a-dozen volunteers
to enter ana secure tne men. v oiunteers steppea
promptly forward.
They etnppea on tneir coats ana ieanessiy en
tered the corridor, accompanied by 8herlff
Hardin and his brother. The officers had not
been a couple of minutes inside when the noise
as of a fearful scuflie was heard inside the cor
ridor, mingled with the cries of "Down with
them!" "Don't shoot them!" "Keep them down!"
In another couple of minutes Koseborough came
tumbling down the steps, securely guarded,
with his hands securely strapped behind his
back. He was followed by Harris, strapped and
guarded in a similar manner.
Sheriff Hardin then said, turning to Kosebo
rough, "John have yon anything to say to the
crowd if bo, you can say it now. i win give
you fifteen minutes."
I have tried all I could to get clear of this
punishment; but I have not been able to do so,
ana x win now ten yon ail nere mat
(Sensation.and loud cries of "oh! oh!" mingled
with groans.) Yes, I am the man that murdered
old man Freeman, and I cannot say whether he
has gone above or below. I did what I could to
save my life, but the Bible says that he that
slays shall be slayed again. Ah, poor me, I mur
dered that poor old man lor his money, and I
must die.
(Great cries of "Oh! oh! oh!" and "God have
mercy on your bouI," "amen," etc.) Yes; I did
it with an axe. To do this, and to tell this, is
bad; but I must tell It. Let me tell yon, sisters
and brothers, not to depend npoa any one, but
to depend on Goa, wno wui take care or. you
(Cries, "Yes be will. Bress de Lord.") If I
bad done so that murder would never have been
done, and I would not have been here to-day. I
tried to escape getting this rope around my
neck. Now 1 wish to tell you colored folk what
will do them good. I want yen to put your trust
in uod and not in man, ana
when you go to do wrong. The Sheriff will not
allow me to speak any more.
narrls rose no from Ms Bitting position, say
Mr frionds. I am innocent of the deed which
has been put npon me. It has troubled me a
great deal, bo that I could not pray, and it
seemed as if I had no friends in this world. I go
with all my Bins on my head, but I believe I will
("God bless you." "Amen." "The Lord
breesyou.") 1 tell you I am innocent; God
knows that I am innocent, but the people will
not believe it, and therefore I can tell you I
welcome death. (Sensation.) I would like a
new trial on this case. tor I am an Innocent man.
Sheriff Hardin intimated that his time was up
and Harris sat down.
All were calling on God together for mercy,
as the Sheriff, poised a sharp axe in his hand
At the word l'amen," he raised the axe, aBd
with a firm, well-directed blow he severed the
rope which held the end of the trap.
like a flash, the wretched men descended with
a "thud" and rebounded back. For a couple of
minutes there was a strong muscular action of
the knees of both, twitching of hands and
shrlnkinsr of the sheuldera.
Three minutes later the hearts ef both ceased
to beat.
The newest variety of lager is called "A
echt Importirtes BrannscLwelger Doppel Bier."
In an Ohio school celebration, the superin
tendent announced the title of a song as "Riding
the Elephant Home." When the audience
found that it was "Write me a Letter from
Home." he thought it prudent to disappear.
There is one sensible Yankee girl in London.
She was the champion skater last winter. Wales
wanted aa Introduction, but she sent him word
that it couldnt be thought of. She never made
new acquaintances, except among people who
had good references.
Terrible Disaster at Sea.
The Case of the San Joan.
Burnfngof a Coolie Ship
500 Persons Roasted Alive.
The Key West Squadron
Coming up the Delaware
Ilevj Dominion Advices.
Etc., Etc., Etc.. Etc.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
London, Jane 13.
The Army of Paris
will evacuate the city within two days. La
VUlette, however, will continue to be occupied
by troops who have been reinforced. Urbane,
a member of the Commune, has been arrested
in Paris. A manifesto from the Directory of
the Soclete Internationale protests against the
Barbarities of the Versallllsts,
and urged It on members to avenge their slaugh
tered brethren. Thiers visited the troops at
Camp Sartory yesterday.
London, April 13 The Lord Mayor of Dub
lin died on Monday.
Madrid, Jane 12.
The Emperor of Brazil
is expected here in a few days. The Duchess of
Montpensier has gone to Italy.
The Impartial publishes a basis of fusion of
the branches of the Spanish and Bourbons,
which provides that
The Duke of Montpensier
shall be Regent during the minority of Prince
Alphonso, aud the country be governed under
the Constitution of 1815, liberally modified. It
is reported that Senor Laston, Deputy in the
Cortes, is a member of the Soclete Interna
This Morning's Quotations.
