The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, May 29, 1871, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Th Jitw Home for the A(H d Infirm
Members of the M. K. l)rch.
On the 15th of June, with appropriate cere
inonies, the Ilomo for the Aged and Infirm
Members of the Methodfct Episcopal Church
will be dedicated to the noble purpose for which
it was erected. This institution has been in ex
istence for years, being first located on Tenth
street, above Poplar. Shortly after the trustees
purchased the Creighland estate, situated on
Thirteenth street and Lehigh avenue, comprising
nearly six acres and a half of land, and an old
stone mansion containing thirteen rooms.
4a7,C00 were paid for this eligible site, and
recent and contemplated improvements have
rendered its value, in the estimation of com
peient judges, not lees than $100,000. But the
building having accommodations for only
twenty-six inmates, and there being on the list
no less than eighty worthy applicants, the Board
of Trustees decided upon the erection of a new
"Ilome," and In May of 1870 the work was com
menced. On the ICth of June sacceeding the
corner-stone was laid, and the progress on the
edifice was thereafter rapid. In the construction
of the building permanency has been considered
as tree economy, and the quality of the material
used and soundness of the workmanship have
been in consonance with this recognized prin
ciple. Ventilation, light, and heating have been
cautiously cared for. The building proper is in
the Italian style of architecture, and the chapel
Gothic. The main building is three stories in
height, and 50 by 59 feet. The extension wing,
which connects it with the chapel, is also three
stories in height, while the chapel, though a
etory less than the general building, has a lofty
and conspicuous gable. The dimensions of the ex
tension wing are 84-6 feet from the main building
to the chapel, and 40 feet in width, while the
chapel is 80 by 54 feet. To this is added the
kitchen wing, two stories in height and in
dimensions 38 by 28 feet.
The accommodation which will be afforded,
as shown by the plans, is as follows:
Passing through the vestibule from the portico,
we enter the hall, whieh is eleven feet six
inches wide and runs from front to rear. Lead
ing to this hall is a side entrance also, which
is accessible by four stone steps on the outside,
and seven wooden steps and landing on the in
side. Directly opposite to this is the large hall,
in which is the principal staircase. This hall
has at one end four water-closets, while at the
other, or front, it is in connection with a parlor
by means of sliding doors. It also opens into
the long corridor of the extension. There are
three parlors on this floor, measuring twenty
two feet six Inches by twenty feet nine inches
and nineteen feet three inches by sixteen feet
six inches respectively. In the largest of these
is a square bay window on the front.
In the rear of the dining-room, and commu
nicating by a short passage, in which is the
stair leading to the basement cellar, is the
kitchen with its pantry, closets and dumb
waiter, hotel range, sinks, etc. In this kitchen
wing, and in immediate connection with the
extension, is the ventilating shaft, four feet two
inches square on the inside. Into this the
smoke from the kitchen range will pass through
the central flue, thus producing a perfect draft,
by which the foul air from other parts of the
buildlDg will be drawn off.
The corridor in the extension is eight feet
nine inches wide, and gives access to thirteen
bed-rooms, seven on one side nine feet by twelve
feet four and a half inches each; and six on the
other, ten feet by thirteen feet six inches each.
On this side is located the Matron's pantry,
thirteen feet one and a half inches by twenty
feet six inches, having a dumb waiter, conve
nient for communication with the upper part of
the building. On the opposite side of the cor
ridor is an offset in which is a hall and stairs,
and a wash-room with water-closets. We now
pass from the corridor into the dining room,
twenty-six feet by fifty feet, thoroughly lighted
with a three-mullloned window, twelve feet four
Inches wide, besides five windows on the sides.
Over the kitchen is the second story, which Is
to be appropriated to the servants' sleeping
rooms, six in number, and two tath-rooms.
Over the dining-room is the chapel, being of the
same size, twenty-five feet in height at the
centre, and elghte'en feet at the sides. It will be
neatly and conveniently fitted up, and will seat
two hundred. Under the dining-room is the
laundry, fully supplied with stationary wash
tubs, and all the requisites of a perfect depart
ment in this line. The ventilation here is in
connection with the shaft already spoken of,
through which all steam and vapor are eff ectu ally
carried off, and dampness prevented. The ironing-room
is also here located, and is likewise
furnished with every modern convenience.
There are forty-eight bed-rooms and four bath
rooms besides an ample provision of water
closets. The basement is conveniently appor
tioned off into cellars and all necessary store
rooms, as well as for heating apparatus, and the
whole will be most thoroughly drained.
The exterior walls of the building are of
Yardleyvllle stone, the dressings, such as the
caps and sills of doors and windows, are of
Hummelstown stone from Dauphin county, Pa.
The architects were Charles D. Supplee & Son.
The total cost of the 'Home"was $55,000. and it
is gratifying to know that when it is dedicated
it will be encumbered by not a dollar of debt. Of
the outlay the Sunday-school children have
raised nearly $5000, and now propose to bear
the expense of furnishing the building, which
will not fall short of $3000. The Board of Direc
tors is made up from thirty churches in this
city. Of the inmates at present 20 are women
and 5 men. The oldest was born in. 17S5 and
the youngest in 1829. Bishop Simpson will offi
ciate at the dedication.
