Ji IKill A A VOL. XV. NO. 12J. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1871. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. FIRST EDITION WHY FRANCE WIS BEATEN. The Duke de Persia's Reasons. The Flew Arctic Expedition, Grand Wedding In New York. TTm. M, Tweed's Daughter Married Ezcitemfintintho BeanlVIondo Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., , Etc. CAVSES OF THE FRESCII DEFEAT. Letter from the Due de Peratgny. A curious letter has been received by Mrs. V. j Botta from the Due de Persigny, the autograph : of which will be inserted in an album now pre paring, to be said for the benefit of the French sufferers by the war. We print below on English translation: London, May S, 1871 Our late disasters are generally attributed to the superiority of the Prussian army la numbers, discipline, and or ganization. Without denying the influence of these causes, and recognizing that cur military tcience may be improved, this explanation does cot eeem to be the true one. i The French army has never possessed and rever will posses the peculiar qualities which , lave distinguished the Prussian army since the time -of Frederick the Great. The French char acter will never submit to that minute attention to detail and that strict discipline which charac terize our conquerors of to-day. And yet, in ; spite of her defects, France has ever been, and ever will be, a warlike nation of the first order. She conquered the Prussians at Jena in spite of tbeir superiority, and would have conquered them again at Forbach and Woerth, but for one of those extraordinary mistakes in strategy which history at times reports, and which are sufficient in themselves to explain the ruin of nations, and the loss of empires, t At the beginning of hostilities the two armies were about equal in numbers. The Prussians, in crossing our frontier, had not 5100,000 men, and onr army nearly equalled their effective force. But instead of concentrating on one point, or at lease en two in Alsace and Lor raine it was distributed in carps of about 80,000 cen each over a line extending more than eighty leagues; so that the Prussians, encoun tering only isolated and comparatively weak bodies, overwhelmed them with superior num bers. To understand fully the fatal influence of that l first error on the Issues of the war itself, one must take into accauot the nervous and sensl . tive nature of the Gallic race. Three centuries ago it was said by Machiavelll that at the suc cessful opening ef a battle the French were more than men, and In a reverse less than women. However exaggerated this formula may be, it Is certain that the French, when victorious, seem gifted with extraordinary powers. They obey their chiefs, bear cheerfully all privations, and make up by their intelligence and spirit for any deficiencies of organization. If, on the contrary, they are defeated, with that mobility peculiar to the Celtic race, they are too much inclined to accuse their officers of incapacity and treachery, to cease to obey them, and the relaxation of discipline soon in volves military disorder. The principal condition of success then would be victory at the outset, which calls forth that fwa franceee which for two thousand years hat never failed us. ye. Now th question is: Have our soldiers degen erated; have they lost that valor and Intrepidity which butjately led them to triumph over the Russians at Malakoff and the Austrlans at Sol ferino? No! a thousand times no! In order to understand the condition of our army before the demoralizing causes had af fected It, let ns judge it from the first battle, that of Wlsseinbourg. Here was a division taken at random, a small corps of observation consisting of from seven to eight thousand men. The commander, General Douay, in case of an attack by a superior force, was to fall back on the corps of MacMahon. But the General being killed at the beginning ef the engagement, his division found itself face to face with an army of one hundred and twenty to one hun dred and forty thousand men. It fought; however, a whole day with energy and perseverance. The Crown Prince of Prus sia was unable to conceal his admiration for that handful of brave men,, and admitted in his official report that he lost on this occasion eight thousand men in killed and wounded. This lrom a single division of seven or eight thou sand men ! Every allowance being made for time and circumstances, there was never a nobler deed of arms. Suppose now that with such soldiers, instead of those Isolated corps having no connecting link and but one distinct command, Marshal MacMahon had held under his hand the corps of the Army of Alsace, and Marshal Bazalue those of Lorraine; in other words, that the Crown Prince of Prussia and Prince Frederick Charles, instead of dealing with fragments of the army, had each of them encountered a real army comprised of such soldiers