the dmejT evening telegraphPhiladelphia, jvcondai, may 29, wi. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC- Th Cltjr Amniemcnti, A Grand Girmah Sknokrvkst will take -place to-day i Wisaahlcken Park nndar the auspices of the Mrnnercbor,8wnG;erbund, Junker Mirnnerchor, and ilarmonle Societies. The Ath letic Clab will give a performance for the enter tainment of the visitors. At thb Walhut Foote's corned of Th Liar, which was recently revived with great success In New York, will be performed this evening, with Mr. Walcot In the leading role; after which a new drama by Watts I,hllllps,entltlediVojcape will be produced for the first time In this couu try. At the Arch Mr. Barton Hill will have a benefit this evening, when he will personate 'Captain Frank Bamboozle" In the farce of Hambooiling, and as "Lord Dundrearv" In Our American Cousin. Mrs. Caroline Klchlngs Bernard will appear In The Bonny Fishwife, and will sing a number of popular songs. Mr. Hill Is an artistic actor, who as leading man and as stage manager at the Arch has done much for the entertainment of the public, and we hope his merits will receive the recognition they deserve in a crowded houe this evening. To-morrow The Comedy of Errors will be performed. On Friday Mr. Robert Craig will have a fare well benefit. On Monday next the company from Llna jnuniuB iiicnuo, new iurK, win commence an engagement, and will produce Robertson's comedy ot Hank, At tub Chbsnut Mr. E. L. Davenport will make his reappearance this evening, after a eeries of successful performances in New York and Boston, and will personate ' Sir Giles Over reach" In A New Wav to Pav Old Debts. To-morrow evening Mr. Edward Coles, who has made a very favorable impression during iue snort time ue nas oeen attached to the thea tre, will bnve a benefit. At the Muskum, Ninth and Arch streets, the wonderful double-headed babe will be on exhi bition day and evening during the present week. The drama of Uncle Tom's Cabin will be re presented this evening. "Kweer Kompant." B. F. Duane, X. T. K., will appear at Concert Hall on Wednesday even ing, in bis lively entertainment entitled "Ninety minutes in Jvweer Kompany. CITY ITEMS. Tuosb who Desire a Brilliancy of Complex ion should beware of cheap patent plila, or other cathartics containing calomel and mercury. Use Nature's remedy, Helmbold's Fluid Extract Sar- BAFARILLA and UELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Grape Juice. For Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Bilious Affections, Dyspepsia, Sick or Nervous Headache, Costlveness, etc., the Fills are une qualled. St. James Hotel, Boston. If our friends will kindly inform us, either by telegram or by letter, of heir Intended arrival, we shall be better prepared lor their comfort. The reputation of this new and elegant establishment is such as to require no conii ment. Transient board Four Dollars per day. Froprietor St. James Hotel, Boston. Young Ladies, Beware I of the injurious effects of Cathartics and Purgatives, containing mercury, calomel, and other deleterious drugs. In a short time they enervate and destroy the system as well as the complexion. If yon would have a fresh, healthy, and youthful appearance, use Helmbold's Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla and Uelmbold's Ca tawba Qrape Pills. They are purely vegetable; a pleasant purgative, and cause neither nausea or (Piping pains. Mb. William W. Cassidv, the Jeweller at No. 8 Bonth Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks of all kinds of Jewelry and Silver ware In the city, ehas also on hand a nne assort ment of fine American Western Watches. Those Who purchase at this store at the present time are certain to get tho werth of their money. To Insure Health akd Proper Digestion you should use Helmbold's Catawba Orapb Pills They are composed of Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Juice. They excite digestion, nourish and invigorate