The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, June 03, 1871, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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'VOL. XV. NO. 131.
riTTT7s T
General Melehior Utnmai,.
General Melehior Joseph Eugene Daamu died re
cently near Bourdeaux, Prance, at the age of sixty
nine. He acquired distinction In the early Algerian
straggle, especially la the contest with Abd-el-Eader,
and for tome time held the position of
Director of Algerian Affairs In the French War
Office. He made a specialty of Algerian Interest!,
writing several works on the country. Napoleon
III created him Senatar of France as a reward for
bis public services. ,
lion. John McLco Murphy, .
a prominent citizen of New York city, died on
Thursday morning. Mr. Murphy was of Irish de
scent, and was born in Westchester county, Febru
ary 14, 1627. In 1841 he entered the navy aa a mid
Bhlpman. After service on foreign stations and on
the Gulf coast of Mexico during the war with that
country, he graduated at the Naval Academy in 1848.
In the following year, in connection with Captain
JefTers, he wrote a work on "Nautical Routine and
Navigation," which waa nsed as a text-book in the
Academy for ten years. In I860 and 1851, he served
on the Tehuantepec surveving expedition. In 1951
he resigned, and subsequently was engaged In many
Important enterprises as a civil engineer. At the
ontbreak of the Rebellion, when he had just com
pleted one term of service In the State Senate as a
Democratic member for New York city, he entered
the army aa colonel, serving until after the battle of
Fredericksburg with the Army of the Potomac. In
January, 1863, he left the army, declining a brigadier-general's
commission, to re-enter the navy, In
which he received an acting lieutenant's com
mission, and served until March, 1861, with
great credit, as commander of the Iron-clad Caron
delet. Ill-health compelled his retirement from the
service, and the remainder of his life was passed In I
literary and engineering pursuits, several months
being devoted to further surveys of the Isthmus of
Tehuantepec Mr. Murphy was a kind-hearted and
affable gentleman, of strict professional Integrity
and great personal popularity.
Mrs. Maria It, Blaine,
the mother of Speaker Blaine, who died recently at
St. Paul, Minnesota, was the daughter of Neal Gil
lespie, Jr., of Washington county, Pennsylvania,
and was born at the old family stone mansion
erected by her grandfather In 1778. Another grand
daughter of Neal Gillespie, Sr., married the Hon.
Thomas Ewtng, another was the wife of ex-Attorney-General
Stanberry, and still another was the
wife of the Hon. Phtiadelph Van Trump, Repre
sentative In Congress from Ohio. The husband of
Mrs. Blaine, and father of the present Speaker, was
Ephralm Lyon Blame, a grandson of Colonel
Ephralm Blaine. Commissary-General of the army
during the Revolution. Mr. Blaine died about
twenty years ago.
A Marderer Is Allowed Twenty Days to
Settle his Affairs Appears Promptly and
Meets his Doom.
A gentlemen of Jonesbnrg, Ma, recently returned
from Texas, relates an extraordinary occurrence
which took place a short time since In the Indian
Nation. A Choctaw Indian, having committed a
wilful murder, was arrested, tried, and sentenced
to be shot to death. He asked for twenty days In
which to prepare and visit his friends, giving bis
word of honor as a "brave" to return at the ap
pointed time, and was allowed to go forth without a
guard or bail.
At the expiration of the twenty days, according to
appointment, the hour for the execution arrived and
the Indian, true to his word, at the very hour and
minute galloped np to the place where the sentence
was to be carried out, In company with three of his
sisters and three brothers, all appearing as cheerful
as though they had come to a dance or a frolic. The
coffin was then brought on the ground, but Borne one
remarked that It was too small, upon which one of
the doomed Indian's brothers told him to He down
In it and measure, which he cheerfully did, and
laughingly said, "It flta all right." The erowd mean
while appeared to be In the most cheerful
spirits, and cracked jokes and laughed. At last,
when all was ready, the doomed man was ordered
to sit on the ground. A handkerchief was then
placed over his eyes by his sister. While the sheriff
held one hand, one of the condemned Indian's bro
thers held the other on each side of him. The
deputy sheriff then stood in an old house, about ten
steps in front of the condemned, with a rifle. From
some cause the rifle went off accidentally, the bul
let passing up through the roof of the house.
The Indian, believing he was shot,
drew himself np and shuddered, but
did not speak or move from the spot A
black mark was then made over the Indian's heart,
with spittle and powder, by his brother, while the
deputy sheriff reloaded his rifle, and at a signal he
took steady aim, fired, and pierced the centre of the
mark. The Indian, with a few struggles, fell back
dead, with the brother and the sheriff still holding
his hands. Ho one seemed to be in the least affected
except the doomed Indian's mother, who shed tears,
but was told to "shut np" by her son, that all was
fatal Accident at Morrlstown, N.J.
