The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, June 03, 1871, FOURTH EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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From Harper' "Weekly (edited by O. W. Curtis).
The "new departure" of the Democratic
Earty is cot nnaniuions, and certainly not
earty. Mr. Vallandighara's resolutions were
those of a county eonvention, not of his party
In the State of Ohio, and they were not
warmly received by the party organs. In the
Pennsylvania Democratic Convention a reso
lution to recognize all existing proviiions of
the Constitution was adopted, by a tote of
seventy-six to fifty-three, after an angry de
bate. This is what is called elsewhere
"hedging." Probably there ia no intelligent
political observer in the country who does
cot know that if the Democratic party had
carried Connecticut, as it did New Hamp
shire, the election of 1872 would have been
disputed by it upon the question of
the validity of the amendments. . But
the sentiment of the country is so pro
nounced upon that subject that the hopeless
ness of such a contest seems to be foreseen
by some of the Democratic leaders, and they
are anxious to abandon a position whioh has
become untenable. Dut the abandonment is
fatal. If, as the last Democratic Convention
declared in 18C8, the Republican reconstruc
tion of the Union is unconstitutional, revolu
tionary, and void, what has made it constitu
tional and binding in 1872? If void then
not unwise or even unconstitutional, but void
-what has made it valid new? sDoes a party
which professes such peculiar and profound
respect for the Constitution intend to ask the
support of the country upon the ground that
it acquiesces in the overthrow of the Consti
tution and in revolutionary usurpation?
, If, however, the absurdity be oonoealed
Tinder the plea of accepting "accomplished
facts," and the Democratic party withdraws
its protest against the Republican settlement,
and promises a faithful enforcement of the
"usurpation," its claim to popular confidence
must rest upon the probability of a more
honest and able administration of .the Gov
ernment by that party than by the Republi
can. 'What, then, is the ground of suoh a
probability? In the State of New York the
Democratic party is in power. In the city of
New York its dominanoe is supreme. What
are the characteristics of its action? The
elevation to oflioe of men of no character
whatever; the most universal and unblushing
corruption; a Legislature which is a by-word
of contempt; consequent legislation which
virtually abolishes popular government in the
city in favor of an oligarchy of four men, not
one of whom enjoys the respect of the com
munity; the infamies of Erie bills, and of the
amended code, authorizing corrupt judges to
crush the freedom of the press: in one word,
vast and skilful system of plunder, with
profound contempt and disregard of the
principles and the defenses of free popular
This is the aspect of Deinocratio ascend
ancy where the party is best organized, most
ably led, and of practically unchallenged su
premacy. And against this regime there is
no audible protest in the Deinocratio party.
Id New York the Tammany leadership is om
nipotent. In other States there is no word
of dissent. A Democratic victory in the
election of 1872 will be the triumph of this
spirit, not because every . Demoorat individa
. ally approves it, but because its ascendanoy
is indisputable, and its discipline remorseless.
Now we ask any Republican at the West or
the East, in the North or the South, is it any
excuse for conniving in any way at the suc
cess of such a party to say that
Mr. Tweed and the Tammany leaders are no
worse than Mr. Cameron and Mr. Chandler,
and Mr. Morton and General Butler ? Grant
ing what is often felt and urged in regard to
the character and leadership of these gentle-
- men. is it a matter of lndinerence whether a
party ef the general character and principles
of the Republican, or of the general character
, and tendencies of the Demooratio, controls
the Government? If certain leaders upon
both sides are not to be rospeoted nor trusted,
. it is only wise to look further into the party.
Now every element oi natrea or tne uovern
ment, of disbelief in its principles, the great
mass of ignorance, the subservienoe to eocle-
siastical dictationthe most doubtful and
pernicious elements in a system like ours
are all combined in the Demooratio party.
The general intelligence, the true conserva
tism of industry, faith in liberty and educa-
tion in a word, the moral foroes of the coun
try. are with the Republicans. Is this a con
sideration of little weight?. .
Moreover, if there is irregularity in many
of the details of administration, if the coun
eels which prevail in its general policy are not
always such as honorable men approve, there
are two points to consider first, that to
recall to power the party to whioh we owe the
corruptions of political methods will hardly
remedy the dimoulty; and seoond, that while
in that party there is really no protest, there
is in the Republican party a protest to stern
that it constantly modifies what are regarded
as baneful counsels. In the State of New
York the Demooratio voice that was raised
against the despotism of Tammany was sum
marily silenced, and with very few excep
tions there has been no resolute Demooratio
protest nrged against the alarming tyranny
Republican remonstrance that modified the
San Domingo policy, which the Republican
leaders already named strongly supported;
and the commissions appointed for the in
vestigation of that subject and for the nego
tiation of the English treaty certainly were
not due to influences which any honest Re
publican doubts or would disclaim.