La Salle Collebb Commencement. In the
Academy of Music, on Thursday evening next,
the fourth annual commencement of La Salle
College will take place, with the Rt. Rev. Bishop
Wood presiding. The exercises will begin with
musical selections by the college band, after
which J. T. Ilarrity will deliver an essay oa
'Fatherland," followed by William F.
Dougherty, on "The Press: its Liberties and
Restrictions." Professors Hurrmann, Peltz,
Strasser, and Streland will then entertain the
audience with vocal gems, after which William
. ilarrity will follow in an address on 4,Uov
ernment and Law as affecting the greatness of
a nation." Bishop Wood will then confer the
degree of Master of Arts on William F. Harritv,
of Wilmington, Del.; Bachelor of Arts on J. I.
McEvoy, of this city, and J. T. Ilarrity, of Wil
mington; Bachelor of 8clence on M. J. Nowlan,
Cornelius Smith, William J. McGncken, R. P.
Tobln, J. P. Gready, and B. J. Ruston, all of
this city; Canonical Diplomasjon B. F. McElroy,
E. J. Taylor, F. A. McKeone, and P. F. Rellly,
each of Philadelphia. The valedictory address
will be delivered by J. I. McEvoy, and Hon.
John P. ONelll will close the exercises in an
address to the graduates.
Luthb&&k Sunday School Anniversary.
Interesting anniversary exercises of the schools
cob Dec ted with St. Mark's Lutheran Church
were held last venlng in the church building.
Addresses were ude, and hymns appropriate to
the occasion wer Bung by the children. A
representation of tu, nln chapter of Hebrews
was given, in which several scholars presented
banners bearing the Barnes of the various
patriarchs mentioned in s.e chapter, and recited
the appropriate verse, th remaining portions
of tie chapter being filled M by the recitation
of the whele scheol. SeverM interesting ad
dresses connected with the subjv.i nn(j aay were
also Liade.
American Scmdat School
mnrrnw nicht. in the Academy
Of Mui. thA
forty-seventh anniversary of the Ameieau ga.
day School Union will take place, I he teerclses
on the occasion will be of the most
description. A crowded house always greeu the
annlvertary of this very effective Church at.
8libt Fihe. A basket of clothing la a
house at the corner of Seventh and Oxford
etreets caught fire yesterday morning. An
officer put out the flames with a bucket of water.
A Candidate. George Handy Smith, the
well-known detective, is a caudidate for legiala
iive honors in the First district ol this city.
A Costly EAlflee to be Krected at Broad
and Arch A Beautlfal Structure A Ue
crljptlon of the Parts Cost About 9400,
The-congregation ef St. John's Lutheran
Church, on Race street above Fifth, have de
cided to erect a new church structure at the
southwest corner of Broad and Arch streets.
They have appointed a building committee and
selected the architect. He has submitted his
plan, which has been found to be satisfactory.
The ground on which the church will stand
was formerly three distinct lots, and was secured
at a cost of $60,000. It measures seventy-five
feet on Arch street, by one hundred and thirty
nine feet on Broad street, and being capable
therefore of accommodating a larger church
than there is now in the city. '
The church proper will be on the second floor
of the building, and in its general dimensions
will measure in length 112 feet by 70 feet in
width. There will be on the main floor 830
sittings arranged in rows of scats separated by
one centre aisle six feet wide, and by two smaller
side aisles four feet wide; while in the galleries
there will be 300 sittings, making altogether
1100. The height of the buildieg from the
church floor to the apex of the main roof will
be sixty feet, that of the side aisles being thirty
feet. The clcre-story arches will be supported
by polished red and chocolate colored marble
columns from the quarries of Vermont. Lake
Champlain, and Rose Crystal quarry of New
Jersey. These columns will have floriated caps
of Caen stone elaborately carved, and bands and
bases of black Belgian marble highly polished.
The arrangement of the arcadlng of the aUlos
will be such as to give to the Interior the effect
of a transept church.
In the western wall above the organ there
will be a large traceried rose window, ten feet
in diameter, forming, with the decorated front
oj the organ, a prominent feature of this portion
of the Interior. The recess for the pulpit will be
at the south end of the building, and will occupy
a space of twenty-two feet by thirty.
The altar itself will be the principal feature
at this end of the building, and will stand de
tached from the walls around, and occupying a
ppoce of about sixteen feet square in the centre
of the platform. Its centre will rise about
twenty-five feet from the platform, in the form
of a highly-decorated canopy, octagonal in plan,
with polished marble columns at its angles.
Back of the altar there will be a handsome
etone-plate tracery window, fourteen feet wide
and twenty-six feet high, filled with richly
stained glass. A corresponding window, some
what larger, will occupy the east gable on Broad
street, aud form a marked feature of the tran
sept. The main roof of the building will be of
open timber construction, with curved, arched
braces handsomely moulded with ornamental
tracery work In the spandrels; diagonal rafters,
of the same form, being placed at the intersec
tion of the transept roof with the main roof.
The material of which this beautiful church
will be constructed will be of serpentine stone,
with the dressings, arches, and string courses of
Ohio stone, and coping of Hummelstown brown
stone, lbe shales ot tne doorways ana win
dows are to be of Franklin stone, the pre
dominating character ol the design being
The western porch and tower will be con
nected by an arcade or covered way of four
arches of Ohio stone, with Franklin stone col
umns, the height of the top of these arches
being about eighteen feet above the level of the
At the northeast corner will rise a massive
tower, 20 feet square at the base, and having an
almost unbroken outline to the height ot v& teet.
