r r E(G-mAFl hi A. VOL. XV. NO. 137. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1871, DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. TEE RAILROAD LEABE. Speech by General President Welch. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the New Jersey Kallread and Transportation Company, held at Jersey City, June 8, 1871, Ahbel Welch. Esq., the General President of the consolidated companies, being called upon, spoke as follows: Qenttemetuk yon already know, a negotia tion has been made with the Pennsylvania Rail road Company for the lease to them of your canal, railroads, property, and franchises for 999 years, at such rent as will give you a clear annual dividend of ten per cent, on your . IUCK. The acceptance or rejection of this offer be longs, not to your representatives, but to you alone. I have, therefore, aided in the prepara tions to bring the question before you, as well as In securing such provisions as most effectu ally to protect your Interests; scrupulously avoiding, myself, as far as possible preventing in others, any action or public expression tend ing to take the decision out of your hands. I have also advised officers and employes not to mingle in the conflict about the lease, since it has come before the stockholders; as any hos tility incurred by them as partisans impairs their usefulness as officers. When it was proposed that the Board of Direc tors should express their opinion in favor of the lease, I opposed it partly because I thought the property worth more than we were to get for it, and partly because I thought it was not a question for the directors, but for the stock holders only. I therefore take this occasion to say a few "words about the policy which the present ad ministration has pursued since the consolidation of these companies. This policy has been to make the avenues of traffic between the two great cities of this con tinentthe main trunk through which the traffic of the South and Southwest seeks the commercial metropolis fully adequate to their purpose; to make them perform all the duties of their location, to do this at the least possi ble expense; to end the thirty years' war be tween some of the companies and the public; to guard against competition, or to make com petition harmless, by the sufficiency and supe riority of our facilities, and the moderation of onr rates, and consequent Increase of business; and to continue to show that, if corporations have no souls, they may have integrity and honor; and by all these means to add greatly to the amount, and especially to the certainty, of yonr dividends. Of conrse the increase of facilities required a large increase of investment. This was not only wise, but unavoidable. Our railroads were calculated for a small high-priced business, and in that state of things the threatened competi tion, prevented only by our Improvements, wenld have been ruinous. The aim was to pre pare for and develop a heavy business, which could be but little affected by competition. Though our increase of investment is so great, though some of the expenditures have not yet had time to become productive, though the work and materials used in the maintenance and operation of our roads have been from 60 to 80 per cent, higher than before the war, though the public demands for more luxurious accommodations have added greatly to our expenses, and though many of the rates have been very much reduced, yet the per centage of profits now made on the whole enlarged investment of our four companies is not greatly different from the percentage on the former small investment. The greater proportion of stock receiving ten per cent., to debt receiving six per cent., and the great increase of taxation, the gold pre miums, etc., have prevented this equality from appearing in the dividend fund. The United States taxes since the consolidation have ave raged something like one-and-a-half per cent, on onr stock more than they probably will here after; and our works, rnn down at the close of ihe war, are now in better condition than ever before. Onr railroads have never been calculated for a heavy freight tonnage. Tet it is upon such tonnage, carried in large quantities, at low rates, and small profits per ton, that the most prosperous roads make their gains; and it is upon such that ours must mainly rely hereafter. The net profits of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in 1869 were more than three times as much per mile run of trains with freight as with passengers. Their profit for the year was nine times as much on freight as on passengers; ours only two-thirds as much on freight as on pas sengers. A fully developed business on our roads would , doubtless differ in its proportions from that on the Pennsylvania Railroad, but it would differ still more from the present business. Why have we missed this important and, In our future, all-essential branch of traffic? Because we have not yet fully expiated the errors of youth. When the companies were consolidated, and their mutual jealousies were no longer in the way, we fonnd the transit duties which in the early inexperience of railroad legislation and railroad management had been laid upon us, a legal prohibition of a heavy freight traffic. To do such work cheaply, expensive preparations must be made, and large quantities carried; to get large quantities, rates must he low. But as the law stood, every cent of profit, at rates not very unusually low, would have been paid to the State in transit duties. As soon as we succeeded in getting that perni clous system abolished, in the spring of 18G9, we endeavored to stimulate cheap freight, and succeeded in 1870 in more than doubling the way tonnage; it being in 18G8, 819,000 tons, and in 1870, 665,000 tons; or, including coal, a great deal more. In the four years since the cousoll datlon the whole tonnage has been trebled. But one difficulty remains. A large part ot this heavy tonnage seeks the shores ot the Hudson river. Much of it ought to remain on the west bank to await