There is, therefore, no probability what
ever, upon any theory, that a Demdoratio
administration would be purer or more efll
cient or wiser than the Republican. Even if
the Democratic Convention of 1872 should
nnanimouily eat it words of 18G8, would that
performance really inspire any Republican
with greater conndenoe in Demooratio ascend
encvr Would anv ueDublican vote more
willingly for Mr. Yallandighaai now than last
year? Are there no such things as character
and principle and oonviotion in politios?
Are there no plainly distinguishable tenden
cies in publio affairs which are little affected
by the personality of leaders. If, in 1864,
instead of caning for surrender to the Rebel
lion, Mr. Yallandigbam and Mr. Seymour
and tneir inenas una demanded a more vigor
oua prosecution of the war, would any sane
man have doubted whioh was the party of
union and of liberty? And if, in 1872, the
same gentlemen should say that they had
been all wrong and tne Republicans all right,
and ttiat tney would nenoeiortn be more
Republican than the Republicans, would any
man be justified in doubting which is really
the party oi liberty, progress, and Baietyr
I'ror the New Or leant Time& t '
Wo frankly confess that there is a great
need ct some change in the Demooratio plan
and strategy. , The oli ones have proved sad
failures in all reoent contests. But the word
"departure" is too strongly indicative of a
sudden conversion and total chaogs of heart
and conduct,'1 to please the masses of that
somewbRt impracticable and self-sufficient
party. It is true the spoils have long been
dtnied to them, and doubtless, like the weak
kneed of Israel, they hunger after the flesh
pots of Egypt. But they are not all; in fact,
only a small portion of them are prepared to
surrender their time-honored principle, their
sacred, cardinal ideas, and gnlp down at onoe
so large a slioe of humble pie as seems to be
the purpose of some of their impatient chiefs
to force down their mouths It is too sudden
a thing. They must be broken in gradually,
and Riven some time to reflect, compare
notes, and count the.costa. .
The new departures that come to us from
Ohio are documents that demand a great deal
of nice consideration and profound medita
tion. We have great respect for these Bock
eye chiefs, but have aot acoepted their in
fallibility as a finality. Here, in the South,
we have aot a long way off from the old pre
scribed lines and rentes of party maps and
discipline. Our people don't think muoh of
either of the parties which are beginning to
rend the firmament with- their partisan clamor
and cries. They susvect the motives of
people who are always making new depar
tures and hatching new schemes to secure
electoral triumphs. What they need is -a
new departure in morala- rather than in poli
tics. "We want an honest and constitutional
Government, Federal aad State; we want a
more respectable class of men than those
who have of late been brought forward by
both parties. We are tired of the old party
hacks, the speech-makers, platform builders,
caucus managers, and time-serving trim
mers who have so long controlled our
politics and government. We are as siok
of these as wo are of the class of military up
starts who are foisted into high civil posi
tions. A platform embodying the simple
propositions of a return to constitutional gov
ernment, to Honest administration and the
subordination of the military to the civil
power is all we want in that line. What is
more important than all platforms, but can
not be secured through any of them, is the
nomination and election of live and new men,
free from the taint of the recent corruptions
and selfish scheming of the old parties. If
Ohio, or New York, or Pennsylvania have any
of this new and fresh stock, let them bring
them out. and let those veteran organizers of
defeat, the Yallandighams, the Campbells, ct
al retire upon such laurels as they have al
ready won, and snuff the approaching battles,
like Job's horses, afar off.
From the A". Y. Times.
In both hemispheres there are being brought
to the front problems of society which
threaten sooner or later to supersede existing
problems of politics. .'. As a pioneer of this
movement among ourselves, Wendell I'mlups
may serve as a type: as its best representa
tive in L.nglana, we may accept Jonn btuart
Mill. On the social aspects of the insurrec
tion of the French Communists, we have
already sufficiently enlarged. The coming
difficulties of the great Anglo-baxon nations
are the result of forces in some respects iden
tical with those which have oonvulsod Paris;
but they present, nevertheless, features which
give them a characteristic individuality, ut
the many radical movements whioh are fast
obliterating existing party linos in England,
and which will shortly compel an entire change
of political front, the most decidedly aggres
sive is that which relates to the tenure and
distribution of land. To appreciate the im
portance ef the change aimed at by the re
formers of whom Mr. Mill is the most
influential spokesman, it is necessary to bear
in mind the immense power or linglisn land
owners as a social caste, tho tedious and com
plicated legal forms whioh appear to have
been designed to obstruct tne transfer of
land, and tee distinction wmcn property in
the sou, apart altogether from mere wealth.
