rm EYMM 21 VOL. XV. NO. 133. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE G, 1871. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. 1KB FIRST EDITION the souin. Horace Greeley and JerX. DtIi. The Memphis Avalanche of the 4th Inst, says: About 13 o'clock yesterday Hon. Jeff. Davit called at the Overton Hofel, and was ushered Into the pretence of Mr. Greeley.at whose hands he met a very cordial reception. The philo sopher and his visitor eat facing each, other in the centre of the room, the broad, open, and plain countenance of the one in strange con trast with the wiry, nervous, and somewhat de'lcate face of the other. Mr. Davis was dignified and somewhat formal - in manner, wnue Mr. ureeiey was jrana, easy, and qnlte talkative. There was scarcely a re ference to the political situation. Mr. Greeiey Inquired concerning the health of Mrs. Davis aiih much warmth and earnestness, and again referred to the high regard he entertained for that lady and the family of whlck she came. Mr. Davis responded appropriately and EXPRESSED TUB GRATITUDE OF HIM6ELP AND II RS. DAVIS to the philosopher for his kindly services soon alter the war. This brought np Mrs. Davis' Interview referred to above, on which Mr. Gieeley seemed to dwell with muck pleasure. In the course of conversation Mr. Greeley again ppoke of the Blairs, and especially of the teniors of that distinguished family, remarking en passant that Frank P. Blair, Jr., and others of the present generation did not do justice to the old stock, to whom he referred with appa rent deep leellng. Mr. Greeley then passed an to subjects nearer home, and finally dwelt for several mlnntes on the memory of General Quit man, of whom he spoke as a WARM PERSONAL AMD POLITICAL FRIEND in times gone by. Not a word was said on either side, that onr reporter conld overhear, concern ing Mr. Davis' condition and prospects. All through the interview, wbloh lasted ten mlnntes, Mr. Davis maintained a very reserved demeanor, while on the other hand the face of the phi losopher was wreathed In kindness and smiles, with occasionally a hearty laugh breaking the stillness. It was a scene worthy the pencil of an artist, one that would make a picture valuable now and in future generations. Rising at the con clusion of the interview, Mr. Davis withdrew with a stately bow, and In a few minutes after Mr. Greeley was en route tor the rallrtad depot, where he took the 1245 train for Louisville, ac companied by General Merrltt, bis friend and travelling companion. A STKANttE STORY. A Major-General Dies la a New York Jail. A few weeks ago, Major-General Charles Mundee left his home in Tallahassee, Florida, to attend the rennlon of the Army of the Potomac, at Boston. After the reunion he returned to Mew York and called on Generals Wright, Mew ton, and Hamilton, who had been his former companions in arms: He was at that time very finely dressed, but was unusually pale and ner vous. Upon leaving his friends he went to the low drinking den No. 119 West street, and bought a partnership interest for $250. He went there regularly each day, taking no ' part in the business cf the shop, but sitting quietly behind the bar. The whole transaction occurred without the knowledge of his friends, who supposed he had returned home. On Friday three men entered the saloon and were waited pn by the partner of General Mundee. After quitting, one of them declared he had been robbed, went oat for an officer, and had the barkeeper arrested. The following morn ing MuBdee was also arrested on a charge of. grand larceny, and conducted to the Tombs. About 8 o'clock that night he was seized with convulsions, and died within two hours. The deceased was a man of great wealth, and high standing, and bad been an officer in the regular army of the United States for twenty years. His friends can.account for his conduct only on the ground that he was insane. General Hamilton declares that while with him in the army he was never an Intemperate man, and was always highly esteemed by his fellow officers. Be was forty-four years of age, and leaves a wife and six children. When his friends saw the body at the Tombs it was clothed in very coarse garments, and a ring had been stolen from the hand. The remains will be taken in charge br Generals Newton, Wright, Shaler, and Hamilton, and forwarded to Tallahassee. JV. Y. Tribune, to-day. STATISTICS OF SUICIDE. Self-Murder In Mew York. Some of the details In the cases of the 101 nlrlV for the vear 1871 (nearly two oer week) recorded In the Buream of Vital Statistics, and hitherto unpublished, are interesting. 79 of these were males, and 23 females, and of that number 27 chose deah by haaging, 21 by shoot ing, and 11 by drowning, 0 cat or stabbed them selves, 7 jumped from dizzy heights, 2S took poison, and 1 placed hlmtelf before a locomo tive. It appears that the Germans daring the year have been the most prone to take their w lives, having furnished forty-six, or nearly one-half of the entire lumber. Hanging seems to have been the favorite form of suicide, there being seventeen, a plu rality ever all other methods adopted by them to "shuffle off this mortal coll." Of the forty six Germans who chose other methods than hanging, eleven put an end to existence by shooting, seven used violent and active drugs to poison themselves, three leaped -from win dows, tLree cut their throats, one stabbed, and another killed himself with a hatchet, and three chose death by drowning. 