1 JJlLItId VOL. XV. NO. 138. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1871. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. FIRST EDITION THE FALL OF THE COMMUNE. Terrible Scenes in Paris. letter from Victor lingo. Detrothal in High Life. Fred. Grant and Princess Beatrice. Hew Arctic Expedition. Etc.. Etc.. Etc.. Etc.. Etc., Etc. THE 110RRQRS OF VICTORY Desperate Acta of the Female Insurgents. Paris (May 16) Correspondence of the London Time. I took a walk down the Rue Rivoli, towards the Hotel do Ville, to judge of the amount of damage done, and at the corner of the Hue Cas tlglione became aware of the approach of a great crowd jelling and shaking their fists. The cortege was headed by a company of mounted gendarmes, behind whom came two artillery men, dragging between them a soiled bundle of Tags that tottered and struggled, and fell down under the blows that were showered upon It by all who were within reach. It was a woman, who had been caught in the act of spreading petroleum. Her face was bleeding, and her hair streaming down her back, from which her clothing had been torn. On they dragged her, followed by a hooting mob, till they reached the corner of the Louvre, and there they propped her up against a wall, already half dead from the treatment she had received. The crowd ranged itself In a cir cle, and I have never seen a picture more per fect and complete tn its details than was pre sented by that scene. The gasping, shrinking figure in the centre, surrounded by a crowd who conld scarce be kept from tearing her in pieces, who waved their arms, crying "Drown her! drown her!" on one side a barricade, still strewn with broken gucs and hats a dead National Guard lying in the fosse behind a group of mounted gendarmes, and then a perspective of ruined streets and blackened houses, culminating in the extreme distance in the still burning Hotel de Ville. Presently two revolvers were discharged, and the bundle of rags fell forward in a pool of blood. The popular thirst for ven geance was satisfied, and so the crowd dispersed in search of further excitement elsewhere. How the Palaces and Private Residences Were Fired. Paris (May 26) Correspondence of the London Xcios. Paris shall not exist, if Paris does not belong to the Commune. Such was their hellish re solve, and they proceeded to carry oat their threat of destroying the capital which they conld not retain. They set to work la three distinct ways. In the palaces and public oQlces which they commanded they disposed at regu lar intervals, sometimes bottles, sometimes pots of petroleum. When the vessels of petroleum were arranged at proper distances, one of them would, oe overturned and Ignited; the names would rapidly spread, and the whole building would Boon be past salvation. It was in this way that the Tuilerles, the Palais Royal, the Hotel de Ville, the Palace of the Legion of Honor, and other celebrated public edifices were set in flames. This arrangement was all made in the Ministry of Marine, but the wretches engaged in the work of destruction had to lly before they conld set fire to the pots of petro leum which they had planted in the most likely corridors. There was a second method adopted for the destruction of private houses. When it became necessary to retire from a particular barricade, the Guards tore to pieces the beds which formed part of the barricade; took the tow out of the beds, dipped It in petroleum, and loaded their guns with it. Then they fired the tow into the windows of the houses. It was In this way that the block of bouses in the Rue . Koyale, facing the Madeleine, was set on fire. Still a third method: Men and women were going about Paris with bottles of petroleum in their pockets, or bid about their dresses. They threw these bottles down into the ground-floors of every dwelling they could get at. If there was no room for the bottle to get through, the neck of the bottle conld get into certain air holes which belong to the construction of French houses; the liquid would be poured in, and a lighted match would be sent in after it. In this way very many private houses were set in flames; and many hundreds of women were taken in the act all day some of them shot upon the spot. Tragical Fate of the Commnnlst Leaders. Paris May 87) correspondence of the London Times. The Government troops are vindictive, if not even brutal, in following np their victory. A trio of the Communist leaders was captured on Thursday night. They were Jules Valles, Ferre. and Longuet. Valles was made prisoner after the others, in rear of the Theatre du Cha telet. His comrades had been taken very shortly before. Valles was dragged forward by the Versalllists, and one of their non-commissioned officers struck him upon the seek with his sword. In his anger and agony Valles struck back, and Immediately an extemporary shooting party was drawn np, and fired into the body of the unfortunate rebel But Valles had the bad taste not to die off at once; he writhed, and twisted, and groaned upon the ground, until nearly all who were within 6ight and hearing had to avert their eyes and move away from the sight of his most horlble Buttering, ice captain commanding tne firing party told me that "They let him suffer on purpose," His fellow-captive, Ferre, whose doom was but deferred, crie out, "(Jul cap- . tain 1 in the name ef mercy, put him out of pain," and the appeal was so far