The Newark Advertiser of last evening says:
Yesterday afternoon the contractors for the plac
ing In position of the Soldiers' Monument on the
Morrlstown Green, hoisted a derrick of some 85 feet
in height for the purpose of raising the heavier tim
bers lor me liming oi me massive granite stones,
This derrick was place! at an angle oi about 80 ae
grees, leaning towards the Methodist church, and
was held back by two guy ropes fastened to trees,
while a single guy held it In the direction In whloh
It leaned and this was fastened to the ground by a
crowbar, driven two and a half feet Into the earth,
About 8 P. M., after the contractor had left the
ground, some boys came upon the Green and pro
ceeded to play upon the derrick. Several mounted
by the Iron rungs to the top of the derrick and safely
returned. Two boys then trot noon each guv rone.
while Daniel Losey, a bright lad of 17, mounted the
The fun consisted In the four boys upon the two
gtvs on the one islde pulling the derrick nearly to a
perpendicular and then dropping It back, thus
shaking the boys en the single rope and young Losey
on toe derrick. The continued motion, however,
looBea;d the crowbar whicn held the single guy, and
at the uoment when the derrick waa perpendicular
ana uio uy rope taut, me crowoar puuea, ana the
timbers tell heavily towards the west. His com
panlons stunted to Losey to jump, but he clung to
me uernciana was Dome to me eartn beneath it.
his body lyiiw between the twp legs of the derrick
ana oneoi ir0n rungs crushing In his chest,
After failing l, la(a aigtinctly, 'take the derrick eff
me," ana vaen immediately died.
Yonng Losey v,, a bright lad of seventeen years
of age, ana tne oi, toa of his mother. Uls father
was killed some yrg ag0 by a railroad accident,
while his grandrath received severe injuries about
a year since by belnsnn over by an express wagon
in this city. 1 he accint can oaiy be attributed to
me luviuwuiucn w u jaos.
An Injunction Pray!. for Against the
Missouri Lottery Proprietors.
A petition was filed yesterday in Judge Ltndley's
court, In the name of the Btaut Missouri, Police
Commissioner Honlcke, and Cyef of Police Mo
Donough, against George C . Miur, 2charlah Sim
mons, and Charles H. Maury, piayg jor an iniunc.
Hon to restrain deiendants froin selling uxj m tat
Missouri State Lottery.
The petition recites the facts of tie creation of
the lottery for the benefit of tae V)yn 0 New
Franklin, and sew forth that the sui mtuorized
to be raised (115,000) had long since beet ra-ed. and
therefore the charter expired; that the trailer bv
the trustees of New Franklin to Gregory vM ti-af
and that Gregory died In 1867 without assieniuj hut
contract to any person.
The court issued an order to Miller, Slnmotu &
Murray to appear at the October term ancaosag,
MrJwauounBel for the lottery men,obJecd that
the affidavit accompanying the petition was slgied by
tLe Chief of Police, Instead of the State's Attvrney,
and Judge Llndley stated that he would exsulne
lurtber into tus matter as soon as the case ont rial
was disposed of. He afterwards suspended tne
order of injunction until Friday morning.
The lottery men will tight to ihe bitter en for he
privilege of continuing their valuable franchise, aid
the prosecution la equally deteroune at. Lou$
jMwocrat, June !
Travel and Business Regained
Prospect of the Bourbons.
ElaclMahon to XXis Troops.
The President on the Situation.
His Longest Speech on Record.
What He Thinks of the Treaty.
Mr. Fish Not to Leave the Cabinet.
Cuba and the Government Policy.
Etc.. Etc., Etc.. Etc. Etc., Ete.
Exclusively to The Mottling Telegraph.
President Grant oa the Treaty of Wash
New York, June 8. A Herald reporter, who
interviewed President Grant yesterday, reports
him as eaylnp;: The treaty was fully and ably
discussed, and in my Judgment is the best set
tlement possible of outstanding differences be
tween the United States and Great Britain.
Every article of the treaty was submitted to me
after it was adopted by the commission, and
approved by me, and each article was in the
same way submitted to the British Cabinet
and approved by the Ministers of the Crown at
once. The English commissioners spent a great
deal of money in telegraphing the sections of
the treaty, and the Queen of England pledges
her signature beforehand. I therefore regard the
treaty as
Practically Ratified.
There will be pecuniary considerations, of
coarse, and measures will have to be adopted on
both sides to carry out the provisions of the
treaty. Our House of Representatives will, I
feel certain, act patriotically and wisely in the
matter. The treaty must be ratified and made a
law of both nations. It is necessary, and the
necessity is immediate. As far as we are con
cerned, we would
Like to Have Better Terms, '
but there were two parties to the bargain. If I
had it all my own way I think I should male it
more favorable to us. (A smile.) The point
arrived at was not merely a pecuniary satisfac
tion for. our losses by the Alabama and other
cruisers lrom British ports, but the settlement
of an irritating and disturbing question likely
at any day to bring the two nations into armed
conflict. My aim was by this treaty to secure
peace through Justice, and I believe I have suc
No Apprehension Need Be Felt
as to the course of the British people. I would
regard it as an act of bad faith on their part to
reject the treaty after its almost unanimous ac
ceptance by our Senate. The English mnst
surely prefer a fair settlement of our differences
with them, for which this treaty provides,
than to
Nurse a Cause of War.
