The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, June 02, 1871, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. XV. NO. 130.
A Chapter of Paris Horrors.
Fearful Tragedy in Chicago.
The Manitoba Mutiny.
Red and White Men In Council
Captain Hall Nearly Ready te Kall-De-
script low of III Vessel The Crew Joe
and Hannah Food-Plan of the Voyage.
tromme ahingttn ratrieu
The Polaris, formerly the Periwinkle, It a
vessel belonging to the Government, kit rebuilt
and fitted for tbia expedition in each a manner
as almost to be a new and very superior craft.
She is of about 400 torn measurement, conside
rably larger than the Advance, in which Dr.
I nuo uDueriooit nis iameus voyage, and about
If the same size as the Germaaia, which left Bre
men two years ago on an expedition to the
Arctic Seas, She has been planked all over her
sides with six inches of solid white oak timbers,
and has throughout been nearly doubled in
strength: her bows beinr almn.t a snilH m.
li limber, sheathed with iron, and terminating in a
t harp iron prow with which te cut through the
y ice. iier engine, wmch was built same rears
su i. icRrrB. ienue oe L,evy s worts, in l'hila
delphla, is exceedingly powerful and compact,
taking up bHt comparatively little space, and
bclDg peculiarly adapted for hard and severe
,-work, and the propeller is arranged in such a
! manner that it can be nnshipped and lifted up
Ion deck through a shatter "propellerjwheel" in
the stern, which is a great advantage when the
vessel is under sail or surrounded by floating
Ice that might easily damage the blades.
As to those who are going to he the principals
In this adventurous and dangerous expedition,
they are, all told, twenty-nine men. There is
Tl fl t a man nrtlnnrr t Vi -rt k... 11 . : .
.Icbaracter have not been well tested, from the
yicaptaln down to the cook. The 'eader and
"commander-in-chief is. of conrs. CJ-ntoi
Inext in the command comes Captafa 8. O. Bud-
uiusiuu, ui new ixmaon, an old. wbaling
imaBter of thirty years' experience . twenty-one
01 wmcD were spent in the uat strait and
Baffin's Bay. He is an old and trnt1
Captain llall, who has implicit faith In his loag
experience and acknewlede-eri ahllltr. Th
feecond officer is Mr. H. C. Chester, also a whal
ing man vi iweive years experience among tbe
ice: and the third officer is Mr. William Morton.
who was Dr. Kane's trusted friend and mm.
anion, and Is the only llvlne mortal to wham
t was ever permitted ta look upon the open
oiar Sea. He had the sad privilege to accom-
any Dr. Kane to Havana. ana to
ring his remains from there to Fhlla-
elphla for interment. Mr. Eiatl Schuman
ccubics the post of tint enerlneer. and
Lhe 8cieHtific corps will consist of three eentle-
Ken, one of whom, Dr. Emll Bissells, of Heldel
LrJrg, Germany, will attend the expedition as a
iirgeon-naturalist. A student from the Obser
vatory at Ann Arbor, Mlch.,will probably be the
istronomer; and an officer of the Signal Service
Department will te aboard in the capacity of
meteorologist. Besides these, there will be a
jlacksmith, carpenter, steward, and fourteen
sailors, besides the Esqilmaux interpreter, Joe,
ind his wife, Hannah. This latter Interesting
ouple, with their little daughter, are genuine
pecimens of the Esquimaux, but having been
n constant company with Captain llall for eight
ears past, they speak very good English, and
iave acquired civilized manners. Joe is a fa
aous hunter and "sealer," and his little wife
te quite an accomplished woman in a "small"
fcay, with considerable talent for language and
or music. Their little daughter, who will ac-
Lwiupaoy mem, is nve years old.
Although Captain llall expects to accomplish
is purpose of penetratinr Into the srroat Polar
bsin. If such a one really exists, and visiting
be .North role. In less than three years, the
Claris has been provisioned for four years.
ihich can be extended to six with a little econ-
tny and judicious dlstnbutien ef rations. The
eat staple ot provisions is the so-called "nam-
lican," which is composed of three parts of
ected dried meat to one part of the best east,
ixed with some other ingredients. The food
both nourishing and wholesome, and. throurh
t absence of salt, there is mo danger of scurvy
t pestilence of Arctic travellers to be feared
im its use. It is packed in 45-D0und tin cans.
rmeticaily sealed, and of tbls there Is no lets
an 10,000 poands stowed away In the hold, the
inuiacture 01 wnicn consumed ana condensed
UUO pounds of ordinary beet and 5000 pounds
suet. Besides this there is any Quantity of
ied and defalcated vegetables, such as peta-
es, tomatoes, onions, etc.. aud a larce stock
flour, biscuits, sugar, coffee, tea, condensed
lk, canned fruits, and all other necessaries
F the protracted voyage. Captain llall, how-
ior, expects to be able to economize with
Jeae provisions to a very considerable extent
substituting in their place the meat of the
ndeer, musk-ox. walrus, and other earae of
h regions that he is about to explore. Every-
i ng cas been done to make the quarters of
1U crew and officers as comfortable as the
tier limited space would permit: and the
J ween-decks aud cabins are perfect models of
aniiness. ine state-rooms, tor the officers
scientists, are plain, but gotten up In good
convenient style, and the cabin aft is a per
drawing-room In miniature.
plosion of a Catriflge Manufactory in
i Paris Fearful Loss of Life.
