The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, May 30, 1871, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. XV. NO. 127.
Full Report of his Speech.
Democratic Newspaper Trouble.
Singular Case of Hydrophobia
Suicide of a School Girl.
Etc. Etc.. Etc.
A Full Report of Jeff. Davis' Speech In A u
gnsta, Ga. Piinlalunent with Him
'Played out" Northern Loyal Men, he
Reasserts, "Feel Their Inferiority" to
Southern Traitors and Rebels.
We have a full report, Riven by Democratic
authority, of Jed. Davis' speech at Augusta,
Ga., on Thursday night last, in defense of the
Lost Cause and in defiance of loyal sentiment in
the North and the South. To those in the North,
if any there be, who believe that the old re
bellious spirit in the South is crushed, and
who urge that for that reason bygones
should be bygones, and the Southern leaders ali
be pardoned and readmitted to all the rights
and privileges they forfeited by their treason,
this speech is submitted as worthy of more than
passing consideration, with the reminder that it
was delivered in the presence of many of the
most influential "Democratic" citizens of Geor
gia, and by them loudly applauded. This is
the speech:
I My Friends and Fellow-cltiBens;of Georgia: I feel
that I have a peculiar claim upon trie people of
Georgia, and that tbe people of this State hare, also,
a peculiar claim upon me. My father was a citizen
of Georgia many long years ago, and to him have 1
often listened in the days of my boyhood as he told
to me traditions of tie great Revolution. It was In
this city of Augusta this aucient old town upon the
banks of the .Savannah that ray father, then but a
mere boy, came to Join the Revolutionary forces,
and enlisted beneath the American flag. I am
proud of my father, and proud of his State. If it Is
a crime to feel proud of this sire to glory In his
devotion to tne cause of the right to remember with
exultation nis services in ueience or liberty, then,
my friends, Is It also a crime to oppose a despotic
centralization of power and uphold the right of a
State to withdraw from a voluntary compact en
tered Into only for the preservation f the freedom
cfthem all. If this is a crime, then am I a
criminal, and It Is the only offense of which
1 have been guilty. I repeat, Georgians, that
2 claim to be of Georgia descent, aud i glory
In my lineage. Although the distinguished
gentleman who welcomed me to your city, with
words so kindly and so eloquent, has said that you
fay a tnbate to me by your presence here to-night,
cannot think that he was correct in this remark.
It la not a tribute to me Individually, but because
you feel that I am one of yourselves that you come
to do me honor. And while I am fully aware of this
fact, do not. Imagine that I feel at all mortified at
it, or ttiat my vanity 1b wounded becaase you honor
me only as the representative of your cause. That
cause is dear to me more precious even than life
(applause) and I glory in its remembrance.
Just here let me say to you that I well know how
every utterance of mine is seized upon by the or
gans and members of a certain faction. lam well
aware of the eagerness with which every word of
mine is caught up, and the ingenuity with which it
la distorted and used in furtherance of designs apon
my people, and hence I dare not speak to ysu as I
desire. My heart Is full to overflowing, God knows,
but 1 cannot speak. Many memories of the past are
Ptruggllng in my brain, but I must be silent. Though
I must not speak, it Is no tear for myself which
commands my Hps to be closed. No; I have
been punished for my crimes, and have experienced
the worst which could be Imposed. In the cant
language of the day, punishment with me is "played
out." The worst that can be done has been done,
and I have no more to fear. It I speak it is not
myself, but you who would be Injured, for, unfortu
nately, additional wrongs can yet be heaped upon
vou. Therefore, if I claim merit for anything, it
will be for keeping silent. My simplest words may
. work you harm. If I say "Good night, my
friends, go to your homes," and a Congres
sional Investigating committee happened to
be within hearing, its members would swear
that I directed you to go off and
join the Kuklux. (Laughter and applause.) Filled
with that jealousy which springs from the knowl
edge of their Inferiority, and the justice of your pre-
tensions, and conscious of broken covenants and a
violated constitution, they mistrust every move
ment, and tremble with fear when they think that
right may again prevail. (Applause.) But wrong
cannot always be triumphant. I will say nothing
and von must do nothing, even though tyranny
oppresses grievously upon you. Forbear- for
a season, and a day will come when al
will yet be well, I may not, nor may
some of you live to see it, but
It is snrelr coming. (Applause.) lie who reigns
above and lives always will see that justice is done.
He will not allow the wicked to always remain in
power, nor the righteous to be oppressed. We can
wait until that day comes, and, In the meantime, be
quiet, Tls an old and wise saying that a good biting
dog never barks much. If we wait patiently, a
senxe of justice will yet return to the people of the
United States, or an opportunity will come when
our rights can be gained, and not only our
rights tbe rights of the South but the rights of
all the people; the rights which were fought for
and obtained at the point of the sword la tbe
first revolution (Applause.) But though I
cannot and should not speak, I fear that where the
mind and the heart are both so full I will not
be able to restrain my words. I cannot think one
thing and say another, and unless the honest emo
tions oi my soul can oe expressed l do not care to
speak. I thank you, gentlemen, for your kindness,
and feel deeply touched at Its exhibition. Mar U-Jd
foster and preserve you. If ever the day comes
when I can speak freely I will be among you and
say to you all that is In my heart. Till then fare-
wen, ana may the great Goa be with jou always,
A School Girl Takes Her Life Because She
had Committed a Trivial Uirenae. '
The Chicago Post of Saturday evening says:
The following announcement appeared in
yesterday morning's papers, In the place as
signed for death notices:
"At the residence of William McLala Lizzie, R.
w estcott, aged 16 years and 9 months."
