THE DaILT EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 29, 1871. City Affairs. The Ilonse of Correction Committee of Councils visited the buildings on Saturday. After drinking some champagne, they unani mously agreed that "the walls were in every respect a first-daBs job." The thermometer yesterday was GGJ de- Srees at C A. M., 81 degrees at noon, and 83 egrees at 3 o'clock. William Wyman, aged twenty-eight years, and living at No. 11130 Warnock street, jumped ont of the window of the South Peon Hose Company last night and died Bhortly after. Conrad Rill fell from the third story of his house, Howard and Diamond streets, on Saturday night, and was so badly injured that he died shortly after. Emma GithenH, living at Fourth and Car penter Btreets, badly burned on Saturday by the explosion of coal oil (benzine rather) died yesterday morning. There were three bad fires yesterday, mention of which will be found below. Messrs. Edward Patterson it Co., manu facturers of woolen goods, lose about $12,000 by a fire which occurred yesterday morning in the building on Chesnut street, above Thirty-first. Fully insured. Messrs. Hague !fc Co., part occupants of the same structure and manufacturers of woollen goods, lo3t about $1000, which is insured. II. Mehl, who occupied a story for the manufacture of Bmoking tobacco, loses slightly from water. The building is the property of the estate of the late Dilwyn Parrish, and the damage to it is fully covered. Five valuable draught horses were con sumed at a fire in the stables of Messrs. Baird, Son & Co., South streat wharf, Schuylkill, yesterday. Malone & Son's commission house, on "Washington street, below Twelfth, was totally destroyed yesterday, and 150 barrels flour, 1000 bushels wheat, and 1000 bushels of grain consumed. Loss about $15,000; believed to be insured. Domestic Affair. President Grant expects to leave Wash ington to-morrow, with his family, for Long Branch. Vice-President Colfax is slowly getting better, but, as yet, there are some doubts as to his ultimate recovery. The damage by the recent fires in the forests of Ulster and Sullivan counties, N. Y., is estimated at $500,000. Heavy showers during Saturday effectually checked the flames. The extraordinary session of the United , States Senate which was convened to con sider and ratify the "Washington Treaty," adjourned sine die at a quarter of G P. M. on Saturday. Last evening Secretary Fish reoeived from Minister Washburne a despatch saying that on last Tuesday night the Archbishop of Paris and sixty-nine priests were shot. He adds that the insurrection is suppressed. Foreign Affairs. The London Fire Brigade entered Paris on Saturday. The slaughter of Communists on Satur day night was fearful. All of the insurgents unconditionally sur rendered at nine o'clook last evening. The insurrection at Paris is completely suppressed, and all is now quiet in that city. The suppression of the Commune has oost sixty thousand lives and the destruction of a third of Paris. Provision trains are now entering Paris, and there is great rejoicing among the people over the prospective restoration of law and order. Men, women, and children, in Paris, who were found with arms in their hands, were shot down by the Versaillists during the last hours of the insurrection. MLMXG HORROR. The Terrible Disaster at Pittston 40 Men In a Shaft 300 Feet Deep, and Surrounded toy Fire Half of them Killed. Pittston, May 27. The Knight shaft at West Pittston, owned by the Lehigh Valley Bailroad Company, and operated under lease by C. A. Blake & Co., of New York, took fire about 2 o'clock P. M., it is supposed from friction in the hoisting apparatus at the top of the breaker, and burned fiercely and rapidly to the ground. At the time some thirty to forty men were at work in the mine, to which there is but one outlet, by means of the shaft, three hundred feet deep. Aa many as could be were pulled out, but a number of viotims remain in the mine below to suffer all the horrors of the Avondale disas ter. The engineer stood at his post hoisting away nntil the timbers supporting the rope burned away. At this time the carriage was ascending. All the miners who were on it at the time were preoipitated below and dashed to pieces at the bottom of the shaft. GREAT DISTRESS AND ANGUISH STEAM FIRE r ENGINES ARRIVE. The scene abeut the shaft is one of great distress and anguish. Two steam fire engines, one