SCG-MA f H H VOL. XV. NO. 128. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1871. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. FIRST EDITION PARIS. General Vinoy, the Hew Governor of the Deva.tated Capital. General Vinoy, whose appointment to the Revernorshlp of Paris has been announced, is one of the veterans of the French army. He first saw service In Algeria, where he greatly distinguished himself. The outbreak of the war between France and Germany last year found him, after a long and honorable career, on the retired list. The war recalled him to active service, bnt not in time to take an 1 active part in the operations in the field in the earlier stages of the conflict. His first duty was the organization of a special corps at the capital, the command of which he received. At the head of this force he marched out of Paris just pre vious to the battle of Sedan, reaching Mezleres after the great disaster which there over whelmed MacMahon's army and resulted in the capture of the Emperor. Vlnoy at onco fell back upon Paris, conducting the retreat With great skill and success. Just before he succeeded in re-entering Paris with his corps, however, he was overtaken, on the 16th of Sep tembcr, by the advancing Germans, and a sharp skirmish ensued between Forts Ivry and Cha renton, in the immediate vicinity o the capital. On the 19th he had another encounter with the Germans near Fort Villcjuif and Montronge, in which his forces sustained considerable loss, and were driven rather precipitately into Paris. After the investment of the capital by the Germans, he was intrusted with an Important command, at first co-ordinate with General Ducrot, but early in November last he was made subordinate to the latter general, as commander of one of the three corps Into which the active army for the defense of the capital was divided. He commanded the forces which made the first sortie from Paris, on Sep tember 20, to the south of the beleaguered city, but was repulsed by the Germans with con siderable loss. On the 21st of December, Vinoy and Ducrot in company male a grand sortie, at least 100,000 men being engaged on the French side. Vinoy's force ventured beyond the range of the forts to the east of the city, Ducrot going to the south. But, although the plan of these sorties was very comprehensive, they were feebly executed and easily repulsed. General Vinoy took an active part in the last sorties duriug the siege, capturing Montretout and holding that position for some time, on Jannary 19. The utter failure of the demon stration, however, brought about a reorganiza tion and led to the resignation of Trochu, who was, on the 21st, succeeded in the chief com mand of the army of Paris by Vinoy. The latter accepted the command on the express condition that stern measures should be taken to repress the disturbances which were threatened by the Red Republican element, at the prospect of a surrender to the Germans, which was eventually consummated on tho 38th, before the new commander-in-chief could make another demonstration. In the negotiations which preceded the capitulation, General Vinoy took an active part, and fully acquiesced ia the Inevitable fate of the city. After the capitulation, General Vinoy was, on February 15, appointed to the command of the National Guards of the Seine, as successor to General Clement Thomas. On the 1st of March he Issued an order of the day, in which he clearly foreshadowed the Communal revolt. The least agitation, he said, would famish a pretext for an irreparable misfortune, which only calmness and dignity could avert. Relieved from the command of the National Guards by General Paladlnes, just before the outbreak of the Socialist rebellion, General Vinoy was placed in command of the Government forces which were first led against the insurgents on the hill of Montmartre, on the 18th of March. lie accomplished nothing, however, ana was severely maltreated, barely escaping with his ' life. After the appointment of MacMahon to the chief command, Vinoy was placed at the head of the reserves, preparatory to the final assault on the insurgents. Ha participated actively and successfully In the final struggle for the possession of the city, capturing two of the latest positions held by the insurgents, the Place de Belleville, on the night of the 26th, and the Cemetery of Pere la Chaise, on the fol lowing evening. On the 28th President Thiers appointed him Governor of Paris, a post of great responsibility In the present critical situation. General Vinoy Is reported as being a decided opponent of the republic and a warm adherent of the Bonaparte dynasty, a circumstance which may possibly have an important bearing on future events. CLUSERBT'S FATE. Another of the CommuuUt Leaders Meets a Violent Death Ilia Adventurous Ca reer In two Hemispheres. For some days past the fate of the reckless adventurer Cluseret has been Involved in doubt, but it is now definitely announced that his dis graceful career has had a fitting termination On Saturday last, the 27th, he was shot by the Versailllsts In the Barracks of Prince Eugene, Paris. Gustave Paul