Paris correspondent f the N. Y. Tribunt,
ing May 18th. says:
I frightful accident took place In Paris yes-
uy. ine cartridge manuiaciory oi (ire
11 blew lin. deRtrnvlnv in An In.tant If la
Ad more than 100 hanian beings, and wound-
k n unknown number beside... I was on the
uivard yesterday afternoou about 6 o'clock,
iei suddenly there was- a slight explosion,
iici caused all passers-by to look about them,
tht sound was louder than the usual reports
canon, to which we are all pretty well ac
itoied by this time.
'lut immediately afterwards there came a
f onoand much louder report, which made all
widows rattle and all the nennla rfa.h
dly ato the middle of the street and stare
diy swards the Madeleine, as if they expected
uu oai toe explosion was on me ooalevard
L Iardly had the deafening sound rolled
y bfore a huge grey volame of smoke
to h see a in the direction of the Plara H
Concede. I lumped Jnto a carriare and
it to vee what had really taken place, at
'ousanj contradictory rumors were Instantly
Lit. ""ha Fort da Viniroi ha. hin hU
' "N, it is a powder magazine at Patsy."
fie Versallese are assaulting Paris, and a huge
e charred with picrate of potash has ex
Ued." hese were some of the remarks.
,1 the huie columns of smoke rose high in the
and it wis evident that the explosion had
W followed by large fire. At the Place do
IConcordi I discovered that the explo
V ws t the cartridge manufactory
(ue Cham de Mars. Wonderful to relate,
Jriver go. excited, whipped his Koslnante
a euarp iioi, ana iook me quicKiy io me
e of the disaster. Just as mv fearrLw
hed the Poit de l'Alma, three firemen rushed
llcallv bv. Irairo-lnira small hand firaanirin
pvu JiaU-finn powtjj 9 extiuguieU ft fir.
which would have deaed ten of the most power
ful ikuu lire-engines in rnew ierK.
At the scene of the disaster a most appalling
clici3 presented iweii. women and cnuarea
mshed frantlratlT hlthar ami Dtlih., Vnt.
ing what tbey did or whither they went, for
wi fcucm fruuiu bkvq actually uasuea into
the flaming ruins bad tbey not been prevented
by the f remen. One woman, mad with terror,
flung herself from a third-story window,
and was dashed to pieces on the pave
ment. The National Guards promptly
formed a cordon across the Avenue Rapp, and
declined to let any one go by, warning every
one that there was imminent danger of a second
and equally formidable explosion. My safe
conduct secured me admittance. One could not
-arallr mr a.j.aJj. - . 1 1 r fi
j out being in danger of stumbling over some
ujcucu, enapeiess corpse in ine mieaie of
the avenue lay the trnak of a woman whose
arms, head, and limbs had been blown away.
It was difficult to recognize the charred mass
of flesh and rags before us as having recently
belonged to a living cteature. A man's arm
was to be seen on the top of a low house about
100 yards from the scene of the explosion. All
this while the fire blazed fiercely, notwithstand
ing the courageous efforts of the firemen. Evtry
moment a fresh explosion was expected, as
more powder was known to be stored in the
As if to add to the horror of the scene, the
Versailles shells kept bursting in the Champ de
Mars, In which many of the wounded were still
lying. Above the roar of the flames would be
heard the scream of the shells as they flew down
from Montretout and Meudon. For a space of
about a hundred yards square all the light
wooden buildings had been levelled with the
ground, and it was the debris that was burning,
with many human beings buried in a fiery grave
A Man Murders Ills Sweetheart aad Com
mits Suicide.
The Chicago Evening Tost ol Wednesday
At three o'clock yesterday afternoon a Bohe
mian named Martin Benada shot Catharine Yeck
law in the head, and then used the weapon with
instantaneously fatal effect upon himself. Jeal
ousy seems to have been the fiend which
prompted this fearful slaughter. Martin and
Catharine were engaged to be married. On
Monday Catharine announced her desire to see
the great peace procession, but Martin refused
to accompany her. She resented this unkind
ness of her lover by saying tnat it made no dif
ference whether he accompanied her; she could
find another companion. Bhe did find one, aud
in his company saw the procession as she desired.
Her conduct, notwithstanding that it was the
natural result of his uncivil action in the matter,
caused Benada pangs of jealousy, which tnally
led to the perpetration of the ?al crime. The
yonng man's first resolve was the better, though
not the best that mirht hat a hoa rn.Aa Ifa
expressed to a friend a determination never to
nnnlr . . I. .
rpcui m mu juung woman again.
Both persons were employed In Thomas
Hocoh'fl tailor shop, No. 403 West Sixteenth
street, and they met there yesterday. In the
afternoon Martin was absent from the shop.
He went to a store on Blue Island avenue and
DUrchased a rnvolrar. Tn a short tl-n v -
turned and resumed work. A few moments
inereaiier ine report oi a pistol was heard.
Before the startled neighborhood knew whence
t rama. another mn.rt rant- nnt Th.
Bohemian had stepped over to where Catharino
nan wuritiup, una, in ineir native language,
bidding her farewell, pointed the revolver at her
head and fired. Tha hall nntratol th torn.
pie, over the eye, and the girl fell to the floor.