as fought at Wissembourg, would the result have been the lamer This first enormous strategical error is then, in my opinion, the true cause of our disasters. That error, I hasten to say, can be explained by unforeseen circumstances, independent of any will; and far be it from me to throw additional blame on the august and unfortunate victim who has borne the weight ot It. I wish only to assert that our soldiers bad not degenerated from their ancient valor; that our army was as brave as any of those that have heretofore astonished the world, and that with out the fatality that caused it to be surprised In , place, it would have repeated the marvels of Aatterlitz and Jena, PSKSIGNT. THE HALL ARCTIC EXPEDITION. Preparation for Its Departure. . The Polaris is almost ready to sail, and many of the stores for the voyage are being placed on board. Captain Hall is here superintending the arrangements in person. A great deal of satis faction is expressed by those interested in the expedition at the thorough manner in which all the preparations for the exploration have been Dade, which is due to the liberal aenroorlation of 100,000 made by Congress. The vessel sails from here It i expected by Captain Hall, next Saturday for New York, andbe intends to start on bis voyage from New York two weeks later. The surgeon-naturalist who takes the dace in tha company that Dr. Walker resigned, it Dr. Emll Bessela, of Heidelberg, Germany, who weut to Spitsbergen and Nova Zembla with the Swedish Arctic Expedition. A young man from the ob servatory of Ann Arbor, Miehigan, will go as astronomer, and as meteorologist an officer from the storm Signal Corps of the War Department, it is understood, will be detailed. This exnedi tlon starts nnder bettor auspices, on account of more perfect equipment and advantages gained from past experience, than any expeditlcn for Arctic exploration ever before fitted out, and Captain Hal and bis associates are tnoet hopeful of achieving satisfactory results. Mr. Morton, who la third officer, aid who is the only living explorer who ever saw the open Polar Sea, has the otmast confidence that the Polaris will find a route by which to enter it. A number of large planks for sledges are among the things on board. Captain Hall says he has to have the natives make his sledges, sinoe they can do it much better than white men. A neat little cabin, handsomely carpeted, is fitted up, and a cabinet organ is now in it, which a manufac turer bat presented, and which will be taken along, if room can be spared, for amusement In the long winter nights. Captain Hall will re main here till the vessel starts for New York, and then be will proceed there by rail. Wasti ington ratrioi, yesterday. A COSTLY WEDDING. Nuptials of m. Daughter of William M. Tweed Splendors of the Reception The Trousseau Expensive Gift. At 7 o'clock last evening Miss Mary Amelia Tweed, daughter of Wm. Marcy Tweed, of New York, was married to Arthur Ambrose Maginnis, of New Orleans. The wedding was a most ex pensive affair. The ceremony took plaee at Trinity Chapel, which was crowded, long before the aj pointed hour, with a richly-dressed audi ence, who awaited in speechless expectation the advent of the bridal party. When at length it appeared, the whole audience rose and leaned over to catch a sight of the bridal magnificence. The bride is a young lady of twenty-one years. The bridegroom, who it a widower of twenty five, Was supported by Messrs. Dick and Frank Tweed as groomsmen. The bridesmaids were Miss Josie Tweed, a sister of the bride, and Miss Maglnnis, the sis ter of the groom. The marriace service was performed by Rev. Joseph II. Price, D. D. After the ceremony was concluded the bridal partr drove at once to Mr. Tweed's palatial mansion, corner of Forty-third street and Fifth avenue, whither they were soon followed by the not ables who were present at the seremony, and such of the undistinguished as had been hon ored with Invitations to the grand reception. Among the guests were Commissioner Henry Smith, Sheriff Brennan, Controller Connollv, Superintendent Kelso, Commissioner John T. Aenew. Congressman 8. S. Cox. Citv Chamber lain Peter B. Sweeny, Commissioner B. F. Ma- nlerre, Judges Daly, Bosworth, Barnard, Hogan, Senator Michael Norton, Coroner Sehlrmer. Colonel Roberts, Dr. Curnochan, Thomas J. dreamer, James 11. ingersoll, Chauneey Depew. Andrew J. Garvey, Coarles Hall. Secretary of the Americua Club, and many others. All these functionaries were accompanied by their wives or daughters in magnificent apparel. ine presents were a cniei centre or attraction to the guests. They filled an entire room when crowded close, ihere were forty silver sets, any one of which would have attracted a crowd if placed in a jeweller's window, and one single onecontainea separate pieces. Mr. James Fiek, Jr., Bent a frosted silver contrivance repre senting an iceDerg, evidently