final distribution ta the consumers; for if taken at once to New York and distributed afterwards, the extra cartage, storage, handling, and often extra ferriage costs as much as hauling over 5JUU miles oi railroad Now, valuable as our improved property in Jersey City is for other purposes, It is not avau able for this. We have no place on which to store heavy goods awaiting distribution. Along our route there are many favorable locations for manufactories, u we had a tuna Lie place of deposit for their products at the end of our road.a saving would be effected (partly to the Company, partly to we customer) oi more man half the present freight to New York, With such a place of deposit we could adopt low rates. Our local tonnage would become very great, and sure of the profits on that, the evils of competition would not be at all in pro portion to our traditional nervousness about them. Our way business now is not far from half of all. Fully Impressed with these views (though circumstances did not formerly permit their ex pression), feeling that the salvation of the com panies required a good freight terminus, I long ago selected Hareimus Cove as the best, and, latterly, the only remaining available site for it. As soon as that essential step In the grand move ment the consolidation was effected, meaas were taken to secure it. It was secured just in time to prevent it from falling into other hands. It is to reach this seventy-five acres, now flowed by the tide, that the Pennsylvania Rail road Company offer to lease our works and pay us ten per cent. But it is a great mistake to suppose that its purchase and improvement were intended mainly for the business of that road, which gives us only a quarter of our ton nage. It is just as absolutely vitally necessary for our own local business. This Improvement was of such magnitude, and there were so many other urgent demands for expenditures, that it has been postponed to the present time. It was, perhaps, to be ex pected that those not practically acquainted with railroad transportation on a large scale, and with the rapid growth of traffic when it has a chance to grow, would hesitate about going into an expenditure of three millions, required for the development of this property. The purchase of Harsimus was not a land speculation; not a lucky accident; not merely an engineer's project to bring rail transporta tion, shipping, lighterage, ferriage, cartage, and storage all into contact, and to save one, two, or three dollars a ton, and extend the commer cial metropolis of this hemisphere to the west bank of the Hudson; not an instrument to secure a particular alliance; but an essential means of creating a great freight traffic, and carrying out the policy which has always been kept in view. If we had made the improvement at once we should probably now get twelve per cent, rent instead of ten; or make twelve per cent, our selves. And we should have been able to carry out much more fully than we have done (and we have done something in that direction) our liberal pslicy. Should the lease fall from any cause, we can not stand still. We should lose no time in mak ing this improvement; making it ourselves not in connection with anybody else, but re taining all the power it confers. Then, with our unequalled location, our ramifications among the sources of business, manufactories stimulated by low freights, and favorable locations springing up along our route, the business of the South reviving, and that of the whole country growing, with legal trammels now removed and valuable rights ob tained ; we, opening our doors to all connect ing lines and ail other parties on fair and equal terms, and giving them assurance for the future by permanent contracts; lifting ourselves out of any old grooves that no longer run in the right direction; adopting a single simple organiza tion in place of the present provisional govern ment; shunning the tainted air of legislative ante-chambers; then we doing this i the lease falls through, we shall have little r bon to regret the failure. CIVILIZATION IN WISCONSIN. A Pleasant Party of 'Respected Citizens" Lyucn a Murderer. Oconto, Win., Letter to Orten Bay Advocate. Tbere was a dance In this city Tuesday evening at Turner II all. Owing to some previous disturbance some parties were snut out from the halL one man by the name or Luawig wear armea niniseu witu a revolver and a long kufe, and announced his deter mination of protecting the place or Injuring some one before the evening was over. At about 11 o'ciock at nignt ne rusnea aown toe stairs from the hall, and in some fracas, drew his sabre and severely cut a man in both arms. Then, running out on me piauorm, wnere Beverai were standing or sitting, he drew his revolver, and at some slight word of provocation, fired. At this, those sitting there began to run, and he fired again. This time, Joseph Kuelle, who had been quietly sitting on the steps, while, It is supposed, In the act of running away, was shot through the head. Ue was not found for some minutes. Then Nenr was arrested by au ottlcer, assisted by parties arriving, and, after belug roughly handled and narrowly escaplag lynching through Interference of Mayor Smith and others, he was taken to jau. From this time popular feeling began to grow more Intense. The next morning a crowd sur rounded the jail, and towards noon an examination was held by K. II ai t, Esq., and the prisoner com mitted, with directions to be taken to the Brown county jail on account of the Insecurity of our pre sent miserame structure, ue was to go dj toe Northwest at noon, but by that time a crowd, headed by the frantic father ot the boy, seemed de termined to prevent his removal. Again, tarough the persuasion of the mayor, the father and crowd dispersed, and the prisoner was not removed ; and many believed that the people would reflect aud let the law take Its course. At about dusk of last night the mob gathered again, led by the exasperated rather of tue mur dered boy, numbering something like five