confers on its possessor. Something loss
than one in every thousand Englishmen has
a share in the ownership of the soil on whioh
he was born, and of the thirty thousand aotual
proprietors, rather less than one-third own at
least two-thirds of the kingdom. Mr. Mill's
doctrine is that land oan be appropriated only
by the consent of .society, and that aooioty
reserves the right of revoking its consent at
any time "on giving due compensation to
the interests that it has allowed to
grow up." The application of this doo
ms e is thus illustrated by an organ
ofm English radicalism. Suppose
an estate which yielded an original rental of
$10 now brought an annual return of
$200,Q00. The State need not disturb the
owner in his possession of : the land, and in
his right to enjoy in perpetuity its present
annual rental; but if, as a result of the
general progress of the country, another
$200,000 should accrue to tae possessor, it is
due of right to the country at large and not
to anv individual. Once apply principles
like these to the existing fabrio of English
society, and its present foundations will cer
tainly be removed. The reconstructed edi
fice might be more harmonious in its details;
but there can hardly be a doubt that the fall
of the old one would carry with it a good
many more things man its destroyers ia
tended. It is not very easy to see how a
hard and fast line of division could be main
tained between property in land and property
in any other form. To the average demoorat
the distinction would certainly be impercepti
ble, ine "privileged classes in .England
understand thii pretty thoroughly, and henoe
the loosening of existing party ties before
the advance of this portentous social revola
Thanks to our freedom from feudal tradi
tions, to our boundless resources, and to the
sound republican foundation on whioh our
social structure has been reared, wo have
little reason to fear any such ooming deluge
of (Jomraunism as ims. ii, nowever, in the
enormous industrial expansion that is before
us, the minds of oux citizens , beoome leav
ened with the theories of Mr. Wendell Phil
lips, we shall hardly esoape having to face a
movement only less threatening. The reso
lutions written by the indefatigable agitator
for the Boston .Labor it ei or mors are skil
fully adapted to enlist the prejudices, and to
warp the judgment, of the class to whom
they are addressed.. What, for instance,
could be more transparently opposed
to the plainest teaohings of political
economy than this.' ' A redaotion
of the hours of labor will increase
wages, and will also cause a corresponding
reduction or tne l at are accumulations or th3
speculative classes, and thus secure a more
equal distribution of wealth." Or what in
pietentiouB want of meaning could be devised
to exceed this statement? Through the
wages channel all of the wealth regularly
secured to the masses is distributed, and to
increase their share of this wealth their
wages ra-nHt first be increased, "through
causes which do net.&ddtothe cost cf pro
duction (VV lnt which will reduce-the
profits of those who speculate in the result
of lnbor." The man who could put together
a farrago of absurdities like this, is clearly
incapable of conceiving or reasoning out any
intelligible scheme of social readjustment.
That he is equally impotent as a destructive
force is not finite so clear. . Our artisan class
is of too composite a character to admit of a
very decided estimate of what they might or
might not be induced to believe. In tbe in
terests of the future relations between capital
and labor, and of the sooial stability which is
bound up with them, let ns hope that working
men have learned to estimate Mr. Phillips and
his theories at their proper value.
From the N. r. Tribune.
With the first warm days began the usual sur
feit of announcements of summer plans of all
our notabilities,! rom Grant to Train. So-called
society papers hurry out their bulletins re
garding tbe movement of fashionable gro
cers' and shopkeepers' wives, or young misses
from the country spending a week or two at
New York hotota. Train and his kind regard
this gossip as so many advertisements, and
the peripatetic young ladies are innocent
enough in their desire to catch a glimpse of
the "f ashions" In street cars or hotels parlors.
Bot what impression does a foreigner receive
from the columns in loading papers devoted
to the "dazzling grandeur" of a ball at a lucky
fiab-dealer's, or the announcement that "Miss
Caddie Smith is. visiting tbe Brovoort," or
"Aliss lmogene Jones, ia
favoring the- Fifth
Our English cousin are just now hotly de
bating the question whether the removal of
tbe royal family and eoart will rid the coun
try of its tendsncy towards toadyism. Mr.
Anberon Herbert, champion of - a republic
that is to be, denounces the court system as a
fountain of folly in tbeii midst. The Spectator,
in answer, points to America, where there is
n court. "Tho American journals," it says,
"are full of elaborate descriptions of dresses
worn at a Washington ball, differing only in
two points from those of the 'Jims describ
ing any court ceremonial. The American
reporters descend to' details which in
England would be declared impudent and
nauseous; and they invariably, mark the
cost of the dresBes with a sort of awe.
as though the price were the highest crite
rion of excellence. Ii there any improve
ment here upon English frivolities?" it
demands triumphantly, and tkon proceeds
to deduce the conclusion that their social
hierarchy restrains the worship, of wealth
which corrupts and dobascs American sooietv.
