THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1871. 5 RAILROAtf LAND GRANTS. "Alienation of the publlo land!" bids falrte assume the dignity of a party aesi(u In the next Prestden . Hal campaign. The Democracy have shown a geae rel deposition to Incorporate opposltiti t It Into their local platforms, and whatever the ultimate re frnltmay bO,H Is more than likely that sufficient hostility will be generated In the minds of the people to put a decisive check upon the previous peilcy of Congress In this matter. The Northern PsolQo Ratl ttd Is probably the last of thwie great comorolal enterprises which will receive such magnlQcont iroof or the nation's liberality. Now we de net pretend to say that all in cases the pabllo lands which have been "alienated' hve keen disposed of la the most jadlclous war; we are prepared to concede, even, that many of the land grants made by Congress am open to vury serious Objection, but at the time time we believe that the general policy, especially as regards railroads, has keen, on the whale, sound, sagacious, and profita ble to the nation ; and, as much misrepresentation Is likely to be Indulged In, It may be well to su-nup the results or experience i his is very ably done by . Senator Pomeroy, In his reeent speech In the Senate, Which has been circulated largely throughout the Country; but elaborate as Is the argument there presented. Us pith and substance may be put Into Tery few words. In the first place, then, It should be reoolleoted that In making these land grants only the "alternate tectiens," within certain limits, are given to the railroad, the others being retained by the Govern ment. The publlo lands thus retained, whloh pre Tlons to the commencement of the road could be taken up at II 25 per acre, are Immediately raised In price to $2-60 per acre, and at this price are sold far more r&pidly than any other lands in the Uovern men 's possession ; bo that the nation not only makes tn actual gain from lu girt, but reaps the perma nent advantages of that Increase of wealth, popula tion, and Industry which never failed to follow upon the construction or a railway. This, K would seem, la a complete and ample vindication from the stand point of economics, but a few facts will add em phasis to the conclusion . Not many years ago Congress endowed the Illi nois Central Railroad with a land grant of 8.595,n00 acres which have since been Bold by that corpora tion for between twenty five and thirty millions of dollars. A great deal of money was no doubt made by those who built the road, and Its stock: brings higher prices than any other In the market; but the Government also received a very handsome sum for Its own adjacent lands, and It cannot bo questioned that the Central Railroad has not only contributed enormously to the wealth of Illinois, bat has doue as 'much as any other agent In the development of the entire West. The same Is true of Minnesota. A few million acres of unsalable lands were used in build ing railroads, and so rapid has been her consequent growth that her school lands brought an average last year of nearly seven dollars an acre. And, to take a final and crowning Instance, the same may doubtless, In a lew years, be said of the Northern I'aolflc Kallroad, whose land-grant is very muoh the largest and most valuable yet given to a private corporation. This grant will not only build ur second great highway across the continent, but will make the Northern I'aolflc one of the wealthl- 1 est corporations In the world. Its fifty million acres will bring from f iso, 000,000 to 1550,000,008, while the total cost of the road will be comparatively small; but then the Government will have fifty million acres more, which will be taken up first at $2-50, and . the whole Northwest the finest unoccupied region In Amer'ca will be opened up to habitation and commerce. Much of the company's land grant will be used to the benefit of the nation In stimulating Immigration ; already, when the road Is Just com meneed, population Is hurrying to the adjacent region, prosperous settlements are being formed, and lands are rising In value; yet we doubt If, before the