THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1871. 5 YFOEK OF THE LAST LEGISLATURE. General Iw Appravecl. Vom Our Own Crrponlmt. Uarbisbcro, Jane 1. The followlBjj is a complete list of tbo gene ral legislation of the Pennsylvania Legislature for the session of 1871 bills approved, bills Tetoed, and bills held for signature: BILLS APPBOVBD. filiate, 63. A farther supplement to an act esta rfllshlng a health office, and to seenre the city of I'hlladelphla from tbe Introduction or pestilential and contagious diseases, and for other purposes, approved sth January, 1819, fixing the salary of the lazaretto Physician at fisio, and the Quarantine Master at taoeo; no fees to be received. Senate, 152. An act to declare the meaning of an ot compelling railroad and other corporations to pay counsel fees in certain canes, approved May 3, 1866; that said corporations shall only be liable to jiay plaint III 'a counsel fees in case they have con tested validity of bonds, for recovery of Interest on which suit has been brought, aod such validity baa been established by court of competent Jurisdiction. House, An act relating to non-used and aban doned franchises of turnpike, plank road, canal and alack water navigation companies, or publto high ways, providing what shall constitute evidence of abandonment. (Their non-uso for five years or more ) Senate, 862. A farther supplement to the act or April 9, lb'M, regulating the public pnntlbg and binding. benate, 864. An act to allow the Improvement of creeks and rivulew, (vesting exclusive right In lm provements In persons making them, on streams not now public highways. This act applies only to tribu taries of the West Branch of the Susquehanna.) Senate, mm. An act for the protection of salmon, black bass, and other food llshes newly Introduced or to be introduced into the rivers Delaware and Susquehanna and their tributaries; for the protec tion also of closes against unlawful fishing, and to prevent the introduction if predatory Unties Into trant streams and for other general purposes. Hons?, liss. An act to provide for the purchase of e Ure-proof safe for the use of the Prothonotary of the Supreme Court for the Middle district (appro priating $rno.) Seaate, 9a. An act to extend the provislens of the aot of March 87. 1S67, entitled an act to enlarge the junsiiictlou oi the Courts of Common Pleas of this coniiuonwt alth relative to the granting of charters of Incorpointion, and conilrmlng those heretofore granted ; extending said power so far as relates to leer park associations and associations for the pro pagation of game and fish. Senate, lr. A further supplement to aa act en titled a further supplement to au act entitled an act relating to Orphans' Courts, passed the mil day or March, 1832, and the supplement passed 14th of April, 1835, and the farther supplement passed 14th of April, 1840, providing that minor devisees, lega tees, or distributees residing out or the State may have their estates paid their guardians out of the titate by the guardians, etc., In this State. Senate, 1514. An act to prevent frequent changes In school-books (confining such changes to every three years). Senate, 829. An act relative to the chartering of mutual fire insurance companies (extending this power to the courts. Senate, 7u4. An act to fix the number ef Senators and Representatives, and to lorru the Statu into dis tricts, In pursuance of the provisions or the Consti tution. ( This bill became a law by limitation, with out the Governor s signature.) Senate, ICC. An act to continue In force the fonrth section of an act approved April 2, 1859, entitled an act extending to canal companies the privileges heretofore conferred on ral road companies, and to authorize them to deepen and improve their canals and provide Improved facilities for transporting pro perty, (so far as relates to canals situate on the Sus quehanna river, and the tributaries and canals con nected directly therewith.) Senate, 472. An act to authorize the Courts of Common Pleas of this Commonwealth to authorize school directors to borrow money. House, itii. A further supplement to an act for the organization, olsclpline, and regulation of the mi litia of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ap proved May 4, 18S4. (increasing tbe number of brigades in Philadelphia from four to five). House, 1152. An act in relation to tho allotment of prisoners to the Eastern and Western Penitentiaries (transferring