This reasoning would, be sound enough if so
ciety in America (by whish we mean the laws
and habits of the highest class -highest by
right of birth, breeding,, or culture.) had any
central point which controlled and reptesented
them as the Court does the like- grade in Eng
land. There-is no each point. The tipcitatoi
must surely be aware tiat our. Presidents are
.men chosen for their Own qualifications, with.
out tne sngntest reioronoe to tn social stand?
ingof their families. The wives of professional
men, tanners, farmers, tailors,.take their turn
in the Wbise House, and play their part with
whatever tact or grace Nature has given to
tneir snare. Witn tow much or little, is to
Americans usually a matterr oi utter incline
renoe. Fashionable society in the large cities
is in like manner made up ol the families of
lucky speculators and xioh , tradesmen, who
naturally delight in the display of their
wealth, and cluster about aay titled foreigner
who apparently is possessed of that breeding
of which they fool tlia- need. Theae two
classes have of necessity their outer rings of
toadiea and flatterers. Beyond these but few
foreigners penetrate, and hence come Eng
lish pictures of Arnersaoa sooial life. Human
nature, the JSpalator Bhould know, will differ
little in any peopl or under any Govern
ment. ; Money will bold its factitious power
over vulgar minds In , London as well as in
Washington. The man of cultured tastes
and noble aiias will aeek ' simplicity in out
ward forms, whether he be a Vere de Vera or
an Araerioaa backwoodsman.
The difference between oub social system
and that Which the English are striving to
throw off, we believe to be that in ours a man
is sure to take proper rank in- his own guild
and with his ' like. The man of intellectual
power or real breeding is as certain of his
place aid consideration among his peers as is
tne millionaire of his batterers; but in Lng
land, law and custom force every man at
birth on a false and fictitious gradation of
rack, from which no effort of his own can
free him. We are quite willing to admit that
the model of the "grave simple, and slightly
stern Commonwealth" after whioh that san
guine journal pines is &ot here, nor will it be
found anywhere while men are men. Spartan
women, no- doubt, eyed their neighbors
head-gear enviously, and before the great
Romans could found their republic they
aoonsed each other of an itching palm, and
"did sell and mart their offices for gold
Prom the N. Y. Sun.
Sir. Greeley, in the letter modestly an
nouncing iiiinseir a candidate for tne 1'resi-
dency, deals a stunning blow at the two-term
doctrine and General Grant s re-election. He
is right. Theoretically it may be proper to
allow the people to re-elect the same man to
tbe Presidency as many times as they please. .
The plan worked well enough for the first
thirty years after the adoption of the Const!.
tution; but since then the country nas ex
panded so widely, grown bo populous, em
braces so many clashing interests, and our
Presidents wield such a vast patronage,
which they invariably use to secure their re
election, that a change is demanded, and the
one-term doctrine ought to be engrafted upon
the Constitution.
M. Creeley is a man of prinoiple. Now
and then a crotohet finds a lodgment in his
capacious soonce which makes him restive
and impracticable, but his heart is as pure as
the fountains that gush up amid the banks
and braes of Chappaqua. Not only is he a
man of principle, but he believes in carrying
out his principles to tneir logical oonoiusions.
He is opposed to the re-eleotion of Grant,
because it violates the one-term dootrine, and
because. Grant, as a civilian ia a calamitous
If the Republican managers snould be bo
demented as to renominate Grant in spite of
the protest of the founder of the party, Mr.
Greeley can carry out his one-term policy in
a manner that will be memorable in our his
tory. If the Democrats will bring out a man
like Groesbeck on the Vallaudisbam platform,
and thereby, in the event of, his success,
secure the permanency of reconstruction and
the amendments, Mr. Gre6ley could easily
dispose of Grant by accepting an independent
nomination under the banner of "Greeloy
and One Term:
What a campaign we should have! Gree-'
lev would stump tbe Republic from Maine
to Texas. Clad in the cottume of the com-
mon people, how the masses would greet
limt WM.-t anaaliaa vnnl.l rAnrl thA Air'
What soitgs wouM ring She welkin, with the
retrain: 11 i i
"The friend of liberty and law, '
Tho honest old farmer ot Chappaqua"! ,
All the anti-Grant Republicans would KO
for him, and all the negroes, all the protec
tionists, all tbe scientific farmers, and all be
lievers in simple diet, plain clothes, and uni
versal salration. If the Sontnern Ku-klux
should take tbe field against him, Jeff. Paris
would co a ode them with a certified copy
of bis bail bond, and beseech them to refrain
from stealing, horses and frightening the
colored element until after tbe election. '
Mr. Greeley might sot be chosen by the
people, apd.the election would then go- to
tbe House of Representatives, where he would
be sure of beating Grant at all events,, and
stand a first-rate chance of winning himself.
