THE DAILY ftvKrtlNG TEf EGRA FIT PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUE 2, 1871. CITY mTELLHilEIICB, THE KSIQHT1. btf Btartror Wow Yark The Farad. " k Ike Masonic Hall last night a rrand ban quet H tivcn to th mmkri of Allegheny aod OvTMOHMandariei, Masoaie Knights Templars, li are U visit Europe. This morn inn, at M e'aloek, Bt. John'o Cossmandery, one hundred sad fifty etrong, assembled at Na tional ftoare's Hall, and then proceeded to the tiirard House, wner they famed as an eseort to the visiting Knights. Ik anarch was down Chesnut street ta Tbird, dow Third ta Wain at, and out vTalnut to the New York Depot, where tbey took a special train to New Tark. The fellowinr programme, announcing when the pilgrim Knight will arrive, and where stop, at the most prominent places in Earope, will be Interesting to their many friendr: Cork, IrH.nd, 1m serial Hotel, June II, loft. CHeni arlir, Ireland, Roche's Botel, Jane 1 Klllarney. Irel.nd, Lake Hotel, June IS, IS. Dublin, Ireland, Hartley's Hotel, Jane IT, 18, II. Belfast. Ireland. Imperial Hotel, Jane 11. Olapgaw, Scotland, Queen's Botel, Jane 23, 24, SB. Oban, Scotland, Great Western Hotel. Jane M, ST. Fanavle, Scotland. I.achlel Arms TTatel, Jane 23. Imnkeld, Scotland, Royal Hotel, Jane 89. Edinburgh, (Scotland, Cockbura flotel, July 1, 1. London, Knf land, Charing Cross Hotel, Jnly 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9. Antwerp, Be!r'um, De la Fall Hotel, July II. Brussels, capital Belgrluni. De l'Unlvers, July 11. C'oli'jrne, rrusala, Hollande et du Nerd, July II. Vavencp, Germany, DeHallaade, July 14. Fraukrort, Uerniany, Uran Hotel da Nord, Ju'y ). Heldelbrrr, Germany, De l'Enrnpe, July 11. Baden-Baden, Germany, De Holland. July IT. Basle, Switzerland, Three Kings, July II. Lucerne, Switzerland. Swan, July It Zurich, Swttznrland, Bellevue. .Inly 1. Bplugi-n, Switzerland, Da la I'OHti', July 21. ; l.tine, (Switzerland, Stelnbock, July 81. Como, Italy, De la Reloe d'AnRleterre. July 21. Milan, Italy, De la Viile, July 23. Venice, Italy, Victoria, July 23, 24, 28. Florence, Italy, Victoria, and New Tork, July ST, 28. Home, Italy, D'AUenaange, July 29, 80, 81, August 1, 2. Naples, Italy, Dew Strangers, August 4, C, S, T. Legnorn, Italy, Washing-ten, August 8. I'lsa, Italy, De Londres, August 8. Genoa, Italy, De la Viile, and reder, August 9. Turin, Italy, Trometta, August 11. Geneva, Switzerland, Metro pole, August 13, 14. Lausanne, Swltzerlaad, Sean Rlvage, Aagust IB. ' Neuchatel, Switzerland, Grand Hotel da Lac, August 15. Dijon, France, Zura, August 16. J'ariB, Grand or Louvre, August IT to 28. Dieppe, France. Btratford-on-Avon, England. Blraoingham, England. Manchester, England. Warwick, Keglaua. Oxford, ngland. Arrive in Liverpool abeut September 1. The following persons accompany the party on their European tour: J. W. C. Bally, editor of the Voice of Matvnry, Chicago, 111. ; ltev. J. L. MUligan, chaplain of the Western Penitentiary; Hon. Air. Barry, M. C, ot Mississippi; William Peake. Esq. : Augustus Hani, and two sons of Henry Wallace of Philadelphia. A large number of Sir Knights and families, from the western portion of the Stats, accompany the tourists as far as New York. KUMISH1T1C. The Numismatic and Antiquarian Boelety of Philadelphia The Stated Meeting. A stated meeting of this society was held last evening at Its kail, President Hon. Eli K. Price in the ckalr. The usual routine business was transacted, and many donations and letters were received. The committee on procuring a hall for the oclety reported Its inability as yet to obtain a eaitable room, and, on motion, was continued. Mr. Charles Piers exhibited a map of Paris engraved in 1784, consisting of twenty sections, on a very large scale, eash plate being about three feet square. He also shewed the society as old atlas ef France published in 1791. Mr. Hoffmann exhibited an original prospectus and subscription list of the United States Oa tette, dated 1791, issued by John Fenno, also some MSB. and correspondence relating thereto, including a fine holograph letter of Thomas Jef ferson. A communication was read relative to the lately discovered prehistoric caverns and occu pants at Ribesdale, in England. On motion, Dr. D. G. Brinton, the Curator of Antiquities of the Society, was desired to pre pare to he read before the society, on July , 1S7C, a paper upon American Antiquities, etc. During; the absence of Mr. Phillips, the Cor responding Secretary, in Earope, Mr. Charles Henry Hart was chasen Corresponding: Secre tary pro tern., and Mr. J. Davis Duffield was chosen Recording Secretary pro Urn., daring the absence in Europe of the