successful that the captors then shot their prisoner dead. Lefrancais, Gambon, and Amouroux were shot in the Rue de la Banque, against the wall of the Stamp i Office. Raoul Rlgault finished bis days in the court-yam ot the teole Aiintaire. cour- bet, the painter, who ordered the destruction of the Vendome Column, was found hiding in a cuDboard.not quite large enougnto conceal him, in the Ministry of Mnance, and, attempting eome resistance, was, according to some reports, shot on the suot. MaliournaL who has boasted ever since the fatal 22d of March. when the party of order was fired upon in the Rue de la fair, that be gave the order, has aet the fate which he so richlv merits. Dombrowski died in the bedroom of the Hotel de Ville formerly occupied by Mad'lle lianssmann. The day after his escape from La Muette he received three rifle sneu while at a barricade in the Rue d'Ornane. He was trans ferred from there to the Hotel de Ville, where he died of his wounds. Delescluze was killed on Tuesday at the barricade of the Chateau d'Fau. H h face was much disfigured by a por tion of a burning wall which had laiieu on it. His Identity is amply proved by papers found In his pocket. Condition of the Streets afterthe Fighting or m Destruction. Paris (Hay 2t) Cor retiHindence of the London Times, The aspect of the Boulevards Is the strangest right imaginable. I followed them from the Porte St. Martin to the Rue de la 1'alx. Strewn ever the streets were branches of trees, ana fragments of masonry that had been knocked from the houses, bricks and morUr, torn pro- clamations, shreds of clothing half concealing blood stains, were now the interesting and lead ing features of that fashionable resort; foot pas sengers were iew ana iar between, the shops ana caje nermeucaiiy sealed, excepting where DUiieis nsa maae air noies, and during my wnoie aiiernoon s promenade 1 only met taree other carriages beside my own. The Place de V Opera was a camping ground of artillery, the Place Vendome a confusion of barri cades, guarded br Gentries, and the Rue Royale a mass ot debris. Looked at from the Madeleine, the desolation and ruin of that hand some street were lamentable to behold. The Place de la Concorde was a desert, and in the midst of it lay the statute of Lille with the head off. Near the bridge were twenty-four corpses of insurgents, laid out in a row, waiting to be buried under the neighboring paving-stones. To the right the skeleton of the Tuillerles reared !ts gaunt shell, tbe frame-work of the lofty wing next the Seine still standing; but the whole of tbe roof of the central building was gone, and daylight visible through all the win dows right into the Place de Carrousel. At the corner of the Rue de Bac the. destruction was something appalling. The Rue de Bac is an im passable mound of ruins 15 or 20 feet high, com pletely across the street as far as I could see. The Legion d'Honneur, the Conrs des Comptes, and Consell d'Elat, were still smoking, but there was nothing left of them but the blackened shells of their noble facades to show how hand some they had once been. At this point, in whichever direction one looked, the same awful devastation met the eye to the leftjthe smould ering Tuilerles. to the right the long line of ruin where the fire had swept through the magnifi cent palaces on the Quai, and overhead again to-day a cloud of smoke, more black and abun dant even than yesterday, incessantly rolling its dense volumes from behind Notre Dame, whose two towers were happily standing uninjured. The fire issued from the Grcnier d'Abondance and other buildings in the neighborhood of the Jardin des Plantes. In another direction the Arsenal was also burning. On the opposite side of the river were the smoking ruins of the Theatre Chatelet and the Hotel de Ville. RIGHTS OF THE COMMUNE. Victor Hugo's Manifesto The Preface to Ills Expulsion from Belgium. M. Victor Hugo has published the following letter in the Jndependance Beige: Sir: I protest against the declaration of the Belgian Governmeat relative to the vanquished of Paris. Whatever may be said or done, these vanquished are political men. I was not with them. I accept the principle of the Commune; I do not accept the men. I have protested against their acts. Their violences have made me indignant, as the' violences of the opposite party would do now. The destruction of the column is an act of high treason toward the nation. Tbe destrnction of the Louvre would have been an act of high treason toward civili zation. But savage acts, being unconscious, are not criminal acts. Demency is a disease and not a crime. Ignorance is not the crime of ignorant. The destruction of the colnmn has been for France a Bad hoar. The destrnction of the Louvre would have been eternal mourning for all people. But the column will be raised again, and the Louvre is safe. Paris is retaken. The Assembly has vanished the Commune. Who has made the 18th of March? Who is guilty, the Assembly or tbe Commune? History will tell. The burning of Paris is a monstrous fact. But aro there not two incendiaries? Let us wait in order to judge. I have never understood Billloray; and Rigaalt has astonished me unto Indignation. But to shoot Billloray or Rigault is a crime. Those of the Commune, Johannard and La Cecilia, who snoot a child of fifteen years, are criminals. Tbtfce of the Assembly who shoot Valles, Bos (ruet, Parlsel. Amoureux. Lefraneals. Brunei. and Dombrowski are criminals. Here the crime is as well in the Assembly as in the Com mune. First, to all civilized men. the punishment is abominable; secondly, the execu tion, without judgment, is infamous. Judge first, then condemn, then execute. I might then blame, but not objurgate. You are within the law. If you kill without judgment, you assassi nate. I return to the Belgian Government. It is wrong to refuse asylum. The law permits this refusal, the right forbids it. 1, who write these lines, bold as a maxim Pro jure contra leaem. Asylum is an old right. It is the sacred right ot tne umortunate. in tne middle ages the Church granted asylum even to parricides. As to me, i declare:! oner this asvium which tbe Belgian Government refuses. Where? In Bel- glum. I do that honor to Belgium. I offer asylum at Brussels. I offer it at Place des Bar rieades No. 4. (M. Hugo's town residence at Brussels.) Let a vanquished of Paris, let a member of the Commune, which Paris has but little elected, ana wnicn l have never approved let one of these men, were he my personal enemy especially if he is my personal enemy KnocK at my aoor, i open, tie is in my house. lie is inviolable, Should l, perchance, be a for eigner in Belgium? I do not believe it. I feel myself the brother of all men, and the guest of an nations. At au events, a mgitive ot the Commune with me will be a vanquished one with an outlaw; the vanquished of to-day with the outlaw of yesterday. Two venerable things, as I do not hesitate to say. One weak' ness protecting another, it a man be an outlaw, let him enter my house. I defy. whomsoever it be, to tear him from it. I speak here of political men. If a fugitive of the Commune be taken at my home they shall take me. If he be given up I shall follow him. I shall sit down with him on tbe bench ot the accused. For the defense of the right, the man of the republic, who has been proscribed by Bonaparte, shall be seen by the side of the man of the Commune, who is the vanquished of the Assembly of Versailles. I shall do my duty. Principles before everything ! It may be amrmed that England will not give no the refugees of the Commune. Why place Belgium Deiow iLngiand xne glory oi Belgium is to be an asylum. Let ns not take that glory from her. By defending France I defend Bel glum. The Belgian Government will be against me. but the Belgian people will be with me. At any rate, I shall have my conscience. Receive, oir, etc., victor uuao. ENGLAND AND THE UNITED STATES. Proposed Detrothal of Fred Grant and the l'rincess tseaii-ice. A Washington despatch to the New York World savs: Letters received here from England put the extraordinary question seriously whether a mar riare between the son of President Grant and the Princess Beatrice of England might not be so arranged as to secure the entente cordiale between the two countries, Ihe Queen has orl ginated the proposition, just as she did that for the marriage of her daughter Louise to the Marquis of Lome. The young Princess is only fourteen years of age, and the Queen's idea in that upon the re election of President Grant and the beginning oi his second term in iota tne nuptials be solemnized. Young Mr. Grant would then be adepted as a British subject, and immediately appointed Viceroy of tbe Dominion of Canada. It is her Majesty's belief that in this way the feelings of the three countries oi America. Canada, and Great Britain could be harmonized as closely as their iuterests. The letters which communicate this surprls log proposition are written in perfect good faith, and by persons of the highest position in Great Britain. One of them asserts that the idea really came from Mr. Seward, by whom it was suggested to the Earl of Mayo in India, and by the Earl then taken ud and communl cated to the Queen through one of his lordship's mends, Lady YVaterparx, a lady la waiting upon ner Majesty. I It is also stated that the matter was intrusted to the London, correspondent of a leading radi- cal journal of New Tork. who left London sud denly for New York about a month ago, com missioned to sound the President npoa the subject. This correspondent assured the Queen's ministers that the re-election of Presi dent Grant was absolutely certain, and thns contributed mainly to give them confidence in the scheme. Tbe agitation now going on in favor of Mr. Greeley may disturb his plans. But it may be considered certain that he has opened negotiations on the subject with the Dent family and with Mrs. Grant. Victoria Signs. A World despatch also says: A telegram received here to-day from London by a high cfliclal states that the Anjilo-American treaty, with her Majesty's ratification, will be sent into Parliament on Tuesday. It is understood in London that Mr. J'ieraell, after a full confer ence with sir SUfTord Northcote, has deter mined as leader of the opposition to permit the treaty to be received without attempting to press any criticisms upon it to the point even of a serious debate. This information is re garded here as entirely trustworthy, and as set tling the question, if there ever was any ques tion, as to the reception of the treaty in Great Britain. The President's Trip to California. All the necessary arrangements have now been made for the President to visit the Pacific coast. He will leave Long Branch about the middle of August, accompanied by his military household, by