the system, and purge out all the humors that grow and rankle In the blood. Helmbold's Sarsaparilla makes New, Fresh, and Healthy Blood, and Beautifies the Com plexion. . Burnett's Cocoaikb a perfect halr-dresslng. There Is no Article in Materia-Medica which supersedes Castor Oil, Magnesia, or Salts equal to Helmbold's Catawba Grape Pills for purging from the system all superfluous and worn-out mat ter. For Biliousness, Oostiveness, Sick or Nervous Headache, etc., they are unequalled, as they cause neither nausea or griping palds ; after which purify and ma&e New Blood by using Helmbold's Sarsa- f arella. Burnett's Kalliston The best cosmetic. In the Spring and Summer Months the system should be thoroughly purged, and nothing Is so ac ceptable to the Stomach as Helmbold's Catawba Geapb Pills, after which use Helmbold's Extract Sarsaparilla. They Invigorate the system, and can be taken by Children with perfect safety. This is the Season of the Year when children teething are almost sure to have dysentery and diarrhoea. Mrs. Winblow's Soothing Syrup is a never-falling remedy. F There Is not such a reliable purgative known as Helmbold's Catawba Grape Pills. They are safe, pleasant, and efficacious, and cause neither nausea or griping pains. Helmbold's Sarsaparii-la, the great Blood Pnrlfler. MARRIED. Walters Simpson. On the 66th Instant, by Rev. L. P. llornberger, Mr. Samuel B. U. Walters and Alias sallie u. Simpson, au oi mis city. DIED. Canbt At S o'clock on the morning of the S9th Instant, George Can by, Jr., one of the twin sons of George and Matilda C. G. Canby, aged 10 years and 24 days. Relatives and friends are particularly invited to Attend his funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 8T26 Walnut street, on Thursday afternoon, jane 1st, at 4 o'clock. Interment at Woodlands. martin Buddenlr. on the 28th Instant, of con gestion of the brain, Samuel W. Martin, in the Bath year oi nis age. Th mintivAa and friends of the family are reBnect- fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 141S Lombard street, on Wednesday, 8Ut instant, at 8 o'clock. Interment at Monument Cemetery. Patsiw on First dav. the 29th Instant, Wm. Lasubkooke Paxson, son of the late Kichard and l-.it7.iii.Ath h Paisnn. In the 43d Tear of his ace. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to his funeral, without further notice, from his late re sidence, in Bensalem township, Bucks county, Pa., i Vnimk ii.. .ha mat Instant at 11 o'clock. TO DTO- ceed to Frank ford. Carriages will be at Schenck's piR B BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, COMBINING STYLE, DURABILITY AND EX CELLENCE OB WORKMANSHIP. Jones' ONE-PRIOB ESTABLISHMENT, 004 Market Btroot GEO. W. IIIEIrMH. Handsome Garments made to order at the shortest jwuoe. l3iaiwu INSURANCE. rprm A itrnnT a -w-r Life Insurance Company OF PHILADELPHIA, S.E. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT. ASSETS OVER $3,000,000 TRUSTEES. Alexander whllldln, George Nugent, Hon. James Pollock. Hon. Alex. O. Cattell, Isaac Hazlehurst, James I.. Claghorn, Henry K. Bennett, L. M. Whtlldln, George W. Hill, J. Edgar Thomson, Albert C. Roberts, fbiUp B. Mingle, John wanamaker, PRESIDENT, GEORUK W. II II. I.. VICE-PRESIDENT, 3 ISO IMS IS NUUISHT. ACTUARY, .10 II ft li. H111H. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, JOHN 8. WILSON. 