On Thuredav night this young girl retired to
rest in perfect health. In the morning she was
dead. Coroner Stephens proceeded to the bouse
yesterday afternoon and held an inquest. From
tbe evidence submitted it become apparent that
tne poor gin bad deliberately committed tui
clde, and the jury found accordingly. The sad
story, as developed before the Inquest, showed
that the girl was of a highly sensitive organiza
tion, and had taken her own life because of the
remorse which had followed the commission of
comparatively trivial offense. On Wednesday
afternoon, she listened to the Invitation of a
young man to take a boat ride with him on the
basin. 10 account to th teacher tor her an
sence, her friend wrote a note, sign
ing Mrs. McLalns name, and saying
that Lizzie had been detained at home. The
deception she had practised so preyed upon her
that she confessed her fault to W aunt. Mrs.
McLain mildly reproved her. The fault and the
reproof sank deeply into her mind, and she de
clared to the friend who was her companion on
the boat ride that she would commit suicide
He laughed at her threat, thlnklug it nothing
more than idle talk; but the girl was in earnest.
Upon retiring for the night, and after taking a
more than usually affectionate leave of her
aunt, she took a dose of morphine. The drug
quickly performed Its deadly mission. The
corpse of the girl was found in her bed 'in the
Grand Row In sv Democratic Newspaper
The Suntury American of the 27th inst, says:
The non-appearance of the Northumberland
County Democrat last week cansed considerable
speculation until the real cause was made known.
It appears that the editors of that sheet never
nad much love or regard for each other, and
consequently when certain subjects were dis
cussed, and particularly as to tbe ring party,
during the past year, there was anything but
harmony or good feeling between the parties.
From what we can learn the senior editor
has repeatedly been annoyed and in
sulted by the conduct of his partner, who is a
firm disciple of the ring, until patience became
exhausted and ceased to be a virtue. Week he
fore last the senior editor, Mr. Elchholtz, being
out of town, the junior, Mr. Day, saw proper to
indulge his penchant and talent for slander
and vituperation, by the publication of a com
munication asasiling J. J. Reimensnyder, a re
spectable gentleman, and Democratic -candidate
for Associate Judge, which the senior, on his re
turn, did not approve. In last week's Issue, the
senior, as a matter of justice, wrote an apology
to be inserted in the Democrat, refuting the
charge in the communication referred to. On
Friday morning.when tbe paper was about being
put to press, Mr. Day objected to its going into
the paper, and as Mr.Eichholtz was in the act of
placing the article in type in tbe form, Mr. Day
knocked it out of his hands, scattering the type
on the floor. Mr. Eichhsltz then Bald that the
paper could not be issued unless the article was
inserted. Mr. Day declared that he would not
allow it to go in. Thus matters came to a
dead lock and all work in the ollice ceased. The
friends of both parties came forward, but no
reconciliation could be effected. On Monday
morning Mr. Eichholtz made another attempt
to issue the paper, when Day came up again and
knocked from his hands the article referred to,
scattering the type on the floor. A regular
fisticuff then ensued, which resulted in Mr. Day
coming out second best, and having his eyes
placed in mourning.
This collision came rather sooner than was
anticipated, and will no doubt result In a disso
lution of partnership, which will, if Mr. Day is
ejected from that ollice, leave the ring without
an organ in the county.
Bloody Shooting Affair In Mississippi One
of the Parties Shot Three Times.
The Memphis Avalanche of Saturday last says:
A shooting affray occurred Thursday evening
at Harrison, a small station on the Mississippi
and Tennessee Railroad, in Tallahatchie county,
Mississippi, between a young gentleman named
Fred. Craig and a man named Coggeshall, rep
resentative elect from that county to the Legis
lature. Abut 5 o'clock in the evening Mr. Craig
walked up to where Coggeshall was standing in
front of one of the stores and asked for an ex-
Elanatlon concerning some language which he
ad used. Coggeshall was standing at this time
with both hands in his pockets, and when young
craig asKea mm tor an explanation he pro
ceeded to give It by pulling a couple of Derrin
ger pistols, cocked, ana one in each hand.
which he pointed directly at Craig's head, who
was standing witnm a leet oi mm. That would
have been explanation enough for most men.
But Craig, instead of saying that was all he
wanted, struck Coggeshall a violent blow in the
face, turning him about half way around.
Wheeling back, Coggeshall pulled the
trigger of bis right-hand pistol, but
which, fortunately for young Craig, did not exn
piode tne cap, and by tne time ha could nse his
elt-hand pistol, Craig bad drawn his revolver.
and both men fired at the Bame time, Cogge
shall s boll passing over Craig s head, while tne
loiter snot mm in tne lett breast, the Dan
glancing around the bone and producing
serious liesh wound. As soon as he was snot.
