KOTN(G- 71 VOL. XV. NO. 132J PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1871. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. TO FIRST EDITION THE TRINITY CHURCH PROPERTY. On of the Anneke Jaui Heirs Bought Off for 91,000,000 A Grocer of Indianapolis the Lucky Person. From ths Indianapolis (net.) Journal, June 8. Indianapolis is steadily keeping pace with her Bister cities in the matter of first-class sensa tions. The last we have to chronicle is one in reference to a settlement of some New York pro perty, by which Mr. H. W. Caldwell, a well known grocer of this city, becomes possessed of a cool million. The folio wine is a brief historr of the case: For the past thirty or forty years ui reiuuves 01 Air. i-aiavru uve nceu luentinea with the movement of the Anneke Jans heirs to obtain possession of the Trinity Church property. They based their expectations upon tne fact that one or two Annekes are in the family, and some deeds, leases, and other papers that have been handed down through the family. Finally they all became disgusted and gave up the claim, refusing to have any thing further to do with the matter. These papers came into the possession of Mr. Caldwell, and when he received a letter from an uncle In the South saying that a representative of the Anneke Jans heirs had called upon him for Information which he was supposed to possess in reference to the claim be turned his whole atten tion to the matter of looking up the record. Ho finally became convinced that the papers he held were of lb greatest value to TrinltyChurch cor poration, and accordingly, about five years bince, he made a proposition to the trustees to cell them for $100,000, which was refused. Mr. Caldwell then made another examination, and discovered that tbe papers he held referred to eight acres of land immediately adjoining the Trinity Church property, fronting on Fulton street and Broadway. Further examination showed that in the year 1773 John Cosine, his great grandfather, leased the property for ninety-nine years, previous to removing to Penn sylvania. In leases of this kind, seldom any thing is heard of the property again by the heirs of the original owner, but in this instance Mr. Caldwell cleurly and fullv established tbe record to the property, the lease on which expired in 1SG3. lie made another proposition, this time to the persons occupying the eight acres, offer ing to sell his Individual interest and the papers in his possession for one million dollars. After examining Mr. Caldwell's papers and the records, the gentlemen, through their agent, agreed to the terms, and on last Friday Mr. Caldwell left for New York to close np the transfer. Yesterday he returned home, having in his possession tbe authority of the occupants to draw on them for sl,000,000. Mr. Caldwell says that after arranging his business matters in this city he will spend the rest of his days in Kentucky, which is the native State of himself and wife" He takes his good fortune very con siderately, but says he is on the bunt for more. While In New York he learned of 300 acres in Harlem that was in the possession ! of John Cosine at the time of the lease of the eight acres referred to above, and he is satisfied that he can work out full and satisfactory claim to a possession of that property. If he does and he speaks as though he believes it, Come, llus Vanderbilt will have to pay the balnnce of the purchase money on his famous Harlem freight depot site. . v ROCUEFORT. How the Captive was Received at Ver sailles. Versailles (Slay 21) Correspondence London Timet. Never have I witnessed a scene of greater ex citement than the entry of Rochefort into Ver sailles as a prisoner to-day He was brought in by the St. Germain road, and was seated in a family omnibus drawn by four horses. First came a squadron of gendarmes, then the omni bus, surrounded by Chasseurs d'Afrique, and lastly a squadron of the same corps, la the vehicle with Kocbefort were his secretary, Monrlot, and four police agents dressed in plain clothes. Outside the ommibus were an officer of the gendarmerie In uniform and two or three sergents de ville not in unliorm. Kocneforts moustache had dis appeared. He bad himself shaved closely be fore setting out from Paris in order to disguise himself, but there was no mistaking him. It was Ilk o'clock in the afternoon when the cortege, arriving at the end of the Boule vard da Roi. entered the Rue des Reser voirs. Every one ran' into the street, and shouts of execration were raised on all sides. It was no mere demonstration of a mob. The citizens of all classes joined in it. One man ventured to cry. ''Vive Rochefort! He was kicked by several persons who happened to be near him, and was saved from farther violence only by arrest at the hands of the sergents de rille. Along the Rue des Reservoirs, the Rue de la rompe, the Place Hocbe, the Rue de Uoche, and the Avenue bu Cloud, Rochefort was greeted with incessant shouts of "A bas V assas sin: a vied le briaand: amort!" The naoele wanted to have him out of the omnibus, and it was with (liUlculty the cavalry prevented them from dragging him out and inflicting summary execution. The cavalcade was obliged to go at a slow pace, but finally he was safely lodged in I ail. I believe that but for the precautions taken y the Government he would have been killed before he got near it. The demand to have an example made of him, and the dissatisfac tion at seeing him brought to prison in a car riage, were loua ana general. WHO IS SHE J A Philadelphia Lady Goes oil the Stage and afterwards Marries a Sou of Lord Palinerbtoa. From the A'eui Qrltans Timet, May 25. About fifteen years ago a very fine-looking young woman appeared on the stage of the Va rieties, then the Gaieties, of this city, under the management of Dion Bouclcault. She was of an excellent family in Philadelphia, had suf fered treat reverses of fortune: and beintr ros tested of talents, beauty, and a great love of the drama, naturallv sought to signalize herself, and exploit her talents and charms by a theatrl cal engagement. This she procured in this city from Mr. Bouclcault, who, knowing the high appreciation of natural beauty by the stock holders of the Gaieties, justly calculated that the would prove a great hit. In this he was not disappointed. The debutante at the Gaieties toon became a great card, and the front seats of the parquet were always secured when she appeared by some of our solid men, who were regarded as connoisseurs in the special line ot attractiveness in which she was so Highly endowed. The sea son passed, however, and the lady disappeared from this scene. She had passed from the recol lection of her old admirers, and, we presumed with others, had at last attained what was un charitably expected to be the goal of her ambi tion ana graceful Bearing, ana settled down ks the beautiful wife of soma "wealthy gentleman who was capable of appreciating s much beauty - and elegance. , Bit the latest fashionable intelligence from the Old World has shown that this was aa erro neous conclusion. The Court Journal, of Lou- don, announces the recent marriage of tbe ele cant Vlise Jetsle McLean to Lord Cowper, sen of tke late Lord Palmerston, the possessor of the handsome Income of 140,000. The "boo'ful" walking lady of the Gaieties has now become the stately and elegant Lady Cowper. She will adorn the brilliant circle which she has entered, aad will, we doubt sot, worthily fill the place once occupied with so much eclat by the accom plished wife of England's famous premier. The "citr fathers.' of Brunswick. Ga.. are troinzinto the business or issuing city change till of from tl to 5 denominations. SECOND EDITION GREAT EARTHQUAKE III CHINA. TJearly 3000 Persons Killed. Fires Springing from ths Earth. Frightful Distress and Terror. The Condition of France The Bourbon Restoration. Advices frotn the Pacific FROM WASHIJSQTOJi. BY ASSOCIATED rilESS.J Exslusively to Tke Evening Telegraph. Terrible Destruction toy an Earthquake In China Nearly Three Thousand Priests, Soldiers, and People Killed. Washington, June 5. Our Minister In China, Governor Lowe, has forwarded to the Secretary of State the following translation of a report of an earthquake in Bathang, in Bzchucu, made by the Chinese Governor-General of the province in which it occurred: ; 'I have ascertained that Bathanr lies on a very elevated spot, beyond the borders of the province, about 2tt0 miles west from Ll-tane, and more than thirty post stations from the district town of Ta-tsien, on the high road to Tibbet. ' 'About 11 o'clock A. M. on the 11th of April. 1870, the earth trembled so violently that the Government offices, temples, granaries, stone and store-heuses and fortifications, with all the common dwellings ana the lempie ot V ing-LIn, were at once overthrown and ruined. The only exception was the hall ia this Temple grounds called Ta-Chao, which stood unharmed in its isolation. 'A few of the troops and people escaped, but most of the Inmates were crushed and killed under the falling timber and stone. Flames also suddenly burst out in four, places, which strong winds drove about until the heavens were dark ened with smoke, and their roaring was mingled with the lamentations ot tbe distressed people. On the 13th tbe flames were beaten down, bat the rumbling noises were still heard under ground like distant thunder, and the earth rocked and rolled like a ship in a storm, at the mercy of the waves. The multiplied miseries of the afflicted inhabitants were increased by a thousand fears, but in about ten days matters began to grow quiet and the motion te cease. "Ihe gram collector at Uathang says that for several days before the earthquake the water had overflowed the dyke, but after it the earth cracked in many places, and black, fetid water spurted out in a furious manner. If one poked it the spurting instantly followed (just as is the case with the salt wells and fire wells in the eastern part of the province); and this explains how it happened that lire followed the earth quake In Bathang. as nearly as is ascertained, there were de stroyed two large temples, the otlices