At this level, and at each angle of the tower,
there will be a circular turret 5 leet in diameter,
and 52 feet in height, and from the level of the
pavement, 142 feet. Bptween these the upper
courses of the tower will be boldly projected
out, making the square of the upper portion of
the tower on a line with the projection of the
turrets, and giving a castellated effect to the
whole. Between the turrets will be Louvre
windows of bold design. The entire construc
tion of this portion of the tower will be of light
lDIO Bioue, renown ot wxudiodm vmuuo wx
Franklin, andlwith background a of green stone.
The roof of the tower will rise above the cor
nice to the height of forty feet, and will be sur
mounted by an ornamental cresting of light iron
work, fifteen feet high. It will be covered with
slate, arranged in bands of color with angle
dressings of copper. On each of the four sides
of the tower, below the turrets, there will be
large circular windows, with tracery of Ohio
stone, and having boldly relieved arches of
alternate Franklin aud Ohio stone. The entire
height of this portion of the edifice, from the
pavement to the top of the cresting, will be
ITS feet.
The space immediately above the tower
entrance on Arch street will be occupied by a
band of Ohio stone, on which will be carved
the opening line of Luther's hymn, 'A Mighty
Fortress is our God."
The cost ot this building will be about
Children's Whitsuntide Services The
various Sunday-schools attached to the Epis
copal churches of Germantown held a united
celebration yesterday in Christ Church, Tulpe
hocken street. The chancel was beautifully
decorated with a richly colored monogram, a
cross, and an anchor of greens and other orna
ments of flowers. There were over 500 children
in the church before the exercises commenced,
and the visitors crowded the side aisles and gal
Addresses were made by Rev. Dr. Howe, of
St. Luke's Church. Philadelphia, and Rev. Dr.
Rumnev. of Christ Church. Germantown. The
several clergymen from the various churches of
the denomination in Germantown were also
Dresent in the church, and took part in the
exercises. Several hymns were suug with fane
effect bv the children.
The children were provided with bouquets,
which, near the close of the exercises, were
placed upon the green emblems in the chancel,
and formed most beautiful floral representations
of the anchor, cross, star, and the letters I. II.
8. The children of St. Michael's Church filled
the anchor with flowers, the children of Christ
Church the star, the children of St. Luke's the
monogram, the children of Calvary Church the
cross, and the children of the Church of St.
John the Baptist, the emblem of the Trinity.
Death of a Somnambulist William Nel-
man fell aaleep in the old South Penn Hose
bouse yesterday afternoon. About 730 he delibe
rately came to the window while tasleeD and
attempted to walk on the air. but as solid bodies
gravitate to the earth, William fell and fractured
bis skull ana broke an arm. Aid was summoned.
but his spirit kit his body about an hour after
wards. iMeiraan was years oid,aiitnograpner
by trade, and a single man. At the time of his
death he was foreman in Zeiss' match factory.
Painfully hurt. Anna Youbk. a young
woman, bad ber hand crushed in a machine at
a mill in Hale s lane, near Darby, on Saturday,
The pain was so excruciating that she ran
throuirh the streets crying and calling for help.
She was taken into the station at Twenty-fourth
and Chesnut streets, and Dr. Harlan attended to
ber Injuries.
Drunken Swimmers. James Ryan and
Patrick Bennett took a boat and rowed down
the Schuylkill. Near Gray's Ferry iirldge they
undressed to swim, and duriug this operation
the boat npeet. They were reseuea oy crew No.
4 of the BchuvlkiU Police. They were intoxi
cated when taken out of the water.
Class-day University of Pennsyvania.
Tbe class of '71 of the University of Pennsylva
nia will bold their ' Class-day." in the Musical
Fnnd Hall, on Friday next at P. M. Tbe
committee of arracenients luclude Messrs.
Morris J. Lewis, Lou's N. Bruner, Craig Heber-
ton, Griffith E. Abbott, and George K. Justice.
Cape Mat On Monday, the 89th Instant, tbe
Wen Jersey Railroad Company will aid a through
ape Msy train to their present schedule, leavlug
Hliadelpula at 8-15 A. M. ; returning will leave
-' May at 115 P.M. The tlu.e of the Local Ao
CoiUiuocatlon train has been changed to 6-48 P. M.
Biwibe Eight swimmers, who went into
the Schujiklll off Pine street wharf, were ar
retted and ined for their temerity.
Inquest by the Coroner this Morning A
"Verdict of Death from Drowning Ren
Coroner Brown this morning held an Inquest
in the case of Patrlch Gartland, aged twenty-two
years, living at Cadwailader and Jefferson
streets, whose body was found floating in the
veiaware, opposite unoesnurg, on iriday last.