hundred, broke open the Jail, tore the prisoner out, dragged him through the streets a short distance beyond the MethodiBt church, and hung him. There was no sympathy for the prisoner. Man, woman aud child, high and low, were sattslled he ought to die. It is currently reported that he had acknowledged he had killed others elsewhere, and this was the third or fourth murder he had committed. A HEROIC WOMAN. A Passenger Train on the Western Penu. sylvaiila Railroad Saved from Wreck. On Thursday afternoon, as the express train on the Western Pennsylvania Railroad was proceeding eastward, and rounomg a curve aDout mia way be tween Leechbunr and Apollo, in Armstrong county. the engineer observed a woman on the track, waving her apron violently In the air. The first thought was of dancer, and be Immediately applied his brakes and got the train stepped just In time to prevent a terrible accident, as a mass of rock, weighing about fifteen tous, had fallen upon the track a tew rods from where the woman had given the signal. When the train stopped, the passengers were not long lu ascertaining the cause, and appreciating the aoble conductor the poor countrywoman to whose pre sence or mind they oweu meir rescue irom a buock in it CBknair r. Colonel Hicks, the conduotor of the train, at once consulted with some of the passengers, and in a short time a purse of twenty dollars was made up and pre Rented to her. She ir&ve her name as Mrs. Frank A passeDger on ihe train, from whom we obtained our information, desires that we should commend the case of this humble woman ti the ortlcers of the corosany. Had It not been f -r her waruing signal, t.h train would have been danlied into the rock, aud KPrinna rlmnHfffl to the train. If not to the paioeuirera. would have been the consequence. ttiubwg Cow- Ttmpus fugit Fly time. Th "Pai-iflo nmiu" milpt husbands. Negroes are to be placed ou the Cincinnati pouce lorce. Eleven white girls married colored men in Germany has nineteen zoological gardens one bear, Bismarck. The thirty-fourth year of Queen Victoria reign ends June 20. A glass of soda water, with syrup, costs the m anhfuiliF&.i stent Ant Ali.rlor Mies Burdett Coutts once had the offer of the hand and heart of the Duke of Wellington. FIRST EDITION IALFEAG T I C E. A. Hcvcro Lesson, Case of Dr. 0. W. Reid. Judgo 2?azson's Decision. Sent to the Penitentiary For Six Years and Five Months. Foints of LaAV Involred. Court of Quarter Stations Judge Pax ton. In the case of Dr. Oliver W. Reld, who was in January last convicted of performing a criminal surgical operation, Judge Paxson this morning, upon a motion for new trial, delivered the following able opinion, overruling the motion aud settling a most vital question of law, as to the competency of a wife to testify In such a case : Twenty-six reasons In support of the motion for a new trial have been tiled in the above case. The first, second, and third of said reasons refer to an alleged error of the Court in allowing an investiga tion in the presence of the panel of jurors into the reason why au officer of the court had been unable to serve a subpoena upon one Anne McKeon, a wit ness i or me uommonweaiiB. xne tacts are mat prior to the Jury In the above case being impan elled and sworn, an officer of this court was called and examined publicly In court In regard to the ab sence of the said witness and his efforts to procure uer mieuaauue. uue oi me co-aeienaants, wasn ington Faynter, was shown to have been In her company the previous evening. The counsel for Dr. Held objected to a public examination Into this matter In the hearing of the panel of jurors, which objection was overruled bv the Court. We Art not see any error In this. Examinations of this nature are usually and necessarily in public, and if we were to sustain this objection it would be practically Im possible to make any examination as to the absence of a witness without withdrawing the whole panel of jurors from the court-room. The fourth and Dim reasons allege error In over ruling the prisoner's challenge for cause as to Thomas Stephenson and Thomas Hall, who were called as jurors. The ground of the challenge in lauii cams wan mat tuo juror naa Deen present in court during the Investigation above referred to. The prisoner's counsel called two of the reporters of the press who were in court at the time; another testified to the fact of such investigation having Milieu puwc in iiue presence ui tue panel OI jurors, and npon this evidence they rested their challenge. They did not examine either Juror to ascertain It he bad heard what had transpired at the time. It was quite possible the attention of the particular Juror was attracted by something else, and that he did not hear one word of th testimony of the officer ; and even if he had, the challenge for cause could not have been sustained npon that ground. In a capital case, where the rule upon this subject Is enforced with more stringency, it Is not enough to disqualify a juror that he has read and heard full accounts of the i opposed offense. It must be shown that his mind has received thereby impressions as to the guilt or innocence of the accused which will In fluence his judgment notwithstanding the evidence. In this case there was no evidence that the Juror even heard that which It was alleged might bias his mi do. xms cnaiienge is wholly unsupported by either precedent, authority, or reason. The sixth and seventh reasons allege error In per mitting the Commonwealth to challenge Andrew J. Damon, a juror, after the defendant bad exhausted his peremptory challenges. It is to be noted that In stating these reasons the learned counsel have as sumed the very point to be decided, viz., that the District Attorney had waived the challenges allowed him by law, when he came to challenge this juror, in oraer, tnererore, mat tne grounds or my ruling upon this point may be understood, I will siate the facts substantially as they occurred. When the clerk was about to call the jury Into the box, the prisoner's counsel asked