Coggeshall started to run, and had got off about
thirty paces distant when Craig again fired, this
time etriKiug mm in the can ot ms lett leg.
Turning, Coggeshall fired his remaining shot
from the pistol which would not go the first
time, and missing Craig, who was standing still,
he again started off in a run.. lie got away
about fifty yards before Craig fired his third aud
last snot, wmcii strucR mm in tne lower portion
of his back. This shot brought him to the
ground, seeing which Craig put up his revolver
and walked off. Yesterday morning, although
all three of tbe bullets were still lodged in his
body, Coggeshall was reported to be resting
easily and with a lair chance oi recovery, llie
difficulty was strictly a personal one.
Man Dies from the Bite of a Dog Re
ceived Four Years Previously.
A correspondent of the Scrantoa liepublican
The streets of Ashley were thrown into a
fever of excitement yesterday by the report
that a man had died from hydrophobia, and,
alas t the report proved too true. The case is
both remarkable and horrible. About four years
ago John Bennett was Ditten in tne nana Dy a
mad dog. Tbe wound was small and soon
healed. He has been in good health and was of
sound mind, and no unnatural mad actions
were noticeable until a few days ago, when
the men at work witn hitn in
the mines noticed a wild expression about
his face and a peculiarity in his manners
at times he would stare at them with a fero
cious look, similar to that of a mad dog, but as
these symptoms of mania were ot but a mo
ment's duration, it was not mentioned. On
Wednesday he was taken sick and confined to
his bed. After being confined to his bed he
could not bear the sight of water, and In a
short time it was evident that he was suffering
with hydrophobia. The day passed and the
suffering Increased; the suffering had become so
intense that he foamed at the mouth, and last
night he expired. A tew minutes before he
died he said he was suffering greatly by a pain
in his breast, showing that he was sensible to
tbe last. It is said by those who saw him die
that It was the most heart-rending scene they
ever witnessed.
Terrible Ravages on Long Island Physi
cians Prescribing for the Measles A
Mother's Reprehensible Act.
The prevalence cf that dread disease, emall-
Eox, is now greater on Long Island than ever
efore. At Hunter's Point it has broken out
with renewed fatality. An hospital has .been
established at Dutch Kills, adjacent 'to two
railroads, and . to , this . fact is attributed its
general prevalence. Dr. Wood, Health- Officer
of Jamaica, informed. a Telegram reporter
that he knew of cases of small-pox that
physicians were treating as measles, and deaths
bad occurred from that cause. At Far
Kockaway this was the case, and the people did
not hesitate to pay tne usual tribute to the de
ceased, kissing them and attending their fune
rals at midday. A family from .Jamaica went
to Kockaway to a funeral. When they returned
tbe mother took sick. Her physician prescribed
for the measles, and she soon died, ihe netgu
bors all attended the funeral, me child was
next taken sick. Dr. Wood was called in and
found it to be ill with black small-pox. An ex
aminatlon of tbe father revealed the fact that
Lis person was covered with it, but in an
undeveloped statre. The neighbors became horrl'
'fled at this revelation and buried their clothing
In the woodd.
At Stony tfrook, all the children oi one
fauilv were taken with small-pox. It was sup
tvfuipfi to he a case of mniuili-a. A woman -sent
ier children into the house that they ' might
. 1 1 . . . 1. 1 f L I '
eaten n; uuw meicau uiej were laaeu wna tue,
small-pox. and some of them have died Jv..i
2'tlgram last evening, . .
The Condition of Paris.
Outer Communication Restored.
Total Losses fay the Rebellion.
Over 20,000 Communists Killed
Buildings Destroyed and Saved.
Great Earthquake at Singapore.
1 O O Lives Lost.
Honors to Admiral Farragut.
Etc., Etc.. Etc.. Etc.. Etc.. Etc.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
The Rebels Make Reprisals.
Versailles, May 30. The inhabitants of
Belleville have openly announced that they will
make reprisals, and a secret system of arson and
assassination is apprehended. There are con
stant discoveries of
Stores of Petroleum
in Paris. The insurgents in Fort Vincennes
have surrendered unconditionally.
The Gaulois announces that the
Orleans Princes
will be allowed to live In France.
Thiers has ordered the disarmament of Paris,
and the dissolution of the National Guards in
the Department of the Seine. MacMahon has
issued a
Congratulatory Proclamation
to the army.
Paris is tranquil, and trade already shows
signs of reviving. The soldiers are feted by the
inhabitants. Arrests of insurgents continue.
London, May 30. The Daily News says
Trains for Paris
are to run to-morrow. The people of Brussels
smashed .the windows of Victor Halo's house,
and police now guard the house. A proclama
tion from MacMahon to the people of Paris
announces their ' ,
Deliverance from the Communists,
and order, security, and labor are about being
Terrific Earthquake 400 Lives Lost.
