The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, June 09, 1871, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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A 1L2J
the jpache mismi
Outrages by the Whites.
A Singular Wedding Feast.
200 Guests Poisoned.
Casualty at Reading, Tenna.
A. Man 13 1 tried Alive.
The Great Railway Lease
Nev Jersey and the Penna. Co.
Etc.. Etc.. Etc.. Etc. Etc.. Kto
An Eye-AVIInem' Narrative of the Massa
cre at Camp Grant.
Frm a private letter by an eye-witness cf the
late i.pache horrors in Arizona, the Baltimore
jimencan makes the following interesting ex
tracts: Let me explain to yon the circumstances of
the nassacre. The Apaches, you know, have
alwayi been considered the most hopeless of
Indiais, and have always refased to treat with
the Government, or go on any reservation. The
poet commander at Camp Grant, Lieutenant
Vhltmtn, believing they could be much im
proved by a systematic course of kind
ness, had gradually induced five hun
dred of them, commencing with a few
starving old women, to come into camp
star the post and accept food and work. Con
trary to all expectation they seemed grateful,
and disposed to make terms with the Govern
ment at last; the men were obedient to the
f lightest suggestion from their new-found friend,
and women and children seemed gay, happy and
contented. Ha spent hours explaining to them,
through his interpreter, their duties to the coun
try, and told them they would be taken care of
if they would only be peaceable and industrious.
They comprehended the situation at once, and
had made a brave beginning toward improve
ment, and were even clearing the ground
to put in a crop ol corn. But the
notorious Apache at peace was no good news
to the white adventurers, whose living depends
entirely on the few thousands of hunted and
ignotaut savages, and accordingly a party of
white men, who prefer hostile Indians as more
lucrative at and near Tucson, formed the hu
mane plan of attacking this peaceful camp near
ns, and killing every man, woman, and child
they could lay hands on. k messenger was de
spatched to Lieutenant 'Whitman, telling him
his proteges were in danger, and he sent imme
diately to warn the friendly red men of their
Seril. His msssenger was too late the burning
uts and the ground strewn with bodies
of butchered women and children were all
there was left of the first earnest attempt to
civilize the Apaches. It was an awful sight. The
survivors had fled to the fastnesses of the moun
tains. Word was sent to them to bring their
wounded to the post for care, and they did so,
the principal chief being first to como in. ' He
was naked, and when he held out his hand for
the usual shake he was so choked he could
scarcely speak. Almost like a human being,
wasn't it? Pointing to his naked and solitary
condition, hs said: "This is my family!"
three wives and seven children being killed
before his eyes in the space of five minutes.
The rest came straggling in one by one, stripped
of their clothing, their hair pulled out or cut
off, and seemed entirely heart-broken. This
slaughter was the end ef their first attempt at
accepting the white man's protection.
What can be done under such discourage
ments to civilize the Indians? Among a people
who make more money off his warhoop than
when at peace, how can any Christianizing pro
cess succeed? I am no advocate of Indian
eaintliness of character; but. viewing the above
unprovoked butchery of well-behaved Indians,
are you not compelled to admit that the red
man is quite as desirable a neighbor as the
majority of frontier palefaces?
Twi Hundred Victims of Croton OH
Verdigris at a Wedding Feast.
From the Dubuque Telegraph, June 6.
A poisoning horror, reminding one of
terrible doiDgs of the Borglas, occurred at Fort
Dodge on Thursday night last.
On Thursday Mr. Grant, the ticket agent of
the Des Moines Valley Railroad, was married, at
Fort Dodge, to a young lady named Miss York.
Numerous Invitations were extended to the
leading citizens and their families to ba present
at the feast. In the evening the house of Mrs.
York, the bride's mother, was thrown open, and
about 9 o'clock no less than two hundred ladies
and gentlemen sat down to partake of the ele
gant repast which bad been prepared. The
affair proceeded pleasantly till shortly after 10
o'clock, when some of the visitors were taken
ill quits suddenly, and had to be removed.
Others were similarly affected in rapid suc
cession, and presently the horrible suspicion
flashed across the minds of all that they had
been poiconed. The bride and groom became
ill, and were taken to their reom. Every phy
sician in the city was summoned, but as many
of these were at the feast, they were also ill,
and unable to even properly attend to them
selves. What a few minutes before was a scene
of joy was changed t one of almost death-like
despair. The victims were removed to their
home, and groans and moaning were heard in
almost every household. The pala and sickness
are almost beyond description. Up to Satur
day at noon, 147 persons had undergone ago
nies warse almost than death, and a number of
others were becoming ill.
The effects were certainly those of poison.
The victims were first affected with retching,
vomiting, and purging, attended with cramps.
The pulse became so weak as to be barely per
ceptible, while the extremities were cold, and
the muscles and nerves greatly contracted. In
many cases the sufferers were afflicted with
temporary paralysis, losing all power ever their
limbs. Almost all of them underwent a relapse,
from which some may never recover. Various
theories as to the cause ef the poisoning are
afloat many contending that the death-dealing
substance was in the cake, while ethers believe
that some malicious mischief-maker poured
croton oil into some of the eatables. The
most probable theory is that the cause of the
occurrence was the fee cream. The cream was
secured by Mrs. York, and given to a confec
tioner to freeze. In performing the work, the
confectioner ned a copper refrigerator, lined
with tin. On Friday the refrigerator was ex
amined, when a greasy substance was found on
the sides undoubtedly verdirris. The con'
iectiouer had no idea, probably, that the re
frigerator bad not been properly cleaned, for he
partook of Uie ice cream uiiuooU, and became
Prospects of the Proponed Iae of the
United Railroads of New Jersey.