The maddened murderer then placed the muz
zle of the revolver Inside his own mouth and
fired. The hall na..pd ont at. th hir -f v
head, and the self-murderer fell dead.
.duiu parties were quue young. Martin was
abOllt 20 VClra of atrn Pnthnrlna nMiar
Tbey had resided here some years, and knew
each other in the old country.
ine young woman remained In an insensible
condition until 11 o'clock this marnlnrr. whan
she died.
A Pandemonium am Shipboard.
The examination in the case of Thomas Walsh
and other seamen of the British brig Manitoba,
who are charged with piracy and mutiny, took
place yesterday in New York
captain Aitred if., uurkeen was the first wit
ness. Ho was examined by ex-Judgo Beebo,
counsel for the British Consul. The captain
deposed that some trouble broke out among
his men on the 1st of May, while the brig was
on its way from Cardiff to this port; he went
among the men, and found that they had re
fused to work: witness inaulred tho reason.
when they said they would work If he
gave them "watch and watch," a nautical term
signifying that they required regular hours of
duty; the captain then told them that they had
mutinied, and that his only remedy was to put
them in irons; went to the cabin and brought
his revolver; on returning to deck, he said t
the men, "I shall put you In Irons;" one of tbo
men, Jeremiah Fitzpatrick, held out his arn.s,
and said, "Here, put me in irons." The other
men then rnshed on witness, and witness
dropped the irons and let go of Fitzpatrick and
then put his hands in his pocket for his revolver.
In the hurry of the moment the revolver weat
& i . i . . ...
uu acciueuuuiy; me men men grappiea witn i
him. and be held his revolver above his aen.i '
he fired a second shot and Thomas Shea caught i
him with one hand by the throat, and in thri
other a marlin-pin; witness fired at Shea, bu
the shot had no effect; previous to this Shea ha. i
already struck him two or three tines; the me t
then wrenched the pistol from witness, and Lib
seized a belaying-pln to defend himself; during
the struggle witness received everal sevftj
wounds and bled profusely; the men were finafiy
subdued, with the assistance of tho mote Mil
others. i .
Cross-examined The men did what th y wra
told up to the 1st of May; had no pa-tk-giar
fault to find with them np to that day; had no
confidence in one of the men, Mr. Les .er, iWho
had chipped as mate; McKennaa acted as uUie;
the men said tbey wanted to have an under
standing with him; after thsy beat h' m ha al
lowed them to virtually have their c an Srav
told them afterwards that he forgave tl em that
was the only way to get them toresumi work.
The case was then adjourned. '
Curious Revelations iu the Bowes nijamr
Case. ,
During the present trial at WasIIngtim of
Congressman Christopher C. Bov en, ion a
charge of bigamy, the defense produced a ! -scree
purporting to show that Mr. Bowel Laal been
divorced from his first wife In this cl . iu ;is05,
and that J adgo Barnard had signed Ine iM.cree'.
Upon subsequent Investigation in th office
of the County Clerk, an entry c( a decree
was discovered divorcing C. C. lowei irom
his wife Frances C. Bowen, tho nan C.
C. and Frances C. having been appj really
written over other names now Lleibld. Au
examination of Judge Barnard's mi notes
showed that he had granted no such decree in
that month. It is said that before County Clei k
Loew came Into office a divorce was granted l
the husband in the case of B wen atraintt
Bowen, tried before Judge B-rearld fu the
Bapreme Court, and that authenticated copies
of this case having been obtained, the ,naaiae of
the persons concerned in it were t han;)d to C.
C. Bowen and Frances C. Bowen, and that these
altered records were the records f recently
ottered In evidence at Waihlnrtoii. r. Beam
ish, clerk of Judge Barnard's Court 'at Cham-
; Ders, ana several of blr. .Loew s c-lnik-f, have left
ior asninton to expose the aUeti iraui
Meeting at the Cooper Institute, New of "Little Raven" aad
"BusTalo tloaa."
A very large meeting was held In New York,
at tho Cooper Institute, last night, Mr. Cooper
presiding, at which the Indian delegation was
Little Raven, chief of the Arapahoes, spoke
through the Interpreter as follows:
I have eome from a long distance to see ray
friends. Years ago, when 1 was at home, they
told me I had a home here and father and mo
ther. I have come now to find them. When at
home in my camp, a letter came from tho
Father at Washington, asking me to come and
see him away in the States. I had been waiting
for it for a long time, and when it came I
did not hesitate a moment but came at once.
I felt that the Father at Washington
would right the wrongs of myself and my
people. In this letter they told me I had many
friends in this country who never saw the
Indians, and who would be glad to see them.
I talked with the chiefs of the other tribes, and
we came here to see you to-night. Before leav
ing I told my young people to remain with the
agency till 1 came home, when I hoped to bring
them good news. I told them I would be gone
forty or fifty nights; they will expect me when
that time Is passed. They think I will look like
a white man when I come back, because I have
been to see the white man in the big house. I
am glad to see so many of my friends here
to-night so many gentlemen, chiefs, and ladies.
I think the Great Spirit has something to do
with bringing you all here to-night. Long ago
the Arapahoes had a fine country of their own.