from Scranton and one from Wilkes bane, are on the ground. ENGINES PLAYING ON THE RUINS. . The fire engines are playing on the ruins, which are so hot that no one can approach, and will probably be unable to do before (Sunday morning. i) P. M. A dog has just been sent down the shaft of the mine, and has been brought up alive, which fact encourages the belief that the thirty three men yet in the mine may be saved. AN ENTRANCE EFFECTED. Pittston, May 28130 P. M. At half. paBt 12 o'clock this morning the workmen bad suoceeded in effecting an entranoe to the bottom of the shaft, and brought to the surface one man, named Andrew Morgan, who resided at Brandy Patch, Pittston. He was in a comatose state, with stertorous breathing, and perfectly insensible, nis pulse was very low. They also found Hiram Curtis, dead, lying with his face in the water. His body has not yet been brougni up. At a quarter of one o'clock they Bent up word that the men had barricaded themselves in, and the cage was Bent up for more men tools to remove the barricade. But little hope is entertained of the safety of the re maining victims. Twe o'clock P. M. Two additional men have gone dewn to assist those below in breaking the barricade, but nothing further has been elicited p to this time. THIRTY MEN BROUGHT OUT EIGHTEEN DEAD, Pittston, May 28wNoon. Up to ten A. M. thirty men had ben brought out, ten of whom were dead, and at noon not more than one or two remained in Ue mine. The total number in the mine at Ue time of the dis aster was thirty-six or Vhirty-seven, and eighteen have been taken cut dead. Every one of the men brought up for the past two hours was found Btone dead. THE tA8T MAN RESCUED. 2 30 P. M. The last man, Benjamin J. Jones, who was supposed to be crushed by the carriage, was brought up alive. He was discovered in a distant portion of the mine. DETAILS OF THE AFFAIR ELICITED. riTTSTON, May 28. An interview with Martin Cox, one of the miners, who, by the dispensation of a Divine Providence, was almost miraculously rescued from the most horrible doom whioh sealed the fate .of nearly a score of his fellow-workmen at the West Pittston catastrophe, elicits the following: We went in at 7 A. M.; my brother Robert went through from one 6tairway to another, and turned on the gas, and six miners came out with him before their shaft was up; the air was so bad they could not work at all; this was about fifteen minutes before the fire, and the seven men came up to the top five minutes before the fire was discovered. THE FIRST INTIMATION OF FIRE we had was a sound .through the mine as if there was an explosion of gas. An Englishman said "There is fire." He was then working about fifty yards from the bottom of the shaft, on the west side. I then ran to the bottom of the shaft and saw fire cqming down; ran back to my comrades and told them "We are all lost, the shaft is on fire;" we were seven in all; we then ran to the bottom of the shaft, and the burning embers were coming down; we threw on water to put out the fire, and the smoke became so dense that we nearly suffocated; denso volumes came down the shaft and filled the place; we then ran over to the west side, in the direction of the river bridge down the slope, and got in the door with eleven others. Eighteen alto gether were in this place. BATTLING THE SMOKE. The smoke came in upon us so badly that we gathered up a gob of fine stuff from the track and plastered up the cracks of the door, and also stuffed coals in the holes, which stopped the smoke for some time. We now had time for thought and reflection. No one expected to see daylight again, and said it was a second Avondale. We all sung hymns and prayed, calling on God in nig mercy to save us. As we all felt doomed beyond human aid, we ran back and forth through the gangways for fresh air. At quarter after 3 P. M. Patrick Farley fell to the ground twice, and was found dead when the men came in the place after the fire. I then went over to the west side for my coat to help stop out the smoke, as we would all be suffocated very soon. The men then passed me carrying back their comrades, who were dying in their arms. More men were outside the doors crying out in distress and anguish, and calling upon God for safety and succor. None expected to come out alive. At 730 P. M. became insensible, and re mained so until I was brought out by my brother Robert, about 5 A. M. to-day. Martin Cox is an intelligent Irishman, aged about 22 years. SPECIAL NOTIOES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. Philadelphia, May 2, 1STL The Board of Directors have this day declared semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT, on the capital atock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable In cash, on and after May 80, 1871. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be had at the office of the company. The office will be open at 8 A. M., aud close at 3 P. M., from May 30 to June 2, for the payment oi dividends, and after that date from 9 A. M. to 3 P.M. THOMAS T. FIRTH, 5 9 2m ' " " ' " "' " TroanaroT. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. THIS SPLBN- dld Hair Dve Is the best In the world, the only true and perfect Dye. Harmless Reliable Instan taneous no disappointment no ridiculous tints "Does met contain Lead nor any Vitalie Poison to in jvreih, llair or System." Invigorates the Hair and Wvpk it soft and beautiful : Black or Brown. gold by all Druggists and dealers. Applied at the Factory, No. 16 BOND Street, New York. 14 ai mwra THE UNION FIRE EXTINGUISHER COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Manufacture and sell the Improved Portable Fire Extinguisher. Always Reliable. D. T. GAGE, B 30tf No. 118 MARKET St., General Agent. gy- PILES. DR. OUNNELL DEVOTES HIS lime to tne ireaiiueuii ui i ucu, uuuu, umcu- log, or Itching. Hundreds of cases deemed Incura ble without an operation have been permanently cured. Best city reference given, omce, no. 21 . ELEVENTH Street. 4168m JOUVIN'S KID GLOVE CLEANES restores soiled gloves eaual to new. For sale hv &n druDoisu and fane goods dealers. Price 85 centsas n ottle. 11 23mwfi tw. DR. F. R. THOMAS, No. U WALNUT ST, ' formerly onerator at the Colton Dental Rooms. devotes his entire practice to extracting teeth with out pain, witn rresn nitrons oxtaa Kim, inn DISPENSARY FOR SKIN DISEASES, NO. SIS 8. ELEVENTH Street. Patients treated gratuitously at tola Institution dally at 11 o'clock. 1 ' WATOHEli JEWELRY, ETO. GOLD MEDAL REGULATORS. . W. UV8SSLL, No. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET. Begs to call the attention of the trade and customers to the annexed letter: TRANSLATION. t tjv nipasnre to announce that I have given to Mr. G. W. RUSSELL, of Philadelphia, the exclusive BiiiB of all floods of my manufacture. Ho will be able to sell them at the very lowest prices. 40 "OUST A V BECKER, "First Manufacturer of Regulators, "Freiburg, Germany. . LOOKINQ QLA8SE3, ETO. HEW ROGERS CROUP, "RIP VAN WINKLE." NEW CHROMOS. All Chromos sold at 28 per cent, below regular rates. All of Prang's, Hoover's, and all others. Send for catalogue. Looklng-Glassest ALL NEW STYLES, At the lowest prices. All of our own manufacture. JAMES S. EAR LET & SONS. No. 81 B CHESNUT BTRKBT. OOALi T) Fi OWEN A CO., K. COAL DEALERS, VILBKKT STREET WHARF. SCHUYLKILL. llOlyt SNOWDON A RAUM3 COAL DEPOT. CORNER D1LLWYN and WILLOW Streets. Lehigh and Schuylkill COAL, prepared expressly for family uae at tne iowe cum inu E D G B H I L L SCHOOL MERCHANTVILLS, N. 3. Four Miles from Philadelphia, The session commenced MONDAYj April 10, lsn. For circulars apply to Rev. T. W, CATTEUa FINANCIAL.. first BioxiTaAaa 8 PER CENT. GOLD BONDS OF TBI Selma and Gulf Railroad Co. O For Cent. Interest in Cold. FOB BALE AT 95 AND ACCRUED IN TEREST IN CURRENCY. These Bondt are a First Mortgage upon a Grit class completed Trunk Line of Railway extending from Selma, Alabama, to i-Vrisacola, Florida the finest Harbor on the Gulf. The payment ot both principal and Interest Is guaranteed by the State of Alabama, whose currency obligations sell in the market at 104. The total direct dent of the Htate la only 6,000,000,snd the Indirect possible Indebtedness, caused by Its railway guarantees, amounts only to s,(i(i0,('00, making the maximum possible Indebted edness of the Htate belcw $i5,ooo,oo, which sum is less than Its debt In 1837, when an Issue of bonds to the extent of Jie.BOO.uoo was mide to establish a oanKirg system, which debt was reduced by redemp tu n to 4,0(iO,ooo In 1S61, previous to the war. The taxable properly of the State Is now thrice what it was at that time, and the population more than double. The Bonds offered are thus equally valuable either as a Kallroad Mortgage or as a State Bond; and with the double security thus provided, we un hesitatingly recommend them as equal to any Invest ment in the market. PRICE, 95 and ACCRUED IB TERESI All rrarketable securities taken In exchange, free Of express charges. Pamphlets and circulars furnished. HENRY CLEWS ft CO., No. 33 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. FOR SALE IN PHILADELPHIA BY DeHaven & Bros., Elliott, Collins & Co., Townsend Whelen & Co., Barker Bros. & Co., W. H. Shelmerdino & Co., And by Bankers and Brokers generally. 