intended to hold Ice-cream or some equally frigid substance. The association was beautifully sustained by the Presence of Arctic bears reposibg on the icicle andles of the bowl and climbing up the spoons. Singularly enough, Mr. Fisk displayed the same taste as Superintendent Kelso, and their offer ings were exact duplicates. Among the names on the silver were Shandley, Norton, Witthans, larnocnan, juaginnis, ana many others. mere were iorty pieces ot jewelry, ot which fifteen were diamond sets. A single one of the latter is known to have cost $45,000. It con tained diamonds as big as filberts. A cross of eleven diamonds, pea size, bore the name of Mr. and Mrs. II. w. Genet as donors. A pin of sixty diamonds, representing a sickle and sheaves ef wheat, was the gift of J. H. Ingersoll. Peter ii. Sweeny's card appeared on diamond bracelets of fabulous magnificence. Cornelius Corson gave a ring with a tiny watch as the seal. .bronzes, thread lace, Cashmere shawls, rare pic tures, everything that could be conceived ef which is rich and costly filled the room with epienuor. ine trousseau oi tne bride, which was de signed and cut by Mr. (Eustace Roberts, was superb, the materials being of the finest quality ana ootainea iroin a leading ii road way dry goods house. They are of the most costly de scription, and the labor of preparing them has consumed nearly two months. The dresses are models ot elegance and the most refined taste, and a carte blanche was given the maker, with the slmnle injunction that the outfit ihnnld ha "the richest ever produced, and it for a princess." ine weaamg-dresswas composed of wmte gros grain, wun a tram three and a naif yards in leDgth, and was trimmed with real point lace, costing near f 4000. The front of the skirt was cut with a deep scollop, aad the over skirt consisted of lace, ornamented with oranre flowers. The price of the material and labor required in making and trimming this dress was iuuu, maKing, wun tne lace, a total cost of ine other dresses forming the trousseau are fourteen In number, and are all elegant and designed in the most artistic manner. The total cost ot these dresses was orax). Ihe evening was passed in danclnr. conversa tion, and visits to the suDner-room. The dinner was the chef d'eeuvre of Dclmonlco's establish ment, which had been occupied for two days exclusively in getting it up. urafulla himself played in the band which furnished music for the dance. It was late in the night before the festivities were brought to a cloBe. iVeta, lork limes, w-aay. THE WEATIIER. The Detailed Meteorological Report for To-day. The following Is the meteorological report of the Signal Bureau of the War Depvtmeut for this mornincr. all the obaervations ba v taken at 7-43 A. M., Philadelphia time. The barometrical reports are corrected lor temperature ami elevation. The velocity of the wind is given In miles per hour. and the force is an approximate reduction to the Beauiori scaie : 1 5 Place of Olsct' vatwn. 4 Baltimore. lioHton. . . , 73 68 Si 4 74 7T 71 75 77 79 45 8t 64 73 69 It N. E. 7,Gentle. 1 .... Cloud 8. E. W. 8. . Fair Cane May 80 10 Brisk. th clr Cheyenne i V - 6, Gentle Cloud Chicago 80 Gentle. Calm. V. gent. T. geut. Clear Cincinnati. sir Clear Detroit Indianapolis Key Wet, Pla.. Memphis Alt. Washington. New Orleans .... New York Norfolk Philadelphia Pittsburg f-t. Louis 29 N. E. Fair 89 N. S. K. N.W. W. 29 1 Brisk. I Cloud 2t 80 29 80 t V. gent. 'Cloud 10 Biiak. Clear N. K, 6 Gentle. 6 Gentle. Fair N. E. Cloud KS 89 SO Calm. 6. rain t rain H. E. uaiin. Clear 02 St OS, 71 n.'w! 6, Gentle. Fair Washington . '80 N. E. S.W. 6 Gentle. 1 Gentle. 'Cloud Wilmington, N.C 30-tl tl i Fair ITe Is in Indiana now: 111 Tears old. saw Washington often during Ae Revolution, and Is yet hale and hearty. They call him Ross out there. The Harvard Aiwente lavs the sophomores at Vassar have been hazing the freshmen: they have to come down witk cigarettes and lemon ade, or be put to bed. Dr. Livingstone has not gone to Ljljijljljl as was reported. Ihe latest new from him ititea that he was at Txyxyxyxy. He was in a desti tute condition, having no changes to note and no notes to chance. When a circus visits Providence, R. I., as many of the people as can afiord it go In to see the show, while the rest stay outside and pitch i etuuEB at ine .cauvas. iue luiuunues were j raean enough to arrest one of these latter on 80 30 i autbaay. SECOND EDITION TO-DAY'S CABLE NEWS. PARIS UNDER MARTIAl LAW. Signs of a Coup d'Etat. Pennsylvania Railway Inspection. FJew Hork City Republicans. Pacific Coast Advices Important from the Isthmus. Surrender of the Rebels. Etc.! Ktc., Etc., Etc. EtcM Etc. FROM EUROPE. by associated press. J Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Unpopularity of Versallllsts. London, June 1 The Times' special des patch from Paris says the Versailles troops are not as popular as when