THE DAILY EVENING- TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1871. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. Xlia City Amniimenti, At thb Chsnut latt evening; Mr. Dayen- Jirt S benefit wm a brilliant affair, the theatre being suea 10 in utmost capacity by a cnltl vated audience, bent upon pay lng a sincere cm pliment to the distinguished manager and actor. The ladies and gentlemen upon the stage did tbelr part to make the affair a success, and the entertainment passed off In an eminently satis factory manner. The performance commenced with the petite drama f The old Guard, in which Mr. Mackay rave a touching representation of the veteran 'Haversack." This was followed by a spirited recitation of "3h6rldan's Ride," by Mr. Tborne. Mr. Craig, as "Jeremiah Clip," In The Widow's tcftm, gave some ef his very funny Imitations f well-known actors, which were received with hearty demonstrations of delight by the audi ence. Mr. Davenport then appeared and made a brief addres, in which be expressed his hearty thanks to the public and press of Philadelphia for the support that had been given him in his efforts to establish the legitimate drama upon a permanent basis at the Chesnut. He promised that next season, with a stronger support, he would make greater efforts than ever in the same di rection, and expressed a hope that he would continue to receive the same encouragement. Mr. Davenport announced that Mr. Thome, Miss Phlllls Glover, Mrs. Davenport, Miss Lily Davenport, and Mr. Craig would be attached to ; the Chesnut 8treet company next season, and that negotiations were in progress with other talented performers who would give reputation to the theatre. The entertainment concluded with the farce of A Bull in a China Shop. This evening Mr. George Metklft will have a benefit, when the drama of Hob Roy and other attractions will be presented. At thb Walnut Mr. Jefferson will personate "Rip Van Winkle" this afternoon and evening. At thb Arch Llna Edwin and her New York company will represent the drama of Hank this evening. At thb Museum, Ninth and Arch streets, the drama of The Octoroon will be performed this afternoon and evening. XVZ3WS SUMmARY, City Affairs. John Green, who robbed a man at Seventh and Middle alley in the way of a jok, was before Alderman Kerr yesterday, and held for a hearing again te-day. He said it was all done in fun. The White Stockings beat the Olympics yesterday by a soore of 17 to 2. The report of the committee appointed by the Teachers' Institute to examine the re vised statutes or civil code, submitted at the meeting yesterday, sets forth that the entire system of instruction is given to the State Superintendent, and that the power of levying taxes for school purposes is taken away from Councils and given to the Board of Education. By this act the entire system of the present School law is changed. James O'Reilly, who cut Miss Pauline "Warren with a knife at Fifth and Morris streets, on the 25th ultimo, was yesterday held in $1000 bail by Alderman Kerr, Domestic Affairs. Rear-Admiral S. W. Godon retires on the 18th instant, to be succeeded by Commodore James Alden. Early yesterday morning a terrible storm occurred in the vicinity of Iowa City, inflict ing great damage, especially to the grain and fruit crops. A change in the route for the transpor tation of the Southern mails is made by an order of the Postmaster-General just issued. Two murderers, both oolored, named re spectively John ltoseborough aud William Harrison, were yesterday hanged at Marion, Arkansas. The examination of the West Point graduating class was concluded at noon yes terday, and all the candidates were successful in passing the ordeal. Hear-Admiral Goldsborough, in command of the Washington Navy Yard, will be plaoed on the retired list on the 1st of July, and this promotes Commodore Alfred Taylor to the rank of rear-admiral. Foreign Affairs. The Prussian troops remaining in France have begun their homeward march. The English House of Commons has cassed the Westmeath bill, enlarging the powers of the Government for for repression of violence in Ireland. Official statements were made yesterday in both houses of Parliament as to the im prisonment and killing of British subjects in Pans during the recent insurrection. The Orleans princes have promised not to take their seats as deputies during the existence of the present National Assembly, and not to allow their sons to beoome candi dates. . The French Minister of Finance, in pre senting to the Assembly a bill making provi sion for a loan of one hundred millions ster ling, urged the payment of the war indem nity in order that Franoe may be rid of the Germans. CITY, ITEMS. Scu buck's Mandrake Pills. . The Liver is an organ of great Importance, so far as a healthy digestion and proper nutrition of the body are con erncd. The fact is, that a large ma jority of all the diseases to which the human family Is liable are caused by a deranged action of the Liver, and consequent impaired digestion and Im perfect nutrition. It Is a well-known truth, that a d'sordered Liver will cause an almost lnfl nite variety of disease, and create almost every conceivable symptom that disease in Its protean form presents; hence the great Importance of a healthy action of the- Liver In order to keep the system free from disease, and as a conaeqaence a good digestion, perfect nutrition, and a good old age are the results. In past ages, for disordered Liver, mercury, In some of Its forma, was regarded as the only remedy; but as this drug acts npon all the secretions alike, and being a mineral poison. Its ase would produce sali vation and a breaking down of the vital powers. A desideratum, long desired, was to discover a remedy for disordered Liver that was as effica cious as mercury and free from any of Its Injurious results. After long and patient research In the vegetable kingdom Schenck's Mandrake Pills were discovered, having for their basis theTodophyllum Peltatuin of botanists, but known In common par lance as Mandrake, combined with other equally efficacious vegetable Ingredients, which Is peculiar to Schenck's mandrake mis, an cannot be found In any other preparation. These Pills have been very extensively nsed for years, and never have falledjto relieve all derange ments and disorders of the Liver, as thousands of living witnesses can testify. Ia no one instance where they have been used, either by the smallest child, most delicate lady, or robust man, have they ever produced any Injurious effects, but, on the contrary, the most disordered Liver, In thousands Of cases, by the use of the PlUs have been made to secrete a healthy bile, as has been seen In the evacuations, restoring this' most important organ to a healthy condition, giving to the hitherto unfortunate invalid restored health, freedom from despondency, peace of mind, and renewed happiness and pleasures In life. A Saanow will be preached by the Rov. Thomas A Jaooab, Rector of Holy Trinity Church, In behalf of the Midnight Mission, on Sundav Eviniwg, Wh Inst., at Christ's (P. E.) Church, Tulpehocken Street, Geruantown. Wkhdkkoth, Tatxo fc Baoww, Artist and Pho tographer?, No. 114 Chesnnt street, Invite attention to their large list of Fine Art Wort, embracing everything that is most desirable In Portraiture. Many of thslr styles, such as "Ivorytypes," Mlnla tores," "Crayons," and "Illuminate," are original with themselves. E pedal attention paid to copying old pictures. Ma. William W. Casbiot, the Jeweller at No, 8 South Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stock of all kinds of Jewelry and Silver. wire in the city. lie has also on hand a fine assort. tnent of line American Western Watches. Those who onrchase at this store at the present time are certain to get the worth of their money. BcaxxTT'a Flobimil An exquisite perfnme. Foa Otstbrs always, 'frirh, fat, and inviting," Stewed, Steamed, Roasted, Fanned, Broiled, Fried, and Raw, go to Leach's, northeast corner Ninth and Chesnut. Half peck steamed oysters, 85 cents. - Whitcomb's Asthma Rbmkht Sure cure. MNANOIAL. JAY COOKE & CO., PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK and WASHINGTON. jay cooke, Mcculloch s co. LONDON, awn Dealeri In Government Securities, special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at.the Board of Brokers in this and other cities, INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINT8. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOL In connection with our London House we are now prepared to transact a general FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS, including Purchase and Sale of Sterling Bills, and the lssae of Commercial Credits and Travellers' Cir cular Letters, available In any part of the world, and are thus enabled to receive GOLD ON DEPOSIT, and to allow four per cent. Interest In currency tnereon. Having direct telegraphlo communication wit both our New Yort and Washington Offices, we can oner superior facilities to our customers. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOB INVEST MENT. Pamphlets and full Information given at our office, B 8 8mrp No. 114 S. THIRD Street. Phllada. Wilmington and Reading Railroad 7 72B1X CENT. ZJOITOS, Free of Taxes. We are offering tlie Second Mortgage Bonds of this Company AT 82J AND ACCEUED INTEREST. Interest Payable January and July. The Bonds are In SIQOOs, 85008, and 8100s, can. oe REGISTERED free of expense. The road is doing a good business, with prospects of con siderable Increase. This Issue Is made to procure additional rolling stock. Bonds, Pamphlets, and information can be ob- talnedof DE HAVEN & BRO., rJo. 40 South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. TRAVELLERS' CREDITS ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH Jay Cooke, IMuIloch & Co., OF LONDON, AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT EUROPE. .We would call the special attention of Americans going abroad to the complete arrangements made by onr London House, in their omoe, at No. 41 LOMBARD Street, For the comfort and convenience of holders of our Circular Letters, and especially .with reference to their correspondence and the latest advices from the United States. Persons taking Credits through ua can have their passports furnished without extra charge.' Full information given at our office. JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, B tnthB2m PHILADELPHIA. X5 o iv jp s or rai Camden andAmboy Railroad, New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Com. pany, and Delaware aud RarU tan Canal Company, Constituting the United Companies of New Jersey, We offer these most desirable bonds, In regis, tered certificates, due in 1894, bearing 8 PBK C8NT. INTEREST, free of all taxation payable April 1 and wciober 1. , ' . . J ' J or ful particulars, apply to DKEXKX. . CO. C. fell. BOIUE. W. II. NEWBOLD, SON AERTSEJf, FINANCIAL. A STATU BOND AKD HAILHOAD RIOXIT&AGD BOTH IK ONE. FIRST MORTCACE PER CENT. GOLD BONDS 8 or m Selma and Gulf Railroad Co. GUARANTEED BY THE 8TATB OP ALABAMA. FOR BALK AT 95 AND ACCRUED IN TEREST IN CURRENCY. These Bonds are a First Mortgage noon a flr it- class completed Trnnfe Line of Railway extenaing from Sclnia, Alabama, to Pensacola, Florida the finest narbor on the Gull. The payment of both principal and Interest is guaranteed by the State of Alabama, whose currency obligations sell in the market at 104. The total direct deot of the State Is only S6.000,000,and the Indirect possible Indebtedness; caused by its railway guarantees, amounts only to 8,000,(100, making the maximum possible Indebted edness of the State belew, which sum is less than Its debt in 1S3T. when an Issue of bonds to the extent or was msde to establish a oanking system, which debt was reduced by redemp tt n to 14,000,000 in 18C1. previous to the war. The taxable property of the State Is now thrice what It was at mat time, and the population more ihan double. The Bonds offered are thus eauallv valuable either as a Railroad Mortgage or as a State Bond ; and with the double security thus provided, we un hesitatingly recommend them as equal to any invest ment in the market. PRICE, 95 and ACCRUED INTEREST All marketable securities taken in exchange, froe Of express charges. ranrpmets ana circulars lurnisued. HENRY CLEWS & CO., No. 33 WALX. STREET, NEW YORK. FOR SALE IN PHILADELPHIA BY DoHaven ft Bros., Elliott, Collins & Co., Townsend Whelen A Co., Darker Bros. & Co., W. H. Shelmerdlno & Co., And by Bankers and Brokers generally. 6 22 mthslm NEW GENERAL MORTGAGE BONDS of ran PHILADELPHIA ADD BEADING RAILROAD COMPANY. Seven Per Cent. Per Annum In Currency or six Per Cent. Gold. Free from all Taxes. Forty Years to Run, -with Sinking Fund Attached. Interest payable Jnne 1 and December 1. Seven per cent bonds, either coupon or regis tered, at option of purchaser. Six per cent, gold bonds, coupons only, payable either In London or Philadelphia. We call attention to this very sofe and desirable home Investment, which we offer at PAR AND ACCRUED INTEREST to date of purchase, for jhe Seven Per Gent. Currency Bonds, or at . 98 AND ACCRUED INTEREST IN CUR RENCY For the Six Per Cent. Gold Loan. Full particulars can be had at the office of either of the undersigned, DREXEL fc CO. C. it, II. BOIUE. XV. 11. NEWBOLD, SON &, AERTSE N MORTGAGEonly $12,500 PER MILE TRUSTEES. FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST, AND SAFE Lusrusri company. Special Attention of Investors Is now called to tte First Mortgage Bonds or VHi BRIDGETQN AND PORT NORRIS RAILROAD COMPANY. 7 PER CENT., FBEE OF ALL TAXES. This road runs from the mouth of Maurice River to Brldgeton, New Jersey, where It connects with the X7c&t Jersey Railroad. The fact that this Mortgage Is but for 112.600 ner mile, and that stock suoscrlpuons have been secured equal to 40 per cent, of that amount, places this loan npon the flrmeu basis and gives to It unusual se curity. They can be registered, and are In sums of flOO. fSOO, 11000. Interest parable April and October. They are offered for the present at 00 and accrued Interest. For further particulars and pamphlets apply to D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 6 I tf PHILADELPHIA. DUNN BROTHERS, UAIYIATZIXS, Nos. 51 and 53 S. THIRD St. Dealers In Mercantile Paper, Collateral Loans, Government Securities, and Gold. Draw Bills of Exohange on the Union Bank of London,and Issue travellers' letters of credit through Messrs. BOWLES BEOS fc CO., available la aU the ciaes of Europe. Make Collections on all points. Execute orders for Bonds and Stocks at Board of Brokers. Allow interest on Deposits, subject to check at sight 1! COUPON OR REGISTERED LOAN OK TBM City of "Williamsport, Pennsylvania, With both principal and Interest made absolutely secure by State and municipal legislation, for sale at AND ACCRUBSD INTEHEiT, BY P. 0. PETCRGOM & CO.. Bankers and Stock Brokers ' ! Ho. 89 8. THIRD STREET, t fHTI A P HI.PHIA FINANOIAL. BURIIKGTOH, CEDAR RAPIDS AND MINNESOTA RAILROAD. First Mortgage 7 Per Cent. Gold Boa di At 90 and Accrued Interest in Currency. On a Completed Road, Free of IT. S. Taz. This road Is now In the dullest season of the year earning more tban is per cent, net on the amount ol Its mortgage obligations. Its 7 per cent, gold bonds are equal for security to Governn ent or any Kali road issue. They com mand a reaoj niarxet, and we are prepared to nny and sell them at all times. No Investment in the market, possessing eanal Guarantees of safetv. re turns an equal percentage ot Interest. The Chicago uurjDgion, ana yuincy has given a tramo guaran tee, and obligates itself to invest in these bonds CO er cent, oi me gross earnings derived from all usiness from this road. This is sufficient indication of the estimate of this enterprise by the largest and most far-slphted corporation In the West. A limited quantity still lor sale by . HENRY CLEWS ft CO., No. 83 WALL Street, New York. For sale in Philadelphia by Do Haven & Bros., Elliott, Collins & Co., Townsend Whelen & Co., Barker Dros & Co., W. H. Shelmerdlne & Co., And by Bankers and Brokers generally. 4 w wf tjl5 SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF Stocks and Bonds, Here and In New York, and every facility furnished ' to parties desiring to have them carried. D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS k BROKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET 6 83 PHILADELPHIA. B. E. JAMISON & CO. SUCCESSORS TO P.F.KELLY & BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Gold, Silver, and Government Bonds At Cloaeit Market Kat( N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Sts Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS in New York and Philadelphia Stock Boards, etc, eto 196 JOHN S. RUSHTOII & CO.. BANKERS AND BROKERS. GOLD AND COUPONS WANTED. City Warrants BOUGHT AND BOLD. Ho. 60 South THIRD Street, get PHIT.ADET.PHIA. HARMSSON GRAMBO, BANKER, . 530 WALNUT St.. PHILADELPHIA. 38S3 Of lOfc. UDRICE Of ICE LOW ENOUGH TO SATISFY A ALL." "BE SURE KNICKERBOCKER IS ON THE WAGON." KNICKERBOCKER. ICE COMPANY. THOH. K. CAB ILL, President. B. P. KErtSdow, Vice-President. A. HUNT. Treasurer. E. U. CORNELL, Secretary. T. A. nENDKY, Superintendent. Principal Office, No. 438 WALNUT Htreet, Philadelphia. Branch Offices aud Depots, North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master street Ridge Avenue and Willow street, w Ulow Street Wharf, Delaware avenue. Twenty-second and Hamilton streets. Ninth Street and Washington avenue. Pine Street Wharf, SchuylkUL ' No. 433 Main Street Germantown. No. 81 North Second street, Camden, N. J., and Cape May, New Jersey. 1871. Prices for Families, Offices, eto. 187L 8 pounds dally, 60 cents per week. lg u eg it 1 80 " 20 " 41 85 " " Half bushel or forty pounds, so cents each de livery. L8. ESTABLISHED 1844. WM. M. CHRISTY, Blank Book Manufacturer, Sta tioner and Printer, No. KT S. THIMD Street, Opposite Ulrard Bank. IS2eodS SAXON GREEN. Is Brighter, will not Fade, Costa Less than any oth because It will Paint twice as much surface, HOLD BY ALXi DEALERS ITi PAINTS. rtOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, OF ALl VJ numbers and brands. tvu awuius. ituoS and Waaroo-oover Duck. -' Also, rapr . manor!' turers' Drier Feita, from thirty to seventy.. Inches, wtea PauUna, lBrs''",1 V1 ew JOLN W. EVKKMAN, a IS ffWnHnjrtl MinrxH w I L S O N S CARPET CIKANIN ESTABLISHMENT, 1 1 Sm NO. U Bouth SEVENTEEN! H Street. LUMMtK 1 000 ooo FEET1IEMI'OCK joir ' ' AKD SCANTLING. ! ILL LKNQTBS,, ALL SIZES. 1 500 000 FEKT B and -48ouTn- B1XN FINE FLOORING (Dry). : Our own working. Assorted and unassorted. 250 000 FEET virginia sAp ' FLOORING (Dr jr.) Onr own working. Assorted and nnassorted. 250 000 FEKT 5-8 anidl"!t ' INCH SAP BOX BOARDS, . 1 Together with a large and well-selected stock of thoroughly seasoned Building Lumoerof all decrlp . tlnns, Mutable for the erection of Urge factories, stores, dwellings, etc. in connection with the above we are now running a Steam Saw ami Planing 91111, ; And are fully prepared to furnish Builders and others with Mill Work of all descriptions, WINDOW FRAMES, 8ASR, SHUTTERS, DOORS, BRACK KT8, Etc SUPERIOR WOOD MOULDINGS A SPECIALTY. DROWN A WOELPPER, No. 827 RICHMOND STREET, B 9 tuthslm PHILADELPHIA. 1871 I PRUCB JOIST. PRUCK JOIST. 1871 HKMIaMIKj HEMLOCK. 1 QFT-I SEASONED CLEAR PINK. 1871 AU I X 8KAHONSD CLBAR PINK. UHOiUK rATTKKN PINB. SPANISH CKDAR, FOR PATTERNS. RED CEDAR. 1871 FLORIDA FLOORING. FLORIDA FLOORING. I CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOOHING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. 1871 1 Q71 WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK, f Qnri 10 I 1 WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. 10 I J WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. 1871 UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1871 1871 SEASONED POPLAR. 8KASONED OHKRRY. 1871 ASH, WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS, HICKORY. 1QT1 CIGAR BOX MAKERS' IQTI 10 I 1 CIGAR BOX MAKERS' 10 I J oPANIbH CEDAK BOX BOARDS, FOR SALE LOW. 1871 CAROLINA SCANTLING. CAROLINA H. T. BILLS. NORWAY SCANTLING. 1871 CEDAR SHINGLES. 1 Q' I CYPRESS SHINGLES. ; 10 I J MAULB, BROTHER St CO., No. 600 SOUTH Street. PANEL PLANK. ALL THICKNESSES. COMMON PLANK, ALL THICKNESSES. 1 COMMON BOARDS. 1 and 1 SIDE FENCE BOARDS. WHITE PINB FLOORING BOA KHS. YELLOW AND SAP PINE FLOORINGS IV US Utf SPRUCE JOIST, ALL SIZES. PLASTERING LATH A SPECIALTY, Together with a general assortment of Boll dint Lumber for sale low for cash. T. W. SMALTZ, 5 80 6m No. 1T1B RIDGB Avenue, north of Poplar St PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, ETO. PANCO AST & MAULE, T1IIUD and TEAR Streets, Plain and Galvanized Wrought and Cast Iron Pipes For Gat, Steam and Water. FITTINGS. BRASS WORK, TOOLS, , ' BOILER .TUBES. . , Pipe of all Sizei Cut and Fitted to Order CARD. Having sold HENRY B. PANCOA8T and FRAN- CIS L MAULB (geutlemen la our employ for seve ral years past) the Stock. Goodwill and Fixtures of our RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, located at the corner of THIRD and PEAR Streets. In this city. that branch of our business, mgetner witn tnat or HEATING and VENTILATING PUBLIC and PHI VATB BUILDINGS, both by STK4M and HOT WATER, In all Its various systems, will be oarrled on nnder the Arm name of PANCOAST k MAULB. at the old stand, ana we recommend inem to tne trade and business public as being entirely compe tent to perform au worK oi mat cnaracter- Philadelphia, Jan. 83, 1870. NEW PUBLICATIONS. rJZLL'H ENCYCLOPEDIA, DICTIONARY AND iu GAZETTEER IS NOW COUflTE, IN 59 PARTS, AT 50 CENTS PER PART. ZELL'S NEW DESCRIPTIVE HAND Atlas of the World, First two Parts now ready, to be complete In 88 Parta, at 60 cents each. Experienced Agents Wanted. T. ELLW00D ZELL, Publisher. Nos. IT and 19 South SIXTH Street, 8 83 tns3m PHILADELPHIA. H OUTER'S HEW ClinOJIOfi. "The Changed Cross," size 82x23, the finest ever offered to the public. "Mary and St. John," size 82x28, a most sublime chromo. The Beautiful Snew," else 16x82, a very Impres sive picture. "The Holy Family," slee 88x88, a real gem. . "Delhi, Del. Co., N. Y.," size 82x29, a beautiful an tumn scene. Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. HOOVER, No, 804 MARKET Street, S lSsmwSm Philadelphia, second floor, GROCERIES, ETO. T FAMILIES RESIDING IN THB KURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families at their country residences with EVERY DKSCRIP TION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, Eta ALBERT O. KOBKRTd. noruttr fc'LKVKN I'h and V1NB Hts E E H J L L H V H ft I MKRCHANTVILLK. N. J.. Four Miles from Philadelphia. The aeasion commenced MONDAY, April 10, 1871. or circulars apply to Rev. T. W. CATTEUk AMUSEMENTS.' ALNTTT STREET THEATRE. BVKRT EVKNINOTHIS WEEK AND ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, YAQABOND OF TH F. KAAT8K1LLS, HIP VAN W INKL8. THE POEM'BY WASHINGTON IRVINO, DRAMATIZATION BY BOWICAULT. T11K PERSONATION BY JEFF&RSON. A fine cast of characters, scenery, and effects. Bale of teats six dsys In advance. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH OTB BET . THEATKE. Begins V to 8 o'clock. RANK-RANK RANK. MONDAY, AND DUKINO THE WEEK, L1NA EDWIN, AND HKK ENTIRE COMPANY, from LINA EDWIN s THEATRE, New York, under the direction or MR. GEORGE CLARK, will appear In the beautiful drama, "RANK," with appropriate scenery, music, etc D AVENPORT'S CHESNUT STREET THEATRE. JSXTKA NIGHT. SATURDAY, AND BENEFIT OF GHOROK METK1FF. ROB ROY AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS. - . 1 SIMPSON'S NEW MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE N. W. COR. NINTH AND ARCH 8TRKETS. Open dally from 9 A. M. till 10 p. M. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK, of the great sensation or the day, the DOUBLE BABE, pronounced by the press, paMlc, and medical faculty to be the onlv wonder or the worK. JtVJtRY EVENING, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Matin Khs THE OCTOROON. EXCURSIONS. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO BOR. dontrkian t anJ m ?... A null f4 1 OT 1 the steamer EDWiN FORKEST will leave ARCH Street barf on SUNDAYS at 8 o'clock A- M., touching at Mgargee's wharf, Brldesburg, Tscony, Andalusia, fieverlv, Burlington, Bristol, Florence, Robblns' wharf, Whitehall, and Borden town. Returning Leaves Bnrdentown at 415 o'clock P. M., Whitehall at 4 so, Bristol at 8 30, Burlington at 6 -45. Fare eacn way, 25 cents. Excursion, 40 cents. a stf SUNDAY EXCURSIONS. THE splendid steamboat "TWILIGHT" will make .wo trips every Sundav, leaving Chesnut Street Wharf at 8V o'clock A. M. and 9 MP. M., topplntr at Mcrareee's Wharf. Taconv. Rlveiton. Andalusia, Beverly, Burlington, and BrlstoL Re turning, leave Bristol at lux A. M. and 6 P. M., stopping at all the avve landings each way. Fare, 8ft cents ; excursion, 40 cents. 4 84 sSm fr SUNDAY EXCURSION. THB PQt.nmhnut JOHN A. WARNER leaves CHKSNUT Street Wharf at XX, and MEGAFGFF'S Wharf, Kensington, at 8 o'clock P. M., for i;ivii-'ft, Andalusia, Beverly, Burlington, ana Bristol. Kt iurning, leaves Bristol at 4 o'clock P. M. Fare, 15 cents. Excursion Tickets, 40 cents. 0 6 stf SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER RESORTS ON LIN EOF THE PHILA DELPHIA AN I) READING RAILROAD AND BRANCHES JUNE 1, 1871: - mansion tiouci a mi. uamon, mra. oaroune Wu der, Pottsvllle PO , Schuylkill county. TKSCARORA HOTEL Mrs. M. L. Miller, Tus- carora P. O., Schuylkill county. mansion hous w.F. smitn, Mananoy city P. O., Schuvlklll county. MT. CARMEL house Nathan Herd, Mt. carmel P. O., Northumberland county. WHITE HOUSE F. Mayer, Reading P. O., Berks county. CiiM'i kal, AVisus uuubk-u. v. jjavis, Keaa lng P. O., Berks county. MT. PLEASANT SEMINARY L. M. Koons. Boyertown P. O., Berks county. litiz SfKiisus u. f. ureider, utiz r. v., Lan caster county, HiuttiAN uuMB ur. a. soutn, wernersvuie P. O., Berks county. COLD SPRINGS HOTEL (Lebanon county) Wil liam Lercn, Sr., Box No. 1T0 Uarrlsburg P. O., Danphin county. jr Jtikata Ki'Kjwus donn rreaencK, Epnrata P. O., Lancaster county. PERKlOMfcN BRIlGE HOTEL Davis Longacre, Collegevllle P. O , Montgomery county. PROSPECT TERRACE Dr. James Palmer, Col legevllle P. O., Montgomery county. SPRING MILL HhlGHTS Jacob H. Brelsb, Con. shnhocken P. ., Montgomery county. douty HOUoK it. uaaered,- unamokin r. o.. Northumberland county. 0 Saw 2m OCEAN HOUSE, CAPE MAY. THIS POPULAR FAMILY HOUSB OPENS ON THE 20th INST. For rooms, etc., apply to LYCETTE & SAWYEB, 312t CAPK MAY CITY. T A R B Y H O U 8 E ". A , HIGHLAND FALLS, (NEAR WEST POINT). 1 This new and elegant establishment on the banks of the Hudaon River will be opened early la June. Liberal terms for families. Address , OHAS. W. HENDRIX, Highland Falls, New York. COZZENS' WR8T POINT HOTEL, COZZ ENS' DOCK, HUDSON RIVER, 18 NOW OPEN. FOR TERMS, fcc, Address SYLVAN US T. COZZENS, West Point, N. Y. YPHRATA MT. SPRINGS, LANCASTER CO., Vj PA. This delightful Summer Resort WILL BE OPEN for the Reurptlon of Guests on 15th June, 18U. For particulars, addrens J. W. FREDERICK, PropT, H. H. RBINIIARD, Snpt. eiln LEGAL. NOTICES. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of COMLY SHOEMAKER, deceased. The Audit jr appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ALLEN SHOEMAKER and EUNICE M. SHOEMAKER, Executors of COMLY SHOEMAKER, deceased, and to report dis tribution of the balance In the bands of the aooonnt ants, and also to report distribution of the fund paid into court, arising from the sale of the real eutate of raid decedeat, will meet the parties Interested for the pnrpoeeof bis appointment, on WEDNESDAY, June 21, Wl, at 12 o'clock M at his olUce, No. 131 South FIFTH Street, In the citr of Philadelphia. GEO. M. CONARROE, 6 Ctnthsct Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of ANNA BLANKMAN, deceased.' The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, aud adjust the hnal account of CHARLES 11. SAVOURNiN. administrator and trustee of the estate or ANNA BLANKMAN, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested, for the pnroose of bis appointment, on TUESD v Y, Jane 13, lSTl,at4 o'clock P. M , at his office, No. IS N, SEVENTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. WM. KMGUT SURYOCK, 61thstu6t - Auditor. MILLINERY. Hf R S. B. D ILL NOa 823 AND 831 SOUTH 8TRKET, , 1 FANCY AND MOURNINQ MILLINERY, CRAPE . VEILS. Ladles' and Misses' Crape, Felt, Gimp, Hair, SatlnY Silk, Straw and Velvets, Uata and Bonnets, French Flowers, Hat and Bonnet Frames, Crapes, Laces, Hllks, Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Sashes, Ornaments and all kinds of Mllllnerv Goods. OLOTHSOABSIMEREb. TQ. Q L O T H HOUSE, m u e v . ui luo uoirieu Lauuij, ajt, teooiviug a luge and splendid worcu.ea nf new styles or FANCY CAHS1MKKE3 ' inattandara makes ot DOKSEINK. cum1 8 asa (OATlNUt, ktooiwa AT WHOLSt'ALE AND tUttSlU