those from Cameron, Potter, (JUnton, Cestre, Minim, Juniata, and Fulton from the East ern to the Western Penitentiary). Senate, 154. An act prescribing the fees for the Office of Secretary of the Commonwealth. Senate, 73. a supplement to an act providing for the taking of game (exempting from the penalties of the sixth section of the act of 18ti9 persons taking at any season speckled brook trout from streams pass leg through their property to place In artlUolal ponds). This act is also retrospective. Senate, 90. A supplement to an act to consolidate, revise, and amend the laws of this Commonwealth relating to penal proceedings and pleadings, ap proved March 81, I860 (making it unnecessary in In dictments for Involuntary manslaughter to set forth the manner In which, or the means by which, death was caused). Senate, 406. An act to correct a clerical error in a enpplemeLt to the act providing for the taking of panie, approved the 1st day of April, 1SC9, which supplement was approved April B, 1870. benate, 423. A further supplement to an act to In corporate and endow the Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, approved February 8, 1821 (authorizing a removal of the location outside the limits of Philadelphia and extending the term of Kmmonwealth pupils to 8 years). Senate, 24T. A supplement to the act of April 4, 1669, relative to the formation and regulation of railroad companies (authorizing any three persons who shall be stockholders to construct, own, and operate S miles of railway). Senate, 024. An act fixing the compensation of law judges of the Commonwealth for holding spe cial courts (f 12 per day). Senate, 132. A supplement to an act to enable railroad, canal, ana slackwater navigation com panies to straighten, widen, deepen, and otherwise Improve their lines of railroads, canals, and slack water navigation, and the bridges, aqueducts, piers, and structures thereof, approved the 17th day of March, 18a (extending to said corporations, in addi tion, the powers of the 2d and 3d sections of the act Of April 9, 1SW, entitled a supplement to aa act en titled an act regulating railroad companies, ap proved 19th February, 1849, and the 1st section of the act of April 7, 1855, entitled an act extending the right of trial by jury to certain caes). benate, 1219. An act relating to leases or contracts for the use of canals or other navigation works by railroad companies (extending the act of 1S70, autho rizing railroad companies to lease or become lessees and to make contracts with other railroad compa nies, to canal and railroad companies). House, 1074. An act to extend the time for paying Certain enrolment taxes. Senate, 1493. An act to regulate the sale of clams and ovsters (prohibiting their bringing into Fhlladel hia in Julv or Anirust of ever? vear. uuder flue of tioo and imprisonment for six months, and requiring ttn annual license of .oo irom loreigo vendors). House, lo73. An act to authorize turnpike and plank road companies to surrender their corporate franchises. Senate. 428. An act changing the terms of the Supreme Court for the Western and Northern dis tricts (in tbe Western te the first Monday of Octo ber, to continue eight weeks; in the Northern to the first Monday of September). House, 1154. A further supplement to an act di recting the entry of Ileus lor the principal and in terest due the Commonwealth (or lands held by Virtue of location or other oillce titles, approved May 20, ISCi giving the Hoard of Property full aud discretionary power as to the time of bringing suit or salts). Senate, 1252. An act relating to companies Incor porated uuder the general mining laws of this com monwealth (extending to ttiew the act of 1867 authorizing oil companies to reduce their capital stock. Dnectors of mining and quarrying compa nies shall not have power to sell, convey, or lease, without written consent of stockholders owning a majority of the stock). Senate, 694. An act for the collection of mineral statistics (requiring railroad, cana', and mining com panies to make annual reports under oath to the Auditor-General of all coal aud coke shipped from each station or mined at their works). Senate, 434. An act for the redrainlngof wet and swampy lands (giving courts power to appoint three Viewers on application contiguous owners. ) Senate, 1259. An act to center additional powers of amedament upon the courts of this Common wealth. , . House, 2080. An act relative to the opinions of