Singapore, May 27. A volcanic eruption and
earthquake has 6haken the Island of Rua, and
the country was terribly devastated and 400
lives lost. -
Total Insurgent Losses. "
London, May 30. The insurgent losses pre
vious to May 22, when the Versailles trcops
entered Paris, are estimated at 13,000 killed aud
wounded and 25,000 prisoners, and since May
22 at 10,000 killed and wouaded and 20,000 pri
soners. , ' ,
The Prisoners
are all sent to Versailles. Gen. La Cecilia, with
a few followers, fled to the Castle of Vincennes,
but upon the commencement of the erection of
siege works by the Versaillists he alone surren
General Doual
officially reports having lost forty officers and
six hundred men during all the engagements in
which his troops participated since the Ver
sailles army entered Paris.
The Paris journals demand the cessation of '
Summary Executions.
Several attempts were made yesterday to as
eassinate officers of the army.
The Bodies of the Murdered Priests
will lie in state for a week.
With the exception of Pyat and Grousset, all
the Commune chiefs have been killed or taken
Buildings Saved and Destroyed
Versailles, May 30. The official journal of
the Republic announces J that the national
archives, national library, national arsenal, and
museum of the Louvre are safe, and Mann
facture des Gobelins and the observatories are
badly damaged.
This Morning's Quotations.
Iondon, May 8011-30 A. M Consols, 93 for
both money and account. Bon da of 1802, 90; ; of
lutio, oia, hum ; or vm, wa ; lu-rns, bv,
London. May no n -so A. M Tallow. 43s. 6t
Liverpool, May so 10-30 A. M, Breadstuff
Afternoon Cable Quotations
London, May 801-80 P. M. Consols, 93, for
both monev and account. . --.
Livbkfooi,' Mav 8( 8-30 K M. California Wheat.
12s. Sd. Receipts of :W heat for three days 22,SuO
quarters; American, 17,600.
Corn 33s. for new.
Eeei, idiu.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Honors to the Memory of Admiral Far-
ragut. '
New York, May 80. Admiral Farragut's
grave, at Woodland Cemetery, was decorated at
sifnrise this morning, the ceremonies being per
formed by a battalion of marines, under Colonel
Broome, with a full band from the .Brooklyn
Navy Yard, and Farragut .Lodge ,of Good Tem
plars and Wadsworth Post. Grand Army of the
Republic, both of Brooklyn. ..General Isaac 8.
Catlln,,of Williamsburg, delivered 'an eloquent
address commemorative of the life and services
of the deceased Admiral, after which the grave
was profusely., covered with cut' and growing
flowers."; Admiral M. Smith, commanding the
Brooklyn Navy Yard, was .also present at the
ceremonies.H The entire . party, many of whom
were ladles,.' left the navy yard at 2 o'clock
A. M., and made the trip both, ways by means of
Government tugs and a train of Harlem cars,
returning at 6 150 this morning.
The Decoration Ceremonies
A General Holiday Observed.
Conflagration in Mobile
Loss Over S3 0 0,0 0 0.
Etc., Etc.. Etc. Etc.. Etc.. Etc.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
A Holiday at. the Capital.
Washington, May SO. To-day is generally
observed as a holiday. The public departments
are closed, and nearly all secular business is
suspended. The Committee on Decorations were
employed to a late hour last night making
wreaths of evergreens and flowers, and bouquets
with which to adorn the graves of the Union
dead in the neighboring cemeteries.
The contributions for this purpose were in
greater profusion than heretofore on any similar
occasion. The ceremonies were under the
auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Kit Carson Post this morning at 8 o'clock pro
ceeded in a body to the Soldiers' Home and ad
jacent cemeteries, and there decorated the sol
diers' graves. The formal services consisted of
prayer and the delivery of an oration by Hon.
Harrison Johnson.
The Commlssioncrshlp of Customs.
Washington, May 30. Nathan Sargent,
Commissioner of Customs, will retire from that
office to-morrow. Deputy Commissioner of In
ternal Revenue Douglass was tendered but de
clined the position, and no person has since
that time been designated to succeed Mr. Sar
gent. The New Arctic Expedition.
The President and the Secretary ot the Navy
will visit the Navy Yard on Wednesday to tho
roughly inspect the steamer Polaris, now lying
at the wharf, which has been fitted up for Cap
tain Hall's forthcoming voyage to the Arctic
regions. The Polaris will leave here in two or
three days for New York, where final prepara
tions ior tne expedition win do maae.
. Government Weather Report.
War Department. Office of tub Chief Signal
Officer, Washington, May 301080 A. M. Synop
sis for toe past twenty-iour nonrs: xne Darometer
has risen, with brisk westerly winds on the Pacific
Coast. Tbe pressure has varied somewnat east or
tbe Rocky Mountains, but has not materially
changed since Monday morning, excepting a slight
fall from Lake Ontario to Maine. Tbe threatening
w ktbr, viih rata, rportol ymmtmwiimy- frojo-
Koc-ky Mountains, nas probably passed to tne north
eastward ; tbat which was then In Tennessee has
passed over tbe Blue Ridge on to the South Atlantic
Coast. Local rains have been reported from the
Gulf Coast and the southern half of Lake Michigan;
ano threatening weatner at present prevails east oi
Lake Erie, in Arkansas, and in South Carolina. The
temperature has risen decidedly In the Eastern and
Middle States.