Senator Nye, of Nevada, and by ex-Senator Williams, of Oregon. He will visit Salt Lake City, where great preparations have been made to receive him by Brigham Young. From thence he will go to Nevada and San Fran cisco. At the latter place he will take a ship of the Pacific squadron and proceed to Portland, tn Oregon. A Rumored Progress to the East. The question is now under consideration In the highest quarters whether it may not be well for the President to extend his voyage to the Sandwich Islands and Japan. It is known that tne annexation party in the islands is eager to seenre a visit from the President, in the belief that be may be induced to favor the movement for putting that magnificent station in the Pacific under the United States flag. in japan the fresldent would be received with sovereign honors, and as the first Western potentate ever seen in the ancient Asiatic em pires, bis presence, It is believed, would be of eminent benefit to American interests. CAPTAIN HALL AND THE POLARIS. The New Arctic Expedition Severely Criti cized. A writer in tbe Baltimore Gazette makes the following not altogether complimentary re marks upon the new Arctic expedition: It does seem curious, and somewhat of a dis grace to the United States, that an Arctic expe dition to which the eyes of the entire civilized world are turned, and which will cost our Gov ernment over $100,000, should leave our shores so badly organized, and wanting in many neces sary details, as does the Polaris, under Mr. Hall. Possessing none of tbe requisite nautical know ledge, never having served in command of men, totally unused to the peculiar service in wnicn he is now engaged, farther than having an inti mate acquaintance with sledge travelling and Esquimaux life, I cannot but entertain reason able fear for that complete success to the expe dition which the outlay of money and the exigencies of the case demand. The act of Congress appropriating tbe funds for the Polar exploration specifically states that the scientific work of tbe expedition shall be prescribed by the National Academy of Sciences. Now. this body of eminent men are not only dissatisfied with the present organization of the enterprise, but, l understand, have distinctly and positively refused as a body to have any thing to do with . the research, ana nave pro tested against the expedition leaving the United States as now organized. The entire arrange ment of men and material has been in the hands of Mr. Hall, and how he has carried out his scheme np to the present augurs anything but wen lor the ultimate success ot the expedition and the advancement of our geographical know ledge and science generally. I understand that no gentleman has been obtained in this country to accept the responsible duty of chief scientific officer. A German naturalist, Dr. Bessels, who was second in command in the first German Arctic Expedition, has been secured as surgeon naturalist; but no physicist or astronomer, possessing the requisite knowl edge or experience, can be found willing to join Hall in that capacity. Three or four such have been in treaty with him; but, whether from "incompatibility of views," or for other reasons, they nave ail oacnea out. in either can I agree with Hall when he announces Jones' Sound as the best avenue of entrance to that unknown region in which is centred the pole. Almost all the English Arctic ex plorers, who have each made this matter an intimate and personal stduy, agree in the recognition of timlth Sound and Kane Chan nel as the most probable opening for a suc cessful effort to penetrate to the pole. Jones' Sound is comparatively unknown, but it is well known that the windward side of all Arctic land is that presenting the greatest difll- cultv for travelling: as well as ice navigation. The general tendency of ice drift and wind being from the northwest, that Bide ot n.uesmere Land Is fraught with danger and hazard to both ship and Kledtrn. ThA amount of treoLTanhlcal dis covery el new coast line could compensate for a failure to pass into the unknown region lying to the north oi Kane s ana naze s larinest. it is a primary axiom in Arctic work to hold on to a coast line with your ship, ana no lana is known so far north or accessible as that bordering upon Smith Bound. I know Hall is very determined in all his views, and painfully dogmatic in his opinions, but in a matter where these views solely lounded upon theory ana reading con flict with those of practical and well- tried men, in the interests of science, and for the sake of success, I would urge upon him the reconsideration of his route and a change of this part of the programme. Fortunately for us and for him, the character of the ice and the con formation of the floes may compel him to un dertake a different line of travel. I regret to see that the responsible position of second ollicer is occupied by Morton. Whilst I have every respect for him as a faithful adherent ot Vr, Kane, as the man who made the famous discovery of "open water" on that ex pedition, and as a good steward, I do not recog nize in any of these the proper fitness for the position which he now occupies. Sailors soon find out the qualifications of their superiors, and In this selection, as well as others, 1 see the ele ments of discontent and failure. Tbe time of departare, too, has been delayed so long that I much dread a useless first winter, even if the ship be not so nnfortunate as to rival the De Haven or MqCllntock "drift." New York Money and Stock Market. New Yore, June 12 Stocks steady. Honey easy at 3 per cent. Gold. 112M. Moa, 1B02, coupon, 112 5 do, 1S64, Cp., 112; do. 1668, Cp., 112.' ; do, 1940, new, mm da 1661, 114 'i; da lt0S, 114'.' ; 10-4Os, 109: Virginia bs. new, ia: Missouri on, ; can ton Co.. 8M : Cumberland preferred, 42 : N. Y. Cen tral and liuason itiver, vsv; Ann, u : nbaaini. Ut; Adams Express, 80; Michigan Central, vzr: Mir.htran Southern. 