Northern Pactac'enterprlse took definite shape, the whole Immense track which constitutes Its dowry conld have been sold for a million In cash. A great railroad, as we have said, Is Itself a most potent creator of wealth, and It Is a short-sighted conception of national economy which would be grudge it assistance which it really pays as to give. It will not be many years before the people will con gratulate themselves that our Pact do railroads got fairly under way before the present reaction sat In. That the time has come for discontinuing the policy tt granting public lands to railways there la pro bably little doubt, but that this policy has already ac complished great results In developing the vast Inte rior of our continent, and adding to the wealth of the nation, Is equally certain." M U8ICAL AND DRAMA TIG. The City Amusements. At the Academy or Music this evening a complimentary operatic concert will be given to Miss Cassie Renz, who will be supported by Mrs. Jennie Kempton, Hignor Leonl, Mr. Harry Sanderson, and a grand orchestra under the di rection of Professor L. Eugelke. Miss Kenz has been highly complimented by all the New Xork papers on her resent great success in con cert in that city. The Tribune Bays 'she singt a tone and a half higher than Parepa-Rosa, KlJsson, and Carlotta Paul, and the upper notes of this phenomenal register are delicate and pure, made with certainty, and with which fche will be able to produce some fine effects." At thh Walnut Bonclcault's drama of After Dark will be performed this evening. A matinee will be given to-morrow. On Monday Mr. Joseph Jefferson will appear as "Rip Van Winkle." At tub Aech Mr. Robert Craig will have a farewell benefit this evening, when be will ap pear as "Peter White" In the farce of Mr. and lire. J'eter White, as "O'Smirk" In The Dumb lielle, and aa "Jacques Strop" In Robert Mactire. Mr. Craig will also give a number of his popular Imitations. As Mr. Craig is about to sever bis connection with the Arch, his admirers should extend him a parting compliment in the shape cf a crowded house this evening. On Monday Robertoon's comedy of Rank will be produced by Llna Edwin and her New York company. At tub Chbsnct Mr. E. L. Davenport will this evening personate "Sir Giles Overreach" in A New Way to Fay Old Debts. At thb Museum, Ninth and Arch streets, the drama of Uncle Tom's Cabin will be re presented this evening. A matinee to morrow. A GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT will be elven to-morrow to Mrs. Caroline. Rlchlngs- lieinard and Mr. C. D. Hess, at the Academy of Music. There will be a matinee performance of The Comedy of Errors, by Mrs. John Drew and the Arch Street Theatre Company, which will be followed by The Bonnie Fishwife, in wmcn Airs, cernara will sing a numueroi popu lar airs. 1 In the evening Balfe'i popular Jopera of The Eottemian Girl will be given with an unusually strong cast, embracing the principal members of the Eugllsh opera combination. Mrs. Bernard has many claims upon the amusement-loving sublic of Philadelphia, and we hope that the Academy will be crowded to-morrow, both after noon and evening. , CITY ITEMS. Bt. James Hotel, Boston. If our friends will kindly Inform us, either by telegram or by letter, of their Intended arrival, we shall be better prepared lor their comfort. The reputation of this new and elegant establishment is such as to require no com menu Transient board Four Dollars per day. Proprietor St. James Hotel, Boston. Whitcomb's Asthma Remedy Sure cure. Ma. William W. Cabbidt, the Jeweller. at No. 8 poutn second street, a as one uj ine largest ana uiwsi AttnuMivA stock of all kinds of Jewelrv and Sliver ware In the city, lie has also on hand a line assort Kent of fine American western watches, xnose Who ourchaae at this store at the present time are certain to get tne worm 01 uiew money. KSKKKibttATOKa, fcriar Math cheats. Kn&melledJlned Coolers. Cooler bunds, a large assortment, wholesale and retail, no. rw voce street, neiow w ainui. Fb Oysters always, trbto, fat, and rirYrnwV Stewed, Steamed, Roasted, Panned, Broiled, Fried, and Raw, go to Leach's, northeast corner Ninth and