Recording secretary. Mr. Uibler. Mr. Hibler was directed, in concert with Mr. Phillips, Corresponding Secretary, to cominu Bicate with kindred societies and institutions' abroad, and they were both instructed to report to the society on their return of matters of in terest. Mr. Hart, the historiographer, offered for the consideration af the society a letter, which be had prepared in the farm of a circular, ta be sent to each of the members ef the society, con taining a request for biographical information, to be preserved in its archives far future use in preparing the regular memorials of deeeased members, which was adopted. The Corresponding Secretary's report for the quarter ending April 1, 1871, was read. On motion adjourned to October, 1871. Row in A Sain Saloon. John Shay, in com pany with others,' went into the later beer saloon kept by William Morris, at Ninth and Wood 6treeta, fast night, and became engaged In a row in which furniture was overturned, beer glasses flew and looking-glasses smashed. The proprietor swore out a warrant before Alderman Massey, in which he charged Shay with malicious mischief and aisanlt and battery. Shay was afterwards arrested at Eleventh and Callowhlll streets, and has been held in $1000 ball. Harness Thief. Late on Wednesday a po liceman discovered at Fifth street and Nicetewn lane a man lurking about, and with a huge bag dung over his shoulder. The suspected ono was arrested, and he gave the name ef Philip Mack. In the bag was found a set of harness, which it subsequently turned out was stolen from the stable of Richard Pelrce at aranchtown. In the pocket of the defendant was found a pocket book, which was identified as the property of a eon of Mr. Peirce. Mack is under bonds by Alderman Nelll to answer. A Torso Thief A young thief was caught with his hand in the pocket af a lady who was attending a circus which is at present exhibit ing on South street, near Eighteenth. The lady collared the youth and banded him over to a policeman, who took him. before Alderman Dallas. The magistrate sent the thlet to prison. General Grant en Route General Grant and family yesterday passed through the city on their way to Long Branch, at which place he will remain, it is understood, ta October 1. It took four freight cars to convey his baggage, borses, carriages, etc. Suspected. A man named Charles Bonsall was before Alderman Jones on the charge of having robbed, at an early hour this morning, another man af his watch, at Broad aid Ches nut streets. Bonsall denies all knowledge of the matter. He is underbail far a farther hearing. Yous Bcrolae. Officer Holland arrested arly this morning a young man of twenty, named James Thompson, as be was in the act of prying open the window shutter of a saloon at Vaadeveer and Locust streets. The accused Is now in jail, having been sent there by Alder man Morrow. Petty Tkeft. Alderman Hay has bound over in $800 hail a man named F. C. Carroll, who last night tore off and pocketed a padlock from the door of a rag store on Callowhiil Street, between Ninth and Tenth streets. Infanticide. A male child was found this morning at 2 o'clock in the cesspool of a bouse at Thirteenth and Federal streets by some cleaners wbe were working in the well. Mn.iTART. The 8th Regiment National Guards af Pennsylvania, commanded by Colonel Robert Gray, will this evening make a moon light parade to Germaatown and Chestnut Illll, asembllng at their armory, Twelfth and But ton wed streets, at 7 o'clock, and, taking the 8 o'clock train lor Germantown, leaving the ears at Church lane, and marching to Main street; thenre to West Chelten avenue, where they will ga through the farm of dress parade. They will then take up the line of march to Chestnut Hill, and again hold a dress parade on Summit street, and then take the 1110 P. M. train for horse. ( They will he accompanied by their fall regimental band and drum corps, and from all appearacces will have a large turnout, and will make a very creditable show. Tittston Relief Fund. The following aro the subscriptions received by the Mayor this morning: George W. ChUds 1W A. J. rexl.. ie James Btyard 2 L. A. Goaey 18 A friend 8 A friend 9 Previously aeknewledged er Total St9t Beer During the year ending April SOth, the manufacture of refreshing lager In this city was as follows: Jfmlt tuti. Btrr brit4. Jltuhtk. BarrtU. First and Third Districts consolidated S4,t7l 27,111 Second District N'.ne. Nne. Fnrth District MS.M3 201,70a Fifth District 4(,t4T l,BBS)fl S4S.C23 Ut,tl9X Floral Exhibition and Strawberrt Fes tival. This evening the Horticultural Society will make their monthly display of fruits and