the Supreme Court (obliging the judges to gire their pinions in writing, and hie tnein of record upon every pclnt on which a judgment of reversal shall te entered, anl in such other caea as a majority of the judges shall deem Importaut.) House, &4& a supplement to an act to revise, amend, and consolidate the laws taxing corpora tions, brokers, aud bankers, approved May 1, 13M (exempting loan and building aaswetatioLs from the 15th Bectlou.) Senate, 873. An act exempting members of the national Guard of Pennsylvania from Jury service. Senate, 1258. An act relative to actions of replevin (providing that In ail actions of replevin now pend lug or hereafter brought to recover timber, lumber, coal, or other property severed from realty, the pialutlrt shall be entitled to recover, notwithstand ing the (act that the title to the land from which said property was severed may be in dispute, pro vided the plaiutlif shows title in himself at the time m severance). Senate. t49. A supplement to an act relating to abslirnees for the bene lit of creditors and other trustees, approved June 14, Ui (authorizing trus tees, guardians, executors or administrators to exe. cute their trusts, whether residcul la tin) county where the trust was created or decedent resided, or net). Hons, il. A further supplement to an act relat ing to eaec.utoTH and administrators, approved 84th Febraary, 18S4 (providing that whenever any per ianal property, or the increase, profits, or dtvldeads thereof, shall be bequeathe for life er a term of years, or ether limited period, or npon condition or contingency, the executor, administrator, or trus tees nnder such will shall deliver said property te persons entitled thereto npon such person giving security In the proper Orphans' Oonrt in such form and amount as the court deem will sufficiently secure persons titled m remainder femt aU to bind her separate estate by any obligation as secu rity). House, loos. An act relating to certain railroads, canal, and incorporated companies authorized to construct railroads (authorizing such companies to psrehase and hold stock and bonds, to lease roads and property of, and consolidate with each othor In the counties of Susquehanna, Wyoming, Wayne, and Lnzorne). Senate, 1963. An act relative to the duties charged npon sales of foreign merchandise by auctioneers (reducing the same to that charged on American merchandise. Commission licenses shall be: 1st class, f3no: 2d class, tiOOO; 8d class, f 1250 ; 4th class, $76t; Mb. class, two). House, 2190. An act to prohibit the sale or aca demic degrees. Senate, 4S9. An act relating to State roads, giving courts power to fix their width. Benate, 1491. An set to authorize the liquidation of damages sustained by citizens of Pennsylvania during the late ;Hebclllon. (This bill authorizes a careful revision of the border raid claims, certificates of Indebtedness net subject to payment in or In terest by the Slate, and a demand by the (Governor upon the GeneralGoversment for their liquidation.) House, 2023. An act relating to the assessment of seated lands where county lands divide (the assess ment to be In the county In which the mansion-house is situate. This applies only to Cumberland and Franklin.) Senate, MS. A further supplment to an act relat ing to Oiphans' Courts, approved the 29ih day of March, 18!2 (regulating the sale or real estate by executors.'adaiiiistrstois, and trustees). benate, 149. Joint resolution directing the Attorney-General to cause to be Issued a writ of Hire acian against the Erie Railway Company. Senate, 1386. Joint resolution authorizing addi tional compensation to the members and olllcers of the present Legislature. House, 138i. Joint resolution in relation to the distribution of "SmuH's Le gislative Haid-Book." benate, 1268. Joint, resolution to pay certain ex Tenses of the Finance Committee of the Senate (on their visit to the Danville Asylum.) Senate, 1231. Joint resolution providing for the payment of the Sergcant-at-Arnis anil witnesses in attendance upon the General Judiciary Committee of the Senate, charged with an Investigation of the amount of tolls charged by certain railroads in the mining regions or the State, and also for the pay ment of the expenses of the House Select Committee to visit the harbor of Erie, and the House Committee of Ways and Means In 'visiting Danville Hospital. (Expenses of two last-named committees $1000; ether Indefinite.) Senate, 530. Joint resolution to