THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1871. rrnwa nunxaiAivir. CUr Affairs. The Athletics played a beautiful and very strong game oo Saturday, beating the Hy. makers by a score 01 .10 10 0. me pitoning of Mclinde was snpero. Musio in Norris Square, Nineteenth ward, this and very evening daring the sum mer. The square in a neat and beantifal little spot, vita a handsome fountain in the centre. A lad of five years, named James Logan, was Tan over and badly mangled at Seventh and Bainbridge atreets, by a Union oar, yes terday afternoon. The driver and conductor have been arrested. Another child named James Merchant, living at No. 1311 Wood street, was rnn over by a Thirteenth and Fifteenth Streets car, and had his foot crashed, yesterday. A carriage containing a Mr. Jennings and his wife and child was smashed up last night by a mail wagon at Tenth and Unesnat streets. The child was thrown oat, bat was not in jured. An officer afterwards arrested James temple, an employe of the 1 ost Office, who, it is alleged, tried to prevent the arrest of the driver of the mail wagon. A Mr. Kendall, proprietor of a saloon at Eighth and Cherry streets, shot into a crowd of yonng men wno cad attempted to beat turn. Une of tne numoer, named HUlacky, was shot and wounded dangerously. James Black, colored, one of the mur derous wretches who beat and maimed for life James Bradley, on Emeline street, in March last, has been committed to answer by Alderman Iverr. According to the mustor of the 1st Divi sion National Guards of Pennsylvania, last month, tne number of men is 11)30. Domestic- Affairs. - A large portion of New Orleans is inun dated. A very superior quality of black coal has just been discovered within ten miles of St. Louis. The wheat harvest in Southern Illinois has begun earlier than ever before known, and tne yield is abundant. The strike of laborers at Washington ended on Saturday, the contractors yielding tne point and agreeing to pay $2 par day. The trial of Hon. C. 0. Bowen for bigamy was concluded on Saturday after noon by the jury bringing in a verdict of "guilty." Vice-President Colfax has arrived at his borne, in South Bend, Ind., and telegraphs that he stood his journey quite well, despite the hot weather. Government officers have entered com plaints against numerous retail apotheoaries in Boston for omitting the stamps required on certain articles. Daniel, the defaulting cashier of the Webster National Bank, of Boston, was ar raigned on Saturday, and pleaded not guilty. He was held for $15,000 bail for trial. The Indian delegation were driven through the Bubnrbs of Boston on (Saturday, and vis ited the State House, where the members were introduced to Governor Claflin. The original location of the Emua mine in Utah has been purchased by an association of California capitalists. The price is said to have been $200,000 in coin. - The wheat crop of California is now esti mated one-third higher than the estimate of two weeks ago. Leading operators now put .the surplus for exportation at lo0,000 tons. The extensive fires that have been raging in the woods in the lower part of New Jersey during the past two weeks have been more widespread in their destruction than was at first supposed. ' The effort to secure a new trial for Mrs. Laura Fair, at San Francisoo, has failed, and ebe was on Saturday sentenced to be bung on Friday, the 28th of June, for having mur dered Colonel Alexander Crittenden. --Ground was broken on Saturday at Sen eca Falls, N. Y , for the Pennsylvania and Sodns Bay Railroad, which will conneot the coal fields of Pennsylvania witn .Lake Unta rio. Three thousand persons were present. The Bev. Mr. Sutton, a Methodist minis ter of Louisville, Ky., yesterday handed his coat to a Miss Ellins worth, at the residence of whose father he had been staying, when a . pistol falling from a pocket exploded a cart ridge, the ball of wnicn entered tne young lady 8 person, causing a mortal wound. Foreign Affairs. Numerous arrests are still made in Paris. Archbishop Darboy trill be buried on Wednesday. The theatres of Paris have been autho rized to reopen. The railroad lines from Havre and Ver sailles have resumed operations. The streets of Paris have been reopened and the barricades demolished. Ten courts-martial have been inaugu rated at Cherbourg to try all offenders. Diplomatic relations between France and Germany will shortly be resumed. The Prussians have evaouated Andelya and eitered the Department of the Lure. Fedro II, Emperor of Brazil, is expected to arrive at Southampton, England, on tne Eta mat. Emperor William of Germany has de cided the San Juan question in favor of the United States. t Thiers promises that whatever sentence is impoied on Assy and Bochefort shall be executed. Tht National Assembly has voted 1,053,. 