THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1871. OUR nSLXPIOPS COLUTZXT. A rOEM BY PRIME MINISTER GLAD STONE. in tne vooa trora, ior done, is a poem un an infant wno watt corn, was baptized, And died on the same day," by the lit. Hen. "W. E. Gladstone, Filme Minister of Ene- I i mi . . 0 jhuu. ice imant luim commemorated was the child of the 1'rlnoe and Princess of Wales: I. . . IIow wast thon made to pass, !By short transition from the womb Unto that ether darkness of thy tomb, O Babe, O brother to the grass! For like the herb, bo thou art born ' ' At early morn; And thy little life has flowed away Before thft flnvina rav Thy willing soul hath Btrnggled, and is free; And all of thee that dieth, A white and waxen image lietli Upon the knee. ' ii. Yes! narrow was the apaoe Where thy life ran its hurried race, Like one affrighted by the far-off glare Of the world's pleasures and alarms, That from the Bin, the sorrow, and the care Fled, to seek shelter in the arms Of his first Father; and had rest Upon His breast. in. We are amid the tumult and the stress Of a fierce eddying fight; And, to our mortal sight, Our fate is trembliDg in the balances; And even it hath seemed The Tempter at the nether scale flight over Love prevail. l3ut thy dear Faith can never fail; Thou art redeemed ! The shadowy forms of doubt and change Athwart thy tranquil fate no more may range, Nor upeck its lucid path with tokens and remembrances of Death. j ho is a Christian and a husband and a father s well, that he can turn from the perplexing asks of political leadershin to Mnmiu Viia Sympathy for the bereaved, in noble words of Christian consolation and exalted sentiment. x:bummaey of church news. episcopal. The Kev. William Bell White Howe, of Charleston, South Carolina, has been elected ssistant Bishop of the Diocese of South tarolina. Mr. Howe was the youngest son of le llev. Mr. Howe, late rector of Claremont. Iew Hampshire, and has always suAtained an onorable position in his diocese. The vene tble Bishop Davis, of South Carolina, will aus be relieved of a large portion of his '. ibors. The Kev. Edward Anthon having been repelled, on account of his health, to resign he rectorship of the Church of the Interces on, New York, the Executive Committee at le last meeting elected him the Local Secre try of the American Church Missionary So ety. I The Episcopalians of Memphis, Tenn., ave recently purchased an Episoopal resi ence at a cost of about $16,000. It was the roperty of Bishop Otey, and is a commo ious and suitable building. Bishop Quin rd has lately taken pastoral charge of St. ary's Church. Kev. William B. W. Howe, rector of St. ! tulip's Church, Charleston, S. 0., has been ected assistant bishop of that diocese. A hundred olergymen and a number of jaaen have united in an address of sympa iy to Bev. Mr. Cheney, of Chicago. The Episcopal Convention of the Diooese T Massachusetts recently held its session in pringfield. The report shows one hundred arisheB, eight hundred aBd eighty confirma ons during the year, four churches coase rated, five deacons and two priests ordained, : ad twelve candidates for orders. . METHODIST. The Non-Episcopal Methodist Conference, p Besaion at Pittsburg, Pa., refused, by a de cided vote, to authorize the ordination of omen to the ministry. -The Syracuse University has begun busi ness. Five colleges are established the Col lege of the University, of Law, of Medioine, Df Industry; of the Fine Arts. Dr. Daniel Steele is elected Vice-President, and Pro fessor of Mental and Moral Science. Pro fessors French and Coddington, of Genesee College, and Brown, of Cornell, are elected. Professor C. W. Bennett is also elected to the xmair of History. Genesee transfers all its Audents to Syracuse. A building is under antract, of stone, 80 by 1G8 feet, four stones iieh. It was Mr. Remington, of firearms oelebrity, who has given the St. Charles Hotel property to the Church, at a cost of r25,Oo. half of it to the university and half Ito the College of Missionaries, which should be called the College of Divinity. He had orevioufJy given $50,000 to the university. lLe Woman a Foreign Missionary Society t the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States now consists of eight branohes. uSvith headquarters at as many cities, from I Boston to St. Louis, numbering 300 auxilia ries, with 13,000 members. Its fields of ope 1 ration are India and China. llev. Dr. D. P. Kidder has been elected y'rofewsor of Practical Theology in Drew ) Seminary, N. J. ' i The new Methodist University at Syra- -nM IV rod fia.niAi1 ahnn ho F Y 'v , , unit n uiuiiuu dollars. Its advantages are open to men aBd women, white and black. Six of its trustees and two of its professors are to be non Methodists ' Tba Protestant Methodist Church at Mv- ricksville, Mass., has come over to the Metho dist Episcopal Church. I he funds accrued for the byraouse Uni versity since the subscriptions were opened, FebruHry 22, 1870, already exoeed $.r0O,O00. The gross lnoome of the Methodist Missionary Society the past year was $(;OG,727-21. C0NOEEQATI0N1L. Thirty-three students are commissioned for tuibbionary labor in Maine during the summer, len are rrom Uangor Seminary, two from Andover, five from Hartford, six from Yale, two from Union, and seven from New Brunswick, N. J. One has not entered a theological seminary. Their Commissions range from nine to sixteen 5 The Bev. Rufus Ellis, pastor of the First S? . . M 1 Unitarian Churcn ol Doston, iuass., is to occupy the chapel pulpit at Yale College on 'the second Sabbath in June, by invitation of President Woolsey, who desires in this way to recognize Mr. Ellis' devotion, at a critical time, to essential unrisuau irums. A poor colored woman of New naven, Conn., hohas saved in many years from ciiiA tr .carton from her hard earnings, be- Viueaths this money for the support of auy )i)Oor colored student who may enter Yale Divinity bcnooi io prrparo iw yreauoi. I She directs that if at anytime there should I be do colored student, the money shall go to Aiome white student. 