Gartland was out with a party of men fishing oa
Friday last, and disappeared under circum
stances which seemed to authorise the arrest of
bis companions. They were arraigned before
Alderman Burns and committed for a further
Henri C. Scott sworn I reside at No. 1409 N. Fourth
street; knew Patrick Gartland; was with him on
Monday morning last on the Delaware; we hired a
boat, and went ilsblnar In the cove between Petty 'a
Inland aBd Jersey; afterward we rowed over to the
water-works wharf on the Jersey side; we mtde
fast to the wharf, and three besides myself went no
on the wharf for the purpose of drying our clothe ;
we left uartland in tne boat tying his shoes; we
had been gone about 11 f teen minutes, aud wheu wo
returned Gartland was not in the boat ;we asked a boy
who was sawing wood on the wharf what had be
come ot Uartland, but the boy did not know; w
searched around for him some lime, as we thought
be was hiding; I did not give the matter much at
tention, as we thought Gartland had got out of the
boat, and given us the slip: a man on the wharf
stuck a boat-hook down, but did not bring np any
thing: Gartland was somewhat Intoxicated at the
time, and we were all pretty full of liquor; the whole
parry were on tne dcbi oi terms, not a single angry
word having passed the entire day: we went to the
wharf because myself and Gartland had fallen over
board, and we wanted to dry onr clothes.
Richard dishing, living at No. 1136 Beach street.
corroborated the testimony of the previous wittier,
lie said that Gartland had a bottle of whisky with
Morris Cushtng, residing at No. 614 Jefferson
street, was also an occupant of the boat on the day
mentioned. Ills testimony elicited nothing new.
Michael Ouinn, who was with the party, made the
same statements as the previous witness.
ueorge r. Atarsnau, or tue jamieu w ater wonts,
saw tbe men on the wharf at the time Gartland was
missed; they talked to him about It: they thought
that Gartland had been hiding.
George P. Marshall. Jr , the lad wno waft running
around on the wharf, testified that he did not see
the men get out of the boat; he heard the boat
bump against the wharf, and be looked at It, but no
one was In It; he did net know bow long the boat
was there before he heard it bump against the
Dr. Shapleigh testified that he made a thorough
examination of tbe body f Uartland on Saturday
last, but found no marks of violence whatever.
The jury rendered a verdict or -accidental drown
Under this verdict tne prisoners would be dis
charged, but the further bearing by Alderman Burns
does not take place until Wednesday afternoon.
That magistrate was present at the inquest, and he
purposes to consult District Attorney SliepparJ as
to wnai is proper to oe none.
The Fire at Thirty-first and Chesnut
Streets. Messrs. Edward Patterson fc Brother,
manufacturers of zephyrs, yarn, etc., at the
building at Thirty-first and Chesnut streets.
which was partially destroyed by fire yesterday,
lose about $10,000, upon which they have in
surances on their machinery and stock in each
of the following companies: Franklin Insur
ance Company, $1500; Pennsylvania Insurance
Company, $2000; People's, of Pittsburg, $3000;
Allegheny, of Pittsburg, $1000; Monongahela,
of Pittsburg, $1000; Franklin, of Cincinnati,
$2000; Great Western, of Chicago, $1000; Cen
tral, of Altoona, $1000.
Messrs. Samuel Haigh. & Co., manufacturers
of woollen goods, are insured as follows: An
thracite Company, $1500; People's, of Philadel
phia, $2000; Exchange, of New York, $1500.
ibe joss oi n. Mem, tobacco manufacturer.
will be about $700; insured in the Union Mutual
lor tfiuuo.
The fire at the stable on Locust street wharf
is supposed to have been kindled by an incen
diary. It is under investigation by Assistant
Fire Marshal Randall. The firm lost five very
valuable draught horses.
Young Ruffians A Raid by the Police.
The vicinity of Broad street, between Vino and
Gaiiownm streets, has lately oeen in estea 03' a
lot of yonng ruffians, who give themselves the
name of the "Heading Hose, Company." Their
employment consists in insulting tue passers-oy,
ana wnen a lavorauie opportunity presents, at
tacking an unwary citizen, and robbing him.
8ome nights ago two gentlemen were attacked
and stabbed by tbera. Last week an officer in
terfered wmie tney were beating a man, ana ar
rested one of bis assailants. The gang turned
upon the officer and maltreated him so severely
that be was glad to escape with his life, leaving
the prisoner in their hands. On Saturday night
Lieutenant Mcilumn aud twelve omcers
made a raid upon them, and arrested seven.
three of whom, named James Gllligan, James
Devinney, and John Mildroo, who are said to be
ringleaders. Alderman Jones held them to
Captured by a Woman. Mrs. Walters is
the proprietress of an Ice cream saloon at No.
1002 Girard avenue. On Saturday night last
two young fellows called in and ordered ices
etc.. and their buxom waitress, tne daughter
of Mrs. Walters, left to procure them. Upon
returning, what was her surprise to find the sa
loon empty. She hurried up-stalrs, suspecting
sometblng wrong, ana midway on the nignt
discovered the worthies. One rushed by her
the other she collared, and while she thus held
him securely, screamed for help. Her mother
arrived upou the scene. The charge was trang'
ferred to her. and the daughter ran out for an
officer, who Boon arrived and took the miserable
youth into custody, lie gave his name as
Thomas Murray, and on his person were found
a plftol and a bunch of skeleton keys, tie will
receive a hearing at the Central Station this
At the Academy or Music, on Saturday
afternoon and evening, performances will he
given for the benefit'of Mrs. Caroline Rlchlngs
Bernard and Mr. C. D. Hess, the manager of tbe
l.Egllsh operatic combination. All the artists
of the English Opera Company will appear, as
will also Mrs. Joan Drew and tbe entire com'
pany of the Arch Street theatre. The per
formances will be of an unusually interestin
character, and we hope that they will receive
the liberal patronage of the public.