Chesnut. Half peck steamed oysters, bo o tts. Burnett's Florimel am exquisite perfoNe. MARRIED. MAJOR DtLKL OB Thnraria. Jnnft 1. hrTtflV. B. Orlftlth, D. I)., Edwin . Ma.tor to Annie B., daughter of vTllllam Dllks, Esq., all of this city. ( WOLFS NSILI On WarinaarlT Slat nit.. t St. Lnke's Church, Philadelphia, by the Kev. Br. HoWe, Mentenant Nathaniel Douolam, 8d United States Artillery, to Caroi.Inb IIOLlinoswohth Neill, daughter of Dr. John NellL . DIED. KriNARPT. Or Mav so. Maria Eokharot. wife of Honry Eckhardt, in the 65th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the deceased are re spectfully invited to attend hor funeral, from the re sidence of her husband, No. 487 East Girard aveune, on Saturday next at 3 o'clock. OARWoon On the 8th nit.. Mart J., younirest daughter of Lewis 8. Garwood, aged 21 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to atteTid the funeral, on Saturday. Jnne 8, at 10 o'clock, from the residence of her father, corner of Broadway and Clinton street, CamdeH, N. J. To proceed to Evergreen Cemetery. Justice Or the morning- of the 1st Inst.. IIelrn Wardbll, daughter of Philip S. and Uelen Mary Jogtlce, sged l years. Interment at Laurel mil, from the residence of her parents, Oermantown, on First-day, 4th last., at o'clock P. M. Carriages will be at tie depot to Germantown to meet the2Y train from Philadel phia. Molten On Frldav moralntr. the ad Inst. Anntr Hill Molten, youngest daughter or Albert and Elisabeth C. Molten, in the 19th year of her age. uue notice 01 ner runerai wui oe given. MrsTiN. On 'Wednesday, the Blst ultimo. J. Bvrton Mustin, m. tt., son of John and Mary F. MnsMn, aged 26 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respeot fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of hlx parents, If o. 8908 Sprue street, on Sa turday afternoon, June 3d, at 1 o'clock. Hi Thomas Oa Wednesday. Mar 31. Miss Mary A. Thomas. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, No. 120 South Thir teenth street, on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Istenneat at Woodlands. Tnoar.On the th nlt.. Elizabeth, widow of the late Joshua Thorp, in the TSth year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are Tesnect- fully Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday af ternoon, j une s, at oxioce, rrom ner late residence, Ne. 8 Chureh street, Frankford. To proceed to Cedar Bill Cemetery. THE AMERICAN Life Insurance Company OF. PHILADELPHIA, S.E. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT. ASSETS OVER . .. $3,000,000 TRUSTEES. Alexander Whllldln, George Nngent, Hon. Alex. G. Cattell, Isaac Uazlehurst, James l. Clnghorn, Henry K. Bennett, L. M. Whllldln, George W. Hill, Bon. James Pollock. J. Edgar Thomson, Aioerc u. KoDerts, rmiip u. jmngie, John Wanamaker. " president, tiEOIKUK W. 1IIL.L.. VICE-rRBHIDENT, GEOltGE NUUENT. ACTUARY, JOHN . sms. BECRETARY AND TREASURER, JOHN g. HILSOt. D 19 fmwSm SPECIAL. NOTIOES. for additional Special Notice m Inside Paget. HEADQUARTERS DEMOCRATIC CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, NO. 1014 WALNUT STREET, MAY 29, 1871. At a meeting of the committee held this day the following preamble and resolutions were unani mously adopted: Whereas, The Democratic party of this Common wealth, In State Convention assembled, in accord ance with the time-honored custom of the party, did at the last meeting place In nomination candi dates for the offices of Aadltor-Oeneral and Surveyor-General, and declared the principles on which the Issues of the coming campaign are to be fought; and Whereas, The harmony and discipline of the party require that all members having the suc cess of the party at heart should endorse the action of the constituted authorities thereof ; there fore Resolved, That the nomination of General Wil liam McCandless and Captain J. U. Cooper for the offices of Auditor and Surveyor-General, and the adoption of the platform, merit, as they do hereby receive, our cordial endorsement, and the ticket will reoeive at our hands our most zealous support. By order of committee. ISAAC LEECH, Chairman. Francs'aDisvitt, Secretaries. ' HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. LAST FLORAL EXHIBITION. GRAND HOSE SHOW AND STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL. HORTICULTURAL nALL. Friday Evening, June 8, 1871. Another magnificent display of Ornamental Fo liage Plants, and Hare Plants In Bloom. Fifty va rieties 01 Hoses. . uasteri'B serenade nana, rrorae nade Concert and Strawberry Festival Strawberries and Ico Cmam, and exhibition Strawberries by the quart. Admission, S3 cents. Tickets at uins&Ka, No. 714 C11ESN UT street. 