1 Among the new members recently re ceived by the Rev. J. Y. Thompson, D. D., to the Broadway Tabernacle, New York, were two persons who desired baptism by immer sion, j et did not believe in close communion. On application to one of the Baptist pastors of the city, he willingly acoeded to their te quest for baptism, and performed the rite. ' -At a recent ministers' meeting in Boston, Trofessor Porter, of New Haven, advocated admitting catechumens to the Lord's Supper, but not to a participation in church govern ment. One of the chapel of the American Board at Tein-tsin, China, destroyed by the mob last June, has been rebuilt by the man darins. The Advance says: "In the judgment of n increasing number, the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches need a short, per manent service, which shall introduce the people into the exercises, by a part in the reading, in the prayers, and in the recita tion of the Apostles'. Cieed, and shall make the united worship of the congregation as prominent as the preaching of the minister." rEESBITERIAN. The scheme for raising $10,000 for nampden Sidney College, to be paid in five years, is a success. The whole amount has been raised without expense to the Col lege through tne persistent efforts of its friends. Rev. Joseph Patterson, D. D., recently died at Montrose, Scotland, at the advanced age of ninety-three years, and the sixtieth of bis ministry in the second charge of the parish of Montrose. In his younger days he was for some time tutor to Lord Byron. During the latter part of his life his energy was remarkable, often preaching to audiences of over two thousand people, and his voioe was as clear and his words as distinct as when he was in the prime of life. The General Assembly of the Presbyte rian Church South met at Huntsville, Ala., on the 18th of May. Dr. Plumer, of South Carolina, was elected Moderator. Rev. Adrianus Van Vliet, Pastor of the German Presbyterian church in Dubuque, Iowa, and Professor of Theology in the Ger man Theological Seminary at that plaice, died on the 0th ult., in the sixty-second year of his age. He was a native of Holland, and settled in Dubuque in 1852. Judge W. W. Legare, of Alexandria, Va., is studying theology, preparatory to becoming a minister of the Gospel. BAPTIST? . In this oountry the Baptists now number 17,445 churches, while their church members average ono to every twenty-seven of the people of the land. The New York correspondent of the Eviscoval licaister intimates that at the Rev. Dr. Armitage's ( Baptist) church, in that city, Various Enisconal innovation! havA riinnlnand themselves in the choice of musio, the choir Binging ine ;jjcus, ana "In .Benediction" f. . aner ice $ermon. The Rev. R. IT. TWJ. T.T, T nf Mem phis, Tenn., proposes to remove to St. Louis, and to resume the publication of the Baptist Iifpository. He has resigned the Central Church, Memphis. The churches of the Baptist denomina tion in Boston and vicinity have formed a "Boston Baptist Missionary Union" for the establishment of mission Sunday-schools and churches, the employment of missionaries, and a general revival of missionary effort at their own doors. FRIENDS. Rev. Elkanah Beard, the missionary of the Society of Friends to the Hindoos, has changed his from Benares to Jub balpore. He intends to give considerable at tention to the education of the women, and, instead of going into the bazaars to preach, he invites the Moonshees and Babns to his borne, conveises with them, and gives them Scripture selections and tracts. His wife has a school for native girls numbering twenty pupils, and was soon to open one for Eurasian children. BEFOBMED CHTJBCH. A year since, Rev. J. H. Wagner, of Lancaster, Pa., a minister of the Reformed Church, went over to the Catholio Church. Recently, Professor C. H. Budd, of Franklin and Marshall College, and also the wife of Rev. J. H. Wagner, have followed him Into the Romish communion. These defections are attributed by the Reformed Church news papers to the influence of the Mercersburg theology, as inoulcatedgby Dr. Nevin in the Mercemburg Quarterly. CATHOLIC. In the Diocese of Mobile, on Sunday, the 7th of May, 'the Rt, Rev. Bishop Quinlan administered confirmation at St. Peter's Church, Montgomery, to thirty-six persons, and on the following day to one. Of the confirmed, thirteen were adults, of whom eight were converts. On the Sunday follow ing the same prelate confirmed nine persons in Be) ma, of whom two were oonverts. The Most Rev. Archbishop Perche re turned to New Orleans, from Rome, after an absence of nearly seven months. During his stay in Rome the pallium was placed upon his shoulders by the Pope, and he returns to his labors fully invested with all the symbols and decorations of his exalted office. The socie ties turned out and the reception was a grand one. The Rev. Fr. T. McCarthy, of the Dio cfee of Pittsburg, Pa., and lately in New York, having made his preparatory studies at the American College in Rome, was or dbined there on March 2" (Feast of the An nunciation), by Mgr. Angelini. The reverend gentleman has distinguished himself by his studies. Freeman's Journal Confirmation was administered by the Mo6t Rev. Archbishop of New York, on Tuesday, May 23, in St. Mary's Church, Grand street, to 30 per sons. On Wednesday, May 21, in St. Ga briel's Church, to 480 persons. On Thurs day morning, May 25, in the Chapel of the Convent of the Sacred ' Heart, Manhattan ville, to 22 persons. On Thursday afternoon, May 25, in the Church of the Holy Name of Jesus, Bloomingdale, to 140 persons. On Friday, May 20, in the Church of the Annun ciation, Manhattanville, to 840 persons. Confirmation will be administered en Tuesday, June U, in the Church of St. Rose of Lima. On Thursday, June 8, in the Church of Our Lady, at Fordham. N. Y. 