113V: Illinois Central. 1; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 120V ; Chleago and Rock Island, 121. : ritwuurg ana iron wayne, vy;; ; Western Union xeiegrapn, r. Baltimore Produce Market. Balttmorb, June H. Cotton strong; we quote low middlings, IS. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat more active: choice white. H-bUusl'tt1: fair to prime. 11-4&16: prime to choice red, llii&ilKO; fair to good, ti.4o4i common, ll-sol-S ; Ohio and In dlana, fl'bO(lt0. Cam Southern white quiet at 61b4c. ; Southern yellow active anl firmer at 75o. Gats active at 7M7:o. Provisions declining. Whis ky quiet at SECOND EDITION The Condition of Paris. Great Britain and the Treaty. Terrible Famine in Persia. Children Killed for Food. Disaster at So a. Loss of Eighty Lives. DOXV2Z33TXC AFFAIRS. Masonic Demonstration at Harrisburg. Etc., Etc., Etc.. Etc. Etc., Eto FROM EUROPE. ("BT ASSOCIATED rRESS." Exclusively to The Evening Tcleyraph. Favre Resigns. London, June 12. The resignation of M. Favre as French Minister of Foreign Affairs and Valentin as Prefect of the Seine, are reported as having been tendered to President Thiers. The Duke cl'Aumale has declined the banquet proffered by the parti sans of the House of Orleans. Paris Is Already Crowded with returning citizens and strangers. The French Government has determined to indemnify the owners of houses destroyed dur ing the recent fighting in Paris. Marshal MacMahon refuses to become a candidate for the Assem bly from one of the vacant districts ot Paris. The Longchampg Races will soon be re-established. The damage to the manufactory of Gobellngs proves to be small, and work has been already resumed in that im portant branch of the industry of Paris. Great Britain and the Treaty of Wash- lugton. London, June 12 The Tories are organizing for a vigorous opposition to the Treaty of Wash ington, and a spirited struggle is expected over that instrument in Parliament. The Communists of Clerkenwell, London, have resolved to hold a meeting on Monday night in Hyde Park to protest against extradi tion. The Harvest Prospects in France and Prussia are discouraging. - Much of the seed perished. In the more eastern por tions of Enrope, however, the crops promise an abundant yield. Lisbon, June 12. The Emperor and Empress of Brazil , arrived in the Tagus. Before coming to Lisbon they were compelled to perform quarantine at the Lazaretto. Famine in Persia. London, June 12. Late advices from Tehe ran say famine in one district of Persia reached such a state that the starving people had killed and eaten fifty children. Shlpwrcck-Elghty Lives Lost. London, June 12. A despatch from Bombay says a vessel bouud from Kurrachee to Katasir recently foundered near Luckpoe, and eighty lives were lobt. This Morning's Quotations. London, June 1211-30 A. M. The weather is fair bnt unfavorable to the crops. Consols for money, 91V; and for account, 91. American securities quiet and steady. Bonds of 18C2, 90j ; of 18(33, old, wy, ; oi iM(, v ; iu-4ub, Paris. June 12. Rentes. 62f. 970. !iilln(uvU u uuu i .v vv a. "l V". L'U L uilUi uplands, 8d. ; Orleans, 6,d. Bales to-day estimated at lc.coo baleB. T mnnssT Tuna in 111 .OA A U ftattM, Is Awn, . Antwerp. June n. reiroieum, irancs ior fine pale American. This Afternoon's Quotations. London, June 121-80 P. M. Consols for money tlH, and for account, 91. juvkkfool, June 12 1-30 P. M. Cotton Is firmer; uplands, 8Vd. ; Orleans, 88itfl. The sales are now estimated at 2(,uuu naies, including ouuu ior ex port and speculation. FROM THE STA TE. The Masonic Celebration at Harrlshurg. Special Despatch to The Koening Telegraph. Harkisburq, Pa., Jnne 12. The Grand Con clave of Knights Templar this week promises to be an imposing demonstration. Fifteen com- manderlee, with .nine bands, have notified the committee that they will take part in Thurs day's grand parade. The Grand Council of Koyal Masters meet here to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. The Knights Templar will meet in the Capitol to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. Special orders issued to-day direct the Sir Knights of Tremont, Middletown, and the Juniata to report for duty to-morrow morning to assist in the reception of the Right Eminent Commander and Commanderies arriving. All visitors will be formally received and conducted to their quarters on the arrival of trains. Ex tensive preparations are making by citizens to-day for the decoration of residences 'and streets. FROM WASHIJVOTOJV. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. J Exclusively to The Eoenino Ttlegraphi Government Weather Report. Win Dkpaktmbnt, Office of thb Cuief signal OFFiCEK,WAsniNOToN, Juue 1210-80 A.M. Synop ia for the nast twentv-four hours: The barome ter remains sensibly stationary at the Kooky Moun tain and Tacliio stations. The pressure has risen slightly In the Mississippi valley, but has fallen to the eaHtward. The area of very low pressure has ex tended over New York and the Eastern btate.8, but has probably, on the whole, moved aortheastward. Kouthwestei ly winds prevailed on Sunday from the Atmntin tinast to the lower lakes. Northwesterly winds are now reported from Lake Ontario to Ark ansas aud to the wcutwara, with clearing and clear lvpnf hpr. ProbabUities. It Is probable that the barometer win n. m the Middle and Eastern States dunue the dav. and the storm e very ceneraUy cleared airay bv Monday eveniuir. followed for a short time by brisk northwesterly winds from Virginia to Masja- rhnMPttn. Clear weather will probably continue dur ing the day from Lake Erie to Tennessee aud west- waid, with cool wenterly breezes. Chicago Flour and Wheat Market, Special Despatch to The Evening TeUgreipK Chicago. June H 11-co A. M. Wheat irreiru lar and lower; 11-30 cash; fl-2?, last half; tl gi-4, seller July. Corn meady and fairly active at 62Xc, aeller Jnne? ftH Via rH ,.-. seller J U1J. Flour. bblS. 4.000 2,000 Oats, bus, ...44,000 io.ooO Wheat,bus. 64,oo0 67,0o0 Kye, bus.... 2,ooo 8,000 Corn, bu..2'A000 puriey, uus.. i.oou nou THE fYE4TnF.R. The Detailed Meteorological Report for To-day. The following Is the meteorological report of the Signal Bureau of the War Department for this morning, all the observations being taken at 7-43 A. M., Philadelphia time. The barometrical reports are corrected lor temperature and elevation. The velocity of the wind is given In miles per hour, and the force Is an approximate reduction to the Beanfort scale: rtace of Obaer- h o S s tatitn. Baltimore. Boston Cape Mav 29 68 N. w. Gentle. 1. rain Cloud 1. ralu Fair Clear Clear 29-53 29-64 29-8B 89-67 8V.gent. eOentle. 9 Gentle. s. w. 8.W. N.W. Charleston, 8. C. uningo Cincinnati Detroit Key Went, Fla.. Memphis Mt. Washington. New York Norfolk 10 Brisk. 29-80 29-70 N. W. 7 Gentle. 7 (tentle. E. B. N. I Clear iFatr 30 06,k81 29-941 75 11 Brisk. 0 Oentle. 'Fair 29-80 29-82 29-64 1 8. W. 6 Gentle. tstrm h.rain tstrm Clear Clear 1. rain Oloud Clear 1. rain Fair N.W. 8. W. 14 Brisk. 12 i Brisk. ..Calm. 4 Gentle. Omaha 29-91 29-66 Oswgo N. W. rniiaueipnia 29-63 N.W. 8. N.W. 8. W. 8. W. I'lttsourg 29-82 29'92 29-64 29-79 4 Gentle. 9, Gentle. 8, Gentle. 12 Brisk. Ht. Louis Washington Wilmington, N.C PRESIDENT GRANT AT NEWBURG. Inspection of the Statue of General Scott A jiorsc in a studio. On Saturday President Grant, accompanied by the Secretary of War, General W. W. Belk nap, lett west fointior flewburg, In order to gratify the President's desire to inspect Henry K. Browne piaster model of an eauestrian statue of the late Major-General Wlnfleld Scolt, recently compietea Dy tne sculptor at his studio, two miles north of Newburg. After a pleasant sail of three-quarters of an hour the Presidential party arrived at Newburg at about noon, and were receivea ny Air. Browne, rno public de monstrations occurred. The party took carriages and were driven to the charmingly-located villa of Mr. Browne, and arriving there were presented to the scnlp- tor s lamiiy. Alter spending a iew minutes in social chat Mr. Browne led the way to the stu dio, and half an hour was spent by the visitors in admiring this masterpiece of the Bculptor s art. The President, being something of a "horse man," was able to appreciate the good "points" of the equine of the statue, and remarked espe cially upon them. The animal from which General Scott's horse was modelled was brought into the studio, and opportunity was given for comparing the two. The animal is a Kentucky thoroughbred, and has a history which maybe summarized by saying that it changed bands several times in a very unceremonious manner during .Morgans raid in Uhio and Indiana dnring the war. It was recaptured from Morgan, and is now in the' pos session of Mr. Browne. In the course of the inspection of the model by the President and his party who were emphatic in their praises of the work the suggestion was made by Secre tary Belknap that a duplicate cast ehould be made, to be set np at West Point, the first belntr destined for Washington. The sugges tion was heartily seconded by the other mem bers of the party, ana prooamy, alter a recom mendation by so distinguished an amateur board oi inspectors, congress win do inciinea to mase the needed appropriation for the duplicate casting.. The model is to be sawn is pieces in a few days aud removed to Philadelphia, where the work of casting will be performed. maAL iifgnELiQnsgon. Criminal Cases. Court of Quarter Sessions Judge Allison, P. J. Michael Llndet pleaded guilty to a charge of as sault and battery In knocking his employer down, and was sentenced ta the County Prison for four months, and ordered to give security In 1300 to keep the peace. Francis E. Carroll was charg-ed with larceny and entering- a store with Intent to steal. It was testi fied that one evening last weea ne uniocsea ine basement of No. 821 Callowhlll street, entered and took away seventy-five pounds of paper. The prl soner admitted this, and showed that he had an Interest in the business, and did this In order to ob- !n money due him, but whiah his partner refused to let him have. The jury rendered a verdict of not gulltv. oamuei A. tumuina wucuaricii wim tun tuigurj of a judgment note In the sum of 120. The evidence was that Corninan represented a party in the settle ment of a civil suit, and In the course of that settle ment he gave a judgment note purporting to have been signed by one Schmidt, Baying that he saw the man write his signature upon It. Hchmtdt denied that he signed tbe Instrument, but upon cross-examination acknowledged that he gave Uornman general authority to sign his name to such papers, and that he was reauy ana wimug w pay it. uu trial. F1NANVS AND COMMERCE. EVZKINO TBMORArH Omoi,l Monday, June 12. 