The white man came to see them, and the
Indians gave him buffalo meat and a horse to
ride on, and told him the country was big
ehough for the white man and the Arapahoes
too. After a while the white men found gold In
our country. They took the gold and pushed
the Indian from his home. I thought Washing
ton would make it all right. I am an old man
now. I have been waiting many years for
Washington to give ns our rights. The Govern
ment sent agents and soldiers out there to ns and
both have driven us from our lands. We do not
want to fight. The white man has taken awav
everything. I want to tell you of this because I
believe if you know it vou will correct th r il.
I think the Great Spirit is looking at all that is
said here, and for that reason I am talking
truth. I want my neoDle to
like white people and have the
same chance. I hope the Great Spirit will put
nusu ueurt into me wnite people that they
may give us our riirhts. When I saw the ol.l
man who invited us to come here to-night, my
heart opened to him. I have thanked the Great
Spirit many times that I have been permitted to
be here. I want to tell you all that is in my
heart, and if I do not it will be because I forget
it, and not because I hide it. We want to travel
in the same road as the white intn. Wfi want
to have his rifle, his powder, and h!s ball to
hunt with. My people are Wf.itln. n the hills
to greet me when I return, .i I w&r,t U rive
Buffalo Goad, of the WacMUs, va next In
troduced and spoke as follows: ,
speech op nurrALO so ad.
I am clad to meet my friends her tn-ntirht.
and I want to have a good strong talk with yon.
I think there must be a great many big chiets
here to-night by ths loetscf this audience. I
have heard that tuere re a great many white
people in the East who knew nothing of the
wrongs which have bie done to our people,
and would like to hear of them, and I am here
vo-nigni to ten a muo of them. I will tell you
a straight story and -nohos. We want houses
built foronr people ta live in, and school-houses
for onr children, u,e latno as white children
have. I havo heard that this house belong to
an uiu seuuBiuan who loves everybody, ana
pities all poor people in the country. (Loud
applause.) I thick we should all be brothers.
1 want you tor help all the Indians. Some are a
little further Hnn, j than we are, and we want to
push ahead tad cet as far as they are. The
white people. baiB dona a good deal of wrong to
our people,' r,d wc wont to have it stopped. If
you are fcrirj. l ''.vthing for us, we want
yon to do U qsick. I 6aw the Commissioner of
Indian A? airs In Washington, and he told me
he knew tli about it, and was going to fix It
np; but i have teard that so long that I
believe it is a lie. But you look
like f.-ood people, and I don't think yon will
fool u, as he has been fooling ns. The Com
misFloner told ts he wanted we should come
and See the white people; that they would do
ns at) wrong; i.nd we have had a very good
tine, and I thisk that time the Commissioner
talked straight. Some white men come among
t'je Indians, and seem to like to live there, just
t o vye have ceme here; and I would like to stay
aerCi too. Since I have been here I have met
seteral gentlemen that I knew in my country,
and 1 am very glad to meet them here, and
ta meet all the new friends that I have made
Lere; and no white man has said anything
bad to ma since I have been here, and for that
I feel very good. I have often heard In mv own
borne that we bad a great many white friends
3n the J sit, and since I have been looking over
this anilence I think it is true. I want you to
;step the white men from killing the Indians
: after this. Tha Indian InvM tn liv wull
' the white man. They are there, and they can't
neip oeing tnere. mat is ail 1 nave got to say
to yr a to-night. I have tried to make a straight
ta'k and to tell no lies, and 1 am much obliged
to jou for listening to me.
An Affectionate Welcome from Collector
Murphy aud the Sand Flies Forcing the
I ova Bkahch, June 1 President Grant and
TS' ty made their entry here to-day. They are
about the only sojourners, for the Branch looks
bit ak and deserted. The President's party con
futed of his wife and children and father-in-law
Dent, besides General Porter, wife, and
son. The train, in which the President had
a special car, arrived at 4'45 P. M. direct
from Philadelphia. Collector Murphy, accom
panied by his wife, was the only friend present
to greet his chief as he stepped upon the plat
form at the depot. The whole party, Including
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, Immediately took car
riages and were driven to the Presidential
cotiage, which had been put in order by White
House servants who arrived la advance. The
President's bagerage was transferred to the coach
of the Pavilion Hotel, and was supervised by the
hotel proprietor In person. The President has
remained quiet since bis arrival, as it would be
misery to doany thlngelse.considering the present
state of affairs. Collector Murphy dined with
him at about 6 o'clock, and returned to his own
cottage a few doors below the President's house,
l'retident Grant has only six horses here as yet.
These arrived in a special freight car to-day.
He will probably not drive tbeui for a day
or two, as the track on Ocean . avenue
is heavy and rough. The President is
in good health. The anticipated arrival of
the Washington party has failed to briugany
visitors to Long Branch. Only two hotels, both
small ones, are as yet open. A large number of
femalss were seen to arrive by the 0 o'clock
train, but they were houee-cleaners and came to
scrub the Continental. That house and most of
the others will not bo formally opened before
the 15th instant. However, a few more warm
days may force on the season a little earlier.
To-night the beach is cold and foggy; a fresh
sea breeze is blowing in, and the passion Is for
anything else than bathing N. Y. World.
Dr. John B. Gllman, formerly of Chicago,
has received from the Emperor of Germany the
decoration of the iron cross, for distinguished
services rendered la the surgical department of
the I'rutoiaii army.
German Army Maintenance.
The New Turkish Loan.
Sec'rj FMi's Resignation Iitported.
Tho Government and Cuba.
Another Coal Liming Disaster
Ohio Democratic Nominations.