6 19 fmw3m SPECIAL. NOTICES. far additional Special tfolie w Inrii Paget. liaV- H. M. DALY'S WHISKY WAREROOMS, JSna OKI A PROMT Hfrnnt onH tia IMlnlT Ht LMMKNSR STOCK OF THE BEST BRANDS IN ORIGINAL BARRELS. A mong which may be found the celebrated "Golden Wedpino," Bourbon of ancient date; Wheat and Rye Whiskies, all pure from manufacturers (in ori ginal packages), including those well-known dis tillers. THOMAS MOORE SON, iuiru s. finch ft co., ana THOMAS MOORE. The attention of the trade la reauested to test these Whiskies, at market rates. s 4smw FORTY-SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY. THE w AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION will celebrate its Fortt-Seven'h Anniversary at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on the evening of TUBSDAY, May 80. Addresses win be delivered ny Rev. vr. Armi tage, of New York, Rev. Dr. Harper, formerly of Indianapolis, ana Rev. Dr. Newton, of this city, and by George II. Stuart, Esq., f hairman. Singing by a choir of four hundred yeung ladies, under the direction of Professor John Bower. Tickets, with secured teats. Twenty-live Cents each, may be proeuredat the Society's house, No. im CHESNUT Street. 6 18 lit fgy THE SECOND AND THIRD STREETS w PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY now run a new line of cars up Third street and down hecood street from Oxford to Dauphin streets, In connection with their Main or White line crs, passing the North Pennsylvania Railroad Depot going both ways. 5 20 3t A FRUIT AND FLORAL FESTIVAL WILL be held in the Chapel of the Arch Street M. E. Church on the evenings of TUESDAY, WED NESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY Of this week. AdmlsBlon,25 cents. 6 29 8t tST" A TEMPERANCE MEETING WILL BE CHAPEL, SIXTEENTH Street, above Vine. Diagrams will be exhibited, and addresses made by Messrs. Ward, Heritage, and others. . rree to an. l oung men particularly invited, it- LOMBARD AND SOUTH STREETS PAS 8BNOER RAILWAY CO. The Directors of the above Company have declared a Dividend of FIFTY utwi'S per snare, payable at tne oiuce oi tne com pany on ana alter xuay 31, isi i. o at aakujn L.AZ.AKUB, Treasurer. FINE BOOT8 AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. Made on Improved lasts. Beauty, Comfort, Dura bility. BARTLETT, B itott No. 88 South SIXTH Street, above Cheannt THE BEST COAL. ISAAC K WRIGHT & SON, No. 124 South SECOND Street. YARDS Corner EIGHTH and MASTER Sta. and wfmtl No. 818 SWANSON St. above Queen. JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. AILEY& CHESNUT and TWELFTH Sis., Invite special attention to their stock of PLATED WARE, WniCHJ WILL BE FOUND TO EM BRACE ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. Quality Guaranteed. B 1 mwsSrp PAPER HANGINGS, E I O. WAGLE, COOKE AND Eivirjc, Paper Hangings, No. 1210 CHESNUT St., 8 18 smwSmrp PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES. JEWELRY, ETO. ISstablislied lu 1854. WATCHES. EVERGOINO STEM 'WINDERS, KEY-WINDERS, QUARTER SECONDS, MINUTE REPEATERS, ETC ETO. ETO. 0. & A. FEQUIGNOT, No. 608 CHESNUT STREET, 4959m pnir.ftDgr.paiA. INSURANCE. Life Insurance Policies Secured from Forfeiture BY A LAW OF THE STATE OF MASSACHU SETTS. AQUILA UAIXE8, of Philadelphia, Pa., insured September 11, 1885, under Policy No. 11,810, for $8,000, giving one-third loan note, and paying semi annually, lie failed to pay ths premium due XI arch 11, 189. tit died Augut 6, 1809, FIVE MOXTIIS after failure of jxymn. The whole amount of the Policy, lefts the premium due the Company, was promptly paid at the Pennsylvania Office, SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia, Nov. S7, 1S69. Nineteenth Annual Statement OF THE CONDITION OF THE Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company O JP SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. CALEB RICE, President. CHA8. McLEAN KNOX, Secretary. JAMES WEIR MASON, Actuary. GEORGE JUNKIN, Solicitor In PhUada. DIRECTORS IN PHILADELPHIA. J. LIVINGSTON ERRING ER, Di C. WHARTON. Attorney to accept service in Pennsylvania. JOHN ENOX MARSHALL. First. Capital stock, nothtnr. Comnanv nnrelv mutual. Dividends declared and paid aaaually on the contribution plan. The value, as nearly as may be, of the real estate neia uy tne company 9T,000-00 Cash on hand e.usi-ao Cash In banks, specifying the banks: H irst jsationai uank, springueia 12, 407 -on Second " " " 17.I04-15 Cash in hands of agents in course of transmission Amount of loans secured by bonds and mortgages, constituting tne nrst