6 81 8t AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC Philadelphia, May 10, 18TL The annnal meeting of the stockholders of the American Academy of Music will be held In the FUlKit 01 tne Academy, on wuixliai, juubo, 1871, at 4 o'clock P. M. The annual reports will be submitted, and an election held for twelve directors. JAMES TKAUuAIKi 8 1 8t Secretary. IWV- (IKNiLENEN a JJUUTB ANU E5UU1S.3, mr& 4 ,BQIif fit: mav ha AhtAlnAil at all tlmpl. BARTLETT, No. 83 South SIXTH Street, above Chesnut. 8 80 tf THE I3EHT COAL. ISAAC K. WeToHT & SON, 1 No. 124 South SECOND Street. YARDS Corner EIGHTH and MASTER Bta. and wfmo8188WANSON8t. above Queen. OAR PET IN OS, ETO. 25 Cents per Yard, By the Roll. t-4r MATTING. 5-4 do. 30 Cents. also; est Parlor Matting. 3-4 and 7-8 Stair do. R. L. KNIGHT & SON, 1222 CHESNUT STREET, IT f mw3m ) PHILADELPHIA. OAS FIXT0RES. NO STORE ON CHESNUT STREET. CQRHE LEI1S & SOUS' RETAIL . BAJjESROOMS, 821 CHERRY St. - GAS FIXTURES. DRY OOOD8. SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS or EVERY PESCRIPTION. AT Low JPrices, JOHN W. THOMAS & CO., Hot. 405 and 407 N. SECOND Street, 8 22 wfmSmrp PHILADELPHIA. SILKS, SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS ohohgb futer, Na. 916 CHESNUT STREET, Invites attention to his stock of SILKS OF ALL KINDS, INDIA AND OTIIrtR. SHAWLS. Novelties In Dress and Fancy Goods, INDIA, PONGEE,: AND CANTON CRAPE IN SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS. 413 8mrp (rfa, PARASOLS. TBC., 1, $1-S5; LINED, 11-25, F '60, 11-78: Slllc Sun Umbrellas, 0o., 11, $1-83. 11-60, at DIXON'S, No. 81 S. EIGHTH St. 8 tf FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAhfl MARVIN fit OO.'S FIRE-PROOF ALWAYS DRY. BURGLAR-PROOF. 781 CHESTNUT Street SAFES MARVIN Si OO.' FIRE-PROOF ALWAYS DRY. BURGLAR-PROOF. 791 CHESTNUT Btrefl SAFES MARVIN fit OO.'S FIRE-PROOF ALWAYS DRY, BURGLAR-PROOF. 721 CHESTNUT Ftreet. SAFES 6 0 fmwfiin CARRIAGES. GARDNER & FLEMING, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, No. 214 South FIFTH Street, BELOW WALNUT. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT CAIlXtlAGISS, INCLUDING PHJETONS, JENNY LIND3, BUGGIES, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. All WORK WARRANTED to be of tne b WORKMANSHIP and MATERIALS. Also, an assortment of SECONDHAND CAR RIAGES for sale at reasonable prices. Special attention given to REPAIRING. KEP AIRING, REPAINTING, and VARNISHING. REFRIGERATORS. A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT AT Wholesale and Retail. All at Low Prices. 1. 1 KEAllHS Manufactures liU own llefrlgerator. No. 39 North NINTH Street, D B0 lm4p BELOW ARCH STREET. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC R.R. Sunday Tralnfor Atlantic City. On and after June 4 next the Sunday Mall Train will be resumed between Philadelphia and Atlantlo City. ' Leaving Vine Street Ferry at 8-00 A. AL Returning, leave Atlantic City at 4-00 P, M. Stopping at all Stations. OWCtrpJ D. II. MUNDY, Agent. FINANCIAL,. 7 30 GOLD LOAN. JAY COOKE & CO. ARE NOW BELLING AT PAR, The First XVXortgage Land Grant dold Bonds or tHt Northern Pacific Railroad COMPANY, BEARING SEVEN AND TnRBK-TENTHS PER CKNT. (jOI.I) INTKKKST; AND SKOTKED BY FIRST AND ONLY- MOHTGOK ON THE EN TIKE ROAD AND EQUIPMENTS, AND ON WOKE THAN 23,000 Acres of Land to every mile of trade, or 500 Acres of Land to each $l,roo Bond. There Is no other security in the market more safe or so profitable. The Highest enrrent price will be paid for U. 8. F1VE-TW UNTIES, and all other marketable ie carltles received in exchange. Pamphlets, Maps, and full Information furnished on application. JAY COOKE & CO., Philadelphia, New York. 