The final ratification will be a blessing to both
countries. The Canadians will be reconciled to
it by-and-by, and why shouldn't they?
The Fishery Clauses
of the treaty are as favorable to them as to us,
perhaps more so. I will be glad if they settle
the matter at once, and be done with it. The
Canadian fisheries den't amount to much to us,
while the equivalents we grant must be con
siderable to them. I don't attach much impor
tance to the pecuniary consideration, one way
or the other.
The Pith of the Thing
is the avoidance of war, It was a dangerens
question to be held open. Our fisheries were
always a trouble and an annoyance. The fisher
men of the East, who fish on the Canadian
coast, have but little respect for treaties or en
gagements. They are rough fellows, hardv and
self-reliant, and are a law unto themselves.
They insist on going where they like, and doing
what they like (of course they find opposition),
and too often, whether they are right or wrong,
they are sure to have supporters in many quar
ters. Indeed, public sympathy Is always with
our fishermen, no matter what they do. This
Backing up of our own People
under all circumstances shows a lively patriotic
spirit, but it bat Its evils. We are forced to
send men-of-war to the Canadian coasts to pro
tect these men from the consequences of their
own acts. The Eoglish must send armed ships
to watch the doings of ours, and so the rela
tions between the United States and Great
Britain, which onght and I now believe will be
of the friendliest nature, are constantly dla
turned by anticipation of strife. This fishery
affair was not the worst difficulty we had to
meet, but was very embarrassing. Now I hope
the whole affair will be settled. There were so
nany questions between the United States and
Engird demanding settlement that
War deemed the Only Alternative.
It Is well tut war has been avoided. I prefer
the treaty to war. War would be hurtful to
both nations, and protwble to neither. It might
ruin one.
Relative to the stories recently set afloat
i Cabinet Changes,
the President said there Is
Not a Word of Truth -
in these statements, whatever they are. Not a
whisper of Mr. Fish's retirement has lately
passed me or any of the Cabinet.
Mr, Fish will not Leave the Cabinet
or resign the seals of the State Department, with
my consent, while I am President, lie came
unwillingly to my call, and entered upon the
arduous duties of the Foreign Office with dim
dence. lie has discharged them well, lie has
been faithful, patriotic, and diligent, and I
should be erleved if he reiisnad. but hi won't
J resign now
As to Cuba,
there has been no discussion in the Cabinet
in reference to Cnban affairs of late to Justify
what you say Is in that paper. The policy of
Administration Is Unchanged
in regard to Cuba. We are mindful of our obli
gations to a friendly nation, while careful of
our rights. The United States will not be un
just while I am President. We will do as we
would wish to be done by. The condition of
affairs in the island of Cuba doe's not seem to
me or to Mr. Fish to demand action on our
part. Time heals more wounds than medicine
does, and patience is a very good specific.
The Murderer Foster to the Public.
New York, June 8. Foster, the condemned
murderer of Putnam, has issued an appeal to
the public, in which he says: I was tried ont
of my turn; there were others indicted for mur
der before me who have not been tried yet, be
cause there was no hue and cry after them,
while the public was resolved to have my blood
as soon as possible.
Ont of all these, I alone am selected to undergo
capital punishment, because mine was a sensa
tional case. No one can doubt the trnth of this,
and it is because this is the truth, known to
God and sworn to by me in the shadow of death,
that I make my appeal to the public. I am
doomed to die because a wicked, drunken freak
resulted in tne death of a man whom I no more
intended to harm seriously than I would my
own cnua.
The public, perhaps, because it forgets me in
the horrors of my cell, convicted of an inten
tion which never had, as my Creator, into
whose presence lam shortly to be hurled, knows
Detter even than x ao, insists on my execution.
Exclusively to The Evening lelegraph.
Newspapers Suppressed.
Paris, June 2. Evening. The newspapers
Tri-color and Politique have been suppressed.
The Search for Concealed Arms
continues to be vigorously prosecuted, and
many are found. Arrests continue upon a large
scale, chiefly of ex-National Guards and soldiers.
A strict watch is kept on the right bank of the
Seine, and sentinels arrest all passers at night.
Ferry has ordered a reinstatement of teachers in
schools. The gendarmes are to be formed into
a corps of 6000. A Republican guard of twelve
thousand men will also be formed. It is pro
posed to construct forts within the walls of
Paris to prevent the possibility of a renewal of
the insurrection.
Bourbon Prospects.
Versailles, June 3 It is said a majority of
the Assembly favors the proposition for the
abrogation of the laws for the banishment of
the Princes of the Houso of Bourbon lrom
France, and also the proposal to extend the
power of Thiers as Chief Executive for two
Resumption of Travel.
The railroad between this city and Paris has
resumed trips, and is already doing an immense
passenger traffic.
Business In Paris
is rapidly recovering.
A Steamship Disabled.
London, June 3. The steamship Elba, bound
to the West Indies and Asplnwall, has returned
to Southampton disabled. The passengers aid
mails were transferred to another vessel, which
has sailed for Asplnwall. -
Marshal MacMahon to the Troops.