Probabilities. It la probable threatening weather,
with light rains, will be experienced In Ohio and
Western Tennessee, and will continue on the South
Atlantic Coast. Increased cloudlnesi, with local
rains, Is probable on the Rocky Mountains east
ward, with prevailing southeast and southwest
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph,
Destructive Firs In Mobile.
Mobile, Ala., May 30 A destructive fire oc
curred here last night on St. Francis street, in
McGuire, Blackwood fe Co.'s wholesale drug
store, where it originated, G. A. Arnold's hat
store; and John Reid & Co., wholesale dry
goods store; also on the east side of Water
street. J. C. Dubose & Co., wholesale drug store,
J. . Sherman & Co., stationery, and II. Bern
stein, shoe store, and on the west side M. Simon
& Brothers, clothing store, were totally de
stroyed. Kennedy, Lyons & Co, wholesal i dry
goods, N. Smith & Co., boot and shoe store, F.
Williams, saddle store, Bidgood, book store,
and the Commercial National Bank building.
N. Webb's crockery store, were badly damaged.
Loss over 1300,000. '.
r Chicago Flour and Wheat Market.
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Chicago, May 80. Wheat market quiet but firm.
No. 8, $l-7!,l-27, cash and seller June, and
Il-SStf. seller July.
Corn quiet at 6l52o., cash and seller Jane, and
BSVc seller July. i
Flour, bbls. 6,600
asiip-n. jontpu, ampin.
Si, ooo oats, dhs.... o,oou 13,000
Wheat, bus. r.7,000
80,000 itye, ous .... ..
82,000 Barley, bus.. 8,000 ..
Corn, bus.. 807,000
New York Money and Stock Market.
Nbw Yori. May 80. Stocks quiet and Arm. Money
8 percent. Gold, 111 V-t 6-aoa, 188, coupons, 116 ;
ao, ism. cp., iit,; ao. iuoo, cp uoi aa nso,
new, 113 do. 180T, 113; da 1868, lis7,; lO-Ma,
milt ' 7i fivlnla at a ma or T i MlaanniH . it a "jc Un.
1 kiv 74 t i iuia vof uv w 1 s-w m luinauuu vna j wu vau
ton Co., 83 ; Cumberland preferred, 8M ; N. Y. Cen
tral and iiuason itiver, urie, no ; Heading,
11676 ; Adams Express, 81: Michigan Central,
Vl; Michigan Southern, 114; Illinois Central,
136: Chicago and Rook Island, llf ; Pittsburg
snd Fort Wayne, 09; Cleveland and Pittsburg, ViOX ;
western union xeiegrapn. oa.
. New York Produce Market. -
New York, (May 80. Cotton quiet and steady at
17J.c. ! lour steady, witu a lair demand, .state.
15-60(8 6 60; Ohio, 6 76(6 90; Western, 15 60(7-15.
Wheat firmer; new spring, f 1-49 1 M) afloat; winter
red -and amber Western, f 16731-69. Corn easier;
western mixed, coemic. ior nnsouna, ana iu uc
for sound. Oats Western and Oblo. 66 2.6SC.
Perk quiet and steady. Lard Steam and kettle-
rendered, lOxc W hlaky, 88jgc
' . Baltimore Produce Market.
Baltimore. May so. Cotton very strong Mld-
dlinsr upland. lTc : low middlings. 16yo. Flour doll
and favors buyers. Wheat dull ; choice white tl.M
(: fair to prime 1.1&5, pnaae to choice i.tso4i.
Corn steady; Southern white 7678c; do. yellow
70c. uataouii. vv matey. yc.
Milwaukee Markets.
Milwafkki. May 80. Wheat market opened firm
but closed easy. No. 1, 11 No, , ll-27-. Re
ceipts; 74,000 bushels; shipments, 77,000 bushels.
iTeignta ateani, tuc. ; sail, ou.
A fond mother In Kingston, N. Y keeps an
old-fashioned rocking-cbair sitting In the corner
as an ornament, because in it she had rocked
ten babies, all of whom grew up to be men, and
are now living and married.
The Wm. M. Carleton who writes such ex
cellent poems for the Toledo Blade, aBd which
are copied into Darper'e Weekly, turns out to
be retroieum V. JNaaoy. 111s verses are as
rood as his crose. and the popularity thev have
met with proves that Bret Llarte and John liay
are not to nave their peculiar ctia au to tuem
The Detailed Meteorological Report for
The following Is the meteorological report of the
Signal Bureau of the War Department for this
moraine, an tne observations being taken at 7-43
A. M., rblladelphla time. The barometrical reports
are corrected lor temperature and elevation. The
velocity of the wind Is given in miles per hour,
and tbe force Is an approximate reduction to the
Beaufort scale :
Place of Obser
vation. 5
8. W.
8. W.
S. W.
Cape May
V. gent.
V. gent.
8. B.
8 uentie.
. .iCalm.
5 Gentle,
5 Gentle,
6 Gentle.
T Gentle.
18 Brisk.
8 .Gentle.
Jacksnn, MIrs...
Key wet, ria..
Louisville, Ky...
Mt. Washington.
New Orleans
S. W.
New York
S. W.
S. E.
t. Louis
9 Gentle.
6 Brisk.
18' ....