'Native Americans and the Irish are aext upon the roll of those 'rashlv importunate, wearv of breath.'' There are sixteen cases of each nationality. Six of the Americans slumbered into death by swallowing narcotic poison, five shot themselves. two tcok Paris green, two cut their throats, and one hanged himself. Of the Irish, six took poison, four hanged and two shot themselves, two leaped from windows, one drowned himself, and one took poison, one hanged himself, one leaped from a roof, and one drowned himself. There were three French suicides, of 'which number one hanged himself; one cut bis throat, aad one leaped from a roof. The remaining thirteen of the total number, and scattered through various nationalities, ended their lives by all the diner- ent plans above specified, except one, who threw himself before a locomotive. It Is inte resting to note that the Germans preferred the most violent aeams, even in the choice ot poisons, such as rarls green, strychnine, etc., tne most active auu uettuiy. weeks ago, gave rise to many heart-rending Russian trcops surrounded the houses of the families whose eons were to be conscripted la the dead of night, and took them out. When- ' ever resistance was offered, the troops fired. In Lowlcz seven persons, among them two .iM blllixl V, U th fni..U,l enforced. Next day over twenty thousand young Poles were went to the distant fortresses of Russia, where they will be uniformed and drilled, ana whence uey will not return for The authorities of St. Louis are making war tmnn .Via mtlbmfffi finder ii ArHlnanf.. whlph UfrVU IUU . ... " - - - r.r.nU.. ihot shfuitr shall anil mil lr iHn Unrated with water or other subatanoe, or any milk pro duced from diseased cows, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars. A Urge number of offen ders have been prosecuted. SECOND EDITION WHO SHALL GOVERN FRANCE? Chances of the Bourbons. Cufzot on the Situation, Tho Cabinet Appointments. All Tranquil at ltxris. Cuba and the United States. Prospects of tho Cotton Crop. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. FROM EUROPE. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. J Exclusively for The Evening Telegraph. Gntzot on the Situation. London, June 6. A letter from Guizot, pub lished to-day, advocates the validation of the elections to the Assembly of th Duke d'Aumale and Prince de Joinvllle, and the settlement of a form of government for France by a vote of the National Assembly. The Suppleaaentarjr Elections. Versailles, June 6. The official journal states that the time for holding the supplemen tary elections Is not yet ixed. Tranquillity pre vvils throughout France. The Constitutionnel says "the First Duty of the AaitmMr Is to 111 the one hundred and twenty seats in the next Assembly, define constituent powers, and finally to order a plebitcite for the determi nation of the question of the future form of government." London, June 8. Schunecker, the Murderer of Generals Lecomtt and Clement Thomas, has been arrested. The Trial of Rechefert and Assi Is postponed. Mines hare been Discovered In the sewers of Paris, intended to blow np the city. Gamfeetta Is still at San Sebastian. The New French Cabinet. Versailles, June 6 The official journal announces the following appointments: M. Lambercht, Minister of the Interior; M. Lefranc, Minister of Agriculture; General Cissey, Minister of War; Leon Soy, Prefect of the Seine; and General Leflo, Ambassador to St. Petersburg. This Morning's Quotations. Liverpool, June 10-30 A. M. Cotton opened with a hardening tendency; uplands, 8$8V1. ; Orleans, Sd. Sales to-day estimated at 15,000 baits. sales at sea, neany aue irera Hew urieaas, at sa. lor middling. Tue demand lor cotton to arrive Is immense. London, Juno s lu-so a. M. conseis for money 1, and for account 91. Bonds of 1863, of 186b, Old, 8UJf ; OI 1B67, MX ; 1U-4US, ssx. This Afternoon's Quotations. London. Jane 81 18 P. M. American securities quiet and steady. Liverpool, June 1-80 P. M. Cotton bnoyant; uplands, nearly 8tvi. ; Orleans, 8d. Bales now estimated at zu,uw uaies, manning- o ier export and speculation, Sales on ship named at New Orleans at 8d. Liverpool, June e r. snipments or cation from Bombay since last report to June B, 83,886 bales. B reads tuirs quiet ana Arm. Receipts of Wheat for three days It), 600 quarters ; of American, 7608. Corn, 828. 6d. for new. Peas, 42s. d. FROM WASHINGTON. IT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exelurively to The Evening Telegraph. The Claims of Americans in Cuba. Washington, June Then is absolutely no truth in the recently published Washington special stating that General Sickles has notified the Spanish Government that the question of re storing sequestrated estates of American citi zens in Cuba, etc., must be settled, as alterna tive of the employment of force. These very claims are referred, with all matters in dispute, for settlement by the convention recently con eluded. The idea of force, therefore, is prepos terous. The Alabama Claims. The Secretary of State himself Is authority for the statement that Secretary Fish is not to be one of the arbitrators in the case of the Ala bama claims, special despatches to the contrary notwithstanding. The Cotton Crop. Rumors having been circulated that the De partment of Agriculture has predicted a very short crop of cotton in 1871, it is proper to state that the estimates of the growing crop have beea made officially, and no reports concerning it have been issued this season. An estimate of comparatively acreage and a statement of the condition of the crop will be made in about two weeks. Government Weather Report. War Department, Oppici optii Chief Siskal Officer, Washington, Jane 610-30 A. M. Synop sis for the past twenty-iour nours: 'me Darorneter has continued to rise at the Paolflo stations, with aleasant weather ana light winds, it has remained stationary at the Kocky Mountains, and has gene rally fallen east of the Kocky Mountains. It has rmen sliarhtlv en the East Atlautlo coast. Tempera ture is this moniiuR very generally lower man Monday morning. Light winds have very generally Prevailed on the Atlautlo and Gulf coasts and the ikes, with partially cloudy and clear weather. Light rains fell on Monday on the coasts of Texas and cnrniina. The extreme neat experienced rrotn Kentucky to Iowa was followed Monday night by extended storms and heavy rains from Kansas to Illinois and Wisconsin. A very low barometer now exists in (Southern Illinois and la Michigan. Prohabuitiee rartiany ciouay and warm weather will probably be experienced during the rest of the (ay from Lake Huron to Georgia, and westward to tkAtlDol.ulnKl with .nvupft liuul BNipm. TV 1 I ci IUC juimiBDiyp, null m i v. . """ i..viiu. iiuiu A'i 10- sourt to Lake Huron. Fresh easterly wtndswtll pro bably prevail on the Atlantis coast Clondy and threatening weather, with aoaineasieny winds, on tue uuu. FROM HEW ENGLAND. tlT ASSOCIATED press. 