of the Collector oi urain lax, the local magistrate, and the coloael, the Ting-Lin temple and nearly 00 fathoms of wall around it, and 351 rooms in all inside; six smaller temples numbering 231 rooms, besides 1849 rooms and houses of the common people. The number of people, sol diers and llamas Killed by tbe crash was aaas, among whom were the local magistrate and his second in office. "Tbe earthquake extended from Bathang eastward to Fang-cbah-muh, westward to Nan tun, on tbe south to Lln-tsah-shlh, and on the north to tne salt wells of A-tuntsz, a circuit of over 400 miles. It occurred simultaneously over the whole of this region. In some places steep bills split and sunk into deep pits; in others, hills on level spots became precipitous cliffs, and the roads and highways were rendered im passable by obstructions. " ice people were scattered ana neggarea line autumn leaves, and this calamity to the people of Bathang aid vicinity was really one of the most distresslne and destructive that has hap pened. The Governor-General twice memo rialized the Emperor respecting it, who granted aid to relieve the misery, reopen the roads be tween the post-houses, and rebuild or repa air the offices and dwellings as they were needed. Many are now resuming their occupations, and the roads are everywhere passable. Government Weather Report. WakDepabtmbnt. Ofkici of thi chirp Signal Officer, Washinston, June 610-30 A. M. Synop sis ror tue past tweutv-iour nours : The barometer and thermometer remain sensibly stationary at the Pacific and Kooky Mountain stations. The pleasure bas very generally fallen east of the Mississippi, with a slight rise in the Eastern States, where, as well as on the lakes, the temperature bas fallen de cidedly. The storm of Saturday on the Gulf, after Easstng over Louisiana and Texas, and sending a ranch Into South Carolina, has now apparently broken out; aa much as Ave inches of rain reported fallen at one station. The local storms in the Ohio valley, after passing eastward over the middle At lantic coast, have disappeared, and clear weather is now reported from North Carolina to Illinois and northward. Probabilities. Cool northerly winds are probable for the rest of the dav fur Ontario eastward, and pleasant weather, with light winds, from the Ohio Valley north and west. Partially cloudy weather, with increasing temperature, is probable for the Gulf States. . . IROM TUE SO VIE. BY A8:OOIATED PRESS. Exclusively f ths Evening Telegraph. Visiting Firemen. Norfolk, Va., June 5. The United Fire Company of this city, numbering about eighty men, under the command of Captain Samuel Kimberly, departs on the evening boat for Balti more. They will leave Baltimore on Wednesday morning on the 725 train for Wilmington, Del., and will probably extend their visiting tour to Philadelphia. . The company will be accompa nied by a brass band of sixteen pieces, from the United States receiving ship New Hampshire. FROM NEW YORK. (BT ASSOCIATED rHESS.l Exclusively to The Evening TtUgrmvh. Inauguration of the Morse Statue. ' New Tore, Jnne 5 Five thousand special Invitations have been issued by Tillotson fc Co. for a complimentary excursion to telegraphers on tbe day of inauguration of the Morse statue, Saturday next. Obituary. Count Gasparln died recently at Geneva. Chicago Flour and Wheat Market. . Special Despatch to Ths Evening Telegraph. caicAflO, June 6 lo-so A M Wheat quiet; liKi. sailer June; Jlfix, last half; 111'. seller July. Com quiet bnt flrrasr, t852Xc., seller Jane; &3Xit3vo., teller July. Ami Khim'u. . Mtc4 mU. BMv'tt. Flour, bbla. t,we 4,0001 Oats, bos.... as, 000 A'i,a Wiirat.bua. m.ooo svoeo 1 Hve. bus . "nope nuue. 1,000 UOflS, J Wtu, bua. .so6,vo 80,000, Bur ley, bus FROM EUROPE. BT ASSOCIATED MESS. Exclusively for The Evening Jelegraph. Chanees of the Bourbons. Versailles, June 4. The probable result of the sittings bf the National Assembly to-morrow is the cause of great excitement. It is believed that tbe decree of exile of the Bourbon princes will be abrogated. The newspapers generally disapprove of such a course, which they say will be a step towards their restoration. The telegraph lines will all be working again by Saturday next. The Disabled Steamer "Kibe." London, June 5. Tbe passengers and mails of tbe West India steamer Elbe, which vessel was disabled and put back to port on Friday, were forwarded by tho steamship Tagus. QuickTime.. London, June 5. The steamer City of Brus sels arrived at Queenstown at 8 o'clock A. M. to-day. Time, 8 days, 14 hours, and 80 minutes. This Morning's Quotations. Liverpool, June D 10-80 A. M. Cotton firmer; uplands, 8d. ; Orleans. 