Paris, Jnne 8. An order of the day Just
issued by Marshal MacMahon to the soldiers of
his army praises the courage and devotion by
which they have delivered Paris out of the
hands of wretches who intended to reduce it to
ashes, and says the Assembly is about to give
them the worthiest recompense by unanimously
voting that they have deserved well of the
The Streets of Paris
have been reopened to traffic. The barricades
have all disappeared, the pavements repaired,
and perfect order everywhere prevails. The
police are still arresting all suspected persons.
Ten Courts-Martial
are established at Cherbourg for the trial of all
prisoners sent there by the Provost Marshal.
The latter service is carried oa at the Theatre
Chatelet, in this city, where a summary Investi
gation is held prior to the trial by the Military
This Morning's Quotations.
London, June 811-30 A. M. Consols for money.
91Jf: and for r"'Vnnt, American securities
quiet ami steady. United States 6-80B of 1802, 90J ;
Of 1866. Old. 90 V! Of 1867. 98 k ; l-40. 89.
rARis, June . in tne uourse, rentes are quoted
at ail. xvo.
Liverpool, June 31 -30 p. M. Cotton opened
Arm ; uplands, 7d. ; Orleans, 8L (Sales of tne day
estimated ai m.uuu oaies.
This Afternoon's Quotations.
London. June 8189 P. M. Consols closed at
93f for money, and 91 7 for account. U. 8. bonds
of 1867, 90. ; of 1865, old, 90tf ; of 1367, 92;
1U-4U8, 6V.
Liverpool. June 3 180 P. M. Cotton (unofficial
market) buoyant - uplands, Sd. ; Orleans, 8yd. Sales
or 18,000 bales. L.rd. 46s. Cheese, fis. Bacon. 87s.
eu. lor uuiuuerianc cut.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Government Weather Report.
War Department. Office- of the- Chief Bional
Officer, Washington, June 810-30 A. M. Synop
sis lor the past twenty-four hours: The stoim
whicn prevailed on Friday in the guit westoi Florida
has reached the coast of Louisiana, where heavy
rain is now reported, with a decided ran in the ba
rometer. Cloudy and toaar weather prevailed on
Friday from New Jersey to Florida, but is now
clearing away with rising barometer. Clear weather
has been very generally reported on the lakes and In
the New Ergland states, and threatening weather
with npni rain in ine Ohio vauey ana west Tennes
see. The temperature has risen from Lake Superior
to Illinois, and from Lake Ontario eastward. The
barometer has risen somewhat east of the Missis
sippi river, but Is falling southwest of Alabama.
Fresh southeast and northeast winds prevail on the
Ouii coast, soumeaat and southwest winds .on the
Atlantic, and light southeast winds In the Interior.
Probabilities. It is probable that a rain-storm will
advance northwards into Mississippi and Arkansas.
The cloudiness in the Ohio valley temporarily will be
aiBsiDatea ana move norineast vara mi enusyivania.
Clear weather with fresh and light winds Is pro-
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Boston, June 3. Mayor Adams, of Ports
taouth, N. II., whose disappearance was men
tioned, was found at the house of his daughter
In Chelsea, lie was aSected with sunstroke.
Chicago Flour and Wheat Market.
Bpecial Deqwltt to The Evening Telegraph.
Chicago, June I 11 A. M. Wheat dull; $1-26
(ai-itex, seller June; fi-xix, last aau, uia,
seller Jul v.
Corn duU; 61351 Vc, seller Jane; 633530.,
seller July.
Rtttttt. Khio'U. i M Pi. BMd'U.
Flour, bbls. Oats, bus....
Wheat.bus. S-i,0o0 81,0oe Kye, bus .... nope. 8,000
Corn, bus . .iis.ovo Barky, bus . . l,0oo none.
Extensively to The Evening TeleerapK
Contraband Trade.
San Francisco, June 2. The schooner Mary
L. Taylor arrived to-day from Sitka, consigned
to the United States Marshal, her captain having
been arrested, charged with engaging in contra
band trade. The vessel owners claim that she
was engaged in legitimate trade, establishing a
port on the main land of Alaska, north of Sitka,
and outside the limits of the territory within
which General Miller, ex-Collector of Customs
of this city, and his associates, hold a monopoly
for seal killing and trade under a concession
from Government officers. The owners also
assert that the United States authorities are
being made use of to break up all opposition to
Hutchinson, Kohler & Co., and to ruin every
person endeavoring to do business in the Terri
tory of Alaska. They will carry the case to
Milwattkek. June 8 9-bo a. M Wheat steady.
No. 1. tl-29Wf: No. a tlTw Recetntn. 81.000
bushels; shipments, 116,000. Freights sail, 6)tfo.
gieam, vftv.
The Detailed Meteorological Report for
The following Is the meteorological report of the
Signal Bureau of the War Department for this
morning, all the observations being taken at 7-43
A. m., rnnaaeipnia time. The barometrical reports
are corrected l or temperature and elevation, i ne
velocity of the wind Is riven in miles per hour.
and the force Is an approximate reduction to the
Place of Obser
S. K.
8. S.
6 Gentle.
30 01
Cape May
Charleston, S. C.