authorize the print ing or the report or the Fish Commissioners (3000). Senate, 1151. Joint resolution requesting the Se nate and General Assembly or the state or New Jer sey to repeal the seventh section or an act for the preservation of clams and oysters, approved April 14, 1840. Senate, r67. Joint resolution to pay the expenses or the sub-committee or tne Legislature to woom was referred the report of the Civil Code Commis sioners (1509 to each member). Senate, 70S. Joint resolution requesting our Sena tors and Representatives in Congress to vote for additional legislation protecting emigrants to this country. Senate, B?i9. Joint resolution relative to a centen nial celebration at Philadelphia (appointing legisla tive commb tees). House, 834. Joint resolution providing for the pay ment of John u. Davis, eierk in tne contested elec tlon case of Steele vs. Putney (J300). Senate, 410. Joint resolution relative to the grant Ingot land subsidies by the General Government opposing any such grants to railroads. tsenaie, i4ii. joint resolution relative to tne pub lication or the seventh volume of the "Transactions of the State Aurlcultural Society House, 631. Kesolution to pay the salary and mile age of Joseph A. Catapuell, late a member of the Legislature, to his widow, and of W. W. Watt, late a benator, to ins widow (ivoo each, ana mileage). House. 828. joint resolution auinonzing tne pav meet or the clerk in the contested election case of Price vs. Lvud (8300). House, loo. Joint resolution providing for the pay of extra clerical force in the Surveyor-General's office (three clerks at juoo each.) Senate. 108. Joint resolution to instruct oar ena. tors and request our Representatives in Congress to ODDOse tne passage oi liieoui to bcu ana iransier the Allegheny Arsenal at Pittsburg Senate, 13. Joint resolution urging upomjongreas the speedy passage of the bill now before It giving soldiers of the late war, tneir widows ana orpnans, t he riffht to locate and perfect title to 160 acres of Government land without occupancy. Senate. 12. Joint resolution memorializing Con cress In referenoe to the removal or obstructions in the Ohio river. House. 1. Joint resolution extending the time for the report of the Civil Code Commission (to the 1st of February, 1871). The General Appropriation Bill. ITEMS. Governor tm Secretary of the Commonwealth 3,500 Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth 2,250 Auditor-General 3,000 Surveyor-General 2.600 Attorney-General 3,500 AdjutHUt-General 2,500 State Treasurer 6,0 )0 Sunerlntendent of Common Schools M 2,500 State Librarian 1,200 Assistant 900 Superintendent of Public Printing l.coo Governor's Private Secretary 2,ooo Governor's Messenger 900 Governor's postage, telegrams, stationery, etc, 2,OoO 8HCBBTABY COMMONWEALTH'S OFFICE, Chief Clerk 81.S00 Seven other clerks, at JUuO each 9,)Q Messenger and Extra 1,100 Postage, telegrams, freight, etc 2, 000 Extra cleik 1,600 Blank books 150 Stationery oo Fuel lo Cleaning offices 125 Miscellaneous Duo AUDITOB-flKNKBAL'S OFFICE. Chief Clerk 1.R00 Corporation Clerk 1,800 Nine other clerks, 1400 each 12,000 Messenger 909 Might W atchman 900 Pobtage and telegrams 7 00 Stationery 600 Fuel 100 Miscellaneous 100 Cleaning 76 LAND DEPAbTMENT. Chief Clerk 1.K00 Thirteen other clerks at juoo eacn 17,200 Messenger 900 Postage 700 Stationery aud blank books 600 1 issuing otllce and miscellaneous Jro uel 100 A TTOHNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Deputy 1,800 Messenger 900 Contingent expenses 600 fcTATE THEASUKEB, Chief Clerk 1.SS0 Three other clerks, at 1 1400 each 4,20 J Messenger 900 Mght watenman voo Postage and telegrams 800 Express charges 100 Fuel 75 Miscellaneous and Cleuuiug 160 ADJUTANT tiHNEBAL'S OFFICE. Chief Clerk l,RO0 Two other clerks, at fieoueacn 2,soo Miscellaneous, pottage, etc 700 Messenger 900 Ulank books 60 Stationery 800 Cleaning ana repairs nu Six men at Arsenal 4,2'H) Coal, lumber, hardware, etc 1,000 Keeper 01 Arsenal 1,400 Freight charges, eto l.uoo Henry ltitner, services 44 pensions and gratuities 100,00.1 COMMON SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Deputy Superintendent 1,800 Three other clerks, at f 1400 each t.-joo Expenses of principals of Normal schools. 250 FngravlDg and printing warrants 17a MtsseDgers 900 Stationery and blank books 8H) Postage, telegrams, and express 1,000 Cleansing and miscellaneous 800 Parking aud distributing blanks, eto 1,000 Publishing and sending official decisions... 