000 francs for the purpose of rebuilding the bouse of President 'inters. The arrival of foreigners in Paris is daily increasing, but no one is allowed to depart from tne city after nine o clock in tne even IDE. when the eates are all closed. It is said that a majority of the Assembly is in favor of abrogating the laws banishing tee Hourbons, and also in favor of extending the Thiers Government to two years more. The members of the nigh Commission and Mr. Schenck, our new Minister to Eng land, reached Liverpool on Saturday. Min ister Schenck reoeived an address of welcome from the Chamber of Commerce of that city. Papers have been discovered in Paris which show conclusively that the operations of the late Commune were oontrolled and di rected, from London and Berlin, by the chiefs of the Workingmen'a International Society. A letter from Father nyacinthe, in the Gaiduis, acknowledges the sympathy of Italy 1 for France, and advises a union of the Latin ! races, aa the balance of Europe is menaoad 1 by the preponderance of Germans and Sola- voniana. 1 There are now thirty-one Republican paper fjuUUhed regularly in Texas. i Soine 01 tne rrue&ian rauroaus pay am- .1 . 1 . .. Ittrrh 'XI 1 nop StAnfr tl.. A II fill 111 I The Crown Princess of Prussia will next L . v. .t.1tcH Yi ft r Kfinlr rtn fflm,l lahnr Alexander II gU 13,200,000 annually, or (25,000 per day. i 11 Via nnw&rl til fiffv mala anil fArYlftla I xciixu r j . . brtune-tellers, all of whom are said to be lite ally patronized by the foolieh people of the new j1UU VI vciuiau. HIPPINQ. iJi TOWN. The Inman Line of Royal Kali Ct ma I TVTPR Pi Mil. A TV II OITKnTHH Steamers are appointed to aau aa follows : ' mtv nf London. Saturday. Jane 8. at 8 P. If. iir of Washinsrton. Saturday. June 10. at 13 M. Citv of Dublin, via Halifax, Tuesday. June 18, at 1 and each succeeding Saturday and alternate Tues day, from pier no. n ortn river. uj man bteamer sailing every Saturday. Payable in sold. Payable In currency. First Cabin T Steeraire 130 fQ lionflon - 80 To London o To Halifax 901 To Halifax IB r'ansemrers also forwarded to Antwerp, Rotter dam, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, eta, at reduoed ratea. Tioketa can be bought here at moderate rates by persona wishing to aend for their friends. For farther lnformatloa apply at tne company's Offioe. JOHN G. DA LB, Agent, No. IS Broadway, N. Y.I ur to U DON NULL S FA Agouti, No. 408 CHESNUT Street. Philadelphia. am NATIONAL fffi STEAMSHIP COMPANY. STEAM DIRECT TO AND FROM NEW YORK. The mairniacent Ocean StearashlDS of thla line. ailing regularly every SATURDAY, are among the largest In the world, and famous for the degree of CABIN RATES, CURRENCY. ITS and ICS. First class Excursion Tickets, good for twelve months, 1 180. Early application must be maae in oroer io secure a cnoice or state-rooms. STEERAGE RATES. CURRENCY. Outward, m Prepaid, U. Tickets to and from Londonderry and uiaagow at tne same low rates. Persons vlaltlng the old country, or sending for their friends should remember that these ratea are posi tively mncn cneaper man otner nrsociass lines. lianx nraits issued ror any amount,at lowest rates. payable on demand in all parts of England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the Continent of Europe. Appiy to wALi,nn k vu., Agents, 10. go fct., just atnve Seeoni. rpHB REGULAR STEAMSHIPS ON THE PHI- X LAJJitLfUiA AND CHARLESTON STEAM. SHIP LINE are ALONE authorised to Usoe throngt oUls of lading to interior points South and West In oonnecnoD witn aoutn uarouna Kauroad cornpaoy, AJ-.B KH.1J Ll. 11 LbK. Vtce-Prealdent So. C. RR, Co. 2 f iiiliaiiKUl LI irk. All VJ SZtJKJ 1 IlHitVil lMAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S RE TTJTT A TkTJT TJTTT k a Ttrr tyT tfh nrnni GULAR SEMl-MONTHLx LINE TO NEW OR- LANS, La. The juhiata win sau ror new Orleans direct on Tuesday, June 13, at 8 A.M. The yazoo win aau irom New Orleans, via Harass, on , uuue tukouuh liiLLo u' LADiiNu at as low rates as by any other route given to MOBILE, GALVES- t i -v t iVtrvr i Turn a lTnri:DnDli T auiiui. . BRAZ6S. and to all points on the Miaslsslnnl river Detween rsew uneana ana et. Lonis. nea river freights reshlpped at New Orleans without charge oi Donuniaaiuiui. WEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH. GA. The WYOMING- wlU sail for Savannah on Sat- or day, June 10, at 8 A. M. The toiv awainda win sau from savaanah on Saturday, June 10. TilttOlUn niLiiJi w