Liverpool, June 1310 80 A. M. Cotton Arm
uplands, 8V84: Orleans, 88itfd. Sales to
day estimated at ic.uuu Dates.
LONDON, JUB 1311-80 A. M. UOOSOU, Sift for
money and 61 J for acoount. lionds quiet ana
steady ; iso'i, ; itu, oia, uu ; mi, wix ; io-os,
This Afternoon's Quotations.
London, June 13-1-80 P. 1L American securities
quiet and steady.
LiONDOK.dnne lo i ou r. iu.. ueunea petroleum
ouoyant at ibs.
faris. dune 13. Kernes, car. 400.
LrrBKrooL, June 131-80 P. M. Cotton firmer:
sales of the day now estimated at 18.000 bales. In
cluding 8000 lor export and speculation. Hales of
cotton at sea, nearly due from New Orleans, at 85id.
for middlings. Hhinmcntsof cotton from Bombay
to the 12th Instant, since last report, 88,000 bales.
California wheat, 12s. ; red Western spring, 10s. 9d.
Alls, Kecelpts or wheat for three days, 80,000 nuar-
ters, of which 12,500 are American. Oats, 8s. 8d.
rorx, oia. oa.
Executively to Tht Evening Telegraph.
Burnlnar of the Coolie Ship Don Juan
Five llunore coolies lioastea Alive.
Sam Francisco, June 13. The details of the
total destruction by fire of the Peruvian ship
Don Juan at sea have been received. It is sup
posed that she was set on fire by the coolies,
who had been entrapped on board at Macao,
China. The crew abandoned the vessel, leaving
five hundred and fifty coolies fastened under
the hatches. Five hundred coolies were roasted
alive the others escaped when the hatches
burned off. The vessel was American built, and
was sold In San Francisco to the Companla
Marltlma de Peru, and rechrlstened Do Ores
Ugarte. She was fitted out for the coolie trade,
and returned several times for supplies while
engaged in that traffic.
Fatal Accident.
J. Kempalr, a tailor of Kearney street, was
killed last evening by the accidental discharge
ef a pistol. .
Stabbing Affray.
A Chinese cigar-maker of Sacramento street
stabbed another Chinaman to death last evening,
The murderer was arrested.
Exclusively to tht Evening Telegraph. i
Fires In the Woods.
Toronto, June 13. The steamer Algomla,
from Fort William, arrived at Colllngwood yes
terday. The passengers report a fire in the
woods and the destruction of some tools belong
ing to parties engaged In building boats on
Lake Shebanwan.
Previous accounts of the
Rising of Indians
appear to be without foundation.
Exclusively to Tht Evening telegraph.
Arrivals from Key West The Fleet of
Monitors at Ltwci.
Lxwes, June 13 A. M Brig Josephine left
for Philadelphia last night. The Howard re
ports at the breakwater United 8tates vessels
Wyandotte, Manhattan, ijax, Saugus, and tag
Pilgrim, from Key West for Philadelphia, and
the Tantlc from Norfolk. The Dictator and
Kansas have gone to New York. Wind W. S.
W. Thermometer, 74.
Exclusively to Tht Evening Telegraph
Judge Hoar.
jsosToa, June 13. Judge uoar declines a
public dinner tendered him by several promi
nent citizens of Boston In approbation of his
services en the Joint High Commission.
The voters of this city are to determine, on
July 1st, whether porter, ale, and lager shall be
exempt front the provisions of the prohibitory
liquor law.
Fxelvrtwly to The Eteninn Telegraph.
Particulars of the Awful Coolie Ship Dis
New York, June IS. A San Francisco spe
cial plves the particulars of the burning of the
ship Don Juan, which left Macao on May 4 with
a cargo of coolies for Tern. The Don Juan
loaded at Macao, taking six hundred and fifty
coolies on board for Peru, and on the Cth was
burned to the water's edge, not more than fifty
miles from Hong Kong. The coolies, who have
arrived In Hong Kong, all aver that their treat
ment was humane, and they had nothing what
ever to complain of either as to the allowance
of food or the quality or quantity, and the whole
affair was simply accidental. The other view
in the question, namely, that the
Vessel was Set on Fire
by designing men among the Chlnese,ls not Im
possible. One of the men distinctly avers that
he heard an explosion of gunpowder aft, and
also smelt a strong smell of it. Others again
say they did not hear any report; that they were
nearly overpowered by the sickening smell of
the ship's material burning aft. It Is to be re
gretted that the European who had the hu
manity to open the hatches did not succeed in
saving his own life, as he was overtaken by the
coolies, who made a rush at the boat waiting for
blm, and a general scramble occurred to get to
it, the Europeans using arms to prevent the
coolies getting into it. In this scramble several
Chinese were drowned. The boat, however,
ultimately succeeded in getting clear of the
ship, but had not gone far when It upset in
sight of but not within reach of the coolies. The
coolies then seem to have had a little leisure to
look around, when they observed the other
three boats at a distance. Daring this time all
the materials of the ship were ra pidly burning,
A Large Number Perished
In the hold, some of whom, no doubt, were suf
focated, but the cries from others were piteous.