Instructions of the Court whether they should challenge singly, i. ., as the jurors entered the box, or make their challenges when the box was full. As there was nothing before the Court upon which a ruling could be had, I declined to give any advice as tA the mode of challenging. The prisoner's counsel then commenced challenging as the jurors' names were called, as In capital cases, and when the box had been tilled their challenges were exhausted. Up to this point the District Attorney had not exercised his right of challenge, nor had he been called npon to do so. When the box was full he challenged the juror Damon, which was objected to by the prison er's counsel npon the ground that the District Attorney had waived his right of challenge. I overruled the objection and sustained the chal lcD&e It was contended that under the 88th section of the criminal procedure act, which provides that all challenges In criminal proceedings shall bs alter nate, the Commonwealth first challenging one per son and then the defendant challenging one person, the District Attorney waved h's right of challenge because he failed to exercise It until after the prison er bad exhausted his challenges; and the case of The Com. vs. Frazler, 2d Brewst., 4)0, was cited In support of this view. In Nartzeli vs. The Com., 4 Wright, 46, however, It was held thit this rale does not apply to capital cases when the jurors are chal lenged as they enter the box, for the reason that In such case the Commonwealth's challenges would be exhaused upon the first four Jurors. The Supreme Court Ih Nan sell vs. Tne Com. limit the rule requiring alternate challenges to "civil cases and mlbdemeanors, where the Jurors are all called into the box before the challenges begin." The Com. vs. Frazler was a case of misdemeanor, and the Jurors were all called into the box before the challenging commenced. Here the offense charged was a felony, and the defendant .challenged as the jurors entered the box. If this mode of challenge was proper, tnen the case comes within the rule in Nar'zell vs. the Com, If, ou the other band, the challenging should not have commenced until after tbe box bad been filled, the Commonwealth oould not be deprived of her challenges by the act of the prisoner in challenging out of time. The Common wealth can only be held to alternate challenges When the box is foil. The eighth, ninth, and tenth reasons bring us to the vital question In this cause, viz., whether the wire of a co-defendant not upon trial can be ex amined as a witness for the Commonwealth. It is important, because the case depends uoou it: It Is still more important from the tact that it involves a pnnciple of law never yet decided in Pennsylvania, so far as I am Informed, and the authorities In re gard to which eUewhere are conflicting and unsatis factory. Much as we regard the interests of the parties in this particular case, they fade out of sight when we come to settle an lmportaut principle by which the rights and liberties of hundreds of others may be hereafter atlected. 1 he defendant was Jointly indicted with one Wash ington Fainter, under the 9.th aud 6tt sections of the Criminal Code, with procuring aud attempting to procure by the use of certain Instruments aud drugs npon the body of one Anne McKeou, then pregi ant end quick with child, a miscarriage. On the day, or the day but one before the trial, Wash lnptou Paynter, one of the defendants, was married to the said Anue McKeon, who was the most im portant witness for the commonwealth, aud vlth out whose testimony the charge could not have been made out When the case was called for trial, the pribOHer movedfor a separate trial. There being bo objection on the part of the Commonwealth 1 allowed the motion, and the trial proceeded aginst Dr. lteld. When Anne McUeau (uow Paynter) was called to tue stand, the prisoner's counsel objected to her competency as a witness npon the ground that she was the wife of a co-defendant. The witness was examine 1 upon her vmr dirt, and said that she bad been married to Washington Farmer ss hbive stated. The objection, after argument, was overrnled, the witness was examined, aud it was upon her testimony mainly that the prisoner was convicted. It is upon the propriety of that ruling we are now to pais. The general principle that husband and wife can not be examined for or against each other has been long and well established. But the extent of the application of this principle, and the exceptions thereto, are not very generally understood, and have given rise to a variety of conflicting opinions. I shall endeavor briefly to examine some of the most im portant authoiitles bearing upon this rule : the reason of the rule; bow far It has been modified by recent decisions, and the exceptions thereto ; and extract Herefrom, if possible, the principles which should be our guide In this and aaa ogons cases. The case of Rex vs. Cllviger, S T. R. 98. citel by the prisoner s counsel upon page 40 of their paper book, is the leading case upon the Incompe tency of the wife to give testimony concerning or tending to criminate her husband. ThUwasacase of the settlement of a pauper. A marriage, in fact, had rtn proven between two paupers, after which the first wife was called to prove her prior marriage with James Whitehead, the mule pauper. But the court held her Incompetent. Sys Ashhurst, J.: "But the ground of her Incompetency arises from a principle of pnblio policy which does not permit husband and wife to give evidence that may even tend to criminate each other. The objection is not confined merely to cases where the husband or wife are directly accused of any crime; but even in col lateral cases, If their evidence tends that way, It shall not be admitted." It will be observed that this case goes to the ex tent of excluding the wife even In a collateral pro ceeding where her husband has no direct Interest In the issue npon trial. It was soon seen that the court had gone too far In the King vs.Cllvlger, and the law of that case was shaken