'Washington. FINANCIAL AGENTS NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. CO. For sale In PhlladPlnhlabv BOWEN A FOX. No. la MM-chants' Exchancrn. SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK, N. W. cor.ourt sua lunriri. mreeis. "WM. PAINTER fc CO., No. 86 8. Third street OLENBINNIMO, DAVIS A CO., No. 49 S. Third TOWNSKND W HELEN A CO. No. 809 Walnut st. BULL k NORTH, No. 131 8. -ihlrd street. T. A. BIDDLK A CO., No. 828 Walnut street. D. C WHAhTON SMITH A CO., 121 S. Third STERLING A CO., o. 110 8. Third street. J. H. TROTTER, No. 822 Walnut street. v. t. x tKK jr., a co.. No. so 8 Third street. WM. T. ELBERT, No. 821 Walnut street. S. M. PALMER A CO., No. 26 8. Third street. D. M. ROB CN SON A CO.. No. 183 8. Third atrent. AMUEL WORK, No. 64 S. Third street. j . s. KLHHTUiN & co., no. co 8. Third street. GEO. J. BOYD, No. 18 South Third street. RALBY A WILSON. No. 41 S. Third street. WALLACE A KEENE, No. 149 S. Third street. H. H. "WILTBANK, No. 803 Walnut street. M. 8CBULTZ A CO., No. 44 S. Third Street. WILLIAM C. MORGAN & CO.. No. 23 S. Third St. NARR & LADNER, No. 80 8. Third street. BIOREN A CO., No. 150 8. Third street. JOHN K. WILDMAN. No. 26 8. Third street. P. 8. PETERSON & CO.. No. 89 8. Third street B. K. JAMISON A CO., N.W. cor. Third & Chesnut iiMUKK, himnnuin t CO., cio. 6 8. Third street W. n. STEVENSON, No. 223 Dock street. BARKER BROS. A CO.. No. 28 8. Third street JAMES E. LBWARS fc CO., No. 29 8. Third street. (J. A W. Y. I1EBERTON, No. 62 S. Thlrd.street CHARLES B. KEEN. No. 825 Walnut street WILLIAM T. CARTER, No. 813W Walnut street W. II. 8HELMERDINE, No. 10 8. Third Street JAOOB B. RIDGWAY, No. 66 P. Third street MEGARY & PEALE, No. 12 8. Third street JOHN MOSS. Jr., No. S06 Walnut street. H. F. BACHMAN, No. 26 S. Third street s 27mwi3m A RELIABLE Safe Home Investment. the Sunbury and Lewistown Railroad Company 7 FEU CEXT. GOLD First Mortgage Bonds. Interest Payable April and Octo ber, Wree of State and United States Taxes. A ' A im itw Afltavlnr th. h.lann. Imam fl, 909,000, which is secured by a first and only Hen f . rtiA Ant-Ira nrnnarmanl franiVilaaa nf hA tnm. pany, At 00 and tlie Accrued Interest Added. Tne Road Is now rapidly approaching completion, with a larce trade In COaL, IRON, and LUMBER. In addition to the passenger travel awaiting the opening of this greatly needed enterprise. The local trade alone is sufficiently large to sustain the Road. We have no hesitation In recommending the Bonds as a vaiur, xtr.uAisi.rc, ana bath lavtUT WENT. For pamphlets, with map and full Information, "Pi" t WM. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, Dealers in Government Securities, No. 36 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. ELLIOTT, COLLINS & CO., IIAIVUIaUB, No. 109 South THIRD Otreet, MEMBERS OF STOCK AND GOLD EX CHANGES. DEALERS IN MERCANTILE PAPER, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD.Etc DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON THB UN ION liANK OK LONDON. I S f mwt SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE FTJRCTJASZ AND SALS OF Stocks and Bonds, Here and In New York, and every facility furnished to parties desiring to have them carried. D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 6S PHILADELPHIA. B. E. JAMISON & CO. SUCCESSORS TO P. IP. KELLY fc CO, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Gold. Silver, ud Government Bondt At Closest Market ilates, H. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Sti Special attention given. to COMMISSION ORDERS in New Tors: and PhU&fclphla Stock boards, eto. l, et 184 eto IIARR1SS0N GRAMB0, OOU WALIIUi Ql.