V. gent
Key West, Fla..
Mt. Washington.
New York
1. rain
CI. up
1. rain
30 02
8. W.
8. W.
6 Gentle.
H. E.
S. E.
14 Brisk.
10 Brisk.
18 Brisk.
8 V. gent
6 V. gent.
2, V. gent
S. W.
8. K
8. W.
8. W.
29- 96
30- 18
S V. gent
8 Gentle.
8(V. gent
Ht. Louis
S. W.
Wilmington, N.C
Curious anal Valuable Discovery In Tioga
We learn from the Tloea Agitator that a curious
and valnable nnarrv fau been renentlv dlsnnvArnil nn
the farm of Mr. R. Bartlett, some two hundred rods
norm oi mainesourg. xnia may be literally des
cribed as an immense deposit of stone plank. It
covers some six acres, and the stone are found
reaoy ior use smooth, true, or unirorm thickness,
and in slabs of more than twenty feet long, by ten
leei in wiatn, ana irom one to tnree or rour
inches in thickness; each stone, however.
preserving its thickness aa nicely as If
sawed out by machinery. The stone Is very
sound In texture, even In grain, and, when first
taken from the quarry, soft enough to work easily,
inougn soon becomes me nara gray granite on
exposure to the atmosphere. It Is a fact
hard to account for that the edges
of these slabs are as true in most of the SDecl-
mens ss though worked out byjiBklllful stone-cut
ter, u ney are easily reduced to any desired size,
without breakage; and the stone Indeed appears to
be verv touen. a load or these slabs was brought
to Weilsboro last week, over a rough road, without
injury, uney were twelve reel long oy rour in
widin, ana one incn tnick ; almost as smooth as
though planed, and without warp or wind. At one
point in the quarry the slabs are In layers twenty
seven deep, large enough to square sixteen feet
and of a uniform thickness of two Inches. Orders
are being received from various places for quanti
ties of these stones, and this stone-plank mine for
such it la bids fair to be a fortune for its owner.
It is doubtful if there Is a similar quarry in the
estate. rwtsourg Commercial, petteraay.
The Annual Commencement Exercises of
the Week.
The annual commencement exercises of Dickin
son College, at Carlisle, begin to-morrow, and termi
nate on Thursday of next week. The following pro
gramme embraces the exercises of the week :
Sunday, Jnne 4, 10-30 o'clock A, M. Sermon before
the Society of Rellrlous Inaulrv. bv Rev. William
ijuuer, v. v. ; ino o ciocx f. at uaccaiaareate ser
mon by tne resident Dr. Dashleti.
Monday, June 5. 8 o'clock P. M. Oratorical con
test by the Junior Class for the prize medal.
Tuesday, u one e, 11 o'clock a. jvl oiass aayor
the class of 1&71; 8 o'clock P. M. Annual meeting
ot the Board of Trustees, and general mestlnor of
the alumni in the College Chapel ; 8 o'clock P. M.
oration Deiore me literary societies, by Kev. is. r.
Brooke, A. M., and poem by Horatio C. King, Esq.,
of the class of 1853.
Wednesday. June T. 8 o'clock A. M. Annual
meeting of the General Belles Letters and General
union rnuosophlcal Societies; 8 o'clock f. M. Ora
tion before the Alumni Association, by Rev. W. J.
MevensoD,oi me class oi iss.
Thursday. June 8. 10 o'clock A. M. Commence
ment exercises.
Grand Jury Presentment.
Court of Quarter Sessions Judge Finlett t.
The Grand Jury for the May term, having com
pleted their labors, made their final presentment to
the court. They acted upon 87 bills, of which 803
were returned as true bills and 94 were ignored.
They visited the public Institutions without fore
warning of their coming, and found the general
management of them good. Thev comnlaln b so
cially of the exorbitant fees charged by public offl
cials, and suggest that the court take steps to cor
rect the evil. Ills Honor said the court had no power
in tne matter, but thai tue citizen naa nisremedv
by civil suit, or to prosecute the oirendlng func
tionary ior misdemeanor in oniue. -manning the
gentlemen for their services, the Court discharged
mem irum lurtner attendance.
James IT. Heverin. Esq.. who has acted as Assis
tant District Attorney during Colonel Decuert'a
term at Harrisburg, retires from the Common
wealth's side of the bar to-day to resume his private
practice, uoionel uechert having returned to nil his
post as assistant prosecuting oitteer. While the bar
will be glad to welcome the smiling Colonel back to
his own post, yet there Is a general feeling of regret
at losing Mr. Heverin, who by his fair, candid, and
exceedingly gentlemanly bearing in the unpleasant
position he held, has strongly cemented the friend-
snip aireaay existing between mm aua uis orotner-
.The republic of Mexico has 8.835,973 Inha
A Norfolk lady has a copy of the Bible
which was Printed In 1612. .
A Louisville man has left i-ogland with
2500 BParrows for that cltv.
ATerre Haute lady oi twenty-nine is living
with her fourth husband.
The waiter is a most irresistible person; he
carries everything before him.
A Joint convention ot temaie suuraglsts is
to be held at Lonar Branch in Aueust.