they entered Paris, be cause of the severe measures taken by them against the population. Large numbers of Frenchmen and foreigners are returning to Paris to Resume Commercial anil Manufacturing upcraiiouii A despatch from St. Denis of to-day says two regiments of guards have Returned to Germany, and their places have been supplied by other troops. Mr. Gladstone lias Been Indisposed, bat Is now in better health. The colliers of Beutk Wales have resolved to strike unless conceded an ad vance of five per cent, in wages. Some specie and cotton have been saved from the wreck of the steamship Crescent City, Th. Rumors of Agitation and a Carlist rising in Spain are officially con tradicted. The Times has a despatch from Bom bay that Herat fell into the hands of Yakoob Khan through treachery, and the Governor was killed. Tills Morning's Quotations. ' LrvKnrooi., June 1 10-80 A. M. Cotton firm: uplands, 7 (37 '.d.; Orleans, 68.!.d. Sales to-day estimated at 17,000 bales. London, Juael 11-30 A. M. Consols, for money, 93i, and for account, ex-divldoad. Boud3 of lbtiz, wx;oi ibuo, oia, w;i ; or i&et wix ; umus, 89. Tills Afternoon's Quotations. London, June 11-80 P. M Consols for money. 03:. Rnrt for account,. 09. ex-divldoncl. London, oune li -au a. ju. Kennea petroleum, 17kd. Liverpool, June 11-39 P. M. Cotton firmer nt not quotatiiy nigner. ale8 now estimated at is,oo bales, 6000 of which are taken for export and specu lation. York, 60s. Beef, i2s. 6d. Lard, 48s. 64. FROM THE STATE. Railroad Inspection. Special Despatch to Th Evening Telegraph. Uarrisborg, June 1. Thomas A. Scott, first Vice-President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, passed through this place this morn ing to the West, on an annual tour of inspection over all the railroads in the United States which are owned, leased, or In any way controlled by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The trip will extend to the extreme limits of the Northern and Union Pacific Railways, and will embrace every radiating branch in the Western States, as well as the lines diverging to the Southwest. Mr. Scott is accompanied only by his private secretary, J. P. Green, and will spend one month In the tour of inspection. ' FROM CALIFORNIA. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively t The Evening TelearapK Excitement In British Columbia. San Francisco, May 31 The British Co lumbia papers are greatly excited over the prospect of the loss of the island of 8an Juan, even going so far as to advise the British Gov ernment to seize and hold It by force. The Wreck of the Prlucess Louisa. Joseph Leppity, a seaman of the British steam- tug Princess Louisa, wrecked in the Straits of Magellan, has arrived here on a sailing vessel, and reports all the rest of the crew killed or made prisoners. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. Decoration Ceremonies The Artillery bcnooi. Correeponienc of th Aktociated, Pries. Fortress Monroe, Va., May 30 The graves of the soldiers at the National Cemetery, at Hampton. Va.. were decorated to-dav with im posing ceremonies oy arragui row, o. o, u. A. It. The following second lieutenants of artillery. who graduated at the Artillery School on the 1st of May, have been relieved from duty and others assigned in tuelr piaees, viz.: first Ar tillery Lieutenant William r. van JNess trans ferred to Co. E, relieved by Lieutenant James E. Bell from Uo. W; Lieutenant k. n. ratterson, Co. G. relieved by Lieutenant lienry w. iiao- bell, Jr., Co. a. second Artuiery lieutenant Nat. Wolfe Co. A to Co. D, relieved by Lieuten ant Barnet Water, of Co. D: Lieutenant Id win S. Curtis transferred from Co. G to Co. K. Third Artillery Lieutenant Joseph M. Lautt, Co. f, -.II. J V, T l.iil.nnnl laa T it.Krvtf fn A. Lieutenant Charles W. Hobbs. Co. A. relieved by Lieutenant Ckarles Bellman, Co. D. Fourth Artuiery weuienani t. w. ureen, vx. i, re lieved by Lieutenant jonn oimpson , uo. A; Lieutenant Arthur uouston, lrom uo. n to 10. F. Third Artillery; Lieutenant J. Estcourt Baw- ver. Co. C. relieved by Lieutenaat David S. Dawson. Co. A: Lieutenant Geonre E. Gase. Co. C, relieved by Lieutenant Alexander .Morton, CO ill. Chicago Flour and Wheat Market. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. Chicago. June 19-30 A. M Wheat steady. No. S, 11-15 k, seller June; aad 1-261W, seller last baif. Corn steady at 61?,,e61 Jtfc, seller June; and&S.V. euerjuiy. . RtutDl. Shio'li., Ractlpf. SMp'tt. Flour, bbls. 4,6u0 4,ooc Oats, bug.... so.ooo 8t,oo What,bu. 4S,o0 bS.suo Kye, bus .... X,oo nope. Corn, bus.. Sio.ooo ti.ow Barley, bus., l.ooo none. Milwaukee Markets. Milwaciee. June 1180 A. M. Wheat market steady. No. 1, ll-M; No. 8, IliW. Receipts, 8I.00O bushels; shipments, M.ooo. Jt'reights steaai,;x i ail, o,"c FROM JVEW YORK. BT ASSOCIATED THKBt. KxtiMMvely to The Jtventng Telgrph. The Republican (general Committee. New York, June 1. The special committee of the Union Republican General Committee an lssned a Manifesto to the Republicans of New York, in which thev state that Jaekson S. Schultz and William Orton have called on the Republicans of our city to reorganize the party. The special committee advise the Republicans of New York not to take part nor lot ia this fac tional movement, adding "that the regular organization, with Horace Greeley at its head, will not disband at the command of any usurp ing State committee or other unauthorized body." FROM TEE ISTHMUS. bt associated press. Exclusively U Ths Evening Telegraph. The Rebels Lay Down Their Arms. Kingston, Ja., May 81. Late PanaT ad vices state that the rebels kave laid down tuelr arms in accordance with the terms of peace concluded between Correoso and General Her rera. The Steamer Montijo Has Been Restored to her owners. The steamer Henry Chaunqey ar rived at Aspinwall on the 21th. FROM NEW YORK. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Western Union Telegraph Company. New Yore, June 1. It is understood that George H. Mumford takes the place of George Walker, one of the Vice-Presidents of the Western Union Telegraph Company. FROM WASHIJVaTOJY. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Government Weather Report, War Department. Office of the Chief Sional OFFICER, WASHINGTON, June 110-30 A. Al. bjnOB- sls for the past twentv-four hours: The barometer lias iaiien on tne racmo coast, wun threatening weather. It has risen at the Kocky Mountain sta tions. . The pressure continues to diminish la Florida, but has rleen in the Eastern States. It aas fallen on the upper lakes. It has risen in the Ohio valley. Cloady and threatening weather still prevails from the Ohio valley to Florida, wnere light rains nave rauen. Heavier rains have been very generally reported from the coast of Virginia to that of Massachusetts. Clear weather continues on tne lakes. Usnt and iocai winns are everywnere reported. Probabilities. It Is probable that the barometer will rise, with partially cloudy and clear weather rrom Tennessee to Ontario, ana thence to tne Mis souri river; clearlng-up and clear weather In the Middle and Esstcrn States. Threatt-ntair aad rainy weather will probably extend along the tf ulf and to seme extent inward towards Tennessee. New York Money and Stock Market. New York. June 1. Siocts dull. Money 4 per cent. Uold, lll'i. 6-aos, 1863, coupons, Ills; no. iso4, cp., my,: ao. ibco, cp., mx; ao. laoo, new, 113; da 1867, 114; do. 1868, 114; 10.409, 1099: Virginia 6s, new, 78)tf; Missouri 6s, 85: Can ton Co., 82X5 Cumberland preferred, 81; N. Y. Cen tral and Hudson River, 99Xi Erie, 28 V! Reading, 117V; Adams Express, Si; Hlctiuran Central. 124; Michigan Southern. 118V: Illinois Central. 1K : Cleveland and Plttsburz. 121V: Chicago and Kock Island, ll V ; Pittsburg and Fort Wayne, 8X ; w estern union xeiegrapn. otji. A BATH OF DEATH. Suicide of a Religious Fanatic A Heart broken widower lils farewell Abetters. On Tuesday evenine a respectably-attired man applied at the desk of the Grand Central Hotel for a suite of rooms, and after having entered his name In the register as "J. F. Hayes, of Massachusetts, was shown to suite z-i, which consists of a parlor, bed-room and bath-room, and is located on the Broadway side of the second floor. Yesterday morning, at abont 10 o clock, he rang the bell, and ordered the bell-boy to bring him a Tribune", which request was promptly complied with; the gentleman being in hie night shirt and ia bed. Early In the afternooa, as the chambermaid was going the rounds of the rooms for the pur pose of making up the beds, she came to the. eeor of No. 22; but, indlng it locked, she passed the room, intending to return later and complete her wort. At about 5 o'clock she returned to the room. but found it locked, ana as NO ANSWER WAS RETURNED to her reDeated raDS. she opened the door with her pass Key, and proceeded with the cleaning of the room. After having arranged the front room she entered the bedroom and made up the bed. While engaged ia this duty she accidentally cast her eye to the door 01 tse Bata-room.wmcn stood aiar, ana was norrinea at neuoiaing tne naked figure of a man silting upright in the bath, with the BLOOD TRICKI.Ua DOWN TIIS BREAST. The girl rushed down the stairs and notified the clerk, who fonnd the inmate of the room sitting in the bath tub. lie was entirely naked, and sat wun bis Dae it to tne Dead ot the tub, while the ieet toncnea tne loot ena 01 tne tnb. On the right side 01 the breast a small aperture snowed that a deadly missile had entered there and ENDED THE MAN 8 LIFE. A further search lod to the discovery of a hve- shooter, which was found under the body, and bad no doubt been used ior tne saiciue. From the wound, which was about three inches below the nipple, but very little oiooa had es caped, as the bath-tub contained but very