2,200 Travelling expenses 6t0 Common schools... C50,0o0 Judges bupreme Court, at $7000 each 8ou0 J udties of Philadelphia, at 5ooo each 45,000 Judues of Allegheny, at 15000 each 25,ooU Judges of Twelfth district 6,000 Jui uea President sua law Associate, at I4000 each 130,000 Judues Associate 6.000 Interest ou funded debt..... I,7o,oo0 Public printing to,ooo Packing snd dlstiibut'ng laws and Journal. 1,300 Hfsinent Clerk, postage ana express at. re cess 1,000 Chief Clerk, Senate, postage and express at recess.. 800 Harrlsburg, for water lt0 Gas Deaf and Dumb Institution 60,590 Pennsylvania Blind Institution. S3.0;K "Western Insane Asylum B3.0ti0 HarrtsbuTg insane Asylum 70,000 Danville Insane Asvlum 850,000 j-ennsyivsnia Training nenooi jii.oiki Philadelphia House of Refuge. 87,5i0 Western House or Refuge 20,000 Bnstern Eupcrlmental Farm 2,000 Chaplain Senate 809 Cliapiatu bouse 89 parrisburg F ire Companies (7) 700 Fastern Penitentiary Mr,1 Western Penitentiary 2J.3W board ok rrni.ic cuabitiks. Genrral Agent and Seciotary 3,000 Postage, telegrams, and express. 200 Fuel and cleaning 800 Stationery loo Travelling, etc 1,000 STATS MBHAKY. Repairs to gas fixtures 100 Additional alcoves 2,000 painting 993 Moving books and relaying carpets sou Plastering and altering 220 Miscellaneous booki 1,001 Lawbooks 4, .v0 Supreme Court reports oo Prrlght, etc 4io Marking books 100 State Historian's Dctartment 9 H) Snpt. Public HuildlDgi and grounds 1,400 Three watchmen 2 7W Kepalrs, etc 7,909 Painting Cspitoi 1,500 Seats for grounds l.fion Painting land Department 600 ilacadamlzlsg walks ; 600 Executive Chamber, new furniture 1,000 r.xeceuve jviansien, ne w furniture it,oi.".i v indlng and oiling Capitol clock 125 Soldiers' orphans 620,000 rror. Kieia. Jacksonville 6.000 Pror. alker. OranifevIKe 5.0o Executing corporation laws 1,000 Isoithern Home, Philadelphia B.onn tiarrisuurg lioroe ,Nt. Joseph s orphan Asv am. Er e 2 000 Home ror Little Wanderers 8.000 1 nlon School and Home, l'hila 2.000 j-owuer magazine, rnna., repairs 800 Soldiers' Home, Phlla 2,000 Lnrialativt Journal, f 14 per page Hon. David Perrickson. 6,000 Hon. M. W. Hall 6,500 omeisdorr orphans' Home 8,ooo Military claims 40,000 Lucius Rogers, olerk Luzerne county riots Orthopedic Hospital, Phlla 10,000 .rioa. .urns .Lewis, commissioner on renal Code In 1858 1.600 Hahnemann Medical Hospital 6.000 Wliksbarre Home. n.ouo Antletam National Cemetery 6,000 itemovai 01 uonrederate dead from Penn sylvania 8,000 Treasury Department naintinir and reDalrs. 400 rnson tiociety, rnuuaeipnia is.uuo Philadelphia Centennial Celebration 6.000 cnamnersburg damages (certlilcates to be issued, the State navlnir the Interest! 30P.OOO Repairs In ante-rooms of Capitol o jo itrie jMiinne Hospital committee (each) 300 Kothermel s piutore (time of delivery post poned till 4i!d February next.) 6.000 Bills Vetoed. March 21. Senate. 281. An act to reneal the sup plement, approved April 7, 1870, to the act entitle! "an act relating to executions." approved Juneie. 1f3fi, so raras the sarao relates to tho Muncy Creek iiHiiroaa company. way 23. penatc, 2002. An act supplementary to an act relative to the election or Judges. Bills Held for Approval Slay 30. IIourc, B8T4. An act relating to the aaaeRament of aau.ngc-s for the appropriation ef land for public use. Senate, 2249. An act to authorize married women owning capital stock of any railroad company to sell ana transfer tne same. Senate. 1393. An act to promote industrial partner- snips. benate, 2212. An aot reiatinir to leirai proceedings by or against corporations (authorizing courts to in vestigate rights of corporations on complaint or injury, and to prescribe modes or railroad cross ings). .senate, 33. A supplement to an act approved April 9, 1SC7, entitled a further supplement to an set for the regulation and continuance of a system 01 education by common schools, autuorizing a city or borough superintendent in every city or borough 01 iieo innauiianis. Senate, 974. An act providing for tho entry of certain proceedings (In lunacy, etc.) on the judg ment Indexes of the several courts of this Common wealth. benate, 19R9. An act in relation to binding by trustees of the Home for FrlendlesB and Destitute Children of tbe city of Wilmingtou, State ef Dela ware. Senate, 2223. Joint resolution proposing an amend ment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania (making the state Treasurer