A Shocking Accident. Samuel Durand, a
sisgle man, aged about 45 years, and very deaf
ras fatally injured mis morning about 7 o ciock
at Mount Holly by being knocked down and
run over by the engine of the 6 A. M. train. In
trying to avoid the Burlington train he stepped
on to tne up-track ana was struck in tne back.
The accident was entirely unavoidable. Bo'.b.
of bis legs were taken ott below tne Knees, ana
be was Injured internally.
Singular Poisoning Case. Mr. John
Thomas, residing at No. 2233 B street, visited
tbe Odd fellows Cemetery 1h company witn
some friend, s on Sunday last, and while there
weeded some grass from the flowers on a grave.
On arriving borne be discovered a poison naa
entered bis skin, completely covering his body
with a mass of putrid corruption. The doctors
in attendance say tney are unable to determine
the nature of the poison.
A Deranged Woman. Barbara Siegel was
found by Superintendent Roberts yesterday iu
the marshes at Point Breeze Gas Works. She
was almost nude, and apparently deranged.
Being taken to the First District Station, she
stated to a German interpreter that she bad two
brothers in the city, named Michael and Martin
Sulger, but for some reason would not tell
where they lived. She will be eeut to the Alois
house. Attempteb In CENDIAUI8M. Between 4 and
5 o'clock this morning a daring attempt was
made to set fire to a grocery store at Fifteenth
and South streets, occupied by J. Drain. Coal
oil was poured upon the threshold and mixed
with powder and brimstone. A fuse was con
nected with this mass of combustibles, but, for
tunately, it proved defective, and the bouse was
Bi dden Death William Duke, residing at
No. 4iy Diekeraon street, in the First wrd,
died very suddenly, from hemorrhage of the
lungs, tLia morning about six o'clock. The
deceased rose at an early hour, dressed himself,
and while waiting for breakfast was taken with
the hemorrhage.
The Celebration by the Germans.
To-day all onr snbarban resorts will eaho the
songs 01 the "Vaterland and tne pop 01 tue
beer barrel bung. Whit Monday is a holiday
with our German friends, and they are all very
eager to take advantage of the opportunities ior
pleasure which it invariably affords. At an
early hour in the day, the cars running to the
various parks were crowded with celebrants.
It was the rule for entire families, dressed in
their gayest attire, to join in tbe holiday plea
sures. We can only give the programme of the
observance of the day: .
At tbe Wis sablckon Park, at ten o clock, tne
Mannerchor, Stcngerbund, Yoang Mnennerchor,
and Harmcnle singing societies assembled, with
tbe families and friends of the members. At 3
o'clock this afternoon tbe concert will come
off, when will be snng by the combined societies
"Die Wacht am Rnein," "Gieges, gesang der
Deutschen nach der Hermanns-schlacht," and
"er bat diet, derBcboner-Wald.
The Phi adelphia liille Club gives a lamuy
festival at the Schutzen Park, to which all mem
bers with their families have been Invited.
Strangers can only be introduced on this occa
sion by special admission tickets. This after
noon the prize target-shooting will commence
and be continued to morrow.
The Philadelphia Turner Society and ueder-
kranz Vocal 8ociety hold their picnic at Hum
boldt Park, Twentieth street, above Diamond.
The Cecelia and Allemania Societies and the
Ereuznacher Sangerbund wl 1 join them.
The Beethoven Mti-nnerchor will celebrate tne
day at Sllversburg, and will, during this after
noon, be presented wun a nanasome banner.
The Concordia juirnnercnor noma its yearly
picnic at Turner's Lane Park, at Seventeenth
and Montgomery aveuue.
The Beethoven Llederkranz and Germinla
Turners' 8ociety meet In Schiller Park.
1 be Jiarmonia Kinging eociety nas its secona
oiemc in Bridesbure Grove.
The Concordia Society goes to South Broad
Street Park.
The Teutonla Stcngerbund revels on Smith s
The "Anon will be presented with a banner
at the Diamond Cottage Garden.
The Mozart Mannerchor and J) ldello Society
sing at Schuylkill Park.
The Swiss Mtrnnerchor mage an excursion to
A Fighting Fellow. John Sullivan, a pugi
listic hero, while engaged in smashing things in
Bread street, near Arch, was taken in custody
by Officer Andrade. Before the latter had gone
far Sullivan bit him over the eye, cutting a gash
from which the blood flowed freely. After a
wholesome application of the locust, Sullivan
was taken to the station. Alderman Godbou
held him in $1000 bail to answer.
A Domestic Mauler. Randolph Furmevall,
living at No. 1016 South Twenty-second street,
yesterday came home drunk and beat his wife,
wno cried lor neip. An omcer arrested tne nus-
band. and upon taking him before Alderman
Dallas the wife refused to testify against mm.
Tbe Alderman nevertheless placed him under
$500 bail.
TriE Child is Saved. A horse ran away this
morning, dashing out Callow hill street," from
Ridge avenue, at a furious rate. A child in the
street was leaped over by tbe horse, and was
unhurt, but wondering what baa passed over it
so Bwlftly. That child Is born for protection
until its mission is luluiied. lne norse was cap
tured at Eleventh and Vine streets.