Many, however, jumped in the water and
escaped by drowning the more
Horrible Death by Fire.
'While the luckless men were on deck and on
the bowsprit in this position one of the masts
fortunately gave way, and the men at once
made a rush and scramble to reach it; they clang
on with desperation, calling as loud as they
could to save their lives. They had not been
long in the water before a fishing junk came up
and they were taken off, two or three at a time,
in a small sampan.
The mast was held on the wreck by wire rig
ging, and would otherwise have drifted away
to sea. The coolies state that there were no less
Fifty Europeans on the Vessel,
bo it remains to be Been what became of them.
Some, no doubt, were lost In the boat that was
swamped. From Macoo, it is reported that
thirty-five of the crew have arrived there, and
are unanimous in stating that the -
Coolies Mutinied
and set fire to the ship aft, in hopes of forcing
all to abandon her, and bo take the vessel. It
seems they thought the fire could be extinguished
Cataeazy and Fish.
The Tribune 6ays: We are conclusively as
Bured that the statement from the Evening Post
afllrmlDg that M. Cataeazy, the Russian Minister
at Washington, had written home a letter dlj
paraging the Hon. Hamilton Fish, and charging
him with various misdemeanors, is unfounded,
and the alleged letter a forgery. The relations
of Mr. Fish and M. Cataeazy, official or per
eonal, have always been cordial and intimate,
and no word of difference has ever marred them
Departure of a United States Minister. 1 1
Hon. John M. Francis, Minister to Greece,
sailed on the Holsatla to-day.
Attempted Depot Robbery.
Beading,-June 13. The depot of the Read
ing Railroad Company at Birdsboro was entered
last night, and an Ineffectual attempt made to
rob the Bale, mowing 01 value was obtained.
Chicago Flour and Wheat Market.
Speeial Deepateh to Tho Evening Telegraph.
Chicago, June 18 11-00 A. BL Wheat dull and
lower: 11-29.K, seller June, last half; and tl"i1X,
seller July.
corn steady at mo., aeuer June: mko.. seuer
Receipts. 5?ipV. JteM'r. BMp'U,
Flour, bbls. 6,000 4,000 Rye, bus .... looo none
w neat. dub. eu.uuu xt.uuu nariey, dus.. none none.
Corn, bus. .182,000 213.000 Oats, bos. ...89,000 7,000
Baltimore Produce Market.
BALTTMORX. June 13. Cotton unsettled, but very
strong; low middlings, 19c. Flourj duil and weak.
except ior strictly sound ; uowara street, sapernue,
tse; extra, te-2sT-?5; famllr, T-25fi3-60; City
miU8Bapernne,s:x4i'yo;exi;ra,io-ou43; iamuy,tstiii.
Western superfine, fP-2M6; extra, 4-8TMC4T'2S;
family. t7-2S8-23. Wheat dull and unchanged.
Bonthern white Corn Arm at S3i84c. ; Southern
yellow at 75c : mixed western, 76.477c. Oats Arm
at 740. rone firmer at fis-ou. Bacon advancing;
shoulders, 7c; rib sides. 9c; clear ribs, 9xc;
sugar-curea hams, lcouc Lara nrmer at uuxc.
w mskj, iK, 1
' ffew York Money and Stock Market.
Nsw York, June 13 ntocka steady. Money
B per cent, itoiam. o-sua, iscs, coupons,
112X do. 1384, Cp., 112! dO. 1866, Cp., 112; do. 186,
new, 114VS da 1S6T, 114 H; do. 1603, luj,' ; l0-40a,
109;; Virginia es, new, ia; Missouri aa,, ve: can
ton Co.. 62V : Cumberland preferred, 46: N. Y. Cen
tral and Hudson Kiver, 99; Erie, 80 V: Reading,
116; Adams Express, sox; Michigan Central,
120; Michigan Southern, 114V: Illinois Central,
148; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 120; Chicago and
Rock Island, ni: Pittsburg and Fort Wayne, 99; ;
Western Union -reiegrapn. o.