elective). This bill will be Birred on the Governor's return. benate, bsB. A supplement to an act relating to the jurisdiction and powers of Courts, approved June AVf ICHIWi I St 1 W .1 il Senate, 213. An act for the further regulation of Dorougus tine cumulative voting unii. benate, nw. An act relating to tne distribution of msneys raised by sberlilV sales (giving courts distribution, notwithstanding proceeds have not been paid into court). House, 072. supplement to an act ror araining swanipv and wet lands, approved April r, 1870. (Giving courts power to charter, name and fix time and place of first meeting of associations for drain ing. The corporations thus formed shall have power to make assessments, me eighth section of the act or is.u is nerecy repeaiea.) House. 1137. A further supplement to an act enti tled an act to prevent waste in certain cwet in this Commonwealth, approved 29th March, 1SJ2. House. 60S. An act amendatory to an act lor tne punishment of cruelty to animals la this Common wealth, approved March 29, lsti9 (repealing the pro vision giving one-half or the nne to tne luiormer. and paying an ones to tne rennsyivania society tor the Prevention ef cruelty to Animals). House, 59. An act to authorize a popular vote upon the (inestlon of calling a convention to amend the Constitution of Pennsylvania. (OI course this bill Will be signed.) liouse. 23U. Aa bci repealing an act euutiea an act repealing an act regalutlug tho inspection of fish, and to prevent fraud in vending the same. liouse. 1768. a supplement to au act relating to changes or venne, approved the 2bth or April,: 1S70 (providing that in suits y or against corpoiaiious removed to an adjacent county nnder tho act or Into, the costs and expenses thereof shall be paid by the ccunty in which the action was Qrsc brought.) souse, Mi An act to repeal an act lor me protec tion 01 coiiuiigeiit luieicDia. .iipnuvcu fvpiu n, 1S09. Honsc. "S3. An act to repeal the act or April 29, 1844, so far as It imposes a tax or two per centum on every dollar or salary ana emoluments 01 persons homing public office, or offices held under corpora tions, trades, occupations, ana professions. House, W3. An act to repeal the fifteenth section or a lurtlier supplement to the act relative to elec tions In this Commonwealth. Approved April 17, ISC. (Kestorins the spnn elections.) Senate, 1366. An act authorizing the Governor to procure flags or standards for the regiments of the Nationnl Guard of Pennsylvania Senatf , fctiO. An act relating to clandestine mar riages (punching .clergymen for knowingly and wilfully mairylLg persons not entitled to that riuiin. Senate 1499 A supplement to the act for the pre servation 01 tne records 01 tne inspectors ot coai mines In the mining districts or HchuyiKlll aud Lu zerne, embracing the anthracite coul regions of Pennsylvania, approved April 6, 1870 (obliging the State Treasurer to pay two hundred dollars to the clerk of the Schuylkill district for orrice expenses annually, for the preservation of plans, maps, and surveys of Schuylkt.1, jSorthumbcriamt, Columbia, and Dauphin, ana records or aestns, etc ) C I T Y ITEM S. St. James Hotel, liofTON. If oar friends will kindly Inform us, etthei" by telegram or by letter, of their Intended arrival, we shall be better prepared lor their comfort. The reputation of this new aud elegant establishment is such as to require no com menu Transient board Font Dollars per day. Proprietor St. James Hotel, Boston. Bcbnitt's Cocoaine A perfect hair-dressing. Ma. William W, CAB81DT, the Jeweller at Ho. 8 South Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks of all kinds of Jewelry and Silver ware in the city. He has also on hand a One assort ment of One American Western Watches. Those Who ourchaso at this store at the present time are certain to get the worth of their money. BBFHlUKUATOHa, Cedar Moth Chests, Bnamelled-lined Coolers, Cooler Stands, a large assortment, wholesale and retail, No. 820 Dock street, below Wluut. BcKKSTT'i Kalustoh The best cosmetic. W a tS b Qd dsim No. 904 CHESTNUT STREET. FRESH mmii EMTTOGS. WHITE RED CHECK, STYLES. 50 PIECES FRENCH AXMINSTER, F. A. HOYT EE3'S FINE MAD E TO ALSO, LADIES' RIDING HABITS. BOYS' CLOTHING CORNER TENTH AMD CIIESNUT STS. (ASSEMBLY EUILDTNG), PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND BUROLARPROOF SAFES FIRE-PROOF SAFES, SANDORN'8 PATENT , Burglar-Proof Safes, Of Welded Steel and Iron, MADE DY AtVsERBCAfJ STEAM SAFE CO. No. 32 3. FOURTH Qt. E. W. THOMAS. 