A negro has lust been elected on the Demo
cratic ticket at an Indiana city election.
The New Jersey watering places are re
ported to be rapidly filling up with mos
Nearly one-half of the depositors of the Bos
ton savings banks are girls and women.
The books in the 1 library belonging to the
British Museum occupy twelve miles of shelving.
Important Army Order.
The r.Iaco-Coburn Affair.
Befusal to Surrender Stakes.
Railroading: in the West.
Later from Europe.
Etc., Etc. Etc., Etc., Etc.. Ete.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Heavy Railway Contract.
Cbioaoo, June 3. The Executive Committee
of the Plymouth, Kankakee, and Pacific Rail
road Company closed a contract yesterday with
EawkinB, Hiilard & Co., of Chicago, for grad
ing, bridging, and furnishing ties for 55 miles
east of the east end of their roa4, extending
from Plymouth, Ind., to within ten miles ot the
Illinois State line. This ten miles General Cass,
of Pittsburg, Pa., has agreed to build, and will
be on the ground next week to arrange for the
work. In both cases the entire road-bed will be
completed and ties delivered ready tor laying.
The iron work will commence at once, and be
pushed as fast as men and money can do it
Over 70 miles of this road are already graded
and much of the masonry done. , A heavy force
is at work on the west end, in Putnam and
Bureau counties.
Exelusively to The Evening Telegraph,
Washington, June 3.
Secretary Fish,
who left here last night for New York, will
return next week.
An Army Order
has been issued that (50 for each breech-loading
rifle musket, and bIx cents for each metallic
cartridge, will be charged against the pay of
any enlisted man who shall lose them through
carelessness, or dispose of the same.
by associated peess.'I
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Two Boys Drowned.
New York, June 3 Two boys of ten years,
named Connerton and Mosher, were drowned
last evening in a dyke on Buck Bay lands.
The Maee-Coburn Affair.
New York, June 3. Harry Hill declines to
give up the stakes in the Mace-Coburn fight
until he gets the decision of some competent
authority, such as Bell s Life.
Exclusively for The Evening Telegraph.
London, June S 3 P. M
The Railway Lines
between Paris and Havre have resumed opera
The Prussians
have evacuated Les Audelys and entered the
Department of the Eure.
Latest Quotations.
LrvKRPOOL, June 83 P. M Cotton closed Arm.
Bales 18,000 bales, of which 6060 were for speculation
ana export, middling npianas, ixm bu. : middling
Orleans, 8d. Sales of cotton at sea, nearly due
irom xsew Orleans, s s-iso.
kankkort. June 8. ifive-twenty Donas ciosea
at wow,
New York Produce Market.
Tvw York. June 8. Cotton firm: sales 200
bales, middling uplands. 18kc. : middling Orleans,
16KO. Flour quiet and steady, and market without
change : sales 9OC0 bbls. Wheat quiet aad steady ;
spring, 1 1-44 Al-49: winter red and amber Western,
11-63(31-66. Corn without deolded change, vats
steady ; sales lT.OOt basnets unio at B3shc. h eer
unchanged. Pork firmer and mere aotlve; new
mess, 116-25; prime, ll($14. Lard dull, declining,
and heavy ; steam rendered, OilOjfc; kettle, ltfjc.
wniBky quiet ana steady at vtxo.
New York Money and Stock Market.
Nsw Ton. June 8. stocks steady. Money easy
8 per cent. Oold, 113. B-soe, leea, coupons, ill
ao. 1504, cp., y. ao. lseo, cp., ui: ao. lsas,
new, MM', do, 18T, 114! do. 1888, 114 V J 10-403,
no : Virginia es, new, vi; Missouri oa, wo ; uan
ton Co., 63; Cumberland preferred, 86; N. Y. Cen
tral and HudsonjKiver, 98'; Erie, 29','; Reading,
116M; Adams Express, 81 tf; Michigan Central,
124M: Michigan Kouthern. 115 V; Illinois Central.
194; Cleveland and Flttsburj, 119 Chicago and
kock island, in ; rituourg ana rori wayne, vvy, ;
western union xeiegrapn. di.
Germany About to Annex Luxemburg,
Versailles (May 16) Cor. of the London JHmea.
There is one point of the treaty which may be
moditied, because such modification has been left
open for consideration. The first article of the
treaty concedes an enlargement of the territory
around lielfort, which is required by France for
strategic reasons. Military men are of opinion that
the rayon around that fortress - prescribed by
the preliminaries oi peace would be lnsu rue-lent
for an effectual defense te be made. The
Imperial Chancellor showed himself rather accoai
modatlng in that respect, and oirered to agree to an
extension of the limits upon condition that ade
auate territorial compensation should be given upon
another frontier point, lie proposed that a rectifi
cation should be made towards the Duchy of Lux
emburg, the annexation oi which to uermany la
determined upon. Many Deputies, who possibly are
not strategists, ask whether the strangulation of the
French territory which would result from the ac
ceptance of this proposal would net be more in
iurious to the defense of the country than the
smallnessof the area left around Belfort towards
Germany. They also ask wnetner France would
not lose on the Luxemburg frontier an Important
position, and one which while held by it would ren
der the annexation of the Duchy less advantageous
to Germany and less dogerous for the northern
provinces of France. There are doubts In many
minds. Military men will be heard, and M. Thiers.