6 22 mthslm A RELIABLE Safe Home Investment. THE Sunbury and lewistown Railroad Company 7 PEH CENT. GOLD First Mortgage Bonds. Interest Payable April and Octo ber, Free of State and United States Taxes, we are now offering the balance of the loan of tl,200,ooo, which is secured by a Urst a ad only lien on tne entire property ana francnises of the Com pany, AX o una tbe Accrnetll Interest Added. The Road Is now rapidly approaching completion. with a large trade In COAL, IKON, and LUMBER, in addition to tne passenger travel awaiting the opening of this greatly needed enterprise. The local trade alone is sufficiently large to sustain the Road. We have no hesitation In recommending the Bonds as a CHEAP, RELIABLE, and SAFE INVEST MBNT. For pamphlets, with map and fall Information. appiy to WM. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, Dealers in Government Securities, No. 36 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. DUNN BROTHERS, Nos. 51 and 53 S. THIRD St. Dealers In Mercantile Paper, Collateral Loans, Government Securities, and Gold. Draw Bills of Exchange on the Union Bans of London.and Issue travellers' letters of credit through Messrs. BOWLES BROS fc CO., available In all the cities of Europe. Make Collections on ail points. Execute orders for Bonds and Stocks at Board ot Brokers. Allow interest on Deposits, subject to check al sight. li B. E. JAMISON & GO. SUCCESSORS TO i P.F.KELLY & COM BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Gold, Silver, and Government Sonet At Closest market Bates, N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT S'J Special attention given to COMMISSION 0RD2X3 In New York and Philadelphia stock Boards, eco. eto 1 JOHN S. RUSHTON & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. GOLD AND COUPONS WANTED. City Warrants ; BOUGHT AND BOLD. No. DO South THIRD Street. Ml PHILADELPHIA. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE PURCHASS AND SALS OF Stocks and Bonds, Here and In New York, and every faculty furnished to parties desiring to have them carried. D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS fc BROKERS, No. 121 BOUTU THIRD STltEET, 6 ti PHILADELPHIA. MNANCIAL. JAY COOKE & CO., PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK and WASHINGTON. jay cooke, Mcculloch & co. LONDON, BANKERS Dealers in Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and 818 of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Brokers In this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOL In connection with our London House we are now prepared to transact a general FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS, Including Purchase and Sale of Sterling Bills, and the Issue of Commercial Credits and Travellers' Cir cular Letters, available In any part of the world, and are thus enabled to receive GOLD ON DJSPOSIT, and to allow four per cent. Interest In currency thereon. Having direct telegraphic communication wit both our New York and Washington Offices, we can offer superior facilities to our customers. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST BLENT. Pamphlets and foil information given at our office, 8 3 Smrp No. 114 S. THIRD Street, Phllada. Wilmington and Reading Railroad 7 TEZl CENT. BOItfiDS. Free of Taxes. We are offering the Second Mortgage Bonds of tills Company AT 82 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. Interest Payable January and July. rue Bonds are in SIOOOs, S500s, and SIOOs, .Hci can do REGISTERED free of expense. The road is doina aaad bnaineaa. with Drosnectg Of COU slderable Increase. This issue Is stock. made to procure additional rolling Bonds, Pamphlets, and talned of Information can be ob- DE HAVEN & BRO., No. 40 South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. INVESTMENT BONDS PORTAGE LAKE AND LAKE SUPERIOR SHIP CANAL 10s. Secured by first mortgage on the canal (now completed), and on real estate worth five tunes tne amount or tne mortgage. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, 10a. DOUGLAS CODNTY, NEBRASKA (Including Omaha), 10s, and other choice Western county and City bonds, yielding good rates of Interest. ALLENTOWN CITY ("A.) 8EVSN PER CENT. SUBOOL bonds, free rro 11 taxes under the laws of the State, a. par and interest. For full particulars apply to II OW AltO DAKLIIVGTOrf, 8 8 8m No. 14T South FOURTH Street. COUPON OR REGISTERED LOIN OF TBI City of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, With both principal and Interest made absolutely secure by State and mnnicipal legislation, for sale at 85, AND ACCRURED INTEREST, BY P. 8. PETERSON ft CO.. Bankers and Stock Brokers No. 39 B. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ELLIOTT, COLLINS & CO., IlANItUttg, No. I09 8outh THIRD Street, MEMBERS OF STOCK AND GOLD EX CHANGES. DEALERS IN MERCANTILE PAPER, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD.Etc. DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON THE UNION BANK OF LONDON. SfmwS IIAimiSSON GIIAMB0, BAN It Kit , 530 WALNUT St.. PHILADELPHIA. 10UN FARNUM & CO., COMMISSION MKB- tt chants and Manufacturers or ronestOfra TK'i leg, etc. etc, No. SU3 CHESNUT btreet, pnlladel. pbla. REAL. EST AT E AT AUOTION. ASSIGNEE'S PEREMPTORY SALE. HY u order of Joseph I. Doran, AHtirnee In Bank ruptcy of Jabee Hunting, Joslah Bunilnfr, John Pol lock, and Joseph J. Sellers, as indlvldnals and co partners, trading aa Bunting Bros. A Co. Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers. On Tuesday, Jane 13, 1S71, at 18 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the follow ing described property, viz. : No. 1. All the right, title, and Interest of Jabcs Bunting of, In, and to the three following tracts of land, with the Improvements thereon erected: 1. All that messuape or plantation and tra?-t of lnnd. sltuRte In the Township of Darby, Dolawnre county. Bounded and described as follows: Be ginning at a stake In Bunting street, a corner of lands of Matthew Baird and James Neal; thence by said James Near land north 6 degrees 47 minutes, west 105 19-ino perches to a stone ; thence by lands of said James Neal and Wm. Banting north C&dejrrees 12 minutes, east 40 74-100 perches to 'a stone, a corner of said William Buntings land; thence by the same north 80 degrees 40 minutes, weet 33 82-100 perches to a stone, a corner of land of the heirs of John Bunting; thence by the same and lands of Joseph Bunting, crossing a pnbllc road leading from Bunting street to the Baltimore turnpike, south 05 degrees 18 minntes, west 111 90-100 perches to a stone, a corner of land of Joseph Bunt ing; thence by the same south 86 degrees, east 13 61-100 perches to a stone on the easterly side of said public road; thence crossing said rond south 47 decrees 20 minutes, west 2 9-loo perches to a stoue on the westerly side of said road ; thence along said road south 20 degrees, east- loo 64-100 perohes to a utone near the southerly side of said Bunting street; thence along said Bunting street north 63 degrees 80 mtnntes, cast 35 60-lou perches to the place of Spinning. Containing 60 acres, lrood and 14 91-100 perches, more or less. 2. All that certain piece or parcel of meadow land, situate, lying, and being on Carpenter's IaUud, la the county of Philadelphia. Beginning at tne cen tre oi tne roau leading to Hog island, at the point w here said road crosses church creek ; thence In a soutneriy direction along the said creeK tne several courses and distances thereof to Bow creek ; thence along Bow creek and the embankment reoputly erected thereon, the several courses and dUtvi-es thertof to low-water mark on the river Delaware; thence along the said river at low-water mark iioith sni degrees, east vo percnes; tnence north 4"; degrees, east 166-10 perches: thence north 9 de grees, east to the bank ; thence along the bank the same conrse continued, u?i percnes; tnence nortn SfiM decrees, east to tne mmaie or tne aforesaid, load leading to Hog Island ; thence along the middle of the said road to the place of beginning. 