The adoption, at the meeting of tbe stock
holders of the United Railroad Companies of
New Jersey on Wednesday, of a resolution ap
proving the course of the joint board in further
ing tie proposed lease of the companies property
to the Pennsylvania Central Railroad CompaDy,
has occasioned seme commotion.
The expectation was that the resolution would
meet with considerable opposition, and the em
phatic "nays'1 of several of the stockholders
when the resolution was voted upon Justified
the anticipations. One stockholder stated to
several of his friends and the meeting that he
would Bot give his assent to the lease, and that
without the aosent of all the stockholders to
have their stock converted into bonds of the
Pennsylvania Central the lease could not be
made valid.
It is only necessary, however, to have the
tssent of the owners of two-thirds of the stock
to make the contract valid. There arenow 72,913
shares of the New Jersey Railroad stock held by
the stockholders, and the owners of over 46,000
shares are, it is estimated, in favor of the lease.
Blnct it is among the stockholders of this com
pany mat the malcontents are found, it is consid
ered tsat the opposition does not amount to
much. The officers of the company think that
the conu-act will be fully made by the 1st of
July, and they are endeavoring to consummate
the lease ay that date, the terms of the contract
being such that if this is done the Pennsylvania
Central Conpany are to take the earnings of the
road for thh year and to pay the 10 per cent,
dividend on the slock.
That the contract will be made by the 1st of
July is considtred certain, unless its opponents
procure delay by litigation. Mr. Black, the
prominent member of the opposition, owns 500
shares, or $50,00) worth of stock, and no stock
holder, it is said, tither favorable or unfavorable
to the lease, owns more than 800 shares. It Is
furthermore asserted that the majority of the
opponents of the scieme are not heavy stock
holders, and that, therefore, their opposition
will not have the requisite weight. Should the
scheme fall through, the officers are preparing
to pay a five per cent 4lvidend by the 1st of
August, aad part of thh, they say, will come
from the surplus fund, as did one-third of the
ten per cent, dnidend of last yesr.
The 10 per cem, which Ue Pennsylvania Cen
tral proposes to pay wou'.d make aa annual
rent of $1,948,500, and they would take exclu
sive possession of all the rolling and floating
stock, buildings, and real estate of the New
Jersey Railroad, Camden and Amboy Railroad,
and Delaware and Rarltan Canal. It is con
sidered more than probable that litigation will
be tried to delay tha filfilment of the contract,
if made JV. 1'. Tr'Jbme, to-day.
Forty-two Feet Unler Ground for Five
Hours, and Still Aire to Tell the Tale.
On Monday, 5th inftant, John Wentzell, a
pump-maker, of Reading was burled alive by
the caving in of a 42 fwt-stone-walled well, in
which he was at work. The accident occurred
shortly before 11 o'clock V the morning, and an
immense crowd was immediately drawn to the
spot. A large force of wotemen began laboring
at once by relays, to renpve the debris and
secure the body, none douMng that the buried
man was dead.
By noon some progress hid been made, and
one of the workmen asseied that he heard
Wentzel's voice. This was universally regarded
as imagination, however. Tie work was vigor
ously continued, however, ad by 3 o'clock in
the afternoon there was no dmbt that he was
still alive, as he was heard -epeatedly calling
for help.
The Times and Dispatch hus concludes its
narration of this remarkable escue:
At a lew minutes alter 4, is head was un
covered, and his first cry waafor water. Some
stimulus was administered to lim, and his body
was at length disengaged. Hi was discovered
to be compressed between the bttom section of
the pump-stock and the side of the well, a
couple of feet above the water. la some pecu
liar manner the stone was archd over his head,
and the left arm was fastened ttder the heavy
mass, the other arm being partilly disengaged,
and clutching the rope. When dawn to the top,
the injured arm was paralyzed, tad it was found
that he had suffered three seere contusions
upon the head. He could stand alone, and in
eisted on his ability to walk houe, but was car
ried thither on a settee. The in;ury to the arm
is tne oniy one mat appears likey to prove se
rious, no bones having been token. He de
scribed his awful situation in tb well, and fully
realized the peril he had been in. Despair
seizea mm ai nrst, dui alter a icog ana norrlbie
suspense, as the light began U appear above
him, he discovered the efforts being made for
his deliverance, and took coumge. Breathing
was a matter of diiliculty for a long period. The
escpe is one ef the most wondsrfnl narrated in
the category of similar casualties.
A Family of Seven Burled In tie Ruins,
but all Escape.
Yesterday morning, about half-past 5 o'clock,
a large two-story frame house belonging to Mr.