Wilmington, N.C
Discovery of a Cave Containing Human
itemains in uecii county.
The Pilot Town correspondent of the Cecil
Whig tells the following strange story:
"John S. Love and NaDoleon Lee discovered
last winter, while working on the railroad, some
thing that appeared to be a cave, with the
mouth or entrance filled with stone. They took
some tools to-day (23d instant) and took away
the stones and found a cave fifteen or twenty
feet long, under a rock, and in it the bones of a
man of ordinary size. The skull and under jaw
were perfect, but the teeth had fallen ont.
There were two Indian darts about five inches
long, and a sea-shell about the size of a tea cup.
interspersed with red spots ana large pieces ot
mica. The inside of the cave had the appear
ance of being burned. The cave is on R. Alex
ander's farm, between the Bald Friar and tbe
Head of the Old Maryland Canal. I think from
tbe appearance of the darts that he bad been
killed by them, and put in there and wood piled
on him, and the wood set on fire, and the en
trance filled with stone. The relics are at
George Brown's, at the Head."
M. Jecker. ' ' '
Among the victims of the Paris Communists
was M. Jecker, well known as a banker, and
prominent at one time in the finances of Mexico,
lie was born In Switzerland during the early
part of the present century: but went to Paris
when quite a young man and engaged in financial
pursuits. He first became known during the
administration of Almonte in Mexico. Almonte
employed him to negotiate a loan, which he did
at so low a rate that be was publicly charged
with swindling tbe Mexican Government. On
presenting his claim it was at once rejected, and
although M. Jecker perslstentlyrressed it, none
of the several governments would recognize its
validity. On the establishment of tbe empire,
however, Maximilian agreed to pay the claim,
and Jecker was employed to negotiate another
loan. Whether he ever got the monev is proble
matical; trot as bo was a man of prnrat wealth
the loss, if he did lose anything, did not affect
his fortunes.
Evan isa TaxtaaAVB Omoi.1 '
Tuesday, Mar 30, 187 1. . I
The city national banks gave another favora
ble report of the cendition of tbe local money
market. The deposits are $1,578,439 higher,
and the legal tenders Increased by 1590,173.
The loans, on the other hand, have diminished
(50,151, and specie has albo suffered a slight
loss. The business a( the banks has largely in
creased, but this is due to the very large move
ment of loans for speculative purposes, which
has been the leading feature for this and several
of the preceding weeks. Rates are unchanged
and almost nominal.
The gold market continues very steady, with
a slight upward1 turn In the premium. D. C.
Wharton Smith & Co. quote gold in New York
this morning at tUllll? The Treasury
programme ior June providing for the sale of
7,000,000, instead of f8,000,000 as in May, will
have the effect of strengthening the market,
though we question if the "bull' element will
venture much for a rise with the large available
surplus in the Treasury to prevent any attempt
of this kind. ' . . .
Government bonds will be weakened naturally
by the heavy falling off in the Treasury pur
chases for the coming June. . .
At the Stock Board there was a very spirited
movement, and prices were stronger. Instate
and cltv securities there were' no sales. '
' Reading Railroad sold largely at 59-5659;
Pennsylvania sold at 62(alW;. Philadelphia
and Erie at 29V; Mlnehill at 54; Northern
Central at 41: West Jersey at 62; Oil Creek
and Allegheny Valley at 5i52;.Catawi8sa
preferred advanced, and was in demand at 43.
In Canals' there were 'sales of Schuylkill at
9 and preferred do. at 18. 1
The balance of the list was firm but quiet '
Reported by De Haven Bro., No. 40 S.Tolrd street.'
1100 o ft A m 6a, 89 90
63 ah penna R.all.
63 !
'iOuo Perkionien 6s.
S5 80
flfOO WllmARIUs 84
fiooo Pa 6s. ep 101
. flOOSchN 6s, 83.. 80
t'iOOO O C 4 A R 7s.' 67Jtf
110 sh Reading R... 69
800 do bCO. 69
100 . do D9 &8
800 8h Phil ft SR.. 89
100 d.0... '..... 89
61 do
810 " do
T ' - ' do.
400 dO..'...b60.
800 sh Cata Prf.bdO.
800 do
soo 4 do
800 sh Sen Nav Pf..
4 sh Mlnehill R,,
BOShN Cent
19 sh W Jersey R.
8o0 8b.OC4AR.b30 69 lOOshLeh Na..B30.87
,200,-.. ao oziii lug . ao myi
Messrs. Db Haven . & Brother, No., 40 South
Third street, riuladelpnla, report the following
quotations: U. S. 6s of 1881,' 11714117:' do. lsa-i,
Ul(lll; dObfl864, lll(Ulj do, 186B,1114
Ul ;, do. 186C, new, 1184114; do. m, do. 113.V4
114; do. 1668, do. 11314114; 10-40S, 109 S A100. U.
8. 80 1'earS per cent Currency, 11S3U5; Gold,
111 1115 Silver, 107(4108; Union faoido Kail
road 1st Moru Bonds, ai',ia'J3J, ; Central Paclno
Railroad, I0ifii03?i ; Union Paolflo Land Grant
Bonds. 66j,4SS.