Each State being entitled to one vote the
support of' nineteen States would be neces
sary. . All the anti-Lrraut ltepublicans in tne
House would cordially vote for him, and by
forming oemLinations here and there with
Democratic members, he could easily obtain
the renuinite number of States.
It should all tne nine be borne in mind
.. .... . . i
that the objective point in Mr. Greeley's" pro
gramme is the defeat of Grant, in cese- he
should be renominated, and the e&tablisn
ment thereby of tbe one-term doctrine Mr.
GreelevV own election -being, in his-view,
quite a subordinate consideration. In any
event, therefore, he can carry his main point
bv taking an independent - nomination. He
could dispose of Grant and settle a great
principH as effectually as Van Buren dis
posed of Cass and settled a great principle-
in 1848. . Mr Van Buren 6aw that the WUmot-
proviso, which scoured free soil for free nieh,
was endangered by. tne candidacy ot uenerai
Cass. So he accepted a nomination from the
free Democracy, and left the Barnburners to
put a final extinguisher upon the Presidential
aspirations of the sonatter sovereign or tue
tipper lakes. If worse comes to wort, let t'ie
philosopher of jChapsaqtia emulate the example
of tne sage of Landenwald. -
But Mr. Greeley would be liliely to be
electee. probably by the House. What a
Cabinet he would present to tne country: jno
small men, no givers of lands, tenements,
and hereditaments, of horses, carriages, and
puppies, wouid find a seat there. Owing to
tbe peculiar circumstances of bis election, ne
would naturally aim to conciliate all interests
in the formation of his cabinet. Charles
Francis Adams might be Secretary of State,
Trumbull ,lttoiney-General,aud Vallandighaui
Secretary of the Interior, tna rest ol tne
chairs being given to radicals of lofty talents
and unspotted integrity. If the Demooratio
members of the House from New Yo?k and
Ohio should combine with a portion of
the Republican membess to give
him the votes ' of those States,
the new President could reciprocate tho
favor bv appointing Mr. Groesbeok Chief
Justice in the event of Judge Chane's with
drawal from the bench, and by sending Gov.
ernorIIoffxaan as Minister to Berlir,. where,
because of bin name, ne would be received; as
a Teuton ol tbe original Gothio stock. Under
a Greeley administration the country weald
be rid of one shame r 5 least. I tone ol his
relatives would get any. of his patronage, and
he would not bestow office upon anybody
who gave him presents. Nor would he be a
deadhead at hotels and on railways, nor
break up. a Cabinet Bitting to attend a. horse
raoe, nor dawdle arrund Long Brancn. when
he ought to be hard at work in the-White
House '
Of coiurse, with Gxeeley at Washington for
four years, the lxitune would go to the dogs.
But this would be of little consequence. It
would be glory enough to have founded and
built up a great lournal, which, his sustain
ing hand being withdrawn, fell nnder tee-
stupid management of fops and pretenders.
Only two Presidents have bees re-elected
during the last half century . and extraordi
nary circumstances conspired to make their
renommation a necessity for their party.
When Jackson, was re-elacted he was in the
midst of a .aht with the Nnllifiers and the
United States Bank. His withdrawal at that
crisis would have been regarded as the
triumph of Calhoun and Biddle. Lincoln
was re-eleoted during the red heat of the Re-
bellion. 'His withdrawal in such an exigency
would have encouraged Davis in hw machi
nations and inspired Lee with hope. No such
crisis, no such exigency exists now. Grant
stands directly in the way of peace, harmony,
and nnity. If Grant is renominated, let the
rallying cry of all independent Republicans
be "Greeley and one term!
FrvatUN. Y. WmU.
We had no doubt that the Democracy of
Ohio would follow and outstrip Kentucky
and Pennsylvania; but fact is better than
expectation, and the resolutions of the Ohio
Convention, passed Thursday, enable us to
substitute a record for our late prophecy.
e care not bow much, or how little, inllu-
ence Air. auandignam may nave had in
shaping the Ohio resolutions. It ia enough
for us that the resolutions are such as we oan
endorse, and; so long as he exerts his talents
for leadership in this wise direction we have
no disposition to obstruct nis innuendo or
impair his credit. Mr. Vallandighain was on
the committee of resolutions, and his charac
teristic boldness is stamped on the declara
tions of the Ohio Convention. When
he is constrained to yield to the force
of truth and what is called the logio
of events, the cause of the reactionists
is lost. It is manifest that no able man with
the possibility of a political future is any
longer willing to lead them. Jefferson
Davis has nothing to tie to but "the lost
cause;" and being such an utter political
wreck that be can neither be repaired nor in
jured, he is welcome to fling himself into the
surf to be again dasned against . tne rocks.