The Detailed Meteorological Report for
The following Is the meteorological report of the
Signal Bureau of the War Department for this
morning, all the observations being taken at T-43
A. M.. Fnlladulphla time. The barometrical reports
are corrected lor temperature and elevation. The
velocity of the wind la given in miles per hour.
and tbe force is an approximate reduction to the
Beaufort scale:
Place of Ober-
Cane May
29 85
89 66
19 Brisk.
8 (Ittutle.
6 Oeutle.
,. Calm.
8. W.
Charleston, B.C.
99 76
11 Brisk.
10 brisk.
29 66
19 Brisk.
Key Wett, Fla..
Mt. Washington.
New York
.. C'alin.
8 Gentle.
11 Brisk.
6 Oeutle.
8 Gentle.
6 lientie.
18 BrUk.
i tieutle.
80 03
N. W.
8. W.
B. W.
a w.
Pt. Louis.........
YYUmUift-ton, N.C 29 91
n ii i
4 h
The Wife of Professor Henry Falls Down
a Flight of Stairs and Sustains Serious
The Washington Patriot of yesterday says:
The community will no doubt be pained to
bear that the wife ot Professor Henry, Secretary
te the Smithsonian Institution, met with a sad
accident on Saturday night, the result of which
will confine bar for a long time to her room, if
not permanently isjure her for life. The par
ticulars, as near as could be ascertained, are as
follows: About 11 30 o'clock, after the family
bad retired, she bad occasion to pass from her
bed,-cbamber to a room across tbe passage, and
in reaching which she was compelled to pass tbe
upper landing of a flight of steps which lead
from tbe front east door to the second story of
tbat portion of the building used as the resi
dence of tbe family. The gas had been turned
off, and, groping her way in the darkness, she
unfortunately walked directly to the steps, fall
ing down the entire flight, some twenty in
number, breaking ber cellar-bone, right arm,
and wrist. Her cries and groans aroused the
inmates of the house, who soon went to her
assistance. She was removed to her room, and
yesterday Drs. Tyler and Morgan set the broken
limbs. The wounds are quite painful, but,
under the circumstances, her condition at a late
hour last night was comparatively easy.
Death at 'Work Among the Executive
The Patriot also has the following
There is new trouble In the Executive stables.
One of the Executive horses is dead, having
gone tbe way of all horseflesh two or three days
history commonplace by becoming the victims
of diseases common to plebeian animals. It will
be remembered haw, two years ago this sum
mer, a valuable Executive blood mare departed
its horse life suddenly and mysteriously, and
nnder circumstances fraught with so much of
deep Interest to the Executive stud, as that the
entire Surgeon-General's office was summoned
to an investigation of the cause, and a learned
chemist was empioyea to dou aown tne animai s
bowels, with a view to possible poison, and, iol
they louna "Doiia:"
This time it is a brood mare that nas created
a vacancy in the executive stua, ana again a
mystery is connected with her "taking or! ."
The animal aiea 01 a aisease nunerto un
known to the veterinary practice, and which,
for want of a more technical name, must be
called "sore tall." Strange as it may seem, the
mare, while apparently enjoying the best of
health, being In excellent condition, was seized
with "sore tall." me appendage Droao out an
over with scab, the flowing hair dropped off,
the scab became a running sore, and bo weak
ened tbe system that no medicament could
bring lelief. A handsome and valuable three-
year-old colt, the offspring of the recently de
ceased mare, is now nnder treatment for the
same disease. The latter case was subjected to
rigorous poulticing and steaming on the first
appearance of the "sore tall," and hopes are
entertained of a cure, though such a consum
mation ia by no means certain. Jeff Davis,
the fine two-year-old Hambletonlan colt, ana
CincinnatuB are kept as far from tbe apartment
of the sick aBimal as the limits of the Executive
stable will admit, and care is being taken by
the hostlers, who are careful and practical
grooms, to prevent the "sore tall" from spread
ing any lartner. ; !;.
fcvzHixa TMiJtaBAFH OmomMl
Tuesday, Jane 13,1871. ('
The usual weekly bank statement last night.
under other circumstances, would be considered
very unfavorable to the future condition of the
market, the banks having lost in deposits over
nan a million, wnust tne loans nave increased
nearly one and a quarter millions. The clear
ings have been quite heavy, though a trifle less
than during the preceding week. To-day the
rates have been easy, and the amount of busi
ness transacted moderately large. We quote
call loans at 4(65 per cent, with good collaterals.
ana at owe per cent, on prime commercial
bold is auii, weak, and unsettled.