Christian Leutzer, on Prospect street, Letween
Butler street and Penn avenue, Seventeenth
ward, blew -down. The house was left stand
ing about ten feet abov the level ol the
new grade, and it was intended to irect
another story under it, aud for that
reason it rested on blocks. At the time sUted
all the members of the family, except Jlr.
Leutzer, were In bed. He was sitting in a rock
ing chair in his room, when the high wind pre
vailing at the time caugbt the structure aal
wheeled ltirom its temporary supports, render
ing it a complete wreck. The home fell diago
nally back from the street, struck on its corner,
and crushed down into a heap. So sudden was
the fall that not one of the seven persons la the
house had a chance to even attempt escape, and
all were buried in the wreck. One little boy
succeeded in crawling out very speedily after
the accident, and found himself unhurt. The
others bad to be gotten out from the debris by
the crowd that speedily gathered. The work
was long and tedious, but one by one all were
gotten out, and, iucredible as it seems, none
were found - to be injured. A litUa babe
was found to have a slight cut over its
eve, but that was the only injury sustained by
any. Mr. Leutzer himself was buried undir such
a mass of timber and boards that it required the
efforts of six men for a considerable time to cut
him out. It was hardly hoped that he would be
taken out alive, but he was found entirely unin
jured. The bouse was literally smashed, every timber
being splintered, and every article of furniture
entirely diminished. The excitement caused by
the affair was very great In the neighborhood,
and large crowds were about the place during
the early part ot the day. ruiso urg vommr
cial, yesterday.
Playing the violin is the present infatuat on
nf vnnnir ladles In New Haven.
A Texas paper prints a list of 109 persons
murdered by Indians in eleven years in one
county In that State. Among the killed were
aany women and children.
Harriet Martineau is In better health this
summer, though she is disabled from work. She
lives at bar charming retreat of "Ambleside," in
the English lake country.
"I knew he'd fail," said Uncle Scrough,
when be heard of the misfortune in business of
a neighbor. "Why?" ' 'Cause he would bay
the earliest sarce that came into market."
Every seventh person In London is in re
ceipt of public charity. The cost of aiding this
, class baa Increased during the past ten years
I 8 per cent, faster than the growth of the great
j metropolis.
Tho Supplementary Elections
Trials of tho Communists.
Snow Gtorm in England.
IVXore BXormon Troubles
Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc.
Exclusively to The Kvening Telegraph.
Itossel and Courbet Arrested.
Versailles, June 9. The report that Ros-
eell and Courbet were arrested In Paris is con
firmed. It has been determined that
shall treat all offenders against the Government
as military and not political prisoners.
General IAdmlrault
will probably be appointed Governor of Paris.
The Supplementary Elections
to the Assembly are fixed for the 9th of July.
The Prussian Troops
remaining in France have begun thslr home
ward march.
The report that Jules Favre has been ap
pointed Minister to Washington is false.
Russian Crops.
St. Petersburg, June 9. It is officially
stated that crops of all kinds in the Empire
promise an excellent yield.
Cold Weather In England.
London, June 9. Tho weather is unusually
cold for the season. Snow fell in Yorkshire
this morning.
This Morning's Quotations.
Iondon, Jane 9 11-30 A. M. Consols for money.
01 and for account, 91V- United States ootids
qniet and steady; 1862, 90f; 1805, old, 9ui; 1807,
92 V ; 10-408, 8S.
Liverpool, June 910-30 A. M. cotton steaiier;
nplanria, 8',-d. : Orleans, 85d. Sales to-day are esti
mated at 16,000 bales. BaleB yesterday were 12,000
bales, lnbtead of SO 000 as reported. Sales of the
week have been 144,000 bales, Including 20 000 for
export, and 47,000 for sacculation. Stock In port,
918,000 baleB, Including 579,000 American. The re
ceipts of the week have been 48,000 hates, Including
17,000 American. Actual export, 18,000 bales. Bread
stuffs quiet.
This Afternoon's Quotations.
London, June 9 1-30 P. M. United States 6-203
Of 1802, 90
Liverpool, June 9 1-30 P. M Wheat steady;
California white, 128. 8d.: red spring, 10s. 10d.($lls.
Id. ; red winter, lis. 6d. Receipts of Wheat for thrae
davs have been 25,000 quarters, of which 10,000 were
American. New Corn, 81s. 6L Peas, 403. 6d. Lard,
Exclusively to The Kvening Telrpraph.
Harvard College Overseers.
Boston, June 9. The Standing Committee
on Elections have counted the ballots for Over
seers of Harvard College, and the following
found nominated as candidates for the full term
of six years: Dr. L. Baron Russell, of Boston;
George S. Hllllard, of Boston; (Stephen Salis
bury, of Worcester; Rev. Thomas Hall, of Wal-
tham; Richard S. Dana, Jr., of Boston; John
Lowell, of Newton; James Lawrence, of Boston;
Franklin B. Sanborn, of Springfield; John W.
Bacon, of Natick; Leveritt Galtonstall, of New
ton; and for the term of three years the candi
dates presented are George O. Shattuck. and
Wendell Phillips.
Arrangements for the reception of the
Ninth New York Ilegtmeut,
Colonel Fisk, on the 17th of June, indicate that
it will be a fine military display.
Ames Plough Company Property Burned.