Cluseret was bora Id Paris on the 13ih of June, 1823. In 1841 he entered the ' military school of St. Cyr, and two years later was appointed a sub-lieutenant in a regiment of the line of which his father held command, lie served for four years as an instructor of the principles of tactics, strategy, and fortifications, and in January, 1818, was promoted to a first lieutenancy. Joining the Garde Mobile in April, 1313, he waij appointed major, and took an active part in the revolutionary troubles of that year, being made a chevalier of the Legion of Ilonor In July for his services. In January, 1819, he retired from active service, and was placed on halt pay by Louis Napoleon, then Prince President. Cluseret then devoted himself to art, and opened a studio in Paris, but in 1853 returned to active service and was sent to Algeria as a lieu tenant of Chasseurs, taking an active part in several expeditions. Ia 1854 he saw service in the Crimea and receieved a captaincy as a re ward for his gallantry, a quality which has never been denied him. In 1857 he returned to Alge ria, where his gallantry secured him the decora tion of officer of the Legion of Honor Clureret again withdrew from the French ser vice, but took part subsequently In the Italian campaign of 185f, as commander of the French Legion under Garibaldi. The outbreak of the Rebellion led him to this country, and In Janu- ary, 18C2, he was appointed colonel and assigned to duty with General Fremont, by whom he was placed la command of the advance guard, and in June following took part in the battles of Strasburg, Harrisonburg, and Cross Keys. For his conduct In the last engagement he was made a brigadier general of volunteers, to date froaa October 14, 18C2, bmt no commission was ever issued to him. He subsequently served under Generals SIgcl and Milroy, but withdrew from the service be fore the close of the war, his withdrawal being based on alleged excesses authorised by Milroy. By this time, however, his unreliability was quite apparent, and he was followed into his re- urement by no regrets by those who knew and understood him. Cluseret then turned his attention to journal ism, and became editor of the Neus Nation, a weekly paper published In New York, to advo cate the claims of General Fremont to the Pre sidency, in opposition to Mr. Lincoln. It is said that Cluseret proved treacherous to his employers, and being detected, was summarily ejected. lie also wrote for this paper a series of military criticisms which showed him to be in active sympathy with, if not in the pay of, the Confederates. He subsequently entered into various other jour nalistic enterprises, none of which were success ful in getting before the public. Disgusted finally with the United States, he returned to France in 1863, and there advertised himself extensively as "General" Chuseret, in a series of newspaper communications an the re organization of the French army. To escape the persecutions which ensued, he was obliged to leave France. At the time of the fall of the Second Empire he was engaged in New York in purchasing hay for shipment to France, but at once started for his native country, where he soon came prominently before the public. Early in September last he published in the Marseillaise fierce assault upon the members of the Provisional Government, for which he barely escaped a mobbing, the vengeance of the people being vented upon the paper in default of his presence. He was obliged to leave Paris finally, and In the latter part of the month found himself in Lyons, where he headed a Red Republican demonstration, which was for some time quite serious. Prompt arrests, however, suppressed the movement, and Cluseret proceeded to Mar seilles, where in October and November he was the occasion of considerable trouble. He next appeared before the public after the outbreak of the Communist revolt in Paris, and on March 22 installed himself at the Ministry of War as chief director of the revolution. A bombastic pronunciamento heralded his acces sion to power, which terminated with the close of April, when he was suspended by General Rossel, and taken into custody on the charge of treason to the Commune. An examination of his case was commenced, but the collapse of the Commune occurred before it was concluded. Clauserct was one of those restless, volatile, treacherous creatures whose sole redeeming trait is - tteetwe of personal-courage. He proved false, in turn, to every cause that he es poused. Just previous ta his flight from France before the recent war, it Is even said that he was saved from the guillotine by the interces sion of Minister Washburne, on his pretense of a claim to American citizenship. AN INTERESTING CASE. A Man Who lias Escaped Two Ceiivlc- tlona by Technicalities. Frvm the Portland Oregonian. It will be remembered that a man named William B. Bird, who had been a soldier in the United States army, was convicted some three xnoaths ago by a court-martial at Vancouver of a homicide perpetrated at citka, and sentenced to fifteen years Imprisonment at hard labor at Alcatraz. The findings and sentence of the court