1 Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph, Sad Drowu if Casualty. HfiRTow. June Yesterday afternoon five young men employed in the machine shop of Davis. Wllev & Stone, at North Anaover vu- laca. were drowned in North Andover pond. They were fishing, and men and boat were cap sized by a squall. Their names were camuei Allen. John Waestaff. William 'Aloey, John Warcrnft and William Bemford. Two others, Clarence Surgoant and William Ilolt, ewam ashore. - - t - ........ MASONIC. The Approaching Knights Templar Re union at llarrUbwrg An Imposing De. monatratlon Expected. The annual conclave of the Grand Comman- dery of Knights Templar of Pennsylvania will be held in Ilarrlsburg, commencing Tuesday, June 13, and continue fotir days Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The occa sion will be the grandest in point of display ever witnessed in this State. NUMBER OF COMMANDERIE9 IN PENNSYLVANIA. There are forty commanderies in Peaosylva- nia, from each of which it is expected au ave rage of thirty to forty Sir Knights will be pre set.., which will place in the line ot procession from 1200 to 1500, and thns make a spectacle of grand and Imposing appearance. Pilgrim Com mandery, No. 11, of Ilarrlsburg, which has in charge all the arrangements, has been untiring in its efforts to secure its success, and provide for the comfort of visiting Sir Knights. Ample hotel arrangements have been prepared, railroad facilities secured, and the hospitality of the citizens of Ilarrlsburg guaranteed, so that in the fullest respect every feature of the affair will be a credit to the order. By act of Assem bly the entire control of the Capitol grounds and buildings has been given to the Sir Knights order, who will hold possession thereof for the four days of the meeting. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS DURING CONCLAVE. The first day's proceedings of the conclave will be In the hall of the House of Representa tives, and, of course, secret. The second day's proceedings will be the election of officers, and other secret business of the order, la the same locality. In the evening of Wednesday ( second day) a full dress parade will take place on West state street, which will be the Beginning ot the imposing spectacle to occur on Thursday, it the close of the precession a public installation of officers will take place in the Methodist church, Locust street; on which occasion an oration will be delivered by Sir Sidney Hayden. IMPOSING CHARACTER OF THE DEMONSTRATION. The preparations already on foot for the deco ration of private and public buildings along the line of procession are all of the most extensive character. It is already ascertained that many of the most celebrated bands of music from different parts of the State and country will be present, while among the oir Aaignts win oe some 01 the most distinguished public men in Peunsylvania. TUE WEATHER. The Detailed Meteorological Report for xo-uay. The following Is the meteorological report of the Signal Bureau of the War Department for this morning, all the observations being taken at 7-43 A. M.. Fhlladttlphla time. The barometrical reports are corrected tor temperature and elevation. The velocity of the wind la given in miles per hour, and tne rorce is an approximate reduction to the Beaufort scale: Place of Obner-vatwn. i Ii r 1 ii if RO-03 79 E. 8 Gentle. Hazy 30-10 69 s. W. 7 Oentle. Fair 80 01 61 E. 6 Gentle. Cloud 2 -88 74 N. R. 8 V. gent. Fair 28- 74 71 N. W. 14 Brisk, tstrm 29- 8 78 S. B. 8 V.gent Clear 38-78 74 S. 11 Gentle. Fair S9-99 79 8. K. 6 Gentle. Cloud 89-89 78 8. W. 1.... Fair 30- 1T 43 W. l'.... Clear 80-02 67 E. 8 Gentle. Clear 29-861 75 E. 7 Gentle. Clear 29-831 8 iN. W. 8 V. gent. Fair 29-811 60 S. E. 6 Geatle. Clear 80-04 VI E. ..I.... Claud 80-04 75 1 Calm. Fair 29-61 70 N. 6 Gentle, l. rain 29-98 71 E. 1 Gentle. Clear 29-91 79 N. S. .J .... Cloud Baltimore. Boston Cape May Charleston, S. C. Chicago Cincinnati Detroit.......... Key Wett, Fla.. Memphis Alt. Washington. Mew York Norfolk Omaha OBwego Philadelphia nttsDurg St. Louis Washington Wilmington, jn.u F1NAJHVX AND COMMERCE. BVENINO Txi.iaRAirH OmoR,! 'fuanday, June S, 187L I The cltv banks, in their usual weekly exhibit last night, again give an unusually favorable account oi their condition. Ihe deposits during the week have Increased $1,532,875. and the legal tenders 1 658 460. There has also been a very heavy expansion in the loans, amounting to 1,147,764. The business at the banks shows a corresponding Increase ot la,&JU.W3, and the balances are heavier by $1,080,761. Notwith standing this increase in loans the condition of the kanks is highly lavorabie to increased ease. They hold large unemployed balances, and find it difficult to dispose of them either on call or time contracts. Rates, as usual, are easy and nominal. Gold is quiet and steady, with sales varying between lYZyiU2(, closing at 112f. Government bonds are not offered to any ex tent in this market, and prices are about the same as quoted yesterday. The stock market revived this morning, and prices under a sharp demand and an easy money market advanced materially. Sales of City 6s at 100 tor the new issues. Reading Railroad was in great demand, and all offerings were taken freely at 5S58'56. Pennsylvania was also active and stronger, sell ing at 61fr61. Sales of Lehigh Valley at 625: Oil Creek and Allegheny at 52i52V; Catawlssa, preferred, at 48, and Philadelphia and trie at zti , ior a inning lot. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Reported by De Haven k ro., No. 40 S.Thlrd street. F1K8T HOARD, 12000 Pa 6s2 ae....io7ji iwUhLen. NavSt. 89 89 12000 City 6a, Mew. Jtp... 100 800 da 106 liooo Pa K mt..reg. x 14900 do 84 Ji f moo Leh gold L. . . 3,', 2000 Read 6s, '43-80 87 IMOo Pa ft N Y C 7a 86 4000 Leh V Con in. 62 tioeo W Pa It bns.. 82 1000 sh Reading K. . .68-66 tOO do 6SX (0 Sh 13th & 15th R 24X 80S 0. .1)5. 108 100 100 200 de.. do., do., do., da.. 860. MX Btf 829. 89 .830. 39 608 .869. 8S;i 64 61 rf6 sh Peaaa 200 do 9 do 221 sh Cata frf 4S 49 200 da s B00BhOC4AR.S30 62 Missus. ! Haven Brother, No. 40 Soath Third street, Philadelphia, resort the follawlag quotations: mew u. o. os or issi, nixiii ; U. 8. M of 1881, V4MXi do. 1802, 11 11:411: do. 1801. 111111'.: do. 1865. UlKin llUi ; de. 186e, new, lUSimMJi ; do. 1867, da.1144 114'i ; de, 1866, do. 114 VtlHS ; lu-os,io9v4UO. o. B. 80 Yar 6 er cent. Currency, U5XU6; Gold, 112a 112M : Stiver, 107108 w ; Onion Pauiae Rail road 1st work Bonds, 8U,g91; Central FaclBo KaUroad, WKmmx; Union Paolls Land draat Beads. S454. Nab It Ladnik, Brokers, report this morning gaid quotations as ioiiows: 10-00 i. M v.AUi( 10-61 A M... 1062 ... 108 " ... . 112 ..112 10-Sl " , ....112', 10-35 - Uli ..112 Philadelphia Trade Report. Tuesday, June 6. Bark Is nominal at 1 39 y ton for No, 1 Quercitron. Tanner's bark continues to arrive freely, ana sells at S15&21 y cord for chest nut and tipaulsh oak. Flour is In moderate demand from the local trade, bnt slilnoers are not operating to any extent. Hold ers of fresh ground lots are quite tlrru In their views, but old s uk-a Is dull and wea. Sales of ltoo bat- rels, Including supernae at 15-25.49 50; extras at 8s-62U.fi-siu: Iowa aud Wisconsin extra faintly at 86 50416-75; Minnesota do. do. at1aT-95; Penn sylvania do. do., at ttf-2e36-7&; Indiana and Ohio do. da, atfTT to j and fancy brands at7-7548, as In quality. Kye raur nay be quoted at a in iini Meal nothing doing-. The Wheat markat la very quiet, and prices are not so firm. Bales oi rea western aii-3i-; tmhtr at Si-A,al-70: 90u0 bashels Iowa spring at f 1 65; and white at $1-714. Kye may be quxted attl-124l-16 for Western aud Pennsylvania, earn Is dull at the decline noted yesterday. Bale of boos bushels at 73c. for yellow, and 79 42)40. for Western mixed. Oats are less active, ana lo, lower. 6o bushels white Western sold at 6so. In Barlev and Uait nothing dolnif . Whuky U dull. We quote Western Iron-bound at 84C THIRD EDITION DOXVX238TIO A X 7 A X XL S. To-Day's Specie Shipments. Sunday-school Celebrations. Btc, Etc.. Etc., Etc. Etc., Ete. FROM NEW YORK. UT AS80CIAT8D PRKSS. Exclutively for The Evening Telegraph. Specie Shipments. Nbw York, June 6 Specie shipments to Europe to-day, s)161,500; engagements for to morrow, t500,000. The forty-second anniversary of The Brooklyn Sunday School Union Is being, celebrated to-day. Probably twenty five thousand children are In line of the various processions.. There is much enthusiasm. Chicago Flour and AY heat Market. Special Despatch t The Evening Telegraph. Cxicago, June 6 lo go A. M. Wheat quiet and easier; tl'27, seller June; $1-27 v, seller last half; 11-27. seller July. Corn firm; 62c, seller June; 63754o., seller Jnly. .; jucettne, sntp-u. , jxece pi, amp-u. Flonr, bbls. 6,6oo l.ooo Oats, bus.... so.ooo ls.ooo WheaUms. 60.009 67,090 Rye. bus.... 8,000 none. Corn, bus. .842,000 169.900 Barley, bus.. 1,000 none. Baltimore Produce Market. BalttmOrb, June 6. Cotton buoyant but unset tled, and no acaarate quotations can be given. Holders are very firm, and atk above New fork figures. Flour quiet and weak excepting for choice sound grades; Howard street superfine. $5-264; extras, 86'25725; family, 1725(8-68; City Mills supernne, $5-2597-85; extras, $6-608; family, $8t 11; western supernne, ss-SiKws: extras, 0B7i 7 26; family, t7-28'25. Wheat dull: Ohio and In diana, 11-86(31-60. Soutkern white Cam steady at 7S9c. ; Southern yellow, 767Sc Oats quiet and firm at 64a6Sc. Pork uncbanred. Bacon weak; shoulders, 77vc; rib sides, 9(9Vc. ; clear rib, 9j9Xc; sugar-cured Hams, 16&17C Lard dull at liaiixc wnisKy, 93X4c HOMOEOPATHY. Twenty-eighth Anniversary of the Ameri can Institute t Homoeopathy First Day's Session Address by the President Reports of the Secretary, Treasurer, and Other Officers The Bureau of Cliul cal Medicine. For years past it has been the custom of the medical men of the new school to hold a meet- log of the delegates from the various States and from subordinate societies, ana in tms assem blage the best talent of the profession meet to gether. At the twenty-seventh anniversary of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, held in Chicago in June, 1870, Invitations were ex tended to the institute to meet in rmiadeipnla in June, 1871, by the Homoeopathic Medical (society ot Pennsylvania and by the Homoeo pathic Medical Society of this city. These invitations were accepted, and a committee appointed to make the necessary arrangements. Early yesterday morning the members of the Institute commenced to arrive in the city. In the evening an initiatory levee was held at the residence of Constantino Herring, M. D , Nos. 113 and 114 N. Twelfth street. Dr. and Mrs. Herring entertained their guests in a handsome manner. At ten o'clock this morning the delegates as sembled In the hall of the Mercantile Library Association for the transaction of business. Dr. H. N. Guernsey, chairman oi tho Com mittee of Arrangements, in a brief speech weir corned the delegates to the city. The President of the Institute, Dr. D. H. Beckwith, of Cleveland, Ohio, then replied as follows: I beg leave to express ray gratitude for the hanor you have conferred on me in selecting my humble self to preside over your deliberations. I respect fully ask your forbearance and indulgence In the performance of the datles