8. All those two certain adjoining iota or pieces or land, situate in the township of Darby, Delaware county. Bounded by Bunting's lane, land of mil, Penne'll, and Samuel Bunting, and adjoining a new public street or road leading from said Bunting's lane to Philadelphia post road. n. li. These tnree tracts or lanti are suDiect to a life estate, and to the payment of two mortgages amounting to fSOOO, and the right, title, and Interest oi said Jabez Hunting tnerein. is aiso suoiecc to tne payment of a mortgage for 5800. Particulars of wnien estate ana mcuiuDrances can oe ascertained bv lBouirv of the assignee. jno. 2. Ail tne right, title, ana interest or josian Bunting of, In and to the three fol'owlng tracts of land, with the improvements thereon erected: l. All tnat messuage or plantation and tract oi land, situate In the Township of Darby. Delaware county. Bounded and described aa follows: Be ginning at a stake in Bunting street, a corner of lands of Matthew Baird and James jNeai ; tnence oy aid James JNears lands nortn o degrees 47 minutes. west 105 19-100 perches to a stone; thence by lands of said Jumes Neal and W'lllam Bunting north 65 decrees Vi minutes, east 40 74-100 percnes to a stone, a corner of said William Bunting's land: thence by the same north 26 degrees 40 minutes, west 33 92-100 perches to a stone, a corner of land ef the nelra of John Hunting; thence by the tame and lands of Joseph Bunting, crossing a public road leading irom Hunting street to tne isaitimore turnpiKe, south 65 degrees 15 minutes, west ill 90-100 perches to a stone, a corner or land or Joseph Hunting; thence by the same south 26 degrees, east 18 61-100 perches to a stone on the easterly side of said public road ; tnence crossing saia roaa soutn 41 degrees zu minutes, west xv-iuo percnes to a stone on tne westerly side of said road; thence along said road south 26 degrees, east 100 64-100 perches to a stone near the side of said Burting street north C3 degrees bo minutes, ease 35 60-luo perches to the place of beginning. Con tailing 60 acres. 1 rood and 14 vi-100 percnes, more or it fcs. 2. All that certain piece or parcel of meadow land. situate, lying, and belnglon Carpenter's Island. In 1 he county 01 i'liuadeipnia. Beginning at tne cen t re 01 tne road leading to uog isiana, at tne point where said road crosses Church creek; thence In a southerly direction along the Bald creek the several courses ana distances tncreoi to bow creek; tnence aim k Bow creek and the embankment recently erected thereon, the several courses and distances thereof to low-water mark 011 the river Delaware: Tticucc nionjc tun aitia rtrer m Ktw-watnr marie nortn 25 degrees, esst 24 perches; thence north 40 v de crees, east ite-io percnes: tnence north 9 degrees. eart to the bank; thence along the bank the same course continued, 13,'i petches; thence north ksv degrees, east to the middle of the aforesaid road leading to Hog Island; thence along the middle of the said road to the place of beginning. 3. All those 2 certaia adjoining lots or pieces Of land, situate In the township of Darby, Delaware county. Bounded by Bunting a lane, land of Hill. l't nnell, and Samuel Bunting, and adjoining a new public street or road leading from said Banting's lane 10 rmiaueipma poBt roaa. N. B. These 8 tracts of land are subject to a life estate, and to the payment of 2 mortgages amount- lug to (M'lio, and the right, title, and luu rest or said .Ionian Kuntingis aiso sunjeci to tne payment or a mortgage for (Stsoo. Particulars of which estate and Incumbrances can be ascertained by Inquiry of tne assignee. No. B. All the'eotate, right, title, and Interest ot Joseph J. Sellers, being 1-36 part of, In, aud to the dower lund secured upon the lands late the estate of James Sellers, deceased, which said lands are fully described In the proceedings had In the Orphans' Court for the County of Delaware, on the 26th day or May, A. 1). lsen; for the partition thereof. an exemplification of the whole record In which said proceedings was filed, on the 7th day of No verubtT, A. D. 1862, In the Orphans' Court for the City and county or Philadelphia. K. B This sale is only of the right, title, and In. teresr. or estate, wi atsoever It may be, of the said Joseph J. Sellers, of. In, and to the lands or any fund charged upon the lands mentioned and described in the above proceedings remaining after the above partition, and does not Include the lands specifically allotted to Joseph J. Hellers, which have been here tofore disposed cr. For turther particulars, apply to JOSEPH L DOItAN, Esq., assignee, No. 82 South Third street, I'hiiaueiiinia. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, C 18 J 8 10 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH street. EXECUTORS' SALK ESTATE OF Hon. Ellis Lewis, deceased Thomas & Sous, Auctioneers. Modern xnree-siory tsrick itesidence, No. 653 North Thirteenth street, above Wallace street. On Tuesday, June 6,1871, at 19 o'clock, noon, rui De soui aipunuo saie, at tne rnuaaeipnia ex. change, all that modern three-story brick messuage, with three-story back building and lot of ground. situate on the east side of Thirteenth street 90 teet north of Wallace street, No. 653; thenee extending eastward 81 feet 9 inches; thence northward 4 feet s mcnes; tnence norm westerly 1 leet v inches: thence Btlll northwesterly 9 feet 10 Inches ; thence westwardly 71 feet 4 M Inches to Thirteenth street; thence southward along Thirteenth street IS feet to the place of beginning. Together wlta the common use and privilege of a 2 feet 0 Inches wide alley. There is also an alley between this and the adjoin ing messuage. The house contains 10 rooms, bath room, gaa, hot and cold water, range In kitchen, with circulating boiler. Clear of ail incumbrance. Terms Half cash. Immediate possession. Keys at tne auction rooms. M. THOMAS SONS, Auctioneers, 6 2T B2t Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street m REAL ESTATE. THOMAS fc SONS' SALE. tk 'l 2 three-story Brick Dwellings, Nos. 183T an! WJ Filbert street west of Eighteenth street, on Tuesday, June 6, 1S71, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public saie, at tne Phiiadeipnia jutcaange, tne following described properties, viz.: No. l. All tnat three-story onca messuage, wun two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Filbert street, No. 1837; con taining in front on Filbert street is feet, and extend ing In depth 11T feet to Cuthbert street. The house has ten rooms, eto. Biuojeci ui jeuny gruuna-reut of 1150. Possession in 80 days. No. S. All that three-story brick messuage, with two-story back building aud lot of ground, situate on the north side of Filbert street, adjoining the anove. being No. 1839; containing in front 16 feet, and In depth Hi ICCb w vuiuuci, tmou. uo uuuao has 10 rooms, eta Possession in 80 days, 8ubject to a vearlv ground-rent of 160. " 'e ' Jj, THOMAS &. 80NS. Auctioneers, 5 27s2t Nob. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. "REAL ESTATE. THOMAS A SONS' SALE. Modern Three-story Brick Kesldeuce, No. r 1 a. ntvnf b imr rt Ci vtaunth atrnor din iPn.ia my. June a, 1871, at 19 o'clock, noon, will be sold at publlo sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick messuage, with two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the south tide of Vine street, west of Sixteenth street, No. 168; containing in front on Vlue street 17 feet, an4 extending in depth. 140 feet to Winter street 2 fronts. It has gas, bath, hot and cold water, water closet, nndtrgroand drainage, furnace, cooking range, eto. Clear of all incumbrance. Terms iDooo may remain en mortgage. Jl. THOMAS fc. fcioNS, Auctioneers, 6 18 27 j3 NOS. 139 and 141 1. FOURTH Street. AMUSEMENTS. Q.RAND COMPLIMENTARY OPERATIC CONCERT TO MISS CA8SIK RENZ, AT Till AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, FRIDAY EVENING, June 9, nnder the patronage of Hon. John W. Fornay, Hon wm. B. Mann, Hobt, H. Beatty, and numerous other promiLi nt citizens, In which she will be assisted by MRS. JENNIE KEMPTON, the favorite contralto; 8IGNOR LEON I, lyric tenor ; MR. nARRY SANDERSON, the distinguished pianist, and a GRAND ORCHESTRA, nnder tbe direction of II ERR LEOP6LD ENQELKE. General Admission, with reserved seats, f 1. Box Sheet will be open at the Academy of Music and N orth's Music Store on Tuesday, M ay 80. 6 29 WALNUT STREET T H R A T R K THIS (Monday) EVENING, May 29, a new and original Drama, by Watts Phillips, Esq., author of "Not Guilty," "Dead Heart," "Lost in London," etc, PRODUCED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AMERICA, under the title of NO ESCAPE. NO ESCAPE. Commence with Sam Foote's Comedy, TUB LIAR. recently revived with great success In New York. fcIRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET Begins V to 9 o'clock. 