were forwarded to Washhitrton, but were disapproved by the Secretary of War, who re turned them, on the ground that the military had no right to try tbe man, and with instructions that he should be handed over to the civil authorities. Accordingly he was brought back here on Sunday night on tbe John L. Stephens and placed in tbe custody of Chief Lappeus. It appears that at the time of the homicide at Sitka he was no longer a soldier, having been discharged from the service some weeks before. On this ground the Secre tary of War disapproved the action of the court martial. Yesterday application was made for a writ of habeas corpus to bring him before a civil court here. Judge Upton was absent from tho city, but the County Judge, Hamilton, was ap plied to, wuo ordered tne writ to issue, making it returnable at 11 o'clock. At that hour, Bird was brought before the court, bat counsel were not ready to proceed. Finally, application was made to Judge ueady, ot the United Mates Court, for another writ, which was granted, and the prisoner ordered to be brought before him on Wednesday morning. It appears that Bird was cuargeu some time before the homicide with another o lie use at Siika. A court-martial was constituted by General Davis, who also preferred charges against him. By this court-martial he was ordered to be dismissed from the service, ihe papers were forwarded to Washington, but were disapproved becanse an ollicer has not, "by military law, a right both to prefer charges and appoint the court-martial to try the offender. It was tLerefore ordered by the department that Bird should receive his pay and allowances until he was regularly discharged. Thus tbe findings of two courts-martial in his case have been disapproved. The man whom he killed at Sitka was Lieu tenant Cowan, of the revenue service. There was an altercation between Bird and a man named Brady; the latter, it is asserted, struck Bird on the bead with a billy and pushed him out of a door, when Bird, drew a revolver, which was accidentally discharged, the ball passing through the door and killing Lieutenant Cowan, Such is the statement related to us. Bird was then arrested by tbe military, his citizen's dress taken off and a soldier's dress put on him; he was kept for a considerable time in custody at Sitka, and was finallv brought to Vaucouver and tried by court-martial. The case as it now tta nds seems to be a knotty one. It seems to be a question whether tho civil authorities have jurisdiction, it having been decided that the military have not. There Is. no civil government in Alaska, and no provision has been made for tbe administration of Justice In cases arising in that Territory. Pressed for lime Egyptian mummies. The artist's adieu to his picture You be hanged! , Good resolutions, like fainting ladles, want carrying out. Canada's new postal cards are to be issued in June. It is said that there is not a citizen of Maine worth a million of dollars. The capli invested in vessels on the Mis sissippi river and in tbe cargoes they are con stantly carrying is 11,500,000,000. A lad in Cincinnati went through a planing Bill recent Jy. Ills rough edges were so thor oughly em othed that his recovery is doubtful. SECOND EDITION Weakness of Thiers' Government. It is Thought too Weak to Last. Reconstruction of the Cabinet. Surrender of Vinccnnes. Important XtXezican Advices. DOXVXBSTXO AFFAIRS. The Mew Jersey Census. Jay Cooke SCo. and the New loan The Offer to take it Declined. Great Storm in Cincinnati. Etc.. Etc., Etc., Etc.. Etc., Etc. FROM EUROPE. (BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. J Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Condition of BclleTllle. Paris, May 80 Tuesday Afternoon. Last nlgbt I visited Belleville. It is filled with troops, and the ground is covered with debris. Ruins of bulldlDgs met the eye everywhere. The Execution of Cluseret. General Cluseret, whose fate has been In doubt for some days, it has been ascertaiued was shot on Saturday last in the barracks ot Prince Eugene. A Prisoner named Dalle, having; boasted that he had been ordered to execute Generals Thomas and Lecompte, was taken towards Chatelle, when he attempted to escape. The captain of the troop which guarded Dufle fired a revolver at the fleeing prisoner, and the ballet struck him in the head. He fell, but immediately attempted to rise upon his elbows, when the sergeant and four men fired upon him, killing him instantly. At this writing Largo Masses of Troops are passing down the Rue Lafayette, bearing twenty-two insurgent standards. Bands are playing and the streets are crowded. There is much cheering, and in fact the people are afraid to look sad lest they be arrested as sympathizers with the Commune. A girl seventeen years of age was shot this morning for firing at an ofUcer. A number of persons Detected I Throwing Petroleum in the cellars of the Faubourg Montmartre, and also In firing npon troops In the Rue Havre, were all arrested. Reconstruction of the Cabinet. M. Picard has resigned, and is succeeded by Lefranc; General Clssey supersedes General Leflo as Minister of War; lavre remains