It concerns nobody bnt himself that his
broken timbers are still further shivered. A
cauEe must be desperate indeed which can
find no better advocate than Jefferson Davis.
He predicts a revival of the lost cause. But
he also predicted, with equal confidence, that
the Western States would join his Confede
racy: that ingiand would never aoquiesoe in
the blockade; that his armies would be victo
rious; that the South would, if neoessary,
continue the war for twenty years in Vir
ginia. Considering that all his past predio'
tions went by contraries, it does not very
well become him to utter new ones. On what
ground can he expect to be believed?
We ask the Southern people to weigh the
prophecies of this bankrupt politician, ! this
blundering old man, against the resolutions
of the Ohio Democraoy, and against growing
and now almost complete unanimity of tbe
Democratic party in discarding bygone issues.
This discredited politician rivals tne good Mrs.
Partington, who attempted with her mop to
keep back the rising tide of the Atlantic , The
ocean was more than a match for the foolish
old woman and her mop. The Demooraoy of
New York defined their position long ago;
thev will have thirty-three votes in the Demo.
cratic National Convention. The Democracy
of Pennsylvania have taken the same ground;
they will have twenty-six rotes in the National
Convention.. On Thursday the Democraoy of
Ohio defined their position; they will have
twenty-one ' votes in ' the Con
vention. Kentucky, which has also
repudiated dead issues, will have eleven votes,
and Missouri the same nnmber. The Demo
cracy of Michigan and of all the New England
States only await an oocaeion to declare them
selves in the same sense; and they will have
altogether forty-seven votes In the National
Convention we Begard it as quite certain
that the Democracy of every other Northern
State will equally accept the situation. The
oouthern people should therefore se that
when Mr. Davis anchors his hopes to the lost
oanse, neresembios tbat apooryphal man in
the days of the flood, who, when the sub
merged hills and mountains were disappearing
from sight, and the windows of heaven still
continued to pour, set up for a prophet and
concluded "there would not be maoi of a
shower after all." Jefferson Davis now imi
tates that last of the antediluvians for the
second time.- If, after his preposterous pre
dictions from 1SG1 to lSG.r, such a prophet
can still have any honor in his own ooantry,
let the Southern people compare his late
speech with the uniform declarations of all
the recent Democratio State Conventions.
When even Kentucky drops dead issues, when
even lit. v allandigbam proclaims that a liv
ing party must not be bound to an old oorpve,
what faun can the oouthern people put in a
revival of the lost cause on prediction, made
by a noted false prophet who, on former oc
casions, BO,Tegregiou8ly deceived and misled
them to' thei own ruin? What Merton
prophesied in his malice, and broken old Jeff
Davis prophesies in his dotage folly, the
Democracy of the country will be very careful
not to f ulhl.
The Ohio convention on Thursday was one
of the most respectable bodies of Demooratio
delegates ever assembled in tbat tato. Its
presiding officer was George II. Pendleton,
It nominated as its candidate for Governor
General McCook, one of the most vigorous
and intrepid fighting generals that served in
the armies of tbe V est. He has a brilliant
military record, as every history of the war
attests. The resolutions, after some debate
on the first two, whioh unequivocally aocept
the fourteenth and - fifteenth amendments,
were adopted by the very large majority of
-W5 yeas to 129 nays, that is to say, a majority
f three to one.. All honor to the wise and
enlightened spirit of the Ohio Democracy!.
r. S. "It never rams but it pours, aen.
nessee has made baste to wheel into line with
I other Democratio States. Her Democratio
; St ateCommittee publicly proclaimed on Thurs
day their acquiescence in the new amend
ments- to the Constitution, and a convention
of the Democratio editors of the State re
solved to fling aside dead issnes audi accept
the situation. So tbat preoio is braooof pro
phets, Oliver Morton and Jefferson Davis,
have abundant reasons to clothe themselves
with sackcloth and feed upon ashes, in good
Scr ptune fashion.
XJ C1KS OF INSURANCE, Issued by th Trustees
of the Fire ' Arsoclatlon of Philadelphia; one to
.MARr DONOHUB tor S1W0. dated February 2S.
lsae. No. U92S-30. and one to MARY QUINN for
Sieii, dated July 84, 1604, No. 22104 5. Information
wail ce reeeivea oj .
Administrator Estate of John Donohue,
B 1 6t No. 16 North SEVBNTil Street, Fhlla.
National Photographic Association
At Horticultural Hall,
JUNE 6 to 13. 10 A. M. TO 10 P. M.
Photographic Works of Art
From all parts of the world ever made in America.
Wonderful, beauilful, Instructive. Hlnsle admission.
ascents; aeasun tickets, II; to be had of North &
Co., Horticultural nail, and at holograph Galleries.