( wmm mm em a. PHILADELPHIA. FINANCIAL.. JAT C00EE & CO., PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK and WASHINGTON. jay cooke, Mcculloch & co. LONDON, AMD Detlen in Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at.the Board of Brokers In this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUOHT AND SOL In connection with our London House we are now prepared to transact a general FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS, , Including Purchase and Sale of Sterling Billsand the Issue of Commercial Credits and Travellers' Cir cular Letters, available In any part of the world, and are thus enabled to receive GOLD ON DEPOSIT, and to allow four per cent, interest In currency thereon. Having direct telegraphic communication wit both onr New York and Washington Offices, we can offer superior facilities to our customers. ' RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST- BLENT. Pamphleta and full Information given at our office, 5 8 8mrp No. 114 S. THIRD Street, PhUada. Wilmington and Reading Railroad 7 PER CENT. XSOTCE3. Free of Taxes. "We are offering the Second Mortgage Bonds of this Company AT 82 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. Interest payable January and July. The Bonds are in SIOOOs, S5008f and 8100s, ha canoe REGISTERED free of expense. The road la dolDg a good business, with prospects of con siderable Increase. . This Issue is made to procure additional 'rolling stock. Bonds, Pamphlets, and Information can be ob tained of DE HAVEN & BRO., 1 i No. 40 South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. INVESTMENT BONDS PORTAGE LAKE AND LAKE SUPERIOR SHIP CANAL 10s. Secured by first mortage on the canal (now completed), and on real estate worth Ave tunes the amonnt of the mortgage. EAN8AS CITY, MISSOURI, 10a. DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA (Including Omaha), 10s, and other choice Western county and city bonds, yielding good rates of interest. ALLENTOWN CITY (PA.) 8EVEN PER CENT. SCHOOL BONDS, free fro .11 taxes under the laws of the State, at par and Interest . For full particulars apply to IIOWABD !AItL.irVGTO!f, 8 8m ' No. 14T South FOURTH Street. COUPON OR REGISTERED LOAN of mi City of Williamsport, Pennaylvatxla, With both principal and Interest made absolutely secure by State and mnnlclpal legislation, for sale at AND ACCRURED INTEREST, BY P. 8. PETERSON & CO.. Bankers and Stock Brokers No. 39 8. THIRD STREET, I pTTTT. A PELPHIA. DUNN BROTHERS, DAIVUISliS. Nob. 51 and 53 S. THIRD St. Dealers In Mercantile Paper, Collateral Loans, Government Securities, and Gold. Draw Bills of Exchange oa the Union Bank of London,and Issue travellers' letters of credit through Messrs. BOWLES BROS A CO., available in all the cities of Europe. Hake Collections on all points. Execute orders for Bonds and Stocks at Board of Broken. Allow Interest on Deposits, subject to check at Sight. II JOHN S. RUSHTON & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, , GOLD AND COUPONS WAHTED. City Wdrranta BOUGHT AND BOLD, No. CO South THIRD Street. Ml fn-rT.ftniTTfHIA, INSURANCE.. Life lu suraiictf, Policies Secured from Forfeiture BY A LAW OF THE STATE OF MASSACHU SETTS. AQUJLA HAIKE8, of rhiladetphia, Pa., ' Insured September 11, 1366, under Policy No. 11,810, for ffi.oos, giving one-third loan note, and paving semi annually. UeeMltd to pay the premium due March 11,1369. He died August 5, 186J, FIVE 3IOXT1I3 eter failure of payment. The whole amount of the Policy, lent the premium due the Company, wa promptly paid at the Pennsylvania O dice, SIXTH and WALNLT Streets, Philadelphia, Nov. 87,1909. Nineteenth Annual Statement OF THE CONDITION OF THE Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company OtP SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. CALEB RICE, President. ' , , CIIA8. McLEIN KNOX, Secretary. JAMES WEIR MASON, Actuary. GEORGE JUNKIN, Solicitor In Phllada. DIRECTORS IN rniLADELPIHA. J. LIVINGSTON ERRING ER, D. C. WHARTON. Attorney to accept service in Pennsylvania. JOHN KNOX MARSHALL. First. Capital stock, nothing. Company purely mutual. Divluends declared aud paid annually on tht contribution plan. The value, as nearly as may be, of the real estate held by the company Cash on hand Cash In banks, specifying the banks: First National Uank, bpringiluld Second " " " Cash in hands of agents In course of transmission Amount of loans secured bv bonds and 897,000-oe 6,681-86 12,467-95 17,iU4 16 46,705-33 mortgages, constituting the first Hen In real estate, on which there Is less than ene year's Interest due and owing 1,258,009-61 . . . Vulut, Market Value. Amount of stocks ewned by the Company, specifying the num. . ber of shares aud their par and ' market value: 464 shares ol New York aad Mas sachusetts Nat. Iianfc Stock 46,4U0 $05,555 U. S. bonds mi, 6s; 18u8, 5-V!0; U68, 6-aos; 1x74, 6s 258,700 !30,45t City or Springfield, New York, and Michigan State bonds 74,000 ' 7S,60tf 160,-264 blmres of hallroad stocks and bonds...: 176,400 1S1.875 t55S,600 t306,8)0 Anit. loaned on them. I'arVal.ilarket Val. Amount of stocks held by the company aa col lateral security for loads .'