Cowers at the Hall an Bread street. The cal lection this month is large and beautiful, and among the icurloikes shewn will be taat-;f a plant from Central America la which the flower stem Is four feet long. Accident to General Baxter. General D. W. C. Baxter is very ill at present, at his residence. Recently be has last much blood from prefnse hemorrhages of the lungs, and an Sunday last, while walking on Chesnut street, he suddenly became insensible and fell an his face to the pavement, fracturing his jaw in three places, and otherwise injuring himself. To Fishermen A meeting ef the fishermen of Philadelphia will he held at Fishermen's Headquarters, Richmond street, Kensington, to morrow evening, at o'clock. Subjects of vital Importance will he submitted. Addresses will be made on the aecasion by Captain L. 8. Cropper and others. N. T. MONIT MARKET TEITKRDAT. Erem tht X. T. HermUL "The statement of the public debt Issued by the Treasury Department shows a reduction for May of S4.4S9.S6S. Ttie total debt, less each la the Trea sury, is $2,2,134,184. "There was no euentlal change In money, which was still auoud Be 4 per cent, oa stocks and 203 per cent, on Governments, with the pressure to lend favoring the latter securities. Commercial paper averaged about 5 per cent, dlsoonnt fr strictly first class names. Foreign exchange was weak, hut natations remained nominally the same. ."The dealings in th Gold Room give evidence of the organization of a powerful cllejue to advance the prtniiam, although the progress to-day was bat moderate. Operations were, apparently, commenced with a bold push to get the two millions of gold offered by the Government, and was bid for the entire anionnt. A few bids were Oiled for smaller amounts at higher figures, but the clique got over tl.SM.OSt. With this as a basis they re tained to the Gold Room and bfre nightfall suc ceeded in raising the price t 112 l-ie, the quotation at th elose standing 112vaU2V- While there can b little doubt of the ultimate fate of any sneh movement, it may have straagth enough last at present to mark the prlco of gold up a few per cent, a resalt more easily attainable at this time when the exports of cotton aro reaohing the minimum, r certain departments of trade such a rise would not be disadvantageous. It would let out a great deal af the , wheat and cotton crop not yet exported, and for this reason would be welcome t by the exporting merchants, however distasteful to the Importers, who have not the facilities for deferring their re mittances. There is also a large outstanding short Interest in gold which might be forced into cover Ingt and thus to make a market for the gold held by the 'balls ' It remains to be seen, however, what effect will be produced when the 1st of July arrives, and with It the large disbursements of cola Interest by the Government." ggy HE ADQUARTERI UNION REPUBLICAN 1 CITY aXEODTIVB COMMITTEE. June 1, nil. At a meeting of the committee held on the above data, the following notice was ordered to be given to the Republican voters of Philadelphia. The registering officers of the various divisions will meet on TUESDAY, Jane I, between the hours of 4 and I o'clock P. M., at the regalar places of holding elections, or at sneh places as may be pro vided by the registering officers, for the purpose of correcting the registry of Republican voters. The annual primary election for delegates to the various conventions will be held on TUESDAY, Jan 13, between 4 and 8 o'clock P. M., at the same places. All vacancies In election divisions of the election or registering officers will be filled by the members ef the Executive Committee of said division, in con junction with the remaining election oflloers ; and whore new election divisions have bean created, that the eleotion ef eftcers and members ef the Executive Committee be appointed by the members ef the Executive Commltee and the election o Ulcers ef the old division to which said now division origi nally belonged. Due notice will be given ef the places of meeting of the various conventions, and the persons selected to temporarily organize the same. JOHN L. HILL, Chairman. 6 2 8t ART EXHIBITION. THIRD ANNUAL EXHIBITION National Photographic Association OF THE UNITED STATES, At Horticultural XXall, JUNE 6 to 13. 