Ayer, Mass., June 9. The paint shop, sheds,
and part of a brick building belonging to the
Ames Plough Company, of this place, was de
stroyed by fire last night. Loss not yet ascer
Boston and the Centennary at Philadel
phia. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph,
Boston, June 9. City Councils have taken
action favoring the Centenlal Celebration in
Philadelphia in 1876, and requesting the Mayor
to call a meeting in Faneull Hall, to organize a
"Citizens' Association" to further the ends pro-
Exclusively for The Evening Telegraph.
Mormon Opposition to the Laivt,
Salt Lake, June 9. The Mormons having
refused to pay the expenses of the United States
courts, the lawyers have stipulated that the fees
of jurors shall be paid by the parties to suits,
and Judge McKeon has ordered a jury term of
his District Court for the tenth day of July.
This arrangement applies only to civil business
Death of an Emigrant.
Xo.Tn Platte. Neb.. June 9 Madame
Joanna Maria Coverdina Pentermans, a native
ol Belgium, .ue(i on a Western-bound emigrant
train, near Brai,.8 igana ia9t nignt. gho wa3
travelling alone, aw nad a through ticket from
JNew I or to can tUnt-Uco. It is snnDosed
that her dUease was epiley. About ten thou
sand dollars, mostly in Uni,i states bonds
were found on her person. The .chains will bo
Interred at this place to-day.
Chicago Flour and AVheat Markew
BpeciaX Denyetck U The Kvening Telegraph.
Chicago. June 10-13 A. M. Kloar quiet:
supers held 4-&u,vs; extras, tSMacu. when
firm; moderate demand; i-29, cash, last half;
lii8V, t.eller July; fl-Sljtf, seler July and August;
nouiinaliv IfiT, seuer year.
Corn strong and active, &iassc., seller June;;
64Ta,i6c, seller July ; 66 vc, seller August.
oats cornet; nominally 4'c, cash; 49.U c., seller
June; 88 vc, Beiler August.
Jitotipts. St'ip'f. RtnipU. SMp'U.
lour,bbls. 6,ooo 4,oih Oats, bus... 14,000
heat, bus. 66,000 SS.ooO Rye, bus .... 1,000 none.
Cbrn, bus. .119,000 141. 000 Hurley, bus. .none. 1,000
! Hew York Money and Stock Market.
Saw Yobx, June 9 Blocks heavy. Money easy at
BP cent. Gold. 11. 6-ttoa, IMS, coupons, r.;
do, 1344, cp., lis: do. lsoo, cp., 112; ao. lsas,
net, 114V, do. 1867, 114V ; do, lotss, 111 Vi 10 40s,
109; Virginia 6s, new, T3; Missouri 6s, 9Stf : Oan
tonxx.i ; Cumberland preferred, 43 ; N. x". Cen
tral, and Hudson Kiver, Vi Erie, Bl V ; Healing,
Adams Express, 60 tfi Mlotutraa General,
126; ( Mluhigan (southern, lis: Illinois Genual,
136: Cleveland and Pltuburz, 118 V; Chicago and
Rock 'aland, lai j Flttaburtr aud Port Wajue, ;
YYetB Union Telegraph, 63.
Exchieively to the Evminq Telegraph.
Weatcrn Union Telegraph Company.
New York, June 9. At the semi-annual
meeting of the directors ot the Western Unlou
Telegraph Company, a report was submitted by
the President, showing that the net profits from
July 1, 18C9, to July 1, 1870, were $2,227,045.
The net profits for the year ending June 1, 1871,
were $2,547,854; for six months ending June 1,
1871, the net profits were 1 1,216,459. The re
sources of the treasury have been applied to the
purchase of tbe capital stock, which has been
reduced from $41,000,000 to $35,000,000. The
bonded debt is about $4,000,000.
Grain Elevator Burned.
New York, June 9 About 5 80 this morning
fire was discovered in the boiler-room of the
grain elevator, pier No. 14 East river, owned by
the New York Floating Elevator Company.
Damaged to about $25,000. Insured in tbe
Liverpool, London, and Globe for $13,000;
People's, of Worcester, $2500; Royal, $2500.
Wife Murder.
New Yokk, June 9 Edward Walls, residing
in Seventh avenue, fatally stabbed his wife this
morning with a pocket knife. Mrs. AValls, who
was asleep in bed, was stabbed four times in
the abdomen and afterward gashed in a fearful
manner. The murderer was arrested.
The Case of Dr. Lauahan,
the Sub-agent of the Methodist Book Concern,
against the Agent, Dr. Carleton, came up this
morning in the Supreme Court, before Judge
Bernard, but was adjourned, notwithstanding
the protest of Dr. Carleton's counsel.
A Mutiny
occurred last night on the ship Resolute, bound
to Liverpool, during an attempt by tho seamen
to desert. Seven men were wounded in the
head by the second mate with an iron belaying
Exclusively to The Evenino Telegraph.
Government Weather He port.