Mbsbrs. William Paintib & Co., No. 85 8. Third
street, report the following quotations : U. 8. osof
1881,117H,(117;6-80SOf 186H, lll(41ll: d0.1S64.
lliUli do. i860, llisni; do., July, lsco,
1181114; do., Joly, 187. 113(4114: do. July,
1868, 113114; 10-40, 109U108. U. 8. PacltiO
rTr. Currency 6s, H6(li6;g. Gold, lll(dlW.
market steady.
Nahb k Ladnbb, Brokers, report this morning
f old quotations as follows:
O-oo A. M imiill-68 A.M Ill
10-45 ; .. ....Ill 12-25 P.M Ill
U-13 M
- Philadelphia Trad Report.
Tuksdat, May 80. Seeds Cioverseed lslnastlve,
With small sales at &8c. per lb. Timothy la
nominal. Flaxseed may be quoted at S2-S&S3-30.
Bark No. 1 Quercitron ma; be quoted at tS per
The Flour market is steady, but the volume o(
business la remarkably light, the inquiry being con
fined to the immediate wants of the home con
sumers, looo barrels changed bands, including
superfine at tS-26560; extras at f5-6?,6; Iowa
and Wisconsin extra family at 16-76; Minnesota
da do. at 17(1-85, the latter rate for fancy; PenuHTl
vaniado. do. at ftS--a6-7&; Indiana and Ohio do.,'
do. at 'nil-to for low grade and choice; aud fancy
brtLds bt 7-769, 88 w quail';, tfye Par mj
be quoted at is 8736. la Corn Meal nothing1
doing to fix prices,
Prime Wheat is In fair demand at yesterday's
notations, but the absence of supplies rstrlcta
t aisi Clous. 8000 buBhels Indiana red sold at $l-.V
lt; and Stirae amber at $1-70. Eye Is unchanged,
foe bushels Southern were taken at $110. Corn la
Inactive. Sales of 1200 bnstaela yellow at 76a; 600
bushels Western mixed at T3c,, and 800 bnshels do.
white at 74e. Oats are firm, aud 800 bushels white
Western sold at 697lc. in Barley and Malt
nothing doing.
Wnieky is iowr. Sales of 85 barrels Western
iron-bound at J4c.
From the K. F. Herald.
"A telegram from Washington states that the Se
cretary of the Treasury has not as yet accepted, aad
probably will not accept, the recent offer of New
York bankers to take fi.M,anooooof the new loan, the
conditions attached to the offer being deemed Incom
patible with the public Interests. The subscriptions
to the new loan reported to day amount to $200,000.
The money market was a shade more active, and
a large number of loans were made at four per
cent., particularly among the stock houses. The
business of the day must be quoted as done at three
to four per cent, on miscellaneens securities and at
three percent, on governments. There Is a Bteady
Inquiry for first-class paper, and strictly prime
grades are current at live per cent, discount, with
4(t7 per cent, as the range of quotations
for all tbat comes within tbe designation' of .'prime.'
Foreign exchange was dull and rather more
steady on the basis of 110 for prime bankers'
sixty-day ;sterllng tnnd U10VAI10 for Jslght bills.
The announcement of the proirramme of Trjnir
operations for the month of June was quietly re
ceived considering the Important deviation in It
from those of the current and preceding months.
We think the policy of selling a larger amount of
gold in proportion to bond purchases a step
In the right direction, particularly at this
season. Mr. Boutwell will doubtless see
the correctness of the theory that
the success of the new loan depends more npon the
obliteration of the gold premium than npon the ab
normal process of advancing Government bonds by
forced purchases of them In the open market. The
programme as announced In detail from the Sub
Treasury is as follows:
Thursday, June 1 9,ooo,ooo
" " iSA 1,000,000
" 8,000.000
" " llooolooo
Total 17,000,000
sWi-.CS OKKKR8 OF .BONOS. it Sx..--1
Wednesday, June 7..... '. $1,000,000
it 1,000,000
" " i 1,000,000
" " 28 llooOOOO
o Total $4,000,000
"The gold market wss unsettled on a light amount
of business, the speculative sentiment being at
fanlt as to the effect of the Treasury programme for
June. By a very Inverse process of reasoning it waa
at first argued that the smaller purchases of bonds
would occasion a decline in them abroad and bring
come of them home. On this Idea gold opened at
111, but declined to 111, reacting finally to 111.
Aa may be Inferred, the bulk of the business was at
111. The higher price since Saturday Is also at
tributable to an apprehension or more active money
In London, now that the civil war In France seems
coming to an end."
8 A. M. 79 1 11 A.M.......8T a P. M...93
Sen Rises 4-841 Moon Sets....,..!., s-25
Sun Sbts T-80 High Water 10-41
By Cable.) '
London, May 8a Steamships City of Paris, city
o Kaitimor. juaiaa, Tripoli, and Calabria, from the
United States, have arrived out. . "
(By I'eUfrraph.)
Nbw York, May so. Arrived, Bteamshlp Nemesis,
from Liverpool. . , , '
Steamer Mars, Grumley, New York, w. M. Balrd
k CO. , . ,
Steamer S. F. Phelps, Brown, New York, . do.