that devolve upon me dar ing the present session. It Is now eleven years since we last met In this great and beautiful city the second metropolis of our country ; honored In history as tbe birth-place of oar Constitution. Almost within bearing of ear voices the tree of American liberty was planted I Here a few noble patriots, with daring scarce kaown In the world's history, broke the shackles of our bondage and de clared our national freedom ; with heartfelt, grati tude and thankfulness do we revere the memory of those few fearless men who vouchsafed to our country Its liberties and to a glorl. ous nation Its existence! Not less honored is the spot on which they stood the same gronnd we to-day occupy made memorable through all time of onr country's existence as the birth place of freedom 1 And since our national banner lirst waved in unmolested freedom from the tower of yen old Independence Hall until mow, has this city been truly called the Mecca ot American medi cal literature. This city has not alone the honor of originating the Brst medical college on this side ot the Atlantic, but it has the hlgber honor or establishing the first medical college In the world where the pure and true science of the healing art of homusopathy was taught ; and in al the arts and sciences she has been second to none. We all remember the hearty and cordial welcome we received from our brethren at that meeting, eleven years ago, and how harmonious were all our transactions, by representatives from every State In the Union, and as we then parted to meet In one year at the "Queen City oi the West," little did we anticipate the great and momentous events that were about to transpire in our country ! Who then thought that an intestine strife was about to take p ace among our heretofore united people ; of the rivers of blood that would How, and of the thousands upon t boosamU of human lives that were soon to be sacri ficed, aud the autoid treasures that were to be spent to save our national unity, aud to preserve un harmed the tree of liberty, originally plauted on this very soil. And while we monrn with numberless tears the dead, whose lives were sacrificed to maintain our national perpetuity, our hearts are tllltd with grati tude to Him, the restorer of all peace, that we are again permitted to meet in our annual gathering, a truly national institute, with no division of senti ment; a body of representatives from the Lakes to tbe Gulf, and from ocean to ocean. We are again here to receive the same cordial welcome that was : so generously bestowed npon us beiore. , Gentlemen, it Is with luiinite delight that we may contemplate the growth and prosperity of our Insti tute. A llttie more than a quarter of a century ago -a few pioneers, less In numbers than the Institute is years old, met in the city of Mew York and origin nated what is now tbe largest medical body in the world, and the oldest In this country, "The ASsert-' can Institute of Homoeopathy." in 1 To be a member of such a distinguished body ,my well araken the pride ot every true and . honest payiU'lau. Some of those noble pioneers we have ' S'.ill with us little did they think when they, org; nlzed this body, tbat such would be lis rapid grow Ui(j prosperity and usefulness not even the must ,iu gulns among them could have conceived that 'fa; their lifetime an organization representing an lntnw . vatlon In the tlme-wern theories of toe. seteaott f medicine with so few representative .and patrons, could have attalntd its present dimensions; aud It Is bat due to those few living ' erlglaatori that we rive mere heed to their counsel, aad bvnowei willing listeners to their long and extensive exserU, ence, and not ourselves occupy too much tline of the institute that mere properly belongs to tTaena y right of age. We may well ptjtisioa-lUmu.wtiU.our. gratitude lor their noble undertaking, Ui orgauUiuf au maintaining In Its aunty this organization. il any of the respected founders of this Itibtlt&itd' have gone to a butter laud. They died wuoi their ; armor on, working In full (b l IU Immortal, science discovered by tbe Illustrious Hahuemaaa. May their memory never depart froin as, aud ntay their noble example oi aeli-eaoridee and daootloa to tie cause of llomvopate J t imitated by us, au4 may we measure lhew by. that standard, sa truly, theirs the "good alone are great" - - , i ? v.4tJ l.il v.1 I li.4.V el.t; Not less gratifying Is it for as to contemplate the unprecedented j rapid growth of our science of medicine. Still within tbe memory of many of na was the introduction of homoeopathy In thia coun try by the lamented Br. Oram (who, we are happy to say, la having a suitable monument erected to his memory). In the States and Oanadas we have nearly ten thousand reputable physicians and surgeons. In this country, alone, seven colleges, in which tbe curriculum of studies is not surpassed by any, and where tbe requirements for graduation are now becoming more rigid than that of any other school of medicine. The numerous hospitals, dispensaries, and asylums, although supported by individual efforts, are In such a condition as to be worthy of oar pride. Oar pa trons are found everywhere among the intellirsnt and educated, and are numbered by millions. With such a growth In the few past years, who can fore tell oar future destiny snd at how short a period In tbe the world's coming history will bomreopathy be the prevailing practice of medicine. God speed the day when right shall rule ami overpower might, aad truth shall everywhere prevail. We have not only been violently opposed by the opposite school of medicine, but tbe Government has withheld the aid aud support that so rightfully belonged to us. Even during the late war none of our brave soldiers and sailors, if sick or dylag with disease, or giving tbeir last drop of patriotic blood that tte country might be preserved, were allowed a phjBioian or surgeon of their choice, but