8'a8&. Sales estimated at lc.ooo bales. Flour, sns. 6d. London, June 611-30 A. M Consols, 81 M for money and account. United Stares 6-89 of 1862, S0i ; Of 1866, old, 90Jf ; of 1S67, S25rf ; 10-408, 69. Frankfort, June 6. United States bonds, JOJi for the issue of 1852. This Afternoon's Quotations. London, June 01-80 P. M. Consols for money, 91 ; for account, 91 . U. S. 5-20s of 1862, 9fi ; of 1665, Old, 90 ; Of 1367, 92 Liverpool, June 51-30 P. M. Cotton active and firmer; uplands, ft(S9Vd.; Orleans, 8(S)8yd. The sales will probably reach 20,000 bales, including 6foo for export and speculation. Kales of cotton on ship named from Savannah or Charleston,not below good ordinary, at 8 3-16U. Tallow; 43s. FROM CALIFORNIA. LEY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to Ths Evening TeUarapK The Chinese Outrage. San Francisco, June 4. A boy named O'Brien has been arrested, and identified by several Chinamen as having given the fatal blow to a Chinaman who was clubbed and stoned to death qn Fourth street last week; but it is doubtful it sufficient white testimony can be obtained te convict him. The l'o-Semlte. Nearly a thousand persons have already visited the Yo-Semite Valley this season. The Murderer of Miss MeDanlels, at Cherokee Flat, Is surrounded by citizens in the mountains, and they are determined to hunt him down. A reward of (5000 is offered for his capture. He is armed with a Henry rifle and two revolvers, and is determined to fight to the last. Mrs. Fair shows no change in spirits or health since her sentence. Demonstrations of sympathy by strong-minded women coutlnue. New York Honey and Stock Market. Maw York. June 6. mocks steady. Money Easy at 3 per cent.;tlold, 119. B-sos, lsea, coupons, 111; do. 1S64, cp., 111,V: do. I860, cp 111; do. 1853, new. do. 186T, 114; do. 1868, UH ', IMOa, 109K! Virginia 6s, new, 74; Missouri 6s, 95 Can ton Co., 6i ; Cumberland preferred, 84 ; N. Y. Cen tral and Hudson River, 91 H', Brie, 28tf; Reading, ; Adams Express, 81 x; Micmgan central, 124tf; Michigan Southern, 115; Illinois Central, iss; Cleveland and Plttsbur?, llT)tf; Chicago and Rock Island, 13; Pittsburg aud Fort Wayne, 99f ; Western Union Telegraph. 66. Rtw York Produce Market. Kew Yore, June 5. Cotton active, higher, and excited ; sales 8009 bales middling uplands at 18 o. ; middling Orleans, 19c. Flour quiet and steady ; sales 8oco barrels state at 13 60A6'8o: Ohio at 13-858-90: Western at 15 6007-10 ; Southern at S-T59. Wheat a shade firmer, but no sales; spring, $l-49l-50; winter red and amber Western, ll-6ii-68, Cora steady ; sales 82,009 bushels mixed Western at 69(3 70c. for unsound, and wwic. tor souua. uaia a shade firmer: sales 18.0U0 bushels Ohio at 63tt 67c. Beef dull; plain mess, 1100114. Pork quiet and steady. Lard steady, wtussy quiet and steady at 92c. Baltimore Produce Market. Baltimore. June 6. Cotton very strong; mtd- dltpir uplands. 18c. : low middling, 17&c. Flour dalL Wheat dull and lower; choioe white, 11-80 I 90; fair to eood. I1-45C41-65: prime to choice red, si-eaMi-uo; fair to cood. 1 1-40 1-55: common. l-80l-83; Ohio and Indiana. 11-30(41-55. Corn dull : Southern white. 7l79c. ; Southern yellow, 78c. Oats steady at 64 etc. Mess Fort steady at $17. Bacon steady ; shoul ders, 7Jic; rib sides, 9c. ; clear rib sides, 9X9vc. Sngar-cured hams, 16i7c. Lard dull at llllxc Whisky nominal at 93j4(s)9ic, with no sales. Milwaukee Markets. MiLWAtrEEE, June 5. Wheat active and excited. Accurate quotations cannot be given. No. 1, 1-31; No. 8, '194. Receipts, 80,900 bushels; shipments, 115,000. Freights sail, 60. ; ste,am, 9c. THE TYEATHER. The Detailed Meteorological Report for To-day. The following is the meteorological report of the Signal Bureau of the War Department for this meriting, all the observations being taken at 7-43 A. M., Philadelphia time. The barometrical reports are corrected lor temperature and elevation. The velocity of the wind is given in miles per hour, and the force is an approximate reduction to the Beaufort scale : u 0 5 Place of Obser vation. it H Baltimore. Boston Cape May Charleston, 8. C. Chicago Cincinnati Detroit Indianapolis Key Wet, Fla . . Memphis Mt. Washington. New York Omaha Oswego Philadelphia Flttsburg ht. Louis 2996 29 95 !990 29-97 29'97 8901 29-94 77 67 71 75 70 74 70 77 80 IT N. E. N. . 4 Gentle. 8 (ieutle. .. .Gentle. 8 V. gent Clear Fair Clear Fair N. N. W. N. E. 4 Uentle. Hazy N. E. 8 V.geutJ Clear E. Fair 29-93 N. B. 8 V. gent. 6 (Ieutle. 8 Gentle. 18 Brisk. 8 Gentle. 8 Gentle. 10 Brisk. 'b Calm. 1 .... 4 Gentle. 0.... Clear Fair Fair Clear Clear Fair Fair Clear Fair " Clear Clear 29'96 29-931 29-90 E. 8. B. 8. W. W. N.W N. E. 42 75 76 29 90 i 29 04 29-96 T63 2998 177 80 07 72 N.W. 8.W.' N. E. W. 29-96 Washington 29-92 Wilmington, N.C 29 94 1,13 a All ZZfT23LLZaZ3ZJOS. New Term. Court of Quarter Sessions Judge AHi'tn. Tie June term of the Court was began to-day by .TnrioA Allison, who aDDOlnted James N. Marks. Can., foreman of tn Grand Jury. At tbe time of ur going to press no case had been put on trial. A Question of Banltjr. Court of OuarUr Sessions Judge Paxson. Jodge Paxsoa sat ta-day in the old court-room to hear upon habeas corpus the case of Aaron Subers, wtaoBimiied lor his discharge from the friends' la- sane Asylum at Frank lord. He is ssveuty-one years id, and lor thirty odd years has been a well-known hora-shaer and veterinary surf eon. He alleged that Ur. Wood, of Kldze avenue and Sprint (iarden atrtat. a relative of his. Invited him to his house. and there locked him up for three weeks, when he tok him to the asylum and handed him over to the physicians, and he claims to be aa saaa as any man in the establishment. The answer to this was that his mind was really diseased, and needed medical treatment. The hearing was nut concluded. C. F. Ball, commander of the Arctic eipe ditlon. has appointed S. B. Green, of the senior class of the Michigan University, as bis astro nomer. Pr A train of cars in Colorado was' strnck by UghtnlBg recently. After the accident the train was run by a non-conductor. THIRD E DITIONI MATTERS AT WASHINGTON. Tho West Point Troubles, Cadets Severely Reprimanded Army and Navy Orders Killed yy Lili tiling- Etc.) Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Ete. I FROM WASEIJVaiOJV. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. 1 Exclusively to Ths Evening 2'elegraph. Reprimand of the West Point Graduating Class. Washington, June 5 The following order bas been issued by the Secretary of War: Such of the members of the first class at the Military Academy as were concerned In the late dis graceful mobbing of certain members of the fourth class, and who were confined by rlrtne of special order No. 8, U. 8. Military Academy, January 10, 1871, within certain limits, and de prived of all privileges and indulgences granted cadets, are hereby relieved from the further operation of said order. The action of these cadets of the first class which led to their, punishment, cannot be too strongly condemned. A combination on the part of cadets under any pretext whatever for the purpose of visiting punishment upon their comrades is so flagrant a violation of good order and subordination as to require the severest reprimand. It Is to be hoped that these cadets who have been guilty of this offense, and who are soon to graduate and become officers of the army, will never again place themselves in any situation which may be discreditable to them or require the voice of authority to remind them of their duty as officers and gentlemen. W. W. Belknap, Secretary of War. The above order applies to the entire first class of 1843, with the exception ot some five or tlx members. Army Orders. Major Nicholas Bowen, corps of engineers, is relieved from duty in the military division of the Pacific, and ordered to report lor duty East. Captain F. Grassman, 17th Infantry, is retired from duty as Indian Agent in Arizona, and or dered to Ms company. Naval Orders. Lieutenant-Commander Benjamin F. Dav and Paymaster George Cochran are ordered to the Congress on the 15th lnst. Pay Director Joseph C Eldrldge to the Navy Yard at New York, Jnly 15. Detached Captain H. R. Davenport, from special duty at Washington and ordered to com mand the Congress, relieving Commander Win. X. Mayo, who waits orders; Commodore James F. Green, from the command of the South Squadron of the North Atlantic fleet, and waits orders; Pay Inspector John S. Cunningham, from tbe navy yard at New York July 15th, and ordered to settle accounts. Pay inspector Caspar Schenck from the Con gress and ordered as Fleet Paymaster of the Pacific fleet. Master Adolphus Marx from the Congress and waits orders. Boatswain James C. Walton from- Philadelphia Navy Yard and ordered to the Severns. FROM NEW ENGLAND. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to Ths Evening Telegraph, Storm at Fall Hirer Death ujr Lightning. Fall River. June 5 During the heavy thunder storm of yesterday afternoon, lightning struck the City Hall and set it on fire. The flames were soon extinguished. Lightning also struck a large ash tree on the farm of Charles Harnbly, three miles from this city, splitting It, and killing Harnbly, who had just gone under Harnbly was a widower, aged fifty years, and leaves four children. . AQUATIC. The Beautiful Yacht Columbia A Descrip tion or tne uraii. We had the pleasure, at Camden, on Saturday, of inspecting the yacht Columbia, which has been built for Franklin Osgood, Esq., Commo dore of the New York Yacht Squadron, When it is recollected that this craft cost $70,000, people may well say she is a beauty, and indeed she is. Her measurement Is 08 feet on tne water line, 118 feet on deck, 8 feet hold, ao feet beam, and 230 tons carpenter's tonnage. Her deck is a feature ot ltseii, oemg constructed enureiy oi Oregon cedar. Her model is of exquisite pro portions, and as she lay at anchor a short dis tance from the shore, trimmed with gay bunting, a beautiful sight was presented. t The vessel is beautifully paintea in tints ana gold, and tke joiners' work is finished with hard wood. Tne main cabin is cuimonea wun Bril liant and expensive satin damask, aad a very handsome velvet carpet on the floor; also easy chairs, camp-stools, and a centre-table, with a richly embroidered cover. The owner's private room opens out irom tue main saioua, is i weir a feet by twenty and on the starboard side. It is vet? elegantly fitted np, with bedstead, lounge, marble-top washstand and bureau, and two large mirrors. Attached to tue oea are very neavy greea satin damask cartalns. in tne rear oi mo