Col, 0. W. McCook for Governor.
Etc., Etc.. Etc., Etc. Etc., Etc
by associated PRESS. J
Exclusively to The Evening lelegraph.
, The Germans near Paris.
Lowbon, June 2. A despatch from Havre
yesterday says 8,000,000 francs have been paid
the Germans for the malntenauce of their army
in the vicinity of Paris.
Insurgent Prisoners
are arriving at Rouen.
Victor Hugo
is in London.
Versailles, June 2. Discussion upon tho
Eligibility of the Orleans Princes
will begin in the Assembly on Monday.
Henri Itoi li f rt
will be tried by military commission to-morrow,
on the charge of inciting civil war and pillage.
Search for Concealed Arms
continues in Paris, and Is of the strictest cha
racter. The French press still discuss the question of
Future Character of the Government,
and are nearly unanimous for a republic i
The Portuguese Cartes.
Lisiioh, June 2. The discussion in the Cor
tes has shown the Ministry in a minority upon
marine affairs. Dissolution has consequently
been ordered, and new elections will be held in
July. '
Italian Chamber of Deputies.
Florence, June 2 The Chamber of Depu
ties has resolved to pass all urgent bills prior to
the removal of the capital to Rome.
The New Turkish Loan.
Constantinople, June 2. The Turkish loan
of six million pounds sterling Is coacladed,
payment being guaranteed by Egyptian tribute.
This Morning's (Quotations.
Liverpool, June 2 10 80 A. M. Cotton firmer;
nplands, d. : Orleans, s?s vd. Sales of the day esti
mated at in,000 bales. The sales of the week have
been 88,008 bales, ef whloh 19.00S were for export,
and 17,n0 for speculation. Stock, 967,908 bales, of
which eil.000 are American. Receipts of the week,
118,000 bales; American, 93,000. Actual export.
18,eo bales.
London, Jobs 8 11-30 A. M. Consols for money,
91?.'; for account, fli. United States 6-808 of 182,
VOX ; of C1866, old, 90V ; of 1667, 92tf ; 10-408, 89.
London, June B 11-30 A. M. Bplrlts of petro
leum, 8&9d.
Frankfort, Jane 1 Evening. U. S. Bonds closed
at SCi.
This Afternoon's Quotations.
Lonbon, Jnse S 1-80 P. M. Consols, 91 J4' for
money and Qy, for account. United States nve
twenties of 18tt, eld, W.
LivmrooL, June 11-89 P. II. Cotton firmer,
and tbe sales are now estimated at 18,000 bales, of
which S000 will be taken for speculation and export.
Sales of cotton at sea nearly due from Charleston
or Savannah at 7d. California white Wheat, 12.
8d. ; red spriDfr, los. 10d.lls. id. Kecelpts of Wheat
for three dais, 70,000 quarters; American, 69,000.
Corn, 828. 9d.
Bzcluivly t Th Evening Telegraph
Reported Resignation of Secretary Fish.
New Yore, June 2 The Sun's special from
Washington says that on Saturday last Secretary
Fish banded to the President his resignation of
the office of Secretary of State, and it was ac
cepted en Monday, to take effect at some fstura
day, and in all probability that Edwards Pierre
pent will be appointed to fill the vacancy.
Kew Cuban Policy.
The change will be attended by a total revolu
tion in the conduct of the administration
towards Cuba.
On Monday last General Sickles was instructed
by telegraph to notify the Spanish Government
that the question of restoring the sequestered
estates of American citizens in Cuba, and of
paying the damages of their sequestration, must
be settled within the present week, or the
United States would proceed to deal with the
matter by force.
Government Weather Report.
War Depastmknt, Office orrni chief Signal
Officer, Washington, Jane 810-30 A. M. Synop
sis fqr the past twentr-four hours: The barometer
has risen on the Paclflo coast, with a slight fall of
temperature. It U falling at the Kooky Moantala
stations. It Is rising in Florria and on the South
Atlantic coast. Tbe temperature ha risen in tbe
latter region, but has falieu uu the Gulf coaat aud
bas risen In the Eastern states; also a slight fall In
the Oslo and MitmisHlppl vallevs. The rain and wind
reported on Thursday tnnruing; In Hoatbern Florida
has continued at key W est, but does not appear to
have extended further. Pan tally cloudy aud clear
weather has been very geucrally experienced, fol
lowed this morniog by clouds and fog, wlilca are
now tenerally clearing away.
frvhabilitie. It Is probable that the weather will
remain cool and partially cloudy on the Uulf aua
Atlantic coast, with light winds in tbe interior and
on the lakes.
Chicago Flour and Wheat Market,
Bjxecial DepUk to Th Evening Telegraph,
CmcAeo, June 911 A. M Wheat firm. No.
I, fl-tcM-4. seller June; aadfl-261, seller last half,
torn steady at 61(SSl,c, seller J une ; aud 63,',
seller July.
Jtteeipl: Biip'tt. i ttetfipt: Shtp'tt.
Klour, bbls. b.ouo 6,ooc Oats, bus.... 8,ooo y,oo
Wkeat.bus. Kye, bus .... T.oO'i none
Corn, bus.. SU,uo9 8US.0OO barley, bus.. 8,009 l,0o
Kew York Money aud Stock Market.