must, forsooth, take what the regulations af allopathy directed, nntlt many of us felt the force of the old expression of our forefathers when seeking free dom, "No taxation without representation." Our arrogant neighbors have since attempted to make the strong arm of tho Government subserve their ends of opposition to ns, in not permitting the poor sick and disabled pensioner to allow us to Judtre of the disability and amount of his pension simply because we disagreed with them In the practice of medicine. Many of our penalon surgeons were dis charged with full assurance from tbe department that their duties had been well performed. Their removal was for no other cause than being ho moeopaths. During the war, while the welfare of our countiy was at slake, many of our pnyBlcteas and surgeons entered the ranks as common soldiers they were willing to sacrifice their right for their country's honor, and their nation's flag. But, since the close f the war, the country no longer In danger of being divided or overthrown, the professlen to a man has risen to resent these outragoa which the Pension De partment perpetrated open us. Delegates were seat from many of tbe Statea to confer with the Presi dent of the United States, asking of him to remove the Commissioner of Pensions, and with commend able promptness eur petitions have been granted. Kothlsg has transpired, since our existence as an organization, that has looked so favorably to oar soon attaining our just and equal claims, as the change In the sentiment of public opinion for tbe pat twelve months. The path of our duty In the luinre is evident: we must follow that well-known axiom that "in nnlty there is strength," and let no minor considerations exist among us to cause divisions. Let not the East nor the West, aor any part of the country, claim superiority of practice, but with gene rosity and liberality allow every physician to pre scribe as his honest conclusions may dictate, pro vided be adheres to the fundamental law In medi cine. Similia timUihue curantur. vV'e should have but ene object before ns, namely: The advance ment of medical science. To accomplish tnls great work we must liberally support our colleges, and then expect of them a high standard ef medical education, aad Insist that dlplo ' maa shall oaly be granted to those atudeata who are well qualified to receive them. It Is our duty on all occasions to conaemn irregular practice, and en courage the weak to have more oonldence la the principles of cure, for It la not the medicine that falls, but the physician who prescribes It. Our literature has reached a high standard In books and periodicals. The latter require for their maintenance our unanimous support We should not withhold from tbe profession or the public oar observations and expenence when they are useful. Hospitals and dispensaries are found In almost all the cities of the globe, and they require onr aid aad influence. Each member of the Institute sheald consider that he has a certain amount of publlo work to further tbe general interests of all. I wish to call your attention to the necessity of selecting young men of education, whose abilities will make them good practitioners, and adopting tbm as students la your emoes; young men ot auua maral character and sterling worth as will make them prominent citizens and leadiag physicians, a 1 know many of you do not wish a student In your office, and you refuse every applicant who oomea before you. And these young raeu who are aaxious to obtain a medical education sees: it surrounded by Influences by which their minds become preju diced against tne teachings and doctrines of Homoe opathy. If every practitioner of our school of medicine In the United States would secure one or two students and prepare tbem for onr colleges, It would accom plish more each year for the good and prosperity of Homoeopathy than all other causes combined. Did you ever realize what an army you eould prepare hi so short a time by bringing properly qualified ren cruiis iu mi tue nuik, iu uur pruicuiuiiT Since wa have by tbe late action of the Govern ment received at least some assurance tbat no par ticular sect or creed of medicine is to receive Its; sanction ana patronage, wesnouia taxe an active measures that are honorable to secure ourpropor tion of appointments In all Institutions supported by' the ceoole. ( .., .( ' .-, Da the Onlverslty of Michigan our friends have Iodb- since laid claim to a representative m the medical department, and petitions signed by thoo.I; sands of tne prominent men or that tttato. wore j aeon to the Legislature of 1870 and 1871, asking Uheia, to , direct mu regeuia ui tun outie university to au oointachalr of theory and nractloe-of medtotne. and one on materia medlca of our aoaooli The ami thus providing for two professorships paS4ed ,aho. house by a vote of 61 ayes to 28 nayrf, ' ' unrmg tne session oi one nunareooayajHooin war introduced that waa so strongly, supported.' and laoi violently oppoBea. w nea tne oui xeacoea wie eeprr ate the professors of the medical; .department and their friends throuehout the -State determined "t(V defeat the bill. Tbe friends 'of (he! .hill Wera san- A gulne that It would pass. At this maneat a division In tbe Homoeopathic profession, .6ntredr th Sonata and the bill was defeated by a majority of!"1" r- The effort to obtain a pnoteaadrstiipi in tn Uoivoiii sity will again be made in )87-3 before the next . Legislature, and I hope aqd pray thai every dlvfalpn in the profession wll( be healed, and' that all of ub' will work to secure this whluh rightfully belongs to ns, f. V ur ; I at... The time will soori como wbe a thuj xopntry wUl , lBgswlll be included medical scleoee. Dlp'lomas from such an institution jwUl t;sougat after by most young men entering the proessipa Every, effort will be matle.by the old 'school to entirely con? trol the medldat'departmeUfcttist Will beoutauliaho?' In that nalvetttlty.1 t,iit J;i.i l-crni uuo r.i l To prevent ay Buch lanjehtabUsoccurreaoa each , memUeror tola institute should eahslder himself bound by the most soletnnauty to oppose all 'egl-T latlon that voubl compromise our right an a saaeot of medicine. . And 1 haDe oar Bureau on Legislation ill always Be ready to w?rR d act with' all State id county 'societies' to procure equality! In 'Coar' and gressional . appointments iwht-re-ttedloal: rued' are requires. ,1 hy anouiq see mi is, iaa.tr no &iai, jaws are allowed to exist whle,h, give .priority to, any. school raitsacbings?