War Department. Ofkick of tub cuibp Signal
Officeb, "Washington, June 910-80 A. M. Synop.
sis for the past t went v-f our hours: Tne barome
ter, after rlsinsr from northwestern resrtons to the
mue Kidire. is now nmuer from Tennessee 10 Lase
Huron. The low pressure Thursday morning In
New England has moved southeastward, followed
by cool nortnweneny winos tnis niorninir, ana ciear
or partially clear weather. The rain In Northern
Florida Thursday morning extended over a narrow
belt on the coast to Virginia, and is now followed
by clear weather.- The barometer has fallen de
cidedly from Arkansas to Minnesota, with occasional
rain and brUk southerly winds last night. Easterly
winds have set In from Alabama to Lake Superior,
with southeastern winds to tne westward. The
temperature has fallen from Michigan eastward and
on tne toutn Atlantic coasu
Probabilities. Rising barometer, with clear or
clearing weather, is nrobahle for the rest of Friday
from Qeonrla to Maine. Easterly and southeasterly
winds will probably contlnun from Tennessee to
Lake Huron, and westward. No important change
in the weather is anticipated lor tne uuu coast ana
the lower lakes.
The Marquis of Gulllfct.
The Marquis of Gallifet came of an old French
family. One of his ancestors was particularly
distinguished in the early history of the most
brilliant and tbe most uniortunate colony ever
founded by Frenchmen, the once peerless and
now degraded Hay tl. He eutered the army early
in life, served in Algiers witn nonor, ana acqairea
the rcnutatlon. which he never lost, of belntrone
of. tne boldebt Horsemen ana most nery aueuists
in the French army. His social history was as
perturbed and as dashing as his military career.
lie took to the turf, and after his marriage with
one of the daughters of the banker Lafltto be
comequite as much through the dashing
eceentricities of that lady as through any tastes
of his own a conspicuous figure in the impe
rial world ot lasmon. ue iougnt
in the Crimea and in Italy; and he
was one of the very few French cavalrymen
who contrived to gather laurels in Mexico.
During the late disastrous war with Germany
he seems to have behaved with all bis constitu
tional gallantry; and, if we mistake not, he was
wounded in that extraordinary battle of Grave
lotte, in which, as impartial eye-witnesses now
assure ns, both sides were very Daaiy Deaten.
His stormy and violent career has ended now in
stoims and violence, "rilooa lor Diooa nas ful
filled itself upon bim after fulfilling Itself through
him. Of the many duels of M. do Gallifet, two
acquired a certain newspaper notoriety one
fought with M. de Luuriston on a question of
propriety at the opera and in the use of lorgnet
tes, and another fought with an American gen
tleman of New York apropos of certain strictures
upon the ways and means ol the Marquis, wmcn
were written, as be believed, by that gentleman,
and published in a New 1 one weekly newspaper.
Of course some j udiclous friend took pains to have
them find their way back to Paris. But fortu
nately tbe duel ended without bloodshed in a
reconciliation on the Held and a breakfast at the
best hotel in Strasburg. Some three or four
years ago tbe name of the Marquis was brought
again before the public in connection with the
diegu&tiug scandal caused by a quarrel between
one of his cousins aud the debaucnea ana worth
less Prince Achille Murat. In this affair
the Marquis behaved with a degree of
spirit which gave considerable offense in high
quarters at the Tuileries. The high quarters are
low quarters now; tbe Tuileries are a heap of
ashes; and the dashing Marquis lies slain by a
vengeful woman s hand in that sodom of blood
and flame which but a vear ago was tbe love
liest capital of Lurope and of Christendom.
Jules Mires.
The cable despatches announce the death of
the eminent French fiuancler, Jules Mires. He
was born in Bordeaux, of Hebrew parentage,
in ltv'J. up to 1843 he tiaa attained nttie dis
tinction, occupying a subordinate position in
the commercial and financial world. After the
revolution of 1818 be became manager of the
gas company of Aries, and a partner of M. Mil-
lurd in various enterprises. One of these
was the 4,Cahee des Chemlns de Fer,"
which afterward became so famous in the
speculations and prosecutions of M. Mires,
'ibey alto indulged in the luxury of several
nensraoers to which M. Mires freauentlv con
tributed on financial topics and they kept a
poet in the person of M. de Lamartine. They
undertook many important railroad enterprises
and public improvements, including tne uoman
railroads and the improvement of the harbor of
Mamell e.g. In lhMI M M ren was oecoratefl with
Cross of the Legion ot Honor by the Empe
rPr,iV.v was Pa8BliK through Marseilles and de-
biicu w .yjj big appreciation of the uuancler s
work. In ,at year also he floated the Turkish
"rKet, ana tnis was me last im
portant enterur-io i Und ia nnwir
Almcwt immediately after he was involved in a
series of laweuiu which excited in financial
circles the greatest 4nterest. Oscillating for
ucuiij wu Retire uetweeu courts Ol law, prison,
and the enjoyment of his liberty, , Mires had
a varying success, ue was tent to
prison in 1870 for six months and fined
heavily, in consequence of a severe criticism
which he made on some of the magistrates h.
fore whom be hud been tried on former occa
sions, ana wun whose decisions ne thought hs
had cause to quarrel. M. Mires was a maa of
considerable tact and of remarkable forca f
character, for which he had ample need during
his long contest with fortune, the courts of law,
and the opposition of the Government and of
the uoveminent s friends.