in the King vs. All Saints, 6 M. & 8., 194. and was overruled in the King vs. Bathwlcb, 8 Barn, fc Ad., 639, to the extent of limit ing: the rule to proceedings directly against the hus band. Says Lord Tenterden, C. J., in the latter case : "The decision In Rex vs. Cllviger appears to have been founded npon a supposed legal maxim or policy, viz., that a wife cannot be a witness to give testimony in any de gree to criminate her hnsband. This will be undoubtedly true In case of a direct charge and proceeding against him for any offense; in such a case she cannot be a witness to prove his innocence of the charge. The present case Is not a direct charge so proceeding against the husband. It Is true, that If the testimony given by both be con sidered as true, the husband, Cook, has been guilty of the crime of Mgamy;bot nothing that was Bald by the wife In this case, nor any decision of the Court of Sessions, formed upon her testimony, can here after be received in evidence to support an indict ment sgalDst him for the crime." The large number of English and American cases cited in the defendant's paper book, to the point that a wife may not give testimony tending to criminate her hnsband, had their origin in Rex vs. Cllvlser. which I submit is not law now to the ex tent that it formerly was the rule being that a wife may give testimony tending to criminate ner nus band, in a collateral proceedinir. when, as was ob served by Lord Tenterden, lu The King vs. Bath wick, above cited, nothing that was said by the wire In ber testimony, nor any decision of the Court founded upon her testimony, can affect ber hus band. "But though the husband and wife are not admissi ble as witnesses against each other, when either is directly interested in the event of the proceeding, yet in collateral proceedings not immediately ai fectlng their mutual interests their evidence is re ceivable, notwithstanding it may tend to criminate, or may contradict tne otner, or may suoject tne other to a legal demand." Green leaf on Bv. sec. 313. citing King vs. Bathwick, and a number of other English and American cases. "Although husband and wife are not allowed to be witnesses against each other, where either is di rectly and immediately Interested lu the event of the proceeding, whether civil or criminal, yet in col lateral proceedings not Immediately affecting their mutual interest, their evidence is receivable, not withstanding that the evidence of one tends to con tradict the other, or may subject the other to a legal demand, or even to a criminal charge." Phillips on Ev., p. 78. The lame principle Is recognized In Roscoe's Criminal Evidence. Says that learned author (see p. 147) : "It Is not in every case In which the hus band or wife may be concerned that the other la precluded from giving evidence. It was, Indeed, In one case, laid down as a rule, founded npon a prin ciple of public policy, that a husband and wife are not permitted to give evidence which may tend to criminate each other (citing Rex vs. Cllviger). But in a subsequent case the Court of King's Bench, after much argument, held that the rule as above stated was too large, and that where the evidence of the wire did not directly criminate the hnsband, and never could be used against him, and when the judg ment fonnded upon such evidence could not affect him, the evidence of the wife was admissible." Citing Rex vs. All Saints. 1 PhiL Ev. 164, 8 Ed. ; 6 An. & 8., 194. In Taylor on Ev. vol. 2, 5 ed., sec. 122T, see. 1230, after stating the rule which excludes the hus band or wife, or . one defendant from testify ing against the other, the learned author says: "But trough the rule of exclusion is thus stringent when a married person is criminally accused In con Junction with others, it is clear, that where a mar ried defendant has pleaded guilty, or is entirely re moved from the record, whether by a verdict pro nounced in his favor, er by a previous conviction, or by the Jury not being charged with his Interest at the time of the trial, his wife may testify either for or against any other persons who may be parties to the record." Citing Rex vs. Thompson,- 8 Fost. A Fin., 624; Hawks worth vs. Sholer, 19M.andW., 94; Rex vs. Williams, 8 C. and P., 284, and other cases. The reasons for the rule excluding husband and wife from testifying for or against each otner are twe-fold. First. The community of interest subsist ing between husband and wire and the Identity of their legal right. If the husband has such Interest in the matter in controversy as rendered him an In competent witness, a fortiori, the wife was Incom petent. Second, Motives of publio policy which excluded them upon the ground that it would tend to disturb the harmony of the domestic relations to allow the wire or husband to be a witness for or against each other. The principle which excludes a party In Interest from testifying extends to husband and wife, and applies to all cases In which the Interest of the other are Involved. Ureenleaf on Ev., 834-5 ; Rex vs. bmlth, 1 Moody Cr. c. 230; Rex vs. Rand, ibid, 281. In the Queen vs. Densley, 2 Cox Cr. c. b80 ; Reg. vs. bartlett, 1 Cox Cr., c. 106, and in Reg. vs. bills, 1 C. and Rex, 494, such evidence was rejected, because it tends to benefit the other. So tar as the husband and wife are excluded frsra testifying from motives of publio policy, there would seem to be no reason for any distinction as to whe ther they are called to testify for or agatnit each other. And in Rex vs. Sergeant, Ry. fc Moo. 852 (21 E. C. L. R. 453), It was held that there was no such distinction. The same principle is recognized by Ureenleaf, "and when, in any case, they are ad missible against each other, they are also admissible for each other." Roscoe lays down the rule thus: "The circumstance of one of the parties being called for or against each other makes no distinction In the law." See page 147. To the same polnl Is Wharton, vol. i. 1 770. It must be borne In mind that there Is a marked distinction between the competency of the husband or wile to testify where the other is upon trial, and the competency of either to testify in a collateral proceeding, or In one that is analogous thereto. That this Distinction has been lost sight of In many of the cases cited by the learned counsel for the prisoner, 1 think is very clear. Two of the cases referred to, viz., Commonwealth vs. Shiron and Commonwealth vs. Gordon, are undoubtedly at va riance with the rule I have referred to. As to the first, I have no report beyond the brief syllabus la Wh., p. 7t0, pi. 1310. This Is to be regretted, as we have no light as to how tar the case was con sidered, and to what . extent it Is to be regarded as authority. In Com. vs. Gordon, a Brewst. 