The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, June 03, 1871, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5
THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1871. 5 TE& NEW OR LEAN J, MOBILE, AND TEXAS RAILROAD COMPANY. The Industrial reconstruction of the South li largely In the hands of Northern capitalists, who ra Using advaatage of the abundant resources ef the Gulf states, and sowing seed for future profit able harvests. Among the enterprises which are to benefit the region in which they are located, and, at the tame time repay handsomly the capital .In Tested, la the line of railroad Tanning from Mobile through New Orleans to Houston, Texas, a distance of 479 miles. Such well-known Northern bankers nd business men as Hon. E. D. Morgan, Hon. Oakes Ames, Messrs. Morton, Bliss fc Co., J, W. Sellgman k Co., William s. Williams Jitnes H. Banker, and others, are associated In the .work, and the stockholders have made an Import Ant deviation from the too frequent practice of those taring In hand the building of new railroads, by first patting Into the line a very large amount of their own funds, amounting, It Is Bald, to nearly ten mil lion dollars, before offering any sort of securities to the public. Having done so much themselves, the company now issue bonds npon the Lou isiana division the most Important part of the entire line which are thoroughly secured both by the certain prospective business of the road, and the Urge amount, above noted, which has already been Invested In the work. The bonds are of two classes: First Mortgages to the very small amount Of 1 18,800 per mile, and Second Mortgages, to an equal amount, both principal and Interest guaran teed by the rich Stat of Louisiana. At the price at which these bonds are offered they laj very largely In excess of Governments, and the figures given In the Company's pamphlet show that these 8 per cent, currency bonds are much more pro- table, at the same price, than 7 per cent gold bonds. The advertisement In another column presents some Of the strong features of this new road, and parties having money to invest will do well to examine the matter. CITY ITEMS. A Special Salk of Furnitubb. Parties desiring to make purchases of every species of furniture would do well to note the fact that Mr. A. Barlow, No. 45 South Second street, Is at present engaged In disposing of at cost his entire stock of household goods. Upon examination of the large stock In Mr. Barlow's establishment, we are convinced that the most captious buyer will surely be accommodated. The prices are so exceedingly liberal, and the pat terns so varied andeo suited to various tastes, that those in want of any description whatever of furni ture will be certain of obtaining the very article they desire. The sale will continue for the next thirty days, and offers a rare opportunity which should not be neglected. Among the artloles to be disposed of are a number of handsome sets of oiled walnut fur niture, of exquisite design and finish. Some of the patterns are of novel style and exceedingly tasteful. Mr. Barlow has on band also a large number of bouquet, card, and extension tables; bedsteads, sideboards, chairs of all kinds, towel-racks, and, In fact, every article which goes to make a home what a home should be. It will be recollected that the furniture Is to be sold at coil. MB. William W. Cassldt, the Jeweller at No. 8 Bonth Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks of all kinds of Jewelry and Silver ware In the city. He has also on hand a fine assort ment of fine American Western Watches. Those Who tmrchase at this store at the present time are certain to get the worth of their money. Nevsr-Faiuno Safitt and Sffcojcsa. Mrs. Win slow 'a Soothing syrup is a safe and certain remedy for all diseases with which children are af flicted during the process of teething. Bubkett's coLOGNxthebestmade In America, refrigerators, Cedar Moth