8 1 stnthcmrp CLOVES, QVEKSTOCKED WITH KID GLOYES. Overstocked we wiia &.ia itioves. Overstocked Overstocked Overstocked Overstocked have With Kid Gloves. by our Kid Gloves With Kid Wloves. With Kid Gloves With Kid Gloves arriving too late and THIS WEEK RECEIVING TWO INVOICES, whlcn were one month late. THEREFORE WE ARE LAKUELY OVERSTOCKED at This BC&8011 WITH GENUINE JOUV1N KID GLOVES and will for 80 days will for 80 days will for 80 days sell them at fl-70 A PAIR. 11-70 A PAIR. fl-70 A PAIR. ONLY One Dollar and Seventy Cents a Pair. One Dollar and Seventy Cents a Pair. One Dollar and Seventy Cents a Pair. All sizes, from b to 8. A. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, No. 23 NORTH EIGHTH STKEKT AND No. 908 CIIESNUT STREET. P. P. Some Kid Gloves, only slightly soiled from brlDg in the show window, at C0 cents less than tne umitU prices. is 21 tuihst HOSIERY. COOK & BROTHER, Flo. 53 II. EIGHTH Qtroat, TBADE-MABK. TRi.DE-MXHK.1 RETAILEK8 a OF HOSIERY GOODS Exclusively of their own importation. Just received, by steamer City of Antwerp, ONE CASS Balbriggan Hosiery Goods EXTRA QUALITIES, AT LOW PRICES. 8 88 tuth 8mrp $30,000, Ri pao,, 110,000, tiwoo, and im) to invest upon mortgage. A., No. 61 North SIXIU btreei 5 30Ef OENS AHD FAfdCY & BR0. CLOTHING ORDER. -A. SPECIALTY. GROCERIES. ETO. WILLIAM KELLEY, TWELFTH AND GIIIAKD AVENUE. LA TOUR OLIVE OIL, A fresh Invoice Just imported. Daifls' Diamond Cincinnati Hams. Louisville Sugar-cured llama. Mlcheners' Star natnB. Bowers St Co. City-cured Hams. Smoked Beef and Beef Tongues. St. Louis white Wheat Family Flour. Families residing In Germantown, by mailing their orders, can have their goods carefully put up, and delivered dally, at the lowest rates. WILLIAM KGLLEY, N. W. Corner TWELFTH Street and GI&AIID Avenue, 11 1 ta? PHILADELPHIA. ESTABLISHED 1800. Cousty's Ea&t End Grocery. EXTRA QUALITY SPANISH QUEEN OLIVES, by the barrel, keg, or gallon. LONDON BROWN STOUT AND SCOTCH ALB by the cask or dozen. Goods delivered free of charge to Germantown, Cbesnnt Hill, West Philadelphia, and Caibden. Orders solicited at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South IECONU St., 8 2thsturp9 Below Chesnut, West Side. NEW CROP TEAS. CHOICE OOLONGS, ENGLISH BREAKFAST, JAPANESE, QOOD OOLONGS, very lev by the box or chest, at JAMES It. WEBD'8, & E. CORNER OP 4 SO thstnSmrp WALNUT and EIGHTH Sts. team. corriiiiH. Imported aud Domestic Groceries. A. JT. ISi CAM!, FINE GROOER, K. V. Corner CIIESNUT and SECOND Sts., 413thsm3ra PHILADRLPHIA. JArJlESP.VyOOD &CO., No. 418, FOURTH STUUGX. Steam and Ilot-wnter Heating, with Ciold'. Patent Cant Irou Apparatus. Architects, Builders and others desiring buildings heated with steam or hot water should not fail to examine this apparatus, which is superior to all the Imitations otlered for sale. Our caanron Radiators are adapted to high as wen as low-pressure steam Steain-niting in all Its branches done at the Shortest cotke. Particular attention pafd to ventilation. B. M. KKLTWRLL, Superintendent. ' WOOD'S AMERICAN KITCHENER, on the European principle, of neat and durable con Btruettou, suitable for public institutions, hotels, and private residences, iiaviue powerful water backs, and Its cooking and bakiag qualities cauuot be Furpafcfced. Also, WOOD'S PARIS RANGE, of a new and beautiful design, a superior Cooking and liakiug Iianpe, and the best construction for heKting purposes jet oilered lor sale, bole Agents for the sale of GRIFFITH'S PATENT ARCHIMEDEAN VENTILATORS, for ventilation, and a sure cure for smoky chimneys. BALTIMORE FIRE-PLACE HEATERS. The latest Improvements, and the best In the market. JAIt 1. wood as 6 Stuth 2C,rp No. 11 S. FOURTH St. Savery's Patent Combined Vt utr Cooler and REFRICCfl ATOfl lias pioved Use I U be superior to any in the market. Call and ex. iiiiine. JACOB F. II AND, Jr., Depot, No. m IdAWLtr bUtcU stUistu kmrp -SI OAS FIXTURES. NO STORE ON CHESHUT STS2ET. C0RRUIDS & SOUS' RETAIL 3 A ?i E 5 R 0 0 U S, 821 CHERRY St. CAS FIXTURES. ART EXHIBITION. THIKD ANNUAL EXHIBITION Rational Photographic Association OF THE UNITED STATES, At Horticultural Hall, JUNE G to 13. 