Lost Her Money. A woman living near
Ninth and Vine streets on Friday of lust week
drew from the bank, to buy a bond. $113. She
was afraid to leave it at home, and carried it
with ber on Saturday to falrmount. When she
returned the money was gone, some dexterous
thief having picked her pocket.
Government Cases.
UniUd State District Court Judje Cadwaladar,
In the case of Michael Kerns, of Harrlsburg, who
. nbiud with pasHing a counterfeit ten-dollar
UUVlUIlttl DUUK UUIC, (mm wp9W, tft )ary
dered a verdict of not guilty.
Thomas Connor was put upon trial charged with
forging a claim for subsistence furnished to recruits
for the army. It was alleged that he sent to Wash
ington a claim for a large lot of groceries said to
have been delivered to soldiers lu September, 1809,
which was a false one. The case was not concluded
at the clobe of our report.
Charge of Conspiracy.
Court of Quarter Sessions Judge Finletttr.
The case of Edward Lyons and Charles C. Rhodes,
charged with conspiracy to cheat and defraud Mrs.
Jernion out of her house at Broad and Oxford
streets, was resumed to-day from Friday. Mrs. Jer
mon testified that she purchased the house with her
own money, and the defendants obtained the first
mortgage of S-r0t0 from an Insurance company, and
proceeded to foreclose It. She called upon Mr. Lyons
at the Girard House, and offered to get him within
an hour the full amount due if he would give up the
mortgage; but he declined, saying he and Mr.
Rhodes had bought the mortgage for the purpose of
making the money Mr. Jermon owed them, and they
Intended to make It.
Mr. James R. Booth was called to prove that he
tendered the amount to defendants, but la answer
to the first question said he never saw them on the
subject. On trial.
Frorh the X. F. Herald.
"During the past week traie has been quite active
In exportable goods, and tbe dealings in cotton
more especially have been at advanclug prices, a
result ef the generally accepted belief that the
South will not grow so large a crop in 1871-72 as
during 1S70-71. Naturally enough, after the great
decline In the price of the staple the past two years
there Is less temptation to enter on a widespread
speculative cultivation, ana suouid tne Yield or
1H71-78 show a reaction In the quantity produced It
will hbt have been unexpectea. The dry goods
trade Is on Its oars.
"The supply of money has seldom been as great as
tusiuow, ana it seems to De men uaein ibis re
spect the world over. London Is glutted as much as
New York, and tbe statement Is made that the Iiank
of England holds more bullion on deposit than ever
before recorded In Its history. Tbe average rate on
call loans during the week was three per cent., and
numerous transactions occurred at as low as two
per cent. These figures apply, of course, to the
transient lending or money, but discounts show a
corresponding relaxation, prime paper being
easily negotiable at about nve per cent.
A clOBe analysis or tne current 01 tne market
shews a little more activity toward the close, and
the fact bas suggested as an explanation that the
Stock cllnuea are auletlv buvlufr large amounts of
Stock in tbe desperate hope 01 inducing a large snort
interest as a prelimiuary to muting a series of
corners,' In the diversion produced by which tkey
salculate udob unloading; their stocks during: the
lummer and before the fall shall subject them to the
laugers of active money. Of course, with such an
tbundance of money here, In London, and at the
ihlef centres generally, the degree of activity to be
looked for next fall Is a very debatable point.
"Foreign exchange was alternately weak and
itrong, although in its recuperation It did not get
tack to its startincr auotatious. Tne decline was
prepared by tbe better supply of double eagles and
precipitated by heavy sales against the negotiation
li Loudon of a portion of a new loan offered by the
lDiiaaeipn;a ami ueaaing nuurouu company. The
imitation or the supply irom tins source led to a
reaction later In the week, the market closing only
eeady, however, on the basis of ll(uuj; for
r1me bankers' sixty day sterling and Uuuo;;
fir signi uma.
Full size set only f J-60.
We have the very best make of Croquet, Apple,
Wttod, Bird-eye Maple, Rock Maple, and Box Wood.
Eutloner, Engraver, and Steam Power Printer
No. 913 AltCH STREET,
f SO smwl
Jctx white face, long niaue; a sorrel Horse, white
lima feet, light, each 16 bauds high. They were
tracked on the Baltimore Bite to roweirs coal-
yard ; then last on the road leadlcg from there to
liarby. A liberal reward will be paid for their re
covery. GEOlttiK C. HOWARD, Waiiingford, Dela
ware ammy, or 11 0. juuuiaiu street, iv
The Book Concern Troubles.
Greeley and the Presidency
NcwLoan Subscriptions
Inspection of Army Hospitals.
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph,
Washington, May 2. lhe Burgeon-uenerai
leaves to-day on a tour of inspection of the
army hospitals throughout the country.
Great preparations ior ooserviug
Decoration Day
are going on. mere win oe exercises
at Arlington, Culpeper, Fredericksburg, and
all cemeteries about Washington to-morrow.
Fiftv thousand trraves will be strewn with
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Telegraphic Coin Transfer.
Washington, May 29. Seven hundred thou
sand dollars in com was transferred by tele
graph to-day from the Sub-Treasury at can
Fraucisco to New York.
Internal Revenue Receipts
to-day, $G07,2G1.