'J abkt. WINDOW BLINDS, ETO. WINDOW DLIIIDS, Lace Curtains, Curtain Cornicei HOLLAND SHADES, PAINTED SHADES Of the latest Unto, BLINDS paintea and trimmed BiUKB fcHDb8 made and lettered. Picture Cord, Taasela, Etc, Repairing promptly attended to. D. J. WILLIAMS, Jr., Ho. 10 NORTH SIXTH STREET, 1 1 tuUiB3jn ' PHILADELPHIA KEAL ESTATE At AUOTION. TRUSTEE 8' PEREMPTORY 8ALR. li Ttiomaa Sons, Auctioneers ooal and Tim ber Lands, 4747 acre, Lycoming county, Pa., 10 miles from W ullamsporti mineral and mtnlnf arlvK Jpftos la 18,ol6 acres, 184 peroties land In Lycoming county. Ity decree of the Oonrt of Common Pleas of Philadelphia Oounty, will be sold at pnniio sale, without reserve, on Tuesday. Jane so, 1871, at 14 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described lands and mineral and mining privileges: . .. E tract from the deed reserving these mineral rights: "That Is to say, the said parties of the drst part hereto, do hereby reservs to themselves, thir heirs, eiecntors, administrators and assigns for ever, the full, entire, complete and exclusive owner ship and right as though the present conveyance had not been made to all metals, ores, minerals, coal, mines, mine banks and deposits of ores, mine rals, metals or ooU, which are or may be In or upon, or which may at any time be discovered In or noon any part of the hereinbefore bargained and aold land and premises. And said parties of the first part hereto do hereby reserve forever the fall, free, abso lute and exclusive right and authority for them bWvos, their heirs, executors, administrators or as signs, pernonal.y or by their agents, workmen or servants, at all time or times, whenever It may salt their or any of their convenience, to enter Into and npon, and pass over any part or parts of the above described premises, and to explain, search for and excavate any and every kind of ore, mineral, metal or coal, and to dig, excavate or penetrate any part of the said premises, and at a'l times to have free Ingress and egress for themselves, or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns or their work men, or persons employed by them, or either of them; with or without horses, teams, oxen, mulos, carts, sleds or wagons, to dig, mine, raise and take, re move and carry away any and every kind of ore, mineral, metal or coal, which may be found or dis covered in or npon any part or parts of the hereby bargained and sold land ; provided, always, that such digging, explorations or searches shall be conducted with as little Injury or damage to the aald lancis as shall be practicable consistently with the success of the same." CLASS FIRST LANDS. . Qiantlti. Tmrnahip. No. of Traat. Aerr. Perch'. Cogan House and Lewis 1071 iin m do. . do. ....1678 1S25 ior do. do. ....1716 866 Brown 172,(part,) sot R2 do 1766 810 . 104 do 1771 830 82 Commlngs.... 1637 975 is Notk The purchasers of this last named tract will take It subject to a contract of sale made with J. & S. Gould, which the aald J. & 8. Hould have a right to enforce upon payment of f 1625-18, with in terest from May 1, 1861. CLASS SECOND MINERALS AND MINING PKIVrLKaiS, Reserved according to terms above set forth. Tnvnthip. Jfo. of Tract. ArZT"l'cJiei. Cogan House 1673 loci 73 do 1736 864 do 17X7 849 112 do. ' 17S3 849 112 do 1740 - 870 do. 1715 814 123 do. 1705 830 82 do. 1718 81T 55 Mifflin and Cummings i-9 860 lo do. do. 1692 860 150 Mifflin 1693 860 150 Cogan House 1719 821 115 MlllUn 1695 813 - 143 Cummings 1674 9119 152 do. 1703 272 87 Partly Lycoming and partly Cogan House 169T 296 153 Mifflin 1772 830 Cogan House 1744 . 839 143 Brown and Cummings 1632 1060 81 do. do. 1636 1117 81 Mifflin 1694 822 63 do 1774 2T 64 do 1775 860 150 Cummings 1637 975 is do. "...1782 S90 82 do. 1735 805 SB do 1690 860 ISO Cogan HouBe 1716 866 do. part of 1753 107 do. do 17581 do. do. .1672 f 107 Terms Each tract to be put up separately, and $50 upon each tract when struck down to the best bidder, to be paid by him at the time of the sale, otherwise the property to be at once put up again .for sale. The sales to be for eash, and the purchase money to be paid at the date of the continuation of the aale ; if not so paid the trustees reserve for themselves the right to put np the property for sale again, without notice to the purchaser, and at his risk. Information may be obtained and lithographic plana seen at the auction rooms of M. Thomn9 4 80ns, Nos. 139 and 141 8. Fourth street, or O. r. Bispbam. No. 209 8. f-lxth street, or B. S. Bentley & Son, Wullamsport, Pa. GEORGE CADWALADEB.) WM.HENRY RAWLE. -Trustees. JOS. U. TOWNSENU, j M. THOMAS A SO MS, Auctioneers, B 8T J10 IT Nob. 139 and 141 8. FOURT1I Street. Jffff EXECUTORS' PEREMPTORY SALE. KHl Estate of .Elizabeth Hac ,deceased Thomas STsons, Auctioneers. On Tuesday, June 13, 1871, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, with out reserve, atthe Philadelphia Exchange, the fol-owing-described property, viz. : No. 1. Two-story brick dwelling, No. 1008 8. Fourth street. AH that two-story brick dwelling aud lot of ground, situate on the west side of Fourth street, 64 feet south of Carpenter street. No. 1008; contain ing in front on Fourth street 16 feet, and extending In depth 90 feet 4 Inches, more or less, to a 20 feet wide atreet. Terms, cash. Immediate possession. No. a. Two-story frame dwelling, No. 429 Har mony street. All that two-story frame dwelling aud lot of ground, north aide of Harmony atreet, west of Fourth street, No. 429 ; containing In front on Harmony street 15 feet, and extending la depth about C2 feet. Terms, cash. Sale absolute. James P. Vbkhory, Bamuicl F. hiAmv, f Executors. M. THOMAS SON 8, Auctioneers, g Bs2t Nob. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH Street. ff REAL ESTATE. THOMAS A SONS' 8 ALE, XM On 'luesday, June 13, 1871, at 12 o'clock, noon, Hill be Bold at public aale, at the Philadelphia Ex charge, the follow lDg described property, viz. : No. 1. Three-story brick dwelling, No. 612 Otis street, near Tulip atreet, Nineteenth ward. All that three-story brick messuage aud lot of ground, situate ou the Bortheast Bide of Otis street. No. 612 ; con talntDg In front on Otis street IS feet, and extend lug In depth 78 feet. It contains 5 rooms, gas, etc. Terms, half cash. No. 8. Three-story frame dwelling, No. 614 Otis street, with a three-story brick factory in the rear. All that three-story frame messuage and lot of ground, situate on the north Bide of Otis street, No. 614; containing In front on Otis street 20 feet, and extending in depth 95 feet 6 Inches, widening on the rear end to 88 feet; has gas, bath, hot and cold water, new tin roof, etc. Also a ttiree-story brick factory In the rear. Terms, half cash. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 6 8s2t Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH Street. fP REAL ESTATE. TnOM AS A SONS' SALE, f".? -8 Two-story Brick Dwel lngs, Nos. 20.0 and '2iV4 Starr street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, Snyder avenue, and McKean street, First ward. On Tuesday. June 13, 1871, at 12 o'clock, r.oon, win be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described property, viz. : No. 1. All that two-story brick dwelling (4 rooms) and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Starr street, No. 2U20; containing in front on Starr street 14 feet, and extending In depth 65 feet. Subject to a yearly ground-rent of t42. No. 2. All that two-story brick dwelling (4 rooms) atid lot or ground, situate on the weat side of Starr street. No. 2024; containing la front on Starr street 14 feet, aud extending in depth 65 feet to a 8 feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof. Subject to a yearly ground-rent of 42. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 6 3 82t Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. ff PEREMPTORY SALE. THOMAS A HONS, Auctioneers. Genteel three-atory brick Dwell ing No. 1U4 Norris street, northwest of Thompson street. On Tuesday, June 18, 1871, at 19 o'clock noon, will be sold at putilio aale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that genteel three story brick measuuge and lot of grouud. situate on the northeast Bide ol Norris street, 205 feet 5 inches northwest from Thompson street. Nineteenth ward, containing In front on Norris street 15 feet 9 inches, and extending la depth on the northwest line 102 feet 10)4 inches, and on the southeast Une 103 feet V of an Inch to a 4 feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof. It baa 9 rooms, gas, bath, range, hot and cold water, etc Immediate pneaessiou. Terms, cash, hale absolute. Keys at the oitlue of Lukeus & Montgomery. No. 113 Beach street. M. THOMAS 4. SONS, Auctioneers, B2t Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH Street. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS A SONS' SALE. Buslnesa Btaud. tbree-Btorv brick store and ivellliiff northeast corner Eighteenth and Bain. bridge streets. On Tuesday, June 13, 1871, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public aale, at tne Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick store and dwelling and lot of ground situate a' the northeast corner of Elghieeuth and 111 abridge Btreets; containing In frout on Ilaiubridg street 16 feet, and extending In depth feet. It ha the gas Introduced j bath, hot and cold water, range, tic. The bar fixtures are Included In the aale. Terms S2M0 may remulu on mortgage tor 8 years. Leaned until April next. M. THOMAS k. HONS, Auotlontttfa, 6 87 8 St Nos. 139 aud LU H FOURTH bUceU AUOTION. ASSIGNEE'S PEREMPTORY BALE, BY Order Of Joseph I. Ilnrin. tulmnt in Rank.. ruiitCV Of Jsbez Buntlnir. Jnalah Rnntlnir. Jahn Pul. lock, and Joseph J. Sellers, as Individuals and oo partners, trading as bunting Pros. A Co. Tftnmas i Sons, Auctioneers, on Tuesday, June 13, 1871, at 19 o'clock, noon, win be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the follow ing described property, via No. 1. All the right, title, and Interest of Jaoea Pnnting of, In, and to the three following tracts of land, with the Improvements thereon erected: 1. All that messuage or plantation and tra-st of land. Bltuate In the Township of Darby, Delaware county. Hounded and described a follows: He ginning at a stake in Hunting street, a cornerjf lauds of Matthew Balrd and James Neal;-. iin by aald James Neals land north B degrees H minutes, west 105 19-100 perches to a stone; thence by lands of said James Neal and Wm. Hunting north 65 degrees 19 minutes, east 40 74-100 perches to a atone, a corner of aald William Bunting's land; thence by the same north 26 degrees 40 minutes, west 33 92-100 perches to a atone, a corner of land of the heirs of John Bunting; thence by the same and lands of Joseph Bunting, crossing a public road leading from Bunting street to th Baltimore turnpike, south 65 degrees 15 minutes, west HI 90-100 perches to a stone, a corner of land of Joseph Hunt ing; thence by the aame sou'.h 86 degrees, east 18 61-100 perches to a stone on the easterly aide of said public road ; theuce crossing said road aouth 47 degrees StO minutes, west 2 9-100 perches to a stone on the westerly side of said road ; thence along aald road south 26 degrees, east loo 64-100 perohes to a stone near the southerly side of said Bnnilng street; thonce along snid Bunting atreet north 63 degrees 80 minutes, east 85 6O-100 perches to the place of b ginning. Containing 60 acres, 1 rood aud 14 1-100 perches, more or less. . 