lien in real estate, on which there is less than one year's Interest due and owing 1,258,009-6 tar Valu M,Lrkmt Vulu Amonntof stocks owned by the company, specuying the num ber of shares and their par and market value : 464 shares of New York and Mas sachusetts Nat. Bank Stock f 46,400 $05,655 U.S. bonds 1831, cs; 1868, 5-0s; 18C6, 6-aos;1874, 6S 258,700 SS0.450 City of Springfield, New York, and ' Mi.MiiHiWurilntooouao 74,000 73,600 100,264 shares or Kaiiroau stocks ana bonds ito,40o isi,U75 f 555,500 1000,880 Ant. leaned on Iheiit, VarVah Market Vat. Amount or stocKs neia by the company as col lateral aecurlty for loans 193,400 8115,180 tS9.435'C0 Interest on Investments due ana un paid Accrued interest not yet due &2.T54-32 Other available miscellaneous assets, specify tng their character ana value : Premium notes secured by value of policies 763,952 -62 Loans on personal securities ei,64-25 Loans on policies 1,517 'C2 Unpaid prem. In course) Quar.and ( of collection, seml-an. - 220,622-80 Deferred ditto ) premiums ( 177,771-88 Office furniture 6.306-40 Amount of losses during the year ad justed dui not aue, less i iu,uuu reinsu rance 67.508-00 Amount of losses reported to the Com pany out not actea upon is.uwuu Amount of losses resisted by the Company and In suspense 89.500-00 Amount of dividends due and unpaid 30,583-63 Amount required to saieiy reinsure an outstanding risks combined Rat 4 per ct.3.061, 283-76 Amount of cath premiums received 833,086-73 Amount or premiums not paiu in casn during the year, stating the character of Bucn premiums: Loan notes 310,041-93 Interest received from Investments. 175,840-06 Amount of losses paid during the year. .. 297,300-uO Amount paid and owing lor reinsurance premiums l.iBi-as Amount of dividends declared during the year lasoTi-w Amount of dividends paid 131,143-26 Anount or expenses paid during tne year, including commissions ana salaries naia to aeents and oillcers of the company.. 827,844-65 Amount of taxes paid by the company... 8,332-81 Amount of all other expenses and ex penditures U9,SG3-27 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. STATEMENT OF TUB CONDITION OK THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL L1FK INSUK- ANCK COMPANY, ON TUB 818T DAY OF DJi CEJ1BEK. Ib70. State of Massachusetts, County of Hampden, ss.: be It remembered tout on tnls fourteenth day ot March, A. D. 1811, before the subscriber, a Notary 1'ubiic in ana lor tne fttate oi masaacnuseiis, amy commissioned and authorized by the Governor ot the State of Pennsylvania to take the acknowledg ment ox aeeus ana otner writings, to oe usea and recordtd in the said State of Peuusylvanla, and to administer oaths and aninnatlons, personally ap peared Caleb lilee, President of the Massachusetts Mutual i.ite insurance company, aua maae ostn that the following is a true statement of the con dition of the said Massachusetts Mutual Life In surance Company upon tne 81st day of December, A. D. 1870. And I further certify that I have made personal examination of the condition of said Missactmsett Mutual Life Insurance Company on this day, and am satisfied tbey have assets safely invested to the amount of f 3,4 19.SU3-79. That I have examined the securities now in the hands of tho company, as set rortn in tne annexed statemont, ana tne same are of the value represented in the statement. I further certify tuat i am not interested in tne anairs of said company. in witness whereof, I nereunto set my nana and atllxed my official seal this fourteenth day of March, A. D. 18iL STEPHEN K. PKYM.OUK, Notary Public. Foster S. Dennis, of New Bedford, Mass., Insured March 9, 1S63, under Policy No. 6913, for I woo, giv ing one-third loan note, and paying quarterly, fin policy lapsed September 9, 1S67. Be died, SeptemUt 8, 1863, fiftetn months after the premium was du and unpaid. The whole amount of the policy, lesi unpaid premiums, was promptly paid wider the Ma saohueetu