New Tons, June 8 btocks steady. Money easy
percent. Gold, 118','. 6-ws, 1WHI, coupons, 111?, ;
do. lses, cp., 1U: uo. IMS, cp Hi',; au. ism,
new, 114.; do. lSoT. 114; da 168, 114V: 104os,
110'V; Virginia Ss, new, 72; Missouri 6s, 9S);Cau.
ton Co., 64; Cumberland preferred, S3; N. V. Cen
tral and Hudson JRiver, ; Krle, ReadlLg,
118; Adams Ki press, 81; Michigan Central.
1V4; Michigan boutbern, 114 V; Illinois Central,
1H6: t)ievlaud aud Pittsburg, l?; Chicago and
Kock Island, 12; Fluauurg and Fort Wajue, ;
MxelutMly U Th Rttninrt TeUarmph.
Specie Shipment.
Saw Francisco, June L The steamskip
Japan, for China aad Japan, carried out 9334,000
in specie aad 1110,000 in merchandise. Gover
nor Ito and suite sailed on her.
Murder of a Chinaman.
The police are eideavorlng to arrest a gang
ef boys who stoned to death an Inoffensive
Chinaman, on Fourth street, yesterday after
noon. Dozens of people witnessed the assault,
and did not Interfere until the marder was com
plete, and no attempt was then made to arrest
the murderers.
Ariaona Advises
of May 26 say there is a report that tht Cachies
band, who were recently routed and driven over
the Mexican line, have returned armed with
Henry rifles and needle-guns, and are commit
ting numerous murders, and that ten men have
been killed aad several wounded.
Exclusively to Th Evening Telegraph.
Ohio Democratic Nominations.
Cincinnati, June 2. The followiug is the
full ticket nominated by the Democratic State
Convention: Governor, Colonel George W.
McCook; Lieutenant-Governor, S. F. Hunt, of
Hamilton; Attorney-General, Mr. Wallace, of
Clark; Auditor, J. R. Cockerell, of Adams;
Treasurer, Dr. Brnehl, of Hamilton; Supreme
Judge, G. W. Geddes, of Richland; Member of
the Beard of Public Works, Arthur Hughes, of
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Another Mining Accident.
Asiilan:b, June 2. An accident occurred in
the mines of G. S. Reppller & Co., Locust Run,
this morning, resulting in the death of one man
named Benjamin Lovell and the severe lnjnry
ef four or five others, several of whom are not
expected to live. The cause of the accident was
an explosion of gas
Exclusively to The Kvenjna Telegraph.
Heavy Robbery.
New Tore, Jane 2. Bartholomew Lees, col
lector of the Mechanics' Banking Association,
was robbed yesterday of about $3000.
The President at Lsng Braneh.
President Grant and family arrived at Long
Branch yesterday.
Exclusively te The Evening Telegraph.
Fatal Result of au Affray.
Baltimore, June 2. Christopher Trautfelter,
shot yesterday by Thomas Goodrich, died at 2
o clock this morning.
The Detailed Meteorological Report for
The following Is the meteorological report of the
Signal Bureau of the War Department for this
mornlDg, all the observations being taken at 7-43
A. M., Philadelphia time. The barometrical reports
are correctea ior temperature ana elevation. The
velocity of the wind Is given in miles per hour,
and the force Is an approximate reduction to the
Beaufort scale:
Place of Obter- cfk g f ."S
Baltimore. 80-28 70 8. 9 V. gent Cleud
Boston 30-11 79 N. 4 Gentle. Fan
Cape May 80-82 SO calm. Cloud
Cheyenne 29-29 47 W. Gentle. Pair
Chicago 29-93 7 ICalm. their
Cincinnati 8 11 (75 8. 8 T. gent. Cloud
Detroit 29-9S 78 S. 6 Gentle. Fair
Indianapolis 89-98 7 8. 8 V. rent. Fair
Key Webt, Fla.. 29-9S 79 K. 17 Brisk. Cloud
Memphis 29-9S 81 S. K. 8, V. gent, Fair'
Mt. W ashington. 30 87 Si S. W. 20 Brisk. Fair
New Orleans.... 29-88 78 N. E. 10 Brisk. Cloud
New York 80 -1 ST S. 11 Btlsk. Cloud
Norfolk 80 18 74 Calm. Fog
Philadelphia 80-22 70 S. Calm. Oloud
Pittsburg 80 16 71 Calm. Cloud
R.Louis 29-971 78 Calm. Fair
Washington 8017j 63 8. 4 Gentle. Oloud
Wilmington, N.C 80181 81 8. W. 10 Brisk. Fair
Criminal Cases.
Court ef Quarter Seetione Judge Finletttr.
John Male pleaded guilty to a charge of ananlt
and battery upon a colored man named Timothy
Cango. Be saw Cango drivlug a wagon In Green
street, and Jumping lato tke wagon pat a living
snake around his aeck, and when such behavior was
resisted be beat OoDge brutally.
John Brown and Ellen bmlth were tried upon the
charge of picking pockets, but there being no evi
dence whatever against them they were acquitted.
William Duffle was put on trial charged with se
creting bis goodswith lnteat to defrasd bii creditors.
The case was a heavy aud dry one, involving a com
plication of accounts. The defense was that he be
came Involved In dltncaltles aud obtained from all
his creditors except the presecutor an agreement of
compromise, by which he agreed to pay fifty cents
on the dollar, and In order to filial his contrast be
disposed of bis property. On trial.