few drops of the suicide's life blood, thus leading to the belief that Internal hemorrhage had set in. From tapers found among the effects by Coroner Yoang it appears that the deceased was Georee K. Hathaway, or rtutiana, Vermont. agent for the Rutland Marble Works. Ills father is reported to ue weauuy, ana ine aeceasea was a widower, whose only child had also died soon after its mothert A letter, ten pases long, was taken possession of by the Coroner, from which it appears that the deceased had singular notions about reli gious matters, and that be had lived beyond his means, ine letter, wnicn uore toe aauress, "to my friends," is written In a rambling style. Xi. IEOAL INTHLLianWOE. Charge of Conspiracy. Court of Quarter Sessions Judge Einletttr. .Tame llanlev was nut on trial to-day, charored with consDiracv with Jimmy Locue and JoUaJeu- kiDS to break Into the house of Mr. Furmaa, at Twelfth nd Jeiierson streets, lor the purpote of tea nr. it will be remembered isai on tne ma oi May Mr. Furmaa's house wan entered and robbed by Losue and Jenkins, who are now in the Fenlten tiarf for the crime. 1 h a vounir man was iouDa anviuir iaewiirnia which the two thieves rode aso carried their tools wrannea la a camet. The aeieuse set lorm mat Banley made tin living by means of vending pro duce about the streets, and doing whatever work he could get; anl this being tke day of tse peace celebratioa, when vehicles were In dewaad. lie rendu y took ud tne oneroi irue ana jeukiui. who wanted to employ him to drive them about. never telling him what was their psrpose, and 11 was artmed that unless be wan proven to have known their otiject be could not be ooavicted- An excellent character ior noutsiy was aiso tmowu. On trial. THIRD EDITION MATTERS AT WASHINGTON. Army and Navy Orders, Appointments bj tho President. Tho Mobile Colloctorshlp. N. Y. Central Railroad Case. Ktc., Ktc., Ktc., Ktc, Ktc., Ktc. FROM WASHINGTON. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Evening TeUgrapK The Mobile Collectorshlp. Washington, June 1. There has been an earnest contest for the Mobile Collectorshlp, ex-Senator Warner and Mr. Pearson of that State wanting the place, supported by their respec tive friends, but the Secretary of the Treasury to-day came to the conclusion to iltt Judge Miller remain in office. Mr. Miller has left for his home. ' Baron Gerolt has not yet obtained leave of hit Government to return to Germany. Sir Edward Thornton has obtained leave of Her Majesty's Government, and will take passage with his family for Europe on the 24th Instant. Railway Troubles. The appeal of the Now York Central Railroad Company against the recent decision of Com missioner Pleasantoa has been referred by Secretary Boutwell to the Solicitor of the Trea sury, in order to obtain his opinion as to whether such an appeal can be made as a preliminary to final aetion on the subject. The President Leaves for Long-Branch. Washington, June 1. President Grant and family, accompanied by General Porter, left Washington this morning for Long Branch. Just before his departure he made the following Military In the South. Wasiiinoton, June 1 The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has sent the following circular letter to the Supervisors in the Southern States: "In accordance with the recent proclamation of the Fresident,the Secretary of War has Issued orders to the commanding officers in the various departments directing them to co operate with the civil officers in the enforcement of the laws, upon application by the latter officers for such assistance. When ever, therefore, the aid of troops is necessary in your district, you will apply for the force re quired, directed to the commanding officer of the department in which the troops are to be used, reporting your action to this office, and the circumstances upon which it is based." Tho Decrease of the Public Debt during May was 14,439,858-53. Appointments. Hon. George Bancroft to be Envoy Extraor dinary to the German Empire. (This disposes of the report that Mr. Bancroft was abont to return to this country.) The President also appointed William H. CIsgett and nenry L. Warner, of Montana, and William H. PaTsons, of Texas, Commissioners for celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of American Independence at Philadelphia; George W. Wood, Collector of Internal Revenue First district of Texas. Selah Waters, Assessor Third district ot Ten nessee, and Alexander H. Wallace, Collector Fifth district of Tens. Generals Babcock and Dent and Secretary Douglass will remain at the Executive Mansion to transact such business as may fall within the range of their duties during the absence of the President. Army Orders. Sergeant Charles Jackson has been ordered by the War Department to assume charge of the National Cemetery at Mobile, Ala. Captain Boynton will be relieved from duty at the Military Academy