To-Day's Naval Orders.
News from the West.
Gen. Sherman's LTovemonts.
Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Eto
Exclusively to The Evening Telegravh.
Naval Orders.
Washington, June 9 Detached and placed
on the sick 'list: Passed Assistant Surgeon M.
C. Drennan from the Congress, and First Assis
tant Engineer T. II. Casemer from the Dictator.
Patent Extension.
An extension of the Garvin carriage-wheel
patent was to-day granted for seven years.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph,
Movements of General Sherman.
St. Louis, June 9. A despatch was received
at Fort Leavenworth yesterday from Fort Gib
son, Indian Territory, stating that General Sher
man would leave there to-day and reach Fort
Leavenworth on Saturday.
The Detailed Meteorological Report for
The following Is the meteorological report of the
Signal Bureau of the War Department for this
morning, all the observations being taken at 7-43
A. m., rniiadsipnia time. Tne barometrical reports
are corrected tor temperature and elevation. The
velocity 01 me wina is given in mues per nour,
and the force Is an approximate reduction to the
Beaufort scale :
s .
Place of Obser
Cane May
75 N. Gentle, Fair
70 N.W. 18 Brisk. Clear
71 N. W. 10! Brisk. Fair
76 1 Calm. Clear
60 E. 8 Gentle. Fair
67 N. E. 8 IV. gent Clear
64 N.W. 4 Gentle. Fair
64 S. E. 18 BriHk. Fair
78 8. B. 5 Gentle.: Fair
83 S. W. 43 Gale. Cloud
69 N. 14 Brisk. Fair
75 N.W. 4 Gentle. Fair
73 8. 12 Brisk. Fair
65 N.W. 7 Gentle. Cloud
72 N.W. .. .... Clear
63 Calm. Fair
77 8. E. V.... Clear
79 N.W. 7 Gentle. Fair
75 !N. W. 3 Fair
80 02
Charleston, S. C.
80 17
Key We&t, Fla..
MU Washington.
New York
80 -OS
80 07
St. Louis
80 07
Wilmington, N.C3U-09
A Hint as to How It was Obtained for Pub.
When the Tribune obtained its copy of the treaty
for publication, It knew well that copies were only
the possession of a few Senators, and some other
Government officers, all of whom were sworn to
keep it secret. MUuaukte Sentinel.
This is Senator Carpenter's defense at home.
Few words will dispose of it. The Tribune not
only knew nothing of the sort above stated, but
It knew tne exact opposite, ine treaty was in
plenty of hands not only not sworn to keep It
secret, but anxious to have it published. Either
the Milwaukee iwntxnei knew tnis, and so wrote
Itself down a reckless falsifier, or it didn't know
it, and so wrote itself down an ignorant dupe.
Has Mr. Carpenter any more cheap tools, as
dull as this, tbat he wants sharpened. Wouldn't
it be well to take oneoftwebenate pages out West
with him to give any other supporters he may be
able to find a little elementary information
Prison Cases.
Court of Quarter Sessions Judge A tlison.
In the case of James Smith and John Burns,
charged with attempting to rob Daniel Finn last
Monday evening, beiore reported, tne jury aeeraing
tbe evidence of identity Insufficient, rendered a ver
dict of not gnllty.
I'nuip MaiKS pieaaea guuty to mecnarge 01 tne
larceny of a set of harness belonging , to Mr. Richard
Price, of Branchtown. The harness was taken from
Mr. Price's stable at night, aud was the next day
found in Marks' possession, lie formerly was em
ployed in Forepaugh's circus, but was more re
cently an inmate of Moyamenslng.
ueorge iiernsnaw was convicted 01 tne caarge 01
beating his wife.
James Culberson was tried upon the charge of
cruelty to a horse. From the evidence It appeared
that several (Sundays since Judge Porter aud an
other gentlemen saw the defendant leading along
Darby road a norse witn one leg oroaen, tne poor
beast being compelled to walk upon the stump of
the leg, and these gentlemen, against the remon
strance of the defendant, ordered the animal to be
Khbt. ue admitted that ne aaa tea tne norse irom
Broad and tsDrlmr Garden streets, and there were
marks of violence upon the horse Indicating that he
bad recently been beaten. The defense alleged
that Culberson was employed by a gentleman who
owned tbe horse, and be was acting under orders;
and bis Intention was to leal him to a place where
he might receive the proper treatment, ana not to
torture bim.
James Fleet was put on trial lor assault ana bat
tery with Intent to kill Benjamin Daniels. The alle
gation was that on the SOih of last month, during the
last race at Point Breece Pare, as Daniels was
driving the mare '-American Girl" In on the home
strtch, te defendant threw a coat over her lace, so
as to prevent her having the lead in the race, and
thereby greatly endaogered the life of the driver.
Theie was no evidence, however, to show any other
damage thau the spoiling of the fun. on trial.
Kviniho Tai.iQBiPH Omul
i(W, June 9, 1871. (
Monev continues in ample supply at all the
sources, and any amount of capital is obtain
able at 4&5 per cent, on call, with Government
bonds and otner gooa collateral securities.