In tho Ministry at the special request of Thiers. Picard will be made Governor of the Bank of France. Vlncennea Surrendered Unconditionally this morning. It contained three hundred men, among whom were eighteen chiefs ef the defunct Commune. General Clssey's, Ladmlrault'f, and Vinoy's corps have completely occupied Paris, and will remain until the city is thoroughly pacified. General Barral is named for Governor of the city, bnt without the title. Weakness of the Paris Government. Paris (Tuesday Evening), May 80. Already there is a strong feeling that the Paris Govern ment Is too weak to last. Awful Massacres continue. In one ditch wounded were burled alive. They groaned and shrieked dreadfully all night. Vidal was shot; so was Freldherd. Forty thousand francs were found in the latter's cell, which are spoils of the republic. Matthlea Murcher, of the Commune, was arrested, and 1150,000 francs found upon him. Okolowskl was found wounded in an ambulance, and tken out and shot. M illiere was arrested at the Luxem bourg. He resisted violently, and fired six shots from a revolver. He was taken to the steps and shot by the Versailllsts at tho barri cades in the Place des Fetes. A number of in surgents lost their way and got mixed up with tbe Versailllsts, by whom they were taken pri soners and fifty shot. The Picard Resignation. London, May SI. Tbe Times' special from Versailles says Ernest Picard has resigned the Ministry of the Interior and la succeeded therein by Victor Lefranc. The Monde announces that Joliivllle and Aumale have proclaimed adherence to the manifesto of Chambord, and the fusion of the Legitimists and Orleanlsts Is complete. The Daily News' special says Rochefort Is certainly condemned. General Ledd goes to St. Petersburg as ambassador from Fiance. He is succeeded as Minuter of War uy General Ciseey. Picard is appointed Governor of the Bank of France. The Hugos. . Francois nugo writes a letter to the Indepen dance Edge, giving details of the attack npon his father's house in Brussels, and asserting that the mob cried "Death to Hugo!" The Beige disapproves the expulsion of Hugo. This Morning's Quotations. London, May 8t 10-so A. M. Consols SV for money and account. U. S. bonds flrin; s-aos of U68, UX ; Ot 18SB, 90", Of 186T, t'Jlf; 10-s, 6. LivEKrooi,. May 1110 So A. M Cotton opened flrin; middling uplands, 1K(Ud.; middling Or leans, TKd. bales 10,000 baies. This Afternoon's Quotations. London, May 81-1 -30 P. M. Consols, 1 3. Liverpool, Way 81 S30 P. M. Cotton active end firmer: middling uplands, Tv4Td. 5 Orleans, Sd. Sales now estimated at 0,Ooo bales, of which loft are for export and speculation, bales on a skip named at ISew uneana, uut muuw gwu uruuiai j, 6 1-Utd. Tallow, 4'is. Sd. London, May 81. Tallow, tSs. 6di3s. 9L FROM WASI1IXQIOX. Jay Cooke St, Co. and the New Loan The Offer Declined. BperiaX PespaUh to Tht Eeening T4grpK Washington, May 81 Tho Secretary of the Treasury has finally notified Messrs. Jay Cooke 4z Co. that tho proposition, made in behalf of a combination of banks and bankers and them selves, to take tho balance of tbe two hundred million loan is declined, for the reason that tho Secretary doubts his power to accept some of the conditions proposed. Tho Secretary, at the conclusion of his letter to Jay Cooke, pays that gentleman the follow ing merited compliment: 'But, believe me, I am under great obligations to yon and yonr house fer the active efforts already made by 70a in aiding the Government to place the loan." It is probable that a proposition which the Secretary may feel it best to accept may be shortly tendered to him bv the same party. I BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. J Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph Washington, May 8U New Jersey Census Productions of Agri culture In the State. Acres of improved land , 1,970,474 Wood " 71S.835 other unimproved land 894,708 Cash valne of farms $257, BIS Value of Implements and machinery t7,ss7,9'Jl Amount of wages paid during the year.. 1:3,814,644 Horses, number 79,708 Males and asses, number 8,ww Milch cows, number isa.ssi W orking oxeB, number 8,83a Other cattle, number 6,82T Sheep, number rzo.ubi Swine, number 142.563 Valne of live stock f 21,44.Mi'3 Bpnng wheat bushels. . 2,09 "Winter wheat, bushels 2.29,8R4 Rye, bushels 666,773 Indian corn, bushels 8,745,384 Oats, bushels. 4,099,830 barley, bushels 8,33 Buckwheat, bushels 853,933 Tobacco, pounds 40,871 Wool, pounds 823,843 Peas and beans, Wushels 66,221 Irish potatoes, bushels. 4,70s.45t (Sweet potatoes, bushels l,6.'0,Tt4 Orchard products and agriculture (1,298,282 Prodnce of market gardens. f 2,78,'2."0 Wine, gallons 24 970 Butier, pounds. 8,269,023 Cheese, pounds. 33,229 Milk SOld, gallons. 