Subscriptions to tne New Loan
up to noon, 1200,000.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Mr. Greeley and the Presidency.
Leavenworth. May 29. Yesterday's Times
publishes the following correspondence:
Lbavbnworth city, April 89, isTi. uon. Horace
Oreelev Dear Sir: Your many friends In Kansas
desire to have your views in relation to your name
being brought before the next National Republican
Convention In 1873 for nomination for President.
Without any dlBrespect to General Grant, we believe
that no living American statesman has the claim of
yourself for President.
"New York Tribune" office, New York, May
4, 1871. My Dear Sir: I have yours of the 83th.
BSklDg pointed quesuous wiuirenru w uur punu
cal luture. 1 must reply In great haste. I trust
never henceforth, to be an aspirant ror any otuoe or
political position whatever, but fully purpose also
never to decline any duty or responsibility which my
polltlcaHrlends shall swe lit to devolve upon me,
and of which I shall be able to tulal the obligations
without neglecting more Imperative duties.
I have not yet lormea a aecinen opiuiua as mj me
man who ought to be our next Republican candi
date for President, but it seems to me advisable
that he should tie a steanast, constant oeuever in
the good old Whig doctrine of one presidential term.
T-T rtuar0 flucDrw
The Time remarks editorially that Greeley
has many warm friends in Kansas. In the south
eastern portion ot tne state
Greeley Clubs
are already organizing. The letter itself was
evidently written for publication, and places
Greeley squarely before the people as a candi
date for the Presidency.
Exclusively to The Jtventna 7lorapn.
The Insurance Convention.
New York, May 29. At the Insurance Con
vention to-day Samuel P. Blagdeu, of the North
British and Mercantile Uompany, read an ad
dress in behalf of foreign companies doing busi
ness here, acceding to the proposed law for de
positing a portion of their assets in the hands of
trustees in tne state wnere tne principal omce is,
The Book Concern Troubles.
A motion was made to-day in the Supreme
Court, before Judge Inrraham, for a percmp
tory mandamus to compel tbe Methodist Book
Concern authorities to permit Dr. Lananan to
examine the books. In opposition to the motion.
an affidavit was presented that Dr. Lauahiu bad
been suspended and declared untrustwortay,
After argument, the case was adjourned till
Thursday next.
Ship News.
New York, May 89. Arrived, steamer West
phalla, from Hamburg.
Chicago Flour and Wheat Market.
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Chicago. May 89. Business Is generally sus
pended. Street quotations for Wheat, offered at
tl-i6itf for No. 8, seller June
corn may be quoted at oi'4oi;;c., seuer Aiay or
June, and 63;c. bid, seller July.
Ktceivti. Sliio'tM.i Recrtpt. Shin'ti.
Flour, bbls. 4,000 6,000 Oats, bns.... 42,000 4,000
what,Dus. 46,000 88,0(10 uye, ous . . . . ,ntw s.uu
Corn, bus.. 87B,0OO 800.000 Barley, bus.. 1,000 l,uo
New York Produce Market.
New York, May 89 Cotton strong; sales 1000
bales middling uplands at 17,c. ; middling Orleans
I7k,c. iiour uuu ana marten iavors buyers:
sales S600 barrels State at s-60ti X-80 ; Ohio at
60; Western at 15 607-15: Southern at Iti-sv
9. Wheat auiet and steady, and no sales : Bonn?,
fl'48$l-49; winter red and amber Western, $1U
1-68. Corn heavy; sales 41,000 busneis mixed west
ern at BBtttesc. lor nnsouna, ana oi4c. ior sound,
Oats dull: sales 10,000 bushels Ohio at satfso.
Beef quiet and steady. Turk quiet and steady,
Lard unchanged. Whisky quiet aud steady at 02jc,
New York Money and Stock Market.
Nbw Yoke, May 89 stock s active. Money easy at
8 percent. Gold, lll?i. b-'Mm, lsea, coupons, 115
do. 16. cp., uiH : ao. ibw, rp nix; ao. isoa,
new, 113;; da 187, 113 j; do. 196-J, 114; 10 40s,
lo'.: Virginia ss, new, ?4x: Missouri oa, sj;uaa
ton Co.. 63: Cumberland preferred, 84; N. V. Cea
tral and Hudson Kiver, :4; trie, 8a)tf ; Keadln,
118 V; Adams Express, 61 VI Michigan Central,
1MJJ Michigan Bouthern, lMtf;". Illinois Central,
I'M; Chics ko and Kock Island, 1U0': Pittsburg
and Fort wayce, 9; western union Telegrapu, 69
Reported by De Haven ft Bro., No. 40 8. Third street,
IsoooPhlla A Bob.. i
Iftooo do 91
ITcooLeh Gold L... 94
$sooo city , New. 103
66 shCam A Am.. 130
800 sh Heading K ...( r
sii Sen Nav Pf .
100 do
ko sb Peuna It . . .
4 do.
TIB do..
100 do.,
loo do..
HO do..
100 do.,
loo do..
1467 do..
liio do.,
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do bSO.At'M
do L10.69B0
,l5. 69 K
allot, tt
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...SI10. 69 X
.. .85 69 60
..hBO 6969
..bSO. f9itf
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BR.. 9
,...bS. Wi
100 do B0. C2
410 Snot' A AJK 64
100 do b6fl. 62 hi
n o sh Phil A
soosh cat I'rf.soa. 46
U9 do..