10 A. M, TO 10 P. M. GRANDEST DISPLAY OF Photographic Works of Art From all parts of the world ever made In America. Wonderiul, beautiful, Instructive. Single admission, 26 cents; season tickets, 1. Promenade Concerts every evening. Musiobythe Germanla Orchestra. Also, tbe following: AT Til E AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Wednesday. June T, at tf P. M., THIRD ANNI VaKoAKV RECEPTION. Music, Addresses, Head ings, btoreopticon, etc. A delightful entertain meat. Tickets with secured seats free, obtainable as directed beiow. Wednesday and Thursday evenings, Jane T and 8, at 8 o'clock, LKCTUttK ON LIGHT, new and In imitable, by Professor HENHY MOKTON, Pn, D. Frwiav evenlag, June 8, at8o'oiocK,;EXtiIBlTIO?r IN THE BTltKKOPTJCON of the Association col lection of views from all parts of the world, such a collection as was never before exhibited, conducted by J. W. BLACK, Esq., of boston. Admission, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings, u cents; secured seats, 70 cents. MU81U BT TUB GEBMANIA ORCHESTRA. The sale of tickets for trie Academy entertain meats will commeuce at the ilusio Store of P. a. North A Co., No. 1026 Chesnut street, Thursday, June 1, at I A M., and at Horticultural ilalL, on Saturday, June I, at same hour. WM. II. KUOADS, Loeal Secretary, No. 1800 PKANKKORD Avenue. EDWARD L. WILSON, permanent Secretary, No. m AltCll bueet, o Hii rp tl THIRD EDITION MATTERS AT WASHINGTON. Patent ExUnsioa Hefad. Army and Navy Orders The Army of th James Tho Maco-Coburn Prlz Fight Etc., Etc., Etc.. Etc., Etc., Etc. FROM WASHIJVQTOJY. ' BT ABROCUTD PRIRS, Exehuiwty fe Tht Kvtnine TtUnrapK Naval Orders. WASDiKTan, June 2. Midshipman Nathan Eargent has been ordered to the Constltntion. Detachel: Llentenant-Comaaneer McNalr from Norfolk Navy Tard and Lieutenant-Commander Elmer front the Terror, and placed on waiting orders; Chief Engineer Fitch from spe cial duty at Fort Hamilton, and leave granted for one year. Cenamedere Case, Chief of the Bureau af Ordnance, and Commodore Reynolds, Chief of the Burean of Equipment and Recruiting-, who have been an a tour af inspection an the f acitc coast, have returned and reported tbe resalt of their labors at the Navy Department. Conscience llaaejr. Numerous letters have recently been received at the Treasury Department enclosing small sums, which have been placed in the conscience fund. To-day one was received past-marked New Tork, in which the writer savs, "I think this may he dne the United States Treasnry far stamps. Enclosed Is twenty dollars." Patent Extension Refused. The application of J. L. Mason for an exten sion of his patent of June 2, 1157, for the manu facture of sheet metal screw caps far preserve jars, etc., has been refused by the Commis sioner of Patents FROM JfEW YORK. bt associated press. Ixtlutrntly U Th Bvtninj Telegraph. Army Reunion, Niw Toxk, June 2. At the reunion of the Army af the James ta he held in this elty July 19, Majer-Geseral Terry will deliver the address, and Colonel John Har will read a poem. The headquarters of the organization will he at the Astor House. The Executive Committee, of which Major-General Charles E. Graham Is chairman, are making strenuous efforts to render this second Meeting of the Amy of the James a memorable rennion. Ship News. Naw Tori, JnneS. Arrived, steamer Mis- sonri, from Havana. FROM NEW ENGLAND. IT ASSOCIATED PKIS3. fjxlusively t The Evening TeUgraph, Boston Legislation. Boston, Jnne 2. The City Councils have de feated the East Boston free ferry scheme. The Free Religions Association, at a easiness meeting last evening, elected the following officers : President, Octavius B. Frothlngham; Vice-Presidents, Robert Dale Owen, W. C. Shannon, and Rowland Connor; Secretary, W. J. Potter; Treasurer, Richard R. Hallowell. The list of directors remains unal tered, except the substitution, of Colonel Hig glnson for Francis Tittany. FROM TEE WEST. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS." Xxtlimtelu t The Evening TtUgrtph, Mace Coburn. Xakias Citt, Jane 2 Mace appeared in the ring this morning,and Coburn not patting In an appearance, the referee, Mr. Hollywood, de clared Mace the winner of the stakes. New Tork Produce Market. New Tone, June 2. Cotton steady; sales 1601 ba'es. middling uplands, 17T.C ; middling Orleans, 18VC Plour steady ;l sales soi'l bbls. State, $5-60(3 ; Ohio, SS-85r l; Western, S5-4ii37-lS; Heath cm, $6-759. Wheat quiet and steady and ne sales ; new spring, tl-49 afloat; winter red and amber Western, $l-431-5. Corn steady; sales 41,100 bauhels Western mixed at 3j69c. for unsound, and 70672X0. for sound. Oats steady; sales 11,001 asaols ; Ohio, M&Stic. Beef quiet and steady. Fork dall. Lard quiet and steady. Whisky quiet and steady at I2jtfe. Baltimore Prod ace Market. BiT.TTMeai, Jnne a. Cotton soarce and Arm; middling uplands, ltc.j low middlings, 17o. Flour more aetlve but unchanged. Wheat dull and weak ; Ohio and Indiana, $1-611. Corn white South em Inner at see.; yellow Southern