uam-roum iucio ma ,nm tanks, holding seventeen hundred gallons of water. Forward of the entrance of the private cabin is the kitchen, posstssing tue most per fect culinary arraagements. It u impossible to give, m a enei nonce, an the features of the vessel. The main saloon, or cabin, about twenty-five feet square, is megnlfi cently furnished. It is adorned with mirrors, and in the sixteen small niches between the mir rors are small bronze Images; also two large ones on the floor, representing Night and Morn ing. The four sides of the mainmast in the saloon are filled In with mirrors. In this room are suspended pictures of the Wigeen and Magic, formerly owned by Vice-Commodore Osgood, and in the same room are two magnifi cent cups, made out of massive silver washed with gold, by Bailey & Co., of this city. One of the cups is somewhat gondola shaped, and has inscribed on it the following: "Pre sented by the New York Yacht Club to Captain Osgood, to commemorate the success of the schooner Magic over the whole fleet in the race for the Queeu's cup, August 8, 1870." The Columbia sailed for New York yesterday morning. Public Baths. The public bath-house at Otis street wharf, Kensington, and the one at Almond street wharf, will be thrown open for tbe use of the public tomorrow. Good news for many. . Bctchebt John llannigan, Peter Walker, and Joseph Colgan are each under 1500 bail by Alderman Bonsall for attacking and beating John Goodchlld, a butcher, la Eleventh street market, on Saturday night last. FOURTH EDITION International Typographical Union nineteenth Annual Session The 8torm at the Qouth. New Orleans Under Water. Fatal Casualty in EIow York. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc. FROM THE SOUTH. IBT ASSOCIATED PRESS, Exclusively for The Evening Telegraph, The Flood at New Orleans. New Orleans, June 5. The flood is increas ing. The water is as near up Canal street as Rampart street, with the exception of the neu tral ground on Canal street, which is not en tirely covered. East of Claiborne ther is an unbroken sheet of water from Vlllery street to the Metairie Bridge, and from the new to the old basin, are areas of five or six square miles, in cluding about three hundred thickly-inhabited squares. The sufferings of the inhabitants of this quar tcr,eepecially among the poorer classes.are very great. Thousands living in single story houses have moved out, while most of those living in two-story houses have been compelled to move into the second story. Back of Claiborne street, on Canal, th ere is an average depth of two feet of water. The city authorities seem to be doing all they can to alleviate the sufferings of the people. Every available boat and skiff has been bronght Into use. Policemen may be seen moving in almost every direction, rendering such assistance as they can, moviDg those who are in danger, and distributing provisions to the needy. The damage by this overflow cannot be estimated with any degree of certainty. The shrubbery and gardens have all been ruined. Houses are damaged and property depreciated. The over flow directly from the Lake Gentilly road quar ter has caused heavy loss in the destruction of many fine market-gardens, 9 The Milneburg and the Pohtchartraln Railroad from Gentilly station is still overflowed. The water in the lake is receding slowly. A train came through from Mobile yesterday on the Chattapooga Railroad. A passenger reports about four miles of the road under water. 1 A Jackson Railroad passenger, who came in this morning, reports that the road is under water for seven miles north of Pass Manchac. ! FROM BALTIMORE. BT A880CIATED FRK8S. Exclusively to The Evenina Telegraph. Nineteenth Annual Session of the Interna tional Typographical Union. Baltimore. Jnne 5. The International Typo graphical Union assembled this morning at Haines Ball, punctually at ten o'clock, in their nineteen annual sension, 1 resident William J. Hammond, of New Orleans, In the chair, and all officers present except the first and second vice-presidents. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Huston, and an address of welcome was made by Frederick Young, President of the Baltimore Typographical Union, which was responded to by President Hammond. The Committee on Credentials .was appointed and a recess tatcen. On reassembling the Committee en Creden tials reported sixty-four Unions represented by seventy-eignt delegates. The reDort was accepted. Amon? the delegates is Miss Mary Moore. from the Women's Typographical Union, No. 1, New York citv. This lady and miss Lewis, uor- responding Secretary ot tne union, are tne only ladies on the noor. After the adoption of the report of the Com mittee on Credentials, the union proceeded to an Informal ballot for President, which resulted as follows: Wm. J. Hammond, 52; Mr. Walsh, New York. 18; T. A. Crosby, Montreal, 3; scat tering, 2. On motion, Mr. Hammond was declared re elected br acclamation. Mr. Hammond returned thanks for the honor in a short speech. t The election of other officers Is now progress- insr. The union is a fine-looking body of men, and evidently intent on work and business, and not speech-making FROM NEW YORK. 1 BT ASSOCIATED PRE88. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Fatal Disaster. New York, June 5. An immense pile of bricks, from the old buildings demolished In Church street, fell to-day, covering several chll dren. One ha& been got out with broken limbs, the others are supposed to be killed. The fire men and police are making vigorous efforts to recover the bodies. FIN AH VBt AND COMMERCE. Etcnima Tst.mbab: Omotl Monday, Juae 5, 1871. ( The gold market shows weakness, the opening tales being made at Hb, declining to Uli, and closing at lis. Government bonds are quiet, and prices, not- wilhstandlnr the fall in told, are steady. In tbe stock market a limited business was transacted, and prices were unsettled and weak. Bales of Readln Kallroadat 5757; Penn sylvania at 61; Lehigh Valley at North ern Central at il; aud Camden and Aaiboy at 126. In Canal shares there were sales of Schuylkill at Vyt, and Lehlgn at Bank shares were more active. Sales of Far mers' and Mechanics' at VZZli and Manufac turers' at 29&3a PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Reported by D Haven Bro.. No. 40 S.Third street. niwr ouaiiu. toooo citv As. New 8 eh LehValR.... 62 i eA.. mi fioo C A m 6s,1 $706 do. 95 $iHo Pa & NYC 7s 66 V tlOOS O C A A 78. W. 87 $100t Lch R L loooo Leh gold L... 3V $4tUh , 14.... SIM S&uooUuioa CI 6s.. 11X 8sh far M Bk.122 Si shUanu Sank.. 45 do 80 18 do 8T c sh Read it... so. di1, 109 do 67 X 100 do 8d. bl ioo oo tw;, 100 do S60. 67 'i 600 do. 2d. lUi CshVech Bk..... biio SlshN CentJt ... 41 SHOO A B.. BX 10 de biv 100 do S39. 611 a sn susa cm..... iu 80 sh Cent Trans... 49 Soo ah Peuna R.s5. 6ix . 841 do 1 ioo de s. 61 4 sh Cam Am... is inn ah lki Vav St.. R7 V 18 do 87 S to do t BOO do b30. 61 lot - do 87V SECOND BOARD. ITOOCltV as. New.ios UOah U A AH.b60.12B' 200 an K(jadinir...68 8-16 fS do.....l0.iw Ut do S5. 68 800 do W0. 68,' 109 do... .064 ViS 100 sh Lib Mot.... tlt 100 do t)3. 0 M0 do 6H ioo sh Pecua RhSO. six tue do. 61 h 800 do b30. 8S 100 do ....M0. 88X 81 do 8s 800 do biO. BSV' 11 . do... allot. 61 x 80 sh Cen Trans. s5 49)tf 80 do. receipts six 86 sa Lea v ii.... eu da ih 83 do 61 ' 66 SB 8d SO OI.. 61 Misses. William Paintib fc Co., No. 86 8. Third trt. reDort the following quotations: U. 8. 6s of is8i,ii7,ie)ui , i y 4wj, iivifliivi ? 111 V"1T: do. IMS, 111V"1K: ao., Jnly, lsfljL lus,U4w: o., Jnly, 1MI, lHamv; do. J air. 186S. 111114V; 10-40B, 109U0. U.8.Paclflo R. R. Currency sa, 11BH110. Gold, lllsllif. Nash a Ladher, Brokers, report this morning 10 00 A. M 112V 13-es r.K. U-10 " 1M u-18 in4 lis luv ......in 1S-48 11 J 10 60 " 10 to " 11 Philadelphia Trad Report. i Mokbat, June B. Ths Flour market ia quiet, with scarcely any demand tr shipment and no dis position on tbe part of the home trade to purchase beyond their immediate wants. 80 barrels sold in lots, ineludlsg superfine at 15-258-eo; extras at 5-68tg -67x; Iowa and Wisconsin extra family at I6-S0$-7S; Minnesota do. de. tT7-S5; Penn sylvania do. do., at -258-76; Indiana and Ohio do. do., at $7flT M; and fancy brands at T-TBfM, aa in quality. Itya F.eur may be quatsd at fa 81 Jtfa. In Com Meal nothing doing. There is not much activity in the Wheat market, and no demand except for prime lots for the supply of ths local millers. Sales of Western red at $143,4 18, arnbnr at fl-70, and white at l-7Bl-4. Kye ranges from ; 11-121-ls for Vf estera and Pennsylva nia, and $ltrxai-i far Southern. Corn la net maoa sought after. Sales of 60 OS bushsls yellow at 73c., and 2S0O bushels Western mixed at 7S73o. tuts are unchanged. Sales of 14W bushels Pennsylvania and Ohio at S7 9e. Ia Barley and Malt nothing doing. Dark Is freely offered at $30 y ton for No. 1 Quer citron. Whisky is without improvement; 25 barrels West ern iron-Douia m sic. . Philadelphia Cattle Market. Mondat, June 6. There Is no improvement to record In the market for beef cattle, and the dullness which has prevailed for some weeks past Is still a prominent feature. The receipts are less liberal than last week, but in excess of the requirements of the trade, and the tendency of prices is still fsr a lower range. We quote choioe at 737K0. : fair to good at 6X'6XC, and common at 46c, per lb. gross. Receipts, liso head. The following are the particulars ef the sales: 40 uwen tmvtn, Pennsylvania and Virginia, $x:g 83 A. Christy, Western, 6x7. . w 61 K. Maynes. westers, Jtf(7. ' ' 85 James Christy, Lancasier county, 8t37. , 70 John McArale, Western, 67. 88 Charles Dengler, Kentucky. 6(aM'. 11 r. r. mermen, western aua Lancaster county, 6X7. " 75 Ph. Hathaway, Pennsylvania. 6Jtf7. ' 75 E. 8. McKlllen. Western, 6g7. 110 James McFUlen, Western, 6X47. . r 83 James B. Kirk, Pennsylvania, 0ji(J$7. 850 Martin Fuller & Co., Western, ejjig7J. yo j.iJiemsoD, ao., om (. - 1 38 D. bmyth A Bra. Western. 6(A7. 10 Mooney. Miller & Co., Lancaster county, IXQIX. 67 Thomas Mooney tc Bro., Westera, 67. 48 L. Frank, Western, 67. 