non-forfeiture law. JOHN KNOX MARSHALL, State Agent for Pennsylvanl u GEORUK II. WILTBANK, General Agent Eastern Penna. and New Jersey. OFFICES, 8. E. Cor. SIXTH aud WAL NUT Streets, Philadelphia. ROBERT P. HARRIS, SI. V., Medical Ex- amlaer la PaUdel;ma. e 29 mwiet LADIES' LINEN SUITINGS . AT ftllLLIKERI'S, 1128 CHESNUT Street and 828 ARCH Street. BEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY. Selling Retail at about Vholcsale Prices. FLAIN BUFF LINEN LAWNS, MODE COLORED LINENS. FINE NATURAL FLAX COLORED LINENS, CHOCOLATE COL'D LINENS. PRINTBD LINEN CAMBRIC DRESSES. FINE WHITE LINEN CAMBRIC DRESSES. NEW PRINTED IRISH LINENS. Fine assortment of Victoria Lawns, Bishop Lawns, Swiss and India Malls, Tarlatans' French Muslins, Nainsooks,, Soft-finish Cambrics, eto. eto. BARGAIN LOT OF IRISH LINENS. A few pieces of REAL GOOD IRISH LINEN, suitable for Shirting or for Ladies' use, at 37i cents per yard; regular price 50 cents. Also, a few more pieces of the FINE LINEN at $5 FER FIECE. REMOVAL. J. IVL HAFLEIGH, Nos. 1012 and 1014 CHESNUT Street, WILL REMOVE TO No. 1105 CHESNUT STRESET, (NORTH SIDE, EARLY IN JUNE. Great Inducements will be Offered in Prices, Commencing MONDAY, May S9, TO REDUCE STOCK. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD LEASE. STOCKHOLDERS OF THB Camden and Amboy Railroad, Dela ware and Raritan Canal, and New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Com pany, ARB INVITED TO SIGN A CONSENT TO J-KASE , THE WORKS TO THE PENNSYLVANIA j RAILROAD, NOW READY AT THE OFFICES OF 1 SAMUEL WELSH, Chairman, No. 818 South DELAWARE Avenue. O. M. ROBINSON, No. 133 Sonth THIRD Street. GAW, BACON St CO., No. 815 WALNUT Street THOMAS A. BLDDLB & CO., No. 826 WALNUT Street' BULL & NORTH, THIRD and DOCK Streets. 6 ti lOt i CLASS. SKY LIGHT GLASS, 3-16, , and 1 inch thick. ROUGH AND KIDDED. 300 plates Ribbed, S4x0, X Inch. 200 " 84X78, H " 100 84X84, 8 16 " 100 ' " 83X80, 8-16 too " Hammered, s-lxeo, Jtf Inch. ' 100 " 84X7-2, x " 125 " - 84X60, 100 " " 84X84, X 16,000 feet Rough, Inch, assorted sizes. 8,000 " " ?i " " 4,000 l " " " Rongh and Plated. FOR SALE AT VERY LOW PRICES BY BEN J. H. SHOEMAKER, Nos. 205, 207, 209, 211 N. FOURTH ST., P 19 lOtrp PHILADELPHIA. rRENCH BREAKFAST CAPS T1I& irnssr.s McVAUCH A DUNCAN, To. 114 H. Elereuth St., Have jnst received their Spring Importation of French llreakTat Caps, ENTIRELY NEW DESIGNS. , Plqnes In Plaids, Stripes aad Cords. French Nainsooks, victoria and Bishop Lawn. Tucked Muslin for WaUta and Skirts. French W orked and Hamburg Edgings and Insert logs. Rich Flonnclngs in Nainsook and Swiss. Muen Collars aud Cuilu, all the new styles. . Novelties and Fancy Articles received dally. Ladles' Undergarment! and Infanta' Outfits on hand and made to order. 8 13 m 8in TV. AH. ' COFF1SUS. Imported and Doiueitlo Groceries. A. J. I)B CAMP, FINE GROCER, N. W. Corner C1IESX UT aud SECOND Sts., 4 18 thamsm PHILADELPHIA ONGBE8.S HALL, CAPE MAY, OPENS June 1st. Terun for June, 3-60 per dj. ilJfmaOs OARPETINCS, ETO. 25 Cents per Yard, ZXy the Roll, 1-L MATTINGJ 5-4 "do. 30 Cents. ALSO, Dest Parlor Matting. 3-4 and 7-8 Stair do. R. L. KNIGHT SON, 1 222 CHESNUT STREET, 17 fmw3m PHILADELPHIA. McCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 609 CHESNUT Street CANTON MATTINGS, ALL WIDTHS, WHITE, CHECK, AND FANCY LOW rifclOEfeS. McCALLUM, CREASE & SLOArf, No. SOO ClIESrvirr Street, 1 1 wsm3mrp PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAHH MARVIN Si OO.'S SAFES I- IKt-KHOOF ALWAYS DRY, BUKGLAR-PHOOR 781 CHESTNUT Street. MARVIN Sl OO.'S FIRE-PROOF ALWAYS DRY, BUKGLA R-PROOF. 