dnll and weak at 74ij76c. oats firmer at 6Ato. Previsions un changed. Whisky scarce and firm at lie. THE MORSE M0XUME5T. Heetlng In Aid Thereof In Baltimore. A meeting of prominent citizens af Baltimore was held in that city on Monday to aid the friends of Professor Morse, in the principal cities of the Union aid throughont the country, to erect at Washington a monumental memorial of the services he has rendered the world in the invention of the magnetic telegraph. Hon. Reverdy Johnson presided, and stated the ob ject af the meeting. Mr. Horatio Btone, the scn'ptor, being present, was asked to describe his plan, and said it was proposed to erect at the national capital a monument that shall da jus tice to Professor Morse, the inventor of the magnetic telegraph, and his coadjutors who aided in its development and extension. The monnment will be of granite and bronze, and 86 feet high, the principal statue 11 feet 8 inches. Tho site selected was at the junction of Pennsylvania avenue and Seventh street, hut he thought a aore eligible location than that might he obtained from the (ieneral Govern ment. Its cost will he $100,900. The drawings and models are ready, and the contract signed. Professor Morse's eightieth birthday is at hand, and it is fitting that his countrymen should unite with all the world to do him well-earned honors. It is intended to lay the corner-stone the present season PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Reported by De Haven A Bro., No. COS. Third street. BECONU BOARD. IllSOISch N 68 62.. bl sessh Reading R.c.cs-61 llOeo N Penna Ta...lC0 Msh Bp A Pine K.. Iljtf 20sh.A Wal.b8. U lllsn penna K.... l 9 do... allot. Civ ?lshCam A Am. .m lGCshLeh T K.. -. fi'V loo do ....hi. 63 800 do. SJ.GS SCO do bSO. eeo - do... .b60. 6v 10 do e.essi 400 do b3l. MV 680 do U66. Sl" 2(10 do bSO. 61 400 do Si 69 100 do 6109 401 do M Sl su Read R.. 030. 68 60 101 do sill, bss 00 do S8 M do 13-06 SCO do Sd.MIt Duels are fought in New Orlsani with mus tard seed cartridges. A gentlemanly resident of 8ullivan county, Maryland, being fined for contempt of court the other day, quietly recreated the judge "to charge the amount and wait till the harvest for the money." FOURTH EDITION AFFAIRS AT THE CAPITAL r.Ir. Fich and tho Cabinet. The Resignation Rot Yet Accepted. Southern Outrages InTestigalion. Government Expehsesfor May Dentil in the IMincn. Killed by Fire Damp. Accident to Bishop Wood. Etc.. Ktc., Ktc., Etc.. Etc., Etc. FROM WASHINGTON. Mr. Fish ana tho Cabinet. tpitieX Detpetteh to Tht tveninq TeUgrmph. Washihoton, Jnne 2. The rumors about the resignation of Secretary Fish seem to have arisen out of the fact that two or three days age Mr. Fish tendered his resignation, but the Pre sident did not accept it. Mr. Fish Is anxious to retire from the Cabinet, and has been far some time. The President left without acting on the matter, and with the understanding that, for the present at least, Mr. Fish will remain in the Cabinet. The Ku-Uui Committee examined as witnesses to-day ex-Senator War ner, of Alabama. II is testimony related chiefly to the outrage! committed by the Ku-klux in Alabama at the election a year ago. There was nothing new in It. James L. Orr, af South Carolina, will be examined to-morrow. There is a proposition before the committee to send a sub-committee into South Carolina to take evi dence. This is opposed by many members ol the committee on the ground that witnesses tes tify they would not be safe. The Expenses af tno Government for the month of May are ascertained to be over seventeen millions. A large amount was for the payment of pensions. 1ST AB80CIATSD PRBSS. Exclusively fer Th Evening Telegraph. Army Order. . Washington, June 2. By direction of the President Colonel Albert -J. Myer, Chief Signal Officer, U. S. A., is assigned to duty according to his brevet rank of Brigadier-General. The Expenditures of the Government, by warrants from the Treasury Department, during May, were as follows: Civil and miscellaneous and foreign intercourse $5,167,831 War Department 8,820,913 Navy Department 8,717,909 Interior Pensions and Indians. ..... 