Chests, Enamelled-llned Coolers, Cooler Stands, a large assortment, wholesale and retail, No. 320 Dock street, below Walnut. Bpbnktt'8 Coogmq Extracts the best. ' MARRIED : Baird Wright. On Thursday, June 1, by the Rev. Dr. Harper, Matthew Baird to Anna, daugh ter of B. F. Wright, both of this city. Norcboss Bagiot. On June 1, by Rev. Robert Roach, D. D., Frank W. Norcross, of New York, to Augusta A., eldest daughter of Julius Bagiot, Esq. New York papers please copy. Btruthers Bird. On Thursday, June 1, at HolT Trinity Church, by the Bight Rev. W. Bacon Stevens, Bishop of the Diocese, John Struthers to Virginia Morland, daughter of the late Thomas J. Bird. v DIED. Barlow. On the 1st Inst., at the residence of his ancle, William Brown, in Rockdale, Delaware county, Charlbs Barlow, in the 86th year of his age. Funeral on Monday, the 6th lnst, at 1 o'clook. To proceed to Calvary Church, Rockdale. Conwat. This morning, at his residence, No. 844 Franklin street, Dr. Thomas Conwat, In his 50th year. Due notice will be given of the funeral. Davis On the 2d lnst., Mrs. Fhobbb Davis, in the 77th year of her age. Her friends and relatives are Invited to attend Iter funeral, from the residence of her son-in-law. Robert D. Purnell, northeast corner of Forty-seventn and KlngseBsing avenue, on Second Day, the Cth lnst., aitt-30 A. JXU Justicb On the morning of the 1st lnst, Hblbn Wardbll, daughter of Philip S. and Helen Mary Jastlce, aged 19 years. Interment at Laurel Hill, from the residence of her parents German town, on First-day, 4th lnst., at 8 o'clock P. M. Carriages will be at the depot In Oermantown to meet the 8 train from Philadel phia. Partin. At the Pennsylvania Hospital, this morning, Charles R. Pakvin, M. D., aged 81 years. Due notice of the funeral will be given. Thomas. On Wednesday, May 31, Miss Mart A. Thomas, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, No. 120 South Thtr. ' teenth street, on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment at Woodlands. Hi NEW MOURNING STORE. New Stock at Lowest Prices. No 1226 CHESNUT STREET. NEWEST DESIGNS IN DRESS GOODS. NEWEST DESIGNS IN BONNETS. NEWEST DESIGNS IN VEILS. CHEAPEST ALPACAS IN PHILADA. CHEAPEST BOMBAZINES IN PHILADA. CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS IN PHILADA CHEAPEST CRAPE CLOTHS IN PHILA DELPHIA. EVERY ARTICLE AT LOWEST PRICE. We would respectfully call attention to our new Dress-making and feuit Department, where every novelty in black suits will be found ready-made and made to order, at shortest notice, by a competent dressmaker, and alio call attention to our White Ooods and Ladles' Underwear Department. Large Stock of Linen and Lawn Suits, of finest finish, al ways on hand. A. MYERS & CO., Mstuth5ptf No. H20 CHKSNUT 8treet. F I R E HEAD Y.9IAUB CLOTH1NC, COMBINING STYLE, DURABILITY AND EX ... CELLENCE OF WORKMANSHIP. Jones' ESTABLISHMENT, (504 IMarlcot Street, GEO. W. NIEMANN. Handsome OarmenU made to order at the shortest H EL. MB OLD'S COLUMN. HELIYIDOLD'8 Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT 8ARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. ' FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. .FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. FLUHX EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. HELMBOLD'S COLUMN. APRIL, MAY, and JUNE. PURIFY THE BLOOD. ' In these months, ' HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SAR SAPARILLA. Cures all eruptions of the skin. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SAR SAPARILLA Cures the worst form of blood diseases. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SAR SAPARILLA Enters heavily Into the circulation of the blood. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SAR SAPARILLA. Beautifies the complexion. All powders and outward applications destroy the kin, rendering it harsh and coarse. Look at the skin of old maids, and those who have used such any length of time. My advice Is to discontinue them and use HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SAR SAPARILLA. One bottle Is equal in strength to one gallon of the syrups or decoctions as usually made, and a wine glass added to a pint of water equals the celebrated Lisbon Diet Drink. Try It this way. A delightful beverage. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS A pleasant, safe, and agreeable cathartic. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS Used In all affections where a purgative medicine Is needed. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS Harmless to a child, and taken by children. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS Supersede magnesia, salts, and every other purga tive. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS Certain in effect and pleasant in operation. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS ; Is not a patented pill. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS Are composed of Catawba grape Juice and fluid ex tract rhubarb. now to proceed in the spring and summer months to insure new life, new blood, new vigor, Purchase two bottles of HBLMBOLS'S SARSAPA RILLA, and one box or pills worth their WEIGHT IN GOLD. No better Investment can be made for so small a sum. Helmbold's Fluid Extract Buchu HAS ACQUIRED A WORLD-WIDE FAME. All of my preparations are meritorious. A period of twenty years has PROVED THIS to be the case. See remarks made by Benjamin Travers, F. R. C. 8. Speaking of those diseases, and diseases arising from the excess of mercury, he states that no reme dy la equal to the Extract of Sarsaparilla; Its power Is extraordinary, more so than any other drug I am acquainted with. It is, In the strictest sense, a tonic, with this invaluable attribute, that It Is ap. pllcable to a state of the system so sunken and yet so Irritable as renders other subBtances of the tonic class unavailable or injurious. See REMARKS of the GREAT CHEMISTS AND PILL MEN OF AMERICA. WM. B. WARNER k CO., No. 154 N. Third street, Philadelphia, Pa. H. T. n ELMBOLD Esteemed Friend: We con gratulate yon on having the handsomest, and, at the same time, the MOST EFFECTIVE PILL that we have ever known for the purpose Intended. WM. R. WARNER: CO. H. T. HELMBOLD will remark, In conclusion, that his remedies are the result of long and careful stndy. The Fluid Extracts have been before the public twenty years ; the sale of them in that time proves their value. All have been benefitted by them who followed my Instructions, and to-day they stand UNEQUALLED in the extent of their sale and UNSURPASSED by any Medicament In the Dispen satory of the United States, not excepting a single HERB, ROOT, PLANT, or scientific preparation. Pharmaceutical I claim all mine to be, and have never patented a single one. To dispel any impression or prejudice that might exist In the minds of many against my Preparations from the publicity given through advertising, and that I am and have been a druggist for a period of twenty years, and more conclusively to prove this see letter: From the largest Manufacturing Chemists in the World. November 4, 1954. I am acquainted with Mr. IL T. Helmbold; be occupied the drug store opposite my residence, and. was successful In conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably Impressed with his character and enterprise. WILLIAM WBIOHTMAN, Firm of Powers & Welghtman, Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown streets, Phlla. ALL 8TAND ON THEIR MERITS. The Pill I have thought of offering to the afflicted for ten years. They are now perfect, and I shall stake my time, money, and fame on their effectiveness. The in viting style In which the Pill Itself Is made, the bot tie, label, wrapper all show with what care they have been prepared. After examination, bo Eng lish or French preparation will show greater care, and I am really proud of them. Instead of the nauseous-looking, carelessly-prepared