6,373,323 Hay, tons 621,973 Cloverseed, bushels 2, 806 Grass seed, bushels 12 401 Hops, pounds 19,033 Hemp, tons 6 Flax, pounds 234,001 Flaxseed, bushels 6,095 Maple sugar, pounds 419 Maple molasses, gallons ' 6 Sorghum molasses, gallons 17,424 Wax, pounds 8,021 Honey, pounds 60,6J6 Forest products 1362,704 Value of home manufactures. f 144,016 Value of animals slaughtered 18,982,162 Value of all farm productions 142,725,193 Government Weather Report. War Department, Office of the Chief Siunaj. Officer, Washington, May 81 10-30 A. M. Synop sis for tbe past twenty-four houru The barometer has risen on the Rocky mountain stations. It fell somewhat on Tuesday In the Mississippi and Mis souri valleys, but is now rising. It remains low from Lake Ontario eastward, and has fallen slightly in the Southern and Gaif States. The temperature remains without material change, excepting a de cided fall In New York a'id eastward, which region is now covered with threatening clouds and occasional light rains. Hainv and threatening weather has alsa contluuad In Ohio and Jttast Ten aesKee and South Carolina. Heavy rains have fallen at the Itocky Mountain stations, where it Is new clearing away. Fresh winds from the south and southwest have prevailed In the Mouth and Middle Atlantic and In Nebraska. Elsewhere light and loeal winds have prevailed. Probabilities. It la probable that threatening weather, with light rains, will continue la the ex treme Eastern States. Clear weather from Lake Erie to Lake Superior; partially cloudy and clear weather, with Increasing temperature, in the Ohio Valley and southward, with rain la portions of the Blue Ridge. FROM MEXICO. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Insurrectionary News Political, etc.'' Mexico, May 23 Affairs look threatening in the States of Jalisco, San Luis, Fotosl, and Pnebla. Canto has been sentenced to death. A million dollars in silver arrived from Guadala jara to be shipped to Europe and the United States. Tamplco has not yet been taken. Con sul Badham Bays the rebellion is not of political significance. Its only object is to rob mer chants. Tamberlik, Feralta, and Marie were enthusiastically received on their first ap pearance. FROM JVEW YORK. : I BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Burning Telegraph. The Viaduct Railway. New York, May 31. ft has been decided by the Directors of the Viaduct Riilway to build an eastern branch, from the City 1111 to Eighty fourth street first, and to complete It about the end of next year. The engineer expects to put through trains from City Hall to Eighty-fourth street in thirteen or fourteen minutes. FROM T11K WEST. by associated press.'I Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Storm til Clucluuatl-Death by Lightning. Cincinnati, May 81. A heavy rala storm occurred yesterday afternoon and evening, ac companied with lightning. J. F. Forbas, a well known citizen, was struck by lightning and killed. Much damage was done in the city from water. FROM CALIFORNIA. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS J Exclusively to The Evening TelearapK The Fruit Crop Injured. San Francisco, May 30 The high winds have damaged the fruit and grape crops ex tensively in the vicinity of Los Angeles. Decoration Day was appropriately observed here and at Virginia City. New Yprlt Honey and Stock Market. New Yore, May 8i.t.ocii dull and heavy. Money easy at S percent. Moid, 111V- 1&9, coupons, lllVido. 1964, cp., llivtdo. lt65,cp., ill v; do. l. new, U3V; do. 1867, 113;; da lstW, 118?.; 10.40s, l(9; Virginia 6s, new, 74 j Missouri 6s, 9&V;tdu ton Co., 83 ; Cumberland preferred, Br, N. V. On tral aud Hudson River, 'J?i; Idle, 80V;Reallug, 117;;; Adams Express, 81',; .Michigan Central, 124; Michigan Soutnern, 114; Illinois Central, 1S6: Cleveland and Plttshurj, 120; Chicago and Roct Island, tH ; rittuurg sua Fors wayue, , ; Western Union Telegraph, 68y. Chicago Flour aud Wheat Market. Special iMnpalck to The Evening Telegraph. Chicago, May II. Wheat market dull. No. 8, tl'rtVtslV, seller June; and l-27 V. seller July. Corn dull at M),&51o., seller Juue; aud fiftd 63 Vo , seller July. Flour, bbla. 8,000 7,ikw Oats, bus,... 8i,0 e6,oH Whrat,bua. 46 OuO B.iwo Hye, bus .... 1.0(h) 1,000 Corn, bus ..801.000 94.000 barley, bus., i.uoo .... Milwaukee Markets. Miiwaueeb, Way 81. Wheat market steady. No. 1, $1-2HW; No. 9, l-ttV Receipts, bushels; shipmeats, m,oot bushels. Freights steaia, 10io. ; sail, 6tO. IS HE TILE COXIXQ KIN! Proclamation of tho Count do Chambord. Versailles, May 12. I send yon an Interest ing document namely, a manifesto ot the Count de Chambord, la the form of a letter to one of his friends: Like you, my dear friend, I witness with grief and pain the lamentable fortunes of this hateful civil war, which has so closely followed the disasters of invasion. I have no need to tell you now completely I sympathise with you In the sad reflections which It suggests, and how fully I comprehend your an guish. When the first shell from the enemy burst over Paris I could only think of the grandeur of the city in which I was born, I gave atterance to a cry which has been hear. I. could do no more, and now, as then, I am compelled to groan over the horrors of this fratrlclcal contest. But be conll dent. Tho hazards of this grievous enterprise are not greater than the heroism of our troops. Yon live, yen say, among men of parties anxious to know what I wish, what I desire, and what I hope. Be good enough to acqaalnt them with my most cherished