507, In the trial of a man charged with adul tery, it was held that the husband of the woman with whom the adultery was said to have been com mitted, was not a competent witness for the prose cution, "Not because (as Brewster, J.) this evi dence can be used as evidence against him either for purposes of a defense in a desertion case or of otrense lu a suit by him for a divorce, bat he should not be heard because the evident effect of his testi mony Is to affect the marital relations." There are no authorities cited by the learned judge, and it was probably ruled hastily at fsul l'rius and without subsequent consideration. Our most learned text writers, as we have already seen, and manr of the modern cases are the other way. To those already cited may be added, King vs. Rudd, 1 Leach Cr. C, 157, when the wife was admitted to testify to the forgery or a bond which her husband had ut tered; The King vs. Halllwsy, 8 Cox Cr. 0., 298, when the husoaud was admitted to prove that the wife had no authority to sign his name In a prose cution for forgery, In which the wife was cturged In one count as a co-conspirator; and Chamberlain vs. The People, 23 N. Y. it., 85. where, on au indict ment for perjury, committed In a divorce suit, the wife was held competent to prove sexual couaec tlon with him, which fact he had falsely denied In the divorce suit. Many of the cases cited npon pages 40 and 41 of the defendant s paper-book do not bear upon the pnnciple referred to that is, the c jmpetency of tue husband or wile to testify lu a collateral pro' eedlng. In some of them other and material considerations entered into the Judgment of the Court, and in others the decisions have been modified bvthe cases I have cited. In Rex. vs. Deuslow, S Cox, A. C, 830, the defendants were tried jointly, and the testi mony of the wife would have directly benefited the husband ; Corse vs. Patterson was a civU suit, ia which the husband had a direct Interest; the State vs. BurUngham was a joint trial for conspiracy, au4 the wife was offered as a wit aess against her husband and bis co-defendant In bparhawk vs. BuILsvl. 41, the wife was offered to testify directly atralnst ber husband in a sun in equity; in uex vs. biuun and Moody, A. C.,889, the defendants were tried together for burglary. Draper, one of the defend ants, after having called and examined one witness in his behalf, proponed to call his daughter in far ther i roof of the alibi set np by him. but It appearing that she was the wife of the prisoner Smith, the learned judge held she could not be a witness be cause her evidence would tend to benefit ber hus band ; in Rex vs. Wood, W., the defendants were Jointly tried, and the case was ruled upon the au thority In Rex vs. Smith, above cited; In the Queen vt. Bartlett, Cox, A. C.. 105, the prisoners were lolntly indicted for stealing potatoes. It appeared upon ihe evidence that some of the potatoes were found in the room of one of the defendants, and others in that of the other. One of the prisoners called the wife of the other to prove that the potatoes fonnd in his apartment were not the property of the prose cutor. Welgbtman, J., after consultation with his colleague, admitted the evtdence. In the Queen vs. uensiow, s cox. Cr. U, 105, the wire oi a oerendant was admitted as a witness for a co-defendant on a joint trial, npon the ground that each defendant had a distinct aerense, and tne conviction or tne one aia not necessarily Involve the conviction ot the other. and a doubt whs expressed whether the case of Kex vb. emun, aoove cited, was law. to same eirect is Rex vs. bills, 1 Car. A Kir., 494. In Rex vs. Ser geant, R. & M., 852, it was held that the wife Is not competent in a trial where another and her husband were charged with a conspiracy to abduct ber; and it is placed npon the ground that a conspiracy is a joint otrense of which both must be convicted or both acquitted. We shall presently see that the wife is competent against her husband npon a charge of abduction when the force continued up to the marriage, and even In one case when there was no evidence of force. In Pedley vs. Wellesby, 8 C. and P., 658, It was merely held that the fact or the marriage of a witness being after subpoena served upon ner aia not anect toe question or ner com petency as a witness ; the cases of State vs. Welch, 13 Shep., 80, State vs. Gardner, 1 Root, 485, Com. vs. Sparks, 7 Allen, 534, Com. vs. Scbrlver, and Gordon vs. Com. are evidently decided npon the authority or Rex vs. Cllviger and other cases which rest thereon, and we have seen that Rex vs. Cllviger has been ex pressly overruled. In the cases of state vs. Smith, 8 Iredell, 402, PnUen vs. People, 1 Dougl., 43, and O. S. vs. Wade, 2 Cr. C. C, 680, It was held that the wire or one defendant is not a competent witness for his co-defendant, but these cases were decided upon the principle that the hnsband defendant not being a competent witness for the co-defendant, the wife was also incompetent, which was the ground of the ruling In the People vs. Bull, 10 John, 85. The reason of the rule which excludes a defendant as a witness for bis co-defendant is manifest, and it would seem to extend with equal force to the wife. But no such interest exists when one defendant Is called against bis co-defendaat, and therefore no disqualification on