Pills vended generally and put up In wooden boxes, and made generally or offered by those having no experience as physicians, druggists, or manufacturers of medicines, test the medicine offered by your obedient servant, IL T. EELMBOLD. CRYSTAL PALACE DRUG STORE, 534 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 4 ' PALACE PHARMACY. G I L S E Y HOUSE, BROADWAY, AND TWENTY- NINTH STREET, NEW YORK. TEMPLE OP PHARMACY, CONTI NENTAL HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA, and 104 SOUTn TENTH STREET, PHILA DELPHIA. DR.SOHENOK'SPULMONIOSYrtUP J)tt. BCIIliftCK'S PULMONIC DR. SCEENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. DK. oCEENCETS PULMONIO SYRUf DR. SCEENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. DR. SCEENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. DR. SCEENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. DR. SCEENCETS PULMONIC SYRUP. DR. SCEENCKS PULMONIC SYRUP. DR. SCEENCKS PULMONIC 1 SYRUP. DR. SCEENCKS PULMONIC SYRUP. DR. SCEENCIC PULMONIC SYRUP. DR. SCEENCKS PULMONIC SYRUP DR. SCEENCK'S PULMONIC BYRUP. DR. SCEENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. SR. SCEENCK'S PULMONIO SYRUP. DR. SCEENCK'S PULMONIO SYRUP. DR. SCXXXJ ETCH'S rULXVZOCTXO STTHUP. This great medicine oared Dr. J. H. Schenck, the proprietor, of pulmonary con sumption, when it had assumed its most for midable aspeot, and when speedy death appeared to be inevitable. His physicians pronounced his case incurable, when he com- menced the use of this simple but powerful remedy. Hia health was restored in a very short tune, ana no return of the disease has been apprehended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared, and his present weight is more man two hundred pounds. Dr. Schenck has been equally successful in the treatment of others similarly affected. Sinoe his recovery he has devoted his attention ex- olusively to the cure of consumption and the diseases which are usually complicated with it, and the cures effected by his medicines have been very numerous and truly wonder fuL The Syrup is a safe remedy. It con tains no mineral poison and no violent drug of any kind; henoe it cannot possibly injure the system. Its healing effects on the lungs are most remarkable; it permeates those organs and carries its salutary in fluences to every part; it soothes the inflamed Burface of the bronohial tubes; it promotes expeejorahon, and thus enables the system to throw off the disease. In short, it is the true remedy and the only one for the most fatal of all maladies, as many persons of the high est respectability who have experienced its benefits can testify. Numerous certificates to this effect, and full directions in English, French, Spanish, and German, acoompany each bottle. Dr. Schenck is professionally at his Princi pal Office, No. 15 N. Sixth street, oorner of Commerce street, Philadelphia, every Satur day, where all letters for advice must be addressed. Prioe of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each $150 per bottle, or $7-50 per half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents a box. For sale by all draggists and dealers. . LADIES' LINEN SUITINGS AT IVllLLIitEN'S, 1128 CHESNUT Street BEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY. Belling Retail at about Wholesale Prices. PLAIN BUFF LINEN LAWNS, MODE COLORED LINENS. FINE NATURAL FLAX COLORED LINENS, CHOCOLATE COL D LINENS. PRINTED LINEN CAMBRIC DRESSES. FINE WHITE LINEN CAMBRIC DRESSES. NEW PRINTED IRISH LINENS.' Fine assortment of Victoria Lawns, Bishop Lawns, Swiss and India Mullfl, Tarlatans, French Muslins, Nainsooks, Soft-finish Cambrics, BARGAIN LOT OF A few nieces of REAL GOOD IRISH LINEN, 37J cents per yard; regular price 50 cents. Also, a few more pieces of the xlNrJ llnun J F fk No. 004 CHESTNUT STREET. FRESH CHINA MATTINGS. WHITE RED CHECK, AND FANCY STYLES. 