thoughts, aad with all tbe sentiments which inspire me. Say that I have never deceived mem, mat I never shall deceive them, and to at 1 entreat them In the name of all mankind, the wit nesses or onr misfortunes, to forget our dissensions, our prejudices, and our enmities. Caution theia against the calumnies Spread fer the purpose of creating a belief that, discouraged: by the greatness of our misfortunes and despairing of the tuturr or niycountry, I have renounced the happtnst of saving It. It will be saved whenever it ceastts to coDfound license with liberty. Above all, It will be saved when It ceases to look for security from hap hazard governments, which, after a lew years of fancied security, leave it in difficulties trnly deplorable. Beyond political agitations there Is a France which suffers a France which cannot be destroyed and which will not be destroyed; for when I'rovldence subjects a nation to such trials it Is because great duties are still in reserve for It. Let us confess that the desertion of princi ple Is the real cause of our disasters. A Christian nation cannot with Impunity tear out the venerable pages of Its history, break the chain ot Us tradi tions, inscribe at the head of Its constitution a nega tion of the rights of God, or banish every rellgloas Idea from Its laws and Its public Instruction. Under such circumstances disorder will be the rule. The oscillations will be between anarchy and Cicsarlsrn, two forms of government equally disgraceful equally characteristic of the decadence of heathen nations, and which will ever be the lot of nations who are forgetful of their dnty. The country was well aware of this when It elected men as enlight ened as you as to the wants of the time, aad pene trated with a sense of the principles waich are essen tial to every society which seeks to maintain Itself lu honor and liberty. Hence It Is. uy dear friend, not withstanding any remains of prejudice, the good sense of all France longs fotfaj monarchy. It sees its way by the glimmerings of its conflagrations. It sees that order Is requisite to justice and honesty, and that Independently of hereditary monarchy It has nothing to hope for. OppoBe with earnestness the errors and prejudices which too rapialy find ad mission Into the hearts of the noblent. It Is given out that I claim absolute power. Would to (Jod that such a power had not so readily been accorded to those who In troublous times came forward as saviors ! Had It ibeen otherwise, we should not to day have been lamenting the misfortunes of the country. You know that what I desire is to labor for the regeneration of the country, to give scope to all Its legitimate aspirations to preside at the head of the whole house of France, over Its destinies, and confldentlv snbmlt the acts of the Government to the careful control of representatives freely elected. It Is asserted that hereditary monarchy Is incompatible with the eaualitv of all before the law. I maintalu that I do not on this point ignore the lessons of ex perience and the conditions 01 tne uie ot a nation. llow could I advocate privileges for others I, who only ask to be allowed to devote every moment of my life to the security and happiness of France, and to share her distress before sharing her honor? It Is asserted that the Independence of the Papacy It is dear to me, and mat 1 am determined to ontaiu em caclous guarantees for it. That is true. The liberty of the Church la the first condition ef spiritual peace aud of order in tbe State. To protect the lloly See ras ever the honorable duty of our coun try, and the most Indisputable canse of Its greatness among nations. Only in the period of Its greatest miBrorcnues na i' ranee ananionea inis glorious protectorate. Rest assured if 1 am called it will be not on.y because I represent right, but because I am order, reform because I am the essential basis of that authority which is required to re store that which has perished, and to govern Jnstlv and according to law. with the view of remedying the evils of the past aad of paving the wsv for the future. I shall be told that I hold the ancient sword of France In my hand and in my breast the heart of a king and a father which recognizes no party. I am of no party, and do not desire to return or to relgu by means of nartv. I have no Injury to avenge, no enemy to exile, no fortune to retrieve, except that ef France. It Is In my power to select from every auarter the men who are anxious to associate them selves with this grand undertaking. I only bring back religion, concord, and peace. 