L&.i)iNii anven to ail the principal towns In Georgia. Alabama. Florida. Mis sissippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee In con nection with the central itauroaa oi Georgia, &t- .autic ana uuu ttanroaa, ana r loriaa steamers, at bbiuw raies as ey vuiupeuug ixuub. SEMI-MONTHLY LINE TO WILMINGTON. N. O. The flONEKR will sail for Wllmlntrton. N C. on Thursday, June 8, at S A.M. Returning, will leave wuminiTGon i nursaay. june io. Connects with the Cape Fear River Steamboat uarouna Kanroana, ana tne wummgion ana Man chester itauroaa to ail interior pointa. Freights for Columbia, S. C, and Anguata, Oa., taken via Wilmington at as low rates aa by any otner route. Insurance effected when requested by shippers. Bills of lading signed at Queen street wharf oa or oeiore aayoi Bailing. wii.i.iam i .iamkh, uenerai Agent, No. 130 S. THIRD Street. f-Wf. CLYDE'S STEAM LINES.- ..-JJ.ih. omce, no. ia south wiiakvks. PHILADELPHIA. K1CHMUWD AW D NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE, THROUGH FREIGHT ALU- LINE TO THE SOUTH AHU WJbT. Steamers leave every WEDNB8 DAY and SATUR DAY "at noon," from FIRST WHARF above MAR KET Street. No bias of lading signed arter 12 o'ciock on sailing day. THROUGH bates to an points in North and South Carolina, via "Seaboard Alr-llne Hall road, eon- DeBBee, ana tne west vm Virginia uuu rennessee Alr-llne. and Richmond and Danville Railroads. Freights HANDLED BUT ONCE and taken at LOW EH ii&ixa man uj any omer une. pense of transfer. Steamships Insure at lowest rates. JfKKlUli l O KiliUJtlVJIU LIA1LX. State-room accommodations for passengers. WM. P. PORTER, Agent, Rlohmond and City Point. T. P. CROW ELL & CO., Agent, Norfolk. PHILADELPHIA AND CHARLESTON. STEAMSHIP LiWJfi. THllKHnAY LINE FOR CHARLESTON. A llv uioirvi Mr f sty uai u tiin.biov will sin.11 on Thnpflflftv. .Tiinn ft at a Tna Tt ror 1 hhh niHiriMiiin n. ,i wr h. i anroin illUVaiW n - J 9 W m.m- - T3I nm f KTn.h tXT fc. , Through bills of lading to all principal points In VatAa Af rrAiornc tui inw rm dv anv mnnr rnnrn. For freight or passage apply on the Pier, aa above. y nZlbn NEW YORK, DAILY-VIA nOaaUli.iA w A ita Ail u n&iu 1 A lANAL, 1.1. UTVlMKIliT i IMP A MS im..KUCllili'9'r and tJlITCKItST water inmmn. . 1 . ..... a n ThilafiITnhlA nrifl To 'frlr market Street, Philadelphia, and foot of WALL street. i ew iur rnvmapHoil ht B.11 ttlA HfiPH niniilncr nut. ft New York, North, Eaat, and West, free of conuuls- Freight received dally and forwarded on accom modating terms. ..TT. JA.iif.3 uuixu, akcui, No. 119 WALL Street, New Jfort NBW EXPRESS LINE to ALEX- fRnHOKTW. A Kin ui . tin Ni in. D. C. Chesapeake and Del a warn Canal, connecting with Orange ana Alexandria WatlrnBJl. steamers leave regularly every SATURDAY at noon, from First Wharf above MARKET btroet. Freights received aauy. HYDE TYLER, Agents, Georgetown, D. C. M. ELDRLDGE 4t CO., Agents, Alexandria, Va. l DELAWARE AHU CHJU3ArAKE r-J'.f -! T wiw.P.n a t COMPANY. towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore. TTRvre-de-Grace, Delaware City, and Intermediate .nmlTO MIJ T ATTrtTTT TK RnnflHnton.iont OFFICE, No. 13 South WHARVES, r niLALic.i.rn-iA. WTT.T.TAM P. CLYDE A CO- AGENTS For all the above lines, No. 18 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, where further information may be obtained. LORILLARQ STEAMSHIP "OOMJPAK Y I O It HEW TOBK, BAILING TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SAT URDAYS AT NOON. INSURANCE ONE-EIGHTH OF ONE FEB CENT. No bill of lading or receipt signea ior less than fifty cents, and no Insurance effected for less than one dollar premium. For further particulars ana rates appiy at com pany's office, Pier 83 East river, New xork, or to ouii.i r. imii, PIER 18 NORTH WHARVES. iv. n. .xztra ratea on small packages iron, metals' etu. FOR NEW YORK. VIA DELAWARE .ana ltaritau uanai. bVS IKlbLRB TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. UKarATLU AND S liM SUKtf LlIMil.3. The steam propellers of this company leave dally at li iu. and 0 r. ju. Thronvh In twenty-four hours. Good forwarded to aay point free of commission. freights takea on accomiuodaung terms. Apply to WILLIAM M. BAIRD A CO.. Airents. No. m South DJtLAWAK Aveuue. VMIPPINO. F OR, SAVANNAH, OBOBOIA TOE FLORIDA FORTH. AND THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT AND PASSER GER UNE. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA AND AT- l-ANTIO AND GULF KA1LKUAD. FOI7R HTF.AMER3 A WEEK. TUESDAYS, . TUU1W1IA1ES AND SATURDAYS, TTTE RTEAMSniPS SAN SALVADOR. Captain Nlckerson. from Pla No. 8 North fciver. WM. K. uakkisuix, Agent, No, 0 Bowling Green. MONTGOMERY. Captain Fatrcloth. from Pier No. 18 North River. R. lowden. Agent, No. 83 West street LEO. Captain Dearborn, from Pier No. 16 East River. MtKKAY, FERRIS fc CO., Agents, Nob. 61 and 68 South street r GENERAL BARNES. Captain Mallorv. from Plaf No. W North River. LIVINGSTON, FOX CO., Agents, No. 63 Liberty street. Insurance by this line ONE-HALF PER CENT. Superior accommodations for passengers. Through rates and bills of lading la connection With tne Atlantic and Gulf Freight une. Through rates and hills of lading in connection witn central wauroad of Georgia, to an points. C. D. OWENS, GEORGE YONGE, Agent a. A U.K. K., No. 229 Broadway. Atrent C. R. R.. No. 4o9 Broadway, rpHE ANCHOR LINH STEAMERS X sail every Saturday and alternate Wednesday ujbuq irom uiuairotr nu uerrr. Passengers booked and forwarded to and from all railway stations in Great Britain. Ireland, Ger many, Norway, Sweden, or Denmark and Amerlof as safely, speedily, comfortably, and cheaply ash) uy uui-i ruuMi or line. IXPRKHS" STKAJiXaa. "XXTRA" STSAJCBBa. IOWA, TYRIAN, BRITANNIA, IOWA, TYRIAN, AMlil-lA, AUSTRALIA, BRITANNIA, INDIA, COLUMBIA, . Kihura, Cxtl 1 AJNMIA. From Pier 80 Nerth river, New York, at noon. Rates of Passage, Payable In Currency, to LlvernooL Glasgow, or DnrrT First cabins. Sue and t7S. according to lnnatlnn. Cabin excursion tickets ((food for twelve months! ecuriDg nesi accommoaanona, iiau. un.llull.VQ ,tfU. DWCIQ, M . Certificates, at reduced rates, can be bonirht have vj iiiuuo wiguing 10 aena ior tacir inenas. traits issued, payable on presentation. Apply at the company's omces to No. T BOWUNO- OREEN. n it b STAB LINE OCEANIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S LINE OF NEW STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YC RK AND LIVERPOOL, CALLING AT CORK, inn . vn ' The company's fleet comnrises the f ollowlnir ma. niflcent full-powered ocean steamships, the six mr?enL iu uie wuriu OCEANIC, Captain Mnrray. ' ARCTIC. . ATIJk.NTIC, Captain Thompson, BALTIC. PACIFIC. Captain Perrv. . ADRIATIC. These new veaaeis nave oeen designed specially for the transatlantic trade, and combine speed, saiety, ana comioru ' raBsenger accommoaauona nnnvauea. Parties aendlnor for their friends in the old ennn. try can now obtain prepaid tickets. . ; Steerage, S2, currency. For further particnlara apply to IS MAY. IMRIB k PA ftn 1A YXT 1TIU fatraof T lvjorrrv1 an "Kin 9 EAST INDIA Avenua, l;adinhall street, London; or at the company's omces, No. 10 ckoauwax, JNew xorx. m . n. orfljaa, Agent, nOR ST. THOMAS AND BRAZIL. A? UNITED STATS AND BRAZIL STEAM SHIP COMPANY. I T?TnTTT.A'R TWATT. RTKtMERf) aalllnff nn iio B3a oi every monuu MKKKiMACa.. captain wier. (SOUTH AM KRICA. CapUln E. L. Tlnklepanirh. NORTH AMERICA, Captain G. B. Slocum. These splendid steamers sail on schedule time. and call at st. 'xnemas, rara, rernamuueo, cania, anr Klo de Janeiro, going ana returning, rot engage ments 01 rreight orpasBage, apniy to WM. R. GARRISON, Agent, No. o Bowiinggreen, New xorx. CORDAGE, ETO. CORDAGB. ttanllla, Blsal and Tarred Oordag? At Lowwt Raw York PrleM and TraUhtB. lOWIN U. FITIJCK eV VO Vaetory, TIHTH Bt. and GaRMANTOWH Ati ltora.No. tt B. WATXH Bk. and 88 BL DSLAWA&8 AToooa. PHILADELPHIA TOHN S. LEE tt CO., ROPE AND TWfNB tt MAM J! ACT V KB, DltALH-WS in DAVAIj ANCHORS AND CHAINS, 8HIP CHANDLBRY GOODS, ETC., Nob. 48 and 48 NORTH WHARVES. PROPOSALS. TIiON FOR LANDING PIER, NEAR LEWES A D-tXAWAltlfi. . .. Ukited' Statks Engineer's OrFicn, PHitA-) I)LFHIA, Pa., NO. 1330 CHK8NDT STKKKT, I Mav 6. 18T1. i SEALED PROPOSALS, In duplicate, of the form furnlahtd bv the undersigned, with a copy of this advertisement attached to each, will be received at this Omce until 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, the 12th day of June, 1871, for the supply of rought and Cast Iron reaulred for this work. The Iron must be delivered on the railroad pier at Lewes, or at the works where made. The bids will state carefully the proposed places 01 delivery, with tne corresponaing prices. There win be reauirea ior tne pier aoout one mil lion eight hundred thousand pounds of rolled and hammered Iron, and about three hundred and forty thousand ooumla of cast Iron. The prt-Bent letting will be for about 600,000 pounds of wrought Iron and about 140,000 pounds of cast iron. . Specifications and drawrogs can do seen at this Oflice, where Information will be supplied on appli- cation, envelopes to ue enaorsea rroposius ior iron." . J. L. KURTZ, 6 8 Lieutenant-Colonel of Engineers. "Vt'ARTFRM ASTER'S OFFICE, UNITED V STATES ARMY, SEALED PROPOSALS In triplicate will be re- reived at this oirice until 13 o'clock M. on MON DAY. June 86. 