Promenade Concerts every evening;. Music by the
Gei mania Orcnebtra.
Al80. the following:
Wednenday. June 7, at X P. M., THIRD ANNI
VERSARY RECEPTION. Music, Addresses, Stere-
opticon, etc A delightful entertainment. Admis
sion tickets and secured seats free, obtainable as
directed beiow.
V ednesdav and Thursday evenings, Jane 7 and 8,
aiso'ciocK, Ltsv;'A'urian ua laijta i', new ana in-
imitaDie.Dvrroies8ornc.Knx mukiiwi. m. d.
Fiidav Bvenlnsr. June 9, ac8o'clocK.:EXiIBlTION
IN TBE STERKOPTI OON of the association col
lection of views from all parts of ihe world, such a
collection as was never before exhibited, conducted
bv J. w. raq., oi uoBion. Admission,
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings. t0
Cents; secured seats, 79 cents.
The sale of tickets for the Academy entertain
ments will commence at the miisio store of F. A.
North 4 Co., No. 1026 cneauut street, Thursday,
Jonel, at 9 A M., aad at the Academy of Music,
on Saturday, J use u, at game nour.
a m. 11. iuiu.M's. looeu oecrexarr.
No. 1300 FRANK. FORD Aveoue.
EDWARD I WILSON. Permanent Secretary,
Ne. 882 ARCH Street. ' 6 80 rp tf
Steam and Hot-water Heating, with
' Void's fateut Cant Irou,
; Architects, Builders and others desiring buildings
heated with ateam or hot water should not fall to
examine this apparatus, which Is superior to all the
Imitations oirered for sale. Our cast-Iron Radiators
ere adapted to high as well as low-pressure ateam.
Bteam-tltting in all Its branches done at the
Shortest notice.
Particular attention naid to ventilation.
11. M. FELTWELL, Superintendent.
on the European nrinciDle. of neat and durable con
struction, suitable lor public institutions, hotels,
and Drivate residences, having powerful water-
backs, and Its cooking and baking qualities cannot
be surpassed.
of a new and beautiful design, a superior Cooking
and liakinir Ranee, and the best construction for
bktlug purposes vet offered for Bale.
Sole Agents for the sale of
for ventilation, and a sure cure for smoky chimii&y.
n, i.too fmnrnvements. and (he best In . the
.1 AMI. P. V & CO.,
6 6 ituth 26-J-p
No. 41 S. FOURTH St
Sunday Tralnfor Atlantic City.
On and after Jane 4 next the Sunday Mail Train
will be resumed between Philadelphia and Atlaauo
City. ' '
Leaving Tine Street Ferry at 8-00 A. At.
Returning, leave Atlantic City at 4-00 P. M. 1
'stopping at all Stations.
B6trpi P. II.MCNDV, Ageut
AKUIHHALD FARKiad Ka J, Trustor, fir... vs.
COMPANY OK rilll.ADKLPni A." Levari Facias,
Jnnry lerm, 18U, No. 67. Ami
"II IK INION CNK AND Al A XV r aw l' nir-or
BALD PARKUl'hST, Trustee. In equity. Order of
.lannary term, 1&J1, No. 8.
Tnnditr appointed- by tne Court tolwtrihnte
the land arlsluir from the Slioriirs and Trustee's
sales, nnder the above writs, of all thru certain lot
or equana of ground, with the bulldiusrs. Improve
ments, and machinery thereon erected situate In
the Twenty -upventh war.! of said elty: bounded by
Lehman or Thlrty-Orst street, Locnst street, Spruce
Btreei, turn lntrtleth street, ana ur iir.reet
vacated. Also, all that rertaln other lot or piece of
ground, slluato tn the Twenty-sevantn ward afore
said; bounded by sa'd Thirtieth street, Spruce
street, ground of William C. Alhson, Har street as
vaeau-ti, ana tne mer Behnylklll, will meet tne par
ties Interested, for the purposes of bis appointment,
on HOItDAY, June the 6th. 1S71, at 12 o'clock M.,
at his office, No. 80S West WASHINGTON Square,
in' said city, when an where all persons are re
quired to make their alalras or be debarred from
coming upon said fuDV
B gstastntst ; Auditor.
FISHER et al , Executors, vs. PATTERSON.
. Levari Facias. March Xttrm, l8U,.No. 1039.