0,021,196 Total $17,739,849 The above expenditures do not include pay ments on acconnt of the principal or interest of the public debt. Important Decision. The Secretary of the Treasnry has decided that vessels built in the United States for foreign nations are not reqnired to be Inspected under the United States inspection laws. FROM THE DOMINION. fBT ASSOCIATED PRBSS. Xxelutively to Tht Mvening Telegraph. Tho Fishery Question. Ottawa, Jnne 2 The Times (Government organ), speaking of the Washington treaty and explanations expeeted from Sir John A. Mac- donald, says: "The Premier considers that the time for explanations has not yet arrived. He says, until the treaty 1b ratified by her Majesty the commission still continues to exist. Until it is disposed of, public discussion on the negotiations at Washington would be obviously improper. With the ratification ot the treaty the powers and duties of the commissioners will cease. Our Premier can then without impro priety make each explanation as lie may deem necessary. "Meanwhile the people of Canada may rest satis fled with the assurance that the reservation f the fishery articles for the approbation of our Legislature is not a mere formal one; .that it is quite open to the Parliament of the Dominion to deal with . these art! cles in such a manner as it thinks most likely to be advantageous to the people of this country. Neither the Government of Canada as a whole, nor Sir John Macdonald as first minister, are committed to the ' treaty. They have taken care to secure to themselves the most complete freedom of action in the natter. LTalifat, June 2 The British frigates Nar cissus, Fylades, and Immortallte, of the North American squadron, arrived to-day. Besides the flagship, there are now eight war steamers and gunboats on this station. The fleet remain about ten days to revictual, etc., and sail for the Baltic. FROM NEW YORK. BT ASSOCIATED PRBSS. Xxthuhtly to Th Evening Telegrmvh. Sudden Death. Niw York, June 2. Philip 8. Van Rensse laer, a prominent and wealthy citizen, died sud denly last evening of apoplexy, in hit sixty-fifth year. Heavy Robbery. The largest dry goods store in New London, Conn., was robbed on Tuesday of $11,000 In money and goods. The burglars were arrested at Greenport, L. I., and the goods and pu,rt of the money recovered. Tho National Insurance Convention. Nxw York, June 2. The Insurance Conven tion adopted a resolution asking the several State Legislatures to authorize officers having charge of the administration of Insurance laws to make use af inch blanks for annual state ments as the convention shall adopt. Bhlp News. Nsw York, June 2. Arrived, steamer Iowa from Glasgow. FROM THE STATE. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Ixclutivtly U Th Evening Telegraph. Death lu tho Mines. FoTTiniAa, June 2 Two boyi burned by the fire-damp explosion at Buckley mines, at Mincsrsville, yeeterday.died from its effects tbla mornlDg, FROM THE WEST. . BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. gwhftetly to Tk Evening TeUtwetpK Sale af Condemned Military Itorec. St. Louis, June 8. A large sale of con demned ordnance aid stores took place at the United States Arsenal yesterday. Bidders were present from Clneinnati, Baltimore, New York, Canada, and other places. All serviceable ord nance and, stores at the Arsenal are being re moved to Leavenworth, Rock Island, and Jef ferson Barracks. The sale was continaed to-day, and consists principally of saddlery, tools, and machinery. Berlons Arrldent to Catholle Prlestc Itlshop Wood Injared. CiHCiKNATi, June 8. Last evening Father O'Neil, of this city, and Bishop Wood, of Phila delphia, of the Catholic Church, were thrown from a buggy on Walnut Ilil's and both badly injured about the bead. They were cared for at Walnut III lis, and brought to this city this morning. RAID ON k HEXAGIRIE. A Tribe of Guileless Savages Borrow an Elephant for tho Purpose af Making a Grand Midnight Procession How tho Festivities Terminated. The Kansas City Bulletin of the 26th of May has a tremendously displayed article, under the title "Dreadful Occurrence," from which we make the following extracts: The Indian village of Pottawatomie, in Kansas. was the theatre of an intensely exciting occur rence an tbe night oi May xi. ine meaagerie and circus at old Jetm nootnsen naa exhibited. to the great delight and astonishment of the untutored red man. The astonishment and curiosity wore great when the gigantic propor tions of the elephant Emperor hurst upon their View, everything passea on quietly. About midnight tbe watchman, wishing to re ceive some information in regard to starting in tbe morning, stepped over to tbe hotel where Mr. Kobinson was quartered, and while engaged in conversation with him an awful, unearthly howl resounded through the halls, followed by a series at cries, groans, ana screeches such as no mortal ever heard before. Robinson, quickly comprehending the matter, ordered every man to conic out. as he was cestaln that some of the animals bad broken loose. Upon suddenly turn ing a corner they beheld a sight they will never forgot. In the foreground was the huge form of old