1 desire to ex ercise no dictatorship but that of clemency, because in my hands, and in my hands alone, clemency la still justice. Thus it is, my aear iriena, mar 1 ae- spur not of myzcountry, ana mat 1 uo not sarins from the magnitude of my task. La parole est a la France et l'heure a Dleu. May8, 1871. Hjsnri. IMMENSE BERRY SHIPMENTS. , Two Hundred and Flfty-alx Thousand Quarts Pass Through Wilmington In Single Day. Yesterday was a bie day for strawberry ship ments, the quantity received off the Delaware Railroad for shipment northward being the largest ever chipped in a single day. There came over that road eighteen cars for ew York and eight to Philadelphia, twenty- six in all. and as each car averages 8000 quarts. tbe shipments from the Peninsula yesterday, amounted to the enormous aggregate of 1303,000 quarts. Besides these there were six car loads from Baltimore for New York, making 48.000 quarts more; making a total aggregate of 250,000 quarts and weighing 250 tons. And we do not believe we have yet reached the height of the season. Wilmington torn. FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. A Baggage-Master Falls Off Ills Train. On the arrival hero last' night of the train which leaves Philadelphia at 1130 P. M., It was found that the bag.jasp-maiiter was missing, as he was known to Lave been on the train when it started, it was surmised that he had fallen off, and Mr. Gookln dispatched an extra train north ward to look for blm. llis body was found a short distance this side (south) of Thurlow, life being entirely extinct, and in such position and condition as to tho w that the surmise that he had fallen off the train was correct. The re mains were taken to Chester, where an inquest will be held. Deceaseds name was canton flosHn. and he has a brother, a dentist, living lu New CasiJe Wilminnlon Commercial last evening. FltfAbyx AND COMUEllCE. . KVEMTHO TBLORAH OVrtOB,l WednMday.aUr31.1871. t In the monev market the same features so often noted continue without material change. The supply of loanable currency is excessive at at all the usual sources, aui uufrutuum call aud time are supplied liberally on very favoralil terms. Many loans on call are re united ia.hv as low as 3 per cent , but the average rate is l'r cent, on Goveruineut aud rrn.A at rink collaterals. Commercial paper i Scarce. eyiDl'alI"iluS nim mo kcuoii iu trade, aud flr6t-class acceptances meet with ready sale at 5(u 6 per cent , both at the bonks .( ... .V... ........... 1 a,lnt..ln and oa tne arecv. Gold is quiet and steady, the sales ranging iiioyHH. closinn at the latter. (jnverument bonds are dull but firm, with vitio rhanfe to record in prices. Mfn V .were moderately active, but prices sbow a considerable break, which is pretty gene ral. Bales of State 6s, third series, at 10J; City A at WMi for the new cernacntes. Kp&rilmr Railroad was weak, with sales at 6lJ 3-6(5 50; Pennsylvania sold at tiV; Camden u n r! Am inv at 12U-: North Pennsylvania at aS1; Mlnhill at 04: lCOltta v aney at oj.'i; auu on ami Allechuny at 52 lu. b. O. In Canal shares there were sales of Lehigh at 37K&87. In tho balance of the list the only sales were Commonwealth Bank at 64 and McCllntock Oil at . PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Reported by Do Haven A Hro.. No. 40 B.Thlrd street. FIKST BOARD. 1900 CitT ea. Nsw.lODUl loo ah Reading.. .69 -16 fifOOH A BTopc. 4 ton do . 60 ilOOOOOA A U7s. 87V MO do M0. 69V SshCam A Am..litv let do....s.6 -l ISOshLch N.. b60 E7V ino do.. .880.69 1-10 600 do 860. 87 V 100 do... .85.69 1-16 600 do S7H 10 do 69 1-1 1 sh Mlnehill K,. 64 60 do.. .840.69 1-1 leesnLeb V R.... 6V do....BS.69 1-lS 60 do b5. C2.V 600 do 69 .86 oh Fenna R.... esv nA do 69 1-18 4 do.recelpts. 63 (ieo do 69 1-18 RRShOCA A K.. 68V 0 do 69 100 do 880. 62V MK8SR8. William Painter fc Co., No. 86 a Third street, report the following quotations : U. S. 6s of 1891, 117V'H1?i ; B-S Of 1868, 111 VmX ; do. 1864. lllKAlUM do. I860, mollis; do., July, 1868, 11R?4113: do., July, 1867, 118 V41141 do. July, 1963,11371114; 10-4I1O, 10flVai0V. U. 8. PaclilO It. R. Currency s, 116ail&?. Gold, lllXrtm V. Mbssks. Ds Haven fc Brother, No. 40 South Third street, Philadelphia, report the following quotations :-D. 8.0s of 18S1, 117H7i ; do. 1869, liiSOiiiX; do. 1864, iii;iuv; do. i860, im; 111s ; do. 1S66, new, 118V114; do. 1867, do. H3,v 114; do. 1869, do. 113;U4; 10-408, 109 V109. U. 8. 80 Year 6 per oenc Currency, 11&119?; Gold, HlV(iill2; Silver, 10(A108M ; Union Pauino Rail road 1st Hork Bonds, 9'2 V$My; Central Pacing Railroad, 102V103V; Union Paolflo Land Grant Bonds, 84S(b5't. is arr st ladner, isroEers. report tnis morning pom quorauona as ionows: 10DOA. M 111V 11 -SIS A. M 111V 11-84 " U1V una P.M m;i 10- VB " 1U, 11- 80 U1JK Philadelphia Trade Report. "Wednesday, May 81. Bark In the absence of sales we quote No. 1 Quercitron at $30 per ton. Tanner's Bark ranges from $13 to 118-60 per cord. Seeds Cloverseed Is dull and nominal at 8VC per lb. In Timothy nothing doing. Flaxseed sells to rue crusners at fv-Ktcx-su. The Flour market is quiet but steady at yesterdav's quotations. 