The auditor appointed by the Court to report dis
tribution of the fund wising from the sheriil's sale
under the alove writ of all thatceruin lot of ground,
with' tbe roessnsge or tenement thereon erected,
situate on tbe south Bide of Arch street, at the dis
tance of 92 feet 4H Inches east of Sevonft'enth street,
lnmecityor Philadelphia, containing m rront on
Arch street 89 feet T ij Inches, ana in depth soulh
war lof that width 1 feet to Ann street, will meet
the parties interested for the purpose of his appoint
ment on MONDAY, Junn 12, isn, at 4o clocW P. M ,
at ms omce, no. 202 s. finu street, m tne city or
Philadelphia, when and where all peraous Interested .
are requested to mple their claims, or be debarred!
from coming In upon sail fund.
630 lot Auditor.
Estate of BARLARA A. WALKER, deceased.
Tha Audit jr appointed by the Court to audit, settle.
and adinst the account of JOHRPH K. and JAMKs
D WALHEK, Executors and Tmsteea under tne last
will and testament of BARBARA, A. WALKER,
deceased, and to report contribution of the balance
In ttte hands of the accountant, will meet the par
ties Interested far the rmrpose of hla appointment
on WEDNESDAY, June r, 1R71, at 11 o'clock A.
at his office, Nat 63i WALNUT Street. In the city
of Philadelphia. J. G. R06ENGARTEN,
BlMhBtuftt Auditor.
Estate of ANNA BLANKMAN. dtccasod.
The Auditor appointed bv the Court to audit..
settle, and adjust the II rial account of CHARLES 1U
SAVOURNlfk administrator and trustee of the
estate or ANNA BLANKMAN, deceased, and to
report distribution of the hiUince in the .hands of
the accountant, will meet the parties Interested, for
the purpose 9f his appointment, on TUESDKY, June
13, ihi, at o ciCiOK r. jh., ai nut unite, no. 10 jx.
SEVENTH Street, In the city of Philadelphia.
1 thstu ttr Auditor.
t Lettr8 of bouts non, on the
estate of JOHN F COTTRELL, late of the city or
Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to the
undersigned by tne itegtateroi wum ior tne city
and county of Philadelphia, all persons Indebted to
said estate are requested to make payment, and
those having claims against the same to present
them without delay to
KUH a. luc i, Aoraiaistraxor,
Noa. 6T and 6i L AUK EL Street;
Or to his attorney, JOHN Robert,
B86t No. 130 a SIXTH Street.
Tne subscriber begs to call, the attention of
dealers, connoisseurs, and consumers generally to
nis spienaia siocs or xoreign goods now on nana, or
nil own Importation, as well, also, to hla extensive
assortment ot Domestic Wines, Ales, etc. among
which may be enumerated:
boo cases of Clarets, high and low grades, care
fully selected from best foreign stocks.
lou cases oi snerry wine, extra quality or finest
iw cases oi&nerry wine, extra quality oi nnest
err art n.
SB casts of Sherry Wine best quality of medium.
xo Darrein ocuppemoug w iuo vi rest quality.
60 casks Catawba Wine " "
10 barrels " " medium grade.
Toaether with a full supply of Brandies. Whlskloe.
Scotch and English Ales, Brown Stout, etc., etol.
which he is prepared t furnish to the trade and con
sumers generally la quantities that may be re
quired, and on tne most uuerai terms.
B 6 tf No. 820 PL AR Street,
Below Third and. Walnut and above Dock street.
AnArjaino m. ml m a
Bo. 126 Winut and 21 Granite Sti.V
Brandiei, Winei, Gin, Olivo Oil, Etc.,
Atlas of the World,
First two Parts now ready, to be complete In es
Parts, at 60 cents each. Experienced Agents Wanted.
T. EILW00D ZELL, Publisher,
Nos. IT and 19 South SIXTH Street,
8 88 tnsSm
oo villi's n:w canto.nos.
"The Changed Cross," size 82x23, the finest er
offered to the public
"Mary and St. John," size 28x89, a most soollm
The Beautiful Snew," size 16x83, a verj lmpres
slve picture.
"The Uoiy ramiiy," size nxzs, a reai goui. m a
ueini, ueu vo., rt. x., ila r wwium u-
tamn scene. '
Published and old, wholesale an retail, by
J. HOOVER, No. 804 MARKET Street,
8 18smwSm PhlladelpHa, second floor.
Lace' Curtain, Curtain Cornlcei
PAINTED SHADES Of the latest tints.
BLINDS palnte end trimmed
STORE SHu ?ES made and lettered.
Picture Cor Tassels, Etc, Repairing promptly;
attended to. , .
, No; T S. TENTH Street.
Saving opened a new and splendid ttore for the'
aicomruodation of the ladies who desire flue HAIR
V ORK, tbe beat talent that can be procured la em
iloyed in this line of business, who have had twelvt
op all the varioui designs of UAIU KHOM COMbj
IMiS. which some have the presumption to claim i
their inventions.
is acKnowiedvea by r us,, in. uie nuoinesA to sutuj
i i. r. . . t U I1T I- o. .1 i