2. All hat certain piece or pared of meadow land, situate, lying, and being on Carpenter's Island, In the county of Philadelphia. Beglnulng at tne cen tre of the road leading to Hog Island, at the ?olut where said road crosses t Hinrch creek ; thence in a southerly direction along the said creek the several courses and distances thereof to Bow creek ; then. e along Bow creek and the embankment recently erected thereen, the several courses and dNtannea thereof to low-water mark on the river Delaware ; thence along the said river at low-water mark north 2Vtf degrees, east 26 perches; thence north, Jill a> ll!A.lAM.iu.hM..i.n... i. n j . I vi wo, u . i.otvuco; wiuuue uurui u. grees, east to the bank ; thence along the bank the 8nme course continued, 13 perches ; thence north 8fX degrees, east to the middle of the aforesaid road leading to Hog Island ; thence along the middle of the said road to the place of beginning. 8. All those two certain an Joining lots or pieces of land, situate in the township of Darby, Delaware county. Bounded by Bunting's lane, land of Hill, I'ennell, and Samuel Bunting, and adjoining a new public street or road leading from said Bunting's lane to Philadelphia post road. N. B These three tracts of land are subject to a life estate, and to the payment of two mortgages amounting to$S000, and the right, title, and Interest 01 said Jabez Bunting therein, Is also subject to the payment of a mortgage for jssoo. Particulars of which estate and Incumbrances can be ascertained by Inquiry of the assignee. No. 2. All the right, title, and interest of Joslah Bunting of, In and to the three fol'owing tracts of land, with the Improvements thereon erected: 1. All that messuage or plantation and tract of land, situate In the Township of Darfcy, Delaware county. Bounded and described as follows: Be ginning at a stake In Bunting street, a corner of lands of Matthew Balrd aud James Neal ; thence by Bald James Neal'a lands north 5 degrees 47 minutes, west 106 19-100 perches to a stone: thence by lands of said James Neal and William Bunting north 65 degrees 12 minutes, east 40 74 100 perches to a stone, a corner of said William Bunting's land; thence by the same north S6 degrees 40 minutes, west 33 92-100 Serenes to a stone, a corner of land ef the nelrs of ohn Bunting; thence by the tame and lands of Joseph Bunting, crossing a publlo road leading from Bunting street to the Baltimore turnpike, south 65 degrees 15 minutes, west ill 90-100 perches to a stone, a corner of land of Joseph Bunting; thence by the' same south 26 degrees, east 13 61-100 perches to a stone on the easterly side of said public road ; thence crossing said road south 47 degrees 20 minutes, west 8 9-100 perches to a stone on the westerly side of said road; thence along said road south . 26 degrees, east loo 61-100 perches to a stone near the side of said KnJ,tlnfr Btreet nortn 63 degrees 80 minutes, east 85 60-100 perches to the place rf beginning, con taining 60 acres, 1 rood and 14 91-100 perches, more Or 1688 a. All that certain piece or parcel of meadow land, situate, lying, and belngjon Carpenter's Island In the county of Philadelphia. Beginning at the ceu tre of the road leading to Hog Island, at the point where said road crosses Church creek; theuce in a southerly direction along the said creek tne several courses and distances thereof to Bow creek ; theuce alorg Bow creek and the embankment recently erected thereon, the several courses and distances thereof to low-water mark on the river Delaware thence along the said river at low-water mark north 25tf degrees, east 26 perches; thence nonh 40 de grees, east 16 6-10 perches; thence north 9 degrees, east to the bank; thence along the bank the same course continued. 13i peiches; thence north nsv d grees, east to the middle of the aforesaid road leading to Hog Island; thence along the middle of the Bald road to the place of beginning. 8. All those 2 certain adjoining lota or pieces of land, situate In the township of Darby, Delaware county. Bounded by Bunting's lane, land of HiL Pmoell, and Samuel Bunting, aud adjoining a new public street or road leading from Bald Buntings lane to Philadelphia post road. N. B. These 3 tracts of land are subject to a life estate, and to the payment of 8 mortgages amount ing to ISi'OO, and the right, title, and int-. rest of said Joslah Bunting is also subject to the payment or a mortgage for tssoo. Particular of which estate and Incumbrances can be ascertained by tniiulrv or the assignee. No. 8. All therestate, right, title, aud lnterent of Joseph J. Seders, belog 1-36 part of, in, and to the dower lund secured npon the lands late the estate of James Sellers, deceased, which said Iau is are fully described In the proceedings had in tHe Orphans' Court for the founty of Delaware, on the 26th day of May, A. D. 1S2; for the partition thereof, an exemplification of the whole record In which said proceedinga was filed, on the 7th day of No veminr, A. D. 1S62, Ia the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. N. B This sale Is only of the right, title, and In terest, or estate, whatsoever It may be, of the aald Joseph J. Sellera, or. In, aud to the lands or aHy fuud charged upon the lands mentioned and described in the above proceedings remaining arter the above partition, and does not include the lauds specifically allotted to Joseph J. Sellers, which have been here tofore disposed of. For turther particulars, apply to JOSEPH I. DORAN, Esq., assignee, No. 82 South Third street, Phllauelphla. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, B 18 J 8 10 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH street. fR PUBLIC SALE. THOMAS & 80NS, AUC fj"l tloneers. Valuable lot, residence, mill, aud machinery, two acres. Church street, between Main and Chew Bireets, Germautown, 27 by 816 feet. Ou TueBday, June 13, 1871, at 12 o'clock, uoou, will be Bold at publlo the Philadelphia Exchangn, all that large and valuable lot of ground (suitable for building lots) and the Improvements thereon erected, Bltuate on Church street, between Mala and Che Btretts, Germautown, Tweiity-aeooud ward; con talu'ng In front on Church Btreet 257 feet, aud ex teuoing In depth 316 feet, being nearly two a':re of ground. The improvements are a valuable mill and machinery, brick resldeu'-e, barn with staiile, wagon bouse, carriage-house, etc The garden Is well Blocked with choice fruit, etc. ; green-house, eto. ; the machinery is valued at 1)500, and Includes a good sttam engine, bu-horse pwer, nearly new, with two cylinder boilers in good condition; shafting, belting, etc. It is curbed and paved on Church street. Terms One-fourth cash. Imme diate possession. At. THOMAS & SONS. Anctloneers, 6 8f2t Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street." EXECUTOR'S PEREMPTORY SALE. estate of Ann Coulter, deceased. Thomas lis. Auctioneers. I.arge and Very Desirable Lota. Chelten avenue, School street, Wiun street. Coulter street, Penn stre-t, Oiut-n street, il insnerry htrt-et, Wissahtckon avenue, Laurens street, Morris Btieet, Pulaski avenue, Wayue street. Largo and valuable estate. Rare chance for capitalists. On Tuesday, June 13, 1671. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at publlo sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, building loU, froi tlng ou Chelten avcuue, school, Winona, Coulter, Penn, Queen, llanaberry, aud Wyue Btreets, Wlssahlckou and Pulaski avenues. Germautown. Tbey will be sold according to a olan which may be Ben at the auction rooms. N. B Oa lot No. a there is a large BtoBe mansion and several small dwellings, stable, etc ; on lot No. 7 a Btone houne and barn, well snaded, eto. For fur. iher particulars apply to C. H. k H. P. Mulrhead, No. 806 S. Sixth strtet. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, B37B3t Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street REAL ESTATE THOMAS A SONS' ALH Modern Three-story Brick Duelling. No. tu Christian street, west of Fifteenth atrt On Tuesday, June 13, 1871, at 19 o'clock, uoou, will be sold at public Bale, at the Phlla ielptila Exchange, all that modern three-story brick mes suage, with two-story back building, aud lot of ground, Bltuate ou the sooth aide of Christian street, fed feet luches eaat of Sixteeuth atreet. No. 16.-4; containing lu Frout oa Christian street 16 feet, and extending in depth 78 feet to a 5 fet wide alley.witu, the privilege thereof. It has parlor, dlulcg-room, and kitchen on the flret Moor; gas, bath, hoi and told water, eooklng-rauge, eto. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, S 87 C3t No. ISt and 141 & FOURTH bUceU REAL. ES1 At E REAL ESTATE AT AUOTIQM REAL EST ATKL THOMAS A SONB'SAT.R i i! Modern three-story Brick Dwelling, No. iti street, above Catharine street H i Tuesday, June 18, 1871, at 18 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public aale, at the Philadelphia Eichangi, all that modern three-story brick uessuage, with two-story brick back building and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Seventeenth Btreet, above Catharine street, No. 767; containing In front on Seventeenth street 16 feet, and extending In depth 62 feet to a 8 feet wide alley, leardng Into and from C'stharlne street, with tne privilege thereof. The house Is In good order and has the modern convent enrs; parlor, dining room, winter and summer kitchens, with green house above; gas, bath, hot and cold water, cooking ranges, neater, eto. Sub ject to a ground rent of $ r4 a year. Immediate pos session. Iiooo may remain on nvrtgag. M. THOMAS A SONS, Aiictlonpcrs, B 87 B3t Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOUP.TH Street. fTS REAL ESTATE. THOMAS k HUNS' S ALM!. m!!i Modern Three-story Brick Residence, N. V. corner of Eighteenth and Ulrard avenue, on Tues day, Jnne 13, 1971, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be "old at 1 uhlic sale, atthe Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-atory brick mesanage, with triree-st rr back building, and lotof grouud. st'uate at the N. W. corner or (ilrard avenue and Eightnenth street, Tw iity-mnth ward; containing In rront on (Ilrard avenne 80 Uet, and extending in depth 96 feet, in cluding on the rear end thereof a 8 feet wide alley. The house haa 11 rooms, bath and store-rooms, gas, hot and celd water, furnace, range, underground dratDage, eto. Terms MO mv remain on mort gage. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers. 6 3 s2t Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH Street. f REAL ESTATE. THOMAS fc SONS'SALE. Three-storv Brick Dwel'.tnir. No. 206 Winter nun:, neiween ace and vine streets, on Tuesday, June 20, 1871, at 19 o'clock, noon, will be sold at publlo sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick messuage, with one-story kitchen and lot of ground, situate en the south side of Winter street, 232 fet l Inches west of Twen tieth street. No. 2026; containing in front on Winter street 15 feet 4)f .Inches, and extending la depth 55 feet 6 Inches. House has gas, etc. Terras Cash. Clear of all Incumbrance. Immediate possession. EejS at No. 153 Vit e street M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, . 6 3s3t Nos. 139 and 141 a FOURTH Street. ffa REAL ESTATE. THoM 8 A SONS' S iLS. ' ii-L Three-story brick Dwelling, No. 910 Fitzatr reet, weBt of Nnth street. On Tuesdav, Jnne 27, 1S71, at 18 o'clock, noon, will be aold at publlo sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, Bltuate on the south side of Firewater strtet, comer of Montcalm Btret,No. 910; containing in front on tfttzwater street 15 feet, and extendlug In depth 45 feet to a 8 feet wide aliey, leading lnti and froia Montcajm street. Terms fisno may remain so mortgage. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 6 10 aSt Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street REAL ESTATE. THOM AS tt SONH' SALE. -Three-story Brlk Dwelllug, No. 8107 Cuth- bei 1 street, between Filbert and Arch streets. On Tuesday, June 18, 1871, at 18 o'clock, nnon, will be tioiu hi puonc saie, at ice rnuancipnta uxcuaagft, 811 that three-atory brick dwelling and lot of around. sltnate on the south side bt Outhbert street, 68 feet west of Twenty-tlrst Btreet, No. 2107; containing la front 14 feet and In depth 83 feet. Subject to a yeany ground rent or 130. M. THOMAS A SONS, Anctloneers, It Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH Street OITY ORDINANCES. riOMMON COUNCIL OF PUILaDELPUU CLKKK'8 OFF1CK, PniLADBLPnii. June 2. 1871. In accordance with a resolution adopted by tbe Common Council of the City of Philadef- imiaon inureoay, tne nrst dav of Juno, 1871, . 1 1 1..11 ... .t., .... ; ' metiuueaeu um, enuuea "An ordinance to au thorize a loan for the construction of culverts and for police purposes," is hereby published ior jjuuuc lniormauon. i JOIIN ECKSTEIX, Clerk of Common' Council. ' AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE A LOAN FOR TITE CON- olKLCTION OF CULVERTS AND FOR POLICE PURPOSES. Section 1. The Select zzi Common Councils of tbe City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Mayor pf Philadelphia be and he is hereby authorized to borrow at not less than oar. ou the credit of tbe city, from time to time, four hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, to be applied as follows, viz: I irst. For tbe construction of cul verts, one hnndred and tweaty-flve thou aud dollars. Second. For the purchase of tround and the erection aud extension of build ii gs for Police Station-houees, three hundred thout-and dollars. For which interest, not to exceed the rate of six per cent, per annum, shall be paid half yearly, on the flrut days of January and July, at the office of the City 'Jreubuier. The principal of said loan shall be payable and paid at the expiration of thirty years from the date of the same, and not before, without the cousent of the holders thereof; and the certificates tberetor, In the usual form of the Certificates of Gity Loan, shall be issued in such amounts as the lenders may require, but not for any fractional part of one hundred dol lars; or, It required, in amounts of five huudred or one thousand dollars; aud it shall be ex-, pressed In said certificates that the lo in therein mention, aud the luterest thereof, are payable fi e fn ru all taxes. Section 2. VV beuever any loan shall be made oy virtue theieof, there shall be, by force of this ordinance, annually appropriated out of the income of the corporate estates and from the huh raised by taxation, a sum sufficient to pay the interest on taid certlflaies; aud the further Funi of three-tenths of one per centum on the par value of ucb certificates so issued shall be appropriated quarterly out of said income aud taxts to a 6iukiutr fund, which fuud aud its ac cumulations are hereby esecially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certifi cates. RESOLUTION TO PUBLISII A LOAN BILL. htsolvfd, That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish iu two daily newspa pers of this city, dally for four weeks, the ordi imrice preeeuted to Common Council on Thurs day, June 1, 1871, entitled "An ordinance to authorize a loan for the construction of culverts and for police purposes;" and that the said ( leik, at tbe stated meet iii of Couucils after the expiration of four weeks from the first of said publication, shall present to thi Council one of each of said newspapers fur every day in which the same shall hive beeu nmde. 63 24t FUHNITUKbi - FURNITURE, The undersigned most respect fully announces to his patrons, lrit uds, and the public general.y, that in anticipation or extensive aiu ratiouH an I improve ni nta tu his store and wurerooms, he will ouVrt a balance of his entre ttock of jKUkNITlKE At Greatly Reduced Prices Allot which la warranted fully as well made as U" ade to order. lie adopts this method of giving purchasers an poriuiiity of Fx 1 rem ely Lou IricM In preference to having a sale at auction. A cordial Invitation la hereny extended to all Who are in need of d rat-class goods. C. VOLLMKR, Manufacturer or Cabinet Furniture, No. 1108 CHrSNUT STIIEKT, 6 6Btuth2m PHILADELPHIA. dOBBFH H Campion (late Moore A Campi m), WILLIAM SMITH, aiCHAHD a. CAMPION, SMITH & CAMPION, Manufacturers of FINE FURMTUhE, UPUOIfiTEKINUS. AND IN TEKIOH HOUSE D Et OK K TIONii, No. 849 HOUTH THIRD 8 reeU Manufactory, Nos. sis and 91 T LEVANT 8'reet, Pftuadelphla git OOAL. F. OWEN A CO., COAL PKA1.KHS, FILBLliT fcTKKKT WU4KP. SCHUYLKILL. tlOlyi SNOW DON A HAUtJ COAL DKrOT, COKNBK . 1HLLWYN and WILLOW Streets Lehigh asd itchuylMU COAL, prepared expresalj tor family dm at tbe lowest tana price. 1U AUOTION BALES. M THOMAS t PONS. AUOTIONEEKPCSOl 189 and 141 a FfcUiTU Street. . : 8 ALB OF STOCKS .NTTlttAL ESTATE, ' On Tuesday,. June 13, at 19 o'clock, noon, at the Exchange, will Include - ' Darbv, Dclawa-e county, Pa. Tract of Land. . v"pbntrk s iblaud- wesiow ind. .. 1 I'ABBVf Delaware oonnty Two Lots. -t ' AnJBTKBnrt No. 731 Valuable Keaiderrre. i JJombsshho Twenty-third ward-Country goat. .'i srftfL "erjHtai Bpringa." NrNiil fTHRKT (North), No. 909 nand-ln-Hand lUBthtj Hfnwi. t noh? and Orkbk, 8. E. corner Business 8tand. Amu. Strskt, No, 630 Valuable storo and 1 ttiiin ! CvATMOKT, De!awaie Country Beat, 11 acres. Joe Ktkbbt (Sonth),No. lOOi Drlck Dwelling. Harmony Sthkbt, No. 4:-Frame Dwelling t umor fcTRKET, near Malu-Oermantown Resl oence, Mill, Machinery, ana 9 acres. Hftlkkth Strxbt (South), No. 609 Modern Lwelhng. TniMTY-MKTn Stkkft (Nonh), No. US-Dwelling. Fiohtfkkth and Girard Avknck, N. W. Comer -l evidence. 1rnBARH. No. 1038 Washington Engine IIousr. Liohth blKKBT (North), Nos. 823 and SaO Ten Dwellings. Kiikik Atbnub. No. Soio Store and Dwelling. bKVUNTKEKlU JSTKKKT (SOUlb), No. T6T Modem Duelling. ' , ( Thiffbt Stkkbt, No. 9017 Dwelling. ) aster and Klla Stkeetn, a. E. Corner Tavern nit Dwelling. 