account of the husband's Interest attaches to the wile. Hence it was ruled In Wexon vs. The People, 6 Parker's Or. C, 119, that when a co-defendaut may be called as a witness, so may the wife. Rex. vs. Georges Car. & M. ; Rex. vs. Uerber, T. tt M., 647; Williamson ys. Rex, 1 L. H. Rejecting, therefore, the cases which have been overruled, or modified, or are Inapplicable, or when the wire has been held t be Incompetent by reason of her husband's interest, the weight of authority seems to be overwhelming that in collateral pro ceedings the wife may be permitted to testify against her husband, even if ber testimony tend directly to charge him with crime. And I think the rule is sustained by reason as well as authority. While there la some force in the rule as laid down In Rex vs. Cllviger, that to permit a wife to give testimony that tends to crimi nate her husband may disturb in some instances the domestic relations, It must be borne in mind that It is perhaps a choice between evils, and that If the bropd rule in that case were the law, society would suffer greatly by the closing of the mouths ot wit nesses as to transactions or which they are alone competent to testify. The individual evil In isolated esses must give way before the public policy and necessity which imperatively require that the mouth ot a witness shall not be closed for private reasons when the general interests ot the public are affected thereby. This brings us to the question whether In the case of two defendants, jointly Indicted and separately tried, the wife or the defendant upon trial may be examined as a witness for the Commonwealth? Something mp.y perhaps depend npon the charac ter of the proceeding. Where the offense Is joint, as in conspiracy, when the defendant not upon trial must necessarily be affected by the verdict, It may well be questioned whether she would be compe tent ; and so in any other case where both defen dants are necessarily Involved . But where one may be acquitted and the other convicted the same rea son does not exist. And hence It must be observed that tbere Is a clear distinction between the compe tency of the witness and the privilege or right to deoline to answer to facts criminating bis or her husband or wire. The witness may be competent for some purposes, and not for all purposes. Is there any solid distinction between what Is proven as a collateral proceeding and a separate trial, when the offense is not necessarily joint? In other words, Is there any real difference as affecting this question, between a separate indictment and a separate trial? If the prisoner had been Indicted separately I have no doubt, under the authorities cited, Mrs. Paynter would have been a competent witness for the Commonwealth, notwithstanding the fact that her husband was charged with the same offense in another bill. Why? The reason Is clearly stated by Lord Ten terden in The King vs. Bathwick, that "nothing said by the wife In the case, and no decision of the Court founded upon her testimony, could be there after received in evidence against the husband, upon an Indictment charging him with the crime." And lu Taylor on Ev., before cited, the fact of "the Jury not being charged with his (the husband's) In terest at the time of the trial," renders the wife competent. In Phillips on evidence, p. 90, he says: When, bowever, of two or more, one of them is not npon trial at the time- when the others are tried, tne wire or tne party not upon trial is aamis Bible as a witness." citing King vs. Williams. F. O, and P., 284; cited by Baron Alderson, In 12 M. and W., 49; King vs. Snlntell; Queen vs. GUI, 1 C. and mr., 4U4. to tne same point is v n. Amer. v. u, 76S. "But although In these cases the wife will be per mitted to testily agaldst her husband, It by ne means follows that she will be compelled to do so, and the better opinion is, that she may throw herself npon the protection of the Court, and decline to answer any question which may tend to expose her hus band to a criminal cnarge." layior on uv., sec. 1235. In Roscoe's Nisi Prlus Ev., p. 176, 12 Ed., the rule ia thns stated: 'There has been some confusion between incom petency and privilege; and It was at one time thought a bnBband or wife was in every case an in- competent witness with respect to any fact which might have a tendency to criminate the other (Kex vs. Cllviger), but that decision Is no longer law; all subsequent cases, with one exception (Rex vs.Gleed, 8 Rush.), treating husband and wife, except In au indictment against eacn otner, aa competent wit- "But tbous a the husband and wife are in such cases competent, it seems to accord with principles of law and humanity that they should not be com pelled to give evidence which tends to criminate eacb other ; an In Rex vs. All Saints, M. and H 184, Bayley, J said, that if the wltuets bad thrown herself upon the protection of tha Court, on the ground mat ner answer luigiit ieua to criminate ber husband, be thought she would have been en. titled to it" The same doctrine is recognized in Eosco's Crlm. Ev. bee pages 147-3. Tbere are a number of cases In which the wife has been admitted to testify against ber husuand when separately tried, or in wblcn the principle has been dihtmctiy recoguizeu. In the Commonwealth vs. Easland, a case deter mined in the Supreme Judicial Court Of Massachu setts (1 Mass. 15), me application was to aumit tne wife when ber husband was on trial jointly with other defendants. The Court (Stroug, Sedgwick, Bewail, and Thacher, Justices) ruled unanimously that she could not be examined. But say the Court, "To have bad the benefit of her testimony they should bave moved to be tried separately from the husband, which the Court would have granted bad this been assigneu as me reason tor me motion.' 