10 A, M. TO 10 P. M. GRANDEST DISPLAY OP Photographic Works of Art From all parts of the world ever made In America. Wonderful, beautiful, Instructive. Single admission, 86 cents ; season tickets, tl. Promenade Concerts every evening. Maslobythe Germanla Orchestra, Also, the following: AT THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF VU8IC, "Wednesday. June 7, at P. M., THIRD ANN1 VKRSARY RECEPTION. Music, Addresses, Read ings, Ktereopticon, etc. A deiightfnl entertain ment. Secured seats free, obtainable aa directed below. Wednesday and Thmsday erflnlngs, Jiine T and 8, at o'clock, LECTURE ON LIGHT, new and in imitably by Professor HENRY MORTON, Ph. I. Frinsy evenisK, June 9, at 8 o'oiock.tEXHIUlTIOX IN THE STERKOPTlt'ON of the Association col lection of views from all parts of "tie world, such a collection as was never before exhibited, con-iuctcfl by J. W. ULsC'K, Esq., of Boston. Admission, Wednesday, Thursdar, and Friday evenlmrs. 50 cents; secured seats, 78 cents. MUSIC BX THE UEKMANIA ORCHESTRA. The sale of tickets for the Acadray entertain ments will commence at the Music Store of F. A. Nortti A Co., No. 10ii6 Chesnnt street, Thursday. Jnne 1, at 9 A M., and at Horticultural Hall, on Saturday, June 8, at same hour. m m. 11. nnvAua, Liocai rtecrciary, No. 1300 FRAN I FORD Avenue. ETWARD L. WILSON, Permanent Secretary, Ne. 823 ARCH Street. 6 20 rp tf FINE ART SALE. THE SPLENDID COLLECTION OP TO BE SOLD FRIDAY, NOON, JUNE 2, AT AUCTION, BY MESSRS. M. THOMAS & 80NS, Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street, Now on exhibition, contains a number of Paintings of the finest class of modern worn of art, and of a . quality not often seen in auction rooms. A magnificent Verboeekhoven, exceedingly bril liant in execntlon, and most exquisitely finished. cost 16,000 francs. Also, worss from Robbe, Peorus, B. C. Koekkoelc, Carl Becker, Can Hubner, Richard Sohn, Htammel, Pavry, lie Beul, Van Ureghem, Heerebart, Jacobs, Doll, Kleyn, Rust, and other great masters. AU lovers of tine art should visit this sale, as the collection Is ordered to be sold positively without the least reserve. 6 SO Strp SEWINO MACHINES. THE AMEKICAII BUTTON-HOLE 1 Complete Sewing Machine OBTAINED TWO PHIZES AT THE CIN CINNATI INDUSTRIAL EXPO SITION, , A GOLD AND SILVER MEDAL WEEK AWARDED. A few testimonials are given from a large mass of correspondence of similar character and tone: I have worked on a Howe and Singer, and find none to work so beautiful as the Auierican. It glvea perfect satislactlon. Mrs. Dr. .1. H. YOOUM, Ashland, Schuylkill county, Pa. 1 have used a Howe, Grover A Baker, and Singer, end would not give the American Combination for all 01 them. It gives me perfect satisfaction. I con sider It the best In the rrarket. Mrs. J. KKKD, No. 144 S. Fremont street, Baltimore, Md. The American is a perfect Gem of a machine. I would not take a hundred dollars for it if I could not get another, it works beautiful. Mrs. AMANDA FAUX, Espy, Pa, Office oftiib Thov Hokixkt .Manifactckinu) Comfakv, y Troy. N. Y., April 22, 1869. ) Yonr machine makes very satisfactory work, both as to quantity and to quality, aud I do not hesitate to recommend Hieiu to be superior to anything I have yet seen for the purpose to which they are adapted. T. BUCKLEY, Treasurer. I have used different maehlnes for nine years past, but have never seen any equal In all respects to the American. It is perfectly simple la the combi nation, easily operated, and does the most beautiful work. Mrs. J ILIA E. BLACK, Benzonla, Mich. It works beautifully. We are turuing out three dozen pairs of shoes per day, is button-holes In each pair. MARY JS. (iKKEN, No. 162 Richmond street, Philadelphia. I have had one of your Combination Button holf ar.d Sewing Machines in use for is mouths, and con stder It by far the best 1 have ever used, it works btautiully. Mrs. ANN1K C. DAVIDSON, Fashionable Dressmaker, No. lst'S Chesnut street. I can testify that cne of the best good things I know of Is your American Combination sewiug Ma chine. I have found more satisfiv.'tlon in nsiux It than any of the other three 1 have owned. Tills really bests ail. I heartily aud honestly commeud It to all who wish a macnlue that will be sure to give perfect satihlactlon. Rev. I. W. S'UIENCK, Pastor of the Third Refornie" Church, No. 143S Filbert street, Philadelphia, Price of this CtltlraLd Machine only 473. 1'rice of the Plain Machine, $('0. Call at the Company's Wart rooms, No. 1318 CHESNUT bTUEET, and examine It In motion. ILL-'i11"? REFRIGERATORS. A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT AT Wholesale and Retail. All at Low Prices. 1, 1 itKAUXS Manufacture ewu ltefrIf;eratori. No. 30 North NINTH Street, D801O.4p BELOW ARCH STREET.