50 PIECES FRENCH AXMINSTER, $3-35 FEB YARD. OURTAINS AND SHADES. VVALRAVEN J MASONIC HALL, No. 719 CHESNUT St., Offers some new designs for CURTAINS A BID LAMBREQUINS, FRENCH CRETONNES, STRIPED TERRY and COTEE.INE9 Also, GLMP3 AND TRIMMINQS of entirely new patterns. An assortment of LACK CURTAINS of especial -elegance and cheapness, some as low as fltW a window. BROCHE TAPESTRY PIANO AND TABLE COVERS are offered greatly below lntrlnslo values, with a large assortment of EMBROIDERED CLOTH PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. 8 IS thstuSmrp COOPS FOR THE LADIES. i g U M M E R FASHIONS, TRIMMED PAPER PATTERNS AND LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. MRS. M. A. BINDER, NO. 1101, N. W. CORNER ELEVENTH AND CHESNUT STKEETS, PHILA., has made very large additions to her stock of Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Uiiaps, Buttons to match Suits. Novelties In Parasols, Gloves, Flowers, Neck-ties ; Bonnet and Sash Ribbons, Real Jet, Gilt, and Pearl Jewelry. LACES REAL POINT AND APPLIQUE. Great Inducements In Guipure and Thread Laces, Valenciennes, Sleeves, Cellars, and Calls. EMBROIDERIES, . Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, newest designs; Flouncing, Ruffling and Trimmings. DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING DEPARTMENT. Walking Suits, Reception and Evening Dresses, Weddlns Trousseaux. Large orders executed at short notice and at moderate prices, In the most fashionable style. Trimmed ana nam raper rauerzs, i per aozen. A perfect system of Dress-cutting taught. Plating, Ootraring, and Fringing. 4 H2stu2mrp SUMMER RESORTS. OCEAN HOUSE, CAPE MAY. THIS POPULAR FAMILY HOUSE OPENS ON THE 20th INST. For rooms, etc., apply to LYCETTE & SAWYER, 8 3 13t CAPE MAY CITY. T) A R R Y HOUSE, HIGHLAND FALLS, (NEAR WEST POJNT). This new and elegant establishment on the banks of the Hudson River will be opened early in Jane. Liberal terms for families. Address CBAS. w. HENDRIX, Highland Falls, New York. COZZENS' WK8T P O I N T H O T E L , COZZENS' DOCK. HUDSON RIVER, IB NOW OPES. FOR TERMS, fcc. Address 8YLVANUS T. COZZENS, West Point, N. Y. 1 FRIENDS' COTTAGE, CAPE MAY, N. J., ' having been thoroughly re titled and enlarged, will be open for guests Sixth Month (Jane) 1st. Families desiring rooms should make early applica tion to the proprietress, f is per week through June. la 60 a day. 5 81 tf A. p. COOK.r IPHRATA MT. SPRINGS. TH18 DELIGHTFUL Id SUMMER RESORT WILL BE OPEN for the Reception of Guests on Jane 15. For particulars, address J. W. FREDERICK, PropT, 811m or, H. H. R1N SHARP, Supt. GLOUCESTER POINT. and 828 ARCH Sireet. etc. eto. IRISH LINENS. suitable for Shirting or for Ladies' use, at' at Jr-cu truuviu. JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. A1LEY & 6 CHESNUT and TWELFTH Sis., Invite special attention to their stock 61 PLATED WARE, WIIICHJ WILL BE FOUND TO EM BRACE ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. Quality Guaranteed. SlmwsSrp No. 002 CHESNUT Street. TORTOISE SHELL JEWELRY, IN NEW DESIGNS. b 8 13 itnthft QROOERIE3. ETO. MMBMMWMMBH I . ... III - - - , llliaHHHV4 WILLIAM KELLEY, TWELFTH AND GIRARD AVENUE. LATOUR OLIVE OIL, A fresh invoice Just imported. Davis' Diamond Cincinnati Hams. Louisville Sugar-cured Hams. Mleheners' Star Hams, Bowers fc Co. City-cured Hams. Smoked Beef and Beef Tongues. St. Louis white Wheat Family Flour. Families residing In Cermantown, by mailing their orders, can have their goods caret ally put up, and delivered dally, at the lowest rates, WILLIAM KBLLCY, IT. W. Comer TWELFTH Street and GIRARD Avtnua, 11 10 thstul PHILADELPHIA, FRANCIS BOND. Formerly at i Hen Cnthbert'i Chinese Store, No. 23 South Eighth street. FINE TEAS, COFFEES, CANTON CHINA, CHINESE AND JAPANESE FANCY GOODS), No. 139 Booth EIGHTH Street, lthstn8m4 PHILADELPHIA. REFRIGERATORS. A BUPEBIOK ASSORTMENT AT Wholesale and Retail. All at Low Prices. 1 I KEAUN8 Mauuracturea his own llefrlgerator. No. 39 North NINTH Street, t sa lmip SELOW ARCH STREET.