Kvxnino Teteobaph Omoti
Friday, June 8,1871. I
There is no new featnre in our local iuancial
affairs to-day so far. The supply ottering both
on call and time is largely in excess of current
wants, and rates are such as to stimulate the
business demand if anything would. In call
loans there was a lively ineulry, and the busi
ness in this class of transactions is large. Rates
rule irregularly from 3(&5 per cent. Some
paper is ottering, and wbeu considered reliable
is freely taken at 5( 6 per cent, for long and
short dates.
Gold is more active, with considerable specu
lation for a further advance. The New York
sales opened this morning at 112V. advanced to
, and relapsing, closed firm at
Government bonds are in close sympathy with
gold, and prices show an advance of i on the
entire list.
Btocks were very active and higher. Sales of
Pennsylvania 1st series, at 103'; 2d, do., at
10(5, and City 6s, new, at iKlJi for small lots.
Reading Railroad was very active, with sales
at 5SC5lJi, the latter b. o. Pennsylvania
was in demand, aad sold freely at oi;iBj.
Norrletown brought 85; Lehigh Valley, 63;
Northern Central, 41); Minehlll, 54i Cat
w issa, 22; and preferred do., 43.
Canal shares were quiet, with sales of Lehigh
at 284'.
In the balance of the list we notice salei of
Central National Bank at 130; Central Trans
portation at 60; St. Nicholas Coal at 8; and
Chesnut and Walnut Streets Railroad at 51,'.
Neskrs. William Paintes a Co., No. 86 B. Third
Street, report the following quotations: U. B. Ssof
1881, htssSUTx ; s-sos of lbsa, iuiuk ; do, iss.
invalids oo. isa. mvm; no., July, isos
114114: do., July, 1M7, IUVmSUsV; do. July;
1848,U4(Sn,liil0-4O, 110(8)110,. V. b. PaCUlQ
R. R. Currency ss, 11BXUBX. Gold, WXMX.
Market strong.
Messrs. De Haven a Beotster, No. 40 Benta.
Third street, rhiladelphla, report the followtBt
qnotatlons: u. I. ss of lssi, ininv: do. lssa,
1UV9118; da 184. ill 4112; do. lata, IHV14
119 : do. 1886, nW, ll4SU41i 5 do, lT, do. U4V.
MS I JlM.n4ll4X 5 NMoMlOfrllO. U
8. 80 Tsar r conk Currency, 116Sll8t Bold,
119 V 1UM1 Silver, l97eiox: Union radio Rail
road 1st Mort. Bonds, I'iwass; Central Paelna
Railroad. 1S2V108; Union PMlit Land Grant
Vends, 84i84X.
Narr a Ladner, Brokers, report this moraine
f old quotations as follows:
O-OO A. M 118!;ll-S0 A MV J12V
10-22 1191 illSl nsS
1085 " llSit-lll-44
11-00 118'
eo , . e
Reported by Do Haven I ro.. No. 40 B.Third street.'
f200Penna 10-18.. 11
24shRca4utKR... PflV
150 city , New.
.... 9T
firOO W114RK 1st. 95
si Pass, 1 SO 18
J100SC A'ts 88... 94
(10000 He N Imp.... 94
'20O9 Am Bold. . .tf .118
SSOOoCh N S, 82.. 81
1500 Lab R L 92tf
tiooo Morris Cl... ll
IS sh Cent Nat Bk. 180
45 sh Cent Trans. . . 4!
67 do 60
64ShNomst'aR... 85
SshLehValR.... 62 X
100 sh Cata Prf..b. 49
IS do c. 69
80 do 0.69 1-M
To do., t iu
1 do D39. 6W
31 sh renna ,.... 61 u
. allot. 61
OU. ss
...b30. 63
. ...85. 63
...W0. 63
shN CentR.... 41
84 sh Mlnehill R.. 64
Wo are farntohsd, by the petlteasM of Hon,
Jsmss rollosk. Direster, wlh the following statement
of the eelaaga of the U. 8. Mint for tho month or
May, 1871:
Cold deposits . 294,042-6I
Silver deposits aad sarshises 841,136-72
Total doposrta. : $535,179-3 EXECUTE.
HmominaHa. jw, mf Hit, Vain.
Fine Bars.. M , 127,445-89
1139,800 -W
171,850 -99
1 10,536 -M
Dollars. l9.s0
Half-dollars 642,7
Qtiarter Dollars 45,173
U air Dimes - 6,tt
Fine Bars.... ....
Total.. 63S.6T1
Taree-ocnt Pieaes 131,6o
Totals 131,W
One-cent Pleses. 919.M
Two-sent Pieces 74,H
Total 994,6
Gold Bars ....
Silver Collage 38,673
Bars ....
Base Coinage 1,115,69
Total No. Of Ptoses . . . . 1,649, 179
Philadelphia Trade Report.
Friday, June 8. Cloverseed Is dull, with small"
sales at Sfcsjtfc. per lb. ; Timothy Is nominal. Flax
seed Is wanted by tho oroshersat 13-25.
Bark-Holders ask ts for No. 1 Quercitron with
out finding bnyers.