at West Point, to take effect on September 1, and will join his battery. First Lieutenant Churchill, 4th Artillery, will report to the Superintendent of the Military Academy for duty as Adjutant of the Aca demy. Surgeon Denby has been ordered to the Navy Yard at Philadelphia. Kaval Orders. Detached Lieutenant-Commander Steadman from the Naval Academy and placed on sick leave. Lleutenant-Commander.Cooper from duty on the Tehuantepec and Nicaragua surveying ex pedition and ordered to duly in the equipment department at the New York Navy Yard. Lieutenant-Commander Remy, from duty on the Tehnantepec and Nicaragua expedition, and placed on waiting orders. Medical Director MeUelland, from the Phila delphia Navy Yard, and ordered to special duty at Philadelphia. Assistant Surgeon Cassin from the Colorado, and placed on sick leave. Second Assistant Engineers Smith aad Corrle from the Mayflower, and placed en waltiag orders. FROM NEW YORK. Tbt associated PRESS. I Exclusively to Tlie Evening Telegraph, Flro In Sew York City, Kw York. Jnne 1 A fire this morning at No. 5 Frankfort street damaged the liqnor store of Geo. Burghard. The offices of the IrUhDemO' mcerat and Sunday Democrat were Injured by water. The loss was smaii. Kew York Produce Market. v . -. TnA 1 Cttt &n walr. mlilrlltnflP tin. . . . ' J .Jl.Jfl.ln.n. 1117. Vlnn. Bt.lJfl with a moderate demand; fctate, S-60(;6 8; Oslo, 1 0 U "w , ton.", - - - . . w- - - Wheat quiet; sprlnir, tl 9 afloat; winter red and amlM-r Western, 67y? Oorn firm; Western mixed at 6b iUC. IOr QU8UUUU nnu I w, buuuw. yl.yvk. .i.aTrt Uaaf nnUt Anil ItAAflr. PftrL' heavy ; new mens. I15015-I&; prime, $1SW14. Lard CiSANDVOMMEROS. XvEHuia Tsi.iosiira Omoil 'Ibanday, Jaaal.ltfL. I The reports from all sections of tha country represent the respective money markets as ex iriv easy. In this city there is a steady accumulation of available funds, with an unusu ally lirht business demand for loans, from which fact the inference is fair that general trad Is dull and nnsatlsfactory. The abundance of money, and the cheap rates at which It goffered, naturally ten! to tstimalato the speculative i tUJ and thla tb CM now ,na Probably will be during the summer months. Rates are very easy, and almost nominal. Gold continues otet and steady at a range of lllJilllK. the closing price at noon being the latter. In Government Ben there is little doing la this market, but prices are X higher ail throiga the list. Stocks were moderately active, but prices were less strong, tales of state 5s at 9: City 6s at 100, intorest off, for th now bonds. Reading Railroad sold at MJ59; Pennsylva nia was unsettled, opening at 12, sailing dow to 1 and closing at the opening price. Sales of Minohlll at 54, and Oil Creok aad Allegheny at 62W; 28?f was bid for Philadelphia and Erie, and 4S.V for Catawlssa p referred. . Canal stocks were strong and more active. Bales of Lehigh at SS and Bussuehanna at 11 The balance of tie list was neglected, the only sale belsg of Manufacturers' Bank at 29K. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE 8ALSS. Reported by De Haven Bro., No. 40 S.Thlrd street; FIKST BOARD. $1600 City es, New.iw Man penna R j 80S do 69 S do 0. S3 M do... allot. 61V s e is. six 6tttaKea4R..b30. ea MS so bso. t Its . do b5. ct Its do 69-14 lt do 860. 68X 104 do tVi tit sh 0 C A A R. . . . MX 11(10 lit An S, SI tS $100S do 5V tioosPaes, so ios fieoetesbA- Indes. 78 tl Phil A B 7s... M IWOO H A BTop c.. 4S tMMBch N Ssli.. tn tsose o st 15 sh Mann Bank.. n 8 sh MlnehlU R... sit seosh UkMSt.... si 1200 ao st. sx MESSRS. DE HAVEN It BROTHER, NO. 40 SOUtR Talrd street, Philadelphia, report tke following quotations: -New U. ti. es of lstl, lllKOlllH: u. b. es ot mi, insulin,'; dor isiV. UXSml dalseA.iiiKtfUix; do. lsso, nixS 111?4 ; do. 1666, now, lisve114; da 1ST, do. 113Ji 114','; d0.1S68,dall3114; 10-4Os,10HO10. u. 8. bo Tear t par cent. Currency, liexam; eold. Ill $ 111 ; Silver, 107aiosx ; Union Paclfle Rail road 1st Mort. Bonds, 293V; Central ractflo Railroad, ie2,saio8i'; Union Paolfle Land Grant Bends. 84KASSV. Narb & Ladner, Brokers, report this morning gold quotations as follows : 10-00 A. M 11-18:a.M 111V 10-05 " lllft U-60 " lUJi Philadelphia, Trade Report, TntmsDAT, June 1. The Flour market Is dull, and for old stock and trades likely to soar by the sum mer season, prices are weak and unsettled. Tke demand is mostly for tke home;consumers, whose purchases foot ap 80S barrels, Includlag superfine at S5-2635-60; extras at s-6ajt5 8TW! Iowa and Wis cousin extra family at S-oj6-75; Minnesota do. do. S7&7-25; Pennsylvania do. do., at 6-25-75; Indiana and Ohio do. do., at $r7-60; aad fancy brands at l7-76($9, as In quality. Kye Fiour may be quoted at 15 87,Si(i. In corn Afeal nothing doing. The stock of prlme)Wkeat Is light, and for this de scription a steady demand prevails at full prices, but loforior grades are neglected. Sales of 8006 bushels Western red at $lS(l 68; some amber at l-70; aad 400 bashels Western white at $1-77. Rye may be quoted at 11-1241-15 for Pennsylvania and Western. Corn is dull and prices weak, bales of veUowat 7c, and 1804 bushels Western mixed at 730. Oats are firm, and 1400 bushels white Pennsylvania and Western sold at 68371c. In Barley and Malt nothing doiDg. . The last sale of No. l Quercitron was at 130 per toa. Seeds In Cloverseed and Timothy nothing doing, aad prices are nominal. Flaxseed is scarce, and sells at 2-S68-8t. Whisky is dail and weak. We quote Western Iron bound at He. LATEST SIIITPINQ INTELLIGENCES PORT OF PHILADELPHIA.. JUNE 1 STATE OP THERM0MBTIB AT THE EVENING TELEGRAPH OFFICE. 