Sales at
112112, closing at 112.
uovernment bonds are quiet, but very firm.
In stocks there was a moderate movement.
and prices were steady. Sales of State 5s at
101. and City 6s at 100K for the new bonds.
Heading ttaliroad sold In a small way at 58 is:
Pennsylvania at 61 W761K: Camden and Ambov
at 128; Lehigh Valley at 62; and Philadel
phia and trie at 28.
.The balance oi the list was dull but nrm, the
only recorded Bale being In Manufacturers'
Bank at 80.
Reported by De Haven A Bro., No. 40 8.Thlrd street.
1500 N Pa6S 199
SshPenna K..
61 'i
1100 City es, New.ioov
11(100 Wil K K 7s. 6)tf
11000 W Jersey R 76.101
SOO0Sch N 6s 82.. 80
do. bs. 61
do B30. 61
dO D60. 61
do... allot. 61 V
Hn Kim 111 i?
f'JUOO oo ,
$186 do ,
6400 do OB
(7000 do be
$129 Sch N 78....
23shManuf Be..
86 sh Lit Sen KB.
dO 830.
800 sh Read R.. 030. b&
lOOshLeh V R.... 61 K
100 sh Phil ft BR.. 28
81 shMech Bk..... Si
72 sh Sham'n Coal. 8
MKS8&8. Di Haven fc Bbothkb, No. 40 Sooth
Third street. Philadelphia, report the following
quotations: New U. 8. 68 of 18S1, 111X112;
U. 8. 6a of 1881, 117XWU7H; do. 1869,
1123112V i do. 1864, lllJi,118X; do. 1S68, 111(A
112 Si i do. 1866, new, insiAii : da i86i, da, 114 i
114 V, do. 1868, da 114V4114.V; 10-408, 109Vte)UO.
u. d. bo Year s per cent currency. iiotfjnott : uoia.
1120112; Silver, 107(108)4 ; Union Paoino Kali
road 1st Mort. Bonds, 9l?92i; Central Paclflo
Railroad, I0i',ai02 ; Colon Paolflo Land Grant
Bonds, 84KS4.
MX88R8. William Paintir A Ca, Na 88 8. Third
Street, report the following quotations: u. 8. 6s of
1881, 117 V9J117K : 6-SOS Of 1862, ll,lnS V! do. 1864.
mam; do. I860, H2ill2 ; da, Jnly, i860,
114V114: da, July, 1867, lUiuv; do. July,
1868, 1141,1114; 10-40S, 109110. U.S. Pacltio
E. R. Currency 6a, US'.ailBtf. Gold, lliQm'i.
Nabb k Ladnxb. Broken, report this morning
rold onotations aa follows :
10-00 A. M H2V 1HSA.M 112V
10- 62
11- 15
U24W 11-60
.112 V
...112V H3
...112,3 1166
...112V 125 P,
. .112V: 12-18
Philadelphia Trade Report.
Tcxsdat, June 13. In Cloverseed there Is no
thing doing Ws quote at 8xc Timothy is nomi
nal. Flaxseed la wanted by the druggists at ti 30,
but the crushers refuse to pay this figure.
The last sale of No. 1 Quercitron Bark was at 123
per ton. Tanne rs Bark comes forward freely, and
prices are weak.
The Flour market Is exceedingly flat, but holders
of fresh groond lots of extra families are not dis
posed to accept lower quotations. The Inquiry is
confined to the Immediate wants of ths home con
sumers, whose purchases foot np looo barrels. In
cluding superfine at 3-25(j go ; extras at 3-62x;
Iowa and Wisconsin extra family at c 606-76;
Minnesota do. do. at 7-12X(7-60, tbe latter for
tancy; Pennsylvania do do. at tWTS; Indiana
and Ohio do. do. at Tia7-60; an! fancy brands at
7 769-. Kye Flour may be quoted at 83 87. In
Corn Meal nothing doing.
. The Wheat market Is without Improvement, bnt
we continue yesterday's quotations, hales of 8000
bushels at tl-eaiai-se for Western red ; $i-67cl"68 for
sniber, and 1-70k1O for white. Kye te quiet; 600
bushels Western Gold atfl-oe. Corn is less active,
but prices are unchanged. Bales of BooO bushels at
Ht6lv. for yellow and 70. for Western mixed.
OaU are steady. Bales of 4000 bushels Western at
M67a for mixed and 6&a.69c for white. Barley
an Malt are neglected.
Whisky is firm, and 78 barrels Western iron-bound
oldatvec. a. .