11 THEATRE. BENEFIT OK BARTON HILL. MRS. CAROLINE RICHINS-BBRN ARD, THIS (Monday) EVENING. May 29, BAMBOOZLING. THE BONNIE FISHWIFE. MBS. CAKOLlNE RICHINUS-BEKNAKU In two characters, with songs, etc., and V L H AMtlUCAiN UUUS1N. TUESDAY COMEDY OF ERRORS and SERI- OUS FAMILY. f FRIDAY Benefit of Mr. R. CRAIG. DAVENPORT'S CHESNUT STREET THEATRE. Commences at 8 o'clock. MONDAY EVENING, May 29, A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DK3TS. E. L. DAVENPORT as Sir Giles Overreach SIMPSON'S NEW MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE, N. W. COR. NINTH AND ARCH STREETS. Open daiiv from 9 A. M. till 10 P. M. LAST WEEK. BUT ONE of the wondf nul DOUBLE BABE. Levees crowded with Beauty and Fashion. EVtRY EVENING, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MATIN KAS UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Cast vi 1th all the favorites. , CONCBRT HALL, cnESNUT BTREET, ABOVE Twelfth.-WEDNESDAY EVENING, May 81, B. F. duane. x. T, K. in h s Ninety Minutes In KWEER KOMPANYI Owing to etigHgeratnts elsewhere. MAD'LLE NILfc SON being unable to appear on this occasion, the "X. T. K." will sing the "Last Rose of Summer,? a la Nilsson, Admission Earos, co cents, wnicn can be obtained at Mr. McAllister's No. lis Chesnut street, and at the door on the evening of performance. Doors un klosed at 7. Kommence at 8. 6 29 8t IjiOX'S AMERICAN THEATRE P LAST WEEK OF THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE TROUPE. First appearance of MASTER BROOK8. the Child Wonder of Song and Dance. Every evening and Saturday matinee. NEW GRAND BALLET, THE SILVER FISH. Comedy, Burlesque, Ethiopian Acts, etc. HARDWARE, ETC. CUMBERLAND NAILO 8475 Per Keg. These Nails are Known to be the beat In the market All Walls, no -waste, and cost no more than other brands Each keg warranted to contain 100 ponnds of Nails. Also, a large assortment of fine Hinges, Locks, and Knobs. Salld Bronze, suitable for first-class build ings, at the great Clieap-i'or-Cash Hardware Store 01 .r. n. stxft.nrivoif, 9 14 tuthsft No. 1009 MARKET Street. WINDOW BLINDS, ETO. WINDOW BLINDS, Lace Curtains, Curtain Cornioei HOLLAND SHADES. PAINTED SHADES of the latest tints. BLINDS painted and trimmed STORE SHADES made and lettered. Picture Cord, Tassels, Eto, Repairing promptly attended to. B. J. WILLIAMS, Jr., 2o. 16 KOBTH SIXTH STREET, 8 7 tuthsam PHILADELPHIA FOUBTH OF JULY, 1871. HAVE PLACED IN YOUR BAR ONE OF FENNE1V8 APPARATUS FOR COOLING- BEER, ALE, AND PORTER. . A NEW PATENT. . LAGER BEER, ALE. AND PORTER, APPARATUS. W. W. FENNER, No. 12T NORTH SIXTH STREET, Soie Agent for Strater's Patent. This machine is entirely different irom the old style Beer Pump. It performs Its own work, and requires no labor. The liquors are forced np from tbe cellar to tbe bar-room by means of a pressure of air made by force of water, and can be drawn just as clear as directly from the barrel. Among the many advantages claimed for this machine are. that the beer or ale never become flat, and can be drawn as cold as Ice water with very small expense of ice. Tbe Apparatus can always be seen at my place la operation, or at any of the principal soloons in this. city. 6S8tnthl2t ARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE IS THE CHEAPEST" and best article in the market for HL.l'KINU tlLOfllEBI. It does not contalu any acid. It will not injure the finest fabric. It is put np at V WII-TBEROBR'H DKUfl HTORE, No. 233 N. SECOND Street, Philadelphia, And for sale by most of the Grocers and Druggists. The genuine has both BARLOW'S and WILT BEKGER S name on the label : all others art OOUN IERFE1T. BARLOW'S Rr.TJC will color more water than lour times the sam weight of Indigo. 8 28 tuths2m ESTABLISHED 1844. WM. M. CHRISTY, Blank Book Manufacturer, sta tioner and Printer, No. NT S. THDtU Street, Opposite Olrard Bank. ISSeodJ T ADIES' HUMAN 1IAIU KMPOR1UM i j No. T S. TFNTH Street. Having opened a new and splendid store for the accommodation of ue ladies who desire One HAIR WORK, tbe best t'ent that can be procured Is em ployed in this line of business, who have had twelve years' experiencd in France and Germany, making up all the various designs Of HAIR FROM COMB INGS, which ome have the presumption to claim as lhThVabU.?y of MISS WEBKS In nilR DRESSING Is acknovleded by ar tints in The business to stand unrtvaivd. UlswMtit Oh F. WEEKS. T(1'K'S IS HERKBV GIVEN, THAT THE CO IN rinersMp heretofore existing between ED WARD DORAN and RICHARD 11 HRIFFITH. and the firm name of DORAN & GRIFFITH, has bren this stoIh Ivodhy mutual consent. The said Kit HARD H. GRIFFITH is authorized to Settle all accounts due to and by the said firm. EDWARD DORAN, RICHARD H. GRIFFITH. Philadelphia, May f 8, 1871. The business of the late firm will be continued b the said RICHARD H. GRIFFITH t HI S. S KiXiNO Street. ' 61 31