187L I ' There is no noticeable chancre in the money market to-day, borrowers on call being liberally supplied at three to lour per cent., and on time engagements at 5(56 per cent. There are some demands for currency to the Westward, but in the present plethoric condition oi the maricet, the drain in this direction is not Important. Call loans are comparatively quiet, but there is a sharp demand for commercial paper. in the croia market there is a nrm ieeung, owing to the scarcity of cash gold. As high as 112 has been paid in New York on delivery, and tbe regular sales at the Board ranged be tween 112112, closing at . Government bonds are quiet but lA stronger, in Bvmpathy with cold. At the mock isoara on.y a moderate Dusiness was transacted, and prices show little change. Sales of City 6s at 100 for the new bonds, and Lehigh gold loan at VM;'. Keadinir Kallroad was quiet dui strong, sen ing at 58(58-69, the latter b. o. Small sales of Pennsylvania at 61; Minehill at 54; Oil Creek and Allegheny at 52; Northern Central at 41: and Philadelphia ana JH.rie at ZH'A. Canal shares were almost overlooked, ana tne balance of the list was extremely quiet. Sales of Mechanics' Bank at 82 and Academy of Music at D5. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Reported by De Haven A Bro., No. 40 S.Thlrd street. FIKST BOARD. 170000 c & A m 88. 69 so sh Fenna R..... 61K no ... . vo tnooOLeh gold L... iH 12000 do 93 looo W Jersey R 6s. 3$ 14700 City 6s, New. 100 Imjoo Phiia 4 KTa.. 89 30 sh Mech Bk 8 sh Minehill It... M lta do 6H. 12 ' do.receipts 61,V B do.receipts eii no in o u s A. a.. 01 loo sh F.ead R..b60.ss-e0 200 do 830. BSitf 200 do B60. 109 de h2.BSbd 100 do C.bS'bA 200 sh Hill BK.. iiX 6shN CentR.... 41 T lOshAcadMus.... 95 tvikksrs. William Paiktbb fc Co., No. 8 8. Third street, report the following quotations: U. S. 6a of lflSl. llTWuSllTjtf : B-208 Of 1S62, U2'a'Jlll2 V ! do. 1884. mwaiuVido. I860. 112V112V: da. July. I860, iiiiLiAiuu: do.. July. lb6J. 1UIU: do. July, 1848. 114.UU4M: 10-40. 1091110. U. 8. Paolfio r. k. currency os. iinwiio.. uoia, uxx'i" Nabu & Ladnkr, Brokers, report this moralug gold quotations as follows: 10-00 A. OI ! A. M. "X 10-43 " 112iil0-45 " 112 Philadelphia Trad Heport. Monday, June 12. Bark is dull at 23 per ton for No, 1 Quercitron. Seeds Cloverseed.ia quiet, with small saies at xc ner lb. Timothy Is nominal. Flaxseed l in aemaaa bv the crushers at 12-ss The Flour market is without important cnange, Choice brands of fresh ground spring wneat ior families are becoming rather scarce, and holders of these are firmer in their views. The demand is principally from the home consumers, whose pur chase foot up 600 barrels, including superfine at ts-S55-r0 ; extras at f-VC2j3T-fl7X: Iowa and Wis consin extra family at I61HHT-S8; Pennsylvania do. do. at ! 6-16 ; Indiana and Ohla do. da attM T 60; Mlnnes ita do. da at T for low gTades np to 17 60 for fancy, and high grades 7-7B;a9, as in quality. Rye Flour may be quoted at $3 8786. In Corn Mr-al nothing doing. The Wheat market Is very quiet and prloes are drooping. Bales of uoo bushels Indiana red at tl-69 si 64, and some amber at l-67il-68 Rye is held at 11 10. Corn is firm and in better request. Sales of 8700 bushels Dclware yellow at 74Jtf(7Bo., afloat, and 6000 bushels Western mixed, part at 73o. and part on private terms. Oats are without change worthy of special note Sioo bushels Pennsylvania and Western sold at 6769e. in Barley and Malt nothing dotug. Whisky is unchanged. Sales of Western Iron bound at 94o Philadelphia Cattle Market. Monday, June 12. There was a better feeling this morning in the market for Beef Cattle, and a more animated Inquiry, but without improvement in prices. We quote choice at 7($7xc ; fair to good at 6x6Xc, and common at 4 6c. Receipts, 1900 bead. The fcllowlDg are the particulars of the sales; 101 Owen Smith, Western Virginia, Bar v. 70 A. Christy, Ohio, 60 Mooney, Miller Co., W e8tern,6!tf7!tf. 60 R. Mayncs. Western, 6tf7f. ' 60 James Christy, Western, 77 V. 80 John McArnle, Western, 6xaTX. 18 S. Frank, Western, 67. 106 James McFlllen, WeBtern, BX(3lV. 41 James S. Kirk, Lancaster co., oxiT. 71 M. Ullman, Lancaster co., 637. CO D. Smyth & Bro., Ohio, 67. 86 Dennis Smyth, Lancaster co., 6JT. 44 L. Frank, Western, 6X(ia7. 70 Thomas Mooney & Bro., Western, 82 H. Chain, Pennsylvania. 6c6 'i. 49 G. Schamberg, Lanc'r cNand Western, 6(37. 87 II. Frank, Western, 66X- 78 Hone Levi, LancT co. and Western, 6tf7,tf. SB E. 8. McFlllen. Lancaster co., 0i(7. 18 Klcorn Si Ca, Western, 6(7. 88 Leavenstlne & Bloom, Lancaster CO., 6X. 29 8. Steinberg, Western, BX6tf. 40 Itactiman A Levi, Western, 24 J. Clemson, Lancaster co., 6$6. 60 Thos. Duffy, West Virginia, b6. Cows and Calves were excessively dull, and prices barely maintained. Sales of Springers at $40(315. and fresh Cows at t'o&cs. Kecelpis, 250 head. For Sheen there was quite a brisk demand, and most of tne offerings were taken up within the range of from 4X to 6c. per lb. gross. Receipts, 14,000 head. Hogs attracted but little attention, f-ales of corn fed at 66xc, and slop at &XC Receipts, 8000 head. LATEST BHirPlSW ISTELLKjEyCrT PORT OF PHILADELPHIA JUNE 12 BTATB OF THBRMOMBTKB AT TBI BVKNLNO TZLKOBAFH OFFICB. 