8 A.M. 7S 1 11 A.M.......T6. 1 1 P. M. 81 Sun Rises. 4-88 Moon Seth..,... s-m Dun DI1B I XJ I UiUtt WATER........ Halifax. N. S.. MasiIlL. M. shins ra,imn and Volage, of the Flying Squadron, have arrived from Bermuda, to victual aad rem befors sailing for Batua. 0 Fathbb point. May ei.-The stAamahin rvrtn. talon arrived bore at -8t P. M., with 812 piuwengera. CLEARED THIS MORNTNO. . Steamship ?lrgiala, Huntsr, Charleston, W. P. Clyde k Co. Steamer E. C. Blddle, XcCue, New York, W. P. Clyde V we Schr R. G. Whllldsa, Fenalmore, Newbnrynort. Binnlckson A Co. Schr Pennsylvania, Ewlng, Greenport, do. Schr Archer A Reeves, Ireland, Boston, do. Schr J. Truman, Glbbs, New Bedford, do Tag Q. B. Uutchlns, Muliord, Baltimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde A Co. . Tug Joe Johnson, Ingraham, Baltimore, with a tow vi oargcB, w. Jr. vijue VO. ARRIVED THIS MORNING. Nor. ship Koska, Steensen. 67 davs from Liver. pool, with salt to Was. Buam Son. d learner r aniia, uoane, 84 hours rrom new xork, witk mdse. and passengers to John F. OhL Mtoamal .Tan fi firann Sav fwm l.il mam J uwewut vam J 1 vlU, vtl IIVU1 AlllU UIUIJU Tilt Norfolk, with mdse. aad passengers to W. P. Clyde A Co. Steamer F. Franklin, Pierson, 13 kours from Baltl. more, with mdse. and pasaeng era to A. Groves, Jr. Steamer Beverly, Pierce, 84 hours from New York, Witk mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. bear Aurora, anis, s aays rrom jrreuenca, DeL. with gram to Ckrlstian A Co. Schr Susie R. Gelt. Truax. 1 day from LeiDBtc Del., with grala to Jos. E. Palmer. - bchr Anna b. Brown, croweu, isa uardiner, Me., witk Ice to Knickerbocker lea Co. Schr Anna R. Price, Price, from Crlsneld, Md., witk wood. Schr Virgil, Ellis, from Nantlceke, with ties to W. T. Conquest. Schr cedar Grove, uennnexson, ins warsk River, with wood. Schr Mary Priscllla, Cooper, from Little Bay, Va., with woo. Schr Edward Ewlng, Burns, from Stenlngton, Ct. Schr Koret, Parker, from New York. Schr C. JL Jackson, Uaocoek, from Fall River. Schr George II. Bent, Smltk, from Boston. Scbr L. k A. Baocock, Lee, do. Sehr J. G. Babcock. Smith, do. Tug Chesapeake, Merrlhew, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W. P. Clyde A Co. imrtu Cvcloae, arrived yesterday from Port Spain Is consigned (vessel) to Knight Sons. Correspoiidwe of The Evening Telegraph, KASTON k MCMAHON'S BULLETIN. New York office, May 81. The following barges leave in tow to-night for Baltimore, light: 11. fi. Roberts, Kate Stewart, Sarak Anu, C. Mc Carthy, Yuba, Fremont, and C. J. Hill. F. W. Tripp, wltn cement, for Philadelphia. Norman and Alice, with lumber, for Camden. Baltimore Bbakch Office, May 80. The follow lug barges left In tow at noon today, eastward : Bella MoWUllams, Experiment, L. Newkamet, Ellen, Tannage, Adella. Camilla, C. Church, Prlu cess, A. C. Coude, aad Hamlet. Mav 81. Tho following left this A. M.: M. Shaw, O. Sweet, W. S. Burtoa, O. Newkumel, H. V. James, L. D. Collins, C. Terrenoe, Board of Trade, C V. HoogktoD, Mary Dunn, and S. E, Til ton, all with coal, for New York. . H. O. Leroy, with coal, for Philadelphia. J. W. C. Stephens, with coal, for Bridueten. Phila."phia Branch Office. June I Weather, -May 81, T?rprii;loui, swinging from S. by W. to W. by S. ; at 4 P. M. heavy rain squall frem N. W. to N. ; BubaVcnUy hauled In to N. K. ; then, at P. M., E. by N. ten, at I P. M. (vane on Inde pendence Hall steesle seen by moonlight), N. by E ; lighting and heavy and simultaneous thunder dur ing the squall. June 1, 4 k. M.. wind N. B. to E. by N. ; at S P. M., cloudy, misty rain occasionally. Re. port from the Bay this A. M. : Net enough rain to sprinkle a gaMen or lay the dust. Barometrical: May 81, P. M., 89 1 to; June 1, 4 A. M., 80 15-80. Special Despatch to Th Evning TeUgravh. IIavrb-vk-Gkacb, J quo 1. The loUowlLg boats leave in tow to-day: Colonel U. S. Post, with lumber to Savior, Day fc Mor'e. rattersoa k Llptlnoett, vlth lumber to Watson 11 alone k Sea. Ww. A. Simpson, witk lumber to Taylor A Betta. ' K. D. Trump, with lumber to IX Truaip, San k CO. casco, wltb lumber, for Chester. PhawaHgtilri, witk laths to A. H. Mcllvaln. Major J. Moutghan, with bark W ordcf J. IL