-J"i' ' ;', Tbe great, arroggle ofith present day Is betwoen the piri of progresai,vAmsdk;ne on. the one haud and conservatism on tho other. The latter, y or ganized combinations, endeavor ,to monopolize atf departments In soktotiflo medicine and 1 practical surgery .They ; hve,-until a: few i years? pat..ha4 enure, control of, ophthalmic and aural surgery, but to-day we heve-rfPrtttmUUves in'WarJy eft oar" large cities engaged in the treatment of that Class of jdlHea8C8.il :i v ii ; f ;7: mvt H-n- jiiw i To promote the Interest of this Important depart, rrwnt: I would recommend the establishment pf a I AU things have their proper times aad Wessons: their periods e( growth and progresslen. ; The time has arrived, ra tlia history of this society when It ranks s a great national' organization and when, each succeeding: year seeaoor moihberahip'goauiy creased, . The mightier we bepme: e au organ ized power the more ia expectedJ of us. in, our pro jtfiio " i Leok'attne proceedings of the session1 ot 1884, and compare hiu with those oX W0, aud yo will Be ihat moretlian ten times as much medical literal lure was produced by the members of tho Institute the latter as tbe former vaar. It la expected that -ch bureau devote Its eutrvivs to te production of ! a medical literature, wb'th, to lu proper depart ment, snail do honor to the society as a scientific, fcrganizattoD. .T.- .i T W i J a our younger day, when prVe were offered for esuays for Uie purpose of stimulating the scholars so a greater effort, it was a fact that better compo sitions were written 'baa when no prizes were of dured. Thesystamof offertng premluma and prizes will stimulate the members of every organization wbere oompetltlen Is expected; and J doubt not if "prizes were cnered It would add greatly to the ieaergy aad efficiency of our different bureaus. .: i. . I would therefor suggest that every member who accept bis appolntmeut in a bureau, pay to the 'chairman of that special department 1 . ' '- - :J' certain slgnated sum, the sggregate to furnish a prize for the test esuy produced la that bureau, to bo awarded at our next meeting. Other matters that I deem Important for the In stitute to take into consideration I will not at pre. sent suggest, as I bare no donbt they will in the course of the sessten be brought up and properly disposed of. ' 1 hope the Bureau on Necrology will pay Jnst tri bute to tbe memory of our dead tbe past year. But few cf onr members since we last met have beea called noma to reap the rewards of their labor. Gentlemen, In conclusion allow me to offer aa humble tribute to the memory of Walter Williamson, tbat great and good physician, who has died since our last aonnal gathering. He was oae of the oldest veteracs in the profession: always ready and willing to bear his part In contributing- to and building up and sustaining the Amei loan Institute of Homoeo pathy. That life which be devoted to the good of man kind, and to the advancement of meSlcal science, waa sacrificed In his profession. 'The character npon which death set his seal. Is Oiled with beauti ful and impressive contrasts." In this society he waa one of our strongest representatives, a man of prompt action and ready resources. When called 4 upon for his opinion, his words were few, bat ex- -1 preset ve of sentiments that held the closest atten- ,- lion of his auditory. 3 Ho avoided petty wrangltngs and foible discus- n1 slons, for his mind soared tar above tbem. He J 1 loved order and harmony, and always cultivated .i tbem. He looked upon the American Institute as , the great centre of the medical profession, and be- , lleved the time occupied by us la our deliberations 1 I belonged to every member of the profession alike, L - and not to the few. He has left us a noble examnia . m tbe highest professional reputation, one thatwUL live for agea to come. j 'tra :l In bo part of onr country wUl his loss be felt mote" r J thsn la this city ; here Is the home of his wife and K -children the friends of his manhood, the compa nions of his early professional labors, the County TC 3 medical society that be assisted In organizing, thi 5 vl medical lournal to which ae was a contrllmwr.tha., ( college which was always dear to him hero was his ',"'. warm friends and patrons that often welcomed hia cheerful face at their bedsides nU ,n : i. It Is net for me to dwell on his many and -exalte 1 i virtues, for they are known to you ailt-would that ', 7 he could have lived to bo with us to-day. " Well dot remember bis last words as he bade us-rsiWeJl J the city of Chicago. "We hope to have glorious Ji ujccuuk iu runaucipuia next year." . I JLOOW those- woroB emDoay tne sentiment of every member .of, the American Institute of Homoeopath. fcl i - a u7 Ob motion of Dr. T. B. Wilson, of devefaiid", Ohio, a committee of three, ccmilsUnjfot the' ! mover and Drs. J. U. Burghei of -lbta-fly:c i and J. T. Talbot, of Bostop-JilsASn :wm ap Lit pointed to i' i rtupon the Presidents address. 7 dt The Chair announced the foUo wl cm!)h4j OnCredentials-Drs. Hir.Bmltrf.'bl'l?.00 York; W. E. Freeman, of 'WllmifitonV'N. C.f1 Ilerace Payae, of AlbanyoJ, vE.JameB7'6f Philadelphia. ,i it tid has cni Auditing Dre. J. T. Tftlbot,.o Boston;-E,Pi ol Baker, of Davenport, IpwaltM. Paynejjot 4jj New York, S. R. BeckwWi, Af CdwS M. Smith, of New YorkF L. ,E", Ober, pii Crosse. Wisconsin. JU"f'?s'f-' r'-1 CfJ " Dr. R. Lndlow, of Chicago Geieral '8ecreta&:J f the Institute, then-submitted Ihe khnual re port for 1870, which waovWC6ivd.;!aa4 ttdflrtrtf tobeprlnted. .fn .;:W-m ' &, n i ms'I On motion.lt fas, resqWeU fia, hM felon if Jo" pnM h ?