1871. for bullring a brick or stone wall, with one double and cne Blngln Iron gate, at the following named national, CEUUTJtRiis, viz. ; culpeper C. H.. Va.. Fort Harrison, near Rich mond. Va.. and Beverly. N. J. The ruuoiBB resulting iroiu uie esuavtiuou ior tne walls to be removed from the grounds or each ceme tery at the expense of the successful bidder. Bidders will be required to specify the price per linear foot, and no bid will be entertained that does nnt ivnnform to this reaulrement. Plans, specifications, and blank forms for bids furnished by tue unaersignea. C86 6t Major and Quartermaster U. S. Army. "I? RANivFOJilJ AABJill Ab r . UFFICJS A. j. D I Philadelphia. Pa.. May 15. 1871. f SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate wllf be rufivfrt as iia omce until 18 M.. June 15, 1871, for furrisbiDg the fresh beef required by the Sub sistence Department, U. S. A., at this station during Blx months, commencing July 1, 1871. Information bb to conditions, quality of beef, payments, etc, can be obtainea d, WMno aj pRmcE 6 Ut First Lieut. Ord., A. C. S. COTTON SAIL DUCK. AND CANVAS, OF ALL numbers and brands. Tent, Awning, Trunk M wmrnruiover Duck. Alao. Paper Manofaa, turers' Drier FeHe, from thirty to seventy tochea, wim panuna, ttf i AN. M(V IS OHTIRCH atwt rtlMw awiraal X AN D K R G.0 A T T B L L400.. V PilODUCB COM MISSION MKRCHANTi, No. s tiORTU WHARVU AND HO. It NORTH WATER STREET. PUILADELPHJA. AixiAxpia a. CAirai Elijah cami. INIDRANOEi Fire, Inland And Marine ininrance. IN8UBANOE CO LIP ANV or NORTH AMERICA, Incorporated 1704. CAPITAL , $500,000 ASSETS January 1 1871 $3,050,536 Receipts of 70 s,0,164 Interests from Investments, l&O.. 137,050 -13,233,9 Losses paid in 1870 11,136,941 STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS. First Mortgages on Philadelphia City Pro perty r 1334,900 United States Government Loans 833,938 Pennsylvania) State Loans 169,810 Philadelphia City Loans 800,000 New jersey ana otner Ktate Loans ana Cltv Bonds S28.B10 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co., otner itauroaa Mortgage Bonds ana Loans 863,840 Philadelphia Bank and oQer Stocks 6i,s Cash in Bank...; 881,048 Loans on Collateral Security 81,434 Notes receivable and Marine Premiums unsettled 438,480 Accrued Interest and Premium In coarse of transmission B3,soi Boal estate, Office of the Company 80,000 13,060,634 Certificates of insurance issued, payable in London at the Con a ting House of Messrs. BR iWN, SHIP LEY & CO. i i . AltTIIUK . GOFFIIf, r.t , PBES1DENT. CIIAIIL.KS PLAIT, VICE-PRESIDENT. RIAYTHIAS MARIS, Secretary. C. H. REEVES, AMlatant Seeretary. DIRECTORS. ARTHUR G. COFFIN. FRANCIS R. COPB, EDW. H, TROTTER, SAMUEL W. JONES, JOHN A. BROWN, CHARLES TAYLOR, T. CHARLTON HENRY, ALf KUD v. iirasur, LOUIS C. MADEIRA, ' CHAS. W. CUSHMAN, WILLIAM WitLHli, 3EOKGE U UAKKIbUIN, CLEMENT A. GR1SCOM WILLIAM BROCKIE. OHli CHARTER PERPETUAL. 1D lOZiJ. lOii J Fraitlin Fire. Insurance Cipj OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, Hob. 435 and 437 CHESNUT St. Assets Jan. I,'7j1$3,087,452'35 CAPITAL 1400.000 -00 ACCRUED SURPLUS AND PREMIUMS. 9,68T,kca S5 INCOME FOR 1871, LOSSES PAID IN 1870, Iobhcbi Paid Stnc 189 IVearly 6,000,000. The Assets of the "FRA'NKLiN" are all Invested In solid securities (over 3, 750,000 in First Bonds and Mortgages), which are ail interest bearing and dividend paying. The Company holds no Bills Re ceivable taken for Insurances effected. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. The Company also issues policies upon the Rents of all kinds of Buildings, Ground Rents and Mortgages. ... DIRECTORS. Alfred G. Baker. Alfred Fltler, Thomas Bparks, WUliam S. Grant, Thomas S. Ellis, Gustavus S. Benson. Samuel Grant, George W. Richards, Iaaao Lea, George Fales, ALFRED G BAKER, President. GEORGE FALES, Vice-President. JABIES W. MCALLISTER, Secretary. . THEODORE M. REGER, Assistant Secretary. IN C O R F O R MARCH 8., 192(1. ATE D F I 11 K A S U i; 1 A T 1 U S, . No. 84 NORTH FIFTH STREET, PD1LADBLFHIA. C A PIT A I. 500,000. ASSKTS, JANUARY 1, 1871, l,7O3,319-0T. STATEMENT OF TUB AHSH11S. Bonds and Mortgages... 81,546,907-82 Ground Rents 82,980 33 Real Estate . 65,930-70 U. S. GOV. 6-20 BomiS. 45,000-00 Cash on hand.. , 84,419-68 11,706,319-07 DIRECTORS. William H. Hamilton, Jesse Llghtfoot. . John Carrow, George I. YouDg, Joseph R Lyndall, Robert shoemaker, Peter Armbruster, M. H. Dickinson, Peter Williamson, Joseph . ScheU. l evli. uoaia. Samuel Spar hawk Samuel Flovd. WM. IL HAMILTON President. 