SuO do..
8i'0 do 40y
KOshLen Na..B6. kt,
800 do
.b60. iH ;
600 do bSO. 83
lOOshMorCl pf....lV5
too do S'Ji
100 sb Hp A I'lne.l 81
Sunday Tralnfor Atlantic City.
On and after June 4 next the Suti'lay Mill Train
will be rt-iumed between Philadelphia anl AtlauliJ
LeavlDg Vine Street Ferry at 8 00 A. M.
KetBrning, leave Atlantic City at 4 00 P. M.
Stopping at all Stations.
B 89 ttrp! D H. MIND Y, Agent.
Aid for the Sufferers.
T he Whit-ZVXonday Celebration
The Mississippi Bridge.
Ceremonies at St. Louis.
Exclusively to The Kvtning Telegraph.
The Plttston Calamity.
New York, Maj 29 A despatch to Blake.
Mason & Co. says the coal mine accident was
caused by the friction of the machinery. Brownr
superintendent of the colliery, was in this city
at the time of the accident, and left last evening
for home. The loss of property and business
will be large in addition to the loss of life.
The Evening Post says: "The families of the
men lost by this calamity will be cared for by
tbe yublic with the same large charity extended
to the sufferers by the Avondala fire. This com
munity in particular, in whose service the fatal
mine was worked, will be prompt and liberal la
supplying their wants.
A meeting; will be held at the Academy of
Music la a few days, at which all the facts of
the calamity will be considered and appeals made
in behalf of the families it has deprived of
support. Bat if the West Plttston Coal Com
pany be justly accused of hav
ing illegally exposed its men to death, the
whole burden of the futare support of their
families ought to fall upon it, though it should
require the confiscation of its entire pro
perty." Whit-Monday la New Yorlc.
The various German organizations in this
city are celebrating Whit-Monday by picnics,
exenrsions, and social festivities. Nearly 5000
Teutons went to S la ten Island this morning, and
numbers equally great to different parks and
places of resort in the vicinity of New York.
Pokt Chester, N. Y., May 29 The down
noon express train on the New Haven Railroad
to-day struck a wagon containing .John Miller,
grocery merchant, who had a leg and arm
broken, and was otherwise injured. There. is
reason to hope his injuries will not prove fatal.
A young man, named Ilirman, was slightly in
jured. The horse was killed.
Albaht, May 29. The German peace jubilee
was the most imposing demonstration ever wit
nessed in this city. The procession was nearly
two hoars In passing a given point. The exer
cises consisted of addresses in German and
Eiglleh and music this afternoon.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Railway Opening.
St. Locis, May 23. A large party of citizens
went to St. Charles this morning to celebrate
the completion and opening of the new railroad
bridge across the Missouri river. The bridge
will be immediately nsed by the North Missouri
Presbyterian Assembly.
Chxcaoo, May 29 In the Presbyterian As
sembly to-day the report ol the Judicial Com
mittee was presented, and recommended, in
reference to the complaint of certain members
of the Session Church of Eaton, Ohio, against
the Cincinnati Synod, that the complainant
have leave to withdraw the complaint without
preludice, and be advised to present the same to
that Synod.
The report also recommended that the com
plaint of Christian Kern and others be again re
ferred to the New Orleans Presbytery, with the
injunction that complainants be allowed a hear
ing. The report was adopted.
Rev. Dr. Backus, from the committee ef
twenty-one, spoke explanatory, vindicating the
plan of the committee.
Messrs. Gibson and Booth, of New York,
made addresses in favor of adopting the re
port. Rev. Dr. Musgrave made an elaborate and
lengthy speech strongly urging the prompt and
decisive rejection of the whole scheme.
He thought it lacked simplicity and economy,
and would prove a failure as regards effective
ness and collection of funds. He predicted, if
adopted, a monopoly would be erected with
vast power of patronage, and would become
grasping, selfish, and arbitrary, corrupting, ulti
mately, and controlling the Assembly Itself.
He implored the House to kill tbe measure as
a plan hurtful to the interests of Christ's king
dom. The present Church machinery was
abundantly operative under it. Its growth ha
been relatively greater than the Methodists or
the growth of the population ef the country. It
bad collected ten millions of dollars last year.
We wanted nothing better.
Fending the consideration of the report, the
Assembly adjourned till 2 SO P. M.
Exclusively to The Evening TeUorapK
Vice-President Colfax Improving
Washington May 29 The following bulle
tin to-day is posted on the door of the Vice
President's room: The Vice-President slept
better than on any night since attacked. He is
able to sit up quite a while at a time, and now
only Beeds strength, which he is recovering,
though slowly.
LJlt Mount Holly, furnlsaed or unfurnished,
with Stable and about three acres, plenty of snado,
fruit, and in complete order. II- T. DOBBINS,
6 mwfiif No. UK WALNOT Street.
A fine assortment 01 PttttNClI, ENQisn, and
AMKKICAN PAPK't, wlU Envelopes to Match.
f APKU and ENVJiJOfi&, ready stamped, always
on hand.
U bo wem8B Wo. tw SPRINd (URI)KM Htreet.
Special attention is called to their
wareroomB, No. loot CflLsNUT btreet, PUiiadel
phi. sliurp