8 A. M 63 1 11 A. M. 68 S P. M...MM70 Sun risks 4 si I moon Skts 1-44 Sdn ST8 7-29 I High Water. 9-24 (By Telegraph.) Fortress Mokrob. Va.. June 12. The nllot-boat luarvland reports oassed In for Baltimore, bark Iris, from Bremen; bark Wavelet, and brigR.C. Wright, from Rio. Passed out, bark rasquallna, for Cork; brigs Ouo laska, for Boston, and Wlnola, for St. Johns. .arrived, origa Aiena, irom rernammico ; j one, from Rio for orders ; ship Emily August, from Liv erpool: barks Industry, from Bremen, and Maria, rom New York; and schr D. a. Webb, fm Elathera. CLEARED THIS MORNING. Ship Francis lltlgard, Weston, Antwerp, Workman Ship Amity, Baker, Huambard, do. Steamship Juniata, Hoxle, New Orleans via Havana, Philadelphia aud Southern Mail Steamship Co. Steamer i. N. Faircalld. Treat, New York, W. M. Balrd Ca Steamer Concord, Norman, New York, do. Steamer E. C. Blddle, McCue, New York, W. P. Clyde ACa Schr Richard Peterson, English, Cambrldgeport. Day, uuddell&Co. Schr W. O- Dearborn, Seull, East Boston, do. Schr Decatur Oakes, Berry, Somerset, SInnlckson fcCo. Schr James Ponder, Hudson, Bath, do. Schr Anna Myrlck, Rrcbards, Gloucester, do. Schr E. Slnnlckson, Winsmore, Rockport, do. Schr Clara Davidson, Jeffers, Lynn, do. Schr H. L. Crocker, Thrasher, Taunton, do. Schr N. II. Skinner, Cooke, Weymouth, do. Schr S. C. Hart, Kelly, Somerset, do. Schr R. RR. No. 49, Little, New London, do. Schr Ripple, Comon, Bridgeport, Graeff, Kothermel M CO. Schr R. K. Vaugnan, Rlsley, Providence, da Schr W. Bement, Riggans, do. do. Schr Nightingale, Beebe, do. do. Schr K. U. Irwin, Johnson, do. da Schr Roanoke, Barrett, Paw tucket, do. fccnr w. Kicnarason, muiid, cape May, do. Barge W. J. McNaugbton, McHvaln, N. Y., do. Barge Lewis Koyer. jewing, ao. do. narge Maynower, ueeney, uoruentown, ao. Barge O. O. Bowman, Shoe. West Chester, do. Barge J G. Patterson, Bradley, New Haven, do. Tugs Joe Johnson, In graham, and Chesapeake, Mer- rinew, Baltimore, wua tows 01 Barges, vi.tr, ciyae & Co. ARRIVED THIS MORNING. Steamship Rattlesnake. Wlnnett, 46 hours frem Boston, In ballast to T. M. Richards. bteaicer a. 1 oaw. ner, is hours from Baltl. more, with mdse. and passengers to A. Groves, Jr. bteamerdaa. tt. ureen, carr, irom Kicamona via Norfolk, with mdse. te w. p. Clyde & Co. Steamer Mayflower, Fultz, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde k Co. Steamer Ann Eliza, Richards, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde & Co. Bark Iron Age, Crabtree, 44 days from Gotten berg, with iron. Schr Mary At Ellen, Bryant, B days from Choptank River, with railroad ties to John L. Redner. Schr Belle, , from New York, In ballast t B. Crawley k Co. Schr H. F. Baker, Kelly. 92 days from Pensacola, With lumber to Patterson fc Llpplncott. Schr W. Boardman, Ballard, from New York, with salt. Schr Veto, Henderson, 8 days from New York, with salt. Schr Arcturus, Goodsell, 8 days from Harbor Island, withlrult, etc., to Davis, Warner & Oo. Schr Ira Lailrienier, Coleman, fm Gardiner, Me., with Ice to Knickerbocker Ice Co. Schr Maggie D. Marsten, Marsten, from Spruce Bead, with granite to Barker i Bra Schr W. II. Bowen. Terry, from New York, with scrap Iran to Balrd t Co. Schr Trade Wind, Hoffman, from Salem. Schr Anna D. Torrey, Haskell, from New York. Schr Robin Hood, Adams, from Connecticut. chr Msry Weaver, Weaver, from Boston. Schr Almlra Wooley, Wooley, from Providence. Tugs Joe Johnson. In graham; G. B. Hutchlngs, Mulford ; Thomas Jefferson, Allen; and Chesapeake, Merrihew, from Baltimore, with tows of barges to W. P. Clyde h Ca m tsr Brigs Lizzie Weymsn sn Sportsman, arrived yesterday from West Indies, are consigned (vessels) to Warren & Gregg. Brig J. & Q, Wright, from Rockland. N. B., and schr Quango, from Carlbarlen, arrived yesterday, are consigned (vessels) to Lennox at Burgess. Correspondence of The Evening Telegraph. BASTON fc McMAUoN'S BULLETIN. New York Okkice, June 10. The following barges leave in tow to-night for Baltimore, light: LTD. Collins, J. B. Taj lor, C. Terrence. Griswold Hennessey, W. J. Puulap, M. Kirkpatrtck, A. G. C. Kirkratrlck, Wm. Uardeu, A. J. Taylor, Luan, F. Goddard, and W. McFadden. Simplicity, with bleaching soda, for Manayunx, W. M. Lewis, with cutch, for Philadelphia. J. V. Andrews, with lumber, da Baltimokk Branch okfick, June 10 The fol lowing barges left In tow last night, eastward : A. Allison, Hudson, JS. A. Gilbert, 8. C. Clark, Kate Stewart, Arizona, snd S. M. UilUieth. The following leave to-night: ,-, A. Clark, C. 11. Swan, General Foote, M. O'Reilly, Kate Jamison, Harvest Queen, M. E. Kiripatrlck, and G. C. Gere, all with coal, for New York. Governor tfeymour, with coal, for Newport. S. W. Adwin, with coal, for New Castle. L. S. C Srxeial Desputck to lhe Evening Telegravh. llAVKB-vB-GKAca, June 12. The following boats leave in tow to-day : Simpson & Martin and Loulslta, with lumber to Baylor, Day fc Morie. Ckatta and Bertha, with lumber to Watson Malona 'p.'lLTlnsman, with lumber to J. P. W.oolverton. G. D. Tlnsman, with lumber to Phelau k Buckaell. Daniel L pdegrarr. with lumber, for New York. . M. L. Davis, with lumber, for Bridgeton, N. J.