-!o X AL;j i k Dr. B.'W. Jamisl'rrohVlnif foi,rn4e1Iof,,;J Arrangements, fcunonntsbii thkt kt 4 T,ltt.'tdiiod 1 tbe members, together iwltn-'ttWr- ladles knaIOi friends, would foeet atlthq KaV TArdi'tft an excursion la H Delaware) t Itfc lnvlUtlodil of Commc)dre .ErompnBV,Tcorro M. the members wWnieet,lui Indroendomoe,,, Hall to be Presented. i Ke MayortT At ;4 FT. t they will' rablo lSM Hotel, togetheK "wH&- thelf Indies fdrWwtt-' pose of tiking dTtv ihrttiga Faltmohnt TpifK.-30' Dr. E. 1; Kolloggof i New; York; Treasorer or thJ 5 Institntesubmutfd a report,, showlag tthe ' rceiptio during the year to hive. Wen i2i:o-6Vand th , t A nnmbei of auggesUoni relattyoi to 4 change a"-1' the by-laws were referretLto; the WomJttei'a-jr pointed to conBWer the PresJdenfs addteasT. Df.&M. i'hti, of Balem.ldass: chafrmadbt ,thV91, Bureau of Clinical Medicisey. presented the followv ur lng papers,,. j'Bhail. we cJyaqclaate' byt Drj Jj Bjt MandevDle,- of ,TSewarfc, X I. 1 'Ulai rhoea." by, Dr. . J. C. Bnrgherr-of Fltu7g, fix ri&aTeDi'V eases of -Ohio jromr June, 18w, to4nt), wn b Dr;3' 1). H. Beckwith, of Cleveland, Ohio: "CattarrttalJi J ,veHr,' ?LDr-,a P- Kr, of 'Rlomond, Indiana! "Medleal Maxims" by Dr. MiUer, of, Syracuse N oT.: "rarrIcldebyiEuXf iSkwiihfo SJhS hio ; "Scrofuiosis," by Mr. 8. MviC, of . alamV- 11 he i Ftnanco Oommttte snbrnttied rtpdrt,-eU t ' "flS?- h auaual flubacjrlption be raised , i J r.Swaaeo,:X MassacDOS'ettsl Mnsfl'th4tth rr. iSTh wifauiw oe pKwmea. I'Oin ear the president's address. Lfle made a motioaicothatTut ffeuL which was voted i committee waa final J The. tatr hdob ipoa Scrofalosii"Va8?hTe'nir(lItrf: Its aatbor.. Jr;8.M-Cate.-f tSalam. Maaa i wtitnR'ii DK'Wataop, ofCtled, K.-T mtured ttaitrienWs1-1 of tbe Committee on Legislation, submitted a repbrt?AU Setting forth at iengU the eppoltlon on tie Dart oti ,the allopathic ohyslclans; to-au.v-atej bylAe Ho jj mopcpathuts oOhe District of Columbia, W obtaln A from congress a recosrnttlon of: their rifrhf-fci nrarti ji F ticeisthe district. The ommitteo-'aud' VeDertedJ tbaUbej bad ihtroduxed lutaConrwss.aWiJopaniadl ing all niedical offlces wjthlu the gift of the o yern-. u i (mentto gradnater of any medical coliege ja this 4 country: or -any othor, -The foilowlne reaoluKoml1! i were appeadeolQ the Deport j.joi:-r. p ui Io.Jrjj Xtrolvtii.Tbt.t the Amerieaa InitHfltflbf nmrnJBt6 h 1 . recognlzai ia the ttmi.t of ftll)ihio phyaiuiaaa fur c. prototitilng hAmtopthipbHaDs frn eRiaeaof- trutt'-3 aadat th LoimJ htkto Ooraraaiaetk and tbeeotpoq the iimricin MtUwI Awiooiafioa, ud f the Medic3 AwaslaUoaor WataiteB, la tmein( Vt. 0.-0. Ooi'-Z fur (utin5 with hamu'eiNitpio pbynHtiaa mMiB.r(t of Health f tbe Dutntt of Oolumliia, a ooaspiricj 7 esBinst therigbtsaad the fresdom of Auiarioaa citixeo. ( 10 hrtvlvtd. 1 hat aeoret Huiont are bald b uapioiM sod . ' a association laloBRiBK to i clasi kuowa a- allobathid " 3 ! tl7ioja,( in wSiea man are dnaoeaoad foi haldiujc po-i?a Jitical aud rofaatiiODalTiewa dUSaraat irom tbairowo. fuf r wbirh eaaa they tradrtakn to, and do. duuUU t ha of fender by aatiatiM ad. defamation, and by pfaoHdli45l bini from the nxbt of consultation wnieh, propauJ balon, to all medical niea. '. '-.'1 i Of i Kreuicnl, Tba in as doio the 'eejnse jtraat lajary' to q honorable and mieatifio ma, tad to tbe people-, wbo, . -tbeir . areataat aeed aire Saprivad iif-the benefit' dex10-' rived irora eoaaniLulkitt.witb nhvMiaiAtta rvr tlui.unin,- t raDred and tniiliciouB interference. .. '. . - , i'.. u. uviis vt uonen, wane., waaiu lavur m vne - resolutions, o They were written In a fair spirit, aud ::a there, waa a large class of, aUoaathicy phjsiclani ,,. whom they would protect. . ''- ' I)r. Swaze was opposed to them.-' lie thought' ft rjettejr .for-JiomoeODatblst to stand aloof from the, 1 1 vdirty work of ; the allopaUiisui in, oMiacUlng, their -: a Lr. Verdi; in support of Tils resolutions,' said the-J - allopatalataatlil continued their opposition io. the o t iioiuofopathlits.- He ebaracterizad them aBothlpg1 else but-cousptrators anting In -see-ret conolave. ,t They stooped to vilify the homoeopathlsts la the -1 :woat Kanuer.i i -- ..r j . i I ..i:ct i Dr. Watson ptyled tbe action of the aHopathlsts la -j attempting to dictate to the I'nixed States tiovern-- , roent what cIsbs of medical men they shall put Into"3 oflioe as an unwarrantable pteee of impudence.'- He 4 waainfavor of obtaiuiQg soma OootTressionsJ legta j; latlon iu the preml8r aud UuaWd the Resolution u would prevan. '-' " 1 " "' , 1 Dr. MoMbbus, of 'Baltimore,' Said hohKepathy.a-l could jonly . bo vindicated by Its suocena.a It aaJ f j nothing else to vindicate iW He thought the actloa of Dr. Verdi in flgbting the pitosltlon in Washing-' -ton a sensible mo ye, as it brought nltu prommeatiy -4 before tbe publuv .i - '.tf.t i. j.'i j: j Dr. bull doubted ine expediency x( stiliag their- opponents jsoBSjiirators. Jfe, ws rUit vrtaiii," whether It was right, whether tt- Was wfse. lid couJkel ed moderation In the wording- ot the rceev j lutlons. . j ! ---- f - j ' j i n -i , Dr. Watoon aid not deem tbe language employed Infhe least too strong, aa tbe ailoputhlsts hd'forI years len VKing the most aeurriloa language to '4 tbelr attacks npon them. . , ;1 , .. ,r. . , On motion of Dr. Morse the resolutions were re ferred to a committee, with lnstiuctions toTeport at -l 10 A. U. to-day, upon the adopttouof more moddrato ' ' lantnasfe ui 'heir wording. . '-,!,, -- i ' ' Dr. ale Manna submitted the report ot the Board of , Censors, after which tbe meetiag adjourned. ' - ' This evening the annual address will be delivered J ' by Dr. T. 1. V lison, of Cle veland, Ohio. - ..j . n .: : ; . . . . : j i . .-. i