. . . .193,400 $115,180 $39,438-60 Interest on Investments due aud un paid 8,008-00 Accrued interest not yet due 62,7&t-3a Other available miscellaueous assets, specifying their character anu value : Premium notes secured by value of policies , 768,952-63 Loans on personal securities 64,54-25 Loans on policies 1,517-ua Unpaid prem. In course) Quar. and ( of collection, V Beiul-an. -i 220,622-86 Deferred ditto J premiums (, 177,771-86 Ortlce furniture 6,306-4(1 Amount of losses during the year ad Justed but not due, lesa $i,eoi reinsu rance 7,509-00 Amount of losses reported to the Com pany Out not acted upon 13,60009 Amount of losses resisted by the Company and.ln BUBpeDse...... 89,600 SO Amount of dividends due and unpaid.... 80,533-64 Ani.unt required to safely reiuaure all outstanding risks combined Rut 4 per Ct.8,061, 233-76 Amount of cash premiums received 633,036-73 Amount of premiums Dot paid in ctsh during the year, stating the character of such premiums: Loan n.tes 810,041-01 Interest received from investments. 175 840-08 A mount of losses paid during the year. . . 297,3tu-U0 Amount paid and owing for reinsurance premiums 1,761-63 Amount of dividends declared during the year 158.671-92 Amount of dividends paid 131,143-26 Alton lit ef expenses paid during the year, including commissions aud salaries paid to agents and o nicer a of the compauy .. 227,844-65 Aaieunt of taxes paid by the company... 8,322-Sl Amount of all other expenses and ex penditures 148,863 27 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. " STATEMENT OF THK CONDITION OK THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIKE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, ON THE S1ST DAY OF DE CEMBER. 137S. State of Massachusetts, County of Hampden, ss.: be it remembered that on this fourteenth day of March, A. D. 1371,' before the Bubacrluer, a Notary Public la and for the htate of Masaiichusatts, duly commissioned and authorized by the Governor of the State of PennsylvaBla to take the acknowledg ment f deeds and other writings, to be used aud recorded In the said State of Pennsylvania, and to administer oaths and affirmations, personally ap- S eared Caleb Kice, President of the Massacuusetu Iutual Life Insurance Compauy, a;:d made oath that the following la a true statement of the con dition cf the suid Massachusetts Mutuul Life In surance Company upon tne Slat day of December, A. D. 187. And I further certify that I have made persenai examination of the condition of said Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company on this day, and ani satisfied the have assets safely Invested to the amount or f:i, 419, 303-79. That I have examined the securities now lu the hands of the compauy, as set fori h In the annexed statement, aud the same are of the yalue represented lu the statement. I further certify' that I am not Interested la the affairs of said company. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and atllxed mv oillcial seal this fourteenth day of March, A. D. lfcl'L STEPHEN K. HEYMOUR, Notary Publlo. Foster 8. Dennis, of New Bedford, Mass., Insured March 9, 1S63, under Policy No. 6913, for $W0, giv ing one-third loan note, and paying quarterly. Ills policy lapsed September 9, 1S67. Ue died September 8, 1S6S, fifteen months after the premium was due and unpaid. The whole amount of the poUcy, lesa npald premiums, was promptly paid uiuier the Mas saehueetU non-Mfeiturt law. JOHN KNOX MARSHALL, State Agent fer Pennsylvania. OEUUUE II. 'WILTBANK, General Agent Eastern Penna. and New Jersey. OFFICKS, g. K. Cor. SIXTH aud WAL NUT Streets, Philadelphia.. ItOUF.RT P. IIARIUS, SI. V., Msdlcal Ex uulner la Philadelphia. o 29 uiwffit