600 barrels sold in lots for the supply 01 tne norae consumers at is-kvivw ror superfine ; 5-69V8 87V 'or extras; $S-BO8-76 for Iowa and Wisconsin extra iamny ; vwtt lor lair and rancy Minnesota do. do. ; SV2S6-7S for Pennsylvania do. do.; 17(97-60 for Indiana and Ohio do. do., and $7-76(?9 for fancy brauds, as In quality. Also 675 barrels Quaker City Mills on private terms. Ryo F.onr sells in a small way at 5 87v3. In Corn Meal nothing doing. There is a nrm feeling in tne wheat market, but not much actlvlt.v. hales of Indiana aud Ohio red at $l-66(iil-68; 10,000 bushels Indiana do. on private terras, and some amber at tl-6S(l-70. Rye Is steady and may be quoted at fl-liOl-15 for Pennsylvania and western, and ii'OOft-ie ror southern, corn la quiet at the decline noted yesterday. Hales of 8000 Misneis at I4i idc. ior yeuow, and TAosc. fer Western mixed. Oats are in fair request, with sales of Pennsylvania and Western at 6S71c. lor white, and 66i67e. for mixed. whisky is unchanged, soo barrels Western iron- bound sold at He. LATEST SIIlTFIKtt INTELLIGENCE. POET OF PHILADELPHIA MAY 81 STATE OF THERMOMETER AT THE EVBNINO TELEGRAPH . OFFICE. 8 A. M. 78 1 11 A. M 88 8 P. M...M..8T Sun Rises. 4-84 I Moon Sets.... . 2'58 11-41 Sun Sits 7-ui Hiaa Water.. By Cable.) Liverpool. Mav 89 Arrived, shins Sonthamn. ton, from Galveston ; OleuesK, from New York ; and .lobib waisn, irons .new uneans; scars scinuia, rm New York, and viola, from New Orleans; and bark Lamaica, from Galveston. London, May si. steamships Angiia, Captain Gralg, and Sidoalan, from New York, have arrived ont. . . CrESNSTOWN, May 82. Arrived, steamship City of Limerick. (By Telegraph.) New Yoke. Hay 81 Arrived, steamshln Minna. sota, from Liverpool. CLEARED THIS MORNING. Steamship Norfolk, piatt, Richmond and Norfolk, w. r. ciyae co. Steamer A. C Burners, Davis, New York, W. P. Clyde A co. Bchr h. Bradley, McMonagle, Newport. Bchr Ney. Chase, do. Bcnr nacnaei seaman, seaman, Boston. SchrTraaslt, Rackett, New Bedford. Bchr American Eagle, Bhaw, Pawtucket. Barge Watson U. Uoune, Bloonsburg, New York. Barge Clortnda, Brewa, do. Barge Almlra Jane, Hamilton, de. Barge No. 86, Renna, de. Tngs Mary, ; Chesapeake, Merrlhew ; and G. B. jiutcBings, juuirora, Baltimore, witn tows 01 barges, W. P. Clyde & Co. ARRIVED THIS MORNING. N. G. ship Admiral, Haesloop, 49 days from Liver pool, with salt to Wm. Bumm A Son. aip wuuam woes, nous, o aays irom uverpooi, with mdse. te Peter Wright fc. Sons. Bteamer E. c. Bid die, Mccue, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Bteamer A. C. Burners. Davis, 94 hours from New Yerk, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Bark Marnieaead, cemns, 63 days from Liverpool. with mdse. to Peter Wright A Sons. Br. bark J. T. Smith. Howard. 62 days lrom Mes sina, with Irult, etc., to isaac Jeaues & Co. Bark jc. f. narnman, Mckeis, 11 days rrom Ha vana, with sugar and molasses to 11. W. ttartol vessel to Warren A Gregg. Dan. brig ovava, uacue, 47 days rrom Messina, with fruit, etc., to S. S. Scattcrgood. ung Jeremiah, trora, 11 aays irora cieniuegos, with sugar to . A W. V ehih vessel to Warren fc. Gregg. Bchr Lizzie Batchelder, English, 8 days fm Sajrua, With sugar and molasses to Isaac Hough A Merrls. Bchr Lizzie Maull, Adaraa, 13 days from Bangor, With shingles, laths, etc., te Patterson fc LIpplncott. Bchr Howard, Wooster, 19 days from Bangor, with laths and pickets to T. P. Gaivin A Co. Bchr K. C. Thomas, Crockett, 19 days from Wind sor, N. fc., with plaster to A. C. Clewell vessel to W arren & Uregg. Bchr Sophie, Bunker, 10 days from Windser, N.S., with plaster to Smith fc Harris vessel to Warren &, Gregg. . Sciir Tycoon, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del., With grain to John L. Redner. Bchr Chief, Wet, 1 day from Indian River, Del., With lumber to John L. Uedner. . Bchr illume Grilling, urliling, 9 days from New Eaven, with anise, to Lennox fc burgess. Bchr John AiAlaro, Willard, 10 days from Fall River, in ballast to do. Bchr Nellie K. Benedict, Case, 8 days from Somer set, with Iron to do. Bchr Fred. Fish, Davis, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to do. Bchr Albert Henderson (new), Henderson, from Bohton, lu ballast to Co. Bchr B. F. Lowell, Leavlit, from Boston, in ballast to do. Bchr J. D. Ingraham, Dlckersen, 6 days from Port land. Conu., with stone to nio. Tag Joe Johnson, Ingraham, from Baltimore, with a tew of barges to W. P. Clyde A Co. Tug Chesapeake, Merrihew, from Baltimore, with a t.M of bargee to W. P. Clyde A Co. Sir" Sc-hr Begulu, arrived yesterday from Havana, Is t onnlgned (vessel) to Lennox & Burgnas. Correspondence of The Eceninn Telcnaph. KABTON fc AlCMAlk'N S BL LI.BTIN. New Yokk Office, Msv The following targts leave lu tow to-uJght fr Biitmiore, Hunt: Hjdittuoia. colonel Aiui-s. C H. Swau, C. B. Wal- rath, Jr. W. F. Nutting, Wayne County, ana V. Tsiiiiey. NO drspatcnes r01U uauuuuru urautu union ilk morning. , ruiLADKU'UIA 1JKANLU umtn, may ei ncainer. My bu, wind backed iroru h. w. to b. s. w., at 8 P. Hi. ; fresh breeze, equivalent to the 'dea breeze" prevailing along Hie Atiantiu sr a-board evry after. noon My S1 uu.bciu , uviiguuiu from 8 by W. 10 W. by S. Barometrical: May BO, down to 0 -W. L.S. C. Facial Despatch to Tht hvning Titeyraoh. BAVKB-i-oaAC, Mijtsi. The following boats leave in tow to-day: Kufus W iley, witu bark, and Thomas Craig, with lumber to Faitersoji & Llppincoit. Heading. Kibhtr A Co., with lumber to WaUon A! alone fc Bon. by Ivan Stream and Martha Agnes, with lumber, for Wilmington. Bertram, with bark, and Lizzie and Laura, with coal to order Three Butters and Alaska, with bark, fer Chester; Simnle, with lumber to Craig & ttiauchurd. J U,