who has a taste for and a knowledge of Bach mat
ters, will be interrogated, consulted, and listened
to. Ills opinion probaoiy win prevail, out it wui en
counter opposition. It is Indisputable tnat Germany,
being in possession of Luxemburg and of the tern
torles which are demanded in exchange for
a small district around Belfort. would
command the Ardennes, and would
hold Its defiles, so famous in other days, thus
bringing it he seat ot government, whether 'esta
blished in Paris or at Versailles, in toe clote prox
imity to an undeslred neighbor, and one whose en-
croachmeuu are still to be dreaded. On the other
haud, belfort is the key to Southern France, and it
la Important that it should not be weakened. Mili
tary niriueers will argue for Balfort, politicians for
the Ardennes. In whatever way the question Is re
garded It presents such various difficulties that it
cannot fail to impress still more deeply upon all
Frenchmeu'i heart me memory or t&ir delvaUi
Btzmxho Trt.aoBATH Orrrasi
Saturday, Jane S.187L
Ttere is a lively demand for brokers' loans on
collaterals; but beyond this the market is en
tirely devoid of any feature possessing the least
inteiest to the public. Time loans are every
where In most favor, as the indications point
towards a quiet market and a very low scale of
rates for money during the next three monthB;
but there is very little demand here for this
claes of loans, and lenders appear disposed to
accept the situation until the tide turns. We
quote call loans at 84 per cent, on collaterals
and B(ff 6 per cent on paper having three or four
month to rnn.
Oold is quiet and steady at 112112, closing
at the latter.
Government bonds are dull but steady at a
slight advance.
Stocks were dnll but prices lower. Bales of
City 6s at 100 and Lehigh Gold Loan at U3.
Reading Railroad was weak, with sales at
58?58. Pennsylvania sold at 61 for the
allotment; Norrlstown at 85, and Oil Creek and
Allegheny at 6252$:.
Canal shares were quiet. Sales of Lehigh at
38. A few shares of Second and Third Streets
Railway sold at 61.
Reported by De Haven ft Bro.. No. 40 S.Thtrd street.'
15000 Hnnt A B Top 46
700 sh Read R..b0. B8V
faooo N Penna 7 a... 100 loo
do .
.030 . 68V
12000 W Jersey R Ts.101 loo
.830. 68V
.030. cs
ivouugcn jx we., si 600
fftooo do 81 4
tioot Leh R L ttX 800
12000 Lea gold L. .. 94 100
1800 City ss, New.100 ino
46 shN orris t'nR... 8S 400
86 sh Penna 61V 800
.b0. 68V
do BlO. 691
do 65;
do bSO. 68
88 do SIM 100
4 KO.Ott
19 do.recelpts 81K
100 sh Leh NSt....
800 ah Fulton CI ... . 6
lOShOC AR.... 62
9 do .69
81Sh8d A 8d St.. 61V
Beothkr, No. 40 South
Third street, Philadelphia,
report tne louowing
of 1881, iitaui:
quotations: New U. 0. 6s
u. 8. es of 1881, 117V(utv: do. lsea.
111(31118; do. 1864, 111X9112; do. 1868, 111
118; do. 186F, new, 114V114 ; do. 186T, do. 114U a
lUK;dal668,dall4,l114K; 10-40fl,109XailOX. o.
S. 80 Tear ( per cent. Currency, no vSH5 ; Uold,
1093 no; Silver, 107uftl08X; Union Paoino Kail-
road isi j&ort. Bonos, 'iaBv; uentrai raoioo
Railroad, losvoaiosv: Union Pacifla Land Grant
Bonds. 8383X.
Nabr at Ladner, Brokers, report this morning
gold quotations as follows :
10-00 A. M 11B.V 11'18 A. 11 112
10-85 " llStflll-S3 1HV
10-45 " 11V 1188 " 118
W46 " 1181
Philadelphia Trade Report
Saturday, Juno 8. Bark In the absence of
sales we quote No. 1 Quercitron at 30 $ ton. Tan
ners' bark ranges from $182l $) cord for chesnut
and Spanish oak.
Seeds Cloverseed and Timothy are dull and
nominal. Flaxseed Is In demand by the crushers at
ta -8508-80.
The Floor market Is dull, with very little demand
either for shipment or home consumption. About
700 barrels changed hands, Including superfine at
t5-865-60; extras at 15-636; Iowa and Wisconsin
extra family at t6-606-75; Minnesota do. do. $7
7-85; Pennsylvania do. do., at 16-25 6 -76; Indiana
and Ohio do. do., at 1 1(7 -60; and fancy brands at
t7-75($9, as in quality. Rye Fiour may be quoted at
6 874(?6. In corn Meal nothing doing.