68 uus. Bcnamnerg, nenrucKy, e7. IS H. Frank, Virginia, 66W. 11 49 H. Chain, Western, 6("0)tf. . 88 Elcorn k Co., Kentucky, 6(6. , 20 M. Dry foos, Kentucky, ,(6X. 44 Tbos. Duffy, Pennsylvania, 6JtfQ7. Cows and Calves. The receipts aud offerings have fallen off, but the market continues dull. Sales of Springers at $80(30, and cows and calves at $4QS0. neceipia izo ueaa. mere ii a oeuer ieeung in the sheep market, and an Increased demand. Bales of clipped at (KfiJt'c. Per lb. gross. Receipts 18,000 head. Hogs are dull and lower. Sales of corn-fed at 66ie., the latter for prime corn-fed. Receipts 8630 head. 1 LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT 01 PHILADELPHIA ......JUNE 5 BTATB OF THXRU0UKTBB AT HI IVENINO TKLBQHAFH OFFICE. , 8 A. M 86 1 11 A. M. 63 1 9 P, fflL.M Sun Rises 4-89 Sum Sam... 7-85 MOON SET9....1Q'13 High Watkk. s-21 By Caile.) London. June 6. Steamship Gsrmanta. ' New ork, touched at Plymouth yesterday. BieaDiBuipn vu; vi sruaaeia ana JMevaaa, from New iork, touched at Oueenstown yesterday. NIW Toax. June & Arrived. ateamaMn nit r Mexica, from Vera Cruz and Havana. . CLEARED THIS MORNINS. Steamer Ann Eliza. Richards, New York, W.P. Clyde Steamer Sarah, Jones, New. York, "W. M. Balrd A Co Bteamer S. P. Phelps, Brown, New York, do. Schr Jesse S. Clark, Clark, Charleston, Baslam. wickersnam & co. Schr Fred, dray, Lakeman, Newburyport, Slunlck- sen A Co. -Schr Annie May, Baker, Milton, , do. Schr Martha limes, Wiley, Lynn, do. Schr Ocean Traveller, Adams, Beverly, do. Schr II. Westbreok, Littlejokn, Bostan, do. Schr Panther, Hill, New Haven, do. Tag Matt, Livingston, Baltimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde Co. Tug u. B. Uutchins, Mulferd, Havre-de-Grace, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde A Co. ARRIVED THIS MORNING. ' Steamship J. W. Everman, Holmes, from Richmond via Norfolk, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde Co. bteamerxssw lark. Janes, from ueertretwn and Alexaadria, with aidse. to W. P. Clyde fc Co. Steamer A. C. S timers, Davis. 84 haura from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Bteamer j anita, uoane, zi nours rrem New York. with mdse. to Jean V. OhL steamship Empire. Hinctiey. s days from Charles ton, with mdse. to Vf . P. Clyde A Co. bteamer vr. wnuioin, mggans, is soars rrom Bai tlmere, with mdse. and passengers to A. Qreves, Jr. Brig samuei weisn, uarrau, s aays irom uatan- ras, with maiasses to tn, u. unitai fc co. vessel to Warren k Vregir. Sailed froai Matanz&s 86th ult. In in company with brigs Selma, for Boston-, and Sul livan, for Philadelphia. Left, barks Jasper, fm Pen saceia, discharging : Emma Parker, for New Tart, loading; Thainas Fletcher, fordo., In a few days; brigs Alfarette, from Fernandina, discharging; Ju lia F. Carney, from Philadelphia, do. ; Agnes Bur ton, from Baltimore, discharged to return; Lewla Clark, discharged ; and Ethel Bolton and Moses Day, for North of Uatteras; and schr H. B. MoCauley, for Philadelphia, to sail 97th. ' Brig Ida L. Kay, Bradferd, 12 days from Banger, with laths aud lumber to T. P. Galvin ft Co. Schr Ueorge w. Mlddietan. Campbell, e days rrem Norfolk, with shligles to Patterson fc Llpplnoatt. Bciir naie, uoaee, im bassairas itiver, wua grain to Christian A Co. Schr Roanoke. Barrett, from Richmond, with graalta te Richmond Uraalte Co. benr Lome, jayiur, irui t-vmoii, wuu mmg, Schr Webster Kelly, Mitchell, from New York. Schr Bdw. Wooten, Wooten, do. Schr West Wind, Townsend, from Providence. Schr O. U. Morris, Richards, from Boston. Schr J. P. Comegys, Vlrden, do. Schr LlBls Carr, Eldrldge, do. . Schr Sarah Clark, Gritlln, do. Schr J. H. Waiawrlght. Abrams, do. Tug Chesapeake, Merrthew, frem Baltimore, with t tow af barges to W. P. Clyas ft Co. Tug Mary, Livingston, frsru Baltimore, with a tow Of barges to W. P. Clyde A Co. Corrtpondenet of The Evening Telegraph. JfAaTLiiN ataAiion o nii.i.iin. Nkw Yohk omen, June 8. The following barges leave In tow to-night for Baltimore, light: P. McDevitt, E. A. Gilbert, Harvest Ojueen, Kate .TamiMon. F. O. Klnar. CI. W. llutiou, Passaic, T. W. Green, Persia, J. Ilawilas, Q. O. Satt?r!ec, aud Deo White. Baltimobi Bbakch Office, June 3. The follow ing barges leave In tow to-nljht, eastward: Star I the World, I'nioa Traveler, City of Boston, C. C. Pope, J. 11. Vedder. M. F. Hannigan, Moon light Rover, Comnei o. u. Ames, . ti. ureenman, C A. Dora eld, W. Walker, S. Morrell, B. C. toote, J. W. Barker, and Jahn A. Ryan. Enterprise, witu Ore brick, for Philadelphia. The following barges left last night: O. W. Kraft. O. L. Nims, Myrtle, Chesipeake. C. McWllllams, J. T. lledrlck, P. Carson, A. V. Joslin, and W. Moruian, all with coal, for New York. Philadelphia Branch Ofkici. Jane a. The Mary aud Emma, with coal, for New York, left on Saturday evening. . L. S. C. Special Despatch to Ths Xvtning Telegravk, HAvaa-na-UaACB, J uus 6. The following boats leave in tow to-day :- w n c K try ana vf uue, wuu iuuuu w u. iiuuif, ou S C Colonel H. C. Bollnger, with lumber to H. Croskey A Co. Hall A Frank, with lumber to Haas fc Ellis. p, , Bowman, f VA mJ l Hi Tally . 9