7S1 CHESTNUT Street. SAFES MARVIN fit OO.'S FIRE-PROOF ALWAYS DRY, BUKQLAR-PKOO. 781 CHESTNUT street. SAFES b e fmwiun S , , -i 'i7.'r7t i ' h 1 delicious dish order It at the "'iiuena Ism" Hotel, OLOUCKSTER POINT. fTfc 81IAD FISHINQ AT GLODCES rfliyT, POINT -A Vcrr lnlereHtlnC WW. CUUtfp. OAS FIXTURES. NO STORE ON CHESNUT STREET. CORUELIUS & SOIIST RETAIL SALESROOMS, 821 CHERRY St. CAS FIXTURES. FOR SALE. A iiEAi riri ii spot is WENONAH. Its Hotel, Its lakes, the fish pond, the old mill, tne old railroad brldge.tbe handsome drives and avonues, the perk, and many other points of Interest, are In themselves sufficient attractions, while the NATU BAL ADVANTAGES of the tract, such as excellent water, rolling country, high and healthy location, facilities for drainage, and EAST AC JESS TO THB CITY, render WENONAH the most desirable place for building Country Residences within tho vicinity ofFblladelpbia .situated on the West Jersey Railroad, 11 miles from Camden, reached In FOKTY-FIVE MINUTES from yonr place ot business. The Hotel will be completed and opened about the 16th or June. Visit the place and Judge u npon Its merits. Tickets and Information famished by DANIEL M. FOX & SON, 6 16 12trp No. 640 North FIFTH 8treet. F o u, S A Ju EJ . SPRING LAKE." An elegant country seat at Ohesnnt mil, Philadel phia, ten minutes walk from depot, and five hundred yards from Falrmonnt Park; lawn of nearly nine acres, adorned with choice shrubbery, evergreen, trait and shade trees. A most healthy location, views for 40 miles over a rich country, modern pointed stone house, gas, water, etc., coach, ice, and spring houses, never falling spring of purest water. (lake for boating), all stocked with mountain trout, carp, etc., beautiful cascade, with succession of rapids through the meadow. Apply to J. R. PRICE, on the premises. 25 FOR BALE, HANDSOME RESIDENCE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No. B243 CHESNPT Street (Marble Terrace), THREE-STORY, WITH MANSARD ROOF, AND THRE It -STORY DOUBLE BACK BUILDINGS. Sixteen rooms, all modern conveniences, gas, b n not and cold water. Lot 13 feet front and 120 feet 8 Inches deep to a back street. Immediate possession. Terms to salt purchaser. M. D. LIVENS ETTER, No. 129 South FOURTH Street. 413 Vmt SAT.W A VIW PDnrow cTnvw TTOItSK- With fpn litrvA rnnmo uHrti all ih. Ubual modern Improvements; stone stable, lce- uuuae, ui couveuieui out-ouuaings, witn ten acres of land. The above property is well situated near Ambler station, on N. P. KK., one mile above Fort Washington, Montgomery countv. Terms accom modating. Apply to 8. U. AUSTIN, No. 129 S. SEVENTH Street. c 29 8f COUNTRY AND CITY PROPERTIES 0 TOTl SALE, RENT, and EXCHANGE In great number and varieties by J. MAX GREEN, C61m No. 809 CHESNUT Street. TO RENT. FOR RENT, STORE, No. 339 MARKET Street. APPLY ON PREMISES. satf ' 3. B. ELLISON 4 SONS. TO RENT, FURNISHED DESIRABLE Summer Residence. TownshlD Line, near ecuooi tane, uermantown. JUSTICE BATEMAN & COL, tilt No. 122 South FRONT Street. f TO LET-A LARGE FURNISHED IIOUsTc, bl-i Old York avenue, below Fisher's lane, near railroad station. Apply 1319 LOCUST St. C2T8f OAHRIAQE1. GARDNER & FLEMING, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, No. 214 South FIFTH Street, BELOW WALNUT. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT CiVRrtlAGlSfl, INCLUDING PILETONS, JEffNyLINDS, BUGGIES, ETC., ALWAYS OX HAND. All WORK WARRANTED to be of the b WORKMANSHIP and MATERIALS. Also, an assortment of SECONDHAND CAR RIAGES for sale c reasonable prices. Special attention given to REPAIRING!. REPAIRING1, REPAINTING, and VARNISHING. THE FURNITURE AT GOULD & CO. '8 IS THE most reliable to be had ; tbey have the largest and cheipe1 Btock 10 Mlect 'rom ' theJ ia all cases give BtWctl0IL Tkelr three stores are thronged dally ; give them a call ; yon will sav money and get the ne we styles. GOULD t CO., northeast corner of NINTH and MARKET, and Nos. 81 and 89 "North SECOND titreet, and No. 1 MARKET atreet. CWStrp nOlSEKIEPING ARTICLES. R EFR1GERA tors, Water-coolers, etc. j Tale Cutlery, bird cages. Mats, Brushes, etc ; Iron, Wire, Tin, Wood, and Willow Ware. TUKO. H. BEUHEB, No. 1319 CHESNUT Street, (Formerly with John A. Uurpkey, lately wuh E. J. wUiiama.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers