THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDaV, JUNE C, 1871. - - - 5 Cornelius A, g.ns' Gas Fixtures la tn. Charter Oak Iamrtnct Balldlng, Hart ford, Connecticut. New England has been for the past year In a state of pleasurable excitement over the approaching completion of the magnificent building of the "Charter Oak" Life Insurance Company, of Hart ford; and aa the thousands of travellers, both on business and pleasure, pass dally each way between Dew Tort and Boston, they are shown, with great pride, this very elegant structure, which towers far bore Its neighboring buildings, reminding one of the prominence which the Boston State House as sumes In the views of that city, and as our own Cathedral appears as we approach Philadelphia by way of the Pennsylvania Railroad. This stately building Is of Concord granite, five stories In height, and cor tains, beside the rooms used by the Charter Oak Insurance Company for their business, some seventy others, intended to be occupied as offices, etc. Some idea may be formed by our readers of Us extent from the dimensions, Which are aa follows : Height, 120 feet ; depth, 160 feet; and front, 96 feet. It gives us great pleasure to know that In the fit ting up of this building, Philadelphia was repre. " seined by the oldest and most extensive gas-fixture manufacturers of the United States, Messrs. Corne lius t Si ns. Leaving the vestibule and entering the main hall, the eye is at once attracted by the newel-post figure, "Otto of Hungary." 1 he rotunda is lighted by a very elegant and expensive twelve-light chandelier, a combination of the French and Grecian styles. The up a in room, which Is devoted to the business or the Charter Oak Insurance Company, is furnished with six two-light pillars and thirty-eight Que two light brackets, fitted with argand burners, and white ?o ie si a es; the officers' desks in the same room are lighted by six elegaut pillar lights to correspond. This room ii also lighted by two large and unique nwel pillars, which surmount the posts on ither iMe of a grand stairway leading to the dlrec lers'ioom All the fixtures in this room are from tpeclti Hlirns made for this building. The oiflcers' and directors' rooms are lighted by four handsome aiming chandeliers of tbeSaxon-4othio style, and ft.ur 7-livht ctmniieilers or the Grecian pattern, all having brackets to match. The second, third, fourth, aLd Lfth stories contain very large and hand some rooms, which are occupied as offices, and lighted by sixty very elegant chandeliers, with brackets to match, all being new and original de signs. Ik-skies the fixtures we have than briefly mentioned, there are many others which space will not permit us to describe. We congratulate Messrs. Cornelius & Sons upon thtlr having fitted up so niagnlllcent a building, and one which places their goods so prominent, y before the whole New England public. To show the great demand and high estimation In which the work of Messrs. Cornelius & Sons is held, we need only say that in addition to many fine buildings, both public and private, which they have already fitted up this season, they are now engaged upon the construction of the gas fixtures for Wheeler's new opera house, Toledo,. Ohio; New Saybrook C'o.'s Seaside Hotel, Saybrook Point, Conn.; large new hotel at Minneapolis, Minn. ; St. James' Protestant Episcopal Chureh, Twenty-second and Walnut streets, in this city, and "Home for the Aged and Inflrm" of the M. K. Church, upon Lehigh avenue, Dear Broad street, Philadelphia. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. "Rank" at the Arch. Hank, the new play produced at the Arch last evening by Miss Lina Edwin's company of New York actors, treats tbe same theme as Robert son's Caste, and points the same moral. The object of both pieces is to demonstrate that the artificial social distinctions are of comparatively little moment in comparison with honesty, good teartedness, and other of the virtues. The real issue is, to a great extent, evaded, but on the stage we expect to see strong contrasts, and so long as tbe dramatic effect is good, we care little for logic. In Caste the low birth of "Esthbr" was not so much of an obstacle to her reception into the aristocratic circle in which ber husband moved as were her surroundings. A man in marrying a wife must accept his wife's relations, and it cannot be denied that the "Marquise de St. Maur" was to a large ex tent justified in objecting to "Eccles." In the play of Hank aa aristocratic gentleman con tracts a Scotch marriage with a low-born maiden, and all goes happily until a brother-in-law makes his appearance in tbe shape of a plg Btye maker, who invites himself to dine with his slater's husband, who criticizes the manners of the guests and the cut of their garments, and otherwise behaves in a manner well calculated to make the man of rank heartily sick of his bargain. Great stress is laid upon the honesty of this hawbuck, but the sympathies of many Who cannot be called 'aristocrats could scarcely fall to enliit themselves en the side of the poor husband. The plot of the play depends upon tbe temptation held out to the husband to deny bis marriage on account of there having been no ceremony or public recognition which would make It legal, and upon the efforts of the brother, who discovers an intention of this kind, to secure such recognition. The mar riage Is finally established beyond peradventure, but a separation between the husband and wife takes place. After much unhapplness on both sides they are again reunited, but with a pros pect that the lady's brother, who in the mean time bas contracted a taste for gin, will la the future, as in the past prove a rather unwelcome addition to the family circle. Rank has little of the refinement of the plot, language, or charac terization that distinguishes Caste, but It is a very cleverly arranged piece, with a lively, ani mated dialogue, and with some very effective situations. It was well acted last evening, and made an exceedingly favorable Impression, as it has the not too common merit of being entertaining. Miss Una Edwin, who personated the heroine, 'Doe Maynard," Is a blonde of preposseislng appearance and excellent abilities both as an actress and as a singer. The performance was artistic and pleasing, and it met with much cor dial applause. Mr. George Clarke, who enjoys aa excelleut reputation in this city, played "Miles Hubbs," the pig-stye maker, in excellent Style, and Mr. Mark Bates gave a creditable perse-nation of "Curtis Maynard." Messrs. Harry Eytinge and Edwin Wynduam were scarcely as successful as could be desired as the representa tives of a couple of British "swells," "Lord Platedasp." and "Hon. Jocelyn Kalkes." Car- rlcatures, no matter bow broad, should bear some resemblance to the original model, and it is difficult to accept the personations of these gentlemen as being remarkably close copies of nature. - Jefferson as "lllp Vau Winkle." Mr. Jefferson "Rip Van Winkle" has been discussed, described, and criticized so often and from so many differeat points of view that it is a work of supererogation to attempt to say anything new with regard to it, and It will be sufficient if we inform our readers that Mr. Jefferson appeared last evening at the Walnut to a well filled bouse, and that he played with all bis accustomed humor and pathos. Often as the actor bas appeared in tuls part, it has not yet palled upon the public taste, and the per formance last evening was greeted by the usual hearty manifestations of satisfaction and delight. Thi City Amuteineuti, At the Walnut Mr. Jm-eph Jefferson will appear this evening as -Rip Vau Winkle." At the Abch the play of Hank will be per- formed tula eveuing by Una Ed in's New York At Tali Chesnut Mr. E. L. Davenport will personate "Rover" In the comedy of Wild Oati, this evening. Tbe performance will conclude With A Dull in a China 67iop. i. mam f iTflSTTM. Ninth and Arch streets. the dram of Vie Octoroon will ve represented iLis eveulug- CITT ITEMS. Cbbip Dby Goods We Invite attention to the advertisement of C. H. Hararlck Sc Co., No. 43 North Eighth street, to be found in another column. This enterprising house are offering their splendid goods at a reduction or CO per cent. "A word to the wise Is sufficient." BcrnittH Fiorimil An exquisite perfume. Mb. William W. Cassidt, the Jeweller at No. 8 South Second straws has one of the largest and mest attractive stocks of all kinds of Jewelry aad Sliver, ware in the city. He has also on hand a fine assort. Kent of fine American Western Watches. Those who onrchase at this store at the present time are Certain to get the werth of their money. Whitcoiib's Asthma Rkmbdt Sure cure. MARRIED. Hkller Mood. On the 4th Inst, at the Hancock Street M. E. Parsonage, No. 12U Hancock street, by Kev. C. H. McDermond, William Heller to Katb Mood, both of Philadelphia. Lober Burns. On the 3d Inst., at the Parsonage of Second Kreet M. K. Church, No. 430 Dlckersou Btreet. by Rev. J.J.Jones, Mr Andrew Lodbb to Miss Ann ie C. Burns, both of this city. DIED. Arraram. On the 4th instant, Mart Arraham, widow of Isaac Abraham, deceased, in the 92d year of her age. The relatives and mends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her daughter, Mry D. Hauptmaa, No. Bll South Eleventh street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. To proceed to Monument Cemetery. Conway. on the 8d Inst., Thomas Conwat. M. D., in his 66th year. The relatives and mends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the fnneral, on Wednesday afternoon, the 7th Inst, at 8 o'clock, from his late residence, No. (44 Franklin street. To proceed to Central Laurel Hill. " Orrsimer On the 6th Inst , Harrt W. S., eldest son of W liliam O. W. and Hannah S. Qreslmer, aged 21 years. The relatives and friends of the family, also the members of the Kant gut Ic B. B. C. and Ltbrarv, are respectfully Invited to attend the f unerl, on Thurs day, the 8'h lust., at 4V, o'clock, from the residence of his parents, No. 4r6 Noitn Second Btreet. To proceed to Monument Cemetery. Withers. On the 6th instant, JobEr-H S. Withbr3, aged 83 years. The relatives and friends of the fami'v, also members of Franklin Lodge, A. Y. M., No. 134, and KxcelnlorMark Ludge, No. 816, are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his brother-in law, Joseph K. Caldwell, No. 8209 Spruce street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 8 o'clock. 1 o proceed to Laurel Hill. FRANKLIN LODGE No. 134. K. Y. M. The members of Franklin Lodge are respectfully invited to attend the funeral or nur deceased Brother JOSEPH 8 VUTUKRH. TO MORROW (Wednes day) AFTKUNOON, at 8 o'clock. The Lodge will assemble, at the Hall at that hour. A cordial invitation is extended ta members of other Lodges to f"tu ns. Bv order of the W. M. 5 GEOWiE J. BECKER, Secretary. JOSEPH S. WITHERS. The members of the BACHELOKS' BAKOE CLUB are Invited to attekd the funeral or their life rellow-member, from 82M9 Sprnee street, on WEDNESDAY, 7th Inst., at 8 o'clock, P. M. JOHN HUQQARD, Secretrry. NEW MOURNING STORE. New Stock at Lowest Prices. No, 1226 CHESNUT STREET. NEWEST DESIGNS IN DRESS GOODS. NEWEST DESIGNS IN BONNETS. NEWEST DESIGNS IN VEILS. CHEAPEST ALPACAS IN PHILADA. CHEAPEST BOMBAZINES IN PHIL ADA. CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS IN PHILADA CHEAPEST CRAPE CLOTHS IN PHILA DELPHIA. EVERY ARTICLE AT LOWEST PRICE. We would respectfully call attention to our new Dress-maklDg and t ult Department, where evrry novelty in black suits will be found ready-made and made to order, at shortest notice, by a competent dressmaker, and also call attention to our White ttoods and Ladles' Underweitr Department. Large Stock of Linen and Lawn Suits, of finest finish, al ways on hand. A. MYERS & CO., 4 tt stnthBptf No.1228 CHESNUT Street. SPECIAL. NOTICES. For additional Special Ifotictt Iniid Fag, HERD-BOOK JERSEYS. AN KXHIBL TION for competition of HERD-BOOK JE SSY COWS. HE1FKRS, and YOUNG BULLS, for Pennsylvania and New Jersey, will be hald at HEKKNESS' BAZAAR, Philadelphia, commencing MONDAY, noon, Juae 6, and ending THURSDAY, June 8. ; There will be choice animals from the herds of Massey, Twaddlll, 8. J. Shatptess, Howe, Potts, LuBSon. C. L. Sharpies, and others. CHARLES L. 81IARPLE39, For the Committee. Admittance 25 cents. 6 3 3t csy TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTBRS OF TUB NINTH DIVISION, TWENTY-NINTH WARD The Delegate K'e ;ilon will be hel1 at the DIVISION HOUSE, corner of TWENTY-FOURTH and JEFFERSON Streets, on TUESDAY AFTER NOON, between the hours of i and 8 o'clock P. M June is, aU other notices to the contrary. Bv order of A. J. VANARSDALL, JOHN DOWLAN, IT.B. SRILMAN, IPUILIP UAYBECK. It" tor AID BEDFORD STREET MISSION. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL AT CONCERT HALL, Chesnut street, above Twelfth. EVENING OF WEDNESDAY, Tth instant. Ticket sold by Perklnpine & Hlggin. No. 6(J N. Fourth street; George MUUken, No. 1128 Ches nut street; Rev. John Long, Missionary, No. 619 Bedford street; or any of the managers of the Mission. 8 3 3t THIRTEENTH WARD. THE REPUBL.I CAN VOTERS will meet in their renpuotlve Divisions on TUESDAY, June 6th, at 8 o'clock P. M , to organize for tbe ensuing year. Bj order or the Ward Executive Committee, A. M. FOX, President. Jambs W. Sayke, Secretary. 6 6 at tfy GENTLEMEN IN SEARCH OK COMFORT axd stjlB in BOOTS and SHOES should call on BARTLETT, At NO. 83 South SIXTH Street, 8 80 tf Above Chesnut. ART EXHIBITION. THIBD ANNUAL EXHIBITION National Photographic Association OP THE UNITED STATES, At Horticultural Hall, JUNE 6 to 13. 10 A. M. TO 10 P. M. GRANDEST DISPLAY OF Photographic Works of Art From all parts of the world ever made In America. Wonderful, beautiful, liibtruotlve. single admission, 86 cents; season tickets, II; to be had or North A Co., Horticultural Hall, and at Photograph Galleries promenade Concerts every evening. Masio by the Uermanla Orchestra. Also, the following: AT THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MU8IC, Wednesdsv. June 7. at kf P. L. THIRD ANNI VERSARY RECEPTION. Music, Addresses, Biere opticou, eta A delightful entertainment. Admis sion tickets and secured seats tree, obtainable rtlri'iMPrt haitiw. w ednesday and Thursday evenings, June T and 8, at 8 o'clock, LnwrKiss urn uirni, new ana in bv Professor HENRY MORTON, ph. u. Kriav eveninir. June. at 8o'clock,:EX1IBlTiON IN TBE STERKOPTIi'ON of the Association col lection of views from all parts of ihe world, such a collection as was never before exhibited, conlucled bv J. W. BLACK, Esq., of Boston. Admission, Wednesday, Thursdav, and Friday evenings, M Cell's : secured seatu, 76 cents. . ll iilO BY THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. The sole of tickets for th AcadHiny entertain ments will commence at the Maio Store of F. a. North A Co., No. 1UV6 Chesnut street, Tburslay, Jonel, at A M., aad at the Academy or Music, ou Saturday. J use , ai same nour. WW. II. RHOADS, Local Secretary, No. ISoO FRANKFORU Avenue. EDWARD L. WILSON, Permanent SecreUry, bii ARCH Street. b ii rp tl HIOHWAY PROPOSALS. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, I3RIDGE3, 8 EWERS, ETC. Orrica of Chief Commissioner, HER, ' I rKEET, V 5, 1871. ) HO. 104 OODTH r IFTQ ST Phii.adbi.phia. June NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 8EALED PROPOSALS will be received at. the office of the Chief Commissioner of High ways, until 12 o'clock M. oa FRIDAY, JUh Instant, for the construction of sewers on the line of SERGEANT STREET from the northwest curb line of KENSINGTON AVENUE, to con nect with the sewer now constructed on EMER ALD STREET. On COATE3 STREET from TWENTY FIRST STREET to " TWENTY-SECOND STREET. On BRANDYWINE STREET, EIGH TEENTH STREET to NINETEENTH STRKET, and from TWENTIETH STREET to TWENTY FIRST STREET. On FILBERT STREET from 8IXTEENTH 8TREET to a point about Bixty-three feet east of SEVENTEENTH S I REET, said sewers to be constructed In tbe usual form, with a clear Inside diameter of three feet. On fRUCE STREKT. from the east side of THIRTY-FOURTH STREET to the west side of TI1IRTY-8EVENTH STREET, to be four feet In the clear inside diameter. With such manholes as may be directed by tbe Chief Engineer and Surveyor. The under standing, to be that the sewers herein adver tised are to be completed on or before the 31el day of December, 1871, and that the contractor shall take bills prepared against the property frontingon said sewers to the amount of one dol lar and fifty cents for each lineal foot of front on each side of the street as so much cash paid; tbe balance, as limited by ordinance, to be paid by the city; and the contractor will be required to keep the street and sewer in good order for three years after the sewer Is finished. When the street is occupied by a city passen ger railroad track, tbe sewer shall he constructed alongside of said track in such manner as not to obstruct or Interfere with the safe passage of the cars thereon; and no claim for remuneration' Bhall be paid the contractor by the company using said track, as specified in the Act of Apsemblj approved May 8, 180(5. Each proposal must be accompanied by a cer tificate that a bond has been filed in the Law Department, as directed by ordinance of May 25,1800. If the lowest biddor shall not execute a contract within five days after the work Is awarded, he will be doemed as declining, and will be held liable on bis bond for the differ ence between his bid and the next lowest bid der. Specifications may be had at the De partment of Surveys, which will be strictly adhered to. The Department of Highways re serves the right to reject all bids not deemed satisfactory. All bidders may be present at the time ana place of opening the said proposals. No al lowance will be made for rock excavation, except by special contract. AiailLUN 11. UlCMiNSU, . 6 6 St Chief Com'r or Highways. UMBRELLAS, ETC. 2000 PARASOLS ! NOW ABOUT 2000 PARASOLS IN STOCK, And desiring to close out entire stock, so as not to keep over year a single one, we will sell at CLOSING OUT PRICES. j Buff and White Pongee, lined and boand. all colors. Buff and White Pongee, lined and bound, all sizes. CHILDREN'S PARASOLS. CHILDREN'S PARASOLS. Large size Buir Linen Sun Fmorcllas, 14 to 30 Inch Silk, Linen, and Vienna Fans dosing out. Whit Piques and Hamtturg Edgings closing out. Rid Gloves, largest stock, all colors, all sizes. Bid Gloves, ti, H-80. S1&0, tl 70 for best Jouvln. U slery at If-os than wholesale nrlces. ladles' and Children's Gloves, Buff, White, eto. A. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, No. 23 NORTH EIGHTH STREET AND No. 908 CHESNUT STREET. ' N. B That oar Closing Pale of genuine Jouvln ana otner one uia moves wu last nut a few cu- The stock la yet complete. : 6 3 stathu INSURANCE.. 1 ASH 01,1 JL' vx r ely 2I u t u a 1 HOME COMPANY. NO STOCKHOLDERS TO RECEIVE LA.RGK DIVIDENDS. INCORPORATED IN 184T. THE PENH MUTUAL Life Insurance Company No. 921 CHESNUT STREET. Accumulated Fund, nearly $4,000,000 Receipts for 1870 $1,350,000 rrlnclpal Features Small expenses, absolute se curity, large Return Premiums, Prompt payment of Losses, and liberality to the insured. SAMUEL C. BUSY, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice-President. JOHN W. HORN09, A. V. P. and Actuary. H. 8. STEPHENS, Secretary. 6 6 tuths2lt FOR SAL-fe. for sale-valuable farms, situate IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PA. On the Bethlehem Pike, IS miles north from Philadelphia, near the North Pennsylvania Railroad, containing its acres. Tbe Improvements are large, consisting of Stone Mansion, with bath, water closets, range, etc., two Tenant Houses, two large Barns,stabling for 100 horses and cattle,and all other necessary outbuildings'. The farm is under good fence and well watered. The avenues leading to the mansion are ornamented by two rows of large shade trees ; large shade trees around thtmanBlon. There are a variety of fruit trees ; aout thirty acres in timber, 80 acres in meadow, the balance all arable land. It Is well adapted for grain, breeding, and grazing purposes, while its situation, fine old trees, fruits, and modern Improvements, commend it as a gentleman's cauntry seat. If desired, can be dl vlded lmo two farms. There are two sets of farm buildings. R. J. DOBBINS, OttuthsGt ''Ledger" Bu l.'lng. FOR SALE OR EXCIIANUE FOR SMALLER PROPERTIES. No. 1917 Chesnut street. No. 1403 North Broad street. No. 1413 North Eighteenth street. 1 Lot, Broad and Vine streets, T3 by 800 feet. Lot, Broad street, above Thompson, 145 by 800 feet. Square of Oround, Broad and Diamond streets. Lot, Broad and Lehigh avenue, 145 feet deep. Lot, Broad and Summerset streets, 850 by 400 feet deep. Lot, Broad and Cambria streets, 100 by 639 feet deep. - S3 acre Farm, Bucks county. Cottages at Cape May. R. J. DOBBINS, 6 6 tf "Ledger" Building. FOR SALE OH RBNT BT THE YEAR, OR . ..... ..... a .he... arnr. nnnrt u u.a.ia UOLSB. furulHhed witn gas ana water ana every city convenience, situated m Oijilr street, nar trie Towuulp Hue, a fww minutes' walk from Wayne fcUtn-n. Anpiy to ktiilk m. m .it run, etuibSf No. Wl WALNUT 8 rcet. OAS FIXTURES. NO STORE ON CHESNUT STREET. CORNELIUS & SOHS1 RETAIL SALESROOMS, 821 CHERRY St. GAS FIXTURES. BAKER, ARNOLD & CO., No. 110 C11ESXTJT Street, Invite attention to their large assortment of GAS FIXTURES OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS, FINISHED IN GOLD-GILT, ORMOLU, VBRD-AN-TIQUE AND IMPERIAL BRONZE, Which they offer at prices. Lower tban Ever Before Known. 8 D lmrp SEWINQ MACHINES. THE AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE Complete Sewing Machine OBTAINED TWO PRIZES AT THE CIN CINNATI INDUSTRIAL EXPO SITION, A GOLD AND SILVER MEDAL WEEK AWARDED. A few testimonials are given from a large mass of correspondence of similar character and tone: 1 have worked on a II owe and singer, and find none to work so beautiful as the American It gives periect satisfaction. Mrs. Dr. J. H. YOOUM, Ashland, 8chuylklll county, Pa. I have used a Uowe, Grover Jk Bafcer, and Mnger, and wonld not give the American Combination for all oi them. It gives me perfect satisfaction. I eon aider it the best in the market Mrs. J. KB SO, No. 144 8. Fremont street, Baltimore, Md. Tbe American Is a perfect Gem of a machine. I would not take a hundred dollars for it if I oould not get another. It works beautiful. Mra. AMANDA FAUX, Espy, Pa. Officb of thh Tkoy Hosiery Manufactcbino) compak y, l Troy, N. T., April 82, 1869. J Tour machine makes very satisfactory woric, both as to quantity and to quality, and I do not hesitate to recommend 'hem t be superior to anything I have yet seen for the purpose to which they are adapted. T. BUCKLEY, Treasurer. I have used different machines for nine years past, but have never seen any equal In all respects to the American. It is perfectly simple in the combi nation, easily operated, and dons the most beautiful work. Mrs. JULIA E. BLACK, Benzonla, Mich. It works beautifully. We are turning out three dofcen pairs Of Shoes per day, is OaitoQ-hnles In each i air. MARY E. GREEN, No. 1C9 Rlohmond street, Philadelphia. I have had one of your Combination Button-hole and Sewing Machines In nse for IS months, and con. stder it by far tbe best I have ever ased. it works beautifully. Mrs. ANNIE C. DAVIDSON, Fashionable Dressmaker, ISO. 1503 Chesnut street. I an testify that one of the best good things I know of Is your American Combination Sewing Ma chine. I have found more satisfaction In using It than ary of the other three I have owned. This really beats ail. I heartily and honestly commend it to all who wish a machine that will be sure to give perfect satisfaction. Rev. I. W. Si'HENuK, Pastor of the Third Reformed church, No. 1435 Filbert street, Philadelphia, Trice of this Celebrated. Machine only $75. Price of the Plain Machine, $00. Call at the Company's Warerooms, No. 1318 CHESNUT bTREKT, and examine it In motion. 5 3 tnthf SUMMER RESORTS. OCEAN HOUSE, CAPE MAY. THIS POPULAR FAMILY HOUSE OPENS ON THE 20th INST. For rooms, etc., apply to ' LYCETTE & SAWrEB, 6S 18f CAPE MAY CITY. pARRY HOUS E HIGHLAND FALLS, (NEAR WEST POINT). ; This new and elegant establishment oi) the hanks of the Hudson River will be opened early In June. Liberal terms for families. Address CAS. W. HENDRIX. Highland Falls, New York. c2 HENS' WRST POINT HOTEL. COZZENS DOCK, HUDSON RIVER, FOR TERMS, fcc, SXLVAMUS T. COZZENS, West Point, N. Y. IS NOW OPEN. Address -fM'liKATA MT. SPRINGS. LANCASTER CO., lu Pa. This delightful Summer Resort WILL BE Ol'LN for the Reception of Uuests on 15th June, 1S71. For particulars, address J. V. FREDERICK, Prop'r, . H. H.RHINHARD, Bnpt. 6 11m IRIKNDS' COTTAGE, CAPE MAY, N. X, 1 having been thoroughly reiltted and enlarged, will be open for guests Sixth Month (Juna) 1st. Families desiring rooms should make early applica tion to the proprietress. $15 per week through Juae, fj 60 a day. S 81 tf A. P. COOK. CONGBESS BALL, CAPE I June 1st. Terms for June, ts w per day. MAY, OPENS 4 33 frawflt REFRIGERATORS. A 8UPERIOR ASSORTMENT AT Wholesale and Retail. All at Low Prices. I. 1 ItlZAItXS Manufacture his own llefrl&eratorg. No. 39 North NINTH Street. S 30 lm4p BELOW ARCS STREET. Savery'i Patent Combined Water Cooler and REFRIGERATOR litu moved iuli tj be superior to any in Uia market. , Call aud ex amine. JACOIl K. HAND. Jr., Depot, Nufciu tlattEET BUeefc tetfcsta sunjp 00 tS u GO c&Jb No. 904 CHESTNUT STREET. FRESH CHINA MATTINGS. WHITE RED CHECK, STYLES. 50 PIECES FRENCH AXMINSTER, 83-25 PER YwAJaO. GROCERIES. ETO. WILLIAM KELLEY, TWELFTH AND GIRARD AVENUE. LATOUR OLIVE OIL, A fresh Invoice Just Imported. Davis' Diamond Cincinnati Hams. Louisville Sugar-cured Rams. Mlcheners' Star Bams. Bowers fc Co. City-cured Hams. Smoked Beef and Beef Tongues. fit. Louis white Wheat Family flour. Families residing In Germantown, by mailing their orders, can have their goods carefully put up, and delivered dally, at the lowest rates. WILLIAM KBLLBY, N. W. Corner TWELFTH Street and OLRAED Avenuo, 11 10 thstni PHILADELPHIA. ESTABLISHED 1809. Cousty's East End Grocery. EXTRA QUALITY SPANISH QUE IN OLIVES, by the barrel, keg, or gallon. LONDON BROaN Sl'OUT AND SCOTCH ALB by the cask or dosen. Goods delivered free of charge to Germantown, Chesnut Kill, West Philadelphia, aud Cataden. Orders solicited at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, If. 118 Sosstla BECOUn Mt., 8 2thsturp5 Below Chesnut, West Side. NEW CROP T EA 8." CHOICE OOLONOS, ENGLISH BREAKFAST, JAPANESE, GOOD OOLONGS, very lew by the box or chest, at 8. E. CORNER OF 4 80 tbstuSmrp WALNUT and EIGHTH Sta FRANCIS BOND, Formerly at Allen Cuthen's Chinese Store, No. 83 oouin regain street. ) FINE TEAS, COFFEEh, CANTON CHINA, CHINESE AKD JAPANESE FANCT GOODS), No. 139 South EIGHTH Street, lthstn3m4p PHILADELPHIA. CURTAINS AND 8HADE8. VVALRAVEN MASONIC HALL, No. 719 CHESNUT St., Offers some new designs for CURTAINS AMD LAMBREQUINS, FRENCH CRETONNES, STRIPED TERRY and COTELINES Also, GIMPS AND TRIMMINGS of entirely new patterns. An assortment of LACE CURTAINS of espeulal elegance and cheapness, some as low aa $100 a window. BHOCHB TAPE8TRY PIANO AND TABLE COVERS are offered greatly below lntrlnslo values, with a large assortment of EMBROIDERED CLOTH PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. It thstuSmrp GOODS FOR THE LADIES. U M M E R F A 8 H I O N S, IN TRIMMED PAPER PATTERNS ANP LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. MRS. M. A. BINDER, NO. 1101, N. W. CORNER ELEVENTH AND CHESNUT 8TKEET8, PHILA., has made very large additions to her stock af Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Gimps, Buttons to match Salts. Novelties In Parasols, Gloves, Flowers, Neck-ties ; Bonnet and Sash Rlbbena, Real Jet, Gilt, and Pearl Jewelry. LACES REAL POINT AND APPLIQUE. Great Inducements In Guipure and Thread Laces, Valenciennes, Sleeves, Collars, and Cuffs. EMBROIDERIES. Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, newest designs ; Flouncing, Burning and Trimmings. DBESS ANJ CLOAK MAKING DEPARTMENT. Walking Salts, Reception and Evening Dresses, Wedding .Trousseaux. Large" ordeia executed at short notice aud at nedarata prices, In tha most fashionable style. Trimmed and Plain Paper Patterns, t per dozen. A perfect system of Dress-cutting taught. Plating, Qotfwlng, and Frlaglng. 4 82atu2mr ART OALLERY. Istatlislied In 1705. r&cCArws , Art Galleries and Warerooms, No. OIO CHBSNUT Street. Oil lalnflnff, . Mirror. Tables, Frame, Cornices. IStc. All Curomoa prices. Seduced M per cent, on form a 1 stuth emrp QEH1 SZ7 u J da cs3 AND FANCY JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, SPECIAL AGENTS TOR TBI Waltham Watch Company. THE LARGEST STOCK AT Lowest Prices. 1124 CKESM1T STREET, 1124 6 5mtutl)3t PHILADELPHIA, HOSIERY. COOK & BROTHER, No. 63 N. EIGHTH Street, ntlPB-MARK. TB1DI-MARK.; RETAILERS or IIO SIERY GOODS Exclusively of their own Importation. Jnst received, by steamer City of Antwerp, ONE CASE Balbriggan Hosiery Goods EXTRA QUALITIES, AT LOW PRICES. 8 88 tuth 8mrp . FIRE AND BURQLARPROOF SAFES STEAM FIRE-PROOF SAFES, SANBORN'S PATENT Burglar-Proof Safes, Of Welded Steel and Iron, MADE BY AMERICAN STEAM SAFE CO. No. 32 8. FOURTH St. E. W. THOMAS. 1 stnthemrp JAMES P. WOOD &CO.v no. 41 8. fourth rut: ex. gtam and Hot-water Heating, with U old's Patent Cast Iron Apparatus. Architects, Builders and others desiring buildings heated with steam or hot water should not fall to examine this apparatus, which is superior to all th Imitations offered for sale. Our cast-Iron Radiato.a are adapted to high as well as low-pressure steam. Steam-lilting In all Its branches done at thJ shortest notice. Particular attention paid to ventilation. B. M. FELT WELL, Superintendent. WOOD'S AMERICAN KITCIIBXEll, on the European principle, of neat and durable con struction, suitable for publlo Institutions, hotels, and private residences, having powerful water backs, and lta cooking and bakUff qualities cannot be surpassed. Also. WOOD'S PAHIS RANGE, of a new and beautiful design, a superior Cooking and Baking Range, and Che best construction for heotlng purposes vet offered for sale. Sole Agents for th sale of GRIFFITH'S PAT EXT ARCHIMEDEAN VENTILATORS, for ventilation, and a sure enre for smoky chimneys. BALTIMORE FIRE-PLACE HEATERS. The latest Improvements, and the best in J the market. JAMLV IV VOOI Sc "0., atut h Xttrp No. ii- S. FOURTH. -St.