Emperor, upon whose hack was perched -a half dozen warriors, shouting and gesticulating wildly to their brethren below, while at inter vals af half a minute a horrid yell would ring out upon the night air, followed by hnge columns ot smoke ana oust. The company, headed by Mr. Robinson, rush ing up Immediately, scattered the Indians froo off tbe elephant's back aad led him away. His body was found to be covered with wounds, from which the blood was flowing in streams. Over one hundred arrows were found sticking in his body. Amid the confusion it was impossible to ascer tain how he became loosened from his place of confinement, but upon examining the chain it was louna to be u aloe wed, showing that it was through the agency ot some mischievously in dined person; and upon inquiry beiag made, ij was ascertained that a party of yonng braves, noticing how very gentle aad harmless tbe eie chant was. concluded ta have a erand menace rle procession of their own; and while seine were unlocking his chains, five or six leaped upon his back and two mare walked on each siee ana steered him along, and thus the grand cavalcade startea lor tbe Indian quarter or the town, intending no donbt to create a big sensa tion among their brethren, which they certainly aid, though with a result lar ainerent Iro what they anticipated; for upon reaching the first of a long row of wigwams he discovered the top af one which had been covered the day Deiore wun tne long, sweet grass or the prairie. thrust out his trunk for a mouthful, when the whole top cave war. Tbe Indians, becoming alarmed for the safety ot tne rest oi tneir wigwams, commence roaa lag him with spears and knives, while at the same tlnre a hundred tercnes were lashea upon the seene, prodncing the very object they were endeavoring to prevent, for it not only confuted hut Blinded the elephant, while the pain ana torture of the knife and arrow wounds rendered him almost frantic with rage and terror to such a degree that he rushed madly forward, dealinr destruction on all sides; and it would he difficult to tell which party expressed the most eatistac tion in parting from each other's society, Indi ans or eiepnani. Mr. Robinson immediately sent for the chief to endeavor ta conciliate him, and to remunerate those who had lost their dwellings by the nn- lortunate occurrence, upon the arrival ot that dignitary, he quickly mace known his wishes, when the chief immediately replied that the "father ef all the animals," as he termed the elephant, "was not to blame, hat that the blame rested upon his yonng men who had unfastened old jtmperor, ir which tney were very sorry, JEWEL.FIY AND SILVERWARE. No. 002 CHESNUT Street, TORTOISE SHELL T E W E JLt Y IN NEW DESIGNS. 8 18 stuthS NEW MOURNING STORE. New Stock at Lowest Prices. No 122S CHESNUT STREET. NEWEST DESIGNS IN D11ES8 GOODS. NEWEST DESIGNS IN BON NETS. NEWEST DESIGNS IN VEILS. CHEAPEST ALPACAS IN P1IILADA. CHEAPEST BOMBAZINES IN PHIL AD A. CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS IN PHILADA CHEAPEBT CRAPE CLOTHS IN PHILA DELPHIA. EVERY ARTICLE AT LOWEST PRICE. We would respectfully call attention to our new Dress-making and enit Department, where every novelty In black suits will be round reay-made and made to order, at shortest notice, by a competent dressmaker, and alao call attention to our White Uoods and Ladles' Underwear Department. Largo Stock or Linen and Lawn Bultf, of finest finish, al ways on hand. A. MYERS & CO., 4 S2 stuthSptf CHgSNUT Btreet. FINE STATIONERY Card ISngrraving. imuiXAc Ho. 1033 CHESNUT BTRHET, tuuUiBS8p RCAlflWEttM FIFTH EDITION THE LATEST NEW8. Tho Insurance Convention.' Crime in California. Another miners Strike. Evening Cablo Quotations. Etc., Etc., Etc., Ete., Etc. Etc. FROM CALIFORNIA. fBT ASSOCIATED raiBS. ExtXutittly to Th Evening Telraraph, Strike of Miner.. San Francisco, June 2. A mob ot striker yesterday drove out all the miners at work in the Keystone, Amador, Little Amador, Hay ward's pound stones, Dowes', and Mahony's gold quarts mines at Outer Creek and Amador, some of the most productive mines in California. They demand an advance from two (dollar per day, which they have been receiving for twelve years, to 13-50. They have tken pos session of all the mines and machinery except the Amador. The owners and officers generally refuse to accede to the demand of the strikers and will call on the Slate authorities for aid. Terrible Crime. At Cherokee flat, yesterday, as a party were returning on foot from a trail, a man known as Austrian George sprang out of a place of con cealment, seized Miss Susie McDanlel, cut her throat, stabbed her to the heart, and then mad his escape. The citizens are in pursuit and will hang him as soon as he is caught. Outrages ok the Chinese. At Mendocino a mob has notified all the Chi nese in the town to leave within ten days or peril of their llves FROM NEW TORK. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to the Evening Telegraph. Tho Insurant. Convention. New York, June 2. The Insurance Conven tion adopted a resolution recommending that deposits should only be demanded from the companies in States where an organized attor ney be appointed in each State by each com pany to receive service of process. A vote of thanks was passed to President Miller and Secretary Olcott for their efficient services,, after which the meeting adjouaned to meet ox the 18th of Oc3ber neit. FROM EUROPE. bt associated mess. Exclusively for The Evening Telegraph, This Evening'. Quotations. London, June 9 . u. Consols for money, 91 V t for accoaut, 91. American securities quiet auJ steady, o-aus or 182, W)H I ot 18G5, old, MX ; of 16J 92W ; 10 408, 89. . Liverpool, Jnne 95 P. ML Cotton active; up lands, Ui(iHd. ; Orleans, 8Xd. Sales of 20,000 bales, IncludlUK 55r for export and speculation. Sales of cotton not below good ordinary at sea, nearly Cue from New Orleans, at 8d. Stock of cotton afloat 432,000 bales; American, 185,000 bales. COMMON COUNdL OF PHILADELPHIA Clerk's Office, Philadelphia, June 2, 1871. In accordance with a resolution adopted r the Common Council of the City af Philadel phia on Thursday, the first day of June, 1871,. the annexed bill, entitled "An ordinance t au thorize a loan for the construction of culvert aid for police purposes," is hereby published for public information. JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common CouncIL AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE A LOAN FOR THE CON STRUCTION OF CULVERTS AND FOS POLICE PURPOSES. Section 1. The Select and Common Council of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That th Mayor of Philadelphia be and be is hereby authorised to borrow at not less than par, oa the credit of th city, from time to time, four hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, to be applied as follows, viz: First. For the construction of cul verts, one hundred and twenty-five thou sand dollars. Second. For the purchase of ? round and the erection and extension of balld Dgs for Police Station-houses, three hundred thousand dollars. For which interest, not to exceed the rat of six per cent, per annum, shall be paid half yearly, on the first days of Janiary and July, at the office of the City Treasurer. The principal of said loan shall b payable and paid at th expiration of thirty years from the date of tbe same, and not before, without the consent of the holders thereof; an ihe certificates therefor, la the usual form of the certificates of Qity Loan, shall be issued In such amounts as the lenders may require, but not for any fractional part of one hundred dol lars; or, if required, in amounts of five huadred or one thousand dollars; and it shall be ex preyed in said certificates that the loan therein mention, and the interest thereof, are payable free from all taxes. Section 2. Whenever any loan shall be made by virtue thereof, there shall be, by force of this ordinance, annually appropriated out of the income of the corporate estates and from the sum raised by taxation, a sum saHclent to pay the interest on raid cerllfiates; aud the further sum of three-tenths of one per centum on the par value of such certificates so issued shall be appropriated quarterly out of said income and taxes to a sinking fund, which fund and its ac cumulations are hereby especially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certio cates. RESOLTTION TO PUBLISH A LOAN BILL. Hesolved, That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized ta publish in two dally newspa pers of this city, daily for four weeks, the ordi nance presented to Common Council on Thurs day, June 1, 1371, entitled "An ordinance ta authorize a loan far the construction ef culverts and for police purposes;" and that the said Clerk, at the stated meeting of Councils after tbe expiration of four weeks from the first day of said publication, shall present te this Council one of each of said newspapers for every day in which the sam shall have been made. S3 84t THE BEST 75 CENT BLACK IlERIYAJVJ IN THE CITT. BLACK HERNANIES, ALL QUALITIES. STKiriC AND CHECK SILKS, 125. Ely, Hunsberger & Ely, No. 1126 CHESNUT STREET, 4 11 tnthssm PHILADELPHIA. SB A FTI N AN O SARINS, PVLLKT8 Hangers aa Ceilings, calculate, baaUna; and Ocarlaf ar.-asgea. C 9m N. IT ti. 1U4 aTJUIU'K btreet.