The Flour market la without special change, the
demand being conlaed to tho wants of the home
consumers, whose purchases foot np 89 barrels. ln
eluding superfine at fs-25(i5-60; extras at isWj.,
6 87: lowa and Wisconsin extra family at IS Mel
6-76; Minnesota do. do. $77'26; Pennsylvania do.
do., at 6-256-75; Indiana and Ohio do. do., at
77 6 ; and fancy bran s at 7-75g9, as in suallty.
AIbo, 7S0 barrels Western on secret terms. Rye
F.out may be quoted at $5 873. m corn Meal
nothing doing. .
Tnei e is very little prime Wheat offering and this
the only description for whieh there is any Inquiry.
Sales of 1000 bushels ladiaaa redattl5gl-3; 40
bushels Ohio do. at 11-66; 1604 bushels Western do.
to go out of the market, on secret terras, and 80
bushels Iowa amber at a secret price. Rye is held
at $l-l'i81-16 for Pennsylvania and Western aad $1-05
1-1 for Southern. Corn Is very dull at the recent
decline. Kales af ie bushels at T475e. for yellow
and 730. for Western high mixed. Oats are firm
but quiet ; 8700 bushels Western sold at 680.
Whisky Is weak, w quote Western Iron-bound
at 4c.
8 A. M. 67 1 11 A.M.......T4 1 9 P, M...69
Sum rises. 4-33 I Moow Sets. ......... 4-
Sen Sets 7-82 Hiost water o- 1
(fy Cable.) "
London, Jane 8. steamship The Queen, from
New 1 ork, touched at Queenatown last e venlng.
Bark Venus, Puray, Klslnoro for orders, Workma
fe i.'Oe
Schr Joseph Maxfletd, May, BoBttn, Day, Haddell
5t Co
N. f. ship Moltke, Schaffer, 17 days from Trinl.
dad, with sagar te 8. W. welsh.
Steamship Rattlesnake, Winnett, 48 hours from
Boston, in ballast to T. M. Richards.
Steamer W. C. Plerrepont, Shropshire, 84 hour
from New York, witn mdse. to W. M. Balrd Co.
ateaKer H. L. 6a w, Her, 13 hours froas Balti
more, with mdse. and passengers to A. Oreves, it.
Brig Mansen, Gllkey, 6 days from Cardenas, with
molasses to U. W. Bartol.
Brig A dele MsLeen, Monroe, 7 days from Car
denas, with sugar aad molasses to Duncan A Poey
vessel to Warren A Gregg.
Brig Sagttta, Behrens, from Laguayra May 3. with
cenee to John Dallstt a Co.
Scbr Joseph P. Cummlngs, Hubbard, 8 days from
Fall River, with mdse. to Haslam, Wlekershass A Co.
Schr Rebecca, Jones, 6 days from Nantlcoke
River, with lumber to John L, Redner.
Schr Stampede, Whit more, ( davs from Ellsworth,
Me., with lumber to Benton k, Sro. vessel to Len
nox A Burgess.
Schr Mary K. Simmons, Gandy, from Richmond,
With granite to Richmond Granite Co.
Schr R. H. Shannon, Bilks, from Boston.
Schr Hamburg, Wescott, from Norwich.
Schr John McAdam, Wlllard, from Fall River.
Schr Hannah Little, Crawford, from New York.
Steamer Juniata, Uexiu, from New Orleans for
Philadelphia, sailed from Havana 6 P. &T. sut ult.
Steamer 1 azoo, Catharine, hence for New Orleans,
arrived at Havana 81st nit.
Correspondence of The Kveniw Tcleoraph,
New York offick, June l. Tho following
barges leave In tow to-night for Baltimore, light:
W. T. Hamilton, M. A. Brady, Thomas aud Mat
thew, Maggie, Goveraer Seymour, O. J. Jennings,
Ahwaga, (ieerge J. Waguer, Ocean. Somerset, S.
M. Hildieth, aud Warren.
O. J. lllll, with guano, for Camden.
General Lyoa, with salt. Ior Treuton.
Baltimore Branch Office, June 1. The follow,
leg barges left In tow last night, eastward :
II. Campbell, Frank Wart, Harvest Moon, M. F.
Hannigau, Maryland, D. Jones, Joseph Carley, and
The following left at nosn te-diy:-
Amelis, R. Adams, T. Shoemaker, Jacob Stronff.
W. J. Forward. S. UumneU, H. L. Wllgus, Consti
tution. K. W. KlEg, and Cory Hunt, all with coal, for
lew York.
Philadelphia Branch office. Junna wn.
June 1, wind all day ranging from E. to B. N. K. ;
uuiiug iu, ui(Mb iwuug arouuu to w. ny a. and M.
W.; June 8, 4 A. M., foggy aad calm on the river.
Report this A. M. from Cbesaneake Bat Yarr-
day evening and night light wind from the east,
warm. Barometer: Stationary when reported yes
day ; June 8, 80 19-6 until this morning ; teoeded to
80 160, T A. M. L. S. C
Special Despatch to The Evening Telertraoh.
11 AVUI-bK-tlUiTS. JUlia a Tho'tnllnini. kA.u
leave In tow to-day :
U-. W. Larmour and Two Brothers, with lumber ta
Watson Maien a Son.
Colonel J. Rohrer, with lumber to Saylor, Day A
Chas. R. McOonkey, witn lumber to J. W. Smalta,
R. Woolverton, with lumber to George Craig.
Media, with poplar wood, lor Manayuu. J. fL,