There is a good demand for call loans and a
moderate business in time contracts. Good
paper is in request, and favorable rates are of
fered on three or four months' acceptances.
Gold is dull but firm, with the sales ranging
frem HSK1, closing at noon at the latter.
Government bonds are also quiet and steady,
with little change In prices.
Stocks were generally auu ana prices were
steady. City 6s advanced, selling at 100100.
bales ol lLigh gold loan at V6.
In Heading Kaiiroad there were sales at os?S
(5 6SK; Pennsylvania at 01(a;61 for small
lot; North Pennsylvania at 49; and Gil Creek
and Allegheny at KJ..
Canal stocks were negiectea dui arm; saies 01
Morris preferred at Vio aud Lehigh at
Miscellaneous shares attracted Ultie attention.
Small sales ot Kensington Baulc at Hi; Manu
facturers' do. at w; and Chesnut and walnut
Streets Railway at 53.
Narb fc. Laoner. Brokers, report this morning
gold quotations as follows:
lo-oo A. U U9105 A. M 1UV
100 " 118 n-oo " 1W
l0-4ft " 11SS'
Mbrsrs. William Paiktir fc CO., No. 86 8. Third
street, report the following quotations : U. P. of
i88i,iiTKm! B-o-on89,mam: do, ism.
UlXlii ao. ISM, 111 m; do., Jaiy, lsea,
114!i114Hl do., July, 1867, 114V114fj do. ivA?.
1968. 114H1UX I 10-40. 10V109t. U. a Panlflq
K. K. Currency so, 116)fi116H. tiold, 11SV11SS.
Mkssrs. Dh Haven & Brother, Nu. 4u 800m
Third street, Philadelphia, report the following
quotations:-New U. tt. 6s of 1891, lliwang;
U. 8. M Of 1881, 117KU7Xt do. 1869,
mxeuw: a mt, him; ao. lsea, ni
IWidaseB, Dew.ii4VQU4 : do. 1867, do.iusr
114 : do, 1868, da il4V(U4M I 10-4OS, 109S(109J.
D. 8. 80 Tear per oenf.uurrenoy, 6&ux i Ooid,
119$118N Silver, I07ii08jf: union Paoiao Kail
road 1st Morti Bonds, iv92y; central Paciflo
Railroad, 102 V4S102 ; Union Paelflo Land Grant
Bonds, 8SX86X.
Reported by De Haven ft Bro., No. 40 S.Third street.
1200 C1W 6a, New
$200CA A 6s 83... 04
13000 0d bill.. 100
ooo do 100
liooo do lonvf
f&ooo Pa R gen mt.
14000 Leh V 68 87
$7000 Alle Co 68.... 79X
11000 H A B Tope.. 45
H00 8ch N 6S 82.. 81
$100080 N Imp.... 84
0 sh Ken n Bank.119
15 sh Manuf Bk... 84
4 sh Penna R..... 61V
! do eittf
0 do... allot. 61)
8 do......... 61
8 do... allot. 61
1 do 61
800 sh Reading R... esv
800 do bS. 64tf
66shWash'n Gas. 80
81 SHOO ft A B.. 68V
8ihLehValR.... 62X
$noooLeh gold L... 93 V
$1000 do 3)
Philadelphia Trade Report,
Friday, June 0. The Flour market Is dull and
prices favor buyers. The demand la mostly from
the home consumers, whose purchases foot np
800 barrels, Including superfine at $525s-so; extras
at $58Xi55,87 j" ; Iowa and Wisconsin extra family
at $6-6006-70; Minnesota do. do. at $7T-S5: Penn
sylvania do. do. at $6-850676; Indiana and
Ohio do. do., at $6-75 for low grade np to $7-60 for
choice, and fancy brands at $775($9, as in quality.
Rye Pioor may be quoted at $5 87tf(36. In Cora
Meal nothing doing.
Tbe demand for Wheat is quite limited, and the
teadenoy of prices Is for a lower range. Sales of
1000 bushels Western red at $1-60(31-64, and some
amber at $1-6501-78. Rye ranges from $1-05 to $1-15
for Pennsylvania and Western. Corn .la dull, and
the receipts are In excess of the demand. Sales of
400 bushels yellow at 78o. ; 87,000 bushels Western
do. at a secret price, and 1000 bushels Western high
mixed at 7873& Oats are without essential change ;
9700 bushels Pennsylvania and Western were taken
at 67(3690.
In Barley and Malt nothing doing.
Bark Is lower; so hhds. No. 1 Quercitron sold at
$28 per ton. In Tanner's Bark no change to notice.
Clnverseed Is dull, with small sales at 87 Vo. per
lb.; Timothy Is nominal ; Flaxseed la wanted by the
cniHhers at $3-80.
WbiBky is held at 94o. for Western iron-bound ; 160
barrels sold at this price.
From the If. T. Herald. ...
"The leading bankers have made a further reduc
tion in rates for foreign exchange, the original de
cline produced by the sharp demand for cash gold
being assisted by the easy money market In London,
the i-ank of England showing a further increase of
about 375,000 in bullion.
Money was perhaps a little more active, and
rather better employment was found for it at three
to four per cent., the transactions at two per cent,
being exceptional. The strict quotation of the
market would be three per cent, on Government
collaterals and three to four per cent, on stocks.