StT Bristol. Wallace, New York, W. P. Clyde A Co.
Bark Memoria, Schey, Cork for orders, L. Wester
gaard A Co. .
Schr Julia Crawford, Young, Davenport, Bay, Hud
dell & Co.
Sohr Harriet Newell, Gould, Milton! " ' do :
Schr W. Wallace, Scull, East Cambridge, Slnnlck-
son A Ce. . - . .
Schr E. V. Glover, Ingersoll, Providence, do.
Schr Richard Law, Eldred, Fall River, 'do. '
Schr S. HcMenamy,- Newell, Marblehead, do.
Schr Reading KR. No. 48, Cullen, Pawtucket, do.
Barge Carrie, Baker, New Yerk, ao. -
Tug Thomas Jefferson, Allen, Baltimore, with a tow
of barges, W. P. Clyde fc Co. - .
Tug Chesapeake, Merrlhew, Baltimore, with a tow
. cf barges, W. P. Clyde Co. , , ...
Br. ship Royal Charlie, 'Sutherland, 46 days from
Ardrossan, with Iron, etc., to Souder A Adams.
Steamship Virginia, Hunter, 70 hours from Charles
ton, with mdse. to W. I. Clyde & Co. - .
Steamship Whirlwind, Sherman, 86 hours from
Providence, with mdse. to D. S. Stetson A Co.
Steamer J. 8. Shrtver, Webb, 13 hours from Balti
more, with mdse. to A. Groves, Jr.
Steamer A. c. S timers, Davis, 84 hours from New
York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co.
Bark Amanda, Stetnfuhrer, from Stettin March
13, with mdse. to L. Westergaard A Co.
Schr Seguln, Davis, 10 days irom Havana, with
molasses to Isaac Hough A Morris.
Schr Chas. E. Raymond, Kelly, 6 flays fm Boston,
with Ice to Knickerbocker Ice Co. vessel to Knight
A Sons.
Schr Ella Amsden, Smith, 4 days from Somerset,
in ballast to Knight A Sons.
Schr Mary E. Amsden, Lavender, days from
Portland, with mdse. to Knlgbt & Sons.
Schr L. T. Knight, , 8 days from Savannah,
with lumber to captain.
Schr Remittance, Williams, from Rappahannock,
with wood.
. Schr Marion RockhllL Rockhlll, from Providence.
Schr Fred. Spofford, Turner, from New York.
Schr Mary Monroe, Ilall, do.
Schr Everglade, Dow, from Fall River.
- Schr Caroline Young, Young, from Salem.
Schr James Bradiay, Bradley, from Norwich, OU
Schr Lizzie W. Small, Tlce, from Davlsport.
Schr Joseph Alaxdeld, Baker, from New Haven.
Corretpondence cf The Evening Teleoraph.
New Yoke Office, May 89 The following
barges leave In tow to-night for Baltimore, light:
Jplin Vn Buren,. C. C. Pope, Nlch. Cbllds, C. B.
Walrath, Dreadnaught, Lottie, Sivers, and K. V.
Llllle Norrls, with empty bbls., for Philadelphia.
B. C. Lake, with marble, do.
P. B. Lynch, with lrou ore, for Brldgeton.
Baltimore Bbancu Office, May 89. The follow,
lug barges left In tow Saturday evening, eastward :
liennessy, Luan, Gaivtn, Shaw, Anna MuWU
llams, Tain sir, and Glf. Mayer.
The following left at noon to-day:
Stewart, Dauntless, United Brothers, S. Schurler.
Andrew McWUUama, Sunshine, and J. A. Covin, all
with coal, for New Yorx.
Philadelphia Bkakch Officb. May W. The
James O'Donnell, Mary Kear, and Bollver, w ith coal,
for New York, lelt last evening.
Charles French, with coal, for Wilmington, left
last niRbt.
Wtat A-Msv 19,' wind veering from S. W. to S. ;
vacillating, oppressively sultry uutU evening, when
a fresh breeze set In, very grateful to those who,
from the aecesslties at tbelr avocations, are within
the limits of bricks and mortar ; but we can solace
ourselves, even bricks aad mortar have compen
sating advantage; May 80, wind W. by S., a very
Wright morning, sky brsssy. Barometrical: Way
29, barometer only ranging from 80 11-80 to 80 17-so,
up and down ; May M, 4 A. M., 30 10-so. L S. c
' Special Despatch to The Evening Telegranh,
Havrb-dk-Ukacb. Mjy 30. The following boats
leave in tow to-day :
A.u. fwiUeihwalte, with lumber to J. P. Wool
verton. Samuel Christ, with lumber to Watson Malone A
S ctarley and Carrie, with lumber to Patterson &
Ttmuderburg, with coal to Vhltney, McCreary
fc Co.
Harry, with grain to Thornton Barnes.
Hora, with lumber to B. F. Taylor.
Hopewell, with lumber to A. H. McTlvaln.
J. A. Llngafelt, with lumber to H. Croatey It Co.
De Sota, with lumber to Taylor fc Betta.
j k. Blackwell, with coal to G. C. Morris.
CUrlm U. Ab, with coal, for New York. J. U.