8AMHKL SPaRHAWK, Vice-President. WILLIAM F. BLTLER, Secretary. rTHE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE X COMPANY. incorporated ms Charter rerpetuai. No. CIO WALNUT Street, opposite Independence square. This Company, favorably known to the commu nity for ovr forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by fire on Public or Private Build ings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on noeuii terms. 1 Invested in the moat careful manner, which ena bles tliera to offer to the insured an undoubted secu rity in the case of loss. viuuunoi Daniel Smith, Jr., Ipaao Hazlehnrat, Thomas Smith, lienry uewis, J. GUllngham Fell, Daniel Haddock, Tiiomaa itouiua, John Devereux, Franklin A . vnniiy. a Daniel smith, Jr., President. Wm. G. Crowill, secretary. TUE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE 9. W. CORNHR FOURTH AND WALNUT PERPETUAL AND TERM. POLICIES ISSUED. CASH CAPITAL (paid up In full) 1200,000-00 CASH ASSETS, December 1. 1870 600,388-00 ni iv or js2 F. Ratehford Starr, J. Livingston Erringer. INaiuro rrazier, John at. Aiwood, BeDjamlnT. Tredlck, George U. Stuart, j allien u. iiaguurn, William G, Boulton, Charlea Wheelr. , . 1 1 . ThomattU. Montgomery,' jonn n. urown, jaiuen m. Aeruien. F. RATCHFORD STARR. President. THOMAS II. MONTGOMERY, Vlce-ttresident. ALEXANDER W. WLSTER, tfcH'.rtfafy. JACOB E. PitTERSON Assistant-Secretary. F AME INSURANCE ' COMPANY, No. 809 CHESNUT Street . DfCOaPOBAUD 1856. CHABTK rXRFXTCAL. CAPITAL 1200,000. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELt. Insurance against Loss'or Damage by Fire either by . . . . t .. n.ii-u. jrejycwutti ur reiupuiiu j vuucg, DLKXCTOKS. Charles Richardson, Robert Pearce, William 11. niiawn, William M. Seyfert, John F. Smith, Nathan Hilles. John Keasler, Jr., Kawaru o. urue, Charles Stokes. John VV. Everman, Mordecal Buzbv. George A. West. CHARLES RICHARDSON. President. WILLIAM 11. RHAWN, Vice-President. Wilijams I. Blanchakd, Secretary. LOHDOH. KTABIJSUUU 180S. rald-np OaplUl asd Aooainalatad Fonda, 08,000,000 irt aoiuXf. PEEVOBT A nERKIKO, Agento, a 10T B. THIRD Btr tat. Philadalpbla, HAS- L FBJIVOW CUA. P. UUUOBfl INSURANCE. DELAWARE KTJTTJAL 8AFETT INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated by the Legislature f Pennsylvania, 188S. Office S, K. corner of third and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. T MARINE INSURANCES oa Vessels, Cargo, and Freight to all parts of Ue wuriu. . INLAND INSURANCES n Goods by river, canal, lake, and land carriage to 9,11 pari ui iw uuion. FIKEIN8URANCES n Merchandise generally ; on Stores, Dwellings, ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1870. ,000 United States Six Per Cent Loan (lawful mone II333.8TB 00 90.000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 814,000'OC 100,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per cent. Loan (exempt irom Tt 04.1881 164,000 Bute of New Jersey Six Per i cent. Loan ia,vww rennsylvania Haiiroaa nrs Mortgage 81X Per ft. Bonds. 15,000 Pennsylvania RaUroad Second Mortiraire Six Per Ct. Bonds. 80JOO-OC 88,150 -0C ! 83,000 Western Pennsylvania Rail road Mortgage nix rer jent. Bonds (Pennsylvania Rail road imiirintiv 80,000-00 80.000 State nf TentiMmpo Five Per CL Loan ib,wu-w 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Ct. Loan... 11 BOO Pennsvlvanla Railroad Com 4,800 -00 pany (260 Shares Stock) W.OOO-OO d,uw iNortn Pennsylvania Kaiiroaa Company (100 Shares Stock) . . 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mall t Steamship Company (SOsh's i stock)...:.........::... 1,660 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties.. 4,300 4,000-01 81,S0'00 11.860.160 Par.CBt.I1.264.44T-84. Mxt?1 11.893 "657 -Of itcai i8tate. oo.uuu-ou Bills Receivable for Insur ances made 830,911-87 Balances dne at Agencies Premiums on Marine Policies . Accrued Interest and Jther debts due the Company 83,870 40 block ana scrip, etc., oi Ban drv corporations. 47950. enU. mated value . s,9ia-00 t Cash.. 148,811 13 1,880,T87-T DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand, Samuel E. Stokes, loan u. uavis, Edmund A. Souder, Joseph H. Seal. w 11 11 am it. ttouiton, Edward Darlington, II. Joaei Brooke, Edward Lafourcade. James Traqualr, tienry sioan, Henry C. Dallett, Jr.,; Jamea C. Hand, Jacob Rlegol, Jacob r. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcuvalne, Thomas P. Stotesbury, wuuarac. Luawig, Hugh Craig, John D. Taylor, George W. Bemadoo, John B. Semple, Plttsbrg, we c. Houston, A. B. Be rger, fittsDurg, D. T. Morgan. Pittsburg. H. Frank Robinson, tuomas u. uaisii, president, i ' JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice-President. Henbt Ltlbckn, Secretary. . Hsnst Ball, Assistant Secretary. ASBURY LIFE INSUBANCE CO. HEW YORK. O. O. NORTH, President. A. V. STOUT, Vice-President. EMORY McCLINTOCK, Actuary. JAMES M. LONG ACRE, MANAGER FOR PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE, Office, 302 "WALNUT St., PhiladelpMa, A. E. M. PURDY, M. D., Medical Examiner. REV. 8. POWEH8, Special Agent. Buii Motnal Insrace Company OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED IHOt. Fire, Maiiue, and Inland Ininrance. Office, N. E. Cor. THIRD and WALNUT LOSSES PAID SINCE FORMATION, $7, OOO.OOO. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, JANUARY 1, 18T1, 8255,39789. . RICHARD & SMITH, President. JOHN MOSS, Secretary, People's Fire Insurance ComBany, Ito. 514 WAL1UT Street. i . CHARTERED 3869. t Fire Insurance at LOWEST RATES consistent with security. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. NO UNPAID LOSSES. Assets December 81, 18T0 128,851-T3 CHAS. E. BONN, President. GEO. BUSCH, Jr., Secretary. - A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1884. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Offlce. No. ill WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise generally. Aim)) inftnuo iiiBuinuuo tiu ooocio, vwk011! auu FrelfiiiLaa InLancl Insurance to all parts of Uie Union. William Esher, Lewis Audenreld. Wm. M. Balrd. John R. Blaklston, W. F. Dean, John Ketcham, J. E. Baum, John B. Hevl. Peter Slegef, Samuel H. RothermeL WILLIAM ESHER. Frestdent. WM. F. DEAN, Vlce-PreeldenU W. M. Smith, Secretary. ENGINES, MAOHINERY, ETO. PfK PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER S2iliSiVORKS. NEAFIE LEVY. PRACTI. CAL AND TtiKUKKTHJAJj Jkwuuxjmus, ma. CHLNISTS, KUlLAK-M.A-a.aiu3, iix&a.ajAii'ua, T...T-1-KTrkD'u for man iabn Kaaa In successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building ana repairing aianim auu ruvex nuLuea, Propellers, etc. etc, respectfully offer helr services mrina nr ail Biaeaa. Marine, River, and Statlonarr: hav ins Sets OI paiverua u uiunuun tusuB, aro pio :. . with .nlnk ....nnfk. D..M Sared voexeuau) uruciB ,411 uvonbvu. Am; escrlptlon of pattern-mating made at the shortest nntiuC niirhand Low Pressure Fine Tubular and Oy under BoUers of the best Pennsylvania Charcoal Iron. Forcings of all site and kiada. Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions, uou Turning, bcrew Cutting, and all other work connecte With the above DUBinena. nraiTicm ni soeoiflcations for all work done the establishment free of charge, and work gua B Wl A1U reDalrs of boats, where they can lie In perfecl rePalr" - i.rnAn lth hnTft. Wrwka fall. nhA anrdnrirwri uaia biu .u niMua un-ivuiu ivh 3 ' Knn rv lfcrht wAtfftlU etc ew.. tor yA-- on VUll A-Ur A BEACH and PALMER Streeta. pIRARD.TCBE WORKS AND IRON CO., tiniT a rvWT TTTT A. V A ill XtAA' uaa . a Mannfartave Plain 1 Galvanized . upiu:HT.!KON PIPE nd Bnndrles for Qas and Steam Fitters, Plumbert Machinisis. AtauuiK """""i uu wuui, w WOKKS, TWENTY-THIRD AND FILBERT STREETS. OFFICE AHDWARKHOC8E, No. 43 N. FIFTH BTKEET. Corn Exchange Bag Manufactory. JOHN T. BAILEY, H. JS. Cor. WATER and MARKET St. ROPE AND TWINE, BAQ8 and BAGGING, for Grain, Flour, Bait, buper-Phosphate of Lime, Bone Large and small GUNNY RAGS cons hand. Aiu, WOOL bACRS. AMUSEMENT. WALNUT STREET TREATS E. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK , AND ON SATURDAY AFTKRISOOS, 1 MR. JOSEPH JEFFERSON ' Asnra VAGABOND OF Til E K AATSK1LLS, ; RIP VAN WINKLW. ' THE POEM BY WASHINGTON IRVING, DKAMATIZATION WY BOUcrCAULT. ' THE PERSONATION BY JEFFSHSON. A line cast of characters, soenery, and effects. Bale of Beau m days In advance. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins if to 8 'clock, RAKKKANK RANK. ' MONDAY, AND DURING THE WEEK, .v UNA EDWIN, AND HKR ENTIRE COMPANY, from I.INA EDWIN'S THEATRE, New York, under the direction of MR. GEORGE CLARK, will appear in the beatitUai drama. "RANK," with appropriate scenery, mualo, etc. D AVENPORT'S CHESNUT STREET THEATRE, MONDAY EVENING. .Tnn r. ALL THAT GLITTER! Is NOT GuLD, A TBRRIBLB T1NKRR. FRIDAY EVENING, COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO MR, E. L. DAVENPORT. 'LMTSON'S NEW M1T8EUM AND MENAGERIE M. W. COR. NINTH AND ARCH 8TRKET3. Open dally from 9 A. t. till 10 P. M. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK Of the great sensation of the day, the DOUBLE 13AUK, ' prononnced by the press, public, and medical faculty to be the only wonder of the worlL EVERY EVENING, WEDN K8DAY and SATURDAY, MATIPTSaS IBB OCTOROON. PITY ORDINANCES. COMMON COUNCIL OF PHILA.DELPUI1 Clerk's Officb, Philadelphia, June a, 1871. In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Philadel phia on Thursday, the first day of June, 1371, the annexed bill, entitled "An ordinance to au thorize a loan for the construction of culverts and for police purposes," is hereby published for public lniormatlon. JUUxM J!,t;iV3t B.1J3, ( Clerk of Common CoancU. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE A LOAN FOR THE CON STRUCTION OF CULVERTS AND FOR POLICE PURPOSES. , . ' , r Section l.'The Select and Common Councils of the Citv of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Mayor ot Philadelphia be ana ne is nereoy authorized to borrow at not less than par, on the credit of tne city, from time to time, tour hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. to be applied as follows, viz: First. . For the construction 01 cul verts, one hundred and twenty-five thou saud dollars. Second. For . the purctiase of ground and the erection and extension of build ings for Police Station-houses, three hundred thousand dollars, ror wnicn interest, not to exceed the rate of six per cent, per , annum," shall be paid half yearly, on the first days of January and July, at the oflice of the City Treasurer. The principal of said loan shall be payable and paid at the expiration of thirty years from the date of the same, and not before, without the consent of the holders thereof; and the certificates therefor, in the usual form of the certificates of lty Loan, shall be issued in . such amounts as the lenders may require, out not for any fractional part of one hundred dol lars; or, 11 required, in amounts 01 nve hundred or one thousand dollars; and it shall be ex pressed in said certificates that the loan therein mention, and tne interest tnereoi, are payaoie free from all taxes. 1 1 Section 2. Whenever any loan shall be made by virtue thereof, there shall be, by force of this ordinance, annually appropriated out of the income of the corporate estates and from the sum raised by taxation, a sum sufficient to pay the interest on tald cerlifiates; aud the further sum of three-tenths of one per centum on the ' par value of such certificates so issued shall be appropriated quarterly out of said Income and taxes to a sinking fund, which fund aud Its ac cumulations are hereby especially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certifi cates. , RESOLTTION TO PUBLISH A LOAN BILL. Hesolved. That the Clerk of Common Council1 be authorized to publish in two dally newspa pers of this city, dally for four weeks, the ordi nance presented to Common Council on Thurs day, June 1, 1871, entitled "An ordinance to authorize a loan lor the. construction 01 culverts and for police purposes;" and that the said Clerk, at the stated meeting of Councils after the expiration of four weeks from the first day of eald publication, shall present to this Council one of each of said newspapers for every day in which the same shall have been ; made. 0 a PUUMBINO, QA8 FITTING, ETO.- PANCO AST & MAULE, THIRD and PEAK Streets, Plain and Galvanized Wrought and Cast Iron Pipes For Gas, Steam and Water. FITTINGS, BRASS WOKE, TOOLS, BOILER TUBES. ' ' Pipe of all Sizes Cut and Fitted to Order CAKD. Bavins; sold HENRY B. PANCOAST and FRAN- 1 cis L maULE (sreDtlemen in our employ for se?e- - ral years past) the Ktock, Goodwill aud Fixtures of , our RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, located at the corner of THIRD and PEAR Streets, In this city, I that branch of our business, together witn tnai 01 . HEATlNG and VENTILATING PUBLIC and PRI VATE BUILDINGS, both by STEAM and HOT tt'iTus in aiMta nxlnn BVHtoma. will be aarrled . on nnder the Ann name of PANCOAST A MaCLB, ' at the o,d stand, and we recomniena iaem 10 taa . trade and busineaa publlo as being entirely compe tent to perform all work of that character Philadelphia, Jan. W, 1810. CLOTHS, O AS SIM E RES, ETO. Q L O T M UOUOE., j A M C O & II U u S R II. 11 north SECOND Barest, ' Sign of the Golden Lamb, axe v receiving a large and splendid aasortmea of new styles or FARCY CAiJSIMERES An gtandard makes of DOESKINS, CLOTHS ana COAT1NUB, 1 1 w mwi AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. MILLINERY. TIT B B. R. D I L L O W. . AA . NOB. BN Aau OOl DVU1U, FANCY AND MOURNING MILLINERY, CRAPE VEILS. t .a w nd Mlaaes Craae. Felt. Glmo. Hair, Satin. Silk, Straw and Velvet, Hats and Bonnets, French Flowers, Hat and Bonnet Frames, trapes, ioea, Riiva saikus. Velvets. Ribbons, Sashes, Ornamental and all kinds of Mlllmeryjiooda. r "Torn farnum & co., commission mer. J chants and Manufat'turers of C'oneatuga Tic it lug, etc etc, No. m CHESNL'T bueet, l UUadul 1 puia,