The wheat market is steady, without, however,
much activity. Sales Of SOOO bushels at Sl-6501-63
for Indiana and Ohio red; 11-70 for amber, and
11-76(31-80 for white. Corn la quiet at former quota
tions Sales of yellow at 7374c ; 8600 bushels west
ren do. and 6606 baahels Western mixed on private
terms. Bye Is nominal, ous are unchanged.
Sales of Pennsylvania and Western at 683700. la
Barley and Malt no Bales.
Whisky is quiet; es barrels Western iron-bound
sold at 94o.
8 A. M. 76 1 11 A.M.. 85 1 1 P. M...,-94
SUW RI8S3. 4-89 MOOK SITS. ...... '
By Cable.) " "
London June 8. Arrived, steamship Cuba, from
(By Telegraph.)
Bobtoh, Jnne 8. Arrived, steamship Samaria
from Liverpool. y
Fortress Mohbos, Va., June 8. Passed in for
Baltimore, brigs Iris, from West Indies, and Tech.
ler, from Rio.
, Passed out, bark Albscorc, for West Indies.
Arr'd, brig Mercaude, fmPernamboco for orders.
Ship Argonaut, Flood, Gronstadt, L. Westerga&rd
fc CO
Steamship Whirlwind, 8herman, Providence, D.8.
Stetson Co.
Steamship Roman, Baker, Boston, H. Wlnsor k Co.
Steamer James S. Green, Carr, Richmond and Nor
folk, W. P. Clyde & Co.
StT Beverly, Pierce, New York, W. P. Clyde At Co.
Steamer a C. Walker, Shertn, New York, W. M.
Laird k Co.
Steamer Tacony, Pierce, New York, do.
Bark Ilypatia, McFee, Hamburg, Penrose, M&ssey
Bark Sancton, Robblns, Hamburg, Workman A Co.
Brig George S. Berry, Bradley, charlestown, J. c.
Scott A Sobs.
Schr Narragansett, Haskell, do. do.
Schr Alexandria, Green, Norwich, ' do.
Tog Thomas Jetrerson. Allen, Baltimore, with a tow
of barges, W. P. Clyde Si Co.
Tug G. B. Hutcblns, Mulford, Baltimore, with tow
of barges, W. P. Clyde Co.
Br. ship Wlnnifred, Johnson, 1 days from Bangor.
In ballast.
Steamship Volunteer, Howes, 84 hours from New
York, with mdse. to John F. Ohl.
Steamship Centipede, WUletts, from Providence, in
ballast to T. M. Kichards.
Steamer Bristol, Wallace, 84 hours from New York.
With mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co.
Steamer Ann Eliza, Richards, 84 hours from New
York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde et Ce.
Steamer J. S. Shrlver, Webb, 13 hours from Balti
more, with mdse. to A. Groves, Jr.
lir. brig St. Michael, Jternler, from Georgetown,
Schr Cooper, Smith, from Dumfries, Va,, with
hoop poles.
Schr Pervade, Sparks, from Rappahannock River,
with wood.
Schr Clayton Frame, Morris, from Richmond,
with coai
Schr C S. Orove, Weaver, from New York,
Schr T. W. H. White, Smith, do.
Schr W. Miller, J sues, from Dennis Creek.
, Schr Anna Barton, Frlnk, from Boston.
Schr Ida L., Bearse, do.
Schr U. A. Ipgers, Frambes, from Wareham.
TuggJeo Johnson. Iugraham, and Mary, Living
ston, from Delaware City, wltn tows of barges to
W. P. Clyde fc Co.
Ijr schr Mary Ella, arrived yesterday from Maja
guez, is consigned (vessel) to Knight Sons.
Correspondence of The h'veniivj Televraph.
Niw York Okpick, June 8. The following
barges leave in tow to-night for Baltimore, light:
Idazomla. O. C. Gere, A. Allison, annie. Ameri
can Union, Hudson, G. R. Burrltt, San Jacinto, D.
ii. Graves, S. C. Clark, aud M. K. Klrkpatrlck.
Baltimokb Bsanch Okpicb, Junes The follow
ing barges left In tow at noon, eastward :
F. Bachelder, M. Reppiier, Berdwell, K B. Buck,
Ticeno, L. R. King, 1. Shoemaker, Ella, J. Tracy,
Estella, and Princeton, all with coal, for New York)
Thomas Malouey. with coal, for Bridgeton.
Philaiikli-uia Bkakch Okficb. Juue 8. The
barges Butter and Ironsides, with coal, for New
York, le(t yesterday.
Weather. June 9. Wind from W. by S. to S. W. ;
Jnne , 7 A,M., wind W. by S. Barometer slowly
fell, and remained at 80 13-60 up to 4 A. nL. , L. S. C.
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegravh.
llAVBB-BB-GBACB. June 8. The following boat
leave In tow to-day :
Martha MuCoukey, with grain to A, O. CatteU
A Co.
Emblem, with grain to Hoffman A Kennedy,
llibernla, with lumber to Wauon Maloue k Son.
John S. Mason, with lumber to H. Croskey fc Co.
C. Blsckwell. with lumber, for Chester.
, Uuuttc, wiuj lumber, (a flew. i'yJSt J, Ht