Prime commercial paper was in good request, with
little offering.
The bids for the Government gold called for a
total of $6,683,600, and the prices offered ranged
from 111-18 to 118-88. The sale was limited to a
million, which amount was awarded at 119-28
112 80, the average being as nearly as possible the
market price at aoon.
"The gold market was feverish on a light business.
The 'bails' did not seem disposed to press the bor
rowers of cash gold, and. In the relaxation of rates,
tbe market drifted in favor of the 'shorts,' but to
no important extent. After 8 o'clock two and
three per cent, were paid for the use of
gold to-morrow, which was taken to . mean
that the 'bulls' will renew the 'squeeze' then,
particularly as a week at least must go by befere
Mr. Bontwell can sell anymore gold quite a mar
gin of time within which to develop the 'bull' tac
tics. The market was unsettled between the limits
of 112V and 118)tf, the latter being an official but
disputed quotatlon.and nominal to the extent that it
was tne price or not more tnan a small lot.
"The Government list waa dull, dealings being In
terrupted by the suspension of the afternoon calls to
make wsy for the workmen engatred upon the
alterations at the Stock Exchange. The market waa
steady throughout the day."
8 A. M. 7T 1 11 A. a 80 1 1 P, M...85
Sun Praia...... ' -8i moon Sira.. 0-23
Sun Sits 7-87 Hioh Watbb 6-48
By Cable.)
Ltvtrpool, June 9 Arrived, steamship Denmark,
from New York, and brig Brazilian, tram Galvesten.
By Telegraph.)
Niw York, June 9. Spoken yesterday, 10 miles
south of tne Highlands, ship Industrie, for Balti
BtT Beverly, Pierce, New Tork, W. P. Clyde It Co.
Schr Lottie, Taylor, Boston, Day, fiuddell k. Co.
Tug Joe Johnson, Ingraham, Baltimore, with a tow
of barges, W. P. Clyde ft Co.
Tug G. B. Hutchlns, Mulford, Havre-de-Grace, with
a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde ft Co.
Steamer A. C. S timers. Davis, 84 hours from New
York, with mdse. te W. P. Clyde ft Co.
N. G. bark F. Keek, Waltjen, 67 days from Bre-'
mea, with mdse. to Uarjea ft Co.
Brig Scotlaaa, Cook, 7 days from Cardenas, with
moiaases to K C. Knight ft Co. vessel to Warrea ft
Brig Glpsey Queen, York, 0 days from Havana,
with ntolaases to B. C. Knlgit ft Co. vessel to War
ren ft Gregg.
Schr Helen Mar, Nlckerson, 19 days from Port
land, Me., with laths and picket! to Patterson ft Lip
plncott. Schr E. English, Crowell, I days from Gardiner,
Me., with Ice to Knickerbocker Ice Co.
Schr George W. Krebba, tumtln, fni Cedar Point,
with gravel.
Schr John Farnum, Berry, 8 days from Boston,
with ice.
Schr Morning Light, Bowen, from New Haven.
Schr E. B. Baxter, Wsterman, from New London.
Schr John B. Austin, Davis, from Portsmouth.
Schr Lizzie Batcbelder, English, from Boston.
Schr E. Slnnlckson, Musmore, do.
Schr J a nits Ponder, Brown, do.
Schr Marian Gage, Heather, do.
Schr James Alderdlce, Willets, do.
Schr Ann S. oannon, Cobb, do.
Schr Charles . Smith, Meletts, do.
Tugs Thomas JeiTeraon, Allen, and Chesapeake,
Merrihew, from Baltimore, with tows of barges to
W. P. Clyde ft Co.
Tug Fairy Queen, Wilson, from Havre-de-Grace,
with a tow of barges te W. P. Clyde ft Co.
Steamer Leopard, Hughes, sailed from Boston 1
P. M. 8th lust., for Philadelphia. 1
Steamer Panther, Mills, hence, at Boston 6 A. M.
Correspondence of The Evening Teleoraph.
Niw York OKriCK, June 8. The following
barges leave in tow to-night for Baltimore, light:
Sussex, Cumberland, Adeila, Late and Early,
Sunshine, Wolcott, Klla, Princess, W. M. Lewis, C.
Church, Ellen, Ann McCaffrey, Carrie, and C. A.
K. J. Chard, with marble, and Jacob R. Warts,
With lumber, for Philadelphia.
Baltimokk Bhancu Officii, June 8 The 12
barges reported as having left last nUiht did not get
away, but will do so to-night with steamer Hudson.
Twelve more are ready, but probaolywul not get
away before to-morrow
pHiLAURLruiA Brakch Officr, June 9. Tbe
barge Tom, with coal, for New York, left yesterday.
Special Despatch to The JSvening Telegravh.
HAVRE-va-GRACi, June 9. The following boats
leave in tow to-day :
g. w. Arnold and John Hetzel, with lumber to J.
p. woolrerton.
Chattanooga and O. W. Larmour, with lumber to
Waiaon kt alone ft Son.
Harry Craig, with bark to Kerr ft Coates.
It. F, Uartiuan, with Umber, for Wilmington,