1 J wti bTBEXT, Nos. 313 to 2319 Four Dwall- IIES. ti.KVKNTn and Anita Strkkts, N. E. Corner Re liance Knglue House. Cumberland Stkekt, S. E of Almond Lot. Adams IStrbkt, 8. B of Almond Lot. fr'THKKT, N W. of Almond Lot. . Almond IStkkkt. S. W. of Cumberland Lot. i j fcTAKK tTHKKT, Nos 2020 and Witt -9 Dwellings. Norris fcTRRKTj No. 1046 Genteel Dwelling. Dacpiiw bTKKRT, No. 4149 DweUlngs. . Ohh Stxskt, Nob. C19 and 614 Factory and 8 Lw tilings. JirNTiNGPON and Sevviva Strkkts Lot. HiHTiuoDON, West of Tci.iif Lot. Iiklorapk Street, Northeast of Somerset Lot. EiuiiTEKKTH and Bain BRiiXi, Northeast Corner Store and Dwelling. Clinton Stekrt, North of York Lot. Ella. Nos. 617 to 625 6 Dwellings. Otis Street, Nub. 635 and 637 Tavern and Dwell ings, i . i olcmbia Strkkt, near Fifth, Camden Lot. Columbia trebt, Camden Lot. Estate ok Ann Coulter Valuable Lou on Chel ten avenue. School, W inona, Coulter, Penn, Queen, Uansberry, Laurens, Morris, and Wayne streets, and WtBSHblckon aud Pulaski avenues. - .. Particulars in catalogues at the auction rooms. 1867 stinr.B Pennsylvania Kali ro ail Co. 800 shares Westmoreland Coal Co. fTooo Western Pennsylvania Kallroad. . i.MHiO Philadelphia and trie Ratlrtad Co. , 15400 Pittsburg and ConuellnvtUe lUUroad. 83 shares Cea'ral Transportation Co. 85 shares Greenwich Improvement Co. 95 Fhares Howard Fire and Marine Iuaurance Co. Iiooo Union Pacific Hallway Co. o per cent. inn shares Empire Transportation Co. 95 Rhnres National Bank of the Hepubllc. 14(0 sharea McCllntockvllle Petroleum Co. , liuuo Indianapolis and ViDceunes Kallroad. 4 9 3t Catalog ueB now ready. ' Recorder's order of the Court or Commoa VALUABLE WATCIT MOVEMENTS. OnFrldayMorning, June 16, at lo o'clock, about 800 Watch Movement! of the Philadelphia Watch ConipaDy. Catalogues row ready 6 1 13t HENRY W. A B. SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEERS No. 1189 CHEbNUT Street (Girard Row). THOMAS BIKCH A SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 Ch NUT Btreet; rear entrance No. 1107 Sanaom street. Sale at No. 1629 Lombard atreet. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BHUSKLS, IN GRAIN. ANDOKNETIAN CARPETS, CHINA, GLASSWARE, ETC On Monday Horning, Jnne 12. at 20 o'clock, at No. 1M Lombard 8tret, wlil be Bold the entire furniture of parlor, dining room, chambers, aud kitchen. 6 9 at BUNTING. DURBOKCW (to., AUCTION BTHTS. Nos. 989 and 834 MARKET atreut, corner JI iiaek street. - Boocessora to John B. Myers A Co, LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EU ROPEAN DRY aooDb. On Monoay Morning, June 12, at 10 o'clock, ou 4 months' credit. 6 6t SALE OF 2100 CASES BOOTS, finOES. EATS. TRAVEI LING BAGS, El C. on Tuecday Morning, SHERIFF'S SALE. By order of William R. Leeds, Esq., nigh Sheriff of the city and county of Ph lanelphia, under and by virtue of divers wrltoof Fieri Facias to him directed. BUNTING, DURBOKOW A Ca, Auctioneers, will Bell at Public Vendue or Auction, , On Wednesday, Juue 14, 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the store 6t' Peahody A Weston, No. 723 Chesnut street, for cash, the entire stock, of carpetlngs, mattings, etc., to gether with the lease, good-wllL and fixtures of Blore. Taken in execution and to be sld aa ths pro per! of Peabody A Weston. WM. R. LEEDS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Philadelphia, May 80, 6 S et LALOE SALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC . DRY GOODS, On Thursday morning, June 16, at 10 o'clock, on four monilui' credit. 9 6t SALE OF CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, BOO ROLLS WHITE AND RED CHECK CANTON MAT. 1'lNUb, ETC., . On Friday Morning, Jnne 10, at 11 o'clock, on four months crtdiu 8 10 61 BY BARR1TT A CO., AUCTIONEERS CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. 830 MARKET Street, Corner of Bank Btreet Cash advanced on consignment without extra charge. U 84S Peremptory 8ale. ' ' On Tuesday Morning, Jure 13, commencing at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, to close a concern, as follows: 100 casts and cartons Straw Goods, 200 lota as sorted Dry Goods, Hosiery, Notions, Clothing, eto. Alt-o, larec stock Umbrellas, HaU, Caps, etc. Also. Block of White Goods. Alfco, large Btoct mlscella- ui t no i.iH-iJM, run en torciiy ana country retailers. Catalogues ready early morning of sale. clOVt Regular Sale. SALE 1000 CASES BOOTh, SHOES, BROGAN8. HATS, CAPS. ETC. On Wednesday Morning, ' June 14, at 10 o'clock, on four mouths' credit. AIko, 86 cases men's line city-made patent leai her, t un, and calf Congress Boots, to which we call the ( Hrnt uiHr attention of buyers. 6i0 8t L" iPPINCOTT,SON& CO., AUCTIONEERS. Noa, 891 MARKET and 210 CIIUKCU Street, riUMBUT HALL AUCTION ROOMS, No, 11 J OUKSNUT Street. T. A. MCCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER. Peruoeal attention given to sales of household for nit ore at dwellings. Pnbl'c sales of furniture at the Auction Rooms No. I2i Chesnut street, every Monday and Thorn, dev. For particulars see "Publlo Ledger." N. L. A superior Oiass of furniture at private sa'fl ENBY MOLTEN, AUCTIONEER BY HENRY MOLTEN A CO.. Salesroom, Nos. 91 and 23 MERCER Street, REGULAR TRADE SALE OK FUR AND WOOL HATS, LADIKS' AND GKNTS' READY-MADE FTTR8, STkAW, FLLT, AND VELVET GOO 08, Every THURSDAY during the seasoi. Cash ad varices made on consignments wlthoa additional charges. 9 a CUMBERLAND NAILO 8475 Per Keg. These Nails are know a to be the beat in the tnariet All nalla, noMBtte, and cost bo more lbaat other brands. Each keg warranted to contain 100 pounds of Nails. Also, a large assortment of flue Himrea. Locks, and E noi. Salid Bronae, suitable for nxst-olaaa build ings, at the great c:iicapl'or-Caali Hardware Store o i tJ. MiiArvnorv, 1 14 tutha! No, 1009 MARKET Street