1 hi Court has long been dlBtlnuulshed for the learn ing snd ability of its judges, aud for this reason the esse last cited would seem to be entitled to great weight. lu WUon vs. The People, 6 Parker, Cr. C, 119, It was held that the wife of a co-defendant, not on trial, might be examined for the Commonwealth against the oilier defendant when he is separately tried- The same point wes decided In State vs. An thony, 1 McCord, 2h5, while In btate vs. Wortbing ton, 81 Maine, 6'i, it was ruled that where one of two joint defendant defaulted on his recognizance bis wife was held a com pt tent witness for the other. The only case cited by the defendant which 1 re paid as bis direct conflict lth this principle Is Peo ple vs. Colborn, 1 W hetllnir I r C. 479. Ia that cse John Colbtirn and Kllzibeth Weir were indicted for forgrrv. The termer only was placed upon trial, Mrs. Weir sever having been arrested. A noUt pro fijui was entered as to her, but the beoorder rejected tne testimony ef ber husband as a witness for the Commonwealth. Says Recorder Rlker, "The pros ecutor s wife is a party to the record, and tao teeii- Continual in tk$ Third Edition. SECOND EDITION THE ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS. The Communist Trials, Chances of tho Orloanlsts. The Capital of Italy It is Transferred to Borne Italian Commercial Treaty. DOiaOSTXO AFFAIRS. Advices from the Pacific. FROM EUROPE. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. 1 Bxeluaivtly to The avening TtltgrapK Return of the French Government to Paris Versailles, June 18. The seat of govern ment will shortly be removed to Paris.- The idea of Burning the Bodies of the Victims of the civil war In Paris has been abandoned, and they will be exhumed from their present burial places in the Park of Monceaux and the Garden of the Luxembourg and transferred to a new cemetery beyond the village and fort of Vanvres. Fyat Is Known to be Concealed in Paris. The committee of the Assembly npon the sub ject of tbe Kcorgnulzatlon of the Army is about ready to report, and will favor obliga tory service. The Prince de Jolnvllle and Duke d'Aumale -paid visits, yesterday, to President Thiers, the President of the Assembly, Grevy, Minister of War, Cissey, and other members ot the Cabi net. They were received with the utmost cour tesy, and Thiers subsequently returned the visit. The Orleanlsta and the Assembly. At their interviews with M. Thiers and If. Grevy, the two princes resigned their seats la the Assembly, and disclaimed any intention of intriguing against the republic. The Orleanlsta are preparing a banquet to the Duke d'Aumale. The reported arrival of the Count de Cham bord at Boulogne is contradicted. The Official Journal announces that the Klectlona to the Assembly ' in 113 districts will be held on the 2d of July. The same journal assures the people that the deposits in the Bank of France are uninjured. The Official Journal also states that the resig nation of their seats by Jolnville and Aumale will be communicated to the Assembly to-day. Cold Weather In Pngland. London, June 10. The weather continues cold. There was a snow . storm of an hour's duration at Birmingham this morning. The Marquis of Lome and the Princess Louise landed at Deal this morning, on their return from the wedding tour on the continent. The Italian Capital Transferred te Rome. Florence, June 10 The Government has officially informed all the foreign ambassadors that the capital of Italy, on the 4th of July next, will be transferred to Rome. The Ambas sadors await instructions from the home gov ernments before making arrangements for a change of residence. The Chamber of Deputies has adopted the treaty ot commerce with the United States. This Morning's Quotations. London, June 1011-80 A. M. Consols for money, 91 X; account, 9191K- Bonds, 1869, 90 : 18C6, Old, 90 1867,92X5 10-408, 68X. Liverpool, June 10 10 -80 A. M. Cotton firmer; uplands, 8x8fed. : Orleans, 88d. Sales to-day estimated at ie,000 bales. - This Afternoon's Quotations. London, June 10 1-80 P. M. Consols, l for mo ney and account; Bonds, 1862, 90 ; Of 1869. 90X: 186T.92X; 10-40S, 88. " Paris. June lo.Kentes, 53f. 18c Liverpool, June 101-80 P. H. Bacon, Cum berland cut, 87s. FROM CALIFORNIA. BT ASSOCIATED PRK3S. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. ' , Pork Overland. San Francisco, June 9. A train load of hogs received overland front Iowa sold at 7K8c. per pound, live weight, and another lot has been ordered. Strange Cause of Fire. The crew of the Russian war steamer Boyarin saved the brig Curlew from destruction by fire in the harbor to-day. Rats In tbe match-locker caused the fire. The loss Is $2500. Japan will send an extensive contribution, embracing specimens of all her industries, to the coming Mechanics' institute Fair in San Francisco. FROM BALTIMORE. 1ST ASSOCIATED FRSS8. Exclusively to Tho Evening Telegraph. Trading without a JUcense. Baltimore, June 10 Yesterday in the crimi nal court Edward C. Robinson pleaded guilty to a charge of being a non-resident trader, selling goods without a license, In violation of the act of the General Assembly of this State, and was fined 400 and coets. THE WJUThTb. The Detailed Meteorological Report for To-day. The following Is tne meteorological report of tne Signal Bureau of tne War Department for this morning, all tbe observations being taken at 7-43 A. M., f hlladvlpbla time. The barometrical reports are corrected lor temperature and elevation. The velocity of the wind Is given In miles per hour, and tbe force Is an approximate reduction to the Beaufort scale : Baltimore. I so s Boston j80i7 Cape slay 80 84 Charleston, B.C. ,80X1 Chicago IW91 ClrcluoaU 180 03 Detroit S-8j Key Wett, Fla..j80-18 Memphis 180 07 Mt. Washington., K0-2ft New York 80-i Norfolk ,8017 Omaha '94 Oswego 801S V.geut. V. gent Fair Clear Fair Fair Fair Clear t strut Fair 1. rain Clear Bring. Calm. "w" 8. K. nrlox. V. gent Brisk. Brisk. V. gent. V. gent. V. geut 8. W, E. 8. B. 40 8. W. 71 iN W. Fair 8. K. N. W 8. B. N.K. Oentle. Uenue. Fair Clear Clear Cloud ninnrl Philadelphia 80-86 Fliuourg 80-84 (it. LOU lit 80 UO Washington 18088 Calm. Gentle. Oentle. Calm. a w. Wilmington, N.C 80 88 I Fair place of Obser. . f S 2 si . -fi ration. ! 1 06 N. E. 8 I S8 N. 8 I 63 E. 10